changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
child 23510 4521fead5609
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Tptp.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* INTERFACE TO TPTP PROBLEM FILES                                           *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Tptp :> Tptp =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constants.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE = "negated_conjecture"
+and ROLE_CONJECTURE = "conjecture";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Mapping TPTP functions and relations to different names.                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val functionMapping = ref
+    [(* Mapping TPTP functions to infix symbols *)
+     {name = "*", arity = 2, tptp = "multiply"},
+     {name = "/", arity = 2, tptp = "divide"},
+     {name = "+", arity = 2, tptp = "add"},
+     {name = "-", arity = 2, tptp = "subtract"},
+     {name = "::", arity = 2, tptp = "cons"},
+     {name = ",", arity = 2, tptp = "pair"},
+     (* Expanding HOL symbols to TPTP alphanumerics *)
+     {name = ":", arity = 2, tptp = "has_type"},
+     {name = ".", arity = 2, tptp = "apply"},
+     {name = "<=", arity = 0, tptp = "less_equal"}];
+val relationMapping = ref
+    [(* Mapping TPTP relations to infix symbols *)
+     {name = "=", arity = 2, tptp = "="},
+     {name = "==", arity = 2, tptp = "equalish"},
+     {name = "<=", arity = 2, tptp = "less_equal"},
+     {name = "<", arity = 2, tptp = "less_than"},
+     (* Expanding HOL symbols to TPTP alphanumerics *)
+     {name = "{}", arity = 1, tptp = "bool"}];
+fun mappingToTptp x =
+    let
+      fun mk ({name,arity,tptp},m) = NameArityMap.insert m ((name,arity),tptp)
+    in
+      foldl mk ( ()) x
+    end;
+fun mappingFromTptp x =
+    let
+      fun mk ({name,arity,tptp},m) = NameArityMap.insert m ((tptp,arity),name)
+    in
+      foldl mk ( ()) x
+    end;
+fun findMapping mapping (name_arity as (n,_)) =
+    Option.getOpt (NameArityMap.peek mapping name_arity, n);
+fun mapTerm functionMap =
+    let
+      val mapName = findMapping functionMap
+      fun mapTm (tm as Term.Var _) = tm
+        | mapTm (Term.Fn (f,a)) = Term.Fn (mapName (f, length a), map mapTm a)
+    in
+      mapTm
+    end;
+fun mapAtom {functionMap,relationMap} (p,a) =
+    (findMapping relationMap (p, length a), map (mapTerm functionMap) a);
+fun mapFof maps =
+    let
+      open Formula
+      fun form True = True
+        | form False = False
+        | form (Atom a) = Atom (mapAtom maps a)
+        | form (Not p) = Not (form p)
+        | form (And (p,q)) = And (form p, form q)
+        | form (Or (p,q)) = Or (form p, form q)
+        | form (Imp (p,q)) = Imp (form p, form q)
+        | form (Iff (p,q)) = Iff (form p, form q)
+        | form (Forall (v,p)) = Forall (v, form p)
+        | form (Exists (v,p)) = Exists (v, form p)
+    in
+      form
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Comments.                                                                 *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun mkComment "" = "%"
+  | mkComment line = "% " ^ line;
+fun destComment "" = ""
+  | destComment l =
+    let
+      val _ = String.sub (l,0) = #"%" orelse raise Error "destComment"
+      val n = if size l >= 2 andalso String.sub (l,1) = #" " then 2 else 1
+    in
+      String.extract (l,n,NONE)
+    end;
+val isComment = can destComment;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP literals.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype literal =
+    Boolean of bool
+  | Literal of Literal.literal;
+fun negate (Boolean b) = (Boolean (not b))
+  | negate (Literal l) = (Literal (Literal.negate l));
+fun literalFunctions (Boolean _) = NameAritySet.empty
+  | literalFunctions (Literal lit) = Literal.functions lit;
+fun literalRelation (Boolean _) = NONE
+  | literalRelation (Literal lit) = SOME (Literal.relation lit);
+fun literalToFormula (Boolean true) = Formula.True
+  | literalToFormula (Boolean false) = Formula.False
+  | literalToFormula (Literal lit) = Literal.toFormula lit;
+fun literalFromFormula Formula.True = Boolean true
+  | literalFromFormula Formula.False = Boolean false
+  | literalFromFormula fm = Literal (Literal.fromFormula fm);
+fun literalFreeVars (Boolean _) = NameSet.empty
