changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
child 23510 4521fead5609
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Term.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC TERMS                                                   *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Term :> Term =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun stripSuffix pred s =
+    let
+      fun f 0 = ""
+        | f n =
+          let
+            val n' = n - 1
+          in
+            if pred (String.sub (s,n')) then f n'
+            else String.substring (s,0,n)
+          end
+    in
+      f (size s)
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic terms.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type var =;
+type functionName =;
+type function = functionName * int;
+type const = functionName;
+datatype term =
+    Var of
+  | Fn of * term list;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constructors and destructors.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Variables *)
+fun destVar (Var v) = v
+  | destVar (Fn _) = raise Error "destVar";
+val isVar = can destVar;
+fun equalVar v (Var v') = v = v'
+  | equalVar _ _ = false;
+(* Functions *)
+fun destFn (Fn f) = f
+  | destFn (Var _) = raise Error "destFn";
+val isFn = can destFn;
+fun fnName tm = fst (destFn tm);
+fun fnArguments tm = snd (destFn tm);
+fun fnArity tm = length (fnArguments tm);
+fun fnFunction tm = (fnName tm, fnArity tm);
+  fun func fs [] = fs
+    | func fs (Var _ :: tms) = func fs tms
+    | func fs (Fn (n,l) :: tms) =
+      func (NameAritySet.add fs (n, length l)) (l @ tms);
+  fun functions tm = func NameAritySet.empty [tm];
+  fun func fs [] = fs
+    | func fs (Var _ :: tms) = func fs tms
+    | func fs (Fn (n,l) :: tms) = func (NameSet.add fs n) (l @ tms);
+  fun functionNames tm = func NameSet.empty [tm];
+(* Constants *)
+fun mkConst c = (Fn (c, []));
+fun destConst (Fn (c, [])) = c
+  | destConst _ = raise Error "destConst";
+val isConst = can destConst;
+(* Binary functions *)
+fun mkBinop f (a,b) = Fn (f,[a,b]);
+fun destBinop f (Fn (x,[a,b])) =
+    if x = f then (a,b) else raise Error "Term.destBinop: wrong binop"
+  | destBinop _ _ = raise Error "Term.destBinop: not a binop";
+fun isBinop f = can (destBinop f);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The size of a term in symbols.                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (Var _ :: tms) = sz (n + 1) tms
+    | sz n (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = sz (n + 1) (args @ tms);
+  fun symbols tm = sz 0 [tm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A total comparison function for terms.                                    *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun cmp [] [] = EQUAL
+    | cmp (Var _ :: _) (Fn _ :: _) = LESS
+    | cmp (Fn _ :: _) (Var _ :: _) = GREATER
+    | cmp (Var v1 :: tms1) (Var v2 :: tms2) =
+      (case (v1,v2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL => cmp tms1 tms2
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp (Fn (f1,a1) :: tms1) (Fn (f2,a2) :: tms2) =
+      (case (f1,f2) of
+         LESS => LESS
+       | EQUAL =>
+         (case (length a1, length a2) of
+            LESS => LESS
+          | EQUAL => cmp (a1 @ tms1) (a2 @ tms2)
+          | GREATER => GREATER)
+       | GREATER => GREATER)
+    | cmp _ _ = raise Bug "";
+  fun compare (tm1,tm2) = cmp [tm1] [tm2];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subterms.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type path = int list;
+fun subterm tm [] = tm
+  | subterm (Var _) (_ :: _) = raise Error "Term.subterm: Var"
+  | subterm (Fn (_,tms)) (h :: t) =
+    if h >= length tms then raise Error "Term.replace: Fn"
+    else subterm (List.nth (tms,h)) t;
+  fun subtms [] acc = acc
+    | subtms ((path,tm) :: rest) acc =
+      let
+        fun f (n,arg) = (n :: path, arg)
+        val acc = (rev path, tm) :: acc
+      in
+        case tm of
+          Var _ => subtms rest acc
+        | Fn (_,args) => subtms (map f (enumerate args) @ rest) acc
+      end;
+  fun subterms tm = subtms [([],tm)] [];
+fun replace tm ([],res) = if res = tm then tm else res
+  | replace tm (h :: t, res) =
+    case tm of
+      Var _ => raise Error "Term.replace: Var"
+    | Fn (func,tms) =>
+      if h >= length tms then raise Error "Term.replace: Fn"
+      else
+        let
+          val arg = List.nth (tms,h)
+          val arg' = replace arg (t,res)
+        in
+          if Sharing.pointerEqual (arg',arg) then tm
+          else Fn (func, updateNth (h,arg') tms)
+        end;
+fun find pred =
+    let
+      fun search [] = NONE
