--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/Importer.thy Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/Importer.thy
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
+theory Importer
+imports Main
+ "import_segment" "import_theory" "end_import" "setup_theory" "end_setup"
+ "setup_dump" "append_dump" "flush_dump" "ignore_thms" "type_maps"
+ "def_maps" "thm_maps" "const_renames" "const_moves" "const_maps" :: thy_decl and ">"
+uses "shuffler.ML" "import_rews.ML" ("proof_kernel.ML") ("replay.ML") ("import.ML")
+setup {* Shuffler.setup #> importer_setup *}
+parse_ast_translation smarter_trueprop_parsing
+lemma conj_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(A & B ==> PROP C) == ([| A ; B |] ==> PROP C)"
+ assume "A & B ==> PROP C" A B
+ thus "PROP C"
+ by auto
+ assume "[| A; B |] ==> PROP C" "A & B"
+ thus "PROP C"
+ by auto
+lemma imp_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(Trueprop (A --> B)) == (A ==> B)"
+ assume "A --> B" A
+ thus B ..
+ assume "A ==> B"
+ thus "A --> B"
+ by auto
+lemma all_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(Trueprop (ALL x. P x)) == (!!x. P x)"
+ fix x
+ assume "ALL x. P x"
+ thus "P x" ..
+ assume "!!x. P x"
+ thus "ALL x. P x"
+ ..
+lemma ex_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(EX x. P x ==> PROP Q) == (!!x. P x ==> PROP Q)"
+ fix x
+ assume ex: "EX x. P x ==> PROP Q"
+ assume "P x"
+ hence "EX x. P x" ..
+ with ex show "PROP Q" .
+ assume allx: "!!x. P x ==> PROP Q"
+ assume "EX x. P x"
+ hence p: "P (SOME x. P x)"
+ ..
+ from allx
+ have "P (SOME x. P x) ==> PROP Q"
+ .
+ with p
+ show "PROP Q"
+ by auto
+lemma eq_norm [shuffle_rule]: "Trueprop (t = u) == (t == u)"
+ assume "t = u"
+ thus "t == u" by simp
+ assume "t == u"
+ thus "t = u"
+ by simp
+section {* General Setup *}
+lemma eq_imp: "P = Q \<Longrightarrow> P \<longrightarrow> Q"
+ by auto
+lemma HOLallI: "(!! bogus. P bogus) \<Longrightarrow> (ALL bogus. P bogus)"
+proof -
+ assume "!! bogus. P bogus"
+ thus "ALL x. P x"
+ ..
+ ONE_ONE :: "('a => 'b) => bool"
+ ONE_ONE_DEF: "ONE_ONE f == ALL x y. f x = f y --> x = y"
+lemma ONE_ONE_rew: "ONE_ONE f = inj_on f UNIV"
+ by (simp add: ONE_ONE_DEF inj_on_def)
+lemma INFINITY_AX: "EX (f::ind \<Rightarrow> ind). (inj f & ~(surj f))"
+proof (rule exI,safe)
+ show "inj Suc_Rep"
+ by (rule injI) (rule Suc_Rep_inject)
+ assume "surj Suc_Rep"
+ hence "ALL y. EX x. y = Suc_Rep x"
+ by (simp add: surj_def)
+ hence "EX x. Zero_Rep = Suc_Rep x"
+ by (rule spec)
+ thus False
+ proof (rule exE)
+ fix x
+ assume "Zero_Rep = Suc_Rep x"
+ hence "Suc_Rep x = Zero_Rep"
+ ..
+ with Suc_Rep_not_Zero_Rep
+ show False
+ ..
+ qed
+lemma EXISTS_DEF: "Ex P = P (Eps P)"
+proof (rule iffI)
+ assume "Ex P"
+ thus "P (Eps P)"
+ ..
+ assume "P (Eps P)"
+ thus "Ex P"
+ ..
+ TYPE_DEFINITION :: "('a => bool) => ('b => 'a) => bool"
+ TYPE_DEFINITION: "TYPE_DEFINITION p rep == ((ALL x y. (rep x = rep y) --> (x = y)) & (ALL x. (p x = (EX y. x = rep y))))"
+lemma ex_imp_nonempty: "Ex P ==> EX x. x : (Collect P)"
+ by simp
+lemma light_ex_imp_nonempty: "P t ==> EX x. x : (Collect P)"
+proof -
+ assume "P t"
+ hence "EX x. P x"
+ ..
+ thus ?thesis
+ by (rule ex_imp_nonempty)
+lemma light_imp_as: "[| Q --> P; P --> Q |] ==> P = Q"
+ by blast
+lemma typedef_hol2hol4:
+ assumes a: "type_definition (Rep::'a=>'b) Abs (Collect P)"
+ shows "EX rep. TYPE_DEFINITION P (rep::'a=>'b)"
+proof -
+ from a
+ have td: "(ALL x. P (Rep x)) & (ALL x. Abs (Rep x) = x) & (ALL y. P y \<longrightarrow> Rep (Abs y) = y)"
+ by (simp add: type_definition_def)
+ have ed: "TYPE_DEFINITION P Rep"
+ proof (auto simp add: TYPE_DEFINITION)
+ fix x y
+ assume b: "Rep x = Rep y"
+ from td have "x = Abs (Rep x)"
+ by auto
+ also have "Abs (Rep x) = Abs (Rep y)"
+ by (simp add: b)
+ also from td have "Abs (Rep y) = y"
+ by auto
+ finally show "x = y" .
+ next
+ fix x
+ assume "P x"
+ with td
+ have "Rep (Abs x) = x"
+ by auto
+ hence "x = Rep (Abs x)"
+ ..
+ thus "EX y. x = Rep y"
+ ..
+ next
+ fix y
+ from td
+ show "P (Rep y)"
+ by auto
+ qed
+ show ?thesis
+ apply (rule exI [of _ Rep])
+ apply (rule ed)
+ .
+lemma typedef_hol2hollight:
+ assumes a: "type_definition (Rep::'a=>'b) Abs (Collect P)"
+ shows "(Abs (Rep a) = a) & (P r = (Rep (Abs r) = r))"
+ from a
+ show "Abs (Rep a) = a"
+ by (rule type_definition.Rep_inverse)
+ show "P r = (Rep (Abs r) = r)"
+ proof
+ assume "P r"
+ hence "r \<in> (Collect P)"
+ by simp
+ with a
+ show "Rep (Abs r) = r"
+ by (rule type_definition.Abs_inverse)
+ next
+ assume ra: "Rep (Abs r) = r"
+ from a
+ have "Rep (Abs r) \<in> (Collect P)"
+ by (rule type_definition.Rep)
+ thus "P r"
+ by (simp add: ra)
+ qed
+lemma termspec_help: "[| Ex P ; c == Eps P |] ==> P c"
+ apply simp
+ apply (rule someI_ex)
+ .
+lemma typedef_helper: "EX x. P x \<Longrightarrow> EX x. x \<in> (Collect P)"
+ by simp
+use "proof_kernel.ML"
+use "replay.ML"
+use "import.ML"
+setup Import.setup
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/README Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ATTENTION! This is largely outdated. The hint to PROOF_DIRS might be
+everything which is still relevant.
+All the files in this directory (except this README, Importer.thy, and
+ROOT.ML) are automatically generated. Edit the files in
+../Generate-HOL and run "isabelle make HOL-Complex-Generate-HOL" in
+~~/src/HOL, if something needs to be changed.
+To build the logic in this directory, simply do a "isabelle make
+HOL-Import-HOL" in ~~/src/HOL.
+Note that the quick_and_dirty flag is on as default for this
+directory, which means that the original external proofs are not consulted
+at all. If a real replay of the external proofs is desired, get and
+unpack the external proof objects to somewhere on your harddisk, and set
+the variable PROOF_DIRS to the directory where the directory "hol4"
+is. Now edit the ROOT.ML file to unset the quick_and_dirty flag and
+do "isabelle make HOL-Import-HOL" in ~~/src/HOL.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/import.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/import.ML
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
+signature IMPORT =
+ val debug : bool Unsynchronized.ref
+ val import_tac : Proof.context -> string * string -> tactic
+ val setup : theory -> theory
+structure ImportData = Theory_Data
+ type T = ProofKernel.thm option array option (* FIXME mutable array !??!!! *)
+ val empty = NONE
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge _ = NONE
+structure Import : IMPORT =
+val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun message s = if !debug then writeln s else ()
+fun import_tac ctxt (thyname, thmname) =
+ if ! quick_and_dirty
+ then Skip_Proof.cheat_tac (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
+ else
+ fn th =>
+ let
+ val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+ val prem = hd (prems_of th)
+ val _ = message ("Import_tac: thyname=" ^ thyname ^ ", thmname=" ^ thmname)
+ val _ = message ("Import trying to prove " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt prem)
+ val int_thms = case ImportData.get thy of
+ NONE => fst (Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy)
+ | SOME a => a
+ val proof = snd (ProofKernel.import_proof thyname thmname thy) thy
+ val importerthm = snd (Replay.replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname proof thy)
+ val thm = snd (ProofKernel.to_isa_thm importerthm)
+ val rew = ProofKernel.rewrite_importer_term (concl_of thm) thy
+ val thm = Thm.equal_elim rew thm
+ val prew = ProofKernel.rewrite_importer_term prem thy
+ val prem' = #2 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of prew))
+ val _ = message ("Import proved " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt thm)
+ val thm = ProofKernel.disambiguate_frees thm
+ val _ = message ("Disambiguate: " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt thm)
+ in
+ case Shuffler.set_prop thy prem' [("",thm)] of
+ SOME (_,thm) =>
+ let
+ val _ = if prem' aconv (prop_of thm)
+ then message "import: Terms match up"
+ else message "import: Terms DO NOT match up"
+ val thm' = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric prew) thm
+ val res = Thm.bicompose true (false,thm',0) 1 th
+ in
+ res
+ end
+ | NONE => (message "import: set_prop didn't succeed"; no_tac th)
+ end
+val setup = Method.setup @{binding import}
+ (Scan.lift (Args.name -- Args.name) >>
+ (fn arg => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (import_tac ctxt arg)))
+ "import external theorem"
+(* Parsers *)
+val import_segment = Parse.name >> set_import_segment
+val import_theory = (Parse.name -- Parse.name) >> (fn (location, thyname) =>
+ fn thy =>
+ thy |> set_generating_thy thyname
+ |> Sign.add_path thyname
+ |> add_dump ("setup_theory " ^ quote location ^ " " ^ thyname))
+fun end_import toks =
+ Scan.succeed
+ (fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_generating_thy thy
+ val segname = get_import_segment thy
+ val (int_thms,facts) = Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy
+ val thmnames = filter_out (should_ignore thyname thy) facts
+ fun replay thy = Replay.import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy
+ in
+ thy |> clear_import_thy
+ |> set_segment thyname segname
+ |> set_used_names facts
+ |> replay
+ |> clear_used_names
+ |> export_importer_pending
+ |> Sign.parent_path
+ |> dump_import_thy thyname
+ |> add_dump ";end_setup"
+ end) toks
+val ignore_thms = Scan.repeat1 Parse.name
+ >> (fn ignored =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,thmname) => ignore_importer thyname thmname thy) (thy,ignored)
+ end)
+val thm_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
+ >> (fn thmmaps =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_mapping thyname hol isa thy) (thy,thmmaps)
+ end)
+val type_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
+ >> (fn typmaps =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_type_mapping thyname hol false isa thy) (thy,typmaps)
+ end)
+val def_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
+ >> (fn defmaps =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_defmap thyname hol isa thy) (thy,defmaps)
+ end)
+val const_renames = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.name)
+ >> (fn renames =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_const_renaming thyname hol isa thy) (thy,renames)
+ end)
+val const_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.typ))
+ >> (fn constmaps =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),NONE)) => add_importer_const_mapping thyname hol false isa thy
+ | (thy,((hol,isa),SOME ty)) => add_importer_const_wt_mapping thyname hol false isa (Syntax.read_typ_global thy ty) thy) (thy,constmaps)
+ end)
+val const_moves = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.typ))
+ >> (fn constmaps =>
+ fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ in
+ Library.foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),NONE)) => add_importer_const_mapping thyname hol true isa thy
+ | (thy,((hol,isa),SOME ty)) => add_importer_const_wt_mapping thyname hol true isa (Syntax.read_typ_global thy ty) thy) (thy,constmaps)
+ end)
+fun import_thy location s =
+ let
+ val src_location = Path.append (Path.explode location) (Path.basic (s ^ ".imp"))
+ val is = TextIO.openIn (File.platform_path src_location)
+ val inp = TextIO.inputAll is
+ val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
+ val orig_source = Source.of_string inp
+ val symb_source = Symbol.source orig_source
+ val lexes =
+ (Scan.make_lexicon
+ (map Symbol.explode ["import_segment","ignore_thms","import","end",">","::","const_maps","const_moves","thm_maps","const_renames","type_maps","def_maps"]),
+ Scan.empty_lexicon)
+ val token_source = Token.source {do_recover = NONE} (K lexes) Position.start symb_source
+ val token_list = filter_out (Token.is_kind Token.Space) (Source.exhaust token_source)
+ val import_segmentP = Parse.$$$ "import_segment" |-- import_segment
+ val type_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "type_maps" |-- type_maps
+ val def_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "def_maps" |-- def_maps
+ val const_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "const_maps" |-- const_maps
+ val const_movesP = Parse.$$$ "const_moves" |-- const_moves
+ val const_renamesP = Parse.$$$ "const_renames" |-- const_renames
+ val ignore_thmsP = Parse.$$$ "ignore_thms" |-- ignore_thms
+ val thm_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "thm_maps" |-- thm_maps
+ val parser = type_mapsP || def_mapsP || const_mapsP || const_movesP || const_renamesP || thm_mapsP || ignore_thmsP || import_segmentP
+ val importP = Parse.$$$ "import" |-- Scan.repeat parser --| Parse.$$$ "end"
+ fun apply [] thy = thy
+ | apply (f::fs) thy = apply fs (f thy)
+ in
+ apply (set_replaying_thy s :: Sign.add_path s :: fst (importP token_list))
+ end
+fun create_int_thms thyname thy =
+ if ! quick_and_dirty
+ then thy
+ else
+ case ImportData.get thy of
+ NONE => ImportData.put (SOME (fst (Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy))) thy
+ | SOME _ => error "Import data not closed - forgotten an end_setup, mayhap?"
+fun clear_int_thms thy =
+ if ! quick_and_dirty
+ then thy
+ else
+ case ImportData.get thy of
+ NONE => error "Import data already cleared - forgotten a setup_theory?"
+ | SOME _ => ImportData.put NONE thy
+val setup_theory = (Parse.name -- Parse.name)
+ >>
+ (fn (location, thyname) =>
+ fn thy =>
+ (case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ NoImport => thy
+ | Generating _ => error "Currently generating a theory!"
+ | Replaying _ => thy |> clear_import_thy)
+ |> import_thy location thyname
+ |> create_int_thms thyname)
+fun end_setup toks =
+ Scan.succeed
+ (fn thy =>
+ let
+ val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+ val segname = get_import_segment thy
+ in
+ thy |> set_segment thyname segname
+ |> clear_import_thy
+ |> clear_int_thms
+ |> Sign.parent_path
+ end) toks
+val set_dump = Parse.string -- Parse.string >> setup_dump
+fun fl_dump toks = Scan.succeed flush_dump toks
+val append_dump = (Parse.verbatim || Parse.string) >> add_dump
+val _ =
+ (Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_segment"} "set import segment name"
+ (import_segment >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_theory"} "set default external theory name"
+ (import_theory >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "end_import"} "end external import"
+ (end_import >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "setup_theory"} "setup external theory replaying"
+ (setup_theory >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "end_setup"} "end external setup"
+ (end_setup >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "setup_dump"} "setup the dump file name"
+ (set_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "append_dump"} "add text to dump file"
+ (append_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "flush_dump"} "write the dump to file"
+ (fl_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "ignore_thms"}
+ "theorems to ignore in next external theory import"
+ (ignore_thms >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "type_maps"}
+ "map external type names to existing Isabelle/HOL type names"
+ (type_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "def_maps"}
+ "map external constant names to their primitive definitions"
+ (def_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "thm_maps"}
+ "map external theorem names to existing Isabelle/HOL theorem names"
+ (thm_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "const_renames"}
+ "rename external const names"
+ (const_renames >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "const_moves"}
+ "rename external const names to other external constants"
+ (const_moves >> Toplevel.theory);
+ Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "const_maps"}
+ "map external const names to existing Isabelle/HOL const names"
+ (const_maps >> Toplevel.theory));
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/import_rews.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/import_rews.ML
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
+structure StringPair = Table(type key = string * string val ord = prod_ord string_ord string_ord);
+type holthm = (term * term) list * thm
+datatype ImportStatus =
+ NoImport
+ | Generating of string
+ | Replaying of string
+structure Importer_DefThy = Theory_Data
+ type T = ImportStatus
+ val empty = NoImport
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge (NoImport, NoImport) = NoImport
+ | merge _ = (warning "Import status set during merge"; NoImport)
+structure ImportSegment = Theory_Data
+ type T = string
+ val empty = ""
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge ("",arg) = arg
+ | merge (arg,"") = arg
+ | merge (s1,s2) =
+ if s1 = s2
+ then s1
+ else error "Trying to merge two different import segments"
+val get_import_segment = ImportSegment.get
+val set_import_segment = ImportSegment.put
+structure Importer_UNames = Theory_Data
+ type T = string list
+ val empty = []
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge ([], []) = []
+ | merge _ = error "Used names not empty during merge"
+structure Importer_Dump = Theory_Data
+ type T = string * string * string list
+ val empty = ("","",[])
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge (("","",[]),("","",[])) = ("","",[])
+ | merge _ = error "Dump data not empty during merge"
+structure Importer_Moves = Theory_Data
+ type T = string Symtab.table
+ val empty = Symtab.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_Imports = Theory_Data
+ type T = string Symtab.table
+ val empty = Symtab.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
+fun get_segment2 thyname thy =
+ Symtab.lookup (Importer_Imports.get thy) thyname
+fun set_segment thyname segname thy =
+ let
+ val imps = Importer_Imports.get thy
+ val imps' = Symtab.update_new (thyname,segname) imps
+ in
+ Importer_Imports.put imps' thy
+ end
+structure Importer_CMoves = Theory_Data
+ type T = string Symtab.table
+ val empty = Symtab.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_Maps = Theory_Data
+ type T = string option StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_Thms = Theory_Data
+ type T = holthm StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_ConstMaps = Theory_Data
+ type T = (bool * string * typ option) StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_Rename = Theory_Data
+ type T = string StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_DefMaps = Theory_Data
+ type T = string StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_TypeMaps = Theory_Data
+ type T = (bool * string) StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_Pending = Theory_Data
+ type T = ((term * term) list * thm) StringPair.table
+ val empty = StringPair.empty
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
+structure Importer_Rewrites = Theory_Data
+ type T = thm list
+ val empty = []
+ val extend = I
+ val merge = Thm.merge_thms
+val importer_debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun message s = if !importer_debug then writeln s else ()
+fun add_importer_rewrite (Context.Theory thy, th) =
+ let
+ val _ = message "Adding external rewrite"
+ val th1 = th RS @{thm eq_reflection}
+ handle THM _ => th
+ val current_rews = Importer_Rewrites.get thy
+ val new_rews = insert Thm.eq_thm th1 current_rews
+ val updated_thy = Importer_Rewrites.put new_rews thy
+ in
+ (Context.Theory updated_thy,th1)
+ end
+ | add_importer_rewrite (context, th) = (context,
+ (th RS @{thm eq_reflection} handle THM _ => th)
+ );
+fun ignore_importer bthy bthm thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message ("Ignoring " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm)
+ val curmaps = Importer_Maps.get thy
+ val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bthm),NONE) curmaps
+ val upd_thy = Importer_Maps.put newmaps thy
+ in
+ upd_thy
+ end
+val opt_get_output_thy = #2 o Importer_Dump.get
+fun get_output_thy thy =
+ case #2 (Importer_Dump.get thy) of
+ "" => error "No theory file being output"
+ | thyname => thyname
+val get_output_dir = #1 o Importer_Dump.get
+fun add_importer_move bef aft thy =
+ let
+ val curmoves = Importer_Moves.get thy
+ val newmoves = Symtab.update_new (bef, aft) curmoves
+ in
+ Importer_Moves.put newmoves thy
+ end
+fun get_importer_move bef thy =
+ Symtab.lookup (Importer_Moves.get thy) bef
+fun follow_name thmname thy =
+ let
+ val moves = Importer_Moves.get thy
+ fun F thmname =
+ case Symtab.lookup moves thmname of
+ SOME name => F name
+ | NONE => thmname
+ in
+ F thmname
+ end
+fun add_importer_cmove bef aft thy =
+ let
+ val curmoves = Importer_CMoves.get thy
+ val newmoves = Symtab.update_new (bef, aft) curmoves
+ in
+ Importer_CMoves.put newmoves thy
+ end
+fun get_importer_cmove bef thy =
+ Symtab.lookup (Importer_CMoves.get thy) bef
+fun follow_cname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val moves = Importer_CMoves.get thy
+ fun F thmname =
+ case Symtab.lookup moves thmname of
+ SOME name => F name
+ | NONE => thmname
+ in
+ F thmname
+ end
+fun add_importer_mapping bthy bthm isathm thy =
+ let
+ (* val _ = writeln ("Before follow_name: "^isathm) *)
+ val isathm = follow_name isathm thy
+ (* val _ = writeln ("Adding theorem map: " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm ^ " --> " ^ isathm)*)
+ val curmaps = Importer_Maps.get thy
+ val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bthm),SOME isathm) curmaps
+ val upd_thy = Importer_Maps.put newmaps thy
+ in
+ upd_thy
+ end;
+fun get_importer_type_mapping bthy tycon thy =
+ let
+ val maps = Importer_TypeMaps.get thy
+ in
+ StringPair.lookup maps (bthy,tycon)
+ end
+fun get_importer_mapping bthy bthm thy =
+ let
+ val curmaps = Importer_Maps.get thy
+ in
+ StringPair.lookup curmaps (bthy,bthm)
+ end;
+fun add_importer_const_mapping bthy bconst internal isaconst thy =
+ let
+ val thy = case opt_get_output_thy thy of
+ "" => thy
+ | output_thy => if internal
+ then add_importer_cmove (Sign.full_bname thy bconst) (output_thy ^ "." ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst) thy
+ else thy
+ val _ = message ("Adding cmap " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))
+ val curmaps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
+ val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst,NONE)) curmaps
+ val upd_thy = Importer_ConstMaps.put newmaps thy
+ in
+ upd_thy
+ end;
+fun add_importer_const_renaming bthy bconst newname thy =
+ let
+ val currens = Importer_Rename.get thy
+ val _ = message ("Adding renaming " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ newname)
+ val newrens = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),newname) currens
+ val upd_thy = Importer_Rename.put newrens thy
+ in
+ upd_thy
+ end;
+fun get_importer_const_renaming bthy bconst thy =
+ let
+ val currens = Importer_Rename.get thy
