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\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}ML{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isakeyword{imports}\ base\ \isakeyword{begin}%
14 |
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\isamarkupchapter{Aesthetics of ML programming%
22 |
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27 |
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30 |
31 |
This style guide is loosely based on
32 |
33 |
% FIMXE \url{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Courses/cs312/2003sp/handouts/style.htm}
34 |
35 |
Like any style guide, it should not be interpreted dogmatically.
36 |
Instead, it forms a collection of recommendations which,
37 |
if obeyed, result in code that is not considered to be
38 |
obfuscated. In certain cases, derivations are encouraged,
39 |
as far as you know what you are doing.
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
\item[fundamental law of programming]
44 |
Whenever writing code, keep in mind: A program is
45 |
written once, modified ten times, and read
46 |
100 times. So simplify its writing,
47 |
always keep future modifications in mind,
48 |
and never jeopardize readability. Every second you hesitate
49 |
to spend on making your code more clear you will
50 |
have to spend ten times understanding what you have
51 |
written later on.
52 |
53 |
\item[white space matters]
54 |
Treat white space in your code as if it determines
55 |
the meaning of code.
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
\item The space bar is the easiest key to find on the keyboard,
60 |
press it as often as necessary. {\ttfamily 2 + 2} is better
61 |
than {\ttfamily 2+2}, likewise {\ttfamily f (x, y)}
62 |
better than {\ttfamily f(x,y)}.
63 |
64 |
\item Restrict your lines to \emph{at most} 80 characters.
65 |
This will allow you to keep the beginning of a line
66 |
in view while watching its end.
67 |
68 |
\item Ban tabs; they are a context-sensitive formatting
69 |
feature and likely to confuse anyone not using your
70 |
favourite editor.
71 |
72 |
\item Get rid of trailing whitespace. Instead, do not
73 |
surpess a trailing newline at the end of your files.
74 |
75 |
\item Choose a generally accepted style of indentation,
76 |
then use it systematically throughout the whole
77 |
application. An indentation of two spaces is appropriate.
78 |
Avoid dangling indentation.
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
\item[cut-and-paste succeeds over copy-and-paste]
83 |
\emph{Never} copy-and-paste code when programming. If you
84 |
need the same piece of code twice, introduce a
85 |
reasonable auxiliary function (if there is no
86 |
such function, very likely you got something wrong).
87 |
Any copy-and-paste will turn out to be painful
88 |
when something has to be changed or fixed later on.
89 |
90 |
91 |
are a device which requires careful thinking before using
92 |
it. The best comment for your code should be the code itself.
93 |
Prefer efforts to write clear, understandable code
94 |
over efforts to explain nasty code.
95 |
96 |
\item[functional programming is based on functions]
97 |
Avoid ``constructivisms'', e.g. pass a table lookup function,
98 |
rather than an actual table with lookup in body. Accustom
99 |
your way of codeing to the level of expressiveness
100 |
a functional programming language is giving onto you.
101 |
102 |
103 |
are often in the way. When there is no striking argument
104 |
to tuple function arguments, just write your function curried.
105 |
106 |
\item[telling names]
107 |
Any name should tell its purpose as exactly as possible,
108 |
while keeping its length to the absolutely neccessary minimum.
109 |
Always give the same name to function arguments which
110 |
have the same meaning. Separate words by underscores
111 |
(``\verb|int_of_string|'', not ``\verb|intOfString|'')
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
\isamarkupchapter{Basic library functions%
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
Beyond the proposal of the SML/NJ basis library, Isabelle comes
123 |
with its own library, from which selected parts are given here.
124 |
See further files \emph{Pure/library.ML} and \emph{Pure/General/*.ML}.%
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
\isamarkupsection{Linear transformations%
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
\indexml{(op |$>$)}\verb|(op |\verb,|,\verb|>): 'a * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b| \\
141 |
\indexml{fold}\verb|fold: ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b| \\
142 |
\indexml{fold-rev}\verb|fold_rev: ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b| \\
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
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153 |
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168 |
Many problems in functional programming can be thought of
169 |
as linear transformations, i.e.~a caluclation starts with a
170 |
particular value \isa{x\ {\isasymColon}\ foo} which is then transformed
171 |
by application of a function \isa{f\ {\isasymColon}\ foo\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ foo},
172 |
continued by an application of a function \isa{g\ {\isasymColon}\ foo\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ bar},
173 |
and so on. As a canoncial example, take primitive functions enriching
174 |
theories by constants and definitions:
175 |
\verb|Sign.add_consts_i: (string * typ * mixfix) list -> theory|\isasep\isanewline%
176 |
\verb|-> theory|
177 |
and \verb|Theory.add_defs_i: bool -> bool|\isasep\isanewline%
178 |
\verb|-> (bstring * term) list -> theory -> theory|.
