1 |
(* Title: Pure/Isar/proof.ML
2 |
ID: $Id$
3 |
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
4 |
5 |
Proof states and methods.
6 |
7 |
8 |
- assume: improve schematic Vars handling (!?);
9 |
- bind: check rhs (extra (T)Vars etc.) (How to handle these anyway?);
10 |
- prep_result: avoid duplicate asms;
11 |
- goal: need asms field? (may take from goal context!?);
12 |
- finish: filter results (!??) (no?);
13 |
- finish_tac: make a parameter (method) (!!?);
14 |
- prep_result error: use error channel (!);
15 |
- next_block: fetch_facts (!?);
16 |
- warn_vars;
17 |
- string constants in one place (e.g. "it", "thesis") (??!);
18 |
- check_finished: trace results (!?);
19 |
20 |
21 |
signature PROOF =
22 |
23 |
type context
24 |
type state
25 |
exception STATE of string * state
26 |
val context_of: state -> context
27 |
val theory_of: state -> theory
28 |
val sign_of: state -> Sign.sg
29 |
val the_facts: state -> tthm list
30 |
val goal_facts: (state -> tthm list) -> state -> state
31 |
val use_facts: state -> state
32 |
val reset_facts: state -> state
33 |
val assert_backward: state -> state
34 |
val enter_forward: state -> state
35 |
val print_state: state -> unit
36 |
type method
37 |
val method: (tthm list -> thm ->
38 |
(thm * (indexname * term) list * (string * tthm list) list) Seq.seq) -> method
39 |
val refine: (context -> method) -> state -> state Seq.seq
40 |
val bind: (indexname * string) list -> state -> state
41 |
val bind_i: (indexname * term) list -> state -> state
42 |
val match_bind: (string * string) list -> state -> state
43 |
val match_bind_i: (term * term) list -> state -> state
44 |
val have_tthms: string -> context attribute list ->
45 |
(tthm * context attribute list) list -> state -> state
46 |
val assume: string -> context attribute list -> string list -> state -> state
47 |
val assume_i: string -> context attribute list -> term list -> state -> state
48 |
val fix: (string * string option) list -> state -> state
49 |
val fix_i: (string * typ) list -> state -> state
50 |
val theorem: bstring -> theory attribute list -> string -> theory -> state
51 |
val theorem_i: bstring -> theory attribute list -> term -> theory -> state
52 |
val lemma: bstring -> theory attribute list -> string -> theory -> state
53 |
val lemma_i: bstring -> theory attribute list -> term -> theory -> state
54 |
val chain: state -> state
55 |
val from_facts: tthm list -> state -> state
56 |
val show: string -> context attribute list -> string -> state -> state
57 |
val show_i: string -> context attribute list -> term -> state -> state
58 |
val have: string -> context attribute list -> string -> state -> state
59 |
val have_i: string -> context attribute list -> term -> state -> state
60 |
val begin_block: state -> state
61 |
val next_block: state -> state
62 |
val end_block: (context -> method) -> state -> state Seq.seq
63 |
val qed: (context -> method) -> bstring option -> theory attribute list option -> state
64 |
-> theory * (string * string * tthm)
65 |
66 |
67 |
signature PROOF_PRIVATE =
68 |
69 |
include PROOF
70 |
val put_data: Object.kind -> ('a -> Object.T) -> 'a -> state -> state
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
structure Proof: PROOF_PRIVATE =
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
(** proof state **)
79 |
80 |
type context = ProofContext.context;
81 |
82 |
83 |
(* type goal *)
84 |
85 |
datatype kind =
86 |
