2009-03-26 wenzelm register_locale: produce stamps at the spot where elements are registered;
2009-03-26 wenzelm pretty_rule/print_results: no thm status here -- it is potentially slow and mostly uninformative/confusing as long as proofs are still unfinished;
2009-03-26 wenzelm pretty_thm_aux etc.: explicit show_status flag;
2009-03-26 wenzelm simplified attribute and method setup: eliminating bottom-up styles makes it easier to keep things in one place, and also SML/NJ happy;
2009-03-25 wenzelm @{binding} is not a constructor term and should not be inlined, otherwise we loose value polymorphism;
2009-03-25 wenzelm tuned;
2009-03-25 wenzelm use more informative Thm.proof_body_of for oracle demo;
2009-03-25 wenzelm Proofterm.approximate_proof_body;
2009-03-25 wenzelm fulfill_proof/thm_proof: pass whole proof_body, not just the projection to proof (which might be incomplete);
2009-03-25 wenzelm removed misleading make_proof_body, make_oracles, make_thms, which essentially assume a *full* proof;
2009-03-25 wenzelm avoid mixing of left/right associative infixes, to make it work with experimental Poly/ML 5.3 branch;
2009-03-24 wenzelm simplified addPrettyPrinter setup: may pass (fn ...) directly if type constraints are omitted -- addPrettyPrinter treated as a special case internally;
2009-03-24 wenzelm status_of: need to include local promises as well!
2009-03-24 wenzelm status_of: simultaneous list;
2009-03-24 wenzelm display derivation status of thms;
2009-03-24 wenzelm recover old ids;
2009-03-24 wenzelm report ML typing;
2009-03-24 wenzelm merged
2009-03-24 nipkow merged
2009-03-24 nipkow NEWS: [arith]
2009-03-24 wenzelm get_index: produce index of next pending token, not the last one;
2009-03-24 wenzelm register token positions persistently with context;
2009-03-24 wenzelm tuned;
2009-03-24 wenzelm more markup elements for ML programs;
2009-03-24 wenzelm merged
2009-03-24 wenzelm process at-sml-dev last -- takes very long (why?);
2009-03-24 nipkow fix
2009-03-24 nipkow merged
2009-03-24 nipkow presburger uses [arith] now
2009-03-24 wenzelm merged
2009-03-24 haftmann merged
2009-03-24 haftmann added Imperative_HOL_ex
2009-03-24 Timothy Bourke Use assms rather than prems in find_theorems solves.
2009-03-23 huffman clean up proofs of sign rules for multiplication; add list of lemmas mult_sign_intros
2009-03-23 huffman lemmas add_sign_intros
2009-03-23 haftmann merged
2009-03-23 haftmann moved Imperative_HOL examples to Imperative_HOL/ex
2009-03-23 haftmann corrected variable renaming
2009-03-23 haftmann tuned error messages
2009-03-23 haftmann moved generic arith_tac (formerly silent_arith_tac), verbose_arith_tac (formerly arith_tac) to Arith_Data; simple_arith-tac now named linear_arith_tac
2009-03-23 haftmann structure LinArith now named Lin_Arith
2009-03-23 haftmann suddenly infix identifier oo occurs in generated code
2009-03-24 wenzelm datatype antiquote: maintain original Position.range, which is eventually attached to the resulting ML tokens;
2009-03-24 wenzelm eliminated non-canonical alias structure T = ML_Lex;
2009-03-23 wenzelm error "Static Errors";
2009-03-23 wenzelm more systematic type use_context;
2009-03-23 wenzelm tuned;
2009-03-23 wenzelm more systematic type use_context;
2009-03-23 wenzelm eliminated Output.ml_output;
2009-03-23 wenzelm pretty_ml/ml_pretty: proper handling of markup and string length;
2009-03-23 wenzelm more systematic type use_context;
2009-03-23 wenzelm removed obsolete ml_output;
2009-03-23 wenzelm more systematic type use_context;
2009-03-23 wenzelm more systematic type use_context, with particular values ML_Parse.global_context and ML_Context.local_context;
2009-03-23 wenzelm de-camelized ML_Name_Space;
2009-03-23 wenzelm suppress status output for traditional tty modes (including Proof General);
2009-03-23 wenzelm added report_text -- status messages with text body;
2009-03-23 wenzelm maintain parse trees cumulatively;
2009-03-23 wenzelm Block markup: maintain output version within tree values (in accordance with String) -- changes operational behaviour wrt. print_mode;
2009-03-23 wenzelm future scheduler: reduced wait timeout if tasks need to be canceled -- to improve reactivity of interrupts;
2009-03-23 haftmann merged
2009-03-23 haftmann Main is (Complex_Main) base entry point in library theories
2009-03-23 haftmann Main is (Complex_Main) base entry point in library theories
2009-03-23 haftmann added instances for bot, top, wellorder
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