The Metis prover (slightly modified version from Larry);
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 22:07:52 +0200
changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
parent 23441 ee218296d635
child 23443 fd8ffc8a5709
The Metis prover (slightly modified version from Larry);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Metis.thy	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Metis.thy
+    ID:         $Id$
+header {* The Metis prover (version 2.0 from 2007) *}
+theory Metis
+imports Main
+  "~~/src/Tools/Metis/metis.ML"
+  "Tools/metis_tools.ML"
+setup MetisTools.setup
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/metis_tools.ML	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/metis_tools.ML
+    Author:     Kong W. Susanto and Lawrence C. Paulson, CU Computer Laboratory
+    Copyright   Cambridge University 2007
+signature METIS_TOOLS =
+  val type_lits: bool ref
+  val metis_tac : Thm.thm list -> int -> Tactical.tactic
+  val setup : theory -> theory
+structure MetisTools: METIS_TOOLS =
+  structure Rc = ResReconstruct;
+  val type_lits = ref true;
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* Useful Theorems                                                           *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val EXCLUDED_MIDDLE' = read_instantiate [("R","False")] notE;
+  val EXCLUDED_MIDDLE  = rotate_prems 1 EXCLUDED_MIDDLE';
+  val REFL_THM         = incr_indexes 2 (Meson.make_meta_clause refl);  (*Rename from 0,1*)
+  val subst_em  = zero_var_indexes (subst RS EXCLUDED_MIDDLE);
+  val ssubst_em  = read_instantiate [("t","?s"),("s","?t")] (sym RS subst_em);
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* Useful Functions                                                          *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* match untyped terms*)
+  fun untyped_aconv (Const(a,_))   (Const(b,_))   = (a=b)
+    | untyped_aconv (Free(a,_))    (Free(b,_))    = (a=b)
+    | untyped_aconv (Var((a,_),_)) (Var((b,_),_)) = (a=b)   (*the index is ignored!*)
+    | untyped_aconv (Bound i)      (Bound j)      = (i=j)
+    | untyped_aconv (Abs(a,_,t))  (Abs(b,_,u))    = (a=b) andalso untyped_aconv t u
+    | untyped_aconv (t1$t2) (u1$u2)  = untyped_aconv t1 u1 andalso untyped_aconv t2 u2
+    | untyped_aconv _              _              = false;
+  (* Finding the relative location of an untyped term within a list of terms *)
+  fun get_index lit =
+    let val lit = Envir.eta_contract lit
+        fun get n [] = raise Empty
+          | get n (x::xs) = if untyped_aconv lit (Envir.eta_contract (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop x))
+                            then n  else get (n+1) xs
+    in get 1 end;
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* HOL to FOL  (Isabelle to Metis)                                           *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun fn_isa_to_met "equal" = "="
+    | fn_isa_to_met x       = x;
+  fun metis_lit b c args = (b, (c, args));
+  fun hol_type_to_fol (ResClause.AtomV x) = Metis.Term.Var x
+    | hol_type_to_fol (ResClause.AtomF x) = Metis.Term.Fn(x,[])
+    | hol_type_to_fol (ResClause.Comp(tc,tps)) = Metis.Term.Fn(tc, map hol_type_to_fol tps);
+  (*These two functions insert type literals before the real literals. That is the
+    opposite order from TPTP linkup, but maybe OK.*)
+  fun hol_term_to_fol_FO tm =
+    case ResHolClause.strip_comb tm of
+        (ResHolClause.CombConst(c,_,tys), tms) =>
+          let val tyargs = map hol_type_to_fol tys
+              val args   = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
+          in Metis.Term.Fn (c, tyargs @ args) end
+      | (ResHolClause.CombVar(v,_), []) => Metis.Term.Var v
+      | _ => error "hol_term_to_fol_FO";
+  fun hol_term_to_fol_HO (ResHolClause.CombVar(a, ty)) = Metis.Term.Var a
+    | hol_term_to_fol_HO (ResHolClause.CombConst(a, ty, tylist)) =
+        Metis.Term.Fn(fn_isa_to_met a, map hol_type_to_fol tylist)
+    | hol_term_to_fol_HO (ResHolClause.CombApp(tm1,tm2)) =
+         Metis.Term.Fn(".", map hol_term_to_fol_HO [tm1,tm2]);
+  fun hol_literal_to_fol true (ResHolClause.Literal (pol, tm)) =  (*first-order*)
+        let val (ResHolClause.CombConst(p,_,tys), tms) = ResHolClause.strip_comb tm
+            val tylits = if p = "equal" then [] else map hol_type_to_fol tys
+            val lits = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
+        in metis_lit pol (fn_isa_to_met p) (tylits @ lits) end
+    | hol_literal_to_fol false (ResHolClause.Literal (pol, tm)) =    (*higher-order*)
+        case ResHolClause.strip_comb tm of
+            (ResHolClause.CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
+              metis_lit pol "=" (map hol_term_to_fol_HO tms)
+          | _ => metis_lit pol "{}" [hol_term_to_fol_HO tm];
+  fun literals_of_hol_thm isFO  t =
+        let val (lits, types_sorts) = ResHolClause.literals_of_term t
+        in  (map (hol_literal_to_fol isFO) lits, types_sorts) end;
+  fun metis_of_typeLit (ResClause.LTVar (s,x))  = metis_lit false s [Metis.Term.Var x]
+    | metis_of_typeLit (ResClause.LTFree (s,x)) = metis_lit true  s [Metis.Term.Fn(x,[])];
+  fun metis_of_tfree tf = Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.singleton (metis_of_typeLit tf));
+  fun hol_thm_to_fol isFO th =
+    let val (mlits, types_sorts) =
+               (literals_of_hol_thm isFO o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) th
+        val (tvar_lits,tfree_lits) = ResClause.add_typs_aux types_sorts
+        val tlits = if !type_lits then map metis_of_typeLit tvar_lits else []
+    in  (Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList(tlits@mlits)), tfree_lits)  end;
+  fun m_arity_cls (ResClause.TConsLit (c,t,args)) =
+        metis_lit true (ResClause.make_type_class c) [Metis.Term.Fn(t, map Metis.Term.Var args)]
+    | m_arity_cls (ResClause.TVarLit (c,str))     =
+        metis_lit false (ResClause.make_type_class c) [Metis.Term.Var str];
+  (*TrueI is returned as the Isabelle counterpart because there isn't any.*)
+  fun arity_cls thy (ResClause.ArityClause{kind,conclLit,premLits,...}) =
+    (TrueI, Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList (map m_arity_cls (conclLit :: premLits))));
+  fun m_classrel_cls subclass superclass =
+    [metis_lit false subclass [Metis.Term.Var "T"], metis_lit true superclass [Metis.Term.Var "T"]];
+  fun classrel_cls thy (ResClause.ClassrelClause {axiom_name,subclass,superclass,...}) =
+    (TrueI, Metis.Thm.axiom (Metis.LiteralSet.fromList (m_classrel_cls subclass superclass)));
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* FOL to HOL  (Metis to Isabelle)                                           *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ datatype term_or_type = Term of Term.term | Type of Term.typ;
+  fun terms_of [] = []
+    | terms_of (Term t :: tts) = t :: terms_of tts
+    | terms_of (Type _ :: tts) = terms_of tts;
+  fun types_of [] = []
+    | types_of (Term (Term.Var((a,idx), T)) :: tts) =
+        if String.isPrefix "_" a then
+            (*Variable generated by Metis, which might have been a type variable.*)
+            TVar(("'" ^ a, idx), HOLogic.typeS) :: types_of tts
+        else types_of tts
+    | types_of (Term _ :: tts) = types_of tts
+    | types_of (Type T :: tts) = T :: types_of tts;
+  fun apply_list rator nargs rands =
+    let val trands = terms_of rands
+    in  if length trands = nargs then Term (list_comb(rator, trands))
+        else error ("apply_list: wrong number of arguments: " ^ Display.raw_string_of_term rator ^
+                    " expected " ^
+                    Int.toString nargs ^ " received " ^ commas (map Display.raw_string_of_term trands))
+    end;
+(*Instantiate constant c with the supplied types, but if they don't match its declared
+  sort constraints, replace by a general type.*)
+fun const_of ctxt (c,Ts) =  Const (c, dummyT)
+(*Formerly, this code was used. Now, we just leave it all to type inference!
+  let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+      and (types, sorts) = Variable.constraints_of ctxt
+      val declaredT = Consts.the_constraint (Sign.consts_of thy) c
+      val t = Rc.fix_sorts sorts (Const(c, Sign.const_instance thy (c,Ts)))
+  in
+      Sign.typ_match thy (declaredT, type_of t) Vartab.empty;
+      t
+  end
+  handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => Const (c, dummyT);
+  (*We use 1 rather than 0 because variable references in clauses may otherwise conflict
+    with variable constraints in the least, type inference often fails otherwise.
+    SEE ALSO axiom_inf below.*)
+  fun mk_var w = Term.Var((w,1), HOLogic.typeT);
+  (*include the default sort, if available*)
+  fun mk_tfree ctxt w =
+    let val ww = "'" ^ w
+    in  TFree(ww, getOpt (Variable.def_sort ctxt (ww,~1), HOLogic.typeS))  end;
+  (*Remove the "apply" operator from an HO term*)
+  fun strip_happ args (Metis.Term.Fn(".",[t,u])) = strip_happ (u::args) t
+    | strip_happ args x = (x, args);
+  (*Maps metis terms to isabelle terms*)
+  fun fol_term_to_hol_RAW ctxt fol_tm =
+    let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "fol_term_to_hol: " ^ Metis.Term.toString fol_tm)
+        fun tm_to_tt (Metis.Term.Var v) =
+               (case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.tvar_prefix v of
+                    SOME w => Type (Rc.make_tvar w)
+                  | NONE =>
+                case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.schematic_var_prefix v of
+                    SOME w => Term (mk_var w)
+                  | NONE   => Term (mk_var v) )
+                      (*Var from Metis with a name like _nnn; possibly a type variable*)
+          | tm_to_tt (Metis.Term.Fn ("{}", [arg])) = tm_to_tt arg   (*hBOOL*)
+          | tm_to_tt (t as Metis.Term.Fn (".",_)) =
+              let val (rator,rands) = strip_happ [] t
+              in  case rator of
+                      Metis.Term.Fn(fname,ts) => applic_to_tt (fname, ts @ rands)
+                    | _ => case tm_to_tt rator of
+                               Term t => Term (list_comb(t, terms_of (map tm_to_tt rands)))
+                             | _ => error "tm_to_tt: HO application"
+              end
+          | tm_to_tt (Metis.Term.Fn (fname, args)) = applic_to_tt (fname,args)
+        and applic_to_tt ("=",ts) =
+              Term (list_comb(Const ("op =", HOLogic.typeT), terms_of (map tm_to_tt ts)))
+          | applic_to_tt (a,ts) =
+              case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.const_prefix a of
+                  SOME b =>
+                    let val c = Rc.invert_const b
+                        val ntypes = Rc.num_typargs thy c
+                        val nterms = length ts - ntypes
+                        val tts = map tm_to_tt ts
+                        val tys = types_of (List.take(tts,ntypes))
+                        val ntyargs = Rc.num_typargs thy c
+                    in if length tys = ntyargs then
+                           apply_list (const_of ctxt (c, tys)) nterms (List.drop(tts,ntypes))
+                       else error ("Constant " ^ c ^ " expects " ^ Int.toString ntyargs ^
+                                   " but gets " ^ Int.toString (length tys) ^
+                                   " type arguments\n" ^
+                                   space_implode "\n" (map (ProofContext.string_of_typ ctxt) tys) ^
+                                   " the terms are \n" ^
+                                   space_implode "\n" (map (ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt) (terms_of tts)))
+                       end
+                | NONE => (*Not a constant. Is it a type constructor?*)
+              case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.tconst_prefix a of
+                  SOME b => Type (Term.Type(Rc.invert_type_const b, types_of (map tm_to_tt ts)))
+                | NONE => (*Maybe a TFree. Should then check that ts=[].*)
+              case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.tfree_prefix a of
+                  SOME b => Type (mk_tfree ctxt b)
+                | NONE => (*a fixed variable? They are Skolem functions.*)
+              case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.fixed_var_prefix a of
+                  SOME b =>
+                    let val opr = Term.Free(b, HOLogic.typeT)
+                    in  apply_list opr (length ts) (map tm_to_tt ts)  end
+                | NONE => error ("unexpected metis function: " ^ a)
+    in  case tm_to_tt fol_tm of Term t => t | _ => error "fol_tm_to_tt: Term expected"  end;
+  fun fol_terms_to_hol ctxt fol_tms =
+    let val ts = map (fol_term_to_hol_RAW ctxt) fol_tms
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  calling infer_types:")
+        val _ = app (fn t => Output.debug (fn () => ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t)) ts
+        val ts' = ProofContext.infer_types_pats ctxt ts
+                    (*DO NOT freeze TVars in the result*)
+        val _ = app (fn t => Output.debug
+                      (fn () => "  final term: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t ^
+                                "  of type  " ^ ProofContext.string_of_typ ctxt (type_of t)))
+                    ts'
+    in  ts'  end;
+  fun mk_not (Const ("Not", _) $ b) = b
+    | mk_not b = HOLogic.mk_not b;
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* FOL step Inference Rules                                                  *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (*for debugging only*)
+  fun print_thpair (fth,th) =
+    (Output.debug (fn () => "=============================================");
+     Output.debug (fn () => "Metis: " ^ Metis.Thm.toString fth);
+     Output.debug (fn () => "Isabelle: " ^ string_of_thm th));
+  fun lookth thpairs (fth : Metis.Thm.thm) =
+    valOf (AList.lookup (uncurry Metis.Thm.equal) thpairs fth)
+    handle Option => error ("Failed to find a Metis theorem " ^ Metis.Thm.toString fth);
+  fun is_TrueI th = Thm.eq_thm(TrueI,th);
+fun inst_excluded_middle th thy i_atm =
+    let val vx = hd (term_vars (prop_of th))
+        val substs = [(cterm_of thy vx, cterm_of thy i_atm)]
+    in  cterm_instantiate substs th  end;
+  fun axiom_inf ctxt thpairs th = incr_indexes 1 (lookth thpairs th);
+      (*This causes variables to have an index of 1 by default. SEE ALSO mk_var above.*)
+  fun assume_inf ctxt atm =
+    inst_excluded_middle EXCLUDED_MIDDLE
+      (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
+      (singleton (fol_terms_to_hol ctxt) (Metis.Term.Fn atm));
+  (* INFERENCE RULE: INSTANTIATE. Type instantiations are ignored. Attempting to reconstruct
+     them admits new possibilities of errors, e.g. concerning sorts. Instead we try to arrange
+     that new TVars are distinct and that types can be inferred from terms.*)
+  fun inst_inf ctxt thpairs fsubst th =
+    let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        val i_th   = lookth thpairs th
+        val i_th_vars = term_vars (prop_of i_th)
+        fun find_var x = valOf (List.find (fn Term.Var((a,_),_) => a=x) i_th_vars)
+        fun subst_translation (x,y) =
+              let val v = find_var x
+                  val t = fol_term_to_hol_RAW ctxt y
+              in  SOME (cterm_of thy v, t)  end
+              handle Option => NONE (*List.find failed for the variable.*)
+        fun remove_typeinst (a, t) =
+              case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.schematic_var_prefix a of
+                  SOME b => SOME (b, t)
+                | NONE   => case Rc.strip_prefix ResClause.tvar_prefix a of
+                  SOME _ => NONE          (*type instantiations are forbidden!*)
+                | NONE   => SOME (a,t)    (*internal Metis var?*)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  isa th: " ^ string_of_thm i_th)
+        val substs = List.mapPartial remove_typeinst (Metis.Subst.toList fsubst)
+        val (vars,rawtms) = ListPair.unzip (List.mapPartial subst_translation substs)
+        val tms = ProofContext.infer_types_pats ctxt rawtms
+        val ctm_of = cterm_of thy o (map_types o Logic.incr_tvar) (1 + Thm.maxidx_of i_th)
+        val substs' = (vars, map ctm_of tms)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn() => "subst_translations:")
+        val _ = app (fn (x,y) => Output.debug (fn () => string_of_cterm x ^ " |-> " ^
+                                                        string_of_cterm y))
+                  substs'
+    in  cterm_instantiate substs' i_th  end;
+  fun resolve_inf ctxt thpairs atm th1 th2 =
+    let
+      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+      val i_th1 = lookth thpairs th1 and i_th2 = lookth thpairs th2
+      val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  isa th1 (pos): " ^ string_of_thm i_th1)
+      val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  isa th2 (neg): " ^ string_of_thm i_th2)
+    in
+      if is_TrueI i_th1 then i_th2 (*Trivial cases where one operand is type info*)
+      else if is_TrueI i_th2 then i_th1
+      else
+        let
+          val i_atm = singleton (fol_terms_to_hol ctxt) (Metis.Term.Fn atm)
+          val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  atom: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt i_atm)
+          val prems_th1 = prems_of i_th1
+          val prems_th2 = prems_of i_th2
+          val index_th1 = get_index (mk_not i_atm) prems_th1
+                handle Empty => error "Failed to find literal in th1"
+          val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  index_th1: " ^ Int.toString index_th1)
+          val index_th2 = get_index i_atm prems_th2
+                handle Empty => error "Failed to find literal in th2"
+          val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "  index_th2: " ^ Int.toString index_th2)
+      in  (select_literal index_th1 i_th1) RSN (index_th2, i_th2)  end
+    end;
+  fun refl_inf ctxt lit =
+    let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        val v_x = hd (term_vars (prop_of REFL_THM))
+        val i_lit = singleton (fol_terms_to_hol ctxt) lit
+    in  cterm_instantiate [(cterm_of thy v_x, cterm_of thy i_lit)] REFL_THM  end;
+  fun get_ty_arg_size thy (Const("op =",_)) = 0  (*equality has no type arguments*)
+    | get_ty_arg_size thy (Const(c,_))      = (Rc.num_typargs thy c handle TYPE _ => 0)
+    | get_ty_arg_size thy _      = 0;
+  fun equality_inf ctxt isFO thpairs (pos,atm) fp fr =
+    let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        val [i_atm,i_tm] = fol_terms_to_hol ctxt [Metis.Term.Fn atm, fr]
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "sign of the literal: " ^ Bool.toString pos)
+        fun replace_item_list lx 0 (l::ls) = lx::ls
+          | replace_item_list lx i (l::ls) = l :: replace_item_list lx (i-1) ls
+        fun path_finder_FO tm (p::ps) =
+              let val (tm1,args) = Term.strip_comb tm
+                  val adjustment = get_ty_arg_size thy tm1
+                  val p' = if adjustment > p then p else p-adjustment
+                  val tm_p = List.nth(args,p')
+                    handle Subscript => error ("equality_inf: " ^ Int.toString p ^ " adj " ^ Int.toString adjustment  ^ " term " ^  ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt tm)
+              in
+                  Output.debug (fn () => "path_finder: " ^ Int.toString p ^
+                                        "  " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt tm_p);
+                  if null ps   (*FIXME: why not use pattern-matching and avoid repetition*)
+                  then (tm_p, list_comb (tm1, replace_item_list (Term.Bound 0) p' args))
+                  else let val (r,t) = path_finder_FO tm_p ps
+                       in (r, list_comb (tm1, replace_item_list t p' args)) end
+              end
+        fun path_finder_HO tm [] = (tm, Term.Bound 0)
+          | path_finder_HO (t$u) (0::ps) = (fn(x,y) => (x, y$u)) (path_finder_HO t ps)
+          | path_finder_HO (t$u) (p::ps) = (fn(x,y) => (x, t$y)) (path_finder_HO u ps)
+        fun path_finder true tm ps = path_finder_FO tm ps
+          | path_finder false (tm as Const("op =",_) $ _ $ _) (p::ps) =
+               (*equality: not curried, as other predicates are*)
+               if p=0 then path_finder_HO tm (0::1::ps)  (*select first operand*)
+               else path_finder_HO tm (p::ps)        (*1 selects second operand*)
+          | path_finder false tm (p::ps) =
+               path_finder_HO tm ps      (*if not equality, ignore head to skip hBOOL*)
+        fun path_finder_lit ((nt as Term.Const ("Not", _)) $ tm_a) idx =
+              let val (tm, tm_rslt) = path_finder isFO tm_a idx
+              in (tm, nt $ tm_rslt) end
+          | path_finder_lit tm_a idx = path_finder isFO tm_a idx
+        val (tm_subst, body) = path_finder_lit i_atm fp
+        val tm_abs = Term.Abs("x", Term.type_of tm_subst, body)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "abstraction: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt tm_abs)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "i_tm: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt i_tm)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "located term: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt tm_subst)
+        val imax = maxidx_of_term (i_tm $ tm_abs $ tm_subst)  (*ill typed but gives right max*)
+        val subst' = incr_indexes (imax+1) (if pos then subst_em else ssubst_em)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "subst' " ^ string_of_thm subst')
+        val eq_terms = map (pairself (cterm_of thy))
+                           ( (term_vars (prop_of subst'), [tm_abs, tm_subst, i_tm]))
+    in  cterm_instantiate eq_terms subst'  end;
+  fun step ctxt isFO thpairs (fol_th, Metis.Proof.Axiom _)                        =
+        axiom_inf ctxt thpairs fol_th
+    | step ctxt isFO thpairs (_, Metis.Proof.Assume f_atm)                        =
+        assume_inf ctxt f_atm
+    | step ctxt isFO thpairs (_, Metis.Proof.Subst(f_subst, f_th1))                =
+        inst_inf ctxt thpairs f_subst f_th1
+    | step ctxt isFO thpairs (_, Metis.Proof.Resolve(f_atm, f_th1, f_th2))        =
+        resolve_inf ctxt thpairs f_atm f_th1 f_th2
+    | step ctxt isFO thpairs (_, Metis.Proof.Refl f_tm)                           =
+        refl_inf ctxt f_tm
+    | step ctxt isFO thpairs (_, Metis.Proof.Equality(f_lit, f_p, f_r)) =
+        equality_inf ctxt isFO thpairs f_lit f_p f_r;
+  val factor = Seq.hd o distinct_subgoals_tac;
+  fun real_literal (b, (c, _)) = not (String.isPrefix ResClause.class_prefix c);
+  fun translate isFO _    thpairs [] = thpairs
+    | translate isFO ctxt thpairs ((fol_th, inf) :: infpairs) =
+        let val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "=============================================")
+            val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "METIS THM: " ^ Metis.Thm.toString fol_th)
+            val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "INFERENCE: " ^ Metis.Proof.inferenceToString inf)
+            val th = Meson.flexflex_first_order (factor (step ctxt isFO thpairs (fol_th, inf)))
+            val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "ISABELLE THM: " ^ string_of_thm th)
+            val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "=============================================")
+        in
+            if nprems_of th =
+        length (filter real_literal (Metis.LiteralSet.toList (Metis.Thm.clause fol_th))) then ()
+            else error "Metis: proof reconstruction has gone wrong";
+            translate isFO ctxt ((fol_th, th) :: thpairs) infpairs
+        end;
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* Translation of HO Clauses                                                 *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun cnf_th th = hd (ResAxioms.cnf_axiom th);
+  val equal_imp_fequal' = cnf_th (thm"equal_imp_fequal");
+  val fequal_imp_equal' = cnf_th (thm"fequal_imp_equal");
+  val comb_I  = ResHolClause.comb_I  RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq;
+  val comb_K  = ResHolClause.comb_K  RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq;
+  val comb_B  = ResHolClause.comb_B  RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq;
+  val ext_thm = cnf_th ResHolClause.ext;
+  fun dest_Arity (ResClause.ArityClause{premLits,...}) =
+        map ResClause.class_of_arityLit premLits;
+  fun type_ext thy tms =
+    let val subs = ResAtp.tfree_classes_of_terms tms
+        val supers = ResAtp.tvar_classes_of_terms tms
+        and tycons = ResAtp.type_consts_of_terms thy tms
+        val arity_clauses = ResClause.make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
+        val (supers',arity_clauses) = ResClause.make_arity_clauses thy tycons supers
+        val classrel_clauses = ResClause.make_classrel_clauses thy subs supers'
+    in  map (classrel_cls thy) classrel_clauses @ map (arity_cls thy) arity_clauses
+    end;
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* Logic maps manage the interface between HOL and first-order logic.        *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type logic_map =
+    {isFO   : bool,
+     axioms : (Metis.Thm.thm * Thm.thm) list,
+     tfrees : ResClause.type_literal list};
+  fun const_in_metis c (pol,(pred,tm_list)) =
+    let
+      fun in_mterm (Metis.Term.Var nm) = false
+        | in_mterm (Metis.Term.Fn (".", tm_list)) = exists in_mterm tm_list
+        | in_mterm (Metis.Term.Fn (nm, tm_list)) = c=nm orelse exists in_mterm tm_list
+    in  c=pred orelse exists in_mterm tm_list  end;
+  (*transform isabelle clause to metis clause *)
+  fun add_thm thy (ith, {isFO, axioms, tfrees}) : logic_map =
+    let val (mth, tfree_lits) = hol_thm_to_fol isFO ith
+        fun add_tfree (tf, axs) =
+              if member (op=) tfrees tf then axs
+              else (metis_of_tfree tf, TrueI) :: axs
+        val new_axioms = foldl add_tfree [] tfree_lits
+    in
+       {isFO = isFO,
+        axioms = (mth, Meson.make_meta_clause ith) :: (new_axioms @ axioms),
+        tfrees = tfree_lits union tfrees}
+    end;
+  (*transform isabelle type / arity clause to metis clause *)
+  fun add_type_thm [] lmap = lmap
+    | add_type_thm ((ith, mth) :: cls) {isFO, axioms, tfrees} =
+        add_type_thm cls {isFO = isFO,
+                          axioms = (mth, ith) :: axioms,
+                          tfrees = tfrees}
+  (* Function to generate metis clauses, including comb and type clauses *)
+  fun build_map mode thy cls ths =
+    let val isFO = (mode = ResAtp.Fol) orelse
+                    (mode <> ResAtp.Hol andalso ResAtp.is_fol_thms (cls @ ths))
+        val lmap = foldl (add_thm thy) {isFO = isFO, axioms = [], tfrees = []} (cls @ ths)
+        val clause_lists = map (Metis.Thm.clause o #1) (#axioms lmap)
+        fun used c = exists (Metis.LiteralSet.exists (const_in_metis c)) clause_lists
+        (*Now check for the existence of certain combinators*)
+        val IK    = if used "c_COMBI" orelse used "c_COMBK" then [comb_I,comb_K] else []
+        val BC    = if used "c_COMBB" then [comb_B] else []
+        val EQ    = if used "c_fequal" then [fequal_imp_equal', equal_imp_fequal'] else []
+        val lmap' = if isFO then lmap else foldl (add_thm thy) lmap ([ext_thm] @ EQ @ IK @ BC)
+    in
+        add_type_thm (type_ext thy (map prop_of (cls @ ths))) lmap'
+    end;
+  fun refute cls =
+      Metis.Resolution.loop ( Metis.Resolution.default cls);
+  fun is_false t = t aconv (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop HOLogic.false_const);
+  (* Main function to start metis prove and reconstruction *)
+  fun FOL_SOLVE mode ctxt cls ths =
+    let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+        val _ = if exists(is_false o prop_of) cls then error "problem contains the empty clause"
+                else ();
+        val _ = ResClause.init thy
+        val _ = ResHolClause.init thy
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "FOL_SOLVE: CONJECTURE CLAUSES")
+        val _ = app (fn th => Output.debug (fn () => string_of_thm th)) cls
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "THEOREM CLAUSES")
+        val _ = app (fn th => Output.debug (fn () => string_of_thm th)) ths
+        val {isFO,axioms,tfrees} = build_map mode thy cls ths
+        val _ = if null tfrees then ()
+                else (Output.debug (fn () => "TFREE CLAUSES");
+                      app (fn tf => Output.debug (fn _ => ResClause.tptp_of_typeLit tf)) tfrees)
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "CLAUSES GIVEN TO METIS")
+        val thms = map #1 axioms
+        val _ = app (fn th => Output.debug (fn () => Metis.Thm.toString th)) thms
+        val _ = if isFO
+                then Output.debug (fn () => "goal is first-order")
+                else Output.debug (fn () => "goal is higher-order")
+        val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "START METIS PROVE PROCESS")
+    in
+        case refute thms of
+            Metis.Resolution.Contradiction mth =>
+              let val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "METIS RECONSTRUCTION START: " ^
+                            Metis.Thm.toString mth)
+                  val ctxt' = fold Variable.declare_constraints (map prop_of cls) ctxt
+                               (*add constraints arising from converting goal to clause form*)
+                  val result = translate isFO ctxt' axioms (Metis.Proof.proof mth)
+                  val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "METIS COMPLETED")
+              in
+                  case result of
+                      (_,ith)::_ => (Output.debug (fn () => "success: " ^ string_of_thm ith); ith)
+                    | _ => error "METIS: no result"
+              end
+          | Metis.Resolution.Satisfiable _ => error "Metis finds the theorem to be invalid"
+    end;
+  fun metis_general_tac mode ctxt ths i st0 =
+    let val _ = Output.debug (fn () => "Metis called with theorems " ^ cat_lines (map string_of_thm ths))
+        val ths' = ResAxioms.cnf_rules_of_ths ths
+    in
+       (MESON ResAxioms.neg_clausify (fn cls => rtac (FOL_SOLVE mode ctxt cls ths') 1) i
+        THEN ResAxioms.expand_defs_tac st0) st0
+    end;
+  fun metis_tac ths gno st =
+    metis_general_tac ResAtp.Auto (ProofContext.init (theory_of_thm st)) ths gno st;
+  fun metisF_tac ths gno st =
+    metis_general_tac ResAtp.Fol (ProofContext.init (theory_of_thm st)) ths gno st;
+  fun metisH_tac ths gno st =
+    metis_general_tac ResAtp.Hol (ProofContext.init (theory_of_thm st)) ths gno st;
+  fun metis_meth mode ths ctxt =
+    Method.SIMPLE_METHOD'
+      (setmp ResHolClause.typ_level ResHolClause.T_CONST  (*constant-typed*)
+        (setmp ResHolClause.minimize_applies false        (*avoid this optimization*)
+          (CHANGED_PROP o metis_general_tac mode ctxt ths)));
+  fun metis  ths ctxt = metis_meth ResAtp.Auto ths ctxt;
+  fun metisF ths ctxt = metis_meth ResAtp.Fol  ths ctxt;
+  fun metisH ths ctxt = metis_meth ResAtp.Hol  ths ctxt;
+  val setup =
+    Method.add_methods
+      [("metis",  Method.thms_ctxt_args metis,  "METIS for FOL & HOL problems"),
+       ("metisF", Method.thms_ctxt_args metisF, "METIS for FOL problems"),
+       ("metisH", Method.thms_ctxt_args metisH, "METIS for HOL problems"),
+       ("finish_clausify",
+         Method.no_args (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (K (ResAxioms.expand_defs_tac refl))),
+    "cleanup after conversion to clauses")];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/make-metis	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# $Id$
+# make-metis - turn original Metis files into Isabelle ML source.
+# Structure declarations etc. are made local by wrapping into a
+# collective structure Metis.  Signature and functor definitions are
+# global!
+THIS=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; echo $PWD)
+  cat <<EOF
+print_depth 0;
+structure Metis = struct end;
+  for FILE in $(cat "$THIS/src/FILES")
+  do
+    echo
+    echo "(**** Original file: $FILE ****)"
+    echo
+    if [ "$(basename "$FILE" .sig)" != "$FILE" ]
+    then
+      echo -e "$FILE (global)" >&2
+      "$THIS/scripts/mlpp" -c isabelle "src/$FILE" | \
+      perl -p -e 's/\b([A-Za-z]+\.[A-Za-z]+)/Metis.\1/g;' -e 's/\bfrag\b/Metis.frag/;'
+    elif fgrep -q functor "src/$FILE"
+    then
+      "$THIS/scripts/mlpp" -c isabelle "src/$FILE" | \
+      perl -p -e 's/ union / op union /g;' -e 's/ subset / op subset /g;'
+    else
+      echo -e "$FILE (local)" >&2
+      echo "structure Metis = struct open Metis"
+      cat < "metis-env"
+      "$THIS/scripts/mlpp" -c isabelle "src/$FILE"
+      echo "end;"
+    fi
+  done
+  echo "print_depth 10;"
+) > metis.ML
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/metis-env	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/metis.ML	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,17459 @@
+print_depth 0;
+structure Metis = struct end;
+(**** Original file: Portable.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ML SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml : string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual : 'a * 'a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val time : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(**** Original file: PortableIsabelle.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Isabelle ML SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                            *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Portable :> Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml = ml_system;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual = pointer_eq;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications a la Mosml.time.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val time = timeap;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations a la Moscow ML.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a frag = QUOTE of string | ANTIQUOTE of 'a;
+(**** Original file: PP.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PP -- pretty-printing -- from the SML/NJ library                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Modified for Moscow ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its     *)
+(* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,          *)
+(* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that    *)
+(* both the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty         *)
+(* disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of       *)
+(* AT&T Bell Laboratories or any AT&T entity not be used in advertising      *)
+(* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without           *)
+(* specific, written prior permission.                                       *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* AT&T disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including     *)
+(* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no event       *)
+(* shall AT&T be liable for any special, indirect or consequential           *)
+(* damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or     *)
+(* profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other            *)
+(* tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or          *)
+(* performance of this software.                                             *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature PP =
+  type ppstream
+  type ppconsumer =
+       {consumer : string -> unit,
+        linewidth : int,
+        flush : unit -> unit}
+  datatype break_style = 
+  val mk_ppstream : ppconsumer -> ppstream
+  val dest_ppstream : ppstream -> ppconsumer
+  val add_break : ppstream -> int * int -> unit
+  val add_newline : ppstream -> unit
+  val add_string : ppstream -> string -> unit
+  val begin_block : ppstream -> break_style -> int -> unit
+  val end_block : ppstream -> unit
+  val clear_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
+  val flush_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
+  val with_pp : ppconsumer -> (ppstream -> unit) -> unit
+  val pp_to_string : int -> (ppstream -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
+   This structure provides tools for creating customized Oppen-style
+   pretty-printers, based on the type ppstream.  A ppstream is an
+   output stream that contains prettyprinting commands.  The commands
+   are placed in the stream by various function calls listed below.
+   There following primitives add commands to the stream:
+   begin_block, end_block, add_string, add_break, and add_newline.
+   All calls to add_string, add_break, and add_newline must happen
+   between a pair of calls to begin_block and end_block must be
+   properly nested dynamically.  All calls to begin_block and
+   end_block must be properly nested (dynamically).
+   [ppconsumer] is the type of sinks for pretty-printing.  A value of 
+   type ppconsumer is a record 
+                 { consumer : string -> unit,
+                   linewidth : int,
+                   flush : unit -> unit }
+   of a string consumer, a specified linewidth, and a flush function
+   which is called whenever flush_ppstream is called.
+   A prettyprinter can be called outright to print a value.  In
+   addition, a prettyprinter for a base type or nullary datatype ty
+   can be installed in the top-level system.  Then the installed
+   prettyprinter will be invoked automatically whenever a value of
+   type ty is to be printed.
+   [break_style] is the type of line break styles for blocks:
+   [CONSISTENT] specifies that if any line break occurs inside the
+   block, then all indicated line breaks occur.
+   [INCONSISTENT] specifies that breaks will be inserted to only to
+   avoid overfull lines.
+   [mk_ppstream {consumer, linewidth, flush}] creates a new ppstream
+   which invokes the consumer to output text, putting at most
+   linewidth characters on each line.
+   [dest_ppstream ppstrm] extracts the linewidth, flush function, and
+   consumer from a ppstream.
+   [add_break ppstrm (size, offset)] notifies the pretty-printer that
+   a line break is possible at this point.  
+   * When the current block style is CONSISTENT:
+      ** if the entire block fits on the remainder of the line, then
+         output size spaces; else
+      ** increase the current indentation by the block offset;
+         further indent every item of the block by offset, and add
+         one newline at every add_break in the block.
+   * When the current block style is INCONSISTENT:
+      ** if the next component of the block fits on the remainder of
+         the line, then output size spaces; else
+      ** issue a newline and indent to the current indentation level
+         plus the block offset plus the offset.
+   [add_newline ppstrm] issues a newline.
+   [add_string ppstrm str] outputs the string str to the ppstream.
+   [begin_block ppstrm style blockoffset] begins a new block and
+   level of indentation, with the given style and block offset.
+   [end_block ppstrm] closes the current block.  
+   [clear_ppstream ppstrm] restarts the stream, without affecting the
+   underlying consumer.
+   [flush_ppstream ppstrm] executes any remaining commands in the
+   ppstream (that is, flushes currently accumulated output to the
+   consumer associated with ppstrm); executes the flush function
+   associated with the consumer; and calls clear_ppstream.
+   [with_pp consumer f] makes a new ppstream from the consumer and
+   applies f (which can be thought of as a producer) to that
+   ppstream, then flushed the ppstream and returns the value of f.
+   [pp_to_string linewidth printit x] constructs a new ppstream
+   ppstrm whose consumer accumulates the output in a string s.  Then
+   evaluates (printit ppstrm x) and finally returns the string s.
+   Example 1: A simple prettyprinter for Booleans:
+       load "PP";
+       fun ppbool pps d = 
+           let open PP
+           in
+               begin_block pps INCONSISTENT 6; 
+               add_string pps (if d then "right" else "wrong");
+               end_block pps
+           end;
+   Now one may define a ppstream to print to, and exercise it:
+       val ppstrm = Metis.PP.mk_ppstream {consumer  = 
+                                    fn s => Metis.TextIO.output(Metis.TextIO.stdOut, s), 
+                                    linewidth = 72,
+                                    flush     = 
+                                     fn () => Metis.TextIO.flushOut Metis.TextIO.stdOut};
+       fun ppb b = (ppbool ppstrm b; Metis.PP.flush_ppstream ppstrm);
+       - ppb false;
+       wrong> val it = () : unit   
+   The prettyprinter may also be installed in the toplevel system;
+   then it will be used to print all expressions of type bool
+   subsequently computed:
+       - installPP ppbool;
+       > val it = () : unit
+       - 1=0;
+       > val it = wrong : bool
+       - 1=1;
+       > val it = right : bool
+   See library Meta for a description of installPP.
+   Example 2: Prettyprinting simple expressions (examples/pretty/Metis.ppexpr.sml):
+       datatype expr = 
+           Cst of int 
+         | Neg of expr
+         | Plus of expr * expr
+       fun ppexpr pps e0 = 
+           let open PP
+               fun ppe (Cst i)        = add_string pps (Metis.Int.toString i)
+                 | ppe (Neg e)        = (add_string pps "~"; ppe e)
+                 | ppe (Plus(e1, e2)) = (begin_block pps CONSISTENT 0;
+                                         add_string pps "(";
+                                         ppe e1; 
+                                         add_string pps " + ";
+                                         add_break pps (0, 1);
+                                         ppe e2; 
+                                         add_string pps ")";
+                                         end_block pps)
+           in
+               begin_block pps INCONSISTENT 0; 
+               ppe e0;
+               end_block pps
+           end
+       val _ = installPP ppexpr;
+       (* Some example values: *)
+       val e1 = Cst 1;
+       val e2 = Cst 2;
+       val e3 = Plus(e1, Neg e2);
+       val e4 = Plus(Neg e3, e3);
+       val e5 = Plus(Neg e4, e4);
+       val e6 = Plus(e5, e5);
+       val e7 = Plus(e6, e6);
+       val e8 = 
+           Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, e7))))));
+(**** Original file: PP.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PP -- pretty-printing -- from the SML/NJ library                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Modified for Moscow ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its     *)
+(* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,          *)
+(* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that    *)
+(* both the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty         *)
+(* disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of       *)
+(* AT&T Bell Laboratories or any AT&T entity not be used in advertising      *)
+(* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without           *)
+(* specific, written prior permission.                                       *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* AT&T disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including     *)
+(* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no event       *)
+(* shall AT&T be liable for any special, indirect or consequential           *)
+(* damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or     *)
+(* profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other            *)
+(* tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or          *)
+(* performance of this software.                                             *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure PP :> PP =
+open Array 
+infix 9 sub
+(* the queue library, formerly in unit Ppqueue *)
+datatype Qend = Qback | Qfront
+exception QUEUE_FULL
+exception QUEUE_EMPTY
+    fun ++ i n = (i + 1) mod n
+    fun -- i n = (i - 1) mod n
+abstype 'a queue = QUEUE of {elems: 'a array, (* the contents *)
+                             front: int ref,
+                             back: int ref,
+                             size: int}  (* fixed size of element array *)
+  fun is_empty (QUEUE{front=ref ~1, back=ref ~1,...}) = true
+    | is_empty _ = false
+  fun mk_queue n init_val =
+      if (n < 2)
+      else QUEUE{elems=array(n, init_val), front=ref ~1, back=ref ~1, size=n}
+  fun clear_queue (QUEUE{front,back,...}) = (front := ~1; back := ~1)
+  fun queue_at Qfront (QUEUE{elems,front,...}) = elems sub !front
+    | queue_at Qback (QUEUE{elems,back,...}) = elems sub !back
+  fun en_queue Qfront item (Q as QUEUE{elems,front,back,size}) =
+        if (is_empty Q)
+        then (front := 0; back := 0;
+              update(elems,0,item))
+        else let val i = --(!front) size
+             in  if (i = !back)
+                 then raise QUEUE_FULL
+                 else (update(elems,i,item); front := i)
+             end
+    | en_queue Qback item (Q as QUEUE{elems,front,back,size}) =
+        if (is_empty Q)
+        then (front := 0; back := 0;
+              update(elems,0,item))
+        else let val i = ++(!back) size
+             in  if (i = !front)
+                 then raise QUEUE_FULL
+                 else (update(elems,i,item); back := i)
+             end
+  fun de_queue Qfront (Q as QUEUE{front,back,size,...}) =
+        if (!front = !back) (* unitary queue *)
+        then clear_queue Q
+        else front := ++(!front) size
+    | de_queue Qback (Q as QUEUE{front,back,size,...}) =
+        if (!front = !back)
+        then clear_queue Q
+        else back := --(!back) size
+end (* abstype queue *)
+end (* local   *)
+val magic: 'a -> 'a = fn x => x
+(* exception PP_FAIL of string *)
+datatype break_style = CONSISTENT | INCONSISTENT
+datatype break_info
+  = FITS
+  | PACK_ONTO_LINE of int
+  | ONE_PER_LINE of int
+(* Some global values *)
+val INFINITY = 999999
+abstype indent_stack = Istack of break_info list ref
+  fun mk_indent_stack() = Istack (ref([]:break_info list))
+  fun clear_indent_stack (Istack stk) = (stk := ([]:break_info list))
+  fun top (Istack stk) =
+      case !stk
+        of nil => raise Fail "PP-error: top: badly formed block"
+	 | x::_ => x
+  fun push (x,(Istack stk)) = stk := x::(!stk)
+  fun pop (Istack stk) =
+      case !stk
+        of nil => raise Fail "PP-error: pop: badly formed block"
+	 | _::rest => stk := rest
+(* The delim_stack is used to compute the size of blocks. It is
+   a stack of indices into the token buffer. The indices only point to
+   BBs, Es, and BRs. We push BBs and Es onto the stack until a BR
+   is encountered. Then we compute sizes and pop. When we encounter
+   a BR in the middle of a block, we compute the Distance_to_next_break
+   of the previous BR in the block, if there was one.
+   We need to be able to delete from the bottom of the delim_stack, so
+   we use a queue, treated with a stack discipline, i.e., we only add
+   items at the head of the queue, but can delete from the front or
+   back of the queue.
+abstype delim_stack = Dstack of int queue
+  fun new_delim_stack i = Dstack(mk_queue i ~1)
+  fun reset_delim_stack (Dstack q) = clear_queue q
+  fun pop_delim_stack (Dstack d) = de_queue Qfront d
+  fun pop_bottom_delim_stack (Dstack d) = de_queue Qback d
+  fun push_delim_stack(i,Dstack d) = en_queue Qfront i d
+  fun top_delim_stack (Dstack d) = queue_at Qfront d
+  fun bottom_delim_stack (Dstack d) = queue_at Qback d
+  fun delim_stack_is_empty (Dstack d) = is_empty d
+type block_info = { Block_size : int ref,
+                    Block_offset : int,
+                    How_to_indent : break_style }
+(* Distance_to_next_break includes Number_of_blanks. Break_offset is
+   a local offset for the break. BB represents a sequence of contiguous
+   Begins. E represents a sequence of contiguous Ends.
+datatype pp_token
+  = S of  {String : string, Length : int}
+  | BB of {Pblocks : block_info list ref,   (* Processed   *)
+           Ublocks : block_info list ref}  (* Unprocessed *)
+  | E of  {Pend : int ref, Uend : int ref}
+  | BR of {Distance_to_next_break : int ref,
+           Number_of_blanks : int,
+           Break_offset : int}
+(* The initial values in the token buffer *)
+val initial_token_value = S{String = "", Length = 0}
+(* type ppstream = General.ppstream; *)
+datatype ppstream_ =
+  PPS of
+     {consumer : string -> unit,
+      linewidth : int,
+      flush : unit -> unit,
+      the_token_buffer : pp_token array,
+      the_delim_stack : delim_stack,
+      the_indent_stack : indent_stack,
+      ++ : int ref -> unit,    (* increment circular buffer index *)
+      space_left : int ref,    (* remaining columns on page *)
+      left_index : int ref,    (* insertion index *)
+      right_index : int ref,   (* output index *)
+      left_sum : int ref,      (* size of strings and spaces inserted *)
+      right_sum : int ref}     (* size of strings and spaces printed *)
+type ppstream = ppstream_
+type ppconsumer = {consumer : string -> unit,
+		   linewidth : int,
+		   flush : unit -> unit}
+fun mk_ppstream {consumer,linewidth,flush} =
+    if (linewidth<5)
+    then raise Fail "PP-error: linewidth too_small"
+    else let val buf_size = 3*linewidth
+          in magic(
+             PPS{consumer = consumer,
+		 linewidth = linewidth,
+		 flush = flush,
+		 the_token_buffer = array(buf_size, initial_token_value),
+		 the_delim_stack = new_delim_stack buf_size,
+		 the_indent_stack = mk_indent_stack (),
+		 ++ = fn i => i := ((!i + 1) mod buf_size),
+		 space_left = ref linewidth,
+		 left_index = ref 0, right_index = ref 0,
+		 left_sum = ref 0, right_sum = ref 0}
+                 ) : ppstream
+	 end
+fun dest_ppstream(pps : ppstream) =
+  let val PPS{consumer,linewidth,flush, ...} = magic pps
+  in {consumer=consumer,linewidth=linewidth,flush=flush} end
+  val space = " "
+  fun mk_space (0,s) = String.concat s
+    | mk_space (n,s) = mk_space((n-1), (space::s))
+  val space_table = Vector.tabulate(100, fn i => mk_space(i,[]))
+  fun nspaces n = Vector.sub(space_table, n)
+      handle General.Subscript =>
+	if n < 0
+	then ""
+	else let val n2 = n div 2
+		 val n2_spaces = nspaces n2
+		 val extra = if (n = (2*n2)) then "" else space
+              in String.concat [n2_spaces, n2_spaces, extra]
+	     end
+  fun cr_indent (ofn, i) = ofn ("\n"^(nspaces i))
+  fun indent (ofn,i) = ofn (nspaces i)
+(* Print a the first member of a contiguous sequence of Begins. If there
+   are "processed" Begins, then take the first off the list. If there are
+   no processed Begins, take the last member off the "unprocessed" list.
+   This works because the unprocessed list is treated as a stack, the
+   processed list as a FIFO queue. How can an item on the unprocessed list
+   be printable? Because of what goes on in add_string. See there for details.
+fun print_BB (_,{Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []}) =
+             raise Fail "PP-error: print_BB"
+  | print_BB (PPS{the_indent_stack,linewidth,space_left=ref sp_left,...},
+             {Pblocks as ref({How_to_indent=CONSISTENT,Block_size,
+                              Block_offset}::rst),
+              Ublocks=ref[]}) =
+       (push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+               then ONE_PER_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+               else FITS),
+	      the_indent_stack);
+        Pblocks := rst)
+  | print_BB(PPS{the_indent_stack,linewidth,space_left=ref sp_left,...},
+             {Pblocks as ref({Block_size,Block_offset,...}::rst),Ublocks=ref[]}) =
+       (push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+               then PACK_ONTO_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+               else FITS),
+	      the_indent_stack);
+        Pblocks := rst)
+  | print_BB (PPS{the_indent_stack, linewidth, space_left=ref sp_left,...},
+              {Ublocks,...}) =
+      let fun pr_end_Ublock [{How_to_indent=CONSISTENT,Block_size,Block_offset}] l =
+		(push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+			then ONE_PER_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+			else FITS),
+		       the_indent_stack);
+                 List.rev l)
+	    | pr_end_Ublock [{Block_size,Block_offset,...}] l =
+		(push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+			then PACK_ONTO_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+			else FITS),
+		       the_indent_stack);
+                 List.rev l)
+	    | pr_end_Ublock (a::rst) l = pr_end_Ublock rst (a::l)
+            | pr_end_Ublock _ _ =
+                raise Fail "PP-error: print_BB: internal error"
+       in Ublocks := pr_end_Ublock(!Ublocks) []
+      end
+(* Uend should always be 0 when print_E is called. *)
+fun print_E (_,{Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) =
+      raise Fail "PP-error: print_E"
+  | print_E (istack,{Pend, ...}) =
+      let fun pop_n_times 0 = ()
+	    | pop_n_times n = (pop istack; pop_n_times(n-1))
+       in pop_n_times(!Pend); Pend := 0
+      end
+(* "cursor" is how many spaces across the page we are. *)
+fun print_token(PPS{consumer,space_left,...}, S{String,Length}) =
+      (consumer String;
+       space_left := (!space_left) - Length)
+  | print_token(ppstrm,BB b) = print_BB(ppstrm,b)
+  | print_token(PPS{the_indent_stack,...},E e) =
+      print_E (the_indent_stack,e)
+  | print_token (PPS{the_indent_stack,space_left,consumer,linewidth,...},
+                 BR{Distance_to_next_break,Number_of_blanks,Break_offset}) =
+     (case (top the_indent_stack)
+        of FITS =>
+	     (space_left := (!space_left) - Number_of_blanks;
+              indent (consumer,Number_of_blanks))
+         | (ONE_PER_LINE cursor) =>
+             let val new_cursor = cursor + Break_offset
+              in space_left := linewidth - new_cursor;
+                 cr_indent (consumer,new_cursor)
+	     end
+         | (PACK_ONTO_LINE cursor) =>
+	     if (!Distance_to_next_break > (!space_left))
+	     then let val new_cursor = cursor + Break_offset
+		   in space_left := linewidth - new_cursor;
+		      cr_indent(consumer,new_cursor)
+		  end
+	     else (space_left := !space_left - Number_of_blanks;
+		   indent (consumer,Number_of_blanks)))
+fun clear_ppstream(pps : ppstream) =
+    let val PPS{the_token_buffer, the_delim_stack,
+                the_indent_stack,left_sum, right_sum,
+                left_index, right_index,space_left,linewidth,...}
+              = magic pps
+        val buf_size = 3*linewidth
+	fun set i =
+	    if (i = buf_size)
+	    then ()
+	    else (update(the_token_buffer,i,initial_token_value);
+		  set (i+1))
+     in set 0;
+	clear_indent_stack the_indent_stack;
+	reset_delim_stack the_delim_stack;
+	left_sum := 0; right_sum := 0;
+	left_index := 0; right_index := 0;
+	space_left := linewidth
+    end
+(* Move insertion head to right unless adding a BB and already at a BB,
+   or unless adding an E and already at an E.
+fun BB_inc_right_index(PPS{the_token_buffer, right_index, ++,...})=
+    case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+      of (BB _) => ()
+       | _ => ++right_index
+fun E_inc_right_index(PPS{the_token_buffer,right_index, ++,...})=
+    case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+      of (E _) => ()
+       | _ => ++right_index
+fun pointers_coincide(PPS{left_index,right_index,the_token_buffer,...}) =
+    (!left_index = !right_index) andalso
+    (case (the_token_buffer sub (!left_index))
+       of (BB {Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []}) => true
+	| (BB _) => false
+	| (E {Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) => true
+	| (E _) => false
+	| _ => true)
+fun advance_left (ppstrm as PPS{consumer,left_index,left_sum,
+                                the_token_buffer,++,...},
+                  instr) =
+    let val NEG = ~1
+	val POS = 0
+	fun inc_left_sum (BR{Number_of_blanks, ...}) =
+		 left_sum := (!left_sum) + Number_of_blanks
+	  | inc_left_sum (S{Length, ...}) = left_sum := (!left_sum) + Length
+	  | inc_left_sum _ = ()
+	fun last_size [{Block_size, ...}:block_info] = !Block_size
+	  | last_size (_::rst) = last_size rst
+          | last_size _ = raise Fail "PP-error: last_size: internal error"
+	fun token_size (S{Length, ...}) = Length
+	  | token_size (BB b) =
+	     (case b
+                of {Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []} =>
+                     raise Fail "PP-error: BB_size"
+	         | {Pblocks as ref(_::_),Ublocks=ref[]} => POS
+		 | {Ublocks, ...} => last_size (!Ublocks))
+	  | token_size (E{Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) =
+              raise Fail "PP-error: token_size.E"
+	  | token_size (E{Pend = ref 0, ...}) = NEG
+	  | token_size (E _) = POS
+	  | token_size (BR {Distance_to_next_break, ...}) = !Distance_to_next_break
+	fun loop (instr) =
+	    if (token_size instr < 0)  (* synchronization point; cannot advance *)
+	    then ()
+	    else (print_token(ppstrm,instr);
+		  inc_left_sum instr;
+		  if (pointers_coincide ppstrm)
+		  then ()
+		  else (* increment left index *)
+    (* When this is evaluated, we know that the left_index has not yet
+       caught up to the right_index. If we are at a BB or an E, we can
+       increment left_index if there is no work to be done, i.e., all Begins
+       or Ends have been dealt with. Also, we should do some housekeeping and
+       clear the buffer at left_index, otherwise we can get errors when
+       left_index catches up to right_index and we reset the indices to 0.
+       (We might find ourselves adding a BB to an "old" BB, with the result
+       that the index is not pushed onto the delim_stack. This can lead to
+       mangled output.)
+    *)
+		       (case (the_token_buffer sub (!left_index))
+			  of (BB {Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []}) =>
+			       (update(the_token_buffer,!left_index,
+				       initial_token_value);
+				++left_index)
+			   | (BB _) => ()
+			   | (E {Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) =>
+			       (update(the_token_buffer,!left_index,
+				       initial_token_value);
+				++left_index)
+			   | (E _) => ()
+			   | _ => ++left_index;
+			loop (the_token_buffer sub (!left_index))))
+     in loop instr
+    end
+fun begin_block (pps : ppstream) style offset =
+  let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+      val PPS{the_token_buffer, the_delim_stack,left_index,
+              left_sum, right_index, right_sum,...}
+            = ppstrm
+  in
+   (if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+    then (left_index := 0;
+	  left_sum := 1;
+	  right_index := 0;
+	  right_sum := 1)
+    else BB_inc_right_index ppstrm;
+    case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+      of (BB {Ublocks, ...}) =>
+	   Ublocks := {Block_size = ref (~(!right_sum)),
+		       Block_offset = offset,
+		       How_to_indent = style}::(!Ublocks)
+       | _ => (update(the_token_buffer, !right_index,
+		      BB{Pblocks = ref [],
+			 Ublocks = ref [{Block_size = ref (~(!right_sum)),
+					 Block_offset = offset,
+					 How_to_indent = style}]});
+	       push_delim_stack (!right_index, the_delim_stack)))
+  end
+fun end_block(pps : ppstream) =
+  let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+      val PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,right_index,...}
+            = ppstrm
+  in
+    if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+    then print_token(ppstrm,(E{Pend = ref 1, Uend = ref 0}))
+    else (E_inc_right_index ppstrm;
+	  case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+            of (E{Uend, ...}) => Uend := !Uend + 1
+	     | _ => (update(the_token_buffer,!right_index,
+			    E{Uend = ref 1, Pend = ref 0});
+		     push_delim_stack (!right_index, the_delim_stack)))
+  end
+  fun check_delim_stack(PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,right_sum,...}) =
+      let fun check k =
+	      if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+	      then ()
+	      else case(the_token_buffer sub (top_delim_stack the_delim_stack))
+		     of (BB{Ublocks as ref ((b as {Block_size, ...})::rst),
+			    Pblocks}) =>
+			   if (k>0)
+			   then (Block_size := !right_sum + !Block_size;
+				 Pblocks := b :: (!Pblocks);
+				 Ublocks := rst;
+				 if (List.length rst = 0)
+				 then pop_delim_stack the_delim_stack
+				 else ();
+				 check(k-1))
+			   else ()
+		      | (E{Pend,Uend}) =>
+			   (Pend := (!Pend) + (!Uend);
+			    Uend := 0;
+			    pop_delim_stack the_delim_stack;
+			    check(k + !Pend))
+		      | (BR{Distance_to_next_break, ...}) =>
+			   (Distance_to_next_break :=
+			      !right_sum + !Distance_to_next_break;
+			    pop_delim_stack the_delim_stack;
+			    if (k>0)
+			    then check k
+			    else ())
+                      | _ => raise Fail "PP-error: check_delim_stack.catchall"
+       in check 0
+      end
+  fun add_break (pps : ppstream) (n, break_offset) =
+    let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+        val PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,left_index,
+                right_index,left_sum,right_sum, ++, ...}
+              = ppstrm
+    in
+      (if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+       then (left_index := 0; right_index := 0;
+	     left_sum := 1;   right_sum := 1)
+       else ++right_index;
+       update(the_token_buffer, !right_index,
+	      BR{Distance_to_next_break = ref (~(!right_sum)),
+		 Number_of_blanks = n,
+		 Break_offset = break_offset});
+       check_delim_stack ppstrm;
+       right_sum := (!right_sum) + n;
+       push_delim_stack (!right_index,the_delim_stack))
+    end
+  fun flush_ppstream0(pps : ppstream) =
+    let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+        val PPS{the_delim_stack,the_token_buffer, flush, left_index,...}
+              = ppstrm
+    in
+      (if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+       then ()
+       else (check_delim_stack ppstrm;
+	     advance_left(ppstrm, the_token_buffer sub (!left_index)));
+       flush())
+    end
+end (* local *)
+fun flush_ppstream ppstrm =
+    (flush_ppstream0 ppstrm;
+     clear_ppstream ppstrm)
+fun add_string (pps : ppstream) s =
+    let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+        val PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,consumer,
+                right_index,right_sum,left_sum,
+                left_index,space_left,++,...}
+              = ppstrm
+        fun fnl [{Block_size, ...}:block_info] = Block_size := INFINITY
+	  | fnl (_::rst) = fnl rst
+          | fnl _ = raise Fail "PP-error: fnl: internal error"
+	fun set(dstack,BB{Ublocks as ref[{Block_size,...}:block_info],...}) =
+	      (pop_bottom_delim_stack dstack;
+	       Block_size := INFINITY)
+	  | set (_,BB {Ublocks = ref(_::rst), ...}) = fnl rst
+	  | set (dstack, E{Pend,Uend}) =
+	      (Pend := (!Pend) + (!Uend);
+	       Uend := 0;
+	       pop_bottom_delim_stack dstack)
+	  | set (dstack,BR{Distance_to_next_break,...}) =
+	      (pop_bottom_delim_stack dstack;
+	       Distance_to_next_break := INFINITY)
+          | set _ = raise (Fail "PP-error: add_string.set")
+	fun check_stream () =
+	    if ((!right_sum - !left_sum) > !space_left)
+	    then if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+		 then ()
+		 else let val i = bottom_delim_stack the_delim_stack
+		       in if (!left_index = i)
+			  then set (the_delim_stack, the_token_buffer sub i)
+			  else ();
+			  advance_left(ppstrm,
+                                       the_token_buffer sub (!left_index));
+		          if (pointers_coincide ppstrm)
+		          then ()
+		          else check_stream ()
+		      end
+	    else ()
+	val slen = String.size s
+	val S_token = S{String = s, Length = slen}
+    in if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+       then print_token(ppstrm,S_token)
+       else (++right_index;
+             update(the_token_buffer, !right_index, S_token);
+             right_sum := (!right_sum)+slen;
+             check_stream ())
+   end
+(* Derived form. The +2 is for peace of mind *)
+fun add_newline (pps : ppstream) =
+  let val PPS{linewidth, ...} = magic pps
+  in add_break pps (linewidth+2,0) end
+(* Derived form. Builds a ppstream, sends pretty printing commands called in
+   f to the ppstream, then flushes ppstream.
+fun with_pp ppconsumer ppfn =
+   let val ppstrm = mk_ppstream ppconsumer
+    in ppfn ppstrm;
+       flush_ppstream0 ppstrm
+   end
+   handle Fail msg =>
+     (TextIO.print (">>>> Pretty-printer failure: " ^ msg ^ "\n"))
+fun pp_to_string linewidth ppfn ob =
+    let val l = ref ([]:string list)
+	fun attach s = l := (s::(!l))
+     in with_pp {consumer = attach, linewidth=linewidth, flush = fn()=>()}
+		(fn ppstrm =>  ppfn ppstrm ob);
+	String.concat(List.rev(!l))
+    end
+(**** Original file: Random.sig ****)
+(* Random -- random number generator *)
+signature Random =
+type generator
+val newgenseed : real -> generator
+val newgen     : unit -> generator
+val random     : generator -> real
+val randomlist : int * generator -> real list
+val range      : int * int -> generator -> int
+val rangelist  : int * int -> int * generator -> int list
+   [generator] is the type of random number generators, here the
+   linear congruential generators from Paulson 1991, 1996.
+   [newgenseed seed] returns a random number generator with the given seed.
+   [newgen ()] returns a random number generator, taking the seed from
+   the system clock.
+   [random gen] returns a random number in the interval [0..1).
+   [randomlist (n, gen)] returns a list of n random numbers in the
+   interval [0,1).
+   [range (min, max) gen] returns an integral random number in the
+   range [min, max).  Raises Fail if min > max.
+   [rangelist (min, max) (n, gen)] returns a list of n integral random
+   numbers in the range [min, max).  Raises Fail if min > max.  
+(**** Original file: Random.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* Random -- Moscow ML library 1995-04-23, 1999-02-24 *)
+structure Random :> Random =
+type generator = {seedref : real ref}
+(* Generating random numbers.  Paulson, page 96 *)
+val a = 16807.0 
+val m = 2147483647.0 
+fun nextrand seed = 
+    let val t = a*seed 
+    in t - m * real(floor(t/m)) end
+fun newgenseed seed =
+    {seedref = ref (nextrand seed)};
+fun newgen () = newgenseed (Time.toReal ( ()));
+fun random {seedref as ref seed} = 
+    (seedref := nextrand seed; seed / m);
+fun randomlist (n, {seedref as ref seed0}) = 
+    let fun h 0 seed res = (seedref := seed; res)
+	  | h i seed res = h (i-1) (nextrand seed) (seed / m :: res)
+    in h n seed0 [] end;
+fun range (min, max) = 
+    if min > max then raise Fail "Random.range: empty range" 
+    else 
+	fn {seedref as ref seed} =>
+	(seedref := nextrand seed; min + (floor(real(max-min) * seed / m)));
+fun rangelist (min, max) =
+    if min > max then raise Fail "Random.rangelist: empty range" 
+    else 
+	fn (n, {seedref as ref seed0}) => 
+	let fun h 0 seed res = (seedref := seed; res)
+	      | h i seed res = h (i-1) (nextrand seed) 
+		               (min + floor(real(max-min) * seed / m) :: res)
+	in h n seed0 [] end
+(**** Original file: Useful.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ML UTILITY FUNCTIONS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Useful =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exceptions.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Error of string
+exception Bug of string
+val partial : exn -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a -> 'b
+val total : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option
+val can : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tracing.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val tracePrint : (string -> unit) ref
+val maxTraceLevel : int ref
+val traceLevel : int ref  (* in the set {0, ..., maxTraceLevel} *)
+val traceAlign : {module : string, alignment : int -> int option} list ref
+val tracing : {module : string, level : int} -> bool
+val trace : string -> unit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Combinators.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val C : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c
+val I : 'a -> 'a
+val K : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
+val S : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'c
+val W : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val funpow : int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+val exp : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> int -> 'a -> 'a
+val equal : ''a -> ''a -> bool
+val notEqual : ''a -> ''a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pairs.                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a
+val snd : 'a * 'b -> 'b
+val pair : 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b
+val swap : 'a * 'b -> 'b * 'a
+val curry : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
+val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c
+val ## : ('a -> 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c * 'd
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* State transformers.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unit : 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's
+val bind : ('s -> 'a * 's) -> ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> 's -> 'b * 's
+val mmap : ('a -> 'b) -> ('s -> 'a * 's) -> 's -> 'b * 's
+val mjoin : ('s -> ('s -> 'a * 's) * 's) -> 's -> 'a * 's
+val mwhile : ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 's -> 'a * 's) -> 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Lists: note we count elements from 0.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cons : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val hdTl : 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
+val append : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val singleton : 'a -> 'a list
+val first : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b option
+val index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int option
+val maps : ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> 'a list -> 's -> 'b list * 's
+val mapsPartial : ('a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) -> 'a list -> 's -> 'b list * 's
+val enumerate : 'a list -> (int * 'a) list
+val zipwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val zip : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
+val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list
+val cartwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val cart : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
+val divide : 'a list -> int -> 'a list * 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+val revDivide : 'a list -> int -> 'a list * 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+val updateNth : int * 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+val deleteNth : int -> 'a list -> 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sets implemented with lists.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mem : ''a -> ''a list -> bool
+val insert : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val delete : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val setify : ''a list -> ''a list  (* removes duplicates *)
+val union : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val intersect : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val difference : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val subset : ''a list -> ''a list -> bool
+val distinct : ''a list -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comparisons.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mapCompare : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b * 'b -> order) -> 'a * 'a -> order
+val revCompare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a -> order
+val prodCompare :
+    ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('b * 'b -> order) -> ('a * 'b) * ('a * 'b) -> order
+val lexCompare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> order
+val boolCompare : bool * bool -> order  (* true < false *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sorting and searching.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val minimum : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a * 'a list  (* Empty *)
+val maximum : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a * 'a list  (* Empty *)
+val merge : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val sort : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val sortMap : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b * 'b -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Integers.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val interval : int -> int -> int list
+val divides : int -> int -> bool
+val gcd : int -> int -> int
+val primes : int -> int list
+val primesUpTo : int -> int list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Strings.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rot : int -> char -> char
+val charToInt : char -> int option
+val charFromInt : int -> char option
+val nChars : char -> int -> string
+val chomp : string -> string
+val trim : string -> string
+val join : string -> string list -> string
+val split : string -> string -> string list
+val mkPrefix : string -> string -> string
+val destPrefix : string -> string -> string
+val isPrefix : string -> string -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tables.                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type columnAlignment = {leftAlign : bool, padChar : char}
+val alignColumn : columnAlignment -> string list -> string list -> string list
+val alignTable : columnAlignment list -> string list list -> string list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reals.                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val percentToString : real -> string
+val pos : real -> real
+val log2 : real -> real  (* Domain *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sum datatype.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) sum = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
+val destLeft : ('a,'b) sum -> 'a
+val isLeft : ('a,'b) sum -> bool
+val destRight : ('a,'b) sum -> 'b
+val isRight : ('a,'b) sum -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Useful impure features.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newInt : unit -> int
+val newInts : int -> int list
+val random : int -> int
+val uniform : unit -> real
+val coinFlip : unit -> bool
+val withRef : 'r ref * 'r -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The environment.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val host : unit -> string
+val time : unit -> string
+val date : unit -> string
+val readTextFile : {filename : string} -> string
+val writeTextFile : {filename : string, contents : string} -> unit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Profiling and error reporting.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val try : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val warn : string -> unit
+val die : string -> 'exit
+val timed : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> real * 'b
+val timedMany : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> real * 'b
+val executionTime : unit -> real  (* Wall clock execution time *)
+(**** Original file: Useful.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ML UTILITY FUNCTIONS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Useful :> Useful =
+infixr 0 oo ## |->
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exceptions                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Error of string;
+exception Bug of string;
+fun errorToString (Error message) = "\nError: " ^ message ^ "\n"
+  | errorToString _ = raise Bug "errorToString: not an Error exception";
+fun bugToString (Bug message) = "\nBug: " ^ message ^ "\n"
+  | bugToString _ = raise Bug "bugToString: not a Bug exception";
+fun total f x = SOME (f x) handle Error _ => NONE;
+fun can f = Option.isSome o total f;
+fun partial (e as Error _) f x = (case f x of SOME y => y | NONE => raise e)
+  | partial _ _ _ = raise Bug "partial: must take an Error exception";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tracing                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val tracePrint = ref print;
+val maxTraceLevel = ref 10;
+val traceLevel = ref 1;
+val traceAlign : {module : string, alignment : int -> int option} list ref
+  = ref [];
+  fun query m l t =
+      case List.find (fn {module, ...} => module = m) (!traceAlign) of
+        NONE => l <= t
+      | SOME {alignment,...} =>
+        case alignment l of NONE => false | SOME l => l <= t;
+  fun tracing {module,level} =
+    let
+      val ref T = maxTraceLevel
+      and ref t = traceLevel
+    in
+      0 < t andalso (T <= t orelse query module level t)
+    end;
+fun trace message = !tracePrint message;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Combinators                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun C f x y = f y x;
+fun I x = x;
+fun K x y = x;
+fun S f g x = f x (g x);
+fun W f x = f x x;
+fun funpow 0 _ x = x
+  | funpow n f x = funpow (n - 1) f (f x);
+fun exp m =
+    let
+      fun f _ 0 z = z
+        | f x y z = f (m (x,x)) (y div 2) (if y mod 2 = 0 then z else m (z,x))
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+val equal = fn x => fn y => x = y;
+val notEqual = fn x => fn y => x <> y;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pairs                                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun fst (x,_) = x;
+fun snd (_,y) = y;
+fun pair x y = (x,y);
+fun swap (x,y) = (y,x);
+fun curry f x y = f (x,y);
+fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y;
+val op## = fn (f,g) => fn (x,y) => (f x, g y);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* State transformers                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unit : 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's = pair;
+fun bind f (g : 'a -> 's -> 'b * 's) = uncurry g o f;
+fun mmap f (m : 's -> 'a * 's) = bind m (unit o f);
+fun mjoin (f : 's -> ('s -> 'a * 's) * 's) = bind f I;
+fun mwhile c b = let fun f a = if c a then bind (b a) f else unit a in f end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Lists                                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cons x y = x :: y;
+fun hdTl l = (hd l, tl l);
+fun append xs ys = xs @ ys;
+fun singleton a = [a];
+fun first f [] = NONE
+  | first f (x :: xs) = (case f x of NONE => first f xs | s => s);
+fun index p =
+  let
+    fun idx _ [] = NONE
+      | idx n (x :: xs) = if p x then SOME n else idx (n + 1) xs
+  in
+    idx 0
+  end;
+fun maps (_ : 'a -> 's -> 'b * 's) [] = unit []
+  | maps f (x :: xs) =
+    bind (f x) (fn y => bind (maps f xs) (fn ys => unit (y :: ys)));
+fun mapsPartial (_ : 'a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) [] = unit []
+  | mapsPartial f (x :: xs) =
+    bind
+      (f x)
+      (fn yo =>
+          bind
+            (mapsPartial f xs)
+            (fn ys => unit (case yo of NONE => ys | SOME y => y :: ys)));
+fun enumerate l = fst (maps (fn x => fn m => ((m, x), m + 1)) l 0);
+fun zipwith f =
+    let
+      fun z l [] [] = l
+        | z l (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = z (f x y :: l) xs ys
+        | z _ _ _ = raise Error "zipwith: lists different lengths";
+    in
+      fn xs => fn ys => rev (z [] xs ys)
+    end;
+fun zip xs ys = zipwith pair xs ys;
+fun unzip ab =
+    foldl (fn ((x, y), (xs, ys)) => (x :: xs, y :: ys)) ([], []) (rev ab);
+fun cartwith f =
+  let
+    fun aux _ res _ [] = res
+      | aux xsCopy res [] (y :: yt) = aux xsCopy res xsCopy yt
+      | aux xsCopy res (x :: xt) (ys as y :: _) =
+        aux xsCopy (f x y :: res) xt ys
+  in
+    fn xs => fn ys =>
+    let val xs' = rev xs in aux xs' [] xs' (rev ys) end
+  end;
+fun cart xs ys = cartwith pair xs ys;
+  fun revDiv acc l 0 = (acc,l)
+    | revDiv _ [] _ = raise Subscript
+    | revDiv acc (h :: t) n = revDiv (h :: acc) t (n - 1);
+  fun revDivide l = revDiv [] l;
+fun divide l n = let val (a,b) = revDivide l n in (rev a, b) end;
+fun updateNth (n,x) l =
+    let
+      val (a,b) = revDivide l n
+    in
+      case b of [] => raise Subscript | _ :: t => List.revAppend (a, x :: t)
+    end;
+fun deleteNth n l =
+    let
+      val (a,b) = revDivide l n
+    in
+      case b of [] => raise Subscript | _ :: t => List.revAppend (a,t)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sets implemented with lists                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mem x = List.exists (equal x);
+fun insert x s = if mem x s then s else x :: s;
+fun delete x s = List.filter (not o equal x) s;
+fun setify s = rev (foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v x then x else v :: x) [] s);
+fun union s t = foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then x else v :: x) t (rev s);
+fun intersect s t =
+    foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then v :: x else x) [] (rev s);
+fun difference s t =
+    foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then x else v :: x) [] (rev s);
+fun subset s t = List.all (fn x => mem x t) s;
+fun distinct [] = true
+  | distinct (x :: rest) = not (mem x rest) andalso distinct rest;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comparisons.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mapCompare f cmp (a,b) = cmp (f a, f b);
+fun revCompare cmp x_y =
+    case cmp x_y of LESS => GREATER | EQUAL => EQUAL | GREATER => LESS;
+fun prodCompare xCmp yCmp ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) =
+    case xCmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS => LESS
+    | EQUAL => yCmp (y1,y2)
+fun lexCompare cmp =
+    let
+      fun lex ([],[]) = EQUAL
+        | lex ([], _ :: _) = LESS
+        | lex (_ :: _, []) = GREATER
+        | lex (x :: xs, y :: ys) =
+          case cmp (x,y) of
+            LESS => LESS
+          | EQUAL => lex (xs,ys)
+          | GREATER => GREATER
+    in
+      lex
+    end;
+fun boolCompare (true,false) = LESS
+  | boolCompare (false,true) = GREATER
+  | boolCompare _ = EQUAL;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sorting and searching.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finding the minimum and maximum element of a list, wrt some order. *)
+fun minimum cmp =
+    let
+      fun min (l,m,r) _ [] = (m, List.revAppend (l,r))
+        | min (best as (_,m,_)) l (x :: r) =
+          min (case cmp (x,m) of LESS => (l,x,r) | _ => best) (x :: l) r
+    in
+      fn [] => raise Empty
+       | h :: t => min ([],h,t) [h] t
+    end;
+fun maximum cmp = minimum (revCompare cmp);
+(* Merge (for the following merge-sort, but generally useful too). *)
+fun merge cmp =
+    let
+      fun mrg acc [] ys = List.revAppend (acc,ys)
+        | mrg acc xs [] = List.revAppend (acc,xs)
+        | mrg acc (xs as x :: xt) (ys as y :: yt) =
+          (case cmp (x,y) of
+             GREATER => mrg (y :: acc) xs yt
+           | _ => mrg (x :: acc) xt ys)
+    in
+      mrg []
+    end;
+(* Merge sort (stable). *)
+fun sort cmp =
+    let
+      fun findRuns acc r rs [] = rev (rev (r :: rs) :: acc)
+        | findRuns acc r rs (x :: xs) =
+          case cmp (r,x) of
+            GREATER => findRuns (rev (r :: rs) :: acc) x [] xs
+          | _ => findRuns acc x (r :: rs) xs
+      fun mergeAdj acc [] = rev acc
+        | mergeAdj acc (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (acc,xs)
+        | mergeAdj acc (x :: y :: xs) = mergeAdj (merge cmp x y :: acc) xs
+      fun mergePairs [xs] = xs
+        | mergePairs l = mergePairs (mergeAdj [] l)
+    in
+      fn [] => []
+       | l as [_] => l
+       | h :: t => mergePairs (findRuns [] h [] t)
+    end;
+fun sortMap _ _ [] = []
+  | sortMap _ _ (l as [_]) = l
+  | sortMap f cmp xs =
+    let
+      fun ncmp ((m,_),(n,_)) = cmp (m,n)
+      val nxs = map (fn x => (f x, x)) xs
+      val nys = sort ncmp nxs
+    in
+      map snd nys
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Integers.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun interval m 0 = []
+  | interval m len = m :: interval (m + 1) (len - 1);
+fun divides _ 0 = true
+  | divides 0 _ = false
+  | divides a b = b mod (Int.abs a) = 0;
+  fun hcf 0 n = n
+    | hcf 1 _ = 1
+    | hcf m n = hcf (n mod m) m;
+  fun gcd m n =
+      let
+        val m = Int.abs m
+        and n = Int.abs n
+      in
+        if m < n then hcf m n else hcf n m
+      end;
+  fun both f g n = f n andalso g n;
+  fun next f = let fun nx x = if f x then x else nx (x + 1) in nx end;
+  fun looking res 0 _ _ = rev res
+    | looking res n f x =
+      let
+        val p = next f x
+        val res' = p :: res
+        val f' = both f (not o divides p)
+      in
+        looking res' (n - 1) f' (p + 1)
+      end;
+  fun calcPrimes n = looking [] n (K true) 2
+  val primesList = ref (calcPrimes 10);
+  fun primes n =
+      if length (!primesList) <= n then List.take (!primesList,n)
+      else
+        let
+          val l = calcPrimes n
+          val () = primesList := l
+        in
+          l
+        end;
+  fun primesUpTo n =
+      let
+        fun f k [] =
+            let
+              val l = calcPrimes (2 * k)
+              val () = primesList := l
+            in
+              f k (List.drop (l,k))
+            end
+          | f k (p :: ps) =
+            if p <= n then f (k + 1) ps else List.take (!primesList, k)
+      in
+        f 0 (!primesList)
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Strings.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun len l = (length l, l)
+  val upper = len (explode "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
+  val lower = len (explode "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+  fun rotate (n,l) c k =
+      List.nth (l, (k + Option.valOf (index (equal c) l)) mod n);
+  fun rot k c =
+      if Char.isLower c then rotate lower c k
+      else if Char.isUpper c then rotate upper c k
+      else c;
+fun charToInt #"0" = SOME 0
+  | charToInt #"1" = SOME 1
+  | charToInt #"2" = SOME 2
+  | charToInt #"3" = SOME 3
+  | charToInt #"4" = SOME 4
+  | charToInt #"5" = SOME 5
+  | charToInt #"6" = SOME 6
+  | charToInt #"7" = SOME 7
+  | charToInt #"8" = SOME 8
+  | charToInt #"9" = SOME 9
+  | charToInt _ = NONE;
+fun charFromInt 0 = SOME #"0"
+  | charFromInt 1 = SOME #"1"
+  | charFromInt 2 = SOME #"2"
+  | charFromInt 3 = SOME #"3"
+  | charFromInt 4 = SOME #"4"
+  | charFromInt 5 = SOME #"5"
+  | charFromInt 6 = SOME #"6"
+  | charFromInt 7 = SOME #"7"
+  | charFromInt 8 = SOME #"8"
+  | charFromInt 9 = SOME #"9"
+  | charFromInt _ = NONE;
+fun nChars x =
+    let
+      fun dup 0 l = l | dup n l = dup (n - 1) (x :: l)
+    in
+      fn n => implode (dup n [])
+    end;
+fun chomp s =
+    let
+      val n = size s
+    in
+      if n = 0 orelse String.sub (s, n - 1) <> #"\n" then s
+      else String.substring (s, 0, n - 1)
+    end;
+  fun chop [] = []
+    | chop (l as (h :: t)) = if Char.isSpace h then chop t else l;
+  val trim = implode o chop o rev o chop o rev o explode;
+fun join _ [] = "" | join s (h :: t) = foldl (fn (x,y) => y ^ s ^ x) h t;
+  fun match [] l = SOME l
+    | match _ [] = NONE
+    | match (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = if x = y then match xs ys else NONE;
+  fun stringify acc [] = acc
+    | stringify acc (h :: t) = stringify (implode h :: acc) t;
+  fun split sep =
+      let
+        val pat = String.explode sep
+        fun div1 prev recent [] = stringify [] (rev recent :: prev)
+          | div1 prev recent (l as h :: t) =
+            case match pat l of
+              NONE => div1 prev (h :: recent) t
+            | SOME rest => div1 (rev recent :: prev) [] rest
+      in
+        fn s => div1 [] [] (explode s)
+      end;
+fun pluralize {singular,plural} = fn 1 => singular | _ => plural;
+fun mkPrefix p s = p ^ s;
+fun destPrefix p =
+    let
+      fun check s = String.isPrefix p s orelse raise Error "destPrefix"
+      val sizeP = size p
+    in
+      fn s => (check s; String.extract (s,sizeP,NONE))
+    end;
+fun isPrefix p = can (destPrefix p);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tables.                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type columnAlignment = {leftAlign : bool, padChar : char}
+fun alignColumn {leftAlign,padChar} column =
+    let
+      val (n,_) = maximum (map size column)
+      fun pad entry row =
+          let
+            val padding = nChars padChar (n - size entry)
+          in
+            if leftAlign then entry ^ padding ^ row
+            else padding ^ entry ^ row
+          end
+    in
+      zipwith pad column
+    end;
+fun alignTable [] rows = map (K "") rows
+  | alignTable [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}] rows = map hd rows
+  | alignTable (align :: aligns) rows =
+    alignColumn align (map hd rows) (alignTable aligns (map tl rows));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reals.                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val realToString = Real.toString;
+fun percentToString x = Int.toString (Real.round (100.0 * x)) ^ "%";
+fun pos r = Real.max (r,0.0);
+local val ln2 = Math.ln 2.0 in fun log2 x = Math.ln x / ln2 end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sums.                                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) sum = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
+fun destLeft (Left l) = l
+  | destLeft _ = raise Error "destLeft";
+fun isLeft (Left _) = true
+  | isLeft (Right _) = false;
+fun destRight (Right r) = r
+  | destRight _ = raise Error "destRight";
+fun isRight (Left _) = false
+  | isRight (Right _) = true;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Useful impure features.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val generator = ref 0
+  fun newInt () =
+      let
+        val n = !generator
+        val () = generator := n + 1
+      in
+        n
+      end;
+  fun newInts 0 = []
+    | newInts k =
+      let
+        val n = !generator
+        val () = generator := n + k
+      in
+        interval n k
+      end;
+  val gen = Random.newgenseed 1.0;
+  fun random max = Random.range (0,max) gen;
+  fun uniform () = Random.random gen;
+  fun coinFlip () = Random.range (0,2) gen = 0;
+fun withRef (r,new) f x =
+  let
+    val old = !r
+    val () = r := new
+    val y = f x handle e => (r := old; raise e)
+    val () = r := old
+  in
+    y
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Environment.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun host () = Option.getOpt (OS.Process.getEnv "HOSTNAME", "unknown");
+fun time () = Date.fmt "%H:%M:%S" (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ()));
+fun date () = Date.fmt "%d/%m/%Y" (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ()));
+fun readTextFile {filename} =
+  let
+    open TextIO
+    val h = openIn filename
+    val contents = inputAll h
+    val () = closeIn h
+  in
+    contents
+  end;
+fun writeTextFile {filename,contents} =
+  let
+    open TextIO
+    val h = openOut filename
+    val () = output (h,contents)
+    val () = closeOut h
+  in
+    ()
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Profiling                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun err x s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, x ^ ": " ^ s ^ "\n");
+  fun try f x = f x
+      handle e as Error _ => (err "try" (errorToString e); raise e)
+           | e as Bug _ => (err "try" (bugToString e); raise e)
+           | e => (err "try" "strange exception raised"; raise e);
+  val warn = err "WARNING";
+  fun die s = (err "\nFATAL ERROR" s; OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure);
+fun timed f a =
+  let
+    val tmr = Timer.startCPUTimer ()
+    val res = f a
+    val {usr,sys,...} = Timer.checkCPUTimer tmr
+  in
+    (Time.toReal usr + Time.toReal sys, res)
+  end;
+  val MIN = 1.0;
+  fun several n t f a =
+    let
+      val (t',res) = timed f a
+      val t = t + t'
+      val n = n + 1
+    in
+      if t > MIN then (t / Real.fromInt n, res) else several n t f a
+    end;
+  fun timedMany f a = several 0 0.0 f a
+val executionTime =
+    let
+      val startTime = Time.toReal ( ())
+    in
+      fn () => Time.toReal ( ()) - startTime
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Lazy.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SUPPORT FOR LAZY EVALUATION                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2      *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Lazy =
+type 'a lazy
+val delay : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a lazy
+val force : 'a lazy -> 'a
+val memoize : (unit -> 'a) -> unit -> 'a
+(**** Original file: Lazy.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SUPPORT FOR LAZY EVALUATION                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2      *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Lazy :> Lazy =
+datatype 'a thunk =
+    Value of 'a
+  | Thunk of unit -> 'a;
+datatype 'a lazy = Lazy of 'a thunk ref;
+fun delay f = Lazy (ref (Thunk f));
+fun force (Lazy (ref (Value v))) = v
+  | force (Lazy (s as ref (Thunk f))) =
+    let
+      val v = f ()
+      val () = s := Value v
+    in
+      v
+    end;
+fun memoize f =
+    let
+      val t = delay f
+    in
+      fn () => force t
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Ordered.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED TYPES                                                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Ordered =
+type t
+val compare : t * t -> order
+  !x : t. compare (x,x) = EQUAL
+  !x y : t. compare (x,y) = LESS <=> compare (y,x) = GREATER
+  !x y : t. compare (x,y) = EQUAL ==> compare (y,x) = EQUAL
+  !x y z : t. compare (x,y) = EQUAL ==> compare (x,z) = compare (y,z)
+  !x y z : t.
+    compare (x,y) = LESS andalso compare (y,z) = LESS ==>
+    compare (x,z) = LESS
+  !x y z : t.