Theorem of theory attribute list | (*top-level theorem*)
87 |
Lemma of theory attribute list | (*top-level lemma*)
88 |
Goal of context attribute list | (*intermediate result, solving subgoal*)
89 |
Aux of context attribute list ; (*intermediate result*)
90 |
91 |
val kind_name =
92 |
fn Theorem _ => "theorem" | Lemma _ => "lemma" | Goal _ => "show" | Aux _ => "have";
93 |
94 |
type goal =
95 |
(kind * (*result kind*)
96 |
string * (*result name*)
97 |
cterm list * (*result assumptions*)
98 |
term) * (*result statement*)
99 |
(tthm list * (*use facts*)
100 |
thm); (*goal: subgoals ==> statement*)
101 |
102 |
103 |
(* type mode *)
104 |
105 |
datatype mode = Forward | ForwardChain | Backward;
106 |
107 |
val mode_name =
108 |
fn Forward => "forward" | ForwardChain => "forward chain" | Backward => "backward";
109 |
110 |
111 |
(* type node *)
112 |
113 |
type node =
114 |
{context: context,
115 |
facts: tthm list option,
116 |
mode: mode,
117 |
goal: goal option};
118 |
119 |
fun make_node (context, facts, mode, goal) =
120 |
{context = context, facts = facts, mode = mode, goal = goal}: node;
121 |
122 |
123 |
(* datatype state *)
124 |
125 |
datatype state =
126 |
State of
127 |
node * (*current*)
128 |
node list; (*parents wrt. block structure*)
129 |
130 |
exception STATE of string * state;
131 |
132 |
fun err_malformed name state =
133 |
raise STATE (name ^ ": internal error -- malformed proof state", state);
134 |
135 |
136 |
fun map_current f (State ({context, facts, mode, goal}, nodes)) =
137 |
State (make_node (f (context, facts, mode, goal)), nodes);
138 |
139 |
fun init_state thy =
140 |
State (make_node (ProofContext.init_context thy, None, Forward, None), []);
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
(** basic proof state operations **)
145 |
146 |
(* context *)
147 |
148 |
fun context_of (State ({context, ...}, _)) = context;
149 |
val theory_of = ProofContext.theory_of o context_of;
150 |
val sign_of = ProofContext.sign_of o context_of;
151 |
152 |
fun map_context f = map_current (fn (ctxt, facts, mode, goal) => (f ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
153 |
154 |
fun map_context_result f (state as State ({context, facts, mode, goal}, nodes)) =
155 |
let val (context', result) = f context
156 |
in (State (make_node (context', facts, mode, goal), nodes), result) end;
157 |
158 |
159 |
fun put_data kind f = map_context o ProofContext.put_data kind f;
160 |
val declare_term = map_context o ProofContext.declare_term;
161 |
val add_binds = map_context o ProofContext.add_binds_i;
162 |
val put_tthms = map_context o ProofContext.put_tthms;
163 |
val put_tthmss = map_context o ProofContext.put_tthmss;
164 |
165 |
166 |
(* bind statements *)
167 |
168 |
fun bind_props bs state =
169 |
let val mk_bind = map (fn (x, t) => ((Syntax.binding x, 0), t)) o ObjectLogic.dest_statement
170 |
in state |> add_binds (flat (map mk_bind bs)) end;
171 |
172 |
fun bind_tthms (name, tthms) state =
173 |
174 |
val props = map (#prop o Thm.rep_thm o Attribute.thm_of) tthms;
175 |
val named_props =
176 |
(case props of
177 |
[prop] => [(name, prop)]
178 |
| props => map2 (fn (i, t) => (name ^ string_of_int i, t)) (1 upto length props, props));
179 |
in state |> bind_props named_props end;
180 |
181 |
fun let_tthms name_tthms state =
182 |
183 |
|> put_tthms name_tthms
184 |
|> bind_tthms name_tthms;
185 |
186 |
187 |
(* facts *)
188 |
189 |