+ in
+ StringPair.lookup currens (bthy,bconst)
+ end;
+fun get_importer_const_mapping bthy bconst thy =
+ let
+ val bconst = case get_importer_const_renaming bthy bconst thy of
+ SOME name => name
+ | NONE => bconst
+ val maps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
+ in
+ StringPair.lookup maps (bthy,bconst)
+ end
+fun add_importer_const_wt_mapping bthy bconst internal isaconst typ thy =
+ let
+ val thy = case opt_get_output_thy thy of
+ "" => thy
+ | output_thy => if internal
+ then add_importer_cmove (Sign.full_bname thy bconst) (output_thy ^ "." ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst) thy
+ else thy
+ val _ = message ("Adding cmap " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))
+ val curmaps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
+ val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst,SOME typ)) curmaps
+ val upd_thy = Importer_ConstMaps.put newmaps thy
+ in
+ upd_thy
+ end;
+fun add_importer_type_mapping bthy bconst internal isaconst thy =
+ let
+ val curmaps = Importer_TypeMaps.get thy
+ val _ = writeln ("Adding tmap " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))
+ val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst)) curmaps
+ (* FIXME avoid handle x *)
+ handle x => let val (_, isaconst') = the (StringPair.lookup curmaps (bthy, bconst)) in
+ warning ("couldn't map type "^bthy^"."^bconst^" to "^isaconst^": already mapped to "^isaconst'); raise x end
+ val upd_thy = Importer_TypeMaps.put newmaps thy
+ in
+ upd_thy
+ end;
+fun add_importer_pending bthy bthm hth thy =
+ let
+ val thmname = Sign.full_bname thy bthm
+ val _ = message ("Add pending " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm)
+ val curpend = Importer_Pending.get thy
+ val newpend = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bthm),hth) curpend
+ val upd_thy = Importer_Pending.put newpend thy
+ val thy' = case opt_get_output_thy upd_thy of
+ "" => add_importer_mapping bthy bthm thmname upd_thy
+ | output_thy =>
+ let
+ val new_thmname = output_thy ^ "." ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm
+ in
+ upd_thy |> add_importer_move thmname new_thmname
+ |> add_importer_mapping bthy bthm new_thmname
+ end
+ in
+ thy'
+ end;
+fun get_importer_theorem thyname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val isathms = Importer_Thms.get thy
+ in
+ StringPair.lookup isathms (thyname,thmname)
+ end;
+fun add_importer_theorem thyname thmname hth =
+ let
+ val _ = message ("Adding external theorem " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname)
+ in
+ Importer_Thms.map (StringPair.update_new ((thyname, thmname), hth))
+ end;
+fun export_importer_pending thy =
+ let
+ val rews = Importer_Rewrites.get thy;
+ val pending = Importer_Pending.get thy;
+ fun process ((bthy,bthm), hth as (_,thm)) thy =
+ let
+ val thm1 = rewrite_rule (map (Thm.transfer thy) rews) (Thm.transfer thy thm);
+ val thm2 = Drule.export_without_context thm1;
+ in
+ thy
+ |> Global_Theory.store_thm (Binding.name bthm, thm2)
+ |> snd
+ |> add_importer_theorem bthy bthm hth
+ end;
+ in
+ thy
+ |> StringPair.fold process pending
+ |> Importer_Pending.put StringPair.empty
+ end;
+fun setup_dump (dir,thyname) thy =
+ Importer_Dump.put (dir,thyname,["(* AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT! *)"]) thy
+fun add_dump str thy =
+ let
+ val (dir,thyname,curdump) = Importer_Dump.get thy
+ in
+ Importer_Dump.put (dir,thyname,str::curdump) thy
+ end
+fun flush_dump thy =
+ let
+ val (dir,thyname,dumpdata) = Importer_Dump.get thy
+ val os = TextIO.openOut (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=dir,
+ file=thyname ^ ".thy"})
+ val _ = app (fn s => TextIO.output(os,s ^ "\n\n")) (rev dumpdata)
+ val _ = TextIO.closeOut os
+ in
+ Importer_Dump.put ("","",[]) thy
+ end
+fun set_generating_thy thyname thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ NoImport => Importer_DefThy.put (Generating thyname) thy
+ | _ => error "Import already in progess"
+fun set_replaying_thy thyname thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ NoImport => Importer_DefThy.put (Replaying thyname) thy
+ | _ => error "Import already in progess"
+fun clear_import_thy thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ NoImport => error "No import in progress"
+ | _ => Importer_DefThy.put NoImport thy
+fun get_generating_thy thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Generating thyname => thyname
+ | _ => error "No theory being generated"
+fun get_replaying_thy thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying thyname => thyname
+ | _ => error "No theory being replayed"
+fun get_import_thy thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying thyname => thyname
+ | Generating thyname => thyname
+ | _ => error "No theory being imported"
+fun should_ignore thyname thy thmname =
+ case get_importer_mapping thyname thmname thy of
+ SOME NONE => true
+ | _ => false
+val trans_string =
+ let
+ fun quote s = "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
+ fun F [] = []
+ | F (#"\\" :: cs) = patch #"\\" cs
+ | F (#"\"" :: cs) = patch #"\"" cs
+ | F (c :: cs) = c :: F cs
+ and patch c rest = #"\\" :: c :: F rest
+ in
+ quote o String.implode o F o String.explode
+ end
+fun dump_import_thy thyname thy =
+ let
+ val output_dir = get_output_dir thy
+ val output_thy = get_output_thy thy
+ val input_thy = Context.theory_name thy
+ val import_segment = get_import_segment thy
+ val os = TextIO.openOut (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=output_dir,
+ file=thyname ^ ".imp"})
+ fun out s = TextIO.output(os,s)
+ val (ignored, mapped) = StringPair.fold
+ (fn ((bthy, bthm), v) => fn (ign, map) =>
+ if bthy = thyname
+ then case v
+ of NONE => (bthm :: ign, map)
+ | SOME w => (ign, (bthm, w) :: map)
+ else (ign, map)) (Importer_Maps.get thy) ([],[]);
+ fun mk init = StringPair.fold
+ (fn ((bthy, bthm), v) => if bthy = thyname then cons (bthm, v) else I) init [];
+ val constmaps = mk (Importer_ConstMaps.get thy);
+ val constrenames = mk (Importer_Rename.get thy);
+ val typemaps = mk (Importer_TypeMaps.get thy);
+ val defmaps = mk (Importer_DefMaps.get thy);
+ fun new_name internal isa =
+ if internal
+ then
+ let
+ val paths = Long_Name.explode isa
+ val i = drop (length paths - 2) paths
+ in
+ case i of
+ [seg,con] => output_thy ^ "." ^ seg ^ "." ^ con
+ | _ => error "import_rews.dump internal error"
+ end
+ else
+ isa
+ val _ = out "import\n\n"
+ val _ = out ("import_segment " ^ trans_string import_segment ^ "\n\n")
+ val _ = if null defmaps
+ then ()
+ else out "def_maps"
+ val _ = app (fn (hol,isa) =>
+ out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string isa))) defmaps
+ val _ = if null defmaps
+ then ()
+ else out "\n\n"
+ val _ = if null typemaps
+ then ()
+ else out "type_maps"
+ val _ = app (fn (hol,(internal,isa)) =>
+ out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string (new_name internal isa)))) typemaps
+ val _ = if null typemaps
+ then ()
+ else out "\n\n"
+ val _ = if null constmaps
+ then ()
+ else out "const_maps"
+ val _ = app (fn (hol,(_,isa,opt_ty)) =>
+ (out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string (follow_cname isa thy)));
+ case opt_ty of
+ SOME ty => out (" :: \"" ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy ty ^ "\"")
+ | NONE => ())) constmaps
+ val _ = if null constmaps
+ then ()
+ else out "\n\n"
+ val _ = if null constrenames
+ then ()
+ else out "const_renames"
+ val _ = app (fn (old,new) =>
+ out ("\n " ^ (trans_string old) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string new))) constrenames
+ val _ = if null constrenames
+ then ()
+ else out "\n\n"
+ fun gen2replay in_thy out_thy s =
+ let
+ val ss = Long_Name.explode s
+ in
+ if (hd ss = in_thy) then
+ Long_Name.implode (out_thy::(tl ss))
+ else
+ s
+ end
+ val _ = if null mapped
+ then ()
+ else out "thm_maps"
+ val _ = app (fn (hol,isa) => out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string (gen2replay input_thy output_thy isa)))) mapped
+ val _ = if null mapped
+ then ()
+ else out "\n\n"
+ val _ = if null ignored
+ then ()
+ else out "ignore_thms"
+ val _ = app (fn ign => out ("\n " ^ (trans_string ign))) ignored
+ val _ = if null ignored
+ then ()
+ else out "\n\n"
+ val _ = out "end\n"
+ val _ = TextIO.closeOut os
+ in
+ thy
+ end
+fun set_used_names names thy =
+ let
+ val unames = Importer_UNames.get thy
+ in
+ case unames of
+ [] => Importer_UNames.put names thy
+ | _ => error "import_rews.set_used_names called on initialized data!"
+ end
+val clear_used_names = Importer_UNames.put [];
+fun get_defmap thyname const thy =
+ let
+ val maps = Importer_DefMaps.get thy
+ in
+ StringPair.lookup maps (thyname,const)
+ end
+fun add_defmap thyname const defname thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message ("Adding defmap " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ const ^ " --> " ^ defname)
+ val maps = Importer_DefMaps.get thy
+ val maps' = StringPair.update_new ((thyname,const),defname) maps
+ val thy' = Importer_DefMaps.put maps' thy
+ in
+ thy'
+ end
+fun get_defname thyname name thy =
+ let
+ val maps = Importer_DefMaps.get thy
+ fun F dname = (dname,add_defmap thyname name dname thy)
+ in
+ case StringPair.lookup maps (thyname,name) of
+ SOME thmname => (thmname,thy)
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val used = Importer_UNames.get thy
+ val defname = Thm.def_name name
+ val pdefname = name ^ "_primdef"
+ in
+ if not (member (op =) used defname)
+ then F defname (* name_def *)
+ else if not (member (op =) used pdefname)
+ then F pdefname (* name_primdef *)
+ else F (singleton (Name.variant_list used) pdefname) (* last resort *)
+ end
+ end
+ fun handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax "=="}, _],_,_]] = x
+ | handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax all}, _],_]] = x
+ | handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax "==>"}, _],_,_]] = x
+ | handle_meta [x] = Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Trueprop}, x]
+ | handle_meta _ = error "import_rews error: Trueprop not applied to single argument"
+val smarter_trueprop_parsing = [(@{const_syntax Trueprop},handle_meta)]
+val importer_setup =
+ add_importer_type_mapping "min" "bool" false @{type_name bool}
+ #> add_importer_type_mapping "min" "fun" false "fun"
+ #> add_importer_type_mapping "min" "ind" false @{type_name ind}
+ #> add_importer_const_mapping "min" "=" false @{const_name HOL.eq}
+ #> add_importer_const_mapping "min" "==>" false @{const_name HOL.implies}
+ #> add_importer_const_mapping "min" "@" false @{const_name "Eps"}
+ #> Attrib.setup @{binding import_rew}
+ (Scan.succeed (Thm.mixed_attribute add_importer_rewrite)) "external rewrite rule";
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/proof_kernel.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2084 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg and Steven Obua, TU Muenchen
+signature ProofKernel =
+ type hol_type
+ type tag
+ type term
+ type thm
+ type ('a,'b) subst
+ type proof_info
+ datatype proof = Proof of proof_info * proof_content
+ and proof_content
+ = PRefl of term
+ | PInstT of proof * (hol_type,hol_type) subst
+ | PSubst of proof list * term * proof
+ | PAbs of proof * term
+ | PDisch of proof * term
+ | PMp of proof * proof
+ | PHyp of term
+ | PAxm of string * term
+ | PDef of string * string * term
+ | PTmSpec of string * string list * proof
+ | PTyDef of string * string * proof
+ | PTyIntro of string * string * string * string * term * term * proof
+ | POracle of tag * term list * term
+ | PDisk
+ | PSpec of proof * term
+ | PInst of proof * (term,term) subst
+ | PGen of proof * term
+ | PGenAbs of proof * term option * term list
+ | PImpAS of proof * proof
+ | PSym of proof
+ | PTrans of proof * proof
+ | PComb of proof * proof
+ | PEqMp of proof * proof
+ | PEqImp of proof
+ | PExists of proof * term * term
+ | PChoose of term * proof * proof
+ | PConj of proof * proof
+ | PConjunct1 of proof
+ | PConjunct2 of proof
+ | PDisj1 of proof * term
+ | PDisj2 of proof * term
+ | PDisjCases of proof * proof * proof
+ | PNotI of proof
+ | PNotE of proof
+ | PContr of proof * term
+ exception PK of string * string
+ val get_proof_dir: string -> theory -> string option
+ val disambiguate_frees : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
+ val debug : bool Unsynchronized.ref
+ val disk_info_of : proof -> (string * string) option
+ val set_disk_info_of : proof -> string -> string -> unit
+ val mk_proof : proof_content -> proof
+ val content_of : proof -> proof_content
+ val import_proof : string -> string -> theory -> (theory -> term) option * (theory -> proof)
+ val rewrite_importer_term: Term.term -> theory -> Thm.thm
+ val type_of : term -> hol_type
+ val get_thm : string -> string -> theory -> (theory * thm option)
+ val get_def : string -> string -> term -> theory -> (theory * thm option)
+ val get_axiom: string -> string -> theory -> (theory * thm option)
+ val store_thm : string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val to_isa_thm : thm -> (term * term) list * Thm.thm
+ val to_isa_term: term -> Term.term
+ val to_hol_thm : Thm.thm -> thm
+ val REFL : term -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val ASSUME : term -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val INST_TYPE : (hol_type,hol_type) subst -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val INST : (term,term)subst -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val EQ_MP : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val EQ_IMP_RULE : thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val SUBST : thm list -> term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val DISJ_CASES : thm -> thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val DISJ1: thm -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val DISJ2: term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val IMP_ANTISYM: thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val SYM : thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val MP : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val GEN : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val CHOOSE : term -> thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val EXISTS : term -> term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val ABS : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val GEN_ABS : term option -> term list -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val TRANS : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val CCONTR : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val CONJ : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val CONJUNCT1: thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val CONJUNCT2: thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val NOT_INTRO: thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val NOT_ELIM : thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val SPEC : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val COMB : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val DISCH: term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val type_introduction: string -> string -> string -> string -> string -> term * term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val new_definition : string -> string -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val new_specification : string -> string -> string list -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val new_type_definition : string -> string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val new_axiom : string -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
+ val prin : term -> unit
+ val protect_factname : string -> string
+ val replay_protect_varname : string -> string -> unit
+ val replay_add_dump : string -> theory -> theory
+structure ProofKernel : ProofKernel =
+type hol_type = Term.typ
+type term = Term.term
+datatype tag = Tag of string list
+type ('a,'b) subst = ('a * 'b) list
+datatype thm = HOLThm of (Term.term * Term.term) list * Thm.thm
+fun hthm2thm (HOLThm (_, th)) = th
+fun to_hol_thm th = HOLThm ([], th)
+val replay_add_dump = add_dump
+fun add_dump s thy = replay_add_dump s thy
+datatype proof_info
+ = Info of {disk_info: (string * string) option Unsynchronized.ref}
+datatype proof = Proof of proof_info * proof_content
+ and proof_content
+ = PRefl of term
+ | PInstT of proof * (hol_type,hol_type) subst
+ | PSubst of proof list * term * proof
+ | PAbs of proof * term
+ | PDisch of proof * term
+ | PMp of proof * proof
+ | PHyp of term
+ | PAxm of string * term
+ | PDef of string * string * term
+ | PTmSpec of string * string list * proof
+ | PTyDef of string * string * proof
+ | PTyIntro of string * string * string * string * term * term * proof
+ | POracle of tag * term list * term
+ | PDisk
+ | PSpec of proof * term
+ | PInst of proof * (term,term) subst
+ | PGen of proof * term
+ | PGenAbs of proof * term option * term list
+ | PImpAS of proof * proof
+ | PSym of proof
+ | PTrans of proof * proof
+ | PComb of proof * proof
+ | PEqMp of proof * proof
+ | PEqImp of proof
+ | PExists of proof * term * term
+ | PChoose of term * proof * proof
+ | PConj of proof * proof
+ | PConjunct1 of proof
+ | PConjunct2 of proof
+ | PDisj1 of proof * term
+ | PDisj2 of proof * term
+ | PDisjCases of proof * proof * proof
+ | PNotI of proof
+ | PNotE of proof
+ | PContr of proof * term
+exception PK of string * string
+fun ERR f mesg = PK (f,mesg)
+(* Compatibility. *)
+val string_of_mixfix = Pretty.string_of o Mixfix.pretty_mixfix;
+fun mk_syn thy c =
+ if Lexicon.is_identifier c andalso not (Syntax.is_keyword (Sign.syn_of thy) c) then NoSyn
+ else Delimfix (Syntax_Ext.escape c)
+fun quotename c =
+ if Lexicon.is_identifier c andalso not (Keyword.is_keyword c) then c else quote c
+exception SMART_STRING
+fun no_vars context tm =
+ let
+ val ctxt = Variable.set_body false context;
+ val ([tm'], _) = Variable.import_terms true [tm] ctxt;
+ in tm' end
+fun smart_string_of_cterm ctxt0 ct =
+ let
+ val ctxt = ctxt0
+ |> Config.put show_brackets false
+ |> Config.put show_all_types false
+ |> Config.put show_types false
+ |> Config.put show_sorts false;
+ val {t,T,...} = rep_cterm ct
+ (* Hack to avoid parse errors with Trueprop *)
+ val t' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t
+ handle TERM _ => t
+ val tn = no_vars ctxt t'
+ fun match u =
+ let val _ = Thm.match (ct, cterm_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) u) in true end
+ handle Pattern.MATCH => false
+ fun G 0 f ctxt x = f ctxt x
+ | G 1 f ctxt x = f (Config.put show_types true ctxt) x
+ | G 2 f ctxt x = G 1 f (Config.put show_sorts true ctxt) x
+ | G 3 f ctxt x = G 2 f (Config.put show_all_types true ctxt) x
+ | G 4 f ctxt x = G 3 f (Config.put show_brackets true ctxt) x
+ | G _ _ _ _ = raise SMART_STRING
+ fun F n =
+ let
+ val str = G n Syntax.string_of_term ctxt tn
+ val _ = warning (@{make_string} (n, str))
+ val u = Syntax.parse_term ctxt str
+ val u = if t = t' then u else HOLogic.mk_Trueprop u
+ val u = Syntax.check_term ctxt (Type.constraint T u)
+ in
+ if match u
+ then quote str
+ else F (n+1)
+ end
+ handle ERROR _ => F (n + 1)
+ let val _ =
+ warning ("smart_string failed for: "^ G 0 Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (term_of ct))
+ in quote (G 2 Syntax.string_of_term ctxt tn) end
+ in
+ Print_Mode.setmp [] F 0
+ end
+fun smart_string_of_thm ctxt = smart_string_of_cterm ctxt o cprop_of
+fun prth th = writeln (Print_Mode.setmp [] Display.string_of_thm_without_context th);
+val topctxt = ML_Context.the_local_context ();
+fun prin t = writeln (Print_Mode.setmp []
+ (fn () => Syntax.string_of_term topctxt t) ());
+fun pth (HOLThm(_,thm)) =
+ let
+ (*val _ = writeln "Renaming:"
+ val _ = app (fn(v,w) => (prin v; writeln " -->"; prin w)) ren*)
+ val _ = prth thm
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+fun disk_info_of (Proof(Info{disk_info,...},_)) = !disk_info
+fun mk_proof p = Proof(Info{disk_info = Unsynchronized.ref NONE},p)
+fun content_of (Proof(_,p)) = p
+fun set_disk_info_of (Proof(Info{disk_info,...},_)) thyname thmname =
+ disk_info := SOME(thyname,thmname)
+structure Lib =
+fun assoc x =
+ let
+ fun F [] = raise PK("Lib.assoc","Not found")
+ | F ((x',y)::rest) = if x = x'
+ then y
+ else F rest
+ in
+ F
+ end
+infix mem;
+fun i mem L =
+ let fun itr [] = false
+ | itr (a::rst) = i=a orelse itr rst
+ in itr L end;
+infix union;
+fun [] union S = S
+ | S union [] = S
+ | (a::rst) union S2 = rst union (insert (op =) a S2);
+fun implode_subst [] = []
+ | implode_subst (x::r::rest) = ((x,r)::(implode_subst rest))
+ | implode_subst _ = raise ERR "implode_subst" "malformed substitution list"
+open Lib
+structure Tag =
+val empty_tag = Tag []
+fun read name = Tag [name]
+fun merge (Tag tag1) (Tag tag2) = Tag (Lib.union(tag1,tag2))
+(* Actual code. *)
+fun get_segment thyname l = (Lib.assoc "s" l
+ handle PK _ => thyname)
+val get_name : (string * string) list -> string = Lib.assoc "n"
+exception XML of string
+datatype xml = Elem of string * (string * string) list * xml list
+datatype XMLtype = XMLty of xml | FullType of hol_type
+datatype XMLterm = XMLtm of xml | FullTerm of term
+fun xml_to_import_xml (XML.Elem ((n, l), ts)) = Elem (n, l, map xml_to_import_xml ts)
+ | xml_to_import_xml (XML.Text _) = raise XML "Incorrect proof file: text";
+val type_of = Term.type_of
+val propT = Type("prop",[])
+fun mk_defeq name rhs thy =
+ let
+ val ty = type_of rhs
+ in
+ Logic.mk_equals (Const(Sign.intern_const thy name,ty),rhs)
+ end
+fun mk_teq name rhs thy =
+ let
+ val ty = type_of rhs
+ in
+ HOLogic.mk_eq (Const(Sign.intern_const thy name,ty),rhs)
+ end
+fun intern_const_name thyname const thy =
+ case get_importer_const_mapping thyname const thy of
+ SOME (_,cname,_) => cname
+ | NONE => (case get_importer_const_renaming thyname const thy of
+ SOME cname => Sign.intern_const thy (thyname ^ "." ^ cname)
+ | NONE => Sign.intern_const thy (thyname ^ "." ^ const))
+fun intern_type_name thyname const thy =
+ case get_importer_type_mapping thyname const thy of
+ SOME (_,cname) => cname
+ | NONE => Sign.intern_const thy (thyname ^ "." ^ const)
+fun mk_vartype name = TFree(name,["HOL.type"])
+fun mk_thy_type thy Thy Tyop Args = Type(intern_type_name Thy Tyop thy,Args)
+val mk_var = Free
+fun mk_thy_const thy Thy Nam Ty = Const(intern_const_name Thy Nam thy,Ty)
+ fun get_const sg _ name =
+ (case Sign.const_type sg name of
+ SOME ty => Const (name, ty)
+ | NONE => raise ERR "get_type" (name ^ ": No such constant"))
+fun prim_mk_const thy Thy Nam =
+ let
+ val name = intern_const_name Thy Nam thy
+ val cmaps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
+ in
+ case StringPair.lookup cmaps (Thy,Nam) of
+ SOME(_,_,SOME ty) => Const(name,ty)
+ | _ => get_const thy Thy name
+ end
+fun mk_comb(f,a) = f $ a
+(* Needed for HOL Light *)
+fun protect_tyvarname s =
+ let
+ fun no_quest s =
+ if Char.contains s #"?"