+  | literalFreeVars (Literal lit) = Literal.freeVars lit;
+fun literalSubst sub lit =
+    case lit of
+      Boolean _ => lit
+    | Literal l => Literal (Literal.subst sub l);
+fun mapLiteral maps lit =
+    case lit of
+      Boolean _ => lit
+    | Literal (p,a) => Literal (p, mapAtom maps a);
+fun destLiteral (Literal l) = l
+  | destLiteral _ = raise Error "destLiteral";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing formulas using TPTP syntax.                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun term pp (Term.Var v) = PP.add_string pp v
+    | term pp (Term.Fn (c,[])) = PP.add_string pp c
+    | term pp (Term.Fn (f,tms)) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+       PP.add_string pp (f ^ "(");
+       Parser.ppSequence "," term pp tms;
+       PP.add_string pp ")";
+       PP.end_block pp);
+  open Formula;
+  fun fof pp (fm as And _) = assoc_binary pp ("&", stripConj fm)
+    | fof pp (fm as Or _) = assoc_binary pp ("|", stripDisj fm)
+    | fof pp (Imp a_b) = nonassoc_binary pp ("=>",a_b)
+    | fof pp (Iff a_b) = nonassoc_binary pp ("<=>",a_b)
+    | fof pp fm = unitary pp fm
+  and nonassoc_binary pp (s,a_b) =
+      Parser.ppBinop (" " ^ s) unitary unitary pp a_b
+  and assoc_binary pp (s,l) = Parser.ppSequence (" " ^ s) unitary pp l
+  and unitary pp fm =
+      if isForall fm then quantified pp ("!", stripForall fm)
+      else if isExists fm then quantified pp ("?", stripExists fm)
+      else if atom pp fm then ()
+      else if isNeg fm then
+        let
+          fun pr () = (PP.add_string pp "~"; PP.add_break pp (1,0))
+          val (n,fm) = Formula.stripNeg fm
+        in
+          PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+          funpow n pr ();
+          unitary pp fm;
+          PP.end_block pp
+        end
+      else
+        (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 1;
+         PP.add_string pp "(";
+         fof pp fm;
+         PP.add_string pp ")";
+         PP.end_block pp)
+  and quantified pp (q,(vs,fm)) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 2;
+       PP.add_string pp (q ^ " ");
+       PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT (String.size q);
+       PP.add_string pp "[";
+       Parser.ppSequence "," Parser.ppString pp vs;
+       PP.add_string pp "] :";
+       PP.end_block pp;
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       unitary pp fm;
+       PP.end_block pp)
+  and atom pp True = (PP.add_string pp "$true"; true)
+    | atom pp False = (PP.add_string pp "$false"; true)
+    | atom pp fm =
+      case total destEq fm of
+        SOME a_b => (Parser.ppBinop " =" term term pp a_b; true)
+      | NONE =>
+        case total destNeq fm of
+          SOME a_b => (Parser.ppBinop " !=" term term pp a_b; true)
+        | NONE =>
+          case fm of
+            Atom atm => (term pp (Term.Fn atm); true)
+          | _ => false;
+  fun ppFof pp fm =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT 0;
+       fof pp fm;
+       PP.end_block pp);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP clauses.                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type clause = literal list;
+val clauseFunctions =
+    let
+      fun funcs (lit,acc) = NameAritySet.union (literalFunctions lit) acc
+    in
+      foldl funcs NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val clauseRelations =
+    let
+      fun rels (lit,acc) =
+          case literalRelation lit of
+            NONE => acc
+          | SOME r => NameAritySet.add acc r
+    in
+      foldl rels NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val clauseFreeVars =
+    let
+      fun fvs (lit,acc) = NameSet.union (literalFreeVars lit) acc
+    in
+      foldl fvs NameSet.empty
+    end;
+fun clauseSubst sub lits = map (literalSubst sub) lits;
+fun mapClause maps lits = map (mapLiteral maps) lits;
+fun clauseToFormula lits = Formula.listMkDisj (map literalToFormula lits);
+fun clauseFromFormula fm = map literalFromFormula (Formula.stripDisj fm);
+val ppClause = Parser.ppMap clauseToFormula ppFof;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP formulas.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype formula =
+    CnfFormula of {name : string, role : string, clause : clause}
+  | FofFormula of {name : string, role : string, formula : Formula.formula};