+        | search ((path,tm) :: rest) =
+          if pred tm then SOME (rev path)
+          else
+            case tm of
+              Var _ => search rest
+            | Fn (_,a) =>
+              let
+                val subtms = map (fn (i,t) => (i :: path, t)) (enumerate a)
+              in
+                search (subtms @ rest)
+              end
+    in
+      fn tm => search [([],tm)]
+    end;
+val ppPath = Parser.ppList Parser.ppInt;
+val pathToString = Parser.toString ppPath;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Free variables.                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun free _ [] = false
+    | free v (Var w :: tms) = v = w orelse free v tms
+    | free v (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = free v (args @ tms);
+  fun freeIn v tm = free v [tm];
+  fun free vs [] = vs
+    | free vs (Var v :: tms) = free (NameSet.add vs v) tms
+    | free vs (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = free vs (args @ tms);
+  fun freeVars tm = free NameSet.empty [tm];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Fresh variables.                                                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  val prefix  = "_";
+  fun numVar i = Var (mkPrefix prefix (Int.toString i));
+  fun newVar () = numVar (newInt ());
+  fun newVars n = map numVar (newInts n);
+fun variantPrime avoid =
+    let
+      fun f v = if NameSet.member v avoid then f (v ^ "'") else v
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+fun variantNum avoid v =
+    if not (NameSet.member v avoid) then v
+    else
+      let
+        val v = stripSuffix Char.isDigit v
+        fun f n =
+            let
+              val v_n = v ^ Int.toString n
+            in
+              if NameSet.member v_n avoid then f (n + 1) else v_n
+            end
+      in
+        f 0
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with type annotations.                          *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun isTypedVar (Var _) = true
+  | isTypedVar (Fn (":", [Var _, _])) = true
+  | isTypedVar (Fn _) = false;
+  fun sz n [] = n
+    | sz n (Var _ :: tms) = sz (n + 1) tms
+    | sz n (Fn (":",[tm,_]) :: tms) = sz n (tm :: tms)
+    | sz n (Fn (_,args) :: tms) = sz (n + 1) (args @ tms);
+  fun typedSymbols tm = sz 0 [tm];
+  fun subtms [] acc = acc
+    | subtms ((_, Var _) :: rest) acc = subtms rest acc
+    | subtms ((_, Fn (":", [Var _, _])) :: rest) acc = subtms rest acc
+    | subtms ((path, tm as Fn func) :: rest) acc =
+      let
+        fun f (n,arg) = (n :: path, arg)
+        val acc = (rev path, tm) :: acc
+      in
+        case func of
+          (":",[arg,_]) => subtms ((0 :: path, arg) :: rest) acc
+        | (_,args) => subtms (map f (enumerate args) @ rest) acc
+      end;
+  fun nonVarTypedSubterms tm = subtms [([],tm)] [];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special support for terms with an explicit function application operator. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkComb (f,a) = Fn (".",[f,a]);
+fun destComb (Fn (".",[f,a])) = (f,a)
+  | destComb _ = raise Error "destComb";
+val isComb = can destComb;
+fun listMkComb (f,l) = foldl mkComb f l;
+  fun strip tms (Fn (".",[f,a])) = strip (a :: tms) f
+    | strip tms tm = (tm,tms);
+  fun stripComb tm = strip [] tm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Parsing and pretty printing.                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Operators parsed and printed infix *)
+val infixes : Parser.infixities ref = ref
+  [(* ML symbols *)
+   {token = " / ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " div ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " mod ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " * ", precedence = 7, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " + ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " - ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " ^ ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " @ ", precedence = 5, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " :: ", precedence = 5, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " = ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " <> ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " <= ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " < ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " >= ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " > ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " o ", precedence = 3, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " -> ", precedence = 2, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   {token = " : ", precedence = 1, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   {token = ", ", precedence = 0, leftAssoc = false},  (* inferred prec *)