fun the_facts (State ({facts = Some facts, ...}, _)) = facts
190 |
| the_facts state = raise STATE ("No current facts available", state);
191 |
192 |
fun put_facts facts state =
193 |
194 |
|> map_current (fn (ctxt, _, mode, goal) => (ctxt, facts, mode, goal))
195 |
|> let_tthms ("facts", if_none facts []);
196 |
197 |
val reset_facts = put_facts None;
198 |
199 |
fun have_facts (name, facts) state =
200 |
201 |
|> put_facts (Some facts)
202 |
|> let_tthms (name, facts);
203 |
204 |
fun these_facts (state, ths) = have_facts ths state;
205 |
fun fetch_facts (State ({facts, ...}, _)) = put_facts facts;
206 |
207 |
208 |
(* goal *)
209 |
210 |
fun find_goal i (State ({goal = Some goal, ...}, _)) = (i, goal)
211 |
| find_goal i (State ({goal = None, ...}, node :: nodes)) =
212 |
find_goal (i + 1) (State (node, nodes))
213 |
| find_goal _ (state as State (_, [])) = err_malformed "find_goal" state;
214 |
215 |
fun put_goal goal = map_current (fn (ctxt, facts, mode, _) => (ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
216 |
217 |
fun map_goal f (State ({context, facts, mode, goal = Some goal}, nodes)) =
218 |
State (make_node (context, facts, mode, Some (f goal)), nodes)
219 |
| map_goal f (State (nd, node :: nodes)) =
220 |
let val State (node', nodes') = map_goal f (State (node, nodes))
221 |
in State (nd, node' :: nodes') end
222 |
| map_goal _ state = state;
223 |
224 |
fun goal_facts get state =
225 |
226 |
|> map_goal (fn (result, (_, thm)) => (result, (get state, thm)));
227 |
228 |
fun use_facts state =
229 |
230 |
|> goal_facts the_facts
231 |
|> reset_facts;
232 |
233 |
234 |
(* mode *)
235 |
236 |
fun get_mode (State ({mode, ...}, _)) = mode;
237 |
fun put_mode mode = map_current (fn (ctxt, facts, _, goal) => (ctxt, facts, mode, goal));
238 |
239 |
val enter_forward = put_mode Forward;
240 |
val enter_forward_chain = put_mode ForwardChain;
241 |
val enter_backward = put_mode Backward;
242 |
243 |
fun assert_mode pred state =
244 |
let val mode = get_mode state in
245 |
if pred mode then state
246 |
else raise STATE ("Illegal application of command in " ^ mode_name mode ^ " mode", state)
247 |
248 |
249 |
fun is_chain state = get_mode state = ForwardChain;
250 |
val assert_forward = assert_mode (equal Forward);
251 |
val assert_forward_or_chain = assert_mode (equal Forward orf equal ForwardChain);
252 |
val assert_backward = assert_mode (equal Backward);
253 |
254 |
255 |
(* blocks *)
256 |
257 |
fun open_block (State (node, nodes)) = State (node, node :: nodes);
258 |
259 |
fun new_block state =
260 |
261 |
|> open_block
262 |
|> put_goal None;
263 |
264 |
fun close_block (State (_, node :: nodes)) = State (node, nodes)
265 |
| close_block state = raise STATE ("Unbalanced block parentheses", state);
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
(** print_state **)
270 |
271 |
fun print_state (state as State ({context, facts, mode, goal = _}, nodes)) =
272 |
273 |
val prt_tthm = Attribute.pretty_tthm;
274 |
275 |
fun print_facts None = ()
276 |
| print_facts (Some ths) =
277 |
Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "Current facts:" (map prt_tthm ths));
278 |
279 |
fun levels_up 0 = ""
280 |
| levels_up i = " (" ^ string_of_int i ^ " levels up)";
281 |
282 |
fun print_goal (i, ((kind, name, _, _), (_, thm))) =
283 |
(writeln (kind_name kind ^ " " ^ quote name ^ levels_up (i div 1) ^ ":"); (* FIXME *)
284 |
Locale.print_goals (! goals_limit) thm);
285 |
286 |