+fun destCnfFormula (CnfFormula x) = x
+  | destCnfFormula _ = raise Error "destCnfFormula";
+val isCnfFormula = can destCnfFormula;
+fun destFofFormula (FofFormula x) = x
+  | destFofFormula _ = raise Error "destFofFormula";
+val isFofFormula = can destFofFormula;
+fun formulaFunctions (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseFunctions clause
+  | formulaFunctions (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.functions formula;
+fun formulaRelations (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseRelations clause
+  | formulaRelations (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.relations formula;
+fun formulaFreeVars (CnfFormula {clause,...}) = clauseFreeVars clause
+  | formulaFreeVars (FofFormula {formula,...}) = Formula.freeVars formula;
+fun mapFormula maps (CnfFormula {name,role,clause}) =
+    CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = mapClause maps clause}
+  | mapFormula maps (FofFormula {name,role,formula}) =
+    FofFormula {name = name, role = role, formula = mapFof maps formula};
+val formulasFunctions =
+    let
+      fun funcs (fm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (formulaFunctions fm) acc
+    in
+      foldl funcs NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+val formulasRelations =
+    let
+      fun rels (fm,acc) = NameAritySet.union (formulaRelations fm) acc
+    in
+      foldl rels NameAritySet.empty
+    end;
+fun formulaIsConjecture (CnfFormula {role,...}) = role = ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE
+  | formulaIsConjecture (FofFormula {role,...}) = role = ROLE_CONJECTURE;
+  val mkTptpString =
+      let
+        fun tr #"'" = ""
+          | tr c =
+            if c = #"_" orelse Char.isAlphaNum c then str c
+            else raise Error "bad character"
+      in
+        String.translate tr
+      end;
+  fun mkTptpName a n =
+      let
+        val n' = mkTptpString n
+        val n' =
+            case explode n' of
+              [] => raise Error "empty"
+            | c :: cs =>
+              if Char.isLower c then n'
+              else if Char.isDigit c andalso List.all Char.isDigit cs then n'
+              else if Char.isUpper c then implode (Char.toLower c :: cs)
+              else raise Error "bad initial character"
+      in
+        if n = n' then n else Term.variantNum a n'
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Error ("bad name \"" ^ n ^ "\": " ^ err);
+  fun mkMap set mapping =
+      let
+        val mapping = mappingToTptp mapping
+        fun mk ((n,r),(a,m)) =
+            case NameArityMap.peek mapping (n,r) of
+              SOME t => (a, NameArityMap.insert m ((n,r),t))
+            | NONE =>
+              let
+                val t = mkTptpName a n
+              in
+                (NameSet.add a t, NameArityMap.insert m ((n,r),t))
+              end
+        val avoid =
+            let
+              fun mk ((n,r),s) =
+                  let
+                    val n = Option.getOpt (NameArityMap.peek mapping (n,r), n)
+                  in
+                    NameSet.add s n
+                  end
+            in
+              NameAritySet.foldl mk NameSet.empty set
+            end
+      in
+        snd (NameAritySet.foldl mk (avoid, ()) set)
+      end;
+  fun mkTptpVar a v =
+      let
+        val v' = mkTptpString v
+        val v' =
+            case explode v' of
+              [] => raise Error "empty"
+            | c :: cs =>
+              if c = #"_" orelse Char.isUpper c then v'
+              else if Char.isLower c then implode (Char.toUpper c :: cs)
+              else raise Error "bad initial character"
+      in
+        Term.variantNum a v'
+      end
+      handle Error err => raise Error ("bad var \"" ^ v ^ "\": " ^ err);
+  fun isTptpVar v = mkTptpVar NameSet.empty v = v;
+  fun alphaFormula fm =
+      let
+        fun addVar v a s =
+            let
+              val v' = mkTptpVar a v
+              val a = NameSet.add a v'
+              and s = if v = v' then s else Subst.insert s (v, Term.Var v')
+            in
+              (v',(a,s))
+            end
+        fun initVar (v,(a,s)) = snd (addVar v a s)
+        open Formula
+        fun alpha _ _ True = True
+          | alpha _ _ False = False
+          | alpha _ s (Atom atm) = Atom (Atom.subst s atm)
+          | alpha a s (Not p) = Not (alpha a s p)