+ then String.translate (fn #"?" => "q_" | c => Char.toString c) s
+ else s
+ fun beg_prime s =
+ if String.isPrefix "'" s
+ then s
+ else "'" ^ s
+ in
+ s |> no_quest |> beg_prime
+ end
+val protected_varnames = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.empty:string Symtab.table)
+val invented_isavar = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+fun innocent_varname s = Lexicon.is_identifier s andalso not (String.isPrefix "u_" s)
+fun valid_boundvarname s =
+ can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global @{theory Main} ("SOME "^s^". True")) ();
+fun valid_varname s =
+ can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global @{theory Main} s) ();
+fun protect_varname s =
+ if innocent_varname s andalso valid_varname s then s else
+ case Symtab.lookup (!protected_varnames) s of
+ SOME t => t
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val _ = Unsynchronized.inc invented_isavar
+ val t = "u_" ^ string_of_int (!invented_isavar)
+ val _ = protected_varnames := Symtab.update (s, t) (!protected_varnames)
+ in
+ t
+ end
+exception REPLAY_PROTECT_VARNAME of string*string*string
+fun replay_protect_varname s t =
+ case Symtab.lookup (!protected_varnames) s of
+ SOME t' => raise REPLAY_PROTECT_VARNAME (s, t, t')
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val _ = Unsynchronized.inc invented_isavar
+ val t = "u_" ^ string_of_int (!invented_isavar)
+ val _ = protected_varnames := Symtab.update (s, t) (!protected_varnames)
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+fun protect_boundvarname s = if innocent_varname s andalso valid_boundvarname s then s else "u"
+fun mk_lambda (v as Free (x, T)) t = Abs (protect_boundvarname x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
+ | mk_lambda (v as Var ((x, _), T)) t = Abs (protect_boundvarname x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
+ | mk_lambda v t = raise TERM ("lambda", [v, t]);
+fun replacestr x y s =
+ val xl = raw_explode x
+ val yl = raw_explode y
+ fun isprefix [] _ = true
+ | isprefix (x::xs) (y::ys) = if x = y then isprefix xs ys else false
+ | isprefix _ _ = false
+ fun isp s = isprefix xl s
+ fun chg s = yl@(List.drop (s, List.length xl))
+ fun r [] = []
+ | r (S as (s::ss)) = if isp S then r (chg S) else s::(r ss)
+ implode(r (raw_explode s))
+fun protect_factname s = replacestr "." "_dot_" s
+fun unprotect_factname s = replacestr "_dot_" "." s
+val ty_num_prefix = "N_"
+fun startsWithDigit s = Char.isDigit (hd (String.explode s))
+fun protect_tyname tyn =
+ let
+ val tyn' =
+ if String.isPrefix ty_num_prefix tyn then raise (ERR "protect_ty_name" ("type name '"^tyn^"' is reserved")) else
+ (if startsWithDigit tyn then ty_num_prefix^tyn else tyn)
+ in
+ tyn'
+ end
+fun protect_constname tcn = tcn
+ (* if tcn = ".." then "dotdot"
+ else if tcn = "==" then "eqeq"
+ else tcn*)
+structure TypeNet =
+fun get_type_from_index thy thyname types is =
+ case Int.fromString is of
+ SOME i => (case Array.sub(types,i) of
+ FullType ty => ty
+ | XMLty xty =>
+ let
+ val ty = get_type_from_xml thy thyname types xty
+ val _ = Array.update(types,i,FullType ty)
+ in
+ ty
+ end)
+ | NONE => raise ERR "get_type_from_index" "Bad index"
+and get_type_from_xml thy thyname types =
+ let
+ fun gtfx (Elem("tyi",[("i",iS)],[])) =
+ get_type_from_index thy thyname types iS
+ | gtfx (Elem("tyc",atts,[])) =
+ mk_thy_type thy
+ (get_segment thyname atts)
+ (protect_tyname (get_name atts))
+ []
+ | gtfx (Elem("tyv",[("n",s)],[])) = mk_vartype (protect_tyvarname s)
+ | gtfx (Elem("tya",[],(Elem("tyc",atts,[]))::tys)) =
+ mk_thy_type thy
+ (get_segment thyname atts)
+ (protect_tyname (get_name atts))
+ (map gtfx tys)
+ | gtfx _ = raise ERR "get_type" "Bad type"
+ in
+ gtfx
+ end
+fun input_types _ (Elem("tylist",[("i",i)],xtys)) =
+ let
+ val types = Array.array(the (Int.fromString i),XMLty (Elem("",[],[])))
+ fun IT _ [] = ()
+ | IT n (xty::xtys) =
+ (Array.update(types,n,XMLty xty);
+ IT (n+1) xtys)
+ val _ = IT 0 xtys
+ in
+ types
+ end
+ | input_types _ _ = raise ERR "input_types" "Bad type list"
+structure TermNet =
+fun get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms is =
+ case Int.fromString is of
+ SOME i => (case Array.sub(terms,i) of
+ FullTerm tm => tm
+ | XMLtm xtm =>
+ let
+ val tm = get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm
+ val _ = Array.update(terms,i,FullTerm tm)
+ in
+ tm
+ end)
+ | NONE => raise ERR "get_term_from_index" "Bad index"
+and get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms =
+ let
+ fun gtfx (Elem("tmv",[("n",name),("t",tyi)],[])) =
+ mk_var(protect_varname name,TypeNet.get_type_from_index thy thyname types tyi)
+ | gtfx (Elem("tmc",atts,[])) =
+ let
+ val segment = get_segment thyname atts
+ val name = protect_constname(get_name atts)
+ in
+ mk_thy_const thy segment name (TypeNet.get_type_from_index thy thyname types (Lib.assoc "t" atts))
+ handle PK _ => prim_mk_const thy segment name
+ end
+ | gtfx (Elem("tma",[("f",tmf),("a",tma)],[])) =
+ let
+ val f = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tmf
+ val a = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tma
+ in
+ mk_comb(f,a)
+ end
+ | gtfx (Elem("tml",[("x",tmx),("a",tma)],[])) =
+ let
+ val x = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tmx
+ val a = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tma
+ in
+ mk_lambda x a
+ end
+ | gtfx (Elem("tmi",[("i",iS)],[])) =
+ get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms iS
+ | gtfx (Elem(tag,_,_)) =
+ raise ERR "get_term" ("Not a term: "^tag)
+ in
+ gtfx
+ end
+fun input_terms _ _ (Elem("tmlist",[("i",i)],xtms)) =
+ let
+ val terms = Array.array(the (Int.fromString i), XMLtm (Elem("",[],[])))
+ fun IT _ [] = ()
+ | IT n (xtm::xtms) =
+ (Array.update(terms,n,XMLtm xtm);
+ IT (n+1) xtms)
+ val _ = IT 0 xtms
+ in
+ terms
+ end
+ | input_terms _ _ _ = raise ERR "input_terms" "Bad term list"
+fun get_proof_dir (thyname:string) thy =
+ let
+ val import_segment =
+ case get_segment2 thyname thy of
+ SOME seg => seg
+ | NONE => get_import_segment thy
+ val path = space_explode ":" (getenv "IMPORTER_PROOFS")
+ fun find [] = NONE
+ | find (p::ps) =
+ (let
+ val dir = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = p,file=import_segment}
+ in
+ if OS.FileSys.isDir dir
+ then SOME dir
+ else find ps
+ end) handle OS.SysErr _ => find ps
+ in
+ Option.map (fn p => OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = p, file = thyname}) (find path)
+ end
+fun proof_file_name thyname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val path = case get_proof_dir thyname thy of
+ SOME p => p
+ | NONE => error "Cannot find proof files"
+ val _ = OS.FileSys.mkDir path handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
+ in
+ OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = path, file = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = (unprotect_factname thmname), ext = SOME "prf"}}
+ end
+fun xml_to_proof thyname types terms prf thy =
+ let
+ val xml_to_hol_type = TypeNet.get_type_from_xml thy thyname types
+ val xml_to_term = TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms
+ fun index_to_term is =
+ TermNet.get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms is
+ fun x2p (Elem("prefl",[("i",is)],[])) = mk_proof (PRefl (index_to_term is))
+ | x2p (Elem("pinstt",[],p::lambda)) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p p
+ val lambda = implode_subst (map xml_to_hol_type lambda)
+ in
+ mk_proof (PInstT(p,lambda))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("psubst",[("i",is)],prf::prfs)) =
+ let
+ val tm = index_to_term is
+ val prf = x2p prf
+ val prfs = map x2p prfs
+ in
+ mk_proof (PSubst(prfs,tm,prf))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pabs",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val t = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PAbs (p,t))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pdisch",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val t = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PDisch (p,t))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pmp",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PMp(p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("phyp",[("i",is)],[])) = mk_proof (PHyp (index_to_term is))
+ | x2p (Elem("paxiom",[("n",n),("i",is)],[])) =
+ mk_proof (PAxm(n,index_to_term is))
+ | x2p (Elem("pfact",atts,[])) =
+ let
+ val thyname = get_segment thyname atts
+ val thmname = protect_factname (get_name atts)
+ val p = mk_proof PDisk
+ val _ = set_disk_info_of p thyname thmname
+ in
+ p
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pdef",[("s",seg),("n",name),("i",is)],[])) =
+ mk_proof (PDef(seg,protect_constname name,index_to_term is))
+ | x2p (Elem("ptmspec",[("s",seg)],p::names)) =
+ let
+ val names = map (fn Elem("name",[("n",name)],[]) => name
+ | _ => raise ERR "x2p" "Bad proof (ptmspec)") names
+ in
+ mk_proof (PTmSpec(seg,names,x2p p))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("ptyintro",[("s",seg),("n",name),("a",abs_name),("r",rep_name)],[xP,xt,p])) =
+ let
+ val P = xml_to_term xP
+ val t = xml_to_term xt
+ in
+ mk_proof (PTyIntro(seg,protect_tyname name,protect_constname abs_name,protect_constname rep_name,P,t,x2p p))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("ptydef",[("s",seg),("n",name)],[p])) =
+ mk_proof (PTyDef(seg,protect_tyname name,x2p p))
+ | x2p (Elem("poracle",[],chldr)) =
+ let
+ val (oracles,terms) = List.partition (fn (Elem("oracle",_,_)) => true | _ => false) chldr
+ val ors = map (fn (Elem("oracle",[("n",name)],[])) => name | _ => raise ERR "x2p" "bad oracle") oracles
+ val (c,asl) = case terms of
+ [] => raise ERR "x2p" "Bad oracle description"
+ | (hd::tl) => (hd,tl)
+ val tg = fold_rev (Tag.merge o Tag.read) ors Tag.empty_tag
+ in
+ mk_proof (POracle(tg,map xml_to_term asl,xml_to_term c))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pspec",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val tm = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PSpec(p,tm))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pinst",[],p::theta)) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p p
+ val theta = implode_subst (map xml_to_term theta)
+ in
+ mk_proof (PInst(p,theta))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pgen",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val tm = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PGen(p,tm))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pgenabs",[],prf::tms)) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val tml = map xml_to_term tms
+ in
+ mk_proof (PGenAbs(p,NONE,tml))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pgenabs",[("i",is)],prf::tms)) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val tml = map xml_to_term tms
+ in
+ mk_proof (PGenAbs(p,SOME (index_to_term is),tml))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pimpas",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PImpAS(p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("psym",[],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ in
+ mk_proof (PSym p)
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("ptrans",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PTrans(p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pcomb",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PComb(p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("peqmp",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PEqMp(p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("peqimp",[],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ in
+ mk_proof (PEqImp p)
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pexists",[("e",ise),("w",isw)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val ex = index_to_term ise
+ val w = index_to_term isw
+ in
+ mk_proof (PExists(p,ex,w))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pchoose",[("i",is)],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val v = index_to_term is
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PChoose(v,p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pconj",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ in
+ mk_proof (PConj(p1,p2))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pconjunct1",[],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ in
+ mk_proof (PConjunct1 p)
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pconjunct2",[],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ in
+ mk_proof (PConjunct2 p)
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pdisj1",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val t = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PDisj1 (p,t))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pdisj2",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val t = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PDisj2 (p,t))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pdisjcases",[],[prf1,prf2,prf3])) =
+ let
+ val p1 = x2p prf1
+ val p2 = x2p prf2
+ val p3 = x2p prf3
+ in
+ mk_proof (PDisjCases(p1,p2,p3))
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pnoti",[],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ in
+ mk_proof (PNotI p)
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pnote",[],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ in
+ mk_proof (PNotE p)
+ end
+ | x2p (Elem("pcontr",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
+ let
+ val p = x2p prf
+ val t = index_to_term is
+ in
+ mk_proof (PContr (p,t))
+ end
+ | x2p _ = raise ERR "x2p" "Bad proof"
+ in
+ x2p prf
+ end
+fun import_proof_concl thyname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val is = TextIO.openIn(proof_file_name thyname thmname thy)
+ val proof_xml = xml_to_import_xml (XML.parse (TextIO.inputAll is))
+ val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
+ in
+ case proof_xml of
+ Elem("proof",[],xtypes::xterms::_::rest) =>
+ let
+ val types = TypeNet.input_types thyname xtypes
+ val terms = TermNet.input_terms thyname types xterms
+ fun f xtm thy = TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm
+ in
+ case rest of
+ [] => NONE
+ | [xtm] => SOME (f xtm)
+ | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad argument list"
+ end
+ | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad proof"
+ end
+fun import_proof thyname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val is = TextIO.openIn(proof_file_name thyname thmname thy)
+ val proof_xml = xml_to_import_xml (XML.parse (TextIO.inputAll is))
+ val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
+ in
+ case proof_xml of
+ Elem("proof",[],xtypes::xterms::prf::rest) =>
+ let
+ val types = TypeNet.input_types thyname xtypes
+ val terms = TermNet.input_terms thyname types xterms
+ in
+ (case rest of
+ [] => NONE
+ | [xtm] => SOME (fn thy => TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm)
+ | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad argument list",
+ xml_to_proof thyname types terms prf)
+ end
+ | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad proof"
+ end
+fun uniq_compose m th i st =
+ let
+ val res = Thm.bicompose false (false,th,m) i st
+ in
+ case Seq.pull res of
+ SOME (th,rest) => (case Seq.pull rest of
+ SOME _ => raise ERR "uniq_compose" "Not unique!"
