1 |
(* Title: tctical
2 |
ID: $Id$
3 |
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
4 |
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
5 |
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signature TACTICAL =
14 |
15 |
structure Thm : THM
16 |
local open Thm in
17 |
datatype tactic = Tactic of thm -> thm Sequence.seq
18 |
val all_tac: tactic
19 |
val ALLGOALS: (int -> tactic) -> tactic
20 |
val APPEND: tactic * tactic -> tactic
21 |
val APPEND': ('a -> tactic) * ('a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
22 |
val BEST_FIRST: (thm -> bool) * (thm -> int) -> tactic -> tactic
23 |
val BREADTH_FIRST: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
24 |
val CHANGED: tactic -> tactic
25 |
val COND: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic
26 |
val DEPTH_FIRST: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
27 |
val DEPTH_SOLVE: tactic -> tactic
28 |
val DEPTH_SOLVE_1: tactic -> tactic
29 |
val DETERM: tactic -> tactic
30 |
val EVERY: tactic list -> tactic
31 |
val EVERY': ('a -> tactic) list -> 'a -> tactic
32 |
val EVERY1: (int -> tactic) list -> tactic
33 |
val FILTER: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
34 |
val FIRST: tactic list -> tactic
35 |
val FIRST': ('a -> tactic) list -> 'a -> tactic
36 |
val FIRST1: (int -> tactic) list -> tactic
37 |
val FIRSTGOAL: (int -> tactic) -> tactic
38 |
val goals_limit: int ref
39 |
val has_fewer_prems: int -> thm -> bool
40 |
val IF_UNSOLVED: tactic -> tactic
41 |
val INTLEAVE: tactic * tactic -> tactic
42 |
val INTLEAVE': ('a -> tactic) * ('a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
43 |
val METAHYPS: (thm list -> tactic) -> int -> tactic
44 |
val no_tac: tactic
45 |
val ORELSE: tactic * tactic -> tactic
46 |
val ORELSE': ('a -> tactic) * ('a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
47 |
val pause_tac: tactic
48 |
val print_tac: tactic
49 |
val REPEAT1: tactic -> tactic
50 |
val REPEAT: tactic -> tactic
51 |
val REPEAT_DETERM: tactic -> tactic
52 |
val REPEAT_FIRST: (int -> tactic) -> tactic
53 |
val REPEAT_SOME: (int -> tactic) -> tactic
54 |
val SELECT_GOAL: tactic -> int -> tactic
55 |
val SOMEGOAL: (int -> tactic) -> tactic
56 |
val STATE: (thm -> tactic) -> tactic
57 |
val strip_context: term -> (string * typ) list * term list * term
58 |
val SUBGOAL: ((term*int) -> tactic) -> int -> tactic
59 |
val tapply: tactic * thm -> thm Sequence.seq
60 |
val THEN: tactic * tactic -> tactic
61 |
val THEN': ('a -> tactic) * ('a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
62 |
val THEN_BEST_FIRST: tactic * ((thm->bool) * (thm->int) * tactic) -> tactic
63 |
val traced_tac: (thm -> (thm * thm Sequence.seq) option) -> tactic
64 |
val tracify: bool ref -> tactic -> thm -> thm Sequence.seq
65 |
val trace_BEST_FIRST: bool ref
66 |
val trace_DEPTH_FIRST: bool ref
67 |
val trace_REPEAT: bool ref
68 |
val TRY: tactic -> tactic
69 |
val TRYALL: (int -> tactic) -> tactic
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
functor TacticalFun (structure Logic: LOGIC and Drule: DRULE) : TACTICAL =
75 |
76 |
structure Thm = Drule.Thm;
77 |
structure Sequence = Thm.Sequence;
78 |
structure Sign = Thm.Sign;
79 |
local open Drule Thm
80 |
81 |
82 |
(**** Tactics ****)
83 |
84 |
(*A tactic maps a proof tree to a sequence of proof trees:
85 |
if length of sequence = 0 then the tactic does not apply;
86 |
if length > 1 then backtracking on the alternatives can occur.*)
87 |
88 |
datatype tactic = Tactic of thm -> thm Sequence.seq;
89 |
90 |
fun tapply(Tactic tf, state) = tf (state);
91 |
92 |
(*Makes a tactic from one that uses the components of the state.*)
93 |
fun STATE tacfun = Tactic (fn state => tapply(tacfun state, state));
94 |
95 |
96 |
(*** LCF-style tacticals ***)
97 |
98 |
(*the tactical THEN performs one tactic followed by another*)
99 |
fun (Tactic tf1) THEN (Tactic tf2) =
100 |
Tactic (fn state => Sequence.flats (Sequence.maps tf2 (tf1 state)));
101 |
102 |
103 |
(*The tactical ORELSE uses the first tactic that returns a nonempty sequence.