+          | alpha a s (And (p,q)) = And (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Or (p,q)) = Or (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Imp (p,q)) = Imp (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Iff (p,q)) = Iff (alpha a s p, alpha a s q)
+          | alpha a s (Forall (v,p)) =
+            let val (v,(a,s)) = addVar v a s in Forall (v, alpha a s p) end
+          | alpha a s (Exists (v,p)) =
+            let val (v,(a,s)) = addVar v a s in Exists (v, alpha a s p) end
+        val fvs = formulaFreeVars fm
+        val (avoid,fvs) = NameSet.partition isTptpVar fvs
+        val (avoid,sub) = NameSet.foldl initVar (avoid,Subst.empty) fvs
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace Subst.pp "Tptp.alpha: sub" sub
+      in
+        case fm of
+          CnfFormula {name,role,clause} =>
+          CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = clauseSubst sub clause}
+        | FofFormula {name,role,formula} =>
+          FofFormula {name = name, role = role, formula = alpha avoid sub formula}
+      end;
+  fun formulaToTptp maps fm = alphaFormula (mapFormula maps fm);
+  fun formulasToTptp formulas =
+      let
+        val funcs = formulasFunctions formulas
+        and rels = formulasRelations formulas
+        val functionMap = mkMap funcs (!functionMapping)
+        and relationMap = mkMap rels (!relationMapping)
+        val maps = {functionMap = functionMap, relationMap = relationMap}
+      in
+        map (formulaToTptp maps) formulas
+      end;
+fun formulasFromTptp formulas =
+    let
+      val functionMap = mappingFromTptp (!functionMapping)
+      and relationMap = mappingFromTptp (!relationMapping)
+      val maps = {functionMap = functionMap, relationMap = relationMap}
+    in
+      map (mapFormula maps) formulas
+    end;
+  fun ppGen ppX pp (gen,name,role,x) =
+      (PP.begin_block pp PP.INCONSISTENT (size gen + 1);
+       PP.add_string pp (gen ^ "(" ^ name ^ ",");
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       PP.add_string pp (role ^ ",");
+       PP.add_break pp (1,0);
+       PP.begin_block pp PP.CONSISTENT 1;
+       PP.add_string pp "(";
+       ppX pp x;
+       PP.add_string pp ")";
+       PP.end_block pp;
+       PP.add_string pp ").";
+       PP.end_block pp);
+  fun ppFormula pp (CnfFormula {name,role,clause}) =
+      ppGen ppClause pp ("cnf",name,role,clause)
+    | ppFormula pp (FofFormula {name,role,formula}) =
+      ppGen ppFof pp ("fof",name,role,formula);
+val formulaToString = Parser.toString ppFormula;
+  open Parser;
+  infixr 8 ++
+  infixr 7 >>
+  infixr 6 ||
+  datatype token = AlphaNum of string | Punct of char;
+  local
+    fun isAlphaNum #"_" = true
+      | isAlphaNum c = Char.isAlphaNum c;
+    val alphaNumToken = atLeastOne (some isAlphaNum) >> (AlphaNum o implode);
+    val punctToken =
+        let
+          val punctChars = explode "<>=-*+/\\?@|!$%&#^:;~()[]{}.,"
+          fun isPunctChar c = mem c punctChars
+        in
+          some isPunctChar >> Punct
+        end;
+    val lexToken = alphaNumToken || punctToken;
+    val space = many (some Char.isSpace);
+  in
+    val lexer = (space ++ lexToken ++ space) >> (fn (_,(tok,_)) => tok);
+  end;
+  fun someAlphaNum p =
+      maybe (fn AlphaNum s => if p s then SOME s else NONE | _ => NONE);
+  fun alphaNumParser s = someAlphaNum (equal s) >> K ();
+  val lowerParser = someAlphaNum (fn s => Char.isLower (String.sub (s,0)));
+  val upperParser = someAlphaNum (fn s => Char.isUpper (String.sub (s,0)));
+  val stringParser = lowerParser || upperParser;
+  val numberParser = someAlphaNum (List.all Char.isDigit o explode);
+  fun somePunct p =
+      maybe (fn Punct c => if p c then SOME c else NONE | _ => NONE);
+  fun punctParser c = somePunct (equal c) >> K ();
+  local
+    fun f [] = raise Bug "symbolParser"
+      | f [x] = x
+      | f (h :: t) = (h ++ f t) >> K ();
+  in
+    fun symbolParser s = f (map punctParser (explode s));
+  end;
+  val varParser = upperParser;
+  val varListParser =
+      (punctParser #"[" ++ varParser ++
+       many ((punctParser #"," ++ varParser) >> snd) ++
+       punctParser #"]") >>
+      (fn ((),(h,(t,()))) => h :: t);
+  val functionParser = lowerParser;
+  val constantParser = lowerParser || numberParser;
+  val propositionParser = lowerParser;
+  val booleanParser =
+      (punctParser #"$" ++