+    compare (x,y) = GREATER andalso compare (y,z) = GREATER ==>
+    compare (x,z) = GREATER
+(**** Original file: Ordered.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED TYPES                                                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure IntOrdered =
+struct type t = int val compare = end;
+structure StringOrdered =
+struct type t = string val compare = end;
+(**** Original file: Set.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Set =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite sets                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'elt set
+val comparison : 'elt set -> ('elt * 'elt -> order)
+val empty : ('elt * 'elt -> order) -> 'elt set
+val singleton : ('elt * 'elt -> order) -> 'elt -> 'elt set
+val null : 'elt set -> bool
+val size : 'elt set -> int
+val member : 'elt -> 'elt set -> bool
+val add : 'elt set -> 'elt -> 'elt set
+val addList : 'elt set -> 'elt list -> 'elt set
+val delete : 'elt set -> 'elt -> 'elt set  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer elements in the second set *)
+val union : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val unionList : 'elt set list -> 'elt set
+val intersect : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val intersectList : 'elt set list -> 'elt set
+val difference : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val symmetricDifference : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val disjoint : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> bool
+val subset : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> bool
+val equal : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> bool
+val filter : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val partition : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt set * 'elt set
+val count : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> int
+val foldl : ('elt * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'elt set -> 's
+val foldr : ('elt * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'elt set -> 's
+val findl : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt option
+val findr : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt option
+val firstl : ('elt -> 'a option) -> 'elt set -> 'a option
+val firstr : ('elt -> 'a option) -> 'elt set -> 'a option
+val exists : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> bool
+val all : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> bool
+val map : ('elt -> 'a) -> 'elt set -> ('elt * 'a) list
+val transform : ('elt -> 'a) -> 'elt set -> 'a list
+val app : ('elt -> unit) -> 'elt set -> unit
+val toList : 'elt set -> 'elt list
+val fromList : ('elt * 'elt -> order) -> 'elt list -> 'elt set
+val pick : 'elt set -> 'elt  (* raises Empty *)
+val random : 'elt set -> 'elt  (* raises Empty *)
+val deletePick : 'elt set -> 'elt * 'elt set  (* raises Empty *)
+val deleteRandom : 'elt set -> 'elt * 'elt set  (* raises Empty *)
+val compare : 'elt set * 'elt set -> order
+val close : ('elt set -> 'elt set) -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val toString : 'elt set -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over sets                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'elt iterator
+val mkIterator : 'elt set -> 'elt iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : 'elt set -> 'elt iterator option
+val readIterator : 'elt iterator -> 'elt
+val advanceIterator : 'elt iterator -> 'elt iterator option
+(**** Original file: RandomSet.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure RandomSet :> Set =
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+exception Error = Useful.Error;
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val K = Useful.K;
+val snd = Useful.snd;
+val randomInt = Useful.random;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random search trees.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a tree =
+    E
+  | T of
+    {size : int,
+     priority : real,
+     left : 'a tree,
+     key : 'a,
+     right : 'a tree};
+type 'a node =
+     {size : int,
+      priority : real,
+      left : 'a tree,
+      key : 'a,
+      right : 'a tree};
+datatype 'a set = Set of ('a * 'a -> order) * 'a tree;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random priorities.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val randomPriority =
+      let
+        val gen = Random.newgenseed 2.0
+      in
+        fn () => Random.random gen
+      end;
+  val priorityOrder =;
+  fun treeSingleton key =
+      T {size = 1, priority = randomPriority (),
+         left = E, key = key, right = E};
+  fun nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1 : 'a node, x2 : 'a node) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, key = k1, ...} = x1
+        and {priority = p2, key = k2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        case priorityOrder (p1,p2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => cmp (k1,k2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debugging functions.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkSizes E = 0
+    | checkSizes (T {size,left,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val l = checkSizes left
+        and r = checkSizes right
+        val () = if l + 1 + r = size then () else raise Error "wrong size"
+      in
+        size
+      end
+  fun checkSorted _ x E = x
+    | checkSorted cmp x (T {left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val x = checkSorted cmp x left
+        val () =
+            case x of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME k =>
+              case cmp (k,key) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "duplicate keys"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "unsorted"
+      in
+        checkSorted cmp (SOME key) right
+      end;
+  fun checkPriorities _ E = NONE
+    | checkPriorities cmp (T (x as {left,right,...})) =
+      let
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp left of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME l =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (l,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "left child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "left child has greater priority"
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp right of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME r =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (r,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "right child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "right child has greater priority"
+      in
+        SOME x
+      end;
+  fun checkWellformed s (set as Set (cmp,tree)) =
+      (let
+         val _ = checkSizes tree
+         val _ = checkSorted cmp NONE tree
+         val _ = checkPriorities cmp tree
+       in
+         set
+       end
+       handle Error err => raise Bug err)
+      handle Bug bug => raise Bug (s ^ "\nRandomSet.checkWellformed: " ^ bug);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun comparison (Set (cmp,_)) = cmp;
+fun empty cmp = Set (cmp,E);
+fun treeSize E = 0
+  | treeSize (T {size = s, ...}) = s;
+fun size (Set (_,tree)) = treeSize tree;
+fun mkT p l k r =
+    T {size = treeSize l + 1 + treeSize r, priority = p,
+       left = l, key = k, right = r};
+fun singleton cmp key = Set (cmp, treeSingleton key);
+  fun treePeek cmp E pkey = NONE
+    | treePeek cmp (T {left,key,right,...}) pkey =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePeek cmp left pkey
+      | EQUAL => SOME key
+      | GREATER => treePeek cmp right pkey
+  fun peek (Set (cmp,tree)) key = treePeek cmp tree key;
+(* treeAppend assumes that every element of the first tree is less than *)
+(* every element of the second tree. *)
+fun treeAppend _ t1 E = t1
+  | treeAppend _ E t2 = t2
+  | treeAppend cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+    case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p2, left = l2, key = k2, right = r2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        mkT p2 (treeAppend cmp t1 l2) k2 r2
+      end
+    | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.treeAppend: equal keys"
+    | GREATER =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+      in
+        mkT p1 l1 k1 (treeAppend cmp r1 t2)
+      end;
+(* nodePartition splits the node into three parts: the keys comparing less *)
+(* than the supplied key, an optional equal key, and the keys comparing *)
+(* greater. *)
+  fun mkLeft [] t = t
+    | mkLeft (({priority,left,key,...} : 'a node) :: xs) t =
+      mkLeft xs (mkT priority left key t);
+  fun mkRight [] t = t
+    | mkRight (({priority,key,right,...} : 'a node) :: xs) t =
+      mkRight xs (mkT priority t key right);
+  fun treePart _ _ lefts rights E = (mkLeft lefts E, NONE, mkRight rights E)
+    | treePart cmp pkey lefts rights (T x) = nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights x
+  and nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights (x as {left,key,right,...}) =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePart cmp pkey lefts (x :: rights) left
+      | EQUAL => (mkLeft lefts left, SOME key, mkRight rights right)
+      | GREATER => treePart cmp pkey (x :: lefts) rights right;
+  fun nodePartition cmp x pkey = nodePart cmp pkey [] [] x;
+(* union first calls treeCombineRemove, to combine the values *)
+(* for equal keys into the first map and remove them from the second map. *)
+(* Note that the combined key is always the one from the second map. *)
+  fun treeCombineRemove _ t1 E = (t1,E)
+    | treeCombineRemove _ E t2 = (E,t2)
+    | treeCombineRemove cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val (l1,l2) = treeCombineRemove cmp l1 l2
+        and (r1,r2) = treeCombineRemove cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2 of
+          NONE => if treeSize l2 + treeSize r2 = #size x2 then (t1,t2)
+                  else (mkT p1 l1 k1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+        | SOME k2 => (mkT p1 l1 k2 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+      end;
+  fun treeUnionDisjoint _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeUnionDisjoint _ E t2 = t2
+    | treeUnionDisjoint cmp (T x1) (T x2) =
+      case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+        LESS => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x2 x1
+      | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.unionDisjoint: equal keys"
+      | GREATER => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2
+  and nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2 =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,_,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeUnionDisjoint cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeUnionDisjoint cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        mkT p1 l k1 r
+      end;
+  fun union (s1 as Set (cmp,t1)) (Set (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then s1
+      else
+        let
+          val (t1,t2) = treeCombineRemove cmp t1 t2
+        in
+          Set (cmp, treeUnionDisjoint cmp t1 t2)
+        end;
+val union = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.union: result"
+      (union (checkWellformed "RandomSet.union: input 1" t1)
+             (checkWellformed "RandomSet.union: input 2" t2));
+(* intersect is a simple case of the union algorithm. *)
+  fun treeIntersect _ _ E = E
+    | treeIntersect _ E _ = E
+    | treeIntersect cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeIntersect cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeIntersect cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2 of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+        | SOME k2 => mkT p1 l k2 r
+      end;
+  fun intersect (s1 as Set (cmp,t1)) (Set (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then s1
+      else Set (cmp, treeIntersect cmp t1 t2);
+val intersect = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.intersect: result"
+      (intersect (checkWellformed "RandomSet.intersect: input 1" t1)
+                 (checkWellformed "RandomSet.intersect: input 2" t2));
+(* delete raises an exception if the supplied key is not found, which *)
+(* makes it simpler to maximize sharing. *)
+  fun treeDelete _ E _ = raise Error "RandomSet.delete: element not found"
+    | treeDelete cmp (T {priority,left,key,right,...}) dkey =
+      case cmp (dkey,key) of
+        LESS => mkT priority (treeDelete cmp left dkey) key right
+      | EQUAL => treeAppend cmp left right
+      | GREATER => mkT priority left key (treeDelete cmp right dkey);
+  fun delete (Set (cmp,tree)) key = Set (cmp, treeDelete cmp tree key);
+val delete = fn t => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.delete: result"
+      (delete (checkWellformed "RandomSet.delete: input" t) x);
+(* Set difference *)
+  fun treeDifference _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeDifference _ E _ = E
+    | treeDifference cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1} = x1
+        val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeDifference cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeDifference cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        if Option.isSome k2 then treeAppend cmp l r
+        else if treeSize l + treeSize r + 1 = s1 then t1
+        else mkT p1 l k1 r
+      end;
+  fun difference (Set (cmp,tree1)) (Set (_,tree2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) then Set (cmp,E)
+      else Set (cmp, treeDifference cmp tree1 tree2);
+val difference = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.difference: result"
+      (difference (checkWellformed "RandomSet.difference: input 1" t1)
+                  (checkWellformed "RandomSet.difference: input 2" t2));
+(* Subsets *)
+  fun treeSubset _ E _ = true
+    | treeSubset _ _ E = false
+    | treeSubset cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 <= s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2 andalso
+          treeSubset cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeSubset cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun subset (Set (cmp,tree1)) (Set (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeSubset cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* Set equality *)
+  fun treeEqual _ E E = true
+    | treeEqual _ E _ = false
+    | treeEqual _ _ E = false
+    | treeEqual cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 = s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun equal (Set (cmp,tree1)) (Set (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeEqual cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* filter is the basic function for preserving the tree structure. *)
+  fun treeFilter _ _ E = E
+    | treeFilter cmp pred (T {priority,left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeFilter cmp pred left
+        and right = treeFilter cmp pred right
+      in
+        if pred key then mkT priority left key right
+        else treeAppend cmp left right
+      end;
+  fun filter pred (Set (cmp,tree)) = Set (cmp, treeFilter cmp pred tree);
+(* nth picks the nth smallest key (counting from 0). *)
+  fun treeNth E _ = raise Subscript
+    | treeNth (T {left,key,right,...}) n =
+      let
+        val k = treeSize left
+      in
+        if n = k then key
+        else if n < k then treeNth left n
+        else treeNth right (n - (k + 1))
+      end;
+  fun nth (Set (_,tree)) n = treeNth tree n;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun leftSpine E acc = acc
+  | leftSpine (t as T {left,...}) acc = leftSpine left (t :: acc);
+fun rightSpine E acc = acc
+  | rightSpine (t as T {right,...}) acc = rightSpine right (t :: acc);
+datatype 'a iterator =
+    LR of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree list
+  | RL of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree list;
+fun mkLR [] = NONE
+  | mkLR (T {key,right,...} :: l) = SOME (LR (key,right,l))
+  | mkLR (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomSet.mkLR";
+fun mkRL [] = NONE
+  | mkRL (T {key,left,...} :: l) = SOME (RL (key,left,l))
+  | mkRL (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomSet.mkRL";
+fun mkIterator (Set (_,tree)) = mkLR (leftSpine tree []);
+fun mkRevIterator (Set (_,tree)) = mkRL (rightSpine tree []);
+fun readIterator (LR (key,_,_)) = key
+  | readIterator (RL (key,_,_)) = key;
+fun advanceIterator (LR (_,next,l)) = mkLR (leftSpine next l)
+  | advanceIterator (RL (_,next,l)) = mkRL (rightSpine next l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derived operations.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun null s = size s = 0;
+fun member x s = Option.isSome (peek s x);
+(* add must be primitive to get hold of the comparison function *)
+fun add s x = union s (singleton (comparison s) x);
+val add = fn s => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.add: result"
+      (add (checkWellformed "RandomSet.add: input" s) x);
+  fun unionPairs ys [] = rev ys
+    | unionPairs ys (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (ys,xs)
+    | unionPairs ys (x1 :: x2 :: xs) = unionPairs (union x1 x2 :: ys) xs;
+  fun unionList [] = raise Error "Set.unionList: no sets"
+    | unionList [s] = s
+    | unionList l = unionList (unionPairs [] l);
+  fun intersectPairs ys [] = rev ys
+    | intersectPairs ys (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (ys,xs)
+    | intersectPairs ys (x1 :: x2 :: xs) =
+      intersectPairs (intersect x1 x2 :: ys) xs;
+  fun intersectList [] = raise Error "Set.intersectList: no sets"
+    | intersectList [s] = s
+    | intersectList l = intersectList (intersectPairs [] l);
+fun symmetricDifference s1 s2 = union (difference s1 s2) (difference s2 s1);
+fun disjoint s1 s2 = null (intersect s1 s2);
+fun partition pred set = (filter pred set, filter (not o pred) set);
+  fun fold _ NONE acc = acc
+    | fold f (SOME iter) acc =
+      let
+        val key = readIterator iter
+      in
+        fold f (advanceIterator iter) (f (key,acc))
+      end;
+  fun foldl f b m = fold f (mkIterator m) b;
+  fun foldr f b m = fold f (mkRevIterator m) b;
+  fun find _ NONE = NONE
+    | find pred (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key = readIterator iter
+      in
+        if pred key then SOME key
+        else find pred (advanceIterator iter)
+      end;
+  fun findl p m = find p (mkIterator m);
+  fun findr p m = find p (mkRevIterator m);
+  fun first _ NONE = NONE
+    | first f (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key = readIterator iter
+      in
+        case f key of
+          NONE => first f (advanceIterator iter)
+        | s => s
+      end;
+  fun firstl f m = first f (mkIterator m);
+  fun firstr f m = first f (mkRevIterator m);
+fun count p = foldl (fn (x,n) => if p x then n + 1 else n) 0;
+fun fromList cmp l = List.foldl (fn (k,s) => add s k) (empty cmp) l;
+fun addList s l = union s (fromList (comparison s) l);
+fun toList s = foldr op:: [] s;
+fun map f s = rev (foldl (fn (x,l) => (x, f x) :: l) [] s);
+fun transform f s = rev (foldl (fn (x,l) => f x :: l) [] s);
+fun app f s = foldl (fn (x,()) => f x) () s;
+fun exists p s = Option.isSome (findl p s);
+fun all p s = not (exists (not o p) s);
+  fun iterCompare _ NONE NONE = EQUAL
+    | iterCompare _ NONE (SOME _) = LESS
+    | iterCompare _ (SOME _) NONE = GREATER
+    | iterCompare cmp (SOME i1) (SOME i2) =
+      keyIterCompare cmp (readIterator i1) (readIterator i2) i1 i2
+  and keyIterCompare cmp k1 k2 i1 i2 =
+      case cmp (k1,k2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL => iterCompare cmp (advanceIterator i1) (advanceIterator i2)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun compare (s1,s2) =
+      if pointerEqual (s1,s2) then EQUAL
+      else
+        case (size s1, size s2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => iterCompare (comparison s1) (mkIterator s1) (mkIterator s2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER;
+fun pick s =
+    case findl (K true) s of
+      SOME p => p
+    | NONE => raise Error "RandomSet.pick: empty";
+fun random s = case size s of 0 => raise Empty | n => nth s (randomInt n);
+fun deletePick s = let val x = pick s in (x, delete s x) end;
+fun deleteRandom s = let val x = random s in (x, delete s x) end;
+fun close f s = let val s' = f s in if equal s s' then s else close f s' end;
+fun toString s = "{" ^ (if null s then "" else Int.toString (size s)) ^ "}";
+(**** Original file: Set.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Set = RandomSet;
+(**** Original file: ElementSet.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS WITH A FIXED ELEMENT TYPE                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature ElementSet =
+type element
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite sets                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type set
+val empty : set
+val singleton : element -> set
+val null : set -> bool
+val size : set -> int
+val member : element -> set -> bool
+val add : set -> element -> set
+val addList : set -> element list -> set
+val delete : set -> element -> set  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer elements in the second set *)
+val union : set -> set -> set
+val unionList : set list -> set
+val intersect : set -> set -> set
+val intersectList : set list -> set
+val difference : set -> set -> set
+val symmetricDifference : set -> set -> set
+val disjoint : set -> set -> bool
+val subset : set -> set -> bool
+val equal : set -> set -> bool
+val filter : (element -> bool) -> set -> set
+val partition : (element -> bool) -> set -> set * set
+val count : (element -> bool) -> set -> int
+val foldl : (element * 's -> 's) -> 's -> set -> 's
+val foldr : (element * 's -> 's) -> 's -> set -> 's
+val findl : (element -> bool) -> set -> element option
+val findr : (element -> bool) -> set -> element option
+val firstl : (element -> 'a option) -> set -> 'a option
+val firstr : (element -> 'a option) -> set -> 'a option
+val exists : (element -> bool) -> set -> bool
+val all : (element -> bool) -> set -> bool
+val map : (element -> 'a) -> set -> (element * 'a) list
+val transform : (element -> 'a) -> set -> 'a list
+val app : (element -> unit) -> set -> unit
+val toList : set -> element list
+val fromList : element list -> set
+val pick : set -> element  (* raises Empty *)
+val random : set -> element  (* raises Empty *)
+val deletePick : set -> element * set  (* raises Empty *)
+val deleteRandom : set -> element * set  (* raises Empty *)
+val compare : set * set -> order
+val close : (set -> set) -> set -> set
+val toString : set -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over sets                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type iterator
+val mkIterator : set -> iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : set -> iterator option
+val readIterator : iterator -> element
+val advanceIterator : iterator -> iterator option
+(**** Original file: ElementSet.sml ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS WITH A FIXED ELEMENT TYPE                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+functor ElementSet (Key : Ordered) :> ElementSet where type element = Key.t =
+ open Metis;
+type element = Key.t;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite sets                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type set = Key.t Set.set;
+val empty = Set.empty;
+fun singleton key = Set.singleton key;
+val null = Set.null;
+val size = Set.size;
+val member = Set.member;
+val add = Set.add;
+val addList = Set.addList;
+val delete = Set.delete;
+val op union = Set.union;
+val unionList = Set.unionList;
+val intersect = Set.intersect;
+val intersectList = Set.intersectList;
+val difference = Set.difference;
+val symmetricDifference = Set.symmetricDifference;
+val disjoint = Set.disjoint;
+val op subset = Set.subset;
+val equal = Set.equal;
+val filter = Set.filter;
+val partition = Set.partition;
+val count = Set.count;
+val foldl = Set.foldl;
+val foldr = Set.foldr;
+val findl = Set.findl;
+val findr = Set.findr;
+val firstl = Set.firstl;
+val firstr = Set.firstr;
+val exists = Set.exists;
+val all = Set.all;
+val map =;
+val transform = Set.transform;
+val app =;
+val toList = Set.toList;
+fun fromList l = Set.fromList l;
+val pick = Set.pick;
+val random = Set.random;
+val deletePick = Set.deletePick;
+val deleteRandom = Set.deleteRandom;
+val compare =;
+val close = Set.close;
+val toString = Set.toString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over sets                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type iterator = Key.t Set.iterator;
+val mkIterator = Set.mkIterator;
+val mkRevIterator = Set.mkRevIterator;
+val readIterator = Set.readIterator;
+val advanceIterator = Set.advanceIterator;
+ structure Metis = struct open Metis;
+structure IntSet =
+ElementSet (IntOrdered);
+structure StringSet =
+ElementSet (StringOrdered);
+ end;
+(**** Original file: Map.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Map =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite maps                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('key,'a) map
+val new : ('key * 'key -> order) -> ('key,'a) map
+val null : ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val size : ('key,'a) map -> int
+val singleton : ('key * 'key -> order) -> 'key * 'a -> ('key,'a) map
+val inDomain : 'key -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val peek : ('key,'a) map -> 'key -> 'a option
+val insert : ('key,'a) map -> 'key * 'a -> ('key,'a) map
+val insertList : ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) list -> ('key,'a) map
+val get : ('key,'a) map -> 'key -> 'a  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer keys in the second map *)
+val union :
+    ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val intersect :
+    ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val delete : ('key,'a) map -> 'key -> ('key,'a) map  (* raises Error *)
+val difference : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val subsetDomain : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val equalDomain : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val mapPartial : ('key * 'a -> 'b option) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map
+val filter : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val map : ('key * 'a -> 'b) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map
+val app : ('key * 'a -> unit) -> ('key,'a) map -> unit
+val transform : ('a -> 'b) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map
+val foldl : ('key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> ('key,'a) map -> 's
+val foldr : ('key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> ('key,'a) map -> 's
+val findl : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) option
+val findr : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) option
+val firstl : ('key * 'a -> 'b option) -> ('key,'a) map -> 'b option
+val firstr : ('key * 'a -> 'b option) -> ('key,'a) map -> 'b option
+val exists : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val all : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val domain : ('key,'a) map -> 'key list
+val toList : ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) list
+val fromList : ('key * 'key -> order) -> ('key * 'a) list -> ('key,'a) map
+val random : ('key,'a) map -> 'key * 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val compare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('key,'a) map * ('key,'a) map -> order
+val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val toString : ('key,'a) map -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over maps                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('key,'a) iterator
+val mkIterator : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) iterator option
+val readIterator : ('key,'a) iterator -> 'key * 'a
+val advanceIterator : ('key,'a) iterator -> ('key,'a) iterator option
+(**** Original file: RandomMap.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure RandomMap :> Map =
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+exception Error = Useful.Error;
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val K = Useful.K;
+val snd = Useful.snd;
+val randomInt = Useful.random;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random search trees.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) tree =
+    E
+  | T of
+    {size : int,
+     priority : real,
+     left : ('a,'b) tree,
+     key : 'a,
+     value : 'b,
+     right : ('a,'b) tree};
+type ('a,'b) node =
+     {size : int,
+      priority : real,
+      left : ('a,'b) tree,
+      key : 'a,
+      value : 'b,
+      right : ('a,'b) tree};
+datatype ('a,'b) map = Map of ('a * 'a -> order) * ('a,'b) tree;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random priorities.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val randomPriority =
+      let
+        val gen = Random.newgenseed 2.0
+      in
+        fn () => Random.random gen
+      end;
+  val priorityOrder =;
+  fun treeSingleton (key,value) =
+      T {size = 1, priority = randomPriority (),
+         left = E, key = key, value = value, right = E};
+  fun nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1 : ('a,'b) node, x2 : ('a,'b) node) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, key = k1, ...} = x1
+        and {priority = p2, key = k2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        case priorityOrder (p1,p2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => cmp (k1,k2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debugging functions.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkSizes E = 0
+    | checkSizes (T {size,left,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val l = checkSizes left
+        and r = checkSizes right
+        val () = if l + 1 + r = size then () else raise Error "wrong size"
+      in
+        size
+      end;
+  fun checkSorted _ x E = x
+    | checkSorted cmp x (T {left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val x = checkSorted cmp x left
+        val () =
+            case x of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME k =>
+              case cmp (k,key) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "duplicate keys"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "unsorted"
+      in
+        checkSorted cmp (SOME key) right
+      end;
+  fun checkPriorities _ E = NONE
+    | checkPriorities cmp (T (x as {left,right,...})) =
+      let
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp left of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME l =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (l,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "left child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "left child has greater priority"
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp right of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME r =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (r,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "right child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "right child has greater priority"
+      in
+        SOME x
+      end;
+  fun checkWellformed s (m as Map (cmp,tree)) =
+      (let
+         val _ = checkSizes tree
+         val _ = checkSorted cmp NONE tree
+         val _ = checkPriorities cmp tree
+       in
+         m
+       end
+       handle Error err => raise Bug err)
+      handle Bug bug => raise Bug (s ^ "\nRandomMap.checkWellformed: " ^ bug);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun comparison (Map (cmp,_)) = cmp;
+fun new cmp = Map (cmp,E);
+fun treeSize E = 0
+  | treeSize (T {size = s, ...}) = s;
+fun size (Map (_,tree)) = treeSize tree;
+fun mkT p l k v r =
+    T {size = treeSize l + 1 + treeSize r, priority = p,
+       left = l, key = k, value = v, right = r};
+fun singleton cmp key_value = Map (cmp, treeSingleton key_value);
+  fun treePeek cmp E pkey = NONE
+    | treePeek cmp (T {left,key,value,right,...}) pkey =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePeek cmp left pkey
+      | EQUAL => SOME value
+      | GREATER => treePeek cmp right pkey
+  fun peek (Map (cmp,tree)) key = treePeek cmp tree key;
+(* treeAppend assumes that every element of the first tree is less than *)
+(* every element of the second tree. *)
+fun treeAppend _ t1 E = t1
+  | treeAppend _ E t2 = t2
+  | treeAppend cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+    case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p2,
+             left = l2, key = k2, value = v2, right = r2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        mkT p2 (treeAppend cmp t1 l2) k2 v2 r2
+      end
+    | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.treeAppend: equal keys"
+    | GREATER =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+      in
+        mkT p1 l1 k1 v1 (treeAppend cmp r1 t2)
+      end;
+(* nodePartition splits the node into three parts: the keys comparing less *)
+(* than the supplied key, an optional equal key, and the keys comparing *)
+(* greater. *)
+  fun mkLeft [] t = t
+    | mkLeft (({priority,left,key,value,...} : ('a,'b) node) :: xs) t =
+      mkLeft xs (mkT priority left key value t);
+  fun mkRight [] t = t
+    | mkRight (({priority,key,value,right,...} : ('a,'b) node) :: xs) t =
+      mkRight xs (mkT priority t key value right);
+  fun treePart _ _ lefts rights E = (mkLeft lefts E, NONE, mkRight rights E)
+    | treePart cmp pkey lefts rights (T x) = nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights x
+  and nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights (x as {left,key,value,right,...}) =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePart cmp pkey lefts (x :: rights) left
+      | EQUAL => (mkLeft lefts left, SOME (key,value), mkRight rights right)
+      | GREATER => treePart cmp pkey (x :: lefts) rights right;
+  fun nodePartition cmp x pkey = nodePart cmp pkey [] [] x;
+(* union first calls treeCombineRemove, to combine the values *)
+(* for equal keys into the first map and remove them from the second map. *)
+(* Note that the combined key is always the one from the second map. *)
+  fun treeCombineRemove _ _ t1 E = (t1,E)
+    | treeCombineRemove _ _ E t2 = (E,t2)
+    | treeCombineRemove cmp f (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val (l1,l2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f l1 l2
+        and (r1,r2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2_v2 of
+          NONE =>
+          if treeSize l2 + treeSize r2 = #size x2 then (t1,t2)
+          else (mkT p1 l1 k1 v1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+        | SOME (k2,v2) =>
+          case f (v1,v2) of
+            NONE => (treeAppend cmp l1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+          | SOME v => (mkT p1 l1 k2 v r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+      end;
+  fun treeUnionDisjoint _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeUnionDisjoint _ E t2 = t2
+    | treeUnionDisjoint cmp (T x1) (T x2) =
+      case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+        LESS => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x2 x1
+      | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.unionDisjoint: equal keys"
+      | GREATER => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2
+  and nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2 =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,_,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeUnionDisjoint cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeUnionDisjoint cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        mkT p1 l k1 v1 r
+      end;
+  fun union f (m1 as Map (cmp,t1)) (Map (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then m1
+      else
+        let
+          val (t1,t2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f t1 t2
+        in
+          Map (cmp, treeUnionDisjoint cmp t1 t2)
+        end;
+val union = fn f => fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: result"
+      (union f (checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: input 1" t1)
+               (checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: input 2" t2));
+(* intersect is a simple case of the union algorithm. *)
+  fun treeIntersect _ _ _ E = E
+    | treeIntersect _ _ E _ = E
+    | treeIntersect cmp f (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeIntersect cmp f l1 l2
+        and r = treeIntersect cmp f r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2_v2 of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+        | SOME (k2,v2) =>
+          case f (v1,v2) of
+            NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+          | SOME v => mkT p1 l k2 v r
+      end;
+  fun intersect f (m1 as Map (cmp,t1)) (Map (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then m1
+      else Map (cmp, treeIntersect cmp f t1 t2);
+val intersect = fn f => fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: result"
+      (intersect f (checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: input 1" t1)
+                   (checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: input 2" t2));
+(* delete raises an exception if the supplied key is not found, which *)
+(* makes it simpler to maximize sharing. *)
+  fun treeDelete _ E _ = raise Error "RandomMap.delete: element not found"
+    | treeDelete cmp (T {priority,left,key,value,right,...}) dkey =
+      case cmp (dkey,key) of
+        LESS => mkT priority (treeDelete cmp left dkey) key value right
+      | EQUAL => treeAppend cmp left right
+      | GREATER => mkT priority left key value (treeDelete cmp right dkey);
+  fun delete (Map (cmp,tree)) key = Map (cmp, treeDelete cmp tree key);
+val delete = fn t => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.delete: result"
+      (delete (checkWellformed "RandomMap.delete: input" t) x);
+(* Set difference on domains *)
+  fun treeDifference _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeDifference _ E _ = E
+    | treeDifference cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeDifference cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeDifference cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        if Option.isSome k2_v2 then treeAppend cmp l r
+        else if treeSize l + treeSize r + 1 = s1 then t1
+        else mkT p1 l k1 v1 r
+      end;
+  fun difference (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      Map (cmp, treeDifference cmp tree1 tree2);
+val difference = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: result"
+      (difference (checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: input 1" t1)
+                  (checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: input 2" t2));
+(* subsetDomain is mainly used when using maps as sets. *)
+  fun treeSubsetDomain _ E _ = true
+    | treeSubsetDomain _ _ E = false
+    | treeSubsetDomain cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 <= s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2_v2 andalso
+          treeSubsetDomain cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeSubsetDomain cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun subsetDomain (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeSubsetDomain cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* Map equality *)
+  fun treeEqual _ _ E E = true
+    | treeEqual _ _ E _ = false
+    | treeEqual _ _ _ E = false
+    | treeEqual cmp veq (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 = s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          (case k2_v2 of NONE => false | SOME (_,v2) => veq v1 v2) andalso
+          treeEqual cmp veq l1 l2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp veq r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun equal veq (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeEqual cmp veq tree1 tree2;
+(* mapPartial is the basic function for preserving the tree structure. *)
+(* It applies the argument function to the elements *in order*. *)
+  fun treeMapPartial cmp _ E = E
+    | treeMapPartial cmp f (T {priority,left,key,value,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeMapPartial cmp f left
+        and value' = f (key,value)
+        and right = treeMapPartial cmp f right
+      in
+        case value' of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp left right
+        | SOME value => mkT priority left key value right
+      end;
+  fun mapPartial f (Map (cmp,tree)) = Map (cmp, treeMapPartial cmp f tree);
+(* map is a primitive function for efficiency reasons. *)
+(* It also applies the argument function to the elements *in order*. *)
+  fun treeMap _ E = E
+    | treeMap f (T {size,priority,left,key,value,right}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeMap f left
+        and value = f (key,value)
+        and right = treeMap f right
+      in
+        T {size = size, priority = priority, left = left,
+           key = key, value = value, right = right}
+      end;
+  fun map f (Map (cmp,tree)) = Map (cmp, treeMap f tree);
+(* nth picks the nth smallest key/value (counting from 0). *)
+  fun treeNth E _ = raise Subscript
+    | treeNth (T {left,key,value,right,...}) n =
+      let
+        val k = treeSize left
+      in
+        if n = k then (key,value)
+        else if n < k then treeNth left n
+        else treeNth right (n - (k + 1))
+      end;
+  fun nth (Map (_,tree)) n = treeNth tree n;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun leftSpine E acc = acc
+  | leftSpine (t as T {left,...}) acc = leftSpine left (t :: acc);
+fun rightSpine E acc = acc
+  | rightSpine (t as T {right,...}) acc = rightSpine right (t :: acc);
+datatype ('key,'a) iterator =
+    LR of ('key * 'a) * ('key,'a) tree * ('key,'a) tree list
+  | RL of ('key * 'a) * ('key,'a) tree * ('key,'a) tree list;
+fun mkLR [] = NONE
+  | mkLR (T {key,value,right,...} :: l) = SOME (LR ((key,value),right,l))
+  | mkLR (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomMap.mkLR";
+fun mkRL [] = NONE
+  | mkRL (T {key,value,left,...} :: l) = SOME (RL ((key,value),left,l))
+  | mkRL (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomMap.mkRL";
+fun mkIterator (Map (_,tree)) = mkLR (leftSpine tree []);
+fun mkRevIterator (Map (_,tree)) = mkRL (rightSpine tree []);
+fun readIterator (LR (key_value,_,_)) = key_value
+  | readIterator (RL (key_value,_,_)) = key_value;
+fun advanceIterator (LR (_,next,l)) = mkLR (leftSpine next l)
+  | advanceIterator (RL (_,next,l)) = mkRL (rightSpine next l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derived operations.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun null m = size m = 0;
+fun get m key =
+    case peek m key of
+      NONE => raise Error "RandomMap.get: element not found"
+    | SOME value => value;
+fun inDomain key m = Option.isSome (peek m key);
+fun insert m key_value =
+    union (SOME o snd) m (singleton (comparison m) key_value);
+val insert = fn m => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.insert: result"
+      (insert (checkWellformed "RandomMap.insert: input" m) x);
+  fun fold _ NONE acc = acc
+    | fold f (SOME iter) acc =
+      let
+        val (key,value) = readIterator iter
+      in
+        fold f (advanceIterator iter) (f (key,value,acc))
+      end;
+  fun foldl f b m = fold f (mkIterator m) b;
+  fun foldr f b m = fold f (mkRevIterator m) b;
+  fun find _ NONE = NONE
+    | find pred (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key_value = readIterator iter
+      in
+        if pred key_value then SOME key_value
+        else find pred (advanceIterator iter)
+      end;
+  fun findl p m = find p (mkIterator m);
+  fun findr p m = find p (mkRevIterator m);
+  fun first _ NONE = NONE
+    | first f (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key_value = readIterator iter
+      in
+        case f key_value of
+          NONE => first f (advanceIterator iter)
+        | s => s
+      end;
+  fun firstl f m = first f (mkIterator m);
+  fun firstr f m = first f (mkRevIterator m);
+fun fromList cmp l = List.foldl (fn (k_v,m) => insert m k_v) (new cmp) l;
+fun insertList m l = union (SOME o snd) m (fromList (comparison m) l);
+fun filter p =
+    let
+      fun f (key_value as (_,value)) =
+          if p key_value then SOME value else NONE
+    in
+      mapPartial f
+    end;
+fun app f m = foldl (fn (key,value,()) => f (key,value)) () m;
+fun transform f = map (fn (_,value) => f value);
+fun toList m = foldr (fn (key,value,l) => (key,value) :: l) [] m;
+fun domain m = foldr (fn (key,_,l) => key :: l) [] m;
+fun exists p m = Option.isSome (findl p m);
+fun all p m = not (exists (not o p) m);
+fun random m = case size m of 0 => raise Empty | n => nth m (randomInt n);
+  fun iterCompare _ _ NONE NONE = EQUAL
+    | iterCompare _ _ NONE (SOME _) = LESS
+    | iterCompare _ _ (SOME _) NONE = GREATER
+    | iterCompare kcmp vcmp (SOME i1) (SOME i2) =
+      keyIterCompare kcmp vcmp (readIterator i1) (readIterator i2) i1 i2
+  and keyIterCompare kcmp vcmp (k1,v1) (k2,v2) i1 i2 =
+      case kcmp (k1,k2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL =>
+        (case vcmp (v1,v2) of
+           LESS => LESS
+         | EQUAL =>
+           iterCompare kcmp vcmp (advanceIterator i1) (advanceIterator i2)
+         | GREATER => GREATER)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun compare vcmp (m1,m2) =
+      if pointerEqual (m1,m2) then EQUAL
+      else
+        case (size m1, size m2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL =>
+          iterCompare (comparison m1) vcmp (mkIterator m1) (mkIterator m2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER;
+fun equalDomain m1 m2 = equal (K (K true)) m1 m2;
+fun toString m = "<" ^ (if null m then "" else Int.toString (size m)) ^ ">";
+(**** Original file: Map.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Map = RandomMap;
+(**** Original file: KeyMap.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS WITH A FIXED KEY TYPE                                         *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature KeyMap =
+type key
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite maps                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a map
+val new : unit -> 'a map
+val null : 'a map -> bool
+val size : 'a map -> int
+val singleton : key * 'a -> 'a map
+val inDomain : key -> 'a map -> bool
+val peek : 'a map -> key -> 'a option
+val insert : 'a map -> key * 'a -> 'a map
+val insertList : 'a map -> (key * 'a) list -> 'a map
+val get : 'a map -> key -> 'a  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer keys in the second map *)
+val union : ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a map -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val intersect : ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a map -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val delete : 'a map -> key -> 'a map  (* raises Error *)
+val difference : 'a map -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val subsetDomain : 'a map -> 'a map -> bool
+val equalDomain : 'a map -> 'a map -> bool
+val mapPartial : (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b map
+val filter : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val map : (key * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a map -> 'b map
+val app : (key * 'a -> unit) -> 'a map -> unit
+val transform : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a map -> 'b map
+val foldl : (key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a map -> 's
+val foldr : (key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a map -> 's
+val findl : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> (key * 'a) option
+val findr : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> (key * 'a) option
+val firstl : (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b option
+val firstr : (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b option
+val exists : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> bool
+val all : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> bool
+val domain : 'a map -> key list
+val toList : 'a map -> (key * 'a) list
+val fromList : (key * 'a) list -> 'a map
+val compare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a map * 'a map -> order
+val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> 'a map -> bool
+val random : 'a map -> key * 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val toString : 'a map -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over maps                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a iterator
+val mkIterator : 'a map -> 'a iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : 'a map -> 'a iterator option
+val readIterator : 'a iterator -> key * 'a
+val advanceIterator : 'a iterator -> 'a iterator option
+(**** Original file: KeyMap.sml ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS WITH A FIXED KEY TYPE                                         *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+functor KeyMap (Key : Ordered) :> KeyMap where type key = Key.t =
+ open Metis;
+type key = Key.t;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite maps                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a map = (Key.t,'a);
+fun new () =;
+val null = Map.null;
+val size = Map.size;
+fun singleton key_value = Map.singleton key_value;
+val inDomain = Map.inDomain;
+val peek = Map.peek;
+val insert = Map.insert;
+val insertList = Map.insertList;
+val get = Map.get;
+(* Both op union and intersect prefer keys in the second map *)
+val op union = Map.union;
+val intersect = Map.intersect;
+val delete = Map.delete;
+val difference = Map.difference;
+val subsetDomain = Map.subsetDomain;
+val equalDomain = Map.equalDomain;
+val mapPartial = Map.mapPartial;
+val filter = Map.filter;
+val map =;
+val app =;
+val transform = Map.transform;
+val foldl = Map.foldl;
+val foldr = Map.foldr;
+val findl = Map.findl;
+val findr = Map.findr;
+val firstl = Map.firstl;
+val firstr = Map.firstr;
+val exists = Map.exists;
+val all = Map.all;
+val domain = Map.domain;
+val toList = Map.toList;
+fun fromList l = Map.fromList l;
+val compare =;
+val equal = Map.equal;
+val random = Map.random;
+val toString = Map.toString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over maps                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a iterator = (Key.t,'a) Map.iterator;
+val mkIterator = Map.mkIterator;
+val mkRevIterator = Map.mkRevIterator;
+val readIterator = Map.readIterator;
+val advanceIterator = Map.advanceIterator;
+ structure Metis = struct open Metis
+structure IntMap =
+KeyMap (IntOrdered);
+structure StringMap =
+KeyMap (StringOrdered);
+ end;
+(**** Original file: Sharing.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PRESERVING SHARING OF ML VALUES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Sharing =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual : 'a * 'a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* List operations.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val updateNth : int * 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val setify : ''a list -> ''a list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Function caching.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cache : ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Hash consing.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val hashCons : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a -> 'a
+(**** Original file: Sharing.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PRESERVING SHARING OF ML VALUES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Sharing :> Sharing =
+infix ==
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val op== = pointerEqual;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* List operations.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun map f =
+    let
+      fun m _ a_b [] = List.revAppend a_b
+        | m ys a_b (x :: xs) =
+          let
+            val y = f x
+            val ys = y :: ys
+          in
+            m ys (if x == y then a_b else (ys,xs)) xs
+          end
+    in
+      fn l => m [] ([],l) l
+    end;
+fun updateNth (n,x) l =
+    let
+      val (a,b) = Useful.revDivide l n
+    in
+      case b of
+        [] => raise Subscript
+      | h :: t => if x == h then l else List.revAppend (a, x :: t)
+    end;
+fun setify l =
+    let
+      val l' = Useful.setify l
+    in
+      if length l' = length l then l else l'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Function caching.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cache cmp f =
+    let
+      val cache = ref ( cmp)
+    in
+      fn a =>
+         case Map.peek (!cache) a of
+           SOME b => b
+         | NONE =>
+           let
+             val b = f a
+             val () = cache := Map.insert (!cache) (a,b)
+           in
+             b
+           end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Hash consing.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun hashCons cmp = cache cmp Useful.I;
+(**** Original file: Stream.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Stream =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The stream type                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a stream = NIL | CONS of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream)
+(* If you're wondering how to create an infinite stream: *)
+(* val stream4 = let fun s4 () = Metis.Stream.CONS (4,s4) in s4 () end; *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream constructors                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val repeat : 'a -> 'a stream
+val count : int -> int stream
+val funpows : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a stream
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cons : 'a -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
+val null : 'a stream -> bool
+val hd : 'a stream -> 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val tl : 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
+val hdTl : 'a stream -> 'a * 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
+val singleton : 'a -> 'a stream
+val append : 'a stream -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val maps : ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val zipwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream -> 'c stream
+val zip : 'a stream -> 'b stream -> ('a * 'b) stream
+val take : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
+val drop : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val length : 'a stream -> int
+val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
+val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> 'a stream
+val foldl : ('a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 's
+val concat : 'a stream stream -> 'a stream
+val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val mapsPartial : ('a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream operations                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val memoize : 'a stream -> 'a stream
+val toList : 'a stream -> 'a list
+val fromList : 'a list -> 'a stream
+val toTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream -> unit
+val fromTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream  (* line by line *)
+(**** Original file: Stream.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Stream :> Stream =
+val K = Useful.K;
+val pair = Useful.pair;
+val funpow = Useful.funpow;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The datatype declaration encapsulates all the primitive operations        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a stream =
+    NIL
+  | CONS of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream constructors                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun repeat x = let fun rep () = CONS (x,rep) in rep () end;
+fun count n = CONS (n, fn () => count (n + 1));
+fun funpows f x = CONS (x, fn () => funpows f (f x));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cons h t = CONS (h,t);
+fun null NIL = true | null (CONS _) = false;
+fun hd NIL = raise Empty
+  | hd (CONS (h,_)) = h;
+fun tl NIL = raise Empty
+  | tl (CONS (_,t)) = t ();
+fun hdTl s = (hd s, tl s);
+fun singleton s = CONS (s, K NIL);
+fun append NIL s = s ()
+  | append (CONS (h,t)) s = CONS (h, fn () => append (t ()) s);
+fun map f =
+    let
+      fun m NIL = NIL
+        | m (CONS (h, t)) = CONS (f h, fn () => m (t ()))
+    in
+      m
+    end;
+fun maps f =
+    let
+      fun mm _ NIL = NIL
+        | mm s (CONS (x, xs)) =
+          let
+            val (y, s') = f x s
+          in
+            CONS (y, fn () => mm s' (xs ()))
+          end
+    in
+      mm
+    end;
+fun zipwith f =
+    let
+      fun z NIL _ = NIL
+        | z _ NIL = NIL
+        | z (CONS (x,xs)) (CONS (y,ys)) =
+          CONS (f x y, fn () => z (xs ()) (ys ()))
+    in
+      z
+    end;
+fun zip s t = zipwith pair s t;
+fun take 0 _ = NIL
+  | take n NIL = raise Subscript
+  | take 1 (CONS (x,_)) = CONS (x, K NIL)
+  | take n (CONS (x,xs)) = CONS (x, fn () => take (n - 1) (xs ()));
+fun drop n s = funpow n tl s handle Empty => raise Subscript;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun len n NIL = n
+    | len n (CONS (_,t)) = len (n + 1) (t ());
+  fun length s = len 0 s;
+fun exists pred =
+    let
+      fun f NIL = false
+        | f (CONS (h,t)) = pred h orelse f (t ())
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun all pred = not o exists (not o pred);
+fun filter p NIL = NIL
+  | filter p (CONS (x,xs)) =
+    if p x then CONS (x, fn () => filter p (xs ())) else filter p (xs ());
+fun foldl f =
+    let
+      fun fold b NIL = b
+        | fold b (CONS (h,t)) = fold (f (h,b)) (t ())
+    in
+      fold
+    end;
+fun concat NIL = NIL
+  | concat (CONS (NIL, ss)) = concat (ss ())
+  | concat (CONS (CONS (x, xs), ss)) =
+    CONS (x, fn () => concat (CONS (xs (), ss)));
+fun mapPartial f =
+    let
+      fun mp NIL = NIL
+        | mp (CONS (h,t)) =
+          case f h of
+            NONE => mp (t ())
+          | SOME h' => CONS (h', fn () => mp (t ()))
+    in
+      mp
+    end;
+fun mapsPartial f =
+    let
+      fun mm _ NIL = NIL
+        | mm s (CONS (x, xs)) =
+          let
+            val (yo, s') = f x s
+            val t = mm s' o xs
+          in
+            case yo of NONE => t () | SOME y => CONS (y, t)
+          end
+    in
+      mm
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream operations                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun memoize NIL = NIL
+  | memoize (CONS (h,t)) = CONS (h, Lazy.memoize (fn () => memoize (t ())));
+  fun toLst res NIL = rev res
+    | toLst res (CONS (x, xs)) = toLst (x :: res) (xs ());
+  fun toList s = toLst [] s;
+fun fromList [] = NIL
+  | fromList (x :: xs) = CONS (x, fn () => fromList xs);
+fun toTextFile {filename = f} s =
+    let
+      val (h,close) =
+          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdOut, K ())
+          else (TextIO.openOut f, TextIO.closeOut)
+      fun toFile NIL = ()
+        | toFile (CONS (x,y)) = (TextIO.output (h,x); toFile (y ()))
+      val () = toFile s
+    in
+      close h
+    end;
+fun fromTextFile {filename = f} =
+    let
+      val (h,close) =
+          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdIn, K ())
+          else (TextIO.openIn f, TextIO.closeIn)
+      fun strm () =
+          case TextIO.inputLine h of
+            NONE => (close h; NIL)
+          | SOME s => CONS (s,strm)
+    in
+      memoize (strm ())
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Heap.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A HEAP DATATYPE FOR ML                                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Heap =
+type 'a heap
+val new : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a heap
+val add : 'a heap -> 'a -> 'a heap
+val null : 'a heap -> bool
+val top : 'a heap -> 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val remove : 'a heap -> 'a * 'a heap  (* raises Empty *)
+val size : 'a heap -> int
+val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a heap -> unit
+val toList : 'a heap -> 'a list
+val toStream : 'a heap -> 'a
+val toString : 'a heap -> string
+(**** Original file: Heap.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A HEAP DATATYPE FOR ML                                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Heap :> Heap =
+(* Leftist heaps as in Purely Functional Data Structures, by Chris Okasaki *)
+datatype 'a node = E | T of int * 'a * 'a node * 'a node;
+datatype 'a heap = Heap of ('a * 'a -> order) * int * 'a node;
+fun rank E = 0
+  | rank (T (r,_,_,_)) = r;
+fun makeT (x,a,b) =
+  if rank a >= rank b then T (rank b + 1, x, a, b) else T (rank a + 1, x, b, a);
+fun merge cmp =
+    let
+      fun mrg (h,E) = h
+        | mrg (E,h) = h
+        | mrg (h1 as T (_,x,a1,b1), h2 as T (_,y,a2,b2)) =
+          case cmp (x,y) of
+            GREATER => makeT (y, a2, mrg (h1,b2))
+          | _ => makeT (x, a1, mrg (b1,h2))
+    in
+      mrg
+    end;
+fun new cmp = Heap (cmp,0,E);
+fun add (Heap (f,n,a)) x = Heap (f, n + 1, merge f (T (1,x,E,E), a));
+fun size (Heap (_, n, _)) = n;
+fun null h = size h = 0;
+fun top (Heap (_,_,E)) = raise Empty
+  | top (Heap (_, _, T (_,x,_,_))) = x;
+fun remove (Heap (_,_,E)) = raise Empty
+  | remove (Heap (f, n, T (_,x,a,b))) = (x, Heap (f, n - 1, merge f (a,b)));
+fun app f =
+    let
+      fun ap [] = ()
+        | ap (E :: rest) = ap rest
+        | ap (T (_,d,a,b) :: rest) = (f d; ap (a :: b :: rest))
+    in
+      fn Heap (_,_,a) => ap [a]
+    end;
+fun toList h =
+    if null h then []
+    else
+      let
+        val (x,h) = remove h
+      in
+        x :: toList h
+      end;
+fun toStream h =
+    if null h then Stream.NIL
+    else
+      let
+        val (x,h) = remove h
+      in
+        Stream.CONS (x, fn () => toStream h)
+      end;
+fun toString h =
+    "Heap[" ^ (if null h then "" else Int.toString (size h)) ^ "]";
+(**** Original file: Parser.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PARSING AND PRETTY PRINTING                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Parser =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing for built-in types                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ppstream = Metis.PP.ppstream
+datatype breakStyle = Consistent | Inconsistent
+type 'a pp = ppstream -> 'a -> unit
+val lineLength : int ref
+val beginBlock : ppstream -> breakStyle -> int -> unit
+val endBlock : ppstream -> unit
+val addString : ppstream -> string -> unit
+val addBreak : ppstream -> int * int -> unit
+val addNewline : ppstream -> unit
+val ppMap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b pp -> 'a pp
+val ppBracket : string -> string -> 'a pp -> 'a pp
+val ppSequence : string -> 'a pp -> 'a list pp
+val ppBinop : string -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp
+val ppChar : char pp
+val ppString : string pp
+val ppUnit : unit pp
+val ppBool : bool pp
+val ppInt : int pp
+val ppReal : real pp
+val ppOrder : order pp
+val ppList : 'a pp -> 'a list pp
+val ppOption : 'a pp -> 'a option pp
+val ppPair : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp
+val ppTriple : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c) pp
+val toString : 'a pp -> 'a -> string  (* Uses !lineLength *)
+val fromString : ('a -> string) -> 'a pp
+val ppTrace : 'a pp -> string -> 'a -> unit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Recursive descent parsing combinators                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Generic parsers
+Recommended fixities:
+  infixr 9 >>++
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+exception NoParse
+val error : 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val ++ : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('a -> 'c * 'a) -> 'a -> ('b * 'c) * 'a
+val >> : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c * 'a
+val >>++ : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('b -> 'a -> 'c * 'a) -> 'a -> 'c * 'a
+val || : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val first : ('a -> 'b * 'a) list -> 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val mmany : ('s -> 'a -> 's * 'a) -> 's -> 'a -> 's * 'a
+val many : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
+val atLeastOne : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
+val nothing : 'a -> unit * 'a
+val optional : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option * 'a
+(* Stream based parsers *)
+type ('a,'b) parser = 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val everything : ('a, 'b list) parser -> 'a -> 'b
+val maybe : ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a,'b) parser
+val finished : ('a,unit) parser
+val some : ('a -> bool) -> ('a,'a) parser
+val any : ('a,'a) parser
+val exact : ''a -> (''a,''a) parser
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Infix operators                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type infixities = {token : string, precedence : int, leftAssoc : bool} list
+val infixTokens : infixities -> string list
+val parseInfixes :
+    infixities -> (string * 'a * 'a -> 'a) -> (string,'a) parser ->
+    (string,'a) parser
+val ppInfixes :
+    infixities -> ('a -> (string * 'a * 'a) option) -> ('a * bool) pp ->
+    ('a * bool) pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a quotation = 'a Metis.frag list
+val parseQuotation : ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'b) -> 'a quotation -> 'b
+(**** Original file: Parser.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PARSER COMBINATORS                                                        *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Parser :> Parser =
+infixr 9 >>++
+infixr 8 ++
+infixr 7 >>
+infixr 6 ||
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+val trace = Useful.trace
+and equal = Useful.equal
+and I = Useful.I
+and K = Useful.K
+and C = Useful.C
+and fst = Useful.fst
+and snd = Useful.snd
+and pair = Useful.pair
+and curry = Useful.curry
+and funpow = Useful.funpow
+and mem = Useful.mem
+and sortMap = Useful.sortMap;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing for built-in types                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ppstream = PP.ppstream
+datatype breakStyle = Consistent | Inconsistent
+type 'a pp = PP.ppstream -> 'a -> unit;
+val lineLength = ref 75;
+fun beginBlock pp Consistent = PP.begin_block pp PP.CONSISTENT
+  | beginBlock pp Inconsistent = PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT;
+val endBlock = PP.end_block
+and addString = PP.add_string
+and addBreak = PP.add_break
+and addNewline = PP.add_newline;
+fun ppMap f ppA (ppstrm : PP.ppstream) x : unit = ppA ppstrm (f x);
+fun ppBracket l r ppA pp a =
+    let
+      val ln = size l
+    in
+      beginBlock pp Inconsistent ln;
+      if ln = 0 then () else addString pp l;
+      ppA pp a;
+      if r = "" then () else addString pp r;
+      endBlock pp
+    end;
+fun ppSequence sep ppA pp =
+    let
+      fun ppX x = (addString pp sep; addBreak pp (1,0); ppA pp x)
+    in
+      fn [] => ()
+       | h :: t =>
+         (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+          ppA pp h;
+          app ppX t;
+          endBlock pp)
+    end;
+fun ppBinop s ppA ppB pp (a,b) =
+    (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+      ppA pp a;
+      if s = "" then () else addString pp s;
+      addBreak pp (1,0);
+      ppB pp b;
+      endBlock pp);
+fun ppTrinop ab bc ppA ppB ppC pp (a,b,c) =
+    (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+     ppA pp a;
+     if ab = "" then () else addString pp ab;
+     addBreak pp (1,0);
+     ppB pp b;
+     if bc = "" then () else addString pp bc;
+     addBreak pp (1,0);
+     ppC pp c;
+     endBlock pp);
+(* Pretty-printers for common types *)
+fun ppString pp s =
+    (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+     addString pp s;
+     endBlock pp);
+val ppUnit = ppMap (fn () => "()") ppString;
+val ppChar = ppMap str ppString;
+val ppBool = ppMap (fn true => "true" | false => "false") ppString;
+val ppInt = ppMap Int.toString ppString;
+val ppReal = ppMap Real.toString ppString;
+val ppOrder =
+    let
+      fun f LESS = "Less"
+        | f EQUAL = "Equal"
+        | f GREATER = "Greater"
+    in
+      ppMap f ppString
+    end;
+fun ppList ppA = ppBracket "[" "]" (ppSequence "," ppA);
+fun ppOption _ pp NONE = ppString pp "-"
+  | ppOption ppA pp (SOME a) = ppA pp a;
+fun ppPair ppA ppB = ppBracket "(" ")" (ppBinop "," ppA ppB);
+fun ppTriple ppA ppB ppC = ppBracket "(" ")" (ppTrinop "," "," ppA ppB ppC);
+fun toString ppA a = PP.pp_to_string (!lineLength) ppA a;
+fun fromString toS = ppMap toS ppString;
+fun ppTrace ppX nameX x =
+    trace (toString (ppBinop " =" ppString ppX) (nameX,x) ^ "\n");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Generic.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception NoParse;
+val error : 'a -> 'b * 'a = fn _ => raise NoParse;
+fun op ++ (parser1,parser2) input =
+    let
+      val (result1,input) = parser1 input
+      val (result2,input) = parser2 input
+    in
+      ((result1,result2),input)
+    end;
+fun op >> (parser : 'a -> 'b * 'a, treatment) input =
+    let
+      val (result,input) = parser input
+    in
+      (treatment result, input)
+    end;
+fun op >>++ (parser,treatment) input =
+    let
+      val (result,input) = parser input
+    in
+      treatment result input
+    end;
+fun op || (parser1,parser2) input =
+    parser1 input handle NoParse => parser2 input;
+fun first [] _ = raise NoParse
+  | first (parser :: parsers) input = (parser || first parsers) input;
+fun mmany parser state input =
+    let
+      val (state,input) = parser state input
+    in
+      mmany parser state input
+    end
+    handle NoParse => (state,input);
+fun many parser =
+    let
+      fun sparser l = parser >> (fn x => x :: l)
+    in
+      mmany sparser [] >> rev      
+    end;
+fun atLeastOne p = (p ++ many p) >> op::;
+fun nothing input = ((),input);
+fun optional p = (p >> SOME) || (nothing >> K NONE);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream-based.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('a,'b) parser = 'a -> 'b * 'a
+fun everything parser =
+    let
+      fun f input =
+          let
+            val (result,input) = parser input
+          in
+            Stream.append (Stream.fromList result) (fn () => f input)
+          end
+          handle NoParse =>
+            if Stream.null input then Stream.NIL else raise NoParse
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun maybe p Stream.NIL = raise NoParse
+  | maybe p (Stream.CONS (h,t)) =
+    case p h of SOME r => (r, t ()) | NONE => raise NoParse;
+fun finished Stream.NIL = ((), Stream.NIL)
+  | finished (Stream.CONS _) = raise NoParse;
+fun some p = maybe (fn x => if p x then SOME x else NONE);
+fun any input = some (K true) input;
+fun exact tok = some (fn item => item = tok);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing for infix operators.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type infixities = {token : string, precedence : int, leftAssoc : bool} list;
+  fun unflatten ({token,precedence,leftAssoc}, ([],_)) =
+      ([(leftAssoc, [token])], precedence)
+    | unflatten ({token,precedence,leftAssoc}, ((a,l) :: dealt, p)) =
+      if p = precedence then
+        let
+          val _ = leftAssoc = a orelse
+                  raise Bug "infix parser/printer: mixed assocs"
+        in
+          ((a, token :: l) :: dealt, p)
+        end
+      else
+        ((leftAssoc,[token]) :: (a,l) :: dealt, precedence);
+  fun layerOps infixes =
+      let
+        val infixes = sortMap #precedence infixes
+        val (parsers,_) = foldl unflatten ([],0) infixes
+      in
+        parsers
+      end;
+  fun chop (#" " :: chs) = let val (n,l) = chop chs in (n + 1, l) end
+    | chop chs = (0,chs);
+  fun nspaces n = funpow n (curry op^ " ") "";
+  fun spacify tok =
+      let
+        val chs = explode tok
+        val (r,chs) = chop (rev chs)
+        val (l,chs) = chop (rev chs)
+      in
+        ((l,r), implode chs)
+      end;
+  fun lrspaces (l,r) =
+      (if l = 0 then K () else C addString (nspaces l),
+       if r = 0 then K () else C addBreak (r, 0));
+  fun opSpaces s = let val (l_r,s) = spacify s in (lrspaces l_r, s) end;
+  val opClean = snd o spacify;
+val infixTokens : infixities -> string list =
+ (fn {token,...} => opClean token);
+fun parseGenInfix update sof toks parse inp =
+    let
+      val (e, rest) = parse inp
+      val continue =
+          case rest of
+            Stream.NIL => NONE
+          | Stream.CONS (h, t) => if mem h toks then SOME (h, t) else NONE
+    in
+      case continue of
+        NONE => (sof e, rest)
+      | SOME (h,t) => parseGenInfix update (update sof h e) toks parse (t ())
+    end;
+fun parseLeftInfix toks con =
+    parseGenInfix (fn f => fn t => fn a => fn b => con (t, f a, b)) I toks;
+fun parseRightInfix toks con =
+    parseGenInfix (fn f => fn t => fn a => fn b => f (con (t, a, b))) I toks;
+fun parseInfixes ops =
+    let
+      fun layeredOp (x,y) = (x, opClean y)
+      val layeredOps = layeredOp (layerOps ops)
+      fun iparser (a,t) = (if a then parseLeftInfix else parseRightInfix) t
+      val iparsers = iparser layeredOps
+    in
+      fn con => fn subparser => foldl (fn (p,sp) => p con sp) subparser iparsers
+    end;
+fun ppGenInfix left toks =
+    let
+      val spc = opSpaces toks
+    in
+      fn dest => fn ppSub =>
+      let
+        fun dest' tm =
+            case dest tm of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME (t, a, b) =>
+     (pair (a,b)) (List.find (equal t o snd) spc)
+        open PP
+        fun ppGo pp (tmr as (tm,r)) =
+            case dest' tm of
+              NONE => ppSub pp tmr
+            | SOME ((a,b),((lspc,rspc),tok)) =>
+              ((if left then ppGo else ppSub) pp (a,true);
+               lspc pp; addString pp tok; rspc pp;
+               (if left then ppSub else ppGo) pp (b,r))
+      in
+        fn pp => fn tmr as (tm,_) =>
+        case dest' tm of
+          NONE => ppSub pp tmr
+        | SOME _ => (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0; ppGo pp tmr; endBlock pp)
+      end
+    end;
+fun ppLeftInfix toks = ppGenInfix true toks;
+fun ppRightInfix toks = ppGenInfix false toks;
+fun ppInfixes ops =
+    let
+      val layeredOps = layerOps ops
+      val toks = List.concat ( ( opClean o snd) layeredOps)
+      fun iprinter (a,t) = (if a then ppLeftInfix else ppRightInfix) t
+      val iprinters = iprinter layeredOps
+    in
+      fn dest => fn ppSub =>
+      let
+        fun printer sub = foldl (fn (ip,p) => ip dest p) sub iprinters
+        fun isOp t = case dest t of SOME (x,_,_) => mem x toks | _ => false
+        open PP
+        fun subpr pp (tmr as (tm,_)) =
+            if isOp tm then
+              (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1; addString pp "(";
+               printer subpr pp (tm, false); addString pp ")"; endBlock pp)
+            else ppSub pp tmr
+      in
+        fn pp => fn tmr =>
+        (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0; printer subpr pp tmr; endBlock pp)
+      end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a quotation = 'a frag list;
+fun parseQuotation printer parser quote =
+  let
+    fun expand (QUOTE q, s) = s ^ q
+      | expand (ANTIQUOTE a, s) = s ^ printer a
+    val string = foldl expand "" quote
+  in
+    parser string
+  end;
+(**** Original file: Options.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROCESSING COMMAND LINE OPTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Options =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Option processors take an option with its associated arguments.           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type proc = string * string list -> unit
+type ('a,'x) mkProc = ('x -> proc) -> ('a -> 'x) -> proc
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* One command line option: names, arguments, description and a processor.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type opt =
+     {switches : string list, arguments : string list,
+      description : string, processor : proc}
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Option processors may raise an OptionExit exception.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type optionExit = {message : string option, usage : bool, success : bool}
+exception OptionExit of optionExit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructing option processors.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val beginOpt : (string,'x) mkProc
+val endOpt : unit -> proc
+val stringOpt : (string,'x) mkProc
+val intOpt : int option * int option -> (int,'x) mkProc
+val realOpt : real option * real option -> (real,'x) mkProc
+val enumOpt : string list -> (string,'x) mkProc
+val optionOpt : string * ('a,'x) mkProc -> ('a option,'x) mkProc
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic options useful for all programs.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val basicOptions : opt list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* All the command line options of a program.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type allOptions =
+     {name : string, version : string, header : string,
+      footer : string, options : opt list}
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Usage information.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val versionInformation : allOptions -> string
+val usageInformation : allOptions -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exit the program gracefully.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val exit : allOptions -> optionExit -> 'exit
+val succeed : allOptions -> 'exit
+val fail : allOptions -> string -> 'exit
+val usage : allOptions -> string -> 'exit
+val version : allOptions -> 'exit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Process the command line options passed to the program.                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val processOptions : allOptions -> string list -> string list * string list
+(**** Original file: Options.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROCESSING COMMAND LINE OPTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Options :> Options =
+infix ##
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* One command line option: names, arguments, description and a processor    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type proc = string * string list -> unit;
+type ('a,'x) mkProc = ('x -> proc) -> ('a -> 'x) -> proc;
+type opt = {switches : string list, arguments : string list,
+            description : string, processor : proc};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Option processors may raise an OptionExit exception                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type optionExit = {message : string option, usage : bool, success : bool};
+exception OptionExit of optionExit;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Wrappers for option processors                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun beginOpt f p (s : string, l : string list) : unit = f (p s) (s,l);
+fun endOpt () (_ : string, [] : string list) = ()
+  | endOpt _ (_, _ :: _) = raise Bug "endOpt";
+fun stringOpt _ _ (_ : string, []) = raise Bug "stringOpt"
+  | stringOpt f p (s, (h : string) :: t) : unit = f (p h) (s,t);
+  fun range NONE NONE = "Z"
+    | range (SOME i) NONE = "{n IN Z | " ^ Int.toString i ^ " <= n}"
+    | range NONE (SOME j) = "{n IN Z | n <= " ^ Int.toString j ^ "}"
+    | range (SOME i) (SOME j) =
+    "{n IN Z | " ^ Int.toString i ^ " <= n <= " ^ Int.toString j ^ "}";
+  fun oLeq (SOME x) (SOME y) = x <= y | oLeq _ _ = true;
+  fun argToInt arg omin omax x =
+    (case Int.fromString x of
+       SOME i =>
+       if oLeq omin (SOME i) andalso oLeq (SOME i) omax then i else
+         raise OptionExit
+           {success = false, usage = false, message =
+            SOME (arg ^ " option needs an integer argument in the range "
+                  ^ range omin omax ^ " (not " ^ x ^ ")")}
+     | NONE =>
+       raise OptionExit
+         {success = false, usage = false, message =
+          SOME (arg ^ " option needs an integer argument (not \"" ^ x ^ "\")")})
+    handle Overflow =>
+       raise OptionExit
+         {success = false, usage = false, message =
+          SOME (arg ^ " option suffered integer overflow on argument " ^ x)};
+  fun intOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "intOpt"
+    | intOpt (omin,omax) f p (s:string, h :: (t : string list)) : unit =
+      f (p (argToInt s omin omax h)) (s,t);
+  fun range NONE NONE = "R"
+    | range (SOME i) NONE = "{n IN R | " ^ Real.toString i ^ " <= n}"
+    | range NONE (SOME j) = "{n IN R | n <= " ^ Real.toString j ^ "}"
+    | range (SOME i) (SOME j) =
+    "{n IN R | " ^ Real.toString i ^ " <= n <= " ^ Real.toString j ^ "}";
+  fun oLeq (SOME (x:real)) (SOME y) = x <= y | oLeq _ _ = true;
+  fun argToReal arg omin omax x =
+    (case Real.fromString x of
+       SOME i =>
+       if oLeq omin (SOME i) andalso oLeq (SOME i) omax then i else
+         raise OptionExit
+           {success = false, usage = false, message =
+            SOME (arg ^ " option needs an real argument in the range "
+                  ^ range omin omax ^ " (not " ^ x ^ ")")}
+     | NONE =>
+       raise OptionExit
+         {success = false, usage = false, message =
+          SOME (arg ^ " option needs an real argument (not \"" ^ x ^ "\")")})
+  fun realOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "realOpt"
+    | realOpt (omin,omax) f p (s:string, h :: (t : string list)) : unit =
+      f (p (argToReal s omin omax h)) (s,t);
+fun enumOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "enumOpt"
+  | enumOpt (choices : string list) f p (s : string, h :: t) : unit =
+    if mem h choices then f (p h) (s,t) else
+      raise OptionExit
+        {success = false, usage = false,
+         message = SOME ("follow parameter " ^ s ^ " with one of {" ^
+                         join "," choices ^ "}, not \"" ^ h ^ "\"")};
+fun optionOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "optionOpt"
+  | optionOpt (x : string, p) f q (s : string, l as h :: t) : unit =
+    if h = x then f (q NONE) (s,t) else p f (q o SOME) (s,l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic options useful for all programs                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val basicOptions : opt list =
+  [{switches = ["--"], arguments = [],
+    description = "no more options",
+    processor = fn _ => raise Fail "basicOptions: --"},
+   {switches = ["--verbose"], arguments = ["0..10"],
+    description = "the degree of verbosity",
+    processor = intOpt (SOME 0, SOME 10) endOpt (fn i => traceLevel := i)},
+   {switches = ["--secret"], arguments = [],
+    description = "process then hide the next option",
+    processor = fn _ => raise Fail "basicOptions: --secret"},
+   {switches = ["-?","-h","--help"], arguments = [],
+    description = "display all options and exit",
+    processor = fn _ => raise OptionExit
+    {message = SOME "displaying all options", usage = true, success = true}},
+   {switches = ["-v", "--version"], arguments = [],
+    description = "display version information",
+    processor = fn _ => raise Fail "basicOptions: -v, --version"}];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* All the command line options of a program                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type allOptions = {name : string, version : string, header : string,
+                   footer : string, options : opt list};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Usage information                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun versionInformation ({version, ...} : allOptions) = version;
+fun usageInformation ({name,version,header,footer,options} : allOptions) =
+  let
+    fun filt ["--verbose"] = false
+      | filt ["--secret"] = false
+      | filt _ = true
+    fun listOpts {switches = n, arguments = r, description = s,
+                  processor = _} =
+        let
+          fun indent (s, "" :: l) = indent (s ^ "  ", l) | indent x = x
+          val (res,n) = indent ("  ",n)
+          val res = res ^ join ", " n
+          val res = foldl (fn (x,y) => y ^ " " ^ x) res r
+        in
+          [res ^ " ...", " " ^ s]
+        end
+    val options = List.filter (filt o #switches) options
+    val alignment =
+        [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #"."},
+         {leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}]
+    val table = alignTable alignment (map listOpts options)
+  in
+    header ^ join "\n" table ^ "\n" ^ footer
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exit the program gracefully                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun exit (allopts : allOptions) (optexit : optionExit) =
+  let
+    val {name, options, ...} = allopts
+    val {message, usage, success} = optexit
+    fun err s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, s)
+  in
+    case message of NONE => () | SOME m => err (name ^ ": " ^ m ^ "\n");
+    if usage then err (usageInformation allopts) else ();
+    OS.Process.exit (if success then OS.Process.success else OS.Process.failure)
+  end;
+fun succeed allopts =
+    exit allopts {message = NONE, usage = false, success = true};
+fun fail allopts mesg =
+    exit allopts {message = SOME mesg, usage = false, success = false};
+fun usage allopts mesg =
+    exit allopts {message = SOME mesg, usage = true, success = false};
+fun version allopts =
+    (print (versionInformation allopts);
+     exit allopts {message = NONE, usage = false, success = true});
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Process the command line options passed to the program                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun processOptions (allopts : allOptions) =
+  let
+    fun findOption x =
+      case List.find (fn {switches = n, ...} => mem x n) (#options allopts) of
+        NONE => raise OptionExit
+                        {message = SOME ("unknown switch \"" ^ x ^ "\""),
+                         usage = true, success = false}
+      | SOME {arguments = r, processor = f, ...} => (r,f)
+    fun getArgs x r xs =
+      let
+        fun f 1 = "a following argument"
+          | f m = Int.toString m ^ " following arguments"
+        val m = length r
+        val () =
+          if m <= length xs then () else
+            raise OptionExit
+              {usage = false, success = false, message = SOME
+               (x ^ " option needs " ^ f m ^ ": " ^ join " " r)}
+      in
+        divide xs m
+      end
+    fun process [] = ([], [])
+      | process ("--" :: xs) = ([("--",[])], xs)
+      | process ("--secret" :: xs) = (tl ## I) (process xs)
+      | process ("-v" :: _) = version allopts
+      | process ("--version" :: _) = version allopts
+      | process (x :: xs) =
+      if x = "" orelse x = "-" orelse hd (explode x) <> #"-" then ([], x :: xs)
+      else
+        let
+          val (r,f) = findOption x
+          val (ys,xs) = getArgs x r xs
+          val () = f (x,ys)
+        in
+          (cons (x,ys) ## I) (process xs)
+        end
+  in
+    fn l =>
+    let
+      val (a,b) = process l
+      val a = foldl (fn ((x,xs),ys) => x :: xs @ ys) [] (rev a)
+    in
+      (a,b)
+    end
+    handle OptionExit x => exit allopts x
+  end;
+(**** Original file: Name.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NAMES                                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Name =
+type name = string
+val compare : name * name -> order
+val pp : name Metis.Parser.pp
+(**** Original file: Name.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NAMES                                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Name :> Name =
+type name = string;
+val compare =;
+val pp = Parser.ppString;
+structure NameOrdered =
+struct type t = val compare = end
+structure NameSet =
+  local
+    structure S = ElementSet (NameOrdered);
+  in
+    open S;
+  end;
+  val pp =
+      Parser.ppMap
+        toList
+        (Parser.ppBracket "{" "}" (Parser.ppSequence "," Name.pp));
+structure NameMap = KeyMap (NameOrdered);
+structure NameArity =
+type nameArity = * int;
+fun name ((n,_) : nameArity) = n;
+fun arity ((_,i) : nameArity) = i;
+fun nary i n_i = arity n_i = i;
+val nullary = nary 0
+and unary = nary 1
+and binary = nary 2
+and ternary = nary 3;
+fun compare ((n1,i1),(n2,i2)) =
+    case (n1,n2) of
+      LESS => LESS
+    | EQUAL => (i1,i2)
+val pp = Parser.ppMap (fn (n,i) => n ^ "/" ^ Int.toString i) Parser.ppString;
+structure NameArityOrdered =
+struct type t = NameArity.nameArity val compare = end
+structure NameAritySet =
+  local
+    structure S = ElementSet (NameArityOrdered);
+  in
+    open S;
+  end;
+  val allNullary = all NameArity.nullary;
+  val pp =
+      Parser.ppMap
+        toList
+        (Parser.ppBracket "{" "}" (Parser.ppSequence "," NameArity.pp));
+structure NameArityMap = KeyMap (NameArityOrdered);
+(**** Original file: Term.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC TERMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Term =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic terms.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type var =
+type functionName =
+type function = functionName * int
+type const = functionName
+datatype term =
+    Var of var
+  | Fn of functionName * term list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Variables *)
+val destVar : term -> var
+val isVar : term -> bool
+val equalVar : var -> term -> bool
+(* Functions *)
+val destFn : term -> functionName * term list
+val isFn : term -> bool
+val fnName : term -> functionName
+val fnArguments : term -> term list
+val fnArity : term -> int
+val fnFunction : term -> function
+val functions : term -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : term -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* Constants *)
+val mkConst : const -> term
+val destConst : term -> const
+val isConst : term -> bool
+(* Binary functions *)
+val mkBinop : functionName -> term * term -> term
+val destBinop : functionName -> term -> term * term
+val isBinop : functionName -> term -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a term in symbols.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : term -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for terms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : term * term -> order
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type path = int list
+val subterm : term -> path -> term
+val subterms : term -> (path * term) list
+val replace : term -> path * term -> term
+val find : (term -> bool) -> term -> path option
+val ppPath : path Metis.Parser.pp
+val pathToString : path -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : var -> term -> bool
+val freeVars : term -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Fresh variables.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newVar : unit -> term
+val newVars : int -> term list
+val variantPrime : Metis.NameSet.set -> var -> var
+val variantNum : Metis.NameSet.set -> var -> var
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val isTypedVar : term -> bool
+val typedSymbols : term -> int
+val nonVarTypedSubterms : term -> (path * term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with an explicit function application operator. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mkComb : term * term -> term
+val destComb : term -> term * term
+val isComb : term -> bool
+val listMkComb : term * term list -> term
+val stripComb : term -> term * term list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Infix symbols *)
+val infixes : Metis.Parser.infixities ref
+(* The negation symbol *)
+val negation : ref
+(* Binder symbols *)
+val binders : list ref
+(* Bracket symbols *)
+val brackets : ( * list ref
+(* Pretty printing *)
+val pp : term Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : term -> string
+(* Parsing *)
+val fromString : string -> term
+val parse : term Metis.Parser.quotation -> term
+(**** Original file: Term.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC TERMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Term :> Term =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun stripSuffix pred s =
+    let
+      fun f 0 = ""
+        | f n =
+          let
+            val n' = n - 1
+          in
+            if pred (String.sub (s,n')) then f n'
+            else String.substring (s,0,n)
+          end
+    in
+      f (size s)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic terms.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type var =;
+type functionName =;
+type function = functionName * int;
+type const = functionName;
+datatype term =
+    Var of
+  | Fn of * term list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Variables *)
+fun destVar (Var v) = v
+  | destVar (Fn _) = raise Error "destVar";
+val isVar = can destVar;
+fun equalVar v (Var v') = v = v'
+  | equalVar _ _ = false;
+(* Functions *)
+fun destFn (Fn f) = f
+  | destFn (Var _) = raise Error "destFn";
+val isFn = can destFn;
+fun fnName tm = fst (destFn tm);
+fun fnArguments tm = snd (destFn tm);
+fun fnArity tm = length (fnArguments tm);
+fun fnFunction tm = (fnName tm, fnArity tm);
+  fun func fs [] = fs
+    | func fs (Var _ :: tms) = func fs tms
+    | func fs (Fn (n,l) :: tms) =
+      func (NameAritySet.add fs (n, length l)) (l @ tms);
+  fun functions tm = func NameAritySet.empty [tm];
+  fun func fs [] = fs
+    | func fs (Var _ :: tms) = func fs tms
+    | func fs (Fn (n,l) :: tms) = func (NameSet.add fs n) (l @ tms);
+  fun functionNames tm = func NameSet.empty [tm];
+(* Constants *)
+fun mkConst c = (Fn (c, []));
+fun destConst (Fn (c, [])) = c
+  | destConst _ = raise Error "destConst";
+val isConst = can destConst;
+(* Binary functions *)
+fun mkBinop f (a,b) = Fn (f,[a,b]);
+fun destBinop f (Fn (x,[a,b])) =
+    if x = f then (a,b) else raise Error "Term.destBinop: wrong binop"
+  | destBinop _ _ = raise Error "Term.destBinop: not a binop";
+fun isBinop f = can (destBinop f);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a term in symbols.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (Var _ :: tms) = sz (n + 1) tms
+    | sz n (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = sz (n + 1) (args @ tms);
+  fun symbols tm = sz 0 [tm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for terms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun cmp [] [] = EQUAL
+    | cmp (Var _ :: _) (Fn _ :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp (Fn _ :: _) (Var _ :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp (Var v1 :: tms1) (Var v2 :: tms2) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp tms1 tms2
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp (Fn (f1,a1) :: tms1) (Fn (f2,a2) :: tms2) =
+      (case (f1,f2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL =>
+         (case (length a1, length a2) of
+            LESS => LESS
+          | EQUAL => cmp (a1 @ tms1) (a2 @ tms2)
+          | GREATER => GREATER)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp _ _ = raise Bug "";
+  fun compare (tm1,tm2) = cmp [tm1] [tm2];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type path = int list;
+fun subterm tm [] = tm
+  | subterm (Var _) (_ :: _) = raise Error "Term.subterm: Var"
+  | subterm (Fn (_,tms)) (h :: t) =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Term.replace: Fn"
+    else subterm (List.nth (tms,h)) t;
+  fun subtms [] acc = acc
+    | subtms ((path,tm) :: rest) acc =
+      let
+        fun f (n,arg) = (n :: path, arg)
+        val acc = (rev path, tm) :: acc
+      in
+        case tm of
+          Var _ => subtms rest acc
+        | Fn (_,args) => subtms (map f (enumerate args) @ rest) acc
+      end;
+  fun subterms tm = subtms [([],tm)] [];
+fun replace tm ([],res) = if res = tm then tm else res
+  | replace tm (h :: t, res) =
+    case tm of
+      Var _ => raise Error "Term.replace: Var"
+    | Fn (func,tms) =>
+      if h >= length tms then raise Error "Term.replace: Fn"
+      else
+        let
+          val arg = List.nth (tms,h)
+          val arg' = replace arg (t,res)
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (arg',arg) then tm
+          else Fn (func, updateNth (h,arg') tms)
+        end;
+fun find pred =
+    let
+      fun search [] = NONE
+        | search ((path,tm) :: rest) =
+          if pred tm then SOME (rev path)
+          else
+            case tm of
+              Var _ => search rest
+            | Fn (_,a) =>
+              let
+                val subtms = map (fn (i,t) => (i :: path, t)) (enumerate a)
+              in
+                search (subtms @ rest)
+              end
+    in
+      fn tm => search [([],tm)]
+    end;
+val ppPath = Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt;
+val pathToString = Parser.toString ppPath;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun free _ [] = false
+    | free v (Var w :: tms) = v = w orelse free v tms
+    | free v (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = free v (args @ tms);
+  fun freeIn v tm = free v [tm];
+  fun free vs [] = vs
+    | free vs (Var v :: tms) = free (NameSet.add vs v) tms
+    | free vs (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = free vs (args @ tms);
+  fun freeVars tm = free NameSet.empty [tm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Fresh variables.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val prefix  = "_";
+  fun numVar i = Var (mkPrefix prefix (Int.toString i));
+  fun newVar () = numVar (newInt ());
+  fun newVars n = map numVar (newInts n);
+fun variantPrime avoid =
+    let
+      fun f v = if NameSet.member v avoid then f (v ^ "'") else v
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun variantNum avoid v =
+    if not (NameSet.member v avoid) then v
+    else
+      let
+        val v = stripSuffix Char.isDigit v
+        fun f n =
+            let
+              val v_n = v ^ Int.toString n
+            in
+              if NameSet.member v_n avoid then f (n + 1) else v_n
+            end
+      in
+        f 0
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun isTypedVar (Var _) = true
+  | isTypedVar (Fn (":", [Var _, _])) = true
+  | isTypedVar (Fn _) = false;
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (Var _ :: tms) = sz (n + 1) tms
+    | sz n (Fn (":",[tm,_]) :: tms) = sz n (tm :: tms)
+    | sz n (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = sz (n + 1) (args @ tms);
+  fun typedSymbols tm = sz 0 [tm];
+  fun subtms [] acc = acc
+    | subtms ((_, Var _) :: rest) acc = subtms rest acc
+    | subtms ((_, Fn (":", [Var _, _])) :: rest) acc = subtms rest acc
+    | subtms ((path, tm as Fn func) :: rest) acc =
+      let
+        fun f (n,arg) = (n :: path, arg)
+        val acc = (rev path, tm) :: acc
+      in
+        case func of
+          (":",[arg,_]) => subtms ((0 :: path, arg) :: rest) acc
+        | (_,args) => subtms (map f (enumerate args) @ rest) acc
+      end;
+  fun nonVarTypedSubterms tm = subtms [([],tm)] [];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with an explicit function application operator. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkComb (f,a) = Fn (".",[f,a]);
+fun destComb (Fn (".",[f,a])) = (f,a)
+  | destComb _ = raise Error "destComb";
+val isComb = can destComb;
+fun listMkComb (f,l) = foldl mkComb f l;
+  fun strip tms (Fn (".",[f,a])) = strip (a :: tms) f
+    | strip tms tm = (tm,tms);
+  fun stripComb tm = strip [] tm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Operators parsed and printed infix *)
+val infixes : Parser.infixities ref = ref
+  [(* ML symbols *)
+   {token = " / ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " div ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " mod ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " * ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " + ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " - ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " ^ ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " @ ", precedence = 5, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " :: ", precedence = 5, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " = ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " <> ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " <= ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " < ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " >= ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " > ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " o ", precedence = 3, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " -> ", precedence = 2, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   {token = " : ", precedence = 1, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   {token = ", ", precedence = 0, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   (* Logical connectives *)
+   {token = " /\\ ", precedence = ~1, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " \\/ ", precedence = ~2, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " ==> ", precedence = ~3, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " <=> ", precedence = ~4, leftAssoc = false},
+   (* Other symbols *)
+   {token = " . ", precedence = 9, leftAssoc = true},  (* function app *)
+   {token = " ** ", precedence = 8, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " ++ ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " -- ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " == ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true}];
+(* The negation symbol *)
+val negation : ref = ref "~";
+(* Binder symbols *)
+val binders : list ref = ref ["\\","!","?","?!"];
+(* Bracket symbols *)
+val brackets : ( * list ref = ref [("[","]"),("{","}")];
+(* Pretty printing *)
+  open Parser;
+  fun pp inputPpstrm inputTerm =
+      let
+        val quants = !binders
+        and iOps = !infixes
+        and neg = !negation
+        and bracks = !brackets
+        val bracks = map (fn (b1,b2) => (b1 ^ b2, b1, b2)) bracks
+        val bTokens = map #2 bracks @ map #3 bracks
+        val iTokens = infixTokens iOps
+        fun destI (Fn (f,[a,b])) =
+            if mem f iTokens then SOME (f,a,b) else NONE
+          | destI _ = NONE
+        val iPrinter = ppInfixes iOps destI
+        val specialTokens = neg :: quants @ ["$","(",")"] @ bTokens @ iTokens
+        fun vName bv s = NameSet.member s bv
+        fun checkVarName bv s = if vName bv s then s else "$" ^ s
+        fun varName bv = ppMap (checkVarName bv) ppString
+        fun checkFunctionName bv s =
+            if mem s specialTokens orelse vName bv s then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s
+        fun functionName bv = ppMap (checkFunctionName bv) ppString
+        fun isI tm = Option.isSome (destI tm)
+        fun stripNeg (tm as Fn (f,[a])) =
+            if f <> neg then (0,tm)
+            else let val (n,tm) = stripNeg a in (n + 1, tm) end
+          | stripNeg tm = (0,tm)
+        val destQuant =
+            let
+              fun dest q (Fn (q', [Var v, body])) =
+                  if q <> q' then NONE
+                  else
+                    (case dest q body of
+                       NONE => SOME (q,v,[],body)
+                     | SOME (_,v',vs,body) => SOME (q, v, v' :: vs, body))
+                | dest _ _ = NONE
+            in
+              fn tm => Useful.first (fn q => dest q tm) quants
+            end
+        fun isQuant tm = Option.isSome (destQuant tm)
+        fun destBrack (Fn (b,[tm])) =
+            (case List.find (fn (n,_,_) => n = b) bracks of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | SOME (_,b1,b2) => SOME (b1,tm,b2))
+          | destBrack _ = NONE
+        fun isBrack tm = Option.isSome (destBrack tm)
+        fun functionArgument bv ppstrm tm =
+            (addBreak ppstrm (1,0);
+             if isBrack tm then customBracket bv ppstrm tm
+             else if isVar tm orelse isConst tm then basic bv ppstrm tm
+             else bracket bv ppstrm tm)
+        and basic bv ppstrm (Var v) = varName bv ppstrm v
+          | basic bv ppstrm (Fn (f,args)) =
+            (beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent 2;
+             functionName bv ppstrm f;
+             app (functionArgument bv ppstrm) args;
+             endBlock ppstrm)
+        and customBracket bv ppstrm tm =
+            case destBrack tm of
+              SOME (b1,tm,b2) => ppBracket b1 b2 (term bv) ppstrm tm
+            | NONE => basic bv ppstrm tm
+        and innerQuant bv ppstrm tm =
+            case destQuant tm of
+              NONE => term bv ppstrm tm
+            | SOME (q,v,vs,tm) =>
+              let
+                val bv = NameSet.addList (NameSet.add bv v) vs
+              in
+                addString ppstrm q;
+                varName bv ppstrm v;
+                app (fn v => (addBreak ppstrm (1,0); varName bv ppstrm v)) vs;
+                addString ppstrm ".";
+                addBreak ppstrm (1,0);
+                innerQuant bv ppstrm tm
+              end
+        and quantifier bv ppstrm tm =
+            if not (isQuant tm) then customBracket bv ppstrm tm
+            else
+              (beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent 2;
+               innerQuant bv ppstrm tm;
+               endBlock ppstrm)
+        and molecule bv ppstrm (tm,r) =
+            let
+              val (n,tm) = stripNeg tm
+            in
+              beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent n;
+              funpow n (fn () => addString ppstrm neg) ();
+              if isI tm orelse (r andalso isQuant tm) then bracket bv ppstrm tm
+              else quantifier bv ppstrm tm;
+              endBlock ppstrm
+            end
+        and term bv ppstrm tm = iPrinter (molecule bv) ppstrm (tm,false)
+        and bracket bv ppstrm tm = ppBracket "(" ")" (term bv) ppstrm tm
+  in
+    term NameSet.empty
+  end inputPpstrm inputTerm;
+fun toString tm = Parser.toString pp tm;
+(* Parsing *)
+  open Parser;
+  infixr 9 >>++
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+  val isAlphaNum =
+      let
+        val alphaNumChars = explode "_'"
+      in
+        fn c => mem c alphaNumChars orelse Char.isAlphaNum c
+      end;
+  local
+    val alphaNumToken = atLeastOne (some isAlphaNum) >> implode;
+    val symbolToken =
+        let
+          fun isNeg c = str c = !negation
+          val symbolChars = explode "<>=-*+/\\?@|!$%&#^:;~"
+          fun isSymbol c = mem c symbolChars
+          fun isNonNegSymbol c = not (isNeg c) andalso isSymbol c
+        in
+          some isNeg >> str ||
+          (some isNonNegSymbol ++ many (some isSymbol)) >> (implode o op::)
+        end;
+    val punctToken =
+        let
+          val punctChars = explode "()[]{}.,"
+          fun isPunct c = mem c punctChars
+        in
+          some isPunct >> str
+        end;
+    val lexToken = alphaNumToken || symbolToken || punctToken;
+    val space = many (some Char.isSpace);
+  in
+    val lexer = (space ++ lexToken ++ space) >> (fn (_,(tok,_)) => tok);
+  end;
+  fun termParser inputStream =
+      let
+        val quants = !binders
+        and iOps = !infixes
+        and neg = !negation
+        and bracks = ("(",")") :: !brackets
+        val bracks = map (fn (b1,b2) => (b1 ^ b2, b1, b2)) bracks
+        val bTokens = map #2 bracks @ map #3 bracks
+        fun possibleVarName "" = false
+          | possibleVarName s = isAlphaNum (String.sub (s,0))
+        fun vName bv s = NameSet.member s bv
+        val iTokens = infixTokens iOps
+        val iParser = parseInfixes iOps (fn (f,a,b) => Fn (f,[a,b]))
+        val specialTokens = neg :: quants @ ["$"] @ bTokens @ iTokens
+        fun varName bv =
+            Parser.some (vName bv) ||
+            (exact "$" ++ some possibleVarName) >> (fn (_,s) => s)
+        fun fName bv s = not (mem s specialTokens) andalso not (vName bv s)
+        fun functionName bv =
+            Parser.some (fName bv) ||
+            (exact "(" ++ any ++ exact ")") >> (fn (_,(s,_)) => s)
+        fun basic bv tokens =
+            let
+              val var = varName bv >> Var
+              val const = functionName bv >> (fn f => Fn (f,[]))
+              fun bracket (ab,a,b) =
+                  (exact a ++ term bv ++ exact b) >>
+                  (fn (_,(tm,_)) => if ab = "()" then tm else Fn (ab,[tm]))
+              fun quantifier q =
+                  let
+                    fun bind (v,t) = Fn (q, [Var v, t])
+                  in
+                    (exact q ++ atLeastOne (some possibleVarName) ++
+                     exact ".") >>++
+                    (fn (_,(vs,_)) =>
+                        term (NameSet.addList bv vs) >>
+                        (fn body => foldr bind body vs))
+                  end
+            in
+              var ||
+              const ||
+              first (map bracket bracks) ||
+              first (map quantifier quants)
+            end tokens
+        and molecule bv tokens =
+            let
+              val negations = many (exact neg) >> length
+              val function =
+                  (functionName bv ++ many (basic bv)) >> Fn || basic bv
+            in
+              (negations ++ function) >>
+              (fn (n,tm) => funpow n (fn t => Fn (neg,[t])) tm)
+            end tokens
+        and term bv tokens = iParser (molecule bv) tokens
+      in
+        term NameSet.empty
+      end inputStream;
+  fun fromString input =
+      let
+        val chars = Stream.fromList (explode input)
+        val tokens = everything (lexer >> singleton) chars
+        val terms = everything (termParser >> singleton) tokens
+      in
+        case Stream.toList terms of
+          [tm] => tm
+        | _ => raise Error "Syntax.stringToTerm"
+      end;
+  val antiquotedTermToString =
+      Parser.toString (Parser.ppBracket "(" ")" pp);
+  val parse = Parser.parseQuotation antiquotedTermToString fromString;
+structure TermOrdered =
+struct type t = Term.term val compare = end
+structure TermSet = ElementSet (TermOrdered);
+structure TermMap = KeyMap (TermOrdered);
+(**** Original file: Subst.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC SUBSTITUTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Subst =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic substitutions.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty : subst
+val null : subst -> bool
+val size : subst -> int
+val peek : subst -> Metis.Term.var -> Metis.Term.term option
+val insert : subst -> Metis.Term.var * Metis.Term.term -> subst
+val singleton : Metis.Term.var * Metis.Term.term -> subst
+val union : subst -> subst -> subst
+val toList : subst -> (Metis.Term.var * Metis.Term.term) list
+val fromList : (Metis.Term.var * Metis.Term.term) list -> subst
+val foldl : (Metis.Term.var * Metis.Term.term * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> subst -> 'a
+val foldr : (Metis.Term.var * Metis.Term.term * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> subst -> 'a
+val pp : subst Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : subst -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Normalizing removes identity substitutions.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val normalize : subst -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a substitution to a first order logic term.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : subst -> Metis.Term.term -> Metis.Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Restricting a substitution to a smaller set of variables.                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val restrict : subst -> Metis.NameSet.set -> subst
+val remove : subst -> Metis.NameSet.set -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Composing two substitutions so that the following identity holds:         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* subst (compose sub1 sub2) tm = subst sub2 (subst sub1 tm)                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compose : subst -> subst -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions can be inverted iff they are renaming substitutions.        *) 
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val invert : subst -> subst  (* raises Error *)
+val isRenaming : subst -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Creating a substitution to freshen variables.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars : Metis.NameSet.set -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching for first order logic terms.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : subst -> Metis.Term.term -> Metis.Term.term -> subst  (* raises Error *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification for first order logic terms.                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unify : subst -> Metis.Term.term -> Metis.Term.term -> subst  (* raises Error *)
+(**** Original file: Subst.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC SUBSTITUTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Subst :> Subst =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic substitutions.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype subst = Subst of Term.term;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty = Subst ( ());
+fun null (Subst m) = NameMap.null m;
+fun size (Subst m) = NameMap.size m;
+fun peek (Subst m) v = NameMap.peek m v;
+fun insert (Subst m) v_tm = Subst (NameMap.insert m v_tm);
+fun singleton v_tm = insert empty v_tm;
+  fun compatible (tm1,tm2) =
+      if tm1 = tm2 then SOME tm1 else raise Error "Subst.union: incompatible";
+  fun union (s1 as Subst m1) (s2 as Subst m2) =
+      if NameMap.null m1 then s2
+      else if NameMap.null m2 then s1
+      else Subst (NameMap.union compatible m1 m2);
+fun toList (Subst m) = NameMap.toList m;
+fun fromList l = Subst (NameMap.fromList l);
+fun foldl f b (Subst m) = NameMap.foldl f b m;
+fun foldr f b (Subst m) = NameMap.foldr f b m;
+fun pp ppstrm sub =
+    Parser.ppBracket "<[" "]>"
+      (Parser.ppSequence "," (Parser.ppBinop " |->" Parser.ppString Term.pp))
+      ppstrm (toList sub);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Normalizing removes identity substitutions.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun isNotId (v,tm) = not (Term.equalVar v tm);
+  fun normalize (sub as Subst m) =
+      let
+        val m' = NameMap.filter isNotId m
+      in
+        if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a substitution to a first order logic term.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub =
+    let
+      fun tmSub (tm as Term.Var v) =
+          (case peek sub v of
+             SOME tm' => if Sharing.pointerEqual (tm,tm') then tm else tm'
+           | NONE => tm)
+        | tmSub (tm as Term.Fn (f,args)) =
+          let
+            val args' = tmSub args
+          in
+            if Sharing.pointerEqual (args,args') then tm
+            else Term.Fn (f,args')
+          end
+    in
+      fn tm => if null sub then tm else tmSub tm
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Restricting a substitution to a given set of variables.                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun restrict (sub as Subst m) varSet =
+    let
+      fun isRestrictedVar (v,_) = NameSet.member v varSet
+      val m' = NameMap.filter isRestrictedVar m
+    in
+      if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+    end;
+fun remove (sub as Subst m) varSet =
+    let
+      fun isRestrictedVar (v,_) = not (NameSet.member v varSet)
+      val m' = NameMap.filter isRestrictedVar m
+    in
+      if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Composing two substitutions so that the following identity holds:         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* subst (compose sub1 sub2) tm = subst sub2 (subst sub1 tm)                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compose (sub1 as Subst m1) sub2 =
+    let
+      fun f (v,tm,s) = insert s (v, subst sub2 tm)
+    in
+      if null sub2 then sub1 else NameMap.foldl f sub2 m1
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions can be inverted iff they are renaming substitutions.        *) 
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun inv (v, Term.Var w, s) =
+      if NameMap.inDomain w s then raise Error "Subst.invert: non-injective"
+      else NameMap.insert s (w, Term.Var v)
+    | inv (_, Term.Fn _, _) = raise Error "Subst.invert: non-variable";
+  fun invert (Subst m) = Subst (NameMap.foldl inv ( ()) m);
+val isRenaming = can invert;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Creating a substitution to freshen variables.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars =
+    let
+      fun add (v,m) = insert m (v, Term.newVar ())
+    in
+      NameSet.foldl add empty
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching for first order logic terms.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchList sub [] = sub
+    | matchList sub ((Term.Var v, tm) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val sub =
+            case peek sub v of
+              NONE => insert sub (v,tm)
+            | SOME tm' =>
+              if tm = tm' then sub
+              else raise Error "Subst.match: incompatible matches"
+      in
+        matchList sub rest
+      end
+    | matchList sub ((Term.Fn (f1,args1), Term.Fn (f2,args2)) :: rest) =
+      if f1 = f2 andalso length args1 = length args2 then
+        matchList sub (zip args1 args2 @ rest)
+      else raise Error "Subst.match: different structure"
+    | matchList _ _ = raise Error "Subst.match: functions can't match vars";
+  fun match sub tm1 tm2 = matchList sub [(tm1,tm2)];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification for first order logic terms.                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun solve sub [] = sub
+    | solve sub ((tm1_tm2 as (tm1,tm2)) :: rest) =
+      if Portable.pointerEqual tm1_tm2 then solve sub rest
+      else solve' sub (subst sub tm1) (subst sub tm2) rest
+  and solve' sub (Term.Var v) tm rest =
+      if Term.equalVar v tm then solve sub rest
+      else if Term.freeIn v tm then raise Error "Subst.unify: occurs check"
+      else
+        (case peek sub v of
+           NONE => solve (compose sub (singleton (v,tm))) rest
+         | SOME tm' => solve' sub tm' tm rest)
+    | solve' sub tm1 (tm2 as Term.Var _) rest = solve' sub tm2 tm1 rest
+    | solve' sub (Term.Fn (f1,args1)) (Term.Fn (f2,args2)) rest =
+      if f1 = f2 andalso length args1 = length args2 then
+        solve sub (zip args1 args2 @ rest)
+      else
+        raise Error "Subst.unify: different structure";
+  fun unify sub tm1 tm2 = solve sub [(tm1,tm2)];
+(**** Original file: Atom.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC ATOMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Atom =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic atoms.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type relationName =
+type relation = relationName * int
+type atom = relationName * Metis.Term.term list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val name : atom -> relationName
+val arguments : atom -> Metis.Term.term list
+val arity : atom -> int
+val relation : atom -> relation
+val functions : atom -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : atom -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* Binary relations *)
+val mkBinop : relationName -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> atom
+val destBinop : relationName -> atom -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isBinop : relationName -> atom -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of an atom in symbols.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : atom -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for atoms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : atom * atom -> order
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subterm : atom -> Metis.Term.path -> Metis.Term.term
+val subterms : atom -> (Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term) list
+val replace : atom -> Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term -> atom
+val find : (Metis.Term.term -> bool) -> atom -> Metis.Term.path option
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Metis.Term.var -> atom -> bool
+val freeVars : atom -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Metis.Subst.subst -> atom -> atom
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : Metis.Subst.subst -> atom -> atom -> Metis.Subst.subst  (* raises Error *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unify : Metis.Subst.subst -> atom -> atom -> Metis.Subst.subst  (* raises Error *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val eqRelation : relation
+val mkEq : Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> atom
+val destEq : atom -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isEq : atom -> bool
+val mkRefl : Metis.Term.term -> atom
+val destRefl : atom -> Metis.Term.term
+val isRefl : atom -> bool
+val sym : atom -> atom  (* raises Error if given a refl *)
+val lhs : atom -> Metis.Term.term
+val rhs : atom -> Metis.Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val typedSymbols : atom -> int
+val nonVarTypedSubterms : atom -> (Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp : atom Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : atom -> string
+val fromString : string -> atom
+val parse : Metis.Term.term Metis.Parser.quotation -> atom
+(**** Original file: Atom.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC ATOMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Atom :> Atom =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic atoms.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type relationName =;
+type relation = relationName * int;
+type atom = relationName * Term.term list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun name ((rel,_) : atom) = rel;
+fun arguments ((_,args) : atom) = args;
+fun arity atm = length (arguments atm);
+fun relation atm = (name atm, arity atm);
+val functions =
+    let
+      fun f (tm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (Term.functions tm) acc
+    in
+      fn atm => foldl f NameAritySet.empty (arguments atm)
+    end;
+val functionNames =
+    let
+      fun f (tm,acc) = NameSet.union (Term.functionNames tm) acc
+    in
+      fn atm => foldl f NameSet.empty (arguments atm)
+    end;
+(* Binary relations *)
+fun mkBinop p (a,b) : atom = (p,[a,b]);
+fun destBinop p (x,[a,b]) =
+    if x = p then (a,b) else raise Error "Atom.destBinop: wrong binop"
+  | destBinop _ _ = raise Error "Atom.destBinop: not a binop";
+fun isBinop p = can (destBinop p);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of an atom in symbols.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symbols atm = foldl (fn (tm,z) => Term.symbols tm + z) 1 (arguments atm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for atoms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare ((p1,tms1),(p2,tms2)) =
+    case (p1,p2) of
+      LESS => LESS
+    | EQUAL => lexCompare (tms1,tms2)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subterm _ [] = raise Bug "Atom.subterm: empty path"
+  | subterm ((_,tms) : atom) (h :: t) =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Atom.subterm: bad path"
+    else Term.subterm (List.nth (tms,h)) t;
+fun subterms ((_,tms) : atom) =
+    let
+      fun f ((n,tm),l) = map (fn (p,s) => (n :: p, s)) (Term.subterms tm) @ l
+    in
+      foldl f [] (enumerate tms)
+    end;
+fun replace _ ([],_) = raise Bug "Atom.replace: empty path"
+  | replace (atm as (rel,tms)) (h :: t, res) : atom =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Atom.replace: bad path"
+    else
+      let
+        val tm = List.nth (tms,h)
+        val tm' = Term.replace tm (t,res)
+      in
+        if Sharing.pointerEqual (tm,tm') then atm
+        else (rel, updateNth (h,tm') tms)
+      end;
+fun find pred =
+    let
+      fun f (i,tm) =
+          case Term.find pred tm of
+            SOME path => SOME (i :: path)
+          | NONE => NONE
+    in
+      fn (_,tms) : atom => first f (enumerate tms)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v atm = List.exists (Term.freeIn v) (arguments atm);
+val freeVars =
+    let
+      fun f (tm,acc) = NameSet.union (Term.freeVars tm) acc
+    in
+      fn atm => foldl f NameSet.empty (arguments atm)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub (atm as (p,tms)) : atom =
+    let
+      val tms' = (Subst.subst sub) tms
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (tms',tms) then atm else (p,tms')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchArg ((tm1,tm2),sub) = Subst.match sub tm1 tm2;
+  fun match sub (p1,tms1) (p2,tms2) =
+      let
+        val _ = (p1 = p2 andalso length tms1 = length tms2) orelse
+                raise Error "Atom.match"
+      in
+        foldl matchArg sub (zip tms1 tms2)
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun unifyArg ((tm1,tm2),sub) = Subst.unify sub tm1 tm2;
+  fun unify sub (p1,tms1) (p2,tms2) =
+      let
+        val _ = (p1 = p2 andalso length tms1 = length tms2) orelse
+                raise Error "Atom.unify"
+      in
+        foldl unifyArg sub (zip tms1 tms2)
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val eqName = "=";
+val eqArity = 2;
+val eqRelation = (eqName,eqArity);
+val mkEq = mkBinop eqName;
+fun destEq x = destBinop eqName x;
+fun isEq x = isBinop eqName x;
+fun mkRefl tm = mkEq (tm,tm);
+fun destRefl atm =
+    let
+      val (l,r) = destEq atm
+      val _ = l = r orelse raise Error "Atom.destRefl"
+    in
+      l
+    end;
+fun isRefl x = can destRefl x;
+fun sym atm =
+    let
+      val (l,r) = destEq atm
+      val _ = l <> r orelse raise Error "Atom.sym: refl"
+    in
+      mkEq (r,l)
+    end;
+fun lhs atm = fst (destEq atm);
+fun rhs atm = snd (destEq atm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun typedSymbols ((_,tms) : atom) =
+    foldl (fn (tm,z) => Term.typedSymbols tm + z) 1 tms;
+fun nonVarTypedSubterms (_,tms) =
+    let
+      fun addArg ((n,arg),acc) =
+          let
+            fun addTm ((path,tm),acc) = (n :: path, tm) :: acc
+          in
+            foldl addTm acc (Term.nonVarTypedSubterms arg)
+          end
+    in
+      foldl addArg [] (enumerate tms)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp = Parser.ppMap Term.Fn Term.pp;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+fun fromString s = Term.destFn (Term.fromString s);
+val parse = Parser.parseQuotation Term.toString fromString;
+structure AtomOrdered =
+struct type t = Atom.atom val compare = end
+structure AtomSet = ElementSet (AtomOrdered);
+structure AtomMap = KeyMap (AtomOrdered);
+(**** Original file: Formula.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC FORMULAS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Formula =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic formulas.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | Atom of Metis.Atom.atom
+  | Not of formula
+  | And of formula * formula
+  | Or of formula * formula
+  | Imp of formula * formula
+  | Iff of formula * formula
+  | Forall of Metis.Term.var * formula
+  | Exists of Metis.Term.var * formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Booleans *)
+val mkBoolean : bool -> formula
+val destBoolean : formula -> bool
+val isBoolean : formula -> bool
+(* Functions *)
+val functions : formula -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : formula -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* Relations *)
+val relations : formula -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val relationNames : formula -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* Atoms *)
+val destAtom : formula -> Metis.Atom.atom
+val isAtom : formula -> bool
+(* Negations *)
+val destNeg : formula -> formula
+val isNeg : formula -> bool
+val stripNeg : formula -> int * formula
+(* Conjunctions *)
+val listMkConj : formula list -> formula
+val stripConj : formula -> formula list
+val flattenConj : formula -> formula list
+(* Disjunctions *)
+val listMkDisj : formula list -> formula
+val stripDisj : formula -> formula list
+val flattenDisj : formula -> formula list
+(* Equivalences *)
+val listMkEquiv : formula list -> formula
+val stripEquiv : formula -> formula list
+val flattenEquiv : formula -> formula list
+(* Universal quantification *)
+val destForall : formula -> Metis.Term.var * formula
+val isForall : formula -> bool
+val listMkForall : Metis.Term.var list * formula -> formula
+val stripForall : formula -> Metis.Term.var list * formula
+(* Existential quantification *)
+val destExists : formula -> Metis.Term.var * formula
+val isExists : formula -> bool
+val listMkExists : Metis.Term.var list * formula -> formula
+val stripExists : formula -> Metis.Term.var list * formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a formula in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : formula -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for formulas.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : formula * formula -> order
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Metis.Term.var -> formula -> bool
+val freeVars : formula -> Metis.NameSet.set
+val specialize : formula -> formula
+val generalize : formula -> formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Metis.Subst.subst -> formula -> formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mkEq : Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> formula
+val destEq : formula -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isEq : formula -> bool
+val mkNeq : Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> formula
+val destNeq : formula -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isNeq : formula -> bool
+val mkRefl : Metis.Term.term -> formula
+val destRefl : formula -> Metis.Term.term
+val isRefl : formula -> bool
+val sym : formula -> formula  (* raises Error if given a refl *)
+val lhs : formula -> Metis.Term.term
+val rhs : formula -> Metis.Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type quotation = formula Metis.Parser.quotation
+val pp : formula Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : formula -> string
+val fromString : string -> formula
+val parse : quotation -> formula
+(**** Original file: Formula.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC FORMULAS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Formula :> Formula =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic formulas.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | Atom of Atom.atom
+  | Not of formula
+  | And of formula * formula
+  | Or of formula * formula
+  | Imp of formula * formula
+  | Iff of formula * formula
+  | Forall of Term.var * formula
+  | Exists of Term.var * formula;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Booleans *)
+fun mkBoolean true = True
+  | mkBoolean false = False;
+fun destBoolean True = true
+  | destBoolean False = false
+  | destBoolean _ = raise Error "destBoolean";
+val isBoolean = can destBoolean;
+(* Functions *)
+  fun funcs fs [] = fs
+    | funcs fs (True :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (False :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (Atom atm :: fms) =
+      funcs (NameAritySet.union (Atom.functions atm) fs) fms
+    | funcs fs (Not p :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms);
+  fun functions fm = funcs NameAritySet.empty [fm];
+  fun funcs fs [] = fs
+    | funcs fs (True :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (False :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (Atom atm :: fms) =
+      funcs (NameSet.union (Atom.functionNames atm) fs) fms
+    | funcs fs (Not p :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms);
+  fun functionNames fm = funcs NameSet.empty [fm];
+(* Relations *)
+  fun rels fs [] = fs
+    | rels fs (True :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (False :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (Atom atm :: fms) =
+      rels (NameAritySet.add fs (Atom.relation atm)) fms
+    | rels fs (Not p :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms);
+  fun relations fm = rels NameAritySet.empty [fm];
+  fun rels fs [] = fs
+    | rels fs (True :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (False :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (Atom atm :: fms) = rels (NameSet.add fs ( atm)) fms
+    | rels fs (Not p :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms);
+  fun relationNames fm = rels NameSet.empty [fm];
+(* Atoms *)
+fun destAtom (Atom atm) = atm
+  | destAtom _ = raise Error "Formula.destAtom";
+val isAtom = can destAtom;
+(* Negations *)
+fun destNeg (Not p) = p
+  | destNeg _ = raise Error "Formula.destNeg";
+val isNeg = can destNeg;
+val stripNeg =
+    let
+      fun strip n (Not fm) = strip (n + 1) fm
+        | strip n fm = (n,fm)
+    in
+      strip 0
+    end;
+(* Conjunctions *)
+fun listMkConj fms =
+    case rev fms of [] => True | fm :: fms => foldl And fm fms;
+  fun strip cs (And (p,q)) = strip (p :: cs) q
+    | strip cs fm = rev (fm :: cs);
+  fun stripConj True = []
+    | stripConj fm = strip [] fm;
+val flattenConj =
+    let
+      fun flat acc [] = acc
+        | flat acc (And (p,q) :: fms) = flat acc (q :: p :: fms)
+        | flat acc (True :: fms) = flat acc fms
+        | flat acc (fm :: fms) = flat (fm :: acc) fms
+    in
+      fn fm => flat [] [fm]
+    end;
+(* Disjunctions *)
+fun listMkDisj fms =
+    case rev fms of [] => False | fm :: fms => foldl Or fm fms;
+  fun strip cs (Or (p,q)) = strip (p :: cs) q
+    | strip cs fm = rev (fm :: cs);
+  fun stripDisj False = []
+    | stripDisj fm = strip [] fm;
+val flattenDisj =
+    let
+      fun flat acc [] = acc
+        | flat acc (Or (p,q) :: fms) = flat acc (q :: p :: fms)
+        | flat acc (False :: fms) = flat acc fms
+        | flat acc (fm :: fms) = flat (fm :: acc) fms
+    in
+      fn fm => flat [] [fm]
+    end;
+(* Equivalences *)
+fun listMkEquiv fms =
+    case rev fms of [] => True | fm :: fms => foldl Iff fm fms;
+  fun strip cs (Iff (p,q)) = strip (p :: cs) q
+    | strip cs fm = rev (fm :: cs);
+  fun stripEquiv True = []
+    | stripEquiv fm = strip [] fm;
+val flattenEquiv =
+    let
+      fun flat acc [] = acc
+        | flat acc (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = flat acc (q :: p :: fms)
+        | flat acc (True :: fms) = flat acc fms
+        | flat acc (fm :: fms) = flat (fm :: acc) fms
+    in
+      fn fm => flat [] [fm]
+    end;
+(* Universal quantifiers *)
+fun destForall (Forall v_f) = v_f
+  | destForall _ = raise Error "destForall";
+val isForall = can destForall;
+fun listMkForall ([],body) = body
+  | listMkForall (v :: vs, body) = Forall (v, listMkForall (vs,body));
+  fun strip vs (Forall (v,b)) = strip (v :: vs) b
+    | strip vs tm = (rev vs, tm);
+  val stripForall = strip [];
+(* Existential quantifiers *)
+fun destExists (Exists v_f) = v_f
+  | destExists _ = raise Error "destExists";
+val isExists = can destExists;
+fun listMkExists ([],body) = body
+  | listMkExists (v :: vs, body) = Exists (v, listMkExists (vs,body));
+  fun strip vs (Exists (v,b)) = strip (v :: vs) b
+    | strip vs tm = (rev vs, tm);
+  val stripExists = strip [];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a formula in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (True :: fms) = sz (n + 1) fms
+    | sz n (False :: fms) = sz (n + 1) fms
+    | sz n (Atom atm :: fms) = sz (n + Atom.symbols atm) fms
+    | sz n (Not p :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: fms)
+    | sz n (And (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Or (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: fms)
+    | sz n (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: fms);
+  fun symbols fm = sz 0 [fm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for formulas.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun cmp [] = EQUAL
+    | cmp ((True,True) :: l) = cmp l
+    | cmp ((True,_) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_,True) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((False,False) :: l) = cmp l
+    | cmp ((False,_) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_,False) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Atom atm1, Atom atm2) :: l) =
+      (case (atm1,atm2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp l
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp ((Atom _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Atom _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Not p1, Not p2) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Not _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Not _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((And (p1,q1), And (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((And _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, And _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Or (p1,q1), Or (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Or _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Or _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Imp (p1,q1), Imp (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Imp _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Imp _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Iff (p1,q1), Iff (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Iff _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Iff _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Forall (v1,p1), Forall (v2,p2)) :: l) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp ((p1,p2) :: l)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp ((Forall _, Exists _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((Exists _, Forall _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Exists (v1,p1), Exists (v2,p2)) :: l) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp ((p1,p2) :: l)
+       | GREATER => GREATER);
+  fun compare fm1_fm2 = cmp [fm1_fm2];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v =
+    let
+      fun f [] = false
+        | f (True :: fms) = f fms
+        | f (False :: fms) = f fms
+        | f (Atom atm :: fms) = Atom.freeIn v atm orelse f fms
+        | f (Not p :: fms) = f (p :: fms)
+        | f (And (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Or (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Forall (w,p) :: fms) = if v = w then f fms else f (p :: fms)
+        | f (Exists (w,p) :: fms) = if v = w then f fms else f (p :: fms)
+    in
+      fn fm => f [fm]
+    end;
+  fun fv vs [] = vs
+    | fv vs ((_,True) :: fms) = fv vs fms
+    | fv vs ((_,False) :: fms) = fv vs fms
+    | fv vs ((bv, Atom atm) :: fms) =
+      fv (NameSet.union vs (NameSet.difference (Atom.freeVars atm) bv)) fms
+    | fv vs ((bv, Not p) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, And (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Or (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Imp (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Iff (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Forall (v,p)) :: fms) = fv vs ((NameSet.add bv v, p) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Exists (v,p)) :: fms) = fv vs ((NameSet.add bv v, p) :: fms);
+  fun freeVars fm = fv NameSet.empty [(NameSet.empty,fm)];
+fun specialize fm = snd (stripForall fm);
+fun generalize fm = listMkForall (NameSet.toList (freeVars fm), fm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun substCheck sub fm = if Subst.null sub then fm else substFm sub fm
+  and substFm sub fm =
+      case fm of
+        True => fm
+      | False => fm
+      | Atom (p,tms) =>
+        let
+          val tms' = (Subst.subst sub) tms
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (tms,tms') then fm else Atom (p,tms')
+        end
+      | Not p =>
+        let
+          val p' = substFm sub p
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (p,p') then fm else Not p'
+        end
+      | And (p,q) => substConn sub fm And p q
+      | Or (p,q) => substConn sub fm Or p q
+      | Imp (p,q) => substConn sub fm Imp p q
+      | Iff (p,q) => substConn sub fm Iff p q
+      | Forall (v,p) => substQuant sub fm Forall v p
+      | Exists (v,p) => substQuant sub fm Exists v p
+  and substConn sub fm conn p q =
+      let
+        val p' = substFm sub p
+        and q' = substFm sub q
+      in
+        if Sharing.pointerEqual (p,p') andalso
+           Sharing.pointerEqual (q,q')
+        then fm
+        else conn (p',q')
+      end
+  and substQuant sub fm quant v p =
+      let
+        val v' =
+            let
+              fun f (w,s) =
+                  if w = v then s
+                  else
+                    case Subst.peek sub w of
+                      NONE => NameSet.add s w
+                    | SOME tm => NameSet.union s (Term.freeVars tm)
+              val vars = freeVars p
+              val vars = NameSet.foldl f NameSet.empty vars
+            in
+              Term.variantPrime vars v
+            end
+        val sub =
+            if v = v' then Subst.remove sub (NameSet.singleton v)
+            else Subst.insert sub (v, Term.Var v')
+        val p' = substCheck sub p
+      in
+        if v = v' andalso Sharing.pointerEqual (p,p') then fm
+        else quant (v',p')
+      end;
+  val subst = substCheck;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkEq a_b = Atom (Atom.mkEq a_b);
+fun destEq fm = Atom.destEq (destAtom fm);
+val isEq = can destEq;
+fun mkNeq a_b = Not (mkEq a_b);
+fun destNeq (Not fm) = destEq fm
+  | destNeq _ = raise Error "Formula.destNeq";
+val isNeq = can destNeq;
+fun mkRefl tm = Atom (Atom.mkRefl tm);
+fun destRefl fm = Atom.destRefl (destAtom fm);
+val isRefl = can destRefl;
+fun sym fm = Atom (Atom.sym (destAtom fm));
+fun lhs fm = fst (destEq fm);
+fun rhs fm = snd (destEq fm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type quotation = formula Parser.quotation
+val truthSymbol = "T"
+and falsitySymbol = "F"
+and conjunctionSymbol = "/\\"
+and disjunctionSymbol = "\\/"
+and implicationSymbol = "==>"
+and equivalenceSymbol = "<=>"
+and universalSymbol = "!"
+and existentialSymbol = "?";
+  fun demote True = Term.Fn (truthSymbol,[])
+    | demote False = Term.Fn (falsitySymbol,[])
+    | demote (Atom (p,tms)) = Term.Fn (p,tms)
+    | demote (Not p) = Term.Fn (!Term.negation, [demote p])
+    | demote (And (p,q)) = Term.Fn (conjunctionSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Or (p,q)) = Term.Fn (disjunctionSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Imp (p,q)) = Term.Fn (implicationSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Iff (p,q)) = Term.Fn (equivalenceSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Forall (v,b)) = Term.Fn (universalSymbol, [Term.Var v, demote b])
+    | demote (Exists (v,b)) =
+      Term.Fn (existentialSymbol, [Term.Var v, demote b]);
+  fun pp ppstrm fm = Term.pp ppstrm (demote fm);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+  fun isQuant [Term.Var _, _] = true
+    | isQuant _ = false;
+  fun promote (Term.Var v) = Atom (v,[])
+    | promote (Term.Fn (f,tms)) =
+      if f = truthSymbol andalso null tms then
+        True
+      else if f = falsitySymbol andalso null tms then
+        False
+      else if f = !Term.negation andalso length tms = 1 then
+        Not (promote (hd tms))
+      else if f = conjunctionSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        And (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = disjunctionSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        Or (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = implicationSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        Imp (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = equivalenceSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        Iff (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = universalSymbol andalso isQuant tms then
+        Forall (Term.destVar (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = existentialSymbol andalso isQuant tms then
+        Exists (Term.destVar (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else
+        Atom (f,tms);
+  fun fromString s = promote (Term.fromString s);
+val parse = Parser.parseQuotation toString fromString;
+(**** Original file: Literal.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC LITERALS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Literal =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic literals.                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type polarity = bool
+type literal = polarity * Metis.Atom.atom
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val polarity : literal -> polarity
+val atom : literal -> Metis.Atom.atom
+val name : literal -> Metis.Atom.relationName
+val arguments : literal -> Metis.Term.term list
+val arity : literal -> int
+val positive : literal -> bool
+val negative : literal -> bool
+val negate : literal -> literal
+val relation : literal -> Metis.Atom.relation
+val functions : literal -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : literal -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* Binary relations *)
+val mkBinop : Metis.Atom.relationName -> polarity * Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> literal
+val destBinop : Metis.Atom.relationName -> literal -> polarity * Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isBinop : Metis.Atom.relationName -> literal -> bool
+(* Formulas *)
+val toFormula : literal -> Metis.Formula.formula
+val fromFormula : Metis.Formula.formula -> literal
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a literal in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : literal -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for literals.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : literal * literal -> order  (* negative < positive *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subterm : literal -> Metis.Term.path -> Metis.Term.term
+val subterms : literal -> (Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term) list
+val replace : literal -> Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term -> literal
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Metis.Term.var -> literal -> bool
+val freeVars : literal -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Metis.Subst.subst -> literal -> literal
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match :  (* raises Error *)
+    Metis.Subst.subst -> literal -> literal -> Metis.Subst.subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unify :  (* raises Error *)
+    Metis.Subst.subst -> literal -> literal -> Metis.Subst.subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mkEq : Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> literal
+val destEq : literal -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isEq : literal -> bool
+val mkNeq : Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> literal
+val destNeq : literal -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isNeq : literal -> bool
+val mkRefl : Metis.Term.term -> literal
+val destRefl : literal -> Metis.Term.term
+val isRefl : literal -> bool
+val mkIrrefl : Metis.Term.term -> literal
+val destIrrefl : literal -> Metis.Term.term
+val isIrrefl : literal -> bool
+(* The following work with both equalities and disequalities *)
+val sym : literal -> literal  (* raises Error if given a refl or irrefl *)
+val lhs : literal -> Metis.Term.term
+val rhs : literal -> Metis.Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val typedSymbols : literal -> int
+val nonVarTypedSubterms : literal -> (Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp : literal Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : literal -> string
+val fromString : string -> literal
+val parse : Metis.Term.term Metis.Parser.quotation -> literal
+(**** Original file: Literal.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC LITERALS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Literal :> Literal =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic literals.                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type polarity = bool;
+type literal = polarity * Atom.atom;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun polarity ((pol,_) : literal) = pol;
+fun atom ((_,atm) : literal) = atm;
+fun name lit = (atom lit);
+fun arguments lit = Atom.arguments (atom lit);
+fun arity lit = Atom.arity (atom lit);
+fun positive lit = polarity lit;
+fun negative lit = not (polarity lit);
+fun negate (pol,atm) : literal = (not pol, atm)
+fun relation lit = Atom.relation (atom lit);
+fun functions lit = Atom.functions (atom lit);
+fun functionNames lit = Atom.functionNames (atom lit);
+(* Binary relations *)
+fun mkBinop rel (pol,a,b) : literal = (pol, Atom.mkBinop rel (a,b));
+fun destBinop rel ((pol,atm) : literal) =
+    case Atom.destBinop rel atm of (a,b) => (pol,a,b);
+fun isBinop rel = can (destBinop rel);
+(* Formulas *)
+fun toFormula (true,atm) = Formula.Atom atm
+  | toFormula (false,atm) = Formula.Not (Formula.Atom atm);
+fun fromFormula (Formula.Atom atm) = (true,atm)
+  | fromFormula (Formula.Not (Formula.Atom atm)) = (false,atm)
+  | fromFormula _ = raise Error "Literal.fromFormula";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a literal in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symbols ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.symbols atm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for literals.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare ((pol1,atm1),(pol2,atm2)) =
+    case boolCompare (pol1,pol2) of
+      LESS => GREATER
+    | EQUAL => (atm1,atm2)
+    | GREATER => LESS;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subterm lit path = Atom.subterm (atom lit) path;
+fun subterms lit = Atom.subterms (atom lit);
+fun replace (lit as (pol,atm)) path_tm =
+    let
+      val atm' = Atom.replace atm path_tm
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (atm,atm') then lit else (pol,atm')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v lit = Atom.freeIn v (atom lit);
+fun freeVars lit = Atom.freeVars (atom lit);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub (lit as (pol,atm)) : literal =
+    let
+      val atm' = Atom.subst sub atm
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (atm',atm) then lit else (pol,atm')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match sub ((pol1,atm1) : literal) (pol2,atm2) =
+    let
+      val _ = pol1 = pol2 orelse raise Error "Literal.match"
+    in
+      Atom.match sub atm1 atm2
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun unify sub ((pol1,atm1) : literal) (pol2,atm2) =
+    let
+      val _ = pol1 = pol2 orelse raise Error "Literal.unify"
+    in
+      Atom.unify sub atm1 atm2
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkEq l_r : literal = (true, Atom.mkEq l_r);
+fun destEq ((true,atm) : literal) = Atom.destEq atm
+  | destEq (false,_) = raise Error "Literal.destEq";
+val isEq = can destEq;
+fun mkNeq l_r : literal = (false, Atom.mkEq l_r);
+fun destNeq ((false,atm) : literal) = Atom.destEq atm
+  | destNeq (true,_) = raise Error "Literal.destNeq";
+val isNeq = can destNeq;
+fun mkRefl tm = (true, Atom.mkRefl tm);
+fun destRefl (true,atm) = Atom.destRefl atm
+  | destRefl (false,_) = raise Error "Literal.destRefl";
+val isRefl = can destRefl;
+fun mkIrrefl tm = (false, Atom.mkRefl tm);
+fun destIrrefl (true,_) = raise Error "Literal.destIrrefl"
+  | destIrrefl (false,atm) = Atom.destRefl atm;
+val isIrrefl = can destIrrefl;
+fun sym (pol,atm) : literal = (pol, Atom.sym atm);
+fun lhs ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.lhs atm;
+fun rhs ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.rhs atm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun typedSymbols ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.typedSymbols atm;
+fun nonVarTypedSubterms ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.nonVarTypedSubterms atm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp = Parser.ppMap toFormula Formula.pp;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+fun fromString s = fromFormula (Formula.fromString s);
+val parse = Parser.parseQuotation Term.toString fromString;
+structure LiteralOrdered =
+struct type t = Literal.literal val compare = end
+structure LiteralSet =
+  local
+    structure S = ElementSet (LiteralOrdered);
+  in
+    open S;
+  end;
+  fun negateMember lit set = member (Literal.negate lit) set;
+  val negate =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = add set (Literal.negate lit)
+      in
+        foldl f empty
+      end;
+  val relations =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = NameAritySet.add set (Literal.relation lit)
+      in
+        foldl f NameAritySet.empty
+      end;
+  val functions =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = NameAritySet.union set (Literal.functions lit)
+      in
+        foldl f NameAritySet.empty
+      end;
+  val freeVars =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = NameSet.union set (Literal.freeVars lit)
+      in
+        foldl f NameSet.empty
+      end;
+  val symbols =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,z) = Literal.symbols lit + z
+      in
+        foldl f 0
+      end;
+  val typedSymbols =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,z) = Literal.typedSymbols lit + z
+      in
+        foldl f 0
+      end;
+  fun subst sub lits =
+      let
+        fun substLit (lit,(eq,lits')) =
+            let
+              val lit' = Literal.subst sub lit
+              val eq = eq andalso Sharing.pointerEqual (lit,lit')
+            in
+              (eq, add lits' lit')
+            end
+        val (eq,lits') = foldl substLit (true,empty) lits
+      in
+        if eq then lits else lits'
+      end;
+  val pp =
+      Parser.ppMap
+        toList
+        (Parser.ppBracket "{" "}" (Parser.ppSequence "," Literal.pp));
+structure LiteralMap = KeyMap (LiteralOrdered);
+(**** Original file: Thm.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A LOGICAL KERNEL FOR FIRST ORDER CLAUSES                                  *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Thm =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An abstract type of first order logic theorems.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = Metis.LiteralSet.set
+datatype inferenceType =
+    Axiom
+  | Assume
+  | Subst
+  | Factor
+  | Resolve
+  | Refl
+  | Equality
+type thm
+type inference = inferenceType * thm list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Theorem destructors.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val clause : thm -> clause
+val inference : thm -> inference
+(* Tautologies *)
+val isTautology : thm -> bool
+(* Contradictions *)
+val isContradiction : thm -> bool
+(* Unit theorems *)
+val destUnit : thm -> Metis.Literal.literal
+val isUnit : thm -> bool
+(* Unit equality theorems *)
+val destUnitEq : thm -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term
+val isUnitEq : thm -> bool
+(* Literals *)
+val member : Metis.Literal.literal -> thm -> bool
+val negateMember : Metis.Literal.literal -> thm -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total order.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : thm * thm -> order
+val equal : thm -> thm -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Metis.Term.var -> thm -> bool
+val freeVars : thm -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty-printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ppInferenceType : inferenceType Metis.Parser.pp
+val inferenceTypeToString : inferenceType -> string
+val pp : thm Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : thm -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Primitive rules of inference.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----- axiom C                                                             *)
+(*   C                                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val axiom : clause -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----------- assume L                                                      *)
+(*   L \/ ~L                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val assume : Metis.Literal.literal -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- subst s                                                          *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Metis.Subst.subst -> thm -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   L \/ C    ~L \/ D                                                       *)
+(* --------------------- resolve L                                           *)
+(*        C \/ D                                                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* The literal L must occur in the first theorem, and the literal ~L must    *)
+(* occur in the second theorem.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val resolve : Metis.Literal.literal -> thm -> thm -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- refl t                                                          *)
+(*   t = t                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val refl : Metis.Term.term -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------ equality L p t                                   *)
+(*   ~(s = t) \/ ~L \/ L'                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is the subterm of L at path p, and L' is L with the subterm at    *)
+(* path p being replaced by t.                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val equality : Metis.Literal.literal -> Metis.Term.path -> Metis.Term.term -> thm
+(**** Original file: Thm.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A LOGICAL KERNEL FOR FIRST ORDER CLAUSES                                  *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Thm :> Thm =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An abstract type of first order logic theorems.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = LiteralSet.set;
+datatype inferenceType =
+    Axiom
+  | Assume
+  | Subst
+  | Factor
+  | Resolve
+  | Refl
+  | Equality;
+datatype thm = Thm of clause * (inferenceType * thm list);
+type inference = inferenceType * thm list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Theorem destructors.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun clause (Thm (cl,_)) = cl;
+fun inference (Thm (_,inf)) = inf;
+(* Tautologies *)
+  fun chk (_,NONE) = NONE
+    | chk ((pol,atm), SOME set) =
+      if (pol andalso Atom.isRefl atm) orelse AtomSet.member atm set then NONE
+      else SOME (AtomSet.add set atm);
+  fun isTautology th =
+      case LiteralSet.foldl chk (SOME AtomSet.empty) (clause th) of
+        SOME _ => false
+      | NONE => true;
+(* Contradictions *)
+fun isContradiction th = LiteralSet.null (clause th);
+(* Unit theorems *)
+fun destUnit (Thm (cl,_)) =
+    if LiteralSet.size cl = 1 then LiteralSet.pick cl
+    else raise Error "Thm.destUnit";
+val isUnit = can destUnit;
+(* Unit equality theorems *)
+fun destUnitEq th = Literal.destEq (destUnit th);
+val isUnitEq = can destUnitEq;
+(* Literals *)
+fun member lit (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.member lit cl;
+fun negateMember lit (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.negateMember lit cl;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total order.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare (th1,th2) = (clause th1, clause th2);
+fun equal th1 th2 = LiteralSet.equal (clause th1) (clause th2);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.exists (Literal.freeIn v) cl;
+  fun free (lit,set) = NameSet.union (Literal.freeVars lit) set;
+  fun freeVars (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.foldl free NameSet.empty cl;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty-printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun inferenceTypeToString Axiom = "Axiom"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Assume = "Assume"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Subst = "Subst"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Factor = "Factor"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Resolve = "Resolve"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Refl = "Refl"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Equality = "Equality";
+fun ppInferenceType ppstrm inf =
+    Parser.ppString ppstrm (inferenceTypeToString inf);
+  fun toFormula th =
+      Formula.listMkDisj
+        (map Literal.toFormula (LiteralSet.toList (clause th)));
+  fun pp ppstrm th =
+    let
+      open PP
+    in
+      begin_block ppstrm INCONSISTENT 3;
+      add_string ppstrm "|- ";
+      Formula.pp ppstrm (toFormula th);
+      end_block ppstrm
+    end;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Primitive rules of inference.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----- axiom C                                                             *)
+(*   C                                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun axiom cl = Thm (cl,(Axiom,[]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----------- assume L                                                      *)
+(*   L \/ ~L                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun assume lit =
+    Thm (LiteralSet.fromList [lit, Literal.negate lit], (Assume,[]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- subst s                                                          *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub (th as Thm (cl,inf)) =
+    let
+      val cl' = LiteralSet.subst sub cl
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (cl,cl') then th
+      else
+        case inf of
+          (Subst,_) => Thm (cl',inf)
+        | _ => Thm (cl',(Subst,[th]))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   L \/ C    ~L \/ D                                                       *)
+(* --------------------- resolve L                                           *)
+(*        C \/ D                                                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* The literal L must occur in the first theorem, and the literal ~L must    *)
+(* occur in the second theorem.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun resolve lit (th1 as Thm (cl1,_)) (th2 as Thm (cl2,_)) =
+    let
+      val cl1' = LiteralSet.delete cl1 lit
+      and cl2' = LiteralSet.delete cl2 (Literal.negate lit)
+    in
+      Thm (LiteralSet.union cl1' cl2', (Resolve,[th1,th2]))
+    end;
+val resolve = fn lit => fn pos => fn neg =>
+    resolve lit pos neg
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Thm.resolve:\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^
+                   "\npos = " ^ toString pos ^
+                   "\nneg = " ^ toString neg ^ "\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- refl t                                                          *)
+(*   t = t                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun refl tm = Thm (LiteralSet.singleton (true, Atom.mkRefl tm), (Refl,[]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------ equality L p t                                   *)
+(*   ~(s = t) \/ ~L \/ L'                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is the subterm of L at path p, and L' is L with the subterm at    *)
+(* path p being replaced by t.                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun equality lit path t =
+    let
+      val s = Literal.subterm lit path
+      val lit' = Literal.replace lit (path,t)
+      val eqLit = Literal.mkNeq (s,t)
+      val cl = LiteralSet.fromList [eqLit, Literal.negate lit, lit']
+    in
+      Thm (cl,(Equality,[]))
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Proof.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROOFS IN FIRST ORDER LOGIC                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Proof =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic proofs.                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype inference =
+    Axiom of Metis.LiteralSet.set
+  | Assume of Metis.Atom.atom
+  | Subst of Metis.Subst.subst * Metis.Thm.thm
+  | Resolve of Metis.Atom.atom * Metis.Thm.thm * Metis.Thm.thm
+  | Refl of Metis.Term.term
+  | Equality of Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term
+type proof = (Metis.Thm.thm * inference) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing single inferences.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val inferenceToThm : inference -> Metis.Thm.thm
+val thmToInference : Metis.Thm.thm -> inference
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing whole proofs.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val proof : Metis.Thm.thm -> proof
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ppInference : inference Metis.Parser.pp
+val inferenceToString : inference -> string
+val pp : proof Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : proof -> string
+(**** Original file: Proof.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROOFS IN FIRST ORDER LOGIC                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Proof :> Proof =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic proofs.                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype inference =
+    Axiom of LiteralSet.set
+  | Assume of Atom.atom
+  | Subst of Subst.subst * Thm.thm
+  | Resolve of Atom.atom * Thm.thm * Thm.thm
+  | Refl of Term.term
+  | Equality of Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term;
+type proof = (Thm.thm * inference) list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun inferenceType (Axiom _) = Thm.Axiom
+  | inferenceType (Assume _) = Thm.Assume
+  | inferenceType (Subst _) = Thm.Subst
+  | inferenceType (Resolve _) = Thm.Resolve
+  | inferenceType (Refl _) = Thm.Refl
+  | inferenceType (Equality _) = Thm.Equality;
+  open Parser;
+  fun ppAssume pp atm = (addBreak pp (1,0); Atom.pp pp atm);
+  fun ppSubst ppThm pp (sub,thm) =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1;
+       addString pp "{";
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Subst.pp pp ("sub",sub);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString ppThm pp ("thm",thm);
+       addString pp "}";
+       endBlock pp);
+  fun ppResolve ppThm pp (res,pos,neg) =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1;
+       addString pp "{";
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Atom.pp pp ("res",res);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString ppThm pp ("pos",pos);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString ppThm pp ("neg",neg);
+       addString pp "}";
+       endBlock pp);
+  fun ppRefl pp tm = (addBreak pp (1,0); Term.pp pp tm);
+  fun ppEquality pp (lit,path,res) =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1;
+       addString pp "{";
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Literal.pp pp ("lit",lit);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString (ppList ppInt) pp ("path",path);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Term.pp pp ("res",res);
+       addString pp "}";
+       endBlock pp);
+  fun ppInf ppAxiom ppThm pp inf =
+      let
+        val infString = Thm.inferenceTypeToString (inferenceType inf)
+      in
+        beginBlock pp Inconsistent (size infString + 1);
+        ppString pp infString;
+        case inf of
+          Axiom cl => ppAxiom pp cl
+        | Assume x => ppAssume pp x
+        | Subst x => ppSubst ppThm pp x
+        | Resolve x => ppResolve ppThm pp x
+        | Refl x => ppRefl pp x
+        | Equality x => ppEquality pp x;
+        endBlock pp
+      end;
+  fun ppAxiom pp cl =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppMap
+         LiteralSet.toList
+         (ppBracket "{" "}" (ppSequence "," Literal.pp)) pp cl);
+  val ppInference = ppInf ppAxiom Thm.pp;
+  fun pp p prf =
+      let
+        fun thmString n = "(" ^ Int.toString n ^ ")"
+        val prf = enumerate prf
+        fun ppThm p th =
+            let
+              val cl = Thm.clause th
+              fun pred (_,(th',_)) = LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th') cl
+            in
+              case List.find pred prf of
+                NONE => addString p "(???)"
