changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
child 23510 4521fead5609
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/RandomMap.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure RandomMap :> Map =
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+exception Error = Useful.Error;
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val K = Useful.K;
+val snd = Useful.snd;
+val randomInt = Useful.random;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random search trees.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) tree =
+    E
+  | T of
+    {size : int,
+     priority : real,
+     left : ('a,'b) tree,
+     key : 'a,
+     value : 'b,
+     right : ('a,'b) tree};
+type ('a,'b) node =
+     {size : int,
+      priority : real,
+      left : ('a,'b) tree,
+      key : 'a,
+      value : 'b,
+      right : ('a,'b) tree};
+datatype ('a,'b) map = Map of ('a * 'a -> order) * ('a,'b) tree;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random priorities.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val randomPriority =
+      let
+        val gen = Random.newgenseed 2.0
+      in
+        fn () => Random.random gen
+      end;
+  val priorityOrder =;
+  fun treeSingleton (key,value) =
+      T {size = 1, priority = randomPriority (),
+         left = E, key = key, value = value, right = E};
+  fun nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1 : ('a,'b) node, x2 : ('a,'b) node) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, key = k1, ...} = x1
+        and {priority = p2, key = k2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        case priorityOrder (p1,p2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => cmp (k1,k2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debugging functions.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkSizes E = 0
+    | checkSizes (T {size,left,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val l = checkSizes left
+        and r = checkSizes right
+        val () = if l + 1 + r = size then () else raise Error "wrong size"
+      in
+        size
+      end;
+  fun checkSorted _ x E = x
+    | checkSorted cmp x (T {left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val x = checkSorted cmp x left
+        val () =
+            case x of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME k =>
+              case cmp (k,key) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "duplicate keys"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "unsorted"
+      in
+        checkSorted cmp (SOME key) right
+      end;
+  fun checkPriorities _ E = NONE
+    | checkPriorities cmp (T (x as {left,right,...})) =
+      let
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp left of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME l =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (l,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "left child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "left child has greater priority"
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp right of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME r =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (r,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "right child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "right child has greater priority"
+      in
+        SOME x
+      end;
+  fun checkWellformed s (m as Map (cmp,tree)) =
+      (let
+         val _ = checkSizes tree
+         val _ = checkSorted cmp NONE tree
+         val _ = checkPriorities cmp tree
+       in
+         m
+       end
+       handle Error err => raise Bug err)
+      handle Bug bug => raise Bug (s ^ "\nRandomMap.checkWellformed: " ^ bug);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun comparison (Map (cmp,_)) = cmp;
+fun new cmp = Map (cmp,E);
+fun treeSize E = 0
+  | treeSize (T {size = s, ...}) = s;
+fun size (Map (_,tree)) = treeSize tree;
+fun mkT p l k v r =
+    T {size = treeSize l + 1 + treeSize r, priority = p,
+       left = l, key = k, value = v, right = r};
+fun singleton cmp key_value = Map (cmp, treeSingleton key_value);
+  fun treePeek cmp E pkey = NONE
+    | treePeek cmp (T {left,key,value,right,...}) pkey =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePeek cmp left pkey
+      | EQUAL => SOME value
+      | GREATER => treePeek cmp right pkey
+  fun peek (Map (cmp,tree)) key = treePeek cmp tree key;
+(* treeAppend assumes that every element of the first tree is less than *)
+(* every element of the second tree. *)
+fun treeAppend _ t1 E = t1
+  | treeAppend _ E t2 = t2
+  | treeAppend cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+    case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p2,
+             left = l2, key = k2, value = v2, right = r2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        mkT p2 (treeAppend cmp t1 l2) k2 v2 r2
+      end
+    | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.treeAppend: equal keys"
+    | GREATER =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+      in
+        mkT p1 l1 k1 v1 (treeAppend cmp r1 t2)
+      end;
+(* nodePartition splits the node into three parts: the keys comparing less *)
+(* than the supplied key, an optional equal key, and the keys comparing *)
+(* greater. *)
+  fun mkLeft [] t = t
+    | mkLeft (({priority,left,key,value,...} : ('a,'b) node) :: xs) t =
+      mkLeft xs (mkT priority left key value t);
+  fun mkRight [] t = t
+    | mkRight (({priority,key,value,right,...} : ('a,'b) node) :: xs) t =
+      mkRight xs (mkT priority t key value right);
+  fun treePart _ _ lefts rights E = (mkLeft lefts E, NONE, mkRight rights E)
+    | treePart cmp pkey lefts rights (T x) = nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights x
+  and nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights (x as {left,key,value,right,...}) =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePart cmp pkey lefts (x :: rights) left
+      | EQUAL => (mkLeft lefts left, SOME (key,value), mkRight rights right)