+       ((alphaNumParser "true" >> K true) ||
+        (alphaNumParser "false" >> K false))) >> snd;
+  fun termParser input =
+      ((functionArgumentsParser >> Term.Fn) ||
+       nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser) input
+  and functionArgumentsParser input =
+      ((functionParser ++ punctParser #"(" ++ termParser ++
+        many ((punctParser #"," ++ termParser) >> snd) ++
+        punctParser #")") >>
+       (fn (f,((),(t,(ts,())))) => (f, t :: ts))) input
+  and nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser input =
+      ((varParser >> Term.Var) ||
+       (constantParser >> (fn n => Term.Fn (n,[])))) input
+  val binaryAtomParser =
+      ((punctParser #"=" ++ termParser) >>
+       (fn ((),r) => fn l => Literal.mkEq (l,r))) ||
+      ((symbolParser "!=" ++ termParser) >>
+       (fn ((),r) => fn l => Literal.mkNeq (l,r)));
+  val maybeBinaryAtomParser =
+      optional binaryAtomParser >>
+      (fn SOME f => (fn a => f (Term.Fn a))
+        | NONE => (fn a => (true,a)));
+  val literalAtomParser =
+      ((functionArgumentsParser ++ maybeBinaryAtomParser) >>
+       (fn (a,f) => f a)) ||
+      ((nonFunctionArgumentsTermParser ++ binaryAtomParser) >>
+       (fn (a,f) => f a)) ||
+      (propositionParser >>
+       (fn n => (true,(n,[]))));
+  val atomParser =
+      (booleanParser >> Boolean) ||
+      (literalAtomParser >> Literal);
+  val literalParser =
+      ((punctParser #"~" ++ atomParser) >> (negate o snd)) ||
+      atomParser;
+  val disjunctionParser =
+      (literalParser ++ many ((punctParser #"|" ++ literalParser) >> snd)) >>
+      (fn (h,t) => h :: t);
+  val clauseParser =
+      ((punctParser #"(" ++ disjunctionParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+       (fn ((),(c,())) => c)) ||
+      disjunctionParser;
+  An exact transcription of the fof_formula syntax from
+    TPTP-v3.2.0/Documents/SyntaxBNF,
+  fun fofFormulaParser input =
+      (binaryFormulaParser || unitaryFormulaParser) input
+  and binaryFormulaParser input =
+      (nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser || assocBinaryFormulaParser) input
+  and nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++ binaryConnectiveParser ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (f,(c,g)) => c (f,g))) input
+  and binaryConnectiveParser input =
+      ((symbolParser "<=>" >> K Formula.Iff) ||
+       (symbolParser "=>" >> K Formula.Imp) ||
+       (symbolParser "<=" >> K (fn (f,g) => Formula.Imp (g,f))) ||
+       (symbolParser "<~>" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Iff)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~|" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Or)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~&" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.And))) input
+  and assocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      (orFormulaParser || andFormulaParser) input
+  and orFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++
+        atLeastOne ((punctParser #"|" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd)) >>
+       (fn (f,fs) => Formula.listMkDisj (f :: fs))) input
+  and andFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++
+        atLeastOne ((punctParser #"&" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd)) >>
+       (fn (f,fs) => Formula.listMkConj (f :: fs))) input
+  and unitaryFormulaParser input =
+      (quantifiedFormulaParser ||
+       unaryFormulaParser ||
+       ((punctParser #"(" ++ fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+        (fn ((),(f,())) => f)) ||
+       (atomParser >>
+        (fn Boolean b => Formula.mkBoolean b
+          | Literal l => Literal.toFormula l))) input
+  and quantifiedFormulaParser input =
+      ((quantifierParser ++ varListParser ++ punctParser #":" ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (q,(v,((),f))) => q (v,f))) input
+  and quantifierParser input =
+      ((punctParser #"!" >> K Formula.listMkForall) ||
+       (punctParser #"?" >> K Formula.listMkExists)) input
+  and unaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,f) => c f)) input
+  and unaryConnectiveParser input =
+      (punctParser #"~" >> K Formula.Not) input;
+  This version is supposed to be equivalent to the spec version above,
+  but uses closures to avoid reparsing prefixes.