writeln ("Nesting level: " ^ string_of_int (length nodes div 1)); (* FIXME *)
287 |
writeln "";
288 |
ProofContext.print_context context;
289 |
writeln "";
290 |
print_facts facts;
291 |
print_goal (find_goal 0 state);
292 |
writeln "";
293 |
writeln (mode_name mode ^ " mode")
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
(** proof steps **)
299 |
300 |
(* datatype method *)
301 |
302 |
datatype method = Method of
303 |
tthm list -> (*use facts*)
304 |
thm (*goal: subgoals ==> statement*)
305 |
-> (thm * (*refined goal*)
306 |
(indexname * term) list * (*new bindings*)
307 |
(string * tthm list) list) (*new thms*)
308 |
309 |
310 |
val method = Method;
311 |
312 |
313 |
(* refine goal *)
314 |
315 |
fun check_sign sg state =
316 |
if Sign.subsig (sg, sign_of state) then state
317 |
else raise STATE ("Bad signature of result: " ^ Sign.str_of_sg sg, state);
318 |
319 |
fun refine meth_fun (state as State ({context, ...}, _)) =
320 |
321 |
val Method meth = meth_fun context;
322 |
val (_, (result, (facts, thm))) = find_goal 0 state;
323 |
324 |
fun refn (thm', new_binds, new_thms) =
325 |
326 |
|> check_sign (sign_of_thm thm')
327 |
|> map_goal (K (result, (facts, thm')))
328 |
|> add_binds new_binds
329 |
|> put_tthmss new_thms;
330 |
in Seq.map refn (meth facts thm) end;
331 |
332 |
333 |
(* prepare result *)
334 |
335 |
fun varify_frees names thm =
336 |
337 |
fun get_free x (None, t as Free (y, _)) = if x = y then Some t else None
338 |
| get_free _ (opt, _) = opt;
339 |
340 |
fun find_free t x = foldl_aterms (get_free x) (None, t);
341 |
342 |
val {sign, maxidx, prop, ...} = Thm.rep_thm thm;
343 |
val frees = map (Thm.cterm_of sign) (mapfilter (find_free prop) names);
344 |
345 |
346 |
|> Drule.forall_intr_list frees
347 |
|> Drule.forall_elim_vars (maxidx + 1)
348 |
349 |
350 |
fun implies_elim_hyps thm =
351 |
foldl (uncurry Thm.implies_elim) (thm, map Thm.assume (Drule.cprems_of thm));
352 |
353 |
fun prep_result state asms t raw_thm =
354 |
355 |
val ctxt = context_of state;
356 |
fun err msg = raise STATE (msg, state);
357 |
358 |
val ngoals = Thm.nprems_of raw_thm;
359 |
val _ =
360 |
if ngoals = 0 then ()
361 |
else (Locale.print_goals ngoals raw_thm; err (string_of_int ngoals ^ " unsolved goal(s)!"));
362 |
363 |
val thm =
364 |
raw_thm RS Drule.rev_triv_goal
365 |
|> implies_elim_hyps
366 |
|> Drule.implies_intr_list asms
367 |
|> varify_frees (ProofContext.fixed_names ctxt);
368 |
369 |
val {hyps, prop, sign, ...} = Thm.rep_thm thm;
370 |
val tsig = Sign.tsig_of sign;
371 |
372 |
373 |
if not (Pattern.matches tsig (t, Logic.skip_flexpairs prop)) then
374 |
warning ("Proved a different theorem: " ^ Sign.string_of_term sign prop)
375 |
else ();
376 |
377 |
if not (null hyps) then
378 |
err ("Additional hypotheses:\n" ^ cat_lines (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) hyps))
379 |
(* FIXME else if not (Pattern.matches tsig (t, Logic.skip_flexpairs prop)) then
380 |
err ("Proved a different theorem: " ^ Sign.string_of_term sign prop) *)
381 |
else thm
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 |
(* prepare final result *)
386 |
387 |
fun strip_flexflex thm =
388 |
Seq.hd (Thm.flexflex_rule thm) handle THM _ => thm;
389 |
390 |
fun final_result state pre_thm =
391 |
392 |
val thm =
393 |
394 |
|> strip_flexflex
395 |
|> Thm.strip_shyps
396 |
|> Drule.standard;
397 |
398 |
val str_of_sort = Sign.str_of_sort (Thm.sign_of_thm thm);