+              | SOME (n,_) => addString p (thmString n)
+            end
+        fun ppStep (n,(th,inf)) =
+            let
+              val s = thmString n
+            in
+              beginBlock p Consistent (1 + size s);
+              addString p (s ^ " ");
+              Thm.pp p th;
+              addBreak p (2,0);
+              ppBracket "[" "]" (ppInf (K (K ())) ppThm) p inf;
+              endBlock p;
+              addNewline p
+            end
+      in
+        beginBlock p Consistent 0;
+        addString p "START OF PROOF";
+        addNewline p;
+        app ppStep prf;
+        addString p "END OF PROOF";
+        addNewline p;
+        endBlock p
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Bug ("Proof.pp: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+val inferenceToString = Parser.toString ppInference;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing single inferences.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun inferenceToThm (Axiom cl) = Thm.axiom cl
+  | inferenceToThm (Assume atm) = Thm.assume (true,atm)
+  | inferenceToThm (Subst (sub,th)) = Thm.subst sub th
+  | inferenceToThm (Resolve (atm,th,th')) = Thm.resolve (true,atm) th th'
+  | inferenceToThm (Refl tm) = Thm.refl tm
+  | inferenceToThm (Equality (lit,path,r)) = Thm.equality lit path r;
+  fun reconstructSubst cl cl' =
+      let
+        fun recon [] =
+            let
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "reconstructSubst: cl" cl
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "reconstructSubst: cl'" cl'
+            in
+              raise Bug "can't reconstruct Subst rule"
+            end
+          | recon (([],sub) :: others) =
+            if LiteralSet.equal (LiteralSet.subst sub cl) cl' then sub
+            else recon others
+          | recon ((lit :: lits, sub) :: others) =
+            let
+              fun checkLit (lit',acc) =
+                  case total (Literal.match sub lit) lit' of
+                    NONE => acc
+                  | SOME sub => (lits,sub) :: acc
+            in
+              recon (LiteralSet.foldl checkLit others cl')
+            end
+      in
+        Subst.normalize (recon [(LiteralSet.toList cl, Subst.empty)])
+      end
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.recontructSubst: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+  fun reconstructResolvant cl1 cl2 cl =
+      (if not (LiteralSet.subset cl1 cl) then
+         LiteralSet.pick (LiteralSet.difference cl1 cl)
+       else if not (LiteralSet.subset cl2 cl) then
+         Literal.negate (LiteralSet.pick (LiteralSet.difference cl2 cl))
+       else
+         (* A useless resolution, but we must reconstruct it anyway *)
+         let
+           val cl1' = LiteralSet.negate cl1
+           and cl2' = LiteralSet.negate cl2
+           val lits = LiteralSet.intersectList [cl1,cl1',cl2,cl2']
+         in
+           if not (LiteralSet.null lits) then LiteralSet.pick lits
+           else raise Bug "can't reconstruct Resolve rule"
+         end)
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.recontructResolvant: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+  fun reconstructEquality cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "Proof.reconstructEquality: cl" cl
+        fun sync s t path (f,a) (f',a') =
+            if f <> f' orelse length a <> length a' then NONE
+            else
+              case List.filter (op<> o snd) (enumerate (zip a a')) of
+                [(i,(tm,tm'))] =>
+                let
+                  val path = i :: path
+                in
+                  if tm = s andalso tm' = t then SOME (rev path)
+                  else 
+                    case (tm,tm') of
+                      (Term.Fn f_a, Term.Fn f_a') => sync s t path f_a f_a'
+                    | _ => NONE
+                end
+              | _ => NONE
+        fun recon (neq,(pol,atm),(pol',atm')) =
+            if pol = pol' then NONE
+            else
+              let
+                val (s,t) = Literal.destNeq neq
+                val path =
+                    if s <> t then sync s t [] atm atm'
+                    else if atm <> atm' then NONE
+                    else Atom.find (equal s) atm
+              in
+                case path of
+                  SOME path => SOME ((pol',atm),path,t)
+                | NONE => NONE
+              end
+        val candidates =
+            case List.partition Literal.isNeq (LiteralSet.toList cl) of
+              ([l1],[l2,l3]) => [(l1,l2,l3),(l1,l3,l2)]
+            | ([l1,l2],[l3]) => [(l1,l2,l3),(l1,l3,l2),(l2,l1,l3),(l2,l3,l1)]
+            | ([l1],[l2]) => [(l1,l1,l2),(l1,l2,l1)]
+            | _ => raise Bug "reconstructEquality: malformed"
+        val ppCands =
+            Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple Literal.pp Literal.pp Literal.pp)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCands
+                   "Proof.reconstructEquality: candidates" candidates
+      in
+        case first recon candidates of
+          SOME info => info
+        | NONE => raise Bug "can't reconstruct Equality rule"
+      end
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.recontructEquality: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+  fun reconstruct cl (Thm.Axiom,[]) = Axiom cl
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Assume,[]) =
+      (case LiteralSet.findl Literal.positive cl of
+         SOME (_,atm) => Assume atm
+       | NONE => raise Bug "malformed Assume inference")
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Subst,[th]) =
+      Subst (reconstructSubst (Thm.clause th) cl, th)
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Resolve,[th1,th2]) =
+      let
+        val cl1 = Thm.clause th1
+        and cl2 = Thm.clause th2
+        val (pol,atm) = reconstructResolvant cl1 cl2 cl
+      in
+        if pol then Resolve (atm,th1,th2) else Resolve (atm,th2,th1)
+      end
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Refl,[]) =
+      (case LiteralSet.findl (K true) cl of
+         SOME lit => Refl (Literal.destRefl lit)
+       | NONE => raise Bug "malformed Refl inference")
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Equality,[]) = Equality (reconstructEquality cl)
+    | reconstruct _ _ = raise Bug "malformed inference";
+  fun thmToInference th =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Proof.thmToInference: th" th
+        val cl = Thm.clause th
+        val thmInf = Thm.inference th
+        val ppThmInf = Parser.ppPair Thm.ppInferenceType (Parser.ppList Thm.pp)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppThmInf "Proof.thmToInference: thmInf" thmInf
+        val inf = reconstruct cl thmInf
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppInference "Proof.thmToInference: inf" inf
+        val () =
+            let
+              val th' = inferenceToThm inf
+            in
+              if LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th') cl then ()
+              else
+                raise
+                  Bug
+                    ("Proof.thmToInference: bad inference reconstruction:" ^
+                     "\n  th = " ^ Thm.toString th ^
+                     "\n  inf = " ^ inferenceToString inf ^
+                     "\n  inf th = " ^ Thm.toString th')
+            end
+      in
+        inf
+      end
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.thmToInference: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing whole proofs.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun thmCompare (th1,th2) =
+ (Thm.clause th1, Thm.clause th2);
+  fun buildProof (th,(m,l)) =
+      if Map.inDomain th m then (m,l)
+      else
+        let
+          val (_,deps) = Thm.inference th
+          val (m,l) = foldl buildProof (m,l) deps
+        in
+          if Map.inDomain th m then (m,l)
+          else
+            let
+              val l = (th, thmToInference th) :: l
+            in
+              (Map.insert m (th,l), l)
+            end
+        end;
+  fun proof th =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Proof.proof: th" th
+        val (m,_) = buildProof (th, ( thmCompare, []))
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppInt "Proof.proof: size" (Map.size m)
+      in
+        case Map.peek m th of
+          SOME l => rev l
+        | NONE => raise Bug "Proof.proof"
+      end;
+(**** Original file: Rule.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Rule =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An equation consists of two terms (t,u) plus a theorem (stronger than)    *)
+(* t = u \/ C.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type equation = (Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term) * Metis.Thm.thm
+val ppEquation : equation Metis.Parser.pp
+val equationToString : equation -> string
+(* Returns t = u if the equation theorem contains this literal *)
+val equationLiteral : equation -> Metis.Literal.literal option
+val reflEqn : Metis.Term.term -> equation
+val symEqn : equation -> equation
+val transEqn : equation -> equation -> equation
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A conversion takes a term t and either:                                   *)
+(* 1. Returns a term u together with a theorem (stronger than) t = u \/ C.   *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type conv = Metis.Term.term -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Thm.thm
+val allConv : conv
+val noConv : conv
+val thenConv : conv -> conv -> conv
+val orelseConv : conv -> conv -> conv
+val tryConv : conv -> conv
+val repeatConv : conv -> conv
+val firstConv : conv list -> conv
+val everyConv : conv list -> conv
+val rewrConv : equation -> Metis.Term.path -> conv
+val pathConv : conv -> Metis.Term.path -> conv
+val subtermConv : conv -> int -> conv
+val subtermsConv : conv -> conv  (* All function arguments *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a conversion to every subterm, with some traversal strategy.     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val bottomUpConv : conv -> conv
+val topDownConv : conv -> conv
+val repeatTopDownConv : conv -> conv  (* useful for rewriting *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A literule (bad pun) takes a literal L and either:                        *)
+(* 1. Returns a literal L' with a theorem (stronger than) ~L \/ L' \/ C.     *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type literule = Metis.Literal.literal -> Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Thm.thm
+val allLiterule : literule
+val noLiterule : literule
+val thenLiterule : literule -> literule -> literule
+val orelseLiterule : literule -> literule -> literule
+val tryLiterule : literule -> literule
+val repeatLiterule : literule -> literule
+val firstLiterule : literule list -> literule
+val everyLiterule : literule list -> literule
+val rewrLiterule : equation -> Metis.Term.path -> literule
+val pathLiterule : conv -> Metis.Term.path -> literule
+val argumentLiterule : conv -> int -> literule
+val allArgumentsLiterule : conv -> literule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A rule takes one theorem and either deduces another or raises an Error    *)
+(* exception.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type rule = Metis.Thm.thm -> Metis.Thm.thm
+val allRule : rule
+val noRule : rule
+val thenRule : rule -> rule -> rule
+val orelseRule : rule -> rule -> rule
+val tryRule : rule -> rule
+val changedRule : rule -> rule
+val repeatRule : rule -> rule
+val firstRule : rule list -> rule
+val everyRule : rule list -> rule
+val literalRule : literule -> Metis.Literal.literal -> rule
+val rewrRule : equation -> Metis.Literal.literal -> Metis.Term.path -> rule
+val pathRule : conv -> Metis.Literal.literal -> Metis.Term.path -> rule
+val literalsRule : literule -> Metis.LiteralSet.set -> rule
+val allLiteralsRule : literule -> rule
+val convRule : conv -> rule  (* All arguments of all literals *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- reflexivity                                                     *)
+(*   x = x                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reflexivity : Metis.Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------- symmetry                                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ y = x                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symmetry : Metis.Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------------------- transitivity                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val transitivity : Metis.Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- functionCongruence (f,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   f x0 ... x{n-1} = f y0 ... y{n-1}                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionCongruence : Metis.Term.function -> Metis.Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- relationCongruence (R,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   ~R x0 ... x{n-1} \/ R y0 ... y{n-1}                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val relationCongruence : Metis.Atom.relation -> Metis.Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ C                                                              *)
+(* -------------- symEq (x = y)                                              *)
+(*   y = x \/ C                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symEq : Metis.Literal.literal -> rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- symNeq ~(x = y)                                         *)
+(*   ~(y = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symNeq : Metis.Literal.literal -> rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* sym (x = y) = symEq (x = y)  /\  sym ~(x = y) = symNeq ~(x = y)           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val sym : Metis.Literal.literal -> rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- removeIrrefl                                            *)
+(*         C                                                                 *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all irreflexive equalities.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val removeIrrefl : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ y = x \/ C                                                     *)
+(* ----------------------- removeSym                                         *)
+(*       x = y \/ C                                                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all duplicate copies of equalities and disequalities are removed.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val removeSym : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(v = t) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- expandAbbrevs                                           *)
+(*      C[t/v]                                                               *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where t must not contain any occurrence of the variable v.                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val expandAbbrevs : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* simplify = isTautology + expandAbbrevs + removeSym                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val simplify : Metis.Thm.thm -> Metis.Thm.thm option
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- freshVars                                                        *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is a renaming substitution chosen so that all of the variables in *)
+(* C are replaced by fresh variables.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*               C                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------- factor                                       *)
+(*   C_s_1, C_s_2, ..., C_s_n                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where each s_i is a substitution that factors C, meaning that the theorem *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*   C_s_i = (removeIrrefl o removeSym o Metis.Thm.subst s_i) C                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* has fewer literals than C.                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Also, if s is any substitution that factors C, then one of the s_i will   *)
+(* result in a theorem C_s_i that strictly subsumes the theorem C_s.         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val factor' : Metis.Thm.clause -> Metis.Subst.subst list
+val factor : Metis.Thm.thm -> Metis.Thm.thm list
+(**** Original file: Rule.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Rule :> Rule =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- reflexivity                                                     *)
+(*   x = x                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reflexivity = Thm.refl (Term.Var "x");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------- symmetry                                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ y = x                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symmetry =
+    let
+      val x = Term.Var "x"
+      and y = Term.Var "y"
+      val reflTh = reflexivity
+      val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+      val eqTh = Thm.equality reflLit [0] y
+    in
+      Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh eqTh
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------------------- transitivity                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val transitivity =
+    let
+      val x = Term.Var "x"
+      and y = Term.Var "y"
+      and z = Term.Var "z"
+      val eqTh = Thm.equality (Literal.mkEq (y,z)) [0] x
+    in
+      Thm.resolve (Literal.mkEq (y,x)) symmetry eqTh
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ C                                                              *)
+(* -------------- symEq (x = y)                                              *)
+(*   y = x \/ C                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symEq lit th =
+    let
+      val (x,y) = Literal.destEq lit
+    in
+      if x = y then th
+      else
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",x),("y",y)]
+          val symTh = Thm.subst sub symmetry
+        in
+          Thm.resolve lit th symTh
+        end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An equation consists of two terms (t,u) plus a theorem (stronger than)    *)
+(* t = u \/ C.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type equation = (Term.term * Term.term) * Thm.thm;
+fun ppEquation pp (eqn as (_,th)) = Thm.pp pp th;
+fun equationToString x = Parser.toString ppEquation x;
+fun equationLiteral (t_u,th) =
+    let
+      val lit = Literal.mkEq t_u
+    in
+      if LiteralSet.member lit (Thm.clause th) then SOME lit else NONE
+    end;
+fun reflEqn t = ((t,t), Thm.refl t);
+fun symEqn (eqn as ((t,u), th)) =
+    if t = u then eqn
+    else
+      ((u,t),
+       case equationLiteral eqn of
+         SOME t_u => symEq t_u th
+       | NONE => th);
+fun transEqn (eqn1 as ((x,y), th1)) (eqn2 as ((_,z), th2)) =
+    if x = y then eqn2
+    else if y = z then eqn1
+    else if x = z then reflEqn x
+    else
+      ((x,z),
+       case equationLiteral eqn1 of
+         NONE => th1
+       | SOME x_y =>
+         case equationLiteral eqn2 of
+           NONE => th2
+         | SOME y_z =>
+           let
+             val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",x),("y",y),("z",z)]
+             val th = Thm.subst sub transitivity
+             val th = Thm.resolve x_y th1 th
+             val th = Thm.resolve y_z th2 th
+           in
+             th
+           end);
+val transEqn = fn eqn1 => fn eqn2 =>
+    transEqn eqn1 eqn2
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.transEqn:\neqn1 = " ^ equationToString eqn1 ^
+                   "\neqn2 = " ^ equationToString eqn2 ^ "\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A conversion takes a term t and either:                                   *)
+(* 1. Returns a term u together with a theorem (stronger than) t = u \/ C.   *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type conv = Term.term -> Term.term * Thm.thm;
+fun allConv tm = (tm, Thm.refl tm);
+val noConv : conv = fn _ => raise Error "noConv";
+fun traceConv s conv tm =
+    let
+      val res as (tm',th) = conv tm
+      val () = print (s ^ ": " ^ Term.toString tm ^ " --> " ^
+                      Term.toString tm' ^ " " ^ Thm.toString th ^ "\n")
+    in
+      res
+    end
+    handle Error err =>
+      (print (s ^ ": " ^ Term.toString tm ^ " --> Error: " ^ err ^ "\n");
+       raise Error (s ^ ": " ^ err));
+fun thenConvTrans tm (tm',th1) (tm'',th2) =
+    let
+      val eqn1 = ((tm,tm'),th1)
+      and eqn2 = ((tm',tm''),th2)
+      val (_,th) = transEqn eqn1 eqn2
+    in
+      (tm'',th)
+    end;
+fun thenConv conv1 conv2 tm =
+    let
+      val res1 as (tm',_) = conv1 tm
+      val res2 = conv2 tm'
+    in
+      thenConvTrans tm res1 res2
+    end;
+fun orelseConv (conv1 : conv) conv2 tm = conv1 tm handle Error _ => conv2 tm;
+fun tryConv conv = orelseConv conv allConv;
+fun changedConv conv tm =
+    let
+      val res as (tm',_) = conv tm
+    in
+      if tm = tm' then raise Error "changedConv" else res
+    end;
+fun repeatConv conv tm = tryConv (thenConv conv (repeatConv conv)) tm;
+fun firstConv [] _ = raise Error "firstConv"
+  | firstConv [conv] tm = conv tm
+  | firstConv (conv :: convs) tm = orelseConv conv (firstConv convs) tm;
+fun everyConv [] tm = allConv tm
+  | everyConv [conv] tm = conv tm
+  | everyConv (conv :: convs) tm = thenConv conv (everyConv convs) tm;
+fun rewrConv (eqn as ((x,y), eqTh)) path tm =
+    if x = y then allConv tm
+    else if null path then (y,eqTh)
+    else
+      let
+        val reflTh = Thm.refl tm
+        val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+        val th = Thm.equality reflLit (1 :: path) y
+        val th = Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh th
+        val th =
+            case equationLiteral eqn of
+              NONE => th
+            | SOME x_y => Thm.resolve x_y eqTh th
+        val tm' = Term.replace tm (path,y)
+      in
+        (tm',th)
+      end;
+val rewrConv = fn eqn as ((x,y),eqTh) => fn path => fn tm =>
+    rewrConv eqn path tm
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.rewrConv:\nx = " ^ Term.toString x ^
+                   "\ny = " ^ Term.toString y ^
+                   "\neqTh = " ^ Thm.toString eqTh ^
+                   "\npath = " ^ Term.pathToString path ^
+                   "\ntm = " ^ Term.toString tm ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun pathConv conv path tm =
+    let
+      val x = Term.subterm tm path
+      val (y,th) = conv x
+    in
+      rewrConv ((x,y),th) path tm
+    end;
+fun subtermConv conv i = pathConv conv [i];
+fun subtermsConv _ (tm as Term.Var _) = allConv tm
+  | subtermsConv conv (tm as Term.Fn (_,a)) =
+    everyConv (map (subtermConv conv) (interval 0 (length a))) tm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a conversion to every subterm, with some traversal strategy.     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun bottomUpConv conv tm =
+    thenConv (subtermsConv (bottomUpConv conv)) (repeatConv conv) tm;
+fun topDownConv conv tm =
+    thenConv (repeatConv conv) (subtermsConv (topDownConv conv)) tm;
+fun repeatTopDownConv conv =
+    let
+      fun f tm = thenConv (repeatConv conv) g tm
+      and g tm = thenConv (subtermsConv f) h tm
+      and h tm = tryConv (thenConv conv f) tm
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+val repeatTopDownConv = fn conv => fn tm =>
+    repeatTopDownConv conv tm
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("repeatTopDownConv: " ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A literule (bad pun) takes a literal L and either:                        *)
+(* 1. Returns a literal L' with a theorem (stronger than) ~L \/ L' \/ C.     *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type literule = Literal.literal -> Literal.literal * Thm.thm;
+fun allLiterule lit = (lit, Thm.assume lit);
+val noLiterule : literule = fn _ => raise Error "noLiterule";
+fun thenLiterule literule1 literule2 lit =
+    let
+      val res1 as (lit',th1) = literule1 lit
+      val res2 as (lit'',th2) = literule2 lit'
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then res2
+      else if lit' = lit'' then res1
+      else if lit = lit'' then allLiterule lit
+      else
+        (lit'',
+         if not (Thm.member lit' th1) then th1
+         else if not (Thm.negateMember lit' th2) then th2
+         else Thm.resolve lit' th1 th2)
+    end;
+fun orelseLiterule (literule1 : literule) literule2 lit =
+    literule1 lit handle Error _ => literule2 lit;
+fun tryLiterule literule = orelseLiterule literule allLiterule;
+fun changedLiterule literule lit =
+    let
+      val res as (lit',_) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then raise Error "changedLiterule" else res
+    end;
+fun repeatLiterule literule lit =
+    tryLiterule (thenLiterule literule (repeatLiterule literule)) lit;
+fun firstLiterule [] _ = raise Error "firstLiterule"
+  | firstLiterule [literule] lit = literule lit
+  | firstLiterule (literule :: literules) lit =
+    orelseLiterule literule (firstLiterule literules) lit;
+fun everyLiterule [] lit = allLiterule lit
+  | everyLiterule [literule] lit = literule lit
+  | everyLiterule (literule :: literules) lit =
+    thenLiterule literule (everyLiterule literules) lit;
+fun rewrLiterule (eqn as ((x,y),eqTh)) path lit =
+    if x = y then allLiterule lit
+    else
+      let
+        val th = Thm.equality lit path y
+        val th =
+            case equationLiteral eqn of
+              NONE => th
+            | SOME x_y => Thm.resolve x_y eqTh th
+        val lit' = Literal.replace lit (path,y)
+      in
+        (lit',th)
+      end;
+val rewrLiterule = fn eqn => fn path => fn lit =>
+    rewrLiterule eqn path lit
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.rewrLiterule:\neqn = " ^ equationToString eqn ^
+                   "\npath = " ^ Term.pathToString path ^
+                   "\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun pathLiterule conv path lit =
+    let
+      val tm = Literal.subterm lit path
+      val (tm',th) = conv tm
+    in
+      rewrLiterule ((tm,tm'),th) path lit
+    end;
+fun argumentLiterule conv i = pathLiterule conv [i];
+fun allArgumentsLiterule conv lit =
+    everyLiterule
+      (map (argumentLiterule conv) (interval 0 (Literal.arity lit))) lit;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A rule takes one theorem and either deduces another or raises an Error    *)
+(* exception.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type rule = Thm.thm -> Thm.thm;
+val allRule : rule = fn th => th;
+val noRule : rule = fn _ => raise Error "noRule";
+fun thenRule (rule1 : rule) (rule2 : rule) th = rule1 (rule2 th);
+fun orelseRule (rule1 : rule) rule2 th = rule1 th handle Error _ => rule2 th;
+fun tryRule rule = orelseRule rule allRule;
+fun changedRule rule th =
+    let
+      val th' = rule th
+    in
+      if not (LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th) (Thm.clause th')) then th'
+      else raise Error "changedRule"
+    end;
+fun repeatRule rule lit = tryRule (thenRule rule (repeatRule rule)) lit;
+fun firstRule [] _ = raise Error "firstRule"
+  | firstRule [rule] th = rule th
+  | firstRule (rule :: rules) th = orelseRule rule (firstRule rules) th;
+fun everyRule [] th = allRule th
+  | everyRule [rule] th = rule th
+  | everyRule (rule :: rules) th = thenRule rule (everyRule rules) th;
+fun literalRule literule lit th =
+    let
+      val (lit',litTh) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then th
+      else if not (Thm.negateMember lit litTh) then litTh
+      else Thm.resolve lit th litTh
+    end;
+val literalRule = fn literule => fn lit => fn th =>
+    literalRule literule lit th
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.literalRule:\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^
+                   "\nth = " ^ Thm.toString th ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun rewrRule eqTh lit path = literalRule (rewrLiterule eqTh path) lit;
+fun pathRule conv lit path = literalRule (pathLiterule conv path) lit;
+fun literalsRule literule =
+    let
+      fun f (lit,th) =
+          if Thm.member lit th then literalRule literule lit th else th
+    in
+      fn lits => fn th => LiteralSet.foldl f th lits
+    end;
+fun allLiteralsRule literule th = literalsRule literule (Thm.clause th) th;
+fun convRule conv = allLiteralsRule (allArgumentsLiterule conv);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- functionCongruence (f,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   f x0 ... x{n-1} = f y0 ... y{n-1}                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun functionCongruence (f,n) =
+    let
+      val xs = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("x" ^ Int.toString i))
+      and ys = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("y" ^ Int.toString i))
+      fun cong ((i,yi),(th,lit)) =
+          let
+            val path = [1,i]
+            val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.equality lit path yi)
+            val lit = Literal.replace lit (path,yi)
+          in
+            (th,lit)
+          end
+      val reflTh = Thm.refl (Term.Fn (f,xs))
+      val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+    in
+      fst (foldl cong (reflTh,reflLit) (enumerate ys))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- relationCongruence (R,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   ~R x0 ... x{n-1} \/ R y0 ... y{n-1}                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun relationCongruence (R,n) =
+    let
+      val xs = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("x" ^ Int.toString i))
+      and ys = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("y" ^ Int.toString i))
+      fun cong ((i,yi),(th,lit)) =
+          let
+            val path = [i]
+            val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.equality lit path yi)
+            val lit = Literal.replace lit (path,yi)
+          in
+            (th,lit)
+          end
+      val assumeLit = (false,(R,xs))
+      val assumeTh = Thm.assume assumeLit
+    in
+      fst (foldl cong (assumeTh,assumeLit) (enumerate ys))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- symNeq ~(x = y)                                         *)
+(*   ~(y = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symNeq lit th =
+    let
+      val (x,y) = Literal.destNeq lit
+    in
+      if x = y then th
+      else
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",y),("y",x)]
+          val symTh = Thm.subst sub symmetry
+        in
+          Thm.resolve lit th symTh
+        end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* sym (x = y) = symEq (x = y)  /\  sym ~(x = y) = symNeq ~(x = y)           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun sym (lit as (pol,_)) th = if pol then symEq lit th else symNeq lit th;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- removeIrrefl                                            *)
+(*         C                                                                 *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all irreflexive equalities.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun irrefl ((true,_),th) = th
+    | irrefl (lit as (false,atm), th) =
+      case total Atom.destRefl atm of
+        SOME x => Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.refl x)
+      | NONE => th;
+  fun removeIrrefl th = LiteralSet.foldl irrefl th (Thm.clause th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ y = x \/ C                                                     *)
+(* ----------------------- removeSym                                         *)
+(*       x = y \/ C                                                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all duplicate copies of equalities and disequalities are removed.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun rem (lit as (pol,atm), eqs_th as (eqs,th)) =
+      case total Atom.sym atm of
+        NONE => eqs_th
+      | SOME atm' =>
+        if LiteralSet.member lit eqs then
+          (eqs, if pol then symEq lit th else symNeq lit th)
+        else
+          (LiteralSet.add eqs (pol,atm'), th);
+  fun removeSym th =
+      snd (LiteralSet.foldl rem (LiteralSet.empty,th) (Thm.clause th));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(v = t) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- expandAbbrevs                                           *)
+(*      C[t/v]                                                               *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where t must not contain any occurrence of the variable v.                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun expand lit =
+      let
+        val (x,y) = Literal.destNeq lit
+      in
+        if (Term.isTypedVar x orelse Term.isTypedVar y) andalso x <> y then
+          Subst.unify Subst.empty x y
+        else raise Error "expand"
+      end;
+  fun expandAbbrevs th =
+      case LiteralSet.firstl (total expand) (Thm.clause th) of
+        NONE => removeIrrefl th
+      | SOME sub => expandAbbrevs (Thm.subst sub th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* simplify = isTautology + expandAbbrevs + removeSym                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun simplify th =
+    if Thm.isTautology th then NONE
+    else
+      let
+        val th' = th
+        val th' = expandAbbrevs th'
+        val th' = removeSym th'
+      in
+        if Thm.equal th th' then SOME th else simplify th'
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- freshVars                                                        *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is a renaming substitution chosen so that all of the variables in *)
+(* C are replaced by fresh variables.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freshVars th = Thm.subst (Subst.freshVars (Thm.freeVars th)) th;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*               C                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------- factor                                       *)
+(*   C_s_1, C_s_2, ..., C_s_n                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where each s_i is a substitution that factors C, meaning that the theorem *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*   C_s_i = (removeIrrefl o removeSym o Thm.subst s_i) C                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* has fewer literals than C.                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Also, if s is any substitution that factors C, then one of the s_i will   *)
+(* result in a theorem C_s_i that strictly subsumes the theorem C_s.         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  datatype edge =
+      FactorEdge of Atom.atom * Atom.atom
+    | ReflEdge of Term.term * Term.term;
+  fun ppEdge p (FactorEdge atm_atm') = Parser.ppPair Atom.pp Atom.pp p atm_atm'
+    | ppEdge p (ReflEdge tm_tm') = Parser.ppPair Term.pp Term.pp p tm_tm';
+  datatype joinStatus =
+      Joined
+    | Joinable of Subst.subst
+    | Apart;
+  fun joinEdge sub edge =
+      let
+        val result =
+            case edge of
+              FactorEdge (atm,atm') => total (Atom.unify sub atm) atm'
+            | ReflEdge (tm,tm') => total (Subst.unify sub tm) tm'
+      in
+        case result of
+          NONE => Apart
+        | SOME sub' =>
+          if Portable.pointerEqual (sub,sub') then Joined else Joinable sub'
+      end;
+  fun updateApart sub =
+      let
+        fun update acc [] = SOME acc
+          | update acc (edge :: edges) =
+            case joinEdge sub edge of
+              Joined => NONE
+            | Joinable _ => update (edge :: acc) edges
+            | Apart => update acc edges
+      in
+        update []
+      end;
+  fun addFactorEdge (pol,atm) ((pol',atm'),acc) =
+      if pol <> pol' then acc
+      else
+        let
+          val edge = FactorEdge (atm,atm')
+        in
+          case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+            Joined => raise Bug "addFactorEdge: joined"
+          | Joinable sub => (sub,edge) :: acc
+          | Apart => acc
+        end;
+  fun addReflEdge (false,_) acc = acc
+    | addReflEdge (true,atm) acc =
+      let
+        val edge = ReflEdge (Atom.destEq atm)
+      in
+        case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+          Joined => raise Bug "addRefl: joined"
+        | Joinable _ => edge :: acc
+        | Apart => acc
+      end;
+  fun addIrreflEdge (true,_) acc = acc
+    | addIrreflEdge (false,atm) acc =
+      let
+        val edge = ReflEdge (Atom.destEq atm)
+      in
+        case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+          Joined => raise Bug "addRefl: joined"
+        | Joinable sub => (sub,edge) :: acc
+        | Apart => acc
+      end;
+  fun init_edges acc _ [] =
+      let
+        fun init ((apart,sub,edge),(edges,acc)) =
+            (edge :: edges, (apart,sub,edges) :: acc)
+      in
+        snd (List.foldl init ([],[]) acc)
+      end
+    | init_edges acc apart ((sub,edge) :: sub_edges) =
+      let
+        val () = if not (Subst.null sub) then ()
+                 else raise Bug "Rule.factor.init_edges: empty subst"
+        val (acc,apart) =
+            case updateApart sub apart of
+              SOME apart' => ((apart',sub,edge) :: acc, edge :: apart)
+            | NONE => (acc,apart)
+      in
+        init_edges acc apart sub_edges
+      end;
+  fun mk_edges apart sub_edges [] = init_edges [] apart sub_edges
+    | mk_edges apart sub_edges (lit :: lits) =
+      let
+        val sub_edges = List.foldl (addFactorEdge lit) sub_edges lits
+        val (apart,sub_edges) =
+            case total Literal.sym lit of
+              NONE => (apart,sub_edges)
+            | SOME lit' =>
+              let
+                val apart = addReflEdge lit apart
+                val sub_edges = addIrreflEdge lit sub_edges
+                val sub_edges = List.foldl (addFactorEdge lit') sub_edges lits
+              in
+                (apart,sub_edges)
+              end
+      in
+        mk_edges apart sub_edges lits
+      end;
+  fun fact acc [] = acc
+    | fact acc ((_,sub,[]) :: others) = fact (sub :: acc) others
+    | fact acc ((apart, sub, edge :: edges) :: others) =
+      let
+        val others =
+            case joinEdge sub edge of
+              Joinable sub' =>
+              let
+                val others = (edge :: apart, sub, edges) :: others
+              in
+                case updateApart sub' apart of
+                  NONE => others
+                | SOME apart' => (apart',sub',edges) :: others
+              end
+            | _ => (apart,sub,edges) :: others
+      in
+        fact acc others
+      end;
+  fun factor' cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "Rule.factor': cl" cl
+        val edges = mk_edges [] [] (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+        val ppEdgesSize = Parser.ppMap length Parser.ppInt
+        val ppEdgel = Parser.ppList ppEdge
+        val ppEdges = Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple ppEdgel Subst.pp ppEdgel)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppEdgesSize "Rule.factor': |edges|" edges
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppEdges "Rule.factor': edges" edges
+        val result = fact [] edges
+        val ppResult = Parser.ppList Subst.pp
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Rule.factor': result" result
+      in
+        result
+      end;
+fun factor th =
+    let
+      fun fact sub = removeSym (Thm.subst sub th)
+    in
+      map fact (factor' (Thm.clause th))
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Normalize.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NORMALIZING FORMULAS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Normalize =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Negation normal form.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val nnf : Metis.Formula.formula -> Metis.Formula.formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Conjunctive normal form.                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cnf : Metis.Formula.formula -> Metis.Formula.formula list
+(**** Original file: Normalize.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NORMALIZING FORMULAS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Normalize :> Normalize =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Counting the clauses that would be generated by conjunctive normal form.  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype count = Count of {positive : real, negative : real};
+fun positive (Count {positive = p, ...}) = p;
+fun negative (Count {negative = n, ...}) = n;
+fun countNegate (Count {positive = p, negative = n}) =
+    Count {positive = n, negative = p};
+fun countEqualish count1 count2 =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+    in
+      Real.abs (p1 - p2) < 0.5 andalso Real.abs (n1 - n2) < 0.5
+    end;
+val countTrue = Count {positive = 0.0, negative = 1.0};
+val countFalse = Count {positive = 1.0, negative = 0.0};
+val countLiteral = Count {positive = 1.0, negative = 1.0};
+fun countAnd2 (count1,count2) =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+      val p = p1 + p2
+      and n = n1 * n2
+    in
+      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
+    end;
+fun countOr2 (count1,count2) =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+      val p = p1 * p2
+      and n = n1 + n2
+    in
+      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
+    end;
+(*** Is this associative? ***)
+fun countXor2 (count1,count2) =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+      val p = p1 * p2 + n1 * n2
+      and n = p1 * n2 + n1 * p2
+    in
+      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
+    end;
+fun countDefinition body_count = countXor2 (countLiteral,body_count);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of normalized formula.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | Literal of NameSet.set * Literal.literal
+  | And of NameSet.set * count * formula Set.set
+  | Or of NameSet.set * count * formula Set.set
+  | Xor of NameSet.set * count * bool * formula Set.set
+  | Exists of NameSet.set * count * NameSet.set * formula
+  | Forall of NameSet.set * count * NameSet.set * formula;
+fun compare f1_f2 =
+    case f1_f2 of
+      (True,True) => EQUAL
+    | (True,_) => LESS
+    | (_,True) => GREATER
+    | (False,False) => EQUAL
+    | (False,_) => LESS
+    | (_,False) => GREATER
+    | (Literal (_,l1), Literal (_,l2)) => (l1,l2)
+    | (Literal _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Literal _) => GREATER
+    | (And (_,_,s1), And (_,_,s2)) => (s1,s2)
+    | (And _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, And _) => GREATER
+    | (Or (_,_,s1), Or (_,_,s2)) => (s1,s2)
+    | (Or _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Or _) => GREATER
+    | (Xor (_,_,p1,s1), Xor (_,_,p2,s2)) =>
+      (case boolCompare (p1,p2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => (s1,s2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | (Xor _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Xor _) => GREATER
+    | (Exists (_,_,n1,f1), Exists (_,_,n2,f2)) =>
+      (case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => compare (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | (Exists _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Exists _) => GREATER
+    | (Forall (_,_,n1,f1), Forall (_,_,n2,f2)) =>
+      (case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => compare (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER);
+val empty = Set.empty compare;
+val singleton = Set.singleton compare;
+  fun neg True = False
+    | neg False = True
+    | neg (Literal (fv,lit)) = Literal (fv, Literal.negate lit)
+    | neg (And (fv,c,s)) = Or (fv, countNegate c, neg_set s)
+    | neg (Or (fv,c,s)) = And (fv, countNegate c, neg_set s)
+    | neg (Xor (fv,c,p,s)) = Xor (fv, c, not p, s)
+    | neg (Exists (fv,c,n,f)) = Forall (fv, countNegate c, n, neg f)
+    | neg (Forall (fv,c,n,f)) = Exists (fv, countNegate c, n, neg f)
+  and neg_set s = Set.foldl neg_elt empty s
+  and neg_elt (f,s) = Set.add s (neg f);
+  val negate = neg;
+  val negateSet = neg_set;
+fun negateMember x s = Set.member (negate x) s;
+  fun member s x = negateMember x s;
+  fun negateDisjoint s1 s2 =
+      if Set.size s1 < Set.size s2 then not (Set.exists (member s2) s1)
+      else not (Set.exists (member s1) s2);
+fun polarity True = true
+  | polarity False = false
+  | polarity (Literal (_,(pol,_))) = not pol
+  | polarity (And _) = true
+  | polarity (Or _) = false
+  | polarity (Xor (_,_,pol,_)) = pol
+  | polarity (Exists _) = true
+  | polarity (Forall _) = false;
+val polarity = fn f =>
+    let
+      val res1 = compare (f, negate f) = LESS
+      val res2 = polarity f
+      val _ = res1 = res2 orelse raise Bug "polarity"
+    in
+      res2
+    end;
+fun applyPolarity true fm = fm
+  | applyPolarity false fm = negate fm;
+fun freeVars True = NameSet.empty
+  | freeVars False = NameSet.empty
+  | freeVars (Literal (fv,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (And (fv,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Or (fv,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Xor (fv,_,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Exists (fv,_,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Forall (fv,_,_,_)) = fv;
+fun freeIn v fm = NameSet.member v (freeVars fm);
+val freeVarsSet =
+    let
+      fun free (fm,acc) = NameSet.union (freeVars fm) acc
+    in
+      Set.foldl free NameSet.empty
+    end;
+fun count True = countTrue
+  | count False = countFalse
+  | count (Literal _) = countLiteral
+  | count (And (_,c,_)) = c
+  | count (Or (_,c,_)) = c
+  | count (Xor (_,c,p,_)) = if p then c else countNegate c
+  | count (Exists (_,c,_,_)) = c
+  | count (Forall (_,c,_,_)) = c;
+val countAndSet =
+    let
+      fun countAnd (fm,c) = countAnd2 (count fm, c)
+    in
+      Set.foldl countAnd countTrue
+    end;
+val countOrSet =
+    let
+      fun countOr (fm,c) = countOr2 (count fm, c)
+    in
+      Set.foldl countOr countFalse
+    end;
+val countXorSet =
+    let
+      fun countXor (fm,c) = countXor2 (count fm, c)
+    in
+      Set.foldl countXor countFalse
+    end;
+fun And2 (False,_) = False
+  | And2 (_,False) = False
+  | And2 (True,f2) = f2
+  | And2 (f1,True) = f1
+  | And2 (f1,f2) =
+    let
+      val (fv1,c1,s1) =
+          case f1 of
+            And fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f1, count f1, singleton f1)
+      and (fv2,c2,s2) =
+          case f2 of
+            And fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f2, count f2, singleton f2)
+    in
+      if not (negateDisjoint s1 s2) then False
+      else
+        let
+          val s = Set.union s1 s2
+        in
+          case Set.size s of
+            0 => True
+          | 1 => Set.pick s
+          | n =>
+            if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
+              And (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countAnd2 (c1,c2), s)
+            else
+              And (freeVarsSet s, countAndSet s, s)
+        end
+    end;
+val AndList = foldl And2 True;
+val AndSet = Set.foldl And2 True;
+fun Or2 (True,_) = True
+  | Or2 (_,True) = True
+  | Or2 (False,f2) = f2
+  | Or2 (f1,False) = f1
+  | Or2 (f1,f2) =
+    let
+      val (fv1,c1,s1) =
+          case f1 of
+            Or fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f1, count f1, singleton f1)
+      and (fv2,c2,s2) =
+          case f2 of
+            Or fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f2, count f2, singleton f2)
+    in
+      if not (negateDisjoint s1 s2) then True
+      else
+        let
+          val s = Set.union s1 s2
+        in
+          case Set.size s of
+            0 => False
+          | 1 => Set.pick s
+          | n =>
+            if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
+              Or (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countOr2 (c1,c2), s)
+            else
+              Or (freeVarsSet s, countOrSet s, s)
+        end
+    end;
+val OrList = foldl Or2 False;
+val OrSet = Set.foldl Or2 False;
+fun pushOr2 (f1,f2) =
+    let
+      val s1 = case f1 of And (_,_,s) => s | _ => singleton f1
+      and s2 = case f2 of And (_,_,s) => s | _ => singleton f2
+      fun g x1 (x2,acc) = And2 (Or2 (x1,x2), acc)
+      fun f (x1,acc) = Set.foldl (g x1) acc s2
+    in
+      Set.foldl f True s1
+    end;
+val pushOrList = foldl pushOr2 False;
+  fun normalize fm =
+      let
+        val p = polarity fm
+        val fm = applyPolarity p fm
+      in
+        (freeVars fm, count fm, p, singleton fm)
+      end;
+  fun Xor2 (False,f2) = f2
+    | Xor2 (f1,False) = f1
+    | Xor2 (True,f2) = negate f2
+    | Xor2 (f1,True) = negate f1
+    | Xor2 (f1,f2) =
+      let
+        val (fv1,c1,p1,s1) = case f1 of Xor x => x | _ => normalize f1
+        and (fv2,c2,p2,s2) = case f2 of Xor x => x | _ => normalize f2
+        val s = Set.symmetricDifference s1 s2
+        val fm =
+            case Set.size s of
+              0 => False
+            | 1 => Set.pick s
+            | n =>
+              if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
+                Xor (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countXor2 (c1,c2), true, s)
+              else
+                Xor (freeVarsSet s, countXorSet s, true, s)
+        val p = p1 = p2
+      in
+        applyPolarity p fm
+      end;
+val XorList = foldl Xor2 False;
+val XorSet = Set.foldl Xor2 False;
+fun XorPolarityList (p,l) = applyPolarity p (XorList l);
+fun XorPolaritySet (p,s) = applyPolarity p (XorSet s);
+fun destXor (Xor (_,_,p,s)) =
+    let
+      val (fm1,s) = Set.deletePick s
+      val fm2 =
+          if Set.size s = 1 then applyPolarity p (Set.pick s)
+          else Xor (freeVarsSet s, countXorSet s, p, s)
+    in
+      (fm1,fm2)
+    end
+  | destXor _ = raise Error "destXor";
+fun pushXor fm =
+    let
+      val (f1,f2) = destXor fm
+      val f1' = negate f1
+      and f2' = negate f2
+    in
+      And2 (Or2 (f1,f2), Or2 (f1',f2'))
+    end;
+fun Exists1 (v,init_fm) =
+    let
+      fun exists_gen fm =
+          let
+            val fv = NameSet.delete (freeVars fm) v
+            val c = count fm
+            val n = NameSet.singleton v
+          in
+            Exists (fv,c,n,fm)
+          end
+      fun exists fm = if freeIn v fm then exists_free fm else fm
+      and exists_free (Or (_,_,s)) = OrList (Set.transform exists s)
+        | exists_free (fm as And (_,_,s)) =
+          let
+            val sv = Set.filter (freeIn v) s
+          in
+            if Set.size sv <> 1 then exists_gen fm
+            else
+              let
+                val fm = Set.pick sv
+                val s = Set.delete s fm
+              in
+                And2 (exists_free fm, AndSet s)
+              end
+          end
+        | exists_free (Exists (fv,c,n,f)) =
+          Exists (NameSet.delete fv v, c, NameSet.add n v, f)
+        | exists_free fm = exists_gen fm
+    in
+      exists init_fm
+    end;
+fun ExistsList (vs,f) = foldl Exists1 f vs;
+fun ExistsSet (n,f) = NameSet.foldl Exists1 f n;
+fun Forall1 (v,init_fm) =
+    let
+      fun forall_gen fm =
+          let
+            val fv = NameSet.delete (freeVars fm) v
+            val c = count fm
+            val n = NameSet.singleton v
+          in
+            Forall (fv,c,n,fm)
+          end
+      fun forall fm = if freeIn v fm then forall_free fm else fm
+      and forall_free (And (_,_,s)) = AndList (Set.transform forall s)
+        | forall_free (fm as Or (_,_,s)) =
+          let
+            val sv = Set.filter (freeIn v) s
+          in
+            if Set.size sv <> 1 then forall_gen fm
+            else
+              let
+                val fm = Set.pick sv
+                val s = Set.delete s fm
+              in
+                Or2 (forall_free fm, OrSet s)
+              end
+          end
+        | forall_free (Forall (fv,c,n,f)) =
+          Forall (NameSet.delete fv v, c, NameSet.add n v, f)
+        | forall_free fm = forall_gen fm
+    in
+      forall init_fm
+    end;
+fun ForallList (vs,f) = foldl Forall1 f vs;
+fun ForallSet (n,f) = NameSet.foldl Forall1 f n;
+  fun subst_fv fvSub =
+      let
+        fun add_fv (v,s) = NameSet.union (NameMap.get fvSub v) s
+      in
+        NameSet.foldl add_fv NameSet.empty
+      end;
+  fun subst_rename (v,(avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub)) =
+      let
+        val v' = Term.variantPrime avoid v
+        val avoid = NameSet.add avoid v'
+        val bv = NameSet.add bv v'
+        val sub = Subst.insert sub (v, Term.Var v')
+        val domain = NameSet.add domain v
+        val fvSub = NameMap.insert fvSub (v, NameSet.singleton v')
+      in
+        (avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub)
+      end;
+  fun subst_check sub domain fvSub fm =
+      let
+        val domain = NameSet.intersect domain (freeVars fm)
+      in
+        if NameSet.null domain then fm
+        else subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm
+      end
+  and subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm =
+      case fm of
+        Literal (fv,lit) =>
+        let
+          val fv = NameSet.difference fv domain
+          val fv = NameSet.union fv (subst_fv fvSub domain)
+          val lit = Literal.subst sub lit
+        in
+          Literal (fv,lit)
+        end
+      | And (_,_,s) =>
+        AndList (Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
+      | Or (_,_,s) =>
+        OrList (Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
+      | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
+        XorPolarityList (p, Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
+      | Exists fv_c_n_f => subst_quant Exists sub domain fvSub fv_c_n_f
+      | Forall fv_c_n_f => subst_quant Forall sub domain fvSub fv_c_n_f
+      | _ => raise Bug "subst_domain"
+  and subst_quant quant sub domain fvSub (fv,c,bv,fm) =
+      let
+        val sub_fv = subst_fv fvSub domain
+        val fv = NameSet.union sub_fv (NameSet.difference fv domain)
+        val captured = NameSet.intersect bv sub_fv
+        val bv = NameSet.difference bv captured
+        val avoid = NameSet.union fv bv
+        val (_,bv,sub,domain,fvSub) =
+            NameSet.foldl subst_rename (avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub) captured
+        val fm = subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm
+      in
+        quant (fv,c,bv,fm)
+      end;
+  fun subst sub =
+      let
+        fun mk_dom (v,tm,(d,fv)) =
+            (NameSet.add d v, NameMap.insert fv (v, Term.freeVars tm))
+        val domain_fvSub = (NameSet.empty, ())
+        val (domain,fvSub) = Subst.foldl mk_dom domain_fvSub sub
+      in
+        subst_check sub domain fvSub
+      end;
+fun fromFormula fm =
+    case fm of
+      Formula.True => True
+    | Formula.False => False
+    | Formula.Atom atm => Literal (Atom.freeVars atm, (true,atm))
+    | Formula.Not p => negateFromFormula p
+    | Formula.And (p,q) => And2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Or (p,q) => Or2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Imp (p,q) => Or2 (negateFromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Iff (p,q) => Xor2 (negateFromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Forall (v,p) => Forall1 (v, fromFormula p)
+    | Formula.Exists (v,p) => Exists1 (v, fromFormula p)
+and negateFromFormula fm =
+    case fm of
+      Formula.True => False
+    | Formula.False => True
+    | Formula.Atom atm => Literal (Atom.freeVars atm, (false,atm))
+    | Formula.Not p => fromFormula p
+    | Formula.And (p,q) => Or2 (negateFromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Or (p,q) => And2 (negateFromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Imp (p,q) => And2 (fromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Iff (p,q) => Xor2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Forall (v,p) => Exists1 (v, negateFromFormula p)
+    | Formula.Exists (v,p) => Forall1 (v, negateFromFormula p);
+  fun lastElt (s : formula Set.set) =
+      case Set.findr (K true) s of
+        NONE => raise Bug "lastElt: empty set"
+      | SOME fm => fm;
+  fun negateLastElt s =
+      let
+        val fm = lastElt s
+      in
+        Set.add (Set.delete s fm) (negate fm)
+      end;
+  fun form fm =
+      case fm of
+        True => Formula.True
+      | False => Formula.False
+      | Literal (_,lit) => Literal.toFormula lit
+      | And (_,_,s) => Formula.listMkConj (Set.transform form s)
+      | Or (_,_,s) => Formula.listMkDisj (Set.transform form s)
+      | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
+        let
+          val s = if p then negateLastElt s else s
+        in
+          Formula.listMkEquiv (Set.transform form s)
+        end
+      | Exists (_,_,n,f) => Formula.listMkExists (NameSet.toList n, form f)
+      | Forall (_,_,n,f) => Formula.listMkForall (NameSet.toList n, form f);
+  val toFormula = form;
+val pp = Parser.ppMap toFormula Formula.pp;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Negation normal form.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun nnf fm = toFormula (fromFormula fm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplifying with definitions.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype simplify =
+    Simplify of
+      {formula : (formula,formula),
+       andSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list,
+       orSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list,
+       xorSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list};
+val simplifyEmpty =
+    Simplify {formula = compare, andSet = [], orSet = [], xorSet = []};
+  fun simpler fm s =
+      Set.size s <> 1 orelse
+      case Set.pick s of
+        True => false
+      | False => false
+      | Literal _ => false
+      | _ => true;
+  fun addSet set_defs body_def =
+      let
+        fun def_body_size (body,_) = Set.size body
+        val body_size = def_body_size body_def
+        val (body,_) = body_def
+        fun add acc [] = List.revAppend (acc,[body_def])
+          | add acc (l as (bd as (b,_)) :: bds) =
+            case (def_body_size bd, body_size) of
+              LESS => List.revAppend (acc, body_def :: l)
+            | EQUAL => if Set.equal b body then List.revAppend (acc,l)
+                       else add (bd :: acc) bds
+            | GREATER => add (bd :: acc) bds
+      in
+        add [] set_defs
+      end;
+  fun add simp (body,False) = add simp (negate body, True)
+    | add simp (True,_) = simp
+    | add (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (And (_,_,s), def) =
+      let
+        val andSet = addSet andSet (s,def)
+        and orSet = addSet orSet (negateSet s, negate def)
+      in
+        Simplify
+          {formula = formula,
+           andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+      end
+    | add (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (Or (_,_,s), def) =
+      let
+        val orSet = addSet orSet (s,def)
+        and andSet = addSet andSet (negateSet s, negate def)
+      in
+        Simplify
+          {formula = formula,
+           andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+      end
+    | add simp (Xor (_,_,p,s), def) =
+      let
+        val simp = addXorSet simp (s, applyPolarity p def)
+      in
+        case def of
+          True =>
+          let
+            fun addXorLiteral (fm as Literal _, simp) =
+                let
+                  val s = Set.delete s fm
+                in
+                  if not (simpler fm s) then simp
+                  else addXorSet simp (s, applyPolarity (not p) fm)
+                end
+              | addXorLiteral (_,simp) = simp
+          in
+            Set.foldl addXorLiteral simp s
+          end
+        | _ => simp
+      end
+    | add (simp as Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (body,def) =
+      if Map.inDomain body formula then simp
+      else
+        let
+          val formula = Map.insert formula (body,def)
+          val formula = Map.insert formula (negate body, negate def)
+        in
+          Simplify
+            {formula = formula,
+             andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+        end
+  and addXorSet (simp as Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (s,def) =
+      if Set.size s = 1 then add simp (Set.pick s, def)
+      else
+        let
+          val xorSet = addSet xorSet (s,def)
+        in
+          Simplify
+            {formula = formula,
+             andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+        end;
+  fun simplifyAdd simp fm = add simp (fm,True);
+  fun simplifySet set_defs set =
+      let
+        fun pred (s,_) = Set.subset s set
+      in
+        case List.find pred set_defs of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME (s,f) => SOME (Set.add (Set.difference set s) f)
+      end;
+  fun simplify (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) =
+      let
+        fun simp fm = simp_top (simp_sub fm)
+        and simp_top (changed_fm as (_, And (_,_,s))) =
+            (case simplifySet andSet s of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME s => simp_top (true, AndSet s))
+          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_, Or (_,_,s))) =
+            (case simplifySet orSet s of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME s => simp_top (true, OrSet s))
+          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_, Xor (_,_,p,s))) =
+            (case simplifySet xorSet s of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME s => simp_top (true, XorPolaritySet (p,s)))
+          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_,fm)) =
+            (case Map.peek formula fm of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME fm => simp_top (true,fm))
+        and simp_sub fm =
+            case fm of
+              And (_,_,s) =>
+              let
+                val l = Set.transform simp s
+                val changed = List.exists fst l
+                val fm = if changed then AndList (map snd l) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Or (_,_,s) =>
+              let
+                val l = Set.transform simp s
+                val changed = List.exists fst l
+                val fm = if changed then OrList (map snd l) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
+              let
+                val l = Set.transform simp s
+                val changed = List.exists fst l
+                val fm = if changed then XorPolarityList (p, map snd l) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Exists (_,_,n,f) =>
+              let
+                val (changed,f) = simp f
+                val fm = if changed then ExistsSet (n,f) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Forall (_,_,n,f) =>
+              let
+                val (changed,f) = simp f
+                val fm = if changed then ForallSet (n,f) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | _ => (false,fm);
+      in
+        fn fm => snd (simp fm)
+      end;
+val simplify = fn simp => fn fm =>
+    let
+      val fm' = simplify simp fm
+      val () = if compare (fm,fm') = EQUAL then ()
+               else (Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.simplify: fm" fm;
+                     Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.simplify: fm'" fm')
+    in
+      fm'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic conjunctive normal form.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newSkolemFunction =
+    let
+      val counter : int ref = ref ( ())
+    in
+      fn n =>
+      let
+        val ref m = counter
+        val i = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m n, 0)
+        val () = counter := NameMap.insert m (n, i + 1)
+      in
+        "skolem_" ^ n ^ (if i = 0 then "" else "_" ^ Int.toString i)
+      end
+    end;
+fun skolemize fv bv fm =
+    let
+      val fv = NameSet.transform Term.Var fv
+      fun mk (v,s) = Subst.insert s (v, Term.Fn (newSkolemFunction v, fv))
+    in
+      subst (NameSet.foldl mk Subst.empty bv) fm
+    end;
+  fun rename avoid fv bv fm =
+      let
+        val captured = NameSet.intersect avoid bv
+      in
+        if NameSet.null captured then fm
+        else
+          let
+            fun ren (v,(a,s)) =
+                let
+                  val v' = Term.variantPrime a v
+                in
+                  (NameSet.add a v', Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var v'))
+                end
+            val avoid = NameSet.union (NameSet.union avoid fv) bv
+            val (_,sub) = NameSet.foldl ren (avoid,Subst.empty) captured
+          in
+            subst sub fm
+          end
+      end;
+  fun cnf avoid fm =
+      let
+        val fm' = cnf' avoid fm
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm" fm
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm'" fm'
+      in
+        fm'
+      end
+  and cnf' avoid fm =
+      case fm of
+        True => True
+      | False => False
+      | Literal _ => fm
+      | And (_,_,s) => AndList (Set.transform (cnf avoid) s)
+      | Or (_,_,s) => pushOrList (snd (Set.foldl cnfOr (avoid,[]) s))
+      | Xor _ => cnf avoid (pushXor fm)
+      | Exists (fv,_,n,f) => cnf avoid (skolemize fv n f)
+      | Forall (fv,_,n,f) => cnf avoid (rename avoid fv n f)
+  and cnfOr (fm,(avoid,acc)) =
+      let
+        val fm = cnf avoid fm
+      in
+        (NameSet.union (freeVars fm) avoid, fm :: acc)
+      end;
+  val basicCnf = cnf NameSet.empty;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finding the formula definition that minimizes the number of clauses.      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type best = real * formula option;
+  fun minBreak countClauses fm best =
+      case fm of
+        True => best
+      | False => best
+      | Literal _ => best
+      | And (_,_,s) =>
+        minBreakSet countClauses countAnd2 countTrue AndSet s best
+      | Or (_,_,s) =>
+        minBreakSet countClauses countOr2 countFalse OrSet s best
+      | Xor (_,_,_,s) =>
+        minBreakSet countClauses countXor2 countFalse XorSet s best
+      | Exists (_,_,_,f) => minBreak countClauses f best
+      | Forall (_,_,_,f) => minBreak countClauses f best
+  and minBreakSet countClauses count2 count0 mkSet fmSet best =
+      let
+        fun cumulatives fms =
+            let
+              fun fwd (fm,(c1,s1,l)) =
+                  let
+                    val c1' = count2 (count fm, c1)
+                    and s1' = Set.add s1 fm
+                  in
+                    (c1', s1', (c1,s1,fm) :: l)
+                  end
+              fun bwd ((c1,s1,fm),(c2,s2,l)) =
+                  let
+                    val c2' = count2 (count fm, c2)
+                    and s2' = Set.add s2 fm
+                  in
+                    (c2', s2', (c1,s1,fm,c2,s2) :: l)
+                  end
+              val (c1,_,fms) = foldl fwd (count0,empty,[]) fms
+              val (c2,_,fms) = foldl bwd (count0,empty,[]) fms
+              val _ = countEqualish c1 c2 orelse raise Bug "cumulativeCounts"
+            in
+              fms
+            end
+        fun breakSing ((c1,_,fm,c2,_),best) =
+            let
+              val cFms = count2 (c1,c2)
+              fun countCls cFm = countClauses (count2 (cFms,cFm))
+            in
+              minBreak countCls fm best
+            end
+        val breakSet1 =
+            let
+              fun break c1 s1 fm c2 (best as (bcl,_)) =
+                  if Set.null s1 then best
+                  else
+                    let
+                      val cDef = countDefinition (count2 (c1, count fm))
+                      val cFm = count2 (countLiteral,c2)
+                      val cl = positive cDef + countClauses cFm
+                      val better = cl < bcl - 0.5
+                    in
+                      if better then (cl, SOME (mkSet (Set.add s1 fm)))
+                      else best
+                    end
+            in
+              fn ((c1,s1,fm,c2,s2),best) =>
+                 break c1 s1 fm c2 (break c2 s2 fm c1 best)
+            end
+        val fms = Set.toList fmSet
+        fun breakSet measure best =
+            let
+              val fms = sortMap (measure o count) fms
+            in
+              foldl breakSet1 best (cumulatives fms)
+            end
+        val best = foldl breakSing best (cumulatives fms)
+        val best = breakSet positive best
+        val best = breakSet negative best
+        val best = breakSet countClauses best
+      in
+        best
+      end
+  fun minimumDefinition fm =
+      let
+        val countClauses = positive
+        val cl = countClauses (count fm)
+      in
+        if cl < 1.5 then NONE
+        else
+          let
+            val (cl',def) = minBreak countClauses fm (cl,NONE)
+            val () =
+                case def of
+                  NONE => ()
+                | SOME d =>
+                  Parser.ppTrace pp ("defCNF: before = " ^ Real.toString cl ^
+                                     ", after = " ^ Real.toString cl' ^
+                                     ", definition") d
+          in
+            def
+          end
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Conjunctive normal form.                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newDefinitionRelation =
+    let
+      val counter : int ref = ref 0
+    in
+      fn () =>
+      let
+        val ref i = counter
+        val () = counter := i + 1
+      in
+        "defCNF_" ^ Int.toString i
+      end
+    end;
+fun newDefinition def =
+    let
+      val fv = freeVars def
+      val atm = (newDefinitionRelation (), NameSet.transform Term.Var fv)
+      val lit = Literal (fv,(true,atm))
+    in
+      Xor2 (lit,def)
+    end;
+  fun def_cnf acc [] = acc
+    | def_cnf acc ((prob,simp,fms) :: probs) =
+      def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
+  and def_cnf_problem acc prob _ [] probs = def_cnf (prob :: acc) probs
+    | def_cnf_problem acc prob simp (fm :: fms) probs =
+      def_cnf_formula acc prob simp (simplify simp fm) fms probs
+  and def_cnf_formula acc prob simp fm fms probs =
+      case fm of
+        True => def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
+      | False => def_cnf acc probs
+      | And (_,_,s) => def_cnf_problem acc prob simp (Set.toList s @ fms) probs
+      | Exists (fv,_,n,f) =>
+        def_cnf_formula acc prob simp (skolemize fv n f) fms probs
+      | Forall (_,_,_,f) => def_cnf_formula acc prob simp f fms probs
+      | _ =>
+        case minimumDefinition fm of
+          NONE =>
+          let
+            val prob = fm :: prob
+            and simp = simplifyAdd simp fm
+          in
+            def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
+          end
+        | SOME def =>
+          let
+            val def_fm = newDefinition def
+            and fms = fm :: fms
+          in
+            def_cnf_formula acc prob simp def_fm fms probs
+          end;
+  fun cnf_prob prob = toFormula (AndList (map basicCnf prob));
+  fun cnf fm =
+      let
+        val fm = fromFormula fm
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm" fm
+        val probs = def_cnf [] [([],simplifyEmpty,[fm])]
+      in
+        map cnf_prob probs
+      end;
+(**** Original file: Model.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* RANDOM FINITE MODELS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Model =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The parts of the model that are fixed.                                    *)
+(* Note: a model of size N has integer elements 0...N-1.                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type fixed =
+     {size : int} ->
+     {functions : (Metis.Term.functionName * int list) -> int option,
+      relations : (Metis.Atom.relationName * int list) -> bool option}
+val fixedMerge : fixed -> fixed -> fixed  (* Prefers the second fixed *)
+val fixedMergeList : fixed list -> fixed
+val fixedPure : fixed  (* : = *)
+val fixedBasic : fixed  (* id fst snd #1 #2 #3 <> *)
+val fixedModulo : fixed  (* <numerals> suc pre ~ + - * exp div mod *)
+                         (* is_0 divides even odd *)
+val fixedOverflowNum : fixed  (* <numerals> suc pre + - * exp div mod *)
+                              (* is_0 <= < >= > divides even odd *)
+val fixedOverflowInt : fixed  (* <numerals> suc pre + - * exp div mod *)
+                              (* is_0 <= < >= > divides even odd *)
+val fixedSet : fixed  (* empty univ union intersect compl card in subset *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of random finite models.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {size : int, fixed : fixed}
+type model
+val new : parameters -> model
+val size : model -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Valuations.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type valuation = int
+val valuationEmpty : valuation
+val valuationRandom : {size : int} -> Metis.NameSet.set -> valuation
+val valuationFold :
+    {size : int} -> Metis.NameSet.set -> (valuation * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Interpreting terms and formulas in the model.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val interpretTerm : model -> valuation -> Metis.Term.term -> int
+val interpretAtom : model -> valuation -> Metis.Atom.atom -> bool
+val interpretFormula : model -> valuation -> Metis.Formula.formula -> bool
+val interpretLiteral : model -> valuation -> Metis.Literal.literal -> bool
+val interpretClause : model -> valuation -> Metis.Thm.clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Check whether random groundings of a formula are true in the model.       *)
+(* Note: if it's cheaper, a systematic check will be performed instead.      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val checkAtom :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Metis.Atom.atom -> {T : int, F : int}
+val checkFormula :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Metis.Formula.formula -> {T : int, F : int}
+val checkLiteral :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Metis.Literal.literal -> {T : int, F : int}
+val checkClause :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Metis.Thm.clause -> {T : int, F : int}
+(**** Original file: Model.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* RANDOM FINITE MODELS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Model :> Model =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Chatting.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val module = "Model";
+fun chatting l = tracing {module = module, level = l};
+fun chat s = (trace s; true);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun intExp x y = exp op* x y 1;
+fun natFromString "" = NONE
+  | natFromString "0" = SOME 0
+  | natFromString s =
+    case charToInt (String.sub (s,0)) of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME 0 => NONE
+    | SOME d =>
+      let
+        fun parse 0 _ acc = SOME acc
+          | parse n i acc =
+            case charToInt (String.sub (s,i)) of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME d => parse (n - 1) (i + 1) (10 * acc + d)
+      in
+        parse (size s - 1) 1 d
+      end;
+fun projection (_,[]) = NONE
+  | projection ("#1", x :: _) = SOME x
+  | projection ("#2", _ :: x :: _) = SOME x
+  | projection ("#3", _ :: _ :: x :: _) = SOME x
+  | projection (func,args) =
+    let
+      val f = size func
+      and n = length args
+      val p =
+          if f < 2 orelse n <= 3 orelse String.sub (func,0) <> #"#" then NONE
+          else if f = 2 then
+            (case charToInt (String.sub (func,1)) of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | p as SOME d => if d <= 3 then NONE else p)
+          else if (n < intExp 10 (f - 2) handle Overflow => true) then NONE
+          else
+            (natFromString (String.extract (func,1,NONE))
+             handle Overflow => NONE)
+    in
+      case p of
+        NONE => NONE
+      | SOME k => if k > n then NONE else SOME (List.nth (args, k - 1))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The parts of the model that are fixed.                                    *)
+(* Note: a model of size N has integer elements 0...N-1.                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type fixedModel =
+     {functions : (Term.functionName * int list) -> int option,
+      relations : (Atom.relationName * int list) -> bool option};
+type fixed = {size : int} -> fixedModel
+fun fixedMerge fixed1 fixed2 parm =
+    let
+      val {functions = f1, relations = r1} = fixed1 parm
+      and {functions = f2, relations = r2} = fixed2 parm
+      fun functions x = case f2 x of NONE => f1 x | s => s
+      fun relations x = case r2 x of NONE => r1 x | s => s
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+fun fixedMergeList [] = raise Bug "fixedMergeList: empty"
+  | fixedMergeList (f :: l) = foldl (uncurry fixedMerge) f l;
+fun fixedPure {size = _} =
+    let
+      fun functions (":",[x,_]) = SOME x
+        | functions _ = NONE
+      fun relations (rel,[x,y]) =
+          if (rel,2) = Atom.eqRelation then SOME (x = y) else NONE
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+fun fixedBasic {size = _} =
+    let
+      fun functions ("id",[x]) = SOME x
+        | functions ("fst",[x,_]) = SOME x
+        | functions ("snd",[_,x]) = SOME x
+        | functions func_args = projection func_args
+      fun relations ("<>",[x,y]) = SOME (x <> y)
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+fun fixedModulo {size = N} =
+    let
+      fun mod_N k = k mod N
+      val one = mod_N 1
+      fun mult (x,y) = mod_N (x * y)
+      fun divides_N 0 = false
+        | divides_N x = N mod x = 0
+      val even_N = divides_N 2
+      fun functions (numeral,[]) =
+ mod_N (natFromString numeral handle Overflow => NONE)
+        | functions ("suc",[x]) = SOME (if x = N - 1 then 0 else x + 1)
+        | functions ("pre",[x]) = SOME (if x = 0 then N - 1 else x - 1)
+        | functions ("~",[x]) = SOME (if x = 0 then 0 else N - x)
+        | functions ("+",[x,y]) = SOME (mod_N (x + y))
+        | functions ("-",[x,y]) = SOME (if x < y then N + x - y else x - y)
+        | functions ("*",[x,y]) = SOME (mult (x,y))
+        | functions ("exp",[x,y]) = SOME (exp mult x y one)
+        | functions ("div",[x,y]) = if divides_N y then SOME (x div y) else NONE
+        | functions ("mod",[x,y]) = if divides_N y then SOME (x mod y) else NONE
+        | functions _ = NONE
+      fun relations ("is_0",[x]) = SOME (x = 0)
+        | relations ("divides",[x,y]) =
+          if x = 0 then SOME (y = 0)
+          else if divides_N x then SOME (y mod x = 0) else NONE
+        | relations ("even",[x]) = if even_N then SOME (x mod 2 = 0) else NONE
+        | relations ("odd",[x]) = if even_N then SOME (x mod 2 = 1) else NONE
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+  datatype onum = ONeg | ONum of int | OInf;
+  val zero = ONum 0
+  and one = ONum 1
+  and two = ONum 2;
+  fun suc (ONum x) = ONum (x + 1)
+    | suc v = v;
+  fun pre (ONum 0) = ONeg
+    | pre (ONum x) = ONum (x - 1)
+    | pre v = v;
+  fun neg ONeg = NONE
+    | neg (n as ONum 0) = SOME n
+    | neg _ = SOME ONeg;
+  fun add ONeg ONeg = SOME ONeg
+    | add ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME ONeg else NONE
+    | add ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | add (ONum x) ONeg = if x = 0 then SOME ONeg else NONE
+    | add (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (x + y))
+    | add (ONum _) OInf = SOME OInf
+    | add OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | add OInf (ONum _) = SOME OInf
+    | add OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
+  fun sub ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | sub ONeg (ONum _) = SOME ONeg
+    | sub ONeg OInf = SOME ONeg
+    | sub (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
+    | sub (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (if x < y then ONeg else ONum (x - y))
+    | sub (ONum _) OInf = SOME ONeg
+    | sub OInf ONeg = SOME OInf
+    | sub OInf (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME OInf else NONE
+    | sub OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun mult ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | mult ONeg (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then zero else ONeg)
+    | mult ONeg OInf = SOME ONeg
+    | mult (ONum x) ONeg = SOME (if x = 0 then zero else ONeg)
+    | mult (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (x * y))
+    | mult (ONum x) OInf = SOME (if x = 0 then zero else OInf)
+    | mult OInf ONeg = SOME ONeg
+    | mult OInf (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then zero else OInf)
+    | mult OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
+  fun exp ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | exp ONeg (ONum y) =
+      if y = 0 then SOME one else if y mod 2 = 0 then NONE else SOME ONeg
+    | exp ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | exp (ONum x) ONeg = NONE
+    | exp (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (intExp x y) handle Overflow => OInf)
+    | exp (ONum x) OInf =
+      SOME (if x = 0 then zero else if x = 1 then one else OInf)
+    | exp OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | exp OInf (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then one else OInf)
+    | exp OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
+  fun odiv ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | odiv ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME ONeg else NONE
+    | odiv ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | odiv (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
+    | odiv (ONum x) (ONum y) = if y = 0 then NONE else SOME (ONum (x div y))
+    | odiv (ONum _) OInf = SOME zero
+    | odiv OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | odiv OInf (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME OInf else NONE
+    | odiv OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun omod ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | omod ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME zero else NONE
+    | omod ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | omod (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
+    | omod (ONum x) (ONum y) = if y = 0 then NONE else SOME (ONum (x mod y))
+    | omod (x as ONum _) OInf = SOME x
+    | omod OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | omod OInf (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME OInf else NONE
+    | omod OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun le ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | le ONeg (ONum y) = SOME true
+    | le ONeg OInf = SOME true
+    | le (ONum _) ONeg = SOME false
+    | le (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (x <= y)
+    | le (ONum _) OInf = SOME true
+    | le OInf ONeg = SOME false
+    | le OInf (ONum _) = SOME false
+    | le OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun lt x y = not (le y x);
+  fun ge x y = le y x;
+  fun gt x y = lt y x;
+  fun divides ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | divides ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME true else NONE
+    | divides ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | divides (ONum x) ONeg =
+      if x = 0 then SOME false else if x = 1 then SOME true else NONE
+    | divides (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (Useful.divides x y)
+    | divides (ONum x) OInf =
+      if x = 0 then SOME false else if x = 1 then SOME true else NONE
+    | divides OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | divides OInf (ONum y) = SOME (y = 0)
+    | divides OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun even n = divides two n;
+  fun odd n = not (even n);
+  fun fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum =
+      let
+        fun partial_dest_onum NONE = NONE
+          | partial_dest_onum (SOME n) = dest_onum n
+        fun functions (numeral,[]) =
+            (case (natFromString numeral handle Overflow => NONE) of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | SOME n => dest_onum (ONum n))
+          | functions ("suc",[x]) = dest_onum (suc (mk_onum x))
+          | functions ("pre",[x]) = dest_onum (pre (mk_onum x))
+          | functions ("~",[x]) = partial_dest_onum (neg (mk_onum x))
+          | functions ("+",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (add (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("-",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (sub (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("*",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (mult (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("exp",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (exp (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("div",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (odiv (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("mod",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (omod (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions _ = NONE
+        fun relations ("is_0",[x]) = SOME (mk_onum x = zero)
+          | relations ("<=",[x,y]) = le (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations ("<",[x,y]) = lt (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations (">=",[x,y]) = ge (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations (">",[x,y]) = gt (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations ("divides",[x,y]) = divides (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations ("even",[x]) = even (mk_onum x)
+          | relations ("odd",[x]) = odd (mk_onum x)
+          | relations _ = NONE
+      in
+        {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+      end;
+  fun fixedOverflowNum {size = N} =
+      let
+        val oinf = N - 1
+        fun mk_onum x = if x = oinf then OInf else ONum x
+        fun dest_onum ONeg = NONE
+          | dest_onum (ONum x) = SOME (if x < oinf then x else oinf)
+          | dest_onum OInf = SOME oinf
+      in
+        fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum
+      end;
+  fun fixedOverflowInt {size = N} =
+      let
+        val oinf = N - 2
+        val oneg = N - 1
+        fun mk_onum x =
+            if x = oneg then ONeg else if x = oinf then OInf else ONum x
+        fun dest_onum ONeg = SOME oneg
+          | dest_onum (ONum x) = SOME (if x < oinf then x else oinf)
+          | dest_onum OInf = SOME oinf
+      in
+        fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum
+      end;
+fun fixedSet {size = N} =
+    let
+      val M =
+          let
+            fun f 0 acc = acc
+              | f x acc = f (x div 2) (acc + 1)
+          in
+            f N 0
+          end
+      val univ = IntSet.fromList (interval 0 M)
+      val mk_set =
+          let
+            fun f _ s 0 = s
+              | f k s x =
+                let
+                  val s = if x mod 2 = 0 then s else IntSet.add s k
+                in
+                  f (k + 1) s (x div 2)
+                end
+          in
+            f 0 IntSet.empty
+          end
+      fun dest_set s =
+          let
+            fun f 0 x = x
+              | f k x =
+                let
+                  val k = k - 1
+                in
+                  f k (if IntSet.member k s then 2 * x + 1 else 2 * x)
+                end
+            val x = case IntSet.findr (K true) s of NONE => 0 | SOME k => f k 1
+          in
+            if x < N then SOME x else NONE
+          end
+      fun functions ("empty",[]) = dest_set IntSet.empty
+        | functions ("univ",[]) = dest_set univ
+        | functions ("union",[x,y]) =
+          dest_set (IntSet.union (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
+        | functions ("intersect",[x,y]) =
+          dest_set (IntSet.intersect (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
+        | functions ("compl",[x]) =
+          dest_set (IntSet.difference univ (mk_set x))
+        | functions ("card",[x]) = SOME (IntSet.size (mk_set x))
+        | functions _ = NONE
+      fun relations ("in",[x,y]) = SOME (IntSet.member (x mod M) (mk_set y))
+        | relations ("subset",[x,y]) =
+          SOME (IntSet.subset (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of random finite models.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {size : int, fixed : fixed};
+datatype model =
+    Model of
+      {size : int,
+       fixed : fixedModel,
+       functions : (Term.functionName * int list, int) ref,
+       relations : (Atom.relationName * int list, bool) ref};
+  fun cmp ((n1,l1),(n2,l2)) =
+      case (n1,n2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL => lexCompare (l1,l2)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun new {size = N, fixed} =
+      Model
+        {size = N,
+         fixed = fixed {size = N},
+         functions = ref ( cmp),
+         relations = ref ( cmp)};
+fun size (Model {size = s, ...}) = s;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Valuations.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type valuation = int;
+val valuationEmpty : valuation = ();
+fun valuationRandom {size = N} vs =
+    let
+      fun f (v,V) = NameMap.insert V (v, random N)
+    in
+      NameSet.foldl f valuationEmpty vs
+    end;
+fun valuationFold {size = N} vs f =
+    let
+      val vs = NameSet.toList vs
+      fun inc [] _ = NONE
+        | inc (v :: l) V =
+          case NameMap.peek V v of
+            NONE => raise Bug "Model.valuationFold"
+          | SOME k =>
+            let
+              val k = if k = N - 1 then 0 else k + 1
+              val V = NameMap.insert V (v,k)
+            in
+              if k = 0 then inc l V else SOME V
+            end
+      val zero = foldl (fn (v,V) => NameMap.insert V (v,0)) valuationEmpty vs
+      fun fold V acc =
+          let
+            val acc = f (V,acc)
+          in
+            case inc vs V of NONE => acc | SOME V => fold V acc
+          end
+    in
+      fold zero
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Interpreting terms and formulas in the model.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun interpretTerm M V =
+    let
+      val Model {size = N, fixed, functions, ...} = M
+      val {functions = fixed_functions, ...} = fixed
+      fun interpret (Term.Var v) =
+          (case NameMap.peek V v of
+             NONE => raise Error "Model.interpretTerm: incomplete valuation"
+           | SOME i => i)
+        | interpret (tm as Term.Fn f_tms) =
+          let
+            val (f,tms) =
+                case Term.stripComb tm of
+                  (_,[]) => f_tms
+                | (v as Term.Var _, tms) => (".", v :: tms)
+                | (Term.Fn (f,tms), tms') => (f, tms @ tms')
+            val elts = map interpret tms
+            val f_elts = (f,elts)
+            val ref funcs = functions
+          in
+            case Map.peek funcs f_elts of
+              SOME k => k
+            | NONE =>
+              let
+                val k =
+                    case fixed_functions f_elts of
+                      SOME k => k
+                    | NONE => random N
+                val () = functions := Map.insert funcs (f_elts,k)
+              in
+                k
+              end
+          end;
+    in
+      interpret
+    end;
+fun interpretAtom M V (r,tms) =
+    let
+      val Model {fixed,relations,...} = M
+      val {relations = fixed_relations, ...} = fixed
+      val elts = map (interpretTerm M V) tms
+      val r_elts = (r,elts)
+      val ref rels = relations
+    in
+      case Map.peek rels r_elts of
+        SOME b => b
+      | NONE =>
+        let
+          val b =
+              case fixed_relations r_elts of
+                SOME b => b
+              | NONE => coinFlip ()
+          val () = relations := Map.insert rels (r_elts,b)
+        in
+          b
+        end
+    end;
+fun interpretFormula M =
+    let
+      val Model {size = N, ...} = M
+      fun interpret _ Formula.True = true
+        | interpret _ Formula.False = false
+        | interpret V (Formula.Atom atm) = interpretAtom M V atm
+        | interpret V (Formula.Not p) = not (interpret V p)
+        | interpret V (Formula.Or (p,q)) = interpret V p orelse interpret V q
+        | interpret V (Formula.And (p,q)) = interpret V p andalso interpret V q
+        | interpret V (Formula.Imp (p,q)) =
+          interpret V (Formula.Or (Formula.Not p, q))
+        | interpret V (Formula.Iff (p,q)) = interpret V p = interpret V q
+        | interpret V (Formula.Forall (v,p)) = interpret' V v p N
+        | interpret V (Formula.Exists (v,p)) =
+          interpret V (Formula.Not (Formula.Forall (v, Formula.Not p)))
+      and interpret' _ _ _ 0 = true
+        | interpret' V v p i =
+          let
+            val i = i - 1
+            val V' = NameMap.insert V (v,i)
+          in
+            interpret V' p andalso interpret' V v p i
+          end
+    in
+      interpret
+    end;
+fun interpretLiteral M V (true,atm) = interpretAtom M V atm
+  | interpretLiteral M V (false,atm) = not (interpretAtom M V atm);
+fun interpretClause M V cl = LiteralSet.exists (interpretLiteral M V) cl;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Check whether random groundings of a formula are true in the model.       *)
+(* Note: if it's cheaper, a systematic check will be performed instead.      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkGen freeVars interpret {maxChecks} M x =
+      let
+        val Model {size = N, ...} = M
+        fun score (V,{T,F}) =
+            if interpret M V x then {T = T + 1, F = F} else {T = T, F = F + 1}
+        val vs = freeVars x
+        fun randomCheck acc = score (valuationRandom {size = N} vs, acc)
+        val small =
+            intExp N (NameSet.size vs) <= maxChecks handle Overflow => false
+      in
+        if small then valuationFold {size = N} vs score {T = 0, F = 0}
+        else funpow maxChecks randomCheck {T = 0, F = 0}
+      end;
+  val checkAtom = checkGen Atom.freeVars interpretAtom;
+  val checkFormula = checkGen Formula.freeVars interpretFormula;
+  val checkLiteral = checkGen Literal.freeVars interpretLiteral;
+  val checkClause = checkGen LiteralSet.freeVars interpretClause;
+(**** Original file: Problem.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SOME SAMPLE PROBLEMS TO TEST PROOF PROCEDURES                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Problem =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Problems.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type problem = Metis.Thm.clause list
+val size : problem -> {clauses : int,
+                       literals : int,
+                       symbols : int,
+                       typedSymbols : int}
+val fromGoal : Metis.Formula.formula -> problem list
+val toClauses : problem -> Metis.Formula.formula
+val toString : problem -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Categorizing problems.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype propositional =
+    Propositional
+  | EffectivelyPropositional
+  | NonPropositional
+datatype equality =
+    NonEquality
+  | Equality
+  | PureEquality
+datatype horn =
+    Trivial
+  | Unit
+  | DoubleHorn
+  | Horn
+  | NegativeHorn
+  | NonHorn
+type category =
+     {propositional : propositional,
+      equality : equality,
+      horn : horn}
+val categorize : problem -> category
+val categoryToString : category -> string
+(**** Original file: Problem.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SOME SAMPLE PROBLEMS TO TEST PROOF PROCEDURES                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Problem :> Problem =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Problems.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type problem = Thm.clause list;
+fun size cls =
+    {clauses = length cls,
+     literals = foldl (fn (cl,n) => n + LiteralSet.size cl) 0 cls,
+     symbols = foldl (fn (cl,n) => n + LiteralSet.symbols cl) 0 cls,
+     typedSymbols = foldl (fn (cl,n) => n + LiteralSet.typedSymbols cl) 0 cls};
+fun checkFormula {models,checks} exp fm =
+    let
+      fun check 0 = true
+        | check n =
+          let
+            val N = 3 + random 3
+            val M = {size = N, fixed = Model.fixedPure}
+            val {T,F} = Model.checkFormula {maxChecks = checks} M fm
+          in
+            (if exp then F = 0 else T = 0) andalso check (n - 1)
+          end
+    in
+      check models
+    end;
+val checkGoal = checkFormula {models = 10, checks = 100} true;
+val checkClauses = checkFormula {models = 10, checks = 100} false;
+fun fromGoal goal =
+    let
+      fun fromLiterals fms = LiteralSet.fromList (map Literal.fromFormula fms)
+      fun fromClause fm = fromLiterals (Formula.stripDisj fm)
+      fun fromCnf fm = map fromClause (Formula.stripConj fm)
+      val () = if checkGoal goal then ()
+               else raise Error "goal failed the finite model test"
+      val refute = Formula.Not (Formula.generalize goal)
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Formula.pp "Problem.fromGoal: refute" refute
+      val cnfs = Normalize.cnf refute
+      val () =
+          let
+            fun check fm =
+                let
+                  val () = Parser.ppTrace Formula.pp "Problem.fromGoal: cnf" fm
+                in
+                  if checkClauses fm then ()
+                  else raise Error "cnf failed the finite model test"
+                end
+          in
+            app check cnfs
+          end
+    in
+      map fromCnf cnfs
+    end;
+fun toClauses cls =
+    let
+      fun formulize cl =
+          Formula.listMkDisj (LiteralSet.transform Literal.toFormula cl)
+    in
+      Formula.listMkConj (map formulize cls)
+    end;
+fun toString cls = Formula.toString (toClauses cls);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Categorizing problems.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype propositional =
+    Propositional
+  | EffectivelyPropositional
+  | NonPropositional;
+datatype equality =
+    NonEquality
+  | Equality
+  | PureEquality;
+datatype horn =
+    Trivial
+  | Unit
+  | DoubleHorn
+  | Horn
+  | NegativeHorn
+  | NonHorn;
+type category =
+     {propositional : propositional,
+      equality : equality,
+      horn : horn};
+fun categorize cls =
+    let
+      val rels =
+          let
+            fun f (cl,set) = NameAritySet.union set (LiteralSet.relations cl)
+          in
+            List.foldl f NameAritySet.empty cls
+          end
+      val funs =
+          let
+            fun f (cl,set) = NameAritySet.union set (LiteralSet.functions cl)
+          in
+            List.foldl f NameAritySet.empty cls
+          end
+      val propositional =
+          if NameAritySet.allNullary rels then Propositional
+          else if NameAritySet.allNullary funs then EffectivelyPropositional
+          else NonPropositional
+      val equality =
+          if not (NameAritySet.member Atom.eqRelation rels) then NonEquality
+          else if NameAritySet.size rels = 1 then PureEquality
+          else Equality
+      val horn =
+          if List.exists LiteralSet.null cls then Trivial
+          else if List.all (fn cl => LiteralSet.size cl = 1) cls then Unit
+          else 
+            let
+              fun pos cl = LiteralSet.count Literal.positive cl <= 1
+              fun neg cl = LiteralSet.count Literal.negative cl <= 1
+            in
+              case (List.all pos cls, List.all neg cls) of
+                (true,true) => DoubleHorn
+              | (true,false) => Horn
+              | (false,true) => NegativeHorn
+              | (false,false) => NonHorn
+            end
+    in
+      {propositional = propositional,
+       equality = equality,
+       horn = horn}
+    end;
+fun categoryToString {propositional,equality,horn} =
+    (case propositional of
+       Propositional => "propositional"
+     | EffectivelyPropositional => "effectively propositional"
+     | NonPropositional => "non-propositional") ^
+    ", " ^
+    (case equality of
+       NonEquality => "non-equality"
+     | Equality => "equality"
+     | PureEquality => "pure equality") ^
+    ", " ^
+    (case horn of
+       Trivial => "trivial"
+     | Unit => "unit"
+     | DoubleHorn => "horn (and negative horn)"
+     | Horn => "horn"
+     | NegativeHorn => "negative horn"
+     | NonHorn => "non-horn");
+(**** Original file: TermNet.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature TermNet =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of term sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool}
+type 'a termNet
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> 'a termNet
+val null : 'a termNet -> bool
+val size : 'a termNet -> int
+val insert : 'a termNet -> Metis.Term.term * 'a -> 'a termNet
+val fromList : parameters -> (Metis.Term.term * 'a) list -> 'a termNet
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a termNet -> 'a termNet
+val toString : 'a termNet -> string
+val pp : 'a Metis.Parser.pp -> 'a termNet Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : 'a termNet -> Metis.Term.term -> 'a list
+val matched : 'a termNet -> Metis.Term.term -> 'a list
+val unify : 'a termNet -> Metis.Term.term -> 'a list
+(**** Original file: TermNet.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure TermNet :> TermNet =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotient terms                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype qterm = VAR | FN of NameArity.nameArity * qterm list;
+fun termToQterm (Term.Var _) = VAR
+  | termToQterm (Term.Fn (f,l)) = FN ((f, length l), map termToQterm l);
+  fun qm [] = true
+    | qm ((VAR,_) :: rest) = qm rest
+    | qm ((FN _, VAR) :: _) = false
+    | qm ((FN (f,a), FN (g,b)) :: rest) = f = g andalso qm (zip a b @ rest);
+  fun matchQtermQterm qtm qtm' = qm [(qtm,qtm')];
+  fun qm [] = true
+    | qm ((VAR,_) :: rest) = qm rest
+    | qm ((FN _, Term.Var _) :: _) = false
+    | qm ((FN ((f,n),a), Term.Fn (g,b)) :: rest) =
+      f = g andalso n = length b andalso qm (zip a b @ rest);
+  fun matchQtermTerm qtm tm = qm [(qtm,tm)];
+  fun qn qsub [] = SOME qsub
+    | qn qsub ((Term.Var v, qtm) :: rest) =
+      (case NameMap.peek qsub v of
+         NONE => qn (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm)) rest
+       | SOME qtm' => if qtm = qtm' then qn qsub rest else NONE)
+    | qn _ ((Term.Fn _, VAR) :: _) = NONE
+    | qn qsub ((Term.Fn (f,a), FN ((g,n),b)) :: rest) =
+      if f = g andalso length a = n then qn qsub (zip a b @ rest) else NONE;
+  fun matchTermQterm qsub tm qtm = qn qsub [(tm,qtm)];
+  fun qv VAR x = x
+    | qv x VAR = x
+    | qv (FN (f,a)) (FN (g,b)) =
+      let
+        val _ = f = g orelse raise Error "TermNet.qv"
+      in
+        FN (f, zipwith qv a b)
+      end;
+  fun qu qsub [] = qsub
+    | qu qsub ((VAR, _) :: rest) = qu qsub rest
+    | qu qsub ((qtm, Term.Var v) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val qtm =
+            case NameMap.peek qsub v of NONE => qtm | SOME qtm' => qv qtm qtm'
+      in
+        qu (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm)) rest
+      end
+    | qu qsub ((FN ((f,n),a), Term.Fn (g,b)) :: rest) =
+      if f = g andalso n = length b then qu qsub (zip a b @ rest)
+      else raise Error "TermNet.qu";
+  fun unifyQtermQterm qtm qtm' = total (qv qtm) qtm';
+  fun unifyQtermTerm qsub qtm tm = total (qu qsub) [(qtm,tm)];
+  fun qtermToTerm VAR = Term.Var ""
+    | qtermToTerm (FN ((f,_),l)) = Term.Fn (f, map qtermToTerm l);
+  val ppQterm = Parser.ppMap qtermToTerm Term.pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of term sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool};
+datatype 'a net =
+    RESULT of 'a list
+  | SINGLE of qterm * 'a net
+  | MULTIPLE of 'a net option * 'a net;
+datatype 'a termNet = NET of parameters * int * (int * (int * 'a) net) option;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new parm = NET (parm,0,NONE);
+  fun computeSize (RESULT l) = length l
+    | computeSize (SINGLE (_,n)) = computeSize n
+    | computeSize (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+      NameArityMap.foldl
+        (fn (_,n,acc) => acc + computeSize n)
+        (case vs of SOME n => computeSize n | NONE => 0)
+        fs;
+  fun netSize NONE = NONE
+    | netSize (SOME n) = SOME (computeSize n, n);
+fun size (NET (_,_,NONE)) = 0
+  | size (NET (_, _, SOME (i,_))) = i;
+fun null net = size net = 0;
+fun singles qtms a = foldr SINGLE a qtms;
+  fun pre NONE = (0,NONE)
+    | pre (SOME (i,n)) = (i, SOME n);
+  fun add (RESULT l) [] (RESULT l') = RESULT (l @ l')
+    | add a (input1 as qtm :: qtms) (SINGLE (qtm',n)) =
+      if qtm = qtm' then SINGLE (qtm, add a qtms n)
+      else add a input1 (add n [qtm'] (MULTIPLE (NONE, ())))
+    | add a (VAR :: qtms) (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+      MULTIPLE (SOME (oadd a qtms vs), fs)
+    | add a (FN (f,l) :: qtms) (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+      let
+        val n = NameArityMap.peek fs f
+      in
+        MULTIPLE (vs, NameArityMap.insert fs (f, oadd a (l @ qtms) n))
+      end
+    | add _ _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.insert: Match"
+  and oadd a qtms NONE = singles qtms a
+    | oadd a qtms (SOME n) = add a qtms n;
+  fun ins a qtm (i,n) = SOME (i + 1, oadd (RESULT [a]) [qtm] n);
+  fun insert (NET (p,k,n)) (tm,a) =
+      NET (p, k + 1, ins (k,a) (termToQterm tm) (pre n))
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.insert: should never fail";
+fun fromList parm l = foldl (fn (tm_a,n) => insert n tm_a) (new parm) l;
+fun filter pred =
+    let
+      fun filt (RESULT l) =
+          (case List.filter (fn (_,a) => pred a) l of
+             [] => NONE
+           | l => SOME (RESULT l))
+        | filt (SINGLE (qtm,n)) =
+          (case filt n of
+             NONE => NONE
+           | SOME n => SOME (SINGLE (qtm,n)))
+        | filt (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+          let
+            val vs = Option.mapPartial filt vs
+            val fs = NameArityMap.mapPartial (fn (_,n) => filt n) fs
+          in
+            if not (Option.isSome vs) andalso NameArityMap.null fs then NONE
+            else SOME (MULTIPLE (vs,fs))
+          end
+    in
+      fn net as NET (_,_,NONE) => net
+       | NET (p, k, SOME (_,n)) => NET (p, k, netSize (filt n))
+    end
+    handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.filter: should never fail";
+fun toString net = "TermNet[" ^ Int.toString (size net) ^ "]";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Specialized fold operations to support matching and unification.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun norm (0 :: ks, (f as (_,n)) :: fs, qtms) =
+      let
+        val (a,qtms) = revDivide qtms n
+      in
+        addQterm (FN (f,a)) (ks,fs,qtms)
+      end
+    | norm stack = stack
+  and addQterm qtm (ks,fs,qtms) =
+      let
+        val ks = case ks of [] => [] | k :: ks => (k - 1) :: ks
+      in
+        norm (ks, fs, qtm :: qtms)
+      end
+  and addFn (f as (_,n)) (ks,fs,qtms) = norm (n :: ks, f :: fs, qtms);
+  val stackEmpty = ([],[],[]);
+  val stackAddQterm = addQterm;
+  val stackAddFn = addFn;
+  fun stackValue ([],[],[qtm]) = qtm
+    | stackValue _ = raise Bug "TermNet.stackValue";
+  fun fold _ acc [] = acc
+    | fold inc acc ((0,stack,net) :: rest) =
+      fold inc (inc (stackValue stack, net, acc)) rest
+    | fold inc acc ((n, stack, SINGLE (qtm,net)) :: rest) =
+      fold inc acc ((n - 1, stackAddQterm qtm stack, net) :: rest)
+    | fold inc acc ((n, stack, MULTIPLE (v,fns)) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val n = n - 1
+        val rest =
+            case v of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (n, stackAddQterm VAR stack, net) :: rest
+        fun getFns (f as (_,k), net, x) =
+            (k + n, stackAddFn f stack, net) :: x
+      in
+        fold inc acc (NameArityMap.foldr getFns rest fns)
+      end
+    | fold _ _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.foldTerms.fold";
+  fun foldTerms inc acc net = fold inc acc [(1,stackEmpty,net)];
+fun foldEqualTerms pat inc acc =
+    let
+      fun fold ([],net) = inc (pat,net,acc)
+        | fold (pat :: pats, SINGLE (qtm,net)) =
+          if pat = qtm then fold (pats,net) else acc
+        | fold (VAR :: pats, MULTIPLE (v,_)) =
+          (case v of NONE => acc | SOME net => fold (pats,net))
+        | fold (FN (f,a) :: pats, MULTIPLE (_,fns)) =
+          (case NameArityMap.peek fns f of
+             NONE => acc
+           | SOME net => fold (a @ pats, net))
+        | fold _ = raise Bug "TermNet.foldEqualTerms.fold";
+    in
+      fn net => fold ([pat],net)
+    end;
+  fun fold _ acc [] = acc
+    | fold inc acc (([],stack,net) :: rest) =
+      fold inc (inc (stackValue stack, net, acc)) rest
+    | fold inc acc ((VAR :: pats, stack, net) :: rest) =
+      let
+        fun harvest (qtm,n,l) = (pats, stackAddQterm qtm stack, n) :: l
+      in
+        fold inc acc (foldTerms harvest rest net)
+      end
+    | fold inc acc ((pat :: pats, stack, SINGLE (qtm,net)) :: rest) =
+      (case unifyQtermQterm pat qtm of
+         NONE => fold inc acc rest
+       | SOME qtm =>
+         fold inc acc ((pats, stackAddQterm qtm stack, net) :: rest))
+    | fold
+        inc acc
+        (((pat as FN (f,a)) :: pats, stack, MULTIPLE (v,fns)) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest =
+            case v of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (pats, stackAddQterm pat stack, net) :: rest
+        val rest =
+            case NameArityMap.peek fns f of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (a @ pats, stackAddFn f stack, net) :: rest
+      in
+        fold inc acc rest
+      end
+    | fold _ _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.foldUnifiableTerms.fold";
+  fun foldUnifiableTerms pat inc acc net =
+      fold inc acc [([pat],stackEmpty,net)];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun idwise ((m,_),(n,_)) = (m,n);
+  fun fifoize ({fifo, ...} : parameters) l = if fifo then sort idwise l else l;
+  fun finally parm l = map snd (fifoize parm l);
+  fun mat acc [] = acc
+    | mat acc ((RESULT l, []) :: rest) = mat (l @ acc) rest
+    | mat acc ((SINGLE (qtm,n), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      mat acc (if matchQtermTerm qtm tm then (n,tms) :: rest else rest)
+    | mat acc ((MULTIPLE (vs,fs), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest = case vs of NONE => rest | SOME n => (n,tms) :: rest
+        val rest =
+            case tm of
+              Term.Var _ => rest
+            | Term.Fn (f,l) =>
+              case NameArityMap.peek fs (f, length l) of
+                NONE => rest
+              | SOME n => (n, l @ tms) :: rest
+      in
+        mat acc rest
+      end
+    | mat _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.match: Match";
+  fun match (NET (_,_,NONE)) _ = []
+    | match (NET (p, _, SOME (_,n))) tm =
+      finally p (mat [] [(n,[tm])])
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.match: should never fail";
+  fun unseenInc qsub v tms (qtm,net,rest) =
+      (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm), net, tms) :: rest;
+  fun seenInc qsub tms (_,net,rest) = (qsub,net,tms) :: rest;
+  fun mat acc [] = acc
+    | mat acc ((_, RESULT l, []) :: rest) = mat (l @ acc) rest
+    | mat acc ((qsub, SINGLE (qtm,net), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case matchTermQterm qsub tm qtm of
+         NONE => mat acc rest
+       | SOME qsub => mat acc ((qsub,net,tms) :: rest))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, net as MULTIPLE _, Term.Var v :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case NameMap.peek qsub v of
+         NONE => mat acc (foldTerms (unseenInc qsub v tms) rest net)
+       | SOME qtm => mat acc (foldEqualTerms qtm (seenInc qsub tms) rest net))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, MULTIPLE (_,fns), Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest =
+            case NameArityMap.peek fns (f, length a) of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (qsub, net, a @ tms) :: rest
+      in
+        mat acc rest
+      end
+    | mat _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.matched.mat";
+  fun matched (NET (_,_,NONE)) _ = []
+    | matched (NET (parm, _, SOME (_,net))) tm =
+      finally parm (mat [] [( (), net, [tm])])
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.matched: should never fail";
+  fun inc qsub v tms (qtm,net,rest) =
+      (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm), net, tms) :: rest;
+  fun mat acc [] = acc
+    | mat acc ((_, RESULT l, []) :: rest) = mat (l @ acc) rest
+    | mat acc ((qsub, SINGLE (qtm,net), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case unifyQtermTerm qsub qtm tm of
+         NONE => mat acc rest
+       | SOME qsub => mat acc ((qsub,net,tms) :: rest))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, net as MULTIPLE _, Term.Var v :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case NameMap.peek qsub v of
+         NONE => mat acc (foldTerms (inc qsub v tms) rest net)
+       | SOME qtm => mat acc (foldUnifiableTerms qtm (inc qsub v tms) rest net))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, MULTIPLE (v,fns), Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest = case v of NONE => rest | SOME net => (qsub,net,tms) :: rest
+        val rest =
+            case NameArityMap.peek fns (f, length a) of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (qsub, net, a @ tms) :: rest
+      in
+        mat acc rest
+      end
+    | mat _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.unify.mat";
+  fun unify (NET (_,_,NONE)) _ = []
+    | unify (NET (parm, _, SOME (_,net))) tm =
+      finally parm (mat [] [( (), net, [tm])])
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.unify: should never fail";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun inc (qtm, RESULT l, acc) =
+      foldl (fn ((n,a),acc) => (n,(qtm,a)) :: acc) acc l
+    | inc _ = raise Bug "";
+  fun toList (NET (_,_,NONE)) = []
+    | toList (NET (parm, _, SOME (_,net))) =
+      finally parm (foldTerms inc [] net);
+  fun pp ppA =
+      Parser.ppMap toList (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppBinop " |->" ppQterm ppA));
+(**** Original file: AtomNet.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature AtomNet =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of atom sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool}
+type 'a atomNet
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> 'a atomNet
+val size : 'a atomNet -> int
+val insert : 'a atomNet -> Metis.Atom.atom * 'a -> 'a atomNet
+val fromList : parameters -> (Metis.Atom.atom * 'a) list -> 'a atomNet
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a atomNet -> 'a atomNet
+val toString : 'a atomNet -> string
+val pp : 'a Metis.Parser.pp -> 'a atomNet Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : 'a atomNet -> Metis.Atom.atom -> 'a list
+val matched : 'a atomNet -> Metis.Atom.atom -> 'a list
+val unify : 'a atomNet -> Metis.Atom.atom -> 'a list
+(**** Original file: AtomNet.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure AtomNet :> AtomNet =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun atomToTerm atom = Term.Fn atom;
+fun termToAtom (Term.Var _) = raise Bug "AtomNet.termToAtom"
+  | termToAtom (Term.Fn atom) = atom;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of atom sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = TermNet.parameters;
+type 'a atomNet = 'a TermNet.termNet;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new =;
+val size = TermNet.size;
+fun insert net (atm,a) = TermNet.insert net (atomToTerm atm, a);
+fun fromList parm l = foldl (fn (atm_a,n) => insert n atm_a) (new parm) l;
+val filter = TermNet.filter;
+fun toString net = "AtomNet[" ^ Int.toString (size net) ^ "]";
+val pp = TermNet.pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match net atm = TermNet.match net (atomToTerm atm);
+fun matched net atm = TermNet.matched net (atomToTerm atm);
+fun unify net atm = TermNet.unify net (atomToTerm atm);
+(**** Original file: LiteralNet.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature LiteralNet =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of literal sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool}
+type 'a literalNet
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> 'a literalNet
+val size : 'a literalNet -> int
+val profile : 'a literalNet -> {positive : int, negative : int}
+val insert : 'a literalNet -> Metis.Literal.literal * 'a -> 'a literalNet
+val fromList : parameters -> (Metis.Literal.literal * 'a) list -> 'a literalNet
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a literalNet -> 'a literalNet
+val toString : 'a literalNet -> string
+val pp : 'a Metis.Parser.pp -> 'a literalNet Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : 'a literalNet -> Metis.Literal.literal -> 'a list
+val matched : 'a literalNet -> Metis.Literal.literal -> 'a list
+val unify : 'a literalNet -> Metis.Literal.literal -> 'a list
+(**** Original file: LiteralNet.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure LiteralNet :> LiteralNet =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of literal sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = AtomNet.parameters;
+type 'a literalNet =
+    {positive : 'a AtomNet.atomNet,
+     negative : 'a AtomNet.atomNet};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new parm = {positive = parm, negative = parm};
+  fun pos ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) = AtomNet.size positive;
+  fun neg ({negative,...} : 'a literalNet) = AtomNet.size negative;
+  fun size net = pos net + neg net;
+  fun profile net = {positive = pos net, negative = neg net};
+fun insert {positive,negative} ((true,atm),a) =
+    {positive = AtomNet.insert positive (atm,a), negative = negative}
+  | insert {positive,negative} ((false,atm),a) =
+    {positive = positive, negative = AtomNet.insert negative (atm,a)};
+fun fromList parm l = foldl (fn (lit_a,n) => insert n lit_a) (new parm) l;
+fun filter pred {positive,negative} =
+    {positive = AtomNet.filter pred positive,
+     negative = AtomNet.filter pred negative};
+fun toString net = "LiteralNet[" ^ Int.toString (size net) ^ "]";
+fun pp ppA =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn {positive,negative} => (positive,negative))
+      (Parser.ppBinop " + NEGATIVE" (AtomNet.pp ppA) (AtomNet.pp ppA));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) (true,atm) =
+    AtomNet.match positive atm
+  | match {negative,...} (false,atm) = AtomNet.match negative atm;
+fun matched ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) (true,atm) =
+    AtomNet.matched positive atm
+  | matched {negative,...} (false,atm) = AtomNet.matched negative atm;
+fun unify ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) (true,atm) =
+    AtomNet.unify positive atm
+  | unify {negative,...} (false,atm) = AtomNet.unify negative atm;
+(**** Original file: Subsume.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Subsume =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause sets that supports efficient subsumption checking.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a subsume
+val new : unit -> 'a subsume
+val size : 'a subsume -> int
+val insert : 'a subsume -> Metis.Thm.clause * 'a -> 'a subsume
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a subsume -> 'a subsume
+val pp : 'a subsume Metis.Parser.pp
+val toString : 'a subsume -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption checking.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subsumes :
+    (Metis.Thm.clause * Metis.Subst.subst * 'a -> bool) -> 'a subsume -> Metis.Thm.clause ->
+    (Metis.Thm.clause * Metis.Subst.subst * 'a) option
+val isSubsumed : 'a subsume -> Metis.Thm.clause -> bool
+val strictlySubsumes :  (* exclude subsuming clauses with more literals *)
+    (Metis.Thm.clause * Metis.Subst.subst * 'a -> bool) -> 'a subsume -> Metis.Thm.clause ->
+    (Metis.Thm.clause * Metis.Subst.subst * 'a) option
+val isStrictlySubsumed : 'a subsume -> Metis.Thm.clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Single clause versions.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val clauseSubsumes : Metis.Thm.clause -> Metis.Thm.clause -> Metis.Subst.subst option
+val clauseStrictlySubsumes : Metis.Thm.clause -> Metis.Thm.clause -> Metis.Subst.subst option
+(**** Original file: Subsume.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Subsume :> Subsume =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun findRest pred =
+    let
+      fun f _ [] = NONE
+        | f ys (x :: xs) =
+          if pred x then SOME (x, List.revAppend (ys,xs)) else f (x :: ys) xs
+    in
+      f []
+    end;
+  fun addSym (lit,acc) =
+      case total Literal.sym lit of
+        NONE => acc
+      | SOME lit => lit :: acc
+  fun clauseSym lits = List.foldl addSym lits lits;
+fun sortClause cl =
+    let
+      val lits = LiteralSet.toList cl
+    in
+      sortMap Literal.typedSymbols (revCompare lits
+    end;
+fun incompatible lit =
+    let
+      val lits = clauseSym [lit]
+    in
+      fn lit' => not (List.exists (can (Literal.unify Subst.empty lit')) lits)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Clause ids and lengths.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clauseId = int;
+type clauseLength = int;
+  type idSet = (clauseId * clauseLength) Set.set;
+  fun idCompare ((id1,len1),(id2,len2)) =
+      case (len1,len2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL => (id1,id2)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  val idSetEmpty : idSet = Set.empty idCompare;
+  fun idSetAdd (id_len,set) : idSet = Set.add set id_len;
+  fun idSetAddMax max (id_len as (_,len), set) : idSet =
+      if len <= max then Set.add set id_len else set;
+  fun idSetIntersect set1 set2 : idSet = Set.intersect set1 set2;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause sets that supports efficient subsumption checking.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a subsume =
+    Subsume of
+      {empty : (Thm.clause * Subst.subst * 'a) list,
+       unit : (Literal.literal * Thm.clause * 'a)  LiteralNet.literalNet,
+       nonunit :
+         {nextId : clauseId,
+          clauses : (Literal.literal list * Thm.clause * 'a),
+          fstLits : (clauseId * clauseLength) LiteralNet.literalNet,
+          sndLits : (clauseId * clauseLength) LiteralNet.literalNet}};
+fun new () =
+    Subsume
+      {empty = [],
+       unit = {fifo = false},
+       nonunit =
+         {nextId = 0,
+          clauses = (),
+          fstLits = {fifo = false},
+          sndLits = {fifo = false}}};
+fun size (Subsume {empty, unit, nonunit = {clauses,...}}) =
+    length empty + LiteralNet.size unit + IntMap.size clauses;
+fun insert (Subsume {empty,unit,nonunit}) (cl',a) =
+    case sortClause cl' of
+      [] =>
+      let
+        val empty = (cl',Subst.empty,a) :: empty
+      in
+        Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+      end
+    | [lit] =>
+      let
+        val unit = LiteralNet.insert unit (lit,(lit,cl',a))
+      in
+        Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+      end
+    | fstLit :: (nonFstLits as sndLit :: otherLits) =>
+      let
+        val {nextId,clauses,fstLits,sndLits} = nonunit
+        val id_length = (nextId, LiteralSet.size cl')
+        val fstLits = LiteralNet.insert fstLits (fstLit,id_length)
+        val (sndLit,otherLits) =
+            case findRest (incompatible fstLit) nonFstLits of
+              SOME sndLit_otherLits => sndLit_otherLits
+            | NONE => (sndLit,otherLits)
+        val sndLits = LiteralNet.insert sndLits (sndLit,id_length)
+        val lits' = otherLits @ [fstLit,sndLit]
+        val clauses = IntMap.insert clauses (nextId,(lits',cl',a))
+        val nextId = nextId + 1
+        val nonunit = {nextId = nextId, clauses = clauses,
+                       fstLits = fstLits, sndLits = sndLits}
+      in
+        Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+      end;
+fun filter pred (Subsume {empty,unit,nonunit}) =
+    let
+      val empty = List.filter (pred o #3) empty
+      val unit = LiteralNet.filter (pred o #3) unit
+      val nonunit =
+          let
+            val {nextId,clauses,fstLits,sndLits} = nonunit
+            val clauses' = IntMap.filter (pred o #3 o snd) clauses
+          in
+            if IntMap.size clauses = IntMap.size clauses' then nonunit
+            else
+              let
+                fun predId (id,_) = IntMap.inDomain id clauses'
+                val fstLits = LiteralNet.filter predId fstLits
+                and sndLits = LiteralNet.filter predId sndLits
+              in
+                {nextId = nextId, clauses = clauses',
+                 fstLits = fstLits, sndLits = sndLits}
+              end
+          end
+    in
+      Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+    end;
+fun toString subsume = "Subsume{" ^ Int.toString (size subsume) ^ "}";
+fun pp p = Parser.ppMap toString Parser.ppString p;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption checking.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchLit lit' (lit,acc) =
+      case total (Literal.match Subst.empty lit') lit of
+        SOME sub => sub :: acc
+      | NONE => acc;
+  fun genClauseSubsumes pred cl' lits' cl a =
+      let
+        fun mkSubsl acc sub [] = SOME (sub, sortMap length acc)
+          | mkSubsl acc sub (lit' :: lits') =
+            case List.foldl (matchLit lit') [] cl of
+              [] => NONE
+            | [sub'] =>
+              (case total (Subst.union sub) sub' of
+                 NONE => NONE
+               | SOME sub => mkSubsl acc sub lits')
+            | subs => mkSubsl (subs :: acc) sub lits'
+        fun search [] = NONE
+          | search ((sub,[]) :: others) =
+            let
+              val x = (cl',sub,a)
+            in
+              if pred x then SOME x else search others
+            end
+          | search ((_, [] :: _) :: others) = search others
+          | search ((sub, (sub' :: subs) :: subsl) :: others) =
+            let
+              val others = (sub, subs :: subsl) :: others
+            in
+              case total (Subst.union sub) sub' of
+                NONE => search others
+              | SOME sub => search ((sub,subsl) :: others)
+            end
+      in
+        case mkSubsl [] Subst.empty lits' of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME sub_subsl => search [sub_subsl]
+      end;
+  fun emptySubsumes pred empty = List.find pred empty;
+  fun unitSubsumes pred unit =
+      let
+        fun subLit lit =
+            let
+              fun subUnit (lit',cl',a) =
+                  case total (Literal.match Subst.empty lit') lit of
+                    NONE => NONE
+                  | SOME sub =>
+                    let
+                      val x = (cl',sub,a)
+                    in
+                      if pred x then SOME x else NONE
+                    end
+            in
+              first subUnit (LiteralNet.match unit lit)
+            end
+      in
+        first subLit
+      end;
+  fun nonunitSubsumes pred nonunit max cl =
+      let
+        val addId = case max of NONE => idSetAdd | SOME n => idSetAddMax n
+        fun subLit lits (lit,acc) =
+            List.foldl addId acc (LiteralNet.match lits lit)
+        val {nextId = _, clauses, fstLits, sndLits} = nonunit
+        fun subCl' (id,_) =
+            let
+              val (lits',cl',a) = IntMap.get clauses id
+            in
+              genClauseSubsumes pred cl' lits' cl a
+            end
+        val fstCands = List.foldl (subLit fstLits) idSetEmpty cl
+        val sndCands = List.foldl (subLit sndLits) idSetEmpty cl
+        val cands = idSetIntersect fstCands sndCands
+      in
+        Set.firstl subCl' cands
+      end;
+  fun genSubsumes pred (Subsume {empty,unit,nonunit}) max cl =
+      case emptySubsumes pred empty of
+        s as SOME _ => s
+      | NONE =>
+        if max = SOME 0 then NONE
+        else
+          let
+            val cl = clauseSym (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+          in
+            case unitSubsumes pred unit cl of
+              s as SOME _ => s
+            | NONE =>
+              if max = SOME 1 then NONE
+              else nonunitSubsumes pred nonunit max cl
+          end;
+  fun subsumes pred subsume cl = genSubsumes pred subsume NONE cl;
+  fun strictlySubsumes pred subsume cl =
+      genSubsumes pred subsume (SOME (LiteralSet.size cl)) cl;
+val subsumes = fn pred => fn subsume => fn cl =>
+    let
+      val ppCl = LiteralSet.pp
+      val ppSub = Subst.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.subsumes: cl" cl
+      val result = subsumes pred subsume cl
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace "Subsume.subsumes: not subsumed\n"
+          | SOME (cl,sub,_) =>
+            (Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming cl" cl;
+             Parser.ppTrace ppSub "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming sub" sub)
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+val strictlySubsumes = fn pred => fn subsume => fn cl =>
+    let
+      val ppCl = LiteralSet.pp
+      val ppSub = Subst.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.strictlySubsumes: cl" cl
+      val result = strictlySubsumes subsume cl
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace "Subsume.subsumes: not subsumed\n"
+          | SOME (cl,sub,_) =>
+            (Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming cl" cl;
+             Parser.ppTrace ppSub "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming sub" sub)
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+fun isSubsumed subs cl = Option.isSome (subsumes (K true) subs cl);
+fun isStrictlySubsumed subs cl =
+    Option.isSome (strictlySubsumes (K true) subs cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Single clause versions.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun clauseSubsumes cl' cl =
+    let
+      val lits' = sortClause cl'
+      and lits = clauseSym (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+    in
+      case genClauseSubsumes (K true) cl' lits' lits () of
+        SOME (_,sub,()) => SOME sub
+      | NONE => NONE
+    end;
+fun clauseStrictlySubsumes cl' cl =
+    if LiteralSet.size cl' > LiteralSet.size cl then NONE
+    else clauseSubsumes cl' cl;
+(**** Original file: KnuthBendixOrder.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE KNUTH-BENDIX TERM ORDERING                                            *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature KnuthBendixOrder =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The weight of all constants must be at least 1, and there must be at most *)
+(* one unary function with weight 0.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type kbo =
+     {weight : Metis.Term.function -> int,
+      precedence : Metis.Term.function * Metis.Term.function -> order}
+val default : kbo
+val compare : kbo -> Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> order option
+(**** Original file: KnuthBendixOrder.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* KNUTH-BENDIX TERM ORDERING CONSTRAINTS                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure KnuthBendixOrder :> KnuthBendixOrder =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun firstNotEqual f l =
+    case List.find op<> l of
+      SOME (x,y) => f x y
+    | NONE => raise Bug "firstNotEqual";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The weight of all constants must be at least 1, and there must be at most *)
+(* one unary function with weight 0.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type kbo =
+     {weight : Term.function -> int,
+      precedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order};
+(* Default weight = uniform *)
+val uniformWeight : Term.function -> int = K 1;
+(* Default precedence = by arity *)
+val arityPrecedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order =
+    fn ((f1,n1),(f2,n2)) =>
+       case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER;
+(* The default order *)
+val default = {weight = uniformWeight, precedence = arityPrecedence};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Term weight-1 represented as a linear function of the weight-1 of the     *)
+(* variables in the term (plus a constant).                                  *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Note that the conditions on weight functions ensure that all weights are  *)
+(* at least 1, so all weight-1s are at least 0.                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype weight = Weight of int * int;
+val weightEmpty : int = ();
+val weightZero = Weight (weightEmpty,0);
+fun weightIsZero (Weight (m,c)) = c = 0 andalso NameMap.null m;
+fun weightNeg (Weight (m,c)) = Weight (NameMap.transform ~ m, ~c);
+  fun add (n1,n2) =
+      let
+        val n = n1 + n2
+      in
+        if n = 0 then NONE else SOME n
+      end;
+  fun weightAdd (Weight (m1,c1)) (Weight (m2,c2)) =
+      Weight (NameMap.union add m1 m2, c1 + c2);
+fun weightSubtract w1 w2 = weightAdd w1 (weightNeg w2);
+fun weightMult 0 _ = weightZero
+  | weightMult 1 w = w
+  | weightMult k (Weight (m,c)) =
+    let
+      fun mult n = k * n
+    in
+      Weight (NameMap.transform mult m, k * c)
+    end;
+fun weightTerm weight =
+    let
+      fun wt m c [] = Weight (m,c)
+        | wt m c (Term.Var v :: tms) =
+          let
+            val n = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m v, 0)
+          in
+            wt (NameMap.insert m (v, n + 1)) (c + 1) tms
+          end
+        | wt m c (Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) =
+          wt m (c + weight (f, length a)) (a @ tms)
+    in
+      fn tm => wt weightEmpty ~1 [tm]
+    end;
+fun weightIsVar v (Weight (m,c)) =
+    c = 0 andalso NameMap.size m = 1 andalso NameMap.peek m v = SOME 1;
+fun weightConst (Weight (_,c)) = c;
+fun weightVars (Weight (m,_)) = 
+    NameMap.foldl (fn (v,_,s) => NameSet.add s v) NameSet.empty m;
+val weightsVars =
+    List.foldl (fn (w,s) => NameSet.union (weightVars w) s) NameSet.empty;
+fun weightVarList w = NameSet.toList (weightVars w);
+fun weightNumVars (Weight (m,_)) = NameMap.size m;
+fun weightNumVarsWithPositiveCoeff (Weight (m,_)) =
+    NameMap.foldl (fn (_,n,z) => if n > 0 then z + 1 else z) 0 m;
+fun weightCoeff var (Weight (m,_)) = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m var, 0);
+fun weightCoeffs varList w = map (fn var => weightCoeff var w) varList;
+fun weightCoeffSum (Weight (m,_)) = NameMap.foldl (fn (_,n,z) => n + z) 0 m;
+fun weightLowerBound (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    if NameMap.exists (fn (_,n) => n < 0) m then NONE else SOME c;
+fun weightNoLowerBound w = not (Option.isSome (weightLowerBound w));
+fun weightAlwaysPositive w =
+    case weightLowerBound w of NONE => false | SOME n => n > 0;
+fun weightUpperBound (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    if NameMap.exists (fn (_,n) => n > 0) m then NONE else SOME c;
+fun weightNoUpperBound w = not (Option.isSome (weightUpperBound w));
+fun weightAlwaysNegative w =
+    case weightUpperBound w of NONE => false | SOME n => n < 0;
+fun weightGcd (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    NameMap.foldl (fn (_,i,k) => gcd i k) (Int.abs c) m;
+fun ppWeightList pp =
+    let
+      fun coeffToString n =
+          if n < 0 then "~" ^ coeffToString (~n)
+          else if n = 1 then ""
+          else Int.toString n
+      fun pp_tm pp ("",n) = Parser.ppInt pp n
+        | pp_tm pp (v,n) = Parser.ppString pp (coeffToString n ^ v)
+    in
+      fn [] => Parser.ppInt pp 0
+       | tms => Parser.ppSequence " +" pp_tm pp tms
+    end;
+fun ppWeight pp (Weight (m,c)) =
+    let
+      val l = NameMap.toList m
+      val l = if c = 0 then l else l @ [("",c)]
+    in
+      ppWeightList pp l
+    end;
+val weightToString = Parser.toString ppWeight;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The Knuth-Bendix term order.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype kboOrder = Less | Equal | Greater | SignOf of weight;
+fun kboOrder {weight,precedence} =
+    let
+      fun weightDifference tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w1 = weightTerm weight tm1
+            and w2 = weightTerm weight tm2
+          in
+            weightSubtract w2 w1
+          end
+      fun weightLess tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w = weightDifference tm1 tm2
+          in
+            if weightIsZero w then precedenceLess tm1 tm2
+            else weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2
+          end
+      and weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2 =
+          case weightLowerBound w of
+            NONE => false
+          | SOME 0 => precedenceLess tm1 tm2
+          | SOME n => n > 0
+      and precedenceLess (Term.Fn (f1,a1)) (Term.Fn (f2,a2)) =
+          (case precedence ((f1, length a1), (f2, length a2)) of
+             LESS => true
+           | EQUAL => firstNotEqual weightLess (zip a1 a2)
+           | GREATER => false)
+        | precedenceLess _ _ = false
+      fun weightDiffGreater w tm1 tm2 = weightDiffLess (weightNeg w) tm2 tm1
+      fun weightCmp tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w = weightDifference tm1 tm2
+          in
+            if weightIsZero w then precedenceCmp tm1 tm2
+            else if weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2 then Less
+            else if weightDiffGreater w tm1 tm2 then Greater
+            else SignOf w
+          end
+      and precedenceCmp (Term.Fn (f1,a1)) (Term.Fn (f2,a2)) =
+          (case precedence ((f1, length a1), (f2, length a2)) of
+             LESS => Less
+           | EQUAL => firstNotEqual weightCmp (zip a1 a2)
+           | GREATER => Greater)
+        | precedenceCmp _ _ = raise Bug "kboOrder.precendenceCmp"
+    in
+      fn (tm1,tm2) => if tm1 = tm2 then Equal else weightCmp tm1 tm2
+    end;
+fun compare kbo tm1_tm2 =
+    case kboOrder kbo tm1_tm2 of
+      Less => SOME LESS
+    | Equal => SOME EQUAL
+    | Greater => SOME GREATER
+    | SignOf _ => NONE;
+val compare = fn kbo => fn (tm1,tm2) =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp " tm1" tm1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp " tm2" tm2
+      val result = compare kbo (tm1,tm2)
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace " result = Incomparable\n"
+          | SOME x =>
+            Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppOrder " result" x
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Rewrite.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED REWRITING FOR FIRST ORDER TERMS                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Rewrite =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of rewrite systems.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype orient = LeftToRight | RightToLeft
+type reductionOrder = Metis.Term.term * Metis.Term.term -> order option
+type equationId = int
+type equation = Metis.Rule.equation
+type rewrite
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : reductionOrder -> rewrite
+val peek : rewrite -> equationId -> (equation * orient option) option
+val size : rewrite -> int
+val equations : rewrite -> equation list
+val toString : rewrite -> string
+val pp : rewrite Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add equations into the system.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : rewrite -> equationId * equation -> rewrite
+val addList : rewrite -> (equationId * equation) list -> rewrite
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting (the order must be a refinement of the rewrite order).          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rewrConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Metis.Rule.conv
+val rewriteConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Metis.Rule.conv
+val rewriteLiteralsRule :
+    rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Metis.LiteralSet.set -> Metis.Rule.rule
+val rewriteRule : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Metis.Rule.rule
+val rewrIdConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Metis.Rule.conv
+val rewriteIdConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Metis.Rule.conv
+val rewriteIdLiteralsRule :
+    rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Metis.LiteralSet.set -> Metis.Rule.rule
+val rewriteIdRule : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Metis.Rule.rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inter-reduce the equations in the system.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reduce' : rewrite -> rewrite * equationId list
+val reduce : rewrite -> rewrite
+val isReduced : rewrite -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting as a derived rule.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rewrite : equation list -> Metis.Thm.thm -> Metis.Thm.thm
+val orderedRewrite : reductionOrder -> equation list -> Metis.Thm.thm -> Metis.Thm.thm
+(**** Original file: Rewrite.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED REWRITING FOR FIRST ORDER TERMS                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Rewrite :> Rewrite =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of rewrite systems.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype orient = LeftToRight | RightToLeft;
+type reductionOrder = Term.term * Term.term -> order option;
+type equationId = int;
+type equation = Rule.equation;
+datatype rewrite =
+    Rewrite of
+      {order : reductionOrder,
+       known : (equation * orient option),
+       redexes : (equationId * orient) TermNet.termNet,
+       subterms : (equationId * bool * Term.path) TermNet.termNet,
+       waiting : IntSet.set};
+fun updateWaiting rw waiting =
+    let
+      val Rewrite {order, known, redexes, subterms, waiting = _} = rw
+    in
+      Rewrite
+        {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+         subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+    end;
+fun deleteWaiting (rw as Rewrite {waiting,...}) id =
+    updateWaiting rw (IntSet.delete waiting id);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new order =
+    Rewrite
+      {order = order,
+       known = (),
+       redexes = {fifo = false},
+       subterms = {fifo = false},
+       waiting = IntSet.empty};
+fun peek (Rewrite {known,...}) id = IntMap.peek known id;
+fun size (Rewrite {known,...}) = IntMap.size known;
+fun equations (Rewrite {known,...}) =
+    IntMap.foldr (fn (_,(eqn,_),eqns) => eqn :: eqns) [] known;
+val pp = Parser.ppMap equations (Parser.ppList Rule.ppEquation);
+  fun orientOptionToString ort =
+      case ort of
+        SOME LeftToRight => "-->"
+      | SOME RightToLeft => "<--"
+      | NONE => "<->";
+  open Parser;
+  fun ppEq p ((x_y,_),ort) =
+      ppBinop (" " ^ orientOptionToString ort) Term.pp Term.pp p x_y;
+  fun ppField f ppA p a =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p (f ^ " =");
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppA p a;
+       endBlock p);
+  val ppKnown =
+      ppField "known" (ppMap IntMap.toList (ppList (ppPair ppInt ppEq)));
+  val ppRedexes =
+      ppField
+        "redexes"
+        (TermNet.pp
+           (ppPair ppInt (ppMap (orientOptionToString o SOME) ppString)));
+  val ppSubterms =
+      ppField
+        "subterms"
+        (TermNet.pp
+           (ppMap
+              (fn (i,l,p) => (i, (if l then 0 else 1) :: p))
+              (ppPair ppInt Term.ppPath)));
+  val ppWaiting = ppField "waiting" (ppMap (IntSet.toList) (ppList ppInt));
+  fun pp p (Rewrite {known,redexes,subterms,waiting,...}) =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p "Rewrite";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       beginBlock p Inconsistent 1;
+       addString p "{";
+       ppKnown p known;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppRedexes p redexes;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppSubterms p subterms;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppWaiting p waiting;
+       endBlock p;
+       addString p "}";
+       endBlock p);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debug functions.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun termReducible order known id =
+    let
+      fun eqnRed ((l,r),_) tm =
+          case total (Subst.match Subst.empty l) tm of
+            NONE => false
+          | SOME sub =>
+            order (tm, Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r) = SOME GREATER
+      fun knownRed tm (eqnId,(eqn,ort)) =
+          eqnId <> id andalso
+          ((ort <> SOME RightToLeft andalso eqnRed eqn tm) orelse
+           (ort <> SOME LeftToRight andalso eqnRed (Rule.symEqn eqn) tm))
+      fun termRed tm = IntMap.exists (knownRed tm) known orelse subtermRed tm
+      and subtermRed (Term.Var _) = false
+        | subtermRed (Term.Fn (_,tms)) = List.exists termRed tms
+    in
+      termRed
+    end;
+fun literalReducible order known id lit =
+    List.exists (termReducible order known id) (Literal.arguments lit);
+fun literalsReducible order known id lits =
+    LiteralSet.exists (literalReducible order known id) lits;
+fun thmReducible order known id th =
+    literalsReducible order known id (Thm.clause th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add equations into the system.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun orderToOrient (SOME EQUAL) = raise Error "Rewrite.orient: reflexive"
+  | orderToOrient (SOME GREATER) = SOME LeftToRight
+  | orderToOrient (SOME LESS) = SOME RightToLeft
+  | orderToOrient NONE = NONE;
+  fun ins redexes redex id ort = TermNet.insert redexes (redex,(id,ort));
+  fun addRedexes id (((l,r),_),ort) redexes =
+      case ort of
+        SOME LeftToRight => ins redexes l id LeftToRight
+      | SOME RightToLeft => ins redexes r id RightToLeft
+      | NONE => ins (ins redexes l id LeftToRight) r id RightToLeft;
+fun add (rw as Rewrite {known,...}) (id,eqn) =
+    if IntMap.inDomain id known then rw
+    else
+      let
+        val Rewrite {order,redexes,subterms,waiting, ...} = rw
+        val ort = orderToOrient (order (fst eqn))
+        val known = IntMap.insert known (id,(eqn,ort))
+        val redexes = addRedexes id (eqn,ort) redexes
+        val waiting = IntSet.add waiting id
+        val rw =
+            Rewrite
+              {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+               subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Rewrite.add: result" rw
+      in
+        rw
+      end;
+val addList = foldl (fn (eqn,rw) => add rw eqn);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting (the order must be a refinement of the rewrite order).          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun reorder ((i,_),(j,_)) = (j,i);
+  fun matchingRedexes redexes tm = sort reorder (TermNet.match redexes tm);
+fun wellOriented NONE _ = true
+  | wellOriented (SOME LeftToRight) LeftToRight = true
+  | wellOriented (SOME RightToLeft) RightToLeft = true
+  | wellOriented _ _ = false;
+fun redexResidue LeftToRight ((l_r,_) : equation) = l_r
+  | redexResidue RightToLeft ((l,r),_) = (r,l);
+fun orientedEquation LeftToRight eqn = eqn
+  | orientedEquation RightToLeft eqn = Rule.symEqn eqn;
+fun rewrIdConv' order known redexes id tm =
+    let
+      fun rewr (id',lr) =
+          let
+            val _ = id <> id' orelse raise Error "same theorem"
+            val (eqn,ort) = IntMap.get known id'
+            val _ = wellOriented ort lr orelse raise Error "orientation"
+            val (l,r) = redexResidue lr eqn
+            val sub = Subst.normalize (Subst.match Subst.empty l tm)
+            val tm' = Subst.subst sub r
+            val _ = Option.isSome ort orelse
+                    order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER orelse
+                    raise Error "order"
+            val (_,th) = orientedEquation lr eqn
+          in
+            (tm', Thm.subst sub th)
+          end
+    in
+      case first (total rewr) (matchingRedexes redexes tm) of
+        NONE => raise Error "Rewrite.rewrIdConv: no matching rewrites"
+      | SOME res => res
+    end;
+fun rewriteIdConv' order known redexes id =
+    if IntMap.null known then Rule.allConv
+    else Rule.repeatTopDownConv (rewrIdConv' order known redexes id);
+fun mkNeqConv order lit =
+    let
+      val (l,r) = Literal.destNeq lit
+    in
+      case order (l,r) of
+        NONE => raise Error "incomparable"
+      | SOME LESS =>
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",l),("y",r)]
+          val th = Thm.subst sub Rule.symmetry
+        in
+          fn tm => if tm = r then (l,th) else raise Error "mkNeqConv: RL"
+        end
+      | SOME EQUAL => raise Error "irreflexive"
+      | SOME GREATER =>
+        let
+          val th = Thm.assume lit
+        in
+          fn tm => if tm = l then (r,th) else raise Error "mkNeqConv: LR"
+        end
+    end;
+datatype neqConvs = NeqConvs of Rule.conv;
+val neqConvsEmpty = NeqConvs ( ());
+fun neqConvsNull (NeqConvs m) = LiteralMap.null m;
+fun neqConvsAdd order (neq as NeqConvs m) lit =
+    case total (mkNeqConv order) lit of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME conv => SOME (NeqConvs (LiteralMap.insert m (lit,conv)));
+fun mkNeqConvs order =
+    let
+      fun add (lit,(neq,lits)) =
+          case neqConvsAdd order neq lit of
+            SOME neq => (neq,lits)
+          | NONE => (neq, LiteralSet.add lits lit)
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldl add (neqConvsEmpty,LiteralSet.empty)
+    end;
+fun neqConvsDelete (NeqConvs m) lit = NeqConvs (LiteralMap.delete m lit);
+fun neqConvsToConv (NeqConvs m) =
+    Rule.firstConv (LiteralMap.foldr (fn (_,c,l) => c :: l) [] m);
+fun neqConvsFoldl f b (NeqConvs m) =
+    LiteralMap.foldl (fn (l,_,z) => f (l,z)) b m;
+fun neqConvsRewrIdLiterule order known redexes id neq =
+    if IntMap.null known andalso neqConvsNull neq then Rule.allLiterule
+    else
+      let
+        val neq_conv = neqConvsToConv neq
+        val rewr_conv = rewrIdConv' order known redexes id
+        val conv = Rule.orelseConv neq_conv rewr_conv
+        val conv = Rule.repeatTopDownConv conv
+      in
+        Rule.allArgumentsLiterule conv
+      end;
+fun rewriteIdEqn' order known redexes id (eqn as (l_r,th)) =
+    let
+      val (neq,_) = mkNeqConvs order (Thm.clause th)
+      val literule = neqConvsRewrIdLiterule order known redexes id neq
+      val (strongEqn,lit) =
+          case Rule.equationLiteral eqn of
+            NONE => (true, Literal.mkEq l_r)
+          | SOME lit => (false,lit)
+      val (lit',litTh) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then eqn
+      else
+        (Literal.destEq lit',
+         if strongEqn then th
+         else if not (Thm.negateMember lit litTh) then litTh
+         else Thm.resolve lit th litTh)
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("Rewrite.rewriteIdEqn':\n" ^ err);
+fun rewriteIdLiteralsRule' order known redexes id lits th =
+    let
+      val mk_literule = neqConvsRewrIdLiterule order known redexes id
+      fun rewr_neq_lit (lit, acc as (changed,neq,lits,th)) =
+          let
+            val neq = neqConvsDelete neq lit
+            val (lit',litTh) = mk_literule neq lit
+          in
+            if lit = lit' then acc
+            else
+              let
+                val th = Thm.resolve lit th litTh
+              in
+                case neqConvsAdd order neq lit' of
+                  SOME neq => (true,neq,lits,th)
+                | NONE => (changed, neq, LiteralSet.add lits lit', th)
+              end
+          end
+      fun rewr_neq_lits neq lits th =
+          let
+            val (changed,neq,lits,th) =
+                neqConvsFoldl rewr_neq_lit (false,neq,lits,th) neq
+          in
+            if changed then rewr_neq_lits neq lits th
+            else (neq,lits,th)
+          end
+      val (neq,lits) = mkNeqConvs order lits
+      val (neq,lits,th) = rewr_neq_lits neq lits th
+      val rewr_literule = mk_literule neq
+      fun rewr_lit (lit,th) =
+          if Thm.member lit th then Rule.literalRule rewr_literule lit th
+          else th
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldl rewr_lit th lits
+    end;
+fun rewriteIdRule' order known redexes id th =
+    rewriteIdLiteralsRule' order known redexes id (Thm.clause th) th;
+val rewriteIdRule' = fn order => fn known => fn redexes => fn id => fn th =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Rewrite.rewriteIdRule': th" th
+      val result = rewriteIdRule' order known redexes id th
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Rewrite.rewriteIdRule': result" result
+      val _ = not (thmReducible order known id result) orelse
+              raise Bug "rewriteIdRule: should be normalized"
+    in
+      result
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("Rewrite.rewriteIdRule:\n" ^ err);
+fun rewrIdConv (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewrIdConv' order known redexes;
+fun rewrConv rewrite order = rewrIdConv rewrite order ~1;
+fun rewriteIdConv (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewriteIdConv' order known redexes;
+fun rewriteConv rewrite order = rewriteIdConv rewrite order ~1;
+fun rewriteIdLiteralsRule (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewriteIdLiteralsRule' order known redexes;
+fun rewriteLiteralsRule rewrite order =
+    rewriteIdLiteralsRule rewrite order ~1;
+fun rewriteIdRule (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewriteIdRule' order known redexes;
+fun rewriteRule rewrite order = rewriteIdRule rewrite order ~1;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inter-reduce the equations in the system.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun addSubterms id (((l,r),_) : equation) subterms =
+    let
+      fun addSubterm b ((path,tm),net) = TermNet.insert net (tm,(id,b,path))
+      val subterms = foldl (addSubterm true) subterms (Term.subterms l)
+      val subterms = foldl (addSubterm false) subterms (Term.subterms r)
+    in
+      subterms
+    end;
+fun sameRedexes NONE _ _ = false
+  | sameRedexes (SOME LeftToRight) (l0,_) (l,_) = l0 = l
+  | sameRedexes (SOME RightToLeft) (_,r0) (_,r) = r0 = r;
+fun redexResidues NONE (l,r) = [(l,r,false),(r,l,false)]
+  | redexResidues (SOME LeftToRight) (l,r) = [(l,r,true)]
+  | redexResidues (SOME RightToLeft) (l,r) = [(r,l,true)];
+fun findReducibles order known subterms id =
+    let
+      fun checkValidRewr (l,r,ord) id' left path =
+          let
+            val (((x,y),_),_) = IntMap.get known id'
+            val tm = Term.subterm (if left then x else y) path
+            val sub = Subst.match Subst.empty l tm
+          in
+            if ord then ()
+            else
+              let
+                val tm' = Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r
+              in
+                if order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER then ()
+                else raise Error "order"
+              end
+          end
+      fun addRed lr ((id',left,path),todo) =
+          if id <> id' andalso not (IntSet.member id' todo) andalso
+             can (checkValidRewr lr id' left) path
+          then IntSet.add todo id'
+          else todo
+      fun findRed (lr as (l,_,_), todo) =
+          List.foldl (addRed lr) todo (TermNet.matched subterms l)
+    in
+      List.foldl findRed
+    end;
+fun reduce1 new id (eqn0,ort0) (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed) =
+    let
+      val (eq0,_) = eqn0
+      val Rewrite {order,known,redexes,subterms,waiting} = rw
+      val eqn as (eq,_) = rewriteIdEqn' order known redexes id eqn0
+      val identical = eq = eq0
+      val same_redexes = identical orelse sameRedexes ort0 eq0 eq
+      val rpl = if same_redexes then rpl else IntSet.add rpl id
+      val spl = if new orelse identical then spl else IntSet.add spl id
+      val changed =
+          if not new andalso identical then changed else IntSet.add changed id
+      val ort =
+          if same_redexes then SOME ort0 else total orderToOrient (order eq)
+    in
+      case ort of
+        NONE =>
+        let
+          val known = IntMap.delete known id
+          val rw =
+              Rewrite
+                {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+                 subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+        in
+          (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed)
+        end
+      | SOME ort =>
+        let
+          val todo =
+              if not new andalso same_redexes then todo
+              else
+                findReducibles
+                  order known subterms id todo (redexResidues ort eq)
+          val known =
+              if identical then known else IntMap.insert known (id,(eqn,ort))
+          val redexes =
+              if same_redexes then redexes
+              else addRedexes id (eqn,ort) redexes
+          val subterms =
+              if new orelse not identical then addSubterms id eqn subterms
+              else subterms
+          val rw =
+              Rewrite
+                {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+                 subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+        in
+          (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed)
+        end
+    end;
+fun pick known set =
+    let
+      fun oriented id =
+          case IntMap.peek known id of
+            SOME (x as (_, SOME _)) => SOME (id,x)
+          | _ => NONE
+      fun any id =
+          case IntMap.peek known id of SOME x => SOME (id,x) | _ => NONE
+    in
+      case IntSet.firstl oriented set of
+        x as SOME _ => x
+      | NONE => IntSet.firstl any set
+    end;
+  fun cleanRedexes known redexes rpl =
+      if IntSet.null rpl then redexes
+      else
+        let
+          fun filt (id,_) = not (IntSet.member id rpl)
+          fun addReds (id,reds) =
+              case IntMap.peek known id of
+                NONE => reds
+              | SOME eqn_ort => addRedexes id eqn_ort reds
+          val redexes = TermNet.filter filt redexes
+          val redexes = IntSet.foldl addReds redexes rpl
+        in
+          redexes
+        end;
+  fun cleanSubterms known subterms spl =
+      if IntSet.null spl then subterms
+      else
+        let
+          fun filt (id,_,_) = not (IntSet.member id spl)
+          fun addSubtms (id,subtms) =
+              case IntMap.peek known id of
+                NONE => subtms
+              | SOME (eqn,_) => addSubterms id eqn subtms
+          val subterms = TermNet.filter filt subterms
+          val subterms = IntSet.foldl addSubtms subterms spl
+        in
+          subterms
+        end;
+  fun rebuild rpl spl rw =
+      let
+        val ppPl = Parser.ppMap IntSet.toList (Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppPl "Rewrite.rebuild: rpl" rpl
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppPl "Rewrite.rebuild: spl" spl
+        val Rewrite {order,known,redexes,subterms,waiting} = rw
+        val redexes = cleanRedexes known redexes rpl
+        val subterms = cleanSubterms known subterms spl
+      in
+        Rewrite
+          {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+           subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+      end;
+fun reduceAcc (rpl, spl, todo, rw as Rewrite {known,waiting,...}, changed) =
+    case pick known todo of
+      SOME (id,eqn_ort) =>
+      let
+        val todo = IntSet.delete todo id
+      in
+        reduceAcc (reduce1 false id eqn_ort (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed))
+      end
+    | NONE =>
+      case pick known waiting of
+        SOME (id,eqn_ort) =>
+        let
+          val rw = deleteWaiting rw id
+        in
+          reduceAcc (reduce1 true id eqn_ort (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed))
+        end
+      | NONE => (rebuild rpl spl rw, IntSet.toList changed);
+fun isReduced (Rewrite {waiting,...}) = IntSet.null waiting;
+fun reduce' rw =
+    if isReduced rw then (rw,[])
+    else reduceAcc (IntSet.empty,IntSet.empty,IntSet.empty,rw,IntSet.empty);
+val reduce' = fn rw =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Rewrite.reduce': rw" rw