104 |
Like in LCF, ORELSE commits to either tac1 or tac2 immediately.
105 |
Does not backtrack to tac2 if tac1 was initially chosen. *)
106 |
fun (Tactic tf1) ORELSE (Tactic tf2) =
107 |
Tactic (fn state =>
108 |
case Sequence.pull(tf1 state) of
109 |
None => tf2 state
110 |
| sequencecell => Sequence.seqof(fn()=> sequencecell));
111 |
112 |
113 |
(*The tactical APPEND combines the results of two tactics.
114 |
Like ORELSE, but allows backtracking on both tac1 and tac2.
115 |
The tactic tac2 is not applied until needed.*)
116 |
fun (Tactic tf1) APPEND (Tactic tf2) =
117 |
Tactic (fn state => Sequence.append(tf1 state,
118 |
Sequence.seqof(fn()=> Sequence.pull (tf2 state))));
119 |
120 |
(*Like APPEND, but interleaves results of tac1 and tac2.*)
121 |
fun (Tactic tf1) INTLEAVE (Tactic tf2) =
122 |
Tactic (fn state => Sequence.interleave(tf1 state,
123 |
Sequence.seqof(fn()=> Sequence.pull (tf2 state))));
124 |
125 |
(*Versions for combining tactic-valued functions, as in
126 |
SOMEGOAL (resolve_tac rls THEN' assume_tac) *)
127 |
fun tac1 THEN' tac2 = fn x => tac1 x THEN tac2 x;
128 |
fun tac1 ORELSE' tac2 = fn x => tac1 x ORELSE tac2 x;
129 |
fun tac1 APPEND' tac2 = fn x => tac1 x APPEND tac2 x;
130 |
fun tac1 INTLEAVE' tac2 = fn x => tac1 x INTLEAVE tac2 x;
131 |
132 |
(*passes all proofs through unchanged; identity of THEN*)
133 |
val all_tac = Tactic (fn state => Sequence.single state);
134 |
135 |
(*passes no proofs through; identity of ORELSE and APPEND*)
136 |
val no_tac = Tactic (fn state => Sequence.null);
137 |
138 |
139 |
(*Make a tactic deterministic by chopping the tail of the proof sequence*)
140 |
fun DETERM (Tactic tf) = Tactic (fn state =>
141 |
case Sequence.pull (tf state) of
142 |
None => Sequence.null
143 |
| Some(x,_) => Sequence.cons(x, Sequence.null));
144 |
145 |
146 |
(*Conditional tactical: testfun controls which tactic to use next.
