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(* Title: Pure/conjunction.ML
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ID: $Id$
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Author: Makarius
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Meta-level conjunction.
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signature CONJUNCTION =
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10 |
val conjunction: cterm
11 |
val mk_conjunction: cterm * cterm -> cterm
12 |
val dest_conjunction: cterm -> cterm * cterm
13 |
val cong: thm -> thm -> thm
14 |
val conv: int -> (int -> cterm -> thm) -> cterm -> thm
15 |
val conjunctionD1: thm
16 |
val conjunctionD2: thm
17 |
val conjunctionI: thm
18 |
val intr: thm -> thm -> thm
19 |
val intr_list: thm list -> thm
20 |
val elim: thm -> thm * thm
21 |
val elim_list: thm -> thm list
22 |
val elim_precise: int list -> thm -> thm list list
23 |
val curry: int -> thm -> thm
24 |
val uncurry: int -> thm -> thm
25 |
val split_defined: int -> thm -> thm * thm list
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structure Conjunction: CONJUNCTION =
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(** abstract syntax **)
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fun read s = Thm.read_cterm ProtoPure.thy (s, propT);
35 |
val cert = Thm.cterm_of ProtoPure.thy;
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37 |
val conjunction = cert Logic.conjunction;
38 |
fun mk_conjunction (A, B) = Thm.capply (Thm.capply conjunction A) B;
39 |
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fun dest_conjunction ct =
41 |
(case Thm.term_of ct of
42 |
(Const ("ProtoPure.conjunction", _) $ _ $ _) => Drule.dest_binop ct
43 |
| _ => raise TERM ("dest_conjunction", [term_of ct]));
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(** derived rules **)
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(* conversion *)
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(*rewrite the A's in A1 && ... && An*)
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val cong = Thm.combination o Thm.combination (Thm.reflexive conjunction);
54 |
55 |
fun conv 0 _ = reflexive
56 |
| conv n cv =
57 |
58 |
fun cnv i ct =
59 |
if i = n then cv i ct
60 |
61 |
(case try dest_conjunction ct of
62 |
NONE => cv i ct
63 |
| SOME (A, B) => cong (cv i A) (cnv (i + 1) B));
64 |
in cnv 1 end;
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(* intro/elim *)
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70 |
71 |
val A = read "PROP A";
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val B = read "PROP B";
73 |
val C = read "PROP C";
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val ABC = read "PROP A ==> PROP B ==> PROP C";
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val A_B = read "PROP ProtoPure.conjunction(A, B)"
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77 |
val conjunction_def = #1 (freeze_thaw ProtoPure.conjunction_def);
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fun conjunctionD which =
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Drule.implies_intr_list [A, B] (Thm.assume (which (A, B))) COMP
81 |
Drule.forall_elim_vars 0 (Thm.equal_elim conjunction_def (Thm.assume A_B));
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
val conjunctionD1 = Drule.store_standard_thm "conjunctionD1" (conjunctionD #1);
86 |
val conjunctionD2 = Drule.store_standard_thm "conjunctionD2" (conjunctionD #2);
87 |
88 |
val conjunctionI = Drule.store_standard_thm "conjunctionI"
89 |
(Drule.implies_intr_list [A, B]
90 |
91 |
(Thm.symmetric conjunction_def)
92 |
(Thm.forall_intr C (Thm.implies_intr ABC
93 |
(Drule.implies_elim_list (Thm.assume ABC) [Thm.assume A, Thm.assume B])))));
94 |
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fun intr tha thb = thb COMP (tha COMP Drule.incr_indexes2 tha thb conjunctionI);
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97 |
fun intr_list [] = asm_rl
98 |
| intr_list ths = foldr1 (uncurry intr) ths;
99 |
100 |
fun elim th =
101 |
(th COMP Drule.incr_indexes th conjunctionD1,
102 |
th COMP Drule.incr_indexes th conjunctionD2);
103 |
104 |
(*((A && B) && C) && D && E -- flat*)
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fun elim_list th =
106 |
let val (th1, th2) = elim th
107 |
in elim_list th1 @ elim_list th2 end handle THM _ => [th];
108 |
109 |
(*(A1 && B1 && C1) && (A2 && B2 && C2 && D2) && A3 && B3 -- improper*)
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fun elim_precise spans =
111 |
112 |
fun elm 0 _ = []
113 |
| elm 1 th = [th]
114 |
| elm n th =
115 |
let val (th1, th2) = elim th
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in th1 :: elm (n - 1) th2 end;
117 |
fun elms (0 :: ns) ths = [] :: elms ns ths
118 |
| elms (n :: ns) (th :: ths) = elm n th :: elms ns ths
119 |
| elms _ _ = [];
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in elms spans o elm (length (filter_out (equal 0) spans)) end;
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(* currying *)
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fun conjs m =
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let val As = map (fn i => Free ("A" ^ string_of_int i, propT)) (1 upto m)
131 |
in (As, Logic.mk_conjunction_list As) end;
132 |
133 |
val B = Free ("B", propT);
134 |
135 |
fun comp_rule th rule =
136 |
Thm.adjust_maxidx_thm (th COMP
137 |
(rule |> Drule.forall_intr_frees |> Drule.forall_elim_vars (Thm.maxidx_of th + 1)));
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140 |
141 |
142 |
A1 && ... && An ==> B
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A1 ==> ... ==> An ==> B
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fun curry n th =
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val k =
149 |
(case try Logic.dest_implies (Thm.prop_of th) of
150 |
NONE => 0
151 |
| SOME (prem, _) => length (Logic.dest_conjunction_list prem));
152 |
val m = if n = ~1 then k else Int.min (n, k);
153 |
154 |
if m < 2 then th
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156 |
157 |
val (As, C) = conjs m;
158 |
val cAs = map cert As;
159 |
val D = Logic.mk_implies (Logic.mk_conjunction_list As, B) |> cert;
160 |
161 |
comp_rule th
162 |
(Thm.implies_elim (Thm.assume D) (intr_list (map Thm.assume cAs))
163 |
|> Drule.implies_intr_list (D :: cAs))
164 |
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168 |
A1 ==> ... ==> An ==> B
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170 |
A1 && ... && An ==> B
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fun uncurry n th =
173 |
174 |
val k = Thm.nprems_of th;
175 |
val m = if n = ~1 then k else Int.min (n, k);
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177 |
if m < 2 then th
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179 |
180 |
val (As, C) = conjs m ||> cert;
181 |
val D = Logic.list_implies (As, B) |> cert;
182 |
183 |
comp_rule th
184 |
(Drule.implies_elim_list (Thm.assume D) (elim_list (Thm.assume C))
185 |
|> Drule.implies_intr_list [D, C])
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(* defined conjunctions *)
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fun project th 1 = (th RS conjunctionD1 handle THM _ => th)
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| project th k = project (th RS conjunctionD2) (k - 1);
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fun split_defined n eq =
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val intro =
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(eq RS Drule.equal_elim_rule2)
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|> curry n
202 |
|> K (n = 0) ? Thm.eq_assumption 1;
203 |
val dests = map (project (eq RS Drule.equal_elim_rule1)) (1 upto n);
204 |
in (intro, dests) end;
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