1995-04-13 lcp fixed typo
1995-04-13 lcp Defined ordinal difference, --
1995-04-13 lcp Proved odiff_oadd_inverse, oadd_lt_cancel2, oadd_lt_iff2,
1995-04-13 lcp Proved lesspoll_succ_iff.
1995-04-13 nipkow Completely rewrote split_tac. The old one failed in strange circumstances.
1995-04-12 nipkow term.ML: add_loose_bnos now returns a list w/o duplicates.
1995-04-11 nipkow Added comment to function "loops".
1995-04-11 nipkow (binder "Q" p) generates Binder("Q",p,p); it used to be Binder("Q",0,p).
1995-04-10 nipkow ROOT.ML: Removed the "exit 1" calls, since now the Makefile does them.
1995-04-10 nipkow Removed the "exit 1" calls, since now the Makefile does them.
1995-04-10 nipkow ROOT.ML: installed new hyp_subst_tac
1995-04-10 nipkow Fixed bug in the simplifier: added uses of maxidx_of_term to make sure that
1995-04-07 lcp Local version of (original) hypsubst: needs no simplifier
1995-04-06 lcp Modified proofs for new hyp_subst_tac.
1995-04-06 lcp Modified proofs for new hyp_subst_tac, and simplified them.
1995-04-06 lcp Received some local definitions from AC_Equiv.thy.
1995-04-06 lcp Moved some local definitions to WO6_WO1.ML
1995-04-06 lcp Proved if_iff and used it to simplify proof of if_type.
1995-04-06 lcp Now the classical sets include UN_E, to avoid calling hyp_subst_tac
1995-04-06 lcp Changed proof of domain_ord_iso_map_subset for new hyp_subst_tac
1995-04-06 lcp Added Id: line
1995-04-06 lcp Deleted call to flexflex_tac
1995-04-06 lcp Added Id: line
1995-04-06 lcp Recoded with help from Toby to use rewriting instead of the
1995-04-06 lcp Added comment.
1995-04-06 lcp No longer builds the induction structure (from ../Provers/ind.ML)
1995-04-06 lcp Loads the local hypsubst.ML. No longer loads ../Provers/ind.ML,
1995-04-06 lcp Corrected many errors in the dependencies.
1995-04-06 lcp Changed comments and timings.
1995-04-06 lcp Updated comments.
1995-04-06 lcp Set up for new hyp_subst_tac.
1995-04-06 lcp Added Id: line
1995-04-06 lcp Fixed typo.
1995-04-06 lcp Simplified some proofs and made them work for new hyp_subst_tac.
1995-04-06 lcp Now sets loadpath.
1995-04-06 lcp Gave tighter priorities to SUM and PROD to reduce ambiguities.
1995-04-06 lcp Gave tighter priorities to if, napply and the let-forms to
1995-04-06 lcp Now sets eta_contract.
1995-04-06 lcp Added Id: line
1995-04-02 nipkow generalized map (%x.x) xs = xs to map (%x.x) = (%xs.xs)
1995-03-31 wenzelm replaced 'arities' by 'instance';
1995-03-31 lcp Simplified using pattern replacements. Added the AC example.
1995-03-31 lcp New example of AC Equivalences by Krzysztof Grabczewski
1995-03-31 lcp New example of AC Equivalences by Krzysztof Grabczewski
1995-03-31 lcp Tried the new addss in many proofs, and tidied others involving simplification.
1995-03-31 lcp Tried the new addss in a proof.
1995-03-31 lcp Defined addss to perform simplification in a claset.
1995-03-30 clasohm changed translation of _applC
1995-03-30 clasohm changed pretty printing of applC
1995-03-30 lcp Added comment about why mem_irrefl should not be a safeE.
1995-03-30 lcp Tried the new addss in many proofs, and tidied others
1995-03-30 lcp Precedence of infixes is now 4 (just above that of :=)
1995-03-30 lcp Addition of wrappers for integration with the simplifier.
1995-03-30 lcp Defined addss to perform simplification in a claset.
1995-03-30 clasohm removed unnecessary parentheses from the generated rules
1995-03-30 nipkow Simplification: used Logic.occs instead of mem add_term_frees
1995-03-28 clasohm changed string scanner so that newlines ('\n') are allowed and ignored inside
1995-03-28 clasohm changed syntax of datatype declarations (curried types for constructor
1995-03-28 clasohm renamed theorem "apfst" to "apfst_conv" to avoid conflict with function
1995-03-28 lcp Corrected faulty reference to Hindley-Milner type inference
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