+ | NONE => th)
+ | NONE => raise ERR "uniq_compose" "No result"
+ end
+val reflexivity_thm = @{thm refl}
+val mp_thm = @{thm mp}
+val imp_antisym_thm = @{thm light_imp_as}
+val disch_thm = @{thm impI}
+val ccontr_thm = @{thm ccontr}
+val meta_eq_to_obj_eq_thm = @{thm meta_eq_to_obj_eq}
+val gen_thm = @{thm HOLallI}
+val choose_thm = @{thm exE}
+val exists_thm = @{thm exI}
+val conj_thm = @{thm conjI}
+val conjunct1_thm = @{thm conjunct1}
+val conjunct2_thm = @{thm conjunct2}
+val spec_thm = @{thm spec}
+val disj_cases_thm = @{thm disjE}
+val disj1_thm = @{thm disjI1}
+val disj2_thm = @{thm disjI2}
+ val th = @{thm not_def}
+ val thy = theory_of_thm th
+ val pp = Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy (Const(@{const_name Trueprop},HOLogic.boolT-->propT)))
+val not_elim_thm = Thm.combination pp th
+val not_intro_thm = Thm.symmetric not_elim_thm
+val abs_thm = @{thm ext}
+val trans_thm = @{thm trans}
+val symmetry_thm = @{thm sym}
+val eqmp_thm = @{thm iffD1}
+val eqimp_thm = @{thm Importer.eq_imp}
+val comb_thm = @{thm cong}
+(* Beta-eta normalizes a theorem (only the conclusion, not the *
+hypotheses!) *)
+fun beta_eta_thm th =
+ let
+ val th1 = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.beta_conversion true (cprop_of th)) th
+ val th2 = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.eta_conversion (cprop_of th1)) th1
+ in
+ th2
+ end
+fun implies_elim_all th =
+ Library.foldl (fn (th,p) => Thm.implies_elim th (Thm.assume p)) (th,cprems_of th)
+fun norm_hyps th =
+ th |> beta_eta_thm
+ |> implies_elim_all
+ |> implies_intr_hyps
+fun mk_GEN v th sg =
+ let
+ val c = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)
+ val cv = cterm_of sg v
+ val lc = Term.lambda v c
+ val clc = Thm.cterm_of sg lc
+ val cvty = ctyp_of_term cv
+ val th1 = implies_elim_all th
+ val th2 = beta_eta_thm (Thm.forall_intr cv th1)
+ val th3 = th2 COMP (beta_eta_thm (Drule.instantiate' [SOME cvty] [SOME clc] gen_thm))
+ val c = prop_of th3
+ val vname = fst(dest_Free v)
+ val (cold,cnew) = case c of
+ tpc $ (Const(@{const_name All},_) $ Abs(oldname,_,_)) =>
+ (Abs(oldname,dummyT,Bound 0),Abs(vname,dummyT,Bound 0))
+ | tpc $ (Const(@{const_name All},_) $ _) => (tpc,tpc)
+ | _ => raise ERR "mk_GEN" "Unknown conclusion"
+ val th4 = Thm.rename_boundvars cold cnew th3
+ val res = implies_intr_hyps th4
+ in
+ res
+ end
+fun rearrange sg tm th =
+ let
+ val tm' = Envir.beta_eta_contract tm
+ fun find [] n = Thm.permute_prems 0 1 (Thm.implies_intr (Thm.cterm_of sg tm) th)
+ | find (p::ps) n = if tm' aconv (Envir.beta_eta_contract p)
+ then Thm.permute_prems n 1 th
+ else find ps (n+1)
+ in
+ find (prems_of th) 0
+ end
+fun zip (x::xs) (y::ys) = (x,y)::(zip xs ys)
+ | zip [] [] = []
+ | zip _ _ = raise ERR "zip" "arguments not of same length"
+fun mk_INST dom rng th =
+ th |> forall_intr_list dom
+ |> forall_elim_list rng
+(* Code for disambiguating variablenames (wrt. types) *)
+val disamb_info_empty = {vars=[],rens=[]}
+fun rens_of { vars = _, rens = rens } = rens
+fun disamb_term_from info tm = (info, tm)
+fun has_ren (HOLThm _) = false
+fun disamb_thm_from info (HOLThm (_,thm)) = (info, thm)
+fun disamb_terms_from info tms = (info, tms)
+fun disamb_thms_from info hthms = (info, map hthm2thm hthms)
+fun disamb_term tm = disamb_term_from disamb_info_empty tm
+fun disamb_thm thm = disamb_thm_from disamb_info_empty thm
+fun disamb_thms thms = disamb_thms_from disamb_info_empty thms
+fun norm_hthm _ (hth as HOLThm _) = hth
+(* End of disambiguating code *)
+fun disambiguate_frees thm =
+ let
+ fun ERR s = error ("Drule.disambiguate_frees: "^s)
+ val ct = cprop_of thm
+ val t = term_of ct
+ val thy = theory_of_cterm ct
+ val frees = Misc_Legacy.term_frees t
+ val freenames = Term.add_free_names t []
+ val is_old_name = member (op =) freenames
+ fun name_of (Free (n, _)) = n
+ | name_of _ = ERR "name_of"
+ fun new_name' bump map n =
+ let val n' = n^bump in
+ if is_old_name n' orelse Symtab.lookup map n' <> NONE then
+ new_name' (Symbol.bump_string bump) map n
+ else
+ n'
+ end
+ val new_name = new_name' "a"
+ fun replace_name n' (Free (_, t)) = Free (n', t)
+ | replace_name _ _ = ERR "replace_name"
+ (* map: old or fresh name -> old free,
+ invmap: old free which has fresh name assigned to it -> fresh name *)
+ fun dis v (mapping as (map,invmap)) =
+ let val n = name_of v in
+ case Symtab.lookup map n of
+ NONE => (Symtab.update (n, v) map, invmap)
+ | SOME v' =>
+ if v=v' then
+ mapping
+ else
+ let val n' = new_name map n in
+ (Symtab.update (n', v) map,
+ Termtab.update (v, n') invmap)
+ end
+ end
+ in
+ if (length freenames = length frees) then
+ thm
+ else
+ let
+ val (_, invmap) =
+ fold dis frees (Symtab.empty, Termtab.empty)
+ fun make_subst (oldfree, newname) (intros, elims) =
+ (cterm_of thy oldfree :: intros,
+ cterm_of thy (replace_name newname oldfree) :: elims)
+ val (intros, elims) = fold make_subst (Termtab.dest invmap) ([], [])
+ in
+ forall_elim_list elims (forall_intr_list intros thm)
+ end
+ end
+val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun if_debug f x = if !debug then f x else ()
+val message = if_debug writeln
+fun get_importer_thm thyname thmname thy =
+ case get_importer_theorem thyname thmname thy of
+ SOME hth => SOME (HOLThm hth)
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val pending = Importer_Pending.get thy
+ in
+ case StringPair.lookup pending (thyname,thmname) of
+ SOME hth => SOME (HOLThm hth)
+ | NONE => NONE
+ end
+fun non_trivial_term_consts t = fold_aterms
+ (fn Const (c, _) =>
+ if c = @{const_name Trueprop} orelse c = @{const_name All}
+ orelse c = @{const_name HOL.implies} orelse c = @{const_name HOL.conj} orelse c = @{const_name HOL.eq}
+ then I else insert (op =) c
+ | _ => I) t [];
+fun split_name str =
+ let
+ val sub = Substring.full str
+ val (f,idx) = apsnd Substring.string (Substring.splitr Char.isDigit sub)
+ val (newstr,u) = pairself Substring.string (Substring.splitr (fn c => c = #"_") f)
+ in
+ if not (idx = "") andalso u = "_"
+ then SOME (newstr, the (Int.fromString idx))
+ else NONE
+ end
+ handle _ => NONE (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
+fun rewrite_importer_term t thy =
+ let
+ val import_rews1 = map (Thm.transfer thy) (Importer_Rewrites.get thy)
+ val importerss = Simplifier.global_context thy empty_ss addsimps import_rews1
+ in
+ Thm.transfer thy (Simplifier.full_rewrite importerss (cterm_of thy t))
+ end
+fun get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname importerconc thy =
+ let
+ val (info,importerconc') = disamb_term importerconc
+ val i2h_conc = Thm.symmetric (rewrite_importer_term (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop importerconc') thy)
+ val isaconc =
+ case concl_of i2h_conc of
+ Const("==",_) $ lhs $ _ => lhs
+ | _ => error "get_isabelle_thm" "Bad rewrite rule"
+ val _ = (message "Original conclusion:";
+ if_debug prin importerconc';
+ message "Modified conclusion:";
+ if_debug prin isaconc)
+ fun mk_res th = HOLThm (rens_of info, Thm.equal_elim i2h_conc th)
+ in
+ case get_importer_mapping thyname thmname thy of
+ SOME (SOME thmname) =>
+ let
+ val th1 = (SOME (Global_Theory.get_thm thy thmname)
+ handle ERROR _ =>
+ (case split_name thmname of
+ SOME (listname,idx) => (SOME (nth (Global_Theory.get_thms thy listname) (idx - 1))
+ handle _ => NONE) (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
+ | NONE => NONE))
+ in
+ case th1 of
+ SOME th2 =>
+ (case Shuffler.set_prop thy isaconc [(thmname,th2)] of
+ SOME (_,th) => (message "YES";(thy, SOME (mk_res th)))
+ | NONE => (message "NO2";error "get_isabelle_thm" "Bad mapping"))
+ | NONE => (message "NO1";error "get_isabelle_thm" "Bad mapping")
+ end
+ | SOME NONE => error ("Trying to access ignored theorem " ^ thmname)
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val _ = (message "Looking for conclusion:";
+ if_debug prin isaconc)
+ val cs = non_trivial_term_consts isaconc;
+ val _ = (message "Looking for consts:";
+ message (commas cs))
+ val pot_thms = Shuffler.find_potential thy isaconc
+ val _ = message (string_of_int (length pot_thms) ^ " potential theorems")
+ in
+ case Shuffler.set_prop thy isaconc pot_thms of
+ SOME (isaname,th) =>
+ let
+ val hth as HOLThm args = mk_res th
+ val thy' = thy |> add_importer_theorem thyname thmname args
+ |> add_importer_mapping thyname thmname isaname
+ in
+ (thy',SOME hth)
+ end
+ | NONE => (thy,NONE)
+ end
+ end
+ handle e =>
+ if Exn.is_interrupt e then reraise e
+ else
+ (if_debug (fn () =>
+ writeln ("Exception in get_isabelle_thm:\n" ^ ML_Compiler.exn_message e)) ();
+ (thy,NONE))
+fun get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname importerconc thy =
+ let
+ val (a, b) = get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname importerconc thy
+ fun warn () =
+ let
+ val (_,importerconc') = disamb_term importerconc
+ val i2h_conc = Thm.symmetric (rewrite_importer_term (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop importerconc') thy)
+ in
+ case concl_of i2h_conc of
+ Const("==",_) $ lhs $ _ =>
+ (warning ("Failed lookup of theorem '"^thmname^"':");
+ writeln "Original conclusion:";
+ prin importerconc';
+ writeln "Modified conclusion:";
+ prin lhs)
+ | _ => ()
+ end
+ in
+ case b of
+ NONE => (warn () handle _ => (); (a,b)) (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
+ | _ => (a, b)
+ end
+fun get_thm thyname thmname thy =
+ case get_importer_thm thyname thmname thy of
+ SOME hth => (thy,SOME hth)
+ | NONE => ((case import_proof_concl thyname thmname thy of
+ SOME f => get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname (f thy) thy
+ | NONE => (message "No conclusion"; (thy,NONE)))
+ handle IO.Io _ => (message "IO exception"; (thy,NONE))
+ | PK _ => (message "PK exception"; (thy,NONE)))
+fun rename_const thyname thy name =
+ case get_importer_const_renaming thyname name thy of
+ SOME cname => cname
+ | NONE => name
+fun get_def thyname constname rhs thy =
+ let
+ val constname = rename_const thyname thy constname
+ val (thmname,thy') = get_defname thyname constname thy
+ val _ = message ("Looking for definition " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname)
+ in
+ get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname (mk_teq (thyname ^ "." ^ constname) rhs thy') thy'
+ end
+fun get_axiom thyname axname thy =
+ case get_thm thyname axname thy of
+ arg as (_,SOME _) => arg
+ | _ => raise ERR "get_axiom" ("Trying to retrieve axiom (" ^ axname ^ ")")
+fun intern_store_thm gen_output thyname thmname hth thy =
+ let
+ val (hth' as HOLThm (args as (_,th))) = norm_hthm thy hth
+ val rew = rewrite_importer_term (concl_of th) thy
+ val th = Thm.equal_elim rew th
+ val thy' = add_importer_pending thyname thmname args thy
+ val th = disambiguate_frees th
+ val th = Object_Logic.rulify th
+ val thy2 =
+ if gen_output
+ then
+ add_dump ("lemma " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ": " ^
+ (smart_string_of_thm (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy') th) ^ "\n by (import " ^
+ thyname ^ " " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ")") thy'
+ else thy'
+ in
+ (thy2,hth')
+ end
+val store_thm = intern_store_thm true
+fun mk_REFL ctm =
+ let
+ val cty = Thm.ctyp_of_term ctm
+ in
+ Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME ctm] reflexivity_thm
+ end
+fun REFL tm thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "REFL:"
+ val (info,tm') = disamb_term tm
+ val ctm = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,mk_REFL ctm)
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun ASSUME tm thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "ASSUME:"
+ val (info,tm') = disamb_term tm
+ val ctm = Thm.cterm_of thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm')
+ val th = Thm.trivial ctm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun INST_TYPE lambda (hth as HOLThm(_,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "INST_TYPE:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val tys_before = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tfrees (prop_of th,[])
+ val th1 = Thm.varifyT_global th
+ val tys_after = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tvars (prop_of th1,[])
+ val tyinst = map (fn (bef, iS) =>
+ (case try (Lib.assoc (TFree bef)) lambda of
+ SOME ty => (ctyp_of thy (TVar iS), ctyp_of thy ty)
+ | NONE => (ctyp_of thy (TVar iS), ctyp_of thy (TFree bef))
+ ))
+ (zip tys_before tys_after)
+ val res = Drule.instantiate_normalize (tyinst,[]) th1
+ val hth = HOLThm([],res)
+ val res = norm_hthm thy hth
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun INST sigma hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "INST:"
+ val _ = if_debug (app (fn (x,y) => (prin x; prin y))) sigma
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (sdom,srng) = ListPair.unzip (rev sigma)
+ val th = hthm2thm hth
+ val th1 = mk_INST (map (cterm_of thy) sdom) (map (cterm_of thy) srng) th
+ val res = HOLThm([],th1)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun EQ_IMP_RULE (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "EQ_IMP_RULE:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val res = HOLThm(rens,th RS eqimp_thm)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun mk_EQ_MP th1 th2 = [beta_eta_thm th1, beta_eta_thm th2] MRS eqmp_thm
+fun EQ_MP hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "EQ_MP:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,mk_EQ_MP th1 th2)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun mk_COMB th1 th2 thy =
+ let
+ val (f,g) = case concl_of th1 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ f $ g) => (f,g)
+ | _ => raise ERR "mk_COMB" "First theorem not an equality"
+ val (x,y) = case concl_of th2 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ x $ y) => (x,y)
+ | _ => raise ERR "mk_COMB" "Second theorem not an equality"
+ val fty = type_of f
+ val (fd,fr) = Term.dest_funT fty
+ val comb_thm' = Drule.instantiate'
+ [SOME (ctyp_of thy fd),SOME (ctyp_of thy fr)]
+ [SOME (cterm_of thy f),SOME (cterm_of thy g),
+ SOME (cterm_of thy x),SOME (cterm_of thy y)] comb_thm
+ in
+ [th1,th2] MRS comb_thm'
+ end
+fun SUBST rews ctxt hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "SUBST:"
+ val _ = if_debug (app pth) rews
+ val _ = if_debug prin ctxt
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info1,ctxt') = disamb_term_from info ctxt
+ val (info2,rews') = disamb_thms_from info1 rews
+ val cctxt = cterm_of thy ctxt'
+ fun subst th [] = th
+ | subst th (rew::rews) = subst (mk_COMB th rew thy) rews
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info2,mk_EQ_MP (subst (mk_REFL cctxt) rews') th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun DISJ_CASES hth hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "DISJ_CASES:"
+ val _ = if_debug (app pth) [hth,hth1,hth2]
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info1,th1) = disamb_thm_from info hth1
+ val (info2,th2) = disamb_thm_from info1 hth2
+ val th1 = norm_hyps th1
+ val th2 = norm_hyps th2
+ val (l,r) = case concl_of th of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.disj},_) $ l $ r) => (l,r)
+ | _ => raise ERR "DISJ_CASES" "Conclusion not a disjunction"
+ val th1' = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop l) th1
+ val th2' = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop r) th2
+ val res1 = th RS disj_cases_thm
+ val res2 = uniq_compose ((nprems_of th1')-1) th1' ((nprems_of th)+1) res1
+ val res3 = uniq_compose ((nprems_of th2')-1) th2' (nprems_of res2) res2
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info2,res3)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun DISJ1 hth tm thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "DISJ1:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val _ = if_debug prin tm
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
+ val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
+ val disj1_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [] [NONE,SOME ct] disj1_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th RS disj1_thm')
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun DISJ2 tm hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "DISJ1:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin tm
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
+ val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
+ val disj2_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [] [NONE,SOME ct] disj2_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th RS disj2_thm')
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun IMP_ANTISYM hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "IMP_ANTISYM:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val th = [beta_eta_thm th1,beta_eta_thm th2] MRS imp_antisym_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun SYM (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "SYM:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val th = th RS symmetry_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens,th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun MP hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "MP:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val th = [beta_eta_thm th1,beta_eta_thm th2] MRS mp_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun CONJ hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "CONJ:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val th = [th1,th2] MRS conj_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun CONJUNCT1 (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "CONJUNCT1:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val res = HOLThm(rens,th RS conjunct1_thm)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun CONJUNCT2 (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "CONJUNCT1:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val res = HOLThm(rens,th RS conjunct2_thm)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun EXISTS ex wit hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "EXISTS:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin ex
+ val _ = if_debug prin wit
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',[ex',wit']) = disamb_terms_from info [ex,wit]
+ val cwit = cterm_of thy wit'
+ val cty = ctyp_of_term cwit
+ val a = case ex' of
+ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ a) => a
+ | _ => raise ERR "EXISTS" "Argument not existential"
+ val ca = cterm_of thy a
+ val exists_thm' = beta_eta_thm (Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME ca,SOME cwit] exists_thm)
+ val th1 = beta_eta_thm th
+ val th2 = implies_elim_all th1
+ val th3 = th2 COMP exists_thm'
+ val th = implies_intr_hyps th3
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun CHOOSE v hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "CHOOSE:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin v
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val (info',v') = disamb_term_from info v
+ fun strip 0 _ th = th
+ | strip n (p::ps) th =
+ strip (n-1) ps (Thm.implies_elim th (Thm.assume p))
+ | strip _ _ _ = raise ERR "CHOOSE" "strip error"
+ val cv = cterm_of thy v'
+ val th2 = norm_hyps th2
+ val cvty = ctyp_of_term cv
+ val c = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th2)
+ val cc = cterm_of thy c
+ val a = case concl_of th1 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ a) => a
+ | _ => raise ERR "CHOOSE" "Conclusion not existential"
+ val ca = cterm_of (theory_of_thm th1) a
+ val choose_thm' = beta_eta_thm (Drule.instantiate' [SOME cvty] [SOME ca,SOME cc] choose_thm)
+ val th21 = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (a $ v')) th2
+ val th22 = strip ((nprems_of th21)-1) (cprems_of th21) th21
+ val th23 = beta_eta_thm (Thm.forall_intr cv th22)
+ val th11 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th1)
+ val th' = th23 COMP (th11 COMP choose_thm')
+ val th = implies_intr_hyps th'
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun GEN v hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "GEN:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin v
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',v') = disamb_term_from info v
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',mk_GEN v' th thy)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun SPEC tm hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "SPEC:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin tm
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
+ val ctm = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
+ val cty = Thm.ctyp_of_term ctm
+ val spec' = Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [NONE,SOME ctm] spec_thm
+ val th = th RS spec'
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun COMB hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "COMB:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,mk_COMB th1 th2 thy)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun TRANS hth1 hth2 thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "TRANS:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth1
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth2
+ val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
+ val th = [th1,th2] MRS trans_thm
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun CCONTR tm hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "SPEC:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin tm
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
+ val th = norm_hyps th
+ val ct = cterm_of thy tm'
+ val th1 = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const(@{const_name Not},HOLogic.boolT-->HOLogic.boolT) $ tm')) th
+ val ccontr_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME ct] ccontr_thm
+ val res1 = uniq_compose ((nprems_of th1) - 1) th1 1 ccontr_thm'
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',res1)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun mk_ABS v th thy =
+ let
+ val cv = cterm_of thy v
+ val th1 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th)
+ val (f,g) = case concl_of th1 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ f $ g) => (Term.lambda v f,Term.lambda v g)
+ | _ => raise ERR "mk_ABS" "Bad conclusion"
+ val (fd,fr) = Term.dest_funT (type_of f)
+ val abs_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy fd), SOME (ctyp_of thy fr)] [SOME (cterm_of thy f), SOME (cterm_of thy g)] abs_thm
+ val th2 = Thm.forall_intr cv th1
+ val th3 = th2 COMP abs_thm'
+ val res = implies_intr_hyps th3
+ in
+ res
+ end
+fun ABS v hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "ABS:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin v
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',v') = disamb_term_from info v
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',mk_ABS v' th thy)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun GEN_ABS copt vlist hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "GEN_ABS:"
+ val _ = case copt of
+ SOME c => if_debug prin c
+ | NONE => ()
+ val _ = if_debug (app prin) vlist
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',vlist') = disamb_terms_from info vlist
+ val th1 =
+ case copt of
+ SOME (Const(cname,cty)) =>
+ let
+ fun inst_type ty1 ty2 (TVar _) = raise ERR "GEN_ABS" "Type variable found!"
