changeset 23442 028e39e5e8f3
child 23510 4521fead5609
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/Metis/src/Rule.sml	Wed Jun 20 22:07:52 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Joe Hurd, distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Rule :> Rule =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------- reflexivity                                                     *)
+(*   x = x                                                                   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reflexivity = Thm.refl (Term.Var "x");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------- symmetry                                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ y = x                                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val symmetry =
+    let
+      val x = Term.Var "x"
+      and y = Term.Var "y"
+      val reflTh = reflexivity
+      val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+      val eqTh = Thm.equality reflLit [0] y
+    in
+      Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh eqTh
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* --------------------------------- transitivity                            *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ ~(y = z) \/ x = z                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val transitivity =
+    let
+      val x = Term.Var "x"
+      and y = Term.Var "y"
+      and z = Term.Var "z"
+      val eqTh = Thm.equality (Literal.mkEq (y,z)) [0] x
+    in
+      Thm.resolve (Literal.mkEq (y,x)) symmetry eqTh
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ C                                                              *)
+(* -------------- symEq (x = y)                                              *)
+(*   y = x \/ C                                                              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symEq lit th =
+    let
+      val (x,y) = Literal.destEq lit
+    in
+      if x = y then th
+      else
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",x),("y",y)]
+          val symTh = Thm.subst sub symmetry
+        in
+          Thm.resolve lit th symTh
+        end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* An equation consists of two terms (t,u) plus a theorem (stronger than)    *)
+(* t = u \/ C.                                                               *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type equation = (Term.term * Term.term) * Thm.thm;
+fun ppEquation pp (eqn as (_,th)) = Thm.pp pp th;
+fun equationToString x = Parser.toString ppEquation x;
+fun equationLiteral (t_u,th) =
+    let
+      val lit = Literal.mkEq t_u
+    in
+      if LiteralSet.member lit (Thm.clause th) then SOME lit else NONE
+    end;
+fun reflEqn t = ((t,t), Thm.refl t);
+fun symEqn (eqn as ((t,u), th)) =
+    if t = u then eqn
+    else
+      ((u,t),
+       case equationLiteral eqn of
+         SOME t_u => symEq t_u th
+       | NONE => th);
+fun transEqn (eqn1 as ((x,y), th1)) (eqn2 as ((_,z), th2)) =
+    if x = y then eqn2
+    else if y = z then eqn1
+    else if x = z then reflEqn x
+    else
+      ((x,z),
+       case equationLiteral eqn1 of
+         NONE => th1
+       | SOME x_y =>
+         case equationLiteral eqn2 of
+           NONE => th2
+         | SOME y_z =>
+           let
+             val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",x),("y",y),("z",z)]
+             val th = Thm.subst sub transitivity
+             val th = Thm.resolve x_y th1 th
+             val th = Thm.resolve y_z th2 th
+           in
+             th
+           end);
+val transEqn = fn eqn1 => fn eqn2 =>
+    transEqn eqn1 eqn2
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.transEqn:\neqn1 = " ^ equationToString eqn1 ^
+                   "\neqn2 = " ^ equationToString eqn2 ^ "\n" ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A conversion takes a term t and either:                                   *)
+(* 1. Returns a term u together with a theorem (stronger than) t = u \/ C.   *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type conv = Term.term -> Term.term * Thm.thm;
+fun allConv tm = (tm, Thm.refl tm);
+val noConv : conv = fn _ => raise Error "noConv";
+fun traceConv s conv tm =
+    let
+      val res as (tm',th) = conv tm
+      val () = print (s ^ ": " ^ Term.toString tm ^ " --> " ^
+                      Term.toString tm' ^ " " ^ Thm.toString th ^ "\n")
+    in
+      res
+    end
+    handle Error err =>
+      (print (s ^ ": " ^ Term.toString tm ^ " --> Error: " ^ err ^ "\n");
+       raise Error (s ^ ": " ^ err));
+fun thenConvTrans tm (tm',th1) (tm'',th2) =
+    let
+      val eqn1 = ((tm,tm'),th1)
+      and eqn2 = ((tm',tm''),th2)
+      val (_,th) = transEqn eqn1 eqn2
+    in
+      (tm'',th)
+    end;
+fun thenConv conv1 conv2 tm =
+    let
+      val res1 as (tm',_) = conv1 tm