+      | GREATER => treePart cmp pkey (x :: lefts) rights right;
+  fun nodePartition cmp x pkey = nodePart cmp pkey [] [] x;
+(* union first calls treeCombineRemove, to combine the values *)
+(* for equal keys into the first map and remove them from the second map. *)
+(* Note that the combined key is always the one from the second map. *)
+  fun treeCombineRemove _ _ t1 E = (t1,E)
+    | treeCombineRemove _ _ E t2 = (E,t2)
+    | treeCombineRemove cmp f (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val (l1,l2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f l1 l2
+        and (r1,r2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2_v2 of
+          NONE =>
+          if treeSize l2 + treeSize r2 = #size x2 then (t1,t2)
+          else (mkT p1 l1 k1 v1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+        | SOME (k2,v2) =>
+          case f (v1,v2) of
+            NONE => (treeAppend cmp l1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+          | SOME v => (mkT p1 l1 k2 v r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+      end;
+  fun treeUnionDisjoint _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeUnionDisjoint _ E t2 = t2
+    | treeUnionDisjoint cmp (T x1) (T x2) =
+      case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+        LESS => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x2 x1
+      | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.unionDisjoint: equal keys"
+      | GREATER => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2
+  and nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2 =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,_,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeUnionDisjoint cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeUnionDisjoint cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        mkT p1 l k1 v1 r
+      end;
+  fun union f (m1 as Map (cmp,t1)) (Map (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then m1
+      else
+        let
+          val (t1,t2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f t1 t2
+        in
+          Map (cmp, treeUnionDisjoint cmp t1 t2)
+        end;
+val union = fn f => fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: result"
+      (union f (checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: input 1" t1)
+               (checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: input 2" t2));
+(* intersect is a simple case of the union algorithm. *)
+  fun treeIntersect _ _ _ E = E
+    | treeIntersect _ _ E _ = E
+    | treeIntersect cmp f (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeIntersect cmp f l1 l2
+        and r = treeIntersect cmp f r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2_v2 of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+        | SOME (k2,v2) =>
+          case f (v1,v2) of
+            NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+          | SOME v => mkT p1 l k2 v r
+      end;
+  fun intersect f (m1 as Map (cmp,t1)) (Map (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then m1
+      else Map (cmp, treeIntersect cmp f t1 t2);
+val intersect = fn f => fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: result"
+      (intersect f (checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: input 1" t1)
+                   (checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: input 2" t2));
+(* delete raises an exception if the supplied key is not found, which *)
+(* makes it simpler to maximize sharing. *)
+  fun treeDelete _ E _ = raise Error "RandomMap.delete: element not found"
+    | treeDelete cmp (T {priority,left,key,value,right,...}) dkey =
+      case cmp (dkey,key) of
+        LESS => mkT priority (treeDelete cmp left dkey) key value right
+      | EQUAL => treeAppend cmp left right
+      | GREATER => mkT priority left key value (treeDelete cmp right dkey);
+  fun delete (Map (cmp,tree)) key = Map (cmp, treeDelete cmp tree key);
+val delete = fn t => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.delete: result"
+      (delete (checkWellformed "RandomMap.delete: input" t) x);
+(* Set difference on domains *)
+  fun treeDifference _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeDifference _ E _ = E
+    | treeDifference cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeDifference cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeDifference cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        if Option.isSome k2_v2 then treeAppend cmp l r
+        else if treeSize l + treeSize r + 1 = s1 then t1
+        else mkT p1 l k1 v1 r
+      end;
+  fun difference (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      Map (cmp, treeDifference cmp tree1 tree2);
+val difference = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: result"
+      (difference (checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: input 1" t1)
+                  (checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: input 2" t2));
+(* subsetDomain is mainly used when using maps as sets. *)
+  fun treeSubsetDomain _ E _ = true
+    | treeSubsetDomain _ _ E = false
+    | treeSubsetDomain cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 <= s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2_v2 andalso
+          treeSubsetDomain cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeSubsetDomain cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun subsetDomain (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeSubsetDomain cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* Map equality *)
+  fun treeEqual _ _ E E = true
+    | treeEqual _ _ E _ = false
+    | treeEqual _ _ _ E = false
+    | treeEqual cmp veq (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 = s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          (case k2_v2 of NONE => false | SOME (_,v2) => veq v1 v2) andalso
+          treeEqual cmp veq l1 l2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp veq r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun equal veq (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeEqual cmp veq tree1 tree2;
