changeset 56078 624faeda77b5
child 56083 b5d1d9c60341
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/SMT2.thy	Thu Mar 13 13:18:13 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/SMT2.thy
+    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
+header {* Bindings to Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers based on SMT-LIB 2 *}
+theory SMT2
+imports Record
+keywords "smt2_status" :: diag
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_utils.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_failure.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_config.ML"
+subsection {* Triggers for quantifier instantiation *}
+text {*
+Some SMT solvers support patterns as a quantifier instantiation
+heuristics.  Patterns may either be positive terms (tagged by "pat")
+triggering quantifier instantiations -- when the solver finds a
+term matching a positive pattern, it instantiates the corresponding
+quantifier accordingly -- or negative terms (tagged by "nopat")
+inhibiting quantifier instantiations.  A list of patterns
+of the same kind is called a multipattern, and all patterns in a
+multipattern are considered conjunctively for quantifier instantiation.
+A list of multipatterns is called a trigger, and their multipatterns
+act disjunctively during quantifier instantiation.  Each multipattern
+should mention at least all quantified variables of the preceding
+quantifier block.
+typedecl pattern
+  pat :: "'a \<Rightarrow> pattern"
+  nopat :: "'a \<Rightarrow> pattern"
+definition trigger :: "pattern list list \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where "trigger _ P = P"
+subsection {* Quantifier weights *}
+text {*
+Weight annotations to quantifiers influence the priority of quantifier
+instantiations.  They should be handled with care for solvers, which support
+them, because incorrect choices of weights might render a problem unsolvable.
+definition weight :: "int \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> bool" where "weight _ P = P"
+text {*
+Weights must be non-negative.  The value @{text 0} is equivalent to providing
+no weight at all.
+Weights should only be used at quantifiers and only inside triggers (if the
+quantifier has triggers).  Valid usages of weights are as follows:
+@{term "\<forall>x. trigger [[pat (P x)]] (weight 2 (P x))"}
+@{term "\<forall>x. weight 3 (P x)"}
+subsection {* Higher-order encoding *}
+text {*
+Application is made explicit for constants occurring with varying
+numbers of arguments.  This is achieved by the introduction of the
+following constant.
+definition fun_app :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where "fun_app f = f"
+text {*
+Some solvers support a theory of arrays which can be used to encode
+higher-order functions.  The following set of lemmas specifies the
+properties of such (extensional) arrays.
+lemmas array_rules = ext fun_upd_apply fun_upd_same fun_upd_other  fun_upd_upd fun_app_def
+subsection {* Integer division and modulo for Z3 *}
+definition z3div :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" where
+  "z3div k l = (if 0 \<le> l then k div l else -(k div (-l)))"
+definition z3mod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int" where
+  "z3mod k l = (if 0 \<le> l then k mod l else k mod (-l))"
+subsection {* Setup *}
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_builtin.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_datatypes.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_normalize.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_translate.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_solver.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smtlib2.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smtlib2_interface.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_interface.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_proof.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_proof_tools.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_proof_literals.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_proof_rules.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_proof_methods.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_proof_replay.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/z3_new_isar.ML"
+ML_file "Tools/SMT2/smt2_setup_solvers.ML"
+method_setup smt2 = {*
+  Scan.optional Attrib.thms [] >>
+    (fn thms => fn ctxt =>
+      METHOD (fn facts => HEADGOAL (SMT2_Solver.smt2_tac ctxt (thms @ facts))))
+*} "apply an SMT solver to the current goal (based on SMT-LIB 2)"
+subsection {* Configuration *}
+text {*
+The current configuration can be printed by the command
+@{text smt2_status}, which shows the values of most options.
+subsection {* General configuration options *}
+text {*
+The option @{text smt2_solver} can be used to change the target SMT
+solver.  The possible values can be obtained from the @{text smt2_status}
+Due to licensing restrictions, Yices and Z3 are not installed/enabled
+by default.  Z3 is free for non-commercial applications and can be enabled
+by setting Isabelle system option @{text z3_non_commercial} to @{text yes}.
+declare [[ smt2_solver = z3_new ]]
+text {*
+Since SMT solvers are potentially non-terminating, there is a timeout
+(given in seconds) to restrict their runtime.  A value greater than
+120 (seconds) is in most cases not advisable.
+declare [[ smt2_timeout = 20 ]]
+text {*
+SMT solvers apply randomized heuristics.  In case a problem is not
+solvable by an SMT solver, changing the following option might help.
+declare [[ smt2_random_seed = 1 ]]
+text {*
+In general, the binding to SMT solvers runs as an oracle, i.e, the SMT
+solvers are fully trusted without additional checks.  The following
+option can cause the SMT solver to run in proof-producing mode, giving
+a checkable certificate.  This is currently only implemented for Z3.