147 |
Beware: due to eager evaluation, both thentac and elsetac are evaluated.*)
148 |
fun COND testfun (Tactic thenf) (Tactic elsef) = Tactic (fn prf =>
149 |
if testfun prf then thenf prf else elsef prf);
150 |
151 |
(*Do the tactic or else do nothing*)
152 |
fun TRY tac = tac ORELSE all_tac;
153 |
154 |
155 |
(*** List-oriented tactics ***)
156 |
157 |
(* EVERY [tac1,...,tacn] equals tac1 THEN ... THEN tacn *)
158 |
fun EVERY tacs = foldr (op THEN) (tacs, all_tac);
159 |
160 |
(* EVERY' [tf1,...,tfn] i equals tf1 i THEN ... THEN tfn i *)
161 |
fun EVERY' tfs = foldr (op THEN') (tfs, K all_tac);
162 |
163 |
(*Apply every tactic to 1*)
164 |
fun EVERY1 tfs = EVERY' tfs 1;
165 |
166 |
(* FIRST [tac1,...,tacn] equals tac1 ORELSE ... ORELSE tacn *)
167 |
fun FIRST tacs = foldr (op ORELSE) (tacs, no_tac);
168 |
169 |
(* FIRST' [tf1,...,tfn] i equals tf1 i ORELSE ... ORELSE tfn i *)
170 |
fun FIRST' tfs = foldr (op ORELSE') (tfs, K no_tac);
171 |
172 |
(*Apply first tactic to 1*)
173 |
fun FIRST1 tfs = FIRST' tfs 1;
174 |
175 |
176 |
(*** Tracing tactics ***)
177 |
178 |
(*Max number of goals to print -- set by user*)
179 |
val goals_limit = ref 10;
180 |
181 |
(*Print the current proof state and pass it on.*)
182 |
val print_tac = Tactic (fn state =>
183 |
(print_goals (!goals_limit) state; Sequence.single state));
184 |
185 |
(*Pause until a line is typed -- if non-empty then fail. *)
186 |
val pause_tac = Tactic (fn state =>
187 |
(prs"** Press RETURN to continue: ";
188 |
if input(std_in,1) = "\n" then Sequence.single state
189 |
else (prs"Goodbye\n"; Sequence.null)));
190 |
191 |
exception TRACE_EXIT of thm
192 |
193 |
194 |
(*Handle all tracing commands for current state and tactic *)
195 |
fun exec_trace_command flag (tf, state) =
196 |
case input_line(std_in) of
197 |
"\n" => tf state
198 |
| "f\n" => Sequence.null
199 |
| "o\n" => (flag:=false; tf state)
200 |
| "x\n" => (prs"Exiting now\n"; raise (TRACE_EXIT state))
201 |
| "quit\n" => raise TRACE_QUIT
202 |
| _ => (prs
203 |
"Type RETURN to continue or...\n\
204 |
\ f - to fail here\n\
205 |
\ o - to switch tracing off\n\
206 |
\ x - to exit at this point\n\
207 |
\ quit - to abort this tracing run\n\
208 |
\** Well? " ; exec_trace_command flag (tf, state));
209 |
210 |
211 |
(*Extract from a tactic, a thm->thm seq function that handles tracing*)
212 |
fun tracify flag (Tactic tf) state =
213 |
if !flag then (print_goals (!goals_limit) state;
214 |
prs"** Press RETURN to continue: ";
215 |
exec_trace_command flag (tf,state))
216 |
else tf state;
217 |
218 |
(*Create a tactic whose outcome is given by seqf, handling TRACE_EXIT*)
219 |
fun traced_tac seqf = Tactic (fn st =>
220 |
Sequence.seqof (fn()=> seqf st
221 |
handle TRACE_EXIT st' => Some(st', Sequence.null)));
222 |
223 |
224 |
(*Tracing flags*)
225 |