+      val Rewrite {known,order,...} = rw
+      val result as (Rewrite {known = known', ...}, _) = reduce' rw
+      val ppResult = Parser.ppPair pp (Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt)
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Rewrite.reduce': result" result
+      val ths = map (fn (id,((_,th),_)) => (id,th)) (IntMap.toList known')
+      val _ =
+          not (List.exists (uncurry (thmReducible order known')) ths) orelse
+          raise Bug "Rewrite.reduce': not fully reduced"
+    in
+      result
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Bug ("Rewrite.reduce': shouldn't fail\n" ^ err);
+fun reduce rw = fst (reduce' rw);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting as a derived rule.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun addEqn (id_eqn,rw) = add rw id_eqn;
+  fun orderedRewrite order ths =
+    let
+      val rw = foldl addEqn (new order) (enumerate ths)
+    in
+      rewriteRule rw order
+    end;
+val rewrite = orderedRewrite (K (SOME GREATER));
+(**** Original file: Units.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A STORE FOR UNIT THEOREMS                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Units =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of unit store.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type unitThm = Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Thm.thm
+type units
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty : units
+val size : units -> int
+val toString : units -> string
+val pp : units Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add units into the store.                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : units -> unitThm -> units
+val addList : units -> unitThm list -> units
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : units -> Metis.Literal.literal -> (unitThm * Metis.Subst.subst) option
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reducing by repeated matching and resolution.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reduce : units -> Metis.Rule.rule
+(**** Original file: Units.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A STORE FOR UNIT THEOREMS                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Units :> Units =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of unit store.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type unitThm = Literal.literal * Thm.thm;
+datatype units = Units of unitThm LiteralNet.literalNet;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty = Units ( {fifo = false});
+fun size (Units net) = LiteralNet.size net;
+fun toString units = "U{" ^ Int.toString (size units) ^ "}";
+val pp = Parser.ppMap toString Parser.ppString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add units into the store.                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun add (units as Units net) (uTh as (lit,th)) =
+    let
+      val net = LiteralNet.insert net (lit,uTh)
+    in
+      case total Literal.sym lit of
+        NONE => Units net
+      | SOME (lit' as (pol,_)) =>
+        let
+          val th' = (if pol then Rule.symEq else Rule.symNeq) lit th
+          val net = LiteralNet.insert net (lit',(lit',th'))
+        in
+          Units net
+        end
+    end;
+val addList = foldl (fn (th,u) => add u th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match (Units net) lit =
+    let
+      fun check (uTh as (lit',_)) =
+          case total (Literal.match Subst.empty lit') lit of
+            NONE => NONE
+          | SOME sub => SOME (uTh,sub)
+    in
+      first check (LiteralNet.match net lit)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reducing by repeated matching and resolution.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun reduce units =
+    let
+      fun red1 (lit,news_th) =
+          case total Literal.destIrrefl lit of
+            SOME tm =>
+            let
+              val (news,th) = news_th
+              val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.refl tm)
+            in
+              (news,th)
+            end
+          | NONE =>
+            let
+              val lit' = Literal.negate lit
+            in
+              case match units lit' of
+                NONE => news_th
+              | SOME ((_,rth),sub) =>
+                let
+                  val (news,th) = news_th
+                  val rth = Thm.subst sub rth
+                  val th = Thm.resolve lit th rth
+                  val new = LiteralSet.delete (Thm.clause rth) lit'
+                  val news = LiteralSet.union new news
+                in
+                  (news,th)
+                end
+            end
+      fun red (news,th) =
+          if LiteralSet.null news then th
+          else red (LiteralSet.foldl red1 (LiteralSet.empty,th) news)
+    in
+      fn th => Rule.removeSym (red (Thm.clause th, th))
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Clause.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* CLAUSE = ID + THEOREM                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Clause =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literalOrder =
+    NoLiteralOrder
+  | UnsignedLiteralOrder
+  | PositiveLiteralOrder
+type parameters =
+     {ordering : Metis.KnuthBendixOrder.kbo,
+      orderLiterals : literalOrder,
+      orderTerms : bool}
+type clauseId = int
+type clauseInfo = {parameters : parameters, id : clauseId, thm : Metis.Thm.thm}
+type clause
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val newId : unit -> clauseId
+val mk : clauseInfo -> clause
+val dest : clause -> clauseInfo
+val id : clause -> clauseId
+val thm : clause -> Metis.Thm.thm
+val equalThms : clause -> clause -> bool
+val literals : clause -> Metis.Thm.clause
+val isTautology : clause -> bool
+val isContradiction : clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The term ordering is used to cut down inferences.                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val largestLiterals : clause -> Metis.LiteralSet.set
+val largestEquations :
+    clause -> (Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Rewrite.orient * Metis.Term.term) list
+val largestSubterms :
+    clause -> (Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term) list
+val allSubterms : clause -> (Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subsumes : clause Metis.Subsume.subsume -> clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplifying rules: these preserve the clause id.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars : clause -> clause
+val simplify : clause -> clause option
+val reduce : Metis.Units.units -> clause -> clause
+val rewrite : Metis.Rewrite.rewrite -> clause -> clause
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inference rules: these generate new clause ids.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val factor : clause -> clause list
+val resolve : clause * Metis.Literal.literal -> clause * Metis.Literal.literal -> clause
+val paramodulate :
+    clause * Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Rewrite.orient * Metis.Term.term ->
+    clause * Metis.Literal.literal * Metis.Term.path * Metis.Term.term -> clause
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val showId : bool ref
+val pp : clause Metis.Parser.pp
+(**** Original file: Clause.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* CLAUSE = ID + THEOREM                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Clause :> Clause =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newId =
+    let
+      val r = ref 0
+    in
+      fn () => case r of ref n => let val () = r := n + 1 in n end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literalOrder =
+    NoLiteralOrder
+  | UnsignedLiteralOrder
+  | PositiveLiteralOrder;
+type parameters =
+     {ordering : KnuthBendixOrder.kbo,
+      orderLiterals : literalOrder,
+      orderTerms : bool};
+type clauseId = int;
+type clauseInfo = {parameters : parameters, id : clauseId, thm : Thm.thm};
+datatype clause = Clause of clauseInfo;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val showId = ref false;
+  val ppIdThm = Parser.ppPair Parser.ppInt Thm.pp;
+  fun pp p (Clause {id,thm,...}) =
+      if !showId then ppIdThm p (id,thm) else Thm.pp p thm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters = 
+    {ordering = KnuthBendixOrder.default,
+     orderLiterals = UnsignedLiteralOrder, (*LCP: changed from PositiveLiteralOrder*)
+     orderTerms = true};
+fun mk info = Clause info
+fun dest (Clause info) = info;
+fun id (Clause {id = i, ...}) = i;
+fun thm (Clause {thm = th, ...}) = th;
+fun equalThms cl cl' = Thm.equal (thm cl) (thm cl');
+fun new parameters thm =
+    Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = thm};
+fun literals cl = Thm.clause (thm cl);
+fun isTautology (Clause {thm,...}) = Thm.isTautology thm;
+fun isContradiction (Clause {thm,...}) = Thm.isContradiction thm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The term ordering is used to cut down inferences.                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun strictlyLess ordering x_y =
+    case ordering x_y of
+      SOME LESS => true
+    | _ => false;
+fun isLargerTerm ({ordering,orderTerms,...} : parameters) l_r =
+    not orderTerms orelse not (strictlyLess ordering l_r);
+  fun atomToTerms atm =
+      Term.Fn atm ::
+      (case total Atom.sym atm of NONE => [] | SOME atm => [Term.Fn atm]);
+  fun notStrictlyLess ordering (xs,ys) =
+      let
+        fun less x = List.exists (fn y => strictlyLess ordering (x,y)) ys
+      in
+        not (List.all less xs)
+      end;
+  fun isLargerLiteral ({ordering,orderLiterals,...} : parameters) lits =
+      case orderLiterals of
+        NoLiteralOrder => K true
+      | UnsignedLiteralOrder =>
+        let
+          fun addLit ((_,atm),acc) = atomToTerms atm @ acc
+          val tms = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] lits
+        in
+          fn (_,atm') => notStrictlyLess ordering (atomToTerms atm', tms)
+        end
+      | PositiveLiteralOrder =>
+        case LiteralSet.findl (K true) lits of
+          NONE => K true
+        | SOME (pol,_) =>
+          let
+            fun addLit ((p,atm),acc) =
+                if p = pol then atomToTerms atm @ acc else acc
+            val tms = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] lits
+          in
+            fn (pol',atm') =>
+               if pol <> pol' then pol
+               else notStrictlyLess ordering (atomToTerms atm', tms)
+          end;
+fun largestLiterals (Clause {parameters,thm,...}) =
+    let
+      val litSet = Thm.clause thm
+      val isLarger = isLargerLiteral parameters litSet
+      fun addLit (lit,s) = if isLarger lit then LiteralSet.add s lit else s
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldr addLit LiteralSet.empty litSet
+    end;
+val largestLiterals = fn cl =>
+    let
+      val ppResult = LiteralSet.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.largestLiterals: cl" cl
+      val result = largestLiterals cl
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Clause.largestLiterals: result" result
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+fun largestEquations (cl as Clause {parameters,...}) =
+    let
+      fun addEq lit ort (l_r as (l,_)) acc =
+          if isLargerTerm parameters l_r then (lit,ort,l) :: acc else acc
+      fun addLit (lit,acc) =
+          case total Literal.destEq lit of
+            NONE => acc
+          | SOME (l,r) =>
+            let
+              val acc = addEq lit Rewrite.RightToLeft (r,l) acc
+              val acc = addEq lit Rewrite.LeftToRight (l,r) acc
+            in
+              acc
+            end
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldr addLit [] (largestLiterals cl)
+    end;
+  fun addLit (lit,acc) =
+      let
+        fun addTm ((path,tm),acc) = (lit,path,tm) :: acc
+      in
+        foldl addTm acc (Literal.nonVarTypedSubterms lit)
+      end;
+  fun largestSubterms cl = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] (largestLiterals cl);
+  fun allSubterms cl = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] (literals cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subsumes (subs : clause Subsume.subsume) cl =
+    Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subs (literals cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplifying rules: these preserve the clause id.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freshVars (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = Rule.freshVars thm};
+fun simplify (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    case Rule.simplify thm of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME thm => SOME (Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = thm});
+fun reduce units (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = Units.reduce units thm};
+fun rewrite rewr (cl as Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    let
+      fun simp th =
+          let
+            val {ordering,...} = parameters
+            val cmp = ordering
+          in
+            Rewrite.rewriteIdRule rewr cmp id th
+          end
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Rewrite.pp "Clause.rewrite: rewr" rewr
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppInt "Clause.rewrite: id" id
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.rewrite: cl" cl
+      val thm =
+          case Rewrite.peek rewr id of
+            NONE => simp thm
+          | SOME ((_,thm),_) => if Rewrite.isReduced rewr then thm else simp thm
+      val result = Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = thm}
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.rewrite: result" result
+    in
+      result
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("Clause.rewrite:\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inference rules: these generate new clause ids.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun factor (cl as Clause {parameters,thm,...}) =
+    let
+      val lits = largestLiterals cl
+      fun apply sub = new parameters (Thm.subst sub thm)
+    in
+      map apply (Rule.factor' lits)
+    end;
+val factor = fn cl =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.factor: cl" cl
+      val result = factor cl
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace (Parser.ppList pp) "Clause.factor: result" result
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+fun resolve (cl1,lit1) (cl2,lit2) =
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.resolve: cl1" cl1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.resolve: lit1" lit1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.resolve: cl2" cl2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.resolve: lit2" lit2
+      val Clause {parameters, thm = th1, ...} = cl1
+      and Clause {thm = th2, ...} = cl2
+      val sub = Literal.unify Subst.empty lit1 (Literal.negate lit2)
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Subst.pp "Clause.resolve: sub" sub
+      val lit1 = Literal.subst sub lit1
+      val lit2 = Literal.negate lit1
+      val th1 = Thm.subst sub th1
+      and th2 = Thm.subst sub th2
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th1) lit1 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.resolve: th1 violates ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "resolve: clause1: ordering constraints"
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th2) lit2 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.resolve: th2 violates ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "resolve: clause2: ordering constraints"
+      val th = Thm.resolve lit1 th1 th2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Clause.resolve: th" th
+      val cl = Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = th}
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.resolve: cl" cl
+    in
+      cl
+    end;
+fun paramodulate (cl1,lit1,ort,tm1) (cl2,lit2,path,tm2) =
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.paramodulate: cl1" cl1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.paramodulate: lit1" lit1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.paramodulate: cl2" cl2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.paramodulate: lit2" lit2
+      val Clause {parameters, thm = th1, ...} = cl1
+      and Clause {thm = th2, ...} = cl2
+      val sub = Subst.unify Subst.empty tm1 tm2
+      val lit1 = Literal.subst sub lit1
+      and lit2 = Literal.subst sub lit2
+      and th1 = Thm.subst sub th1
+      and th2 = Thm.subst sub th2
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th1) lit1 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.paramodulate: cl1 ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "paramodulate: with clause: ordering constraints"
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th2) lit2 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.paramodulate: cl2 ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "paramodulate: into clause: ordering constraints"
+      val eqn = (Literal.destEq lit1, th1)
+      val eqn as (l_r,_) =
+          case ort of
+            Rewrite.LeftToRight => eqn
+          | Rewrite.RightToLeft => Rule.symEqn eqn
+      val _ = isLargerTerm parameters l_r orelse
+              (trace "Clause.paramodulate: eqn ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "paramodulate: equation: ordering constraints"
+      val th = Rule.rewrRule eqn lit2 path th2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Clause.paramodulate: th" th
+    in
+      Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = th}
+    end;
+(**** Original file: Active.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE ACTIVE SET OF CLAUSES                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Active =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of active clause sets.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type simplify = {subsume : bool, reduce : bool, rewrite : bool}
+type parameters =
+     {clause : Metis.Clause.parameters,
+      prefactor : simplify,
+      postfactor : simplify}
+type active
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val size : active -> int
+val saturated : active -> Metis.Clause.clause list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Create a new active clause set and initialize clauses.                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> Metis.Thm.thm list -> active * Metis.Clause.clause list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add a clause into the active set and deduce all consequences.             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : active -> Metis.Clause.clause -> active * Metis.Clause.clause list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp : active Metis.Parser.pp
+(**** Original file: Active.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE ACTIVE SET OF CLAUSES                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Active :> Active =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun allFactors red =
+      let
+        fun allClause cl = List.all red (cl :: Clause.factor cl)
+      in
+        List.all allClause
+      end;
+  fun allResolutions red =
+      let
+        fun allClause2 cl_lit cl =
+            let
+              fun allLiteral2 lit =
+                  case total (Clause.resolve cl_lit) (cl,lit) of
+                    NONE => true
+                  | SOME cl => allFactors red [cl]
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral2 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+        fun allClause1 allCls cl =
+            let
+              val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
+              fun allLiteral1 lit = List.all (allClause2 (cl,lit)) allCls
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral1 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+      in
+        fn [] => true
+         | allCls as cl :: cls =>
+           allClause1 allCls cl andalso allResolutions red cls
+      end;
+  fun allParamodulations red cls =
+      let
+        fun allClause2 cl_lit_ort_tm cl =
+            let
+              fun allLiteral2 lit =
+                  let
+                    val para = Clause.paramodulate cl_lit_ort_tm
+                    fun allSubterms (path,tm) =
+                        case total para (cl,lit,path,tm) of
+                          NONE => true
+                        | SOME cl => allFactors red [cl]
+                  in
+                    List.all allSubterms (Literal.nonVarTypedSubterms lit)
+                  end
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral2 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+        fun allClause1 cl =
+            let
+              val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
+              fun allLiteral1 lit =
+                  let
+                    fun allCl2 x = List.all (allClause2 x) cls
+                  in
+                    case total Literal.destEq lit of
+                      NONE => true
+                    | SOME (l,r) =>
+                      allCl2 (cl,lit,Rewrite.LeftToRight,l) andalso
+                      allCl2 (cl,lit,Rewrite.RightToLeft,r)
+                  end
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral1 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+      in
+        List.all allClause1 cls
+      end;
+  fun redundant {subsume,reduce,rewrite} =
+      let
+        fun simp cl =
+            case Clause.simplify cl of
+              NONE => true
+            | SOME cl =>
+              Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subsume (Clause.literals cl) orelse
+              let
+                val cl' = cl
+                val cl' = Clause.reduce reduce cl'
+                val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewrite cl'
+              in
+                not (Clause.equalThms cl cl') andalso simp cl'
+              end
+      in
+        simp
+      end;
+  fun isSaturated ordering subs cls =
+      let
+        val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.checkSaturated: clauses" cls
+        val red = Units.empty
+        val rw = ( ordering)
+        val red = redundant {subsume = subs, reduce = red, rewrite = rw}
+      in
+        allFactors red cls andalso
+        allResolutions red cls andalso
+        allParamodulations red cls
+      end;
+  fun checkSaturated ordering subs cls =
+      if isSaturated ordering subs cls then () else raise Bug "unsaturated";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of active clause sets.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type simplify = {subsume : bool, reduce : bool, rewrite : bool};
+type parameters =
+     {clause : Clause.parameters,
+      prefactor : simplify,
+      postfactor : simplify};
+datatype active =
+    Active of
+      {parameters : parameters,
+       clauses : Clause.clause,
+       units : Units.units,
+       rewrite : Rewrite.rewrite,
+       subsume : Clause.clause Subsume.subsume,
+       literals : (Clause.clause * Literal.literal) LiteralNet.literalNet,
+       equations :
+         (Clause.clause * Literal.literal * Rewrite.orient * Term.term)
+         TermNet.termNet,
+       subterms :
+         (Clause.clause * Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term)
+         TermNet.termNet,
+       allSubterms : (Clause.clause * Term.term) TermNet.termNet};
+fun getSubsume (Active {subsume = s, ...}) = s;
+fun setRewrite active rewrite =
+    let
+      val Active
+            {parameters,clauses,units,subsume,literals,equations,
+             subterms,allSubterms,...} = active
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+         rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+         equations = equations, subterms = subterms, allSubterms = allSubterms}
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val maxSimplify : simplify = {subsume = true, reduce = true, rewrite = true};
+val default : parameters =
+    {clause = Clause.default,
+     prefactor = maxSimplify,
+     postfactor = maxSimplify};
+fun empty parameters =
+    let
+      val {clause,...} = parameters
+      val {ordering,...} = clause
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters,
+         clauses = (),
+         units = Units.empty,
+         rewrite = ( ordering),
+         subsume = (),
+         literals = {fifo = false},
+         equations = {fifo = false},
+         subterms = {fifo = false},
+         allSubterms = {fifo = false}}
+    end;
+fun size (Active {clauses,...}) = IntMap.size clauses;
+fun clauses (Active {clauses = cls, ...}) =
+    let
+      fun add (_,cl,acc) = cl :: acc
+    in
+      IntMap.foldr add [] cls
+    end;
+fun saturated active =
+    let
+      fun remove (cl,(cls,subs)) =
+          let
+            val lits = Clause.literals cl
+          in
+            if Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subs lits then (cls,subs)
+            else (cl :: cls, Subsume.insert subs (lits,()))
+          end
+      val cls = clauses active
+      val (cls,_) = foldl remove ([], ()) cls
+      val (cls,subs) = foldl remove ([], ()) cls
+      val Active {parameters,...} = active
+      val {clause,...} = parameters
+      val {ordering,...} = clause
+      val () = checkSaturated ordering subs cls
+    in
+      cls
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp =
+    let
+      fun toStr active = "Active{" ^ Int.toString (size active) ^ "}"
+    in
+      Parser.ppMap toStr Parser.ppString
+    end;
+  open Parser;
+  fun ppField f ppA p a =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p (f ^ " =");
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppA p a;
+       endBlock p);
+  val ppClauses =
+      ppField "clauses"
+        (Parser.ppMap IntMap.toList
+           (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppPair Parser.ppInt Clause.pp)));
+  val ppRewrite = ppField "rewrite" Rewrite.pp;
+  val ppSubterms =
+      ppField "subterms"
+        (TermNet.pp
+           (Parser.ppMap (fn (c,l,p,t) => (( c, l, p), t))
+              (Parser.ppPair
+                 (Parser.ppTriple Parser.ppInt Literal.pp Term.ppPath)
+                 Term.pp)));
+  fun pp p (Active {clauses,rewrite,subterms,...}) =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p "Active";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       beginBlock p Inconsistent 1;
+       addString p "{";
+       ppClauses p clauses;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppRewrite p rewrite;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppSubterms p subterms;
+       endBlock p;
+       addString p "}";
+       endBlock p);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplify clauses.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun simplify simp units rewr subs =
+    let
+      val {subsume = s, reduce = r, rewrite = w} = simp
+      fun rewrite cl =
+          let
+            val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewr cl
+          in
+            if Clause.equalThms cl cl' then SOME cl else Clause.simplify cl'
+          end
+    in
+      fn cl =>
+         case Clause.simplify cl of
+           NONE => NONE
+         | SOME cl =>
+           case (if w then rewrite cl else SOME cl) of
+             NONE => NONE
+           | SOME cl =>
+             let
+               val cl = if r then Clause.reduce units cl else cl
+             in
+               if s andalso Clause.subsumes subs cl then NONE else SOME cl
+             end
+    end;
+val simplify = fn simp => fn units => fn rewr => fn subs => fn cl =>
+    let
+      fun traceCl s = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp ("Active.simplify: " ^ s)
+      val ppClOpt = Parser.ppOption Clause.pp
+      val () = traceCl "cl" cl
+      val cl' = simplify simp units rewr subs cl
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppClOpt "Active.simplify: cl'" cl'
+      val () =
+          case cl' of
+            NONE => ()
+          | SOME cl' =>
+            case
+              (case simplify simp units rewr subs cl' of
+                 NONE => SOME ("away", K ())
+               | SOME cl'' =>
+                 if Clause.equalThms cl' cl'' then NONE
+                 else SOME ("further", fn () => traceCl "cl''" cl'')) of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME (e,f) =>
+              let
+                val () = traceCl "cl" cl
+                val () = traceCl "cl'" cl'
+                val () = f ()
+              in
+                raise
+                  Bug
+                    ("Active.simplify: clause should have been simplified "^e)
+              end
+    in
+      cl'
+    end;
+fun simplifyActive simp active =
+    let
+      val Active {units,rewrite,subsume,...} = active
+    in
+      simplify simp units rewrite subsume
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add a clause into the active set.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun addUnit units cl =
+    let
+      val th = Clause.thm cl
+    in
+      case total Thm.destUnit th of
+        SOME lit => Units.add units (lit,th)
+      | NONE => units
+    end;
+fun addRewrite rewrite cl =
+    let
+      val th = Clause.thm cl
+    in
+      case total Thm.destUnitEq th of
+        SOME l_r => Rewrite.add rewrite ( cl, (l_r,th))
+      | NONE => rewrite
+    end;
+fun addSubsume subsume cl = Subsume.insert subsume (Clause.literals cl, cl);
+fun addLiterals literals cl =
+    let
+      fun add (lit as (_,atm), literals) =
+          if Atom.isEq atm then literals
+          else LiteralNet.insert literals (lit,(cl,lit))
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldl add literals (Clause.largestLiterals cl)
+    end;
+fun addEquations equations cl =
+    let
+      fun add ((lit,ort,tm),equations) =
+          TermNet.insert equations (tm,(cl,lit,ort,tm))
+    in
+      foldl add equations (Clause.largestEquations cl)
+    end;
+fun addSubterms subterms cl =
+    let
+      fun add ((lit,path,tm),subterms) =
+          TermNet.insert subterms (tm,(cl,lit,path,tm))
+    in
+      foldl add subterms (Clause.largestSubterms cl)
+    end;
+fun addAllSubterms allSubterms cl =
+    let
+      fun add ((_,_,tm),allSubterms) =
+          TermNet.insert allSubterms (tm,(cl,tm))
+    in
+      foldl add allSubterms (Clause.allSubterms cl)
+    end;
+fun addClause active cl =
+    let
+      val Active
+            {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
+             equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
+      val clauses = IntMap.insert clauses ( cl, cl)
+      and subsume = addSubsume subsume cl
+      and literals = addLiterals literals cl
+      and equations = addEquations equations cl
+      and subterms = addSubterms subterms cl
+      and allSubterms = addAllSubterms allSubterms cl
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+         rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+         equations = equations, subterms = subterms,
+         allSubterms = allSubterms}
+    end;
+fun addFactorClause active cl =
+    let
+      val Active
+            {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
+             equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
+      val units = addUnit units cl
+      and rewrite = addRewrite rewrite cl
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+         rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+         equations = equations, subterms = subterms, allSubterms = allSubterms}
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derive (unfactored) consequences of a clause.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun deduceResolution literals cl (lit,acc) =
+    let
+      fun resolve (cl_lit,acc) =
+          case total (Clause.resolve cl_lit) (cl,lit) of
+            SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
+          | NONE => acc
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Active.deduceResolution: lit" lit
+    in
+      foldl resolve acc (LiteralNet.unify literals (Literal.negate lit))
+    end;
+fun deduceParamodulationWith subterms cl ((lit,ort,tm),acc) =
+    let
+      fun para (cl_lit_path_tm,acc) =
+          case total (Clause.paramodulate (cl,lit,ort,tm)) cl_lit_path_tm of
+            SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
+          | NONE => acc
+    in
+      foldl para acc (TermNet.unify subterms tm)
+    end;
+fun deduceParamodulationInto equations cl ((lit,path,tm),acc) =
+    let
+      fun para (cl_lit_ort_tm,acc) =
+          case total (Clause.paramodulate cl_lit_ort_tm) (cl,lit,path,tm) of
+            SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
+          | NONE => acc
+    in
+      foldl para acc (TermNet.unify equations tm)
+    end;
+fun deduce active cl =
+    let
+      val Active {parameters,literals,equations,subterms,...} = active
+      val lits = Clause.largestLiterals cl
+      val eqns = Clause.largestEquations cl
+      val subtms =
+          if TermNet.null equations then [] else Clause.largestSubterms cl
+      val acc = []
+      val acc = LiteralSet.foldl (deduceResolution literals cl) acc lits
+      val acc = foldl (deduceParamodulationWith subterms cl) acc eqns
+      val acc = foldl (deduceParamodulationInto equations cl) acc subtms
+    in
+      rev acc
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Extract clauses from the active set that can be simplified.               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun clause_rewritables active =
+      let
+        val Active {clauses,rewrite,...} = active
+        fun rewr (id,cl,ids) =
+            let
+              val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewrite cl
+            in
+              if Clause.equalThms cl cl' then ids else IntSet.add ids id
+            end
+      in
+        IntMap.foldr rewr IntSet.empty clauses
+      end;
+  fun orderedRedexResidues (((l,r),_),ort) =
+      case ort of
+        NONE => []
+      | SOME Rewrite.LeftToRight => [(l,r,true)]
+      | SOME Rewrite.RightToLeft => [(r,l,true)];
+  fun unorderedRedexResidues (((l,r),_),ort) =
+      case ort of
+        NONE => [(l,r,false),(r,l,false)]
+      | SOME _ => [];
+  fun rewrite_rewritables active rewr_ids =
+      let
+        val Active {parameters,rewrite,clauses,allSubterms,...} = active
+        val {clause = {ordering,...}, ...} = parameters
+        val order = ordering
+        fun addRewr (id,acc) =
+            if IntMap.inDomain id clauses then IntSet.add acc id else acc
+        fun addReduce ((l,r,ord),acc) =
+            let
+              fun isValidRewr tm =
+                  case total (Subst.match Subst.empty l) tm of
+                    NONE => false
+                  | SOME sub =>
+                    ord orelse
+                    let
+                      val tm' = Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r
+                    in
+                      order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER
+                    end
+              fun addRed ((cl,tm),acc) =
+                  let
+                    val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Active.addRed: cl" cl
+                    val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addRed: tm" tm
+                    val id = cl
+                  in
+                    if IntSet.member id acc then acc
+                    else if not (isValidRewr tm) then acc
+                    else IntSet.add acc id
+                  end
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addReduce: l" l
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addReduce: r" r
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppBool "Active.addReduce: ord" ord
+            in
+              List.foldl addRed acc (TermNet.matched allSubterms l)
+            end
+        fun addEquation redexResidues (id,acc) =
+            case Rewrite.peek rewrite id of
+              NONE => acc
+            | SOME eqn_ort => List.foldl addReduce acc (redexResidues eqn_ort)
+        val addOrdered = addEquation orderedRedexResidues
+        val addUnordered = addEquation unorderedRedexResidues
+        val ids = IntSet.empty
+        val ids = List.foldl addRewr ids rewr_ids
+        val ids = List.foldl addOrdered ids rewr_ids
+        val ids = List.foldl addUnordered ids rewr_ids
+      in
+        ids
+      end;
+  fun choose_clause_rewritables active ids = size active <= length ids
+  fun rewritables active ids =
+      if choose_clause_rewritables active ids then clause_rewritables active
+      else rewrite_rewritables active ids;
+  val rewritables = fn active => fn ids =>
+      let
+        val clause_ids = clause_rewritables active
+        val rewrite_ids = rewrite_rewritables active ids
+        val () =
+            if IntSet.equal rewrite_ids clause_ids then ()
+            else
+              let
+                val ppIdl = Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt
+                val ppIds = Parser.ppMap IntSet.toList ppIdl
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Active.rewritables: active" active
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIdl "Active.rewritables: ids" ids
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIds
+                           "Active.rewritables: clause_ids" clause_ids
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIds
+                           "Active.rewritables: rewrite_ids" rewrite_ids
+              in
+                raise Bug "Active.rewritables: ~(rewrite_ids SUBSET clause_ids)"
+              end
+      in
+        if choose_clause_rewritables active ids then clause_ids else rewrite_ids
+      end;
+  fun delete active ids =
+      if IntSet.null ids then active
+      else
+        let
+          fun idPred id = not (IntSet.member id ids)
+          fun clausePred cl = idPred ( cl)
+          val Active
+                {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
+                 equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
+          val clauses = IntMap.filter (idPred o fst) clauses
+          and subsume = Subsume.filter clausePred subsume
+          and literals = LiteralNet.filter (clausePred o #1) literals
+          and equations = TermNet.filter (clausePred o #1) equations
+          and subterms = TermNet.filter (clausePred o #1) subterms
+          and allSubterms = TermNet.filter (clausePred o fst) allSubterms
+        in
+          Active
+            {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+             rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+             equations = equations, subterms = subterms,
+             allSubterms = allSubterms}
+        end;
+  fun extract_rewritables (active as Active {clauses,rewrite,...}) =
+      if Rewrite.isReduced rewrite then (active,[])
+      else
+        let
+          val () = trace "Active.extract_rewritables: inter-reducing\n"
+          val (rewrite,ids) = Rewrite.reduce' rewrite
+          val active = setRewrite active rewrite
+          val ids = rewritables active ids
+          val cls = IntSet.transform (IntMap.get clauses) ids
+          val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+          val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.extract_rewritables: cls" cls
+        in
+          (delete active ids, cls)
+        end
+        handle Error err =>
+          raise Bug ("Active.extract_rewritables: shouldn't fail\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Factor clauses.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun prefactor_simplify active subsume =
+      let
+        val Active {parameters,units,rewrite,...} = active
+        val {prefactor,...} = parameters
+      in
+        simplify prefactor units rewrite subsume
+      end;
+  fun postfactor_simplify active subsume =
+      let
+        val Active {parameters,units,rewrite,...} = active
+        val {postfactor,...} = parameters
+      in
+        simplify postfactor units rewrite subsume
+      end;
+  val sort_utilitywise =
+      let
+        fun utility cl =
+            case LiteralSet.size (Clause.literals cl) of
+              0 => ~1
+            | 1 => if Thm.isUnitEq (Clause.thm cl) then 0 else 1
+            | n => n
+      in
+        sortMap utility
+      end;
+  fun factor_add (cl, active_subsume_acc as (active,subsume,acc)) =
+      case postfactor_simplify active subsume cl of
+        NONE => active_subsume_acc
+      | SOME cl =>
+        let
+          val active = addFactorClause active cl
+          and subsume = addSubsume subsume cl
+          and acc = cl :: acc
+        in
+          (active,subsume,acc)
+        end;
+  fun factor1 (cl, active_subsume_acc as (active,subsume,_)) =
+      case prefactor_simplify active subsume cl of
+        NONE => active_subsume_acc
+      | SOME cl =>
+        let
+          val cls = sort_utilitywise (cl :: Clause.factor cl)
+        in
+          foldl factor_add active_subsume_acc cls
+        end;
+  fun factor' active acc [] = (active, rev acc)
+    | factor' active acc cls =
+      let
+        val cls = sort_utilitywise cls
+        val subsume = getSubsume active
+        val (active,_,acc) = foldl factor1 (active,subsume,acc) cls
+        val (active,cls) = extract_rewritables active
+      in
+        factor' active acc cls
+      end;
+  fun factor active cls = factor' active [] cls;
+val factor = fn active => fn cls =>
+    let
+      val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.factor: cls" cls
+      val (active,cls') = factor active cls
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.factor: cls'" cls'
+    in
+      (active,cls')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Create a new active clause set and initialize clauses.                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new parameters ths =
+    let
+      val {clause,...} = parameters
+      fun mk_clause th =
+ {parameters = clause, id = Clause.newId (), thm = th}
+      val cls = map mk_clause ths
+    in
+      factor (empty parameters) cls
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add a clause into the active set and deduce all consequences.             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun add active cl =
+    case simplifyActive maxSimplify active cl of
+      NONE => (active,[])
+    | SOME cl' =>
+      if Clause.isContradiction cl' then (active,[cl'])
+      else if not (Clause.equalThms cl cl') then factor active [cl']
+      else
+        let
+          val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Active.add: cl" cl
+          val active = addClause active cl
+          val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
+          val cls = deduce active cl
+          val (active,cls) = factor active cls
+          val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+          val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.add: cls" cls
+        in
+          (active,cls)
+        end;
+(**** Original file: Waiting.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE WAITING SET OF CLAUSES                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Waiting =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of waiting sets of clauses.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {symbolsWeight : real,
+      literalsWeight : real,
+      modelsWeight : real,
+      modelChecks : int,
+      models : Metis.Model.parameters list}
+type waiting
+type distance
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val new : parameters -> Metis.Clause.clause list -> waiting
+val size : waiting -> int
+val pp : waiting Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Adding new clauses.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : waiting -> distance * Metis.Clause.clause list -> waiting
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Removing the lightest clause.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val remove : waiting -> ((distance * Metis.Clause.clause) * waiting) option
+(**** Original file: Waiting.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE WAITING SET OF CLAUSES                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Waiting :> Waiting =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Chatting.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val module = "Waiting";
+fun chatting l = tracing {module = module, level = l};
+fun chat s = (trace s; true);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of waiting sets of clauses.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {symbolsWeight : real,
+      literalsWeight : real,
+      modelsWeight : real,
+      modelChecks : int,
+      models : Model.parameters list};
+type distance = real;
+type weight = real;
+datatype waiting =
+    Waiting of
+      {parameters : parameters,
+       clauses : (weight * (distance * Clause.clause)) Heap.heap,
+       models : Model.model list};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters =
+     {symbolsWeight = 1.0,
+      literalsWeight = 0.0,
+      modelsWeight = 0.0,
+      modelChecks = 20,
+      models = []};
+fun size (Waiting {clauses,...}) = Heap.size clauses;
+val pp =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn w => "Waiting{" ^ Int.toString (size w) ^ "}")
+      Parser.ppString;
+val pp =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn Waiting {clauses,...} =>
+          map (fn (w,(_,cl)) => (w, cl, cl)) (Heap.toList clauses))
+      (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple Parser.ppReal Parser.ppInt Clause.pp));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Clause weights.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun clauseSymbols cl = Real.fromInt (LiteralSet.typedSymbols cl);
+  fun clauseLiterals cl = Real.fromInt (LiteralSet.size cl);
+  fun clauseSat modelChecks models cl =
+      let
+        fun g {T,F} = (Real.fromInt T / Real.fromInt (T + F)) + 1.0
+        fun f (m,z) = g (Model.checkClause {maxChecks = modelChecks} m cl) * z
+      in
+        foldl f 1.0 models
+      end;
+  fun priority cl = 1e~12 * Real.fromInt ( cl);
+  fun clauseWeight (parm : parameters) models dist cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Waiting.clauseWeight: cl" cl
+        val {symbolsWeight,literalsWeight,modelsWeight,modelChecks,...} = parm
+        val lits = Clause.literals cl
+        val symbolsW = Math.pow (clauseSymbols lits, symbolsWeight)
+        val literalsW = Math.pow (clauseLiterals lits, literalsWeight)
+        val modelsW = Math.pow (clauseSat modelChecks models lits, modelsWeight)
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: dist = " ^
+                        Real.toString dist ^ "\n")
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: symbolsW = " ^
+                        Real.toString symbolsW ^ "\n")
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: literalsW = " ^
+                        Real.toString literalsW ^ "\n")
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: modelsW = " ^
+                        Real.toString modelsW ^ "\n")
+        val weight = dist * symbolsW * literalsW * modelsW + priority cl
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: weight = " ^
+                        Real.toString weight ^ "\n")
+      in
+        weight
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Adding new clauses.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun add waiting (_,[]) = waiting
+  | add waiting (dist,cls) =
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Waiting.add: waiting" waiting
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace (Parser.ppList Clause.pp) "Waiting.add: cls" cls
+      val Waiting {parameters,clauses,models} = waiting
+      val dist = dist + Math.ln (Real.fromInt (length cls))
+      val weight = clauseWeight parameters models dist
+      fun f (cl,acc) = Heap.add acc (weight cl, (dist,cl))
+      val clauses = foldl f clauses cls
+      val waiting =
+          Waiting {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, models = models}
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Waiting.add: waiting" waiting
+    in
+      waiting
+    end;
+  fun cmp ((w1,_),(w2,_)) = (w1,w2);
+  fun empty parameters =
+      let
+        val clauses = cmp
+        and models = map (#models parameters)
+      in
+        Waiting {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, models = models}
+      end;
+  fun new parameters cls = add (empty parameters) (0.0,cls);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Removing the lightest clause.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun remove (Waiting {parameters,clauses,models}) =
+    if Heap.null clauses then NONE
+    else
+      let
+        val ((_,dcl),clauses) = Heap.remove clauses
+        val waiting =
+            Waiting
+              {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, models = models}
+      in
+        SOME (dcl,waiting)
+      end;
+(**** Original file: Resolution.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE RESOLUTION PROOF PROCEDURE                                            *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Resolution =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of resolution proof procedures.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {active : Metis.Active.parameters,
+      waiting : Metis.Waiting.parameters}
+type resolution
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val new : parameters -> Metis.Thm.thm list -> resolution
+val active : resolution ->
+val waiting : resolution -> Metis.Waiting.waiting
+val pp : resolution Metis.Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The main proof loop.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype decision =
+    Contradiction of Metis.Thm.thm
+  | Satisfiable of Metis.Thm.thm list
+datatype state =
+    Decided of decision
+  | Undecided of resolution
+val iterate : resolution -> state
+val loop : resolution -> decision
+(**** Original file: Resolution.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE RESOLUTION PROOF PROCEDURE                                            *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Resolution :> Resolution =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parameters.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {active : Active.parameters,
+      waiting : Waiting.parameters};
+datatype resolution =
+    Resolution of
+      {parameters : parameters,
+       active :,
+       waiting : Waiting.waiting};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters =
+    {active = Active.default,
+     waiting = Waiting.default};
+fun new parameters ths =
+    let
+      val {active = activeParm, waiting = waitingParm} = parameters
+      val (active,cls) = activeParm ths  (* cls = factored ths *)
+      val waiting = waitingParm cls
+    in
+      Resolution {parameters = parameters, active = active, waiting = waiting}
+    end;
+fun active (Resolution {active = a, ...}) = a;
+fun waiting (Resolution {waiting = w, ...}) = w;
+val pp =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn Resolution {active,waiting,...} =>
+          "Resolution(" ^ Int.toString (Active.size active) ^
+          "<-" ^ Int.toString (Waiting.size waiting) ^ ")")
+      Parser.ppString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The main proof loop.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype decision =
+    Contradiction of Thm.thm
+  | Satisfiable of Thm.thm list;
+datatype state =
+    Decided of decision
+  | Undecided of resolution;
+fun iterate resolution =
+    let
+      val Resolution {parameters,active,waiting} = resolution
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Active.pp "Resolution.iterate: active" active
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Waiting.pp "Resolution.iterate: waiting" waiting
+    in
+      case Waiting.remove waiting of
+        NONE =>
+        Decided (Satisfiable (map Clause.thm (Active.saturated active)))
+      | SOME ((d,cl),waiting) =>
+        if Clause.isContradiction cl then
+          Decided (Contradiction (Clause.thm cl))
+        else
+          let
+            val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Resolution.iterate: cl" cl
+            val (active,cls) = Active.add active cl
+            val waiting = Waiting.add waiting (d,cls)
+          in
+            Undecided
+              (Resolution
+                 {parameters = parameters, active = active, waiting = waiting})
+          end
+    end;
+fun loop resolution =
+    case iterate resolution of
+      Decided decision => decision
+    | Undecided resolution => loop resolution;
+(**** Original file: Tptp.sig ****)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* INTERFACE TO TPTP PROBLEM FILES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Tptp =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Mapping TPTP functions and relations to different names.                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionMapping : {name : string, arity : int, tptp : string} list ref
+val relationMapping : {name : string, arity : int, tptp : string} list ref
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP literals.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literal =
+    Boolean of bool
+  | Literal of Metis.Literal.literal
+val negate : literal -> literal
+val literalFunctions : literal -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val literalRelation : literal -> Metis.Atom.relation option
+val literalFreeVars : literal -> Metis.NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP formulas.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    CnfFormula of {name : string, role : string, clause : literal list}
+  | FofFormula of {name : string, role : string, formula : Metis.Formula.formula}
+val formulaFunctions : formula -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val formulaRelations : formula -> Metis.NameAritySet.set
+val formulaFreeVars : formula -> Metis.NameSet.set
+val formulaIsConjecture : formula -> bool
+val ppFormula : formula Metis.Parser.pp
+val parseFormula : char -> formula
+val formulaToString : formula -> string
+val formulaFromString : string -> formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP problems.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype goal =
+    Cnf of Metis.Problem.problem
+  | Fof of Metis.Formula.formula
+type problem = {comments : string list, formulas : formula list}
+val read : {filename : string} -> problem
+val write : {filename : string} -> problem -> unit
+val hasConjecture : problem -> bool
+val toGoal : problem -> goal
+val fromProblem : Metis.Problem.problem -> problem
+val prove : {filename : string} -> bool
+(**** Original file: Tptp.sml ****)
+structure Metis = struct open Metis
+(* Metis-specific ML environment *)
+nonfix ++ -- RL mem union subset;
+val explode = String.explode;
+val implode = String.implode;
+val print = TextIO.print;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* INTERFACE TO TPTP PROBLEM FILES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Tptp :> Tptp =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constants.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE = "negated_conjecture"
+and ROLE_CONJECTURE = "conjecture";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Mapping TPTP functions and relations to different names.                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionMapping = ref
+    [(* Mapping TPTP functions to infix symbols *)
+     {name = "*", arity = 2, tptp = "multiply"},
+     {name = "/", arity = 2, tptp = "divide"},
+     {name = "+", arity = 2, tptp = "add"},
+     {name = "-", arity = 2, tptp = "subtract"},
+     {name = "::", arity = 2, tptp = "cons"},
+     {name = ",", arity = 2, tptp = "pair"},
+     (* Expanding HOL symbols to TPTP alphanumerics *)
+     {name = ":", arity = 2, tptp = "has_type"},
+     {name = ".", arity = 2, tptp = "apply"},
+     {name = "<=", arity = 0, tptp = "less_equal"}];
+val relationMapping = ref
+    [(* Mapping TPTP relations to infix symbols *)
+     {name = "=", arity = 2, tptp = "="},
+     {name = "==", arity = 2, tptp = "equalish"},
+     {name = "<=", arity = 2, tptp = "less_equal"},
+     {name = "<", arity = 2, tptp = "less_than"},
+     (* Expanding HOL symbols to TPTP alphanumerics *)
+     {name = "{}", arity = 1, tptp = "bool"}];
+fun mappingToTptp x =
+    let
+      fun mk ({name,arity,tptp},m) = NameArityMap.insert m ((name,arity),tptp)
+    in
+      foldl mk ( ()) x
+    end;
+fun mappingFromTptp x =
+    let
+      fun mk ({name,arity,tptp},m) = NameArityMap.insert m ((tptp,arity),name)
+    in
+      foldl mk ( ()) x
+    end;
+fun findMapping mapping (name_arity as (n,_)) =
+    Option.getOpt (NameArityMap.peek mapping name_arity, n);
+fun mapTerm functionMap =
+    let
+      val mapName = findMapping functionMap
+      fun mapTm (tm as Term.Var _) = tm
+        | mapTm (Term.Fn (f,a)) = Term.Fn (mapName (f, length a), map mapTm a)
+    in
+      mapTm
+    end;
+fun mapAtom {functionMap,relationMap} (p,a) =
+    (findMapping relationMap (p, length a), map (mapTerm functionMap) a);
+fun mapFof maps =
+    let
+      open Formula
+      fun form True = True
+        | form False = False
+        | form (Atom a) = Atom (mapAtom maps a)
+        | form (Not p) = Not (form p)
+        | form (And (p,q)) = And (form p, form q)
+        | form (Or (p,q)) = Or (form p, form q)
+        | form (Imp (p,q)) = Imp (form p, form q)
+        | form (Iff (p,q)) = Iff (form p, form q)
+        | form (Forall (v,p)) = Forall (v, form p)
+        | form (Exists (v,p)) = Exists (v, form p)
+    in
+      form
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comments.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkComment "" = "%"
+  | mkComment line = "% " ^ line;
+fun destComment "" = ""
+  | destComment l =
+    let
+      val _ = String.sub (l,0) = #"%" orelse raise Error "destComment"
+      val n = if size l >= 2 andalso String.sub (l,1) = #" " then 2 else 1
+    in
+      String.extract (l,n,NONE)
+    end;
+val isComment = can destComment;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP literals.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literal =
+    Boolean of bool
+  | Literal of Literal.literal;
+fun negate (Boolean b) = (Boolean (not b))
+  | negate (Literal l) = (Literal (Literal.negate l));
+fun literalFunctions (Boolean _) = NameAritySet.empty
+  | literalFunctions (Literal lit) = Literal.functions lit;
+fun literalRelation (Boolean _) = NONE
+  | literalRelation (Literal lit) = SOME (Literal.relation lit);
+fun literalToFormula (Boolean true) = Formula.True
+  | literalToFormula (Boolean false) = Formula.False
+  | literalToFormula (Literal lit) = Literal.toFormula lit;
+fun literalFromFormula Formula.True = Boolean true
+  | literalFromFormula Formula.False = Boolean false
+  | literalFromFormula fm = Literal (Literal.fromFormula fm);
+fun literalFreeVars (Boolean _) = NameSet.empty
+  | literalFreeVars (Literal lit) = Literal.freeVars lit;
+fun literalSubst sub lit =
+    case lit of
+      Boolean _ => lit
+    | Literal l => Literal (Literal.subst sub l);
+fun mapLiteral maps lit =
+    case lit of
+      Boolean _ => lit
+    | Literal (p,a) => Literal (p, mapAtom maps a);
+fun destLiteral (Literal l) = l
+  | destLiteral _ = raise Error "destLiteral";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing formulas using TPTP syntax.                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun term pp (Term.Var v) = PP.add_string pp v
+    | term pp (Term.Fn (c,[])) = PP.add_string pp c
+    | term pp (Term.Fn (f,tms)) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+       PP.add_string pp (f ^ "(");
+       Parser.ppSequence "," term pp tms;
+       PP.add_string pp ")";
+       PP.end_block pp);
+  open Formula;
+  fun fof pp (fm as And _) = assoc_binary pp ("&", stripConj fm)
+    | fof pp (fm as Or _) = assoc_binary pp ("|", stripDisj fm)
+    | fof pp (Imp a_b) = nonassoc_binary pp ("=>",a_b)
+    | fof pp (Iff a_b) = nonassoc_binary pp ("<=>",a_b)
+    | fof pp fm = unitary pp fm
+  and nonassoc_binary pp (s,a_b) =
+      Parser.ppBinop (" " ^ s) unitary unitary pp a_b
+  and assoc_binary pp (s,l) = Parser.ppSequence (" " ^ s) unitary pp l
+  and unitary pp fm =
+      if isForall fm then quantified pp ("!", stripForall fm)
+      else if isExists fm then quantified pp ("?", stripExists fm)
+      else if atom pp fm then ()
+      else if isNeg fm then
+        let
+          fun pr () = (PP.add_string pp "~"; PP.add_break pp (1,0))
+          val (n,fm) = Formula.stripNeg fm
+        in
+          PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+          funpow n pr ();
+          unitary pp fm;
+          PP.end_block pp
+        end
+      else
+        (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 1;
+         PP.add_string pp "(";
+         fof pp fm;
+         PP.add_string pp ")";
+         PP.end_block pp)
+  and quantified pp (q,(vs,fm)) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+       PP.add_string pp (q ^ " ");
+       PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT (String.size q);
+       PP.add_string pp "[";
+       Parser.ppSequence "," Parser.ppString pp vs;
+       PP.add_string pp "] :";
+       PP.end_block pp;
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       unitary pp fm;
+       PP.end_block pp)
+  and atom pp True = (PP.add_string pp "$true"; true)
+    | atom pp False = (PP.add_string pp "$false"; true)
+    | atom pp fm =
+      case total destEq fm of
+        SOME a_b => (Parser.ppBinop " =" term term pp a_b; true)
+      | NONE =>
+        case total destNeq fm of
+          SOME a_b => (Parser.ppBinop " !=" term term pp a_b; true)
+        | NONE =>
+          case fm of
+            Atom atm => (term pp (Term.Fn atm); true)
+          | _ => false;
+  fun ppFof pp fm =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 0;
+       fof pp fm;
+       PP.end_block pp);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP clauses.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = literal list;
+val clauseFunctions =
+    let
+      fun funcs (lit,acc) = NameAritySet.union (literalFunctions lit) acc
+    in
+      foldl funcs NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val clauseRelations =
+    let
+      fun rels (lit,acc) =
+          case literalRelation lit of
+            NONE => acc
+          | SOME r => NameAritySet.add acc r
+    in
+      foldl rels NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val clauseFreeVars =
+    let
+      fun fvs (lit,acc) = NameSet.union (literalFreeVars lit) acc
+    in
+      foldl fvs NameSet.empty
+    end;
+fun clauseSubst sub lits = map (literalSubst sub) lits;
+fun mapClause maps lits = map (mapLiteral maps) lits;
+fun clauseToFormula lits = Formula.listMkDisj (map literalToFormula lits);
+fun clauseFromFormula fm = map literalFromFormula (Formula.stripDisj fm);
+val ppClause = Parser.ppMap clauseToFormula ppFof;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP formulas.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    CnfFormula of {name : string, role : string, clause : clause}
+  | FofFormula of {name : string, role : string, formula : Formula.formula};
+fun destCnfFormula (CnfFormula x) = x
+  | destCnfFormula _ = raise Error "destCnfFormula";
+val isCnfFormula = can destCnfFormula;
+fun destFofFormula (FofFormula x) = x
+  | destFofFormula _ = raise Error "destFofFormula";
+val isFofFormula = can destFofFormula;
+fun formulaFunctions (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseFunctions clause
+  | formulaFunctions (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.functions formula;
+fun formulaRelations (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseRelations clause
+  | formulaRelations (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.relations formula;
+fun formulaFreeVars (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseFreeVars clause
+  | formulaFreeVars (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.freeVars formula;
+fun mapFormula maps (CnfFormula {name,role,clause}) =
+    CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = mapClause maps clause}
+  | mapFormula maps (FofFormula {name,role,formula}) =
+    FofFormula {name = name, role = role, formula = mapFof maps formula};
+val formulasFunctions =
+    let
+      fun funcs (fm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (formulaFunctions fm) acc
+    in
+      foldl funcs NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val formulasRelations =
+    let
+      fun rels (fm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (formulaRelations fm) acc
+    in
+      foldl rels NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+fun formulaIsConjecture (CnfFormula {role,...}) = role = ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE
+  | formulaIsConjecture (FofFormula {role,...}) = role = ROLE_CONJECTURE;
+  val mkTptpString =
+      let
+        fun tr #"'" = ""
+          | tr c =
+            if c = #"_" orelse Char.isAlphaNum c then str c
+            else raise Error "bad character"
+      in
+        String.translate tr
+      end;
+  fun mkTptpName a n =
+      let
+        val n' = mkTptpString n
+        val n' =
+            case explode n' of
+              [] => raise Error "empty"
+            | c :: cs =>
+              if Char.isLower c then n'
+              else if Char.isDigit c andalso List.all Char.isDigit cs then n'
+              else if Char.isUpper c then implode (Char.toLower c :: cs)
+              else raise Error "bad initial character"
+      in
+        if n = n' then n else Term.variantNum a n'
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Error ("bad name \"" ^ n ^ "\": " ^ err);
+  fun mkMap set mapping =
+      let
+        val mapping = mappingToTptp mapping
+        fun mk ((n,r),(a,m)) =
+            case NameArityMap.peek mapping (n,r) of
+              SOME t => (a, NameArityMap.insert m ((n,r),t))
+            | NONE =>
+              let
+                val t = mkTptpName a n
+              in
+                (NameSet.add a t, NameArityMap.insert m ((n,r),t))
+              end
+        val avoid =
+            let
+              fun mk ((n,r),s) =
+                  let
+                    val n = Option.getOpt (NameArityMap.peek mapping (n,r), n)
+                  in
+                    NameSet.add s n
+                  end
+            in
+              NameAritySet.foldl mk NameSet.empty set
+            end
+      in
+        snd (NameAritySet.foldl mk (avoid, ()) set)
+      end;
+  fun mkTptpVar a v =
+      let
+        val v' = mkTptpString v
+        val v' =
+            case explode v' of
+              [] => raise Error "empty"
+            | c :: cs =>
+              if c = #"_" orelse Char.isUpper c then v'
+              else if Char.isLower c then implode (Char.toUpper c :: cs)
+              else raise Error "bad initial character"
+      in
+        Term.variantNum a v'
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Error ("bad var \"" ^ v ^ "\": " ^ err);
+  fun isTptpVar v = mkTptpVar NameSet.empty v = v;
+  fun alphaFormula fm =
+      let
+        fun addVar v a s =
+            let
+              val v' = mkTptpVar a v
+              val a = NameSet.add a v'
+              and s = if v = v' then s else Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var v')
+            in
+              (v',(a,s))
+            end
+        fun initVar (v,(a,s)) = snd (addVar v a s)
+        open Formula
+        fun alpha _ _ True = True
+          | alpha _ _ False = False
+          | alpha _ s (Atom atm) = Atom (Atom.subst s atm)
+          | alpha a s (Not p) = Not (alpha a s p)
+          | alpha a s (And (p,q)) = And (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Or (p,q)) = Or (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Imp (p,q)) = Imp (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Iff (p,q)) = Iff (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Forall (v,p)) =
+            let val (v,(a,s)) = addVar v a s in Forall (v, alpha a s p) end
+          | alpha a s (Exists (v,p)) =
+            let val (v,(a,s)) = addVar v a s in Exists (v, alpha a s p) end
+        val fvs = formulaFreeVars fm
+        val (avoid,fvs) = NameSet.partition isTptpVar fvs
+        val (avoid,sub) = NameSet.foldl initVar (avoid,Subst.empty) fvs
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Subst.pp "Tptp.alpha: sub" sub
+      in
+        case fm of
+          CnfFormula {name,role,clause} =>
+          CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = clauseSubst sub clause}
+        | FofFormula {name,role,formula} =>
+          FofFormula {name = name, role = role, formula = alpha avoid sub formula}
+      end;
+  fun formulaToTptp maps fm = alphaFormula (mapFormula maps fm);
+  fun formulasToTptp formulas =
+      let
+        val funcs = formulasFunctions formulas
+        and rels = formulasRelations formulas
+        val functionMap = mkMap funcs (!functionMapping)
+        and relationMap = mkMap rels (!relationMapping)
+        val maps = {functionMap = functionMap, relationMap = relationMap}
+      in
+        map (formulaToTptp maps) formulas
+      end;
+fun formulasFromTptp formulas =
+    let
+      val functionMap = mappingFromTptp (!functionMapping)
+      and relationMap = mappingFromTptp (!relationMapping)
+      val maps = {functionMap = functionMap, relationMap = relationMap}
+    in
+      map (mapFormula maps) formulas
+    end;
+  fun ppGen ppX pp (gen,name,role,x) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT (size gen + 1);
+       PP.add_string pp (gen ^ "(" ^ name ^ ",");
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       PP.add_string pp (role ^ ",");
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       PP.begin_block pp PP.CONSISTENT 1;
+       PP.add_string pp "(";
+       ppX pp x;
+       PP.add_string pp ")";
+       PP.end_block pp;
+       PP.add_string pp ").";
+       PP.end_block pp);
+  fun ppFormula pp (CnfFormula {name,role,clause}) =
+      ppGen ppClause pp ("cnf",name,role,clause)
+    | ppFormula pp (FofFormula {name,role,formula}) =
+      ppGen ppFof pp ("fof",name,role,formula);
+val formulaToString = Parser.toString ppFormula;
+  open Parser;
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+  datatype token = AlphaNum of string | Punct of char;
+  local
+    fun isAlphaNum #"_" = true
+      | isAlphaNum c = Char.isAlphaNum c;
+    val alphaNumToken = atLeastOne (some isAlphaNum) >> (AlphaNum o implode);
+    val punctToken =
+        let
+          val punctChars = explode "<>=-*+/\\?@|!$%&#^:;~()[]{}.,"
+          fun isPunctChar c = mem c punctChars
+        in
+          some isPunctChar >> Punct
+        end;
+    val lexToken = alphaNumToken || punctToken;
+    val space = many (some Char.isSpace);
+  in
+    val lexer = (space ++ lexToken ++ space) >> (fn (_,(tok,_)) => tok);
+  end;
+  fun someAlphaNum p =
+      maybe (fn AlphaNum s => if p s then SOME s else NONE | _ => NONE);
+  fun alphaNumParser s = someAlphaNum (equal s) >> K ();
+  val lowerParser = someAlphaNum (fn s => Char.isLower (String.sub (s,0)));
+  val upperParser = someAlphaNum (fn s => Char.isUpper (String.sub (s,0)));
+  val stringParser = lowerParser || upperParser;
+  val numberParser = someAlphaNum (List.all Char.isDigit o explode);
+  fun somePunct p =
+      maybe (fn Punct c => if p c then SOME c else NONE | _ => NONE);
+  fun punctParser c = somePunct (equal c) >> K ();
+  local
+    fun f [] = raise Bug "symbolParser"
+      | f [x] = x
+      | f (h :: t) = (h ++ f t) >> K ();
+  in
+    fun symbolParser s = f (map punctParser (explode s));
+  end;
+  val varParser = upperParser;
+  val varListParser =
+      (punctParser #"[" ++ varParser ++
+       many ((punctParser #"," ++ varParser) >> snd) ++
+       punctParser #"]") >>
+      (fn ((),(h,(t,()))) => h :: t);
+  val functionParser = lowerParser;
+  val constantParser = lowerParser || numberParser;
+  val propositionParser = lowerParser;
+  val booleanParser =
+      (punctParser #"$" ++
+       ((alphaNumParser "true" >> K true) ||
+        (alphaNumParser "false" >> K false))) >> snd;
+  fun termParser input =
+      ((functionArgumentsParser >> Term.Fn) ||
+       nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser) input
+  and functionArgumentsParser input =
+      ((functionParser ++ punctParser #"(" ++ termParser ++
+        many ((punctParser #"," ++ termParser) >> snd) ++
+        punctParser #")") >>
+       (fn (f,((),(t,(ts,())))) => (f, t :: ts))) input
+  and nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser input =
+      ((varParser >> Term.Var) ||
+       (constantParser >> (fn n => Term.Fn (n,[])))) input
+  val binaryAtomParser =
+      ((punctParser #"=" ++ termParser) >>
+       (fn ((),r) => fn l => Literal.mkEq (l,r))) ||
+      ((symbolParser "!=" ++ termParser) >>
+       (fn ((),r) => fn l => Literal.mkNeq (l,r)));
+  val maybeBinaryAtomParser =
+      optional binaryAtomParser >>
+      (fn SOME f => (fn a => f (Term.Fn a))
+        | NONE => (fn a => (true,a)));
+  val literalAtomParser =
+      ((functionArgumentsParser ++ maybeBinaryAtomParser) >>
+       (fn (a,f) => f a)) ||
+      ((nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser ++ binaryAtomParser) >>
+       (fn (a,f) => f a)) ||
+      (propositionParser >>
+       (fn n => (true,(n,[]))));
+  val atomParser =
+      (booleanParser >> Boolean) ||
+      (literalAtomParser >> Literal);
+  val literalParser =
+      ((punctParser #"~" ++ atomParser) >> (negate o snd)) ||
+      atomParser;
+  val disjunctionParser =
+      (literalParser ++ many ((punctParser #"|" ++ literalParser) >> snd)) >>
+      (fn (h,t) => h :: t);
+  val clauseParser =
+      ((punctParser #"(" ++ disjunctionParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+       (fn ((),(c,())) => c)) ||
+      disjunctionParser;
+  An exact transcription of the fof_formula syntax from
+    TPTP-v3.2.0/Documents/SyntaxBNF,
+  fun fofFormulaParser input =
+      (binaryFormulaParser || unitaryFormulaParser) input
+  and binaryFormulaParser input =
+      (nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser || assocBinaryFormulaParser) input
+  and nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++ binaryConnectiveParser ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (f,(c,g)) => c (f,g))) input
+  and binaryConnectiveParser input =
+      ((symbolParser "<=>" >> K Formula.Iff) ||
+       (symbolParser "=>" >> K Formula.Imp) ||
+       (symbolParser "<=" >> K (fn (f,g) => Formula.Imp (g,f))) ||
+       (symbolParser "<~>" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Iff)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~|" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Or)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~&" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.And))) input
+  and assocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      (orFormulaParser || andFormulaParser) input
+  and orFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++
+        atLeastOne ((punctParser #"|" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd)) >>
+       (fn (f,fs) => Formula.listMkDisj (f :: fs))) input
+  and andFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++
+        atLeastOne ((punctParser #"&" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd)) >>
+       (fn (f,fs) => Formula.listMkConj (f :: fs))) input
+  and unitaryFormulaParser input =
+      (quantifiedFormulaParser ||
+       unaryFormulaParser ||
+       ((punctParser #"(" ++ fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+        (fn ((),(f,())) => f)) ||
+       (atomParser >>
+        (fn Boolean b => Formula.mkBoolean b
+          | Literal l => Literal.toFormula l))) input
+  and quantifiedFormulaParser input =
+      ((quantifierParser ++ varListParser ++ punctParser #":" ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (q,(v,((),f))) => q (v,f))) input
+  and quantifierParser input =
+      ((punctParser #"!" >> K Formula.listMkForall) ||
+       (punctParser #"?" >> K Formula.listMkExists)) input
+  and unaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,f) => c f)) input
+  and unaryConnectiveParser input =
+      (punctParser #"~" >> K Formula.Not) input;
+  This version is supposed to be equivalent to the spec version above,
+  but uses closures to avoid reparsing prefixes.
+  fun fofFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++ optional binaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (f,NONE) => f | (f, SOME t) => t f)) input
+  and binaryFormulaParser input =
+      (nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser || assocBinaryFormulaParser) input
+  and nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((binaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,g) => fn f => c (f,g))) input
+  and binaryConnectiveParser input =
+      ((symbolParser "<=>" >> K Formula.Iff) ||
+       (symbolParser "=>" >> K Formula.Imp) ||
+       (symbolParser "<=" >> K (fn (f,g) => Formula.Imp (g,f))) ||
+       (symbolParser "<~>" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Iff)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~|" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Or)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~&" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.And))) input
+  and assocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      (orFormulaParser || andFormulaParser) input
+  and orFormulaParser input =
+      (atLeastOne ((punctParser #"|" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd) >>
+       (fn fs => fn f => Formula.listMkDisj (f :: fs))) input
+  and andFormulaParser input =
+      (atLeastOne ((punctParser #"&" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd) >>
+       (fn fs => fn f => Formula.listMkConj (f :: fs))) input
+  and unitaryFormulaParser input =
+      (quantifiedFormulaParser ||
+       unaryFormulaParser ||
+       ((punctParser #"(" ++ fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+        (fn ((),(f,())) => f)) ||
+       (atomParser >>
+        (fn Boolean b => Formula.mkBoolean b
+          | Literal l => Literal.toFormula l))) input
+  and quantifiedFormulaParser input =
+      ((quantifierParser ++ varListParser ++ punctParser #":" ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (q,(v,((),f))) => q (v,f))) input
+  and quantifierParser input =
+      ((punctParser #"!" >> K Formula.listMkForall) ||
+       (punctParser #"?" >> K Formula.listMkExists)) input
+  and unaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,f) => c f)) input
+  and unaryConnectiveParser input =
+      (punctParser #"~" >> K Formula.Not) input;
+  val cnfParser =
+      (alphaNumParser "cnf" ++ punctParser #"(" ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       clauseParser ++ punctParser #")" ++
+       punctParser #".") >>
+      (fn ((),((),(n,((),(r,((),(c,((),())))))))) =>
+          CnfFormula {name = n, role = r, clause = c});
+  val fofParser =
+      (alphaNumParser "fof" ++ punctParser #"(" ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")" ++
+       punctParser #".") >>
+      (fn ((),((),(n,((),(r,((),(f,((),())))))))) =>
+          FofFormula {name = n, role = r, formula = f});
+  val formulaParser = cnfParser || fofParser;
+  fun parseFormula chars =
+      let
+        val tokens = Parser.everything (lexer >> singleton) chars
+        val formulas = Parser.everything (formulaParser >> singleton) tokens
+      in
+        formulas
+      end;
+fun formulaFromString s =
+    case Stream.toList (parseFormula (Stream.fromList (explode s))) of
+      [fm] => fm
+    | _ => raise Parser.NoParse;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP problems.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype goal =
+    Cnf of Problem.problem
+  | Fof of Formula.formula;
+type problem = {comments : string list, formulas : formula list};
+  fun stripComments acc strm =
+      case strm of
+        Stream.NIL => (rev acc, Stream.NIL)
+      | Stream.CONS (line,rest) =>
+        case total destComment line of
+          SOME s => stripComments (s :: acc) (rest ())
+        | NONE => (rev acc, Stream.filter (not o isComment) strm);
+  fun read {filename} =
+      let
+        val lines = Stream.fromTextFile {filename = filename}
+        val lines = chomp lines
+        val (comments,lines) = stripComments [] lines
+        val chars =
+            let
+              fun f line = Stream.fromList (explode line)
+            in
+              Stream.concat ( f lines)
+            end
+        val formulas = Stream.toList (parseFormula chars)
+        val formulas = formulasFromTptp formulas
+      in
+        {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+      end;
+(* Quick testing
+installPP Term.pp;
+installPP Formula.pp;
+val () = Term.isVarName := (fn s => Char.isUpper (String.sub (s,0)));
+val TPTP_DIR = "/Users/Joe/ptr/tptp/tptp/";
+val num1 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "NUM/NUM001-1.tptp"};
+val lcl9 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "LCL/LCL009-1.tptp"};
+val set11 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "SET/SET011+3.tptp"};
+val swc128 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "SWC/SWC128-1.tptp"};
+  fun mkCommentLine comment = mkComment comment ^ "\n";
+  fun formulaStream [] () = Stream.NIL
+    | formulaStream (h :: t) () =
+      Stream.CONS ("\n" ^ formulaToString h, formulaStream t);
+  fun write {filename} {comments,formulas} =
+      Stream.toTextFile
+        {filename = filename}
+        (Stream.append
+           ( mkCommentLine (Stream.fromList comments))
+           (formulaStream (formulasToTptp formulas)));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting TPTP problems to goal formulas.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun isCnfProblem ({formulas,...} : problem) =
+    let
+      val cnf = List.exists isCnfFormula formulas
+      and fof = List.exists isFofFormula formulas
+    in
+      case (cnf,fof) of
+        (false,false) => raise Error "TPTP problem has no formulas"
+      | (true,true) => raise Error "TPTP problem has both cnf and fof formulas"
+      | (cnf,_) => cnf
+    end;
+fun hasConjecture ({formulas,...} : problem) =
+    List.exists formulaIsConjecture formulas;
+  fun cnfFormulaToClause (CnfFormula {clause,...}) =
+      if mem (Boolean true) clause then NONE
+      else
+        let
+          val lits = List.mapPartial (total destLiteral) clause
+        in
+          SOME (LiteralSet.fromList lits)
+        end
+    | cnfFormulaToClause (FofFormula _) = raise Bug "cnfFormulaToClause";
+  fun fofFormulaToGoal (FofFormula {formula,role,...}, {axioms,goals}) =
+      let
+        val fm = Formula.generalize formula
+      in
+        if role = ROLE_CONJECTURE then
+          {axioms = axioms, goals = fm :: goals}
+        else
+          {axioms = fm :: axioms, goals = goals}
+      end
+    | fofFormulaToGoal (CnfFormula _, _) = raise Bug "fofFormulaToGoal";
+  fun toGoal (prob as {formulas,...}) =
+      if isCnfProblem prob then
+        Cnf (List.mapPartial cnfFormulaToClause formulas)
+      else
+        Fof
+        let
+          val axioms_goals = {axioms = [], goals = []}
+          val axioms_goals = List.foldl fofFormulaToGoal axioms_goals formulas
+        in
+          case axioms_goals of
+            {axioms, goals = []} =>
+            Formula.Imp (Formula.listMkConj axioms, Formula.False)
+          | {axioms = [], goals} => Formula.listMkConj goals
+          | {axioms,goals} =>
+            Formula.Imp (Formula.listMkConj axioms, Formula.listMkConj goals)
+        end;
+  fun fromClause cl n =
+      let
+        val name = "clause" ^ Int.toString n
+        val role = ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE
+        val clause =
+            clauseFromFormula
+              (Formula.listMkDisj (LiteralSet.transform Literal.toFormula cl))
+      in
+        (CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = clause}, n + 1)
+      end;
+  fun fromProblem prob =
+      let
+        val comments = []
+        and (formulas,_) = maps fromClause prob 0
+      in
+        {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+      end;
+  fun refute cls =
+      let
+        val res = Resolution.default (map Thm.axiom cls)
+      in
+        case Resolution.loop res of
+          Resolution.Contradiction _ => true
+        | Resolution.Satisfiable _ => false
+      end;
+  fun prove filename =
+      let
+        val tptp = read filename
+        val problems =
+            case toGoal tptp of
+              Cnf prob => [prob]
+            | Fof goal => Problem.fromGoal goal
+      in
+        List.all refute problems
+      end;
+print_depth 10;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/scripts/mlpp	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Joe Hurd, All Rights Reserved
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use vars qw($opt_h $opt_c $opt_r);
+if ($opt_h or scalar @ARGV == 0)
+    pod2usage({-exitval => 2,
+	       -verbose => 2});
+if (!$opt_c) { die "mlpp: you must specify the SML compiler\n"; }
+if ($opt_c ne "mosml" && $opt_c ne "mlton" && $opt_c ne "isabelle") {
+    die "mlpp: the SML compiler must be one of {mosml,mlton,isabelle}.\n";
+# Autoflush STDIN
+sub unquotify {
+    if (scalar @_ == 0) { return; }
+    my $pre = "[";
+    for my $quote (@_) {
+        my $nl = chomp $quote;
+        my @qs = split (/\^(\w+)/, $quote);
+        my @ps = ();
+        for (my $s = 0; 0 < scalar @qs; $s = 1 - $s) {
+            my $q = shift @qs;
+            if ($s == 0) {
+                $q =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+                $q =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
+                push @ps, "QUOTE \"$q\"" unless ($q eq "");
+            }
+            elsif ($s == 1) {
+                push @ps, "ANTIQUOTE $q";
+            }
+            else { die; }
+        }
+        if (0 < $nl) {
+            if (0 < scalar @ps) {
+                my $p = pop @ps;
+                if ($p =~ /QUOTE \"(.*)\"/) { push @ps, "QUOTE \"$1\\n\""; }
+                else { push @ps, $p; push @ps, "QUOTE \"\\n\""; }
+            }
+            else { push @ps, "QUOTE \"\\n\""; }
+        }
+        else {
+            (0 < scalar @ps) or die;
+        }
+        print STDOUT ($pre . join (", ", @ps));
+        $pre = ",\n";
+    }
+    print STDOUT "]";
+sub print_normal {
+    (scalar @_ == 1) or die;
+    my $text = shift @_;
+    if ($opt_c eq "mosml") {
+        $text =~ s/PP\.ppstream/ppstream/g;
+        $text =~ s/TextIO\.inputLine/TextIO_inputLine/g;
+    }
+    print STDOUT $text;
+sub process_file {
+    (scalar @_ == 1) or die;
+    my $filename = shift @_;
+    my $line_num = 0;
+    if ($opt_c eq "mlton") {
+        print STDOUT "(*#line 0.0 \"$filename\"*)\n";
+    }
+    open my $INPUT, "$filename";
+    my $state = "normal";
+    my $comment = 0;
+    my $revealed_comment = 0;
+    my @quotes = ();
+    while (my $line = <$INPUT>) {
+        (chomp ($line) == 1)
+            or warn "no terminating newline in $filename\nline = '$line'\n";
+        while (1) {
+            if ($state eq "quote") {
+                if ($line =~ /(.*?)\`(.*)$/) {
+                    push @quotes, $1;
+                    $line = $2;
+                    unquotify @quotes;
+                    @quotes = ();
+                    $state = "normal";
+                }
+                else {
+                    push @quotes, "$line\n";
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ($state eq "comment") {
+                if ($line =~ /^(.*?)(\(\*|\*\))(.*)$/) {
+                    my $leadup = $1;
+                    my $pat = $2;
+                    $line = $3;
+                    print STDOUT $leadup;
+                    if ($pat eq "(*") {
+                        print STDOUT $pat;
+                        ++$comment;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($pat eq "*)") {
+                        print STDOUT $pat;
+                        --$comment;
+                        if ($comment == 0) { $state = "normal"; }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        die;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    print STDOUT "$line\n";
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ($state eq "dquote") {
+                if ($line =~ /^(.*?)\"(.*)$/) {
+                    my $leadup = $1;
+                    $line = $2;
+                    print STDOUT ($leadup . "\"");
+                    if ($leadup =~ /(\\+)$/ && ((length $1) % 2 == 1)) {
+                        # This is an escaped double quote
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $state = "normal";
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    die "EOL inside \" quote\n";
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ($state eq "normal") {
+                if ($line =~ /^ *use *\"([^"]+)\" *; *$/) {
+                    my $use_filename = $1;
+                    if ($use_filename !~ /^\// && $filename =~ /^(.*)\//) {
+                        $use_filename = $1 . '/' . $use_filename;
+                    }
+                    process_file ($use_filename);
+                    if ($opt_c eq "mlton") {
+                        print STDOUT "(*#line $line_num.0 \"$filename\"*)\n";
+                    }
+                    print STDOUT "\n";
+                    last;
+                }
+                elsif ($line =~ /^(.*?)(\`|\(\*|\*\)|\")(.*)$/) {
+                    my $leadup = $1;
+                    my $pat = $2;
+                    $line = $3;
+                    print_normal $leadup;
+                    if ($pat eq "`") {
+                        $state = "quote";
+                    }
+                    elsif ($pat eq "(*") {
+                        my $is_revealed = 0;
+                        if ($line =~ /^([[:alnum:]_-]+)/) {
+                            my $rev = $1;
+                            if ($rev eq $opt_c ||
+                                ($opt_r && $rev =~ /^$opt_r$/)) {
+                                my $rev_len = length $rev;
+                                $line = substr $line, $rev_len;
+                                ++$revealed_comment;
+                                $is_revealed = 1;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (!$is_revealed) {
+                            print STDOUT $pat;
+                            $state = "comment";
+                            ++$comment;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    elsif ($pat eq "*)") {
+                        if ($revealed_comment == 0) {
+                            die "Too many comment closers.\n"
+                        }
+                        --$revealed_comment;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($pat eq "\"") {
+                        print STDOUT $pat;
+                        $state = "dquote";
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        die;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    print_normal "$line\n";
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                die;
+            }
+        }
+        ++$line_num;
+    }
+    if ($state eq "quote") {
+        die "EOF inside \` quote\n";
+    }
+    elsif ($state eq "dquote") {
+        die "EOF inside \" quote\n";
+    }
+    elsif ($state eq "comment") {
+        die "EOF inside comment\n";
+    }
+    else {
+        ($state eq "normal") or die;
+    }
+    close $INPUT;
+while (0 < scalar @ARGV) {
+    my $filename = shift @ARGV;
+    process_file $filename;
+=head1 NAME
+mlpp - preprocesses SML files for compilation
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+mlpp [-h] [-c compiler] [-r TAG] sml-file ... > preprocessed-sml-file
+The recognized flags are described below:
+=over 2
+=item B<-h>
+Produce this documentation.
+=item B<-c compiler>
+Select the SML compiler that will be used.
+=item B<-r TAG-REGEX>
+Remove all comment brackets tagged like this: (*TAG revealed-code *)
+where the TAG-REGEX matches the TAG.
+Concatenates the input list of SML source files into a single file
+ready to be compiled, by expanding quotations and antiquotations, and
+concatenating into a single file.
+=head1 BUGS
+Waiting to rear their ugly heads.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Joe Hurd <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Active.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE ACTIVE SET OF CLAUSES                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Active =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of active clause sets.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type simplify = {subsume : bool, reduce : bool, rewrite : bool}
+type parameters =
+     {clause : Clause.parameters,
+      prefactor : simplify,
+      postfactor : simplify}
+type active
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val size : active -> int
+val saturated : active -> Clause.clause list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Create a new active clause set and initialize clauses.                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> Thm.thm list -> active * Clause.clause list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add a clause into the active set and deduce all consequences.             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : active -> Clause.clause -> active * Clause.clause list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp : active Parser.pp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Active.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE ACTIVE SET OF CLAUSES                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Active :> Active =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun allFactors red =
+      let
+        fun allClause cl = List.all red (cl :: Clause.factor cl)
+      in
+        List.all allClause
+      end;
+  fun allResolutions red =
+      let
+        fun allClause2 cl_lit cl =
+            let
+              fun allLiteral2 lit =
+                  case total (Clause.resolve cl_lit) (cl,lit) of
+                    NONE => true
+                  | SOME cl => allFactors red [cl]
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral2 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+        fun allClause1 allCls cl =
+            let
+              val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
+              fun allLiteral1 lit = List.all (allClause2 (cl,lit)) allCls
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral1 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+      in
+        fn [] => true
+         | allCls as cl :: cls =>
+           allClause1 allCls cl andalso allResolutions red cls
+      end;
+  fun allParamodulations red cls =
+      let
+        fun allClause2 cl_lit_ort_tm cl =
+            let
+              fun allLiteral2 lit =
+                  let
+                    val para = Clause.paramodulate cl_lit_ort_tm
+                    fun allSubterms (path,tm) =
+                        case total para (cl,lit,path,tm) of
+                          NONE => true
+                        | SOME cl => allFactors red [cl]
+                  in
+                    List.all allSubterms (Literal.nonVarTypedSubterms lit)
+                  end
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral2 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+        fun allClause1 cl =
+            let
+              val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
+              fun allLiteral1 lit =
+                  let
+                    fun allCl2 x = List.all (allClause2 x) cls
+                  in
+                    case total Literal.destEq lit of
+                      NONE => true
+                    | SOME (l,r) =>
+                      allCl2 (cl,lit,Rewrite.LeftToRight,l) andalso
+                      allCl2 (cl,lit,Rewrite.RightToLeft,r)
+                  end
+            in
+              LiteralSet.all allLiteral1 (Clause.literals cl)
+            end
+      in
+        List.all allClause1 cls
+      end;
+  fun redundant {subsume,reduce,rewrite} =
+      let
+        fun simp cl =
+            case Clause.simplify cl of
+              NONE => true
+            | SOME cl =>
+              Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subsume (Clause.literals cl) orelse
+              let
+                val cl' = cl
+                val cl' = Clause.reduce reduce cl'
+                val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewrite cl'
+              in
+                not (Clause.equalThms cl cl') andalso simp cl'
+              end
+      in
+        simp
+      end;
+  fun isSaturated ordering subs cls =
+      let
+        val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.checkSaturated: clauses" cls
+        val red = Units.empty
+        val rw = ( ordering)
+        val red = redundant {subsume = subs, reduce = red, rewrite = rw}
+      in
+        allFactors red cls andalso
+        allResolutions red cls andalso
+        allParamodulations red cls
+      end;
+  fun checkSaturated ordering subs cls =
+      if isSaturated ordering subs cls then () else raise Bug "unsaturated";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of active clause sets.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type simplify = {subsume : bool, reduce : bool, rewrite : bool};
+type parameters =
+     {clause : Clause.parameters,
+      prefactor : simplify,
+      postfactor : simplify};
+datatype active =
+    Active of
+      {parameters : parameters,
+       clauses : Clause.clause,
+       units : Units.units,
+       rewrite : Rewrite.rewrite,
+       subsume : Clause.clause Subsume.subsume,
+       literals : (Clause.clause * Literal.literal) LiteralNet.literalNet,
+       equations :
+         (Clause.clause * Literal.literal * Rewrite.orient * Term.term)
+         TermNet.termNet,
+       subterms :
+         (Clause.clause * Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term)
+         TermNet.termNet,
+       allSubterms : (Clause.clause * Term.term) TermNet.termNet};
+fun getSubsume (Active {subsume = s, ...}) = s;
+fun setRewrite active rewrite =
+    let
+      val Active
+            {parameters,clauses,units,subsume,literals,equations,
+             subterms,allSubterms,...} = active
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+         rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+         equations = equations, subterms = subterms, allSubterms = allSubterms}
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val maxSimplify : simplify = {subsume = true, reduce = true, rewrite = true};
+val default : parameters =
+    {clause = Clause.default,
+     prefactor = maxSimplify,
+     postfactor = maxSimplify};
+fun empty parameters =
+    let
+      val {clause,...} = parameters
+      val {ordering,...} = clause
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters,
+         clauses = (),
+         units = Units.empty,
+         rewrite = ( ordering),
+         subsume = (),
+         literals = {fifo = false},
+         equations = {fifo = false},
+         subterms = {fifo = false},
+         allSubterms = {fifo = false}}
+    end;
+fun size (Active {clauses,...}) = IntMap.size clauses;
+fun clauses (Active {clauses = cls, ...}) =
+    let
+      fun add (_,cl,acc) = cl :: acc
+    in
+      IntMap.foldr add [] cls
+    end;
+fun saturated active =
+    let
+      fun remove (cl,(cls,subs)) =
+          let
+            val lits = Clause.literals cl
+          in
+            if Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subs lits then (cls,subs)
+            else (cl :: cls, Subsume.insert subs (lits,()))
+          end
+      val cls = clauses active
+      val (cls,_) = foldl remove ([], ()) cls
+      val (cls,subs) = foldl remove ([], ()) cls
+      val Active {parameters,...} = active
+      val {clause,...} = parameters
+      val {ordering,...} = clause
+      val () = checkSaturated ordering subs cls
+    in
+      cls
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp =
+    let
+      fun toStr active = "Active{" ^ Int.toString (size active) ^ "}"
+    in
+      Parser.ppMap toStr Parser.ppString
+    end;
+  open Parser;
+  fun ppField f ppA p a =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p (f ^ " =");
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppA p a;
+       endBlock p);
+  val ppClauses =
+      ppField "clauses"
+        (Parser.ppMap IntMap.toList
+           (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppPair Parser.ppInt Clause.pp)));
+  val ppRewrite = ppField "rewrite" Rewrite.pp;
+  val ppSubterms =
+      ppField "subterms"
+        (TermNet.pp
+           (Parser.ppMap (fn (c,l,p,t) => (( c, l, p), t))
+              (Parser.ppPair
+                 (Parser.ppTriple Parser.ppInt Literal.pp Term.ppPath)
+                 Term.pp)));
+  fun pp p (Active {clauses,rewrite,subterms,...}) =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p "Active";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       beginBlock p Inconsistent 1;
+       addString p "{";
+       ppClauses p clauses;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppRewrite p rewrite;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppSubterms p subterms;
+       endBlock p;
+       addString p "}";
+       endBlock p);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplify clauses.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun simplify simp units rewr subs =
+    let
+      val {subsume = s, reduce = r, rewrite = w} = simp
+      fun rewrite cl =
+          let
+            val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewr cl
+          in
+            if Clause.equalThms cl cl' then SOME cl else Clause.simplify cl'
+          end
+    in
+      fn cl =>
+         case Clause.simplify cl of
+           NONE => NONE
+         | SOME cl =>
+           case (if w then rewrite cl else SOME cl) of
+             NONE => NONE
+           | SOME cl =>
+             let
+               val cl = if r then Clause.reduce units cl else cl
+             in
+               if s andalso Clause.subsumes subs cl then NONE else SOME cl
+             end
+    end;
+val simplify = fn simp => fn units => fn rewr => fn subs => fn cl =>
+    let
+      fun traceCl s = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp ("Active.simplify: " ^ s)
+      val ppClOpt = Parser.ppOption Clause.pp
+      val () = traceCl "cl" cl
+      val cl' = simplify simp units rewr subs cl
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppClOpt "Active.simplify: cl'" cl'
+      val () =
+          case cl' of
+            NONE => ()
+          | SOME cl' =>
+            case
+              (case simplify simp units rewr subs cl' of
+                 NONE => SOME ("away", K ())
+               | SOME cl'' =>
+                 if Clause.equalThms cl' cl'' then NONE
+                 else SOME ("further", fn () => traceCl "cl''" cl'')) of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME (e,f) =>
+              let
+                val () = traceCl "cl" cl
+                val () = traceCl "cl'" cl'
+                val () = f ()
+              in
+                raise
+                  Bug
+                    ("Active.simplify: clause should have been simplified "^e)
+              end
+    in
+      cl'
+    end;
+fun simplifyActive simp active =
+    let
+      val Active {units,rewrite,subsume,...} = active
+    in
+      simplify simp units rewrite subsume
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add a clause into the active set.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun addUnit units cl =
+    let
+      val th = Clause.thm cl
+    in
+      case total Thm.destUnit th of
+        SOME lit => Units.add units (lit,th)
+      | NONE => units
+    end;
+fun addRewrite rewrite cl =
+    let
+      val th = Clause.thm cl
+    in
+      case total Thm.destUnitEq th of
+        SOME l_r => Rewrite.add rewrite ( cl, (l_r,th))
+      | NONE => rewrite
+    end;
+fun addSubsume subsume cl = Subsume.insert subsume (Clause.literals cl, cl);
+fun addLiterals literals cl =
+    let
+      fun add (lit as (_,atm), literals) =
+          if Atom.isEq atm then literals
+          else LiteralNet.insert literals (lit,(cl,lit))
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldl add literals (Clause.largestLiterals cl)
+    end;
+fun addEquations equations cl =
+    let
+      fun add ((lit,ort,tm),equations) =
+          TermNet.insert equations (tm,(cl,lit,ort,tm))
+    in
+      foldl add equations (Clause.largestEquations cl)
+    end;
+fun addSubterms subterms cl =
+    let
+      fun add ((lit,path,tm),subterms) =
+          TermNet.insert subterms (tm,(cl,lit,path,tm))
+    in
+      foldl add subterms (Clause.largestSubterms cl)
+    end;
+fun addAllSubterms allSubterms cl =
+    let
+      fun add ((_,_,tm),allSubterms) =
+          TermNet.insert allSubterms (tm,(cl,tm))
+    in
+      foldl add allSubterms (Clause.allSubterms cl)
+    end;
+fun addClause active cl =
+    let
+      val Active
+            {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
+             equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
+      val clauses = IntMap.insert clauses ( cl, cl)
+      and subsume = addSubsume subsume cl
+      and literals = addLiterals literals cl
+      and equations = addEquations equations cl
+      and subterms = addSubterms subterms cl
+      and allSubterms = addAllSubterms allSubterms cl
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+         rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+         equations = equations, subterms = subterms,
+         allSubterms = allSubterms}
+    end;
+fun addFactorClause active cl =
+    let
+      val Active
+            {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
+             equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
+      val units = addUnit units cl
+      and rewrite = addRewrite rewrite cl
+    in
+      Active
+        {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+         rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+         equations = equations, subterms = subterms, allSubterms = allSubterms}
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derive (unfactored) consequences of a clause.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun deduceResolution literals cl (lit,acc) =
+    let
+      fun resolve (cl_lit,acc) =
+          case total (Clause.resolve cl_lit) (cl,lit) of
+            SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
+          | NONE => acc
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Active.deduceResolution: lit" lit
+    in
+      foldl resolve acc (LiteralNet.unify literals (Literal.negate lit))
+    end;
+fun deduceParamodulationWith subterms cl ((lit,ort,tm),acc) =
+    let
+      fun para (cl_lit_path_tm,acc) =
+          case total (Clause.paramodulate (cl,lit,ort,tm)) cl_lit_path_tm of
+            SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
+          | NONE => acc
+    in
+      foldl para acc (TermNet.unify subterms tm)
+    end;
+fun deduceParamodulationInto equations cl ((lit,path,tm),acc) =
+    let
+      fun para (cl_lit_ort_tm,acc) =
+          case total (Clause.paramodulate cl_lit_ort_tm) (cl,lit,path,tm) of
+            SOME cl' => cl' :: acc
+          | NONE => acc
+    in
+      foldl para acc (TermNet.unify equations tm)
+    end;
+fun deduce active cl =
+    let
+      val Active {parameters,literals,equations,subterms,...} = active
+      val lits = Clause.largestLiterals cl
+      val eqns = Clause.largestEquations cl
+      val subtms =
+          if TermNet.null equations then [] else Clause.largestSubterms cl
+      val acc = []
+      val acc = LiteralSet.foldl (deduceResolution literals cl) acc lits
+      val acc = foldl (deduceParamodulationWith subterms cl) acc eqns
+      val acc = foldl (deduceParamodulationInto equations cl) acc subtms
+    in
+      rev acc
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Extract clauses from the active set that can be simplified.               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun clause_rewritables active =
+      let
+        val Active {clauses,rewrite,...} = active
+        fun rewr (id,cl,ids) =
+            let
+              val cl' = Clause.rewrite rewrite cl
+            in
+              if Clause.equalThms cl cl' then ids else IntSet.add ids id
+            end
+      in
+        IntMap.foldr rewr IntSet.empty clauses
+      end;
+  fun orderedRedexResidues (((l,r),_),ort) =
+      case ort of
+        NONE => []
+      | SOME Rewrite.LeftToRight => [(l,r,true)]
+      | SOME Rewrite.RightToLeft => [(r,l,true)];
+  fun unorderedRedexResidues (((l,r),_),ort) =
+      case ort of
+        NONE => [(l,r,false),(r,l,false)]
+      | SOME _ => [];
+  fun rewrite_rewritables active rewr_ids =
+      let
+        val Active {parameters,rewrite,clauses,allSubterms,...} = active
+        val {clause = {ordering,...}, ...} = parameters
+        val order = ordering
+        fun addRewr (id,acc) =
+            if IntMap.inDomain id clauses then IntSet.add acc id else acc
+        fun addReduce ((l,r,ord),acc) =
+            let
+              fun isValidRewr tm =
+                  case total (Subst.match Subst.empty l) tm of
+                    NONE => false
+                  | SOME sub =>
+                    ord orelse
+                    let
+                      val tm' = Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r
+                    in
+                      order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER
+                    end
+              fun addRed ((cl,tm),acc) =
+                  let
+                    val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Active.addRed: cl" cl
+                    val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addRed: tm" tm
+                    val id = cl
+                  in
+                    if IntSet.member id acc then acc
+                    else if not (isValidRewr tm) then acc
+                    else IntSet.add acc id
+                  end
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addReduce: l" l
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp "Active.addReduce: r" r
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppBool "Active.addReduce: ord" ord
+            in
+              List.foldl addRed acc (TermNet.matched allSubterms l)
+            end
+        fun addEquation redexResidues (id,acc) =
+            case Rewrite.peek rewrite id of
+              NONE => acc
+            | SOME eqn_ort => List.foldl addReduce acc (redexResidues eqn_ort)
+        val addOrdered = addEquation orderedRedexResidues
+        val addUnordered = addEquation unorderedRedexResidues
+        val ids = IntSet.empty
+        val ids = List.foldl addRewr ids rewr_ids
+        val ids = List.foldl addOrdered ids rewr_ids
+        val ids = List.foldl addUnordered ids rewr_ids
+      in
+        ids
+      end;
+  fun choose_clause_rewritables active ids = size active <= length ids
+  fun rewritables active ids =
+      if choose_clause_rewritables active ids then clause_rewritables active
+      else rewrite_rewritables active ids;
+  val rewritables = fn active => fn ids =>
+      let
+        val clause_ids = clause_rewritables active
+        val rewrite_ids = rewrite_rewritables active ids
+        val () =
+            if IntSet.equal rewrite_ids clause_ids then ()
+            else
+              let
+                val ppIdl = Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt
+                val ppIds = Parser.ppMap IntSet.toList ppIdl
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Active.rewritables: active" active
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIdl "Active.rewritables: ids" ids
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIds
+                           "Active.rewritables: clause_ids" clause_ids
+                val () = Parser.ppTrace ppIds
+                           "Active.rewritables: rewrite_ids" rewrite_ids
+              in
+                raise Bug "Active.rewritables: ~(rewrite_ids SUBSET clause_ids)"
+              end
+      in
+        if choose_clause_rewritables active ids then clause_ids else rewrite_ids
+      end;
+  fun delete active ids =
+      if IntSet.null ids then active
+      else
+        let
+          fun idPred id = not (IntSet.member id ids)
+          fun clausePred cl = idPred ( cl)
+          val Active
+                {parameters,clauses,units,rewrite,subsume,literals,
+                 equations,subterms,allSubterms} = active
+          val clauses = IntMap.filter (idPred o fst) clauses
+          and subsume = Subsume.filter clausePred subsume
+          and literals = LiteralNet.filter (clausePred o #1) literals
+          and equations = TermNet.filter (clausePred o #1) equations
+          and subterms = TermNet.filter (clausePred o #1) subterms
+          and allSubterms = TermNet.filter (clausePred o fst) allSubterms
+        in
+          Active
+            {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, units = units,
+             rewrite = rewrite, subsume = subsume, literals = literals,
+             equations = equations, subterms = subterms,
+             allSubterms = allSubterms}
+        end;
+  fun extract_rewritables (active as Active {clauses,rewrite,...}) =
+      if Rewrite.isReduced rewrite then (active,[])
+      else
+        let
+          val () = trace "Active.extract_rewritables: inter-reducing\n"
+          val (rewrite,ids) = Rewrite.reduce' rewrite
+          val active = setRewrite active rewrite
+          val ids = rewritables active ids
+          val cls = IntSet.transform (IntMap.get clauses) ids
+          val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+          val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.extract_rewritables: cls" cls
+        in
+          (delete active ids, cls)
+        end
+        handle Error err =>
+          raise Bug ("Active.extract_rewritables: shouldn't fail\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Factor clauses.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun prefactor_simplify active subsume =
+      let
+        val Active {parameters,units,rewrite,...} = active
+        val {prefactor,...} = parameters
+      in
+        simplify prefactor units rewrite subsume
+      end;
+  fun postfactor_simplify active subsume =
+      let
+        val Active {parameters,units,rewrite,...} = active
+        val {postfactor,...} = parameters
+      in
+        simplify postfactor units rewrite subsume
+      end;
+  val sort_utilitywise =
+      let
+        fun utility cl =
+            case LiteralSet.size (Clause.literals cl) of
+              0 => ~1
+            | 1 => if Thm.isUnitEq (Clause.thm cl) then 0 else 1
+            | n => n
+      in
+        sortMap utility
+      end;
+  fun factor_add (cl, active_subsume_acc as (active,subsume,acc)) =
+      case postfactor_simplify active subsume cl of
+        NONE => active_subsume_acc
+      | SOME cl =>
+        let
+          val active = addFactorClause active cl
+          and subsume = addSubsume subsume cl
+          and acc = cl :: acc
+        in
+          (active,subsume,acc)
+        end;
+  fun factor1 (cl, active_subsume_acc as (active,subsume,_)) =
+      case prefactor_simplify active subsume cl of
+        NONE => active_subsume_acc
+      | SOME cl =>
+        let
+          val cls = sort_utilitywise (cl :: Clause.factor cl)
+        in
+          foldl factor_add active_subsume_acc cls
+        end;
+  fun factor' active acc [] = (active, rev acc)
+    | factor' active acc cls =
+      let
+        val cls = sort_utilitywise cls
+        val subsume = getSubsume active
+        val (active,_,acc) = foldl factor1 (active,subsume,acc) cls
+        val (active,cls) = extract_rewritables active
+      in
+        factor' active acc cls
+      end;
+  fun factor active cls = factor' active [] cls;
+val factor = fn active => fn cls =>
+    let
+      val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.factor: cls" cls
+      val (active,cls') = factor active cls
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.factor: cls'" cls'
+    in
+      (active,cls')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Create a new active clause set and initialize clauses.                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new parameters ths =
+    let
+      val {clause,...} = parameters
+      fun mk_clause th =
+ {parameters = clause, id = Clause.newId (), thm = th}
+      val cls = map mk_clause ths
+    in
+      factor (empty parameters) cls
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add a clause into the active set and deduce all consequences.             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun add active cl =
+    case simplifyActive maxSimplify active cl of
+      NONE => (active,[])
+    | SOME cl' =>
+      if Clause.isContradiction cl' then (active,[cl'])
+      else if not (Clause.equalThms cl cl') then factor active [cl']
+      else
+        let
+          val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Active.add: cl" cl
+          val active = addClause active cl
+          val cl = Clause.freshVars cl
+          val cls = deduce active cl
+          val (active,cls) = factor active cls
+          val ppCls = Parser.ppList Clause.pp
+          val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCls "Active.add: cls" cls
+        in
+          (active,cls)
+        end;
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC ATOMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Atom =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic atoms.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type relationName =
+type relation = relationName * int
+type atom = relationName * Term.term list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val name : atom -> relationName
+val arguments : atom -> Term.term list
+val arity : atom -> int
+val relation : atom -> relation
+val functions : atom -> NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : atom -> NameSet.set
+(* Binary relations *)
+val mkBinop : relationName -> Term.term * Term.term -> atom
+val destBinop : relationName -> atom -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isBinop : relationName -> atom -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of an atom in symbols.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : atom -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for atoms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : atom * atom -> order
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subterm : atom -> Term.path -> Term.term
+val subterms : atom -> (Term.path * Term.term) list
+val replace : atom -> Term.path * Term.term -> atom
+val find : (Term.term -> bool) -> atom -> Term.path option
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Term.var -> atom -> bool
+val freeVars : atom -> NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Subst.subst -> atom -> atom
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : Subst.subst -> atom -> atom -> Subst.subst  (* raises Error *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unify : Subst.subst -> atom -> atom -> Subst.subst  (* raises Error *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val eqRelation : relation
+val mkEq : Term.term * Term.term -> atom
+val destEq : atom -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isEq : atom -> bool
+val mkRefl : Term.term -> atom
+val destRefl : atom -> Term.term
+val isRefl : atom -> bool
+val sym : atom -> atom  (* raises Error if given a refl *)
+val lhs : atom -> Term.term
+val rhs : atom -> Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val typedSymbols : atom -> int
+val nonVarTypedSubterms : atom -> (Term.path * Term.term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp : atom Parser.pp
+val toString : atom -> string
+val fromString : string -> atom
+val parse : Term.term Parser.quotation -> atom
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@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC ATOMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Atom :> Atom =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic atoms.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type relationName =;
+type relation = relationName * int;
+type atom = relationName * Term.term list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun name ((rel,_) : atom) = rel;
+fun arguments ((_,args) : atom) = args;
+fun arity atm = length (arguments atm);
+fun relation atm = (name atm, arity atm);
+val functions =
+    let
+      fun f (tm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (Term.functions tm) acc
+    in
+      fn atm => foldl f NameAritySet.empty (arguments atm)
+    end;
+val functionNames =
+    let
+      fun f (tm,acc) = NameSet.union (Term.functionNames tm) acc
+    in
+      fn atm => foldl f NameSet.empty (arguments atm)
+    end;
+(* Binary relations *)
+fun mkBinop p (a,b) : atom = (p,[a,b]);
+fun destBinop p (x,[a,b]) =
+    if x = p then (a,b) else raise Error "Atom.destBinop: wrong binop"
+  | destBinop _ _ = raise Error "Atom.destBinop: not a binop";
+fun isBinop p = can (destBinop p);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of an atom in symbols.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symbols atm = foldl (fn (tm,z) => Term.symbols tm + z) 1 (arguments atm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for atoms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare ((p1,tms1),(p2,tms2)) =
+    case (p1,p2) of
+      LESS => LESS
+    | EQUAL => lexCompare (tms1,tms2)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subterm _ [] = raise Bug "Atom.subterm: empty path"
+  | subterm ((_,tms) : atom) (h :: t) =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Atom.subterm: bad path"
+    else Term.subterm (List.nth (tms,h)) t;
+fun subterms ((_,tms) : atom) =
+    let
+      fun f ((n,tm),l) = map (fn (p,s) => (n :: p, s)) (Term.subterms tm) @ l
+    in
+      foldl f [] (enumerate tms)
+    end;
+fun replace _ ([],_) = raise Bug "Atom.replace: empty path"
+  | replace (atm as (rel,tms)) (h :: t, res) : atom =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Atom.replace: bad path"
+    else
+      let
+        val tm = List.nth (tms,h)
+        val tm' = Term.replace tm (t,res)
+      in
+        if Sharing.pointerEqual (tm,tm') then atm
+        else (rel, updateNth (h,tm') tms)
+      end;
+fun find pred =
+    let
+      fun f (i,tm) =
+          case Term.find pred tm of
+            SOME path => SOME (i :: path)
+          | NONE => NONE
+    in
+      fn (_,tms) : atom => first f (enumerate tms)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v atm = List.exists (Term.freeIn v) (arguments atm);
+val freeVars =
+    let
+      fun f (tm,acc) = NameSet.union (Term.freeVars tm) acc
+    in
+      fn atm => foldl f NameSet.empty (arguments atm)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub (atm as (p,tms)) : atom =
+    let
+      val tms' = (Subst.subst sub) tms
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (tms',tms) then atm else (p,tms')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchArg ((tm1,tm2),sub) = Subst.match sub tm1 tm2;
+  fun match sub (p1,tms1) (p2,tms2) =
+      let
+        val _ = (p1 = p2 andalso length tms1 = length tms2) orelse
+                raise Error "Atom.match"
+      in
+        foldl matchArg sub (zip tms1 tms2)
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun unifyArg ((tm1,tm2),sub) = Subst.unify sub tm1 tm2;
+  fun unify sub (p1,tms1) (p2,tms2) =
+      let
+        val _ = (p1 = p2 andalso length tms1 = length tms2) orelse
+                raise Error "Atom.unify"
+      in
+        foldl unifyArg sub (zip tms1 tms2)
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val eqName = "=";
+val eqArity = 2;
+val eqRelation = (eqName,eqArity);
+val mkEq = mkBinop eqName;
+fun destEq x = destBinop eqName x;
+fun isEq x = isBinop eqName x;
+fun mkRefl tm = mkEq (tm,tm);
+fun destRefl atm =
+    let
+      val (l,r) = destEq atm
+      val _ = l = r orelse raise Error "Atom.destRefl"
+    in
+      l
+    end;
+fun isRefl x = can destRefl x;
+fun sym atm =
+    let
+      val (l,r) = destEq atm
+      val _ = l <> r orelse raise Error "Atom.sym: refl"
+    in
+      mkEq (r,l)
+    end;
+fun lhs atm = fst (destEq atm);
+fun rhs atm = snd (destEq atm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun typedSymbols ((_,tms) : atom) =
+    foldl (fn (tm,z) => Term.typedSymbols tm + z) 1 tms;
+fun nonVarTypedSubterms (_,tms) =
+    let
+      fun addArg ((n,arg),acc) =
+          let
+            fun addTm ((path,tm),acc) = (n :: path, tm) :: acc
+          in
+            foldl addTm acc (Term.nonVarTypedSubterms arg)
+          end
+    in
+      foldl addArg [] (enumerate tms)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp = Parser.ppMap Term.Fn Term.pp;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+fun fromString s = Term.destFn (Term.fromString s);
+val parse = Parser.parseQuotation Term.toString fromString;
+structure AtomOrdered =
+struct type t = Atom.atom val compare = end
+structure AtomSet = ElementSet (AtomOrdered);
+structure AtomMap = KeyMap (AtomOrdered);
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature AtomNet =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of atom sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool}
+type 'a atomNet
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> 'a atomNet
+val size : 'a atomNet -> int
+val insert : 'a atomNet -> Atom.atom * 'a -> 'a atomNet
+val fromList : parameters -> (Atom.atom * 'a) list -> 'a atomNet
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a atomNet -> 'a atomNet
+val toString : 'a atomNet -> string
+val pp : 'a Parser.pp -> 'a atomNet Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : 'a atomNet -> Atom.atom -> 'a list
+val matched : 'a atomNet -> Atom.atom -> 'a list
+val unify : 'a atomNet -> Atom.atom -> 'a list
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure AtomNet :> AtomNet =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun atomToTerm atom = Term.Fn atom;
+fun termToAtom (Term.Var _) = raise Bug "AtomNet.termToAtom"
+  | termToAtom (Term.Fn atom) = atom;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of atom sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = TermNet.parameters;
+type 'a atomNet = 'a TermNet.termNet;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new =;
+val size = TermNet.size;
+fun insert net (atm,a) = TermNet.insert net (atomToTerm atm, a);
+fun fromList parm l = foldl (fn (atm_a,n) => insert n atm_a) (new parm) l;
+val filter = TermNet.filter;
+fun toString net = "AtomNet[" ^ Int.toString (size net) ^ "]";
+val pp = TermNet.pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match net atm = TermNet.match net (atomToTerm atm);
+fun matched net atm = TermNet.matched net (atomToTerm atm);
+fun unify net atm = TermNet.unify net (atomToTerm atm);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Clause.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* CLAUSE = ID + THEOREM                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Clause =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literalOrder =
+    NoLiteralOrder
+  | UnsignedLiteralOrder
+  | PositiveLiteralOrder
+type parameters =
+     {ordering : KnuthBendixOrder.kbo,
+      orderLiterals : literalOrder,
+      orderTerms : bool}
+type clauseId = int
+type clauseInfo = {parameters : parameters, id : clauseId, thm : Thm.thm}
+type clause
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val newId : unit -> clauseId
+val mk : clauseInfo -> clause
+val dest : clause -> clauseInfo
+val id : clause -> clauseId
+val thm : clause -> Thm.thm
+val equalThms : clause -> clause -> bool
+val literals : clause -> Thm.clause
+val isTautology : clause -> bool
+val isContradiction : clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The term ordering is used to cut down inferences.                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val largestLiterals : clause -> LiteralSet.set
+val largestEquations :
+    clause -> (Literal.literal * Rewrite.orient * Term.term) list
+val largestSubterms :
+    clause -> (Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term) list
+val allSubterms : clause -> (Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subsumes : clause Subsume.subsume -> clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplifying rules: these preserve the clause id.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars : clause -> clause
+val simplify : clause -> clause option
+val reduce : Units.units -> clause -> clause
+val rewrite : Rewrite.rewrite -> clause -> clause
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inference rules: these generate new clause ids.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val factor : clause -> clause list
+val resolve : clause * Literal.literal -> clause * Literal.literal -> clause
+val paramodulate :
+    clause * Literal.literal * Rewrite.orient * Term.term ->
+    clause * Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term -> clause
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val showId : bool ref
+val pp : clause Parser.pp
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* CLAUSE = ID + THEOREM                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Clause :> Clause =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newId =
+    let
+      val r = ref 0
+    in
+      fn () => case r of ref n => let val () = r := n + 1 in n end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literalOrder =
+    NoLiteralOrder
+  | UnsignedLiteralOrder
+  | PositiveLiteralOrder;
+type parameters =
+     {ordering : KnuthBendixOrder.kbo,
+      orderLiterals : literalOrder,
+      orderTerms : bool};
+type clauseId = int;
+type clauseInfo = {parameters : parameters, id : clauseId, thm : Thm.thm};
+datatype clause = Clause of clauseInfo;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val showId = ref false;
+  val ppIdThm = Parser.ppPair Parser.ppInt Thm.pp;
+  fun pp p (Clause {id,thm,...}) =
+      if !showId then ppIdThm p (id,thm) else Thm.pp p thm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters = 
+    {ordering = KnuthBendixOrder.default,
+     orderLiterals = UnsignedLiteralOrder, (*LCP: changed from PositiveLiteralOrder*)
+     orderTerms = true};
+fun mk info = Clause info
+fun dest (Clause info) = info;
+fun id (Clause {id = i, ...}) = i;
+fun thm (Clause {thm = th, ...}) = th;
+fun equalThms cl cl' = Thm.equal (thm cl) (thm cl');
+fun new parameters thm =
+    Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = thm};
+fun literals cl = Thm.clause (thm cl);
+fun isTautology (Clause {thm,...}) = Thm.isTautology thm;
+fun isContradiction (Clause {thm,...}) = Thm.isContradiction thm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The term ordering is used to cut down inferences.                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun strictlyLess ordering x_y =
+    case ordering x_y of
+      SOME LESS => true
+    | _ => false;
+fun isLargerTerm ({ordering,orderTerms,...} : parameters) l_r =
+    not orderTerms orelse not (strictlyLess ordering l_r);
+  fun atomToTerms atm =
+      Term.Fn atm ::
+      (case total Atom.sym atm of NONE => [] | SOME atm => [Term.Fn atm]);
+  fun notStrictlyLess ordering (xs,ys) =
+      let
+        fun less x = List.exists (fn y => strictlyLess ordering (x,y)) ys
+      in
+        not (List.all less xs)
+      end;
+  fun isLargerLiteral ({ordering,orderLiterals,...} : parameters) lits =
+      case orderLiterals of
+        NoLiteralOrder => K true
+      | UnsignedLiteralOrder =>
+        let
+          fun addLit ((_,atm),acc) = atomToTerms atm @ acc
+          val tms = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] lits
+        in
+          fn (_,atm') => notStrictlyLess ordering (atomToTerms atm', tms)
+        end
+      | PositiveLiteralOrder =>
+        case LiteralSet.findl (K true) lits of
+          NONE => K true
+        | SOME (pol,_) =>
+          let
+            fun addLit ((p,atm),acc) =
+                if p = pol then atomToTerms atm @ acc else acc
+            val tms = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] lits
+          in
+            fn (pol',atm') =>
+               if pol <> pol' then pol
+               else notStrictlyLess ordering (atomToTerms atm', tms)
+          end;
+fun largestLiterals (Clause {parameters,thm,...}) =
+    let
+      val litSet = Thm.clause thm
+      val isLarger = isLargerLiteral parameters litSet
+      fun addLit (lit,s) = if isLarger lit then LiteralSet.add s lit else s
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldr addLit LiteralSet.empty litSet
+    end;
+val largestLiterals = fn cl =>
+    let
+      val ppResult = LiteralSet.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.largestLiterals: cl" cl
+      val result = largestLiterals cl
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Clause.largestLiterals: result" result
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+fun largestEquations (cl as Clause {parameters,...}) =
+    let
+      fun addEq lit ort (l_r as (l,_)) acc =
+          if isLargerTerm parameters l_r then (lit,ort,l) :: acc else acc
+      fun addLit (lit,acc) =
+          case total Literal.destEq lit of
+            NONE => acc
+          | SOME (l,r) =>
+            let
+              val acc = addEq lit Rewrite.RightToLeft (r,l) acc
+              val acc = addEq lit Rewrite.LeftToRight (l,r) acc
+            in
+              acc
+            end
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldr addLit [] (largestLiterals cl)
+    end;
+  fun addLit (lit,acc) =
+      let
+        fun addTm ((path,tm),acc) = (lit,path,tm) :: acc
+      in
+        foldl addTm acc (Literal.nonVarTypedSubterms lit)
+      end;
+  fun largestSubterms cl = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] (largestLiterals cl);
+  fun allSubterms cl = LiteralSet.foldl addLit [] (literals cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subsumes (subs : clause Subsume.subsume) cl =
+    Subsume.isStrictlySubsumed subs (literals cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplifying rules: these preserve the clause id.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freshVars (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = Rule.freshVars thm};
+fun simplify (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    case Rule.simplify thm of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME thm => SOME (Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = thm});
+fun reduce units (Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = Units.reduce units thm};
+fun rewrite rewr (cl as Clause {parameters,id,thm}) =
+    let
+      fun simp th =
+          let
+            val {ordering,...} = parameters
+            val cmp = ordering
+          in
+            Rewrite.rewriteIdRule rewr cmp id th
+          end
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Rewrite.pp "Clause.rewrite: rewr" rewr
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppInt "Clause.rewrite: id" id
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.rewrite: cl" cl
+      val thm =
+          case Rewrite.peek rewr id of
+            NONE => simp thm
+          | SOME ((_,thm),_) => if Rewrite.isReduced rewr then thm else simp thm
+      val result = Clause {parameters = parameters, id = id, thm = thm}
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.rewrite: result" result
+    in
+      result
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("Clause.rewrite:\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inference rules: these generate new clause ids.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun factor (cl as Clause {parameters,thm,...}) =
+    let
+      val lits = largestLiterals cl
+      fun apply sub = new parameters (Thm.subst sub thm)
+    in
+      map apply (Rule.factor' lits)
+    end;
+val factor = fn cl =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.factor: cl" cl
+      val result = factor cl
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace (Parser.ppList pp) "Clause.factor: result" result
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+fun resolve (cl1,lit1) (cl2,lit2) =
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.resolve: cl1" cl1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.resolve: lit1" lit1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.resolve: cl2" cl2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.resolve: lit2" lit2
+      val Clause {parameters, thm = th1, ...} = cl1
+      and Clause {thm = th2, ...} = cl2
+      val sub = Literal.unify Subst.empty lit1 (Literal.negate lit2)
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Subst.pp "Clause.resolve: sub" sub
+      val lit1 = Literal.subst sub lit1
+      val lit2 = Literal.negate lit1
+      val th1 = Thm.subst sub th1
+      and th2 = Thm.subst sub th2
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th1) lit1 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.resolve: th1 violates ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "resolve: clause1: ordering constraints"
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th2) lit2 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.resolve: th2 violates ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "resolve: clause2: ordering constraints"
+      val th = Thm.resolve lit1 th1 th2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Clause.resolve: th" th
+      val cl = Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = th}
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.resolve: cl" cl
+    in
+      cl
+    end;
+fun paramodulate (cl1,lit1,ort,tm1) (cl2,lit2,path,tm2) =
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.paramodulate: cl1" cl1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.paramodulate: lit1" lit1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Clause.paramodulate: cl2" cl2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Literal.pp "Clause.paramodulate: lit2" lit2
+      val Clause {parameters, thm = th1, ...} = cl1
+      and Clause {thm = th2, ...} = cl2
+      val sub = Subst.unify Subst.empty tm1 tm2
+      val lit1 = Literal.subst sub lit1
+      and lit2 = Literal.subst sub lit2
+      and th1 = Thm.subst sub th1
+      and th2 = Thm.subst sub th2
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th1) lit1 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.paramodulate: cl1 ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "paramodulate: with clause: ordering constraints"
+      val _ = isLargerLiteral parameters (Thm.clause th2) lit2 orelse
+              (trace "Clause.paramodulate: cl2 ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "paramodulate: into clause: ordering constraints"
+      val eqn = (Literal.destEq lit1, th1)
+      val eqn as (l_r,_) =
+          case ort of
+            Rewrite.LeftToRight => eqn
+          | Rewrite.RightToLeft => Rule.symEqn eqn
+      val _ = isLargerTerm parameters l_r orelse
+              (trace "Clause.paramodulate: eqn ordering\n"; false) orelse
+              raise Error "paramodulate: equation: ordering constraints"
+      val th = Rule.rewrRule eqn lit2 path th2
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Clause.paramodulate: th" th
+    in
+      Clause {parameters = parameters, id = newId (), thm = th}
+    end;
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/ElementSet.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS WITH A FIXED ELEMENT TYPE                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature ElementSet =
+type element
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite sets                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type set
+val empty : set
+val singleton : element -> set
+val null : set -> bool
+val size : set -> int
+val member : element -> set -> bool
+val add : set -> element -> set
+val addList : set -> element list -> set
+val delete : set -> element -> set  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer elements in the second set *)
+val union : set -> set -> set
+val unionList : set list -> set
+val intersect : set -> set -> set
+val intersectList : set list -> set
+val difference : set -> set -> set
+val symmetricDifference : set -> set -> set
+val disjoint : set -> set -> bool
+val subset : set -> set -> bool
+val equal : set -> set -> bool
+val filter : (element -> bool) -> set -> set
+val partition : (element -> bool) -> set -> set * set
+val count : (element -> bool) -> set -> int
+val foldl : (element * 's -> 's) -> 's -> set -> 's
+val foldr : (element * 's -> 's) -> 's -> set -> 's
+val findl : (element -> bool) -> set -> element option
+val findr : (element -> bool) -> set -> element option
+val firstl : (element -> 'a option) -> set -> 'a option
+val firstr : (element -> 'a option) -> set -> 'a option
+val exists : (element -> bool) -> set -> bool
+val all : (element -> bool) -> set -> bool
+val map : (element -> 'a) -> set -> (element * 'a) list
+val transform : (element -> 'a) -> set -> 'a list
+val app : (element -> unit) -> set -> unit
+val toList : set -> element list
+val fromList : element list -> set
+val pick : set -> element  (* raises Empty *)
+val random : set -> element  (* raises Empty *)
+val deletePick : set -> element * set  (* raises Empty *)
+val deleteRandom : set -> element * set  (* raises Empty *)
+val compare : set * set -> order
+val close : (set -> set) -> set -> set
+val toString : set -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over sets                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type iterator
+val mkIterator : set -> iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : set -> iterator option
+val readIterator : iterator -> element
+val advanceIterator : iterator -> iterator option
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/ElementSet.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS WITH A FIXED ELEMENT TYPE                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+functor ElementSet (Key : Ordered) :> ElementSet where type element = Key.t =
+(*isabelle open Metis;*)
+type element = Key.t;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite sets                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type set = Key.t Set.set;
+val empty = Set.empty;
+fun singleton key = Set.singleton key;
+val null = Set.null;
+val size = Set.size;
+val member = Set.member;
+val add = Set.add;
+val addList = Set.addList;
+val delete = Set.delete;
+val union = Set.union;
+val unionList = Set.unionList;
+val intersect = Set.intersect;
+val intersectList = Set.intersectList;
+val difference = Set.difference;
+val symmetricDifference = Set.symmetricDifference;
+val disjoint = Set.disjoint;
+val subset = Set.subset;
+val equal = Set.equal;
+val filter = Set.filter;
+val partition = Set.partition;
+val count = Set.count;
+val foldl = Set.foldl;
+val foldr = Set.foldr;
+val findl = Set.findl;
+val findr = Set.findr;
+val firstl = Set.firstl;
+val firstr = Set.firstr;
+val exists = Set.exists;
+val all = Set.all;
+val map =;
+val transform = Set.transform;
+val app =;
+val toList = Set.toList;
+fun fromList l = Set.fromList l;
+val pick = Set.pick;
+val random = Set.random;
+val deletePick = Set.deletePick;
+val deleteRandom = Set.deleteRandom;
+val compare =;
+val close = Set.close;
+val toString = Set.toString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over sets                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type iterator = Key.t Set.iterator;
+val mkIterator = Set.mkIterator;
+val mkRevIterator = Set.mkRevIterator;
+val readIterator = Set.readIterator;
+val advanceIterator = Set.advanceIterator;
+(*isabelle structure Metis = struct open Metis;*)
+structure IntSet =
+ElementSet (IntOrdered);
+structure StringSet =
+ElementSet (StringOrdered);
+(*isabelle end;*)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/FILES	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Portable.sig PortableIsabelle.sml
+PP.sig PP.sml 
+Random.sig Random.sml 
+Useful.sig Useful.sml 
+Lazy.sig Lazy.sml 
+Ordered.sig Ordered.sml 
+Set.sig RandomSet.sml Set.sml 
+ElementSet.sig ElementSet.sml 
+Map.sig RandomMap.sml Map.sml 
+KeyMap.sig KeyMap.sml 
+Sharing.sig Sharing.sml 
+Stream.sig Stream.sml 
+Heap.sig Heap.sml 
+Parser.sig Parser.sml 
+Options.sig Options.sml 
+Name.sig Name.sml 
+Term.sig Term.sml 
+Subst.sig Subst.sml 
+Atom.sig Atom.sml 
+Formula.sig Formula.sml 
+Literal.sig Literal.sml 
+Thm.sig Thm.sml 
+Proof.sig Proof.sml 
+Rule.sig Rule.sml 
+Normalize.sig Normalize.sml 
+Model.sig Model.sml 
+Problem.sig Problem.sml 
+TermNet.sig TermNet.sml 
+AtomNet.sig AtomNet.sml 
+LiteralNet.sig LiteralNet.sml 
+Subsume.sig Subsume.sml 
+KnuthBendixOrder.sig KnuthBendixOrder.sml 
+Rewrite.sig Rewrite.sml 
+Units.sig Units.sml 
+Clause.sig Clause.sml 
+Active.sig Active.sml 
+Waiting.sig Waiting.sml 
+Resolution.sig Resolution.sml
+Tptp.sig Tptp.sml 
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Formula.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC FORMULAS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Formula =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic formulas.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | Atom of Atom.atom
+  | Not of formula
+  | And of formula * formula
+  | Or of formula * formula
+  | Imp of formula * formula
+  | Iff of formula * formula
+  | Forall of Term.var * formula
+  | Exists of Term.var * formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Booleans *)
+val mkBoolean : bool -> formula
+val destBoolean : formula -> bool
+val isBoolean : formula -> bool
+(* Functions *)
+val functions : formula -> NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : formula -> NameSet.set
+(* Relations *)
+val relations : formula -> NameAritySet.set
+val relationNames : formula -> NameSet.set
+(* Atoms *)
+val destAtom : formula -> Atom.atom
+val isAtom : formula -> bool
+(* Negations *)
+val destNeg : formula -> formula
+val isNeg : formula -> bool
+val stripNeg : formula -> int * formula
+(* Conjunctions *)
+val listMkConj : formula list -> formula
+val stripConj : formula -> formula list
+val flattenConj : formula -> formula list
+(* Disjunctions *)
+val listMkDisj : formula list -> formula
+val stripDisj : formula -> formula list
+val flattenDisj : formula -> formula list
+(* Equivalences *)
+val listMkEquiv : formula list -> formula
+val stripEquiv : formula -> formula list
+val flattenEquiv : formula -> formula list
+(* Universal quantification *)
+val destForall : formula -> Term.var * formula
+val isForall : formula -> bool
+val listMkForall : Term.var list * formula -> formula
+val stripForall : formula -> Term.var list * formula
+(* Existential quantification *)
+val destExists : formula -> Term.var * formula
+val isExists : formula -> bool
+val listMkExists : Term.var list * formula -> formula
+val stripExists : formula -> Term.var list * formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a formula in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : formula -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for formulas.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : formula * formula -> order
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Term.var -> formula -> bool
+val freeVars : formula -> NameSet.set
+val specialize : formula -> formula
+val generalize : formula -> formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Subst.subst -> formula -> formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mkEq : Term.term * Term.term -> formula
+val destEq : formula -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isEq : formula -> bool
+val mkNeq : Term.term * Term.term -> formula
+val destNeq : formula -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isNeq : formula -> bool
+val mkRefl : Term.term -> formula
+val destRefl : formula -> Term.term
+val isRefl : formula -> bool
+val sym : formula -> formula  (* raises Error if given a refl *)
+val lhs : formula -> Term.term
+val rhs : formula -> Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type quotation = formula Parser.quotation
+val pp : formula Parser.pp
+val toString : formula -> string
+val fromString : string -> formula
+val parse : quotation -> formula
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Formula.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC FORMULAS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Formula :> Formula =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic formulas.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | Atom of Atom.atom
+  | Not of formula
+  | And of formula * formula
+  | Or of formula * formula
+  | Imp of formula * formula
+  | Iff of formula * formula
+  | Forall of Term.var * formula
+  | Exists of Term.var * formula;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Booleans *)
+fun mkBoolean true = True
+  | mkBoolean false = False;
+fun destBoolean True = true
+  | destBoolean False = false
+  | destBoolean _ = raise Error "destBoolean";
+val isBoolean = can destBoolean;
+(* Functions *)
+  fun funcs fs [] = fs
+    | funcs fs (True :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (False :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (Atom atm :: fms) =
+      funcs (NameAritySet.union (Atom.functions atm) fs) fms
+    | funcs fs (Not p :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms);
+  fun functions fm = funcs NameAritySet.empty [fm];
+  fun funcs fs [] = fs
+    | funcs fs (True :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (False :: fms) = funcs fs fms
+    | funcs fs (Atom atm :: fms) =
+      funcs (NameSet.union (Atom.functionNames atm) fs) fms
+    | funcs fs (Not p :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms)
+    | funcs fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = funcs fs (p :: fms);
+  fun functionNames fm = funcs NameSet.empty [fm];
+(* Relations *)
+  fun rels fs [] = fs
+    | rels fs (True :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (False :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (Atom atm :: fms) =
+      rels (NameAritySet.add fs (Atom.relation atm)) fms
+    | rels fs (Not p :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms);
+  fun relations fm = rels NameAritySet.empty [fm];
+  fun rels fs [] = fs
+    | rels fs (True :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (False :: fms) = rels fs fms
+    | rels fs (Atom atm :: fms) = rels (NameSet.add fs ( atm)) fms
+    | rels fs (Not p :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (And (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Or (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: q :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms)
+    | rels fs (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = rels fs (p :: fms);
+  fun relationNames fm = rels NameSet.empty [fm];
+(* Atoms *)
+fun destAtom (Atom atm) = atm
+  | destAtom _ = raise Error "Formula.destAtom";
+val isAtom = can destAtom;
+(* Negations *)
+fun destNeg (Not p) = p
+  | destNeg _ = raise Error "Formula.destNeg";
+val isNeg = can destNeg;
+val stripNeg =
+    let
+      fun strip n (Not fm) = strip (n + 1) fm
+        | strip n fm = (n,fm)
+    in
+      strip 0
+    end;
+(* Conjunctions *)
+fun listMkConj fms =
+    case rev fms of [] => True | fm :: fms => foldl And fm fms;
+  fun strip cs (And (p,q)) = strip (p :: cs) q
+    | strip cs fm = rev (fm :: cs);
+  fun stripConj True = []
+    | stripConj fm = strip [] fm;
+val flattenConj =
+    let
+      fun flat acc [] = acc
+        | flat acc (And (p,q) :: fms) = flat acc (q :: p :: fms)
+        | flat acc (True :: fms) = flat acc fms
+        | flat acc (fm :: fms) = flat (fm :: acc) fms
+    in
+      fn fm => flat [] [fm]
+    end;
+(* Disjunctions *)
+fun listMkDisj fms =
+    case rev fms of [] => False | fm :: fms => foldl Or fm fms;
+  fun strip cs (Or (p,q)) = strip (p :: cs) q
+    | strip cs fm = rev (fm :: cs);
+  fun stripDisj False = []
+    | stripDisj fm = strip [] fm;
+val flattenDisj =
+    let
+      fun flat acc [] = acc
+        | flat acc (Or (p,q) :: fms) = flat acc (q :: p :: fms)
+        | flat acc (False :: fms) = flat acc fms
+        | flat acc (fm :: fms) = flat (fm :: acc) fms
+    in
+      fn fm => flat [] [fm]
+    end;
+(* Equivalences *)
+fun listMkEquiv fms =
+    case rev fms of [] => True | fm :: fms => foldl Iff fm fms;
+  fun strip cs (Iff (p,q)) = strip (p :: cs) q
+    | strip cs fm = rev (fm :: cs);
+  fun stripEquiv True = []
+    | stripEquiv fm = strip [] fm;
+val flattenEquiv =
+    let
+      fun flat acc [] = acc
+        | flat acc (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = flat acc (q :: p :: fms)
+        | flat acc (True :: fms) = flat acc fms
+        | flat acc (fm :: fms) = flat (fm :: acc) fms
+    in
+      fn fm => flat [] [fm]
+    end;
+(* Universal quantifiers *)
+fun destForall (Forall v_f) = v_f
+  | destForall _ = raise Error "destForall";
+val isForall = can destForall;
+fun listMkForall ([],body) = body
+  | listMkForall (v :: vs, body) = Forall (v, listMkForall (vs,body));
+  fun strip vs (Forall (v,b)) = strip (v :: vs) b
+    | strip vs tm = (rev vs, tm);
+  val stripForall = strip [];
+(* Existential quantifiers *)
+fun destExists (Exists v_f) = v_f
+  | destExists _ = raise Error "destExists";
+val isExists = can destExists;
+fun listMkExists ([],body) = body
+  | listMkExists (v :: vs, body) = Exists (v, listMkExists (vs,body));
+  fun strip vs (Exists (v,b)) = strip (v :: vs) b
+    | strip vs tm = (rev vs, tm);
+  val stripExists = strip [];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a formula in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (True :: fms) = sz (n + 1) fms
+    | sz n (False :: fms) = sz (n + 1) fms
+    | sz n (Atom atm :: fms) = sz (n + Atom.symbols atm) fms
+    | sz n (Not p :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: fms)
+    | sz n (And (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Or (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: q :: fms)
+    | sz n (Forall (_,p) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: fms)
+    | sz n (Exists (_,p) :: fms) = sz (n + 1) (p :: fms);
+  fun symbols fm = sz 0 [fm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for formulas.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun cmp [] = EQUAL
+    | cmp ((True,True) :: l) = cmp l
+    | cmp ((True,_) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_,True) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((False,False) :: l) = cmp l
+    | cmp ((False,_) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_,False) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Atom atm1, Atom atm2) :: l) =
+      (case (atm1,atm2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp l
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp ((Atom _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Atom _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Not p1, Not p2) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Not _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Not _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((And (p1,q1), And (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((And _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, And _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Or (p1,q1), Or (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Or _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Or _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Imp (p1,q1), Imp (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Imp _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Imp _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Iff (p1,q1), Iff (p2,q2)) :: l) = cmp ((p1,p2) :: (q1,q2) :: l)
+    | cmp ((Iff _, _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((_, Iff _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Forall (v1,p1), Forall (v2,p2)) :: l) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp ((p1,p2) :: l)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp ((Forall _, Exists _) :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp ((Exists _, Forall _) :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp ((Exists (v1,p1), Exists (v2,p2)) :: l) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp ((p1,p2) :: l)
+       | GREATER => GREATER);
+  fun compare fm1_fm2 = cmp [fm1_fm2];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v =
+    let
+      fun f [] = false
+        | f (True :: fms) = f fms
+        | f (False :: fms) = f fms
+        | f (Atom atm :: fms) = Atom.freeIn v atm orelse f fms
+        | f (Not p :: fms) = f (p :: fms)
+        | f (And (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Or (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Imp (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Iff (p,q) :: fms) = f (p :: q :: fms)
+        | f (Forall (w,p) :: fms) = if v = w then f fms else f (p :: fms)
+        | f (Exists (w,p) :: fms) = if v = w then f fms else f (p :: fms)
+    in
+      fn fm => f [fm]
+    end;
+  fun fv vs [] = vs
+    | fv vs ((_,True) :: fms) = fv vs fms
+    | fv vs ((_,False) :: fms) = fv vs fms
+    | fv vs ((bv, Atom atm) :: fms) =
+      fv (NameSet.union vs (NameSet.difference (Atom.freeVars atm) bv)) fms
+    | fv vs ((bv, Not p) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, And (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Or (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Imp (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Iff (p,q)) :: fms) = fv vs ((bv,p) :: (bv,q) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Forall (v,p)) :: fms) = fv vs ((NameSet.add bv v, p) :: fms)
+    | fv vs ((bv, Exists (v,p)) :: fms) = fv vs ((NameSet.add bv v, p) :: fms);
+  fun freeVars fm = fv NameSet.empty [(NameSet.empty,fm)];
+fun specialize fm = snd (stripForall fm);
+fun generalize fm = listMkForall (NameSet.toList (freeVars fm), fm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun substCheck sub fm = if Subst.null sub then fm else substFm sub fm
+  and substFm sub fm =
+      case fm of
+        True => fm
+      | False => fm
+      | Atom (p,tms) =>
+        let
+          val tms' = (Subst.subst sub) tms
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (tms,tms') then fm else Atom (p,tms')
+        end
+      | Not p =>
+        let
+          val p' = substFm sub p
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (p,p') then fm else Not p'
+        end
+      | And (p,q) => substConn sub fm And p q
+      | Or (p,q) => substConn sub fm Or p q
+      | Imp (p,q) => substConn sub fm Imp p q
+      | Iff (p,q) => substConn sub fm Iff p q
+      | Forall (v,p) => substQuant sub fm Forall v p
+      | Exists (v,p) => substQuant sub fm Exists v p
+  and substConn sub fm conn p q =
+      let
+        val p' = substFm sub p
+        and q' = substFm sub q
+      in
+        if Sharing.pointerEqual (p,p') andalso
+           Sharing.pointerEqual (q,q')
+        then fm
+        else conn (p',q')
+      end
+  and substQuant sub fm quant v p =
+      let
+        val v' =
+            let
+              fun f (w,s) =
+                  if w = v then s
+                  else
+                    case Subst.peek sub w of
+                      NONE => NameSet.add s w
+                    | SOME tm => NameSet.union s (Term.freeVars tm)
+              val vars = freeVars p
+              val vars = NameSet.foldl f NameSet.empty vars
+            in
+              Term.variantPrime vars v
+            end
+        val sub =
+            if v = v' then Subst.remove sub (NameSet.singleton v)
+            else Subst.insert sub (v, Term.Var v')
+        val p' = substCheck sub p
+      in
+        if v = v' andalso Sharing.pointerEqual (p,p') then fm
+        else quant (v',p')
+      end;
+  val subst = substCheck;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkEq a_b = Atom (Atom.mkEq a_b);
+fun destEq fm = Atom.destEq (destAtom fm);
+val isEq = can destEq;
+fun mkNeq a_b = Not (mkEq a_b);
+fun destNeq (Not fm) = destEq fm
+  | destNeq _ = raise Error "Formula.destNeq";
+val isNeq = can destNeq;
+fun mkRefl tm = Atom (Atom.mkRefl tm);
+fun destRefl fm = Atom.destRefl (destAtom fm);
+val isRefl = can destRefl;
+fun sym fm = Atom (Atom.sym (destAtom fm));
+fun lhs fm = fst (destEq fm);
+fun rhs fm = snd (destEq fm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type quotation = formula Parser.quotation
+val truthSymbol = "T"
+and falsitySymbol = "F"
+and conjunctionSymbol = "/\\"
+and disjunctionSymbol = "\\/"
+and implicationSymbol = "==>"
+and equivalenceSymbol = "<=>"
+and universalSymbol = "!"
