--- a/src/HOL/Import/replay.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/replay.ML
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
-structure Replay = (* FIXME proper signature *)
-open ProofKernel
-exception REPLAY of string * string
-fun ERR f mesg = REPLAY (f,mesg)
-fun NY f = raise ERR f "NOT YET!"
-fun replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy =
- let
- fun rp (PRefl tm) thy = ProofKernel.REFL tm thy
- | rp (PInstT(p,lambda)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' p thy
- in
- ProofKernel.INST_TYPE lambda th thy'
- end
- | rp (PSubst(prfs,ctxt,prf)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',ths) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (thy, ths) =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' p thy
- in
- (thy',th::ths)
- end) prfs (thy,[])
- val (thy'',th) = rp' prf thy'
- in
- ProofKernel.SUBST ths ctxt th thy''
- end
- | rp (PAbs(prf,v)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.ABS v th thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisch(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.DISCH tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PMp(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.MP th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PHyp tm) thy = ProofKernel.ASSUME tm thy
- | rp (PDef(seg,name,rhs)) thy =
- (case ProofKernel.get_def seg name rhs thy of
- (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
- | (thy',NONE) =>
- if seg = thyname
- then ProofKernel.new_definition seg name rhs thy'
- else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Too late for term definition: "^seg^" != "^thyname))
- | rp (POracle _) thy = NY "ORACLE"
- | rp (PSpec(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.SPEC tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PInst(prf,theta)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.INST theta th thy'
- end
- | rp (PGen(prf,v)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- val p = ProofKernel.GEN v th thy'
- in
- p
- end
- | rp (PGenAbs(prf,opt,vl)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.GEN_ABS opt vl th thy'
- end
- | rp (PImpAS(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.IMP_ANTISYM th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PSym prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.SYM th thy1
- end
- | rp (PTrans(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.TRANS th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PComb(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.COMB th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PEqMp(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.EQ_MP th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PEqImp prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.EQ_IMP_RULE th thy'
- end
- | rp (PExists(prf,ex,wit)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.EXISTS ex wit th thy'
- end
- | rp (PChoose(v,prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.CHOOSE v th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PConj(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.CONJ th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PConjunct1 prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.CONJUNCT1 th thy'
- end
- | rp (PConjunct2 prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.CONJUNCT2 th thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisj1(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.DISJ1 th tm thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisj2(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.DISJ2 tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisjCases(prf,prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy'
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.DISJ_CASES th th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PNotI prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.NOT_INTRO th thy'
- end
- | rp (PNotE prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.NOT_ELIM th thy'
- end
- | rp (PContr(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.CCONTR tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PTmSpec _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTmSpec)"
- | rp (PTyDef _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTyDef)"
- | rp (PTyIntro _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTyIntro)"
- | rp PDisk _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PDisk)"
- | rp _ _ = raise ERR "rp" "What the hell is this? Which case did I forget?"
- and rp' p thy =
- let
- val pc = content_of p
- in
- case pc of
- PDisk => (case disk_info_of p of
- SOME(thyname',thmname) =>
- (case Int.fromString thmname of
- SOME i =>
- if thyname' = thyname
- then
- (case Array.sub(int_thms,i-1) of
- NONE =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' (snd (import_proof thyname' thmname thy) thy) thy
- val _ = Array.update(int_thms,i-1,SOME th)
- in
- (thy',th)
- end
- | SOME th => (thy,th))
- else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Library " ^ thyname' ^ " should be built before " ^ thyname ^ " (" ^ thmname ^ ")")
- | NONE =>
- (case ProofKernel.get_thm thyname' thmname thy of
- (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
- | (thy',NONE) =>
- if thyname' = thyname
- then
- let
- val _ = writeln ("Found no " ^ thmname ^ " theorem, replaying...")
- val (_, prf) = import_proof thyname' thmname thy'
- val prf = prf thy'
- val (thy',th) = replay_proof int_thms thyname' thmname prf thy'
- val _ = writeln ("Successfully finished replaying "^thmname^" !")
- in
- case content_of prf of
- PTmSpec _ => (thy',th)
- | PTyDef _ => (thy',th)
- | PTyIntro _ => (thy',th)
- | _ => ProofKernel.store_thm thyname' thmname th thy'
- end
- else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Library " ^ thyname' ^ " should be built before " ^ thyname ^ " (" ^ thmname ^ ")")))
- | NONE => raise ERR "rp'.PDisk" "Not enough information")
- | PAxm(name,c) =>
- (case ProofKernel.get_axiom thyname name thy of
- (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
- | (thy',NONE) => ProofKernel.new_axiom name c thy')
- | PTmSpec(seg,names,prf') =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
- in
- ProofKernel.new_specification seg thmname names th thy'
- end
- | PTyDef(seg,name,prf') =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
- in
- ProofKernel.new_type_definition seg thmname name th thy'
- end
- | PTyIntro(seg,name,abs_name,rep_name,P,t,prf') =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
- in
- ProofKernel.type_introduction seg thmname name abs_name rep_name (P,t) th thy'
- end
- | _ => rp pc thy
- end
- in
- rp' prf thy
- end
-fun setup_int_thms thyname thy =
- let
- val fname =
- case ProofKernel.get_proof_dir thyname thy of
- SOME p => OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=p,file=OS.Path.joinBaseExt{base = "facts",ext=SOME "lst"}}
- | NONE => error "Cannot find proof files"
- val is = TextIO.openIn fname
- val (num_int_thms,facts) =
- let
- fun get_facts facts =
- case TextIO.inputLine is of
- NONE => (case facts of
- i::facts => (the (Int.fromString i),map ProofKernel.protect_factname (rev facts))
- | _ => raise ERR "replay_thm" "Bad facts.lst file")
- | SOME fact => get_facts ((String.substring(fact,0,String.size fact -1 ))::facts)
- in
- get_facts []
- end
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
- val int_thms = Array.array(num_int_thms,NONE:thm option)
- in
- (int_thms,facts)
- end
-fun import_single_thm thyname int_thms thmname thy =
- let
- fun replay_fact (thmname,thy) =
- let
- val prf = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
- val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
- val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
- in
- p
- end
- in
- replay_fact (thmname,thy)
- end
-fun import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy =
- let
- fun replay_fact thmname thy =
- let
- val prf = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
- val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
- val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
- in
- p
- end
- val res_thy = fold replay_fact thmnames thy
- in
- res_thy
- end
-fun import_thm thyname thmname thy =
- let
- val int_thms = fst (setup_int_thms thyname thy)
- fun replay_fact (thmname,thy) =
- let
- val prf = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
- val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
- val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
- in
- p
- end
- in
- replay_fact (thmname,thy)
- end