val trace_REPEAT= ref false
226 |
and trace_DEPTH_FIRST = ref false
227 |
and trace_BEST_FIRST = ref false;
228 |
229 |
(*Deterministic REPEAT: only retains the first outcome;
230 |
uses less space than REPEAT; tail recursive*)
231 |
232 |
let val tf = tracify trace_REPEAT tac
233 |
fun drep st =
234 |
case Sequence.pull(tf st) of
235 |
None => Some(st, Sequence.null)
236 |
| Some(st',_) => drep st'
237 |
in traced_tac drep end;
238 |
239 |
(*General REPEAT: maintains a stack of alternatives; tail recursive*)
240 |
fun REPEAT tac =
241 |
let val tf = tracify trace_REPEAT tac
242 |
fun rep qs st =
243 |
case Sequence.pull(tf st) of
244 |
None => Some(st, Sequence.seqof(fn()=> repq qs))
245 |
| Some(st',q) => rep (q::qs) st'
246 |
and repq [] = None
247 |
| repq(q::qs) = case Sequence.pull q of
248 |
None => repq qs
249 |
| Some(st,q) => rep (q::qs) st
250 |
in traced_tac (rep []) end;
251 |
252 |
(*Repeat 1 or more times*)
253 |
fun REPEAT1 tac = tac THEN REPEAT tac;
254 |
255 |
256 |
(** Search tacticals **)
257 |
258 |
(*Seaarches "satp" reports proof tree as satisfied*)
259 |
fun DEPTH_FIRST satp tac =
260 |
let val tf = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST tac
261 |
fun depth [] = None
262 |
| depth(q::qs) =
263 |
case Sequence.pull q of
264 |
None => depth qs
265 |
| Some(st,stq) =>
266 |
if satp st then Some(st, Sequence.seqof(fn()=> depth(stq::qs)))
267 |
else depth (tf st :: stq :: qs)
268 |
in traced_tac (fn st => depth([Sequence.single st])) end;
269 |
270 |
271 |
(*Predicate: Does the rule have fewer than n premises?*)
272 |
fun has_fewer_prems n rule = (nprems_of rule < n);
273 |
274 |
(*Apply a tactic if subgoals remain, else do nothing.*)
275 |
val IF_UNSOLVED = COND (has_fewer_prems 1) all_tac;
276 |
277 |
(*Tactical to reduce the number of premises by 1.
278 |
If no subgoals then it must fail! *)
279 |
280 |
(fn state =>
281 |
(case nprems_of state of
282 |
0 => no_tac
283 |
| n => DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems n) tac));
284 |
285 |
(*Uses depth-first search to solve ALL subgoals*)
286 |
val DEPTH_SOLVE = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1);
287 |
288 |
(*** Best-first search ***)
289 |
290 |
(*Insertion into priority queue of states *)
291 |
fun insert (nth: int*thm, []) = [nth]
292 |
| insert ((m,th), (n,th')::nths) =
293 |
if n<m then (n,th') :: insert ((m,th), nths)
294 |
else if n=m andalso eq_thm(th,th')
295 |
then (n,th')::nths
296 |
else (m,th)::(n,th')::nths;
297 |
298 |
(*For creating output sequence*)
299 |
fun some_of_list [] = None
300 |
| some_of_list (x::l) = Some (x, Sequence.seqof (fn () => some_of_list l));
301 |
302 |
303 |
(* Best-first search for a state that satisfies satp (incl initial state)
304 |
Function sizef estimates size of problem remaining (smaller means better).
