2014-04-24 wenzelm converted main session manager to Consumer_Thread: messages need to be consumed immediately, postponed_changes replaces implicit actor mailbox scanning;
2014-04-24 wenzelm simplified commands_changed_buffer (in contrast to a8331fb5c959): rely on better performance of Consumer_Thread/Mailbox and more direct Timer (like session_actor.receiver);
2014-04-24 wenzelm simplified -- prefer Consumer_Thread over Actor;
2014-04-24 wenzelm tuned imports;
2014-04-24 wenzelm support for requests with explicit acknowledgment (and exception propagation);
2014-04-24 wenzelm more robust thread: continue after failure;
2014-04-24 wenzelm clarified command_input: Consumer_Thread;
2014-04-24 wenzelm further robustification wrt. unclear ranges;
2014-04-24 wenzelm allow more control of main loop;
2014-04-24 wenzelm eliminated pointless output actors;
2014-04-24 wenzelm more robust shutdown;
2014-04-24 wenzelm consumer thread with unbounded queueing of requests (similar to Message_Channel in ML);
2014-04-24 wenzelm proper signaling after each state update (NB: ML version does this uniformly via timed_access);
2014-04-24 wenzelm added Mailbox, as in ML;
2014-04-24 wenzelm synchronized access, similar to ML version;
2014-04-24 wenzelm tuned signature, in accordance to ML version;
2014-04-24 wenzelm eliminated redundant Volatile;
2014-04-24 wenzelm retain canonical reverse order;
2014-04-24 wenzelm more canonical list operations;
2014-04-24 wenzelm tuned signature in accordance to ML version;
2014-04-23 wenzelm canonical list operations, as in ML;
2014-04-23 wenzelm more uniform synchronized variables;
2014-04-25 blanchet more unfolding and more folding in size equations, to look more natural in the nested case
2014-04-25 blanchet reintroduced '...' (nonexhaustive) syntax for SPASS-Pirate
2014-04-24 blanchet really unfold
2014-04-24 haftmann avoid non-standard simp default rule
2014-04-24 haftmann now covered by AFP 3ddac3e572cf
2014-04-23 blanchet avoid name shadowing
2014-04-23 blanchet spelling
2014-04-23 kuncar predicator simplification rules: support also partially specialized types e.g. 'a * nat
2014-04-23 kuncar all BNF tests can be part of a normal session because they are much faster now
2014-04-23 wenzelm merged
2014-04-23 wenzelm tuned;
2014-04-23 wenzelm modernized Future/Promise implementation, bypassing old actors;
2014-04-23 wenzelm updated according to scala-2.11.0 recommendations;
2014-04-23 wenzelm explicit Exn.error_message in accordance to Output.error_message in ML;
2014-04-23 wenzelm detect nested interrupts;
2014-04-23 wenzelm clarified message and return code, in accordance to ML version;
2014-04-23 wenzelm interruptible dependencies, which can take a few seconds;
2014-04-23 wenzelm more abstract Exn.Interrupt and POSIX return code;
2014-04-23 wenzelm avoid accidental use of scala.language.reflectiveCalls;
2014-04-23 wenzelm tuned options for scalac;
2014-04-23 wenzelm updated workaround;
2014-04-22 wenzelm avoid "Adaptation of argument list by inserting ()" -- deprecated in scala-2.11.0;
2014-04-22 wenzelm avoid "Adaptation of argument list by inserting ()" -- deprecated in scala-2.11.0;
2014-04-22 wenzelm avoid octal escape literals -- deprecated in scala-2.11.0;
2014-04-22 wenzelm updated to scala-2.11.0 with classpath provided by its etc/settings;
2014-04-22 wenzelm no need to copy jars, after regular use of classpath in 793a429c63e7;
2014-04-22 wenzelm accomodate scala-2.11.0: evade somewhat erratic fix of ImmutableSetFactory in Scala/bfa70315d72d;
2014-04-23 blanchet made SML/NJ happier
2014-04-23 blanchet size function for multisets
2014-04-23 blanchet updated BNF docs
2014-04-23 blanchet qualify name
2014-04-23 blanchet tuned doc comment
2014-04-23 blanchet updated NEWS
2014-04-23 blanchet localize new size function generation code
2014-04-23 blanchet no need to make 'size' generation an interpretation -- overkill
2014-04-23 blanchet put theorems in right slot
2014-04-23 blanchet manual merge + added 'rel_distincts' field to record for symmetry
2014-04-23 blanchet pick up all 'nesting' theorems
2014-04-23 blanchet added 'size' of finite sets
2014-04-23 blanchet prevent tactic failures by detecting and ignoring BNFs with no 'size' functions early
2014-04-23 blanchet updated docs
2014-04-23 blanchet move size hooks together, with new one preceding old one and sharing same theory data
2014-04-23 blanchet allow registration of custom size functions for BNF-based datatypes
2014-04-23 blanchet reverted rb458558cbcc2 -- better to keep 'case' and 'rec' distinct, otherwise we lose the connection between 'ctor_rec' (the low-level recursor) and 'rec'
2014-04-23 blanchet generate 'rec_o_map' and 'size_o_map' in size extension
2014-04-23 blanchet made old-style 'size' interpretation hook more robust in case 'size' is already specified (either by the user or by the new datatype package)
2014-04-23 blanchet generate size instances for new-style datatypes
2014-04-23 blanchet invoke 'fp_sugar' interpretation hook on mutually recursive clique
2014-04-23 blanchet declare 'bool' and its proxies as a datatype for SPASS-Pirate
2014-04-23 blanchet added 'inj_map' as auxiliary BNF theorem
2014-04-23 blanchet tuned whitespace
2014-04-23 hoelzl remove add_eq_zero_iff, it is replaced by add_nonneg_eq_0_iff; also removes it from the simpset
2014-04-22 wenzelm favorites for jEdit file browser, although an expanded directory path is expected here, not environment variables;
2014-04-22 wenzelm tuned;
2014-04-22 wenzelm clarified exit code for the rare situation where Runtime.exn_error_message might fail;
2014-04-22 wenzelm tuned;
2014-04-22 wenzelm tuned -- avoid warning about catch-all handler;
2014-04-22 wenzelm more general exit;
2014-04-21 haftmann swap with qualifier;
2014-04-19 paulson sos accepts False, returns apply command
2014-04-19 wenzelm clarified actor plumbing;
2014-04-19 wenzelm more elementary option sledgehammer_provers, avoiding complications of defaults from ML side (NB: guessing at number of cores does not make sense in PIDE);
2014-04-19 wenzelm clarified tooltip_lines: HTML.encode already takes care of newline (but not space);
2014-04-19 wenzelm removed odd context argument: Thy_Info.get_theory does not fit into PIDE document model;
2014-04-19 wenzelm obsolete for release;
2014-04-19 wenzelm obsolete since polyml-5.5.0;
2014-04-19 wenzelm added command 'SML_export' and 'SML_import' for exchange of toplevel bindings;
2014-04-17 wenzelm reintroduced process interrupt for the sake of synchronous protocol commands like "use_theories" (see also 27930cf6f0f7);
2014-04-17 wenzelm added protocol command "use_theories", with core functionality of batch build;
2014-04-17 wenzelm tuned comments;
2014-04-17 wenzelm tuned;
2014-04-17 wenzelm tuned option name;
2014-04-17 wenzelm tuned;
2014-04-17 wenzelm proper tooltip_lines for multi-line text;
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