179 |
Written with naive application, an addition of a constant with
180 |
a corresponding definition would look like:
181 |
\verb|Theory.add_defs_i false false [dummy_def]|\isasep\isanewline%
182 |
\verb| (Sign.add_consts_i [dummy_const] thy)|.
183 |
With increasing numbers of applications, this code gets quite unreadable.
184 |
Using composition, at least the nesting of brackets may be reduced:
185 |
\verb|(Theory.add_defs_i false false [dummy_def] o Sign.add_consts_i|\isasep\isanewline%
186 |
\verb| [dummy_const]) thy|.
187 |
What remains unsatisfactory is that things are written down in the opposite order
188 |
as they actually ``happen''.%
189 |
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206 |
At this stage, Isabelle offers some combinators which allow for more convenient
207 |
notation, most notably reverse application:
208 |
209 |
210 |
\verb||\verb,|,\verb|> Sign.add_consts_i [dummy_const]|\isasep\isanewline%
211 |
\verb||\verb,|,\verb|> Theory.add_defs_i false false [dummy_def]|%
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
\noindent When iterating over a list of parameters \isa{{\isacharbrackleft}x\isactrlisub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ x\isactrlisub {\isadigit{2}}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isasymdots}\ x\isactrlisub n{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isacharprime}a\ list},
217 |
the \verb|fold| combinator lifts a single function \isa{f\ {\isasymColon}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isacharminus}{\isachargreater}\ {\isacharprime}b\ {\isacharminus}{\isachargreater}\ {\isacharprime}b}:
218 |
\isa{y\ {\isacharbar}{\isachargreater}\ fold\ f\ {\isacharbrackleft}x\isactrlisub {\isadigit{1}}{\isacharcomma}\ x\isactrlisub {\isadigit{2}}{\isacharcomma}\ {\isasymdots}\ x\isactrlisub n{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isasymequiv}\ y\ {\isacharbar}{\isachargreater}\ f\ x\isactrlisub {\isadigit{1}}\ {\isacharbar}{\isachargreater}\ f\ x\isactrlisub {\isadigit{2}}\ {\isacharbar}{\isachargreater}\ {\isasymdots}\ {\isacharbar}{\isachargreater}\ f\ x\isactrlisub n}%
219 |
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230 |
\indexml{(op |-$>$)}\verb|(op |\verb,|,\verb|->): ('c * 'a) * ('c -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b| \\
231 |
\indexml{(op |$>$$>$)}\verb|(op |\verb,|,\verb|>>): ('a * 'c) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b * 'c| \\
232 |
\indexml{(op ||$>$)}\verb|(op |\verb,|,\verb||\verb,|,\verb|>): ('c * 'a) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'c * 'b| \\
233 |
\indexml{(op ||$>$$>$)}\verb|(op |\verb,|,\verb||\verb,|,\verb|>>): ('c * 'a) * ('a -> 'd * 'b) -> ('c * 'd) * 'b| \\
234 |
\indexml{fold-map}\verb|fold_map: ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'c list * 'b| \\
235 |
236 |
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238 |
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247 |
\noindent FIXME transformations involving side results%
248 |
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259 |
\indexml{(op \#$>$)}\verb|(op #>): ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c| \\
260 |
\indexml{(op \#-$>$)}\verb|(op #->): ('a -> 'c * 'b) * ('c -> 'b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd| \\
261 |
\indexml{(op \#$>$$>$)}\verb|(op #>>): ('a -> 'c * 'b) * ('c -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd * 'b| \\
262 |
\indexml{(op \#\#$>$)}\verb|(op ##>): ('a -> 'c * 'b) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'c * 'd| \\
263 |
\indexml{(op \#\#$>$$>$)}\verb|(op ##>>): ('a -> 'c * 'b) * ('b -> 'e * 'd) -> 'a -> ('c * 'e) * 'd| \\
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
\noindent All those linear combinators also exist in higher-order
277 |
variants which do not expect a value on the left hand side
278 |
but a function.%
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
\indexml{(op `)}\verb|(op `): ('b -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'a * 'b| \\
291 |
\indexml{tap}\verb|tap: ('b -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b| \\
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 |
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298 |
299 |
300 |
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304 |
\noindent FIXME%
305 |
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308 |
\isamarkupsection{Options and partiality%
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
\indexml{is-some}\verb|is_some: 'a option -> bool| \\
321 |
\indexml{is-none}\verb|is_none: 'a option -> bool| \\
322 |
\indexml{the}\verb|the: 'a option -> 'a| \\
323 |
\indexml{these}\verb|these: 'a list option -> 'a list| \\
324 |
\indexml{the-list}\verb|the_list: 'a option -> 'a list| \\
325 |
\indexml{the-default}\verb|the_default: 'a -> 'a option -> 'a| \\
326 |
\indexml{try}\verb|try: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option| \\
327 |
\indexml{can}\verb|can: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> bool| \\
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 |
Standard selector functions on \isa{option}s are provided.