+and existentialSymbol = "?";
+  fun demote True = Term.Fn (truthSymbol,[])
+    | demote False = Term.Fn (falsitySymbol,[])
+    | demote (Atom (p,tms)) = Term.Fn (p,tms)
+    | demote (Not p) = Term.Fn (!Term.negation, [demote p])
+    | demote (And (p,q)) = Term.Fn (conjunctionSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Or (p,q)) = Term.Fn (disjunctionSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Imp (p,q)) = Term.Fn (implicationSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Iff (p,q)) = Term.Fn (equivalenceSymbol, [demote p, demote q])
+    | demote (Forall (v,b)) = Term.Fn (universalSymbol, [Term.Var v, demote b])
+    | demote (Exists (v,b)) =
+      Term.Fn (existentialSymbol, [Term.Var v, demote b]);
+  fun pp ppstrm fm = Term.pp ppstrm (demote fm);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+  fun isQuant [Term.Var _, _] = true
+    | isQuant _ = false;
+  fun promote (Term.Var v) = Atom (v,[])
+    | promote (Term.Fn (f,tms)) =
+      if f = truthSymbol andalso null tms then
+        True
+      else if f = falsitySymbol andalso null tms then
+        False
+      else if f = !Term.negation andalso length tms = 1 then
+        Not (promote (hd tms))
+      else if f = conjunctionSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        And (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = disjunctionSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        Or (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = implicationSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        Imp (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = equivalenceSymbol andalso length tms = 2 then
+        Iff (promote (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = universalSymbol andalso isQuant tms then
+        Forall (Term.destVar (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else if f = existentialSymbol andalso isQuant tms then
+        Exists (Term.destVar (hd tms), promote (List.nth (tms,1)))
+      else
+        Atom (f,tms);
+  fun fromString s = promote (Term.fromString s);
+val parse = Parser.parseQuotation toString fromString;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Heap.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A HEAP DATATYPE FOR ML                                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Heap =
+type 'a heap
+val new : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a heap
+val add : 'a heap -> 'a -> 'a heap
+val null : 'a heap -> bool
+val top : 'a heap -> 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val remove : 'a heap -> 'a * 'a heap  (* raises Empty *)
+val size : 'a heap -> int
+val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a heap -> unit
+val toList : 'a heap -> 'a list
+val toStream : 'a heap -> 'a
+val toString : 'a heap -> string
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Heap.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A HEAP DATATYPE FOR ML                                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Heap :> Heap =
+(* Leftist heaps as in Purely Functional Data Structures, by Chris Okasaki *)
+datatype 'a node = E | T of int * 'a * 'a node * 'a node;
+datatype 'a heap = Heap of ('a * 'a -> order) * int * 'a node;
+fun rank E = 0
+  | rank (T (r,_,_,_)) = r;
+fun makeT (x,a,b) =
+  if rank a >= rank b then T (rank b + 1, x, a, b) else T (rank a + 1, x, b, a);
+fun merge cmp =
+    let
+      fun mrg (h,E) = h
+        | mrg (E,h) = h
+        | mrg (h1 as T (_,x,a1,b1), h2 as T (_,y,a2,b2)) =
+          case cmp (x,y) of
+            GREATER => makeT (y, a2, mrg (h1,b2))
+          | _ => makeT (x, a1, mrg (b1,h2))
+    in
+      mrg
+    end;
+fun new cmp = Heap (cmp,0,E);
+fun add (Heap (f,n,a)) x = Heap (f, n + 1, merge f (T (1,x,E,E), a));
+fun size (Heap (_, n, _)) = n;
+fun null h = size h = 0;
+fun top (Heap (_,_,E)) = raise Empty
+  | top (Heap (_, _, T (_,x,_,_))) = x;
+fun remove (Heap (_,_,E)) = raise Empty
+  | remove (Heap (f, n, T (_,x,a,b))) = (x, Heap (f, n - 1, merge f (a,b)));
+fun app f =
+    let
+      fun ap [] = ()
+        | ap (E :: rest) = ap rest
+        | ap (T (_,d,a,b) :: rest) = (f d; ap (a :: b :: rest))
+    in
+      fn Heap (_,_,a) => ap [a]
+    end;
+fun toList h =
+    if null h then []
+    else
+      let
+        val (x,h) = remove h
+      in
+        x :: toList h
+      end;
+fun toStream h =
+    if null h then Stream.NIL
+    else
+      let
+        val (x,h) = remove h
+      in
+        Stream.CONS (x, fn () => toStream h)
+      end;
+fun toString h =
+    "Heap[" ^ (if null h then "" else Int.toString (size h)) ^ "]";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/KeyMap.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS WITH A FIXED KEY TYPE                                         *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature KeyMap =
+type key
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite maps                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a map
+val new : unit -> 'a map
+val null : 'a map -> bool
+val size : 'a map -> int
+val singleton : key * 'a -> 'a map
+val inDomain : key -> 'a map -> bool
+val peek : 'a map -> key -> 'a option
+val insert : 'a map -> key * 'a -> 'a map
+val insertList : 'a map -> (key * 'a) list -> 'a map
+val get : 'a map -> key -> 'a  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer keys in the second map *)
+val union : ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a map -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val intersect : ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a map -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val delete : 'a map -> key -> 'a map  (* raises Error *)
+val difference : 'a map -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val subsetDomain : 'a map -> 'a map -> bool
+val equalDomain : 'a map -> 'a map -> bool
+val mapPartial : (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b map
+val filter : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> 'a map
+val map : (key * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a map -> 'b map
+val app : (key * 'a -> unit) -> 'a map -> unit
+val transform : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a map -> 'b map
+val foldl : (key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a map -> 's
+val foldr : (key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a map -> 's
+val findl : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> (key * 'a) option
+val findr : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> (key * 'a) option
+val firstl : (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b option
+val firstr : (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b option
+val exists : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> bool
+val all : (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> bool
+val domain : 'a map -> key list
+val toList : 'a map -> (key * 'a) list
+val fromList : (key * 'a) list -> 'a map
+val compare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a map * 'a map -> order
+val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> 'a map -> bool
+val random : 'a map -> key * 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val toString : 'a map -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over maps                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a iterator
+val mkIterator : 'a map -> 'a iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : 'a map -> 'a iterator option
+val readIterator : 'a iterator -> key * 'a
+val advanceIterator : 'a iterator -> 'a iterator option
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/KeyMap.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS WITH A FIXED KEY TYPE                                         *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+functor KeyMap (Key : Ordered) :> KeyMap where type key = Key.t =
+(*isabelle open Metis;*)
+type key = Key.t;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite maps                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a map = (Key.t,'a);
+fun new () =;
+val null = Map.null;
+val size = Map.size;
+fun singleton key_value = Map.singleton key_value;
+val inDomain = Map.inDomain;
+val peek = Map.peek;
+val insert = Map.insert;
+val insertList = Map.insertList;
+val get = Map.get;
+(* Both union and intersect prefer keys in the second map *)
+val union = Map.union;
+val intersect = Map.intersect;
+val delete = Map.delete;
+val difference = Map.difference;
+val subsetDomain = Map.subsetDomain;
+val equalDomain = Map.equalDomain;
+val mapPartial = Map.mapPartial;
+val filter = Map.filter;
+val map =;
+val app =;
+val transform = Map.transform;
+val foldl = Map.foldl;
+val foldr = Map.foldr;
+val findl = Map.findl;
+val findr = Map.findr;
+val firstl = Map.firstl;
+val firstr = Map.firstr;
+val exists = Map.exists;
+val all = Map.all;
+val domain = Map.domain;
+val toList = Map.toList;
+fun fromList l = Map.fromList l;
+val compare =;
+val equal = Map.equal;
+val random = Map.random;
+val toString = Map.toString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over maps                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a iterator = (Key.t,'a) Map.iterator;
+val mkIterator = Map.mkIterator;
+val mkRevIterator = Map.mkRevIterator;
+val readIterator = Map.readIterator;
+val advanceIterator = Map.advanceIterator;
+(*isabelle structure Metis = struct open Metis*)
+structure IntMap =
+KeyMap (IntOrdered);
+structure StringMap =
+KeyMap (StringOrdered);
+(*isabelle end;*)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/KnuthBendixOrder.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE KNUTH-BENDIX TERM ORDERING                                            *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature KnuthBendixOrder =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The weight of all constants must be at least 1, and there must be at most *)
+(* one unary function with weight 0.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type kbo =
+     {weight : Term.function -> int,
+      precedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order}
+val default : kbo
+val compare : kbo -> Term.term * Term.term -> order option
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/KnuthBendixOrder.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* KNUTH-BENDIX TERM ORDERING CONSTRAINTS                                    *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure KnuthBendixOrder :> KnuthBendixOrder =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun firstNotEqual f l =
+    case List.find op<> l of
+      SOME (x,y) => f x y
+    | NONE => raise Bug "firstNotEqual";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The weight of all constants must be at least 1, and there must be at most *)
+(* one unary function with weight 0.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type kbo =
+     {weight : Term.function -> int,
+      precedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order};
+(* Default weight = uniform *)
+val uniformWeight : Term.function -> int = K 1;
+(* Default precedence = by arity *)
+val arityPrecedence : Term.function * Term.function -> order =
+    fn ((f1,n1),(f2,n2)) =>
+       case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER;
+(* The default order *)
+val default = {weight = uniformWeight, precedence = arityPrecedence};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Term weight-1 represented as a linear function of the weight-1 of the     *)
+(* variables in the term (plus a constant).                                  *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Note that the conditions on weight functions ensure that all weights are  *)
+(* at least 1, so all weight-1s are at least 0.                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype weight = Weight of int * int;
+val weightEmpty : int = ();
+val weightZero = Weight (weightEmpty,0);
+fun weightIsZero (Weight (m,c)) = c = 0 andalso NameMap.null m;
+fun weightNeg (Weight (m,c)) = Weight (NameMap.transform ~ m, ~c);
+  fun add (n1,n2) =
+      let
+        val n = n1 + n2
+      in
+        if n = 0 then NONE else SOME n
+      end;
+  fun weightAdd (Weight (m1,c1)) (Weight (m2,c2)) =
+      Weight (NameMap.union add m1 m2, c1 + c2);
+fun weightSubtract w1 w2 = weightAdd w1 (weightNeg w2);
+fun weightMult 0 _ = weightZero
+  | weightMult 1 w = w
+  | weightMult k (Weight (m,c)) =
+    let
+      fun mult n = k * n
+    in
+      Weight (NameMap.transform mult m, k * c)
+    end;
+fun weightTerm weight =
+    let
+      fun wt m c [] = Weight (m,c)
+        | wt m c (Term.Var v :: tms) =
+          let
+            val n = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m v, 0)
+          in
+            wt (NameMap.insert m (v, n + 1)) (c + 1) tms
+          end
+        | wt m c (Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) =
+          wt m (c + weight (f, length a)) (a @ tms)
+    in
+      fn tm => wt weightEmpty ~1 [tm]
+    end;
+fun weightIsVar v (Weight (m,c)) =
+    c = 0 andalso NameMap.size m = 1 andalso NameMap.peek m v = SOME 1;
+fun weightConst (Weight (_,c)) = c;
+fun weightVars (Weight (m,_)) = 
+    NameMap.foldl (fn (v,_,s) => NameSet.add s v) NameSet.empty m;
+val weightsVars =
+    List.foldl (fn (w,s) => NameSet.union (weightVars w) s) NameSet.empty;
+fun weightVarList w = NameSet.toList (weightVars w);
+fun weightNumVars (Weight (m,_)) = NameMap.size m;
+fun weightNumVarsWithPositiveCoeff (Weight (m,_)) =
+    NameMap.foldl (fn (_,n,z) => if n > 0 then z + 1 else z) 0 m;
+fun weightCoeff var (Weight (m,_)) = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m var, 0);
+fun weightCoeffs varList w = map (fn var => weightCoeff var w) varList;
+fun weightCoeffSum (Weight (m,_)) = NameMap.foldl (fn (_,n,z) => n + z) 0 m;
+fun weightLowerBound (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    if NameMap.exists (fn (_,n) => n < 0) m then NONE else SOME c;
+fun weightNoLowerBound w = not (Option.isSome (weightLowerBound w));
+fun weightAlwaysPositive w =
+    case weightLowerBound w of NONE => false | SOME n => n > 0;
+fun weightUpperBound (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    if NameMap.exists (fn (_,n) => n > 0) m then NONE else SOME c;
+fun weightNoUpperBound w = not (Option.isSome (weightUpperBound w));
+fun weightAlwaysNegative w =
+    case weightUpperBound w of NONE => false | SOME n => n < 0;
+fun weightGcd (w as Weight (m,c)) =
+    NameMap.foldl (fn (_,i,k) => gcd i k) (Int.abs c) m;
+fun ppWeightList pp =
+    let
+      fun coeffToString n =
+          if n < 0 then "~" ^ coeffToString (~n)
+          else if n = 1 then ""
+          else Int.toString n
+      fun pp_tm pp ("",n) = Parser.ppInt pp n
+        | pp_tm pp (v,n) = Parser.ppString pp (coeffToString n ^ v)
+    in
+      fn [] => Parser.ppInt pp 0
+       | tms => Parser.ppSequence " +" pp_tm pp tms
+    end;
+fun ppWeight pp (Weight (m,c)) =
+    let
+      val l = NameMap.toList m
+      val l = if c = 0 then l else l @ [("",c)]
+    in
+      ppWeightList pp l
+    end;
+val weightToString = Parser.toString ppWeight;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The Knuth-Bendix term order.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype kboOrder = Less | Equal | Greater | SignOf of weight;
+fun kboOrder {weight,precedence} =
+    let
+      fun weightDifference tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w1 = weightTerm weight tm1
+            and w2 = weightTerm weight tm2
+          in
+            weightSubtract w2 w1
+          end
+      fun weightLess tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w = weightDifference tm1 tm2
+          in
+            if weightIsZero w then precedenceLess tm1 tm2
+            else weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2
+          end
+      and weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2 =
+          case weightLowerBound w of
+            NONE => false
+          | SOME 0 => precedenceLess tm1 tm2
+          | SOME n => n > 0
+      and precedenceLess (Term.Fn (f1,a1)) (Term.Fn (f2,a2)) =
+          (case precedence ((f1, length a1), (f2, length a2)) of
+             LESS => true
+           | EQUAL => firstNotEqual weightLess (zip a1 a2)
+           | GREATER => false)
+        | precedenceLess _ _ = false
+      fun weightDiffGreater w tm1 tm2 = weightDiffLess (weightNeg w) tm2 tm1
+      fun weightCmp tm1 tm2 =
+          let
+            val w = weightDifference tm1 tm2
+          in
+            if weightIsZero w then precedenceCmp tm1 tm2
+            else if weightDiffLess w tm1 tm2 then Less
+            else if weightDiffGreater w tm1 tm2 then Greater
+            else SignOf w
+          end
+      and precedenceCmp (Term.Fn (f1,a1)) (Term.Fn (f2,a2)) =
+          (case precedence ((f1, length a1), (f2, length a2)) of
+             LESS => Less
+           | EQUAL => firstNotEqual weightCmp (zip a1 a2)
+           | GREATER => Greater)
+        | precedenceCmp _ _ = raise Bug "kboOrder.precendenceCmp"
+    in
+      fn (tm1,tm2) => if tm1 = tm2 then Equal else weightCmp tm1 tm2
+    end;
+fun compare kbo tm1_tm2 =
+    case kboOrder kbo tm1_tm2 of
+      Less => SOME LESS
+    | Equal => SOME EQUAL
+    | Greater => SOME GREATER
+    | SignOf _ => NONE;
+val compare = fn kbo => fn (tm1,tm2) =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp " tm1" tm1
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Term.pp " tm2" tm2
+      val result = compare kbo (tm1,tm2)
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace " result = Incomparable\n"
+          | SOME x =>
+            Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppOrder " result" x
+    in
+      result
+    end;
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Lazy.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SUPPORT FOR LAZY EVALUATION                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2      *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Lazy =
+type 'a lazy
+val delay : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a lazy
+val force : 'a lazy -> 'a
+val memoize : (unit -> 'a) -> unit -> 'a
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Lazy.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SUPPORT FOR LAZY EVALUATION                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2      *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Lazy :> Lazy =
+datatype 'a thunk =
+    Value of 'a
+  | Thunk of unit -> 'a;
+datatype 'a lazy = Lazy of 'a thunk ref;
+fun delay f = Lazy (ref (Thunk f));
+fun force (Lazy (ref (Value v))) = v
+  | force (Lazy (s as ref (Thunk f))) =
+    let
+      val v = f ()
+      val () = s := Value v
+    in
+      v
+    end;
+fun memoize f =
+    let
+      val t = delay f
+    in
+      fn () => force t
+    end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Literal.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC LITERALS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Literal =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic literals.                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type polarity = bool
+type literal = polarity * Atom.atom
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val polarity : literal -> polarity
+val atom : literal -> Atom.atom
+val name : literal -> Atom.relationName
+val arguments : literal -> Term.term list
+val arity : literal -> int
+val positive : literal -> bool
+val negative : literal -> bool
+val negate : literal -> literal
+val relation : literal -> Atom.relation
+val functions : literal -> NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : literal -> NameSet.set
+(* Binary relations *)
+val mkBinop : Atom.relationName -> polarity * Term.term * Term.term -> literal
+val destBinop : Atom.relationName -> literal -> polarity * Term.term * Term.term
+val isBinop : Atom.relationName -> literal -> bool
+(* Formulas *)
+val toFormula : literal -> Formula.formula
+val fromFormula : Formula.formula -> literal
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a literal in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : literal -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for literals.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : literal * literal -> order  (* negative < positive *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subterm : literal -> Term.path -> Term.term
+val subterms : literal -> (Term.path * Term.term) list
+val replace : literal -> Term.path * Term.term -> literal
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Term.var -> literal -> bool
+val freeVars : literal -> NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Subst.subst -> literal -> literal
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match :  (* raises Error *)
+    Subst.subst -> literal -> literal -> Subst.subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unify :  (* raises Error *)
+    Subst.subst -> literal -> literal -> Subst.subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mkEq : Term.term * Term.term -> literal
+val destEq : literal -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isEq : literal -> bool
+val mkNeq : Term.term * Term.term -> literal
+val destNeq : literal -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isNeq : literal -> bool
+val mkRefl : Term.term -> literal
+val destRefl : literal -> Term.term
+val isRefl : literal -> bool
+val mkIrrefl : Term.term -> literal
+val destIrrefl : literal -> Term.term
+val isIrrefl : literal -> bool
+(* The following work with both equalities and disequalities *)
+val sym : literal -> literal  (* raises Error if given a refl or irrefl *)
+val lhs : literal -> Term.term
+val rhs : literal -> Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val typedSymbols : literal -> int
+val nonVarTypedSubterms : literal -> (Term.path * Term.term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp : literal Parser.pp
+val toString : literal -> string
+val fromString : string -> literal
+val parse : Term.term Parser.quotation -> literal
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Literal.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC LITERALS                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Literal :> Literal =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type for storing first order logic literals.                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type polarity = bool;
+type literal = polarity * Atom.atom;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun polarity ((pol,_) : literal) = pol;
+fun atom ((_,atm) : literal) = atm;
+fun name lit = (atom lit);
+fun arguments lit = Atom.arguments (atom lit);
+fun arity lit = Atom.arity (atom lit);
+fun positive lit = polarity lit;
+fun negative lit = not (polarity lit);
+fun negate (pol,atm) : literal = (not pol, atm)
+fun relation lit = Atom.relation (atom lit);
+fun functions lit = Atom.functions (atom lit);
+fun functionNames lit = Atom.functionNames (atom lit);
+(* Binary relations *)
+fun mkBinop rel (pol,a,b) : literal = (pol, Atom.mkBinop rel (a,b));
+fun destBinop rel ((pol,atm) : literal) =
+    case Atom.destBinop rel atm of (a,b) => (pol,a,b);
+fun isBinop rel = can (destBinop rel);
+(* Formulas *)
+fun toFormula (true,atm) = Formula.Atom atm
+  | toFormula (false,atm) = Formula.Not (Formula.Atom atm);
+fun fromFormula (Formula.Atom atm) = (true,atm)
+  | fromFormula (Formula.Not (Formula.Atom atm)) = (false,atm)
+  | fromFormula _ = raise Error "Literal.fromFormula";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a literal in symbols.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symbols ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.symbols atm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for literals.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare ((pol1,atm1),(pol2,atm2)) =
+    case boolCompare (pol1,pol2) of
+      LESS => GREATER
+    | EQUAL => (atm1,atm2)
+    | GREATER => LESS;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subterm lit path = Atom.subterm (atom lit) path;
+fun subterms lit = Atom.subterms (atom lit);
+fun replace (lit as (pol,atm)) path_tm =
+    let
+      val atm' = Atom.replace atm path_tm
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (atm,atm') then lit else (pol,atm')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v lit = Atom.freeIn v (atom lit);
+fun freeVars lit = Atom.freeVars (atom lit);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub (lit as (pol,atm)) : literal =
+    let
+      val atm' = Atom.subst sub atm
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (atm',atm) then lit else (pol,atm')
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match sub ((pol1,atm1) : literal) (pol2,atm2) =
+    let
+      val _ = pol1 = pol2 orelse raise Error "Literal.match"
+    in
+      Atom.match sub atm1 atm2
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun unify sub ((pol1,atm1) : literal) (pol2,atm2) =
+    let
+      val _ = pol1 = pol2 orelse raise Error "Literal.unify"
+    in
+      Atom.unify sub atm1 atm2
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The equality relation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkEq l_r : literal = (true, Atom.mkEq l_r);
+fun destEq ((true,atm) : literal) = Atom.destEq atm
+  | destEq (false,_) = raise Error "Literal.destEq";
+val isEq = can destEq;
+fun mkNeq l_r : literal = (false, Atom.mkEq l_r);
+fun destNeq ((false,atm) : literal) = Atom.destEq atm
+  | destNeq (true,_) = raise Error "Literal.destNeq";
+val isNeq = can destNeq;
+fun mkRefl tm = (true, Atom.mkRefl tm);
+fun destRefl (true,atm) = Atom.destRefl atm
+  | destRefl (false,_) = raise Error "Literal.destRefl";
+val isRefl = can destRefl;
+fun mkIrrefl tm = (false, Atom.mkRefl tm);
+fun destIrrefl (true,_) = raise Error "Literal.destIrrefl"
+  | destIrrefl (false,atm) = Atom.destRefl atm;
+val isIrrefl = can destIrrefl;
+fun sym (pol,atm) : literal = (pol, Atom.sym atm);
+fun lhs ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.lhs atm;
+fun rhs ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.rhs atm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun typedSymbols ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.typedSymbols atm;
+fun nonVarTypedSubterms ((_,atm) : literal) = Atom.nonVarTypedSubterms atm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pp = Parser.ppMap toFormula Formula.pp;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+fun fromString s = fromFormula (Formula.fromString s);
+val parse = Parser.parseQuotation Term.toString fromString;
+structure LiteralOrdered =
+struct type t = Literal.literal val compare = end
+structure LiteralSet =
+  local
+    structure S = ElementSet (LiteralOrdered);
+  in
+    open S;
+  end;
+  fun negateMember lit set = member (Literal.negate lit) set;
+  val negate =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = add set (Literal.negate lit)
+      in
+        foldl f empty
+      end;
+  val relations =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = NameAritySet.add set (Literal.relation lit)
+      in
+        foldl f NameAritySet.empty
+      end;
+  val functions =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = NameAritySet.union set (Literal.functions lit)
+      in
+        foldl f NameAritySet.empty
+      end;
+  val freeVars =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,set) = NameSet.union set (Literal.freeVars lit)
+      in
+        foldl f NameSet.empty
+      end;
+  val symbols =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,z) = Literal.symbols lit + z
+      in
+        foldl f 0
+      end;
+  val typedSymbols =
+      let
+        fun f (lit,z) = Literal.typedSymbols lit + z
+      in
+        foldl f 0
+      end;
+  fun subst sub lits =
+      let
+        fun substLit (lit,(eq,lits')) =
+            let
+              val lit' = Literal.subst sub lit
+              val eq = eq andalso Sharing.pointerEqual (lit,lit')
+            in
+              (eq, add lits' lit')
+            end
+        val (eq,lits') = foldl substLit (true,empty) lits
+      in
+        if eq then lits else lits'
+      end;
+  val pp =
+      Parser.ppMap
+        toList
+        (Parser.ppBracket "{" "}" (Parser.ppSequence "," Literal.pp));
+structure LiteralMap = KeyMap (LiteralOrdered);
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/LiteralNet.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature LiteralNet =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of literal sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool}
+type 'a literalNet
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> 'a literalNet
+val size : 'a literalNet -> int
+val profile : 'a literalNet -> {positive : int, negative : int}
+val insert : 'a literalNet -> Literal.literal * 'a -> 'a literalNet
+val fromList : parameters -> (Literal.literal * 'a) list -> 'a literalNet
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a literalNet -> 'a literalNet
+val toString : 'a literalNet -> string
+val pp : 'a Parser.pp -> 'a literalNet Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : 'a literalNet -> Literal.literal -> 'a list
+val matched : 'a literalNet -> Literal.literal -> 'a list
+val unify : 'a literalNet -> Literal.literal -> 'a list
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure LiteralNet :> LiteralNet =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of literal sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = AtomNet.parameters;
+type 'a literalNet =
+    {positive : 'a AtomNet.atomNet,
+     negative : 'a AtomNet.atomNet};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new parm = {positive = parm, negative = parm};
+  fun pos ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) = AtomNet.size positive;
+  fun neg ({negative,...} : 'a literalNet) = AtomNet.size negative;
+  fun size net = pos net + neg net;
+  fun profile net = {positive = pos net, negative = neg net};
+fun insert {positive,negative} ((true,atm),a) =
+    {positive = AtomNet.insert positive (atm,a), negative = negative}
+  | insert {positive,negative} ((false,atm),a) =
+    {positive = positive, negative = AtomNet.insert negative (atm,a)};
+fun fromList parm l = foldl (fn (lit_a,n) => insert n lit_a) (new parm) l;
+fun filter pred {positive,negative} =
+    {positive = AtomNet.filter pred positive,
+     negative = AtomNet.filter pred negative};
+fun toString net = "LiteralNet[" ^ Int.toString (size net) ^ "]";
+fun pp ppA =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn {positive,negative} => (positive,negative))
+      (Parser.ppBinop " + NEGATIVE" (AtomNet.pp ppA) (AtomNet.pp ppA));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) (true,atm) =
+    AtomNet.match positive atm
+  | match {negative,...} (false,atm) = AtomNet.match negative atm;
+fun matched ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) (true,atm) =
+    AtomNet.matched positive atm
+  | matched {negative,...} (false,atm) = AtomNet.matched negative atm;
+fun unify ({positive,...} : 'a literalNet) (true,atm) =
+    AtomNet.unify positive atm
+  | unify {negative,...} (false,atm) = AtomNet.unify negative atm;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Map.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Map =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite maps                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('key,'a) map
+val new : ('key * 'key -> order) -> ('key,'a) map
+val null : ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val size : ('key,'a) map -> int
+val singleton : ('key * 'key -> order) -> 'key * 'a -> ('key,'a) map
+val inDomain : 'key -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val peek : ('key,'a) map -> 'key -> 'a option
+val insert : ('key,'a) map -> 'key * 'a -> ('key,'a) map
+val insertList : ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) list -> ('key,'a) map
+val get : ('key,'a) map -> 'key -> 'a  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer keys in the second map *)
+val union :
+    ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val intersect :
+    ('a * 'a -> 'a option) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val delete : ('key,'a) map -> 'key -> ('key,'a) map  (* raises Error *)
+val difference : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val subsetDomain : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val equalDomain : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val mapPartial : ('key * 'a -> 'b option) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map
+val filter : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map
+val map : ('key * 'a -> 'b) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map
+val app : ('key * 'a -> unit) -> ('key,'a) map -> unit
+val transform : ('a -> 'b) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'b) map
+val foldl : ('key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> ('key,'a) map -> 's
+val foldr : ('key * 'a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> ('key,'a) map -> 's
+val findl : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) option
+val findr : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) option
+val firstl : ('key * 'a -> 'b option) -> ('key,'a) map -> 'b option
+val firstr : ('key * 'a -> 'b option) -> ('key,'a) map -> 'b option
+val exists : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val all : ('key * 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val domain : ('key,'a) map -> 'key list
+val toList : ('key,'a) map -> ('key * 'a) list
+val fromList : ('key * 'key -> order) -> ('key * 'a) list -> ('key,'a) map
+val random : ('key,'a) map -> 'key * 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val compare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('key,'a) map * ('key,'a) map -> order
+val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) map -> bool
+val toString : ('key,'a) map -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over maps                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('key,'a) iterator
+val mkIterator : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : ('key,'a) map -> ('key,'a) iterator option
+val readIterator : ('key,'a) iterator -> 'key * 'a
+val advanceIterator : ('key,'a) iterator -> ('key,'a) iterator option
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Map.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE MAPS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Map = RandomMap;
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Model.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* RANDOM FINITE MODELS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Model =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The parts of the model that are fixed.                                    *)
+(* Note: a model of size N has integer elements 0...N-1.                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type fixed =
+     {size : int} ->
+     {functions : (Term.functionName * int list) -> int option,
+      relations : (Atom.relationName * int list) -> bool option}
+val fixedMerge : fixed -> fixed -> fixed  (* Prefers the second fixed *)
+val fixedMergeList : fixed list -> fixed
+val fixedPure : fixed  (* : = *)
+val fixedBasic : fixed  (* id fst snd #1 #2 #3 <> *)
+val fixedModulo : fixed  (* <numerals> suc pre ~ + - * exp div mod *)
+                         (* is_0 divides even odd *)
+val fixedOverflowNum : fixed  (* <numerals> suc pre + - * exp div mod *)
+                              (* is_0 <= < >= > divides even odd *)
+val fixedOverflowInt : fixed  (* <numerals> suc pre + - * exp div mod *)
+                              (* is_0 <= < >= > divides even odd *)
+val fixedSet : fixed  (* empty univ union intersect compl card in subset *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of random finite models.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {size : int, fixed : fixed}
+type model
+val new : parameters -> model
+val size : model -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Valuations.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type valuation = int
+val valuationEmpty : valuation
+val valuationRandom : {size : int} -> NameSet.set -> valuation
+val valuationFold :
+    {size : int} -> NameSet.set -> (valuation * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Interpreting terms and formulas in the model.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val interpretTerm : model -> valuation -> Term.term -> int
+val interpretAtom : model -> valuation -> Atom.atom -> bool
+val interpretFormula : model -> valuation -> Formula.formula -> bool
+val interpretLiteral : model -> valuation -> Literal.literal -> bool
+val interpretClause : model -> valuation -> Thm.clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Check whether random groundings of a formula are true in the model.       *)
+(* Note: if it's cheaper, a systematic check will be performed instead.      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val checkAtom :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Atom.atom -> {T : int, F : int}
+val checkFormula :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Formula.formula -> {T : int, F : int}
+val checkLiteral :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Literal.literal -> {T : int, F : int}
+val checkClause :
+    {maxChecks : int} -> model -> Thm.clause -> {T : int, F : int}
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Model.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* RANDOM FINITE MODELS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Model :> Model =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Chatting.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val module = "Model";
+fun chatting l = tracing {module = module, level = l};
+fun chat s = (trace s; true);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun intExp x y = exp op* x y 1;
+fun natFromString "" = NONE
+  | natFromString "0" = SOME 0
+  | natFromString s =
+    case charToInt (String.sub (s,0)) of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME 0 => NONE
+    | SOME d =>
+      let
+        fun parse 0 _ acc = SOME acc
+          | parse n i acc =
+            case charToInt (String.sub (s,i)) of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME d => parse (n - 1) (i + 1) (10 * acc + d)
+      in
+        parse (size s - 1) 1 d
+      end;
+fun projection (_,[]) = NONE
+  | projection ("#1", x :: _) = SOME x
+  | projection ("#2", _ :: x :: _) = SOME x
+  | projection ("#3", _ :: _ :: x :: _) = SOME x
+  | projection (func,args) =
+    let
+      val f = size func
+      and n = length args
+      val p =
+          if f < 2 orelse n <= 3 orelse String.sub (func,0) <> #"#" then NONE
+          else if f = 2 then
+            (case charToInt (String.sub (func,1)) of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | p as SOME d => if d <= 3 then NONE else p)
+          else if (n < intExp 10 (f - 2) handle Overflow => true) then NONE
+          else
+            (natFromString (String.extract (func,1,NONE))
+             handle Overflow => NONE)
+    in
+      case p of
+        NONE => NONE
+      | SOME k => if k > n then NONE else SOME (List.nth (args, k - 1))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The parts of the model that are fixed.                                    *)
+(* Note: a model of size N has integer elements 0...N-1.                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type fixedModel =
+     {functions : (Term.functionName * int list) -> int option,
+      relations : (Atom.relationName * int list) -> bool option};
+type fixed = {size : int} -> fixedModel
+fun fixedMerge fixed1 fixed2 parm =
+    let
+      val {functions = f1, relations = r1} = fixed1 parm
+      and {functions = f2, relations = r2} = fixed2 parm
+      fun functions x = case f2 x of NONE => f1 x | s => s
+      fun relations x = case r2 x of NONE => r1 x | s => s
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+fun fixedMergeList [] = raise Bug "fixedMergeList: empty"
+  | fixedMergeList (f :: l) = foldl (uncurry fixedMerge) f l;
+fun fixedPure {size = _} =
+    let
+      fun functions (":",[x,_]) = SOME x
+        | functions _ = NONE
+      fun relations (rel,[x,y]) =
+          if (rel,2) = Atom.eqRelation then SOME (x = y) else NONE
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+fun fixedBasic {size = _} =
+    let
+      fun functions ("id",[x]) = SOME x
+        | functions ("fst",[x,_]) = SOME x
+        | functions ("snd",[_,x]) = SOME x
+        | functions func_args = projection func_args
+      fun relations ("<>",[x,y]) = SOME (x <> y)
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+fun fixedModulo {size = N} =
+    let
+      fun mod_N k = k mod N
+      val one = mod_N 1
+      fun mult (x,y) = mod_N (x * y)
+      fun divides_N 0 = false
+        | divides_N x = N mod x = 0
+      val even_N = divides_N 2
+      fun functions (numeral,[]) =
+ mod_N (natFromString numeral handle Overflow => NONE)
+        | functions ("suc",[x]) = SOME (if x = N - 1 then 0 else x + 1)
+        | functions ("pre",[x]) = SOME (if x = 0 then N - 1 else x - 1)
+        | functions ("~",[x]) = SOME (if x = 0 then 0 else N - x)
+        | functions ("+",[x,y]) = SOME (mod_N (x + y))
+        | functions ("-",[x,y]) = SOME (if x < y then N + x - y else x - y)
+        | functions ("*",[x,y]) = SOME (mult (x,y))
+        | functions ("exp",[x,y]) = SOME (exp mult x y one)
+        | functions ("div",[x,y]) = if divides_N y then SOME (x div y) else NONE
+        | functions ("mod",[x,y]) = if divides_N y then SOME (x mod y) else NONE
+        | functions _ = NONE
+      fun relations ("is_0",[x]) = SOME (x = 0)
+        | relations ("divides",[x,y]) =
+          if x = 0 then SOME (y = 0)
+          else if divides_N x then SOME (y mod x = 0) else NONE
+        | relations ("even",[x]) = if even_N then SOME (x mod 2 = 0) else NONE
+        | relations ("odd",[x]) = if even_N then SOME (x mod 2 = 1) else NONE
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+  datatype onum = ONeg | ONum of int | OInf;
+  val zero = ONum 0
+  and one = ONum 1
+  and two = ONum 2;
+  fun suc (ONum x) = ONum (x + 1)
+    | suc v = v;
+  fun pre (ONum 0) = ONeg
+    | pre (ONum x) = ONum (x - 1)
+    | pre v = v;
+  fun neg ONeg = NONE
+    | neg (n as ONum 0) = SOME n
+    | neg _ = SOME ONeg;
+  fun add ONeg ONeg = SOME ONeg
+    | add ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME ONeg else NONE
+    | add ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | add (ONum x) ONeg = if x = 0 then SOME ONeg else NONE
+    | add (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (x + y))
+    | add (ONum _) OInf = SOME OInf
+    | add OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | add OInf (ONum _) = SOME OInf
+    | add OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
+  fun sub ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | sub ONeg (ONum _) = SOME ONeg
+    | sub ONeg OInf = SOME ONeg
+    | sub (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
+    | sub (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (if x < y then ONeg else ONum (x - y))
+    | sub (ONum _) OInf = SOME ONeg
+    | sub OInf ONeg = SOME OInf
+    | sub OInf (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME OInf else NONE
+    | sub OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun mult ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | mult ONeg (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then zero else ONeg)
+    | mult ONeg OInf = SOME ONeg
+    | mult (ONum x) ONeg = SOME (if x = 0 then zero else ONeg)
+    | mult (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (x * y))
+    | mult (ONum x) OInf = SOME (if x = 0 then zero else OInf)
+    | mult OInf ONeg = SOME ONeg
+    | mult OInf (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then zero else OInf)
+    | mult OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
+  fun exp ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | exp ONeg (ONum y) =
+      if y = 0 then SOME one else if y mod 2 = 0 then NONE else SOME ONeg
+    | exp ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | exp (ONum x) ONeg = NONE
+    | exp (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (ONum (intExp x y) handle Overflow => OInf)
+    | exp (ONum x) OInf =
+      SOME (if x = 0 then zero else if x = 1 then one else OInf)
+    | exp OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | exp OInf (ONum y) = SOME (if y = 0 then one else OInf)
+    | exp OInf OInf = SOME OInf;
+  fun odiv ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | odiv ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME ONeg else NONE
+    | odiv ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | odiv (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
+    | odiv (ONum x) (ONum y) = if y = 0 then NONE else SOME (ONum (x div y))
+    | odiv (ONum _) OInf = SOME zero
+    | odiv OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | odiv OInf (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME OInf else NONE
+    | odiv OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun omod ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | omod ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME zero else NONE
+    | omod ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | omod (ONum _) ONeg = NONE
+    | omod (ONum x) (ONum y) = if y = 0 then NONE else SOME (ONum (x mod y))
+    | omod (x as ONum _) OInf = SOME x
+    | omod OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | omod OInf (ONum y) = if y = 1 then SOME OInf else NONE
+    | omod OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun le ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | le ONeg (ONum y) = SOME true
+    | le ONeg OInf = SOME true
+    | le (ONum _) ONeg = SOME false
+    | le (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (x <= y)
+    | le (ONum _) OInf = SOME true
+    | le OInf ONeg = SOME false
+    | le OInf (ONum _) = SOME false
+    | le OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun lt x y = not (le y x);
+  fun ge x y = le y x;
+  fun gt x y = lt y x;
+  fun divides ONeg ONeg = NONE
+    | divides ONeg (ONum y) = if y = 0 then SOME true else NONE
+    | divides ONeg OInf = NONE
+    | divides (ONum x) ONeg =
+      if x = 0 then SOME false else if x = 1 then SOME true else NONE
+    | divides (ONum x) (ONum y) = SOME (Useful.divides x y)
+    | divides (ONum x) OInf =
+      if x = 0 then SOME false else if x = 1 then SOME true else NONE
+    | divides OInf ONeg = NONE
+    | divides OInf (ONum y) = SOME (y = 0)
+    | divides OInf OInf = NONE;
+  fun even n = divides two n;
+  fun odd n = not (even n);
+  fun fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum =
+      let
+        fun partial_dest_onum NONE = NONE
+          | partial_dest_onum (SOME n) = dest_onum n
+        fun functions (numeral,[]) =
+            (case (natFromString numeral handle Overflow => NONE) of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | SOME n => dest_onum (ONum n))
+          | functions ("suc",[x]) = dest_onum (suc (mk_onum x))
+          | functions ("pre",[x]) = dest_onum (pre (mk_onum x))
+          | functions ("~",[x]) = partial_dest_onum (neg (mk_onum x))
+          | functions ("+",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (add (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("-",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (sub (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("*",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (mult (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("exp",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (exp (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("div",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (odiv (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions ("mod",[x,y]) =
+            partial_dest_onum (omod (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y))
+          | functions _ = NONE
+        fun relations ("is_0",[x]) = SOME (mk_onum x = zero)
+          | relations ("<=",[x,y]) = le (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations ("<",[x,y]) = lt (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations (">=",[x,y]) = ge (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations (">",[x,y]) = gt (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations ("divides",[x,y]) = divides (mk_onum x) (mk_onum y)
+          | relations ("even",[x]) = even (mk_onum x)
+          | relations ("odd",[x]) = odd (mk_onum x)
+          | relations _ = NONE
+      in
+        {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+      end;
+  fun fixedOverflowNum {size = N} =
+      let
+        val oinf = N - 1
+        fun mk_onum x = if x = oinf then OInf else ONum x
+        fun dest_onum ONeg = NONE
+          | dest_onum (ONum x) = SOME (if x < oinf then x else oinf)
+          | dest_onum OInf = SOME oinf
+      in
+        fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum
+      end;
+  fun fixedOverflowInt {size = N} =
+      let
+        val oinf = N - 2
+        val oneg = N - 1
+        fun mk_onum x =
+            if x = oneg then ONeg else if x = oinf then OInf else ONum x
+        fun dest_onum ONeg = SOME oneg
+          | dest_onum (ONum x) = SOME (if x < oinf then x else oinf)
+          | dest_onum OInf = SOME oinf
+      in
+        fixedOverflow mk_onum dest_onum
+      end;
+fun fixedSet {size = N} =
+    let
+      val M =
+          let
+            fun f 0 acc = acc
+              | f x acc = f (x div 2) (acc + 1)
+          in
+            f N 0
+          end
+      val univ = IntSet.fromList (interval 0 M)
+      val mk_set =
+          let
+            fun f _ s 0 = s
+              | f k s x =
+                let
+                  val s = if x mod 2 = 0 then s else IntSet.add s k
+                in
+                  f (k + 1) s (x div 2)
+                end
+          in
+            f 0 IntSet.empty
+          end
+      fun dest_set s =
+          let
+            fun f 0 x = x
+              | f k x =
+                let
+                  val k = k - 1
+                in
+                  f k (if IntSet.member k s then 2 * x + 1 else 2 * x)
+                end
+            val x = case IntSet.findr (K true) s of NONE => 0 | SOME k => f k 1
+          in
+            if x < N then SOME x else NONE
+          end
+      fun functions ("empty",[]) = dest_set IntSet.empty
+        | functions ("univ",[]) = dest_set univ
+        | functions ("union",[x,y]) =
+          dest_set (IntSet.union (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
+        | functions ("intersect",[x,y]) =
+          dest_set (IntSet.intersect (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
+        | functions ("compl",[x]) =
+          dest_set (IntSet.difference univ (mk_set x))
+        | functions ("card",[x]) = SOME (IntSet.size (mk_set x))
+        | functions _ = NONE
+      fun relations ("in",[x,y]) = SOME (IntSet.member (x mod M) (mk_set y))
+        | relations ("subset",[x,y]) =
+          SOME (IntSet.subset (mk_set x) (mk_set y))
+        | relations _ = NONE
+    in
+      {functions = functions, relations = relations}
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of random finite models.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {size : int, fixed : fixed};
+datatype model =
+    Model of
+      {size : int,
+       fixed : fixedModel,
+       functions : (Term.functionName * int list, int) ref,
+       relations : (Atom.relationName * int list, bool) ref};
+  fun cmp ((n1,l1),(n2,l2)) =
+      case (n1,n2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL => lexCompare (l1,l2)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun new {size = N, fixed} =
+      Model
+        {size = N,
+         fixed = fixed {size = N},
+         functions = ref ( cmp),
+         relations = ref ( cmp)};
+fun size (Model {size = s, ...}) = s;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Valuations.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type valuation = int;
+val valuationEmpty : valuation = ();
+fun valuationRandom {size = N} vs =
+    let
+      fun f (v,V) = NameMap.insert V (v, random N)
+    in
+      NameSet.foldl f valuationEmpty vs
+    end;
+fun valuationFold {size = N} vs f =
+    let
+      val vs = NameSet.toList vs
+      fun inc [] _ = NONE
+        | inc (v :: l) V =
+          case NameMap.peek V v of
+            NONE => raise Bug "Model.valuationFold"
+          | SOME k =>
+            let
+              val k = if k = N - 1 then 0 else k + 1
+              val V = NameMap.insert V (v,k)
+            in
+              if k = 0 then inc l V else SOME V
+            end
+      val zero = foldl (fn (v,V) => NameMap.insert V (v,0)) valuationEmpty vs
+      fun fold V acc =
+          let
+            val acc = f (V,acc)
+          in
+            case inc vs V of NONE => acc | SOME V => fold V acc
+          end
+    in
+      fold zero
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Interpreting terms and formulas in the model.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun interpretTerm M V =
+    let
+      val Model {size = N, fixed, functions, ...} = M
+      val {functions = fixed_functions, ...} = fixed
+      fun interpret (Term.Var v) =
+          (case NameMap.peek V v of
+             NONE => raise Error "Model.interpretTerm: incomplete valuation"
+           | SOME i => i)
+        | interpret (tm as Term.Fn f_tms) =
+          let
+            val (f,tms) =
+                case Term.stripComb tm of
+                  (_,[]) => f_tms
+                | (v as Term.Var _, tms) => (".", v :: tms)
+                | (Term.Fn (f,tms), tms') => (f, tms @ tms')
+            val elts = map interpret tms
+            val f_elts = (f,elts)
+            val ref funcs = functions
+          in
+            case Map.peek funcs f_elts of
+              SOME k => k
+            | NONE =>
+              let
+                val k =
+                    case fixed_functions f_elts of
+                      SOME k => k
+                    | NONE => random N
+                val () = functions := Map.insert funcs (f_elts,k)
+              in
+                k
+              end
+          end;
+    in
+      interpret
+    end;
+fun interpretAtom M V (r,tms) =
+    let
+      val Model {fixed,relations,...} = M
+      val {relations = fixed_relations, ...} = fixed
+      val elts = map (interpretTerm M V) tms
+      val r_elts = (r,elts)
+      val ref rels = relations
+    in
+      case Map.peek rels r_elts of
+        SOME b => b
+      | NONE =>
+        let
+          val b =
+              case fixed_relations r_elts of
+                SOME b => b
+              | NONE => coinFlip ()
+          val () = relations := Map.insert rels (r_elts,b)
+        in
+          b
+        end
+    end;
+fun interpretFormula M =
+    let
+      val Model {size = N, ...} = M
+      fun interpret _ Formula.True = true
+        | interpret _ Formula.False = false
+        | interpret V (Formula.Atom atm) = interpretAtom M V atm
+        | interpret V (Formula.Not p) = not (interpret V p)
+        | interpret V (Formula.Or (p,q)) = interpret V p orelse interpret V q
+        | interpret V (Formula.And (p,q)) = interpret V p andalso interpret V q
+        | interpret V (Formula.Imp (p,q)) =
+          interpret V (Formula.Or (Formula.Not p, q))
+        | interpret V (Formula.Iff (p,q)) = interpret V p = interpret V q
+        | interpret V (Formula.Forall (v,p)) = interpret' V v p N
+        | interpret V (Formula.Exists (v,p)) =
+          interpret V (Formula.Not (Formula.Forall (v, Formula.Not p)))
+      and interpret' _ _ _ 0 = true
+        | interpret' V v p i =
+          let
+            val i = i - 1
+            val V' = NameMap.insert V (v,i)
+          in
+            interpret V' p andalso interpret' V v p i
+          end
+    in
+      interpret
+    end;
+fun interpretLiteral M V (true,atm) = interpretAtom M V atm
+  | interpretLiteral M V (false,atm) = not (interpretAtom M V atm);
+fun interpretClause M V cl = LiteralSet.exists (interpretLiteral M V) cl;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Check whether random groundings of a formula are true in the model.       *)
+(* Note: if it's cheaper, a systematic check will be performed instead.      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkGen freeVars interpret {maxChecks} M x =
+      let
+        val Model {size = N, ...} = M
+        fun score (V,{T,F}) =
+            if interpret M V x then {T = T + 1, F = F} else {T = T, F = F + 1}
+        val vs = freeVars x
+        fun randomCheck acc = score (valuationRandom {size = N} vs, acc)
+        val small =
+            intExp N (NameSet.size vs) <= maxChecks handle Overflow => false
+      in
+        if small then valuationFold {size = N} vs score {T = 0, F = 0}
+        else funpow maxChecks randomCheck {T = 0, F = 0}
+      end;
+  val checkAtom = checkGen Atom.freeVars interpretAtom;
+  val checkFormula = checkGen Formula.freeVars interpretFormula;
+  val checkLiteral = checkGen Literal.freeVars interpretLiteral;
+  val checkClause = checkGen LiteralSet.freeVars interpretClause;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Name.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NAMES                                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Name =
+type name = string
+val compare : name * name -> order
+val pp : name Parser.pp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Name.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NAMES                                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Name :> Name =
+type name = string;
+val compare =;
+val pp = Parser.ppString;
+structure NameOrdered =
+struct type t = val compare = end
+structure NameSet =
+  local
+    structure S = ElementSet (NameOrdered);
+  in
+    open S;
+  end;
+  val pp =
+      Parser.ppMap
+        toList
+        (Parser.ppBracket "{" "}" (Parser.ppSequence "," Name.pp));
+structure NameMap = KeyMap (NameOrdered);
+structure NameArity =
+type nameArity = * int;
+fun name ((n,_) : nameArity) = n;
+fun arity ((_,i) : nameArity) = i;
+fun nary i n_i = arity n_i = i;
+val nullary = nary 0
+and unary = nary 1
+and binary = nary 2
+and ternary = nary 3;
+fun compare ((n1,i1),(n2,i2)) =
+    case (n1,n2) of
+      LESS => LESS
+    | EQUAL => (i1,i2)
+val pp = Parser.ppMap (fn (n,i) => n ^ "/" ^ Int.toString i) Parser.ppString;
+structure NameArityOrdered =
+struct type t = NameArity.nameArity val compare = end
+structure NameAritySet =
+  local
+    structure S = ElementSet (NameArityOrdered);
+  in
+    open S;
+  end;
+  val allNullary = all NameArity.nullary;
+  val pp =
+      Parser.ppMap
+        toList
+        (Parser.ppBracket "{" "}" (Parser.ppSequence "," NameArity.pp));
+structure NameArityMap = KeyMap (NameArityOrdered);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Normalize.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NORMALIZING FORMULAS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Normalize =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Negation normal form.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val nnf : Formula.formula -> Formula.formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Conjunctive normal form.                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cnf : Formula.formula -> Formula.formula list
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Normalize.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1062 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* NORMALIZING FORMULAS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Normalize :> Normalize =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Counting the clauses that would be generated by conjunctive normal form.  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype count = Count of {positive : real, negative : real};
+fun positive (Count {positive = p, ...}) = p;
+fun negative (Count {negative = n, ...}) = n;
+fun countNegate (Count {positive = p, negative = n}) =
+    Count {positive = n, negative = p};
+fun countEqualish count1 count2 =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+    in
+      Real.abs (p1 - p2) < 0.5 andalso Real.abs (n1 - n2) < 0.5
+    end;
+val countTrue = Count {positive = 0.0, negative = 1.0};
+val countFalse = Count {positive = 1.0, negative = 0.0};
+val countLiteral = Count {positive = 1.0, negative = 1.0};
+fun countAnd2 (count1,count2) =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+      val p = p1 + p2
+      and n = n1 * n2
+    in
+      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
+    end;
+fun countOr2 (count1,count2) =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+      val p = p1 * p2
+      and n = n1 + n2
+    in
+      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
+    end;
+(*** Is this associative? ***)
+fun countXor2 (count1,count2) =
+    let
+      val Count {positive = p1, negative = n1} = count1
+      and Count {positive = p2, negative = n2} = count2
+      val p = p1 * p2 + n1 * n2
+      and n = p1 * n2 + n1 * p2
+    in
+      Count {positive = p, negative = n}
+    end;
+fun countDefinition body_count = countXor2 (countLiteral,body_count);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of normalized formula.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    True
+  | False
+  | Literal of NameSet.set * Literal.literal
+  | And of NameSet.set * count * formula Set.set
+  | Or of NameSet.set * count * formula Set.set
+  | Xor of NameSet.set * count * bool * formula Set.set
+  | Exists of NameSet.set * count * NameSet.set * formula
+  | Forall of NameSet.set * count * NameSet.set * formula;
+fun compare f1_f2 =
+    case f1_f2 of
+      (True,True) => EQUAL
+    | (True,_) => LESS
+    | (_,True) => GREATER
+    | (False,False) => EQUAL
+    | (False,_) => LESS
+    | (_,False) => GREATER
+    | (Literal (_,l1), Literal (_,l2)) => (l1,l2)
+    | (Literal _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Literal _) => GREATER
+    | (And (_,_,s1), And (_,_,s2)) => (s1,s2)
+    | (And _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, And _) => GREATER
+    | (Or (_,_,s1), Or (_,_,s2)) => (s1,s2)
+    | (Or _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Or _) => GREATER
+    | (Xor (_,_,p1,s1), Xor (_,_,p2,s2)) =>
+      (case boolCompare (p1,p2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => (s1,s2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | (Xor _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Xor _) => GREATER
+    | (Exists (_,_,n1,f1), Exists (_,_,n2,f2)) =>
+      (case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => compare (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | (Exists _, _) => LESS
+    | (_, Exists _) => GREATER
+    | (Forall (_,_,n1,f1), Forall (_,_,n2,f2)) =>
+      (case (n1,n2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => compare (f1,f2)
+       | GREATER => GREATER);
+val empty = Set.empty compare;
+val singleton = Set.singleton compare;
+  fun neg True = False
+    | neg False = True
+    | neg (Literal (fv,lit)) = Literal (fv, Literal.negate lit)
+    | neg (And (fv,c,s)) = Or (fv, countNegate c, neg_set s)
+    | neg (Or (fv,c,s)) = And (fv, countNegate c, neg_set s)
+    | neg (Xor (fv,c,p,s)) = Xor (fv, c, not p, s)
+    | neg (Exists (fv,c,n,f)) = Forall (fv, countNegate c, n, neg f)
+    | neg (Forall (fv,c,n,f)) = Exists (fv, countNegate c, n, neg f)
+  and neg_set s = Set.foldl neg_elt empty s
+  and neg_elt (f,s) = Set.add s (neg f);
+  val negate = neg;
+  val negateSet = neg_set;
+fun negateMember x s = Set.member (negate x) s;
+  fun member s x = negateMember x s;
+  fun negateDisjoint s1 s2 =
+      if Set.size s1 < Set.size s2 then not (Set.exists (member s2) s1)
+      else not (Set.exists (member s1) s2);
+fun polarity True = true
+  | polarity False = false
+  | polarity (Literal (_,(pol,_))) = not pol
+  | polarity (And _) = true
+  | polarity (Or _) = false
+  | polarity (Xor (_,_,pol,_)) = pol
+  | polarity (Exists _) = true
+  | polarity (Forall _) = false;
+val polarity = fn f =>
+    let
+      val res1 = compare (f, negate f) = LESS
+      val res2 = polarity f
+      val _ = res1 = res2 orelse raise Bug "polarity"
+    in
+      res2
+    end;
+fun applyPolarity true fm = fm
+  | applyPolarity false fm = negate fm;
+fun freeVars True = NameSet.empty
+  | freeVars False = NameSet.empty
+  | freeVars (Literal (fv,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (And (fv,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Or (fv,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Xor (fv,_,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Exists (fv,_,_,_)) = fv
+  | freeVars (Forall (fv,_,_,_)) = fv;
+fun freeIn v fm = NameSet.member v (freeVars fm);
+val freeVarsSet =
+    let
+      fun free (fm,acc) = NameSet.union (freeVars fm) acc
+    in
+      Set.foldl free NameSet.empty
+    end;
+fun count True = countTrue
+  | count False = countFalse
+  | count (Literal _) = countLiteral
+  | count (And (_,c,_)) = c
+  | count (Or (_,c,_)) = c
+  | count (Xor (_,c,p,_)) = if p then c else countNegate c
+  | count (Exists (_,c,_,_)) = c
+  | count (Forall (_,c,_,_)) = c;
+val countAndSet =
+    let
+      fun countAnd (fm,c) = countAnd2 (count fm, c)
+    in
+      Set.foldl countAnd countTrue
+    end;
+val countOrSet =
+    let
+      fun countOr (fm,c) = countOr2 (count fm, c)
+    in
+      Set.foldl countOr countFalse
+    end;
+val countXorSet =
+    let
+      fun countXor (fm,c) = countXor2 (count fm, c)
+    in
+      Set.foldl countXor countFalse
+    end;
+fun And2 (False,_) = False
+  | And2 (_,False) = False
+  | And2 (True,f2) = f2
+  | And2 (f1,True) = f1
+  | And2 (f1,f2) =
+    let
+      val (fv1,c1,s1) =
+          case f1 of
+            And fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f1, count f1, singleton f1)
+      and (fv2,c2,s2) =
+          case f2 of
+            And fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f2, count f2, singleton f2)
+    in
+      if not (negateDisjoint s1 s2) then False
+      else
+        let
+          val s = Set.union s1 s2
+        in
+          case Set.size s of
+            0 => True
+          | 1 => Set.pick s
+          | n =>
+            if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
+              And (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countAnd2 (c1,c2), s)
+            else
+              And (freeVarsSet s, countAndSet s, s)
+        end
+    end;
+val AndList = foldl And2 True;
+val AndSet = Set.foldl And2 True;
+fun Or2 (True,_) = True
+  | Or2 (_,True) = True
+  | Or2 (False,f2) = f2
+  | Or2 (f1,False) = f1
+  | Or2 (f1,f2) =
+    let
+      val (fv1,c1,s1) =
+          case f1 of
+            Or fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f1, count f1, singleton f1)
+      and (fv2,c2,s2) =
+          case f2 of
+            Or fv_c_s => fv_c_s
+          | _ => (freeVars f2, count f2, singleton f2)
+    in
+      if not (negateDisjoint s1 s2) then True
+      else
+        let
+          val s = Set.union s1 s2
+        in
+          case Set.size s of
+            0 => False
+          | 1 => Set.pick s
+          | n =>
+            if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
+              Or (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countOr2 (c1,c2), s)
+            else
+              Or (freeVarsSet s, countOrSet s, s)
+        end
+    end;
+val OrList = foldl Or2 False;
+val OrSet = Set.foldl Or2 False;
+fun pushOr2 (f1,f2) =
+    let
+      val s1 = case f1 of And (_,_,s) => s | _ => singleton f1
+      and s2 = case f2 of And (_,_,s) => s | _ => singleton f2
+      fun g x1 (x2,acc) = And2 (Or2 (x1,x2), acc)
+      fun f (x1,acc) = Set.foldl (g x1) acc s2
+    in
+      Set.foldl f True s1
+    end;
+val pushOrList = foldl pushOr2 False;
+  fun normalize fm =
+      let
+        val p = polarity fm
+        val fm = applyPolarity p fm
+      in
+        (freeVars fm, count fm, p, singleton fm)
+      end;
+  fun Xor2 (False,f2) = f2
+    | Xor2 (f1,False) = f1
+    | Xor2 (True,f2) = negate f2
+    | Xor2 (f1,True) = negate f1
+    | Xor2 (f1,f2) =
+      let
+        val (fv1,c1,p1,s1) = case f1 of Xor x => x | _ => normalize f1
+        and (fv2,c2,p2,s2) = case f2 of Xor x => x | _ => normalize f2
+        val s = Set.symmetricDifference s1 s2
+        val fm =
+            case Set.size s of
+              0 => False
+            | 1 => Set.pick s
+            | n =>
+              if n = Set.size s1 + Set.size s2 then
+                Xor (NameSet.union fv1 fv2, countXor2 (c1,c2), true, s)
+              else
+                Xor (freeVarsSet s, countXorSet s, true, s)
+        val p = p1 = p2
+      in
+        applyPolarity p fm
+      end;
+val XorList = foldl Xor2 False;
+val XorSet = Set.foldl Xor2 False;
+fun XorPolarityList (p,l) = applyPolarity p (XorList l);
+fun XorPolaritySet (p,s) = applyPolarity p (XorSet s);
+fun destXor (Xor (_,_,p,s)) =
+    let
+      val (fm1,s) = Set.deletePick s
+      val fm2 =
+          if Set.size s = 1 then applyPolarity p (Set.pick s)
+          else Xor (freeVarsSet s, countXorSet s, p, s)
+    in
+      (fm1,fm2)
+    end
+  | destXor _ = raise Error "destXor";
+fun pushXor fm =
+    let
+      val (f1,f2) = destXor fm
+      val f1' = negate f1
+      and f2' = negate f2
+    in
+      And2 (Or2 (f1,f2), Or2 (f1',f2'))
+    end;
+fun Exists1 (v,init_fm) =
+    let
+      fun exists_gen fm =
+          let
+            val fv = NameSet.delete (freeVars fm) v
+            val c = count fm
+            val n = NameSet.singleton v
+          in
+            Exists (fv,c,n,fm)
+          end
+      fun exists fm = if freeIn v fm then exists_free fm else fm
+      and exists_free (Or (_,_,s)) = OrList (Set.transform exists s)
+        | exists_free (fm as And (_,_,s)) =
+          let
+            val sv = Set.filter (freeIn v) s
+          in
+            if Set.size sv <> 1 then exists_gen fm
+            else
+              let
+                val fm = Set.pick sv
+                val s = Set.delete s fm
+              in
+                And2 (exists_free fm, AndSet s)
+              end
+          end
+        | exists_free (Exists (fv,c,n,f)) =
+          Exists (NameSet.delete fv v, c, NameSet.add n v, f)
+        | exists_free fm = exists_gen fm
+    in
+      exists init_fm
+    end;
+fun ExistsList (vs,f) = foldl Exists1 f vs;
+fun ExistsSet (n,f) = NameSet.foldl Exists1 f n;
+fun Forall1 (v,init_fm) =
+    let
+      fun forall_gen fm =
+          let
+            val fv = NameSet.delete (freeVars fm) v
+            val c = count fm
+            val n = NameSet.singleton v
+          in
+            Forall (fv,c,n,fm)
+          end
+      fun forall fm = if freeIn v fm then forall_free fm else fm
+      and forall_free (And (_,_,s)) = AndList (Set.transform forall s)
+        | forall_free (fm as Or (_,_,s)) =
+          let
+            val sv = Set.filter (freeIn v) s
+          in
+            if Set.size sv <> 1 then forall_gen fm
+            else
+              let
+                val fm = Set.pick sv
+                val s = Set.delete s fm
+              in
+                Or2 (forall_free fm, OrSet s)
+              end
+          end
+        | forall_free (Forall (fv,c,n,f)) =
+          Forall (NameSet.delete fv v, c, NameSet.add n v, f)
+        | forall_free fm = forall_gen fm
+    in
+      forall init_fm
+    end;
+fun ForallList (vs,f) = foldl Forall1 f vs;
+fun ForallSet (n,f) = NameSet.foldl Forall1 f n;
+  fun subst_fv fvSub =
+      let
+        fun add_fv (v,s) = NameSet.union (NameMap.get fvSub v) s
+      in
+        NameSet.foldl add_fv NameSet.empty
+      end;
+  fun subst_rename (v,(avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub)) =
+      let
+        val v' = Term.variantPrime avoid v
+        val avoid = NameSet.add avoid v'
+        val bv = NameSet.add bv v'
+        val sub = Subst.insert sub (v, Term.Var v')
+        val domain = NameSet.add domain v
+        val fvSub = NameMap.insert fvSub (v, NameSet.singleton v')
+      in
+        (avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub)
+      end;
+  fun subst_check sub domain fvSub fm =
+      let
+        val domain = NameSet.intersect domain (freeVars fm)
+      in
+        if NameSet.null domain then fm
+        else subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm
+      end
+  and subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm =
+      case fm of
+        Literal (fv,lit) =>
+        let
+          val fv = NameSet.difference fv domain
+          val fv = NameSet.union fv (subst_fv fvSub domain)
+          val lit = Literal.subst sub lit
+        in
+          Literal (fv,lit)
+        end
+      | And (_,_,s) =>
+        AndList (Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
+      | Or (_,_,s) =>
+        OrList (Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
+      | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
+        XorPolarityList (p, Set.transform (subst_check sub domain fvSub) s)
+      | Exists fv_c_n_f => subst_quant Exists sub domain fvSub fv_c_n_f
+      | Forall fv_c_n_f => subst_quant Forall sub domain fvSub fv_c_n_f
+      | _ => raise Bug "subst_domain"
+  and subst_quant quant sub domain fvSub (fv,c,bv,fm) =
+      let
+        val sub_fv = subst_fv fvSub domain
+        val fv = NameSet.union sub_fv (NameSet.difference fv domain)
+        val captured = NameSet.intersect bv sub_fv
+        val bv = NameSet.difference bv captured
+        val avoid = NameSet.union fv bv
+        val (_,bv,sub,domain,fvSub) =
+            NameSet.foldl subst_rename (avoid,bv,sub,domain,fvSub) captured
+        val fm = subst_domain sub domain fvSub fm
+      in
+        quant (fv,c,bv,fm)
+      end;
+  fun subst sub =
+      let
+        fun mk_dom (v,tm,(d,fv)) =
+            (NameSet.add d v, NameMap.insert fv (v, Term.freeVars tm))
+        val domain_fvSub = (NameSet.empty, ())
+        val (domain,fvSub) = Subst.foldl mk_dom domain_fvSub sub
+      in
+        subst_check sub domain fvSub
+      end;
+fun fromFormula fm =
+    case fm of
+      Formula.True => True
+    | Formula.False => False
+    | Formula.Atom atm => Literal (Atom.freeVars atm, (true,atm))
+    | Formula.Not p => negateFromFormula p
+    | Formula.And (p,q) => And2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Or (p,q) => Or2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Imp (p,q) => Or2 (negateFromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Iff (p,q) => Xor2 (negateFromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Forall (v,p) => Forall1 (v, fromFormula p)
+    | Formula.Exists (v,p) => Exists1 (v, fromFormula p)
+and negateFromFormula fm =
+    case fm of
+      Formula.True => False
+    | Formula.False => True
+    | Formula.Atom atm => Literal (Atom.freeVars atm, (false,atm))
+    | Formula.Not p => fromFormula p
+    | Formula.And (p,q) => Or2 (negateFromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Or (p,q) => And2 (negateFromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Imp (p,q) => And2 (fromFormula p, negateFromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Iff (p,q) => Xor2 (fromFormula p, fromFormula q)
+    | Formula.Forall (v,p) => Exists1 (v, negateFromFormula p)
+    | Formula.Exists (v,p) => Forall1 (v, negateFromFormula p);
+  fun lastElt (s : formula Set.set) =
+      case Set.findr (K true) s of
+        NONE => raise Bug "lastElt: empty set"
+      | SOME fm => fm;
+  fun negateLastElt s =
+      let
+        val fm = lastElt s
+      in
+        Set.add (Set.delete s fm) (negate fm)
+      end;
+  fun form fm =
+      case fm of
+        True => Formula.True
+      | False => Formula.False
+      | Literal (_,lit) => Literal.toFormula lit
+      | And (_,_,s) => Formula.listMkConj (Set.transform form s)
+      | Or (_,_,s) => Formula.listMkDisj (Set.transform form s)
+      | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
+        let
+          val s = if p then negateLastElt s else s
+        in
+          Formula.listMkEquiv (Set.transform form s)
+        end
+      | Exists (_,_,n,f) => Formula.listMkExists (NameSet.toList n, form f)
+      | Forall (_,_,n,f) => Formula.listMkForall (NameSet.toList n, form f);
+  val toFormula = form;
+val pp = Parser.ppMap toFormula Formula.pp;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Negation normal form.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun nnf fm = toFormula (fromFormula fm);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simplifying with definitions.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype simplify =
+    Simplify of
+      {formula : (formula,formula),
+       andSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list,
+       orSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list,
+       xorSet : (formula Set.set * formula) list};
+val simplifyEmpty =
+    Simplify {formula = compare, andSet = [], orSet = [], xorSet = []};
+  fun simpler fm s =
+      Set.size s <> 1 orelse
+      case Set.pick s of
+        True => false
+      | False => false
+      | Literal _ => false
+      | _ => true;
+  fun addSet set_defs body_def =
+      let
+        fun def_body_size (body,_) = Set.size body
+        val body_size = def_body_size body_def
+        val (body,_) = body_def
+        fun add acc [] = List.revAppend (acc,[body_def])
+          | add acc (l as (bd as (b,_)) :: bds) =
+            case (def_body_size bd, body_size) of
+              LESS => List.revAppend (acc, body_def :: l)
+            | EQUAL => if Set.equal b body then List.revAppend (acc,l)
+                       else add (bd :: acc) bds
+            | GREATER => add (bd :: acc) bds
+      in
+        add [] set_defs
+      end;
+  fun add simp (body,False) = add simp (negate body, True)
+    | add simp (True,_) = simp
+    | add (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (And (_,_,s), def) =
+      let
+        val andSet = addSet andSet (s,def)
+        and orSet = addSet orSet (negateSet s, negate def)
+      in
+        Simplify
+          {formula = formula,
+           andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+      end
+    | add (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (Or (_,_,s), def) =
+      let
+        val orSet = addSet orSet (s,def)
+        and andSet = addSet andSet (negateSet s, negate def)
+      in
+        Simplify
+          {formula = formula,
+           andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+      end
+    | add simp (Xor (_,_,p,s), def) =
+      let
+        val simp = addXorSet simp (s, applyPolarity p def)
+      in
+        case def of
+          True =>
+          let
+            fun addXorLiteral (fm as Literal _, simp) =
+                let
+                  val s = Set.delete s fm
+                in
+                  if not (simpler fm s) then simp
+                  else addXorSet simp (s, applyPolarity (not p) fm)
+                end
+              | addXorLiteral (_,simp) = simp
+          in
+            Set.foldl addXorLiteral simp s
+          end
+        | _ => simp
+      end
+    | add (simp as Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (body,def) =
+      if Map.inDomain body formula then simp
+      else
+        let
+          val formula = Map.insert formula (body,def)
+          val formula = Map.insert formula (negate body, negate def)
+        in
+          Simplify
+            {formula = formula,
+             andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+        end
+  and addXorSet (simp as Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) (s,def) =
+      if Set.size s = 1 then add simp (Set.pick s, def)
+      else
+        let
+          val xorSet = addSet xorSet (s,def)
+        in
+          Simplify
+            {formula = formula,
+             andSet = andSet, orSet = orSet, xorSet = xorSet}
+        end;
+  fun simplifyAdd simp fm = add simp (fm,True);
+  fun simplifySet set_defs set =
+      let
+        fun pred (s,_) = Set.subset s set
+      in
+        case List.find pred set_defs of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME (s,f) => SOME (Set.add (Set.difference set s) f)
+      end;
+  fun simplify (Simplify {formula,andSet,orSet,xorSet}) =
+      let
+        fun simp fm = simp_top (simp_sub fm)
+        and simp_top (changed_fm as (_, And (_,_,s))) =
+            (case simplifySet andSet s of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME s => simp_top (true, AndSet s))
+          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_, Or (_,_,s))) =
+            (case simplifySet orSet s of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME s => simp_top (true, OrSet s))
+          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_, Xor (_,_,p,s))) =
+            (case simplifySet xorSet s of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME s => simp_top (true, XorPolaritySet (p,s)))
+          | simp_top (changed_fm as (_,fm)) =
+            (case Map.peek formula fm of
+               NONE => changed_fm
+             | SOME fm => simp_top (true,fm))
+        and simp_sub fm =
+            case fm of
+              And (_,_,s) =>
+              let
+                val l = Set.transform simp s
+                val changed = List.exists fst l
+                val fm = if changed then AndList (map snd l) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Or (_,_,s) =>
+              let
+                val l = Set.transform simp s
+                val changed = List.exists fst l
+                val fm = if changed then OrList (map snd l) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Xor (_,_,p,s) =>
+              let
+                val l = Set.transform simp s
+                val changed = List.exists fst l
+                val fm = if changed then XorPolarityList (p, map snd l) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Exists (_,_,n,f) =>
+              let
+                val (changed,f) = simp f
+                val fm = if changed then ExistsSet (n,f) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | Forall (_,_,n,f) =>
+              let
+                val (changed,f) = simp f
+                val fm = if changed then ForallSet (n,f) else fm
+              in
+                (changed,fm)
+              end
+            | _ => (false,fm);
+      in
+        fn fm => snd (simp fm)
+      end;
+val simplify = fn simp => fn fm =>
+    let
+      val fm' = simplify simp fm
+      val () = if compare (fm,fm') = EQUAL then ()
+               else (Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.simplify: fm" fm;
+                     Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.simplify: fm'" fm')
+    in
+      fm'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic conjunctive normal form.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newSkolemFunction =
+    let
+      val counter : int ref = ref ( ())
+    in
+      fn n =>
+      let
+        val ref m = counter
+        val i = Option.getOpt (NameMap.peek m n, 0)
+        val () = counter := NameMap.insert m (n, i + 1)
+      in
+        "skolem_" ^ n ^ (if i = 0 then "" else "_" ^ Int.toString i)
+      end
+    end;
+fun skolemize fv bv fm =
+    let
+      val fv = NameSet.transform Term.Var fv
+      fun mk (v,s) = Subst.insert s (v, Term.Fn (newSkolemFunction v, fv))
+    in
+      subst (NameSet.foldl mk Subst.empty bv) fm
+    end;
+  fun rename avoid fv bv fm =
+      let
+        val captured = NameSet.intersect avoid bv
+      in
+        if NameSet.null captured then fm
+        else
+          let
+            fun ren (v,(a,s)) =
+                let
+                  val v' = Term.variantPrime a v
+                in
+                  (NameSet.add a v', Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var v'))
+                end
+            val avoid = NameSet.union (NameSet.union avoid fv) bv
+            val (_,sub) = NameSet.foldl ren (avoid,Subst.empty) captured
+          in
+            subst sub fm
+          end
+      end;
+  fun cnf avoid fm =
+      let
+        val fm' = cnf' avoid fm
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm" fm
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm'" fm'
+      in
+        fm'
+      end
+  and cnf' avoid fm =
+      case fm of
+        True => True
+      | False => False
+      | Literal _ => fm
+      | And (_,_,s) => AndList (Set.transform (cnf avoid) s)
+      | Or (_,_,s) => pushOrList (snd (Set.foldl cnfOr (avoid,[]) s))
+      | Xor _ => cnf avoid (pushXor fm)
+      | Exists (fv,_,n,f) => cnf avoid (skolemize fv n f)
+      | Forall (fv,_,n,f) => cnf avoid (rename avoid fv n f)
+  and cnfOr (fm,(avoid,acc)) =
+      let
+        val fm = cnf avoid fm
+      in
+        (NameSet.union (freeVars fm) avoid, fm :: acc)
+      end;
+  val basicCnf = cnf NameSet.empty;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finding the formula definition that minimizes the number of clauses.      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  type best = real * formula option;
+  fun minBreak countClauses fm best =
+      case fm of
+        True => best
+      | False => best
+      | Literal _ => best
+      | And (_,_,s) =>
+        minBreakSet countClauses countAnd2 countTrue AndSet s best
+      | Or (_,_,s) =>
+        minBreakSet countClauses countOr2 countFalse OrSet s best
+      | Xor (_,_,_,s) =>
+        minBreakSet countClauses countXor2 countFalse XorSet s best
+      | Exists (_,_,_,f) => minBreak countClauses f best
+      | Forall (_,_,_,f) => minBreak countClauses f best
+  and minBreakSet countClauses count2 count0 mkSet fmSet best =
+      let
+        fun cumulatives fms =
+            let
+              fun fwd (fm,(c1,s1,l)) =
+                  let
+                    val c1' = count2 (count fm, c1)
+                    and s1' = Set.add s1 fm
+                  in
+                    (c1', s1', (c1,s1,fm) :: l)
+                  end
+              fun bwd ((c1,s1,fm),(c2,s2,l)) =
+                  let
+                    val c2' = count2 (count fm, c2)
+                    and s2' = Set.add s2 fm
+                  in
+                    (c2', s2', (c1,s1,fm,c2,s2) :: l)
+                  end
+              val (c1,_,fms) = foldl fwd (count0,empty,[]) fms
+              val (c2,_,fms) = foldl bwd (count0,empty,[]) fms
+              val _ = countEqualish c1 c2 orelse raise Bug "cumulativeCounts"
+            in
+              fms
+            end
+        fun breakSing ((c1,_,fm,c2,_),best) =
+            let
+              val cFms = count2 (c1,c2)
+              fun countCls cFm = countClauses (count2 (cFms,cFm))
+            in
+              minBreak countCls fm best
+            end
+        val breakSet1 =
+            let
+              fun break c1 s1 fm c2 (best as (bcl,_)) =
+                  if Set.null s1 then best
+                  else
+                    let
+                      val cDef = countDefinition (count2 (c1, count fm))
+                      val cFm = count2 (countLiteral,c2)
+                      val cl = positive cDef + countClauses cFm
+                      val better = cl < bcl - 0.5
+                    in
+                      if better then (cl, SOME (mkSet (Set.add s1 fm)))
+                      else best
+                    end
+            in
+              fn ((c1,s1,fm,c2,s2),best) =>
+                 break c1 s1 fm c2 (break c2 s2 fm c1 best)
+            end
+        val fms = Set.toList fmSet
+        fun breakSet measure best =
+            let
+              val fms = sortMap (measure o count) fms
+            in
+              foldl breakSet1 best (cumulatives fms)
+            end
+        val best = foldl breakSing best (cumulatives fms)
+        val best = breakSet positive best
+        val best = breakSet negative best
+        val best = breakSet countClauses best
+      in
+        best
+      end
+  fun minimumDefinition fm =
+      let
+        val countClauses = positive
+        val cl = countClauses (count fm)
+      in
+        if cl < 1.5 then NONE
+        else
+          let
+            val (cl',def) = minBreak countClauses fm (cl,NONE)
+            val () =
+                case def of
+                  NONE => ()
+                | SOME d =>
+                  Parser.ppTrace pp ("defCNF: before = " ^ Real.toString cl ^
+                                     ", after = " ^ Real.toString cl' ^
+                                     ", definition") d
+          in
+            def
+          end
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Conjunctive normal form.                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newDefinitionRelation =
+    let
+      val counter : int ref = ref 0
+    in
+      fn () =>
+      let
+        val ref i = counter
+        val () = counter := i + 1
+      in
+        "defCNF_" ^ Int.toString i
+      end
+    end;
+fun newDefinition def =
+    let
+      val fv = freeVars def
+      val atm = (newDefinitionRelation (), NameSet.transform Term.Var fv)
+      val lit = Literal (fv,(true,atm))
+    in
+      Xor2 (lit,def)
+    end;
+  fun def_cnf acc [] = acc
+    | def_cnf acc ((prob,simp,fms) :: probs) =
+      def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
+  and def_cnf_problem acc prob _ [] probs = def_cnf (prob :: acc) probs
+    | def_cnf_problem acc prob simp (fm :: fms) probs =
+      def_cnf_formula acc prob simp (simplify simp fm) fms probs
+  and def_cnf_formula acc prob simp fm fms probs =
+      case fm of
+        True => def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
+      | False => def_cnf acc probs
+      | And (_,_,s) => def_cnf_problem acc prob simp (Set.toList s @ fms) probs
+      | Exists (fv,_,n,f) =>
+        def_cnf_formula acc prob simp (skolemize fv n f) fms probs
+      | Forall (_,_,_,f) => def_cnf_formula acc prob simp f fms probs
+      | _ =>
+        case minimumDefinition fm of
+          NONE =>
+          let
+            val prob = fm :: prob
+            and simp = simplifyAdd simp fm
+          in
+            def_cnf_problem acc prob simp fms probs
+          end
+        | SOME def =>
+          let
+            val def_fm = newDefinition def
+            and fms = fm :: fms
+          in
+            def_cnf_formula acc prob simp def_fm fms probs
+          end;
+  fun cnf_prob prob = toFormula (AndList (map basicCnf prob));
+  fun cnf fm =
+      let
+        val fm = fromFormula fm
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Normalize.cnf: fm" fm
+        val probs = def_cnf [] [([],simplifyEmpty,[fm])]
+      in
+        map cnf_prob probs
+      end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Options.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROCESSING COMMAND LINE OPTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Options =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Option processors take an option with its associated arguments.           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type proc = string * string list -> unit
+type ('a,'x) mkProc = ('x -> proc) -> ('a -> 'x) -> proc
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* One command line option: names, arguments, description and a processor.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type opt =
+     {switches : string list, arguments : string list,
+      description : string, processor : proc}
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Option processors may raise an OptionExit exception.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type optionExit = {message : string option, usage : bool, success : bool}
+exception OptionExit of optionExit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructing option processors.                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val beginOpt : (string,'x) mkProc
+val endOpt : unit -> proc
+val stringOpt : (string,'x) mkProc
+val intOpt : int option * int option -> (int,'x) mkProc
+val realOpt : real option * real option -> (real,'x) mkProc
+val enumOpt : string list -> (string,'x) mkProc
+val optionOpt : string * ('a,'x) mkProc -> ('a option,'x) mkProc
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic options useful for all programs.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val basicOptions : opt list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* All the command line options of a program.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type allOptions =
+     {name : string, version : string, header : string,
+      footer : string, options : opt list}
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Usage information.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val versionInformation : allOptions -> string
+val usageInformation : allOptions -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exit the program gracefully.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val exit : allOptions -> optionExit -> 'exit
+val succeed : allOptions -> 'exit
+val fail : allOptions -> string -> 'exit
+val usage : allOptions -> string -> 'exit
+val version : allOptions -> 'exit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Process the command line options passed to the program.                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val processOptions : allOptions -> string list -> string list * string list
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Options.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROCESSING COMMAND LINE OPTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Options :> Options =
+infix ##
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* One command line option: names, arguments, description and a processor    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type proc = string * string list -> unit;
+type ('a,'x) mkProc = ('x -> proc) -> ('a -> 'x) -> proc;
+type opt = {switches : string list, arguments : string list,
+            description : string, processor : proc};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Option processors may raise an OptionExit exception                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type optionExit = {message : string option, usage : bool, success : bool};
+exception OptionExit of optionExit;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Wrappers for option processors                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun beginOpt f p (s : string, l : string list) : unit = f (p s) (s,l);
+fun endOpt () (_ : string, [] : string list) = ()
+  | endOpt _ (_, _ :: _) = raise Bug "endOpt";
+fun stringOpt _ _ (_ : string, []) = raise Bug "stringOpt"
+  | stringOpt f p (s, (h : string) :: t) : unit = f (p h) (s,t);
+  fun range NONE NONE = "Z"
+    | range (SOME i) NONE = "{n IN Z | " ^ Int.toString i ^ " <= n}"
+    | range NONE (SOME j) = "{n IN Z | n <= " ^ Int.toString j ^ "}"
+    | range (SOME i) (SOME j) =
+    "{n IN Z | " ^ Int.toString i ^ " <= n <= " ^ Int.toString j ^ "}";
+  fun oLeq (SOME x) (SOME y) = x <= y | oLeq _ _ = true;
+  fun argToInt arg omin omax x =
+    (case Int.fromString x of
+       SOME i =>
+       if oLeq omin (SOME i) andalso oLeq (SOME i) omax then i else
+         raise OptionExit
+           {success = false, usage = false, message =
+            SOME (arg ^ " option needs an integer argument in the range "
+                  ^ range omin omax ^ " (not " ^ x ^ ")")}
+     | NONE =>
+       raise OptionExit
+         {success = false, usage = false, message =
+          SOME (arg ^ " option needs an integer argument (not \"" ^ x ^ "\")")})
+    handle Overflow =>
+       raise OptionExit
+         {success = false, usage = false, message =
+          SOME (arg ^ " option suffered integer overflow on argument " ^ x)};
+  fun intOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "intOpt"
+    | intOpt (omin,omax) f p (s:string, h :: (t : string list)) : unit =
+      f (p (argToInt s omin omax h)) (s,t);
+  fun range NONE NONE = "R"
+    | range (SOME i) NONE = "{n IN R | " ^ Real.toString i ^ " <= n}"
+    | range NONE (SOME j) = "{n IN R | n <= " ^ Real.toString j ^ "}"
+    | range (SOME i) (SOME j) =
+    "{n IN R | " ^ Real.toString i ^ " <= n <= " ^ Real.toString j ^ "}";
+  fun oLeq (SOME (x:real)) (SOME y) = x <= y | oLeq _ _ = true;
+  fun argToReal arg omin omax x =
+    (case Real.fromString x of
+       SOME i =>
+       if oLeq omin (SOME i) andalso oLeq (SOME i) omax then i else
+         raise OptionExit
+           {success = false, usage = false, message =
+            SOME (arg ^ " option needs an real argument in the range "
+                  ^ range omin omax ^ " (not " ^ x ^ ")")}
+     | NONE =>
+       raise OptionExit
+         {success = false, usage = false, message =
+          SOME (arg ^ " option needs an real argument (not \"" ^ x ^ "\")")})
+  fun realOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "realOpt"
+    | realOpt (omin,omax) f p (s:string, h :: (t : string list)) : unit =
+      f (p (argToReal s omin omax h)) (s,t);
+fun enumOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "enumOpt"
+  | enumOpt (choices : string list) f p (s : string, h :: t) : unit =
+    if mem h choices then f (p h) (s,t) else
+      raise OptionExit
+        {success = false, usage = false,
+         message = SOME ("follow parameter " ^ s ^ " with one of {" ^
+                         join "," choices ^ "}, not \"" ^ h ^ "\"")};
+fun optionOpt _ _ _ (_,[]) = raise Bug "optionOpt"
+  | optionOpt (x : string, p) f q (s : string, l as h :: t) : unit =
+    if h = x then f (q NONE) (s,t) else p f (q o SOME) (s,l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic options useful for all programs                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val basicOptions : opt list =
+  [{switches = ["--"], arguments = [],
+    description = "no more options",
+    processor = fn _ => raise Fail "basicOptions: --"},
+   {switches = ["--verbose"], arguments = ["0..10"],
+    description = "the degree of verbosity",
+    processor = intOpt (SOME 0, SOME 10) endOpt (fn i => traceLevel := i)},
+   {switches = ["--secret"], arguments = [],
+    description = "process then hide the next option",
+    processor = fn _ => raise Fail "basicOptions: --secret"},
+   {switches = ["-?","-h","--help"], arguments = [],
+    description = "display all options and exit",
+    processor = fn _ => raise OptionExit
+    {message = SOME "displaying all options", usage = true, success = true}},
+   {switches = ["-v", "--version"], arguments = [],
+    description = "display version information",
+    processor = fn _ => raise Fail "basicOptions: -v, --version"}];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* All the command line options of a program                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type allOptions = {name : string, version : string, header : string,
+                   footer : string, options : opt list};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Usage information                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun versionInformation ({version, ...} : allOptions) = version;
+fun usageInformation ({name,version,header,footer,options} : allOptions) =
+  let
+    fun filt ["--verbose"] = false
+      | filt ["--secret"] = false
+      | filt _ = true
+    fun listOpts {switches = n, arguments = r, description = s,
+                  processor = _} =
+        let
+          fun indent (s, "" :: l) = indent (s ^ "  ", l) | indent x = x
+          val (res,n) = indent ("  ",n)
+          val res = res ^ join ", " n
+          val res = foldl (fn (x,y) => y ^ " " ^ x) res r
+        in
+          [res ^ " ...", " " ^ s]
+        end
+    val options = List.filter (filt o #switches) options
+    val alignment =
+        [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #"."},
+         {leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}]
+    val table = alignTable alignment (map listOpts options)
+  in
+    header ^ join "\n" table ^ "\n" ^ footer
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exit the program gracefully                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun exit (allopts : allOptions) (optexit : optionExit) =
+  let
+    val {name, options, ...} = allopts
+    val {message, usage, success} = optexit
+    fun err s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, s)
+  in
+    case message of NONE => () | SOME m => err (name ^ ": " ^ m ^ "\n");
+    if usage then err (usageInformation allopts) else ();
+    OS.Process.exit (if success then OS.Process.success else OS.Process.failure)
+  end;
+fun succeed allopts =
+    exit allopts {message = NONE, usage = false, success = true};
+fun fail allopts mesg =
+    exit allopts {message = SOME mesg, usage = false, success = false};
+fun usage allopts mesg =
+    exit allopts {message = SOME mesg, usage = true, success = false};
+fun version allopts =
+    (print (versionInformation allopts);
+     exit allopts {message = NONE, usage = false, success = true});
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Process the command line options passed to the program                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun processOptions (allopts : allOptions) =
+  let
+    fun findOption x =
+      case List.find (fn {switches = n, ...} => mem x n) (#options allopts) of
+        NONE => raise OptionExit
+                        {message = SOME ("unknown switch \"" ^ x ^ "\""),
+                         usage = true, success = false}
+      | SOME {arguments = r, processor = f, ...} => (r,f)
+    fun getArgs x r xs =
+      let
+        fun f 1 = "a following argument"
+          | f m = Int.toString m ^ " following arguments"
+        val m = length r
+        val () =
+          if m <= length xs then () else
+            raise OptionExit
+              {usage = false, success = false, message = SOME
+               (x ^ " option needs " ^ f m ^ ": " ^ join " " r)}
+      in
+        divide xs m
+      end
+    fun process [] = ([], [])
+      | process ("--" :: xs) = ([("--",[])], xs)
+      | process ("--secret" :: xs) = (tl ## I) (process xs)
+      | process ("-v" :: _) = version allopts
+      | process ("--version" :: _) = version allopts
+      | process (x :: xs) =
+      if x = "" orelse x = "-" orelse hd (explode x) <> #"-" then ([], x :: xs)
+      else
+        let
+          val (r,f) = findOption x
+          val (ys,xs) = getArgs x r xs
+          val () = f (x,ys)
+        in
+          (cons (x,ys) ## I) (process xs)
+        end
+  in
+    fn l =>
+    let
+      val (a,b) = process l
+      val a = foldl (fn ((x,xs),ys) => x :: xs @ ys) [] (rev a)
+    in
+      (a,b)
+    end
+    handle OptionExit x => exit allopts x
+  end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Ordered.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED TYPES                                                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Ordered =
+type t
+val compare : t * t -> order
+  !x : t. compare (x,x) = EQUAL
+  !x y : t. compare (x,y) = LESS <=> compare (y,x) = GREATER
+  !x y : t. compare (x,y) = EQUAL ==> compare (y,x) = EQUAL
+  !x y z : t. compare (x,y) = EQUAL ==> compare (x,z) = compare (y,z)
+  !x y z : t.
+    compare (x,y) = LESS andalso compare (y,z) = LESS ==>
+    compare (x,z) = LESS
+  !x y z : t.
+    compare (x,y) = GREATER andalso compare (y,z) = GREATER ==>
+    compare (x,z) = GREATER
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Ordered.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED TYPES                                                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure IntOrdered =
+struct type t = int val compare = end;
+structure StringOrdered =
+struct type t = string val compare = end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/PP.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PP -- pretty-printing -- from the SML/NJ library                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Modified for Moscow ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its     *)
+(* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,          *)
+(* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that    *)
+(* both the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty         *)
+(* disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of       *)
+(* AT&T Bell Laboratories or any AT&T entity not be used in advertising      *)
+(* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without           *)
+(* specific, written prior permission.                                       *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* AT&T disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including     *)
+(* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no event       *)
+(* shall AT&T be liable for any special, indirect or consequential           *)
+(* damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or     *)
+(* profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other            *)
+(* tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or          *)
+(* performance of this software.                                             *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature PP =
+  type ppstream
+  type ppconsumer =
+       {consumer : string -> unit,
+        linewidth : int,
+        flush : unit -> unit}
+  datatype break_style = 
+  val mk_ppstream : ppconsumer -> ppstream
+  val dest_ppstream : ppstream -> ppconsumer
+  val add_break : ppstream -> int * int -> unit
+  val add_newline : ppstream -> unit
+  val add_string : ppstream -> string -> unit
+  val begin_block : ppstream -> break_style -> int -> unit
+  val end_block : ppstream -> unit
+  val clear_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
+  val flush_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
+  val with_pp : ppconsumer -> (ppstream -> unit) -> unit
+  val pp_to_string : int -> (ppstream -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
+   This structure provides tools for creating customized Oppen-style
+   pretty-printers, based on the type ppstream.  A ppstream is an
+   output stream that contains prettyprinting commands.  The commands
+   are placed in the stream by various function calls listed below.
+   There following primitives add commands to the stream:
+   begin_block, end_block, add_string, add_break, and add_newline.
+   All calls to add_string, add_break, and add_newline must happen
+   between a pair of calls to begin_block and end_block must be
+   properly nested dynamically.  All calls to begin_block and
+   end_block must be properly nested (dynamically).
+   [ppconsumer] is the type of sinks for pretty-printing.  A value of 
+   type ppconsumer is a record 
+                 { consumer : string -> unit,
+                   linewidth : int,
+                   flush : unit -> unit }
+   of a string consumer, a specified linewidth, and a flush function
+   which is called whenever flush_ppstream is called.
+   A prettyprinter can be called outright to print a value.  In
+   addition, a prettyprinter for a base type or nullary datatype ty
+   can be installed in the top-level system.  Then the installed
+   prettyprinter will be invoked automatically whenever a value of
+   type ty is to be printed.
+   [break_style] is the type of line break styles for blocks:
+   [CONSISTENT] specifies that if any line break occurs inside the
+   block, then all indicated line breaks occur.
+   [INCONSISTENT] specifies that breaks will be inserted to only to
+   avoid overfull lines.
+   [mk_ppstream {consumer, linewidth, flush}] creates a new ppstream
+   which invokes the consumer to output text, putting at most
+   linewidth characters on each line.
+   [dest_ppstream ppstrm] extracts the linewidth, flush function, and
+   consumer from a ppstream.
+   [add_break ppstrm (size, offset)] notifies the pretty-printer that
+   a line break is possible at this point.  
+   * When the current block style is CONSISTENT:
+      ** if the entire block fits on the remainder of the line, then
+         output size spaces; else
+      ** increase the current indentation by the block offset;
+         further indent every item of the block by offset, and add
+         one newline at every add_break in the block.
+   * When the current block style is INCONSISTENT:
+      ** if the next component of the block fits on the remainder of
+         the line, then output size spaces; else
+      ** issue a newline and indent to the current indentation level
+         plus the block offset plus the offset.
+   [add_newline ppstrm] issues a newline.
+   [add_string ppstrm str] outputs the string str to the ppstream.
+   [begin_block ppstrm style blockoffset] begins a new block and
+   level of indentation, with the given style and block offset.
+   [end_block ppstrm] closes the current block.  
+   [clear_ppstream ppstrm] restarts the stream, without affecting the
+   underlying consumer.
+   [flush_ppstream ppstrm] executes any remaining commands in the
+   ppstream (that is, flushes currently accumulated output to the
+   consumer associated with ppstrm); executes the flush function
+   associated with the consumer; and calls clear_ppstream.
+   [with_pp consumer f] makes a new ppstream from the consumer and
+   applies f (which can be thought of as a producer) to that
+   ppstream, then flushed the ppstream and returns the value of f.
+   [pp_to_string linewidth printit x] constructs a new ppstream
+   ppstrm whose consumer accumulates the output in a string s.  Then
+   evaluates (printit ppstrm x) and finally returns the string s.
+   Example 1: A simple prettyprinter for Booleans:
+       load "PP";
+       fun ppbool pps d = 
+           let open PP
+           in
+               begin_block pps INCONSISTENT 6; 
+               add_string pps (if d then "right" else "wrong");
+               end_block pps
+           end;
+   Now one may define a ppstream to print to, and exercise it:
+       val ppstrm = PP.mk_ppstream {consumer  = 
+                                    fn s => TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, s), 
+                                    linewidth = 72,
+                                    flush     = 
+                                     fn () => TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut};
+       fun ppb b = (ppbool ppstrm b; PP.flush_ppstream ppstrm);
+       - ppb false;
+       wrong> val it = () : unit   
+   The prettyprinter may also be installed in the toplevel system;
+   then it will be used to print all expressions of type bool
+   subsequently computed:
+       - installPP ppbool;
+       > val it = () : unit
+       - 1=0;
+       > val it = wrong : bool
+       - 1=1;
+       > val it = right : bool
+   See library Meta for a description of installPP.
+   Example 2: Prettyprinting simple expressions (examples/pretty/ppexpr.sml):
+       datatype expr = 
+           Cst of int 
+         | Neg of expr
+         | Plus of expr * expr
+       fun ppexpr pps e0 = 
+           let open PP
+               fun ppe (Cst i)        = add_string pps (Int.toString i)
+                 | ppe (Neg e)        = (add_string pps "~"; ppe e)
+                 | ppe (Plus(e1, e2)) = (begin_block pps CONSISTENT 0;
+                                         add_string pps "(";
+                                         ppe e1; 
+                                         add_string pps " + ";
+                                         add_break pps (0, 1);
+                                         ppe e2; 
+                                         add_string pps ")";
+                                         end_block pps)
+           in
+               begin_block pps INCONSISTENT 0; 
+               ppe e0;
+               end_block pps
+           end
+       val _ = installPP ppexpr;
+       (* Some example values: *)
+       val e1 = Cst 1;
+       val e2 = Cst 2;
+       val e3 = Plus(e1, Neg e2);
+       val e4 = Plus(Neg e3, e3);
+       val e5 = Plus(Neg e4, e4);
+       val e6 = Plus(e5, e5);
+       val e7 = Plus(e6, e6);
+       val e8 = 
+           Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, Plus(e3, e7))))));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/PP.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PP -- pretty-printing -- from the SML/NJ library                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Modified for Moscow ML from SML/NJ Library version 0.2                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by AT&T Bell Laboratories.                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its     *)
+(* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,          *)
+(* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that    *)
+(* both the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty         *)
+(* disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of       *)
+(* AT&T Bell Laboratories or any AT&T entity not be used in advertising      *)
+(* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without           *)
+(* specific, written prior permission.                                       *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* AT&T disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including     *)
+(* all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no event       *)
+(* shall AT&T be liable for any special, indirect or consequential           *)
+(* damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or     *)
+(* profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other            *)
+(* tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or          *)
+(* performance of this software.                                             *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure PP :> PP =
+open Array 
+infix 9 sub
+(* the queue library, formerly in unit Ppqueue *)
+datatype Qend = Qback | Qfront
+exception QUEUE_FULL
+exception QUEUE_EMPTY
+    fun ++ i n = (i + 1) mod n
+    fun -- i n = (i - 1) mod n
+abstype 'a queue = QUEUE of {elems: 'a array, (* the contents *)
+                             front: int ref,
+                             back: int ref,
+                             size: int}  (* fixed size of element array *)
+  fun is_empty (QUEUE{front=ref ~1, back=ref ~1,...}) = true
+    | is_empty _ = false
+  fun mk_queue n init_val =
+      if (n < 2)
+      else QUEUE{elems=array(n, init_val), front=ref ~1, back=ref ~1, size=n}
+  fun clear_queue (QUEUE{front,back,...}) = (front := ~1; back := ~1)
+  fun queue_at Qfront (QUEUE{elems,front,...}) = elems sub !front
+    | queue_at Qback (QUEUE{elems,back,...}) = elems sub !back
+  fun en_queue Qfront item (Q as QUEUE{elems,front,back,size}) =
+        if (is_empty Q)
+        then (front := 0; back := 0;
+              update(elems,0,item))
+        else let val i = --(!front) size
+             in  if (i = !back)
+                 then raise QUEUE_FULL
+                 else (update(elems,i,item); front := i)
+             end
+    | en_queue Qback item (Q as QUEUE{elems,front,back,size}) =
+        if (is_empty Q)
+        then (front := 0; back := 0;
+              update(elems,0,item))
+        else let val i = ++(!back) size
+             in  if (i = !front)
+                 then raise QUEUE_FULL
+                 else (update(elems,i,item); back := i)
+             end
+  fun de_queue Qfront (Q as QUEUE{front,back,size,...}) =
+        if (!front = !back) (* unitary queue *)
+        then clear_queue Q
+        else front := ++(!front) size
+    | de_queue Qback (Q as QUEUE{front,back,size,...}) =
+        if (!front = !back)
+        then clear_queue Q
+        else back := --(!back) size
+end (* abstype queue *)
+end (* local   *)
+val magic: 'a -> 'a = fn x => x
+(* exception PP_FAIL of string *)
+datatype break_style = CONSISTENT | INCONSISTENT
+datatype break_info
+  = FITS
+  | PACK_ONTO_LINE of int
+  | ONE_PER_LINE of int
+(* Some global values *)
+val INFINITY = 999999
+abstype indent_stack = Istack of break_info list ref
+  fun mk_indent_stack() = Istack (ref([]:break_info list))
+  fun clear_indent_stack (Istack stk) = (stk := ([]:break_info list))
+  fun top (Istack stk) =
+      case !stk
+        of nil => raise Fail "PP-error: top: badly formed block"
+	 | x::_ => x
+  fun push (x,(Istack stk)) = stk := x::(!stk)
+  fun pop (Istack stk) =
+      case !stk
+        of nil => raise Fail "PP-error: pop: badly formed block"
+	 | _::rest => stk := rest
+(* The delim_stack is used to compute the size of blocks. It is
+   a stack of indices into the token buffer. The indices only point to
+   BBs, Es, and BRs. We push BBs and Es onto the stack until a BR
+   is encountered. Then we compute sizes and pop. When we encounter
+   a BR in the middle of a block, we compute the Distance_to_next_break
+   of the previous BR in the block, if there was one.
+   We need to be able to delete from the bottom of the delim_stack, so
+   we use a queue, treated with a stack discipline, i.e., we only add
+   items at the head of the queue, but can delete from the front or
+   back of the queue.
+abstype delim_stack = Dstack of int queue
+  fun new_delim_stack i = Dstack(mk_queue i ~1)
+  fun reset_delim_stack (Dstack q) = clear_queue q
+  fun pop_delim_stack (Dstack d) = de_queue Qfront d
+  fun pop_bottom_delim_stack (Dstack d) = de_queue Qback d
+  fun push_delim_stack(i,Dstack d) = en_queue Qfront i d
+  fun top_delim_stack (Dstack d) = queue_at Qfront d
+  fun bottom_delim_stack (Dstack d) = queue_at Qback d
+  fun delim_stack_is_empty (Dstack d) = is_empty d
+type block_info = { Block_size : int ref,
+                    Block_offset : int,
+                    How_to_indent : break_style }
+(* Distance_to_next_break includes Number_of_blanks. Break_offset is
+   a local offset for the break. BB represents a sequence of contiguous
+   Begins. E represents a sequence of contiguous Ends.
+datatype pp_token
+  = S of  {String : string, Length : int}
+  | BB of {Pblocks : block_info list ref,   (* Processed   *)
+           Ublocks : block_info list ref}  (* Unprocessed *)
+  | E of  {Pend : int ref, Uend : int ref}
+  | BR of {Distance_to_next_break : int ref,
+           Number_of_blanks : int,
+           Break_offset : int}
+(* The initial values in the token buffer *)
+val initial_token_value = S{String = "", Length = 0}
+(* type ppstream = General.ppstream; *)
+datatype ppstream_ =
+  PPS of
+     {consumer : string -> unit,
+      linewidth : int,
+      flush : unit -> unit,
+      the_token_buffer : pp_token array,
+      the_delim_stack : delim_stack,
+      the_indent_stack : indent_stack,
+      ++ : int ref -> unit,    (* increment circular buffer index *)
+      space_left : int ref,    (* remaining columns on page *)
+      left_index : int ref,    (* insertion index *)
+      right_index : int ref,   (* output index *)
+      left_sum : int ref,      (* size of strings and spaces inserted *)
+      right_sum : int ref}     (* size of strings and spaces printed *)
+type ppstream = ppstream_
+type ppconsumer = {consumer : string -> unit,
+		   linewidth : int,
+		   flush : unit -> unit}
+fun mk_ppstream {consumer,linewidth,flush} =
+    if (linewidth<5)
+    then raise Fail "PP-error: linewidth too_small"
+    else let val buf_size = 3*linewidth
+          in magic(
+             PPS{consumer = consumer,
+		 linewidth = linewidth,
+		 flush = flush,
+		 the_token_buffer = array(buf_size, initial_token_value),
+		 the_delim_stack = new_delim_stack buf_size,
+		 the_indent_stack = mk_indent_stack (),
+		 ++ = fn i => i := ((!i + 1) mod buf_size),
+		 space_left = ref linewidth,
+		 left_index = ref 0, right_index = ref 0,
+		 left_sum = ref 0, right_sum = ref 0}
+                 ) : ppstream
+	 end
+fun dest_ppstream(pps : ppstream) =
+  let val PPS{consumer,linewidth,flush, ...} = magic pps
+  in {consumer=consumer,linewidth=linewidth,flush=flush} end
+  val space = " "
+  fun mk_space (0,s) = String.concat s
+    | mk_space (n,s) = mk_space((n-1), (space::s))
+  val space_table = Vector.tabulate(100, fn i => mk_space(i,[]))
+  fun nspaces n = Vector.sub(space_table, n)
+      handle General.Subscript =>
+	if n < 0
+	then ""
+	else let val n2 = n div 2
+		 val n2_spaces = nspaces n2
+		 val extra = if (n = (2*n2)) then "" else space
+              in String.concat [n2_spaces, n2_spaces, extra]
+	     end
+  fun cr_indent (ofn, i) = ofn ("\n"^(nspaces i))
+  fun indent (ofn,i) = ofn (nspaces i)
+(* Print a the first member of a contiguous sequence of Begins. If there
+   are "processed" Begins, then take the first off the list. If there are
+   no processed Begins, take the last member off the "unprocessed" list.
