changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
child 23510 4521fead5609
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Subst.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* FIRST ORDER LOGIC SUBSTITUTIONS                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Subst :> Subst =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A type of first order logic substitutions.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype subst = Subst of Term.term;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic operations.                                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val empty = Subst ( ());
+fun null (Subst m) = NameMap.null m;
+fun size (Subst m) = NameMap.size m;
+fun peek (Subst m) v = NameMap.peek m v;
+fun insert (Subst m) v_tm = Subst (NameMap.insert m v_tm);
+fun singleton v_tm = insert empty v_tm;
+  fun compatible (tm1,tm2) =
+      if tm1 = tm2 then SOME tm1 else raise Error "Subst.union: incompatible";
+  fun union (s1 as Subst m1) (s2 as Subst m2) =
+      if NameMap.null m1 then s2
+      else if NameMap.null m2 then s1
+      else Subst (NameMap.union compatible m1 m2);
+fun toList (Subst m) = NameMap.toList m;
+fun fromList l = Subst (NameMap.fromList l);
+fun foldl f b (Subst m) = NameMap.foldl f b m;
+fun foldr f b (Subst m) = NameMap.foldr f b m;
+fun pp ppstrm sub =
+    Parser.ppBracket "<[" "]>"
+      (Parser.ppSequence "," (Parser.ppBinop " |->" Parser.ppString Term.pp))
+      ppstrm (toList sub);
+val toString = Parser.toString pp;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Normalizing removes identity substitutions.                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun isNotId (v,tm) = not (Term.equalVar v tm);
+  fun normalize (sub as Subst m) =
+      let
+        val m' = NameMap.filter isNotId m
+      in
+        if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a substitution to a first order logic term.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun subst sub =
+    let
+      fun tmSub (tm as Term.Var v) =
+          (case peek sub v of
+             SOME tm' => if Sharing.pointerEqual (tm,tm') then tm else tm'
+           | NONE => tm)
+        | tmSub (tm as Term.Fn (f,args)) =
+          let
+            val args' = tmSub args
+          in
+            if Sharing.pointerEqual (args,args') then tm
+            else Term.Fn (f,args')
+          end
+    in
+      fn tm => if null sub then tm else tmSub tm
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Restricting a substitution to a given set of variables.                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun restrict (sub as Subst m) varSet =
+    let
+      fun isRestrictedVar (v,_) = NameSet.member v varSet
+      val m' = NameMap.filter isRestrictedVar m
+    in
+      if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+    end;
+fun remove (sub as Subst m) varSet =
+    let
+      fun isRestrictedVar (v,_) = not (NameSet.member v varSet)
+      val m' = NameMap.filter isRestrictedVar m
+    in
+      if NameMap.size m = NameMap.size m' then sub else Subst m'
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Composing two substitutions so that the following identity holds:         *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* subst (compose sub1 sub2) tm = subst sub2 (subst sub1 tm)                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun compose (sub1 as Subst m1) sub2 =
+    let
+      fun f (v,tm,s) = insert s (v, subst sub2 tm)
+    in
+      if null sub2 then sub1 else NameMap.foldl f sub2 m1
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Substitutions can be inverted iff they are renaming substitutions.        *) 
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun inv (v, Term.Var w, s) =
+      if NameMap.inDomain w s then raise Error "Subst.invert: non-injective"
+      else NameMap.insert s (w, Term.Var v)
+    | inv (_, Term.Fn _, _) = raise Error "Subst.invert: non-variable";
+  fun invert (Subst m) = Subst (NameMap.foldl inv ( ()) m);
+val isRenaming = can invert;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Creating a substitution to freshen variables.                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val freshVars =
+    let
+      fun add (v,m) = insert m (v, Term.newVar ())
+    in
+      NameSet.foldl add empty
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Matching for first order logic terms.                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun matchList sub [] = sub
+    | matchList sub ((Term.Var v, tm) :: rest) =
+      let
+        val sub =
+            case peek sub v of
+              NONE => insert sub (v,tm)
+            | SOME tm' =>
+              if tm = tm' then sub
+              else raise Error "Subst.match: incompatible matches"
+      in
+        matchList sub rest
+      end
+    | matchList sub ((Term.Fn (f1,args1), Term.Fn (f2,args2)) :: rest) =
+      if f1 = f2 andalso length args1 = length args2 then
+        matchList sub (zip args1 args2 @ rest)
+      else raise Error "Subst.match: different structure"
+    | matchList _ _ = raise Error "Subst.match: functions can't match vars";
+  fun match sub tm1 tm2 = matchList sub [(tm1,tm2)];
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Unification for first order logic terms.                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun solve sub [] = sub
+    | solve sub ((tm1_tm2 as (tm1,tm2)) :: rest) =
+      if Portable.pointerEqual tm1_tm2 then solve sub rest
+      else solve' sub (subst sub tm1) (subst sub tm2) rest
+  and solve' sub (Term.Var v) tm rest =
+      if Term.equalVar v tm then solve sub rest
+      else if Term.freeIn v tm then raise Error "Subst.unify: occurs check"
+      else
+        (case peek sub v of
+           NONE => solve (compose sub (singleton (v,tm))) rest
+         | SOME tm' => solve' sub tm' tm rest)
+    | solve' sub tm1 (tm2 as Term.Var _) rest = solve' sub tm2 tm1 rest
+    | solve' sub (Term.Fn (f1,args1)) (Term.Fn (f2,args2)) rest =
+      if f1 = f2 andalso length args1 = length args2 then
+        solve sub (zip args1 args2 @ rest)
+      else
+        raise Error "Subst.unify: different structure";
+  fun unify sub tm1 tm2 = solve sub [(tm1,tm2)];