+   (* Logical connectives *)
+   {token = " /\\ ", precedence = ~1, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " \\/ ", precedence = ~2, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " ==> ", precedence = ~3, leftAssoc = false},
+   {token = " <=> ", precedence = ~4, leftAssoc = false},
+   (* Other symbols *)
+   {token = " . ", precedence = 9, leftAssoc = true},  (* function app *)
+   {token = " ** ", precedence = 8, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " ++ ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " -- ", precedence = 6, leftAssoc = true},
+   {token = " == ", precedence = 4, leftAssoc = true}];
+(* The negation symbol *)
+val negation : ref = ref "~";
+(* Binder symbols *)
+val binders : list ref = ref ["\\","!","?","?!"];
+(* Bracket symbols *)
+val brackets : ( * list ref = ref [("[","]"),("{","}")];
+(* Pretty printing *)
+  open Parser;
+  fun pp inputPpstrm inputTerm =
+      let
+        val quants = !binders
+        and iOps = !infixes
+        and neg = !negation
+        and bracks = !brackets
+        val bracks = map (fn (b1,b2) => (b1 ^ b2, b1, b2)) bracks
+        val bTokens = map #2 bracks @ map #3 bracks
+        val iTokens = infixTokens iOps
+        fun destI (Fn (f,[a,b])) =
+            if mem f iTokens then SOME (f,a,b) else NONE
+          | destI _ = NONE
+        val iPrinter = ppInfixes iOps destI
+        val specialTokens = neg :: quants @ ["$","(",")"] @ bTokens @ iTokens
+        fun vName bv s = NameSet.member s bv
+        fun checkVarName bv s = if vName bv s then s else "$" ^ s
+        fun varName bv = ppMap (checkVarName bv) ppString
+        fun checkFunctionName bv s =
+            if mem s specialTokens orelse vName bv s then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s
+        fun functionName bv = ppMap (checkFunctionName bv) ppString
+        fun isI tm = Option.isSome (destI tm)
+        fun stripNeg (tm as Fn (f,[a])) =
+            if f <> neg then (0,tm)
+            else let val (n,tm) = stripNeg a in (n + 1, tm) end
+          | stripNeg tm = (0,tm)
+        val destQuant =
+            let
+              fun dest q (Fn (q', [Var v, body])) =
+                  if q <> q' then NONE
+                  else
+                    (case dest q body of
+                       NONE => SOME (q,v,[],body)
+                     | SOME (_,v',vs,body) => SOME (q, v, v' :: vs, body))
+                | dest _ _ = NONE
+            in
+              fn tm => Useful.first (fn q => dest q tm) quants
+            end
+        fun isQuant tm = Option.isSome (destQuant tm)
+        fun destBrack (Fn (b,[tm])) =
+            (case List.find (fn (n,_,_) => n = b) bracks of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | SOME (_,b1,b2) => SOME (b1,tm,b2))
+          | destBrack _ = NONE
+        fun isBrack tm = Option.isSome (destBrack tm)
+        fun functionArgument bv ppstrm tm =
+            (addBreak ppstrm (1,0);
+             if isBrack tm then customBracket bv ppstrm tm
+             else if isVar tm orelse isConst tm then basic bv ppstrm tm
+             else bracket bv ppstrm tm)
+        and basic bv ppstrm (Var v) = varName bv ppstrm v
+          | basic bv ppstrm (Fn (f,args)) =
+            (beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent 2;
+             functionName bv ppstrm f;
+             app (functionArgument bv ppstrm) args;
+             endBlock ppstrm)
+        and customBracket bv ppstrm tm =
+            case destBrack tm of
+              SOME (b1,tm,b2) => ppBracket b1 b2 (term bv) ppstrm tm
+            | NONE => basic bv ppstrm tm
+        and innerQuant bv ppstrm tm =
+            case destQuant tm of
+              NONE => term bv ppstrm tm
+            | SOME (q,v,vs,tm) =>
+              let
+                val bv = NameSet.addList (NameSet.add bv v) vs
+              in
+                addString ppstrm q;
+                varName bv ppstrm v;
+                app (fn v => (addBreak ppstrm (1,0); varName bv ppstrm v)) vs;
+                addString ppstrm ".";
+                addBreak ppstrm (1,0);
+                innerQuant bv ppstrm tm
+              end
+        and quantifier bv ppstrm tm =
+            if not (isQuant tm) then customBracket bv ppstrm tm
+            else
+              (beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent 2;
+               innerQuant bv ppstrm tm;
+               endBlock ppstrm)
+        and molecule bv ppstrm (tm,r) =
+            let
+              val (n,tm) = stripNeg tm
