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(* ID: $Id$
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Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
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header {* Embedding (a subset of) the Pure term algebra in HOL *}
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theory CodeEmbed
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imports Main MLString
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section {* Embedding (a subset of) the Pure term algebra in HOL *}
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subsection {* Definitions *}
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types vname = ml_string;
17 |
types "class" = ml_string;
18 |
types sort = "class list"
19 |
20 |
datatype "typ" =
21 |
Type ml_string "typ list" (infix "{\<struct>}" 120)
22 |
| TFix vname sort (infix "\<Colon>\<epsilon>" 117)
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25 |
Fun :: "typ \<Rightarrow> typ \<Rightarrow> typ" (infixr "\<rightarrow>" 115)
26 |
"ty1 \<rightarrow> ty2 \<equiv> Type (STR ''fun'') [ty1, ty2]"
27 |
Funs :: "typ list \<Rightarrow> typ \<Rightarrow> typ" (infixr "{\<rightarrow>}" 115)
28 |
"tys {\<rightarrow>} ty \<equiv> foldr (op \<rightarrow>) tys ty"
29 |
30 |
datatype "term" =
31 |
Const ml_string "typ" (infix "\<Colon>\<subseteq>" 112)
32 |
| Fix vname "typ" (infix ":\<epsilon>" 112)
33 |
| App "term" "term" (infixl "\<bullet>" 110)
34 |
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36 |
Apps :: "term \<Rightarrow> term list \<Rightarrow> term" (infixl "{\<bullet>}" 110)
37 |
"t {\<bullet>} ts \<equiv> foldl (op \<bullet>) t ts"
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subsection {* ML interface *}
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ML {*
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structure Embed =
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val thy = the_context ();
48 |
val const_Type = Sign.intern_const thy "Type";
49 |
val const_TFix = Sign.intern_const thy "TFix";
50 |
val const_Const = Sign.intern_const thy "Const";
51 |
val const_App = Sign.intern_const thy "App";
52 |
val const_Fix = Sign.intern_const thy "Fix";
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val typ_vname = Type (Sign.intern_type thy "vname", []);
55 |
val typ_class = Type (Sign.intern_type thy "class", []);
56 |
val typ_sort = Type (Sign.intern_type thy "sort", []);
57 |
val typ_typ = Type (Sign.intern_type thy "typ", []);
58 |
val typ_term = Type (Sign.intern_type thy "term", []);
59 |
val term_sort = HOList.term_list typ_class MLString.term_ml_string;
60 |
fun term_typ f (Type (tyco, tys)) =
61 |
Const (const_Type, MLString.typ_ml_string --> HOList.typ_list typ_typ --> typ_typ)
62 |
$ MLString.term_ml_string tyco $ HOList.term_list typ_typ (term_typ f) tys
63 |
| term_typ f (TFree v) =
64 |
f v;
65 |
fun term_term f g (Const (c, ty)) =
66 |
Const (const_Const, MLString.typ_ml_string --> typ_typ --> typ_term)
67 |
$ MLString.term_ml_string c $ g ty
68 |
| term_term f g (t1 $ t2) =
69 |
Const (const_App, typ_term --> typ_term --> typ_term)
70 |
$ term_term f g t1 $ term_term f g t2
71 |
| term_term f g (Free v) = f v;
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subsection {* Code serialization setup *}
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81 |
"typ" ml (target_atom "Term.typ")
82 |
"term" ml (target_atom "Term.term")
83 |
84 |
85 |
Type ml ("Term.Type (_, _)")
86 |
TFix ml ("Term.TFree (_, _)")
87 |
Const ml ("Term.Const (_, _)")
88 |
App ml ("Term.$ (_, _)")
89 |
Fix ml ("Term.Free (_, _)")
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end |