+      val res2 = conv2 tm'
+    in
+      thenConvTrans tm res1 res2
+    end;
+fun orelseConv (conv1 : conv) conv2 tm = conv1 tm handle Error _ => conv2 tm;
+fun tryConv conv = orelseConv conv allConv;
+fun changedConv conv tm =
+    let
+      val res as (tm',_) = conv tm
+    in
+      if tm = tm' then raise Error "changedConv" else res
+    end;
+fun repeatConv conv tm = tryConv (thenConv conv (repeatConv conv)) tm;
+fun firstConv [] _ = raise Error "firstConv"
+  | firstConv [conv] tm = conv tm
+  | firstConv (conv :: convs) tm = orelseConv conv (firstConv convs) tm;
+fun everyConv [] tm = allConv tm
+  | everyConv [conv] tm = conv tm
+  | everyConv (conv :: convs) tm = thenConv conv (everyConv convs) tm;
+fun rewrConv (eqn as ((x,y), eqTh)) path tm =
+    if x = y then allConv tm
+    else if null path then (y,eqTh)
+    else
+      let
+        val reflTh = Thm.refl tm
+        val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+        val th = Thm.equality reflLit (1 :: path) y
+        val th = Thm.resolve reflLit reflTh th
+        val th =
+            case equationLiteral eqn of
+              NONE => th
+            | SOME x_y => Thm.resolve x_y eqTh th
+        val tm' = Term.replace tm (path,y)
+      in
+        (tm',th)
+      end;
+val rewrConv = fn eqn as ((x,y),eqTh) => fn path => fn tm =>
+    rewrConv eqn path tm
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.rewrConv:\nx = " ^ Term.toString x ^
+                   "\ny = " ^ Term.toString y ^
+                   "\neqTh = " ^ Thm.toString eqTh ^
+                   "\npath = " ^ Term.pathToString path ^
+                   "\ntm = " ^ Term.toString tm ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun pathConv conv path tm =
+    let
+      val x = Term.subterm tm path
+      val (y,th) = conv x
+    in
+      rewrConv ((x,y),th) path tm
+    end;
+fun subtermConv conv i = pathConv conv [i];
+fun subtermsConv _ (tm as Term.Var _) = allConv tm
+  | subtermsConv conv (tm as Term.Fn (_,a)) =
+    everyConv (map (subtermConv conv) (interval 0 (length a))) tm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Applying a conversion to every subterm, with some traversal strategy.     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun bottomUpConv conv tm =
+    thenConv (subtermsConv (bottomUpConv conv)) (repeatConv conv) tm;
+fun topDownConv conv tm =
+    thenConv (repeatConv conv) (subtermsConv (topDownConv conv)) tm;
+fun repeatTopDownConv conv =
+    let
+      fun f tm = thenConv (repeatConv conv) g tm
+      and g tm = thenConv (subtermsConv f) h tm
+      and h tm = tryConv (thenConv conv f) tm
+    in
+      f
+    end;
+val repeatTopDownConv = fn conv => fn tm =>
+    repeatTopDownConv conv tm
+    handle Error err => raise Error ("repeatTopDownConv: " ^ err);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A literule (bad pun) takes a literal L and either:                        *)
+(* 1. Returns a literal L' with a theorem (stronger than) ~L \/ L' \/ C.     *)
+(* 2. Raises an Error exception.                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type literule = Literal.literal -> Literal.literal * Thm.thm;
+fun allLiterule lit = (lit, Thm.assume lit);
+val noLiterule : literule = fn _ => raise Error "noLiterule";
+fun thenLiterule literule1 literule2 lit =
+    let
+      val res1 as (lit',th1) = literule1 lit
+      val res2 as (lit'',th2) = literule2 lit'
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then res2
+      else if lit' = lit'' then res1
+      else if lit = lit'' then allLiterule lit
+      else
+        (lit'',
+         if not (Thm.member lit' th1) then th1
+         else if not (Thm.negateMember lit' th2) then th2
+         else Thm.resolve lit' th1 th2)
+    end;
+fun orelseLiterule (literule1 : literule) literule2 lit =
+    literule1 lit handle Error _ => literule2 lit;
+fun tryLiterule literule = orelseLiterule literule allLiterule;
+fun changedLiterule literule lit =
+    let
+      val res as (lit',_) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then raise Error "changedLiterule" else res
+    end;
+fun repeatLiterule literule lit =
+    tryLiterule (thenLiterule literule (repeatLiterule literule)) lit;
+fun firstLiterule [] _ = raise Error "firstLiterule"
+  | firstLiterule [literule] lit = literule lit
+  | firstLiterule (literule :: literules) lit =
+    orelseLiterule literule (firstLiterule literules) lit;
+fun everyLiterule [] lit = allLiterule lit
+  | everyLiterule [literule] lit = literule lit
+  | everyLiterule (literule :: literules) lit =
+    thenLiterule literule (everyLiterule literules) lit;
+fun rewrLiterule (eqn as ((x,y),eqTh)) path lit =
+    if x = y then allLiterule lit
+    else
+      let
+        val th = Thm.equality lit path y
+        val th =
+            case equationLiteral eqn of
+              NONE => th
+            | SOME x_y => Thm.resolve x_y eqTh th