+            in
+              beginBlock ppstrm Inconsistent n;
+              funpow n (fn () => addString ppstrm neg) ();
+              if isI tm orelse (r andalso isQuant tm) then bracket bv ppstrm tm
+              else quantifier bv ppstrm tm;
+              endBlock ppstrm
+            end
+        and term bv ppstrm tm = iPrinter (molecule bv) ppstrm (tm,false)
+        and bracket bv ppstrm tm = ppBracket "(" ")" (term bv) ppstrm tm
+  in
+    term NameSet.empty
+  end inputPpstrm inputTerm;
+fun toString tm = Parser.toString pp tm;
+(* Parsing *)
+  open Parser;
+  infixr 9 >>++
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+  val isAlphaNum =
+      let
+        val alphaNumChars = explode "_'"
+      in
+        fn c => mem c alphaNumChars orelse Char.isAlphaNum c
+      end;
+  local
+    val alphaNumToken = atLeastOne (some isAlphaNum) >> implode;
+    val symbolToken =
+        let
+          fun isNeg c = str c = !negation
+          val symbolChars = explode "<>=-*+/\\?@|!$%&#^:;~"
+          fun isSymbol c = mem c symbolChars
+          fun isNonNegSymbol c = not (isNeg c) andalso isSymbol c
+        in
+          some isNeg >> str ||
+          (some isNonNegSymbol ++ many (some isSymbol)) >> (implode o op::)
+        end;
+    val punctToken =
+        let
+          val punctChars = explode "()[]{}.,"
+          fun isPunct c = mem c punctChars
+        in
+          some isPunct >> str
+        end;
+    val lexToken = alphaNumToken || symbolToken || punctToken;
+    val space = many (some Char.isSpace);
+  in
+    val lexer = (space ++ lexToken ++ space) >> (fn (_,(tok,_)) => tok);
+  end;
+  fun termParser inputStream =
+      let
+        val quants = !binders
+        and iOps = !infixes
+        and neg = !negation
+        and bracks = ("(",")") :: !brackets
+        val bracks = map (fn (b1,b2) => (b1 ^ b2, b1, b2)) bracks
+        val bTokens = map #2 bracks @ map #3 bracks
+        fun possibleVarName "" = false
+          | possibleVarName s = isAlphaNum (String.sub (s,0))
+        fun vName bv s = NameSet.member s bv
+        val iTokens = infixTokens iOps
+        val iParser = parseInfixes iOps (fn (f,a,b) => Fn (f,[a,b]))
+        val specialTokens = neg :: quants @ ["$"] @ bTokens @ iTokens
+        fun varName bv =
+            Parser.some (vName bv) ||
+            (exact "$" ++ some possibleVarName) >> (fn (_,s) => s)
+        fun fName bv s = not (mem s specialTokens) andalso not (vName bv s)
+        fun functionName bv =
+            Parser.some (fName bv) ||
+            (exact "(" ++ any ++ exact ")") >> (fn (_,(s,_)) => s)
+        fun basic bv tokens =
+            let
+              val var = varName bv >> Var
+              val const = functionName bv >> (fn f => Fn (f,[]))
+              fun bracket (ab,a,b) =
+                  (exact a ++ term bv ++ exact b) >>
+                  (fn (_,(tm,_)) => if ab = "()" then tm else Fn (ab,[tm]))
+              fun quantifier q =
+                  let
+                    fun bind (v,t) = Fn (q, [Var v, t])
+                  in
+                    (exact q ++ atLeastOne (some possibleVarName) ++
+                     exact ".") >>++
+                    (fn (_,(vs,_)) =>
+                        term (NameSet.addList bv vs) >>
+                        (fn body => foldr bind body vs))
+                  end
+            in
+              var ||
+              const ||
+              first (map bracket bracks) ||
+              first (map quantifier quants)
+            end tokens
+        and molecule bv tokens =
+            let
+              val negations = many (exact neg) >> length
+              val function =
+                  (functionName bv ++ many (basic bv)) >> Fn || basic bv
+            in
+              (negations ++ function) >>
+              (fn (n,tm) => funpow n (fn t => Fn (neg,[t])) tm)
+            end tokens
+        and term bv tokens = iParser (molecule bv) tokens
+      in
+        term NameSet.empty
+      end inputStream;
+  fun fromString input =
+      let
+        val chars = Stream.fromList (explode input)
+        val tokens = everything (lexer >> singleton) chars
+        val terms = everything (termParser >> singleton) tokens
+      in
+        case Stream.toList terms of
+          [tm] => tm
+        | _ => raise Error "Syntax.stringToTerm"
+      end;
+  val antiquotedTermToString =
+      Parser.toString (Parser.ppBracket "(" ")" pp);
+  val parse = Parser.parseQuotation antiquotedTermToString fromString;
+structure TermOrdered =
+struct type t = Term.term val compare = end
+structure TermSet = ElementSet (TermOrdered);
+structure TermMap = KeyMap (TermOrdered);