+ | inst_type ty1 ty2 (ty as TFree _) = if ty1 = ty
+ then ty2
+ else ty
+ | inst_type ty1 ty2 (Type(name,tys)) =
+ Type(name,map (inst_type ty1 ty2) tys)
+ in
+ fold_rev (fn v => fn th =>
+ let
+ val cdom = fst (Term.dest_funT (fst (Term.dest_funT cty)))
+ val vty = type_of v
+ val newcty = inst_type cdom vty cty
+ val cc = cterm_of thy (Const(cname,newcty))
+ in
+ mk_COMB (mk_REFL cc) (mk_ABS v th thy) thy
+ end) vlist' th
+ end
+ | SOME _ => raise ERR "GEN_ABS" "Bad constant"
+ | NONE =>
+ fold_rev (fn v => fn th => mk_ABS v th thy) vlist' th
+ val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th1)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun NOT_INTRO (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "NOT_INTRO:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val th1 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th)
+ val a = case concl_of th1 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.implies},_) $ a $ Const(@{const_name False},_)) => a
+ | _ => raise ERR "NOT_INTRO" "Conclusion of bad form"
+ val ca = cterm_of thy a
+ val th2 = Thm.equal_elim (Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME ca] not_intro_thm) th1
+ val res = HOLThm(rens,implies_intr_hyps th2)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun NOT_ELIM (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "NOT_INTRO:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val th1 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th)
+ val a = case concl_of th1 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name Not},_) $ a) => a
+ | _ => raise ERR "NOT_ELIM" "Conclusion of bad form"
+ val ca = cterm_of thy a
+ val th2 = Thm.equal_elim (Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME ca] not_elim_thm) th1
+ val res = HOLThm(rens,implies_intr_hyps th2)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+fun DISCH tm hth thy =
+ let
+ val _ = message "DISCH:"
+ val _ = if_debug prin tm
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
+ val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
+ val th1 = beta_eta_thm th
+ val th2 = implies_elim_all th1
+ val th3 = Thm.implies_intr (cterm_of thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm')) th2
+ val th4 = th3 COMP disch_thm
+ val res = HOLThm (rens_of info', implies_intr_hyps th4)
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth res
+ in
+ (thy,res)
+ end
+val spaces = space_implode " "
+fun new_definition thyname constname rhs thy =
+ let
+ val constname = rename_const thyname thy constname
+ val redeclared = is_some (Sign.const_type thy (Sign.intern_const thy constname));
+ val _ = warning ("Introducing constant " ^ constname)
+ val (thmname,thy) = get_defname thyname constname thy
+ val (_,rhs') = disamb_term rhs
+ val ctype = type_of rhs'
+ val csyn = mk_syn thy constname
+ val thy1 = case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying _ => thy
+ | _ => Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding.name constname,ctype,csyn)] thy
+ val eq = mk_defeq constname rhs' thy1
+ val (thms, thy2) = Global_Theory.add_defs false [((Binding.name thmname,eq),[])] thy1
+ val def_thm = hd thms
+ val thm' = def_thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq_thm
+ val (thy',th) = (thy2, thm')
+ val fullcname = Sign.intern_const thy' constname
+ val thy'' = add_importer_const_mapping thyname constname true fullcname thy'
+ val (linfo,tm24) = disamb_term (mk_teq constname rhs' thy'')
+ val rew = rewrite_importer_term eq thy''
+ val crhs = cterm_of thy'' (#2 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of rew)))
+ val thy22 =
+ if Thm.def_name constname = thmname andalso not redeclared andalso csyn = NoSyn
+ then
+ let
+ val ctxt = Syntax.init_pretty_global thy''
+ val p1 = quotename constname
+ val p2 = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ctype
+ val p3 = string_of_mixfix csyn
+ val p4 = smart_string_of_cterm ctxt crhs
+ in
+ add_dump ("definition\n " ^ p1 ^ " :: \"" ^ p2 ^ "\" "^ p3 ^ " where\n " ^ p4) thy''
+ end
+ else
+ let val ctxt = Syntax.init_pretty_global thy'' in
+ add_dump ("consts\n " ^ quotename constname ^ " :: \"" ^
+ Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ctype ^
+ "\" " ^ string_of_mixfix csyn ^ "\n\ndefs\n " ^
+ quotename thmname ^ ": " ^ smart_string_of_cterm ctxt crhs) thy''
+ end
+ val hth = case Shuffler.set_prop thy22 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm24) [("",th)] of
+ SOME (_,res) => HOLThm(rens_of linfo,res)
+ | NONE => raise ERR "new_definition" "Bad conclusion"
+ val fullname = Sign.full_bname thy22 thmname
+ val thy22' = case opt_get_output_thy thy22 of
+ "" => add_importer_mapping thyname thmname fullname thy22
+ | output_thy =>
+ let
+ val moved_thmname = output_thy ^ "." ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname
+ in
+ thy22 |> add_importer_move fullname moved_thmname
+ |> add_importer_mapping thyname thmname moved_thmname
+ end
+ val _ = message "new_definition:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ in
+ (thy22',hth)
+ end
+fun new_specification thyname thmname names hth thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying _ => (thy,hth)
+ | _ =>
+ let
+ val _ = message "NEW_SPEC:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val names = map (rename_const thyname thy) names
+ val _ = warning ("Introducing constants " ^ commas names)
+ val (HOLThm(rens,th)) = norm_hthm thy hth
+ val thy1 = case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying _ => thy
+ | _ =>
+ let
+ fun dest_eta_abs (Abs(x,xT,body)) = (x,xT,body)
+ | dest_eta_abs body =
+ let
+ val (dT,_) = Term.dest_funT (type_of body)
+ in
+ ("x",dT,body $ Bound 0)
+ end
+ handle TYPE _ => raise ERR "new_specification" "not an abstraction type"
+ fun dest_exists (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ abody) =
+ dest_eta_abs abody
+ | dest_exists _ =
+ raise ERR "new_specification" "Bad existential formula"
+ val (consts,_) = Library.foldl (fn ((cs,ex),cname) =>
+ let
+ val (_,cT,p) = dest_exists ex
+ in
+ ((cname,cT,mk_syn thy cname)::cs,p)
+ end) (([],HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)),names)
+ val str = Library.foldl (fn (acc, (c, T, csyn)) =>
+ acc ^ "\n " ^ quotename c ^ " :: \"" ^
+ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T ^ "\" " ^ string_of_mixfix csyn) ("consts", consts)
+ val thy' = add_dump str thy
+ in
+ Sign.add_consts_i (map (fn (c, T, mx) => (Binding.name c, T, mx)) consts) thy'
+ end
+ val thy1 = fold_rev (fn name => fn thy =>
+ snd (get_defname thyname name thy)) names thy1
+ fun new_name name = fst (get_defname thyname name thy1)
+ val names' = map (fn name => (new_name name,name,false)) names
+ val (thy',res) = Choice_Specification.add_specification NONE
+ names'
+ (thy1,th)
+ val res' = Thm.unvarify_global res
+ val hth = HOLThm(rens,res')
+ val rew = rewrite_importer_term (concl_of res') thy'
+ val th = Thm.equal_elim rew res'
+ fun handle_const (name,thy) =
+ let
+ val defname = Thm.def_name name
+ val (newname,thy') = get_defname thyname name thy
+ in
+ (if defname = newname
+ then quotename name
+ else (quotename newname) ^ ": " ^ (quotename name),thy')
+ end
+ val (new_names,thy') = fold_rev (fn name => fn (names, thy) =>
+ let
+ val (name',thy') = handle_const (name,thy)
+ in
+ (name'::names,thy')
+ end) names ([], thy')
+ val thy'' =
+ add_dump ("specification (" ^ (spaces new_names) ^ ") " ^ thmname ^ ": " ^
+ (smart_string_of_thm (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy') th) ^
+ "\n by (import " ^ thyname ^ " " ^ thmname ^ ")")
+ thy'
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ in
+ intern_store_thm false thyname thmname hth thy''
+ end
+fun new_axiom name _ _ = raise ERR "new_axiom" ("Oh, no you don't! (" ^ name ^ ")")
+fun to_isa_thm (hth as HOLThm(_,th)) =
+ let
+ val (HOLThm args) = norm_hthm (theory_of_thm th) hth
+ in
+ apsnd Thm.strip_shyps args
+ end
+fun to_isa_term tm = tm
+ val light_nonempty = @{thm light_ex_imp_nonempty}
+ val ex_imp_nonempty = @{thm ex_imp_nonempty}
+ val typedef_hol2hol4 = @{thm typedef_hol2hol4}
+ val typedef_hol2hollight = @{thm typedef_hol2hollight}
+fun new_type_definition thyname thmname tycname hth thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying _ => (thy,hth)
+ | _ =>
+ let
+ val _ = message "TYPE_DEF:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val _ = warning ("Introducing type " ^ tycname)
+ val (HOLThm(rens,td_th)) = norm_hthm thy hth
+ val th2 = beta_eta_thm (td_th RS ex_imp_nonempty)
+ val c = case concl_of th2 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ Abs(_,_,Const(@{const_name Set.member},_) $ _ $ c)) => c
+ | _ => raise ERR "new_type_definition" "Bad type definition theorem"
+ val tfrees = Misc_Legacy.term_tfrees c
+ val tnames = map fst tfrees
+ val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
+ val ((_, typedef_info), thy') =
+ Typedef.add_typedef_global false (SOME (Binding.name thmname))
+ (Binding.name tycname, map (rpair dummyS) tnames, tsyn) c NONE (rtac th2 1) thy
+ val th3 = (#type_definition (#2 typedef_info)) RS typedef_hol2hol4
+ val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type thy' tycname
+ val thy'' = add_importer_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
+ val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm thy'' (HOLThm(rens,th3))
+ val _ = if has_ren hth' then warning ("Theorem " ^ thmname ^ " needs variable-disambiguating")
+ else ()
+ val thy4 = add_importer_pending thyname thmname args thy''
+ val rew = rewrite_importer_term (concl_of td_th) thy4
+ val th = Thm.equal_elim rew (Thm.transfer thy4 td_th)
+ val c = case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of th) of
+ Const(@{const_name Ex},exT) $ P =>
+ let
+ val PT = domain_type exT
+ in
+ Const (@{const_name Collect},PT-->HOLogic.mk_setT (domain_type PT)) $ P
+ end
+ | _ => error "Internal error in ProofKernel.new_typedefinition"
+ val tnames_string = if null tnames
+ then ""
+ else "(" ^ commas tnames ^ ") "
+ val proc_prop =
+ smart_string_of_cterm
+ (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy4
+ |> not (null tnames) ? Config.put show_all_types true)
+ val thy5 = add_dump ("typedef (open) " ^ tnames_string ^ (quotename tycname) ^ " = " ^ (proc_prop (cterm_of thy4 c)) ^ " "
+ ^ (string_of_mixfix tsyn) ^ "\n by (rule typedef_helper,import " ^ thyname ^ " " ^ thmname ^ ")") thy4
+ val thy6 = add_dump ("lemmas " ^ thmname ^ " = typedef_hol2importer [OF type_definition_" ^ tycname ^ "]") thy5
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth'
+ in
+ (thy6,hth')
+ end
+fun add_dump_syntax thy name =
+ let
+ val n = quotename name
+ val syn = string_of_mixfix (mk_syn thy name)
+ in
+ add_dump ("syntax\n "^n^" :: _ "^syn) thy
+ end
+fun type_introduction thyname thmname tycname abs_name rep_name (P,t) hth thy =
+ case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
+ Replaying _ => (thy,
+ HOLThm([], Global_Theory.get_thm thy (thmname^"_@intern")) handle ERROR _ => hth)
+ | _ =>
+ let
+ val _ = message "TYPE_INTRO:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth
+ val _ = warning ("Introducing type " ^ tycname ^ " (with morphisms " ^ abs_name ^ " and " ^ rep_name ^ ")")
+ val (HOLThm(rens,td_th)) = norm_hthm thy hth
+ val tT = type_of t
+ val light_nonempty' =
+ Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy tT)]
+ [SOME (cterm_of thy P),
+ SOME (cterm_of thy t)] light_nonempty
+ val th2 = beta_eta_thm (td_th RS (beta_eta_thm light_nonempty'))
+ val c = case concl_of th2 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ Abs(_,_,Const(@{const_name Set.member},_) $ _ $ c)) => c
+ | _ => raise ERR "type_introduction" "Bad type definition theorem"
+ val tfrees = Misc_Legacy.term_tfrees c
+ val tnames = sort_strings (map fst tfrees)
+ val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
+ val ((_, typedef_info), thy') =
+ Typedef.add_typedef_global false NONE
+ (Binding.name tycname, map (rpair dummyS) tnames, tsyn) c
+ (SOME(Binding.name rep_name,Binding.name abs_name)) (rtac th2 1) thy
+ val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type thy' tycname
+ val aty = Type (fulltyname, map mk_vartype tnames)
+ val typedef_hol2hollight' =
+ Drule.instantiate'
+ [SOME (ctyp_of thy' aty), SOME (ctyp_of thy' tT)]
+ [NONE, NONE, NONE, SOME (cterm_of thy' (Free ("a", aty))), SOME (cterm_of thy' (Free ("r", tT)))]
+ typedef_hol2hollight
+ val th4 = (#type_definition (#2 typedef_info)) RS typedef_hol2hollight'
+ val _ = null (Thm.fold_terms Term.add_tvars th4 []) orelse
+ raise ERR "type_introduction" "no type variables expected any more"
+ val _ = null (Thm.fold_terms Term.add_vars th4 []) orelse
+ raise ERR "type_introduction" "no term variables expected any more"
+ val _ = message ("step 3: thyname="^thyname^", tycname="^tycname^", fulltyname="^fulltyname)
+ val thy'' = add_importer_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
+ val _ = message "step 4"
+ val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm thy'' (HOLThm(rens,th4))
+ val thy4 = add_importer_pending thyname thmname args thy''
+ val P' = P (* why !? #2 (Logic.dest_equals (concl_of (rewrite_importer_term P thy4))) *)
+ val c =
+ let
+ val PT = type_of P'
+ in
+ Const (@{const_name Collect},PT-->HOLogic.mk_setT (domain_type PT)) $ P'
+ end
+ val tnames_string = if null tnames
+ then ""
+ else "(" ^ commas tnames ^ ") "
+ val proc_prop =
+ smart_string_of_cterm
+ (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy4
+ |> not (null tnames) ? Config.put show_all_types true)
+ val thy = add_dump ("typedef (open) " ^ tnames_string ^ (quotename tycname) ^
+ " = " ^ (proc_prop (cterm_of thy4 c)) ^ " " ^
+ (string_of_mixfix tsyn) ^ " morphisms "^
+ (quote rep_name)^" "^(quote abs_name)^"\n"^
+ (" apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="^
+ (proc_prop (cterm_of thy4 t))^"])\n"^
+ (" by (import " ^ thyname ^ " " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ")"))) thy4
+ val str_aty = Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy aty
+ val thy = add_dump_syntax thy rep_name
+ val thy = add_dump_syntax thy abs_name
+ val thy = add_dump ("lemmas " ^ (quote (thmname^"_@intern")) ^
+ " = typedef_hol2hollight \n"^
+ " [where a=\"a :: "^str_aty^"\" and r=r" ^
+ " ,\n OF "^(quotename ("type_definition_" ^ tycname)) ^ "]") thy
+ val _ = message "RESULT:"
+ val _ = if_debug pth hth'
+ in
+ (thy,hth')
+ end
+val prin = prin
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/replay.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/replay.ML
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
+structure Replay = (* FIXME proper signature *)
+open ProofKernel
+exception REPLAY of string * string
+fun ERR f mesg = REPLAY (f,mesg)
+fun NY f = raise ERR f "NOT YET!"
+fun replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy =
+ let
+ fun rp (PRefl tm) thy = ProofKernel.REFL tm thy
+ | rp (PInstT(p,lambda)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' p thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.INST_TYPE lambda th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PSubst(prfs,ctxt,prf)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',ths) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (thy, ths) =>
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' p thy
+ in
+ (thy',th::ths)
+ end) prfs (thy,[])
+ val (thy'',th) = rp' prf thy'
+ in
+ ProofKernel.SUBST ths ctxt th thy''
+ end
+ | rp (PAbs(prf,v)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.ABS v th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PDisch(prf,tm)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.DISCH tm th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PMp(prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.MP th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PHyp tm) thy = ProofKernel.ASSUME tm thy
+ | rp (PDef(seg,name,rhs)) thy =
+ (case ProofKernel.get_def seg name rhs thy of
+ (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
+ | (thy',NONE) =>
+ if seg = thyname
+ then ProofKernel.new_definition seg name rhs thy'
+ else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Too late for term definition: "^seg^" != "^thyname))
+ | rp (POracle _) thy = NY "ORACLE"
+ | rp (PSpec(prf,tm)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.SPEC tm th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PInst(prf,theta)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.INST theta th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PGen(prf,v)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ val p = ProofKernel.GEN v th thy'
+ in
+ p
+ end
+ | rp (PGenAbs(prf,opt,vl)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.GEN_ABS opt vl th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PImpAS(prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.IMP_ANTISYM th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PSym prf) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.SYM th thy1
+ end
+ | rp (PTrans(prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.TRANS th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PComb(prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.COMB th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PEqMp(prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.EQ_MP th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PEqImp prf) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.EQ_IMP_RULE th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PExists(prf,ex,wit)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.EXISTS ex wit th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PChoose(v,prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.CHOOSE v th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PConj(prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.CONJ th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PConjunct1 prf) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.CONJUNCT1 th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PConjunct2 prf) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.CONJUNCT2 th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PDisj1(prf,tm)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.DISJ1 th tm thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PDisj2(prf,tm)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.DISJ2 tm th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PDisjCases(prf,prf1,prf2)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy'
+ val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
+ in
+ ProofKernel.DISJ_CASES th th1 th2 thy2
+ end
+ | rp (PNotI prf) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.NOT_INTRO th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PNotE prf) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.NOT_ELIM th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PContr(prf,tm)) thy =
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.CCONTR tm th thy'
+ end
+ | rp (PTmSpec _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTmSpec)"
+ | rp (PTyDef _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTyDef)"
+ | rp (PTyIntro _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTyIntro)"
+ | rp PDisk _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PDisk)"
+ | rp _ _ = raise ERR "rp" "What the hell is this? Which case did I forget?"
+ and rp' p thy =
+ let
+ val pc = content_of p
+ in
+ case pc of
+ PDisk => (case disk_info_of p of
+ SOME(thyname',thmname) =>
+ (case Int.fromString thmname of
+ SOME i =>
+ if thyname' = thyname
+ then
+ (case Array.sub(int_thms,i-1) of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' (snd (import_proof thyname' thmname thy) thy) thy
+ val _ = Array.update(int_thms,i-1,SOME th)
+ in
+ (thy',th)
+ end
+ | SOME th => (thy,th))
+ else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Library " ^ thyname' ^ " should be built before " ^ thyname ^ " (" ^ thmname ^ ")")
+ | NONE =>
+ (case ProofKernel.get_thm thyname' thmname thy of
+ (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
+ | (thy',NONE) =>
+ if thyname' = thyname
+ then
+ let
+ val _ = writeln ("Found no " ^ thmname ^ " theorem, replaying...")
+ val (_, prf) = import_proof thyname' thmname thy'
+ val prf = prf thy'
+ val (thy',th) = replay_proof int_thms thyname' thmname prf thy'
+ val _ = writeln ("Successfully finished replaying "^thmname^" !")
+ in
+ case content_of prf of
+ PTmSpec _ => (thy',th)
+ | PTyDef _ => (thy',th)
+ | PTyIntro _ => (thy',th)
+ | _ => ProofKernel.store_thm thyname' thmname th thy'
+ end
+ else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Library " ^ thyname' ^ " should be built before " ^ thyname ^ " (" ^ thmname ^ ")")))
+ | NONE => raise ERR "rp'.PDisk" "Not enough information")
+ | PAxm(name,c) =>
+ (case ProofKernel.get_axiom thyname name thy of
+ (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
+ | (thy',NONE) => ProofKernel.new_axiom name c thy')
+ | PTmSpec(seg,names,prf') =>
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.new_specification seg thmname names th thy'
+ end
+ | PTyDef(seg,name,prf') =>
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.new_type_definition seg thmname name th thy'
+ end
+ | PTyIntro(seg,name,abs_name,rep_name,P,t,prf') =>
+ let
+ val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
+ in
+ ProofKernel.type_introduction seg thmname name abs_name rep_name (P,t) th thy'
+ end
+ | _ => rp pc thy
+ end
+ in
+ rp' prf thy
+ end
+fun setup_int_thms thyname thy =
+ let
+ val fname =
+ case ProofKernel.get_proof_dir thyname thy of
+ SOME p => OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=p,file=OS.Path.joinBaseExt{base = "facts",ext=SOME "lst"}}
+ | NONE => error "Cannot find proof files"
+ val is = TextIO.openIn fname
+ val (num_int_thms,facts) =
+ let
+ fun get_facts facts =
+ case TextIO.inputLine is of
+ NONE => (case facts of
+ i::facts => (the (Int.fromString i),map ProofKernel.protect_factname (rev facts))
+ | _ => raise ERR "replay_thm" "Bad facts.lst file")
+ | SOME fact => get_facts ((String.substring(fact,0,String.size fact -1 ))::facts)
+ in
+ get_facts []
+ end
+ val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
+ val int_thms = Array.array(num_int_thms,NONE:thm option)
+ in
+ (int_thms,facts)
+ end
+fun import_single_thm thyname int_thms thmname thy =
+ let
+ fun replay_fact (thmname,thy) =
+ let
+ val prf = mk_proof PDisk
+ val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
+ val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
+ val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
+ in
+ p
+ end
+ in
+ replay_fact (thmname,thy)
+ end
+fun import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy =
+ let
+ fun replay_fact thmname thy =
+ let
+ val prf = mk_proof PDisk
+ val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
+ val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
+ val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
+ in
+ p
+ end
+ val res_thy = fold replay_fact thmnames thy
+ in
+ res_thy
+ end
+fun import_thm thyname thmname thy =
+ let
+ val int_thms = fst (setup_int_thms thyname thy)
+ fun replay_fact (thmname,thy) =
+ let
+ val prf = mk_proof PDisk
+ val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
+ val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
+ val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
+ in
+ p
+ end
+ in
+ replay_fact (thmname,thy)
+ end
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL4/shuffler.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/shuffler.ML
+ Author: Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
+Package for proving two terms equal by normalizing (hence the
+"shuffler" name). Uses the simplifier for the normalization.