305 |
tactic tf0 sets up the initial priority queue, which is searched by tac. *)
306 |
fun (Tactic tf0) THEN_BEST_FIRST (satp, sizef, tac) =
307 |
let val tf = tracify trace_BEST_FIRST tac
308 |
fun pairsize th = (sizef th, th);
309 |
fun bfs (news,nprfs) =
310 |
(case partition satp news of
311 |
([],nonsats) => next(foldr insert
312 |
(map pairsize nonsats, nprfs))
313 |
| (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
314 |
and next [] = None
315 |
| next ((n,prf)::nprfs) =
316 |
(if !trace_BEST_FIRST
317 |
then writeln("state size = " ^ string_of_int n ^
318 |
" queue length =" ^ string_of_int (length nprfs))
319 |
else ();
320 |
bfs (Sequence.list_of_s (tf prf), nprfs))
321 |
fun tf st = bfs (Sequence.list_of_s (tf0 st), [])
322 |
in traced_tac tf end;
323 |
324 |
(*Ordinary best-first search, with no initial tactic*)
325 |
fun BEST_FIRST (satp,sizef) tac = all_tac THEN_BEST_FIRST (satp,sizef,tac);
326 |
327 |
(*Breadth-first search to satisfy satpred (including initial state)
328 |
329 |
fun BREADTH_FIRST satpred (Tactic tf) =
330 |
let val tacf = Sequence.list_of_s o tf;
331 |
fun bfs prfs =
332 |
(case partition satpred prfs of
333 |
([],[]) => []
334 |
| ([],nonsats) =>
335 |
(prs("breadth=" ^ string_of_int(length nonsats) ^ "\n");
336 |
bfs (flat (map tacf nonsats)))
337 |
| (sats,_) => sats)
338 |
in Tactic (fn state => Sequence.s_of_list (bfs [state])) end;
339 |
340 |
341 |
(** Filtering tacticals **)
342 |
343 |
(*Returns all states satisfying the predicate*)
344 |
fun FILTER pred (Tactic tf) = Tactic
345 |
(fn state => Sequence.filters pred (tf state));
346 |
347 |
(*Returns all changed states*)
348 |
fun CHANGED (Tactic tf) =
349 |
Tactic (fn state =>
350 |
let fun diff st = not (eq_thm(state,st))
351 |
in Sequence.filters diff (tf state)
352 |
end );
353 |
354 |
355 |
(*** Tacticals based on subgoal numbering ***)
356 |
357 |
(*For n subgoals, performs tf(n) THEN ... THEN tf(1)
358 |
Essential to work backwards since tf(i) may add/delete subgoals at i. *)
359 |
fun ALLGOALS tf =
360 |
let fun tac 0 = all_tac
361 |
| tac n = tf(n) THEN tac(n-1)
362 |
in Tactic(fn state => tapply(tac(nprems_of state), state)) end;
363 |
364 |
(*For n subgoals, performs tf(n) ORELSE ... ORELSE tf(1) *)
365 |
fun SOMEGOAL tf =
366 |
let fun tac 0 = no_tac
367 |
| tac n = tf(n) ORELSE tac(n-1)
368 |
in Tactic(fn state => tapply(tac(nprems_of state), state)) end;
369 |
370 |
(*For n subgoals, performs tf(1) ORELSE ... ORELSE tf(n).
371 |
More appropriate than SOMEGOAL in some cases.*)
372 |
fun FIRSTGOAL tf =
373 |
let fun tac (i,n) = if i>n then no_tac else tf(i) ORELSE tac (i+1,n)
374 |
in Tactic(fn state => tapply(tac(1, nprems_of state), state)) end;
375 |
376 |
(*Repeatedly solve some using tf. *)
377 |
378 |
379 |
(*Repeatedly solve the first possible subgoal using tf. *)
380 |
381 |
382 |
(*For n subgoals, tries to apply tf to n,...1 *)
383 |
fun TRYALL tf = ALLGOALS (TRY o tf);
384 |
385 |
386 |
(*Make a tactic for subgoal i, if there is one. *)
387 |
fun SUBGOAL goalfun i = Tactic(fn state =>
388 |
case drop(i-1, prems_of state) of
389 |
[] => Sequence.null
390 |
| prem::_ => tapply(goalfun (prem,i), state));
391 |
392 |
(*Tactical for restricting the effect of a tactic to subgoal i.
393 |
Works by making a new state from subgoal i, applying tf to it, and
394 |
composing the resulting metathm with the original state.
395 |
The "main goal" of the new state will not be atomic, some tactics may fail!