+        val lit' = Literal.replace lit (path,y)
+      in
+        (lit',th)
+      end;
+val rewrLiterule = fn eqn => fn path => fn lit =>
+    rewrLiterule eqn path lit
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.rewrLiterule:\neqn = " ^ equationToString eqn ^
+                   "\npath = " ^ Term.pathToString path ^
+                   "\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun pathLiterule conv path lit =
+    let
+      val tm = Literal.subterm lit path
+      val (tm',th) = conv tm
+    in
+      rewrLiterule ((tm,tm'),th) path lit
+    end;
+fun argumentLiterule conv i = pathLiterule conv [i];
+fun allArgumentsLiterule conv lit =
+    everyLiterule
+      (map (argumentLiterule conv) (interval 0 (Literal.arity lit))) lit;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* A rule takes one theorem and either deduces another or raises an Error    *)
+(* exception.                                                                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type rule = Thm.thm -> Thm.thm;
+val allRule : rule = fn th => th;
+val noRule : rule = fn _ => raise Error "noRule";
+fun thenRule (rule1 : rule) (rule2 : rule) th = rule1 (rule2 th);
+fun orelseRule (rule1 : rule) rule2 th = rule1 th handle Error _ => rule2 th;
+fun tryRule rule = orelseRule rule allRule;
+fun changedRule rule th =
+    let
+      val th' = rule th
+    in
+      if not (LiteralSet.equal (Thm.clause th) (Thm.clause th')) then th'
+      else raise Error "changedRule"
+    end;
+fun repeatRule rule lit = tryRule (thenRule rule (repeatRule rule)) lit;
+fun firstRule [] _ = raise Error "firstRule"
+  | firstRule [rule] th = rule th
+  | firstRule (rule :: rules) th = orelseRule rule (firstRule rules) th;
+fun everyRule [] th = allRule th
+  | everyRule [rule] th = rule th
+  | everyRule (rule :: rules) th = thenRule rule (everyRule rules) th;
+fun literalRule literule lit th =
+    let
+      val (lit',litTh) = literule lit
+    in
+      if lit = lit' then th
+      else if not (Thm.negateMember lit litTh) then litTh
+      else Thm.resolve lit th litTh
+    end;
+val literalRule = fn literule => fn lit => fn th =>
+    literalRule literule lit th
+    handle Error err =>
+      raise Error ("Rule.literalRule:\nlit = " ^ Literal.toString lit ^
+                   "\nth = " ^ Thm.toString th ^ "\n" ^ err);
+fun rewrRule eqTh lit path = literalRule (rewrLiterule eqTh path) lit;
+fun pathRule conv lit path = literalRule (pathLiterule conv path) lit;
+fun literalsRule literule =
+    let
+      fun f (lit,th) =
+          if Thm.member lit th then literalRule literule lit th else th
+    in
+      fn lits => fn th => LiteralSet.foldl f th lits
+    end;
+fun allLiteralsRule literule th = literalsRule literule (Thm.clause th) th;
+fun convRule conv = allLiteralsRule (allArgumentsLiterule conv);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- functionCongruence (f,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   f x0 ... x{n-1} = f y0 ... y{n-1}                                       *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun functionCongruence (f,n) =
+    let
+      val xs = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("x" ^ Int.toString i))
+      and ys = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("y" ^ Int.toString i))
+      fun cong ((i,yi),(th,lit)) =
+          let
+            val path = [1,i]
+            val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.equality lit path yi)
+            val lit = Literal.replace lit (path,yi)
+          in
+            (th,lit)
+          end
+      val reflTh = Thm.refl (Term.Fn (f,xs))
+      val reflLit = Thm.destUnit reflTh
+    in
+      fst (foldl cong (reflTh,reflLit) (enumerate ys))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------- relationCongruence (R,n)   *)
+(*   ~(x0 = y0) \/ ... \/ ~(x{n-1} = y{n-1}) \/                              *)
+(*   ~R x0 ... x{n-1} \/ R y0 ... y{n-1}                                     *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun relationCongruence (R,n) =
+    let
+      val xs = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("x" ^ Int.toString i))
+      and ys = List.tabulate (n, fn i => Term.Var ("y" ^ Int.toString i))
+      fun cong ((i,yi),(th,lit)) =
+          let
+            val path = [i]
+            val th = Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.equality lit path yi)
+            val lit = Literal.replace lit (path,yi)
+          in
+            (th,lit)
+          end
+      val assumeLit = (false,(R,xs))
+      val assumeTh = Thm.assume assumeLit
+    in
+      fst (foldl cong (assumeTh,assumeLit) (enumerate ys))
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = y) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- symNeq ~(x = y)                                         *)
+(*   ~(y = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun symNeq lit th =