399 |
val xshyps = Thm.extra_shyps thm;
400 |
401 |
if not (null xshyps) then
402 |
raise STATE ("Extra sort hypotheses: " ^ commas (map str_of_sort xshyps), state)
403 |
else thm
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
(* solve goal *)
408 |
409 |
fun solve_goal rule state =
410 |
411 |
val (_, (result, (facts, thm))) = find_goal 0 state;
412 |
val thms' = FIRSTGOAL (solve_tac [rule]) thm;
413 |
in Seq.map (fn thm' => map_goal (K (result, (facts, thm'))) state) thms' end;
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
(*** structured proof commands ***)
418 |
419 |
(** context **)
420 |
421 |
(* bind *)
422 |
423 |
fun gen_bind f x state =
424 |
425 |
|> assert_forward
426 |
|> map_context (f x)
427 |
|> reset_facts;
428 |
429 |
val bind = gen_bind ProofContext.add_binds;
430 |
val bind_i = gen_bind ProofContext.add_binds_i;
431 |
432 |
val match_bind = gen_bind ProofContext.match_binds;
433 |
val match_bind_i = gen_bind ProofContext.match_binds_i;
434 |
435 |
436 |
(* have_tthms *)
437 |
438 |
val def_name = fn "" => "it" | name => name;
439 |
440 |
fun have_tthms name atts ths_atts state =
441 |
442 |
|> assert_forward
443 |
|> map_context_result (ProofContext.have_tthms (def_name name) atts ths_atts)
444 |
|> these_facts;
445 |
446 |
447 |
(* fix *)
448 |
449 |
fun gen_fix f xs state =
450 |
451 |
|> assert_forward
452 |
|> map_context (f xs)
453 |
|> reset_facts;
454 |
455 |
val fix = gen_fix ProofContext.fix;
456 |
val fix_i = gen_fix ProofContext.fix_i;
457 |
458 |
459 |
(* assume *)
460 |
461 |
fun gen_assume f name atts props state =
462 |
463 |
|> assert_forward
464 |
|> map_context_result (f (def_name name) atts props)
465 |
|> these_facts
466 |
|> (fn st => let_tthms ("prems", ProofContext.assumptions (context_of st)) st);
467 |
468 |
val assume = gen_assume ProofContext.assume;
469 |
val assume_i = gen_assume ProofContext.assume_i;
470 |
471 |
472 |
473 |
(** goals **)
474 |
475 |
(* forward chaining *)
476 |
477 |
fun chain state =
478 |
479 |
|> assert_forward
480 |
|> enter_forward_chain;
481 |
482 |
fun from_facts facts state =
483 |
484 |
|> put_facts (Some facts)
485 |
|> chain;
486 |
487 |
488 |
(* setup goals *)
489 |
490 |
val read_prop = ProofContext.read_prop o context_of;
491 |
val cert_prop = ProofContext.cert_prop o context_of;
492 |
493 |
fun setup_goal opt_block prep kind name atts raw_prop state =
494 |
495 |
val sign = sign_of state;
496 |
val ctxt = context_of state;
497 |
498 |
val casms = map (#prop o Thm.crep_thm o Attribute.thm_of) (ProofContext.assumptions ctxt);
499 |
val asms = map Thm.term_of casms;
500 |
501 |
val prop = Logic.list_implies (asms, prep state raw_prop);
502 |
val cprop = Thm.cterm_of sign prop;
503 |
val thm = Drule.mk_triv_goal cprop;
504 |
505 |
506 |
|> assert_forward_or_chain
507 |
|> enter_forward
508 |
|> opt_block
509 |
510 |
|> declare_term prop
511 |
|> put_goal (Some ((kind atts, (def_name name), casms, prop), ([], thm)))
512 |
|> bind_props [("thesis", prop)]
513 |
|> (if is_chain state then use_facts else reset_facts)
514 |
515 |
|> new_block
516 |
|> enter_backward
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
(*global goals*)
521 |
fun global_goal prep kind name atts x thy =
522 |
setup_goal I prep kind name atts x (init_state thy);
523 |
524 |
val theorem = global_goal read_prop Theorem;
525 |
val theorem_i = global_goal cert_prop Theorem;
526 |