396 |
DOES NOT work if tactic affects the main goal other than by instantiation.*)
397 |
398 |
(* (!!x. ?V) ==> ?V ; used by protect_subgoal.*)
399 |
val dummy_quant_rl =
400 |
standard (forall_elim_var 0 (assume
401 |
(Sign.read_cterm Sign.pure ("!!x. PROP V",propT))));
402 |
403 |
(* Prevent the subgoal's assumptions from becoming additional subgoals in the
404 |
new proof state by enclosing them by a universal quantification *)
405 |
fun protect_subgoal state i =
406 |
case Sequence.chop (1, bicompose false (false,dummy_quant_rl,1) i state)
407 |
408 |
([state'],_) => state'
409 |
| _ => error"SELECT_GOAL -- impossible error???";
410 |
411 |
(*Does the work of SELECT_GOAL. *)
412 |
fun select (Tactic tf) state i =
413 |
let val prem::_ = drop(i-1, prems_of state)
414 |
val st0 = trivial (Sign.cterm_of (#sign(rep_thm state)) prem);
415 |
fun next st = bicompose false (false, st, nprems_of st) i state
416 |
in Sequence.flats (Sequence.maps next (tf st0))
417 |
418 |
419 |
(*If i=1 and there is only one subgoal then do nothing!*)
420 |
fun SELECT_GOAL tac i = Tactic (fn state =>
421 |
case (i, drop(i-1, prems_of state)) of
422 |
(_,[]) => Sequence.null
423 |
| (1,[_]) => tapply(tac,state)
424 |
| (_, (Const("==>",_)$_$_) :: _) => select tac (protect_subgoal state i) i
425 |
| (_, _::_) => select tac state i);
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
(*Strips assumptions in goal yielding ( [x1,...,xm], [H1,...,Hn], B )
430 |
H1,...,Hn are the hypotheses; x1...xm are variants of the parameters.
431 |
Main difference from strip_assums concerns parameters:
432 |
it replaces the bound variables by free variables. *)
433 |
fun strip_context_aux (params, Hs, Const("==>", _) $ H $ B) =
434 |
strip_context_aux (params, H::Hs, B)
435 |
| strip_context_aux (params, Hs, Const("all",_)$Abs(a,T,t)) =
436 |
let val (b,u) = variant_abs(a,T,t)
437 |
in strip_context_aux ((b,T)::params, Hs, u) end
438 |
| strip_context_aux (params, Hs, B) = (rev params, rev Hs, B);
439 |
440 |
fun strip_context A = strip_context_aux ([],[],A);
441 |
442 |
443 |
(**** METAHYPS -- tactical for using hypotheses as meta-level assumptions
444 |
METAHYPS (fn prems => tac (prems)) i
445 |
446 |
converts subgoal i, of the form !!x1...xm. [| A1;...;An] ==> A into a new
447 |
proof state A==>A, supplying A1,...,An as meta-level assumptions (in
448 |
"prems"). The parameters x1,...,xm become free variables. If the
449 |
resulting proof state is [| B1;...;Bk] ==> C (possibly assuming A1,...,An)
450 |
then it is lifted back into the original context, yielding k subgoals.
451 |
452 |
Replaces unknowns in the context by Frees having the prefix METAHYP_
453 |
New unknowns in [| B1;...;Bk] ==> C are lifted over x1,...,xm.
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
open Logic
459 |
460 |
(*Left-to-right replacements: ctpairs = [...,(vi,ti),...].