+    let
+      val (x,y) = Literal.destNeq lit
+    in
+      if x = y then th
+      else
+        let
+          val sub = Subst.fromList [("x",y),("y",x)]
+          val symTh = Thm.subst sub symmetry
+        in
+          Thm.resolve lit th symTh
+        end
+    end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* sym (x = y) = symEq (x = y)  /\  sym ~(x = y) = symNeq ~(x = y)           *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun sym (lit as (pol,_)) th = if pol then symEq lit th else symNeq lit th;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(x = x) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- removeIrrefl                                            *)
+(*         C                                                                 *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all irreflexive equalities.                                         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun irrefl ((true,_),th) = th
+    | irrefl (lit as (false,atm), th) =
+      case total Atom.destRefl atm of
+        SOME x => Thm.resolve lit th (Thm.refl x)
+      | NONE => th;
+  fun removeIrrefl th = LiteralSet.foldl irrefl th (Thm.clause th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   x = y \/ y = x \/ C                                                     *)
+(* ----------------------- removeSym                                         *)
+(*       x = y \/ C                                                          *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where all duplicate copies of equalities and disequalities are removed.   *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun rem (lit as (pol,atm), eqs_th as (eqs,th)) =
+      case total Atom.sym atm of
+        NONE => eqs_th
+      | SOME atm' =>
+        if LiteralSet.member lit eqs then
+          (eqs, if pol then symEq lit th else symNeq lit th)
+        else
+          (LiteralSet.add eqs (pol,atm'), th);
+  fun removeSym th =
+      snd (LiteralSet.foldl rem (LiteralSet.empty,th) (Thm.clause th));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*   ~(v = t) \/ C                                                           *)
+(* ----------------- expandAbbrevs                                           *)
+(*      C[t/v]                                                               *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where t must not contain any occurrence of the variable v.                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  fun expand lit =
+      let
+        val (x,y) = Literal.destNeq lit
+      in
+        if (Term.isTypedVar x orelse Term.isTypedVar y) andalso x <> y then
+          Subst.unify Subst.empty x y
+        else raise Error "expand"
+      end;
+  fun expandAbbrevs th =
+      case LiteralSet.firstl (total expand) (Thm.clause th) of
+        NONE => removeIrrefl th
+      | SOME sub => expandAbbrevs (Thm.subst sub th);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* simplify = isTautology + expandAbbrevs + removeSym                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun simplify th =
+    if Thm.isTautology th then NONE
+    else
+      let
+        val th' = th
+        val th' = expandAbbrevs th'
+        val th' = removeSym th'
+      in
+        if Thm.equal th th' then SOME th else simplify th'
+      end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*    C                                                                      *)
+(* -------- freshVars                                                        *)
+(*   C[s]                                                                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where s is a renaming substitution chosen so that all of the variables in *)
+(* C are replaced by fresh variables.                                        *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun freshVars th = Thm.subst (Subst.freshVars (Thm.freeVars th)) th;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(*               C                                                           *)
+(* ---------------------------- factor                                       *)
+(*   C_s_1, C_s_2, ..., C_s_n                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* where each s_i is a substitution that factors C, meaning that the theorem *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(*   C_s_i = (removeIrrefl o removeSym o Thm.subst s_i) C                    *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* has fewer literals than C.                                                *)
+(*                                                                           *)
+(* Also, if s is any substitution that factors C, then one of the s_i will   *)
+(* result in a theorem C_s_i that strictly subsumes the theorem C_s.         *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  datatype edge =