+signature Shuffler =
+ val debug : bool Unsynchronized.ref
+ val norm_term : theory -> term -> thm
+ val make_equal : theory -> term -> term -> thm option
+ val set_prop : theory -> term -> (string * thm) list -> (string * thm) option
+ val find_potential: theory -> term -> (string * thm) list
+ val gen_shuffle_tac: Proof.context -> bool -> (string * thm) list -> int -> tactic
+ val shuffle_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
+ val search_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+ val print_shuffles: theory -> unit
+ val add_shuffle_rule: thm -> theory -> theory
+ val shuffle_attr: attribute
+ val setup : theory -> theory
+structure Shuffler : Shuffler =
+val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun if_debug f x = if !debug then f x else ()
+val message = if_debug writeln
+val string_of_thm = Print_Mode.setmp [] Display.string_of_thm_without_context;
+structure ShuffleData = Theory_Data
+ type T = thm list
+ val empty = []
+ val extend = I
+ val merge = Thm.merge_thms
+fun print_shuffles thy =
+ Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "Shuffle theorems:"
+ (map (Display.pretty_thm_global thy) (ShuffleData.get thy)))
+val weaken =
+ let
+ val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
+ val P = Free("P",propT)
+ val Q = Free("Q",propT)
+ val PQ = Logic.mk_implies(P,Q)
+ val PPQ = Logic.mk_implies(P,PQ)
+ val cP = cert P
+ val cPQ = cert PQ
+ val cPPQ = cert PPQ
+ val th1 = Thm.assume cPQ |> implies_intr_list [cPQ,cP]
+ val th3 = Thm.assume cP
+ val th4 = implies_elim_list (Thm.assume cPPQ) [th3,th3]
+ |> implies_intr_list [cPPQ,cP]
+ in
+ Thm.equal_intr th4 th1 |> Drule.export_without_context
+ end
+val imp_comm =
+ let
+ val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
+ val P = Free("P",propT)
+ val Q = Free("Q",propT)
+ val R = Free("R",propT)
+ val PQR = Logic.mk_implies(P,Logic.mk_implies(Q,R))
+ val QPR = Logic.mk_implies(Q,Logic.mk_implies(P,R))
+ val cP = cert P
+ val cQ = cert Q
+ val cPQR = cert PQR
+ val cQPR = cert QPR
+ val th1 = implies_elim_list (Thm.assume cPQR) [Thm.assume cP,Thm.assume cQ]
+ |> implies_intr_list [cPQR,cQ,cP]
+ val th2 = implies_elim_list (Thm.assume cQPR) [Thm.assume cQ,Thm.assume cP]
+ |> implies_intr_list [cQPR,cP,cQ]
+ in
+ Thm.equal_intr th1 th2 |> Drule.export_without_context
+ end
+val all_comm =
+ let
+ val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
+ val xT = TFree("'a",[])
+ val yT = TFree("'b",[])
+ val x = Free("x",xT)
+ val y = Free("y",yT)
+ val P = Free("P",xT-->yT-->propT)
+ val lhs = Logic.all x (Logic.all y (P $ x $ y))
+ val rhs = Logic.all y (Logic.all x (P $ x $ y))
+ val cl = cert lhs
+ val cr = cert rhs
+ val cx = cert x
+ val cy = cert y
+ val th1 = Thm.assume cr
+ |> forall_elim_list [cy,cx]
+ |> forall_intr_list [cx,cy]
+ |> Thm.implies_intr cr
+ val th2 = Thm.assume cl
+ |> forall_elim_list [cx,cy]
+ |> forall_intr_list [cy,cx]
+ |> Thm.implies_intr cl
+ in
+ Thm.equal_intr th1 th2 |> Drule.export_without_context
+ end
+val equiv_comm =
+ let
+ val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
+ val T = TFree("'a",[])
+ val t = Free("t",T)
+ val u = Free("u",T)
+ val ctu = cert (Logic.mk_equals(t,u))
+ val cut = cert (Logic.mk_equals(u,t))
+ val th1 = Thm.assume ctu |> Thm.symmetric |> Thm.implies_intr ctu
+ val th2 = Thm.assume cut |> Thm.symmetric |> Thm.implies_intr cut
+ in
+ Thm.equal_intr th1 th2 |> Drule.export_without_context
+ end
+(* This simplification procedure rewrites !!x y. P x y
+deterministicly, in order for the normalization function, defined
+below, to handle nested quantifiers robustly *)
+exception RESULT of int
+fun find_bound n (Bound i) = if i = n then raise RESULT 0
+ else if i = n+1 then raise RESULT 1
+ else ()
+ | find_bound n (t $ u) = (find_bound n t; find_bound n u)
+ | find_bound n (Abs(_,_,t)) = find_bound (n+1) t
+ | find_bound _ _ = ()
+fun swap_bound n (Bound i) = if i = n then Bound (n+1)
+ else if i = n+1 then Bound n
+ else Bound i
+ | swap_bound n (t $ u) = (swap_bound n t $ swap_bound n u)
+ | swap_bound n (Abs(x,xT,t)) = Abs(x,xT,swap_bound (n+1) t)
+ | swap_bound n t = t
+fun rew_th thy xv yv t =
+ let
+ val lhs = Logic.list_all ([xv,yv],t)
+ val rhs = Logic.list_all ([yv,xv],swap_bound 0 t)
+ val rew = Logic.mk_equals (lhs,rhs)
+ val init = Thm.trivial (cterm_of thy rew)
+ in
+ all_comm RS init
+ end
+fun quant_rewrite thy _ (t as Const("all",T1) $ (Abs(x,xT,Const("all",T2) $ Abs(y,yT,body)))) =
+ let
+ val res = (find_bound 0 body;2) handle RESULT i => i
+ in
+ case res of
+ 0 => SOME (rew_th thy (x,xT) (y,yT) body)
+ | 1 => if string_ord(y,x) = LESS
+ then
+ let
+ val newt = Const("all",T1) $ (Abs(y,xT,Const("all",T2) $ Abs(x,yT,body)))
+ val t_th = Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy t)
+ val newt_th = Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy newt)
+ in
+ SOME (Thm.transitive t_th newt_th)
+ end
+ else NONE
+ | _ => error "norm_term (quant_rewrite) internal error"
+ end
+ | quant_rewrite _ _ _ = (warning "quant_rewrite: Unknown lhs"; NONE)
+fun freeze_thaw_term t =
+ let
+ val tvars = Misc_Legacy.term_tvars t
+ val tfree_names = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tfree_names(t,[])
+ val (type_inst,_) =
+ fold (fn (w as (v,_), S) => fn (inst, used) =>
+ let
+ val v' = singleton (Name.variant_list used) v
+ in
+ ((w,TFree(v',S))::inst,v'::used)
+ end)
+ tvars ([], tfree_names)
+ val t' = subst_TVars type_inst t
+ in
+ (t', map (fn (w,TFree(v,S)) => (v,TVar(w,S))
+ | _ => error "Internal error in Shuffler.freeze_thaw") type_inst)
+ end
+fun inst_tfrees thy [] thm = thm
+ | inst_tfrees thy ((name,U)::rest) thm =
+ let
+ val cU = ctyp_of thy U
+ val tfrees = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tfrees (prop_of thm,[])
+ val (rens, thm') = Thm.varifyT_global'
+ (remove (op = o apsnd fst) name tfrees) thm
+ val mid =
+ case rens of
+ [] => thm'
+ | [((_, S), idx)] => Drule.instantiate_normalize
+ ([(ctyp_of thy (TVar (idx, S)), cU)], []) thm'
+ | _ => error "Shuffler.inst_tfrees internal error"
+ in
+ inst_tfrees thy rest mid
+ end
+fun is_Abs (Abs _) = true
+ | is_Abs _ = false
+fun eta_redex (t $ Bound 0) =
+ let
+ fun free n (Bound i) = i = n
+ | free n (t $ u) = free n t orelse free n u
+ | free n (Abs(_,_,t)) = free (n+1) t
+ | free n _ = false
+ in
+ not (free 0 t)
+ end
+ | eta_redex _ = false
+fun eta_contract thy _ origt =
+ let
+ val (typet,Tinst) = freeze_thaw_term origt
+ val (init,thaw) = Misc_Legacy.freeze_thaw (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy typet))
+ val final = inst_tfrees thy Tinst o thaw
+ val t = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of init))
+ val _ =
+ let
+ val lhs = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of (final init)))
+ in
+ if not (lhs aconv origt)
+ then
+ writeln (cat_lines
+ (["Something is utterly wrong: (orig, lhs, frozen type, t, tinst)",
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy origt,
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy lhs,
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy typet,
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t] @
+ map (fn (n, T) => n ^ ": " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T) Tinst))
+ else ()
+ end
+ in
+ case t of
+ Const("all",_) $ (Abs(x,xT,Const("==",_) $ P $ Q)) =>
+ (if eta_redex P andalso eta_redex Q
+ then
+ let
+ val cert = cterm_of thy
+ val v = Free (singleton (Name.variant_list (Term.add_free_names t [])) "v", xT)
+ val cv = cert v
+ val ct = cert t
+ val th = (Thm.assume ct)
+ |> Thm.forall_elim cv
+ |> Thm.abstract_rule x cv
+ val ext_th = Thm.eta_conversion (cert (Abs(x,xT,P)))
+ val th' = Thm.transitive (Thm.symmetric ext_th) th
+ val cu = cert (prop_of th')
+ val uth = Thm.combination (Thm.assume cu) (Thm.reflexive cv)
+ val uth' = (Thm.beta_conversion false (cert (Abs(x,xT,Q) $ v)))
+ |> Thm.transitive uth
+ |> Thm.forall_intr cv
+ |> Thm.implies_intr cu
+ val rew_th = Thm.equal_intr (th' |> Thm.implies_intr ct) uth'
+ val res = final rew_th
+ in
+ SOME res
+ end
+ else NONE)
+ | _ => NONE
+ end
+fun eta_expand thy _ origt =
+ let
+ val (typet,Tinst) = freeze_thaw_term origt
+ val (init,thaw) = Misc_Legacy.freeze_thaw (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy typet))
+ val final = inst_tfrees thy Tinst o thaw
+ val t = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of init))
+ val _ =
+ let
+ val lhs = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of (final init)))
+ in
+ if not (lhs aconv origt)
+ then
+ writeln (cat_lines
+ (["Something is utterly wrong: (orig, lhs, frozen type, t, tinst)",
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy origt,
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy lhs,
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy typet,
+ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t] @
+ map (fn (n, T) => n ^ ": " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T) Tinst))
+ else ()
+ end
+ in
+ case t of
+ Const("==",T) $ P $ Q =>
+ if is_Abs P orelse is_Abs Q
+ then (case domain_type T of
+ Type("fun",[aT,_]) =>
+ let
+ val cert = cterm_of thy
+ val vname = singleton (Name.variant_list (Term.add_free_names t [])) "v"
+ val v = Free(vname,aT)
+ val cv = cert v
+ val ct = cert t
+ val th1 = (Thm.combination (Thm.assume ct) (Thm.reflexive cv))
+ |> Thm.forall_intr cv
+ |> Thm.implies_intr ct
+ val concl = cert (concl_of th1)
+ val th2 = (Thm.assume concl)
+ |> Thm.forall_elim cv
+ |> Thm.abstract_rule vname cv
+ val (lhs,rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (prop_of th2)
+ val elhs = Thm.eta_conversion (cert lhs)
+ val erhs = Thm.eta_conversion (cert rhs)
+ val th2' = Thm.transitive
+ (Thm.transitive (Thm.symmetric elhs) th2)
+ erhs
+ val res = Thm.equal_intr th1 (th2' |> Thm.implies_intr concl)
+ val res' = final res
+ in
+ SOME res'
+ end
+ | _ => NONE)
+ else NONE
+ | _ => error ("Bad eta_expand argument" ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t)
+ end;
+fun mk_tfree s = TFree("'"^s,[])
+fun mk_free s t = Free (s,t)
+val xT = mk_tfree "a"
+val yT = mk_tfree "b"
+val x = Free ("x", xT)
+val y = Free ("y", yT)
+val P = mk_free "P" (xT-->yT-->propT)
+val Q = mk_free "Q" (xT-->yT)
+val R = mk_free "R" (xT-->yT)
+fun quant_simproc thy = Simplifier.simproc_global_i
+ thy
+ "Ordered rewriting of nested quantifiers"
+ [Logic.all x (Logic.all y (P $ x $ y))]
+ quant_rewrite
+fun eta_expand_simproc thy = Simplifier.simproc_global_i
+ thy
+ "Smart eta-expansion by equivalences"
+ [Logic.mk_equals(Q,R)]
+ eta_expand
+fun eta_contract_simproc thy = Simplifier.simproc_global_i
+ thy
+ "Smart handling of eta-contractions"
+ [Logic.all x (Logic.mk_equals (Q $ x, R $ x))]
+ eta_contract
+(* Disambiguates the names of bound variables in a term, returning t
+== t' where all the names of bound variables in t' are unique *)
+fun disamb_bound thy t =
+ let
+ fun F (t $ u,idx) =
+ let
+ val (t',idx') = F (t,idx)
+ val (u',idx'') = F (u,idx')
+ in
+ (t' $ u',idx'')
+ end
+ | F (Abs(_,xT,t),idx) =
+ let
+ val x' = "x" ^ string_of_int idx
+ val (t',idx') = F (t,idx+1)
+ in
+ (Abs(x',xT,t'),idx')
+ end
+ | F arg = arg
+ val (t',_) = F (t,0)
+ val ct = cterm_of thy t
+ val ct' = cterm_of thy t'
+ val res = Thm.transitive (Thm.reflexive ct) (Thm.reflexive ct')
+ val _ = message ("disamb_term: " ^ (string_of_thm res))
+ in
+ res
+ end
+(* Transforms a term t to some normal form t', returning the theorem t
+== t'. This is originally a help function for make_equal, but might
+be handy in its own right, for example for indexing terms. *)
+fun norm_term thy t =
+ let
+ val norms = ShuffleData.get thy
+ val ss = Simplifier.global_context thy empty_ss
+ addsimps (map (Thm.transfer thy) norms)
+ addsimprocs [quant_simproc thy, eta_expand_simproc thy,eta_contract_simproc thy]
+ fun chain f th =
+ let
+ val rhs = Thm.rhs_of th
+ in
+ Thm.transitive th (f rhs)
+ end
+ val th =
+ t |> disamb_bound thy
+ |> chain (Simplifier.full_rewrite ss)
+ |> chain Thm.eta_conversion
+ |> Thm.strip_shyps
+ val _ = message ("norm_term: " ^ (string_of_thm th))
+ in
+ th
+ end
+(* Closes a theorem with respect to free and schematic variables (does
+not touch type variables, though). *)
+fun close_thm th =
+ let
+ val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm th
+ val c = prop_of th
+ val vars = Misc_Legacy.add_term_frees (c, Misc_Legacy.add_term_vars(c,[]))
+ in
+ Drule.forall_intr_list (map (cterm_of thy) vars) th
+ end
+(* Normalizes a theorem's conclusion using norm_term. *)
+fun norm_thm thy th =
+ let
+ val c = prop_of th
+ in
+ Thm.equal_elim (norm_term thy c) th
+ end
+(* make_equal thy t u tries to construct the theorem t == u under the
+signature thy. If it succeeds, SOME (t == u) is returned, otherwise
+NONE is returned. *)
+fun make_equal thy t u =
+ let
+ val t_is_t' = norm_term thy t
+ val u_is_u' = norm_term thy u
+ val th = Thm.transitive t_is_t' (Thm.symmetric u_is_u')
+ val _ = message ("make_equal: SOME " ^ (string_of_thm th))
+ in
+ SOME th
+ end
+ handle THM _ => (message "make_equal: NONE";NONE)
+fun match_consts ignore t (* th *) =
+ let
+ fun add_consts (Const (c, _), cs) =
+ if member (op =) ignore c
+ then cs
+ else insert (op =) c cs
+ | add_consts (t $ u, cs) = add_consts (t, add_consts (u, cs))
+ | add_consts (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_consts (t, cs)
+ | add_consts (_, cs) = cs
+ val t_consts = add_consts(t,[])
+ in
+ fn (_,th) =>
+ let
+ val th_consts = add_consts(prop_of th,[])
+ in
+ eq_set (op =) (t_consts, th_consts)
+ end
+ end
+val collect_ignored = fold_rev (fn thm => fn cs =>
+ let
+ val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (prop_of thm);
+ val consts_lhs = Term.add_const_names lhs [];
+ val consts_rhs = Term.add_const_names rhs [];
+ val ignore_lhs = subtract (op =) consts_rhs consts_lhs;
+ val ignore_rhs = subtract (op =) consts_lhs consts_rhs;
+ in
+ fold_rev (insert (op =)) cs (ignore_lhs @ ignore_rhs)
+ end)
+(* set_prop t thms tries to make a theorem with the proposition t from
+one of the theorems thms, by shuffling the propositions around. If it
+succeeds, SOME theorem is returned, otherwise NONE. *)
+fun set_prop thy t =
+ let
+ val vars = Misc_Legacy.add_term_frees (t, Misc_Legacy.add_term_vars (t,[]))
+ val closed_t = fold_rev Logic.all vars t
+ val rew_th = norm_term thy closed_t
+ val rhs = Thm.rhs_of rew_th
+ fun process [] = NONE
+ | process ((name,th)::thms) =
+ let
+ val norm_th = Thm.varifyT_global (norm_thm thy (close_thm (Thm.transfer thy th)))
+ val triv_th = Thm.trivial rhs
+ val _ = message ("Shuffler.set_prop: Gluing together " ^ (string_of_thm norm_th) ^ " and " ^ (string_of_thm triv_th))
+ val mod_th = case Seq.pull (Thm.bicompose false (*true*) (false,norm_th,0) 1 triv_th) of
+ SOME(th,_) => SOME th
+ | NONE => NONE
+ in
+ case mod_th of
+ SOME mod_th =>
+ let
+ val closed_th = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric rew_th) mod_th
+ in
+ message ("Shuffler.set_prop succeeded by " ^ name);
+ SOME (name,forall_elim_list (map (cterm_of thy) vars) closed_th)
+ end
+ | NONE => process thms
+ end
+ handle THM _ => process thms
+ in
+ fn thms =>
+ case process thms of
+ res as SOME (_,th) => if (prop_of th) aconv t
+ then res
+ else error "Internal error in set_prop"
+ | NONE => NONE
+ end
+fun find_potential thy t =
+ let
+ val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
+ val ignored = collect_ignored shuffles []
+ val all_thms =
+ map (`Thm.get_name_hint) (maps #2 (Facts.dest_static [] (Global_Theory.facts_of thy)))
+ in
+ filter (match_consts ignored t) all_thms
+ end
+fun gen_shuffle_tac ctxt search thms = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
+ let
+ val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+ val set = set_prop thy t
+ fun process_tac thms st =
+ case set thms of
+ SOME (_,th) => Seq.of_list (compose (th,i,st))
+ | NONE => Seq.empty
+ in
+ process_tac thms APPEND
+ (if search then process_tac (find_potential thy t) else no_tac)
+ end)
+fun shuffle_tac ctxt thms =
+ gen_shuffle_tac ctxt false (map (pair "") thms);
+fun search_tac ctxt =
+ gen_shuffle_tac ctxt true (map (pair "premise") (Assumption.all_prems_of ctxt));
+fun add_shuffle_rule thm thy =
+ let
+ val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
+ in
+ if exists (curry Thm.eq_thm thm) shuffles
+ then (warning ((string_of_thm thm) ^ " already known to the shuffler");
+ thy)
+ else ShuffleData.put (thm::shuffles) thy
+ end
+val shuffle_attr = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => Context.mapping (add_shuffle_rule th) I);
+val setup =
+ Method.setup @{binding shuffle_tac}
+ (Attrib.thms >> (fn ths => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (shuffle_tac ctxt ths)))
+ "solve goal by shuffling terms around" #>
+ Method.setup @{binding search_tac}
+ (Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o search_tac)) "search for suitable theorems" #>
+ add_shuffle_rule weaken #>
+ add_shuffle_rule equiv_comm #>
+ add_shuffle_rule imp_comm #>
+ add_shuffle_rule Drule.norm_hhf_eq #>
+ add_shuffle_rule Drule.triv_forall_equality #>
+ Attrib.setup @{binding shuffle_rule} (Scan.succeed shuffle_attr) "declare rule for shuffler";
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Compatibility.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Compatibility.thy
- Author: Steven Obua and Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
- Author: Cezary Kaliszyk
-theory Compatibility
-imports Main Fact Parity "~~/src/HOL/Library/Infinite_Set"
- HOLLightList HOLLightReal HOLLightInt "~~/src/HOL/Import/Importer"
-(* list *)
-lemmas [import_rew] = list_el_def member_def list_mem_def
-(* int *)
-lemmas [import_rew] = int_coprime.simps int_gcd.simps hl_mod_def hl_div_def int_mod_def eqeq_def
-(* real *)
-lemma [import_rew]:
- "real (0::nat) = 0" "real (1::nat) = 1" "real (2::nat) = 2"
- by simp_all
-lemma one:
- "\<forall>v. v = ()"
- by simp
-lemma num_Axiom:
- "\<exists>!fn. fn 0 = e \<and> (\<forall>n. fn (Suc n) = f (fn n) n)"
- apply (rule ex1I[of _ "nat_rec e (%n e. f e n)"])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma SUC_INJ:
- "\<forall>m n. Suc m = Suc n \<longleftrightarrow> m = n"
- by simp
-lemma PAIR:
- "(fst x, snd x) = x"
- by simp
- "(Ex1 P) = (Ex P & (\<forall>x y. P x & P y --> (x = y)))"
- by auto
-lemma DEF__star_:
- "op * = (SOME mult. (\<forall>n. mult 0 n = 0) \<and> (\<forall>m n. mult (Suc m) n = mult m n + n))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply auto
- done
-lemma DEF__slash__backslash_:
- "(t1 \<and> t2) = ((\<lambda>f. f t1 t2 :: bool) = (\<lambda>f. f True True))"
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- by (intro iffI, simp_all) (erule allE[of _ "(%a b. a \<and> b)"], simp)
-lemma DEF__lessthan__equal_:
- "op \<le> = (SOME u. (\<forall>m. u m 0 = (m = 0)) \<and> (\<forall>m n. u m (Suc n) = (m = Suc n \<or> u m n)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto[1]
- apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply auto
- done
-lemma DEF__lessthan_:
- "op < = (SOME u. (\<forall>m. u m 0 = False) \<and> (\<forall>m n. u m (Suc n) = (m = n \<or> u m n)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto[1]
- apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply auto
- done
-lemma DEF__greaterthan__equal_:
- "(op \<ge>) = (%u ua. ua \<le> u)"
- by (simp)
-lemma DEF__greaterthan_:
- "(op >) = (%u ua. ua < u)"
- by (simp)
-lemma DEF__equal__equal__greaterthan_:
- "(t1 \<longrightarrow> t2) = ((t1 \<and> t2) = t1)"
- by auto
-lemma DEF_WF:
- "wfP = (\<lambda>u. \<forall>P. (\<exists>x. P x) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>x. P x \<and> (\<forall>y. u y x \<longrightarrow> \<not> P y)))"
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
-proof (intro allI iffI impI wfI_min[to_pred], elim exE wfE_min[to_pred])
- fix P :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool" and xa :: "'a"
- assume "P xa"
- then show "xa \<in> Collect P" by simp
- fix x P xa z
- assume "P xa" "z \<in> {a. P a}" "\<And>y. x y z \<Longrightarrow> y \<notin> {a. P a}"
- then show "\<exists>xa. P xa \<and> (\<forall>y. x y xa \<longrightarrow> \<not> P y)" by auto
- fix x :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" and xa :: "'a" and Q
- assume a: "xa \<in> Q"
- assume b: "\<forall>P. Ex P \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>xa. P xa \<and> (\<forall>y. x y xa \<longrightarrow> \<not> P y))"
- then have "Ex (\<lambda>x. x \<in> Q) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>xa. (\<lambda>x. x \<in> Q) xa \<and> (\<forall>y. x y xa \<longrightarrow> \<not> (\<lambda>x. x \<in> Q) y))" by auto
- then show "\<exists>z\<in>Q. \<forall>y. x y z \<longrightarrow> y \<notin> Q" using a by auto
-lemma DEF_UNIV: "top = (%x. True)"
- by (rule ext) (simp add: top1I)
-lemma DEF_UNIONS:
- "Sup = (\<lambda>u. {ua. \<exists>x. (\<exists>ua. ua \<in> u \<and> x \<in> ua) \<and> ua = x})"
- by (auto simp add: Union_eq)
-lemma DEF_UNION:
- "op \<union> = (\<lambda>u ua. {ub. \<exists>x. (x \<in> u \<or> x \<in> ua) \<and> ub = x})"
- by auto
-lemma DEF_SUBSET: "op \<subseteq> = (\<lambda>u ua. \<forall>x. x \<in> u \<longrightarrow> x \<in> ua)"
- by (metis set_rev_mp subsetI)
-lemma DEF_SND:
- "snd = (\<lambda>p. SOME x. EX y. p = (y, x))"
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- by (rule someI2) (auto intro: snd_conv[symmetric] someI2)
-definition [simp, import_rew]: "SETSPEC x P y \<longleftrightarrow> P & x = y"
-lemma DEF_PSUBSET: "op \<subset> = (\<lambda>u ua. u \<subseteq> ua & u \<noteq> ua)"
- by (metis psubset_eq)
-definition [import_rew]: "Pred n = n - (Suc 0)"
-lemma DEF_PRE: "Pred = (SOME PRE. PRE 0 = 0 & (\<forall>n. PRE (Suc n) = n))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (simp add: Pred_def)
- apply (rule ext)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply (auto simp add: Pred_def)
- done
-lemma DEF_ONE_ONE:
- "inj = (\<lambda>u. \<forall>x1 x2. u x1 = u x2 \<longrightarrow> x1 = x2)"
- by (simp add: inj_on_def)
-definition ODD'[import_rew]: "(ODD :: nat \<Rightarrow> bool) = odd"
-lemma DEF_ODD:
- "odd = (SOME ODD. ODD 0 = False \<and> (\<forall>n. ODD (Suc n) = (\<not> ODD n)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply simp
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-definition [import_rew, simp]: "NUMERAL (x :: nat) = x"
-lemma DEF_MOD:
- "op mod = (SOME r. \<forall>m n. if n = (0 :: nat) then m div n = 0 \<and>
- r m n = m else m = m div n * n + r m n \<and> r m n < n)"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (case_tac "xa = 0")
- apply auto
- apply (drule_tac x="x" in spec)
- apply (drule_tac x="xa" in spec)
- apply auto
- by (metis mod_less mod_mult_self2 nat_add_commute nat_mult_commute)
-definition "MEASURE = (%u x y. (u x :: nat) < u y)"
-lemma [import_rew]:
- "MEASURE u = (%a b. (a, b) \<in> measure u)"
- unfolding MEASURE_def measure_def
- by simp
- "LET f s = f s"
-lemma [import_rew]:
- "LET f s = Let s f"
- by (simp add: LET_def Let_def)
-lemma DEF_INTERS:
- "Inter = (\<lambda>u. {ua. \<exists>x. (\<forall>ua. ua \<in> u \<longrightarrow> x \<in> ua) \<and> ua = x})"
- by auto
-lemma DEF_INTER:
- "op \<inter> = (\<lambda>u ua. {ub. \<exists>x. (x \<in> u \<and> x \<in> ua) \<and> ub = x})"
- by auto
-lemma DEF_INSERT:
- "insert = (\<lambda>u ua. {y. y \<in> ua | y = u})"
- by auto
-lemma DEF_IMAGE:
- "op ` = (\<lambda>u ua. {ub. \<exists>y. (\<exists>x. x \<in> ua \<and> y = u x) \<and> ub = y})"
- by (simp add: fun_eq_iff image_def Bex_def)
-lemma DEF_GEQ:
- "(op =) = (op =)"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_GABS:
- "Eps = Eps"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_FST:
- "fst = (%p. SOME x. EX y. p = (x, y))"
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- by (rule someI2) (auto intro: fst_conv[symmetric] someI2)
-lemma DEF_FINITE:
- "finite = (\<lambda>a. \<forall>FP. (\<forall>a. a = {} \<or> (\<exists>x s. a = insert x s \<and> FP s) \<longrightarrow> FP a) \<longrightarrow> FP a)"
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- apply (intro allI iffI impI)
- apply (erule finite_induct)
- apply auto[2]
- apply (drule_tac x="finite" in spec)
- by (metis finite_insert infinite_imp_nonempty infinite_super predicate1I)
-lemma DEF_FACT:
- "fact = (SOME FACT. FACT 0 = 1 & (\<forall>n. FACT (Suc n) = Suc n * FACT n))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (simp_all)
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_EXP:
- "power = (SOME EXP. (\<forall>m. EXP m 0 = 1) \<and> (\<forall>m n. EXP m (Suc n) = m * EXP m n))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (simp_all)
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_EVEN:
- "even = (SOME EVEN. EVEN 0 = True \<and> (\<forall>n. EVEN (Suc n) = (\<not> EVEN n)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply simp
- unfolding fun_eq_iff
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_EMPTY: "bot = (%x. False)"
- by (rule ext) auto
-lemma DEF_DIV:
- "op div = (SOME q. \<exists>r. \<forall>m n. if n = (0 :: nat) then q m n = 0 \<and> r m n = m
- else m = q m n * n + r m n \<and> r m n < n)"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (rule_tac x="op mod" in exI)
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (case_tac "xa = 0")
- apply auto
- apply (drule_tac x="x" in spec)
- apply (drule_tac x="xa" in spec)
- apply auto
- by (metis div_mult_self2 gr_implies_not0 mod_div_trivial mod_less
- nat_add_commute nat_mult_commute plus_nat.add_0)
-definition [import_rew]: "DISJOINT a b \<longleftrightarrow> a \<inter> b = {}"
- "DISJOINT = (%u ua. u \<inter> ua = {})"
- by (auto simp add: DISJOINT_def [abs_def])
-lemma DEF_DIFF:
- "op - = (\<lambda>u ua. {ub. \<exists>x. (x \<in> u \<and> x \<notin> ua) \<and> ub = x})"
- by (metis set_diff_eq)
-definition [import_rew]: "DELETE s e = s - {e}"
-lemma DEF_DELETE:
- "DELETE = (\<lambda>u ua. {ub. \<exists>y. (y \<in> u \<and> y \<noteq> ua) \<and> ub = y})"
- by (auto simp add: DELETE_def [abs_def])
-lemma COND_DEF:
- "(if b then t else f) = (SOME x. (b = True \<longrightarrow> x = t) \<and> (b = False \<longrightarrow> x = f))"
- by auto
-definition [simp]: "NUMERAL_BIT1 n = n + (n + Suc 0)"
-lemma BIT1_DEF:
- "NUMERAL_BIT1 = (%u. Suc (2 * u))"
- by (auto)
-definition [simp]: "NUMERAL_BIT0 (n :: nat) = n + n"
-lemma BIT0_DEF:
- "NUMERAL_BIT0 = (SOME BIT0. BIT0 0 = 0 \<and> (\<forall>n. BIT0 (Suc n) = Suc (Suc (BIT0 n))))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto
- apply (rule ext)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply auto
- done
-lemma [import_rew]:
- "NUMERAL_BIT0 n = 2 * n"
- "NUMERAL_BIT1 n = 2 * n + 1"
- "2 * 0 = (0 :: nat)"
- "2 * 1 = (2 :: nat)"
- "0 + 1 = (1 :: nat)"
- by simp_all
-lemma DEF_MINUS: "op - = (SOME sub. (\<forall>m. sub m 0 = m) & (\<forall>m n. sub m (Suc n) = sub m n - Suc 0))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto
- apply (rule ext)+
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply auto
- done
-lemma DEF_PLUS: "op + = (SOME add. (\<forall>n. add 0 n = n) & (\<forall>m n. add (Suc m) n = Suc (add m n)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto
- apply (rule ext)+
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply auto
- done
-lemmas [import_rew] = id_apply
-lemma DEF_CHOICE: "Eps = (%u. SOME x. u x)"
- by simp
-definition dotdot :: "nat => nat => nat set"
- where "dotdot u ua = {ub. EX x. (u <= x & x <= ua) & ub = x}"
-lemma [import_rew]: "dotdot a b = {a..b}"
- unfolding fun_eq_iff atLeastAtMost_def atLeast_def atMost_def dotdot_def
- by (simp add: Collect_conj_eq)
-definition [import_rew,simp]: "INFINITE S \<longleftrightarrow> \<not> finite S"
-lemma DEF_INFINITE: "INFINITE = (\<lambda>u. \<not>finite u)"
- by (simp add: INFINITE_def [abs_def])
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Generate.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-theory Generate
-imports "Template/GenHOLLight"
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Generated/HOLLight.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,7472 +0,0 @@
-theory HOLLight
-imports "../../Importer" "../Compatibility"
-setup_theory "~~/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Generated" hollight
- "_FALSITY_" :: "bool" ("'_FALSITY'_")
- "_FALSITY__def": "_FALSITY_ == False"
-lemma DEF__FALSITY_: "_FALSITY_ = False"
- by (import hollight DEF__FALSITY_)
-lemma CONJ_ACI: "(p & q) = (q & p) &
-((p & q) & r) = (p & q & r) &
-(p & q & r) = (q & p & r) & (p & p) = p & (p & p & q) = (p & q)"
- by (import hollight CONJ_ACI)
-lemma DISJ_ACI: "(p | q) = (q | p) &
-((p | q) | r) = (p | q | r) &
-(p | q | r) = (q | p | r) & (p | p) = p & (p | p | q) = (p | q)"
- by (import hollight DISJ_ACI)
-lemma IMP_CONJ_ALT: "(p & q --> r) = (q --> p --> r)"
- by (import hollight IMP_CONJ_ALT)
-lemma EQ_CLAUSES: "(True = t) = t & (t = True) = t & (False = t) = (~ t) & (t = False) = (~ t)"
- by (import hollight EQ_CLAUSES)
-lemma NOT_CLAUSES_WEAK: "(~ True) = False & (~ False) = True"
- by (import hollight NOT_CLAUSES_WEAK)
-lemma AND_CLAUSES: "(True & t) = t &
-(t & True) = t & (False & t) = False & (t & False) = False & (t & t) = t"
- by (import hollight AND_CLAUSES)
-lemma OR_CLAUSES: "(True | t) = True &
-(t | True) = True & (False | t) = t & (t | False) = t & (t | t) = t"
- by (import hollight OR_CLAUSES)
-lemma IMP_CLAUSES: "(True --> t) = t &
-(t --> True) = True &
-(False --> t) = True & (t --> t) = True & (t --> False) = (~ t)"
- by (import hollight IMP_CLAUSES)
-lemma IMP_EQ_CLAUSE: "((x::'q_851) = x --> (p::bool)) = p"
- by (import hollight IMP_EQ_CLAUSE)
-lemma TRIV_EXISTS_AND_THM: "(EX x::'A. (P::bool) & (Q::bool)) = ((EX x::'A. P) & (EX x::'A. Q))"
- by (import hollight TRIV_EXISTS_AND_THM)
-lemma TRIV_AND_EXISTS_THM: "((EX x::'A. (P::bool)) & (EX x::'A. (Q::bool))) = (EX x::'A. P & Q)"
- by (import hollight TRIV_AND_EXISTS_THM)
-lemma TRIV_FORALL_OR_THM: "(ALL x::'A. (P::bool) | (Q::bool)) = ((ALL x::'A. P) | (ALL x::'A. Q))"
- by (import hollight TRIV_FORALL_OR_THM)
-lemma TRIV_OR_FORALL_THM: "((ALL x::'A. (P::bool)) | (ALL x::'A. (Q::bool))) = (ALL x::'A. P | Q)"
- by (import hollight TRIV_OR_FORALL_THM)
-lemma TRIV_FORALL_IMP_THM: "(ALL x::'A. (P::bool) --> (Q::bool)) = ((EX x::'A. P) --> (ALL x::'A. Q))"
- by (import hollight TRIV_FORALL_IMP_THM)
-lemma TRIV_EXISTS_IMP_THM: "(EX x::'A. (P::bool) --> (Q::bool)) = ((ALL x::'A. P) --> (EX x::'A. Q))"
- by (import hollight TRIV_EXISTS_IMP_THM)
-lemma EXISTS_UNIQUE_ALT: "Ex1 (P::'A => bool) = (EX x::'A. ALL y::'A. P y = (x = y))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_UNIQUE_ALT)
-lemma SELECT_UNIQUE: "(!!y::'A. (P::'A => bool) y = (y = (x::'A))) ==> Eps P = x"
- by (import hollight SELECT_UNIQUE)
-lemma EXCLUDED_MIDDLE: "t | ~ t"
- by (import hollight EXCLUDED_MIDDLE)
-lemma COND_CLAUSES: "(if True then x::'A else (xa::'A)) = x & (if False then x else xa) = xa"
- by (import hollight COND_CLAUSES)
-lemma COND_EXPAND: "(if b then t1 else t2) = ((~ b | t1) & (b | t2))"
- by (import hollight COND_EXPAND)
-lemma COND_RATOR: "(if b::bool then f::'A => 'B else (g::'A => 'B)) (x::'A) =
-(if b then f x else g x)"
- by (import hollight COND_RATOR)
-lemma COND_ABS: "(%x::'A. if b::bool then (f::'A => 'B) x else (g::'A => 'B) x) =
-(if b then f else g)"
- by (import hollight COND_ABS)
-lemma MONO_COND: "[| (A --> B) & (C --> D); if b then A else C |] ==> if b then B else D"
- by (import hollight MONO_COND)
-lemma SKOLEM_THM: "(ALL x::'A. Ex ((P::'A => 'B => bool) x)) =
-(EX x::'A => 'B. ALL xa::'A. P xa (x xa))"
- by (import hollight SKOLEM_THM)
-lemma UNIQUE_SKOLEM_ALT: "(ALL x::'A. Ex1 ((P::'A => 'B => bool) x)) =
-(EX f::'A => 'B. ALL (x::'A) y::'B. P x y = (f x = y))"
- by (import hollight UNIQUE_SKOLEM_ALT)
-lemma COND_EQ_CLAUSE: "(if (x::'q_2963) = x then y::'q_2956 else (z::'q_2956)) = y"
- by (import hollight COND_EQ_CLAUSE)
-lemma bool_RECURSION: "EX x::bool => 'A. x False = (a::'A) & x True = (b::'A)"
- by (import hollight bool_RECURSION)
-lemma o_ASSOC: "(f::'C => 'D) o ((g::'B => 'C) o (h::'A => 'B)) = f o g o h"
- by (import hollight o_ASSOC)
-lemma I_O_ID: "id o (f::'A => 'B) = f & f o id = f"
- by (import hollight I_O_ID)
-lemma EXISTS_ONE_REP: "EX x. x"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_ONE_REP)
-lemma one_axiom: "(f::'A => unit) = (x::'A => unit)"
- by (import hollight one_axiom)
-lemma one_RECURSION: "EX x::unit => 'A. x () = (e::'A)"
- by (import hollight one_RECURSION)
-lemma one_Axiom: "EX! fn::unit => 'A. fn () = (e::'A)"
- by (import hollight one_Axiom)
-lemma th_cond: "(b = False --> x = x0) & (b = True --> x = x1) ==> x = (b & x1 | ~ b & x0)"
- by (import hollight th_cond)
- LET_END :: "'A => 'A" where
- "LET_END == %t::'A. t"
-lemma DEF_LET_END: "LET_END = (%t::'A. t)"
- by (import hollight DEF_LET_END)
- "_SEQPATTERN" :: "('q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool)
-=> ('q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool) => 'q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool" ("'_SEQPATTERN")
-%(r::'q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool) (s::'q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool) x::'q_4007.
- if Ex (r x) then r x else s x"
-(%(r::'q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool) (s::'q_4007 => 'q_4004 => bool)
- x::'q_4007. if Ex (r x) then r x else s x)"
- by (import hollight DEF__SEQPATTERN)
- "_UNGUARDED_PATTERN" :: "bool => bool => bool" ("'_UNGUARDED'_PATTERN")
- by (import hollight DEF__UNGUARDED_PATTERN)
- "_GUARDED_PATTERN" :: "bool => bool => bool => bool" ("'_GUARDED'_PATTERN")
- "_GUARDED_PATTERN_def": "_GUARDED_PATTERN == %p g r. p & g & r"
-lemma DEF__GUARDED_PATTERN: "_GUARDED_PATTERN = (%p g r. p & g & r)"
- by (import hollight DEF__GUARDED_PATTERN)
- "_MATCH" :: "'q_4049 => ('q_4049 => 'q_4053 => bool) => 'q_4053" ("'_MATCH")
- "_MATCH_def": "_MATCH ==
-%(e::'q_4049) r::'q_4049 => 'q_4053 => bool.
- if Ex1 (r e) then Eps (r e) else SOME z::'q_4053. False"
-lemma DEF__MATCH: "_MATCH =
-(%(e::'q_4049) r::'q_4049 => 'q_4053 => bool.
- if Ex1 (r e) then Eps (r e) else SOME z::'q_4053. False)"
- by (import hollight DEF__MATCH)
- "_FUNCTION" :: "('q_4071 => 'q_4075 => bool) => 'q_4071 => 'q_4075" ("'_FUNCTION")
- "_FUNCTION_def": "_FUNCTION ==
-%(r::'q_4071 => 'q_4075 => bool) x::'q_4071.
- if Ex1 (r x) then Eps (r x) else SOME z::'q_4075. False"
-(%(r::'q_4071 => 'q_4075 => bool) x::'q_4071.
- if Ex1 (r x) then Eps (r x) else SOME z::'q_4075. False)"
- by (import hollight DEF__FUNCTION)
-lemma PAIR_EXISTS_THM: "EX (x::'A => 'B => bool) (a::'A) b::'B. x = Pair_Rep a b"
- by (import hollight PAIR_EXISTS_THM)
-lemma pair_RECURSION: "EX x::'A * 'B => 'C.
- ALL (a0::'A) a1::'B. x (a0, a1) = (PAIR'::'A => 'B => 'C) a0 a1"
- by (import hollight pair_RECURSION)
- UNCURRY :: "('A => 'B => 'C) => 'A * 'B => 'C" where
- "UNCURRY == %(u::'A => 'B => 'C) ua::'A * 'B. u (fst ua) (snd ua)"
-lemma DEF_UNCURRY: "UNCURRY = (%(u::'A => 'B => 'C) ua::'A * 'B. u (fst ua) (snd ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_UNCURRY)
- PASSOC :: "(('A * 'B) * 'C => 'D) => 'A * 'B * 'C => 'D" where
- "PASSOC ==
-%(u::('A * 'B) * 'C => 'D) ua::'A * 'B * 'C.
- u ((fst ua, fst (snd ua)), snd (snd ua))"
-(%(u::('A * 'B) * 'C => 'D) ua::'A * 'B * 'C.
- u ((fst ua, fst (snd ua)), snd (snd ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_PASSOC)
-lemma LAMBDA_PAIR_THM: "(x::'q_4547 * 'q_4546 => 'q_4539) =
-(SOME f::'q_4547 * 'q_4546 => 'q_4539.
- ALL (xa::'q_4547) y::'q_4546. f (xa, y) = x (xa, y))"
- by (import hollight LAMBDA_PAIR_THM)
-lemma FORALL_PAIRED_THM: "All (SOME f::'q_4576 * 'q_4575 => bool.
- ALL (x::'q_4576) y::'q_4575.
- f (x, y) = (P::'q_4576 => 'q_4575 => bool) x y) =
-(ALL x::'q_4576. All (P x))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_PAIRED_THM)
-lemma EXISTS_PAIRED_THM: "Ex (SOME f::'q_4612 * 'q_4611 => bool.
- ALL (x::'q_4612) y::'q_4611.
- f (x, y) = (P::'q_4612 => 'q_4611 => bool) x y) =
-(EX x::'q_4612. Ex (P x))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_PAIRED_THM)
-lemma FORALL_TRIPLED_THM: "All (SOME f::'q_4649 * 'q_4648 * 'q_4647 => bool.
- ALL (x::'q_4649) (y::'q_4648) z::'q_4647.
- f (x, y, z) = (P::'q_4649 => 'q_4648 => 'q_4647 => bool) x y z) =
-(ALL (x::'q_4649) y::'q_4648. All (P x y))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_TRIPLED_THM)
-lemma EXISTS_TRIPLED_THM: "Ex (SOME f::'q_4695 * 'q_4694 * 'q_4693 => bool.
- ALL (x::'q_4695) (y::'q_4694) z::'q_4693.
- f (x, y, z) = (P::'q_4695 => 'q_4694 => 'q_4693 => bool) x y z) =
-(EX (x::'q_4695) y::'q_4694. Ex (P x y))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_TRIPLED_THM)
-lemma IND_SUC_0_EXISTS: "EX (x::ind => ind) z::ind.
- (ALL (x1::ind) x2::ind. (x x1 = x x2) = (x1 = x2)) &
- (ALL xa::ind. x xa ~= z)"
- by (import hollight IND_SUC_0_EXISTS)
- IND_SUC :: "ind => ind" where
- "IND_SUC ==
-SOME f. EX z. (ALL x1 x2. (f x1 = f x2) = (x1 = x2)) & (ALL x. f x ~= z)"
-lemma DEF_IND_SUC: "IND_SUC =
-(SOME f. EX z. (ALL x1 x2. (f x1 = f x2) = (x1 = x2)) & (ALL x. f x ~= z))"
- by (import hollight DEF_IND_SUC)
- IND_0 :: "ind" where
- "IND_0 ==
-SOME z.
- (ALL x1 x2. (IND_SUC x1 = IND_SUC x2) = (x1 = x2)) &
- (ALL x. IND_SUC x ~= z)"
-lemma DEF_IND_0: "IND_0 =
-(SOME z.
- (ALL x1 x2. (IND_SUC x1 = IND_SUC x2) = (x1 = x2)) &
- (ALL x. IND_SUC x ~= z))"
- by (import hollight DEF_IND_0)
- NUM_REP :: "ind => bool" where
- "NUM_REP ==
-%a. ALL NUM_REP'.
- (ALL a.
- a = IND_0 | (EX i. a = IND_SUC i & NUM_REP' i) -->
- NUM_REP' a) -->
- NUM_REP' a"
-lemma DEF_NUM_REP: "NUM_REP =
-(%a. ALL NUM_REP'.
- (ALL a.
- a = IND_0 | (EX i. a = IND_SUC i & NUM_REP' i) -->
- NUM_REP' a) -->
- NUM_REP' a)"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUM_REP)
-lemma num_RECURSION_STD: "EX fn::nat => 'Z.