+(* mapPartial is the basic function for preserving the tree structure. *)
+(* It applies the argument function to the elements *in order*. *)
+  fun treeMapPartial cmp _ E = E
+    | treeMapPartial cmp f (T {priority,left,key,value,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeMapPartial cmp f left
+        and value' = f (key,value)
+        and right = treeMapPartial cmp f right
+      in
+        case value' of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp left right
+        | SOME value => mkT priority left key value right
+      end;
+  fun mapPartial f (Map (cmp,tree)) = Map (cmp, treeMapPartial cmp f tree);
+(* map is a primitive function for efficiency reasons. *)
+(* It also applies the argument function to the elements *in order*. *)
+  fun treeMap _ E = E
+    | treeMap f (T {size,priority,left,key,value,right}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeMap f left
+        and value = f (key,value)
+        and right = treeMap f right
+      in
+        T {size = size, priority = priority, left = left,
+           key = key, value = value, right = right}
+      end;
+  fun map f (Map (cmp,tree)) = Map (cmp, treeMap f tree);
+(* nth picks the nth smallest key/value (counting from 0). *)
+  fun treeNth E _ = raise Subscript
+    | treeNth (T {left,key,value,right,...}) n =
+      let
+        val k = treeSize left
+      in
+        if n = k then (key,value)
+        else if n < k then treeNth left n
+        else treeNth right (n - (k + 1))
+      end;
+  fun nth (Map (_,tree)) n = treeNth tree n;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun leftSpine E acc = acc
+  | leftSpine (t as T {left,...}) acc = leftSpine left (t :: acc);
+fun rightSpine E acc = acc
+  | rightSpine (t as T {right,...}) acc = rightSpine right (t :: acc);
+datatype ('key,'a) iterator =
+    LR of ('key * 'a) * ('key,'a) tree * ('key,'a) tree list
+  | RL of ('key * 'a) * ('key,'a) tree * ('key,'a) tree list;
+fun mkLR [] = NONE
+  | mkLR (T {key,value,right,...} :: l) = SOME (LR ((key,value),right,l))
+  | mkLR (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomMap.mkLR";
+fun mkRL [] = NONE
+  | mkRL (T {key,value,left,...} :: l) = SOME (RL ((key,value),left,l))
+  | mkRL (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomMap.mkRL";
+fun mkIterator (Map (_,tree)) = mkLR (leftSpine tree []);
+fun mkRevIterator (Map (_,tree)) = mkRL (rightSpine tree []);
+fun readIterator (LR (key_value,_,_)) = key_value
+  | readIterator (RL (key_value,_,_)) = key_value;
+fun advanceIterator (LR (_,next,l)) = mkLR (leftSpine next l)
+  | advanceIterator (RL (_,next,l)) = mkRL (rightSpine next l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derived operations.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun null m = size m = 0;
+fun get m key =
+    case peek m key of
+      NONE => raise Error "RandomMap.get: element not found"
+    | SOME value => value;
+fun inDomain key m = Option.isSome (peek m key);
+fun insert m key_value =
+    union (SOME o snd) m (singleton (comparison m) key_value);
+val insert = fn m => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.insert: result"
+      (insert (checkWellformed "RandomMap.insert: input" m) x);
+  fun fold _ NONE acc = acc
+    | fold f (SOME iter) acc =
+      let
+        val (key,value) = readIterator iter
+      in
+        fold f (advanceIterator iter) (f (key,value,acc))
+      end;
+  fun foldl f b m = fold f (mkIterator m) b;
+  fun foldr f b m = fold f (mkRevIterator m) b;
+  fun find _ NONE = NONE
+    | find pred (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key_value = readIterator iter
+      in
+        if pred key_value then SOME key_value
+        else find pred (advanceIterator iter)
+      end;
+  fun findl p m = find p (mkIterator m);
+  fun findr p m = find p (mkRevIterator m);
+  fun first _ NONE = NONE
+    | first f (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key_value = readIterator iter
+      in
+        case f key_value of
+          NONE => first f (advanceIterator iter)
+        | s => s
+      end;
+  fun firstl f m = first f (mkIterator m);
+  fun firstr f m = first f (mkRevIterator m);
+fun fromList cmp l = List.foldl (fn (k_v,m) => insert m k_v) (new cmp) l;
+fun insertList m l = union (SOME o snd) m (fromList (comparison m) l);
+fun filter p =
+    let
+      fun f (key_value as (_,value)) =
+          if p key_value then SOME value else NONE
+    in
+      mapPartial f
+    end;
+fun app f m = foldl (fn (key,value,()) => f (key,value)) () m;
+fun transform f = map (fn (_,value) => f value);
+fun toList m = foldr (fn (key,value,l) => (key,value) :: l) [] m;
+fun domain m = foldr (fn (key,_,l) => key :: l) [] m;
+fun exists p m = Option.isSome (findl p m);
+fun all p m = not (exists (not o p) m);
+fun random m = case size m of 0 => raise Empty | n => nth m (randomInt n);
+  fun iterCompare _ _ NONE NONE = EQUAL
+    | iterCompare _ _ NONE (SOME _) = LESS
+    | iterCompare _ _ (SOME _) NONE = GREATER
+    | iterCompare kcmp vcmp (SOME i1) (SOME i2) =
+      keyIterCompare kcmp vcmp (readIterator i1) (readIterator i2) i1 i2
+  and keyIterCompare kcmp vcmp (k1,v1) (k2,v2) i1 i2 =
+      case kcmp (k1,k2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL =>
+        (case vcmp (v1,v2) of
+           LESS => LESS
+         | EQUAL =>
+           iterCompare kcmp vcmp (advanceIterator i1) (advanceIterator i2)
+         | GREATER => GREATER)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun compare vcmp (m1,m2) =
+      if pointerEqual (m1,m2) then EQUAL
+      else
+        case (size m1, size m2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL =>
+          iterCompare (comparison m1) vcmp (mkIterator m1) (mkIterator m2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER;
+fun equalDomain m1 m2 = equal (K (K true)) m1 m2;
+fun toString m = "<" ^ (if null m then "" else Int.toString (size m)) ^ ">";