+      FactorEdge of Atom.atom * Atom.atom
+    | ReflEdge of Term.term * Term.term;
+  fun ppEdge p (FactorEdge atm_atm') = Parser.ppPair Atom.pp Atom.pp p atm_atm'
+    | ppEdge p (ReflEdge tm_tm') = Parser.ppPair Term.pp Term.pp p tm_tm';
+  datatype joinStatus =
+      Joined
+    | Joinable of Subst.subst
+    | Apart;
+  fun joinEdge sub edge =
+      let
+        val result =
+            case edge of
+              FactorEdge (atm,atm') => total (Atom.unify sub atm) atm'
+            | ReflEdge (tm,tm') => total (Subst.unify sub tm) tm'
+      in
+        case result of
+          NONE => Apart
+        | SOME sub' =>
+          if Portable.pointerEqual (sub,sub') then Joined else Joinable sub'
+      end;
+  fun updateApart sub =
+      let
+        fun update acc [] = SOME acc
+          | update acc (edge :: edges) =
+            case joinEdge sub edge of
+              Joined => NONE
+            | Joinable _ => update (edge :: acc) edges
+            | Apart => update acc edges
+      in
+        update []
+      end;
+  fun addFactorEdge (pol,atm) ((pol',atm'),acc) =
+      if pol <> pol' then acc
+      else
+        let
+          val edge = FactorEdge (atm,atm')
+        in
+          case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+            Joined => raise Bug "addFactorEdge: joined"
+          | Joinable sub => (sub,edge) :: acc
+          | Apart => acc
+        end;
+  fun addReflEdge (false,_) acc = acc
+    | addReflEdge (true,atm) acc =
+      let
+        val edge = ReflEdge (Atom.destEq atm)
+      in
+        case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+          Joined => raise Bug "addRefl: joined"
+        | Joinable _ => edge :: acc
+        | Apart => acc
+      end;
+  fun addIrreflEdge (true,_) acc = acc
+    | addIrreflEdge (false,atm) acc =
+      let
+        val edge = ReflEdge (Atom.destEq atm)
+      in
+        case joinEdge Subst.empty edge of
+          Joined => raise Bug "addRefl: joined"
+        | Joinable sub => (sub,edge) :: acc
+        | Apart => acc
+      end;
+  fun init_edges acc _ [] =
+      let
+        fun init ((apart,sub,edge),(edges,acc)) =
+            (edge :: edges, (apart,sub,edges) :: acc)
+      in
+        snd (List.foldl init ([],[]) acc)
+      end
+    | init_edges acc apart ((sub,edge) :: sub_edges) =
+      let
+        val () = if not (Subst.null sub) then ()
+                 else raise Bug "Rule.factor.init_edges: empty subst"
+        val (acc,apart) =
+            case updateApart sub apart of
+              SOME apart' => ((apart',sub,edge) :: acc, edge :: apart)
+            | NONE => (acc,apart)
+      in
+        init_edges acc apart sub_edges
+      end;
+  fun mk_edges apart sub_edges [] = init_edges [] apart sub_edges
+    | mk_edges apart sub_edges (lit :: lits) =
+      let
+        val sub_edges = List.foldl (addFactorEdge lit) sub_edges lits
+        val (apart,sub_edges) =
+            case total Literal.sym lit of
+              NONE => (apart,sub_edges)
+            | SOME lit' =>
+              let
+                val apart = addReflEdge lit apart
+                val sub_edges = addIrreflEdge lit sub_edges
+                val sub_edges = List.foldl (addFactorEdge lit') sub_edges lits
+              in
+                (apart,sub_edges)
+              end
+      in
+        mk_edges apart sub_edges lits
+      end;
+  fun fact acc [] = acc
+    | fact acc ((_,sub,[]) :: others) = fact (sub :: acc) others
+    | fact acc ((apart, sub, edge :: edges) :: others) =
+      let
+        val others =
+            case joinEdge sub edge of
+              Joinable sub' =>
+              let
+                val others = (edge :: apart, sub, edges) :: others
+              in
+                case updateApart sub' apart of
+                  NONE => others
+                | SOME apart' => (apart',sub',edges) :: others
+              end
+            | _ => (apart,sub,edges) :: others
+      in
+        fact acc others
+      end;
+  fun factor' cl =
+      let
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace LiteralSet.pp "Rule.factor': cl" cl
+        val edges = mk_edges [] [] (LiteralSet.toList cl)
+        val ppEdgesSize = Parser.ppMap length Parser.ppInt
+        val ppEdgel = Parser.ppList ppEdge
+        val ppEdges = Parser.ppList (Parser.ppTriple ppEdgel Subst.pp ppEdgel)
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppEdgesSize "Rule.factor': |edges|" edges
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppEdges "Rule.factor': edges" edges
+        val result = fact [] edges
+        val ppResult = Parser.ppList Subst.pp
+        val () = Parser.ppTrace ppResult "Rule.factor': result" result
+      in
+        result
+      end;
+fun factor th =
+    let
+      fun fact sub = removeSym (Thm.subst sub th)
+    in
+      map fact (factor' (Thm.clause th))
+    end;