2013-09-04 wenzelm interpret keys more movement only when needed;
2013-09-04 wenzelm non-persistent print_state: trade-off between JVM space vs. ML time;
2013-09-04 wenzelm some explicit indication of Proof General legacy;
2013-09-04 panny merge
2013-09-04 panny various refactoring;
2013-09-04 wenzelm expose basic Symbol.properties (uninterpreted);
2013-09-04 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2013-09-04 wenzelm remove Swing input map, which might bind keys in unexpected ways (e.g. LEFT/RIGHT in singleton list);
2013-09-04 wenzelm no completion on backspace -- too intrusive, e.g. when deleting keywords;
2013-09-04 wenzelm more contributors;
2013-09-03 sultana updated TPTP parser to conform to version 5.5.0 (but excluding the TPI language since its parser spec is still incomplete);
2013-09-03 sultana updated TPTP parser to conform to version 5.4.0;
2013-09-03 sultana included axiom formulas (removing a FIXME) in the imported problem;
2013-09-03 sultana updated syntax to use 'ML_file' rather than 'uses';
2013-09-03 sultana now allowing numeric identifiers to be used in 'file' annotations;
2013-09-03 sultana get_file_list now returns files sorted by size;
2013-09-03 sultana brought up to date with TPTP_Proof;
2013-09-03 sultana using richer annotation from formula annotations in proof;
2013-09-03 sultana extracting more info from formula annotation in proof;
2013-09-03 sultana corrected syntax filter;
2013-09-03 sultana reading tptp status code;
2013-09-03 sultana improved handling of nonstandard problem names;
2013-09-03 wenzelm merged
2013-09-03 wenzelm merged
2013-09-03 wenzelm tuned proofs -- less guessing;
2013-09-03 wenzelm cases: formal binding of 'assumes', with position provided via invoke_case;
2013-09-03 wenzelm minor tuning;
2013-09-03 wenzelm cases: more position information and PIDE markup;
2013-09-03 wenzelm more liberal 'case' syntax: allow parentheses without arguments;
2013-09-03 wenzelm more robust ToyList_Test;
2013-09-03 wenzelm Execution.fork formally requires registered Execution.running;
2013-09-02 wenzelm tuned proofs -- clarified flow of facts wrt. calculation;
2013-09-02 wenzelm proper imports;
2013-09-02 wenzelm tuned proof;
2013-09-02 wenzelm more explicit indication of 'guess' as improper Isar (aka "script") element;
2013-09-03 ballarin Further clarifies sublocale and rewrite morphisms.
2013-09-03 ballarin Clarifies that interpretation does not only apply to facts, but to declaratoins in general.
2013-09-03 ballarin Clarifies documentation of interpretation in local theories.
2013-09-03 ballarin New test case: interpretation in named contexts is not persistent.
2013-09-03 ballarin Terminology: mixin -> rewrite morphism.
2013-09-02 nipkow merged
2013-09-02 nipkow added lemmas
2013-09-02 Andreas Lochbihler merged
2013-09-02 Andreas Lochbihler NEWS
2013-09-02 Andreas Lochbihler move admissible out of class ccpo to avoid unnecessary class predicate in foundational theorems
2013-09-02 panny handle direct corecursion
2013-09-02 wenzelm updated according to bceec99254b0;
2013-09-01 panny improved interfaces
2013-09-01 panny simplified rewriting of map arguments
2013-09-01 kleing remove redundant (simp del: ..)
2013-08-31 traytel modernized more examples
2013-08-31 traytel merged
2013-08-31 traytel modernized example
2013-08-31 traytel honor mixfix specifications
2013-08-31 panny merge
2013-08-31 panny simplified recursive calls' replacement
2013-08-31 wenzelm merged
2013-08-31 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2013-08-31 wenzelm tuned proofs;
2013-08-31 wenzelm provide ISABELLE_JAVA_SYSTEM_OPTIONS via settings;
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