val lemma = global_goal read_prop Lemma;
527 |
val lemma_i = global_goal cert_prop Lemma;
528 |
529 |
530 |
(*local goals*)
531 |
fun local_goal prep kind name atts x =
532 |
setup_goal open_block prep kind name atts x;
533 |
534 |
val show = local_goal read_prop Goal;
535 |
val show_i = local_goal cert_prop Goal;
536 |
val have = local_goal read_prop Aux;
537 |
val have_i = local_goal cert_prop Aux;
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
(** blocks **)
542 |
543 |
(* begin_block *)
544 |
545 |
fun begin_block state =
546 |
547 |
|> assert_forward
548 |
|> new_block
549 |
|> reset_facts
550 |
|> open_block;
551 |
552 |
553 |
(* next_block *)
554 |
555 |
fun next_block state =
556 |
557 |
|> assert_forward
558 |
|> close_block
559 |
|> new_block;
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
(** conclusions **)
564 |
565 |
(* current goal *)
566 |
567 |
fun current_goal (State ({goal = Some goal, ...}, _)) = goal
568 |
| current_goal state = raise STATE ("No current goal!", state);
569 |
570 |
fun assert_current_goal state = (current_goal state; state);
571 |
572 |
fun assert_bottom true (state as State (_, _ :: _)) =
573 |
raise STATE ("Not at bottom of proof!", state)
574 |
| assert_bottom false (state as State (_, [])) =
575 |
raise STATE ("Already at bottom of proof!", state)
576 |
| assert_bottom _ state = state;
577 |
578 |
579 |
(* finish proof *)
580 |
581 |
fun check_finished state states =
582 |
(case Seq.pull states of
583 |
None => raise STATE ("Failed to finish proof", state)
584 |
| Some s_sq => Seq.cons s_sq);
585 |
586 |
fun finish_proof bot meth_fun state =
587 |
588 |
|> assert_forward
589 |
|> close_block
590 |
|> assert_bottom bot
591 |
|> assert_current_goal
592 |
|> refine meth_fun
593 |
|> check_finished state;
594 |
595 |
596 |
(* conclude local proof *)
597 |
598 |
fun finish_local state =
599 |
600 |
val ((kind, name, asms, t), (_, raw_thm)) = current_goal state;
601 |
val result = prep_result state asms t raw_thm;
602 |
val (atts, opt_solve) =
603 |
(case kind of
604 |
Goal atts => (atts, solve_goal result)
605 |
| Aux atts => (atts, Seq.single)
606 |
| _ => raise STATE ("No local goal!", state));
607 |
608 |
609 |
|> close_block
610 |
|> have_tthms name atts [((result, []), [])]
611 |
|> opt_solve
612 |
613 |
614 |
fun end_block meth_fun state =
615 |
if can assert_current_goal (close_block state) then
616 |
617 |
|> finish_proof false meth_fun
618 |
|> (Seq.flat o Seq.map finish_local)
619 |
620 |
621 |
|> assert_forward
622 |
|> close_block
623 |
|> close_block
624 |
|> fetch_facts state
625 |
|> Seq.single;
626 |
627 |
628 |
(* conclude global proof *)
629 |
630 |
fun finish_global alt_name alt_atts state =
631 |
632 |
val ((kind, def_name, asms, t), (_, raw_thm)) = current_goal state;
633 |
val result = final_result state (prep_result state asms t raw_thm);
634 |
635 |
val name = if_none alt_name def_name;
636 |
val atts =
637 |
(case kind of
638 |
Theorem atts => if_none alt_atts atts
639 |
| Lemma atts => Attribute.tag_lemma :: if_none alt_atts atts
640 |
| _ => raise STATE ("No global goal!", state));
641 |
642 |
val (thy', result') = PureThy.store_tthm ((name, (result, [])), atts) (theory_of state);
643 |
in (thy', (kind_name kind, name, result')) end;
644 |
645 |
fun qed meth_fun alt_name alt_atts state =
646 |
647 |
|> finish_proof true meth_fun
648 |
|> Seq.hd
649 |
|> finish_global alt_name alt_atts;
650 |
651 |
652 |