341 |
The \verb|try| and \verb|can| functions provide a convenient
342 |
interface for handling exceptions -- both take as arguments
343 |
a function \isa{f} together with a parameter \isa{x}
344 |
and catch any exception during the evaluation of the application
345 |
of \isa{f} to \isa{x}, either return a lifted result
346 |
(\verb|NONE| on failure) or a boolean value (\verb|false| on failure).%
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
\isamarkupsection{Common data structures%
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
\isamarkupsubsection{Lists (as set-like data structures)%
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
\indexml{member}\verb|member: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b -> bool| \\
361 |
\indexml{insert}\verb|insert: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list| \\
362 |
\indexml{remove}\verb|remove: ('b * 'a -> bool) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'a list| \\
363 |
\indexml{merge}\verb|merge: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list| \\
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
Lists are often used as set-like data structures -- set-like in
370 |
then sense that they support notion of \verb|member|-ship,
371 |
\verb|insert|-ing and \verb|remove|-ing, but are order-sensitive.
372 |
This is convenient when implementing a history-like mechanism:
373 |
\verb|insert| adds an element \emph{to the front} of a list,
374 |
if not yet present; \verb|remove| removes \emph{all} occurences
375 |
of a particular element. Correspondingly \verb|merge| implements a
376 |
a merge on two lists suitable for merges of context data
377 |
378 |
379 |
Functions are parametrized by an explicit equality function
380 |
to accomplish overloaded equality; in most cases of monomorphic
381 |
equality, writing \verb|(op =)| should suffice.%
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
\isamarkupsubsection{Association lists%
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
\indexmlexception{AList.DUP}\verb|exception AList.DUP| \\
392 |
\indexml{AList.lookup}\verb|AList.lookup: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('b * 'c) list -> 'a -> 'c option| \\
393 |
\indexml{AList.defined}\verb|AList.defined: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('b * 'c) list -> 'a -> bool| \\
394 |
\indexml{AList.update}\verb|AList.update: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('a * 'b) -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list| \\
395 |
\indexml{AList.default}\verb|AList.default: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('a * 'b) -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list| \\
396 |
\indexml{AList.delete}\verb|AList.delete: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a -> ('b * 'c) list -> ('b * 'c) list| \\
397 |
\indexml{AList.map-entry}\verb|AList.map_entry: ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a|\isasep\isanewline%
398 |
\verb| -> ('c -> 'c) -> ('b * 'c) list -> ('b * 'c) list| \\
399 |
\indexml{AList.map-default}\verb|AList.map_default: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a * 'b -> ('b -> 'b)|\isasep\isanewline%
400 |
\verb| -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list| \\
401 |
\indexml{AList.join}\verb|AList.join: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'b * 'b -> 'b) (*exception DUP*)|\isasep\isanewline%
402 |
\verb| -> ('a * 'b) list * ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list (*exception AList.DUP*)| \\
403 |
\indexml{AList.merge}\verb|AList.merge: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('b * 'b -> bool)|\isasep\isanewline%
404 |
\verb| -> ('a * 'b) list * ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list (*exception AList.DUP*)|
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
Association lists can be seens as an extension of set-like lists:
411 |
on the one hand, they may be used to implement finite mappings,
412 |
on the other hand, they remain order-sensitive and allow for
413 |
multiple key-value-pair with the same key: \verb|AList.lookup|
414 |
returns the \emph{first} value corresponding to a particular
415 |
key, if present. \verb|AList.update| updates
416 |
the \emph{first} occurence of a particular key; if no such
417 |
key exists yet, the key-value-pair is added \emph{to the front}.