+   This works because the unprocessed list is treated as a stack, the
+   processed list as a FIFO queue. How can an item on the unprocessed list
+   be printable? Because of what goes on in add_string. See there for details.
+fun print_BB (_,{Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []}) =
+             raise Fail "PP-error: print_BB"
+  | print_BB (PPS{the_indent_stack,linewidth,space_left=ref sp_left,...},
+             {Pblocks as ref({How_to_indent=CONSISTENT,Block_size,
+                              Block_offset}::rst),
+              Ublocks=ref[]}) =
+       (push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+               then ONE_PER_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+               else FITS),
+	      the_indent_stack);
+        Pblocks := rst)
+  | print_BB(PPS{the_indent_stack,linewidth,space_left=ref sp_left,...},
+             {Pblocks as ref({Block_size,Block_offset,...}::rst),Ublocks=ref[]}) =
+       (push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+               then PACK_ONTO_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+               else FITS),
+	      the_indent_stack);
+        Pblocks := rst)
+  | print_BB (PPS{the_indent_stack, linewidth, space_left=ref sp_left,...},
+              {Ublocks,...}) =
+      let fun pr_end_Ublock [{How_to_indent=CONSISTENT,Block_size,Block_offset}] l =
+		(push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+			then ONE_PER_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+			else FITS),
+		       the_indent_stack);
+                 List.rev l)
+	    | pr_end_Ublock [{Block_size,Block_offset,...}] l =
+		(push ((if (!Block_size > sp_left)
+			then PACK_ONTO_LINE (linewidth - (sp_left - Block_offset))
+			else FITS),
+		       the_indent_stack);
+                 List.rev l)
+	    | pr_end_Ublock (a::rst) l = pr_end_Ublock rst (a::l)
+            | pr_end_Ublock _ _ =
+                raise Fail "PP-error: print_BB: internal error"
+       in Ublocks := pr_end_Ublock(!Ublocks) []
+      end
+(* Uend should always be 0 when print_E is called. *)
+fun print_E (_,{Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) =
+      raise Fail "PP-error: print_E"
+  | print_E (istack,{Pend, ...}) =
+      let fun pop_n_times 0 = ()
+	    | pop_n_times n = (pop istack; pop_n_times(n-1))
+       in pop_n_times(!Pend); Pend := 0
+      end
+(* "cursor" is how many spaces across the page we are. *)
+fun print_token(PPS{consumer,space_left,...}, S{String,Length}) =
+      (consumer String;
+       space_left := (!space_left) - Length)
+  | print_token(ppstrm,BB b) = print_BB(ppstrm,b)
+  | print_token(PPS{the_indent_stack,...},E e) =
+      print_E (the_indent_stack,e)
+  | print_token (PPS{the_indent_stack,space_left,consumer,linewidth,...},
+                 BR{Distance_to_next_break,Number_of_blanks,Break_offset}) =
+     (case (top the_indent_stack)
+        of FITS =>
+	     (space_left := (!space_left) - Number_of_blanks;
+              indent (consumer,Number_of_blanks))
+         | (ONE_PER_LINE cursor) =>
+             let val new_cursor = cursor + Break_offset
+              in space_left := linewidth - new_cursor;
+                 cr_indent (consumer,new_cursor)
+	     end
+         | (PACK_ONTO_LINE cursor) =>
+	     if (!Distance_to_next_break > (!space_left))
+	     then let val new_cursor = cursor + Break_offset
+		   in space_left := linewidth - new_cursor;
+		      cr_indent(consumer,new_cursor)
+		  end
+	     else (space_left := !space_left - Number_of_blanks;
+		   indent (consumer,Number_of_blanks)))
+fun clear_ppstream(pps : ppstream) =
+    let val PPS{the_token_buffer, the_delim_stack,
+                the_indent_stack,left_sum, right_sum,
+                left_index, right_index,space_left,linewidth,...}
+              = magic pps
+        val buf_size = 3*linewidth
+	fun set i =
+	    if (i = buf_size)
+	    then ()
+	    else (update(the_token_buffer,i,initial_token_value);
+		  set (i+1))
+     in set 0;
+	clear_indent_stack the_indent_stack;
+	reset_delim_stack the_delim_stack;
+	left_sum := 0; right_sum := 0;
+	left_index := 0; right_index := 0;
+	space_left := linewidth
+    end
+(* Move insertion head to right unless adding a BB and already at a BB,
+   or unless adding an E and already at an E.
+fun BB_inc_right_index(PPS{the_token_buffer, right_index, ++,...})=
+    case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+      of (BB _) => ()
+       | _ => ++right_index
+fun E_inc_right_index(PPS{the_token_buffer,right_index, ++,...})=
+    case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+      of (E _) => ()
+       | _ => ++right_index
+fun pointers_coincide(PPS{left_index,right_index,the_token_buffer,...}) =
+    (!left_index = !right_index) andalso
+    (case (the_token_buffer sub (!left_index))
+       of (BB {Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []}) => true
+	| (BB _) => false
+	| (E {Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) => true
+	| (E _) => false
+	| _ => true)
+fun advance_left (ppstrm as PPS{consumer,left_index,left_sum,
+                                the_token_buffer,++,...},
+                  instr) =
+    let val NEG = ~1
+	val POS = 0
+	fun inc_left_sum (BR{Number_of_blanks, ...}) =
+		 left_sum := (!left_sum) + Number_of_blanks
+	  | inc_left_sum (S{Length, ...}) = left_sum := (!left_sum) + Length
+	  | inc_left_sum _ = ()
+	fun last_size [{Block_size, ...}:block_info] = !Block_size
+	  | last_size (_::rst) = last_size rst
+          | last_size _ = raise Fail "PP-error: last_size: internal error"
+	fun token_size (S{Length, ...}) = Length
+	  | token_size (BB b) =
+	     (case b
+                of {Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []} =>
+                     raise Fail "PP-error: BB_size"
+	         | {Pblocks as ref(_::_),Ublocks=ref[]} => POS
+		 | {Ublocks, ...} => last_size (!Ublocks))
+	  | token_size (E{Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) =
+              raise Fail "PP-error: token_size.E"
+	  | token_size (E{Pend = ref 0, ...}) = NEG
+	  | token_size (E _) = POS
+	  | token_size (BR {Distance_to_next_break, ...}) = !Distance_to_next_break
+	fun loop (instr) =
+	    if (token_size instr < 0)  (* synchronization point; cannot advance *)
+	    then ()
+	    else (print_token(ppstrm,instr);
+		  inc_left_sum instr;
+		  if (pointers_coincide ppstrm)
+		  then ()
+		  else (* increment left index *)
+    (* When this is evaluated, we know that the left_index has not yet
+       caught up to the right_index. If we are at a BB or an E, we can
+       increment left_index if there is no work to be done, i.e., all Begins
+       or Ends have been dealt with. Also, we should do some housekeeping and
+       clear the buffer at left_index, otherwise we can get errors when
+       left_index catches up to right_index and we reset the indices to 0.
+       (We might find ourselves adding a BB to an "old" BB, with the result
+       that the index is not pushed onto the delim_stack. This can lead to
+       mangled output.)
+    *)
+		       (case (the_token_buffer sub (!left_index))
+			  of (BB {Pblocks = ref [], Ublocks = ref []}) =>
+			       (update(the_token_buffer,!left_index,
+				       initial_token_value);
+				++left_index)
+			   | (BB _) => ()
+			   | (E {Pend = ref 0, Uend = ref 0}) =>
+			       (update(the_token_buffer,!left_index,
+				       initial_token_value);
+				++left_index)
+			   | (E _) => ()
+			   | _ => ++left_index;
+			loop (the_token_buffer sub (!left_index))))
+     in loop instr
+    end
+fun begin_block (pps : ppstream) style offset =
+  let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+      val PPS{the_token_buffer, the_delim_stack,left_index,
+              left_sum, right_index, right_sum,...}
+            = ppstrm
+  in
+   (if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+    then (left_index := 0;
+	  left_sum := 1;
+	  right_index := 0;
+	  right_sum := 1)
+    else BB_inc_right_index ppstrm;
+    case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+      of (BB {Ublocks, ...}) =>
+	   Ublocks := {Block_size = ref (~(!right_sum)),
+		       Block_offset = offset,
+		       How_to_indent = style}::(!Ublocks)
+       | _ => (update(the_token_buffer, !right_index,
+		      BB{Pblocks = ref [],
+			 Ublocks = ref [{Block_size = ref (~(!right_sum)),
+					 Block_offset = offset,
+					 How_to_indent = style}]});
+	       push_delim_stack (!right_index, the_delim_stack)))
+  end
+fun end_block(pps : ppstream) =
+  let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+      val PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,right_index,...}
+            = ppstrm
+  in
+    if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+    then print_token(ppstrm,(E{Pend = ref 1, Uend = ref 0}))
+    else (E_inc_right_index ppstrm;
+	  case (the_token_buffer sub (!right_index))
+            of (E{Uend, ...}) => Uend := !Uend + 1
+	     | _ => (update(the_token_buffer,!right_index,
+			    E{Uend = ref 1, Pend = ref 0});
+		     push_delim_stack (!right_index, the_delim_stack)))
+  end
+  fun check_delim_stack(PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,right_sum,...}) =
+      let fun check k =
+	      if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+	      then ()
+	      else case(the_token_buffer sub (top_delim_stack the_delim_stack))
+		     of (BB{Ublocks as ref ((b as {Block_size, ...})::rst),
+			    Pblocks}) =>
+			   if (k>0)
+			   then (Block_size := !right_sum + !Block_size;
+				 Pblocks := b :: (!Pblocks);
+				 Ublocks := rst;
+				 if (List.length rst = 0)
+				 then pop_delim_stack the_delim_stack
+				 else ();
+				 check(k-1))
+			   else ()
+		      | (E{Pend,Uend}) =>
+			   (Pend := (!Pend) + (!Uend);
+			    Uend := 0;
+			    pop_delim_stack the_delim_stack;
+			    check(k + !Pend))
+		      | (BR{Distance_to_next_break, ...}) =>
+			   (Distance_to_next_break :=
+			      !right_sum + !Distance_to_next_break;
+			    pop_delim_stack the_delim_stack;
+			    if (k>0)
+			    then check k
+			    else ())
+                      | _ => raise Fail "PP-error: check_delim_stack.catchall"
+       in check 0
+      end
+  fun add_break (pps : ppstream) (n, break_offset) =
+    let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+        val PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,left_index,
+                right_index,left_sum,right_sum, ++, ...}
+              = ppstrm
+    in
+      (if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+       then (left_index := 0; right_index := 0;
+	     left_sum := 1;   right_sum := 1)
+       else ++right_index;
+       update(the_token_buffer, !right_index,
+	      BR{Distance_to_next_break = ref (~(!right_sum)),
+		 Number_of_blanks = n,
+		 Break_offset = break_offset});
+       check_delim_stack ppstrm;
+       right_sum := (!right_sum) + n;
+       push_delim_stack (!right_index,the_delim_stack))
+    end
+  fun flush_ppstream0(pps : ppstream) =
+    let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+        val PPS{the_delim_stack,the_token_buffer, flush, left_index,...}
+              = ppstrm
+    in
+      (if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+       then ()
+       else (check_delim_stack ppstrm;
+	     advance_left(ppstrm, the_token_buffer sub (!left_index)));
+       flush())
+    end
+end (* local *)
+fun flush_ppstream ppstrm =
+    (flush_ppstream0 ppstrm;
+     clear_ppstream ppstrm)
+fun add_string (pps : ppstream) s =
+    let val ppstrm = magic pps : ppstream_
+        val PPS{the_token_buffer,the_delim_stack,consumer,
+                right_index,right_sum,left_sum,
+                left_index,space_left,++,...}
+              = ppstrm
+        fun fnl [{Block_size, ...}:block_info] = Block_size := INFINITY
+	  | fnl (_::rst) = fnl rst
+          | fnl _ = raise Fail "PP-error: fnl: internal error"
+	fun set(dstack,BB{Ublocks as ref[{Block_size,...}:block_info],...}) =
+	      (pop_bottom_delim_stack dstack;
+	       Block_size := INFINITY)
+	  | set (_,BB {Ublocks = ref(_::rst), ...}) = fnl rst
+	  | set (dstack, E{Pend,Uend}) =
+	      (Pend := (!Pend) + (!Uend);
+	       Uend := 0;
+	       pop_bottom_delim_stack dstack)
+	  | set (dstack,BR{Distance_to_next_break,...}) =
+	      (pop_bottom_delim_stack dstack;
+	       Distance_to_next_break := INFINITY)
+          | set _ = raise (Fail "PP-error: add_string.set")
+	fun check_stream () =
+	    if ((!right_sum - !left_sum) > !space_left)
+	    then if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+		 then ()
+		 else let val i = bottom_delim_stack the_delim_stack
+		       in if (!left_index = i)
+			  then set (the_delim_stack, the_token_buffer sub i)
+			  else ();
+			  advance_left(ppstrm,
+                                       the_token_buffer sub (!left_index));
+		          if (pointers_coincide ppstrm)
+		          then ()
+		          else check_stream ()
+		      end
+	    else ()
+	val slen = String.size s
+	val S_token = S{String = s, Length = slen}
+    in if (delim_stack_is_empty the_delim_stack)
+       then print_token(ppstrm,S_token)
+       else (++right_index;
+             update(the_token_buffer, !right_index, S_token);
+             right_sum := (!right_sum)+slen;
+             check_stream ())
+   end
+(* Derived form. The +2 is for peace of mind *)
+fun add_newline (pps : ppstream) =
+  let val PPS{linewidth, ...} = magic pps
+  in add_break pps (linewidth+2,0) end
+(* Derived form. Builds a ppstream, sends pretty printing commands called in
+   f to the ppstream, then flushes ppstream.
+fun with_pp ppconsumer ppfn =
+   let val ppstrm = mk_ppstream ppconsumer
+    in ppfn ppstrm;
+       flush_ppstream0 ppstrm
+   end
+   handle Fail msg =>
+     (TextIO.print (">>>> Pretty-printer failure: " ^ msg ^ "\n"))
+fun pp_to_string linewidth ppfn ob =
+    let val l = ref ([]:string list)
+	fun attach s = l := (s::(!l))
+     in with_pp {consumer = attach, linewidth=linewidth, flush = fn()=>()}
+		(fn ppstrm =>  ppfn ppstrm ob);
+	String.concat(List.rev(!l))
+    end
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Parser.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PARSING AND PRETTY PRINTING                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Parser =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing for built-in types                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ppstream = PP.ppstream
+datatype breakStyle = Consistent | Inconsistent
+type 'a pp = ppstream -> 'a -> unit
+val lineLength : int ref
+val beginBlock : ppstream -> breakStyle -> int -> unit
+val endBlock : ppstream -> unit
+val addString : ppstream -> string -> unit
+val addBreak : ppstream -> int * int -> unit
+val addNewline : ppstream -> unit
+val ppMap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b pp -> 'a pp
+val ppBracket : string -> string -> 'a pp -> 'a pp
+val ppSequence : string -> 'a pp -> 'a list pp
+val ppBinop : string -> 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp
+val ppChar : char pp
+val ppString : string pp
+val ppUnit : unit pp
+val ppBool : bool pp
+val ppInt : int pp
+val ppReal : real pp
+val ppOrder : order pp
+val ppList : 'a pp -> 'a list pp
+val ppOption : 'a pp -> 'a option pp
+val ppPair : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> ('a * 'b) pp
+val ppTriple : 'a pp -> 'b pp -> 'c pp -> ('a * 'b * 'c) pp
+val toString : 'a pp -> 'a -> string  (* Uses !lineLength *)
+val fromString : ('a -> string) -> 'a pp
+val ppTrace : 'a pp -> string -> 'a -> unit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Recursive descent parsing combinators                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Generic parsers
+Recommended fixities:
+  infixr 9 >>++
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+exception NoParse
+val error : 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val ++ : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('a -> 'c * 'a) -> 'a -> ('b * 'c) * 'a
+val >> : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c * 'a
+val >>++ : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('b -> 'a -> 'c * 'a) -> 'a -> 'c * 'a
+val || : ('a -> 'b * 'a) * ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val first : ('a -> 'b * 'a) list -> 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val mmany : ('s -> 'a -> 's * 'a) -> 's -> 'a -> 's * 'a
+val many : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
+val atLeastOne : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
+val nothing : 'a -> unit * 'a
+val optional : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option * 'a
+(* Stream based parsers *)
+type ('a,'b) parser = 'a -> 'b * 'a
+val everything : ('a, 'b list) parser -> 'a -> 'b
+val maybe : ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a,'b) parser
+val finished : ('a,unit) parser
+val some : ('a -> bool) -> ('a,'a) parser
+val any : ('a,'a) parser
+val exact : ''a -> (''a,''a) parser
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Infix operators                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type infixities = {token : string, precedence : int, leftAssoc : bool} list
+val infixTokens : infixities -> string list
+val parseInfixes :
+    infixities -> (string * 'a * 'a -> 'a) -> (string,'a) parser ->
+    (string,'a) parser
+val ppInfixes :
+    infixities -> ('a -> (string * 'a * 'a) option) -> ('a * bool) pp ->
+    ('a * bool) pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a quotation = 'a frag list
+val parseQuotation : ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'b) -> 'a quotation -> 'b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Parser.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PARSER COMBINATORS                                                        *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Parser :> Parser =
+infixr 9 >>++
+infixr 8 ++
+infixr 7 >>
+infixr 6 ||
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+val trace = Useful.trace
+and equal = Useful.equal
+and I = Useful.I
+and K = Useful.K
+and C = Useful.C
+and fst = Useful.fst
+and snd = Useful.snd
+and pair = Useful.pair
+and curry = Useful.curry
+and funpow = Useful.funpow
+and mem = Useful.mem
+and sortMap = Useful.sortMap;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing for built-in types                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ppstream = PP.ppstream
+datatype breakStyle = Consistent | Inconsistent
+type 'a pp = PP.ppstream -> 'a -> unit;
+val lineLength = ref 75;
+fun beginBlock pp Consistent = PP.begin_block pp PP.CONSISTENT
+  | beginBlock pp Inconsistent = PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT;
+val endBlock = PP.end_block
+and addString = PP.add_string
+and addBreak = PP.add_break
+and addNewline = PP.add_newline;
+fun ppMap f ppA (ppstrm : PP.ppstream) x : unit = ppA ppstrm (f x);
+fun ppBracket l r ppA pp a =
+    let
+      val ln = size l
+    in
+      beginBlock pp Inconsistent ln;
+      if ln = 0 then () else addString pp l;
+      ppA pp a;
+      if r = "" then () else addString pp r;
+      endBlock pp
+    end;
+fun ppSequence sep ppA pp =
+    let
+      fun ppX x = (addString pp sep; addBreak pp (1,0); ppA pp x)
+    in
+      fn [] => ()
+       | h :: t =>
+         (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+          ppA pp h;
+          app ppX t;
+          endBlock pp)
+    end;
+fun ppBinop s ppA ppB pp (a,b) =
+    (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+      ppA pp a;
+      if s = "" then () else addString pp s;
+      addBreak pp (1,0);
+      ppB pp b;
+      endBlock pp);
+fun ppTrinop ab bc ppA ppB ppC pp (a,b,c) =
+    (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+     ppA pp a;
+     if ab = "" then () else addString pp ab;
+     addBreak pp (1,0);
+     ppB pp b;
+     if bc = "" then () else addString pp bc;
+     addBreak pp (1,0);
+     ppC pp c;
+     endBlock pp);
+(* Pretty-printers for common types *)
+fun ppString pp s =
+    (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0;
+     addString pp s;
+     endBlock pp);
+val ppUnit = ppMap (fn () => "()") ppString;
+val ppChar = ppMap str ppString;
+val ppBool = ppMap (fn true => "true" | false => "false") ppString;
+val ppInt = ppMap Int.toString ppString;
+val ppReal = ppMap Real.toString ppString;
+val ppOrder =
+    let
+      fun f LESS = "Less"
+        | f EQUAL = "Equal"
+        | f GREATER = "Greater"
+    in
+      ppMap f ppString
+    end;
+fun ppList ppA = ppBracket "[" "]" (ppSequence "," ppA);
+fun ppOption _ pp NONE = ppString pp "-"
+  | ppOption ppA pp (SOME a) = ppA pp a;
+fun ppPair ppA ppB = ppBracket "(" ")" (ppBinop "," ppA ppB);
+fun ppTriple ppA ppB ppC = ppBracket "(" ")" (ppTrinop "," "," ppA ppB ppC);
+fun toString ppA a = PP.pp_to_string (!lineLength) ppA a;
+fun fromString toS = ppMap toS ppString;
+fun ppTrace ppX nameX x =
+    trace (toString (ppBinop " =" ppString ppX) (nameX,x) ^ "\n");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Generic.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception NoParse;
+val error : 'a -> 'b * 'a = fn _ => raise NoParse;
+fun op ++ (parser1,parser2) input =
+    let
+      val (result1,input) = parser1 input
+      val (result2,input) = parser2 input
+    in
+      ((result1,result2),input)
+    end;
+fun op >> (parser : 'a -> 'b * 'a, treatment) input =
+    let
+      val (result,input) = parser input
+    in
+      (treatment result, input)
+    end;
+fun op >>++ (parser,treatment) input =
+    let
+      val (result,input) = parser input
+    in
+      treatment result input
+    end;
+fun op || (parser1,parser2) input =
+    parser1 input handle NoParse => parser2 input;
+fun first [] _ = raise NoParse
+  | first (parser :: parsers) input = (parser || first parsers) input;
+fun mmany parser state input =
+    let
+      val (state,input) = parser state input
+    in
+      mmany parser state input
+    end
+    handle NoParse => (state,input);
+fun many parser =
+    let
+      fun sparser l = parser >> (fn x => x :: l)
+    in
+      mmany sparser [] >> rev      
+    end;
+fun atLeastOne p = (p ++ many p) >> op::;
+fun nothing input = ((),input);
+fun optional p = (p >> SOME) || (nothing >> K NONE);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream-based.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type ('a,'b) parser = 'a -> 'b * 'a
+fun everything parser =
+    let
+      fun f input =
+          let
+            val (result,input) = parser input
+          in
+            Stream.append (Stream.fromList result) (fn () => f input)
+          end
+          handle NoParse =>
+            if Stream.null input then Stream.NIL else raise NoParse
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun maybe p Stream.NIL = raise NoParse
+  | maybe p (Stream.CONS (h,t)) =
+    case p h of SOME r => (r, t ()) | NONE => raise NoParse;
+fun finished Stream.NIL = ((), Stream.NIL)
+  | finished (Stream.CONS _) = raise NoParse;
+fun some p = maybe (fn x => if p x then SOME x else NONE);
+fun any input = some (K true) input;
+fun exact tok = some (fn item => item = tok);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty-printing for infix operators.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type infixities = {token : string, precedence : int, leftAssoc : bool} list;
+  fun unflatten ({token,precedence,leftAssoc}, ([],_)) =
+      ([(leftAssoc, [token])], precedence)
+    | unflatten ({token,precedence,leftAssoc}, ((a,l) :: dealt, p)) =
+      if p = precedence then
+        let
+          val _ = leftAssoc = a orelse
+                  raise Bug "infix parser/printer: mixed assocs"
+        in
+          ((a, token :: l) :: dealt, p)
+        end
+      else
+        ((leftAssoc,[token]) :: (a,l) :: dealt, precedence);
+  fun layerOps infixes =
+      let
+        val infixes = sortMap #precedence infixes
+        val (parsers,_) = foldl unflatten ([],0) infixes
+      in
+        parsers
+      end;
+  fun chop (#" " :: chs) = let val (n,l) = chop chs in (n + 1, l) end
+    | chop chs = (0,chs);
+  fun nspaces n = funpow n (curry op^ " ") "";
+  fun spacify tok =
+      let
+        val chs = explode tok
+        val (r,chs) = chop (rev chs)
+        val (l,chs) = chop (rev chs)
+      in
+        ((l,r), implode chs)
+      end;
+  fun lrspaces (l,r) =
+      (if l = 0 then K () else C addString (nspaces l),
+       if r = 0 then K () else C addBreak (r, 0));
+  fun opSpaces s = let val (l_r,s) = spacify s in (lrspaces l_r, s) end;
+  val opClean = snd o spacify;
+val infixTokens : infixities -> string list =
+ (fn {token,...} => opClean token);
+fun parseGenInfix update sof toks parse inp =
+    let
+      val (e, rest) = parse inp
+      val continue =
+          case rest of
+            Stream.NIL => NONE
+          | Stream.CONS (h, t) => if mem h toks then SOME (h, t) else NONE
+    in
+      case continue of
+        NONE => (sof e, rest)
+      | SOME (h,t) => parseGenInfix update (update sof h e) toks parse (t ())
+    end;
+fun parseLeftInfix toks con =
+    parseGenInfix (fn f => fn t => fn a => fn b => con (t, f a, b)) I toks;
+fun parseRightInfix toks con =
+    parseGenInfix (fn f => fn t => fn a => fn b => f (con (t, a, b))) I toks;
+fun parseInfixes ops =
+    let
+      fun layeredOp (x,y) = (x, opClean y)
+      val layeredOps = layeredOp (layerOps ops)
+      fun iparser (a,t) = (if a then parseLeftInfix else parseRightInfix) t
+      val iparsers = iparser layeredOps
+    in
+      fn con => fn subparser => foldl (fn (p,sp) => p con sp) subparser iparsers
+    end;
+fun ppGenInfix left toks =
+    let
+      val spc = opSpaces toks
+    in
+      fn dest => fn ppSub =>
+      let
+        fun dest' tm =
+            case dest tm of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME (t, a, b) =>
+     (pair (a,b)) (List.find (equal t o snd) spc)
+        open PP
+        fun ppGo pp (tmr as (tm,r)) =
+            case dest' tm of
+              NONE => ppSub pp tmr
+            | SOME ((a,b),((lspc,rspc),tok)) =>
+              ((if left then ppGo else ppSub) pp (a,true);
+               lspc pp; addString pp tok; rspc pp;
+               (if left then ppSub else ppGo) pp (b,r))
+      in
+        fn pp => fn tmr as (tm,_) =>
+        case dest' tm of
+          NONE => ppSub pp tmr
+        | SOME _ => (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0; ppGo pp tmr; endBlock pp)
+      end
+    end;
+fun ppLeftInfix toks = ppGenInfix true toks;
+fun ppRightInfix toks = ppGenInfix false toks;
+fun ppInfixes ops =
+    let
+      val layeredOps = layerOps ops
+      val toks = List.concat ( ( opClean o snd) layeredOps)
+      fun iprinter (a,t) = (if a then ppLeftInfix else ppRightInfix) t
+      val iprinters = iprinter layeredOps
+    in
+      fn dest => fn ppSub =>
+      let
+        fun printer sub = foldl (fn (ip,p) => ip dest p) sub iprinters
+        fun isOp t = case dest t of SOME (x,_,_) => mem x toks | _ => false
+        open PP
+        fun subpr pp (tmr as (tm,_)) =
+            if isOp tm then
+              (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1; addString pp "(";
+               printer subpr pp (tm, false); addString pp ")"; endBlock pp)
+            else ppSub pp tmr
+      in
+        fn pp => fn tmr =>
+        (beginBlock pp Inconsistent 0; printer subpr pp tmr; endBlock pp)
+      end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a quotation = 'a frag list;
+fun parseQuotation printer parser quote =
+  let
+    fun expand (QUOTE q, s) = s ^ q
+      | expand (ANTIQUOTE a, s) = s ^ printer a
+    val string = foldl expand "" quote
+  in
+    parser string
+  end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Portable.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ML SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                                     *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml : string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual : 'a * 'a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val time : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/PortableIsabelle.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Isabelle ML SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                            *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Portable :> Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml = ml_system;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual = pointer_eq;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications a la Mosml.time.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val time = timeap;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations a la Moscow ML.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a frag = QUOTE of string | ANTIQUOTE of 'a;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/PortableMlton.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* MLTON SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                                  *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Portable :> Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml = "mlton";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual = MLton.eq;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications a la Mosml.time.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun time f x =
+    let
+      fun p t =
+          let
+            val s = Time.fmt 3 t
+          in
+            case size (List.last (String.fields (fn x => x = #".") s)) of
+              3 => s
+            | 2 => s ^ "0"
+            | 1 => s ^ "00"
+            | _ => raise Fail "Portable.time"
+          end
+      val c = Timer.startCPUTimer ()
+      val r = Timer.startRealTimer ()
+      fun pt () =
+          let
+            val {usr,sys} = Timer.checkCPUTimer c
+            val real = Timer.checkRealTimer r
+          in
+            print
+              ("User: " ^ p usr ^ "  System: " ^ p sys ^
+               "  Real: " ^ p real ^ "\n")
+          end
+      val y = f x handle e => (pt (); raise e)
+      val () = pt ()
+    in
+      y
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations a la Moscow ML.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a frag = QUOTE of string | ANTIQUOTE of 'a;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/PortableMosml.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* MOSCOW ML SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                              *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Portable :> Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml = "mosml";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+local val address : 'a -> int = Obj.magic
+in fun pointerEqual (x : 'a, y : 'a) = address x = address y
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications a la Mosml.time.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val time = Mosml.time;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Ensuring that interruptions (SIGINTs) are actually seen by the            *)
+(* linked executable as Interrupt exceptions.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+prim_val catch_interrupt : bool -> unit = 1 "sys_catch_break";
+val _ = catch_interrupt true;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Ad-hoc upgrading of the Moscow ML basis library.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun TextIO_inputLine h =
+    let
+      open TextIO
+    in
+      case inputLine h of "" => NONE | s => SOME s
+    end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/PortableSmlNJ.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* POLYML SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+CM.autoload "$smlnj/init/init.cmi";
+structure Portable :> Portable =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The ML implementation.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ml = "SmlNJ";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality using the run-time system.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun pointerEqual (x : 'a, y : 'a) = InlineT.ptreql (x,y);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Timing function applications a la Mosml.time.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun time f x =
+  let
+    fun p t =
+      let
+        val s = Time.fmt 3 t
+      in
+        case size (List.last (String.fields (fn x => x = #".") s)) of 3 => s
+        | 2 => s ^ "0"
+        | 1 => s ^ "00"
+        | _ => raise Fail "Portable.time"
+      end
+    val c = Timer.startCPUTimer ()
+    val r = Timer.startRealTimer ()
+    fun pt () =
+      let
+        val {sys, usr} = Timer.checkCPUTimer c
+        val real = Timer.checkRealTimer r
+      in
+        print
+        ("User: " ^ p usr ^ "  System: " ^ p sys ^
+         "  Real: " ^ p real ^ "\n")
+      end
+    val y = f x handle e => (pt (); raise e)
+    val () = pt ()
+  in
+    y
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotations a la Moscow ML.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a frag = QUOTE of string | ANTIQUOTE of 'a;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Problem.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SOME SAMPLE PROBLEMS TO TEST PROOF PROCEDURES                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Problem =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Problems.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type problem = Thm.clause list
+val size : problem -> {clauses : int,
+                       literals : int,
+                       symbols : int,
+                       typedSymbols : int}
+val fromGoal : Formula.formula -> problem list
+val toClauses : problem -> Formula.formula
+val toString : problem -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Categorizing problems.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype propositional =
+    Propositional
+  | EffectivelyPropositional
+  | NonPropositional
+datatype equality =
+    NonEquality
+  | Equality
+  | PureEquality
+datatype horn =
+    Trivial
+  | Unit
+  | DoubleHorn
+  | Horn
+  | NegativeHorn
+  | NonHorn
+type category =
+     {propositional : propositional,
+      equality : equality,
+      horn : horn}
+val categorize : problem -> category
+val categoryToString : category -> string
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Problem.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SOME SAMPLE PROBLEMS TO TEST PROOF PROCEDURES                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Problem :> Problem =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Problems.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type problem = Thm.clause list;
+fun size cls =
+    {clauses = length cls,
+     literals = foldl (fn (cl,n) => n + LiteralSet.size cl) 0 cls,
+     symbols = foldl (fn (cl,n) => n + LiteralSet.symbols cl) 0 cls,
+     typedSymbols = foldl (fn (cl,n) => n + LiteralSet.typedSymbols cl) 0 cls};
+fun checkFormula {models,checks} exp fm =
+    let
+      fun check 0 = true
+        | check n =
+          let
+            val N = 3 + random 3
+            val M = {size = N, fixed = Model.fixedPure}
+            val {T,F} = Model.checkFormula {maxChecks = checks} M fm
+          in
+            (if exp then F = 0 else T = 0) andalso check (n - 1)
+          end
+    in
+      check models
+    end;
+val checkGoal = checkFormula {models = 10, checks = 100} true;
+val checkClauses = checkFormula {models = 10, checks = 100} false;
+fun fromGoal goal =
+    let
+      fun fromLiterals fms = LiteralSet.fromList (map Literal.fromFormula fms)
+      fun fromClause fm = fromLiterals (Formula.stripDisj fm)
+      fun fromCnf fm = map fromClause (Formula.stripConj fm)
+      val () = if checkGoal goal then ()
+               else raise Error "goal failed the finite model test"
+      val refute = Formula.Not (Formula.generalize goal)
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Formula.pp "Problem.fromGoal: refute" refute
+      val cnfs = Normalize.cnf refute
+      val () =
+          let
+            fun check fm =
+                let
+                  val () = Parser.ppTrace Formula.pp "Problem.fromGoal: cnf" fm
+                in
+                  if checkClauses fm then ()
+                  else raise Error "cnf failed the finite model test"
+                end
+          in
+            app check cnfs
+          end
+    in
+      map fromCnf cnfs
+    end;
+fun toClauses cls =
+    let
+      fun formulize cl =
+          Formula.listMkDisj (LiteralSet.transform Literal.toFormula cl)
+    in
+      Formula.listMkConj (map formulize cls)
+    end;
+fun toString cls = Formula.toString (toClauses cls);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Categorizing problems.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype propositional =
+    Propositional
+  | EffectivelyPropositional
+  | NonPropositional;
+datatype equality =
+    NonEquality
+  | Equality
+  | PureEquality;
+datatype horn =
+    Trivial
+  | Unit
+  | DoubleHorn
+  | Horn
+  | NegativeHorn
+  | NonHorn;
+type category =
+     {propositional : propositional,
+      equality : equality,
+      horn : horn};
+fun categorize cls =
+    let
+      val rels =
+          let
+            fun f (cl,set) = NameAritySet.union set (LiteralSet.relations cl)
+          in
+            List.foldl f NameAritySet.empty cls
+          end
+      val funs =
+          let
+            fun f (cl,set) = NameAritySet.union set (LiteralSet.functions cl)
+          in
+            List.foldl f NameAritySet.empty cls
+          end
+      val propositional =
+          if NameAritySet.allNullary rels then Propositional
+          else if NameAritySet.allNullary funs then EffectivelyPropositional
+          else NonPropositional
+      val equality =
+          if not (NameAritySet.member Atom.eqRelation rels) then NonEquality
+          else if NameAritySet.size rels = 1 then PureEquality
+          else Equality
+      val horn =
+          if List.exists LiteralSet.null cls then Trivial
+          else if List.all (fn cl => LiteralSet.size cl = 1) cls then Unit
+          else 
+            let
+              fun pos cl = LiteralSet.count Literal.positive cl <= 1
+              fun neg cl = LiteralSet.count Literal.negative cl <= 1
+            in
+              case (List.all pos cls, List.all neg cls) of
+                (true,true) => DoubleHorn
+              | (true,false) => Horn
+              | (false,true) => NegativeHorn
+              | (false,false) => NonHorn
+            end
+    in
+      {propositional = propositional,
+       equality = equality,
+       horn = horn}
+    end;
+fun categoryToString {propositional,equality,horn} =
+    (case propositional of
+       Propositional => "propositional"
+     | EffectivelyPropositional => "effectively propositional"
+     | NonPropositional => "non-propositional") ^
+    ", " ^
+    (case equality of
+       NonEquality => "non-equality"
+     | Equality => "equality"
+     | PureEquality => "pure equality") ^
+    ", " ^
+    (case horn of
+       Trivial => "trivial"
+     | Unit => "unit"
+     | DoubleHorn => "horn (and negative horn)"
+     | Horn => "horn"
+     | NegativeHorn => "negative horn"
+     | NonHorn => "non-horn");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Proof.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROOFS IN FIRST ORDER LOGIC                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Proof =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic proofs.                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype inference =
+    Axiom of LiteralSet.set
+  | Assume of Atom.atom
+  | Subst of Subst.subst * Thm.thm
+  | Resolve of Atom.atom * Thm.thm * Thm.thm
+  | Refl of Term.term
+  | Equality of Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term
+type proof = (Thm.thm * inference) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing single inferences.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val inferenceToThm : inference -> Thm.thm
+val thmToInference : Thm.thm -> inference
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing whole proofs.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val proof : Thm.thm -> proof
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ppInference : inference Parser.pp
+val inferenceToString : inference -> string
+val pp : proof Parser.pp
+val toString : proof -> string
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Proof.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PROOFS IN FIRST ORDER LOGIC                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Proof :> Proof =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic proofs.                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype inference =
+    Axiom of LiteralSet.set
+  | Assume of Atom.atom
+  | Subst of Subst.subst * Thm.thm
+  | Resolve of Atom.atom * Thm.thm * Thm.thm
+  | Refl of Term.term
+  | Equality of Literal.literal * Term.path * Term.term;
+type proof = (Thm.thm * inference) list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun inferenceType (Axiom _) = Thm.Axiom
+  | inferenceType (Assume _) = Thm.Assume
+  | inferenceType (Subst _) = Thm.Subst
+  | inferenceType (Resolve _) = Thm.Resolve
+  | inferenceType (Refl _) = Thm.Refl
+  | inferenceType (Equality _) = Thm.Equality;
+  open Parser;
+  fun ppAssume pp atm = (addBreak pp (1,0); Atom.pp pp atm);
+  fun ppSubst ppThm pp (sub,thm) =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1;
+       addString pp "{";
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Subst.pp pp ("sub",sub);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString ppThm pp ("thm",thm);
+       addString pp "}";
+       endBlock pp);
+  fun ppResolve ppThm pp (res,pos,neg) =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1;
+       addString pp "{";
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Atom.pp pp ("res",res);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString ppThm pp ("pos",pos);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString ppThm pp ("neg",neg);
+       addString pp "}";
+       endBlock pp);
+  fun ppRefl pp tm = (addBreak pp (1,0); Term.pp pp tm);
+  fun ppEquality pp (lit,path,res) =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       beginBlock pp Inconsistent 1;
+       addString pp "{";
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Literal.pp pp ("lit",lit);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString (ppList ppInt) pp ("path",path);
+       addString pp ","; addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppBinop " =" ppString Term.pp pp ("res",res);
+       addString pp "}";
+       endBlock pp);
+  fun ppInf ppAxiom ppThm pp inf =
+      let
+        val infString = Thm.inferenceTypeToString (inferenceType inf)
+      in
+        beginBlock pp Inconsistent (size infString + 1);
+        ppString pp infString;
+        case inf of
+          Axiom cl => ppAxiom pp cl
+        | Assume x => ppAssume pp x
+        | Subst x => ppSubst ppThm pp x
+        | Resolve x => ppResolve ppThm pp x
+        | Refl x => ppRefl pp x
+        | Equality x => ppEquality pp x;
+        endBlock pp
+      end;
+  fun ppAxiom pp cl =
+      (addBreak pp (1,0);
+       ppMap
+         LiteralSet.toList
+         (ppBracket "{" "}" (ppSequence "," Literal.pp)) pp cl);
+  val ppInference = ppInf ppAxiom Thm.pp;
+  fun pp p prf =
+      let
+        fun thmString n = "(" ^ Int.toString n ^ ")"
+        val prf = enumerate prf
+        fun ppThm p th =
+            let
+              val cl = Thm.clause th
+              fun pred (_,(th',_)) = LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th') cl
+            in
+              case List.find pred prf of
+                NONE => addString p "(???)"
+              | SOME (n,_) => addString p (thmString n)
+            end
+        fun ppStep (n,(th,inf)) =
+            let
+              val s = thmString n
+            in
+              beginBlock p Consistent (1 + size s);
+              addString p (s ^ " ");
+              Thm.pp p th;
+              addBreak p (2,0);
+              ppBracket "[" "]" (ppInf (K (K ())) ppThm) p inf;
+              endBlock p;
+              addNewline p
+            end
+      in
+        beginBlock p Consistent 0;
+        addString p "START OF PROOF";
+        addNewline p;
+        app ppStep prf;
+        addString p "END OF PROOF";
+        addNewline p;
+        endBlock p
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Bug ("Proof.pp: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+val inferenceToString = Parser.toString ppInference;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing single inferences.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun inferenceToThm (Axiom cl) = Thm.axiom cl
+  | inferenceToThm (Assume atm) = Thm.assume (true,atm)
+  | inferenceToThm (Subst (sub,th)) = Thm.subst sub th
+  | inferenceToThm (Resolve (atm,th,th')) = Thm.resolve (true,atm) th th'
+  | inferenceToThm (Refl tm) = Thm.refl tm
+  | inferenceToThm (Equality (lit,path,r)) = Thm.equality lit path r;
+  fun reconstructSubst cl cl' =
+      let
+        fun recon [] =
+            let
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "reconstructSubst: cl" cl
+              val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "reconstructSubst: cl'" cl'
+            in
+              raise Bug "can't reconstruct Subst rule"
+            end
+          | recon (([],sub) :: others) =
+            if LiteralSet.equal (LiteralSet.subst sub cl) cl' then sub
+            else recon others
+          | recon ((lit :: lits, sub) :: others) =
+            let
+              fun checkLit (lit',acc) =
+                  case total (Literal.match sub lit) lit' of
+                    NONE => acc
+                  | SOME sub => (lits,sub) :: acc
+            in
+              recon (LiteralSet.foldl checkLit others cl')
+            end
+      in
+        Subst.normalize (recon [(LiteralSet.toList cl, Subst.empty)])
+      end
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.recontructSubst: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+  fun reconstructResolvant cl1 cl2 cl =
+      (if not (LiteralSet.subset cl1 cl) then
+         LiteralSet.pick (LiteralSet.difference cl1 cl)
+       else if not (LiteralSet.subset cl2 cl) then
+         Literal.negate (LiteralSet.pick (LiteralSet.difference cl2 cl))
+       else
+         (* A useless resolution, but we must reconstruct it anyway *)
+         let
+           val cl1' = LiteralSet.negate cl1
+           and cl2' = LiteralSet.negate cl2
+           val lits = LiteralSet.intersectList [cl1,cl1',cl2,cl2']
+         in
+           if not (LiteralSet.null lits) then LiteralSet.pick lits
+           else raise Bug "can't reconstruct Resolve rule"
+         end)
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.recontructResolvant: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+  fun reconstructEquality cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "Proof.reconstructEquality: cl" cl
+        fun sync s t path (f,a) (f',a') =
+            if f <> f' orelse length a <> length a' then NONE
+            else
+              case List.filter (op<> o snd) (enumerate (zip a a')) of
+                [(i,(tm,tm'))] =>
+                let
+                  val path = i :: path
+                in
+                  if tm = s andalso tm' = t then SOME (rev path)
+                  else 
+                    case (tm,tm') of
+                      (Term.Fn f_a, Term.Fn f_a') => sync s t path f_a f_a'
+                    | _ => NONE
+                end
+              | _ => NONE
+        fun recon (neq,(pol,atm),(pol',atm')) =
+            if pol = pol' then NONE
+            else
+              let
+                val (s,t) = Literal.destNeq neq
+                val path =
+                    if s <> t then sync s t [] atm atm'
+                    else if atm <> atm' then NONE
+                    else Atom.find (equal s) atm
+              in
+                case path of
+                  SOME path => SOME ((pol',atm),path,t)
+                | NONE => NONE
+              end
+        val candidates =
+            case List.partition Literal.isNeq (LiteralSet.toList cl) of
+              ([l1],[l2,l3]) => [(l1,l2,l3),(l1,l3,l2)]
+            | ([l1,l2],[l3]) => [(l1,l2,l3),(l1,l3,l2),(l2,l1,l3),(l2,l3,l1)]
+            | ([l1],[l2]) => [(l1,l1,l2),(l1,l2,l1)]
+            | _ => raise Bug "reconstructEquality: malformed"
+        val ppCands =
+            Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple Literal.pp Literal.pp Literal.pp)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCands
+                   "Proof.reconstructEquality: candidates" candidates
+      in
+        case first recon candidates of
+          SOME info => info
+        | NONE => raise Bug "can't reconstruct Equality rule"
+      end
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.recontructEquality: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+  fun reconstruct cl (Thm.Axiom,[]) = Axiom cl
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Assume,[]) =
+      (case LiteralSet.findl Literal.positive cl of
+         SOME (_,atm) => Assume atm
+       | NONE => raise Bug "malformed Assume inference")
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Subst,[th]) =
+      Subst (reconstructSubst (Thm.clause th) cl, th)
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Resolve,[th1,th2]) =
+      let
+        val cl1 = Thm.clause th1
+        and cl2 = Thm.clause th2
+        val (pol,atm) = reconstructResolvant cl1 cl2 cl
+      in
+        if pol then Resolve (atm,th1,th2) else Resolve (atm,th2,th1)
+      end
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Refl,[]) =
+      (case LiteralSet.findl (K true) cl of
+         SOME lit => Refl (Literal.destRefl lit)
+       | NONE => raise Bug "malformed Refl inference")
+    | reconstruct cl (Thm.Equality,[]) = Equality (reconstructEquality cl)
+    | reconstruct _ _ = raise Bug "malformed inference";
+  fun thmToInference th =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Proof.thmToInference: th" th
+        val cl = Thm.clause th
+        val thmInf = Thm.inference th
+        val ppThmInf = Parser.ppPair Thm.ppInferenceType (Parser.ppList Thm.pp)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppThmInf "Proof.thmToInference: thmInf" thmInf
+        val inf = reconstruct cl thmInf
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppInference "Proof.thmToInference: inf" inf
+        val () =
+            let
+              val th' = inferenceToThm inf
+            in
+              if LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th') cl then ()
+              else
+                raise
+                  Bug
+                    ("Proof.thmToInference: bad inference reconstruction:" ^
+                     "\n  th = " ^ Thm.toString th ^
+                     "\n  inf = " ^ inferenceToString inf ^
+                     "\n  inf th = " ^ Thm.toString th')
+            end
+      in
+        inf
+      end
+      handle Error err =>
+        raise Bug ("Proof.thmToInference: shouldn't fail:\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reconstructing whole proofs.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun thmCompare (th1,th2) =
+ (Thm.clause th1, Thm.clause th2);
+  fun buildProof (th,(m,l)) =
+      if Map.inDomain th m then (m,l)
+      else
+        let
+          val (_,deps) = Thm.inference th
+          val (m,l) = foldl buildProof (m,l) deps
+        in
+          if Map.inDomain th m then (m,l)
+          else
+            let
+              val l = (th, thmToInference th) :: l
+            in
+              (Map.insert m (th,l), l)
+            end
+        end;
+  fun proof th =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Proof.proof: th" th
+        val (m,_) = buildProof (th, ( thmCompare, []))
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Parser.ppInt "Proof.proof: size" (Map.size m)
+      in
+        case Map.peek m th of
+          SOME l => rev l
+        | NONE => raise Bug "Proof.proof"
+      end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Random.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(* Random -- random number generator *)
+signature Random =
+type generator
+val newgenseed : real -> generator
+val newgen     : unit -> generator
+val random     : generator -> real
+val randomlist : int * generator -> real list
+val range      : int * int -> generator -> int
+val rangelist  : int * int -> int * generator -> int list
+   [generator] is the type of random number generators, here the
+   linear congruential generators from Paulson 1991, 1996.
+   [newgenseed seed] returns a random number generator with the given seed.
+   [newgen ()] returns a random number generator, taking the seed from
+   the system clock.
+   [random gen] returns a random number in the interval [0..1).
+   [randomlist (n, gen)] returns a list of n random numbers in the
+   interval [0,1).
+   [range (min, max) gen] returns an integral random number in the
+   range [min, max).  Raises Fail if min > max.
+   [rangelist (min, max) (n, gen)] returns a list of n integral random
+   numbers in the range [min, max).  Raises Fail if min > max.  
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Random.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* Random -- Moscow ML library 1995-04-23, 1999-02-24 *)
+structure Random :> Random =
+type generator = {seedref : real ref}
+(* Generating random numbers.  Paulson, page 96 *)
+val a = 16807.0 
+val m = 2147483647.0 
+fun nextrand seed = 
+    let val t = a*seed 
+    in t - m * real(floor(t/m)) end
+fun newgenseed seed =
+    {seedref = ref (nextrand seed)};
+fun newgen () = newgenseed (Time.toReal ( ()));
+fun random {seedref as ref seed} = 
+    (seedref := nextrand seed; seed / m);
+fun randomlist (n, {seedref as ref seed0}) = 
+    let fun h 0 seed res = (seedref := seed; res)
+	  | h i seed res = h (i-1) (nextrand seed) (seed / m :: res)
+    in h n seed0 [] end;
+fun range (min, max) = 
+    if min > max then raise Fail "Random.range: empty range" 
+    else 
+	fn {seedref as ref seed} =>
+	(seedref := nextrand seed; min + (floor(real(max-min) * seed / m)));
+fun rangelist (min, max) =
+    if min > max then raise Fail "Random.rangelist: empty range" 
+    else 
+	fn (n, {seedref as ref seed0}) => 
+	let fun h 0 seed res = (seedref := seed; res)
+	      | h i seed res = h (i-1) (nextrand seed) 
+		               (min + floor(real(max-min) * seed / m) :: res)
+	in h n seed0 [] end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/RandomMap.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure RandomMap :> Map =
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+exception Error = Useful.Error;
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val K = Useful.K;
+val snd = Useful.snd;
+val randomInt = Useful.random;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random search trees.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) tree =
+    E
+  | T of
+    {size : int,
+     priority : real,
+     left : ('a,'b) tree,
+     key : 'a,
+     value : 'b,
+     right : ('a,'b) tree};
+type ('a,'b) node =
+     {size : int,
+      priority : real,
+      left : ('a,'b) tree,
+      key : 'a,
+      value : 'b,
+      right : ('a,'b) tree};
+datatype ('a,'b) map = Map of ('a * 'a -> order) * ('a,'b) tree;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random priorities.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val randomPriority =
+      let
+        val gen = Random.newgenseed 2.0
+      in
+        fn () => Random.random gen
+      end;
+  val priorityOrder =;
+  fun treeSingleton (key,value) =
+      T {size = 1, priority = randomPriority (),
+         left = E, key = key, value = value, right = E};
+  fun nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1 : ('a,'b) node, x2 : ('a,'b) node) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, key = k1, ...} = x1
+        and {priority = p2, key = k2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        case priorityOrder (p1,p2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => cmp (k1,k2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debugging functions.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkSizes E = 0
+    | checkSizes (T {size,left,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val l = checkSizes left
+        and r = checkSizes right
+        val () = if l + 1 + r = size then () else raise Error "wrong size"
+      in
+        size
+      end;
+  fun checkSorted _ x E = x
+    | checkSorted cmp x (T {left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val x = checkSorted cmp x left
+        val () =
+            case x of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME k =>
+              case cmp (k,key) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "duplicate keys"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "unsorted"
+      in
+        checkSorted cmp (SOME key) right
+      end;
+  fun checkPriorities _ E = NONE
+    | checkPriorities cmp (T (x as {left,right,...})) =
+      let
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp left of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME l =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (l,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "left child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "left child has greater priority"
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp right of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME r =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (r,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "right child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "right child has greater priority"
+      in
+        SOME x
+      end;
+  fun checkWellformed s (m as Map (cmp,tree)) =
+      (let
+         val _ = checkSizes tree
+         val _ = checkSorted cmp NONE tree
+         val _ = checkPriorities cmp tree
+       in
+         m
+       end
+       handle Error err => raise Bug err)
+      handle Bug bug => raise Bug (s ^ "\nRandomMap.checkWellformed: " ^ bug);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun comparison (Map (cmp,_)) = cmp;
+fun new cmp = Map (cmp,E);
+fun treeSize E = 0
+  | treeSize (T {size = s, ...}) = s;
+fun size (Map (_,tree)) = treeSize tree;
+fun mkT p l k v r =
+    T {size = treeSize l + 1 + treeSize r, priority = p,
+       left = l, key = k, value = v, right = r};
+fun singleton cmp key_value = Map (cmp, treeSingleton key_value);
+  fun treePeek cmp E pkey = NONE
+    | treePeek cmp (T {left,key,value,right,...}) pkey =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePeek cmp left pkey
+      | EQUAL => SOME value
+      | GREATER => treePeek cmp right pkey
+  fun peek (Map (cmp,tree)) key = treePeek cmp tree key;
+(* treeAppend assumes that every element of the first tree is less than *)
+(* every element of the second tree. *)
+fun treeAppend _ t1 E = t1
+  | treeAppend _ E t2 = t2
+  | treeAppend cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+    case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p2,
+             left = l2, key = k2, value = v2, right = r2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        mkT p2 (treeAppend cmp t1 l2) k2 v2 r2
+      end
+    | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.treeAppend: equal keys"
+    | GREATER =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+      in
+        mkT p1 l1 k1 v1 (treeAppend cmp r1 t2)
+      end;
+(* nodePartition splits the node into three parts: the keys comparing less *)
+(* than the supplied key, an optional equal key, and the keys comparing *)
+(* greater. *)
+  fun mkLeft [] t = t
+    | mkLeft (({priority,left,key,value,...} : ('a,'b) node) :: xs) t =
+      mkLeft xs (mkT priority left key value t);
+  fun mkRight [] t = t
+    | mkRight (({priority,key,value,right,...} : ('a,'b) node) :: xs) t =
+      mkRight xs (mkT priority t key value right);
+  fun treePart _ _ lefts rights E = (mkLeft lefts E, NONE, mkRight rights E)
+    | treePart cmp pkey lefts rights (T x) = nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights x
+  and nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights (x as {left,key,value,right,...}) =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePart cmp pkey lefts (x :: rights) left
+      | EQUAL => (mkLeft lefts left, SOME (key,value), mkRight rights right)
+      | GREATER => treePart cmp pkey (x :: lefts) rights right;
+  fun nodePartition cmp x pkey = nodePart cmp pkey [] [] x;
+(* union first calls treeCombineRemove, to combine the values *)
+(* for equal keys into the first map and remove them from the second map. *)
+(* Note that the combined key is always the one from the second map. *)
+  fun treeCombineRemove _ _ t1 E = (t1,E)
+    | treeCombineRemove _ _ E t2 = (E,t2)
+    | treeCombineRemove cmp f (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val (l1,l2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f l1 l2
+        and (r1,r2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2_v2 of
+          NONE =>
+          if treeSize l2 + treeSize r2 = #size x2 then (t1,t2)
+          else (mkT p1 l1 k1 v1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+        | SOME (k2,v2) =>
+          case f (v1,v2) of
+            NONE => (treeAppend cmp l1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+          | SOME v => (mkT p1 l1 k2 v r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+      end;
+  fun treeUnionDisjoint _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeUnionDisjoint _ E t2 = t2
+    | treeUnionDisjoint cmp (T x1) (T x2) =
+      case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+        LESS => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x2 x1
+      | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.unionDisjoint: equal keys"
+      | GREATER => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2
+  and nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2 =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,_,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeUnionDisjoint cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeUnionDisjoint cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        mkT p1 l k1 v1 r
+      end;
+  fun union f (m1 as Map (cmp,t1)) (Map (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then m1
+      else
+        let
+          val (t1,t2) = treeCombineRemove cmp f t1 t2
+        in
+          Map (cmp, treeUnionDisjoint cmp t1 t2)
+        end;
+val union = fn f => fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: result"
+      (union f (checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: input 1" t1)
+               (checkWellformed "RandomMap.union: input 2" t2));
+(* intersect is a simple case of the union algorithm. *)
+  fun treeIntersect _ _ _ E = E
+    | treeIntersect _ _ E _ = E
+    | treeIntersect cmp f (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeIntersect cmp f l1 l2
+        and r = treeIntersect cmp f r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2_v2 of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+        | SOME (k2,v2) =>
+          case f (v1,v2) of
+            NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+          | SOME v => mkT p1 l k2 v r
+      end;
+  fun intersect f (m1 as Map (cmp,t1)) (Map (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then m1
+      else Map (cmp, treeIntersect cmp f t1 t2);
+val intersect = fn f => fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: result"
+      (intersect f (checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: input 1" t1)
+                   (checkWellformed "RandomMap.intersect: input 2" t2));
+(* delete raises an exception if the supplied key is not found, which *)
+(* makes it simpler to maximize sharing. *)
+  fun treeDelete _ E _ = raise Error "RandomMap.delete: element not found"
+    | treeDelete cmp (T {priority,left,key,value,right,...}) dkey =
+      case cmp (dkey,key) of
+        LESS => mkT priority (treeDelete cmp left dkey) key value right
+      | EQUAL => treeAppend cmp left right
+      | GREATER => mkT priority left key value (treeDelete cmp right dkey);
+  fun delete (Map (cmp,tree)) key = Map (cmp, treeDelete cmp tree key);
+val delete = fn t => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.delete: result"
+      (delete (checkWellformed "RandomMap.delete: input" t) x);
+(* Set difference on domains *)
+  fun treeDifference _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeDifference _ E _ = E
+    | treeDifference cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, priority = p1,
+             left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1} = x1
+        val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeDifference cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeDifference cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        if Option.isSome k2_v2 then treeAppend cmp l r
+        else if treeSize l + treeSize r + 1 = s1 then t1
+        else mkT p1 l k1 v1 r
+      end;
+  fun difference (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      Map (cmp, treeDifference cmp tree1 tree2);
+val difference = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: result"
+      (difference (checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: input 1" t1)
+                  (checkWellformed "RandomMap.difference: input 2" t2));
+(* subsetDomain is mainly used when using maps as sets. *)
+  fun treeSubsetDomain _ E _ = true
+    | treeSubsetDomain _ _ E = false
+    | treeSubsetDomain cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 <= s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2_v2 andalso
+          treeSubsetDomain cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeSubsetDomain cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun subsetDomain (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeSubsetDomain cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* Map equality *)
+  fun treeEqual _ _ E E = true
+    | treeEqual _ _ E _ = false
+    | treeEqual _ _ _ E = false
+    | treeEqual cmp veq (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, value = v1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 = s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2_v2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          (case k2_v2 of NONE => false | SOME (_,v2) => veq v1 v2) andalso
+          treeEqual cmp veq l1 l2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp veq r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun equal veq (Map (cmp,tree1)) (Map (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeEqual cmp veq tree1 tree2;
+(* mapPartial is the basic function for preserving the tree structure. *)
+(* It applies the argument function to the elements *in order*. *)
+  fun treeMapPartial cmp _ E = E
+    | treeMapPartial cmp f (T {priority,left,key,value,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeMapPartial cmp f left
+        and value' = f (key,value)
+        and right = treeMapPartial cmp f right
+      in
+        case value' of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp left right
+        | SOME value => mkT priority left key value right
+      end;
+  fun mapPartial f (Map (cmp,tree)) = Map (cmp, treeMapPartial cmp f tree);
+(* map is a primitive function for efficiency reasons. *)
+(* It also applies the argument function to the elements *in order*. *)
+  fun treeMap _ E = E
+    | treeMap f (T {size,priority,left,key,value,right}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeMap f left
+        and value = f (key,value)
+        and right = treeMap f right
+      in
+        T {size = size, priority = priority, left = left,
+           key = key, value = value, right = right}
+      end;
+  fun map f (Map (cmp,tree)) = Map (cmp, treeMap f tree);
+(* nth picks the nth smallest key/value (counting from 0). *)
+  fun treeNth E _ = raise Subscript
+    | treeNth (T {left,key,value,right,...}) n =
+      let
+        val k = treeSize left
+      in
+        if n = k then (key,value)
+        else if n < k then treeNth left n
+        else treeNth right (n - (k + 1))
+      end;
+  fun nth (Map (_,tree)) n = treeNth tree n;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun leftSpine E acc = acc
+  | leftSpine (t as T {left,...}) acc = leftSpine left (t :: acc);
+fun rightSpine E acc = acc
+  | rightSpine (t as T {right,...}) acc = rightSpine right (t :: acc);
+datatype ('key,'a) iterator =
+    LR of ('key * 'a) * ('key,'a) tree * ('key,'a) tree list
+  | RL of ('key * 'a) * ('key,'a) tree * ('key,'a) tree list;
+fun mkLR [] = NONE
+  | mkLR (T {key,value,right,...} :: l) = SOME (LR ((key,value),right,l))
+  | mkLR (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomMap.mkLR";
+fun mkRL [] = NONE
+  | mkRL (T {key,value,left,...} :: l) = SOME (RL ((key,value),left,l))
+  | mkRL (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomMap.mkRL";
+fun mkIterator (Map (_,tree)) = mkLR (leftSpine tree []);
+fun mkRevIterator (Map (_,tree)) = mkRL (rightSpine tree []);
+fun readIterator (LR (key_value,_,_)) = key_value
+  | readIterator (RL (key_value,_,_)) = key_value;
+fun advanceIterator (LR (_,next,l)) = mkLR (leftSpine next l)
+  | advanceIterator (RL (_,next,l)) = mkRL (rightSpine next l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derived operations.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun null m = size m = 0;
+fun get m key =
+    case peek m key of
+      NONE => raise Error "RandomMap.get: element not found"
+    | SOME value => value;
+fun inDomain key m = Option.isSome (peek m key);
+fun insert m key_value =
+    union (SOME o snd) m (singleton (comparison m) key_value);
+val insert = fn m => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomMap.insert: result"
+      (insert (checkWellformed "RandomMap.insert: input" m) x);
+  fun fold _ NONE acc = acc
+    | fold f (SOME iter) acc =
+      let
+        val (key,value) = readIterator iter
+      in
+        fold f (advanceIterator iter) (f (key,value,acc))
+      end;
+  fun foldl f b m = fold f (mkIterator m) b;
+  fun foldr f b m = fold f (mkRevIterator m) b;
+  fun find _ NONE = NONE
+    | find pred (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key_value = readIterator iter
+      in
+        if pred key_value then SOME key_value
+        else find pred (advanceIterator iter)
+      end;
+  fun findl p m = find p (mkIterator m);
+  fun findr p m = find p (mkRevIterator m);
+  fun first _ NONE = NONE
+    | first f (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key_value = readIterator iter
+      in
+        case f key_value of
+          NONE => first f (advanceIterator iter)
+        | s => s
+      end;
+  fun firstl f m = first f (mkIterator m);
+  fun firstr f m = first f (mkRevIterator m);
+fun fromList cmp l = List.foldl (fn (k_v,m) => insert m k_v) (new cmp) l;
+fun insertList m l = union (SOME o snd) m (fromList (comparison m) l);
+fun filter p =
+    let
+      fun f (key_value as (_,value)) =
+          if p key_value then SOME value else NONE
+    in
+      mapPartial f
+    end;
+fun app f m = foldl (fn (key,value,()) => f (key,value)) () m;
+fun transform f = map (fn (_,value) => f value);
+fun toList m = foldr (fn (key,value,l) => (key,value) :: l) [] m;
+fun domain m = foldr (fn (key,_,l) => key :: l) [] m;
+fun exists p m = Option.isSome (findl p m);
+fun all p m = not (exists (not o p) m);
+fun random m = case size m of 0 => raise Empty | n => nth m (randomInt n);
+  fun iterCompare _ _ NONE NONE = EQUAL
+    | iterCompare _ _ NONE (SOME _) = LESS
+    | iterCompare _ _ (SOME _) NONE = GREATER
+    | iterCompare kcmp vcmp (SOME i1) (SOME i2) =
+      keyIterCompare kcmp vcmp (readIterator i1) (readIterator i2) i1 i2
+  and keyIterCompare kcmp vcmp (k1,v1) (k2,v2) i1 i2 =
+      case kcmp (k1,k2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL =>
+        (case vcmp (v1,v2) of
+           LESS => LESS
+         | EQUAL =>
+           iterCompare kcmp vcmp (advanceIterator i1) (advanceIterator i2)
+         | GREATER => GREATER)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun compare vcmp (m1,m2) =
+      if pointerEqual (m1,m2) then EQUAL
+      else
+        case (size m1, size m2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL =>
+          iterCompare (comparison m1) vcmp (mkIterator m1) (mkIterator m2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER;
+fun equalDomain m1 m2 = equal (K (K true)) m1 m2;
+fun toString m = "<" ^ (if null m then "" else Int.toString (size m)) ^ ">";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/RandomSet.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure RandomSet :> Set =
+exception Bug = Useful.Bug;
+exception Error = Useful.Error;
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val K = Useful.K;
+val snd = Useful.snd;
+val randomInt = Useful.random;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random search trees.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a tree =
+    E
+  | T of
+    {size : int,
+     priority : real,
+     left : 'a tree,
+     key : 'a,
+     right : 'a tree};
+type 'a node =
+     {size : int,
+      priority : real,
+      left : 'a tree,
+      key : 'a,
+      right : 'a tree};
+datatype 'a set = Set of ('a * 'a -> order) * 'a tree;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Random priorities.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val randomPriority =
+      let
+        val gen = Random.newgenseed 2.0
+      in
+        fn () => Random.random gen
+      end;
+  val priorityOrder =;
+  fun treeSingleton key =
+      T {size = 1, priority = randomPriority (),
+         left = E, key = key, right = E};
+  fun nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1 : 'a node, x2 : 'a node) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, key = k1, ...} = x1
+        and {priority = p2, key = k2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        case priorityOrder (p1,p2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => cmp (k1,k2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debugging functions.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun checkSizes E = 0
+    | checkSizes (T {size,left,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val l = checkSizes left
+        and r = checkSizes right
+        val () = if l + 1 + r = size then () else raise Error "wrong size"
+      in
+        size
+      end
+  fun checkSorted _ x E = x
+    | checkSorted cmp x (T {left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val x = checkSorted cmp x left
+        val () =
+            case x of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME k =>
+              case cmp (k,key) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "duplicate keys"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "unsorted"
+      in
+        checkSorted cmp (SOME key) right
+      end;
+  fun checkPriorities _ E = NONE
+    | checkPriorities cmp (T (x as {left,right,...})) =
+      let
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp left of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME l =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (l,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "left child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "left child has greater priority"
+        val () =
+            case checkPriorities cmp right of
+              NONE => ()
+            | SOME r =>
+              case nodePriorityOrder cmp (r,x) of
+                LESS => ()
+              | EQUAL => raise Error "right child has equal key"
+              | GREATER => raise Error "right child has greater priority"
+      in
+        SOME x
+      end;
+  fun checkWellformed s (set as Set (cmp,tree)) =
+      (let
+         val _ = checkSizes tree
+         val _ = checkSorted cmp NONE tree
+         val _ = checkPriorities cmp tree
+       in
+         set
+       end
+       handle Error err => raise Bug err)
+      handle Bug bug => raise Bug (s ^ "\nRandomSet.checkWellformed: " ^ bug);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun comparison (Set (cmp,_)) = cmp;
+fun empty cmp = Set (cmp,E);
+fun treeSize E = 0
+  | treeSize (T {size = s, ...}) = s;
+fun size (Set (_,tree)) = treeSize tree;
+fun mkT p l k r =
+    T {size = treeSize l + 1 + treeSize r, priority = p,
+       left = l, key = k, right = r};
+fun singleton cmp key = Set (cmp, treeSingleton key);
+  fun treePeek cmp E pkey = NONE
+    | treePeek cmp (T {left,key,right,...}) pkey =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePeek cmp left pkey
+      | EQUAL => SOME key
+      | GREATER => treePeek cmp right pkey
+  fun peek (Set (cmp,tree)) key = treePeek cmp tree key;
+(* treeAppend assumes that every element of the first tree is less than *)
+(* every element of the second tree. *)
+fun treeAppend _ t1 E = t1
+  | treeAppend _ E t2 = t2
+  | treeAppend cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+    case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p2, left = l2, key = k2, right = r2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        mkT p2 (treeAppend cmp t1 l2) k2 r2
+      end
+    | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.treeAppend: equal keys"
+    | GREATER =>
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+      in
+        mkT p1 l1 k1 (treeAppend cmp r1 t2)
+      end;
+(* nodePartition splits the node into three parts: the keys comparing less *)
+(* than the supplied key, an optional equal key, and the keys comparing *)
+(* greater. *)
+  fun mkLeft [] t = t
+    | mkLeft (({priority,left,key,...} : 'a node) :: xs) t =
+      mkLeft xs (mkT priority left key t);
+  fun mkRight [] t = t
+    | mkRight (({priority,key,right,...} : 'a node) :: xs) t =
+      mkRight xs (mkT priority t key right);
+  fun treePart _ _ lefts rights E = (mkLeft lefts E, NONE, mkRight rights E)
+    | treePart cmp pkey lefts rights (T x) = nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights x
+  and nodePart cmp pkey lefts rights (x as {left,key,right,...}) =
+      case cmp (pkey,key) of
+        LESS => treePart cmp pkey lefts (x :: rights) left
+      | EQUAL => (mkLeft lefts left, SOME key, mkRight rights right)
+      | GREATER => treePart cmp pkey (x :: lefts) rights right;
+  fun nodePartition cmp x pkey = nodePart cmp pkey [] [] x;
+(* union first calls treeCombineRemove, to combine the values *)
+(* for equal keys into the first map and remove them from the second map. *)
+(* Note that the combined key is always the one from the second map. *)
+  fun treeCombineRemove _ t1 E = (t1,E)
+    | treeCombineRemove _ E t2 = (E,t2)
+    | treeCombineRemove cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val (l1,l2) = treeCombineRemove cmp l1 l2
+        and (r1,r2) = treeCombineRemove cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2 of
+          NONE => if treeSize l2 + treeSize r2 = #size x2 then (t1,t2)
+                  else (mkT p1 l1 k1 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+        | SOME k2 => (mkT p1 l1 k2 r1, treeAppend cmp l2 r2)
+      end;
+  fun treeUnionDisjoint _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeUnionDisjoint _ E t2 = t2
+    | treeUnionDisjoint cmp (T x1) (T x2) =
+      case nodePriorityOrder cmp (x1,x2) of
+        LESS => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x2 x1
+      | EQUAL => raise Bug "RandomSet.unionDisjoint: equal keys"
+      | GREATER => nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2
+  and nodeUnionDisjoint cmp x1 x2 =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,_,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeUnionDisjoint cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeUnionDisjoint cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        mkT p1 l k1 r
+      end;
+  fun union (s1 as Set (cmp,t1)) (Set (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then s1
+      else
+        let
+          val (t1,t2) = treeCombineRemove cmp t1 t2
+        in
+          Set (cmp, treeUnionDisjoint cmp t1 t2)
+        end;
+val union = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.union: result"
+      (union (checkWellformed "RandomSet.union: input 1" t1)
+             (checkWellformed "RandomSet.union: input 2" t2));
+(* intersect is a simple case of the union algorithm. *)
+  fun treeIntersect _ _ E = E
+    | treeIntersect _ E _ = E
+    | treeIntersect cmp (t1 as T x1) (t2 as T x2) =
+      let
+        val {priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeIntersect cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeIntersect cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        case k2 of
+          NONE => treeAppend cmp l r
+        | SOME k2 => mkT p1 l k2 r
+      end;
+  fun intersect (s1 as Set (cmp,t1)) (Set (_,t2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (t1,t2) then s1
+      else Set (cmp, treeIntersect cmp t1 t2);
+val intersect = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.intersect: result"
+      (intersect (checkWellformed "RandomSet.intersect: input 1" t1)
+                 (checkWellformed "RandomSet.intersect: input 2" t2));
+(* delete raises an exception if the supplied key is not found, which *)
+(* makes it simpler to maximize sharing. *)
+  fun treeDelete _ E _ = raise Error "RandomSet.delete: element not found"
+    | treeDelete cmp (T {priority,left,key,right,...}) dkey =
+      case cmp (dkey,key) of
+        LESS => mkT priority (treeDelete cmp left dkey) key right
+      | EQUAL => treeAppend cmp left right
+      | GREATER => mkT priority left key (treeDelete cmp right dkey);
+  fun delete (Set (cmp,tree)) key = Set (cmp, treeDelete cmp tree key);
+val delete = fn t => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.delete: result"
+      (delete (checkWellformed "RandomSet.delete: input" t) x);
+(* Set difference *)
+  fun treeDifference _ t1 E = t1
+    | treeDifference _ E _ = E
+    | treeDifference cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, priority = p1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1} = x1
+        val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        val l = treeDifference cmp l1 l2
+        and r = treeDifference cmp r1 r2
+      in
+        if Option.isSome k2 then treeAppend cmp l r
+        else if treeSize l + treeSize r + 1 = s1 then t1
+        else mkT p1 l k1 r
+      end;
+  fun difference (Set (cmp,tree1)) (Set (_,tree2)) =
+      if pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) then Set (cmp,E)
+      else Set (cmp, treeDifference cmp tree1 tree2);
+val difference = fn t1 => fn t2 =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.difference: result"
+      (difference (checkWellformed "RandomSet.difference: input 1" t1)
+                  (checkWellformed "RandomSet.difference: input 2" t2));
+(* Subsets *)
+  fun treeSubset _ E _ = true
+    | treeSubset _ _ E = false
+    | treeSubset cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 <= s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2 andalso
+          treeSubset cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeSubset cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun subset (Set (cmp,tree1)) (Set (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeSubset cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* Set equality *)
+  fun treeEqual _ E E = true
+    | treeEqual _ E _ = false
+    | treeEqual _ _ E = false
+    | treeEqual cmp (t1 as T x1) (T x2) =
+      let
+        val {size = s1, left = l1, key = k1, right = r1, ...} = x1
+        and {size = s2, ...} = x2
+      in
+        s1 = s2 andalso
+        let
+          val (l2,k2,r2) = nodePartition cmp x2 k1
+        in
+          Option.isSome k2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp l1 l2 andalso
+          treeEqual cmp r1 r2
+        end
+      end;
+  fun equal (Set (cmp,tree1)) (Set (_,tree2)) =
+      pointerEqual (tree1,tree2) orelse
+      treeEqual cmp tree1 tree2;
+(* filter is the basic function for preserving the tree structure. *)
+  fun treeFilter _ _ E = E
+    | treeFilter cmp pred (T {priority,left,key,right,...}) =
+      let
+        val left = treeFilter cmp pred left
+        and right = treeFilter cmp pred right
+      in
+        if pred key then mkT priority left key right
+        else treeAppend cmp left right
+      end;
+  fun filter pred (Set (cmp,tree)) = Set (cmp, treeFilter cmp pred tree);
+(* nth picks the nth smallest key (counting from 0). *)
+  fun treeNth E _ = raise Subscript
+    | treeNth (T {left,key,right,...}) n =
+      let
+        val k = treeSize left
+      in
+        if n = k then key
+        else if n < k then treeNth left n
+        else treeNth right (n - (k + 1))
+      end;
+  fun nth (Set (_,tree)) n = treeNth tree n;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun leftSpine E acc = acc
+  | leftSpine (t as T {left,...}) acc = leftSpine left (t :: acc);
+fun rightSpine E acc = acc
+  | rightSpine (t as T {right,...}) acc = rightSpine right (t :: acc);
+datatype 'a iterator =
+    LR of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree list
+  | RL of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree list;
+fun mkLR [] = NONE
+  | mkLR (T {key,right,...} :: l) = SOME (LR (key,right,l))
+  | mkLR (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomSet.mkLR";
+fun mkRL [] = NONE
+  | mkRL (T {key,left,...} :: l) = SOME (RL (key,left,l))
+  | mkRL (E :: _) = raise Bug "RandomSet.mkRL";
+fun mkIterator (Set (_,tree)) = mkLR (leftSpine tree []);
+fun mkRevIterator (Set (_,tree)) = mkRL (rightSpine tree []);
+fun readIterator (LR (key,_,_)) = key
+  | readIterator (RL (key,_,_)) = key;
+fun advanceIterator (LR (_,next,l)) = mkLR (leftSpine next l)
+  | advanceIterator (RL (_,next,l)) = mkRL (rightSpine next l);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Derived operations.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun null s = size s = 0;
+fun member x s = Option.isSome (peek s x);
+(* add must be primitive to get hold of the comparison function *)
+fun add s x = union s (singleton (comparison s) x);
+val add = fn s => fn x =>
+    checkWellformed "RandomSet.add: result"
+      (add (checkWellformed "RandomSet.add: input" s) x);
+  fun unionPairs ys [] = rev ys
+    | unionPairs ys (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (ys,xs)
+    | unionPairs ys (x1 :: x2 :: xs) = unionPairs (union x1 x2 :: ys) xs;
+  fun unionList [] = raise Error "Set.unionList: no sets"
+    | unionList [s] = s
+    | unionList l = unionList (unionPairs [] l);
+  fun intersectPairs ys [] = rev ys
+    | intersectPairs ys (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (ys,xs)
+    | intersectPairs ys (x1 :: x2 :: xs) =
+      intersectPairs (intersect x1 x2 :: ys) xs;
+  fun intersectList [] = raise Error "Set.intersectList: no sets"
+    | intersectList [s] = s
+    | intersectList l = intersectList (intersectPairs [] l);
+fun symmetricDifference s1 s2 = union (difference s1 s2) (difference s2 s1);
+fun disjoint s1 s2 = null (intersect s1 s2);
+fun partition pred set = (filter pred set, filter (not o pred) set);
+  fun fold _ NONE acc = acc
+    | fold f (SOME iter) acc =
+      let
+        val key = readIterator iter
+      in
+        fold f (advanceIterator iter) (f (key,acc))
+      end;
+  fun foldl f b m = fold f (mkIterator m) b;
+  fun foldr f b m = fold f (mkRevIterator m) b;
+  fun find _ NONE = NONE
+    | find pred (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key = readIterator iter
+      in
+        if pred key then SOME key
+        else find pred (advanceIterator iter)
+      end;
+  fun findl p m = find p (mkIterator m);
+  fun findr p m = find p (mkRevIterator m);
+  fun first _ NONE = NONE
+    | first f (SOME iter) =
+      let
+        val key = readIterator iter
+      in
+        case f key of
+          NONE => first f (advanceIterator iter)
+        | s => s
+      end;
+  fun firstl f m = first f (mkIterator m);
+  fun firstr f m = first f (mkRevIterator m);
+fun count p = foldl (fn (x,n) => if p x then n + 1 else n) 0;
+fun fromList cmp l = List.foldl (fn (k,s) => add s k) (empty cmp) l;
+fun addList s l = union s (fromList (comparison s) l);
+fun toList s = foldr op:: [] s;
+fun map f s = rev (foldl (fn (x,l) => (x, f x) :: l) [] s);
+fun transform f s = rev (foldl (fn (x,l) => f x :: l) [] s);
+fun app f s = foldl (fn (x,()) => f x) () s;
+fun exists p s = Option.isSome (findl p s);
+fun all p s = not (exists (not o p) s);
+  fun iterCompare _ NONE NONE = EQUAL
+    | iterCompare _ NONE (SOME _) = LESS
+    | iterCompare _ (SOME _) NONE = GREATER
+    | iterCompare cmp (SOME i1) (SOME i2) =
+      keyIterCompare cmp (readIterator i1) (readIterator i2) i1 i2
+  and keyIterCompare cmp k1 k2 i1 i2 =
+      case cmp (k1,k2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL => iterCompare cmp (advanceIterator i1) (advanceIterator i2)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  fun compare (s1,s2) =
+      if pointerEqual (s1,s2) then EQUAL
+      else
+        case (size s1, size s2) of
+          LESS => LESS
+        | EQUAL => iterCompare (comparison s1) (mkIterator s1) (mkIterator s2)
+        | GREATER => GREATER;
+fun pick s =
+    case findl (K true) s of
+      SOME p => p
+    | NONE => raise Error "RandomSet.pick: empty";
+fun random s = case size s of 0 => raise Empty | n => nth s (randomInt n);
+fun deletePick s = let val x = pick s in (x, delete s x) end;
+fun deleteRandom s = let val x = random s in (x, delete s x) end;
+fun close f s = let val s' = f s in if equal s s' then s else close f s' end;
+fun toString s = "{" ^ (if null s then "" else Int.toString (size s)) ^ "}";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Resolution.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE RESOLUTION PROOF PROCEDURE                                            *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Resolution =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of resolution proof procedures.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {active : Active.parameters,
+      waiting : Waiting.parameters}
+type resolution
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val new : parameters -> Thm.thm list -> resolution
+val active : resolution ->
+val waiting : resolution -> Waiting.waiting
+val pp : resolution Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The main proof loop.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype decision =
+    Contradiction of Thm.thm
+  | Satisfiable of Thm.thm list
+datatype state =
+    Decided of decision
+  | Undecided of resolution
+val iterate : resolution -> state
+val loop : resolution -> decision
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Resolution.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE RESOLUTION PROOF PROCEDURE                                            *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Resolution :> Resolution =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parameters.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {active : Active.parameters,
+      waiting : Waiting.parameters};
+datatype resolution =
+    Resolution of
+      {parameters : parameters,
+       active :,
+       waiting : Waiting.waiting};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters =
+    {active = Active.default,
+     waiting = Waiting.default};
+fun new parameters ths =
+    let
+      val {active = activeParm, waiting = waitingParm} = parameters
+      val (active,cls) = activeParm ths  (* cls = factored ths *)
+      val waiting = waitingParm cls
+    in
+      Resolution {parameters = parameters, active = active, waiting = waiting}
+    end;
+fun active (Resolution {active = a, ...}) = a;
+fun waiting (Resolution {waiting = w, ...}) = w;
+val pp =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn Resolution {active,waiting,...} =>
+          "Resolution(" ^ Int.toString (Active.size active) ^
+          "<-" ^ Int.toString (Waiting.size waiting) ^ ")")
+      Parser.ppString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The main proof loop.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype decision =
+    Contradiction of Thm.thm
+  | Satisfiable of Thm.thm list;
+datatype state =
+    Decided of decision
+  | Undecided of resolution;
+fun iterate resolution =
+    let
+      val Resolution {parameters,active,waiting} = resolution
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Active.pp "Resolution.iterate: active" active
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Waiting.pp "Resolution.iterate: waiting" waiting
+    in
+      case Waiting.remove waiting of
+        NONE =>
+        Decided (Satisfiable (map Clause.thm (Active.saturated active)))
+      | SOME ((d,cl),waiting) =>
+        if Clause.isContradiction cl then
+          Decided (Contradiction (Clause.thm cl))
+        else
+          let
+            val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Resolution.iterate: cl" cl
+            val (active,cls) = Active.add active cl
+            val waiting = Waiting.add waiting (d,cls)
+          in
+            Undecided
+              (Resolution
+                 {parameters = parameters, active = active, waiting = waiting})
+          end
+    end;
+fun loop resolution =
+    case iterate resolution of
+      Decided decision => decision
+    | Undecided resolution => loop resolution;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Rewrite.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED REWRITING FOR FIRST ORDER TERMS                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Rewrite =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of rewrite systems.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype orient = LeftToRight | RightToLeft
+type reductionOrder = Term.term * Term.term -> order option
+type equationId = int
+type equation = Rule.equation
+type rewrite
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : reductionOrder -> rewrite
+val peek : rewrite -> equationId -> (equation * orient option) option
+val size : rewrite -> int
+val equations : rewrite -> equation list
+val toString : rewrite -> string
+val pp : rewrite Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add equations into the system.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : rewrite -> equationId * equation -> rewrite
+val addList : rewrite -> (equationId * equation) list -> rewrite
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting (the order must be a refinement of the rewrite order).          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rewrConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Rule.conv
+val rewriteConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Rule.conv
+val rewriteLiteralsRule :
+    rewrite -> reductionOrder -> LiteralSet.set -> Rule.rule
+val rewriteRule : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> Rule.rule
+val rewrIdConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Rule.conv
+val rewriteIdConv : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Rule.conv
+val rewriteIdLiteralsRule :
+    rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> LiteralSet.set -> Rule.rule
+val rewriteIdRule : rewrite -> reductionOrder -> equationId -> Rule.rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inter-reduce the equations in the system.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reduce' : rewrite -> rewrite * equationId list
+val reduce : rewrite -> rewrite
+val isReduced : rewrite -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting as a derived rule.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rewrite : equation list -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+val orderedRewrite : reductionOrder -> equation list -> Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Rewrite.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ORDERED REWRITING FOR FIRST ORDER TERMS                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Rewrite :> Rewrite =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of rewrite systems.                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype orient = LeftToRight | RightToLeft;
+type reductionOrder = Term.term * Term.term -> order option;
+type equationId = int;
+type equation = Rule.equation;
+datatype rewrite =
+    Rewrite of
+      {order : reductionOrder,
+       known : (equation * orient option),
+       redexes : (equationId * orient) TermNet.termNet,
+       subterms : (equationId * bool * Term.path) TermNet.termNet,
+       waiting : IntSet.set};
+fun updateWaiting rw waiting =
+    let
+      val Rewrite {order, known, redexes, subterms, waiting = _} = rw
+    in
+      Rewrite
+        {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+         subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+    end;
+fun deleteWaiting (rw as Rewrite {waiting,...}) id =
+    updateWaiting rw (IntSet.delete waiting id);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new order =
+    Rewrite
+      {order = order,
+       known = (),
+       redexes = {fifo = false},
+       subterms = {fifo = false},
+       waiting = IntSet.empty};
+fun peek (Rewrite {known,...}) id = IntMap.peek known id;
+fun size (Rewrite {known,...}) = IntMap.size known;
+fun equations (Rewrite {known,...}) =
+    IntMap.foldr (fn (_,(eqn,_),eqns) => eqn :: eqns) [] known;
+val pp = Parser.ppMap equations (Parser.ppList Rule.ppEquation);
+  fun orientOptionToString ort =
+      case ort of
+        SOME LeftToRight => "-->"
+      | SOME RightToLeft => "<--"
+      | NONE => "<->";
+  open Parser;
+  fun ppEq p ((x_y,_),ort) =
+      ppBinop (" " ^ orientOptionToString ort) Term.pp Term.pp p x_y;
+  fun ppField f ppA p a =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p (f ^ " =");
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppA p a;
+       endBlock p);
+  val ppKnown =
+      ppField "known" (ppMap IntMap.toList (ppList (ppPair ppInt ppEq)));
+  val ppRedexes =
+      ppField
+        "redexes"
+        (TermNet.pp
+           (ppPair ppInt (ppMap (orientOptionToString o SOME) ppString)));
+  val ppSubterms =
+      ppField
+        "subterms"
+        (TermNet.pp
+           (ppMap
+              (fn (i,l,p) => (i, (if l then 0 else 1) :: p))
+              (ppPair ppInt Term.ppPath)));
+  val ppWaiting = ppField "waiting" (ppMap (IntSet.toList) (ppList ppInt));
+  fun pp p (Rewrite {known,redexes,subterms,waiting,...}) =
+      (beginBlock p Inconsistent 2;
+       addString p "Rewrite";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       beginBlock p Inconsistent 1;
+       addString p "{";
+       ppKnown p known;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppRedexes p redexes;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppSubterms p subterms;
+       addString p ",";
+       addBreak p (1,0);
+       ppWaiting p waiting;
+       endBlock p;
+       addString p "}";
+       endBlock p);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debug functions.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun termReducible order known id =
+    let
+      fun eqnRed ((l,r),_) tm =
+          case total (Subst.match Subst.empty l) tm of
+            NONE => false
+          | SOME sub =>
+            order (tm, Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r) = SOME GREATER
+      fun knownRed tm (eqnId,(eqn,ort)) =
+          eqnId <> id andalso
+          ((ort <> SOME RightToLeft andalso eqnRed eqn tm) orelse
+           (ort <> SOME LeftToRight andalso eqnRed (Rule.symEqn eqn) tm))
+      fun termRed tm = IntMap.exists (knownRed tm) known orelse subtermRed tm
+      and subtermRed (Term.Var _) = false
+        | subtermRed (Term.Fn (_,tms)) = List.exists termRed tms
+    in
+      termRed
+    end;
+fun literalReducible order known id lit =
+    List.exists (termReducible order known id) (Literal.arguments lit);
+fun literalsReducible order known id lits =
+    LiteralSet.exists (literalReducible order known id) lits;
+fun thmReducible order known id th =
+    literalsReducible order known id (Thm.clause th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add equations into the system.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun orderToOrient (SOME EQUAL) = raise Error "Rewrite.orient: reflexive"
+  | orderToOrient (SOME GREATER) = SOME LeftToRight
+  | orderToOrient (SOME LESS) = SOME RightToLeft
+  | orderToOrient NONE = NONE;
+  fun ins redexes redex id ort = TermNet.insert redexes (redex,(id,ort));
+  fun addRedexes id (((l,r),_),ort) redexes =
+      case ort of
+        SOME LeftToRight => ins redexes l id LeftToRight
+      | SOME RightToLeft => ins redexes r id RightToLeft
+      | NONE => ins (ins redexes l id LeftToRight) r id RightToLeft;
+fun add (rw as Rewrite {known,...}) (id,eqn) =
+    if IntMap.inDomain id known then rw
+    else
+      let
+        val Rewrite {order,redexes,subterms,waiting, ...} = rw
+        val ort = orderToOrient (order (fst eqn))
+        val known = IntMap.insert known (id,(eqn,ort))
+        val redexes = addRedexes id (eqn,ort) redexes
+        val waiting = IntSet.add waiting id
+        val rw =
+            Rewrite
+              {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+               subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Rewrite.add: result" rw
+      in
+        rw
+      end;
+val addList = foldl (fn (eqn,rw) => add rw eqn);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting (the order must be a refinement of the rewrite order).          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun reorder ((i,_),(j,_)) = (j,i);
+  fun matchingRedexes redexes tm = sort reorder (TermNet.match redexes tm);
+fun wellOriented NONE _ = true
+  | wellOriented (SOME LeftToRight) LeftToRight = true
+  | wellOriented (SOME RightToLeft) RightToLeft = true
+  | wellOriented _ _ = false;
+fun redexResidue LeftToRight ((l_r,_) : equation) = l_r
+  | redexResidue RightToLeft ((l,r),_) = (r,l);
+fun orientedEquation LeftToRight eqn = eqn
+  | orientedEquation RightToLeft eqn = Rule.symEqn eqn;
+fun rewrIdConv' order known redexes id tm =
+    let
+      fun rewr (id',lr) =
+          let
+            val _ = id <> id' orelse raise Error "same theorem"
+            val (eqn,ort) = IntMap.get known id'
+            val _ = wellOriented ort lr orelse raise Error "orientation"
+            val (l,r) = redexResidue lr eqn
+            val sub = Subst.normalize (Subst.match Subst.empty l tm)
+            val tm' = Subst.subst sub r
+            val _ = Option.isSome ort orelse
+                    order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER orelse
+                    raise Error "order"
+            val (_,th) = orientedEquation lr eqn
+          in
+            (tm', Thm.subst sub th)
+          end
+    in
+      case first (total rewr) (matchingRedexes redexes tm) of
+        NONE => raise Error "Rewrite.rewrIdConv: no matching rewrites"
+      | SOME res => res
+    end;
+fun rewriteIdConv' order known redexes id =
+    if IntMap.null known then Rule.allConv
+    else Rule.repeatTopDownConv (rewrIdConv' order known redexes id);
+fun mkNeqConv order lit =
+    let
+      val (l,r) = Literal.destNeq lit
+    in
+      case order (l,r) of
+        NONE => raise Error "incomparable"
+      | SOME LESS =>
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",l),("y",r)]
+          val th = Thm.subst sub Rule.symmetry
+        in
+          fn tm => if tm = r then (l,th) else raise Error "mkNeqConv: RL"
+        end
+      | SOME EQUAL => raise Error "irreflexive"
+      | SOME GREATER =>
+        let
+          val th = Thm.assume lit
+        in
+          fn tm => if tm = l then (r,th) else raise Error "mkNeqConv: LR"
+        end
+    end;
+datatype neqConvs = NeqConvs of Rule.conv;
+val neqConvsEmpty = NeqConvs ( ());
+fun neqConvsNull (NeqConvs m) = LiteralMap.null m;
+fun neqConvsAdd order (neq as NeqConvs m) lit =
+    case total (mkNeqConv order) lit of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME conv => SOME (NeqConvs (LiteralMap.insert m (lit,conv)));
+fun mkNeqConvs order =
+    let
+      fun add (lit,(neq,lits)) =
+          case neqConvsAdd order neq lit of
+            SOME neq => (neq,lits)
+          | NONE => (neq, LiteralSet.add lits lit)
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldl add (neqConvsEmpty,LiteralSet.empty)
+    end;
+fun neqConvsDelete (NeqConvs m) lit = NeqConvs (LiteralMap.delete m lit);
+fun neqConvsToConv (NeqConvs m) =
+    Rule.firstConv (LiteralMap.foldr (fn (_,c,l) => c :: l) [] m);
+fun neqConvsFoldl f b (NeqConvs m) =
+    LiteralMap.foldl (fn (l,_,z) => f (l,z)) b m;
+fun neqConvsRewrIdLiterule order known redexes id neq =
+    if IntMap.null known andalso neqConvsNull neq then Rule.allLiterule
+    else
+      let
+        val neq_conv = neqConvsToConv neq
+        val rewr_conv = rewrIdConv' order known redexes id
+        val conv = Rule.orelseConv neq_conv rewr_conv
+        val conv = Rule.repeatTopDownConv conv
+      in
+        Rule.allArgumentsLiterule conv
+      end;
+fun rewriteIdEqn' order known redexes id (eqn as (l_r,th)) =
+    let
+      val (neq,_) = mkNeqConvs order (Thm.clause th)
+      val literule = neqConvsRewrIdLiterule order known redexes id neq
+      val (strongEqn,lit) =
+          case Rule.equationLiteral eqn of
+            NONE => (true, Literal.mkEq l_r)
+          | SOME lit => (false,lit)
+      val (lit',litTh) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then eqn
+      else
+        (Literal.destEq lit',
+         if strongEqn then th
+         else if not (Thm.negateMember lit litTh) then litTh
+         else Thm.resolve lit th litTh)
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("Rewrite.rewriteIdEqn':\n" ^ err);
+fun rewriteIdLiteralsRule' order known redexes id lits th =
+    let
+      val mk_literule = neqConvsRewrIdLiterule order known redexes id
+      fun rewr_neq_lit (lit, acc as (changed,neq,lits,th)) =
+          let
+            val neq = neqConvsDelete neq lit
+            val (lit',litTh) = mk_literule neq lit
+          in
+            if lit = lit' then acc
+            else
+              let
+                val th = Thm.resolve lit th litTh
+              in
+                case neqConvsAdd order neq lit' of
+                  SOME neq => (true,neq,lits,th)
+                | NONE => (changed, neq, LiteralSet.add lits lit', th)
+              end
+          end
+      fun rewr_neq_lits neq lits th =
+          let
+            val (changed,neq,lits,th) =
+                neqConvsFoldl rewr_neq_lit (false,neq,lits,th) neq
+          in
+            if changed then rewr_neq_lits neq lits th
+            else (neq,lits,th)
+          end
+      val (neq,lits) = mkNeqConvs order lits
+      val (neq,lits,th) = rewr_neq_lits neq lits th
+      val rewr_literule = mk_literule neq
+      fun rewr_lit (lit,th) =
+          if Thm.member lit th then Rule.literalRule rewr_literule lit th
+          else th
+    in
+      LiteralSet.foldl rewr_lit th lits
+    end;
+fun rewriteIdRule' order known redexes id th =
+    rewriteIdLiteralsRule' order known redexes id (Thm.clause th) th;
+val rewriteIdRule' = fn order => fn known => fn redexes => fn id => fn th =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Rewrite.rewriteIdRule': th" th
+      val result = rewriteIdRule' order known redexes id th
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace Thm.pp "Rewrite.rewriteIdRule': result" result
+      val _ = not (thmReducible order known id result) orelse
+              raise Bug "rewriteIdRule: should be normalized"
+    in
+      result
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("Rewrite.rewriteIdRule:\n" ^ err);
+fun rewrIdConv (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewrIdConv' order known redexes;
+fun rewrConv rewrite order = rewrIdConv rewrite order ~1;
+fun rewriteIdConv (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewriteIdConv' order known redexes;
+fun rewriteConv rewrite order = rewriteIdConv rewrite order ~1;
+fun rewriteIdLiteralsRule (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewriteIdLiteralsRule' order known redexes;
+fun rewriteLiteralsRule rewrite order =
+    rewriteIdLiteralsRule rewrite order ~1;
+fun rewriteIdRule (Rewrite {known,redexes,...}) order =
+    rewriteIdRule' order known redexes;
+fun rewriteRule rewrite order = rewriteIdRule rewrite order ~1;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Inter-reduce the equations in the system.                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun addSubterms id (((l,r),_) : equation) subterms =
+    let
+      fun addSubterm b ((path,tm),net) = TermNet.insert net (tm,(id,b,path))
+      val subterms = foldl (addSubterm true) subterms (Term.subterms l)
+      val subterms = foldl (addSubterm false) subterms (Term.subterms r)
+    in
+      subterms
+    end;
+fun sameRedexes NONE _ _ = false
+  | sameRedexes (SOME LeftToRight) (l0,_) (l,_) = l0 = l
+  | sameRedexes (SOME RightToLeft) (_,r0) (_,r) = r0 = r;
+fun redexResidues NONE (l,r) = [(l,r,false),(r,l,false)]
+  | redexResidues (SOME LeftToRight) (l,r) = [(l,r,true)]
+  | redexResidues (SOME RightToLeft) (l,r) = [(r,l,true)];
+fun findReducibles order known subterms id =
+    let
+      fun checkValidRewr (l,r,ord) id' left path =
+          let
+            val (((x,y),_),_) = IntMap.get known id'
+            val tm = Term.subterm (if left then x else y) path
+            val sub = Subst.match Subst.empty l tm
+          in
+            if ord then ()
+            else
+              let
+                val tm' = Subst.subst (Subst.normalize sub) r
+              in
+                if order (tm,tm') = SOME GREATER then ()
+                else raise Error "order"
+              end
+          end
+      fun addRed lr ((id',left,path),todo) =
+          if id <> id' andalso not (IntSet.member id' todo) andalso
+             can (checkValidRewr lr id' left) path
+          then IntSet.add todo id'
+          else todo
+      fun findRed (lr as (l,_,_), todo) =
+          List.foldl (addRed lr) todo (TermNet.matched subterms l)
+    in
+      List.foldl findRed
+    end;
+fun reduce1 new id (eqn0,ort0) (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed) =
+    let
+      val (eq0,_) = eqn0
+      val Rewrite {order,known,redexes,subterms,waiting} = rw
+      val eqn as (eq,_) = rewriteIdEqn' order known redexes id eqn0
+      val identical = eq = eq0
+      val same_redexes = identical orelse sameRedexes ort0 eq0 eq
+      val rpl = if same_redexes then rpl else IntSet.add rpl id
+      val spl = if new orelse identical then spl else IntSet.add spl id
+      val changed =
+          if not new andalso identical then changed else IntSet.add changed id
+      val ort =
+          if same_redexes then SOME ort0 else total orderToOrient (order eq)
+    in
+      case ort of
+        NONE =>
+        let
+          val known = IntMap.delete known id
+          val rw =
+              Rewrite
+                {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+                 subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+        in
+          (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed)
+        end
+      | SOME ort =>
+        let
+          val todo =
+              if not new andalso same_redexes then todo
+              else
+                findReducibles
+                  order known subterms id todo (redexResidues ort eq)
+          val known =
+              if identical then known else IntMap.insert known (id,(eqn,ort))
+          val redexes =
+              if same_redexes then redexes
+              else addRedexes id (eqn,ort) redexes
+          val subterms =
+              if new orelse not identical then addSubterms id eqn subterms
+              else subterms
+          val rw =
+              Rewrite
+                {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+                 subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+        in
+          (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed)
+        end
+    end;
+fun pick known set =
+    let
+      fun oriented id =
+          case IntMap.peek known id of
+            SOME (x as (_, SOME _)) => SOME (id,x)
+          | _ => NONE
+      fun any id =
+          case IntMap.peek known id of SOME x => SOME (id,x) | _ => NONE
+    in
+      case IntSet.firstl oriented set of
+        x as SOME _ => x
+      | NONE => IntSet.firstl any set
+    end;
+  fun cleanRedexes known redexes rpl =
+      if IntSet.null rpl then redexes
+      else
+        let
+          fun filt (id,_) = not (IntSet.member id rpl)
+          fun addReds (id,reds) =
+              case IntMap.peek known id of
+                NONE => reds
+              | SOME eqn_ort => addRedexes id eqn_ort reds
+          val redexes = TermNet.filter filt redexes
+          val redexes = IntSet.foldl addReds redexes rpl
+        in
+          redexes
+        end;
+  fun cleanSubterms known subterms spl =
+      if IntSet.null spl then subterms
+      else
+        let
+          fun filt (id,_,_) = not (IntSet.member id spl)
+          fun addSubtms (id,subtms) =
+              case IntMap.peek known id of
+                NONE => subtms
+              | SOME (eqn,_) => addSubterms id eqn subtms
+          val subterms = TermNet.filter filt subterms
+          val subterms = IntSet.foldl addSubtms subterms spl
+        in
+          subterms
+        end;
+  fun rebuild rpl spl rw =
+      let
+        val ppPl = Parser.ppMap IntSet.toList (Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppPl "Rewrite.rebuild: rpl" rpl
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppPl "Rewrite.rebuild: spl" spl
+        val Rewrite {order,known,redexes,subterms,waiting} = rw
+        val redexes = cleanRedexes known redexes rpl
+        val subterms = cleanSubterms known subterms spl
+      in
+        Rewrite
+          {order = order, known = known, redexes = redexes,
+           subterms = subterms, waiting = waiting}
+      end;
+fun reduceAcc (rpl, spl, todo, rw as Rewrite {known,waiting,...}, changed) =
+    case pick known todo of
+      SOME (id,eqn_ort) =>
+      let
+        val todo = IntSet.delete todo id
+      in
+        reduceAcc (reduce1 false id eqn_ort (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed))
+      end
+    | NONE =>
+      case pick known waiting of
+        SOME (id,eqn_ort) =>
+        let
+          val rw = deleteWaiting rw id
+        in
+          reduceAcc (reduce1 true id eqn_ort (rpl,spl,todo,rw,changed))
+        end
+      | NONE => (rebuild rpl spl rw, IntSet.toList changed);
+fun isReduced (Rewrite {waiting,...}) = IntSet.null waiting;
+fun reduce' rw =
+    if isReduced rw then (rw,[])
+    else reduceAcc (IntSet.empty,IntSet.empty,IntSet.empty,rw,IntSet.empty);
+val reduce' = fn rw =>
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Rewrite.reduce': rw" rw
+      val Rewrite {known,order,...} = rw
+      val result as (Rewrite {known = known', ...}, _) = reduce' rw
+      val ppResult = Parser.ppPair pp (Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt)
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Rewrite.reduce': result" result
+      val ths = map (fn (id,((_,th),_)) => (id,th)) (IntMap.toList known')
+      val _ =
+          not (List.exists (uncurry (thmReducible order known')) ths) orelse
+          raise Bug "Rewrite.reduce': not fully reduced"
+    in
+      result
+    end
+    handle Error err => raise Bug ("Rewrite.reduce': shouldn't fail\n" ^ err);
+fun reduce rw = fst (reduce' rw);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Rewriting as a derived rule.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun addEqn (id_eqn,rw) = add rw id_eqn;
+  fun orderedRewrite order ths =
+    let
+      val rw = foldl addEqn (new order) (enumerate ths)
+    in
+      rewriteRule rw order
+    end;
+val rewrite = orderedRewrite (K (SOME GREATER));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Rule.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Rule =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An equation consists of two terms (t,u) plus a theorem (stronger than)    *)
+(* t = u \/ C.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type equation = (Term.term * Term.term) * Thm.thm
+val ppEquation : equation Parser.pp
+val equationToString : equation -> string
+(* Returns t = u if the equation theorem contains this literal *)
+val equationLiteral : equation -> Literal.literal option
+val reflEqn : Term.term -> equation
+val symEqn : equation -> equation
+val transEqn : equation -> equation -> equation
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A conversion takes a term t and either:                                   *)
+(* 1. Returns a term u together with a theorem (stronger than) t = u \/ C.   *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type conv = Term.term -> Term.term * Thm.thm
+val allConv : conv
+val noConv : conv
+val thenConv : conv -> conv -> conv
+val orelseConv : conv -> conv -> conv
+val tryConv : conv -> conv
+val repeatConv : conv -> conv
+val firstConv : conv list -> conv
+val everyConv : conv list -> conv
+val rewrConv : equation -> Term.path -> conv
+val pathConv : conv -> Term.path -> conv
+val subtermConv : conv -> int -> conv
+val subtermsConv : conv -> conv  (* All function arguments *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a conversion to every subterm, with some traversal strategy.     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val bottomUpConv : conv -> conv
+val topDownConv : conv -> conv
+val repeatTopDownConv : conv -> conv  (* useful for rewriting *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A literule (bad pun) takes a literal L and either:                        *)
+(* 1. Returns a literal L' with a theorem (stronger than) ~L \/ L' \/ C.     *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type literule = Literal.literal -> Literal.literal * Thm.thm
+val allLiterule : literule
+val noLiterule : literule
+val thenLiterule : literule -> literule -> literule
+val orelseLiterule : literule -> literule -> literule
+val tryLiterule : literule -> literule
+val repeatLiterule : literule -> literule
+val firstLiterule : literule list -> literule
+val everyLiterule : literule list -> literule
+val rewrLiterule : equation -> Term.path -> literule
+val pathLiterule : conv -> Term.path -> literule
+val argumentLiterule : conv -> int -> literule
+val allArgumentsLiterule : conv -> literule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A rule takes one theorem and either deduces another or raises an Error    *)
+(* exception.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type rule = Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+val allRule : rule
+val noRule : rule
+val thenRule : rule -> rule -> rule
+val orelseRule : rule -> rule -> rule
+val tryRule : rule -> rule
+val changedRule : rule -> rule
+val repeatRule : rule -> rule
+val firstRule : rule list -> rule
+val everyRule : rule list -> rule
+val literalRule : literule -> Literal.literal -> rule
+val rewrRule : equation -> Literal.literal -> Term.path -> rule
+val pathRule : conv -> Literal.literal -> Term.path -> rule
+val literalsRule : literule -> LiteralSet.set -> rule
+val allLiteralsRule : literule -> rule
+val convRule : conv -> rule  (* All arguments of all literals *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- reflexivity                                                     *)
+(*   x = x                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reflexivity : Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------- symmetry                                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ y = x                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symmetry : Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------------------- transitivity                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val transitivity : Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- functionCongruence (f,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   f x0 ... x{n-1} = f y0 ... y{n-1}                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionCongruence : Term.function -> Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- relationCongruence (R,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   ~R x0 ... x{n-1} \/ R y0 ... y{n-1}                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val relationCongruence : Atom.relation -> Thm.thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ C                                                              *)
+(* -------------- symEq (x = y)                                              *)
+(*   y = x \/ C                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symEq : Literal.literal -> rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- symNeq ~(x = y)                                         *)
+(*   ~(y = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symNeq : Literal.literal -> rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* sym (x = y) = symEq (x = y)  /\  sym ~(x = y) = symNeq ~(x = y)           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val sym : Literal.literal -> rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- removeIrrefl                                            *)
+(*         C                                                                 *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all irreflexive equalities.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val removeIrrefl : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ y = x \/ C                                                     *)
+(* ----------------------- removeSym                                         *)
+(*       x = y \/ C                                                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all duplicate copies of equalities and disequalities are removed.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val removeSym : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(v = t) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- expandAbbrevs                                           *)
+(*      C[t/v]                                                               *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where t must not contain any occurrence of the variable v.                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val expandAbbrevs : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* simplify = isTautology + expandAbbrevs + removeSym                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val simplify : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm option
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- freshVars                                                        *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is a renaming substitution chosen so that all of the variables in *)
+(* C are replaced by fresh variables.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars : rule
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*               C                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------- factor                                       *)
+(*   C_s_1, C_s_2, ..., C_s_n                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where each s_i is a substitution that factors C, meaning that the theorem *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*   C_s_i = (removeIrrefl o removeSym o Thm.subst s_i) C                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* has fewer literals than C.                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Also, if s is any substitution that factors C, then one of the s_i will   *)
+(* result in a theorem C_s_i that strictly subsumes the theorem C_s.         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val factor' : Thm.clause -> Subst.subst list
+val factor : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm list
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Rule.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Rule :> Rule =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- reflexivity                                                     *)