+declare [[ smt2_oracle = false ]]
+text {*
+Each SMT solver provides several commandline options to tweak its
+behaviour.  They can be passed to the solver by setting the following
+(* declare [[ cvc3_options = "" ]] TODO *)
+(* declare [[ yices_options = "" ]] TODO *)
+(* declare [[ z3_options = "" ]] TODO *)
+text {*
+The SMT method provides an inference mechanism to detect simple triggers
+in quantified formulas, which might increase the number of problems
+solvable by SMT solvers (note: triggers guide quantifier instantiations
+in the SMT solver).  To turn it on, set the following option.
+declare [[ smt2_infer_triggers = false ]]
+text {*
+Enable the following option to use built-in support for div/mod, datatypes,
+and records in Z3.  Currently, this is implemented only in oracle mode.
+declare [[ z3_new_extensions = false ]]
+text {*
+The SMT method monomorphizes the given facts, that is, it tries to
+instantiate all schematic type variables with fixed types occurring
+in the problem.  This is a (possibly nonterminating) fixed-point
+construction whose cycles are limited by the following option.
+declare [[ monomorph_max_rounds = 5 ]]
+text {*
+In addition, the number of generated monomorphic instances is limited
+by the following option.
+declare [[ monomorph_max_new_instances = 500 ]]
+subsection {* Certificates *}
+text {*
+By setting the option @{text smt2_certificates} to the name of a file,
+all following applications of an SMT solver a cached in that file.
+Any further application of the same SMT solver (using the very same
+configuration) re-uses the cached certificate instead of invoking the
+solver.  An empty string disables caching certificates.
+The filename should be given as an explicit path.  It is good
+practice to use the name of the current theory (with ending
+@{text ".certs"} instead of @{text ".thy"}) as the certificates file.
+Certificate files should be used at most once in a certain theory context,
+to avoid race conditions with other concurrent accesses.
+declare [[ smt2_certificates = "" ]]
+text {*
+The option @{text smt2_read_only_certificates} controls whether only
+stored certificates are should be used or invocation of an SMT solver
+is allowed.  When set to @{text true}, no SMT solver will ever be
+invoked and only the existing certificates found in the configured
+cache are used;  when set to @{text false} and there is no cached
+certificate for some proposition, then the configured SMT solver is
+declare [[ smt2_read_only_certificates = false ]]
+subsection {* Tracing *}
+text {*
+The SMT method, when applied, traces important information.  To
+make it entirely silent, set the following option to @{text false}.
+declare [[ smt2_verbose = true ]]
+text {*
+For tracing the generated problem file given to the SMT solver as
+well as the returned result of the solver, the option
+@{text smt2_trace} should be set to @{text true}.
+declare [[ smt2_trace = false ]]
+text {*
+From the set of assumptions given to the SMT solver, those assumptions
+used in the proof are traced when the following option is set to
+@{term true}.  This only works for Z3 when it runs in non-oracle mode
+(see options @{text smt2_solver} and @{text smt2_oracle} above).
+declare [[ smt2_trace_used_facts = false ]]
+subsection {* Schematic rules for Z3 proof reconstruction *}
+text {*
+Several prof rules of Z3 are not very well documented.  There are two
+lemma groups which can turn failing Z3 proof reconstruction attempts
+into succeeding ones: the facts in @{text z3_rule} are tried prior to
+any implemented reconstruction procedure for all uncertain Z3 proof
+rules;  the facts in @{text z3_simp} are only fed to invocations of
+the simplifier when reconstructing theory-specific proof steps.