418 |
\verb|AList.delete| only deletes the \emph{first} occurence of a key.
419 |
\verb|AList.merge| provides an operation suitable for merges of context data
420 |
(\secref{sec:context-theory}), where an equality parameter on
421 |
values determines whether a merge should be considered a conflict.
422 |
A slightly generalized operation if implementend by the \verb|AList.join|
423 |
function which allows for explicit conflict resolution.%
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
\indexmltype{Symtab.key}\verb|type Symtab.key| \\
434 |
\indexmltype{'a Symtab.table}\verb|type 'a Symtab.table| \\
435 |
\indexmlexception{Symtab.DUP}\verb|exception Symtab.DUP of Symtab.key| \\
436 |
\indexmlexception{Symtab.DUPS}\verb|exception Symtab.DUPS of Symtab.key list| \\
437 |
\indexmlexception{Symtab.SAME}\verb|exception Symtab.SAME| \\
438 |
\indexmlexception{Symtab.UNDEF}\verb|exception Symtab.UNDEF of Symtab.key| \\
439 |
\indexml{Symtab.empty}\verb|Symtab.empty: 'a Symtab.table| \\
440 |
\indexml{Symtab.dest}\verb|Symtab.dest: 'a Symtab.table -> (Symtab.key * 'a) list| \\
441 |
\indexml{Symtab.keys}\verb|Symtab.keys: 'a Symtab.table -> Symtab.key list| \\
442 |
\indexml{Symtab.lookup}\verb|Symtab.lookup: 'a Symtab.table -> Symtab.key -> 'a option| \\
443 |
\indexml{Symtab.defined}\verb|Symtab.defined: 'a Symtab.table -> Symtab.key -> bool| \\
444 |
\indexml{Symtab.update}\verb|Symtab.update: (Symtab.key * 'a) -> 'a Symtab.table -> 'a Symtab.table| \\
445 |
\indexml{Symtab.default}\verb|Symtab.default: Symtab.key * 'a -> 'a Symtab.table -> 'a Symtab.table| \\
446 |
\indexml{Symtab.delete}\verb|Symtab.delete: Symtab.key|\isasep\isanewline%
447 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table -> 'a Symtab.table (*exception Symtab.UNDEF*)| \\
448 |
\indexml{Symtab.map-entry}\verb|Symtab.map_entry: Symtab.key -> ('a -> 'a)|\isasep\isanewline%
449 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table -> 'a Symtab.table| \\
450 |
\indexml{Symtab.map-default}\verb|Symtab.map_default: (Symtab.key * 'a) -> ('a -> 'a)|\isasep\isanewline%
451 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table -> 'a Symtab.table| \\
452 |
\indexml{Symtab.join}\verb|Symtab.join: (Symtab.key -> 'a * 'a -> 'a) (*exception Symtab.DUP/Symtab.SAME*)|\isasep\isanewline%
453 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table * 'a Symtab.table|\isasep\isanewline%
454 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table (*exception Symtab.DUPS*)| \\
455 |
\indexml{Symtab.merge}\verb|Symtab.merge: ('a * 'a -> bool)|\isasep\isanewline%
456 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table * 'a Symtab.table|\isasep\isanewline%
457 |
\verb| -> 'a Symtab.table (*exception Symtab.DUPS*)|
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
463 |
Tables are an efficient representation of finite mappings without
464 |
any notion of order; due to their efficiency they should be used
465 |
whenever such pure finite mappings are neccessary.
466 |
467 |
The key type of tables must be given explicitly by instantiating
468 |
the \verb|TableFun| functor which takes the key type
469 |
together with its \verb|order|; for convience, we restrict
470 |
here to the \verb|Symtab| instance with \verb|string|
471 |
as key type.
472 |
473 |
Most table functions correspond to those of association lists.%
474 |
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
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481 |
\isamarkupsection{A method that depends on declarations in the context%
482 |
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