+(*   x = x                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reflexivity = Thm.refl (Term.Var "x");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------- symmetry                                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ y = x                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symmetry =
+    let
+      val x = Term.Var "x"
+      and y = Term.Var "y"
+      val reflTh = reflexivity
+      val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+      val eqTh = Thm.equality reflLit [0] y
+    in
+      Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh eqTh
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------------------- transitivity                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val transitivity =
+    let
+      val x = Term.Var "x"
+      and y = Term.Var "y"
+      and z = Term.Var "z"
+      val eqTh = Thm.equality (Literal.mkEq (y,z)) [0] x
+    in
+      Thm.resolve (Literal.mkEq (y,x)) symmetry eqTh
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ C                                                              *)
+(* -------------- symEq (x = y)                                              *)
+(*   y = x \/ C                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symEq lit th =
+    let
+      val (x,y) = Literal.destEq lit
+    in
+      if x = y then th
+      else
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",x),("y",y)]
+          val symTh = Thm.subst sub symmetry
+        in
+          Thm.resolve lit th symTh
+        end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An equation consists of two terms (t,u) plus a theorem (stronger than)    *)
+(* t = u \/ C.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type equation = (Term.term * Term.term) * Thm.thm;
+fun ppEquation pp (eqn as (_,th)) = Thm.pp pp th;
+fun equationToString x = Parser.toString ppEquation x;
+fun equationLiteral (t_u,th) =
+    let
+      val lit = Literal.mkEq t_u
+    in
+      if LiteralSet.member lit (Thm.clause th) then SOME lit else NONE
+    end;
+fun reflEqn t = ((t,t), Thm.refl t);
+fun symEqn (eqn as ((t,u), th)) =
+    if t = u then eqn
+    else
+      ((u,t),
+       case equationLiteral eqn of
+         SOME t_u => symEq t_u th
+       | NONE => th);
+fun transEqn (eqn1 as ((x,y), th1)) (eqn2 as ((_,z), th2)) =
+    if x = y then eqn2
+    else if y = z then eqn1
+    else if x = z then reflEqn x
+    else
+      ((x,z),
+       case equationLiteral eqn1 of
+         NONE => th1
+       | SOME x_y =>
+         case equationLiteral eqn2 of
+           NONE => th2
+         | SOME y_z =>
+           let
+             val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",x),("y",y),("z",z)]
+             val th = Thm.subst sub transitivity
+             val th = Thm.resolve x_y th1 th
+             val th = Thm.resolve y_z th2 th
+           in
+             th
+           end);
+val transEqn = fn eqn1 => fn eqn2 =>
+    transEqn eqn1 eqn2
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.transEqn:\neqn1 = " ^ equationToString eqn1 ^
+                   "\neqn2 = " ^ equationToString eqn2 ^ "\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A conversion takes a term t and either:                                   *)
+(* 1. Returns a term u together with a theorem (stronger than) t = u \/ C.   *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type conv = Term.term -> Term.term * Thm.thm;
+fun allConv tm = (tm, Thm.refl tm);
+val noConv : conv = fn _ => raise Error "noConv";
+fun traceConv s conv tm =
+    let
+      val res as (tm',th) = conv tm
+      val () = print (s ^ ": " ^ Term.toString tm ^ " --> " ^
+                      Term.toString tm' ^ " " ^ Thm.toString th ^ "\n")
+    in
+      res
+    end
+    handle Error err =>
+      (print (s ^ ": " ^ Term.toString tm ^ " --> Error: " ^ err ^ "\n");
+       raise Error (s ^ ": " ^ err));
+fun thenConvTrans tm (tm',th1) (tm'',th2) =
+    let
+      val eqn1 = ((tm,tm'),th1)
+      and eqn2 = ((tm',tm''),th2)
+      val (_,th) = transEqn eqn1 eqn2
+    in
+      (tm'',th)
+    end;
+fun thenConv conv1 conv2 tm =
+    let
+      val res1 as (tm',_) = conv1 tm
+      val res2 = conv2 tm'
+    in
+      thenConvTrans tm res1 res2
+    end;
+fun orelseConv (conv1 : conv) conv2 tm = conv1 tm handle Error _ => conv2 tm;
+fun tryConv conv = orelseConv conv allConv;
+fun changedConv conv tm =
+    let
+      val res as (tm',_) = conv tm
+    in
+      if tm = tm' then raise Error "changedConv" else res
+    end;
+fun repeatConv conv tm = tryConv (thenConv conv (repeatConv conv)) tm;
+fun firstConv [] _ = raise Error "firstConv"
+  | firstConv [conv] tm = conv tm
+  | firstConv (conv :: convs) tm = orelseConv conv (firstConv convs) tm;
+fun everyConv [] tm = allConv tm
+  | everyConv [conv] tm = conv tm
+  | everyConv (conv :: convs) tm = thenConv conv (everyConv convs) tm;
+fun rewrConv (eqn as ((x,y), eqTh)) path tm =
+    if x = y then allConv tm
+    else if null path then (y,eqTh)
+    else
+      let
+        val reflTh = Thm.refl tm
+        val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+        val th = Thm.equality reflLit (1 :: path) y
+        val th = Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh th
+        val th =
+            case equationLiteral eqn of
+              NONE => th
+            | SOME x_y => Thm.resolve x_y eqTh th
+        val tm' = Term.replace tm (path,y)
+      in
+        (tm',th)
+      end;
+val rewrConv = fn eqn as ((x,y),eqTh) => fn path => fn tm =>
+    rewrConv eqn path tm
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.rewrConv:\nx = " ^ Term.toString x ^
+                   "\ny = " ^ Term.toString y ^
+                   "\neqTh = " ^ Thm.toString eqTh ^
+                   "\npath = " ^ Term.pathToString path ^
+                   "\ntm = " ^ Term.toString tm ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun pathConv conv path tm =
+    let
+      val x = Term.subterm tm path
+      val (y,th) = conv x
+    in
+      rewrConv ((x,y),th) path tm
+    end;
+fun subtermConv conv i = pathConv conv [i];
+fun subtermsConv _ (tm as Term.Var _) = allConv tm
+  | subtermsConv conv (tm as Term.Fn (_,a)) =
+    everyConv (map (subtermConv conv) (interval 0 (length a))) tm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a conversion to every subterm, with some traversal strategy.     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun bottomUpConv conv tm =
+    thenConv (subtermsConv (bottomUpConv conv)) (repeatConv conv) tm;
+fun topDownConv conv tm =
+    thenConv (repeatConv conv) (subtermsConv (topDownConv conv)) tm;
+fun repeatTopDownConv conv =
+    let
+      fun f tm = thenConv (repeatConv conv) g tm
+      and g tm = thenConv (subtermsConv f) h tm
+      and h tm = tryConv (thenConv conv f) tm
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+val repeatTopDownConv = fn conv => fn tm =>
+    repeatTopDownConv conv tm
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("repeatTopDownConv: " ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A literule (bad pun) takes a literal L and either:                        *)
+(* 1. Returns a literal L' with a theorem (stronger than) ~L \/ L' \/ C.     *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type literule = Literal.literal -> Literal.literal * Thm.thm;
+fun allLiterule lit = (lit, Thm.assume lit);
+val noLiterule : literule = fn _ => raise Error "noLiterule";
+fun thenLiterule literule1 literule2 lit =
+    let
+      val res1 as (lit',th1) = literule1 lit
+      val res2 as (lit'',th2) = literule2 lit'
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then res2
+      else if lit' = lit'' then res1
+      else if lit = lit'' then allLiterule lit
+      else
+        (lit'',
+         if not (Thm.member lit' th1) then th1
+         else if not (Thm.negateMember lit' th2) then th2
+         else Thm.resolve lit' th1 th2)
+    end;
+fun orelseLiterule (literule1 : literule) literule2 lit =
+    literule1 lit handle Error _ => literule2 lit;
+fun tryLiterule literule = orelseLiterule literule allLiterule;
+fun changedLiterule literule lit =
+    let
+      val res as (lit',_) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then raise Error "changedLiterule" else res
+    end;
+fun repeatLiterule literule lit =
+    tryLiterule (thenLiterule literule (repeatLiterule literule)) lit;
+fun firstLiterule [] _ = raise Error "firstLiterule"
+  | firstLiterule [literule] lit = literule lit
+  | firstLiterule (literule :: literules) lit =
+    orelseLiterule literule (firstLiterule literules) lit;
+fun everyLiterule [] lit = allLiterule lit
+  | everyLiterule [literule] lit = literule lit
+  | everyLiterule (literule :: literules) lit =
+    thenLiterule literule (everyLiterule literules) lit;
+fun rewrLiterule (eqn as ((x,y),eqTh)) path lit =
+    if x = y then allLiterule lit
+    else
+      let
+        val th = Thm.equality lit path y
+        val th =
+            case equationLiteral eqn of
+              NONE => th
+            | SOME x_y => Thm.resolve x_y eqTh th
+        val lit' = Literal.replace lit (path,y)
+      in
+        (lit',th)
+      end;
+val rewrLiterule = fn eqn => fn path => fn lit =>
+    rewrLiterule eqn path lit
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.rewrLiterule:\neqn = " ^ equationToString eqn ^
+                   "\npath = " ^ Term.pathToString path ^
+                   "\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun pathLiterule conv path lit =
+    let
+      val tm = Literal.subterm lit path
+      val (tm',th) = conv tm
+    in
+      rewrLiterule ((tm,tm'),th) path lit
+    end;
+fun argumentLiterule conv i = pathLiterule conv [i];
+fun allArgumentsLiterule conv lit =
+    everyLiterule
+      (map (argumentLiterule conv) (interval 0 (Literal.arity lit))) lit;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A rule takes one theorem and either deduces another or raises an Error    *)
+(* exception.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type rule = Thm.thm -> Thm.thm;
+val allRule : rule = fn th => th;
+val noRule : rule = fn _ => raise Error "noRule";
+fun thenRule (rule1 : rule) (rule2 : rule) th = rule1 (rule2 th);
+fun orelseRule (rule1 : rule) rule2 th = rule1 th handle Error _ => rule2 th;
+fun tryRule rule = orelseRule rule allRule;
+fun changedRule rule th =
+    let
+      val th' = rule th
+    in
+      if not (LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th) (Thm.clause th')) then th'
+      else raise Error "changedRule"
+    end;
+fun repeatRule rule lit = tryRule (thenRule rule (repeatRule rule)) lit;
+fun firstRule [] _ = raise Error "firstRule"
+  | firstRule [rule] th = rule th
+  | firstRule (rule :: rules) th = orelseRule rule (firstRule rules) th;
+fun everyRule [] th = allRule th
+  | everyRule [rule] th = rule th
+  | everyRule (rule :: rules) th = thenRule rule (everyRule rules) th;
+fun literalRule literule lit th =
+    let
+      val (lit',litTh) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then th
+      else if not (Thm.negateMember lit litTh) then litTh
+      else Thm.resolve lit th litTh
+    end;
+val literalRule = fn literule => fn lit => fn th =>
+    literalRule literule lit th
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.literalRule:\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^
+                   "\nth = " ^ Thm.toString th ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun rewrRule eqTh lit path = literalRule (rewrLiterule eqTh path) lit;
+fun pathRule conv lit path = literalRule (pathLiterule conv path) lit;
+fun literalsRule literule =
+    let
+      fun f (lit,th) =
+          if Thm.member lit th then literalRule literule lit th else th
+    in
+      fn lits => fn th => LiteralSet.foldl f th lits
+    end;
+fun allLiteralsRule literule th = literalsRule literule (Thm.clause th) th;
+fun convRule conv = allLiteralsRule (allArgumentsLiterule conv);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- functionCongruence (f,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   f x0 ... x{n-1} = f y0 ... y{n-1}                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun functionCongruence (f,n) =
+    let
+      val xs = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("x" ^ Int.toString i))
+      and ys = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("y" ^ Int.toString i))
+      fun cong ((i,yi),(th,lit)) =
+          let
+            val path = [1,i]
+            val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.equality lit path yi)
+            val lit = Literal.replace lit (path,yi)
+          in
+            (th,lit)
+          end
+      val reflTh = Thm.refl (Term.Fn (f,xs))
+      val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+    in
+      fst (foldl cong (reflTh,reflLit) (enumerate ys))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- relationCongruence (R,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   ~R x0 ... x{n-1} \/ R y0 ... y{n-1}                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun relationCongruence (R,n) =
+    let
+      val xs = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("x" ^ Int.toString i))
+      and ys = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("y" ^ Int.toString i))
+      fun cong ((i,yi),(th,lit)) =
+          let
+            val path = [i]
+            val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.equality lit path yi)
+            val lit = Literal.replace lit (path,yi)
+          in
+            (th,lit)
+          end
+      val assumeLit = (false,(R,xs))
+      val assumeTh = Thm.assume assumeLit
+    in
+      fst (foldl cong (assumeTh,assumeLit) (enumerate ys))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- symNeq ~(x = y)                                         *)
+(*   ~(y = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symNeq lit th =
+    let
+      val (x,y) = Literal.destNeq lit
+    in
+      if x = y then th
+      else
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",y),("y",x)]
+          val symTh = Thm.subst sub symmetry
+        in
+          Thm.resolve lit th symTh
+        end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* sym (x = y) = symEq (x = y)  /\  sym ~(x = y) = symNeq ~(x = y)           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun sym (lit as (pol,_)) th = if pol then symEq lit th else symNeq lit th;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- removeIrrefl                                            *)
+(*         C                                                                 *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all irreflexive equalities.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun irrefl ((true,_),th) = th
+    | irrefl (lit as (false,atm), th) =
+      case total Atom.destRefl atm of
+        SOME x => Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.refl x)
+      | NONE => th;
+  fun removeIrrefl th = LiteralSet.foldl irrefl th (Thm.clause th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ y = x \/ C                                                     *)
+(* ----------------------- removeSym                                         *)
+(*       x = y \/ C                                                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all duplicate copies of equalities and disequalities are removed.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun rem (lit as (pol,atm), eqs_th as (eqs,th)) =
+      case total Atom.sym atm of
+        NONE => eqs_th
+      | SOME atm' =>
+        if LiteralSet.member lit eqs then
+          (eqs, if pol then symEq lit th else symNeq lit th)
+        else
+          (LiteralSet.add eqs (pol,atm'), th);
+  fun removeSym th =
+      snd (LiteralSet.foldl rem (LiteralSet.empty,th) (Thm.clause th));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(v = t) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- expandAbbrevs                                           *)
+(*      C[t/v]                                                               *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where t must not contain any occurrence of the variable v.                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun expand lit =
+      let
+        val (x,y) = Literal.destNeq lit
+      in
+        if (Term.isTypedVar x orelse Term.isTypedVar y) andalso x <> y then
+          Subst.unify Subst.empty x y
+        else raise Error "expand"
+      end;
+  fun expandAbbrevs th =
+      case LiteralSet.firstl (total expand) (Thm.clause th) of
+        NONE => removeIrrefl th
+      | SOME sub => expandAbbrevs (Thm.subst sub th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* simplify = isTautology + expandAbbrevs + removeSym                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun simplify th =
+    if Thm.isTautology th then NONE
+    else
+      let
+        val th' = th
+        val th' = expandAbbrevs th'
+        val th' = removeSym th'
+      in
+        if Thm.equal th th' then SOME th else simplify th'
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- freshVars                                                        *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is a renaming substitution chosen so that all of the variables in *)
+(* C are replaced by fresh variables.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freshVars th = Thm.subst (Subst.freshVars (Thm.freeVars th)) th;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*               C                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------- factor                                       *)
+(*   C_s_1, C_s_2, ..., C_s_n                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where each s_i is a substitution that factors C, meaning that the theorem *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*   C_s_i = (removeIrrefl o removeSym o Thm.subst s_i) C                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* has fewer literals than C.                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Also, if s is any substitution that factors C, then one of the s_i will   *)
+(* result in a theorem C_s_i that strictly subsumes the theorem C_s.         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  datatype edge =
+      FactorEdge of Atom.atom * Atom.atom
+    | ReflEdge of Term.term * Term.term;
+  fun ppEdge p (FactorEdge atm_atm') = Parser.ppPair Atom.pp Atom.pp p atm_atm'
+    | ppEdge p (ReflEdge tm_tm') = Parser.ppPair Term.pp Term.pp p tm_tm';
+  datatype joinStatus =
+      Joined
+    | Joinable of Subst.subst
+    | Apart;
+  fun joinEdge sub edge =
+      let
+        val result =
+            case edge of
+              FactorEdge (atm,atm') => total (Atom.unify sub atm) atm'
+            | ReflEdge (tm,tm') => total (Subst.unify sub tm) tm'
+      in
+        case result of
+          NONE => Apart
+        | SOME sub' =>
+          if Portable.pointerEqual (sub,sub') then Joined else Joinable sub'
+      end;
+  fun updateApart sub =
+      let
+        fun update acc [] = SOME acc
+          | update acc (edge :: edges) =
+            case joinEdge sub edge of
+              Joined => NONE
+            | Joinable _ => update (edge :: acc) edges
+            | Apart => update acc edges
+      in
+        update []
+      end;
+  fun addFactorEdge (pol,atm) ((pol',atm'),acc) =
+      if pol <> pol' then acc
+      else
+        let
+          val edge = FactorEdge (atm,atm')
+        in
+          case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+            Joined => raise Bug "addFactorEdge: joined"
+          | Joinable sub => (sub,edge) :: acc
+          | Apart => acc
+        end;
+  fun addReflEdge (false,_) acc = acc
+    | addReflEdge (true,atm) acc =
+      let
+        val edge = ReflEdge (Atom.destEq atm)
+      in
+        case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+          Joined => raise Bug "addRefl: joined"
+        | Joinable _ => edge :: acc
+        | Apart => acc
+      end;
+  fun addIrreflEdge (true,_) acc = acc
+    | addIrreflEdge (false,atm) acc =
+      let
+        val edge = ReflEdge (Atom.destEq atm)
+      in
+        case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+          Joined => raise Bug "addRefl: joined"
+        | Joinable sub => (sub,edge) :: acc
+        | Apart => acc
+      end;
+  fun init_edges acc _ [] =
+      let
+        fun init ((apart,sub,edge),(edges,acc)) =
+            (edge :: edges, (apart,sub,edges) :: acc)
+      in
+        snd (List.foldl init ([],[]) acc)
+      end
+    | init_edges acc apart ((sub,edge) :: sub_edges) =
+      let
+        val () = if not (Subst.null sub) then ()
+                 else raise Bug "Rule.factor.init_edges: empty subst"
+        val (acc,apart) =
+            case updateApart sub apart of
+              SOME apart' => ((apart',sub,edge) :: acc, edge :: apart)
+            | NONE => (acc,apart)
+      in
+        init_edges acc apart sub_edges
+      end;
+  fun mk_edges apart sub_edges [] = init_edges [] apart sub_edges
+    | mk_edges apart sub_edges (lit :: lits) =
+      let
+        val sub_edges = List.foldl (addFactorEdge lit) sub_edges lits
+        val (apart,sub_edges) =
+            case total Literal.sym lit of
+              NONE => (apart,sub_edges)
+            | SOME lit' =>
+              let
+                val apart = addReflEdge lit apart
+                val sub_edges = addIrreflEdge lit sub_edges
+                val sub_edges = List.foldl (addFactorEdge lit') sub_edges lits
+              in
+                (apart,sub_edges)
+              end
+      in
+        mk_edges apart sub_edges lits
+      end;
+  fun fact acc [] = acc
+    | fact acc ((_,sub,[]) :: others) = fact (sub :: acc) others
+    | fact acc ((apart, sub, edge :: edges) :: others) =
+      let
+        val others =
+            case joinEdge sub edge of
+              Joinable sub' =>
+              let
+                val others = (edge :: apart, sub, edges) :: others
+              in
+                case updateApart sub' apart of
+                  NONE => others
+                | SOME apart' => (apart',sub',edges) :: others
+              end
+            | _ => (apart,sub,edges) :: others
+      in
+        fact acc others
+      end;
+  fun factor' cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "Rule.factor': cl" cl
+        val edges = mk_edges [] [] (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+        val ppEdgesSize = Parser.ppMap length Parser.ppInt
+        val ppEdgel = Parser.ppList ppEdge
+        val ppEdges = Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple ppEdgel Subst.pp ppEdgel)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppEdgesSize "Rule.factor': |edges|" edges
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppEdges "Rule.factor': edges" edges
+        val result = fact [] edges
+        val ppResult = Parser.ppList Subst.pp
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Rule.factor': result" result
+      in
+        result
+      end;
+fun factor th =
+    let
+      fun fact sub = removeSym (Thm.subst sub th)
+    in
+      map fact (factor' (Thm.clause th))
+    end;
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Set =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finite sets                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'elt set
+val comparison : 'elt set -> ('elt * 'elt -> order)
+val empty : ('elt * 'elt -> order) -> 'elt set
+val singleton : ('elt * 'elt -> order) -> 'elt -> 'elt set
+val null : 'elt set -> bool
+val size : 'elt set -> int
+val member : 'elt -> 'elt set -> bool
+val add : 'elt set -> 'elt -> 'elt set
+val addList : 'elt set -> 'elt list -> 'elt set
+val delete : 'elt set -> 'elt -> 'elt set  (* raises Error *)
+(* Union and intersect prefer elements in the second set *)
+val union : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val unionList : 'elt set list -> 'elt set
+val intersect : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val intersectList : 'elt set list -> 'elt set
+val difference : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val symmetricDifference : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val disjoint : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> bool
+val subset : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> bool
+val equal : 'elt set -> 'elt set -> bool
+val filter : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val partition : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt set * 'elt set
+val count : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> int
+val foldl : ('elt * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'elt set -> 's
+val foldr : ('elt * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'elt set -> 's
+val findl : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt option
+val findr : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> 'elt option
+val firstl : ('elt -> 'a option) -> 'elt set -> 'a option
+val firstr : ('elt -> 'a option) -> 'elt set -> 'a option
+val exists : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> bool
+val all : ('elt -> bool) -> 'elt set -> bool
+val map : ('elt -> 'a) -> 'elt set -> ('elt * 'a) list
+val transform : ('elt -> 'a) -> 'elt set -> 'a list
+val app : ('elt -> unit) -> 'elt set -> unit
+val toList : 'elt set -> 'elt list
+val fromList : ('elt * 'elt -> order) -> 'elt list -> 'elt set
+val pick : 'elt set -> 'elt  (* raises Empty *)
+val random : 'elt set -> 'elt  (* raises Empty *)
+val deletePick : 'elt set -> 'elt * 'elt set  (* raises Empty *)
+val deleteRandom : 'elt set -> 'elt * 'elt set  (* raises Empty *)
+val compare : 'elt set * 'elt set -> order
+val close : ('elt set -> 'elt set) -> 'elt set -> 'elt set
+val toString : 'elt set -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Iterators over sets                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'elt iterator
+val mkIterator : 'elt set -> 'elt iterator option
+val mkRevIterator : 'elt set -> 'elt iterator option
+val readIterator : 'elt iterator -> 'elt
+val advanceIterator : 'elt iterator -> 'elt iterator option
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FINITE SETS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Set = RandomSet;
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Sharing.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PRESERVING SHARING OF ML VALUES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Sharing =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual : 'a * 'a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* List operations.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val updateNth : int * 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val setify : ''a list -> ''a list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Function caching.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cache : ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Hash consing.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val hashCons : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a -> 'a
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* PRESERVING SHARING OF ML VALUES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Sharing :> Sharing =
+infix ==
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pointer equality.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pointerEqual = Portable.pointerEqual;
+val op== = pointerEqual;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* List operations.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun map f =
+    let
+      fun m _ a_b [] = List.revAppend a_b
+        | m ys a_b (x :: xs) =
+          let
+            val y = f x
+            val ys = y :: ys
+          in
+            m ys (if x == y then a_b else (ys,xs)) xs
+          end
+    in
+      fn l => m [] ([],l) l
+    end;
+fun updateNth (n,x) l =
+    let
+      val (a,b) = Useful.revDivide l n
+    in
+      case b of
+        [] => raise Subscript
+      | h :: t => if x == h then l else List.revAppend (a, x :: t)
+    end;
+fun setify l =
+    let
+      val l' = Useful.setify l
+    in
+      if length l' = length l then l else l'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Function caching.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cache cmp f =
+    let
+      val cache = ref ( cmp)
+    in
+      fn a =>
+         case Map.peek (!cache) a of
+           SOME b => b
+         | NONE =>
+           let
+             val b = f a
+             val () = cache := Map.insert (!cache) (a,b)
+           in
+             b
+           end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Hash consing.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun hashCons cmp = cache cmp Useful.I;
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Stream =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The stream type                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a stream = NIL | CONS of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream)
+(* If you're wondering how to create an infinite stream: *)
+(* val stream4 = let fun s4 () = Stream.CONS (4,s4) in s4 () end; *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream constructors                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val repeat : 'a -> 'a stream
+val count : int -> int stream
+val funpows : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a stream
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cons : 'a -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
+val null : 'a stream -> bool
+val hd : 'a stream -> 'a  (* raises Empty *)
+val tl : 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
+val hdTl : 'a stream -> 'a * 'a stream  (* raises Empty *)
+val singleton : 'a -> 'a stream
+val append : 'a stream -> (unit -> 'a stream) -> 'a stream
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val maps : ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val zipwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream -> 'c stream
+val zip : 'a stream -> 'b stream -> ('a * 'b) stream
+val take : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
+val drop : int -> 'a stream -> 'a stream  (* raises Subscript *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val length : 'a stream -> int
+val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
+val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> bool
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a stream -> 'a stream
+val foldl : ('a * 's -> 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 's
+val concat : 'a stream stream -> 'a stream
+val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+val mapsPartial : ('a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) -> 's -> 'a stream -> 'b stream
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream operations                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val memoize : 'a stream -> 'a stream
+val toList : 'a stream -> 'a list
+val fromList : 'a list -> 'a stream
+val toTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream -> unit
+val fromTextFile : {filename : string} -> string stream  (* line by line *)
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+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Stream.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A POSSIBLY-INFINITE STREAM DATATYPE FOR ML                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Stream :> Stream =
+val K = Useful.K;
+val pair = Useful.pair;
+val funpow = Useful.funpow;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The datatype declaration encapsulates all the primitive operations        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a stream =
+    NIL
+  | CONS of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream constructors                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun repeat x = let fun rep () = CONS (x,rep) in rep () end;
+fun count n = CONS (n, fn () => count (n + 1));
+fun funpows f x = CONS (x, fn () => funpows f (f x));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these should all terminate   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cons h t = CONS (h,t);
+fun null NIL = true | null (CONS _) = false;
+fun hd NIL = raise Empty
+  | hd (CONS (h,_)) = h;
+fun tl NIL = raise Empty
+  | tl (CONS (_,t)) = t ();
+fun hdTl s = (hd s, tl s);
+fun singleton s = CONS (s, K NIL);
+fun append NIL s = s ()
+  | append (CONS (h,t)) s = CONS (h, fn () => append (t ()) s);
+fun map f =
+    let
+      fun m NIL = NIL
+        | m (CONS (h, t)) = CONS (f h, fn () => m (t ()))
+    in
+      m
+    end;
+fun maps f =
+    let
+      fun mm _ NIL = NIL
+        | mm s (CONS (x, xs)) =
+          let
+            val (y, s') = f x s
+          in
+            CONS (y, fn () => mm s' (xs ()))
+          end
+    in
+      mm
+    end;
+fun zipwith f =
+    let
+      fun z NIL _ = NIL
+        | z _ NIL = NIL
+        | z (CONS (x,xs)) (CONS (y,ys)) =
+          CONS (f x y, fn () => z (xs ()) (ys ()))
+    in
+      z
+    end;
+fun zip s t = zipwith pair s t;
+fun take 0 _ = NIL
+  | take n NIL = raise Subscript
+  | take 1 (CONS (x,_)) = CONS (x, K NIL)
+  | take n (CONS (x,xs)) = CONS (x, fn () => take (n - 1) (xs ()));
+fun drop n s = funpow n tl s handle Empty => raise Subscript;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream versions of standard list operations: these might not terminate    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun len n NIL = n
+    | len n (CONS (_,t)) = len (n + 1) (t ());
+  fun length s = len 0 s;
+fun exists pred =
+    let
+      fun f NIL = false
+        | f (CONS (h,t)) = pred h orelse f (t ())
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun all pred = not o exists (not o pred);
+fun filter p NIL = NIL
+  | filter p (CONS (x,xs)) =
+    if p x then CONS (x, fn () => filter p (xs ())) else filter p (xs ());
+fun foldl f =
+    let
+      fun fold b NIL = b
+        | fold b (CONS (h,t)) = fold (f (h,b)) (t ())
+    in
+      fold
+    end;
+fun concat NIL = NIL
+  | concat (CONS (NIL, ss)) = concat (ss ())
+  | concat (CONS (CONS (x, xs), ss)) =
+    CONS (x, fn () => concat (CONS (xs (), ss)));
+fun mapPartial f =
+    let
+      fun mp NIL = NIL
+        | mp (CONS (h,t)) =
+          case f h of
+            NONE => mp (t ())
+          | SOME h' => CONS (h', fn () => mp (t ()))
+    in
+      mp
+    end;
+fun mapsPartial f =
+    let
+      fun mm _ NIL = NIL
+        | mm s (CONS (x, xs)) =
+          let
+            val (yo, s') = f x s
+            val t = mm s' o xs
+          in
+            case yo of NONE => t () | SOME y => CONS (y, t)
+          end
+    in
+      mm
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Stream operations                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun memoize NIL = NIL
+  | memoize (CONS (h,t)) = CONS (h, Lazy.memoize (fn () => memoize (t ())));
+  fun toLst res NIL = rev res
+    | toLst res (CONS (x, xs)) = toLst (x :: res) (xs ());
+  fun toList s = toLst [] s;
+fun fromList [] = NIL
+  | fromList (x :: xs) = CONS (x, fn () => fromList xs);
+fun toTextFile {filename = f} s =
+    let
+      val (h,close) =
+          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdOut, K ())
+          else (TextIO.openOut f, TextIO.closeOut)
+      fun toFile NIL = ()
+        | toFile (CONS (x,y)) = (TextIO.output (h,x); toFile (y ()))
+      val () = toFile s
+    in
+      close h
+    end;
+fun fromTextFile {filename = f} =
+    let
+      val (h,close) =
+          if f = "-" then (TextIO.stdIn, K ())
+          else (TextIO.openIn f, TextIO.closeIn)
+      fun strm () =
+          case TextIO.inputLine h of
+            NONE => (close h; NIL)
+          | SOME s => CONS (s,strm)
+    in
+      memoize (strm ())
+    end;
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC SUBSTITUTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Subst =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic substitutions.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty : subst
+val null : subst -> bool
+val size : subst -> int
+val peek : subst -> Term.var -> Term.term option
+val insert : subst -> Term.var * Term.term -> subst
+val singleton : Term.var * Term.term -> subst
+val union : subst -> subst -> subst
+val toList : subst -> (Term.var * Term.term) list
+val fromList : (Term.var * Term.term) list -> subst
+val foldl : (Term.var * Term.term * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> subst -> 'a
+val foldr : (Term.var * Term.term * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> subst -> 'a
+val pp : subst Parser.pp
+val toString : subst -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Normalizing removes identity substitutions.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val normalize : subst -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a substitution to a first order logic term.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : subst -> Term.term -> Term.term
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Restricting a substitution to a smaller set of variables.                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val restrict : subst -> NameSet.set -> subst
+val remove : subst -> NameSet.set -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Composing two substitutions so that the following identity holds:         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* subst (compose sub1 sub2) tm = subst sub2 (subst sub1 tm)                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compose : subst -> subst -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions can be inverted iff they are renaming substitutions.        *) 
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val invert : subst -> subst  (* raises Error *)
+val isRenaming : subst -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Creating a substitution to freshen variables.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars : NameSet.set -> subst
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching for first order logic terms.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : subst -> Term.term -> Term.term -> subst  (* raises Error *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification for first order logic terms.                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unify : subst -> Term.term -> Term.term -> subst  (* raises Error *)
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC SUBSTITUTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Subst :> Subst =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic substitutions.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype subst = Subst of Term.term;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty = Subst ( ());
+fun null (Subst m) = NameMap.null m;
+fun size (Subst m) = NameMap.size m;
+fun peek (Subst m) v = NameMap.peek m v;
+fun insert (Subst m) v_tm = Subst (NameMap.insert m v_tm);
+fun singleton v_tm = insert empty v_tm;
+  fun compatible (tm1,tm2) =
+      if tm1 = tm2 then SOME tm1 else raise Error "Subst.union: incompatible";
+  fun union (s1 as Subst m1) (s2 as Subst m2) =
+      if NameMap.null m1 then s2
+      else if NameMap.null m2 then s1
+      else Subst (NameMap.union compatible m1 m2);
+fun toList (Subst m) = NameMap.toList m;
+fun fromList l = Subst (NameMap.fromList l);
+fun foldl f b (Subst m) = NameMap.foldl f b m;
+fun foldr f b (Subst m) = NameMap.foldr f b m;
+fun pp ppstrm sub =
+    Parser.ppBracket "<[" "]>"
+      (Parser.ppSequence "," (Parser.ppBinop " |->" Parser.ppString Term.pp))
+      ppstrm (toList sub);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Normalizing removes identity substitutions.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun isNotId (v,tm) = not (Term.equalVar v tm);
+  fun normalize (sub as Subst m) =
+      let
+        val m' = NameMap.filter isNotId m
+      in
+        if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a substitution to a first order logic term.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub =
+    let
+      fun tmSub (tm as Term.Var v) =
+          (case peek sub v of
+             SOME tm' => if Sharing.pointerEqual (tm,tm') then tm else tm'
+           | NONE => tm)
+        | tmSub (tm as Term.Fn (f,args)) =
+          let
+            val args' = tmSub args
+          in
+            if Sharing.pointerEqual (args,args') then tm
+            else Term.Fn (f,args')
+          end
+    in
+      fn tm => if null sub then tm else tmSub tm
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Restricting a substitution to a given set of variables.                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun restrict (sub as Subst m) varSet =
+    let
+      fun isRestrictedVar (v,_) = NameSet.member v varSet
+      val m' = NameMap.filter isRestrictedVar m
+    in
+      if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+    end;
+fun remove (sub as Subst m) varSet =
+    let
+      fun isRestrictedVar (v,_) = not (NameSet.member v varSet)
+      val m' = NameMap.filter isRestrictedVar m
+    in
+      if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Composing two substitutions so that the following identity holds:         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* subst (compose sub1 sub2) tm = subst sub2 (subst sub1 tm)                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compose (sub1 as Subst m1) sub2 =
+    let
+      fun f (v,tm,s) = insert s (v, subst sub2 tm)
+    in
+      if null sub2 then sub1 else NameMap.foldl f sub2 m1
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions can be inverted iff they are renaming substitutions.        *) 
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun inv (v, Term.Var w, s) =
+      if NameMap.inDomain w s then raise Error "Subst.invert: non-injective"
+      else NameMap.insert s (w, Term.Var v)
+    | inv (_, Term.Fn _, _) = raise Error "Subst.invert: non-variable";
+  fun invert (Subst m) = Subst (NameMap.foldl inv ( ()) m);
+val isRenaming = can invert;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Creating a substitution to freshen variables.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars =
+    let
+      fun add (v,m) = insert m (v, Term.newVar ())
+    in
+      NameSet.foldl add empty
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching for first order logic terms.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchList sub [] = sub
+    | matchList sub ((Term.Var v, tm) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val sub =
+            case peek sub v of
+              NONE => insert sub (v,tm)
+            | SOME tm' =>
+              if tm = tm' then sub
+              else raise Error "Subst.match: incompatible matches"
+      in
+        matchList sub rest
+      end
+    | matchList sub ((Term.Fn (f1,args1), Term.Fn (f2,args2)) :: rest) =
+      if f1 = f2 andalso length args1 = length args2 then
+        matchList sub (zip args1 args2 @ rest)
+      else raise Error "Subst.match: different structure"
+    | matchList _ _ = raise Error "Subst.match: functions can't match vars";
+  fun match sub tm1 tm2 = matchList sub [(tm1,tm2)];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification for first order logic terms.                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun solve sub [] = sub
+    | solve sub ((tm1_tm2 as (tm1,tm2)) :: rest) =
+      if Portable.pointerEqual tm1_tm2 then solve sub rest
+      else solve' sub (subst sub tm1) (subst sub tm2) rest
+  and solve' sub (Term.Var v) tm rest =
+      if Term.equalVar v tm then solve sub rest
+      else if Term.freeIn v tm then raise Error "Subst.unify: occurs check"
+      else
+        (case peek sub v of
+           NONE => solve (compose sub (singleton (v,tm))) rest
+         | SOME tm' => solve' sub tm' tm rest)
+    | solve' sub tm1 (tm2 as Term.Var _) rest = solve' sub tm2 tm1 rest
+    | solve' sub (Term.Fn (f1,args1)) (Term.Fn (f2,args2)) rest =
+      if f1 = f2 andalso length args1 = length args2 then
+        solve sub (zip args1 args2 @ rest)
+      else
+        raise Error "Subst.unify: different structure";
+  fun unify sub tm1 tm2 = solve sub [(tm1,tm2)];
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Subsume =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause sets that supports efficient subsumption checking.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type 'a subsume
+val new : unit -> 'a subsume
+val size : 'a subsume -> int
+val insert : 'a subsume -> Thm.clause * 'a -> 'a subsume
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a subsume -> 'a subsume
+val pp : 'a subsume Parser.pp
+val toString : 'a subsume -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption checking.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subsumes :
+    (Thm.clause * Subst.subst * 'a -> bool) -> 'a subsume -> Thm.clause ->
+    (Thm.clause * Subst.subst * 'a) option
+val isSubsumed : 'a subsume -> Thm.clause -> bool
+val strictlySubsumes :  (* exclude subsuming clauses with more literals *)
+    (Thm.clause * Subst.subst * 'a -> bool) -> 'a subsume -> Thm.clause ->
+    (Thm.clause * Subst.subst * 'a) option
+val isStrictlySubsumed : 'a subsume -> Thm.clause -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Single clause versions.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val clauseSubsumes : Thm.clause -> Thm.clause -> Subst.subst option
+val clauseStrictlySubsumes : Thm.clause -> Thm.clause -> Subst.subst option
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Subsume :> Subsume =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun findRest pred =
+    let
+      fun f _ [] = NONE
+        | f ys (x :: xs) =
+          if pred x then SOME (x, List.revAppend (ys,xs)) else f (x :: ys) xs
+    in
+      f []
+    end;
+  fun addSym (lit,acc) =
+      case total Literal.sym lit of
+        NONE => acc
+      | SOME lit => lit :: acc
+  fun clauseSym lits = List.foldl addSym lits lits;
+fun sortClause cl =
+    let
+      val lits = LiteralSet.toList cl
+    in
+      sortMap Literal.typedSymbols (revCompare lits
+    end;
+fun incompatible lit =
+    let
+      val lits = clauseSym [lit]
+    in
+      fn lit' => not (List.exists (can (Literal.unify Subst.empty lit')) lits)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Clause ids and lengths.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clauseId = int;
+type clauseLength = int;
+  type idSet = (clauseId * clauseLength) Set.set;
+  fun idCompare ((id1,len1),(id2,len2)) =
+      case (len1,len2) of
+        LESS => LESS
+      | EQUAL => (id1,id2)
+      | GREATER => GREATER;
+  val idSetEmpty : idSet = Set.empty idCompare;
+  fun idSetAdd (id_len,set) : idSet = Set.add set id_len;
+  fun idSetAddMax max (id_len as (_,len), set) : idSet =
+      if len <= max then Set.add set id_len else set;
+  fun idSetIntersect set1 set2 : idSet = Set.intersect set1 set2;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of clause sets that supports efficient subsumption checking.       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype 'a subsume =
+    Subsume of
+      {empty : (Thm.clause * Subst.subst * 'a) list,
+       unit : (Literal.literal * Thm.clause * 'a)  LiteralNet.literalNet,
+       nonunit :
+         {nextId : clauseId,
+          clauses : (Literal.literal list * Thm.clause * 'a),
+          fstLits : (clauseId * clauseLength) LiteralNet.literalNet,
+          sndLits : (clauseId * clauseLength) LiteralNet.literalNet}};
+fun new () =
+    Subsume
+      {empty = [],
+       unit = {fifo = false},
+       nonunit =
+         {nextId = 0,
+          clauses = (),
+          fstLits = {fifo = false},
+          sndLits = {fifo = false}}};
+fun size (Subsume {empty, unit, nonunit = {clauses,...}}) =
+    length empty + LiteralNet.size unit + IntMap.size clauses;
+fun insert (Subsume {empty,unit,nonunit}) (cl',a) =
+    case sortClause cl' of
+      [] =>
+      let
+        val empty = (cl',Subst.empty,a) :: empty
+      in
+        Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+      end
+    | [lit] =>
+      let
+        val unit = LiteralNet.insert unit (lit,(lit,cl',a))
+      in
+        Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+      end
+    | fstLit :: (nonFstLits as sndLit :: otherLits) =>
+      let
+        val {nextId,clauses,fstLits,sndLits} = nonunit
+        val id_length = (nextId, LiteralSet.size cl')
+        val fstLits = LiteralNet.insert fstLits (fstLit,id_length)
+        val (sndLit,otherLits) =
+            case findRest (incompatible fstLit) nonFstLits of
+              SOME sndLit_otherLits => sndLit_otherLits
+            | NONE => (sndLit,otherLits)
+        val sndLits = LiteralNet.insert sndLits (sndLit,id_length)
+        val lits' = otherLits @ [fstLit,sndLit]
+        val clauses = IntMap.insert clauses (nextId,(lits',cl',a))
+        val nextId = nextId + 1
+        val nonunit = {nextId = nextId, clauses = clauses,
+                       fstLits = fstLits, sndLits = sndLits}
+      in
+        Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+      end;
+fun filter pred (Subsume {empty,unit,nonunit}) =
+    let
+      val empty = List.filter (pred o #3) empty
+      val unit = LiteralNet.filter (pred o #3) unit
+      val nonunit =
+          let
+            val {nextId,clauses,fstLits,sndLits} = nonunit
+            val clauses' = IntMap.filter (pred o #3 o snd) clauses
+          in
+            if IntMap.size clauses = IntMap.size clauses' then nonunit
+            else
+              let
+                fun predId (id,_) = IntMap.inDomain id clauses'
+                val fstLits = LiteralNet.filter predId fstLits
+                and sndLits = LiteralNet.filter predId sndLits
+              in
+                {nextId = nextId, clauses = clauses',
+                 fstLits = fstLits, sndLits = sndLits}
+              end
+          end
+    in
+      Subsume {empty = empty, unit = unit, nonunit = nonunit}
+    end;
+fun toString subsume = "Subsume{" ^ Int.toString (size subsume) ^ "}";
+fun pp p = Parser.ppMap toString Parser.ppString p;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subsumption checking.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchLit lit' (lit,acc) =
+      case total (Literal.match Subst.empty lit') lit of
+        SOME sub => sub :: acc
+      | NONE => acc;
+  fun genClauseSubsumes pred cl' lits' cl a =
+      let
+        fun mkSubsl acc sub [] = SOME (sub, sortMap length acc)
+          | mkSubsl acc sub (lit' :: lits') =
+            case List.foldl (matchLit lit') [] cl of
+              [] => NONE
+            | [sub'] =>
+              (case total (Subst.union sub) sub' of
+                 NONE => NONE
+               | SOME sub => mkSubsl acc sub lits')
+            | subs => mkSubsl (subs :: acc) sub lits'
+        fun search [] = NONE
+          | search ((sub,[]) :: others) =
+            let
+              val x = (cl',sub,a)
+            in
+              if pred x then SOME x else search others
+            end
+          | search ((_, [] :: _) :: others) = search others
+          | search ((sub, (sub' :: subs) :: subsl) :: others) =
+            let
+              val others = (sub, subs :: subsl) :: others
+            in
+              case total (Subst.union sub) sub' of
+                NONE => search others
+              | SOME sub => search ((sub,subsl) :: others)
+            end
+      in
+        case mkSubsl [] Subst.empty lits' of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME sub_subsl => search [sub_subsl]
+      end;
+  fun emptySubsumes pred empty = List.find pred empty;
+  fun unitSubsumes pred unit =
+      let
+        fun subLit lit =
+            let
+              fun subUnit (lit',cl',a) =
+                  case total (Literal.match Subst.empty lit') lit of
+                    NONE => NONE
+                  | SOME sub =>
+                    let
+                      val x = (cl',sub,a)
+                    in
+                      if pred x then SOME x else NONE
+                    end
+            in
+              first subUnit (LiteralNet.match unit lit)
+            end
+      in
+        first subLit
+      end;
+  fun nonunitSubsumes pred nonunit max cl =
+      let
+        val addId = case max of NONE => idSetAdd | SOME n => idSetAddMax n
+        fun subLit lits (lit,acc) =
+            List.foldl addId acc (LiteralNet.match lits lit)
+        val {nextId = _, clauses, fstLits, sndLits} = nonunit
+        fun subCl' (id,_) =
+            let
+              val (lits',cl',a) = IntMap.get clauses id
+            in
+              genClauseSubsumes pred cl' lits' cl a
+            end
+        val fstCands = List.foldl (subLit fstLits) idSetEmpty cl
+        val sndCands = List.foldl (subLit sndLits) idSetEmpty cl
+        val cands = idSetIntersect fstCands sndCands
+      in
+        Set.firstl subCl' cands
+      end;
+  fun genSubsumes pred (Subsume {empty,unit,nonunit}) max cl =
+      case emptySubsumes pred empty of
+        s as SOME _ => s
+      | NONE =>
+        if max = SOME 0 then NONE
+        else
+          let
+            val cl = clauseSym (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+          in
+            case unitSubsumes pred unit cl of
+              s as SOME _ => s
+            | NONE =>
+              if max = SOME 1 then NONE
+              else nonunitSubsumes pred nonunit max cl
+          end;
+  fun subsumes pred subsume cl = genSubsumes pred subsume NONE cl;
+  fun strictlySubsumes pred subsume cl =
+      genSubsumes pred subsume (SOME (LiteralSet.size cl)) cl;
+val subsumes = fn pred => fn subsume => fn cl =>
+    let
+      val ppCl = LiteralSet.pp
+      val ppSub = Subst.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.subsumes: cl" cl
+      val result = subsumes pred subsume cl
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace "Subsume.subsumes: not subsumed\n"
+          | SOME (cl,sub,_) =>
+            (Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming cl" cl;
+             Parser.ppTrace ppSub "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming sub" sub)
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+val strictlySubsumes = fn pred => fn subsume => fn cl =>
+    let
+      val ppCl = LiteralSet.pp
+      val ppSub = Subst.pp
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.strictlySubsumes: cl" cl
+      val result = strictlySubsumes subsume cl
+      val () =
+          case result of
+            NONE => trace "Subsume.subsumes: not subsumed\n"
+          | SOME (cl,sub,_) =>
+            (Parser.ppTrace ppCl "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming cl" cl;
+             Parser.ppTrace ppSub "Subsume.subsumes: subsuming sub" sub)
+    in
+      result
+    end;
+fun isSubsumed subs cl = Option.isSome (subsumes (K true) subs cl);
+fun isStrictlySubsumed subs cl =
+    Option.isSome (strictlySubsumes (K true) subs cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Single clause versions.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun clauseSubsumes cl' cl =
+    let
+      val lits' = sortClause cl'
+      and lits = clauseSym (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+    in
+      case genClauseSubsumes (K true) cl' lits' lits () of
+        SOME (_,sub,()) => SOME sub
+      | NONE => NONE
+    end;
+fun clauseStrictlySubsumes cl' cl =
+    if LiteralSet.size cl' > LiteralSet.size cl then NONE
+    else clauseSubsumes cl' cl;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Term.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC TERMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Term =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic terms.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type var =
+type functionName =
+type function = functionName * int
+type const = functionName
+datatype term =
+    Var of var
+  | Fn of functionName * term list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Variables *)
+val destVar : term -> var
+val isVar : term -> bool
+val equalVar : var -> term -> bool
+(* Functions *)
+val destFn : term -> functionName * term list
+val isFn : term -> bool
+val fnName : term -> functionName
+val fnArguments : term -> term list
+val fnArity : term -> int
+val fnFunction : term -> function
+val functions : term -> NameAritySet.set
+val functionNames : term -> NameSet.set
+(* Constants *)
+val mkConst : const -> term
+val destConst : term -> const
+val isConst : term -> bool
+(* Binary functions *)
+val mkBinop : functionName -> term * term -> term
+val destBinop : functionName -> term -> term * term
+val isBinop : functionName -> term -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a term in symbols.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symbols : term -> int
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for terms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : term * term -> order
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type path = int list
+val subterm : term -> path -> term
+val subterms : term -> (path * term) list
+val replace : term -> path * term -> term
+val find : (term -> bool) -> term -> path option
+val ppPath : path Parser.pp
+val pathToString : path -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : var -> term -> bool
+val freeVars : term -> NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Fresh variables.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newVar : unit -> term
+val newVars : int -> term list
+val variantPrime : NameSet.set -> var -> var
+val variantNum : NameSet.set -> var -> var
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val isTypedVar : term -> bool
+val typedSymbols : term -> int
+val nonVarTypedSubterms : term -> (path * term) list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with an explicit function application operator. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mkComb : term * term -> term
+val destComb : term -> term * term
+val isComb : term -> bool
+val listMkComb : term * term list -> term
+val stripComb : term -> term * term list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Infix symbols *)
+val infixes : Parser.infixities ref
+(* The negation symbol *)
+val negation : ref
+(* Binder symbols *)
+val binders : list ref
+(* Bracket symbols *)
+val brackets : ( * list ref
+(* Pretty printing *)
+val pp : term Parser.pp
+val toString : term -> string
+(* Parsing *)
+val fromString : string -> term
+val parse : term Parser.quotation -> term
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Term.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC TERMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Term :> Term =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun stripSuffix pred s =
+    let
+      fun f 0 = ""
+        | f n =
+          let
+            val n' = n - 1
+          in
+            if pred (String.sub (s,n')) then f n'
+            else String.substring (s,0,n)
+          end
+    in
+      f (size s)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic terms.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type var =;
+type functionName =;
+type function = functionName * int;
+type const = functionName;
+datatype term =
+    Var of
+  | Fn of * term list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Variables *)
+fun destVar (Var v) = v
+  | destVar (Fn _) = raise Error "destVar";
+val isVar = can destVar;
+fun equalVar v (Var v') = v = v'
+  | equalVar _ _ = false;
+(* Functions *)
+fun destFn (Fn f) = f
+  | destFn (Var _) = raise Error "destFn";
+val isFn = can destFn;
+fun fnName tm = fst (destFn tm);
+fun fnArguments tm = snd (destFn tm);
+fun fnArity tm = length (fnArguments tm);
+fun fnFunction tm = (fnName tm, fnArity tm);
+  fun func fs [] = fs
+    | func fs (Var _ :: tms) = func fs tms
+    | func fs (Fn (n,l) :: tms) =
+      func (NameAritySet.add fs (n, length l)) (l @ tms);
+  fun functions tm = func NameAritySet.empty [tm];
+  fun func fs [] = fs
+    | func fs (Var _ :: tms) = func fs tms
+    | func fs (Fn (n,l) :: tms) = func (NameSet.add fs n) (l @ tms);
+  fun functionNames tm = func NameSet.empty [tm];
+(* Constants *)
+fun mkConst c = (Fn (c, []));
+fun destConst (Fn (c, [])) = c
+  | destConst _ = raise Error "destConst";
+val isConst = can destConst;
+(* Binary functions *)
+fun mkBinop f (a,b) = Fn (f,[a,b]);
+fun destBinop f (Fn (x,[a,b])) =
+    if x = f then (a,b) else raise Error "Term.destBinop: wrong binop"
+  | destBinop _ _ = raise Error "Term.destBinop: not a binop";
+fun isBinop f = can (destBinop f);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a term in symbols.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (Var _ :: tms) = sz (n + 1) tms
+    | sz n (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = sz (n + 1) (args @ tms);
+  fun symbols tm = sz 0 [tm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for terms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun cmp [] [] = EQUAL
+    | cmp (Var _ :: _) (Fn _ :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp (Fn _ :: _) (Var _ :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp (Var v1 :: tms1) (Var v2 :: tms2) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp tms1 tms2
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp (Fn (f1,a1) :: tms1) (Fn (f2,a2) :: tms2) =
+      (case (f1,f2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL =>
+         (case (length a1, length a2) of
+            LESS => LESS
+          | EQUAL => cmp (a1 @ tms1) (a2 @ tms2)
+          | GREATER => GREATER)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp _ _ = raise Bug "";
+  fun compare (tm1,tm2) = cmp [tm1] [tm2];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type path = int list;
+fun subterm tm [] = tm
+  | subterm (Var _) (_ :: _) = raise Error "Term.subterm: Var"
+  | subterm (Fn (_,tms)) (h :: t) =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Term.replace: Fn"
+    else subterm (List.nth (tms,h)) t;
+  fun subtms [] acc = acc
+    | subtms ((path,tm) :: rest) acc =
+      let
+        fun f (n,arg) = (n :: path, arg)
+        val acc = (rev path, tm) :: acc
+      in
+        case tm of
+          Var _ => subtms rest acc
+        | Fn (_,args) => subtms (map f (enumerate args) @ rest) acc
+      end;
+  fun subterms tm = subtms [([],tm)] [];
+fun replace tm ([],res) = if res = tm then tm else res
+  | replace tm (h :: t, res) =
+    case tm of
+      Var _ => raise Error "Term.replace: Var"
+    | Fn (func,tms) =>
+      if h >= length tms then raise Error "Term.replace: Fn"
+      else
+        let
+          val arg = List.nth (tms,h)
+          val arg' = replace arg (t,res)
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (arg',arg) then tm
+          else Fn (func, updateNth (h,arg') tms)
+        end;
+fun find pred =
+    let
+      fun search [] = NONE
+        | search ((path,tm) :: rest) =
+          if pred tm then SOME (rev path)
+          else
+            case tm of
+              Var _ => search rest
+            | Fn (_,a) =>
+              let
+                val subtms = map (fn (i,t) => (i :: path, t)) (enumerate a)
+              in
+                search (subtms @ rest)
+              end
+    in
+      fn tm => search [([],tm)]
+    end;
+val ppPath = Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt;
+val pathToString = Parser.toString ppPath;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun free _ [] = false
+    | free v (Var w :: tms) = v = w orelse free v tms
+    | free v (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = free v (args @ tms);
+  fun freeIn v tm = free v [tm];
+  fun free vs [] = vs
+    | free vs (Var v :: tms) = free (NameSet.add vs v) tms
+    | free vs (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = free vs (args @ tms);
+  fun freeVars tm = free NameSet.empty [tm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Fresh variables.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val prefix  = "_";
+  fun numVar i = Var (mkPrefix prefix (Int.toString i));
+  fun newVar () = numVar (newInt ());
+  fun newVars n = map numVar (newInts n);
+fun variantPrime avoid =
+    let
+      fun f v = if NameSet.member v avoid then f (v ^ "'") else v
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun variantNum avoid v =
+    if not (NameSet.member v avoid) then v
+    else
+      let
+        val v = stripSuffix Char.isDigit v
+        fun f n =
+            let
+              val v_n = v ^ Int.toString n
+            in
+              if NameSet.member v_n avoid then f (n + 1) else v_n
+            end
+      in
+        f 0
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun isTypedVar (Var _) = true
+  | isTypedVar (Fn (":", [Var _, _])) = true
+  | isTypedVar (Fn _) = false;
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (Var _ :: tms) = sz (n + 1) tms
+    | sz n (Fn (":",[tm,_]) :: tms) = sz n (tm :: tms)
+    | sz n (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = sz (n + 1) (args @ tms);
+  fun typedSymbols tm = sz 0 [tm];
+  fun subtms [] acc = acc
+    | subtms ((_, Var _) :: rest) acc = subtms rest acc
+    | subtms ((_, Fn (":", [Var _, _])) :: rest) acc = subtms rest acc
+    | subtms ((path, tm as Fn func) :: rest) acc =
+      let
+        fun f (n,arg) = (n :: path, arg)
+        val acc = (rev path, tm) :: acc
+      in
+        case func of
+          (":",[arg,_]) => subtms ((0 :: path, arg) :: rest) acc
+        | (_,args) => subtms (map f (enumerate args) @ rest) acc
+      end;
+  fun nonVarTypedSubterms tm = subtms [([],tm)] [];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with an explicit function application operator. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkComb (f,a) = Fn (".",[f,a]);
+fun destComb (Fn (".",[f,a])) = (f,a)
+  | destComb _ = raise Error "destComb";
+val isComb = can destComb;
+fun listMkComb (f,l) = foldl mkComb f l;
+  fun strip tms (Fn (".",[f,a])) = strip (a :: tms) f
+    | strip tms tm = (tm,tms);
+  fun stripComb tm = strip [] tm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Operators parsed and printed infix *)
+val infixes : Parser.infixities ref = ref
+  [(* ML symbols *)
+   {token = " / ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " div ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " mod ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " * ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " + ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " - ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " ^ ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " @ ", precedence = 5, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " :: ", precedence = 5, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " = ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " <> ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " <= ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " < ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " >= ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " > ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " o ", precedence = 3, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " -> ", precedence = 2, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   {token = " : ", precedence = 1, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   {token = ", ", precedence = 0, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   (* Logical connectives *)
+   {token = " /\\ ", precedence = ~1, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " \\/ ", precedence = ~2, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " ==> ", precedence = ~3, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " <=> ", precedence = ~4, leftAssoc = false},
+   (* Other symbols *)
+   {token = " . ", precedence = 9, leftAssoc = true},  (* function app *)
+   {token = " ** ", precedence = 8, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " ++ ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " -- ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " == ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true}];
+(* The negation symbol *)
+val negation : ref = ref "~";
+(* Binder symbols *)
+val binders : list ref = ref ["\\","!","?","?!"];
+(* Bracket symbols *)
+val brackets : ( * list ref = ref [("[","]"),("{","}")];
+(* Pretty printing *)
+  open Parser;
+  fun pp inputPpstrm inputTerm =
+      let
+        val quants = !binders
+        and iOps = !infixes
+        and neg = !negation
+        and bracks = !brackets
+        val bracks = map (fn (b1,b2) => (b1 ^ b2, b1, b2)) bracks
+        val bTokens = map #2 bracks @ map #3 bracks
+        val iTokens = infixTokens iOps
+        fun destI (Fn (f,[a,b])) =
+            if mem f iTokens then SOME (f,a,b) else NONE
+          | destI _ = NONE
+        val iPrinter = ppInfixes iOps destI
+        val specialTokens = neg :: quants @ ["$","(",")"] @ bTokens @ iTokens
+        fun vName bv s = NameSet.member s bv
+        fun checkVarName bv s = if vName bv s then s else "$" ^ s
+        fun varName bv = ppMap (checkVarName bv) ppString
+        fun checkFunctionName bv s =
+            if mem s specialTokens orelse vName bv s then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s
+        fun functionName bv = ppMap (checkFunctionName bv) ppString
+        fun isI tm = Option.isSome (destI tm)
+        fun stripNeg (tm as Fn (f,[a])) =
+            if f <> neg then (0,tm)
+            else let val (n,tm) = stripNeg a in (n + 1, tm) end
+          | stripNeg tm = (0,tm)
+        val destQuant =
+            let
+              fun dest q (Fn (q', [Var v, body])) =
+                  if q <> q' then NONE
+                  else
+                    (case dest q body of
+                       NONE => SOME (q,v,[],body)
+                     | SOME (_,v',vs,body) => SOME (q, v, v' :: vs, body))
+                | dest _ _ = NONE
+            in
+              fn tm => Useful.first (fn q => dest q tm) quants
+            end
+        fun isQuant tm = Option.isSome (destQuant tm)
+        fun destBrack (Fn (b,[tm])) =
+            (case List.find (fn (n,_,_) => n = b) bracks of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | SOME (_,b1,b2) => SOME (b1,tm,b2))
+          | destBrack _ = NONE
+        fun isBrack tm = Option.isSome (destBrack tm)
+        fun functionArgument bv ppstrm tm =
+            (addBreak ppstrm (1,0);
+             if isBrack tm then customBracket bv ppstrm tm
+             else if isVar tm orelse isConst tm then basic bv ppstrm tm
+             else bracket bv ppstrm tm)
+        and basic bv ppstrm (Var v) = varName bv ppstrm v
+          | basic bv ppstrm (Fn (f,args)) =
+            (beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent 2;
+             functionName bv ppstrm f;
+             app (functionArgument bv ppstrm) args;
+             endBlock ppstrm)
+        and customBracket bv ppstrm tm =
+            case destBrack tm of
+              SOME (b1,tm,b2) => ppBracket b1 b2 (term bv) ppstrm tm
+            | NONE => basic bv ppstrm tm
+        and innerQuant bv ppstrm tm =
+            case destQuant tm of
+              NONE => term bv ppstrm tm
+            | SOME (q,v,vs,tm) =>
+              let
+                val bv = NameSet.addList (NameSet.add bv v) vs
+              in
+                addString ppstrm q;
+                varName bv ppstrm v;
+                app (fn v => (addBreak ppstrm (1,0); varName bv ppstrm v)) vs;
+                addString ppstrm ".";
+                addBreak ppstrm (1,0);
+                innerQuant bv ppstrm tm
+              end
+        and quantifier bv ppstrm tm =
+            if not (isQuant tm) then customBracket bv ppstrm tm
+            else
+              (beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent 2;
+               innerQuant bv ppstrm tm;
+               endBlock ppstrm)
+        and molecule bv ppstrm (tm,r) =
+            let
+              val (n,tm) = stripNeg tm
+            in
+              beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent n;
+              funpow n (fn () => addString ppstrm neg) ();
+              if isI tm orelse (r andalso isQuant tm) then bracket bv ppstrm tm
+              else quantifier bv ppstrm tm;
+              endBlock ppstrm
+            end
+        and term bv ppstrm tm = iPrinter (molecule bv) ppstrm (tm,false)
+        and bracket bv ppstrm tm = ppBracket "(" ")" (term bv) ppstrm tm
+  in
+    term NameSet.empty
+  end inputPpstrm inputTerm;
+fun toString tm = Parser.toString pp tm;
+(* Parsing *)
+  open Parser;
+  infixr 9 >>++
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+  val isAlphaNum =
+      let
+        val alphaNumChars = explode "_'"
+      in
+        fn c => mem c alphaNumChars orelse Char.isAlphaNum c
+      end;
+  local
+    val alphaNumToken = atLeastOne (some isAlphaNum) >> implode;
+    val symbolToken =
+        let
+          fun isNeg c = str c = !negation
+          val symbolChars = explode "<>=-*+/\\?@|!$%&#^:;~"
+          fun isSymbol c = mem c symbolChars
+          fun isNonNegSymbol c = not (isNeg c) andalso isSymbol c
+        in
+          some isNeg >> str ||
+          (some isNonNegSymbol ++ many (some isSymbol)) >> (implode o op::)
+        end;
+    val punctToken =
+        let
+          val punctChars = explode "()[]{}.,"
+          fun isPunct c = mem c punctChars
+        in
+          some isPunct >> str
+        end;
+    val lexToken = alphaNumToken || symbolToken || punctToken;
+    val space = many (some Char.isSpace);
+  in
+    val lexer = (space ++ lexToken ++ space) >> (fn (_,(tok,_)) => tok);
+  end;
+  fun termParser inputStream =
+      let
+        val quants = !binders
+        and iOps = !infixes
+        and neg = !negation
+        and bracks = ("(",")") :: !brackets
+        val bracks = map (fn (b1,b2) => (b1 ^ b2, b1, b2)) bracks
+        val bTokens = map #2 bracks @ map #3 bracks
+        fun possibleVarName "" = false
+          | possibleVarName s = isAlphaNum (String.sub (s,0))
+        fun vName bv s = NameSet.member s bv
+        val iTokens = infixTokens iOps
+        val iParser = parseInfixes iOps (fn (f,a,b) => Fn (f,[a,b]))
+        val specialTokens = neg :: quants @ ["$"] @ bTokens @ iTokens
+        fun varName bv =
+            Parser.some (vName bv) ||
+            (exact "$" ++ some possibleVarName) >> (fn (_,s) => s)
+        fun fName bv s = not (mem s specialTokens) andalso not (vName bv s)
+        fun functionName bv =
+            Parser.some (fName bv) ||
+            (exact "(" ++ any ++ exact ")") >> (fn (_,(s,_)) => s)
+        fun basic bv tokens =
+            let
+              val var = varName bv >> Var
+              val const = functionName bv >> (fn f => Fn (f,[]))
+              fun bracket (ab,a,b) =
+                  (exact a ++ term bv ++ exact b) >>
+                  (fn (_,(tm,_)) => if ab = "()" then tm else Fn (ab,[tm]))
+              fun quantifier q =
+                  let
+                    fun bind (v,t) = Fn (q, [Var v, t])
+                  in
+                    (exact q ++ atLeastOne (some possibleVarName) ++
+                     exact ".") >>++
+                    (fn (_,(vs,_)) =>
+                        term (NameSet.addList bv vs) >>
+                        (fn body => foldr bind body vs))
+                  end
+            in
+              var ||
+              const ||
+              first (map bracket bracks) ||
+              first (map quantifier quants)
+            end tokens
+        and molecule bv tokens =
+            let
+              val negations = many (exact neg) >> length
+              val function =
+                  (functionName bv ++ many (basic bv)) >> Fn || basic bv
+            in
+              (negations ++ function) >>
+              (fn (n,tm) => funpow n (fn t => Fn (neg,[t])) tm)
+            end tokens
+        and term bv tokens = iParser (molecule bv) tokens
+      in
+        term NameSet.empty
+      end inputStream;
+  fun fromString input =
+      let
+        val chars = Stream.fromList (explode input)
+        val tokens = everything (lexer >> singleton) chars
+        val terms = everything (termParser >> singleton) tokens
+      in
+        case Stream.toList terms of
+          [tm] => tm
+        | _ => raise Error "Syntax.stringToTerm"
+      end;
+  val antiquotedTermToString =
+      Parser.toString (Parser.ppBracket "(" ")" pp);
+  val parse = Parser.parseQuotation antiquotedTermToString fromString;
+structure TermOrdered =
+struct type t = Term.term val compare = end
+structure TermSet = ElementSet (TermOrdered);
+structure TermMap = KeyMap (TermOrdered);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/TermNet.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature TermNet =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of term sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool}
+type 'a termNet
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val new : parameters -> 'a termNet
+val null : 'a termNet -> bool
+val size : 'a termNet -> int
+val insert : 'a termNet -> Term.term * 'a -> 'a termNet
+val fromList : parameters -> (Term.term * 'a) list -> 'a termNet
+val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a termNet -> 'a termNet
+val toString : 'a termNet -> string
+val pp : 'a Parser.pp -> 'a termNet Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : 'a termNet -> Term.term -> 'a list
+val matched : 'a termNet -> Term.term -> 'a list
+val unify : 'a termNet -> Term.term -> 'a list
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/TermNet.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure TermNet :> TermNet =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Quotient terms                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype qterm = VAR | FN of NameArity.nameArity * qterm list;
+fun termToQterm (Term.Var _) = VAR
+  | termToQterm (Term.Fn (f,l)) = FN ((f, length l), map termToQterm l);
+  fun qm [] = true
+    | qm ((VAR,_) :: rest) = qm rest
+    | qm ((FN _, VAR) :: _) = false
+    | qm ((FN (f,a), FN (g,b)) :: rest) = f = g andalso qm (zip a b @ rest);
+  fun matchQtermQterm qtm qtm' = qm [(qtm,qtm')];
+  fun qm [] = true
+    | qm ((VAR,_) :: rest) = qm rest
+    | qm ((FN _, Term.Var _) :: _) = false
+    | qm ((FN ((f,n),a), Term.Fn (g,b)) :: rest) =
+      f = g andalso n = length b andalso qm (zip a b @ rest);
+  fun matchQtermTerm qtm tm = qm [(qtm,tm)];
+  fun qn qsub [] = SOME qsub
+    | qn qsub ((Term.Var v, qtm) :: rest) =
+      (case NameMap.peek qsub v of
+         NONE => qn (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm)) rest
+       | SOME qtm' => if qtm = qtm' then qn qsub rest else NONE)
+    | qn _ ((Term.Fn _, VAR) :: _) = NONE
+    | qn qsub ((Term.Fn (f,a), FN ((g,n),b)) :: rest) =
+      if f = g andalso length a = n then qn qsub (zip a b @ rest) else NONE;
+  fun matchTermQterm qsub tm qtm = qn qsub [(tm,qtm)];
+  fun qv VAR x = x
+    | qv x VAR = x
+    | qv (FN (f,a)) (FN (g,b)) =
+      let
+        val _ = f = g orelse raise Error "TermNet.qv"
+      in
+        FN (f, zipwith qv a b)
+      end;
+  fun qu qsub [] = qsub
+    | qu qsub ((VAR, _) :: rest) = qu qsub rest
+    | qu qsub ((qtm, Term.Var v) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val qtm =
+            case NameMap.peek qsub v of NONE => qtm | SOME qtm' => qv qtm qtm'
+      in
+        qu (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm)) rest
+      end
+    | qu qsub ((FN ((f,n),a), Term.Fn (g,b)) :: rest) =
+      if f = g andalso n = length b then qu qsub (zip a b @ rest)
+      else raise Error "TermNet.qu";
+  fun unifyQtermQterm qtm qtm' = total (qv qtm) qtm';
+  fun unifyQtermTerm qsub qtm tm = total (qu qsub) [(qtm,tm)];
+  fun qtermToTerm VAR = Term.Var ""
+    | qtermToTerm (FN ((f,_),l)) = Term.Fn (f, map qtermToTerm l);
+  val ppQterm = Parser.ppMap qtermToTerm Term.pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of term sets that can be efficiently matched and unified.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters = {fifo : bool};
+datatype 'a net =
+    RESULT of 'a list
+  | SINGLE of qterm * 'a net
+  | MULTIPLE of 'a net option * 'a net;
+datatype 'a termNet = NET of parameters * int * (int * (int * 'a) net) option;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun new parm = NET (parm,0,NONE);
+  fun computeSize (RESULT l) = length l
+    | computeSize (SINGLE (_,n)) = computeSize n
+    | computeSize (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+      NameArityMap.foldl
+        (fn (_,n,acc) => acc + computeSize n)
+        (case vs of SOME n => computeSize n | NONE => 0)
+        fs;
+  fun netSize NONE = NONE
+    | netSize (SOME n) = SOME (computeSize n, n);
+fun size (NET (_,_,NONE)) = 0
+  | size (NET (_, _, SOME (i,_))) = i;
+fun null net = size net = 0;
+fun singles qtms a = foldr SINGLE a qtms;
+  fun pre NONE = (0,NONE)
+    | pre (SOME (i,n)) = (i, SOME n);
+  fun add (RESULT l) [] (RESULT l') = RESULT (l @ l')
+    | add a (input1 as qtm :: qtms) (SINGLE (qtm',n)) =
+      if qtm = qtm' then SINGLE (qtm, add a qtms n)
+      else add a input1 (add n [qtm'] (MULTIPLE (NONE, ())))
+    | add a (VAR :: qtms) (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+      MULTIPLE (SOME (oadd a qtms vs), fs)
+    | add a (FN (f,l) :: qtms) (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+      let
+        val n = NameArityMap.peek fs f
+      in
+        MULTIPLE (vs, NameArityMap.insert fs (f, oadd a (l @ qtms) n))
+      end
+    | add _ _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.insert: Match"
+  and oadd a qtms NONE = singles qtms a
+    | oadd a qtms (SOME n) = add a qtms n;
+  fun ins a qtm (i,n) = SOME (i + 1, oadd (RESULT [a]) [qtm] n);
+  fun insert (NET (p,k,n)) (tm,a) =
+      NET (p, k + 1, ins (k,a) (termToQterm tm) (pre n))
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.insert: should never fail";
+fun fromList parm l = foldl (fn (tm_a,n) => insert n tm_a) (new parm) l;
+fun filter pred =
+    let
+      fun filt (RESULT l) =
+          (case List.filter (fn (_,a) => pred a) l of
+             [] => NONE
+           | l => SOME (RESULT l))
+        | filt (SINGLE (qtm,n)) =
+          (case filt n of
+             NONE => NONE
+           | SOME n => SOME (SINGLE (qtm,n)))
+        | filt (MULTIPLE (vs,fs)) =
+          let
+            val vs = Option.mapPartial filt vs
+            val fs = NameArityMap.mapPartial (fn (_,n) => filt n) fs
+          in
+            if not (Option.isSome vs) andalso NameArityMap.null fs then NONE
+            else SOME (MULTIPLE (vs,fs))
+          end
+    in
+      fn net as NET (_,_,NONE) => net
+       | NET (p, k, SOME (_,n)) => NET (p, k, netSize (filt n))
+    end
+    handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.filter: should never fail";
+fun toString net = "TermNet[" ^ Int.toString (size net) ^ "]";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Specialized fold operations to support matching and unification.          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun norm (0 :: ks, (f as (_,n)) :: fs, qtms) =
+      let
+        val (a,qtms) = revDivide qtms n
+      in
+        addQterm (FN (f,a)) (ks,fs,qtms)
+      end
+    | norm stack = stack
+  and addQterm qtm (ks,fs,qtms) =
+      let
+        val ks = case ks of [] => [] | k :: ks => (k - 1) :: ks
+      in
+        norm (ks, fs, qtm :: qtms)
+      end
+  and addFn (f as (_,n)) (ks,fs,qtms) = norm (n :: ks, f :: fs, qtms);
+  val stackEmpty = ([],[],[]);
+  val stackAddQterm = addQterm;
+  val stackAddFn = addFn;
+  fun stackValue ([],[],[qtm]) = qtm
+    | stackValue _ = raise Bug "TermNet.stackValue";
+  fun fold _ acc [] = acc
+    | fold inc acc ((0,stack,net) :: rest) =
+      fold inc (inc (stackValue stack, net, acc)) rest
+    | fold inc acc ((n, stack, SINGLE (qtm,net)) :: rest) =
+      fold inc acc ((n - 1, stackAddQterm qtm stack, net) :: rest)
+    | fold inc acc ((n, stack, MULTIPLE (v,fns)) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val n = n - 1
+        val rest =
+            case v of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (n, stackAddQterm VAR stack, net) :: rest
+        fun getFns (f as (_,k), net, x) =
+            (k + n, stackAddFn f stack, net) :: x
+      in
+        fold inc acc (NameArityMap.foldr getFns rest fns)
+      end
+    | fold _ _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.foldTerms.fold";
+  fun foldTerms inc acc net = fold inc acc [(1,stackEmpty,net)];
+fun foldEqualTerms pat inc acc =
+    let
+      fun fold ([],net) = inc (pat,net,acc)
+        | fold (pat :: pats, SINGLE (qtm,net)) =
+          if pat = qtm then fold (pats,net) else acc
+        | fold (VAR :: pats, MULTIPLE (v,_)) =
+          (case v of NONE => acc | SOME net => fold (pats,net))
+        | fold (FN (f,a) :: pats, MULTIPLE (_,fns)) =
+          (case NameArityMap.peek fns f of
+             NONE => acc
+           | SOME net => fold (a @ pats, net))
+        | fold _ = raise Bug "TermNet.foldEqualTerms.fold";
+    in
+      fn net => fold ([pat],net)
+    end;
+  fun fold _ acc [] = acc
+    | fold inc acc (([],stack,net) :: rest) =
+      fold inc (inc (stackValue stack, net, acc)) rest
+    | fold inc acc ((VAR :: pats, stack, net) :: rest) =
+      let
+        fun harvest (qtm,n,l) = (pats, stackAddQterm qtm stack, n) :: l
+      in
+        fold inc acc (foldTerms harvest rest net)
+      end
+    | fold inc acc ((pat :: pats, stack, SINGLE (qtm,net)) :: rest) =
+      (case unifyQtermQterm pat qtm of
+         NONE => fold inc acc rest
+       | SOME qtm =>
+         fold inc acc ((pats, stackAddQterm qtm stack, net) :: rest))
+    | fold
+        inc acc
+        (((pat as FN (f,a)) :: pats, stack, MULTIPLE (v,fns)) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest =
+            case v of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (pats, stackAddQterm pat stack, net) :: rest
+        val rest =
+            case NameArityMap.peek fns f of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (a @ pats, stackAddFn f stack, net) :: rest
+      in
+        fold inc acc rest
+      end
+    | fold _ _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.foldUnifiableTerms.fold";
+  fun foldUnifiableTerms pat inc acc net =
+      fold inc acc [([pat],stackEmpty,net)];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching and unification queries.                                         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* These function return OVER-APPROXIMATIONS!                                *)
+(* Filter afterwards to get the precise set of satisfying values.            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun idwise ((m,_),(n,_)) = (m,n);
+  fun fifoize ({fifo, ...} : parameters) l = if fifo then sort idwise l else l;
+  fun finally parm l = map snd (fifoize parm l);
+  fun mat acc [] = acc
+    | mat acc ((RESULT l, []) :: rest) = mat (l @ acc) rest
+    | mat acc ((SINGLE (qtm,n), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      mat acc (if matchQtermTerm qtm tm then (n,tms) :: rest else rest)
+    | mat acc ((MULTIPLE (vs,fs), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest = case vs of NONE => rest | SOME n => (n,tms) :: rest
+        val rest =
+            case tm of
+              Term.Var _ => rest
+            | Term.Fn (f,l) =>
+              case NameArityMap.peek fs (f, length l) of
+                NONE => rest
+              | SOME n => (n, l @ tms) :: rest
+      in
+        mat acc rest
+      end
+    | mat _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.match: Match";
+  fun match (NET (_,_,NONE)) _ = []
+    | match (NET (p, _, SOME (_,n))) tm =
+      finally p (mat [] [(n,[tm])])
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.match: should never fail";
+  fun unseenInc qsub v tms (qtm,net,rest) =
+      (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm), net, tms) :: rest;
+  fun seenInc qsub tms (_,net,rest) = (qsub,net,tms) :: rest;
+  fun mat acc [] = acc
+    | mat acc ((_, RESULT l, []) :: rest) = mat (l @ acc) rest
+    | mat acc ((qsub, SINGLE (qtm,net), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case matchTermQterm qsub tm qtm of
+         NONE => mat acc rest
+       | SOME qsub => mat acc ((qsub,net,tms) :: rest))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, net as MULTIPLE _, Term.Var v :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case NameMap.peek qsub v of
+         NONE => mat acc (foldTerms (unseenInc qsub v tms) rest net)
+       | SOME qtm => mat acc (foldEqualTerms qtm (seenInc qsub tms) rest net))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, MULTIPLE (_,fns), Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest =
+            case NameArityMap.peek fns (f, length a) of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (qsub, net, a @ tms) :: rest
+      in
+        mat acc rest
+      end
+    | mat _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.matched.mat";
+  fun matched (NET (_,_,NONE)) _ = []
+    | matched (NET (parm, _, SOME (_,net))) tm =
+      finally parm (mat [] [( (), net, [tm])])
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.matched: should never fail";
+  fun inc qsub v tms (qtm,net,rest) =
+      (NameMap.insert qsub (v,qtm), net, tms) :: rest;
+  fun mat acc [] = acc
+    | mat acc ((_, RESULT l, []) :: rest) = mat (l @ acc) rest
+    | mat acc ((qsub, SINGLE (qtm,net), tm :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case unifyQtermTerm qsub qtm tm of
+         NONE => mat acc rest
+       | SOME qsub => mat acc ((qsub,net,tms) :: rest))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, net as MULTIPLE _, Term.Var v :: tms) :: rest) =
+      (case NameMap.peek qsub v of
+         NONE => mat acc (foldTerms (inc qsub v tms) rest net)
+       | SOME qtm => mat acc (foldUnifiableTerms qtm (inc qsub v tms) rest net))
+    | mat acc ((qsub, MULTIPLE (v,fns), Term.Fn (f,a) :: tms) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val rest = case v of NONE => rest | SOME net => (qsub,net,tms) :: rest
+        val rest =
+            case NameArityMap.peek fns (f, length a) of
+              NONE => rest
+            | SOME net => (qsub, net, a @ tms) :: rest
+      in
+        mat acc rest
+      end
+    | mat _ _ = raise Bug "TermNet.unify.mat";
+  fun unify (NET (_,_,NONE)) _ = []
+    | unify (NET (parm, _, SOME (_,net))) tm =
+      finally parm (mat [] [( (), net, [tm])])
+      handle Error _ => raise Bug "TermNet.unify: should never fail";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun inc (qtm, RESULT l, acc) =
+      foldl (fn ((n,a),acc) => (n,(qtm,a)) :: acc) acc l
+    | inc _ = raise Bug "";
+  fun toList (NET (_,_,NONE)) = []
+    | toList (NET (parm, _, SOME (_,net))) =
+      finally parm (foldTerms inc [] net);
+  fun pp ppA =
+      Parser.ppMap toList (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppBinop " |->" ppQterm ppA));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Thm.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A LOGICAL KERNEL FOR FIRST ORDER CLAUSES                                  *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Thm =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An abstract type of first order logic theorems.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = LiteralSet.set
+datatype inferenceType =
+    Axiom
+  | Assume
+  | Subst
+  | Factor
+  | Resolve
+  | Refl
+  | Equality
+type thm
+type inference = inferenceType * thm list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Theorem destructors.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val clause : thm -> clause
+val inference : thm -> inference
+(* Tautologies *)
+val isTautology : thm -> bool
+(* Contradictions *)
+val isContradiction : thm -> bool
+(* Unit theorems *)
+val destUnit : thm -> Literal.literal
+val isUnit : thm -> bool
+(* Unit equality theorems *)
+val destUnitEq : thm -> Term.term * Term.term
+val isUnitEq : thm -> bool
+(* Literals *)
+val member : Literal.literal -> thm -> bool
+val negateMember : Literal.literal -> thm -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total order.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val compare : thm * thm -> order
+val equal : thm -> thm -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freeIn : Term.var -> thm -> bool
+val freeVars : thm -> NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty-printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ppInferenceType : inferenceType Parser.pp
+val inferenceTypeToString : inferenceType -> string
+val pp : thm Parser.pp
+val toString : thm -> string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Primitive rules of inference.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----- axiom C                                                             *)
+(*   C                                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val axiom : clause -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----------- assume L                                                      *)
+(*   L \/ ~L                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val assume : Literal.literal -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- subst s                                                          *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val subst : Subst.subst -> thm -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   L \/ C    ~L \/ D                                                       *)
+(* --------------------- resolve L                                           *)
+(*        C \/ D                                                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* The literal L must occur in the first theorem, and the literal ~L must    *)
+(* occur in the second theorem.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val resolve : Literal.literal -> thm -> thm -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- refl t                                                          *)
+(*   t = t                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val refl : Term.term -> thm
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------ equality L p t                                   *)
+(*   ~(s = t) \/ ~L \/ L'                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is the subterm of L at path p, and L' is L with the subterm at    *)
+(* path p being replaced by t.                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val equality : Literal.literal -> Term.path -> Term.term -> thm
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+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A LOGICAL KERNEL FOR FIRST ORDER CLAUSES                                  *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Thm :> Thm =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An abstract type of first order logic theorems.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = LiteralSet.set;
+datatype inferenceType =
+    Axiom
+  | Assume
+  | Subst
+  | Factor
+  | Resolve
+  | Refl
+  | Equality;
+datatype thm = Thm of clause * (inferenceType * thm list);
+type inference = inferenceType * thm list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Theorem destructors.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun clause (Thm (cl,_)) = cl;
+fun inference (Thm (_,inf)) = inf;
+(* Tautologies *)
+  fun chk (_,NONE) = NONE
+    | chk ((pol,atm), SOME set) =
+      if (pol andalso Atom.isRefl atm) orelse AtomSet.member atm set then NONE
+      else SOME (AtomSet.add set atm);
+  fun isTautology th =
+      case LiteralSet.foldl chk (SOME AtomSet.empty) (clause th) of
+        SOME _ => false
+      | NONE => true;
+(* Contradictions *)
+fun isContradiction th = LiteralSet.null (clause th);
+(* Unit theorems *)
+fun destUnit (Thm (cl,_)) =
+    if LiteralSet.size cl = 1 then LiteralSet.pick cl
+    else raise Error "Thm.destUnit";
+val isUnit = can destUnit;
+(* Unit equality theorems *)
+fun destUnitEq th = Literal.destEq (destUnit th);
+val isUnitEq = can destUnitEq;
+(* Literals *)
+fun member lit (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.member lit cl;
+fun negateMember lit (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.negateMember lit cl;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total order.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compare (th1,th2) = (clause th1, clause th2);
+fun equal th1 th2 = LiteralSet.equal (clause th1) (clause th2);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freeIn v (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.exists (Literal.freeIn v) cl;
+  fun free (lit,set) = NameSet.union (Literal.freeVars lit) set;
+  fun freeVars (Thm (cl,_)) = LiteralSet.foldl free NameSet.empty cl;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pretty-printing.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun inferenceTypeToString Axiom = "Axiom"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Assume = "Assume"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Subst = "Subst"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Factor = "Factor"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Resolve = "Resolve"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Refl = "Refl"
+  | inferenceTypeToString Equality = "Equality";
+fun ppInferenceType ppstrm inf =
+    Parser.ppString ppstrm (inferenceTypeToString inf);
+  fun toFormula th =
+      Formula.listMkDisj
+        (map Literal.toFormula (LiteralSet.toList (clause th)));
+  fun pp ppstrm th =
+    let
+      open PP
+    in
+      begin_block ppstrm INCONSISTENT 3;
+      add_string ppstrm "|- ";
+      Formula.pp ppstrm (toFormula th);
+      end_block ppstrm
+    end;
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Primitive rules of inference.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----- axiom C                                                             *)
+(*   C                                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun axiom cl = Thm (cl,(Axiom,[]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ----------- assume L                                                      *)
+(*   L \/ ~L                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun assume lit =
+    Thm (LiteralSet.fromList [lit, Literal.negate lit], (Assume,[]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- subst s                                                          *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub (th as Thm (cl,inf)) =
+    let
+      val cl' = LiteralSet.subst sub cl
+    in
+      if Sharing.pointerEqual (cl,cl') then th
+      else
+        case inf of
+          (Subst,_) => Thm (cl',inf)
+        | _ => Thm (cl',(Subst,[th]))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   L \/ C    ~L \/ D                                                       *)
+(* --------------------- resolve L                                           *)
+(*        C \/ D                                                             *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* The literal L must occur in the first theorem, and the literal ~L must    *)
+(* occur in the second theorem.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun resolve lit (th1 as Thm (cl1,_)) (th2 as Thm (cl2,_)) =
+    let
+      val cl1' = LiteralSet.delete cl1 lit
+      and cl2' = LiteralSet.delete cl2 (Literal.negate lit)
+    in
+      Thm (LiteralSet.union cl1' cl2', (Resolve,[th1,th2]))
+    end;
+val resolve = fn lit => fn pos => fn neg =>
+    resolve lit pos neg
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Thm.resolve:\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^
+                   "\npos = " ^ toString pos ^
+                   "\nneg = " ^ toString neg ^ "\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- refl t                                                          *)
+(*   t = t                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun refl tm = Thm (LiteralSet.singleton (true, Atom.mkRefl tm), (Refl,[]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------ equality L p t                                   *)
+(*   ~(s = t) \/ ~L \/ L'                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is the subterm of L at path p, and L' is L with the subterm at    *)
+(* path p being replaced by t.                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun equality lit path t =
+    let
+      val s = Literal.subterm lit path
+      val lit' = Literal.replace lit (path,t)
+      val eqLit = Literal.mkNeq (s,t)
+      val cl = LiteralSet.fromList [eqLit, Literal.negate lit, lit']
+    in
+      Thm (cl,(Equality,[]))
+    end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Tptp.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* INTERFACE TO TPTP PROBLEM FILES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Tptp =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Mapping TPTP functions and relations to different names.                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionMapping : {name : string, arity : int, tptp : string} list ref
+val relationMapping : {name : string, arity : int, tptp : string} list ref
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP literals.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literal =
+    Boolean of bool
+  | Literal of Literal.literal
+val negate : literal -> literal
+val literalFunctions : literal -> NameAritySet.set
+val literalRelation : literal -> Atom.relation option
+val literalFreeVars : literal -> NameSet.set
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP formulas.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    CnfFormula of {name : string, role : string, clause : literal list}
+  | FofFormula of {name : string, role : string, formula : Formula.formula}
+val formulaFunctions : formula -> NameAritySet.set
+val formulaRelations : formula -> NameAritySet.set
+val formulaFreeVars : formula -> NameSet.set
+val formulaIsConjecture : formula -> bool
+val ppFormula : formula Parser.pp
+val parseFormula : char -> formula
+val formulaToString : formula -> string
+val formulaFromString : string -> formula
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP problems.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype goal =
+    Cnf of Problem.problem
+  | Fof of Formula.formula
+type problem = {comments : string list, formulas : formula list}
+val read : {filename : string} -> problem
+val write : {filename : string} -> problem -> unit
+val hasConjecture : problem -> bool
+val toGoal : problem -> goal
+val fromProblem : Problem.problem -> problem
+val prove : {filename : string} -> bool
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Tptp.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* INTERFACE TO TPTP PROBLEM FILES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Tptp :> Tptp =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constants.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE = "negated_conjecture"
+and ROLE_CONJECTURE = "conjecture";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Mapping TPTP functions and relations to different names.                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionMapping = ref
+    [(* Mapping TPTP functions to infix symbols *)
+     {name = "*", arity = 2, tptp = "multiply"},
+     {name = "/", arity = 2, tptp = "divide"},
+     {name = "+", arity = 2, tptp = "add"},
+     {name = "-", arity = 2, tptp = "subtract"},
+     {name = "::", arity = 2, tptp = "cons"},
+     {name = ",", arity = 2, tptp = "pair"},
+     (* Expanding HOL symbols to TPTP alphanumerics *)
+     {name = ":", arity = 2, tptp = "has_type"},
+     {name = ".", arity = 2, tptp = "apply"},
+     {name = "<=", arity = 0, tptp = "less_equal"}];
+val relationMapping = ref
+    [(* Mapping TPTP relations to infix symbols *)
+     {name = "=", arity = 2, tptp = "="},
+     {name = "==", arity = 2, tptp = "equalish"},
+     {name = "<=", arity = 2, tptp = "less_equal"},
+     {name = "<", arity = 2, tptp = "less_than"},
+     (* Expanding HOL symbols to TPTP alphanumerics *)
+     {name = "{}", arity = 1, tptp = "bool"}];
+fun mappingToTptp x =
+    let
+      fun mk ({name,arity,tptp},m) = NameArityMap.insert m ((name,arity),tptp)
+    in
+      foldl mk ( ()) x
+    end;
+fun mappingFromTptp x =
+    let
+      fun mk ({name,arity,tptp},m) = NameArityMap.insert m ((tptp,arity),name)
+    in
+      foldl mk ( ()) x
+    end;
+fun findMapping mapping (name_arity as (n,_)) =
+    Option.getOpt (NameArityMap.peek mapping name_arity, n);
+fun mapTerm functionMap =
+    let
+      val mapName = findMapping functionMap
+      fun mapTm (tm as Term.Var _) = tm
+        | mapTm (Term.Fn (f,a)) = Term.Fn (mapName (f, length a), map mapTm a)
+    in
+      mapTm
+    end;
+fun mapAtom {functionMap,relationMap} (p,a) =
+    (findMapping relationMap (p, length a), map (mapTerm functionMap) a);
+fun mapFof maps =
+    let
+      open Formula
+      fun form True = True
+        | form False = False
+        | form (Atom a) = Atom (mapAtom maps a)
+        | form (Not p) = Not (form p)
+        | form (And (p,q)) = And (form p, form q)
+        | form (Or (p,q)) = Or (form p, form q)
+        | form (Imp (p,q)) = Imp (form p, form q)
+        | form (Iff (p,q)) = Iff (form p, form q)
+        | form (Forall (v,p)) = Forall (v, form p)
+        | form (Exists (v,p)) = Exists (v, form p)
+    in
+      form
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comments.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkComment "" = "%"
+  | mkComment line = "% " ^ line;
+fun destComment "" = ""
+  | destComment l =
+    let
+      val _ = String.sub (l,0) = #"%" orelse raise Error "destComment"
+      val n = if size l >= 2 andalso String.sub (l,1) = #" " then 2 else 1
+    in
+      String.extract (l,n,NONE)
+    end;
+val isComment = can destComment;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP literals.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literal =
+    Boolean of bool
+  | Literal of Literal.literal;
+fun negate (Boolean b) = (Boolean (not b))
+  | negate (Literal l) = (Literal (Literal.negate l));
+fun literalFunctions (Boolean _) = NameAritySet.empty
+  | literalFunctions (Literal lit) = Literal.functions lit;
+fun literalRelation (Boolean _) = NONE
+  | literalRelation (Literal lit) = SOME (Literal.relation lit);
+fun literalToFormula (Boolean true) = Formula.True
+  | literalToFormula (Boolean false) = Formula.False
+  | literalToFormula (Literal lit) = Literal.toFormula lit;
+fun literalFromFormula Formula.True = Boolean true
+  | literalFromFormula Formula.False = Boolean false
+  | literalFromFormula fm = Literal (Literal.fromFormula fm);
+fun literalFreeVars (Boolean _) = NameSet.empty
+  | literalFreeVars (Literal lit) = Literal.freeVars lit;
+fun literalSubst sub lit =
+    case lit of
+      Boolean _ => lit
+    | Literal l => Literal (Literal.subst sub l);
+fun mapLiteral maps lit =
+    case lit of
+      Boolean _ => lit
+    | Literal (p,a) => Literal (p, mapAtom maps a);
+fun destLiteral (Literal l) = l
+  | destLiteral _ = raise Error "destLiteral";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing formulas using TPTP syntax.                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun term pp (Term.Var v) = PP.add_string pp v
+    | term pp (Term.Fn (c,[])) = PP.add_string pp c
+    | term pp (Term.Fn (f,tms)) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+       PP.add_string pp (f ^ "(");
+       Parser.ppSequence "," term pp tms;
+       PP.add_string pp ")";
+       PP.end_block pp);
+  open Formula;
+  fun fof pp (fm as And _) = assoc_binary pp ("&", stripConj fm)
+    | fof pp (fm as Or _) = assoc_binary pp ("|", stripDisj fm)
+    | fof pp (Imp a_b) = nonassoc_binary pp ("=>",a_b)
+    | fof pp (Iff a_b) = nonassoc_binary pp ("<=>",a_b)
+    | fof pp fm = unitary pp fm
+  and nonassoc_binary pp (s,a_b) =
+      Parser.ppBinop (" " ^ s) unitary unitary pp a_b
+  and assoc_binary pp (s,l) = Parser.ppSequence (" " ^ s) unitary pp l
+  and unitary pp fm =
+      if isForall fm then quantified pp ("!", stripForall fm)
+      else if isExists fm then quantified pp ("?", stripExists fm)
+      else if atom pp fm then ()
+      else if isNeg fm then
+        let
+          fun pr () = (PP.add_string pp "~"; PP.add_break pp (1,0))
+          val (n,fm) = Formula.stripNeg fm
+        in
+          PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+          funpow n pr ();
+          unitary pp fm;
+          PP.end_block pp
+        end
+      else
+        (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 1;
+         PP.add_string pp "(";
+         fof pp fm;
+         PP.add_string pp ")";
+         PP.end_block pp)
+  and quantified pp (q,(vs,fm)) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+       PP.add_string pp (q ^ " ");
+       PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT (String.size q);
+       PP.add_string pp "[";
+       Parser.ppSequence "," Parser.ppString pp vs;
+       PP.add_string pp "] :";
+       PP.end_block pp;
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       unitary pp fm;
+       PP.end_block pp)
+  and atom pp True = (PP.add_string pp "$true"; true)
+    | atom pp False = (PP.add_string pp "$false"; true)
+    | atom pp fm =
+      case total destEq fm of
+        SOME a_b => (Parser.ppBinop " =" term term pp a_b; true)
+      | NONE =>
+        case total destNeq fm of
+          SOME a_b => (Parser.ppBinop " !=" term term pp a_b; true)
+        | NONE =>
+          case fm of
+            Atom atm => (term pp (Term.Fn atm); true)
+          | _ => false;
+  fun ppFof pp fm =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 0;
+       fof pp fm;
+       PP.end_block pp);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP clauses.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = literal list;
+val clauseFunctions =
+    let
+      fun funcs (lit,acc) = NameAritySet.union (literalFunctions lit) acc
+    in
+      foldl funcs NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val clauseRelations =
+    let
+      fun rels (lit,acc) =
+          case literalRelation lit of
+            NONE => acc
+          | SOME r => NameAritySet.add acc r
+    in
+      foldl rels NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val clauseFreeVars =
+    let
+      fun fvs (lit,acc) = NameSet.union (literalFreeVars lit) acc
+    in
+      foldl fvs NameSet.empty
+    end;
+fun clauseSubst sub lits = map (literalSubst sub) lits;
+fun mapClause maps lits = map (mapLiteral maps) lits;
+fun clauseToFormula lits = Formula.listMkDisj (map literalToFormula lits);
+fun clauseFromFormula fm = map literalFromFormula (Formula.stripDisj fm);
+val ppClause = Parser.ppMap clauseToFormula ppFof;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP formulas.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    CnfFormula of {name : string, role : string, clause : clause}
+  | FofFormula of {name : string, role : string, formula : Formula.formula};
+fun destCnfFormula (CnfFormula x) = x
+  | destCnfFormula _ = raise Error "destCnfFormula";
+val isCnfFormula = can destCnfFormula;
+fun destFofFormula (FofFormula x) = x
+  | destFofFormula _ = raise Error "destFofFormula";
+val isFofFormula = can destFofFormula;
+fun formulaFunctions (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseFunctions clause
+  | formulaFunctions (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.functions formula;
+fun formulaRelations (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseRelations clause
+  | formulaRelations (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.relations formula;
+fun formulaFreeVars (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseFreeVars clause
+  | formulaFreeVars (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.freeVars formula;
+fun mapFormula maps (CnfFormula {name,role,clause}) =
+    CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = mapClause maps clause}
+  | mapFormula maps (FofFormula {name,role,formula}) =
+    FofFormula {name = name, role = role, formula = mapFof maps formula};
+val formulasFunctions =
+    let
+      fun funcs (fm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (formulaFunctions fm) acc
+    in
+      foldl funcs NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val formulasRelations =
+    let
+      fun rels (fm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (formulaRelations fm) acc
+    in
+      foldl rels NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+fun formulaIsConjecture (CnfFormula {role,...}) = role = ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE
+  | formulaIsConjecture (FofFormula {role,...}) = role = ROLE_CONJECTURE;
+  val mkTptpString =
+      let
+        fun tr #"'" = ""
+          | tr c =
+            if c = #"_" orelse Char.isAlphaNum c then str c
+            else raise Error "bad character"
+      in
+        String.translate tr
+      end;
+  fun mkTptpName a n =
+      let
+        val n' = mkTptpString n
+        val n' =
+            case explode n' of
+              [] => raise Error "empty"
+            | c :: cs =>
+              if Char.isLower c then n'
+              else if Char.isDigit c andalso List.all Char.isDigit cs then n'
+              else if Char.isUpper c then implode (Char.toLower c :: cs)
+              else raise Error "bad initial character"
+      in
+        if n = n' then n else Term.variantNum a n'
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Error ("bad name \"" ^ n ^ "\": " ^ err);
+  fun mkMap set mapping =
+      let
+        val mapping = mappingToTptp mapping
+        fun mk ((n,r),(a,m)) =
+            case NameArityMap.peek mapping (n,r) of
+              SOME t => (a, NameArityMap.insert m ((n,r),t))
+            | NONE =>
+              let
+                val t = mkTptpName a n
+              in
+                (NameSet.add a t, NameArityMap.insert m ((n,r),t))
+              end
+        val avoid =
+            let
+              fun mk ((n,r),s) =
+                  let
+                    val n = Option.getOpt (NameArityMap.peek mapping (n,r), n)
+                  in
+                    NameSet.add s n
+                  end
+            in
+              NameAritySet.foldl mk NameSet.empty set
+            end
+      in
+        snd (NameAritySet.foldl mk (avoid, ()) set)
+      end;
+  fun mkTptpVar a v =
+      let
+        val v' = mkTptpString v
+        val v' =
+            case explode v' of
+              [] => raise Error "empty"
+            | c :: cs =>
+              if c = #"_" orelse Char.isUpper c then v'
+              else if Char.isLower c then implode (Char.toUpper c :: cs)
+              else raise Error "bad initial character"
+      in
+        Term.variantNum a v'
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Error ("bad var \"" ^ v ^ "\": " ^ err);
+  fun isTptpVar v = mkTptpVar NameSet.empty v = v;
+  fun alphaFormula fm =
+      let
+        fun addVar v a s =
+            let
+              val v' = mkTptpVar a v
+              val a = NameSet.add a v'
+              and s = if v = v' then s else Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var v')
+            in
+              (v',(a,s))
+            end
+        fun initVar (v,(a,s)) = snd (addVar v a s)
+        open Formula
+        fun alpha _ _ True = True
+          | alpha _ _ False = False
+          | alpha _ s (Atom atm) = Atom (Atom.subst s atm)
+          | alpha a s (Not p) = Not (alpha a s p)
+          | alpha a s (And (p,q)) = And (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Or (p,q)) = Or (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Imp (p,q)) = Imp (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Iff (p,q)) = Iff (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Forall (v,p)) =
+            let val (v,(a,s)) = addVar v a s in Forall (v, alpha a s p) end
+          | alpha a s (Exists (v,p)) =
+            let val (v,(a,s)) = addVar v a s in Exists (v, alpha a s p) end
+        val fvs = formulaFreeVars fm
+        val (avoid,fvs) = NameSet.partition isTptpVar fvs
+        val (avoid,sub) = NameSet.foldl initVar (avoid,Subst.empty) fvs
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Subst.pp "Tptp.alpha: sub" sub
+      in
+        case fm of
+          CnfFormula {name,role,clause} =>
+          CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = clauseSubst sub clause}
+        | FofFormula {name,role,formula} =>
+          FofFormula {name = name, role = role, formula = alpha avoid sub formula}
+      end;
+  fun formulaToTptp maps fm = alphaFormula (mapFormula maps fm);
+  fun formulasToTptp formulas =
+      let
+        val funcs = formulasFunctions formulas
+        and rels = formulasRelations formulas
+        val functionMap = mkMap funcs (!functionMapping)
+        and relationMap = mkMap rels (!relationMapping)
+        val maps = {functionMap = functionMap, relationMap = relationMap}
+      in
+        map (formulaToTptp maps) formulas
+      end;
+fun formulasFromTptp formulas =
+    let
+      val functionMap = mappingFromTptp (!functionMapping)
+      and relationMap = mappingFromTptp (!relationMapping)
+      val maps = {functionMap = functionMap, relationMap = relationMap}
+    in
+      map (mapFormula maps) formulas
+    end;
+  fun ppGen ppX pp (gen,name,role,x) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT (size gen + 1);
+       PP.add_string pp (gen ^ "(" ^ name ^ ",");
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       PP.add_string pp (role ^ ",");
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       PP.begin_block pp PP.CONSISTENT 1;
+       PP.add_string pp "(";
+       ppX pp x;
+       PP.add_string pp ")";
+       PP.end_block pp;
+       PP.add_string pp ").";
+       PP.end_block pp);
+  fun ppFormula pp (CnfFormula {name,role,clause}) =
+      ppGen ppClause pp ("cnf",name,role,clause)
+    | ppFormula pp (FofFormula {name,role,formula}) =
+      ppGen ppFof pp ("fof",name,role,formula);
+val formulaToString = Parser.toString ppFormula;
+  open Parser;
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+  datatype token = AlphaNum of string | Punct of char;
+  local
+    fun isAlphaNum #"_" = true
+      | isAlphaNum c = Char.isAlphaNum c;
+    val alphaNumToken = atLeastOne (some isAlphaNum) >> (AlphaNum o implode);
+    val punctToken =
+        let
+          val punctChars = explode "<>=-*+/\\?@|!$%&#^:;~()[]{}.,"
+          fun isPunctChar c = mem c punctChars
+        in
+          some isPunctChar >> Punct
+        end;
+    val lexToken = alphaNumToken || punctToken;
+    val space = many (some Char.isSpace);
+  in
+    val lexer = (space ++ lexToken ++ space) >> (fn (_,(tok,_)) => tok);
+  end;
+  fun someAlphaNum p =
+      maybe (fn AlphaNum s => if p s then SOME s else NONE | _ => NONE);
+  fun alphaNumParser s = someAlphaNum (equal s) >> K ();
+  val lowerParser = someAlphaNum (fn s => Char.isLower (String.sub (s,0)));
+  val upperParser = someAlphaNum (fn s => Char.isUpper (String.sub (s,0)));
+  val stringParser = lowerParser || upperParser;
+  val numberParser = someAlphaNum (List.all Char.isDigit o explode);
+  fun somePunct p =
+      maybe (fn Punct c => if p c then SOME c else NONE | _ => NONE);
+  fun punctParser c = somePunct (equal c) >> K ();
+  local
+    fun f [] = raise Bug "symbolParser"
+      | f [x] = x
+      | f (h :: t) = (h ++ f t) >> K ();
+  in
+    fun symbolParser s = f (map punctParser (explode s));
+  end;
+  val varParser = upperParser;
+  val varListParser =
+      (punctParser #"[" ++ varParser ++
+       many ((punctParser #"," ++ varParser) >> snd) ++
+       punctParser #"]") >>
+      (fn ((),(h,(t,()))) => h :: t);
+  val functionParser = lowerParser;
+  val constantParser = lowerParser || numberParser;
+  val propositionParser = lowerParser;
+  val booleanParser =
+      (punctParser #"$" ++
+       ((alphaNumParser "true" >> K true) ||
+        (alphaNumParser "false" >> K false))) >> snd;
+  fun termParser input =
+      ((functionArgumentsParser >> Term.Fn) ||
+       nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser) input
+  and functionArgumentsParser input =
+      ((functionParser ++ punctParser #"(" ++ termParser ++
+        many ((punctParser #"," ++ termParser) >> snd) ++
+        punctParser #")") >>
+       (fn (f,((),(t,(ts,())))) => (f, t :: ts))) input
+  and nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser input =
+      ((varParser >> Term.Var) ||
+       (constantParser >> (fn n => Term.Fn (n,[])))) input
+  val binaryAtomParser =
+      ((punctParser #"=" ++ termParser) >>
+       (fn ((),r) => fn l => Literal.mkEq (l,r))) ||
+      ((symbolParser "!=" ++ termParser) >>
+       (fn ((),r) => fn l => Literal.mkNeq (l,r)));
+  val maybeBinaryAtomParser =
+      optional binaryAtomParser >>
+      (fn SOME f => (fn a => f (Term.Fn a))
+        | NONE => (fn a => (true,a)));
+  val literalAtomParser =
+      ((functionArgumentsParser ++ maybeBinaryAtomParser) >>
+       (fn (a,f) => f a)) ||
+      ((nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser ++ binaryAtomParser) >>
+       (fn (a,f) => f a)) ||
+      (propositionParser >>
+       (fn n => (true,(n,[]))));
+  val atomParser =
+      (booleanParser >> Boolean) ||
+      (literalAtomParser >> Literal);
+  val literalParser =
+      ((punctParser #"~" ++ atomParser) >> (negate o snd)) ||
+      atomParser;
+  val disjunctionParser =
+      (literalParser ++ many ((punctParser #"|" ++ literalParser) >> snd)) >>
+      (fn (h,t) => h :: t);
+  val clauseParser =
+      ((punctParser #"(" ++ disjunctionParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+       (fn ((),(c,())) => c)) ||
+      disjunctionParser;
+  An exact transcription of the fof_formula syntax from
+    TPTP-v3.2.0/Documents/SyntaxBNF,
+  fun fofFormulaParser input =
+      (binaryFormulaParser || unitaryFormulaParser) input
+  and binaryFormulaParser input =
+      (nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser || assocBinaryFormulaParser) input
+  and nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++ binaryConnectiveParser ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (f,(c,g)) => c (f,g))) input
+  and binaryConnectiveParser input =
+      ((symbolParser "<=>" >> K Formula.Iff) ||
+       (symbolParser "=>" >> K Formula.Imp) ||
+       (symbolParser "<=" >> K (fn (f,g) => Formula.Imp (g,f))) ||
+       (symbolParser "<~>" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Iff)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~|" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Or)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~&" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.And))) input
+  and assocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      (orFormulaParser || andFormulaParser) input
+  and orFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++
+        atLeastOne ((punctParser #"|" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd)) >>
+       (fn (f,fs) => Formula.listMkDisj (f :: fs))) input
+  and andFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++
+        atLeastOne ((punctParser #"&" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd)) >>
+       (fn (f,fs) => Formula.listMkConj (f :: fs))) input
+  and unitaryFormulaParser input =
+      (quantifiedFormulaParser ||
+       unaryFormulaParser ||
+       ((punctParser #"(" ++ fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+        (fn ((),(f,())) => f)) ||
+       (atomParser >>
+        (fn Boolean b => Formula.mkBoolean b
+          | Literal l => Literal.toFormula l))) input
+  and quantifiedFormulaParser input =
+      ((quantifierParser ++ varListParser ++ punctParser #":" ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (q,(v,((),f))) => q (v,f))) input
+  and quantifierParser input =
+      ((punctParser #"!" >> K Formula.listMkForall) ||
+       (punctParser #"?" >> K Formula.listMkExists)) input
+  and unaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,f) => c f)) input
+  and unaryConnectiveParser input =
+      (punctParser #"~" >> K Formula.Not) input;
+  This version is supposed to be equivalent to the spec version above,
+  but uses closures to avoid reparsing prefixes.