+  fun fofFormulaParser input =
+      ((unitaryFormulaParser ++ optional binaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (f,NONE) => f | (f, SOME t) => t f)) input
+  and binaryFormulaParser input =
+      (nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser || assocBinaryFormulaParser) input
+  and nonAssocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((binaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,g) => fn f => c (f,g))) input
+  and binaryConnectiveParser input =
+      ((symbolParser "<=>" >> K Formula.Iff) ||
+       (symbolParser "=>" >> K Formula.Imp) ||
+       (symbolParser "<=" >> K (fn (f,g) => Formula.Imp (g,f))) ||
+       (symbolParser "<~>" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Iff)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~|" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.Or)) ||
+       (symbolParser "~&" >> K (Formula.Not o Formula.And))) input
+  and assocBinaryFormulaParser input =
+      (orFormulaParser || andFormulaParser) input
+  and orFormulaParser input =
+      (atLeastOne ((punctParser #"|" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd) >>
+       (fn fs => fn f => Formula.listMkDisj (f :: fs))) input
+  and andFormulaParser input =
+      (atLeastOne ((punctParser #"&" ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >> snd) >>
+       (fn fs => fn f => Formula.listMkConj (f :: fs))) input
+  and unitaryFormulaParser input =
+      (quantifiedFormulaParser ||
+       unaryFormulaParser ||
+       ((punctParser #"(" ++ fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")") >>
+        (fn ((),(f,())) => f)) ||
+       (atomParser >>
+        (fn Boolean b => Formula.mkBoolean b
+          | Literal l => Literal.toFormula l))) input
+  and quantifiedFormulaParser input =
+      ((quantifierParser ++ varListParser ++ punctParser #":" ++
+        unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (q,(v,((),f))) => q (v,f))) input
+  and quantifierParser input =
+      ((punctParser #"!" >> K Formula.listMkForall) ||
+       (punctParser #"?" >> K Formula.listMkExists)) input
+  and unaryFormulaParser input =
+      ((unaryConnectiveParser ++ unitaryFormulaParser) >>
+       (fn (c,f) => c f)) input
+  and unaryConnectiveParser input =
+      (punctParser #"~" >> K Formula.Not) input;
+  val cnfParser =
+      (alphaNumParser "cnf" ++ punctParser #"(" ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       clauseParser ++ punctParser #")" ++
+       punctParser #".") >>
+      (fn ((),((),(n,((),(r,((),(c,((),())))))))) =>
+          CnfFormula {name = n, role = r, clause = c});
+  val fofParser =
+      (alphaNumParser "fof" ++ punctParser #"(" ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       stringParser ++ punctParser #"," ++
+       fofFormulaParser ++ punctParser #")" ++
+       punctParser #".") >>
+      (fn ((),((),(n,((),(r,((),(f,((),())))))))) =>
+          FofFormula {name = n, role = r, formula = f});
+  val formulaParser = cnfParser || fofParser;
+  fun parseFormula chars =
+      let
+        val tokens = Parser.everything (lexer >> singleton) chars
+        val formulas = Parser.everything (formulaParser >> singleton) tokens
+      in
+        formulas
+      end;
+fun formulaFromString s =
+    case Stream.toList (parseFormula (Stream.fromList (explode s))) of
+      [fm] => fm
+    | _ => raise Parser.NoParse;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* TPTP problems.                                                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype goal =
+    Cnf of Problem.problem
+  | Fof of Formula.formula;
+type problem = {comments : string list, formulas : formula list};
+  fun stripComments acc strm =
+      case strm of
+        Stream.NIL => (rev acc, Stream.NIL)
+      | Stream.CONS (line,rest) =>
+        case total destComment line of
+          SOME s => stripComments (s :: acc) (rest ())
+        | NONE => (rev acc, Stream.filter (not o isComment) strm);
+  fun read {filename} =
+      let
+        val lines = Stream.fromTextFile {filename = filename}
+        val lines = chomp lines
+        val (comments,lines) = stripComments [] lines
+        val chars =
+            let