461 |
Instantiates distinct free variables by terms of same type.*)
462 |
fun free_instantiate ctpairs =
463 |
forall_elim_list (map snd ctpairs) o forall_intr_list (map fst ctpairs);
464 |
465 |
fun free_of s ((a,i), T) =
466 |
Free(s ^ (case i of 0 => a | _ => a ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i),
467 |
468 |
469 |
fun mk_inst (var as Var(v,T)) = (var, free_of "METAHYP1_" (v,T))
470 |
471 |
472 |
fun metahyps_aux_tac tacf (prem,i) = Tactic (fn state =>
473 |
let val {sign,maxidx,...} = rep_thm state
474 |
val cterm = Sign.cterm_of sign
475 |
(*find all vars in the hyps -- should find tvars also!*)
476 |
val hyps_vars = foldr add_term_vars (strip_assums_hyp prem, [])
477 |
val insts = map mk_inst hyps_vars
478 |
(*replace the hyps_vars by Frees*)
479 |
val prem' = subst_atomic insts prem
480 |
val (params,hyps,concl) = strip_context prem'
481 |
val fparams = map Free params
482 |
val cparams = map cterm fparams
483 |
and chyps = map cterm hyps
484 |
val hypths = map assume chyps
485 |
fun swap_ctpair (t,u) = (cterm u, cterm t)
486 |
(*Subgoal variables: make Free; lift type over params*)
487 |
fun mk_subgoal_inst concl_vars (var as Var(v,T)) =
488 |
if var mem concl_vars
489 |
then (var, true, free_of "METAHYP2_" (v,T))
490 |
else (var, false,
491 |
free_of "METAHYP2_" (v, map #2 params --->T))
492 |
(*Instantiate subgoal vars by Free applied to params*)
493 |
fun mk_ctpair (t,in_concl,u) =
494 |
if in_concl then (cterm t, cterm u)
495 |
else (cterm t, cterm (list_comb (u,fparams)))
496 |
(*Restore Vars with higher type and index*)
497 |
fun mk_subgoal_swap_ctpair
498 |
(t as Var((a,i),_), in_concl, u as Free(_,U)) =
499 |
if in_concl then (cterm u, cterm t)
500 |
else (cterm u, cterm(Var((a, i+maxidx), U)))
501 |
(*Embed B in the original context of params and hyps*)
502 |
fun embed B = list_all_free (params, list_implies (hyps, B))
503 |
(*Strip the context using elimination rules*)
504 |
fun elim Bhyp = implies_elim_list (forall_elim_list cparams Bhyp) hypths
505 |
(*Embed an ff pair in the original params*)
506 |
fun embed_ff(t,u) =
507 |
mk_flexpair (list_abs_free (params, t), list_abs_free (params, u))
508 |
(*Remove parameter abstractions from the ff pairs*)
509 |
fun elim_ff ff = flexpair_abs_elim_list cparams ff
510 |
(*A form of lifting that discharges assumptions.*)
511 |
fun relift st =
512 |
let val prop = #prop(rep_thm st)
513 |
val subgoal_vars = (*Vars introduced in the subgoals*)
514 |
foldr add_term_vars (strip_imp_prems prop, [])
515 |
and concl_vars = add_term_vars (strip_imp_concl prop, [])
516 |
val subgoal_insts = map (mk_subgoal_inst concl_vars) subgoal_vars
517 |
val st' = instantiate ([], map mk_ctpair subgoal_insts) st
518 |
val emBs = map (cterm o embed) (prems_of st')
519 |
and ffs = map (cterm o embed_ff) (tpairs_of st')
520 |
val Cth = implies_elim_list st'
521 |
(map (elim_ff o assume) ffs @
522 |
map (elim o assume) emBs)
523 |
in (*restore the unknowns to the hypotheses*)
524 |
free_instantiate (map swap_ctpair insts @
525 |
map mk_subgoal_swap_ctpair subgoal_insts)
526 |
(*discharge assumptions from state in same order*)
527 |
(implies_intr_list (ffs@emBs)
528 |
(forall_intr_list cparams (implies_intr_list chyps Cth)))
529 |
530 |
val subprems = map (forall_elim_vars 0) hypths
531 |
and st0 = trivial (cterm concl)
532 |
(*function to replace the current subgoal*)
533 |
fun next st = bicompose false (false, relift st, nprems_of st)
534 |
i state
535 |
in Sequence.flats (Sequence.maps next (tapply(tacf subprems, st0)))
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
fun METAHYPS tacf = SUBGOAL (metahyps_aux_tac tacf);
540 |
541 |
542 |