+  fun fofFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++ optional binaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (f,NONE) => f | (f, SOME t) => t f)) input
+  and binaryFormulaParser input =
+      (nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser || assocBinaryFormulaParser) input
+  and nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((binaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,g) => fn f => c (f,g))) input
+  and binaryConnectiveParser input =
+      ((symbolParser "<=>" >> K Formula.Iff) ||
+       (symbolParser "=>" >> K Formula.Imp) ||
+       (symbolParser "<=" >> K (fn (f,g) => Formula.Imp (g,f))) ||
+       (symbolParser "<~>" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Iff)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~|" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Or)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~&" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.And))) input
+  and assocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      (orFormulaParser || andFormulaParser) input
+  and orFormulaParser input =
+      (atLeastOne ((punctParser #"|" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd) >>
+       (fn fs => fn f => Formula.listMkDisj (f :: fs))) input
+  and andFormulaParser input =
+      (atLeastOne ((punctParser #"&" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd) >>
+       (fn fs => fn f => Formula.listMkConj (f :: fs))) input
+  and unitaryFormulaParser input =
+      (quantifiedFormulaParser ||
+       unaryFormulaParser ||
+       ((punctParser #"(" ++ fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+        (fn ((),(f,())) => f)) ||
+       (atomParser >>
+        (fn Boolean b => Formula.mkBoolean b
+          | Literal l => Literal.toFormula l))) input
+  and quantifiedFormulaParser input =
+      ((quantifierParser ++ varListParser ++ punctParser #":" ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (q,(v,((),f))) => q (v,f))) input
+  and quantifierParser input =
+      ((punctParser #"!" >> K Formula.listMkForall) ||
+       (punctParser #"?" >> K Formula.listMkExists)) input
+  and unaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,f) => c f)) input
+  and unaryConnectiveParser input =
+      (punctParser #"~" >> K Formula.Not) input;
+  val cnfParser =
+      (alphaNumParser "cnf" ++ punctParser #"(" ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       clauseParser ++ punctParser #")" ++
+       punctParser #".") >>
+      (fn ((),((),(n,((),(r,((),(c,((),())))))))) =>
+          CnfFormula {name = n, role = r, clause = c});
+  val fofParser =
+      (alphaNumParser "fof" ++ punctParser #"(" ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")" ++
+       punctParser #".") >>
+      (fn ((),((),(n,((),(r,((),(f,((),())))))))) =>
+          FofFormula {name = n, role = r, formula = f});
+  val formulaParser = cnfParser || fofParser;
+  fun parseFormula chars =
+      let
+        val tokens = Parser.everything (lexer >> singleton) chars
+        val formulas = Parser.everything (formulaParser >> singleton) tokens
+      in
+        formulas
+      end;
+fun formulaFromString s =
+    case Stream.toList (parseFormula (Stream.fromList (explode s))) of
+      [fm] => fm
+    | _ => raise Parser.NoParse;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP problems.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype goal =
+    Cnf of Problem.problem
+  | Fof of Formula.formula;
+type problem = {comments : string list, formulas : formula list};
+  fun stripComments acc strm =
+      case strm of
+        Stream.NIL => (rev acc, Stream.NIL)
+      | Stream.CONS (line,rest) =>
+        case total destComment line of
+          SOME s => stripComments (s :: acc) (rest ())
+        | NONE => (rev acc, Stream.filter (not o isComment) strm);
+  fun read {filename} =
+      let
+        val lines = Stream.fromTextFile {filename = filename}
+        val lines = chomp lines
+        val (comments,lines) = stripComments [] lines
+        val chars =
+            let
+              fun f line = Stream.fromList (explode line)
+            in
+              Stream.concat ( f lines)
+            end
+        val formulas = Stream.toList (parseFormula chars)
+        val formulas = formulasFromTptp formulas
+      in
+        {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+      end;
+(* Quick testing
+installPP Term.pp;
+installPP Formula.pp;
+val () = Term.isVarName := (fn s => Char.isUpper (String.sub (s,0)));
+val TPTP_DIR = "/Users/Joe/ptr/tptp/tptp/";
+val num1 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "NUM/NUM001-1.tptp"};
+val lcl9 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "LCL/LCL009-1.tptp"};
+val set11 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "SET/SET011+3.tptp"};
+val swc128 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "SWC/SWC128-1.tptp"};
+  fun mkCommentLine comment = mkComment comment ^ "\n";
+  fun formulaStream [] () = Stream.NIL
+    | formulaStream (h :: t) () =
+      Stream.CONS ("\n" ^ formulaToString h, formulaStream t);
+  fun write {filename} {comments,formulas} =
+      Stream.toTextFile
+        {filename = filename}
+        (Stream.append
+           ( mkCommentLine (Stream.fromList comments))
+           (formulaStream (formulasToTptp formulas)));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting TPTP problems to goal formulas.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun isCnfProblem ({formulas,...} : problem) =
+    let
+      val cnf = List.exists isCnfFormula formulas
+      and fof = List.exists isFofFormula formulas
+    in
+      case (cnf,fof) of
+        (false,false) => raise Error "TPTP problem has no formulas"
+      | (true,true) => raise Error "TPTP problem has both cnf and fof formulas"
+      | (cnf,_) => cnf
+    end;
+fun hasConjecture ({formulas,...} : problem) =
+    List.exists formulaIsConjecture formulas;
+  fun cnfFormulaToClause (CnfFormula {clause,...}) =
+      if mem (Boolean true) clause then NONE
+      else
+        let
+          val lits = List.mapPartial (total destLiteral) clause
+        in
+          SOME (LiteralSet.fromList lits)
+        end
+    | cnfFormulaToClause (FofFormula _) = raise Bug "cnfFormulaToClause";
+  fun fofFormulaToGoal (FofFormula {formula,role,...}, {axioms,goals}) =
+      let
+        val fm = Formula.generalize formula
+      in
+        if role = ROLE_CONJECTURE then
+          {axioms = axioms, goals = fm :: goals}
+        else
+          {axioms = fm :: axioms, goals = goals}
+      end
+    | fofFormulaToGoal (CnfFormula _, _) = raise Bug "fofFormulaToGoal";
+  fun toGoal (prob as {formulas,...}) =
+      if isCnfProblem prob then
+        Cnf (List.mapPartial cnfFormulaToClause formulas)
+      else
+        Fof
+        let
+          val axioms_goals = {axioms = [], goals = []}
+          val axioms_goals = List.foldl fofFormulaToGoal axioms_goals formulas
+        in
+          case axioms_goals of
+            {axioms, goals = []} =>
+            Formula.Imp (Formula.listMkConj axioms, Formula.False)
+          | {axioms = [], goals} => Formula.listMkConj goals
+          | {axioms,goals} =>
+            Formula.Imp (Formula.listMkConj axioms, Formula.listMkConj goals)
+        end;
+  fun fromClause cl n =
+      let
+        val name = "clause" ^ Int.toString n
+        val role = ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE
+        val clause =
+            clauseFromFormula
+              (Formula.listMkDisj (LiteralSet.transform Literal.toFormula cl))
+      in
+        (CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = clause}, n + 1)
+      end;
+  fun fromProblem prob =
+      let
+        val comments = []
+        and (formulas,_) = maps fromClause prob 0
+      in
+        {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+      end;
+  fun refute cls =
+      let
+        val res = Resolution.default (map Thm.axiom cls)
+      in
+        case Resolution.loop res of
+          Resolution.Contradiction _ => true
+        | Resolution.Satisfiable _ => false
+      end;
+  fun prove filename =
+      let
+        val tptp = read filename
+        val problems =
+            case toGoal tptp of
+              Cnf prob => [prob]
+            | Fof goal => Problem.fromGoal goal
+      in
+        List.all refute problems
+      end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Units.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A STORE FOR UNIT THEOREMS                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Units =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of unit store.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type unitThm = Literal.literal * Thm.thm
+type units
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty : units
+val size : units -> int
+val toString : units -> string
+val pp : units Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add units into the store.                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : units -> unitThm -> units
+val addList : units -> unitThm list -> units
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val match : units -> Literal.literal -> (unitThm * Subst.subst) option
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reducing by repeated matching and resolution.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reduce : units -> Rule.rule
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Units.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A STORE FOR UNIT THEOREMS                                                 *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Units :> Units =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of unit store.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type unitThm = Literal.literal * Thm.thm;
+datatype units = Units of unitThm LiteralNet.literalNet;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty = Units ( {fifo = false});
+fun size (Units net) = LiteralNet.size net;
+fun toString units = "U{" ^ Int.toString (size units) ^ "}";
+val pp = Parser.ppMap toString Parser.ppString;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Add units into the store.                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun add (units as Units net) (uTh as (lit,th)) =
+    let
+      val net = LiteralNet.insert net (lit,uTh)
+    in
+      case total Literal.sym lit of
+        NONE => Units net
+      | SOME (lit' as (pol,_)) =>
+        let
+          val th' = (if pol then Rule.symEq else Rule.symNeq) lit th
+          val net = LiteralNet.insert net (lit',(lit',th'))
+        in
+          Units net
+        end
+    end;
+val addList = foldl (fn (th,u) => add u th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun match (Units net) lit =
+    let
+      fun check (uTh as (lit',_)) =
+          case total (Literal.match Subst.empty lit') lit of
+            NONE => NONE
+          | SOME sub => SOME (uTh,sub)
+    in
+      first check (LiteralNet.match net lit)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reducing by repeated matching and resolution.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun reduce units =
+    let
+      fun red1 (lit,news_th) =
+          case total Literal.destIrrefl lit of
+            SOME tm =>
+            let
+              val (news,th) = news_th
+              val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.refl tm)
+            in
+              (news,th)
+            end
+          | NONE =>
+            let
+              val lit' = Literal.negate lit
+            in
+              case match units lit' of
+                NONE => news_th
+              | SOME ((_,rth),sub) =>
+                let
+                  val (news,th) = news_th
+                  val rth = Thm.subst sub rth
+                  val th = Thm.resolve lit th rth
+                  val new = LiteralSet.delete (Thm.clause rth) lit'
+                  val news = LiteralSet.union new news
+                in
+                  (news,th)
+                end
+            end
+      fun red (news,th) =
+          if LiteralSet.null news then th
+          else red (LiteralSet.foldl red1 (LiteralSet.empty,th) news)
+    in
+      fn th => Rule.removeSym (red (Thm.clause th, th))
+    end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Useful.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ML UTILITY FUNCTIONS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Useful =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exceptions.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Error of string
+exception Bug of string
+val partial : exn -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a -> 'b
+val total : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option
+val can : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tracing.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val tracePrint : (string -> unit) ref
+val maxTraceLevel : int ref
+val traceLevel : int ref  (* in the set {0, ..., maxTraceLevel} *)
+val traceAlign : {module : string, alignment : int -> int option} list ref
+val tracing : {module : string, level : int} -> bool
+val trace : string -> unit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Combinators.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val C : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c
+val I : 'a -> 'a
+val K : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
+val S : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'c
+val W : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val funpow : int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+val exp : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> int -> 'a -> 'a
+val equal : ''a -> ''a -> bool
+val notEqual : ''a -> ''a -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pairs.                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a
+val snd : 'a * 'b -> 'b
+val pair : 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b
+val swap : 'a * 'b -> 'b * 'a
+val curry : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
+val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c
+val ## : ('a -> 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c * 'd
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* State transformers.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unit : 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's
+val bind : ('s -> 'a * 's) -> ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> 's -> 'b * 's
+val mmap : ('a -> 'b) -> ('s -> 'a * 's) -> 's -> 'b * 's
+val mjoin : ('s -> ('s -> 'a * 's) * 's) -> 's -> 'a * 's
+val mwhile : ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 's -> 'a * 's) -> 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Lists: note we count elements from 0.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cons : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val hdTl : 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
+val append : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val singleton : 'a -> 'a list
+val first : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b option
+val index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int option
+val maps : ('a -> 's -> 'b * 's) -> 'a list -> 's -> 'b list * 's
+val mapsPartial : ('a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) -> 'a list -> 's -> 'b list * 's
+val enumerate : 'a list -> (int * 'a) list
+val zipwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val zip : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
+val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list
+val cartwith : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val cart : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
+val divide : 'a list -> int -> 'a list * 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+val revDivide : 'a list -> int -> 'a list * 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+val updateNth : int * 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+val deleteNth : int -> 'a list -> 'a list  (* Subscript *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sets implemented with lists.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mem : ''a -> ''a list -> bool
+val insert : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val delete : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val setify : ''a list -> ''a list  (* removes duplicates *)
+val union : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val intersect : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val difference : ''a list -> ''a list -> ''a list
+val subset : ''a list -> ''a list -> bool
+val distinct : ''a list -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comparisons.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val mapCompare : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b * 'b -> order) -> 'a * 'a -> order
+val revCompare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a * 'a -> order
+val prodCompare :
+    ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('b * 'b -> order) -> ('a * 'b) * ('a * 'b) -> order
+val lexCompare : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> order
+val boolCompare : bool * bool -> order  (* true < false *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sorting and searching.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val minimum : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a * 'a list  (* Empty *)
+val maximum : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a * 'a list  (* Empty *)
+val merge : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val sort : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val sortMap : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b * 'b -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Integers.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val interval : int -> int -> int list
+val divides : int -> int -> bool
+val gcd : int -> int -> int
+val primes : int -> int list
+val primesUpTo : int -> int list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Strings.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rot : int -> char -> char
+val charToInt : char -> int option
+val charFromInt : int -> char option
+val nChars : char -> int -> string
+val chomp : string -> string
+val trim : string -> string
+val join : string -> string list -> string
+val split : string -> string -> string list
+val mkPrefix : string -> string -> string
+val destPrefix : string -> string -> string
+val isPrefix : string -> string -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tables.                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type columnAlignment = {leftAlign : bool, padChar : char}
+val alignColumn : columnAlignment -> string list -> string list -> string list
+val alignTable : columnAlignment list -> string list list -> string list
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reals.                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val percentToString : real -> string
+val pos : real -> real
+val log2 : real -> real  (* Domain *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sum datatype.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) sum = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
+val destLeft : ('a,'b) sum -> 'a
+val isLeft : ('a,'b) sum -> bool
+val destRight : ('a,'b) sum -> 'b
+val isRight : ('a,'b) sum -> bool
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Useful impure features.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val newInt : unit -> int
+val newInts : int -> int list
+val random : int -> int
+val uniform : unit -> real
+val coinFlip : unit -> bool
+val withRef : 'r ref * 'r -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The environment.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val host : unit -> string
+val time : unit -> string
+val date : unit -> string
+val readTextFile : {filename : string} -> string
+val writeTextFile : {filename : string, contents : string} -> unit
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Profiling and error reporting.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val try : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val warn : string -> unit
+val die : string -> 'exit
+val timed : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> real * 'b
+val timedMany : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> real * 'b
+val executionTime : unit -> real  (* Wall clock execution time *)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Useful.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ML UTILITY FUNCTIONS                                                      *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Useful :> Useful =
+infixr 0 oo ## |->
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exceptions                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+exception Error of string;
+exception Bug of string;
+fun errorToString (Error message) = "\nError: " ^ message ^ "\n"
+  | errorToString _ = raise Bug "errorToString: not an Error exception";
+fun bugToString (Bug message) = "\nBug: " ^ message ^ "\n"
+  | bugToString _ = raise Bug "bugToString: not a Bug exception";
+fun total f x = SOME (f x) handle Error _ => NONE;
+fun can f = Option.isSome o total f;
+fun partial (e as Error _) f x = (case f x of SOME y => y | NONE => raise e)
+  | partial _ _ _ = raise Bug "partial: must take an Error exception";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tracing                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val tracePrint = ref print;
+val maxTraceLevel = ref 10;
+val traceLevel = ref 1;
+val traceAlign : {module : string, alignment : int -> int option} list ref
+  = ref [];
+  fun query m l t =
+      case List.find (fn {module, ...} => module = m) (!traceAlign) of
+        NONE => l <= t
+      | SOME {alignment,...} =>
+        case alignment l of NONE => false | SOME l => l <= t;
+  fun tracing {module,level} =
+    let
+      val ref T = maxTraceLevel
+      and ref t = traceLevel
+    in
+      0 < t andalso (T <= t orelse query module level t)
+    end;
+fun trace message = !tracePrint message;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Combinators                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun C f x y = f y x;
+fun I x = x;
+fun K x y = x;
+fun S f g x = f x (g x);
+fun W f x = f x x;
+fun funpow 0 _ x = x
+  | funpow n f x = funpow (n - 1) f (f x);
+fun exp m =
+    let
+      fun f _ 0 z = z
+        | f x y z = f (m (x,x)) (y div 2) (if y mod 2 = 0 then z else m (z,x))
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+val equal = fn x => fn y => x = y;
+val notEqual = fn x => fn y => x <> y;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Pairs                                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun fst (x,_) = x;
+fun snd (_,y) = y;
+fun pair x y = (x,y);
+fun swap (x,y) = (y,x);
+fun curry f x y = f (x,y);
+fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y;
+val op## = fn (f,g) => fn (x,y) => (f x, g y);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* State transformers                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val unit : 'a -> 's -> 'a * 's = pair;
+fun bind f (g : 'a -> 's -> 'b * 's) = uncurry g o f;
+fun mmap f (m : 's -> 'a * 's) = bind m (unit o f);
+fun mjoin (f : 's -> ('s -> 'a * 's) * 's) = bind f I;
+fun mwhile c b = let fun f a = if c a then bind (b a) f else unit a in f end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Lists                                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cons x y = x :: y;
+fun hdTl l = (hd l, tl l);
+fun append xs ys = xs @ ys;
+fun singleton a = [a];
+fun first f [] = NONE
+  | first f (x :: xs) = (case f x of NONE => first f xs | s => s);
+fun index p =
+  let
+    fun idx _ [] = NONE
+      | idx n (x :: xs) = if p x then SOME n else idx (n + 1) xs
+  in
+    idx 0
+  end;
+fun maps (_ : 'a -> 's -> 'b * 's) [] = unit []
+  | maps f (x :: xs) =
+    bind (f x) (fn y => bind (maps f xs) (fn ys => unit (y :: ys)));
+fun mapsPartial (_ : 'a -> 's -> 'b option * 's) [] = unit []
+  | mapsPartial f (x :: xs) =
+    bind
+      (f x)
+      (fn yo =>
+          bind
+            (mapsPartial f xs)
+            (fn ys => unit (case yo of NONE => ys | SOME y => y :: ys)));
+fun enumerate l = fst (maps (fn x => fn m => ((m, x), m + 1)) l 0);
+fun zipwith f =
+    let
+      fun z l [] [] = l
+        | z l (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = z (f x y :: l) xs ys
+        | z _ _ _ = raise Error "zipwith: lists different lengths";
+    in
+      fn xs => fn ys => rev (z [] xs ys)
+    end;
+fun zip xs ys = zipwith pair xs ys;
+fun unzip ab =
+    foldl (fn ((x, y), (xs, ys)) => (x :: xs, y :: ys)) ([], []) (rev ab);
+fun cartwith f =
+  let
+    fun aux _ res _ [] = res
+      | aux xsCopy res [] (y :: yt) = aux xsCopy res xsCopy yt
+      | aux xsCopy res (x :: xt) (ys as y :: _) =
+        aux xsCopy (f x y :: res) xt ys
+  in
+    fn xs => fn ys =>
+    let val xs' = rev xs in aux xs' [] xs' (rev ys) end
+  end;
+fun cart xs ys = cartwith pair xs ys;
+  fun revDiv acc l 0 = (acc,l)
+    | revDiv _ [] _ = raise Subscript
+    | revDiv acc (h :: t) n = revDiv (h :: acc) t (n - 1);
+  fun revDivide l = revDiv [] l;
+fun divide l n = let val (a,b) = revDivide l n in (rev a, b) end;
+fun updateNth (n,x) l =
+    let
+      val (a,b) = revDivide l n
+    in
+      case b of [] => raise Subscript | _ :: t => List.revAppend (a, x :: t)
+    end;
+fun deleteNth n l =
+    let
+      val (a,b) = revDivide l n
+    in
+      case b of [] => raise Subscript | _ :: t => List.revAppend (a,t)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sets implemented with lists                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mem x = List.exists (equal x);
+fun insert x s = if mem x s then s else x :: s;
+fun delete x s = List.filter (not o equal x) s;
+fun setify s = rev (foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v x then x else v :: x) [] s);
+fun union s t = foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then x else v :: x) t (rev s);
+fun intersect s t =
+    foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then v :: x else x) [] (rev s);
+fun difference s t =
+    foldl (fn (v,x) => if mem v t then x else v :: x) [] (rev s);
+fun subset s t = List.all (fn x => mem x t) s;
+fun distinct [] = true
+  | distinct (x :: rest) = not (mem x rest) andalso distinct rest;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comparisons.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mapCompare f cmp (a,b) = cmp (f a, f b);
+fun revCompare cmp x_y =
+    case cmp x_y of LESS => GREATER | EQUAL => EQUAL | GREATER => LESS;
+fun prodCompare xCmp yCmp ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) =
+    case xCmp (x1,x2) of
+      LESS => LESS
+    | EQUAL => yCmp (y1,y2)
+fun lexCompare cmp =
+    let
+      fun lex ([],[]) = EQUAL
+        | lex ([], _ :: _) = LESS
+        | lex (_ :: _, []) = GREATER
+        | lex (x :: xs, y :: ys) =
+          case cmp (x,y) of
+            LESS => LESS
+          | EQUAL => lex (xs,ys)
+          | GREATER => GREATER
+    in
+      lex
+    end;
+fun boolCompare (true,false) = LESS
+  | boolCompare (false,true) = GREATER
+  | boolCompare _ = EQUAL;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sorting and searching.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finding the minimum and maximum element of a list, wrt some order. *)
+fun minimum cmp =
+    let
+      fun min (l,m,r) _ [] = (m, List.revAppend (l,r))
+        | min (best as (_,m,_)) l (x :: r) =
+          min (case cmp (x,m) of LESS => (l,x,r) | _ => best) (x :: l) r
+    in
+      fn [] => raise Empty
+       | h :: t => min ([],h,t) [h] t
+    end;
+fun maximum cmp = minimum (revCompare cmp);
+(* Merge (for the following merge-sort, but generally useful too). *)
+fun merge cmp =
+    let
+      fun mrg acc [] ys = List.revAppend (acc,ys)
+        | mrg acc xs [] = List.revAppend (acc,xs)
+        | mrg acc (xs as x :: xt) (ys as y :: yt) =
+          (case cmp (x,y) of
+             GREATER => mrg (y :: acc) xs yt
+           | _ => mrg (x :: acc) xt ys)
+    in
+      mrg []
+    end;
+(* Merge sort (stable). *)
+fun sort cmp =
+    let
+      fun findRuns acc r rs [] = rev (rev (r :: rs) :: acc)
+        | findRuns acc r rs (x :: xs) =
+          case cmp (r,x) of
+            GREATER => findRuns (rev (r :: rs) :: acc) x [] xs
+          | _ => findRuns acc x (r :: rs) xs
+      fun mergeAdj acc [] = rev acc
+        | mergeAdj acc (xs as [_]) = List.revAppend (acc,xs)
+        | mergeAdj acc (x :: y :: xs) = mergeAdj (merge cmp x y :: acc) xs
+      fun mergePairs [xs] = xs
+        | mergePairs l = mergePairs (mergeAdj [] l)
+    in
+      fn [] => []
+       | l as [_] => l
+       | h :: t => mergePairs (findRuns [] h [] t)
+    end;
+fun sortMap _ _ [] = []
+  | sortMap _ _ (l as [_]) = l
+  | sortMap f cmp xs =
+    let
+      fun ncmp ((m,_),(n,_)) = cmp (m,n)
+      val nxs = map (fn x => (f x, x)) xs
+      val nys = sort ncmp nxs
+    in
+      map snd nys
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Integers.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun interval m 0 = []
+  | interval m len = m :: interval (m + 1) (len - 1);
+fun divides _ 0 = true
+  | divides 0 _ = false
+  | divides a b = b mod (Int.abs a) = 0;
+  fun hcf 0 n = n
+    | hcf 1 _ = 1
+    | hcf m n = hcf (n mod m) m;
+  fun gcd m n =
+      let
+        val m = Int.abs m
+        and n = Int.abs n
+      in
+        if m < n then hcf m n else hcf n m
+      end;
+  fun both f g n = f n andalso g n;
+  fun next f = let fun nx x = if f x then x else nx (x + 1) in nx end;
+  fun looking res 0 _ _ = rev res
+    | looking res n f x =
+      let
+        val p = next f x
+        val res' = p :: res
+        val f' = both f (not o divides p)
+      in
+        looking res' (n - 1) f' (p + 1)
+      end;
+  fun calcPrimes n = looking [] n (K true) 2
+  val primesList = ref (calcPrimes 10);
+  fun primes n =
+      if length (!primesList) <= n then List.take (!primesList,n)
+      else
+        let
+          val l = calcPrimes n
+          val () = primesList := l
+        in
+          l
+        end;
+  fun primesUpTo n =
+      let
+        fun f k [] =
+            let
+              val l = calcPrimes (2 * k)
+              val () = primesList := l
+            in
+              f k (List.drop (l,k))
+            end
+          | f k (p :: ps) =
+            if p <= n then f (k + 1) ps else List.take (!primesList, k)
+      in
+        f 0 (!primesList)
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Strings.                                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun len l = (length l, l)
+  val upper = len (explode "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
+  val lower = len (explode "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+  fun rotate (n,l) c k =
+      List.nth (l, (k + Option.valOf (index (equal c) l)) mod n);
+  fun rot k c =
+      if Char.isLower c then rotate lower c k
+      else if Char.isUpper c then rotate upper c k
+      else c;
+fun charToInt #"0" = SOME 0
+  | charToInt #"1" = SOME 1
+  | charToInt #"2" = SOME 2
+  | charToInt #"3" = SOME 3
+  | charToInt #"4" = SOME 4
+  | charToInt #"5" = SOME 5
+  | charToInt #"6" = SOME 6
+  | charToInt #"7" = SOME 7
+  | charToInt #"8" = SOME 8
+  | charToInt #"9" = SOME 9
+  | charToInt _ = NONE;
+fun charFromInt 0 = SOME #"0"
+  | charFromInt 1 = SOME #"1"
+  | charFromInt 2 = SOME #"2"
+  | charFromInt 3 = SOME #"3"
+  | charFromInt 4 = SOME #"4"
+  | charFromInt 5 = SOME #"5"
+  | charFromInt 6 = SOME #"6"
+  | charFromInt 7 = SOME #"7"
+  | charFromInt 8 = SOME #"8"
+  | charFromInt 9 = SOME #"9"
+  | charFromInt _ = NONE;
+fun nChars x =
+    let
+      fun dup 0 l = l | dup n l = dup (n - 1) (x :: l)
+    in
+      fn n => implode (dup n [])
+    end;
+fun chomp s =
+    let
+      val n = size s
+    in
+      if n = 0 orelse String.sub (s, n - 1) <> #"\n" then s
+      else String.substring (s, 0, n - 1)
+    end;
+  fun chop [] = []
+    | chop (l as (h :: t)) = if Char.isSpace h then chop t else l;
+  val trim = implode o chop o rev o chop o rev o explode;
+fun join _ [] = "" | join s (h :: t) = foldl (fn (x,y) => y ^ s ^ x) h t;
+  fun match [] l = SOME l
+    | match _ [] = NONE
+    | match (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = if x = y then match xs ys else NONE;
+  fun stringify acc [] = acc
+    | stringify acc (h :: t) = stringify (implode h :: acc) t;
+  fun split sep =
+      let
+        val pat = String.explode sep
+        fun div1 prev recent [] = stringify [] (rev recent :: prev)
+          | div1 prev recent (l as h :: t) =
+            case match pat l of
+              NONE => div1 prev (h :: recent) t
+            | SOME rest => div1 (rev recent :: prev) [] rest
+      in
+        fn s => div1 [] [] (explode s)
+      end;
+fun pluralize {singular,plural} = fn 1 => singular | _ => plural;
+fun mkPrefix p s = p ^ s;
+fun destPrefix p =
+    let
+      fun check s = String.isPrefix p s orelse raise Error "destPrefix"
+      val sizeP = size p
+    in
+      fn s => (check s; String.extract (s,sizeP,NONE))
+    end;
+fun isPrefix p = can (destPrefix p);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tables.                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type columnAlignment = {leftAlign : bool, padChar : char}
+fun alignColumn {leftAlign,padChar} column =
+    let
+      val (n,_) = maximum (map size column)
+      fun pad entry row =
+          let
+            val padding = nChars padChar (n - size entry)
+          in
+            if leftAlign then entry ^ padding ^ row
+            else padding ^ entry ^ row
+          end
+    in
+      zipwith pad column
+    end;
+fun alignTable [] rows = map (K "") rows
+  | alignTable [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}] rows = map hd rows
+  | alignTable (align :: aligns) rows =
+    alignColumn align (map hd rows) (alignTable aligns (map tl rows));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Reals.                                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val realToString = Real.toString;
+fun percentToString x = Int.toString (Real.round (100.0 * x)) ^ "%";
+fun pos r = Real.max (r,0.0);
+local val ln2 = Math.ln 2.0 in fun log2 x = Math.ln x / ln2 end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Sums.                                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype ('a,'b) sum = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
+fun destLeft (Left l) = l
+  | destLeft _ = raise Error "destLeft";
+fun isLeft (Left _) = true
+  | isLeft (Right _) = false;
+fun destRight (Right r) = r
+  | destRight _ = raise Error "destRight";
+fun isRight (Left _) = false
+  | isRight (Right _) = true;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Useful impure features.                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val generator = ref 0
+  fun newInt () =
+      let
+        val n = !generator
+        val () = generator := n + 1
+      in
+        n
+      end;
+  fun newInts 0 = []
+    | newInts k =
+      let
+        val n = !generator
+        val () = generator := n + k
+      in
+        interval n k
+      end;
+  val gen = Random.newgenseed 1.0;
+  fun random max = Random.range (0,max) gen;
+  fun uniform () = Random.random gen;
+  fun coinFlip () = Random.range (0,2) gen = 0;
+fun withRef (r,new) f x =
+  let
+    val old = !r
+    val () = r := new
+    val y = f x handle e => (r := old; raise e)
+    val () = r := old
+  in
+    y
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Environment.                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun host () = Option.getOpt (OS.Process.getEnv "HOSTNAME", "unknown");
+fun time () = Date.fmt "%H:%M:%S" (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ()));
+fun date () = Date.fmt "%d/%m/%Y" (Date.fromTimeLocal ( ()));
+fun readTextFile {filename} =
+  let
+    open TextIO
+    val h = openIn filename
+    val contents = inputAll h
+    val () = closeIn h
+  in
+    contents
+  end;
+fun writeTextFile {filename,contents} =
+  let
+    open TextIO
+    val h = openOut filename
+    val () = output (h,contents)
+    val () = closeOut h
+  in
+    ()
+  end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Profiling                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun err x s = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, x ^ ": " ^ s ^ "\n");
+  fun try f x = f x
+      handle e as Error _ => (err "try" (errorToString e); raise e)
+           | e as Bug _ => (err "try" (bugToString e); raise e)
+           | e => (err "try" "strange exception raised"; raise e);
+  val warn = err "WARNING";
+  fun die s = (err "\nFATAL ERROR" s; OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure);
+fun timed f a =
+  let
+    val tmr = Timer.startCPUTimer ()
+    val res = f a
+    val {usr,sys,...} = Timer.checkCPUTimer tmr
+  in
+    (Time.toReal usr + Time.toReal sys, res)
+  end;
+  val MIN = 1.0;
+  fun several n t f a =
+    let
+      val (t',res) = timed f a
+      val t = t + t'
+      val n = n + 1
+    in
+      if t > MIN then (t / Real.fromInt n, res) else several n t f a
+    end;
+  fun timedMany f a = several 0 0.0 f a
+val executionTime =
+    let
+      val startTime = Time.toReal ( ())
+    in
+      fn () => Time.toReal ( ()) - startTime
+    end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Waiting.sig	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE WAITING SET OF CLAUSES                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Waiting =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of waiting sets of clauses.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {symbolsWeight : real,
+      literalsWeight : real,
+      modelsWeight : real,
+      modelChecks : int,
+      models : Model.parameters list}
+type waiting
+type distance
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters
+val new : parameters -> Clause.clause list -> waiting
+val size : waiting -> int
+val pp : waiting Parser.pp
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Adding new clauses.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val add : waiting -> distance * Clause.clause list -> waiting
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Removing the lightest clause.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val remove : waiting -> ((distance * Clause.clause) * waiting) option
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Waiting.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* THE WAITING SET OF CLAUSES                                                *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Waiting :> Waiting =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Chatting.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val module = "Waiting";
+fun chatting l = tracing {module = module, level = l};
+fun chat s = (trace s; true);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of waiting sets of clauses.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type parameters =
+     {symbolsWeight : real,
+      literalsWeight : real,
+      modelsWeight : real,
+      modelChecks : int,
+      models : Model.parameters list};
+type distance = real;
+type weight = real;
+datatype waiting =
+    Waiting of
+      {parameters : parameters,
+       clauses : (weight * (distance * Clause.clause)) Heap.heap,
+       models : Model.model list};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val default : parameters =
+     {symbolsWeight = 1.0,
+      literalsWeight = 0.0,
+      modelsWeight = 0.0,
+      modelChecks = 20,
+      models = []};
+fun size (Waiting {clauses,...}) = Heap.size clauses;
+val pp =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn w => "Waiting{" ^ Int.toString (size w) ^ "}")
+      Parser.ppString;
+val pp =
+    Parser.ppMap
+      (fn Waiting {clauses,...} =>
+          map (fn (w,(_,cl)) => (w, cl, cl)) (Heap.toList clauses))
+      (Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple Parser.ppReal Parser.ppInt Clause.pp));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Clause weights.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun clauseSymbols cl = Real.fromInt (LiteralSet.typedSymbols cl);
+  fun clauseLiterals cl = Real.fromInt (LiteralSet.size cl);
+  fun clauseSat modelChecks models cl =
+      let
+        fun g {T,F} = (Real.fromInt T / Real.fromInt (T + F)) + 1.0
+        fun f (m,z) = g (Model.checkClause {maxChecks = modelChecks} m cl) * z
+      in
+        foldl f 1.0 models
+      end;
+  fun priority cl = 1e~12 * Real.fromInt ( cl);
+  fun clauseWeight (parm : parameters) models dist cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Clause.pp "Waiting.clauseWeight: cl" cl
+        val {symbolsWeight,literalsWeight,modelsWeight,modelChecks,...} = parm
+        val lits = Clause.literals cl
+        val symbolsW = Math.pow (clauseSymbols lits, symbolsWeight)
+        val literalsW = Math.pow (clauseLiterals lits, literalsWeight)
+        val modelsW = Math.pow (clauseSat modelChecks models lits, modelsWeight)
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: dist = " ^
+                        Real.toString dist ^ "\n")
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: symbolsW = " ^
+                        Real.toString symbolsW ^ "\n")
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: literalsW = " ^
+                        Real.toString literalsW ^ "\n")
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: modelsW = " ^
+                        Real.toString modelsW ^ "\n")
+        val weight = dist * symbolsW * literalsW * modelsW + priority cl
+        val () = trace ("Waiting.clauseWeight: weight = " ^
+                        Real.toString weight ^ "\n")
+      in
+        weight
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Adding new clauses.                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun add waiting (_,[]) = waiting
+  | add waiting (dist,cls) =
+    let
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Waiting.add: waiting" waiting
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace (Parser.ppList Clause.pp) "Waiting.add: cls" cls
+      val Waiting {parameters,clauses,models} = waiting
+      val dist = dist + Math.ln (Real.fromInt (length cls))
+      val weight = clauseWeight parameters models dist
+      fun f (cl,acc) = Heap.add acc (weight cl, (dist,cl))
+      val clauses = foldl f clauses cls
+      val waiting =
+          Waiting {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, models = models}
+      val () = Parser.ppTrace pp "Waiting.add: waiting" waiting
+    in
+      waiting
+    end;
+  fun cmp ((w1,_),(w2,_)) = (w1,w2);
+  fun empty parameters =
+      let
+        val clauses = cmp
+        and models = map (#models parameters)
+      in
+        Waiting {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, models = models}
+      end;
+  fun new parameters cls = add (empty parameters) (0.0,cls);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Removing the lightest clause.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun remove (Waiting {parameters,clauses,models}) =
+    if Heap.null clauses then NONE
+    else
+      let
+        val ((_,dcl),clauses) = Heap.remove clauses
+        val waiting =
+            Waiting
+              {parameters = parameters, clauses = clauses, models = models}
+      in
+        SOME (dcl,waiting)
+      end;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/metis.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* METIS FIRST ORDER PROVER                                                  *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd                                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Metis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify             *)
+(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *)
+(* (at your option) any later version.                                       *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Metis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                  *)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *)
+(* GNU General Public License for more details.                              *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         *)
+(* along with Metis; if not, write to the Free Software                      *)
+(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The program name.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val PROGRAM = "metis";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Program options.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val QUIET = ref false;
+val TEST = ref false;
+val ITEMS = ["name","goal","clauses","size","category","proof","saturated"];
+val show_items = map (fn s => (s, ref false)) ITEMS;
+fun show_ref s =
+    case List.find (equal s o fst) show_items of
+      NONE => raise Bug ("item " ^ s ^ " not found")
+    | SOME (_,r) => r;
+fun showing s = not (!QUIET) andalso (s = "status" orelse !(show_ref s));
+fun notshowing s = not (showing s);
+fun showing_any () = List.exists showing ITEMS;
+fun notshowing_any () = not (showing_any ());
+fun show s = case show_ref s of r => r := true;
+fun hide s = case show_ref s of r => r := false;
+  open Useful Options;
+  val specialOptions =
+    [{switches = ["--show"], arguments = ["ITEM"],
+      description = "show ITEM (see below for list)",
+      processor =
+        beginOpt (enumOpt ITEMS endOpt) (fn _ => fn s => show s)},
+     {switches = ["--hide"], arguments = ["ITEM"],
+      description = "hide ITEM (see below for list)",
+      processor =
+        beginOpt (enumOpt ITEMS endOpt) (fn _ => fn s => hide s)},
+     {switches = ["-q","--quiet"], arguments = [],
+      description = "Run quietly; indicate provability with return value",
+      processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => QUIET := true)},
+     {switches = ["--test"], arguments = [],
+      description = "Skip the proof search for the input problems",
+      processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => TEST := true)}];
+val VERSION = "2.0";
+val versionString = PROGRAM^" version "^VERSION^" (release 20070609)"^"\n";
+val programOptions =
+    {name    = PROGRAM,
+     version = versionString,
+     header  = "usage: "^PROGRAM^" [option ...] problem.tptp ...\n" ^
+               "Proves the input TPTP problem files.\n",
+     footer  = "Possible ITEMs are {" ^ join "," ITEMS ^ "}.\n" ^
+               "Problems can be read from standard input using the " ^
+               "special - filename.\n",
+     options = specialOptions @ Options.basicOptions};
+fun exit x : unit = Options.exit programOptions x;
+fun succeed () = Options.succeed programOptions;
+fun fail mesg = programOptions mesg;
+fun usage mesg = Options.usage programOptions mesg;
+val (opts,work) =
+    Options.processOptions programOptions (CommandLine.arguments ());
+val () = if null work then usage "no input problem files" else ();
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The core application.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun display_sep () =
+      if notshowing_any () then ()
+      else print (nChars #"-" (!Parser.lineLength) ^ "\n");
+  fun display_name filename =
+      if notshowing "name" then ()
+      else print ("Problem: " ^ filename ^ "\n\n");
+  fun display_goal goal =
+      if notshowing "goal" then ()
+      else print ("Goal:\n" ^ Formula.toString goal ^ "\n\n");
+  fun display_clauses cls =
+      if notshowing "clauses" then ()
+      else print ("Clauses:\n" ^ Problem.toString cls ^ "\n\n");
+  fun display_size cls =
+      if notshowing "size" then ()
+      else
+        let
+          fun plural 1 s = "1 " ^ s
+            | plural n s = Int.toString n ^ " " ^ s ^ "s"
+          val {clauses,literals,symbols,typedSymbols} = Problem.size cls
+        in
+          print
+            ("Size: " ^
+             plural clauses "clause" ^ ", " ^
+             plural literals "literal" ^ ", " ^
+             plural symbols "symbol" ^ ", " ^
+             plural typedSymbols "typed symbol" ^ ".\n\n")
+        end;
+  fun display_category cls =
+      if notshowing "category" then ()
+      else
+        let
+          val cat = Problem.categorize cls
+        in
+          print ("Category: " ^ Problem.categoryToString cat ^ ".\n\n")
+        end;
+  fun display_proof filename th = 
+      if notshowing "proof" then ()
+      else
+        (print ("SZS output start CNFRefutation for " ^ filename ^ "\n");
+         print (Proof.toString (Proof.proof th));
+         print ("SZS output end CNFRefutation for " ^ filename ^ "\n\n"));
+  fun display_saturated filename ths =
+      if notshowing "saturated" then ()
+      else
+        (print ("SZS output start Saturated for " ^ filename ^ "\n");
+         app (fn th => print (Thm.toString th ^ "\n")) ths;
+         print ("SZS output end Saturated for " ^ filename ^ "\n\n"));
+  fun display_result filename result =
+      case result of
+        Resolution.Contradiction th => display_proof filename th
+      | Resolution.Satisfiable ths => display_saturated filename ths;
+  fun display_status filename status =
+      if notshowing "status" then ()
+      else print ("SZS status " ^ status ^ " for " ^ filename ^ "\n");
+  fun display_problem filename cls =
+      let
+        val () = Tptp.write {filename = "cnf.tptp"} (Tptp.fromProblem cls)
+        val () = display_clauses cls
+        val () = display_size cls
+        val () = display_category cls
+      in
+        ()
+      end;
+  fun display_problems filename problems =
+ (display_problem filename) problems;
+  fun refute cls =
+      Resolution.loop ( Resolution.default (map Thm.axiom cls));
+  fun refutable filename cls =
+      let
+        val () = display_problem filename cls
+      in
+        case refute cls of
+          Resolution.Contradiction th => (display_proof filename th; true)
+        | Resolution.Satisfiable ths => (display_saturated filename ths; false)
+      end;
+  fun prove filename =
+      let
+        val () = display_sep ()
+        val () = display_name filename
+        val tptp = {filename = filename}
+      in
+        case Tptp.toGoal tptp of
+          Tptp.Cnf prob =>
+          let
+            val () = display_problem filename prob
+          in
+            if !TEST then
+              (display_status filename "Unknown";
+               true)
+            else
+              case refute prob of
+                Resolution.Contradiction th =>
+                (display_status filename "Unsatisfiable";
+                 if showing "proof" then print "\n" else ();
+                 display_proof filename th;
+                 true)
+              | Resolution.Satisfiable ths =>
+                (display_status filename "Satisfiable";
+                 if showing "saturated" then print "\n" else ();
+                 display_saturated filename ths;
+                 false)
+          end
+        | Tptp.Fof goal =>
+          let
+            val () = display_goal goal
+            val problems = Problem.fromGoal goal
+            val result =
+                if !TEST then (display_problems filename problems; true)
+                else List.all (refutable filename) problems
+            val status =
+                if !TEST then "Unknown"
+                else if Tptp.hasConjecture tptp then
+                  if result then "Theorem" else "CounterSatisfiable"
+                else
+                  if result then "Unsatisfiable" else "Satisfiable"
+            val () = display_status filename status
+          in
+            result
+          end
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Top level.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () =
+  val () = print "Running in DEBUG mode.\n"
+  val success = List.all prove work
+  val return = not (!QUIET) orelse success
+  exit {message = NONE, usage = false, success = return}
+handle Error s => die (PROGRAM^" failed:\n" ^ s)
+     | Bug s => die ("BUG found in "^PROGRAM^" program:\n" ^ s);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/problems.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1919 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SOME SAMPLE PROBLEMS TO TEST PROOF PROCEDURES                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* A type of problems.                                                       *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+type problem =
+     {name : string,
+      comments : string list,
+      goal : Formula.quotation};
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+fun mkProblem description (problem : problem) : problem =
+    let
+      val {name,comments,goal} = problem
+      val comments = if null comments then [] else "" :: comments
+      val comments = "Collection: " ^ description :: comments
+    in
+      {name = name, comments = comments, goal = goal}
+    end;
+fun mkProblems description problems = map (mkProblem description) problems;
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* The collection of problems.                                               *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+val problems : problem list =
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Problems without equality.                                                *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+mkProblems "Problems without equality from various sources" [
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Trivia (some of which demonstrate ex-bugs in provers).                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "TRUE",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+{name = "SIMPLE",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x y. ?z. p x \/ p y ==> p z`},
+{name = "CYCLIC",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p (g (c x))) ==> ?z. p (g z)`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. ?y. f y x x) ==> ?z. f z 0 0`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. ?y. p x y) /\ (!x. ?y. q x y) /\
+(!x y z. p x y /\ q y z ==> r x z) ==> !x. ?y. r x y`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Propositional Logic.                                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "PROP_1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p ==> q <=> ~q ==> ~p`},
+{name = "PROP_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~~p <=> p`},
+{name = "PROP_3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~(p ==> q) ==> q ==> p`},
+{name = "PROP_4",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~p ==> q <=> ~q ==> p`},
+{name = "PROP_5",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(p \/ q ==> p \/ r) ==> p \/ (q ==> r)`},
+{name = "PROP_6",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p \/ ~p`},
+{name = "PROP_7",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p \/ ~~~p`},
+{name = "PROP_8",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+((p ==> q) ==> p) ==> p`},
+{name = "PROP_9",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(p \/ q) /\ (~p \/ q) /\ (p \/ ~q) ==> ~(~q \/ ~q)`},
+{name = "PROP_10",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(q ==> r) /\ (r ==> p /\ q) /\ (p ==> q /\ r) ==> (p <=> q)`},
+{name = "PROP_11",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p <=> p`},
+{name = "PROP_12",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+((p <=> q) <=> r) <=> p <=> q <=> r`},
+{name = "PROP_13",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p \/ q /\ r <=> (p \/ q) /\ (p \/ r)`},
+{name = "PROP_14",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(p <=> q) <=> (q \/ ~p) /\ (~q \/ p)`},
+{name = "PROP_15",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p ==> q <=> ~p \/ q`},
+{name = "PROP_16",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(p ==> q) \/ (q ==> p)`},
+{name = "PROP_17",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p /\ (q ==> r) ==> s <=> (~p \/ q \/ s) /\ (~p \/ ~r \/ s)`},
+{name = "MATHS4_EXAMPLE",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(a \/ ~k ==> g) /\ (g ==> q) /\ ~q ==> k`},
+{name = "LOGICPROOF_1996",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(p ==> r) /\ (~p ==> ~q) /\ (p \/ q) ==> p /\ r`},
+{name = "XOR_ASSOC",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~(~(p <=> q) <=> r) <=> ~(p <=> ~(q <=> r))`},
+{name = "ALL_3_CLAUSES",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(p \/ q \/ r) /\ (p \/ q \/ ~r) /\ (p \/ ~q \/ r) /\ (p \/ ~q \/ ~r) /\
+(~p \/ q \/ r) /\ (~p \/ q \/ ~r) /\ (~p \/ ~q \/ r) /\
+(~p \/ ~q \/ ~r) ==> F`},
+{name = "CLAUSE_SIMP",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(lit ==> clause) ==> (lit \/ clause <=> clause)`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Monadic Predicate Logic.                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "P18",
+ comments = ["The drinker's principle."],
+ goal = `
+?very_popular_guy. !whole_pub. drinks very_popular_guy ==> drinks whole_pub`},
+{name = "P19",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+?x. !y z. (p y ==> q z) ==> p x ==> q x`},
+{name = "P20",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. ?z. !w. p x /\ q y ==> r z /\ u w) /\ (!x y. p x /\ q y) ==> ?z. r z`},
+{name = "P21",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?x. p ==> q x) /\ (?x. q x ==> p) ==> ?x. p <=> q x`},
+{name = "P22",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p <=> q x) ==> (p <=> !x. q x)`},
+{name = "P23",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p \/ q x) <=> p \/ !x. q x`},
+{name = "P24",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~(?x. u x /\ q x) /\ (!x. p x ==> q x \/ r x) /\ ~(?x. p x ==> ?x. q x) /\
+(!x. q x /\ r x ==> u x) ==> ?x. p x /\ r x`},
+{name = "P25",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?x. p x) /\ (!x. u x ==> ~g x /\ r x) /\ (!x. p x ==> g x /\ u x) /\
+((!x. p x ==> q x) \/ ?x. q x /\ p x) ==> ?x. q x /\ p x`},
+{name = "P26",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+((?x. p x) <=> ?x. q x) /\ (!x y. p x /\ q y ==> (r x <=> u y)) ==>
+((!x. p x ==> r x) <=> !x. q x ==> u x)`},
+{name = "P27",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?x. p x /\ ~q x) /\ (!x. p x ==> r x) /\ (!x. u x /\ s x ==> p x) /\
+(?x. r x /\ ~q x) ==> (!x. u x ==> ~r x) ==> !x. u x ==> ~s x`},
+{name = "P28",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x ==> !x. q x) /\ ((!x. q x \/ r x) ==> ?x. q x /\ r x) /\
+((?x. r x) ==> !x. l x ==> m x) ==> !x. p x /\ l x ==> m x`},
+{name = "P29",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?x. p x) /\ (?x. g x) ==>
+((!x. p x ==> h x) /\ (!x. g x ==> j x) <=>
+ !x y. p x /\ g y ==> h x /\ j y)`},
+{name = "P30",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x \/ g x ==> ~h x) /\ (!x. (g x ==> ~u x) ==> p x /\ h x) ==>
+!x. u x`},
+{name = "P31",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~(?x. p x /\ (g x \/ h x)) /\ (?x. q x /\ p x) /\ (!x. ~h x ==> j x) ==>
+?x. q x /\ j x`},
+{name = "P32",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x /\ (g x \/ h x) ==> q x) /\ (!x. q x /\ h x ==> j x) /\
+(!x. r x ==> h x) ==> !x. p x /\ r x ==> j x`},
+{name = "P33",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p a /\ (p x ==> p b) ==> p c) <=>
+(!x. p a ==> p x \/ p c) /\ (p a ==> p b ==> p c)`},
+{name = "P34",
+ comments =
+["This gives rise to 5184 clauses when naively converted to CNF!"],
+ goal = `
+((?x. !y. p x <=> p y) <=> (?x. q x) <=> !y. q y) <=>
+(?x. !y. q x <=> q y) <=> (?x. p x) <=> !y. p y`},
+{name = "P35",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+?x y. p x y ==> !x y. p x y`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Predicate logic without functions.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "P36",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. ?y. p x y) /\ (!x. ?y. g x y) /\
+(!x y. p x y \/ g x y ==> !z. p y z \/ g y z ==> h x z) ==> !x. ?y. h x y`},
+{name = "P37",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!z. ?w. !x. ?y. (p x z ==> p y w) /\ p y z /\ (p y w ==> ?v. q v w)) /\
+(!x z. ~p x z ==> ?y. q y z) /\ ((?x y. q x y) ==> !x. r x x) ==>
+!x. ?y. r x y`},
+{name = "P38",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p a /\ (p x ==> ?y. p y /\ r x y) ==> ?z w. p z /\ r x w /\ r w z) <=>
+  (~p a \/ p x \/ ?z w. p z /\ r x w /\ r w z) /\
+  (~p a \/ ~(?y. p y /\ r x y) \/ ?z w. p z /\ r x w /\ r w z)`},
+{name = "P39",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~?x. !y. p y x <=> ~p y y`},
+{name = "P40",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?y. !x. p x y <=> p x x) ==> ~!x. ?y. !z. p z y <=> ~p z x`},
+{name = "P41",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!z. ?y. !x. p x y <=> p x z /\ ~p x x) ==> ~?z. !x. p x z`},
+{name = "P42",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~?y. !x. p x y <=> ~?z. p x z /\ p z x`},
+{name = "P43",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. q x y <=> !z. p z x <=> p z y) ==> !x y. q x y <=> q y x`},
+{name = "P44",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x ==> (?y. g y /\ h x y) /\ ?y. g y /\ ~h x y) /\
+(?x. j x /\ !y. g y ==> h x y) ==> ?x. j x /\ ~p x`},
+{name = "P45",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x /\ (!y. g y /\ h x y ==> j x y) ==> !y. g y /\ h x y ==> r y) /\
+~(?y. l y /\ r y) /\
+(?x. p x /\ (!y. h x y ==> l y) /\ !y. g y /\ h x y ==> j x y) ==>
+?x. p x /\ ~?y. g y /\ h x y`},
+{name = "P46",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x /\ (!y. p y /\ h y x ==> g y) ==> g x) /\
+((?x. p x /\ ~g x) ==> ?x. p x /\ ~g x /\ !y. p y /\ ~g y ==> j x y) /\
+(!x y. p x /\ p y /\ h x y ==> ~j y x) ==> !x. p x ==> g x`},
+{name = "P50",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. f0 a x \/ !y. f0 x y) ==> ?x. !y. f0 x y`},
+{name = "LOGICPROOF_L10",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x. ?y. ~(P y x <=> ~P y y)`},
+{name = "BARBER",
+ comments = ["One resolution of the barber paradox"],
+ goal = `
+(!x. man x ==> (shaves barber x <=> ~shaves x x)) ==> ~man barber`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Full predicate logic.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "LOGICPROOF_1999",
+ comments = ["A non-theorem."],
+ goal = `
+(?x. p x /\ q x) ==> ?x. p (f x x) \/ !y. q y`},
+{name = "P55",
+ comments = ["Example from Manthey and Bry, CADE-9. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+lives agatha /\ lives butler /\ lives charles /\
+(killed agatha agatha \/ killed butler agatha \/ killed charles agatha) /\
+(!x y. killed x y ==> hates x y /\ ~richer x y) /\
+(!x. hates agatha x ==> ~hates charles x) /\
+(hates agatha agatha /\ hates agatha charles) /\
+(!x. lives x /\ ~richer x agatha ==> hates butler x) /\
+(!x. hates agatha x ==> hates butler x) /\
+(!x. ~hates x agatha \/ ~hates x butler \/ ~hates x charles) ==>
+killed agatha agatha /\ ~killed butler agatha /\ ~killed charles agatha`},
+{name = "P57",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p (f a b) (f b c) /\ p (f b c) (f a c) /\
+(!x y z. p x y /\ p y z ==> p x z) ==> p (f a b) (f a c)`},
+{name = "P58",
+ comments = ["See info-hol 1498 [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+!x. ?v w. !y z. p x /\ q y ==> (p v \/ r w) /\ (r z ==> q v)`},
+{name = "P59",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. p x <=> ~p (f x)) ==> ?x. p x /\ ~p (f x)`},
+{name = "P60",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x. p x (f x) <=> ?y. (!z. p z y ==> p z (f x)) /\ p x y`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* From Gilmore's classic paper.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "GILMORE_1",
+ comments =
+["Amazingly, this still seems non-trivial... in HOL [MESON_TAC] it",
+ "works at depth 45! [JRH]",
+ "Confirmed (depth=45, inferences=263702, time=148s), though if",
+ "lemmaizing is used then a lemma is discovered at depth 29 that allows",
+ "a much quicker proof (depth=30, inferences=10039, time=5.5s)."],
+ goal = `
+?x. !y z.
+  (f y ==> g y <=> f x) /\ (f y ==> h y <=> g x) /\
+  ((f y ==> g y) ==> h y <=> h x) ==> f z /\ g z /\ h z`},
+{name = "GILMORE_2",
+ comments =
+["This is not valid, according to Gilmore. [JRH]",
+ "Confirmed: ordered resolution quickly saturates."],
+ goal = `
+?x y. !z.
+  (f x z <=> f z y) /\ (f z y <=> f z z) /\ (f x y <=> f y x) ==>
+  (f x y <=> f x z)`},
+{name = "GILMORE_3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+?x. !y z.
+  ((f y z ==> g y ==> h x) ==> f x x) /\ ((f z x ==> g x) ==> h z) /\
+  f x y ==> f z z`},
+{name = "GILMORE_4",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+?x y. !z. (f x y ==> f y z /\ f z z) /\ (f x y /\ g x y ==> g x z /\ g z z)`},
+{name = "GILMORE_5",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. ?y. f x y \/ f y x) /\ (!x y. f y x ==> f y y) ==> ?z. f z z`},
+{name = "GILMORE_6",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x. ?y.
+  (?w. !v. f w x ==> g v w /\ g w x) ==>
+  (?w. !v. f w y ==> g v w /\ g w y) \/
+  !z v. ?w. g v z \/ h w y z ==> g z w`},
+{name = "GILMORE_7",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. k x ==> ?y. l y /\ (f x y ==> g x y)) /\
+(?z. k z /\ !w. l w ==> f z w) ==> ?v w. k v /\ l w /\ g v w`},
+{name = "GILMORE_8",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+?x. !y z.
+  ((f y z ==> g y ==> !w. ?v. h w v x) ==> f x x) /\
+  ((f z x ==> g x) ==> !w. ?v. h w v z) /\ f x y ==> f z z`},
+{name = "GILMORE_9",
+ comments =
+["Model elimination (in HOL):",
+ "- With lemmaizing: (depth=18, inferences=15632, time=21s)",
+ "- Without: gave up waiting after (depth=25, inferences=2125072, ...)"],
+ goal = `
+!x. ?y. !z.
+  ((!w. ?v. f y w v /\ g y w /\ ~h y x) ==>
+   (!w. ?v. f x w v /\ g z u /\ ~h x z) ==>
+   !w. ?v. f x w v /\ g y w /\ ~h x y) /\
+  ((!w. ?v. f x w v /\ g y w /\ ~h x y) ==>
+   ~(!w. ?v. f x w v /\ g z w /\ ~h x z) ==>
+   (!w. ?v. f y w v /\ g y w /\ ~h y x) /\
+   !w. ?v. f z w v /\ g y w /\ ~h z y)`},
+{name = "GILMORE_9a",
+ comments =
+["Translation of Gilmore procedure using separate definitions. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. p x y <=> !w. ?v. f x w v /\ g y w /\ ~h x y) ==>
+!x. ?y. !z.
+  (p y x ==> p x z ==> p x y) /\ (p x y ==> ~p x z ==> p y x /\ p z y)`},
+ comments =
+["The interesting example where connections make the proof longer. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+~a /\ (a \/ b) /\ (c \/ d) /\ (~b \/ e \/ f) /\ (~c \/ ~e) /\ (~c \/ ~f) /\
+(~b \/ g \/ h) /\ (~d \/ ~g) /\ (~d \/ ~h) ==> F`},
+{name = "LOS",
+ comments =
+["The classic Los puzzle. (Clausal version MSC006-1 in the TPTP library.)",
+ "Note: this is actually in the decidable AE subset, though that doesn't",
+ "yield a very efficient proof. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. p x y ==> p y z ==> p x z) /\
+(!x y z. q x y ==> q y z ==> q x z) /\ (!x y. q x y ==> q y x) /\
+(!x y. p x y \/ q x y) ==> (!x y. p x y) \/ !x y. q x y`},
+{name = "STEAM_ROLLER",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+((!x. p1 x ==> p0 x) /\ ?x. p1 x) /\ ((!x. p2 x ==> p0 x) /\ ?x. p2 x) /\
+((!x. p3 x ==> p0 x) /\ ?x. p3 x) /\ ((!x. p4 x ==> p0 x) /\ ?x. p4 x) /\
+((!x. p5 x ==> p0 x) /\ ?x. p5 x) /\ ((?x. q1 x) /\ !x. q1 x ==> q0 x) /\
+   p0 x ==>
+   (!y. q0 y ==> r x y) \/
+   !y. p0 y /\ s0 y x /\ (?z. q0 z /\ r y z) ==> r x y) /\
+(!x y. p3 y /\ (p5 x \/ p4 x) ==> s0 x y) /\
+(!x y. p3 x /\ p2 y ==> s0 x y) /\ (!x y. p2 x /\ p1 y ==> s0 x y) /\
+(!x y. p1 x /\ (p2 y \/ q1 y) ==> ~r x y) /\
+(!x y. p3 x /\ p4 y ==> r x y) /\ (!x y. p3 x /\ p5 y ==> ~r x y) /\
+(!x. p4 x \/ p5 x ==> ?y. q0 y /\ r x y) ==>
+?x y. p0 x /\ p0 y /\ ?z. q1 z /\ r y z /\ r x y`},
+ comments =
+["An incestuous example used to establish completeness",
+ "characterization. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(!w x. sentence x ==> holds w x \/ holds w (not x)) /\
+(!w x. ~(holds w x /\ holds w (not x))) ==>
+    sentence x ==>
+    (!w. models w s ==> holds w x) \/
+    !w. models w s ==> holds w (not x)) <=>
+ !w v.
+   models w s /\ models v s ==>
+   !x. sentence x ==> (holds w x <=> holds v x))`}
+] @
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Problems with equality.                                                   *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+mkProblems "Equality problems from various sources" [
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Trivia (some of which demonstrate ex-bugs in the prover).                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "REFLEXIVITY",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+c = c`},
+{name = "SYMMETRY",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x y. x = y ==> y = x`},
+{name = "TRANSITIVITY",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x y z. x = y /\ y = z ==> x = z`},
+{name = "TRANS_SYMM",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x y z. x = y /\ y = z ==> z = x`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!x y. f x /\ x = y ==> f y`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+!y. (!x. y = g (c x)) ==> ?z. y = g z`},
+{name = "JUDITA_1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~(a = b) /\ (!x. x = c) ==> F`},
+{name = "JUDITA_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~(a = b) /\ (!x y. x = y) ==> F`},
+{name = "JUDITA_3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p a /\ ~p b /\ (!x. x = c) ==> F`},
+{name = "JUDITA_4",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p a /\ ~p b /\ (!x y. x = y) ==> F`},
+{name = "JUDITA_5",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+p a /\ p b /\ ~(a = b) /\ ~p c /\ (!x. x = a \/ x = d) ==> F`},
+{name = "INJECTIVITY_1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. f x = f y ==> x = y) /\ f a = f b ==> a = b`},
+{name = "INJECTIVITY_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. g (f x) = g (f y) ==> x = y) /\ f a = f b ==> a = b`},
+{name = "SELF_REWRITE",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+f (g (h c)) = h c /\ g (h c) = b /\ f b = a /\ (!x. ~(a = h x)) ==> F`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Simple equality problems.                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "P48",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(a = b \/ c = d) /\ (a = c \/ b = d) ==> a = d \/ b = c`},
+{name = "P49",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?x y. !z. z = x \/ z = y) /\ p a /\ p b /\ ~(a = b) ==> !x. p x`},
+{name = "P51",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?z w. !x y. f0 x y <=> x = z /\ y = w) ==>
+?z. !x. (?w. !y. f0 x y <=> y = w) <=> x = z`},
+{name = "P52",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(?z w. !x y. f0 x y <=> x = z /\ y = w) ==>
+?w. !y. (?z. !x. f0 x y <=> x = z) <=> y = w`},
+ comments = ["The Melham problem after an inverse skolemization step."],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. g x = g y ==> f x = f y) ==> !y. ?w. !x. y = g x ==> w = f x`},
+ comments = ["The example always given for congruence closure."],
+ goal = `
+!x. f (f (f (f (f x)))) = x /\ f (f (f x)) = x ==> f x = x`},
+{name = "EWD_1",
+ comments =
+["A simple example (see EWD1266a and the application to Morley's",
+ "theorem). [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(!x. f x ==> g x) /\ (?x. f x) /\ (!x y. g x /\ g y ==> x = y) ==>
+!y. g y ==> f y`},
+{name = "EWD_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. f (f x) = f x) /\ (!x. ?y. f y = x) ==> !x. f x = x`},
+{name = "JIA",
+ comments = ["Needs only the K combinator"],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. k . x . y = x) /\ (!v. P (v . a) a) /\ (!w. Q (w . b) b) ==>
+!z. ?x y. P (z . x . y) x /\ Q (z . x . y) y`},
+{name = "WISHNU",
+ comments = ["Wishnu Prasetya's example. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(?x. x = f (g x) /\ !x'. x' = f (g x') ==> x = x') <=>
+?y. y = g (f y) /\ !y'. y' = g (f y') ==> y = y'`},
+{name = "AGATHA",
+ comments = ["An equality version of the Agatha puzzle. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(?x. lives x /\ killed x agatha) /\
+(lives agatha /\ lives butler /\ lives charles) /\
+(!x. lives x ==> x = agatha \/ x = butler \/ x = charles) /\
+(!x y. killed x y ==> hates x y) /\ (!x y. killed x y ==> ~richer x y) /\
+(!x. hates agatha x ==> ~hates charles x) /\
+(!x. ~(x = butler) ==> hates agatha x) /\
+(!x. ~richer x agatha ==> hates butler x) /\
+(!x. hates agatha x ==> hates butler x) /\ (!x. ?y. ~hates x y) /\
+~(agatha = butler) ==>
+killed agatha agatha /\ ~killed butler agatha /\ ~killed charles agatha`},
+{name = "DIVIDES_9_1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. x * y = y * x) /\ (!x y z. x * y * z = x * (y * z)) /\
+(!x y. divides x y <=> ?z. y = z * x) ==>
+!x y z. divides x y ==> divides x (z * y)`},
+{name = "DIVIDES_9_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. x * y = y * x) /\ (!x y z. x * y * z = x * (y * z)) /\
+(!x y. divides x y <=> ?z. z * x = y) ==>
+!x y z. divides x y ==> divides x (z * y)`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Group theory examples.                                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x. e * x = x) /\
+(!x. i x * x = e) ==> !x. i (i x) = x`},
+ comments = ["Size 18, 61814 seconds. [JRH]"],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x. e * x = x) /\
+(!x. i x * x = e) ==> !x. x * i x = e`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x. e * x = x) /\
+(!x. i x * x = e) ==> !x. x * e = x`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x. e * x = x) /\
+(!x. i x * x = e) ==> !x. x * x = x <=> x = e`},
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x. e * x = x) /\ (!x. x * e = x) /\
+(!x. x * x = e) ==> !x y. x * y = y * x`},
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Ring theory examples.                                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+{name = "JACOBSON_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. 0 + x = x) /\ (!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x. n x + x = 0) /\
+(!x. x + n x = 0) /\ (!x y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) /\
+(!x y. x + y = y + x) /\ (!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) /\
+(!x y z. (x + y) * z = x * z + y * z) /\ (!x. x * x = x) ==>
+!x y. x * y = y * x`},
+{name = "JACOBSON_3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. 0 + x = x) /\ (!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x. n x + x = 0) /\
+(!x. x + n x = 0) /\ (!x y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) /\
+(!x y. x + y = y + x) /\ (!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) /\
+(!x y z. (x + y) * z = x * z + y * z) /\ (!x. x * (x * x) = x) ==>
+!x y. x * y = y * x`}
+] @
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Some sample problems from the TPTP archive.                               *)
+(* Note: for brevity some relation/function names have been shortened.       *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+mkProblems "Sample problems from the TPTP collection"
+{name = "ALG005-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. x + (y + x) = x) /\ (!x y. x + (x + y) = y + (y + x)) /\
+(!x y z. x + y + z = x + z + (y + z)) /\ (!x y. x * y = x + (x + y)) ==>
+~(a * b * c = a * (b * c)) ==> F`},
+{name = "ALG006-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. x + (y + x) = x) /\ (!x y. x + (x + y) = y + (y + x)) /\
+(!x y z. x + y + z = x + z + (y + z)) ==> ~(a + c + b = a + b + c) ==> F`},
+{name = "BOO021-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. (x + y) * y = y) /\ (!x y z. x * (y + z) = y * x + z * x) /\
+(!x. x + i x = 1) /\ (!x y. x * y + y = y) /\
+(!x y z. x + y * z = (y + x) * (z + x)) /\ (!x. x * i x = 0) ==>
+~(b * a = a * b) ==> F`},
+{name = "COL058-2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. r (r 0 x) y = r x (r y y)) ==>
+~(r (r (r 0 (r (r 0 (r 0 0)) (r 0 (r 0 0)))) (r 0 (r 0 0)))
+    (r (r 0 (r (r 0 (r 0 0)) (r 0 (r 0 0)))) (r 0 (r 0 0))) =
+  r (r 0 (r (r 0 (r 0 0)) (r 0 (r 0 0)))) (r 0 (r 0 0))) ==> F`},
+{name = "COL060-3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. b . x . y . z = x . (y . z)) /\ (!x y. t . x . y = y . x) ==>
+~(b . (b . (t . b) . b) . t . x . y . z = y . (x . z)) ==> F`},
+{name = "GEO002-4",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~between x y z \/ ~between y v z \/ between x y v) /\
+(!x y z. ~equidistant x y z z \/ x == y) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v z w \/
+   between x (outer_pasch y x v w z) v) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v z w \/
+   between w y (outer_pasch y x v w z)) /\
+(!x y z v. between x y (extension x y z v)) /\
+(!x y z v. equidistant x (extension y x z v) z v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x == y) \/ ~between z v x \/ between z v y) ==>
+~between a a b ==> F`},
+{name = "GEO036-2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. equidistant x y y x) /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~equidistant x y z x' \/ ~equidistant x y y' z' \/
+   equidistant z x' y' z') /\ (!x y z. ~equidistant x y z z \/ x = y) /\
+(!x y z v. between x y (extension x y z v)) /\
+(!x y z v. equidistant x (extension y x z v) z v) /\
+(!x y z v w x' y' z'.
+   ~equidistant x y z v \/ ~equidistant y w v x' \/
+   ~equidistant x y' z z' \/ ~equidistant y y' v z' \/ ~between x y w \/
+   ~between z v x' \/ x = y \/ equidistant w y' x' z') /\
+(!x y. ~between x y x \/ x = y) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v w z \/
+   between y (inner_pasch x y z w v) v) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v w z \/
+   between w (inner_pasch x y z w v) x) /\
+~between lower_dimension_point_1 lower_dimension_point_2
+   lower_dimension_point_3 /\
+~between lower_dimension_point_2 lower_dimension_point_3
+   lower_dimension_point_1 /\
+~between lower_dimension_point_3 lower_dimension_point_1
+   lower_dimension_point_2 /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~equidistant x y x z \/ ~equidistant v y v z \/ ~equidistant w y w z \/
+   between x v w \/ between v w x \/ between w x v \/ y = z) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v y w \/ x = y \/
+   between x v (euclid1 x v y w z)) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v y w \/ x = y \/
+   between x w (euclid2 x v y w z)) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   ~between x y z \/ ~between v y w \/ x = y \/
+   between (euclid1 x v y w z) z (euclid2 x v y w z)) /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~equidistant x y x z \/ ~equidistant x x' x y' \/ ~between x y x' \/
+   ~between y z' x' \/ between z (continuous x y z z' x' y') y') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~equidistant x y x z \/ ~equidistant x x' x y' \/ ~between x y x' \/
+   ~between y z' x' \/ equidistant x z' x (continuous x y z z' x' y')) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~between x z v \/ between y z v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~between z x v \/ between z y v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~between z v x \/ between z v y) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ ~equidistant x z v w \/ equidistant y z v w) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ ~equidistant z x v w \/ equidistant z y v w) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ ~equidistant z v x w \/ equidistant z v y w) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ ~equidistant z v w x \/ equidistant z v w y) /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ inner_pasch x z x' y' z' = inner_pasch y z x' y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ inner_pasch z x x' y' z' = inner_pasch z y x' y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ inner_pasch z x' x y' z' = inner_pasch z x' y y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ inner_pasch z x' y' x z' = inner_pasch z x' y' y z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ inner_pasch z x' y' z' x = inner_pasch z x' y' z' y) /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid1 x z x' y' z' = euclid1 y z x' y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid1 z x x' y' z' = euclid1 z y x' y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid1 z x' x y' z' = euclid1 z x' y y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid1 z x' y' x z' = euclid1 z x' y' y z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid1 z x' y' z' x = euclid1 z x' y' z' y) /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid2 x z x' y' z' = euclid2 y z x' y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid2 z x x' y' z' = euclid2 z y x' y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid2 z x' x y' z' = euclid2 z x' y y' z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid2 z x' y' x z' = euclid2 z x' y' y z') /\
+(!x y z x' y' z'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ euclid2 z x' y' z' x = euclid2 z x' y' z' y) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ extension x z v w = extension y z v w) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ extension z x v w = extension z y v w) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ extension z v x w = extension z v y w) /\
+(!x y z v w. ~(x = y) \/ extension z v w x = extension z v w y) /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ continuous x z v w x' y' = continuous y z v w x' y') /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ continuous z x v w x' y' = continuous z y v w x' y') /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ continuous z v x w x' y' = continuous z v y w x' y') /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ continuous z v w x x' y' = continuous z v w y x' y') /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ continuous z v w x' x y' = continuous z v w x' y y') /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   ~(x = y) \/ continuous z v w x' y' x = continuous z v w x' y' y) ==>
+lower_dimension_point_1 = lower_dimension_point_2 \/
+lower_dimension_point_2 = lower_dimension_point_3 \/
+lower_dimension_point_1 = lower_dimension_point_3 ==> F`},
+{name = "GRP010-4",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ i x = i y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x * z = y * z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z * x = z * y) /\ (!x y z. x * y * z = x * (y * z)) /\
+(!x. 1 * x = x) /\ (!x. i x * x = 1) /\ c * b = 1 ==> ~(b * c = 1) ==> F`},
+{name = "GRP057-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z v. x * i (i (i y * (i x * z)) * v * i (y * v)) = z) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ i x = i y) /\ (!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x * z = y * z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z * x = z * y) ==>
+~(i a1 * a1 = i b1 * b1) \/ ~(i b2 * b2 * a2 = a2) \/
+~(a3 * b3 * c3 = a3 * (b3 * c3)) ==> F`},
+{name = "GRP086-1",
+ comments = ["Bug check: used to be unsolvable without sticky constraints"],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y * z * i (x * z)) = y) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ i x = i y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x * z = y * z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z * x = z * y) ==>
+(!x y.
+   ~(i a1 * a1 = i b1 * b1) \/ ~(i b2 * b2 * a2 = a2) \/
+   ~(a3 * b3 * c3 = a3 * (b3 * c3)) \/ ~(x * y = y * x)) ==> F`},
+{name = "GRP104-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z.
+   double_divide x
+     (inverse
+        (double_divide
+           (inverse (double_divide (double_divide x y) (inverse z))) y)) =
+   z) /\ (!x y. x * y = inverse (double_divide y x)) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ inverse x = inverse y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x * z = y * z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z * x = z * y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ double_divide x z = double_divide y z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ double_divide z x = double_divide z y) ==>
+(!x y.
+   ~(inverse a1 * a1 = inverse b1 * b1) \/ ~(inverse b2 * b2 * a2 = a2) \/
+   ~(a3 * b3 * c3 = a3 * (b3 * c3)) \/ ~(x * y = y * x)) ==> F`},
+{name = "GRP128-4.003",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y.
+   ~elt x \/ ~elt y \/ product e_1 x y \/ product e_2 x y \/
+   product e_3 x y) /\
+(!x y.
+   ~elt x \/ ~elt y \/ product x e_1 y \/ product x e_2 y \/
+   product x e_3 y) /\ elt e_1 /\ elt e_2 /\ elt e_3 /\ ~(e_1 == e_2) /\
+~(e_1 == e_3) /\ ~(e_2 == e_1) /\ ~(e_2 == e_3) /\ ~(e_3 == e_1) /\
+~(e_3 == e_2) /\
+(!x y.
+   ~elt x \/ ~elt y \/ product x y e_1 \/ product x y e_2 \/
+   product x y e_3) /\
+(!x y z v. ~product x y z \/ ~product x y v \/ z == v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~product x y z \/ ~product x v z \/ y == v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~product x y z \/ ~product v y z \/ x == v) ==>
+(!x y z v. product x y z \/ ~product x z v \/ ~product z y v) /\
+(!x y z v. product x y z \/ ~product v x z \/ ~product v y x) /\
+(!x y z v. ~product x y z \/ ~product z y v \/ product x z v) ==> F`},
+{name = "HEN006-3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y. ~(x <= y) \/ x / y = 0) /\ (!x y. ~(x / y = 0) \/ x <= y) /\
+(!x y. x / y <= x) /\ (!x y z. x / y / (z / y) <= x / z / y) /\
+(!x. 0 <= x) /\ (!x y. ~(x <= y) \/ ~(y <= x) \/ x = y) /\ (!x. x <= 1) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x / z = y / z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z / x = z / y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x <= z) \/ y <= z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z <= x) \/ z <= y) /\ a / b <= d ==>
+~(a / d <= b) ==> F`},
+{name = "LAT005-3",
+ comments = ["SAM's lemma"],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\ (!x. meet x x = x) /\
+(!x. join x x = x) /\ (!x y. meet x (join x y) = x) /\
+(!x y. join x (meet x y) = x) /\ (!x y. meet x y = meet y x) /\
+(!x y. join x y = join y x) /\
+(!x y z. meet (meet x y) z = meet x (meet y z)) /\
+(!x y z. join (join x y) z = join x (join y z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ join x z = join y z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ join z x = join z y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ meet x z = meet y z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ meet z x = meet z y) /\ (!x. meet x 0 = 0) /\
+(!x. join x 0 = x) /\ (!x. meet x 1 = x) /\ (!x. join x 1 = 1) /\
+(!x y z. ~(meet x y = x) \/ meet y (join x z) = join x (meet z y)) /\
+(!x y. ~complement x y \/ meet x y = 0) /\
+(!x y. ~complement x y \/ join x y = 1) /\
+(!x y. ~(meet x y = 0) \/ ~(join x y = 1) \/ complement x y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~complement x z \/ complement y z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~complement z x \/ complement z y) /\
+complement r1 (join a b) /\ complement r2 (meet a b) ==>
+~(r1 = meet (join r1 (meet r2 b)) (join r1 (meet r2 a))) ==> F`},
+{name = "LCL009-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. ~p (x - y) \/ ~p x \/ p y) /\
+(!x y z. p (x - y - (z - y - (x - z)))) ==>
+~p (a - b - c - (a - (b - c))) ==> F`},
+{name = "LCL087-1",
+ comments =
+["Solved quickly by resolution when NOT tracking term-ordering constraints."],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. ~p (implies x y) \/ ~p x \/ p y) /\
+(!x y z v w.
+   p
+     (implies (implies (implies x y) (implies z v))
+        (implies w (implies (implies v x) (implies z x))))) ==>
+~p (implies a (implies b a)) ==> F`},
+{name = "LCL107-1",
+ comments = ["A very small problem that's tricky to prove."],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. ~p (x - y) \/ ~p x \/ p y) /\
+(!x y z v w x' y'.
+   p
+     (x - y - z - (v - w - (x' - w - (x' - v) - y')) -
+      (z - (y - x - y')))) ==> ~p (a - b - c - (e - b - (a - e - c))) ==> F`},
+{name = "LCL187-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. axiom (or (not (or x x)) x)) /\ (!x y. axiom (or (not x) (or y x))) /\
+(!x y. axiom (or (not (or x y)) (or y x))) /\
+(!x y z. axiom (or (not (or x (or y z))) (or y (or x z)))) /\
+(!x y z. axiom (or (not (or (not x) y)) (or (not (or z x)) (or z y)))) /\
+(!x. theorem x \/ ~axiom x) /\
+(!x y. theorem x \/ ~axiom (or (not y) x) \/ ~theorem y) /\
+(!x y z.
+   theorem (or (not x) y) \/ ~axiom (or (not x) z) \/
+   ~theorem (or (not z) y)) ==>
+~theorem (or (not p) (or (not (not p)) q)) ==> F`},
+{name = "LDA007-3",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z. f x (f y z) = f (f x y) (f x z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ f x z = f y z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ f z x = f z y) /\ tt = f t t /\ ts = f t s /\
+tt_ts = f tt ts /\ tk = f t k /\ tsk = f ts k ==>
+~(f t tsk = f tt_ts tk) ==> F`},
+{name = "NUM001-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x == x) /\ (!x y z. ~(x == y) \/ ~(y == z) \/ x == z) /\
+(!x y. x + y == y + x) /\ (!x y z. x + (y + z) == x + y + z) /\
+(!x y. x + y - y == x) /\ (!x y. x == x + y - y) /\
+(!x y z. x - y + z == x + z - y) /\ (!x y z. x + y - z == x - z + y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x == y) \/ ~(z == x + v) \/ z == y + v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x == y) \/ ~(z == v + x) \/ z == v + y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x == y) \/ ~(z == x - v) \/ z == y - v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x == y) \/ ~(z == v - x) \/ z == v - y) ==>
+~(a + b + c == a + (b + c)) ==> F`},
+{name = "NUM014-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. product x x (square x)) /\
+(!x y z. ~product x y z \/ product y x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~product x y z \/ divides x z) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   ~prime x \/ ~product y z v \/ ~divides x v \/ divides x y \/
+   divides x z) /\ prime a /\ product a (square c) (square b) ==>
+~divides a b ==> F`},
+{name = "PUZ001-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+lives agatha /\ lives butler /\ lives charles /\
+(!x y. ~killed x y \/ ~richer x y) /\
+(!x. ~hates agatha x \/ ~hates charles x) /\
+(!x. ~hates x agatha \/ ~hates x butler \/ ~hates x charles) /\
+hates agatha agatha /\ hates agatha charles /\
+(!x y. ~killed x y \/ hates x y) /\
+(!x. ~hates agatha x \/ hates butler x) /\
+(!x. ~lives x \/ richer x agatha \/ hates butler x) ==>
+killed butler agatha \/ killed charles agatha ==> F`},
+{name = "PUZ011-1",
+ comments =
+["Curiosity: solved trivially by meson without cache cutting, but not with."],
+ goal = `
+ocean atlantic /\ ocean indian /\ borders atlantic brazil /\
+borders atlantic uruguay /\ borders atlantic venesuela /\
+borders atlantic zaire /\ borders atlantic nigeria /\
+borders atlantic angola /\ borders indian india /\
+borders indian pakistan /\ borders indian iran /\ borders indian somalia /\
+borders indian kenya /\ borders indian tanzania /\ south_american brazil /\
+south_american uruguay /\ south_american venesuela /\ african zaire /\
+african nigeria /\ african angola /\ african somalia /\ african kenya /\
+african tanzania /\ asian india /\ asian pakistan /\ asian iran ==>
+(!x y z.
+   ~ocean x \/ ~borders x y \/ ~african y \/ ~borders x z \/ ~asian z) ==>
+{name = "PUZ020-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ statement_by x = statement_by y) /\
+(!x. ~person x \/ knight x \/ knave x) /\
+(!x. ~person x \/ ~knight x \/ ~knave x) /\
+(!x y. ~says x y \/ a_truth y \/ ~a_truth y) /\
+(!x y. ~says x y \/ ~(x = y)) /\ (!x y. ~says x y \/ y = statement_by x) /\
+(!x y. ~person x \/ ~(x = statement_by y)) /\
+(!x. ~person x \/ ~a_truth (statement_by x) \/ knight x) /\
+(!x. ~person x \/ a_truth (statement_by x) \/ knave x) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ ~knight x \/ knight y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ ~knave x \/ knave y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ ~person x \/ person y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~says x z \/ says y z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~says z x \/ says z y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ ~a_truth x \/ a_truth y) /\
+(!x y. ~knight x \/ ~says x y \/ a_truth y) /\
+(!x y. ~knave x \/ ~says x y \/ ~a_truth y) /\ person husband /\
+person wife /\ ~(husband = wife) /\ says husband (statement_by husband) /\
+(~a_truth (statement_by husband) \/ ~knight husband \/ knight wife) /\
+(a_truth (statement_by husband) \/ ~knight husband) /\
+(a_truth (statement_by husband) \/ knight wife) /\
+(~knight wife \/ a_truth (statement_by husband)) ==> ~knight husband ==> F`},
+{name = "ROB002-1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x. x = x) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\ (!x y. x + y = y + x) /\
+(!x y z. x + y + z = x + (y + z)) /\
+(!x y. negate (negate (x + y) + negate (x + negate y)) = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x + z = y + z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z + x = z + y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ negate x = negate y) /\ (!x. negate (negate x) = x) ==>
+~(negate (a + negate b) + negate (negate a + negate b) = b) ==> F`}
+] @
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Some problems from HOL.                                                   *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+mkProblems "HOL subgoals sent to MESON_TAC" [
+{name = "Coder_4_0",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\ ~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\
+{existential . (K . truth)} /\ ~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\
+{universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\ {truth} /\
+(!x y z. ~(APPEND . x . y = APPEND . z . y) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(APPEND . x . y = APPEND . x . z) \/ y = z) ==>
+{wf_encoder . p . e} /\ (!x. e . x = f . x \/ ~{p . x}) /\
+{wf_encoder . p . f} /\ {p . q} /\ {p . q'} /\
+APPEND . (f . q) . r = APPEND . (f . q') . r' /\ q = q' /\ ~(r' = r) ==> F`},
+{name = "DeepSyntax_47",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_add x z = int_add y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ int_neg x = int_neg y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ int_of_num x = int_of_num y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_lt y v \/ ~int_lt x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ eval_form y v \/ ~eval_form x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   int_lt (int_add x y) (int_add z v) \/ ~int_lt x z \/ ~int_lt y v) /\
+(!x. int_add x (int_of_num 0) = x) /\
+(!x. int_add x (int_neg x) = int_of_num 0) /\
+(!x y z. int_add x (int_add y z) = int_add (int_add x y) z) ==>
+int_lt (int_neg d) (int_of_num 0) /\ eval_form g x /\
+int_lt (int_add x d) i /\ ~int_lt x i ==> F`},
+{name = "divides_9",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ divides y v \/ ~divides x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x y. x * y = y * x) /\
+(!x y. ~divides x y \/ y = gv1556 x y * x) /\
+(!x y z. divides x y \/ ~(y = z * x)) ==>
+divides gv1546 gv1547 /\ ~divides gv1546 (gv1547 * gv1548) ==> F`},
+{name = "Encode_28",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ MOD x z = MOD y v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x + z = y + v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ NUMERAL x = NUMERAL y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT2 x = BIT2 y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ EXP x z = EXP y v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ DIV x z = DIV y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT1 x = BIT1 y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y < v \/ ~(x < z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y. x * y = y * x) /\
+(!x y z. MOD (MOD x (y * z)) y = MOD x y \/ ~(0 < y) \/ ~(0 < z)) ==>
+   MOD x (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)) = 0 \/
+0 < EXP (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)) m /\ 0 < NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) /\
+(!x y.
+       (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)) =
+       (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)))) ==> F`},
+{name = "euclid_4",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ divides y v \/ ~divides x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\
+(!x y. ~divides x y \/ y = x * gv5371 x y) /\
+(!x y z. divides x y \/ ~(y = x * z)) ==>
+divides gv5316 gv5317 /\ divides gv5315 gv5316 /\
+~divides gv5315 gv5317 ==> F`},
+{name = "euclid_8",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ divides y v \/ ~divides x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y. x * y = y * x) /\ (!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\
+(!x y. ~divides x y \/ y = x * gv7050 x y) /\
+(!x y z. divides x y \/ ~(y = x * z)) ==>
+divides gv7000 gv7001 /\ ~divides gv7000 (gv7002 * gv7001) ==> F`},
+{name = "extra_arith_6",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ SUC x = SUC y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y < v \/ ~(x < z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(SUC x * y = SUC x * z) \/ y = z) /\
+(!x y z. SUC x * y = SUC x * z \/ ~(y = z)) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) /\ (!x y. x * y = y * x) ==>
+SUC n * b = q * (SUC n * a) /\ 0 < SUC n /\ ~(b = q * a) ==> F`},
+{name = "extra_real_5",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} ==>
+(!x y z v.
+   {real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ ~{P . y} \/ ~{real_lt . x . y} \/
+   ~{P . z} \/ ~{real_lte . (gv6327 . v) . v}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {P . (gv6327 . x)} \/ ~{P . y} \/
+   ~{real_lte . (gv6327 . z) . z}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {real_lt . x . (gv6327 . x)} \/
+   ~{P . y} \/ ~{real_lte . (gv6327 . z) . z}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {real_lt . x . (gv6327 . x)} \/
+   ~{P . y} \/ {P . (gv6327 . z)}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {P . (gv6327 . x)} \/ ~{P . y} \/
+   {P . (gv6327 . z)}) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   {real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ ~{P . y} \/ ~{real_lt . x . y} \/
+   ~{P . z} \/ {P . (gv6327 . v)}) /\ {P . x} /\
+(!x. {real_lte . x . z} \/ ~{P . x}) /\
+   {real_lt . (gv6328 . x) . (gv6329 . x)} \/
+   {real_lt . (gv6328 . x) . x}) /\
+(!x. {P . (gv6329 . x)} \/ {real_lt . (gv6328 . x) . x}) /\
+(!x y.
+   ~{real_lt . (gv6328 . x) . y} \/ ~{P . y} \/
+   ~{real_lt . (gv6328 . x) . x}) ==> F`},
+{name = "gcd_19",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x + z = y + v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ NUMERAL x = NUMERAL y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT1 x = BIT1 y) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ SUC x = SUC y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y <= v \/ ~(x <= z)) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ divides y v \/ ~divides x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) /\ (!x y. x + SUC y = SUC (x + y)) /\
+(!x y. SUC x + y = SUC (x + y)) /\ (!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x. 0 + x = x) /\
+(!x y. x * SUC y = x + x * y) /\ (!x y. SUC x * y = x * y + y) /\
+(!x. x * NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO) = x) /\ (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO) * x = x) /\
+(!x. x * 0 = 0) /\ (!x. 0 * x = 0) /\ (!x y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) /\
+(!x y z. divides x y \/ ~divides x z \/ ~divides x (z + y)) ==>
+~(x + z <= x) /\ divides c (d * SUC x) /\ divides c (d * SUC (x + z)) /\
+~divides c (d * z) ==> F`},
+{name = "gcd_20",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x + z = y + v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ NUMERAL x = NUMERAL y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT1 x = BIT1 y) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ SUC x = SUC y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y <= v \/ ~(x <= z)) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ divides y v \/ ~divides x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) /\ (!x y. x + SUC y = SUC (x + y)) /\
+(!x y. SUC x + y = SUC (x + y)) /\ (!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x. 0 + x = x) /\
+(!x y. x * SUC y = x + x * y) /\ (!x y. SUC x * y = x * y + y) /\
+(!x. x * NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO) = x) /\ (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO) * x = x) /\
+(!x. x * 0 = 0) /\ (!x. 0 * x = 0) /\ (!x y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) /\
+(!x y z. divides x y \/ ~divides x z \/ ~divides x (z + y)) ==>
+y <= y + z /\ divides c (d * SUC (y + z)) /\ divides c (d * SUC y) /\
+~divides c (d * z) ==> F`},
+{name = "gcd_21",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x + z = y + v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ NUMERAL x = NUMERAL y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT1 x = BIT1 y) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ SUC x = SUC y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ divides y v \/ ~divides x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y <= v \/ ~(x <= z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) /\ (!x y. x + SUC y = SUC (x + y)) /\
+(!x y. SUC x + y = SUC (x + y)) /\ (!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x. 0 + x = x) /\
+(!x y. x * SUC y = x + x * y) /\ (!x y. SUC x * y = x * y + y) /\
+(!x. x * NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO) = x) /\ (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO) * x = x) /\
+(!x. x * 0 = 0) /\ (!x. 0 * x = 0) /\ (!x y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) /\
+(!x y z. divides x y \/ ~divides x z \/ ~divides x (z + y)) ==>
+divides c (d * SUC y) /\ y <= y + z /\ divides c (d * SUC (y + z)) /\
+~divides c (d * z) ==> F`},
+{name = "int_arith_6",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_mul x z = int_mul y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ int_of_num x = int_of_num y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_lt y v \/ ~int_lt x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y. int_mul x y = int_mul y x) /\ (!x. ~int_lt x x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(int_mul x y = int_mul z y) \/ y = int_of_num 0 \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z. int_mul x y = int_mul z y \/ ~(y = int_of_num 0)) /\
+(!x y z. int_mul x y = int_mul z y \/ ~(x = z)) ==>
+int_lt (int_of_num 0) gv1085 /\
+int_mul gv1085 gv1086 = int_mul gv1085 gv1087 /\ ~(gv1086 = gv1087) ==> F`},
+{name = "int_arith_139",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_add x z = int_add y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ int_of_num x = int_of_num y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_le y v \/ ~int_le x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x. int_add (int_of_num 0) x = x) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   int_le (int_add x y) (int_add z v) \/ ~int_le x z \/ ~int_le y v) /\
+(!x y z. int_add x (int_add y z) = int_add (int_add x y) z) /\
+(!x y. int_add x y = int_add y x) /\
+(!x y z. ~int_le (int_add x y) (int_add x z) \/ int_le y z) /\
+(!x y z. int_le (int_add x y) (int_add x z) \/ ~int_le y z) ==>
+int_le x y /\ int_le (int_of_num 0) (int_add c x) /\
+~int_le (int_of_num 0) (int_add c y) ==> F`},
+{name = "llist_69",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ LTL x = LTL y) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ SOME x = SOME y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ LHD x = LHD y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ LCONS x z = LCONS y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ g x = g y) /\ (!x y. ~(x = y) \/ THE x = THE y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ LNTH z x = LNTH v y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ LDROP z x = LDROP v y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ SUC x = SUC y) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = LCONS y z) \/ LTL x = SOME z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = LCONS y z) \/ LHD x = SOME y) /\
+(!x y z. x = LCONS y z \/ ~(LHD x = SOME y) \/ ~(LTL x = SOME z)) ==>
+LTL (g (LCONS LNIL t)) =
+SOME (g (LCONS (THE (LTL (THE (LNTH n t)))) (THE (LDROP (SUC n) t)))) /\
+LHD (g (LCONS LNIL t)) = SOME (THE (LHD (THE (LNTH n t)))) /\
+LHD (g t) = SOME (THE (LHD (THE (LNTH n t)))) /\
+LTL (g t) =
+SOME (g (LCONS (THE (LTL (THE (LNTH n t)))) (THE (LDROP (SUC n) t)))) /\
+~(g (LCONS LNIL t) = g t) ==> F`},
+{name = "MachineTransition_0",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x . z = y . v) /\
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} /\ Eq = equality /\
+(!x y z. ~{Next . x . y . z} \/ {x . (pair . (gv940 . x . y . z) . z)}) /\
+(!x y z. ~{Next . x . y . z} \/ {y . (gv940 . x . y . z)}) /\
+(!x y z v. {Next . x . y . z} \/ ~{y . v} \/ ~{x . (pair . v . z)}) /\
+(!x y z. ~{Prev . x . y . z} \/ {y . (gv935 . x . y . z)}) /\
+(!x y z. ~{Prev . x . y . z} \/ {x . (pair . z . (gv935 . x . y . z))}) /\
+(!x y z v. {Prev . x . y . z} \/ ~{x . (pair . z . v)} \/ ~{y . v}) ==>
+{Next . gv914 . (Eq . gv915) . gv916} /\
+~{Prev . gv914 . (Eq . gv916) . gv915} ==> F`},
+{name = "MachineTransition_2_1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x . z = y . v) /\
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} /\
+(!x y z. ReachIn . x . (Next . x . y) . z = ReachIn . x . y . (SUC . z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~{Next . x . y . z} \/ {x . (pair . (gv5488 . x . y . z) . z)}) /\
+(!x y z. ~{Next . x . y . z} \/ {y . (gv5488 . x . y . z)}) /\
+(!x y z v. {Next . x . y . z} \/ ~{y . v} \/ ~{x . (pair . v . z)}) /\
+(!x y z. ReachIn . x . y . (SUC . z) = Next . x . (ReachIn . x . y . z)) /\
+(!x y. ReachIn . x . y . 0 = y) ==>
+{ReachIn . R . (Next . R . B) . gv5278 . state} /\
+(!x. ~{ReachIn . R . B . gv5278 . x} \/ ~{R . (pair . x . state)}) ==> F`},
+{name = "MachineTransition_52",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x . z = y . v) /\
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} /\
+(!x y z.
+   {(<=) . (gv7028 . x . y . z) . (add . x . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))} \/
+   z . (add . x . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO))) =
+   y . (add . x . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~(x . (gv7028 . y . z . x) = z . (gv7028 . y . z . x)) \/
+   x . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO))) =
+   z . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   ~(x . (gv7028 . y . z . x) = z . (gv7028 . y . z . x)) \/
+   x . v = z . v \/ ~{(<=) . v . y}) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   {(<=) . (gv7028 . x . y . z) . (add . x . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))} \/
+   z . v = y . v \/ ~{(<=) . v . x}) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   ~{(<=) . x . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))} \/ z . x = v . x \/
+   ~(z . (gv7027 . y . v . z) = v . (gv7027 . y . v . z)) \/
+   ~(z . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO))) =
+     v . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO))))) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   ~{(<=) . x . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))} \/ z . x = v . x \/
+   {(<=) . (gv7027 . y . v . z) . y} \/
+   ~(z . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO))) =
+     v . (add . y . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO))))) ==>
+({FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f2 . n} \/
+ ~{FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f1 . n} \/ ~(f1 . gv7034 = f2 . gv7034)) /\
+(~{FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f2 . n} \/
+ {FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f1 . n} \/ ~(f1 . gv7034 = f2 . gv7034)) /\
+(~{FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f2 . n} \/
+ {FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f1 . n} \/ {(<=) . gv7034 . n}) /\
+({FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f2 . n} \/
+ ~{FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f1 . n} \/ {(<=) . gv7034 . n}) /\
+   f1 . x = f2 . x \/
+   ~{(<=) . x . (add . n . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))}) /\
+{FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f2 . n} /\
+{R . (pair . (f2 . n) . (f2 . (add . n . (NUMERAL . (BIT1 . ZERO)))))} /\
+~{FinPath . (pair . R . s) . f1 . n} ==> F`},
+{name = "measure_138",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~SUBSET x y \/ IN z y \/ ~IN z x) /\
+(!x y. SUBSET x y \/ IN (gv122874 x y) x) /\
+(!x y. SUBSET x y \/ ~IN (gv122874 x y) y) /\
+(!x. sigma_algebra (sigma x)) /\ (!x y z. ~IN x (INTER y z) \/ IN x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~IN x (INTER y z) \/ IN x y) /\
+(!x y z. IN x (INTER y z) \/ ~IN x y \/ ~IN x z) /\
+(!x y.
+   ~sigma_algebra x \/ IN (BIGUNION y) x \/ ~countable y \/ ~SUBSET y x) /\
+(!x y. ~sigma_algebra x \/ IN (COMPL y) x \/ ~IN y x) /\
+(!x. ~sigma_algebra x \/ IN EMPTY x) /\
+   sigma_algebra x \/ ~IN EMPTY x \/ ~IN (COMPL (gv122851 x)) x \/
+   SUBSET (gv122852 x) x) /\
+   sigma_algebra x \/ ~IN EMPTY x \/ IN (gv122851 x) x \/
+   SUBSET (gv122852 x) x) /\
+   sigma_algebra x \/ ~IN EMPTY x \/ IN (gv122851 x) x \/
+   countable (gv122852 x)) /\
+   sigma_algebra x \/ ~IN EMPTY x \/ ~IN (COMPL (gv122851 x)) x \/
+   countable (gv122852 x)) /\
+   sigma_algebra x \/ ~IN EMPTY x \/ IN (gv122851 x) x \/
+   ~IN (BIGUNION (gv122852 x)) x) /\
+   sigma_algebra x \/ ~IN EMPTY x \/ ~IN (COMPL (gv122851 x)) x \/
+   ~IN (BIGUNION (gv122852 x)) x) ==>
+SUBSET c (INTER p (sigma a)) /\
+(!x. IN (BIGUNION x) p \/ ~countable x \/ ~SUBSET x (INTER p (sigma a))) /\
+SUBSET a p /\ IN EMPTY p /\
+(!x. IN (COMPL x) p \/ ~IN x (INTER p (sigma a))) /\ countable c /\
+~IN (BIGUNION c) (sigma a) ==> F`},
+{name = "Omega_13",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_mul x z = int_mul y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ int_of_num x = int_of_num y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ evalupper y v \/ ~evalupper x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_lt y v \/ ~int_lt x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_le y v \/ ~int_le x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y < v \/ ~(x < z)) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y. ~int_le x y \/ int_lt x y \/ x = y) /\
+(!x y. int_le x y \/ ~int_lt x y) /\ (!x y. int_le x y \/ ~(x = y)) /\
+(!x y z.
+   int_lt x y \/
+   ~int_lt (int_mul (int_of_num z) x) (int_mul (int_of_num z) y) \/
+   ~(0 < z)) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~int_lt x y \/
+   int_lt (int_mul (int_of_num z) x) (int_mul (int_of_num z) y) \/
+   ~(0 < z)) /\ (!x y z. int_lt x y \/ ~int_le x z \/ ~int_lt z y) ==>
+(!x y. evalupper x uppers \/ ~evalupper y uppers \/ ~int_lt x y) /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num p_1) x) p_2 /\ evalupper x uppers /\
+int_lt y x /\ 0 < p_1 /\ ~int_le (int_mul (int_of_num p_1) y) p_2 ==> F`},
+{name = "Omega_71",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_mul x z = int_mul y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ int_of_num x = int_of_num y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_add x z = int_add y v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ NUMERAL x = NUMERAL y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT1 x = BIT1 y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ (x, z) = (y, v)) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ evallower y v \/ ~evallower x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y < v \/ ~(x < z)) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ rshadow_row v y \/ ~rshadow_row z x) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ dark_shadow_cond_row v y \/
+   ~dark_shadow_cond_row z x) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_le y v \/ ~int_le x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ EVERY y v \/ ~EVERY x z) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ int_lt y v \/ ~int_lt x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y. int_mul x y = int_mul y x) /\
+(!x y z. int_mul x (int_mul y z) = int_mul (int_mul x y) z) /\
+(!x y z.
+   int_le x y \/
+   ~int_le (int_mul (int_of_num z) x) (int_mul (int_of_num z) y) \/
+   ~(0 < z)) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~int_le x y \/
+   int_le (int_mul (int_of_num z) x) (int_mul (int_of_num z) y) \/
+   ~(0 < z)) ==>
+(!x y z.
+   evallower (gv6249 x y z) lowers \/ ~(0 < y) \/ ~evallower x lowers \/
+   ~rshadow_row (y, z) lowers \/ ~dark_shadow_cond_row (y, z) lowers) /\
+(!x y z.
+   int_le (int_mul (int_of_num x) (gv6249 y x z)) z \/ ~(0 < x) \/
+   ~evallower y lowers \/ ~rshadow_row (x, z) lowers \/
+   ~dark_shadow_cond_row (x, z) lowers) /\ 0 < c /\
+int_le R (int_mul (int_of_num d) x) /\ evallower x lowers /\ 0 < d /\
+EVERY fst_nzero lowers /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num c) R) (int_mul (int_of_num d) L) /\
+rshadow_row (c, L) lowers /\ dark_shadow_cond_row (c, L) lowers /\
+   ~int_lt (int_mul (int_of_num d) L)
+      (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d))
+         (int_add x (int_of_num (NUMERAL (BIT1 ZERO))))) \/
+   ~int_lt (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d)) x) (int_mul (int_of_num c) R)) /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num c) y) L /\ evallower y lowers /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d)) y) (int_mul (int_of_num d) L) /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num c) R) (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d)) x) /\
+int_lt (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d)) y) (int_mul (int_of_num c) R) /\
+0 < c * d /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num c) R) (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d)) j) /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_of_num (c * d)) j) (int_mul (int_of_num d) L) /\
+int_le (int_mul (int_mul (int_of_num c) (int_of_num d)) j)
+  (int_mul (int_of_num d) L) /\ ~int_le (int_mul (int_of_num c) j) L ==> F`},
+{name = "pred_set_1",
+ comments = ["Small problem that's hard for ordered resolution"],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x <= y) \/ p z y \/ ~p z x) /\ (!x y. x <= y \/ ~p (a x y) y) /\
+(!x y. x <= y \/ p (a x y) x) /\ (!x y z. ~p x (y * z) \/ p x z) /\
+(!x y z. ~p x (y * z) \/ p x y) /\
+(!x y z. p x (y * z) \/ ~p x y \/ ~p x z) ==>
+b <= c /\ b <= d /\ ~(b <= c * d) ==> F`},
+{name = "pred_set_54_1",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x . z = y . v) /\
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} /\
+(!x y z. ~{IN . x . (INSERT . y . z)} \/ x = y \/ {IN . x . z}) /\
+(!x y z. {IN . x . (INSERT . y . z)} \/ ~(x = y)) /\
+(!x y z. {IN . x . (INSERT . y . z)} \/ ~{IN . x . z}) ==>
+(!x y z. f . x . (f . y . z) = f . y . (f . x . z)) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ITSET . f . (INSERT . x . y) . z =
+   ITSET . f . (DELETE . y . x) . (f . x . z) \/
+   ~{less_than . (CARD . y) . v} \/ ~{FINITE . y}) /\ v = CARD . s /\
+{FINITE . s} /\ REST . (INSERT . x . s) = t /\
+CHOICE . (INSERT . x . s) = y /\ ~{IN . y . t} /\ ~{IN . x . s} /\
+INSERT . x . s = INSERT . y . t /\ ~(x = y) /\ ~{IN . x . t} ==> F`},
+{name = "prob_44",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x . z = y . v) /\
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} ==>
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ ~{IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ {IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   {IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ {IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   {IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   {IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   {IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ ~{IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . (x))} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv24939 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   {IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   {IN . (gv24940 . z) . (prefix_set . x')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+{IN . x' . c} /\
+{IN . (PREIMAGE . ((o) . SND . f) . s) . (events . bern)} /\
+(!x y.
+   f . x =
+   pair . (FST . (f . (prefix_seq . y))) . (sdrop . (LENGTH . y) . x) \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . y)}) /\
+{IN . ((o) . SND . f) .
+ (measurable . (events . bern) . (events . bern))} /\
+{countable . (range . ((o) . FST . f))} /\
+{IN . ((o) . FST . f) . (measurable . (events . bern) . UNIV)} /\
+{prefix_cover . c} /\ {IN . s . (events . bern)} /\ {IN . x . c} /\
+({IN . x'' . (prefix_set . x)} \/ {IN . x'' . (prefix_set . x')}) /\
+(~{IN . x'' . (prefix_set . x)} \/ ~{IN . x'' . (prefix_set . x')}) /\
+{IN . x''' . (prefix_set . x)} /\ {IN . x''' . (prefix_set . x')} ==> F`},
+{name = "prob_53",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   x = y \/ ~{x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ ~{y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ {x . (EXT_POINT . x . y)} \/ {y . (EXT_POINT . x . y)}) /\
+(!x y. x = y \/ ~(x . (EXT_POINT . x . y) = y . (EXT_POINT . x . y))) /\
+(!x y. ~{x} \/ ~(x = y) \/ {y}) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x . z = y . v) /\
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} ==>
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ ~{IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ {IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   {IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ {IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   {IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   {IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   {IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ ~{IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+   ~{IN . (gv39280 . y) . (prefix_set . y)} \/
+   {IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . z)} \/
+   {IN . (gv39280 . z) . (prefix_set . x''')} \/ ~{IN . z . c}) /\
+{IN . x''' . c} /\
+{IN . (PREIMAGE . ((o) . SND . f) . x') . (events . bern)} /\
+{IN . x' . (events . bern)} /\ {prefix_cover . c} /\
+{IN . ((o) . FST . f) . (measurable . (events . bern) . UNIV)} /\
+{countable . (range . ((o) . FST . f))} /\
+{IN . ((o) . SND . f) .
+ (measurable . (events . bern) . (events . bern))} /\
+(!x y.
+   f . x =
+   pair . (FST . (f . (prefix_seq . y))) . (sdrop . (LENGTH . y) . x) \/
+   ~{IN . y . c} \/ ~{IN . x . (prefix_set . y)}) /\
+{IN . (PREIMAGE . ((o) . FST . f) . x) . (events . bern)} /\
+{IN . x'' . c} /\
+({IN . x'''' . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+ {IN . x'''' . (prefix_set . x''')}) /\
+(~{IN . x'''' . (prefix_set . x'')} \/
+ ~{IN . x'''' . (prefix_set . x''')}) /\
+{IN . x''''' . (prefix_set . x'')} /\
+{IN . x''''' . (prefix_set . x''')} ==> F`},
+{name = "prob_extra_22",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} ==>
+{P . x} /\ (!x. {real_lte . x . z} \/ ~{P . x}) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   {real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ ~{P . y} \/ ~{real_lt . x . y} \/
+   ~{P . z} \/ ~{real_lte . (gv13960 . v) . v}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {P . (gv13960 . x)} \/ ~{P . y} \/
+   ~{real_lte . (gv13960 . z) . z}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {real_lt . x . (gv13960 . x)} \/
+   ~{P . y} \/ ~{real_lte . (gv13960 . z) . z}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {real_lt . x . (gv13960 . x)} \/
+   ~{P . y} \/ {P . (gv13960 . z)}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ {P . (gv13960 . x)} \/ ~{P . y} \/
+   {P . (gv13960 . z)}) /\
+(!x y z v.
+   {real_lt . x . (sup . P)} \/ ~{P . y} \/ ~{real_lt . x . y} \/
+   ~{P . z} \/ {P . (gv13960 . v)}) /\
+   {real_lt . (gv13925 . x) . (gv13926 . x)} \/
+   {real_lt . (gv13925 . x) . x}) /\
+(!x. {P . (gv13926 . x)} \/ {real_lt . (gv13925 . x) . x}) /\
+(!x y.
+   ~{real_lt . (gv13925 . x) . y} \/ ~{P . y} \/
+   ~{real_lt . (gv13925 . x) . x}) ==> F`},
+{name = "root2_2",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ x * z = y * v) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ NUMERAL x = NUMERAL y) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ BIT2 x = BIT2 y) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ EXP x z = EXP y v) /\
+(!x y z v. ~(x = y) \/ ~(z = v) \/ y < v \/ ~(x < z)) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ EVEN y \/ ~EVEN x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ ~(x = z) \/ y = z) /\ (!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y.
+   EXP y (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO))) /\
+(!x y.
+     EXP y (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)))) /\
+(!x. ~EVEN x \/ x = NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * gv4671 x) /\
+(!x y. EVEN x \/ ~(x = NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * y)) /\
+(!x y. ~EVEN (x * y) \/ EVEN x \/ EVEN y) /\
+(!x y. EVEN (x * y) \/ ~EVEN x) /\ (!x y. EVEN (x * y) \/ ~EVEN y) /\
+(!x. EXP x (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)) = x * x) /\
+(!x. EVEN (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * x)) ==>
+(!x y.
+   ~(EXP x (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)) =
+     NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * EXP y (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO))) \/ x = 0 \/
+   ~(x < NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * k)) /\
+(!x y.
+   ~(EXP x (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO)) =
+     NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * EXP y (NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO))) \/ y = 0 \/
+   ~(x < NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * k)) /\
+(!x. ~(n = NUMERAL (BIT2 ZERO) * x)) ==> F`},
+{name = "TermRewriting_13",
+ comments = [],
+ goal = `
+~{existential . (K . falsity)} /\ {existential . (K . truth)} /\
+~{universal . (K . falsity)} /\ {universal . (K . truth)} /\ ~{falsity} /\
+{truth} /\
+(!x y z v.
+   ~{RTC . x . y . z} \/ {RTC . x . v . z} \/ ~{RTC . x . v . y}) ==>
+{WCR . R} /\ {SN . R} /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{RTC . R . x . y} \/ ~{RTC . R . x . z} \/
+   {RTC . R . y . (gv1300 . x . z . y)} \/ ~{TC . R . (x) . x}) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~{RTC . R . x . y} \/ ~{RTC . R . x . z} \/
+   {RTC . R . z . (gv1300 . x . z . y)} \/ ~{TC . R . (x) . x}) /\
+{RTC . R . x . y} /\ {RTC . R . x . z} /\ {R . x . y1} /\
+{RTC . R . y1 . y} /\ {R . x . z1} /\ {RTC . R . z1 . z} /\
+{RTC . R . y1 . x0} /\ {RTC . R . z1 . x0} /\ {TC . R . x . y1} /\
+{TC . R . x . z1} /\ {RTC . R . y . y2} /\ {RTC . R . x0 . y2} /\
+{RTC . R . z . z2} /\ {RTC . R . x0 . z2} /\ {TC . R . x . x0} /\
+(!x. ~{RTC . R . y . x} \/ ~{RTC . R . z . x}) ==> F`}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/problems2tptp.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* SOME SAMPLE PROBLEMS TO TEST PROOF PROCEDURES                             *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The program name.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val PROGRAM = "problems2tptp";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Problem data.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+use "problems.sml";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun addSlash "" = ""
+  | addSlash dir =
+    if String.sub (dir, size dir - 1) = #"/" then dir
+    else dir ^ "/";
+fun checkProblems (problems : problem list) =
+    let
+      fun dups [] = ()
+        | dups [_] = ()
+        | dups (x :: (xs as x' :: _)) =
+          if x <> x' then dups xs
+          else raise Error ("duplicate problem name: " ^ x)
+      val names = sort (map #name problems)
+    in
+      dups names
+    end;
+fun outputProblem outputDir {name,comments,goal} =
+    let
+      val filename = name ^ ".tptp"
+      val filename =
+          case outputDir of
+            NONE => filename
+          | SOME dir => addSlash dir ^ filename
+      val comment_bar = nChars #"-" 77
+      val comment_footer =
+          ["TPTP file created by " ^ host () ^ " at " ^
+           time () ^ " on " ^ date () ^ "."]
+      val comments =
+          [comment_bar] @
+          ["Name: " ^ name] @
+          (if null comments then [] else "" :: comments) @
+          (if null comment_footer then [] else "" :: comment_footer) @
+          [comment_bar]
+      val goal = Formula.parse goal
+      val formulas =
+          [Tptp.FofFormula {name = "goal", role = "conjecture", formula = goal}]
+      val problem = {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+    in
+      Tptp.write {filename = filename} problem
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Program options.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val OUTPUT_DIRECTORY : string option ref = ref NONE;
+  open Useful Options;
+  val specialOptions =
+      [{switches = ["--output"], arguments = ["DIR"],
+        description = "the output directory",
+        processor =
+          beginOpt
+            (stringOpt endOpt)
+            (fn _ => fn d => OUTPUT_DIRECTORY := SOME d)}];
+val VERSION = "1.0";
+val versionString = PROGRAM^" v"^VERSION^"\n";
+val programOptions =
+    {name    = PROGRAM,
+     version = versionString,
+     header  = "usage: "^PROGRAM^" [option ...]\n" ^
+               "Outputs the set of sample problems in TPTP format.\n",
+     footer  = "",
+     options = specialOptions @ Options.basicOptions};
+fun succeed () = Options.succeed programOptions;
+fun fail mesg = programOptions mesg;
+fun usage mesg = Options.usage programOptions mesg;
+val (opts,work) =
+    Options.processOptions programOptions (CommandLine.arguments ());
+val () = if null work then () else usage "too many arguments";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Top level.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () =
+  val () = checkProblems problems
+  val () = app (outputProblem (!OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)) problems
+  succeed ()
+handle Error s => die (PROGRAM^" failed:\n" ^ s)
+     | Bug s => die ("BUG found in "^PROGRAM^" program:\n" ^ s);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/selftest.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,940 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* METIS TESTS                                                               *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Joe Hurd                                          *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Dummy versions of Moscow ML declarations to stop MLton barfing.           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val quotation = ref true;
+val quietdec  = ref true;
+val loadPath  = ref ([] : string list);
+val load = fn (_ : string) => ();
+val installPP = fn (_ : 'a Parser.pp) => ();
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Load and open some useful modules                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = loadPath := !loadPath @ ["../bin/mosml"];
+val () = app load ["Tptp"];
+open Useful;
+val () = installPP Term.pp;
+val () = installPP Formula.pp;
+val () = installPP Subst.pp;
+val () = installPP Thm.pp;
+val () = installPP Rewrite.pp;
+val () = installPP Clause.pp;
+val time = Portable.time;
+  val () = print "Running in DEBUG mode.\n"
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Problem data.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ref oldquietdec = quietdec;
+val () = quietdec := true;
+val () = quotation := true;
+use "../src/problems.sml";
+val () = quietdec := oldquietdec;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun partialOrderToString (SOME LESS) = "SOME LESS"
+  | partialOrderToString (SOME GREATER) = "SOME GREATER"
+  | partialOrderToString (SOME EQUAL) = "SOME EQUAL"
+  | partialOrderToString NONE = "NONE";
+fun SAY s =
+  print
+  ("-------------------------------------" ^
+   "-------------------------------------\n" ^ s ^ "\n\n");
+fun printval p x = (print (PP.pp_to_string 79 p x ^ "\n\n"); x);
+val pvBool = printval Parser.ppBool
+and pvPo = printval (Parser.ppMap partialOrderToString Parser.ppString)
+and pvFm = printval Formula.pp
+and pvFms = printval (Parser.ppList Formula.pp)
+and pvThm = printval Thm.pp
+and pvEqn : Rule.equation -> Rule.equation = printval (Parser.ppMap snd Thm.pp)
+and pvNet = printval (LiteralNet.pp Parser.ppInt)
+and pvRw = printval Rewrite.pp
+and pvU = printval Units.pp
+and pvLits = printval LiteralSet.pp
+and pvCl = printval Clause.pp
+and pvCls = printval (Parser.ppList Clause.pp);
+val T = Term.parse
+and A = Atom.parse
+and L = Literal.parse
+and F = Formula.parse
+and S = Subst.fromList;
+val AX = Thm.axiom o LiteralSet.fromList o map L;
+fun CL q =
+ {parameters = Clause.default, id = Clause.newId (), thm = AX q};
+val Q = (fn th => (Thm.destUnitEq th, th)) o AX o singleton
+and U = (fn th => (Thm.destUnit th, th)) o AX o singleton;
+fun test_fun p r a =
+  if r = a then p a ^ "\n" else
+    (print ("\n\n" ^
+            "test: should have\n-->" ^ p r ^ "<--\n\n" ^
+            "test: actually have\n-->" ^ p a ^ "<--\n\n");
+     raise Fail "test: failed a test");
+fun test p r a = print (test_fun p r a ^ "\n");
+val test_tm = test Term.toString o Term.parse;
+val test_fm = test Formula.toString o Formula.parse;
+fun test_id p f a = test p a (f a);
+fun chop_newline s =
+    if String.sub (s,0) = #"\n" then String.extract (s,1,NONE) else s;
+fun unquote (QUOTE q) = q
+  | unquote (ANTIQUOTE _) = raise Fail "unquote";
+fun quick_prove slv goal =
+  let
+    val {thms,hyps} = Thm.clauses goal
+    val solv = initialize slv
+  in
+    (printval (pp_map Option.isSome pp_bool) o (time o try) refute)
+    (solv {limit = unlimited, thms = thms, hyps = hyps})
+  end;
+val meson_prove =
+    quick_prove (Solver.apply_sos_filter Solver.all_negative meson);
+val resolution_prove = quick_prove resolution;
+val metis_prove = quick_prove metis;
+fun quick_solve slv n ruls =
+  printval (pp_list (pp_list pp_thm)) o
+  (time o try)
+  (solve
+   (initialize slv {limit = unlimited, thms = axiomatize ruls, hyps = []}) n);
+val meson_solve = quick_solve meson 1;
+val prolog_solve = quick_solve prolog 1;
+val resolution_solve = quick_solve resolution 1;
+val metis_solve = quick_solve metis 1;
+val pfm  = printval pp_formula;
+val pfms = printval (pp_list pp_formula);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "The parser and pretty-printer";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun prep l = (chop_newline o String.concat o map unquote) l;
+fun mini_print n = withRef (Parser.lineLength,n) Formula.toString;
+fun testlen_pp n q =
+    (fn s => test_fun I s ((mini_print n o Formula.fromString) s))
+      (prep q);
+fun test_pp q = print (testlen_pp 40 q ^ "\n");
+val () = test_pp `3 = f x`;
+val () = test_pp `f x y = y`;
+val () = test_pp `P x y`;
+val () = test_pp `P (f x) y`;
+val () = test_pp `f x = 3`;
+val () = test_pp `!x. P x y`;
+val () = test_pp `!x y. P x y`;
+val () = test_pp `!x y z. P x y z`;
+val () = test_pp `x = y`;
+val () = test_pp `x = 3`;
+val () = test_pp `x + y = y`;
+val () = test_pp `x / y * z = w`;
+val () = test_pp `x * y * z = x * (y * z)`;
+val () = test_pp `!x. ?y. x <= y /\ y <= x`;
+val () = test_pp `?x. !y. x + y = y /\ y <= x`;
+val () = test_pp `p /\ q \/ r /\ p ==> q <=> p`;
+val () = test_pp `p`;
+val () = test_pp `~!x. bool x`;
+val () = test_pp `p ==> !x. bool x`;
+val () = test_pp `p ==> ~!x. bool x`;
+val () = test_pp `~!x. bool x`;
+val () = test_pp `~~!x. bool x`;
+val () = test_pp `hello + there <> everybody`;
+val () = test_pp `!x y. ?z. x < z /\ y < z`;
+val () = test_pp `~(!x. P x) <=> ?y. ~P y`;
+val () = test_pp `?y. x < y ==> !v. ?w. x * v < y * w`;
+val () = test_pp `(<=)`;
+val () = test_pp `(<=) <= b`;
+val () = test_pp `(<=) <= (+)`;
+val () = test_pp `(<=) x`;
+val () = test_pp `(<=) <= (+) x`;
+val () = test_pp `~B (P % ((,) % c_a % v_b))`;
+val () = test_pp `B ((<=) % 0 % (LENGTH % NIL))`;
+val () = test_pp `~(a = b)`;
+val () = test_pp `!x. p x ==> !y. p y`;
+val () = test_pp `(!x. p x) ==> !y. p y`;
+val () = test_pp `!x. ~~x = x`;
+val () = test_pp `x + (y + z) = a`;
+val () = test_pp `(x @ y) @ z = a`;
+val () = test_pp `p ((a @ a) @ a = a)`;
+val () = test_pp `!x y z. (x @ y) @ z = (x @ z) @ y @ z`;
+val () = test_pp `~(!x. q x) /\ p`;
+val () = test_pp `!x. f (~~x) b (~c)`;
+val () = test_pp `p ==> ~(a /\ b)`;
+val () = test_pp `!water. drinks (water)`;
+val () = test_pp `!vat water. drinks ((vat) p x (water))`;
+val () = test_pp `!x y. ~{x < y} /\ T`;
+val () = test_pp `[3]`;
+val () = test_pp `
+!x y z. ?x' y' z'.
+  P x y z ==> P x' y' z'`;
+val () = test_pp `
+(!x. P x ==> !x. Q x) /\
+((!x. Q x \/ R x) ==> ?x. Q x /\ R x) /\
+((?x. R x) ==> !x. L x ==> M x) ==>
+!x. P x /\ L x ==> M x`;
+val () = test_pp `
+!x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11
+  x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20
+  x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29
+  x30 x31 x32. ?y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7.
+  P`;
+val () = test_pp `
+!x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
+  x x x x x x x x x x. ?y y y y y y y y
+  y y y y y y y y y y y.
+  P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\
+  P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\
+  P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\
+  P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\
+  P (x, y) /\ P (x, y) /\
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~f
+                 (f (f (f x y) (f x y))
+                    (f (f x y) (f x y)))
+                 (f (f (f x y) (f x y))
+                    (f (f x y) (f x y)))`;
+val () = test_pp `
+(!x. x = x) /\
+(!x y. ~(x = y) \/ y = x) /\
+(!x y z.
+   ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z) /\
+(!x y z. b . x . y . z = x . (y . z)) /\
+(!x y. t . x . y = y . x) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ x . z = y . z) /\
+(!x y z. ~(x = y) \/ z . x = z . y) ==>
+~(b . (b . (t . b) . b) . t . x . y .
+  z = y . (x . z)) ==> F`;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Substitution";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = test I "x" (Term.variantPrime (NameSet.fromList ["y","z" ]) "x");
+val () = test I "x'" (Term.variantPrime (NameSet.fromList ["x","y" ]) "x");
+val () = test I "x''" (Term.variantPrime (NameSet.fromList ["x","x'"]) "x");
+val () = test I "x" (Term.variantNum (NameSet.fromList ["y","z"]) "x");
+val () = test I "x0" (Term.variantNum (NameSet.fromList ["x","y"]) "x");
+val () = test I "x1" (Term.variantNum (NameSet.fromList ["x","x0"]) "x");
+val () =
+    test_fm
+      `!x. x = $z`
+      (Formula.subst (S [("y", Term.Var "z")]) (F`!x. x = $y`));
+val () =
+    test_fm
+      `!x'. x' = $x`
+      (Formula.subst (S [("y", Term.Var "x")]) (F`!x. x = $y`));
+val () =
+    test_fm
+      `!x' x''. x' = $x ==> x' = x''`
+      (Formula.subst (S [("y", Term.Var "x")]) (F`!x x'. x = $y ==> x = x'`));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Unification";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun unify_and_apply tm1 tm2 =
+    Subst.subst (Subst.unify Subst.empty tm1 tm2) tm1;
+val () = test_tm `c` (unify_and_apply (Term.Var "x") (Term.Fn ("c", [])));
+val () = test_tm `c` (unify_and_apply (Term.Fn ("c", [])) (Term.Var "x"));
+val () =
+    test_tm
+      `f c`
+      (unify_and_apply
+         (Term.Fn ("f", [Term.Var "x"]))
+         (Term.Fn ("f", [Term.Fn ("c", [])])));
+val () = test_tm `f 0 0 0` (unify_and_apply (T`f 0 $x $x`) (T`f $y $y $z`));
+fun f x y = (printval Subst.pp (Atom.unify Subst.empty x y); ());
+val () = f ("P", [Term.Var "x"]) ("P", [Term.Var "x"]);
+val () = f ("P", [Term.Var "x"]) ("P", [Term.Fn ("c",[])]);
+val () = f (A`P c_x`) (A`P $x`);
+val () = f (A`q $x (f $x)`) (A`q $y $z`);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "The logical kernel";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val th0 = AX [`p`,`q`];
+val th1 = AX [`~p`,`r`];
+val th2 = Thm.resolve (L`p`) th0 th1;
+val _ = printval Proof.pp (Proof.proof th2);
+val th0 = Rule.relationCongruence Atom.eqRelation;
+val th1 =
+    Thm.subst (S [("y0",T`$x`),("y1",T`$y`),("x1",T`$z`),("x0",T`$x`)]) th0;
+val th2 = Thm.resolve (L`$x = $x`) Rule.reflexivity th1;
+val th3 = Rule.symNeq (L`~($z = $y)`) th2;
+val _ = printval Proof.pp (Proof.proof th3);
+(* Testing the elimination of redundancies in proofs *)
+val th0 = Rule.reflexivity;
+val th1 = Thm.subst (S [("x", Term.Fn ("f", [Term.Var "y"]))]) th0;
+val th2 = Thm.subst (S [("y", Term.mkConst "c")]) th1;
+val _ = printval Proof.pp (Proof.proof th2);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Derived rules of inference";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val th0 = pvThm (AX [`$x = a`, `f a = $x`, `~(a = b)`, `a = $x`,
+                     `$x = a`, `a = $x`, `~(b = a)`]);
+val th1 = pvThm (Rule.removeSym th0);
+val th2 = pvThm (Rule.symEq (L`a = $x`) th0);
+val th3 = pvThm (Rule.symEq (L`f a = $x`) th0);
+val th5 = pvThm (Rule.symNeq (L`~(a = b)`) th0);
+(* Testing the rewrConv conversion *)
+val (x_y as (x,y), eqTh) = pvEqn (Q`e * (i $z * $z) = e`);
+val tm = Term.Fn ("f",[x]);
+val path : int list = [0];
+val reflTh = Thm.refl tm;
+val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh;
+val th = Thm.equality reflLit (1 :: path) y;
+val th = Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh th;
+val th = pvThm (try (Thm.resolve (Literal.mkEq x_y) eqTh) th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Discrimination nets for literals";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val n = pvNet ( {fifo = true});
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`P (f c $x a)`, 1));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`P (f c $y a)`, 2));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`P (f c a a)`, 3));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`P (f c b a)`, 4));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`~Q`, 5));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`~Q`, 6));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`~Q`, 7));
+val n = pvNet (LiteralNet.insert n (L`~Q`, 8));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "The Knuth-Bendix ordering on terms";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val kboOrder = KnuthBendixOrder.default;
+val kboCmp = kboOrder;
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f a`, T`g b`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f a b`, T`g b`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f $x`, T`g a`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f a $x`, T`g $x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f $x`, T`g $x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f $x`, T`f $x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`$x + $y`, T`$x + $x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`$x + $y + $x`, T`$y + $x + $x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`$x + $y + $x`, T`$y * $x + $x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`a`, T`$x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f a`, T`$x`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f $x (f $y $z)`, T`f (f $x $y) $z`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f (g $x a)`, T`f (h a $x)`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f (g a)`, T`f (h $x)`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f (h a)`, T`f (g $x)`));
+val x = pvPo (kboCmp (T`f $y`, T`f (g a b c)`));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Rewriting";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val eqnsToRw = Rewrite.addList ( kboCmp) o enumerate;
+val eqns = [Q`e * $x = $x`, Q`$x * e = $x`, Q`i $x * $x = e`, Q`$x * i $x = e`];
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`e * (i $z * $z) = i e * e`]);
+val th = pvThm (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp eqns ax);
+val rw = pvRw (eqnsToRw eqns);
+val th = pvThm (snd (try (Rewrite.rewriteConv rw kboCmp) (T`e * e`)));
+val th = pvThm (snd (try (Rewrite.rewriteConv rw kboCmp) (T`e * (i $z * $z)`)));
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.rewriteRule rw kboCmp) ax);
+(* Bug check: in this one a literal goes missing, due to the Resolve in Subst *)
+val eqns = [Q`f a = a`];
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(g (f a) = b)`, `~(f a = a)`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp eqns) ax);
+(* Bug check: term paths were not being reversed before use *)
+val eqns = [Q`a = f a`];
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`a <= f (f a)`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp eqns) ax);
+(* Bug check: Equality used to complain if the literal didn't exist *)
+val eqns = [Q`b = f a`];
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(f a = f a)`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp eqns) ax);
+(* Testing the rewriting with disequalities in the same clause *)
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(a = b)`, `P a`, `P b`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp []) ax);
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(f $x = $x)`, `P (f a)`, `P (f $x)`, `P (f $y)`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp []) ax);
+val ax = pvThm
+  (AX [`~(f (f (f (f (f $x)))) = $x)`,
+          `~(f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f $x))))))) = $x)`,
+          `P (f $x)`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp []) ax);
+(* Symmetry should yield a tautology on ground clauses *)
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(a = b)`, `b = a`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp []) ax);
+(* Transitivity should yield a tautology on ground clauses *)
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(a = b)`, `~(b = c)`, `a = c`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp []) ax);
+(* Extended transitivity should yield a tautology on ground clauses *)
+val ax = pvThm (AX [`~(a = b)`, `~(b = c)`, `~(c = d)`, `a = d`]);
+val th = pvThm (try (Rewrite.orderedRewrite kboCmp []) ax);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Unit cache";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val u = pvU (Units.add Units.empty (U`~p $x`));
+val u = pvU (Units.add u (U`a = b`));
+val _ = pvThm (Units.reduce u (AX [`p 0`,`~(b = a)`]));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Negation normal form";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val nnf = Normalize.nnf;
+val _ = pvFm (nnf (F`p /\ ~p`));
+val _ = pvFm (nnf (F`(!x. P x) ==> ((?y. Q y) <=> (?z. P z /\ Q z))`));
+val _ = pvFm (nnf (F`~(~(p <=> q) <=> r) <=> ~(p <=> ~(q <=> r))`));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Conjunctive normal form";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cnf = pvFms o Normalize.cnf o Formula.Not o Formula.generalize o F;
+val _ = cnf `p \/ ~p`;
+val _ = cnf `~((p /\ (q \/ r /\ s)) /\ (~p \/ ~q \/ ~s))`;
+val _ = cnf `~((p /\ (q \/ r /\ s)) /\ (~p \/ ~q \/ ~s) /\ (p \/ ~p))`;
+val _ = cnf `~(~(p <=> q) <=> r) <=> ~(p <=> ~(q <=> r))`;
+val _ = cnf `((p <=> q) <=> r) <=> (p <=> (q <=> r))`;
+val _ = cnf `~(!x. ?y. x < y ==> !v. ?w. x * v < y * w)`;
+val _ = cnf `~(!x. P x ==> (?y z. Q y \/ ~(?z. P z /\ Q z)))`;
+val _ = cnf `~(?x y. x + y = 2)`;
+val _ = cnf
+  `(!x. P x ==> (!x. Q x)) /\ ((!x. Q x \/ R x) ==> (?x. Q x /\ R x)) /\
+   ((?x. R x) ==> (!x. L x ==> M x)) ==> (!x. P x /\ L x ==> M x)`;
+(* verbose
+use "../test/large-problem.sml";
+val large_problem = time F large_problem_quotation;
+val large_refute = time (Formula.Not o Formula.generalize) large_problem;
+val _ = time Normalize.cnf large_refute;
+User: 0.256  System: 0.002  GC: 0.060  Real: 0.261  (* Parsing *)
+User: 0.017  System: 0.000  GC: 0.000  Real: 0.017  (* Negation *)
+User: 0.706  System: 0.004  GC: 0.050  Real: 0.724  (* CNF *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Finite models";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pv = printval M.pp_model;
+fun f m fm =
+  let
+    val PRINT_TIMING_INFO = false
+    val TIME_PER_SAMPLE = false
+    val RANDOM_SAMPLES = 1000
+    val timex_fn = if PRINT_TIMING_INFO then timed_many else timed
+    val timey_fn = if PRINT_TIMING_INFO then timed_many else timed
+    val (tx,i) = timex_fn (M.checkn m fm) RANDOM_SAMPLES
+    val tx = if TIME_PER_SAMPLE then tx / Real.fromInt RANDOM_SAMPLES else tx
+    val rx = Real.round (100.0 * Real.fromInt i / Real.fromInt RANDOM_SAMPLES)
+    val (ty,(j,n)) = timey_fn (M.count m) fm
+    val ty = if TIME_PER_SAMPLE then ty / Real.fromInt n else ty
+    val ry = Real.round (100.0 * Real.fromInt j / Real.fromInt n)
+    val () =
+      if not PRINT_TIMING_INFO then () else
+        print ("random sample time =     " ^ real_to_string tx ^ "s\n" ^
+               "exhaustive search time = " ^ real_to_string ty ^ "s\n")
+  in
+    print (formula_to_string fm ^ "   random sampling = " ^ int_to_string rx ^
+           "%   exhaustive search = " ^ int_to_string ry ^ "%\n\n")
+  end;
+val group_axioms = map Syntax.parseFormula
+  [`e * x = x`, `i x * x = e`, `x * y * z = x * (y * z)`];
+val group_thms = map Syntax.parseFormula
+  [`x * e = x`, `x * i x = e`, `i (i x) = x`];
+val m = pv ( M.defaults);
+val () = app (f m) (group_axioms @ group_thms);
+val m = pv (M.perturb group_axioms 1000 m);
+val () = app (f m) (group_axioms @ group_thms);
+(* Given the multiplication, can perturbations find inverse and identity? *)
+val gfix = M.map_fix (fn "*" => SOME "+" | _ => NONE) M.modulo_fix;
+val gparm = M.update_fix (M.fix_merge gfix) o M.update_size (K 10);
+val m = pv ( (gparm M.defaults));
+val () = app (f m) (group_axioms @ group_thms);
+val m = pv (M.perturb group_axioms 1000 m);
+val () = app (f m) (group_axioms @ group_thms);
+val () = print ("e = " ^ M.term_to_string m (Syntax.parseTerm `e`) ^ "\n\n");
+val () = print ("i x =\n" ^ M.term_to_string m (Syntax.parseTerm `i x`) ^ "\n");
+val () = print ("x * y =\n" ^ M.term_to_string m (Syntax.parseTerm `x * y`) ^ "\n");
+val () = print ("x = y =\n"^M.formula_to_string m (Syntax.parseFormula `x = y`)^"\n");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Completion engine";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val pv = printval C.pp_completion;
+fun wght ("i",1) = 0 | wght ("*",2) = 2 | wght _ = 1;
+fun prec (("i",1),("i",1)) = EQUAL
+  | prec (_,("i",1)) = LESS
+  | prec (("i",1),_) = GREATER
+  | prec ((f,m),(g,n)) =
+  if m < n then LESS else if m > n then GREATER else (f,g);
+val c_parm = {weight = wght, precedence = prec, precision = 3};
+val c_emp = C.empty (T.empty c_parm);
+val add = try (foldl (fn (q,r) => C.add (axiom [q]) r) c_emp);
+val c = pv (add [`f (f x) = g x`]);
+val c = pv (funpow 2 C.deduce c);
+val c = pv (add [`x * y * z = x * (y * z)`, `1 * x = x`, `i x * x = 1`]);
+val c = pv (funpow 44 C.deduce c);
+val c = pv (add [`x*y * z = x * (y*z)`, `1 * x = x`, `x * 1 = x`, `x * x = 1`]);
+val c = pv (funpow 4 C.deduce c);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Syntax checking the problem sets";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun same n = raise Fail ("Two goals called " ^ n);
+  fun dup n n' =
+      raise Fail ("Goal " ^ n' ^ " is probable duplicate of " ^ n);
+  fun quot fm =
+      let
+        fun f (v,s) = Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var "_")
+        val sub = NameSet.foldl f Subst.empty (Formula.freeVars fm)
+      in
+        Formula.subst sub fm
+      end;
+  val quot_clauses =
+      Formula.listMkConj o sort o
+      map (quot o snd o Formula.stripForall) o Formula.stripConj;
+  fun quotient (Formula.Imp (a, Formula.Imp (b, Formula.False))) =
+      Formula.Imp (quot_clauses a, Formula.Imp (quot_clauses b, Formula.False))
+    | quotient fm = fm;
+  fun check ({name,goal,...}, acc) =
+    let
+      val g = prep goal
+      val p =
+          Formula.fromString g
+          handle Parser.NoParse =>
+                 raise Error ("failed to parse problem " ^ name)
+      val () =
+        case List.find (fn (n,_) => n = name) acc of NONE => ()
+        | SOME _ => same name
+      val () =
+        case List.find (fn (_,x) => x = p) acc of NONE => ()
+        | SOME (n,_) => dup n name
+      val _ =
+        test_fun I g (mini_print (!Parser.lineLength) p)
+        handle e => (print ("Error in problem " ^ name ^ "\n\n"); raise e)
+    in
+      (name,p) :: acc
+    end;
+  fun check_syntax (p : problem list) =
+      (foldl check [] p; print "ok\n\n");
+val () = check_syntax problems;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Parsing TPTP problems";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun tptp f =
+    case Tptp.toGoal ( {filename = "../data/problems/all/" ^ f}) of
+      Tptp.Fof goal => pvFm goal
+    | Tptp.Cnf prob => pvFm (Problem.toClauses prob);
+val Agatha = tptp "PUZ001-1.tptp";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Clauses";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val cl = pvCl (CL[`P $x`,`P $y`]);
+val _ = pvLits (Clause.largestLiterals cl);
+val _ = pvCls (Clause.factor cl);
+val cl = pvCl (CL[`$x = $y`,`f $y = f $x`]);
+val _ = pvLits (Clause.largestLiterals cl);
+val cl = pvCl (CL[`$x = f $y`,`f $x = $y`]);
+val _ = pvLits (Clause.largestLiterals cl);
+val cl = pvCl (CL[`s = a`,`s = b`,`h b c`]);
+val _ = pvLits (Clause.largestLiterals cl);
+val cl = pvCl (CL[`a = a`,`a = b`,`h b c`]);
+val _ = pvLits (Clause.largestLiterals cl);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exporting problems to an external FOL datatype.                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+printDepth := 10000000;
+datatype xterm =
+  Fun of string * xterm list
+| Var of string;
+datatype xformula =
+  All of xterm list * xformula
+| Exi of xterm list * xformula
+| Iff of xformula * xformula
+| Imp of xformula * xformula
+| And of xformula * xformula
+| Or of xformula * xformula
+| Not of xformula
+| Tm of xterm
+| BoolT
+| BoolF
+| Box; (*which can be ignored entirely*)
+fun xterm (Term.Var v) = Var v
+  | xterm (Term.Fn (f,a)) = Fun (f, map xterm a);
+fun xformula Term.True = BoolT
+  | xformula Term.False = BoolF
+  | xformula (Term.Atom tm) = Tm (xterm tm)
+  | xformula (Term.Not p) = Not (xformula p)
+  | xformula (Term.And (p,q)) = And (xformula p, xformula q)
+  | xformula (Term.Or (p,q)) = Or (xformula p, xformula q)
+  | xformula (Term.Imp (p,q)) = Imp (xformula p, xformula q)
+  | xformula (Term.Iff (p,q)) = Iff (xformula p, xformula q)
+  | xformula fm =
+  (case strip_exists fm of ([],_) =>
+    (case strip_forall fm of ([],_) => raise Fail "xformula: can't identify"
+     | (vs,p) => All (map Var vs, xformula p))
+   | (vs,p) => Exi (map Var vs, xformula p));
+fun xproblem {name, goal : thing quotation} =
+  {name = name, goal = xformula (Syntax.parseFormula goal)};
+val xset = map xproblem;
+val xnonequality = xset Problem.nonequality;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Problems for provers";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Non-equality *)
+val p59 = pfm (Syntax.parseFormula `(!x. P x <=> ~P (f x)) ==> ?x. P x /\ ~P (f x)`);
+val p39 = pfm (Syntax.parseFormula `~?x. !y. P y x <=> ~P y y`);
+(* Equality *)
+val p48 = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `(a = b \/ c = d) /\ (a = c \/ b = d) ==> a = d \/ b = c`;
+val cong = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `(!x. f (f (f (f (f x)))) = x) /\ (!x. f (f (f x)) = x) ==> !x. f x = x`;
+(* Impossible problems to test failure modes *)
+val square = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `sq 0 should_be_zero_here /\
+   (!x. sq x x ==> sq 0 (s x)) /\ (!x y. sq x y ==> sq (s x) y) ==>
+   sq 0 (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s 0))))))))))))`;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Problems for solvers";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val fib_rules = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `(!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x y z. x + y = z ==> x + suc y = suc z) /\
+   fib 0 = 0 /\ fib (suc 0) = suc 0 /\
+   (!x y z w.
+      fib x = y /\ fib (suc x) = z /\ y + z = w ==> fib (suc (suc x)) = w)`;
+val fib_query = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `fib x = suc (suc y)`];
+val agatha_rules = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `lives agatha /\ lives butler /\ lives charles /\
+   (killed agatha agatha \/ killed butler agatha \/ killed charles agatha) /\
+   (!x y. killed x y ==> hates x y /\ ~richer x y) /\
+   (!x. hates agatha x ==> ~hates charles x) /\
+   hates agatha agatha /\ hates agatha charles /\
+   (!x. lives x /\ ~richer x agatha ==> hates butler x) /\
+   (!x. hates agatha x ==> hates butler x) /\
+   (!x. ~hates x agatha \/ ~hates x butler \/ ~hates x charles)`;
+val agatha_query1 = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `killed x agatha`];
+val agatha_query2 = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `~killed x agatha`];
+val agatha_query3 = pfms (map Syntax.parseFormula [`killed x agatha`, `lives x`]);
+val subset_rules = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `subset nil nil /\
+   (!v x y. subset x y ==> subset (v :: x) (v :: y)) /\
+   (!v x y. subset x y ==> subset x        (v :: y))`;
+val subset_query1 = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `subset x (0 :: 1 :: 2 :: nil)`];
+val subset_query2 = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `subset (0 :: 1 :: 2 :: nil) x`];
+val matchorder_rules = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `p 0 3 /\
+   (!x. p x 4) /\
+   (!x. p x 3 ==> p (s (s (s x))) 3) /\
+   (!x. p (s x) 3 ==> p x 3)`;
+val matchorder_query = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `p (s 0) 3`];
+val ackermann_rules = (pfm o Syntax.parseFormula)
+  `(!x. ack 0 x = s x) /\
+   (!x y. ack x (s 0) = y ==> ack (s x) 0 = y) /\
+   (!x y z. ack (s x) y = w /\ ack x w = z ==> ack (s x) (s y) = z)`;
+val ackermann_query = pfms [Syntax.parseFormula `ack (s (s (s 0))) 0 = x`];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Debugging Central.                                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = Useful.trace_level := 4;
+val () = Clause.show_constraint := true;
+  open Resolution;
+  val to_parm = Termorder.update_precision I Termorder.defaults;
+  val cl_parm = {term_order = true, literal_order = true,
+                 order_stickiness = 0, termorder_parm = to_parm};
+  val tres_prove = (quick_prove o resolution')
+    ("tres",
+     {clause_parm = cl_parm,
+      set_parm    = Clauseset.defaults,
+      sos_parm    = Support.defaults});
+val prob = Syntax.parseFormula `
+  (!x. x = x) /\ (!x y z v. x + y <= z + v \/ ~(x <= z) \/ ~(y <= v)) /\
+  (!x. x + 0 = x) /\ (!x. x + ~x = 0) /\
+  (!x y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) ==>
+  ~d <= 0 /\ c + d <= i /\ ~(c <= i) ==> F`;
+val prob = Syntax.parseFormula (get std "P21");
+val prob = Syntax.parseFormula (get std "ROB002-1");
+val prob = Syntax.parseFormula (get std "KLEIN_GROUP_COMMUTATIVE");
+val prob = Syntax.parseFormula (get hol "pred_set_1");
+(cnf o Not o generalize) prob;
+tres_prove prob;
+val SOME th = meson_prove prob;
+print (proof_to_string' 70 (proof th));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Meson prover";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val meson_prove_p59 = meson_prove p59;
+val meson_prove_p39 = meson_prove p39;
+val meson_prove_p48  = meson_prove p48;
+val meson_prove_cong = meson_prove cong;
+val meson_prove_square = meson_prove square;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Meson solver";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val meson_solve_fib = meson_solve fib_rules fib_query;
+val meson_solve_agatha1 = meson_solve agatha_rules agatha_query1;
+val meson_solve_agatha2 = meson_solve agatha_rules agatha_query2;
+val meson_solve_agatha3 = meson_solve agatha_rules agatha_query3;
+val meson_solve_subset1 = meson_solve subset_rules subset_query1;
+val meson_solve_subset2 = meson_solve subset_rules subset_query2;
+val meson_solve_matchorder = meson_solve matchorder_rules matchorder_query;
+val meson_solve_ackermann = meson_solve ackermann_rules ackermann_query;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Prolog solver";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val prolog_solve_subset1 = prolog_solve subset_rules subset_query1;
+val prolog_solve_subset2 = prolog_solve subset_rules subset_query2;
+val prolog_solve_matchorder = prolog_solve matchorder_rules matchorder_query;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Resolution prover";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val resolution_prove_p59 = resolution_prove p59;
+val resolution_prove_p39 = resolution_prove p39;
+val resolution_prove_p48  = resolution_prove p48;
+val resolution_prove_cong = resolution_prove cong;
+(* It would appear that resolution can't detect that this is unprovable
+val resolution_prove_square = resolution_prove square; *)
+(* Printing proofs
+load "Problem";
+val p21 = Syntax.parseFormula (Problem.get Problem.std "P21");
+val p21_cnf = cnf (Not (generalize p21));
+val SOME th = resolution_prove p21;
+print (proof_to_string' 70 (proof th));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val () = SAY "Metis prover";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val metis_prove_p59 = metis_prove p59;
+val metis_prove_p39 = metis_prove p39;
+val metis_prove_p48  = metis_prove p48;
+val metis_prove_cong = metis_prove cong;
+(* Poor delta is terribly slow at giving up on impossible problems
+   and in any case resolution can't detect that this is unprovable.
+val metis_prove_square = metis_prove square; *)