+              fun f line = Stream.fromList (explode line)
+            in
+              Stream.concat ( f lines)
+            end
+        val formulas = Stream.toList (parseFormula chars)
+        val formulas = formulasFromTptp formulas
+      in
+        {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+      end;
+(* Quick testing
+installPP Term.pp;
+installPP Formula.pp;
+val () = Term.isVarName := (fn s => Char.isUpper (String.sub (s,0)));
+val TPTP_DIR = "/Users/Joe/ptr/tptp/tptp/";
+val num1 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "NUM/NUM001-1.tptp"};
+val lcl9 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "LCL/LCL009-1.tptp"};
+val set11 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "SET/SET011+3.tptp"};
+val swc128 = read {filename = TPTP_DIR ^ "SWC/SWC128-1.tptp"};
+  fun mkCommentLine comment = mkComment comment ^ "\n";
+  fun formulaStream [] () = Stream.NIL
+    | formulaStream (h :: t) () =
+      Stream.CONS ("\n" ^ formulaToString h, formulaStream t);
+  fun write {filename} {comments,formulas} =
+      Stream.toTextFile
+        {filename = filename}
+        (Stream.append
+           ( mkCommentLine (Stream.fromList comments))
+           (formulaStream (formulasToTptp formulas)));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Converting TPTP problems to goal formulas.                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun isCnfProblem ({formulas,...} : problem) =
+    let
+      val cnf = List.exists isCnfFormula formulas
+      and fof = List.exists isFofFormula formulas
+    in
+      case (cnf,fof) of
+        (false,false) => raise Error "TPTP problem has no formulas"
+      | (true,true) => raise Error "TPTP problem has both cnf and fof formulas"
+      | (cnf,_) => cnf
+    end;
+fun hasConjecture ({formulas,...} : problem) =
+    List.exists formulaIsConjecture formulas;
+  fun cnfFormulaToClause (CnfFormula {clause,...}) =
+      if mem (Boolean true) clause then NONE
+      else
+        let
+          val lits = List.mapPartial (total destLiteral) clause
+        in
+          SOME (LiteralSet.fromList lits)
+        end
+    | cnfFormulaToClause (FofFormula _) = raise Bug "cnfFormulaToClause";
+  fun fofFormulaToGoal (FofFormula {formula,role,...}, {axioms,goals}) =
+      let
+        val fm = Formula.generalize formula
+      in
+        if role = ROLE_CONJECTURE then
+          {axioms = axioms, goals = fm :: goals}
+        else
+          {axioms = fm :: axioms, goals = goals}
+      end
+    | fofFormulaToGoal (CnfFormula _, _) = raise Bug "fofFormulaToGoal";
+  fun toGoal (prob as {formulas,...}) =
+      if isCnfProblem prob then
+        Cnf (List.mapPartial cnfFormulaToClause formulas)
+      else
+        Fof
+        let
+          val axioms_goals = {axioms = [], goals = []}
+          val axioms_goals = List.foldl fofFormulaToGoal axioms_goals formulas
+        in
+          case axioms_goals of
+            {axioms, goals = []} =>
+            Formula.Imp (Formula.listMkConj axioms, Formula.False)
+          | {axioms = [], goals} => Formula.listMkConj goals
+          | {axioms,goals} =>
+            Formula.Imp (Formula.listMkConj axioms, Formula.listMkConj goals)
+        end;
+  fun fromClause cl n =
+      let
+        val name = "clause" ^ Int.toString n
+        val role = ROLE_NEGATED_CONJECTURE
+        val clause =
+            clauseFromFormula
+              (Formula.listMkDisj (LiteralSet.transform Literal.toFormula cl))
+      in
+        (CnfFormula {name = name, role = role, clause = clause}, n + 1)
+      end;
+  fun fromProblem prob =
+      let
+        val comments = []
+        and (formulas,_) = maps fromClause prob 0
+      in
+        {comments = comments, formulas = formulas}
+      end;
+  fun refute cls =
+      let
+        val res = Resolution.default (map Thm.axiom cls)
+      in
+        case Resolution.loop res of
+          Resolution.Contradiction _ => true
+        | Resolution.Satisfiable _ => false
+      end;
+  fun prove filename =
+      let
+        val tptp = read filename
+        val problems =
+            case toGoal tptp of
+              Cnf prob => [prob]
+            | Fof goal => Problem.fromGoal goal
+      in
+        List.all refute problems
+      end;