+lemmas [z3_new_rule] =
+  refl eq_commute conj_commute disj_commute simp_thms nnf_simps
+  ring_distribs field_simps times_divide_eq_right times_divide_eq_left
+  if_True if_False not_not
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:
+  "(P \<and> Q) = (\<not>(\<not>P \<or> \<not>Q))"
+  "(P \<and> Q) = (\<not>(\<not>Q \<or> \<not>P))"
+  "(\<not>P \<and> Q) = (\<not>(P \<or> \<not>Q))"
+  "(\<not>P \<and> Q) = (\<not>(\<not>Q \<or> P))"
+  "(P \<and> \<not>Q) = (\<not>(\<not>P \<or> Q))"
+  "(P \<and> \<not>Q) = (\<not>(Q \<or> \<not>P))"
+  "(\<not>P \<and> \<not>Q) = (\<not>(P \<or> Q))"
+  "(\<not>P \<and> \<not>Q) = (\<not>(Q \<or> P))"
+  by auto
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:
+  "(P \<longrightarrow> Q) = (Q \<or> \<not>P)"
+  "(\<not>P \<longrightarrow> Q) = (P \<or> Q)"
+  "(\<not>P \<longrightarrow> Q) = (Q \<or> P)"
+  "(True \<longrightarrow> P) = P"
+  "(P \<longrightarrow> True) = True"
+  "(False \<longrightarrow> P) = True"
+  "(P \<longrightarrow> P) = True"
+  by auto
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:
+  "((P = Q) \<longrightarrow> R) = (R | (Q = (\<not>P)))"
+  by auto
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:
+  "(\<not>True) = False"
+  "(\<not>False) = True"
+  "(x = x) = True"
+  "(P = True) = P"
+  "(True = P) = P"
+  "(P = False) = (\<not>P)"
+  "(False = P) = (\<not>P)"
+  "((\<not>P) = P) = False"
+  "(P = (\<not>P)) = False"
+  "((\<not>P) = (\<not>Q)) = (P = Q)"
+  "\<not>(P = (\<not>Q)) = (P = Q)"
+  "\<not>((\<not>P) = Q) = (P = Q)"
+  "(P \<noteq> Q) = (Q = (\<not>P))"
+  "(P = Q) = ((\<not>P \<or> Q) \<and> (P \<or> \<not>Q))"
+  "(P \<noteq> Q) = ((\<not>P \<or> \<not>Q) \<and> (P \<or> Q))"
+  by auto
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:
+  "(if P then P else \<not>P) = True"
+  "(if \<not>P then \<not>P else P) = True"
+  "(if P then True else False) = P"
+  "(if P then False else True) = (\<not>P)"
+  "(if P then Q else True) = ((\<not>P) \<or> Q)"
+  "(if P then Q else True) = (Q \<or> (\<not>P))"
+  "(if P then Q else \<not>Q) = (P = Q)"
+  "(if P then Q else \<not>Q) = (Q = P)"
+  "(if P then \<not>Q else Q) = (P = (\<not>Q))"
+  "(if P then \<not>Q else Q) = ((\<not>Q) = P)"
+  "(if \<not>P then x else y) = (if P then y else x)"
+  "(if P then (if Q then x else y) else x) = (if P \<and> (\<not>Q) then y else x)"
+  "(if P then (if Q then x else y) else x) = (if (\<not>Q) \<and> P then y else x)"
+  "(if P then (if Q then x else y) else y) = (if P \<and> Q then x else y)"
+  "(if P then (if Q then x else y) else y) = (if Q \<and> P then x else y)"
+  "(if P then x else if P then y else z) = (if P then x else z)"
+  "(if P then x else if Q then x else y) = (if P \<or> Q then x else y)"
+  "(if P then x else if Q then x else y) = (if Q \<or> P then x else y)"
+  "(if P then x = y else x = z) = (x = (if P then y else z))"
+  "(if P then x = y else y = z) = (y = (if P then x else z))"
+  "(if P then x = y else z = y) = (y = (if P then x else z))"
+  by auto
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:
+  "0 + (x::int) = x"
+  "x + 0 = x"
+  "x + x = 2 * x"
+  "0 * x = 0"
+  "1 * x = x"
+  "x + y = y + x"
+  by auto
+lemma [z3_new_rule]:  (* for def-axiom *)
+  "P = Q \<or> P \<or> Q"
+  "P = Q \<or> \<not>P \<or> \<not>Q"
+  "(\<not>P) = Q \<or> \<not>P \<or> Q"
+  "(\<not>P) = Q \<or> P \<or> \<not>Q"
+  "P = (\<not>Q) \<or> \<not>P \<or> Q"
+  "P = (\<not>Q) \<or> P \<or> \<not>Q"
+  "P \<noteq> Q \<or> P \<or> \<not>Q"
+  "P \<noteq> Q \<or> \<not>P \<or> Q"
+  "P \<noteq> (\<not>Q) \<or> P \<or> Q"
+  "(\<not>P) \<noteq> Q \<or> P \<or> Q"
+  "P \<or> Q \<or> P \<noteq> (\<not>Q)"
+  "P \<or> Q \<or> (\<not>P) \<noteq> Q"
+  "P \<or> \<not>Q \<or> P \<noteq> Q"
+  "\<not>P \<or> Q \<or> P \<noteq> Q"
+  "P \<or> y = (if P then x else y)"
+  "P \<or> (if P then x else y) = y"
+  "\<not>P \<or> x = (if P then x else y)"
+  "\<not>P \<or>  (if P then x else y) = x"
+  "P \<or> R \<or> \<not>(if P then Q else R)"
+  "\<not>P \<or> Q \<or> \<not>(if P then Q else R)"
+  "\<not>(if P then Q else R) \<or> \<not>P \<or> Q"
+  "\<not>(if P then Q else R) \<or> P \<or> R"
+  "(if P then Q else R) \<or> \<not>P \<or> \<not>Q"
+  "(if P then Q else R) \<or> P \<or> \<not>R"
+  "(if P then \<not>Q else R) \<or> \<not>P \<or> Q"
+  "(if P then Q else \<not>R) \<or> P \<or> R"
+  by auto
+hide_type (open) pattern
+hide_const fun_app z3div z3mod
+hide_const (open) trigger pat nopat weight