- fn (0::nat) = (e::'Z) &
- (ALL n::nat. fn (Suc n) = (f::nat => 'Z => 'Z) n (fn n))"
- by (import hollight num_RECURSION_STD)
-lemma ADD_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) + x = x) &
-(ALL x::nat. x + (0::nat) = x) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. Suc x + xa = Suc (x + xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. x + Suc xa = Suc (x + xa))"
- by (import hollight ADD_CLAUSES)
-lemma ADD_AC: "(m::nat) + (n::nat) = n + m &
-m + n + (p::nat) = m + (n + p) & m + (n + p) = n + (m + p)"
- by (import hollight ADD_AC)
-lemma EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0: "((m::nat) + (n::nat) = m) = (n = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0)
-lemma EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0: "((x::nat) + (xa::nat) = xa) = (x = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0)
-lemma BIT1: "2 * x + 1 = Suc (x + x)"
- by (import hollight BIT1)
-lemma BIT1_THM: "2 * x + 1 = Suc (x + x)"
- by (import hollight BIT1_THM)
-lemma TWO: "2 = Suc 1"
- by (import hollight TWO)
-lemma MULT_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) * x = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. x * (0::nat) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. (1::nat) * x = x) &
-(ALL x::nat. x * (1::nat) = x) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. Suc x * xa = x * xa + xa) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. x * Suc xa = x + x * xa)"
- by (import hollight MULT_CLAUSES)
-lemma MULT_AC: "(m::nat) * (n::nat) = n * m &
-m * n * (p::nat) = m * (n * p) & m * (n * p) = n * (m * p)"
- by (import hollight MULT_AC)
-lemma EXP_EQ_1: "((x::nat) ^ (n::nat) = (1::nat)) = (x = (1::nat) | n = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EXP_EQ_1)
-lemma LT_ANTISYM: "~ ((m::nat) < (n::nat) & n < m)"
- by (import hollight LT_ANTISYM)
-lemma LET_ANTISYM: "~ ((m::nat) <= (n::nat) & n < m)"
- by (import hollight LET_ANTISYM)
-lemma LTE_ANTISYM: "~ ((x::nat) < (xa::nat) & xa <= x)"
- by (import hollight LTE_ANTISYM)
-lemma LT_CASES: "(m::nat) < (n::nat) | n < m | m = n"
- by (import hollight LT_CASES)
-lemma LTE_CASES: "(x::nat) < (xa::nat) | xa <= x"
- by (import hollight LTE_CASES)
-lemma LE_1: "(ALL x::nat. x ~= (0::nat) --> (0::nat) < x) &
-(ALL x::nat. x ~= (0::nat) --> (1::nat) <= x) &
-(ALL x>0::nat. x ~= (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x>0::nat. (1::nat) <= x) &
-(ALL x>=1::nat. (0::nat) < x) & (ALL x>=1::nat. x ~= (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight LE_1)
-lemma LT_EXISTS: "(m < n) = (EX d. n = m + Suc d)"
- by (import hollight LT_EXISTS)
-lemma LT_ADD: "((m::nat) < m + (n::nat)) = ((0::nat) < n)"
- by (import hollight LT_ADD)
-lemma LT_ADDR: "((xa::nat) < (x::nat) + xa) = ((0::nat) < x)"
- by (import hollight LT_ADDR)
-lemma LT_LMULT: "(m::nat) ~= (0::nat) & (n::nat) < (p::nat) ==> m * n < m * p"
- by (import hollight LT_LMULT)
-lemma LE_MULT_LCANCEL: "((m::nat) * (n::nat) <= m * (p::nat)) = (m = (0::nat) | n <= p)"
- by (import hollight LE_MULT_LCANCEL)
-lemma LE_MULT_RCANCEL: "((x::nat) * (xb::nat) <= (xa::nat) * xb) = (x <= xa | xb = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight LE_MULT_RCANCEL)
-lemma LT_MULT_LCANCEL: "((m::nat) * (n::nat) < m * (p::nat)) = (m ~= (0::nat) & n < p)"
- by (import hollight LT_MULT_LCANCEL)
-lemma LT_MULT_RCANCEL: "((x::nat) * (xb::nat) < (xa::nat) * xb) = (x < xa & xb ~= (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight LT_MULT_RCANCEL)
-lemma LT_MULT2: "(m::nat) < (n::nat) & (p::nat) < (q::nat) ==> m * p < n * q"
- by (import hollight LT_MULT2)
-lemma WLOG_LE: "(ALL (m::nat) n::nat. (P::nat => nat => bool) m n = P n m) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat. m <= n --> P m n)
-==> P (m::nat) (x::nat)"
- by (import hollight WLOG_LE)
-lemma WLOG_LT: "(ALL m::nat. (P::nat => nat => bool) m m) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat. P m n = P n m) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat. m < n --> P m n)
-==> P (m::nat) (x::nat)"
- by (import hollight WLOG_LT)
-lemma num_WOP: "Ex (P::nat => bool) = (EX n::nat. P n & (ALL m<n. ~ P m))"
- by (import hollight num_WOP)
-lemma num_MAX: "(Ex (P::nat => bool) & (EX M::nat. ALL x::nat. P x --> x <= M)) =
-(EX m::nat. P m & (ALL x::nat. P x --> x <= m))"
- by (import hollight num_MAX)
-lemma NOT_EVEN: "odd (n::nat) = odd n"
- by (import hollight NOT_EVEN)
-lemma NOT_ODD: "(~ odd (n::nat)) = even n"
- by (import hollight NOT_ODD)
-lemma EVEN_OR_ODD: "even (n::nat) | odd n"
- by (import hollight EVEN_OR_ODD)
-lemma EVEN_AND_ODD: "~ (even (x::nat) & odd x)"
- by (import hollight EVEN_AND_ODD)
-lemma EVEN_EXP: "even ((m::nat) ^ (n::nat)) = (even m & n ~= (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EVEN_EXP)
-lemma ODD_MULT: "odd ((m::nat) * (n::nat)) = (odd m & odd n)"
- by (import hollight ODD_MULT)
-lemma ODD_EXP: "odd ((m::nat) ^ (n::nat)) = (odd m | n = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight ODD_EXP)
-lemma EVEN_DOUBLE: "even ((2::nat) * (n::nat))"
- by (import hollight EVEN_DOUBLE)
-lemma ODD_DOUBLE: "odd (Suc (2 * x))"
- by (import hollight ODD_DOUBLE)
-lemma EVEN_EXISTS_LEMMA: "(even n --> (EX m. n = 2 * m)) & (odd n --> (EX m. n = Suc (2 * m)))"
- by (import hollight EVEN_EXISTS_LEMMA)
-lemma EVEN_ODD_DECOMPOSITION: "(EX (k::nat) m::nat. odd m & (n::nat) = (2::nat) ^ k * m) = (n ~= (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EVEN_ODD_DECOMPOSITION)
-lemma SUB_0: "(0::nat) - (x::nat) = (0::nat) & x - (0::nat) = x"
- by (import hollight SUB_0)
-lemma SUB_PRESUC: "Suc m - n - Suc 0 = m - n"
- by (import hollight SUB_PRESUC)
-lemma ADD_SUBR: "(xa::nat) - ((x::nat) + xa) = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight ADD_SUBR)
-lemma EVEN_SUB: "even ((m::nat) - (n::nat)) = (m <= n | even m = even n)"
- by (import hollight EVEN_SUB)
-lemma ODD_SUB: "odd ((x::nat) - (xa::nat)) = (xa < x & odd x ~= odd xa)"
- by (import hollight ODD_SUB)
-lemma EXP_LT_0: "((0::nat) < (xa::nat) ^ (x::nat)) = (xa ~= (0::nat) | x = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EXP_LT_0)
-lemma LT_EXP: "((x::nat) ^ (m::nat) < x ^ (n::nat)) =
-((2::nat) <= x & m < n | x = (0::nat) & m ~= (0::nat) & n = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight LT_EXP)
-lemma LE_EXP: "((x::nat) ^ (m::nat) <= x ^ (n::nat)) =
-(if x = (0::nat) then m = (0::nat) --> n = (0::nat)
- else x = (1::nat) | m <= n)"
- by (import hollight LE_EXP)
-lemma EQ_EXP: "((x::nat) ^ (m::nat) = x ^ (n::nat)) =
-(if x = (0::nat) then (m = (0::nat)) = (n = (0::nat))
- else x = (1::nat) | m = n)"
- by (import hollight EQ_EXP)
-lemma EXP_MONO_LE_IMP: "(x::nat) <= (xa::nat) ==> x ^ (xb::nat) <= xa ^ xb"
- by (import hollight EXP_MONO_LE_IMP)
-lemma EXP_MONO_LT_IMP: "(x::nat) < (y::nat) & (n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> x ^ n < y ^ n"
- by (import hollight EXP_MONO_LT_IMP)
-lemma EXP_MONO_LE: "((x::nat) ^ (n::nat) <= (y::nat) ^ n) = (x <= y | n = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EXP_MONO_LE)
-lemma EXP_MONO_LT: "((x::nat) ^ (xb::nat) < (xa::nat) ^ xb) = (x < xa & xb ~= (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EXP_MONO_LT)
-lemma EXP_MONO_EQ: "((x::nat) ^ (xb::nat) = (xa::nat) ^ xb) = (x = xa | xb = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EXP_MONO_EQ)
-lemma DIVMOD_EXIST: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> EX (q::nat) r::nat. (m::nat) = q * n + r & r < n"
- by (import hollight DIVMOD_EXIST)
-lemma DIVMOD_EXIST_0: "EX (x::nat) xa::nat.
- if (n::nat) = (0::nat) then x = (0::nat) & xa = (m::nat)
- else m = x * n + xa & xa < n"
- by (import hollight DIVMOD_EXIST_0)
-lemma DIVISION: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) = m div n * n + m mod n & m mod n < n"
- by (import hollight DIVISION)
-lemma DIVMOD_UNIQ_LEMMA: "((m::nat) = (q1::nat) * (n::nat) + (r1::nat) & r1 < n) &
-m = (q2::nat) * n + (r2::nat) & r2 < n
-==> q1 = q2 & r1 = r2"
- by (import hollight DIVMOD_UNIQ_LEMMA)
-lemma DIVMOD_UNIQ: "(m::nat) = (q::nat) * (n::nat) + (r::nat) & r < n
-==> m div n = q & m mod n = r"
- by (import hollight DIVMOD_UNIQ)
-lemma MOD_UNIQ: "(m::nat) = (q::nat) * (n::nat) + (r::nat) & r < n ==> m mod n = r"
- by (import hollight MOD_UNIQ)
-lemma DIV_UNIQ: "(m::nat) = (q::nat) * (n::nat) + (r::nat) & r < n ==> m div n = q"
- by (import hollight DIV_UNIQ)
-lemma MOD_EQ: "(m::nat) = (n::nat) + (q::nat) * (p::nat) ==> m mod p = n mod p"
- by (import hollight MOD_EQ)
-lemma DIV_LE: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) div n <= m"
- by (import hollight DIV_LE)
-lemma DIV_MUL_LE: "(n::nat) * ((m::nat) div n) <= m"
- by (import hollight DIV_MUL_LE)
-lemma MOD_MOD: "(n::nat) * (p::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) mod (n * p) mod n = m mod n"
- by (import hollight MOD_MOD)
-lemma MOD_MOD_REFL: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) mod n mod n = m mod n"
- by (import hollight MOD_MOD_REFL)
-lemma DIV_MULT2: "(x::nat) * (xb::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> x * (xa::nat) div (x * xb) = xa div xb"
- by (import hollight DIV_MULT2)
-lemma MOD_MULT2: "(x::nat) * (xb::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> x * (xa::nat) mod (x * xb) = x * (xa mod xb)"
- by (import hollight MOD_MULT2)
-lemma MOD_EXISTS: "(EX q::nat. (m::nat) = (n::nat) * q) =
-(if n = (0::nat) then m = (0::nat) else m mod n = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight MOD_EXISTS)
-lemma LE_RDIV_EQ: "(a::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> ((n::nat) <= (b::nat) div a) = (a * n <= b)"
- by (import hollight LE_RDIV_EQ)
-lemma LE_LDIV_EQ: "(a::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> ((b::nat) div a <= (n::nat)) = (b < a * (n + (1::nat)))"
- by (import hollight LE_LDIV_EQ)
-lemma LE_LDIV: "(x::nat) ~= (0::nat) & (xa::nat) <= x * (xb::nat) ==> xa div x <= xb"
- by (import hollight LE_LDIV)
-lemma DIV_MONO: "(p::nat) ~= (0::nat) & (m::nat) <= (n::nat) ==> m div p <= n div p"
- by (import hollight DIV_MONO)
-lemma DIV_MONO_LT: "(p::nat) ~= (0::nat) & (m::nat) + p <= (n::nat) ==> m div p < n div p"
- by (import hollight DIV_MONO_LT)
-lemma DIV_EQ_0: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> ((m::nat) div n = (0::nat)) = (m < n)"
- by (import hollight DIV_EQ_0)
-lemma MOD_EQ_0: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> ((m::nat) mod n = (0::nat)) = (EX q::nat. m = q * n)"
- by (import hollight MOD_EQ_0)
-lemma EVEN_MOD: "even (n::nat) = (n mod (2::nat) = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight EVEN_MOD)
-lemma ODD_MOD: "odd (n::nat) = (n mod (2::nat) = (1::nat))"
- by (import hollight ODD_MOD)
-lemma MOD_MULT_RMOD: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) * ((p::nat) mod n) mod n = m * p mod n"
- by (import hollight MOD_MULT_RMOD)
-lemma MOD_MULT_LMOD: "(xa::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (x::nat) mod xa * (xb::nat) mod xa = x * xb mod xa"
- by (import hollight MOD_MULT_LMOD)
-lemma MOD_MULT_MOD2: "(xa::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> (x::nat) mod xa * ((xb::nat) mod xa) mod xa = x * xb mod xa"
- by (import hollight MOD_MULT_MOD2)
-lemma MOD_EXP_MOD: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> ((m::nat) mod n) ^ (p::nat) mod n = m ^ p mod n"
- by (import hollight MOD_EXP_MOD)
-lemma MOD_ADD_MOD: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> ((a::nat) mod n + (b::nat) mod n) mod n = (a + b) mod n"
- by (import hollight MOD_ADD_MOD)
-lemma DIV_ADD_MOD: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> (((a::nat) + (b::nat)) mod n = a mod n + b mod n) =
- ((a + b) div n = a div n + b div n)"
- by (import hollight DIV_ADD_MOD)
-lemma MOD_LE: "(n::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) mod n <= m"
- by (import hollight MOD_LE)
-lemma DIV_MONO2: "(p::nat) ~= (0::nat) & p <= (m::nat) ==> (n::nat) div m <= n div p"
- by (import hollight DIV_MONO2)
-lemma DIV_LE_EXCLUSION: "(b::nat) ~= (0::nat) & b * (c::nat) < ((a::nat) + (1::nat)) * (d::nat)
-==> c div d <= a div b"
- by (import hollight DIV_LE_EXCLUSION)
-lemma DIV_EQ_EXCLUSION: "(b::nat) * (c::nat) < ((a::nat) + (1::nat)) * (d::nat) &
-a * d < (c + (1::nat)) * b
-==> a div b = c div d"
- by (import hollight DIV_EQ_EXCLUSION)
-lemma MULT_DIV_LE: "(p::nat) ~= (0::nat) ==> (m::nat) * ((n::nat) div p) <= m * n div p"
- by (import hollight MULT_DIV_LE)
-lemma DIV_DIV: "(xa::nat) * (xb::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> (x::nat) div xa div xb = x div (xa * xb)"
- by (import hollight DIV_DIV)
-lemma DIV_MOD: "(xa::nat) * (xb::nat) ~= (0::nat)
-==> (x::nat) div xa mod xb = x mod (xa * xb) div xa"
- by (import hollight DIV_MOD)
-lemma PRE_ELIM_THM: "P (n - Suc 0) = (ALL m. n = Suc m | m = 0 & n = 0 --> P m)"
- by (import hollight PRE_ELIM_THM)
-lemma SUB_ELIM_THM: "(P::nat => bool) ((a::nat) - (b::nat)) =
-(ALL d::nat. a = b + d | a < b & d = (0::nat) --> P d)"
- by (import hollight SUB_ELIM_THM)
-lemma DIVMOD_ELIM_THM: "(P::nat => nat => bool) ((m::nat) div (n::nat)) (m mod n) =
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- n = (0::nat) & x = (0::nat) & xa = m | m = x * n + xa & xa < n -->
- P x xa)"
- by (import hollight DIVMOD_ELIM_THM)
- minimal :: "(nat => bool) => nat" where
- "minimal == %u. SOME n. u n & (ALL m<n. ~ u m)"
-lemma DEF_minimal: "minimal = (%u. SOME n. u n & (ALL m<n. ~ u m))"
- by (import hollight DEF_minimal)
-lemma MINIMAL: "Ex P = (P (minimal P) & (ALL x<minimal P. ~ P x))"
- by (import hollight MINIMAL)
-lemma TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LT_EQ: "(!!x y z. R x y & R y z ==> R x z)
-==> (ALL m n. m < n --> R m n) = (ALL n. R n (Suc n))"
- by (import hollight TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LT_EQ)
-lemma TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LT: "[| (ALL x y z. R x y & R y z --> R x z) & (ALL n. R n (Suc n)); m < n |]
-==> R m n"
- by (import hollight TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LT)
-lemma TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LE_EQ: "(ALL x. R x x) & (ALL x y z. R x y & R y z --> R x z)
-==> (ALL m n. m <= n --> R m n) = (ALL n. R n (Suc n))"
- by (import hollight TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LE_EQ)
-lemma TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LE: "[| (ALL x. R x x) &
- (ALL x y z. R x y & R y z --> R x z) & (ALL n. R n (Suc n));
- m <= n |]
-==> R m n"
- by (import hollight TRANSITIVE_STEPWISE_LE)
-lemma WF_EQ: "wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) =
-(ALL P::'A => bool.
- Ex P = (EX x::'A. P x & (ALL y::'A. u_556 y x --> ~ P y)))"
- by (import hollight WF_EQ)
-lemma WF_IND: "wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) =
-(ALL P::'A => bool.
- (ALL x::'A. (ALL y::'A. u_556 y x --> P y) --> P x) --> All P)"
- by (import hollight WF_IND)
-lemma WF_DCHAIN: "wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) =
-(~ (EX s::nat => 'A. ALL n::nat. u_556 (s (Suc n)) (s n)))"
- by (import hollight WF_DCHAIN)
-lemma WF_UREC: "[| wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool);
- !!(f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) x::'A.
- (!!z::'A. u_556 z x ==> f z = g z)
- ==> (H::('A => 'B) => 'A => 'B) f x = H g x;
- (ALL x::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = H f x) &
- (ALL x::'A. (g::'A => 'B) x = H g x) |]
-==> f = g"
- by (import hollight WF_UREC)
-lemma WF_UREC_WF: "(!!(H::('A => bool) => 'A => bool) (f::'A => bool) g::'A => bool.
- [| !!(f::'A => bool) (g::'A => bool) x::'A.
- (!!z::'A. (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) z x ==> f z = g z)
- ==> H f x = H g x;
- (ALL x::'A. f x = H f x) & (ALL x::'A. g x = H g x) |]
- ==> f = g)
-==> wfP u_556"
- by (import hollight WF_UREC_WF)
-lemma WF_REC_INVARIANT: "[| wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool);
- !!(f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) x::'A.
- (!!z::'A. u_556 z x ==> f z = g z & (S::'A => 'B => bool) z (f z))
- ==> (H::('A => 'B) => 'A => 'B) f x = H g x & S x (H f x) |]
-==> EX f::'A => 'B. ALL x::'A. f x = H f x"
- by (import hollight WF_REC_INVARIANT)
-lemma WF_REC: "[| wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool);
- !!(f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) x::'A.
- (!!z::'A. u_556 z x ==> f z = g z)
- ==> (H::('A => 'B) => 'A => 'B) f x = H g x |]
-==> EX f::'A => 'B. ALL x::'A. f x = H f x"
- by (import hollight WF_REC)
-lemma WF_REC_WF: "(!!H::('A => nat) => 'A => nat.
- (!!(f::'A => nat) (g::'A => nat) x::'A.
- (!!z::'A. (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) z x ==> f z = g z)
- ==> H f x = H g x)
- ==> EX f::'A => nat. ALL x::'A. f x = H f x)
-==> wfP u_556"
- by (import hollight WF_REC_WF)
-lemma WF_EREC: "[| wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool);
- !!(f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) x::'A.
- (!!z::'A. u_556 z x ==> f z = g z)
- ==> (H::('A => 'B) => 'A => 'B) f x = H g x |]
-==> EX! f::'A => 'B. ALL x::'A. f x = H f x"
- by (import hollight WF_EREC)
-lemma WF_SUBSET: "(ALL (x::'A) y::'A.
- (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) x y --> (u_670::'A => 'A => bool) x y) &
-wfP u_670
-==> wfP u_556"
- by (import hollight WF_SUBSET)
-lemma WF_MEASURE_GEN: "wfP (u_556::'B => 'B => bool)
-==> wfP (%(x::'A) x'::'A. u_556 ((m::'A => 'B) x) (m x'))"
- by (import hollight WF_MEASURE_GEN)
-lemma WF_LEX_DEPENDENT: "wfP (R::'A => 'A => bool) & (ALL x::'A. wfP ((S::'A => 'B => 'B => bool) x))
-==> wfP (SOME f::'A * 'B => 'A * 'B => bool.
- ALL (r1::'A) s1::'B.
- f (r1, s1) =
- (SOME f::'A * 'B => bool.
- ALL (r2::'A) s2::'B.
- f (r2, s2) = (R r1 r2 | r1 = r2 & S r1 s1 s2)))"
- by (import hollight WF_LEX_DEPENDENT)
-lemma WF_LEX: "wfP (x::'A => 'A => bool) & wfP (xa::'B => 'B => bool)
-==> wfP (SOME f::'A * 'B => 'A * 'B => bool.
- ALL (r1::'A) s1::'B.
- f (r1, s1) =
- (SOME f::'A * 'B => bool.
- ALL (r2::'A) s2::'B.
- f (r2, s2) = (x r1 r2 | r1 = r2 & xa s1 s2)))"
- by (import hollight WF_LEX)
-lemma WF_POINTWISE: "wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) & wfP (u_670::'B => 'B => bool)
-==> wfP (SOME f::'A * 'B => 'A * 'B => bool.
- ALL (x1::'A) y1::'B.
- f (x1, y1) =
- (SOME f::'A * 'B => bool.
- ALL (x2::'A) y2::'B.
- f (x2, y2) = (u_556 x1 x2 & u_670 y1 y2)))"
- by (import hollight WF_POINTWISE)
-lemma WF_num: "(wfP::(nat => nat => bool) => bool) (op <::nat => nat => bool)"
- by (import hollight WF_num)
-lemma WF_REC_num: "(!!(f::nat => 'A) (g::nat => 'A) x::nat.
- (!!z::nat. z < x ==> f z = g z)
- ==> (H::(nat => 'A) => nat => 'A) f x = H g x)
-==> EX f::nat => 'A. ALL x::nat. f x = H f x"
- by (import hollight WF_REC_num)
-lemma WF_MEASURE: "wfP (%(a::'A) b::'A. (a, b) : measure (m::'A => nat))"
- by (import hollight WF_MEASURE)
-lemma MEASURE_LE: "(ALL x::'q_12099.
- (x, a::'q_12099) : measure (m::'q_12099 => nat) -->
- (x, b::'q_12099) : measure m) =
-(m a <= m b)"
- by (import hollight MEASURE_LE)
-lemma WF_REFL: "wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) ==> ~ u_556 (x::'A) x"
- by (import hollight WF_REFL)
-lemma WF_REC_TAIL: "EX f::'A => 'B.
- ALL x::'A.
- f x =
- (if (P::'A => bool) x then f ((g::'A => 'A) x) else (h::'A => 'B) x)"
- by (import hollight WF_REC_TAIL)
-lemma WF_REC_TAIL_GENERAL: "wfP (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) x::'A.
- (ALL z::'A. u_556 z x --> f z = g z) -->
- (P::('A => 'B) => 'A => bool) f x = P g x &
- (G::('A => 'B) => 'A => 'A) f x = G g x &
- (H::('A => 'B) => 'A => 'B) f x = H g x) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) x::'A.
- (ALL z::'A. u_556 z x --> f z = g z) --> H f x = H g x) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (x::'A) y::'A. P f x & u_556 y (G f x) --> u_556 y x)
-==> EX f::'A => 'B. ALL x::'A. f x = (if P f x then f (G f x) else H f x)"
- by (import hollight WF_REC_TAIL_GENERAL)
-lemma ARITH_ZERO: "(0::nat) = (0::nat) & (0::nat) = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight ARITH_ZERO)
-lemma ARITH_SUC: "(ALL x. Suc x = Suc x) &
-Suc 0 = 1 &
-(ALL x. Suc (2 * x) = 2 * x + 1) & (ALL x. Suc (2 * x + 1) = 2 * Suc x)"
- by (import hollight ARITH_SUC)
-lemma ARITH_PRE: "(ALL x. x - Suc 0 = x - Suc 0) &
-0 - Suc 0 = 0 &
-(ALL x. 2 * x - Suc 0 = (if x = 0 then 0 else 2 * (x - Suc 0) + 1)) &
-(ALL x. 2 * x + 1 - Suc 0 = 2 * x)"
- by (import hollight ARITH_PRE)
-lemma ARITH_ADD: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. x + xa = x + xa) &
-(0::nat) + (0::nat) = (0::nat) &
-(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) + (2::nat) * x = (2::nat) * x) &
-(ALL x::nat.
- (0::nat) + ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = (2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. (2::nat) * x + (0::nat) = (2::nat) * x) &
-(ALL x::nat. (2::nat) * x + (1::nat) + (0::nat) = (2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. (2::nat) * x + (2::nat) * xa = (2::nat) * (x + xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- (2::nat) * x + ((2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * (x + xa) + (1::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- (2::nat) * x + (1::nat) + (2::nat) * xa =
- (2::nat) * (x + xa) + (1::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- (2::nat) * x + (1::nat) + ((2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * Suc (x + xa))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_ADD)
-lemma ARITH_MULT: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. x * xa = x * xa) &
-(0::nat) * (0::nat) = (0::nat) &
-(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) * ((2::nat) * x) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) * ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. (2::nat) * x * (0::nat) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) * (0::nat) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- (2::nat) * x * ((2::nat) * xa) = (2::nat) * ((2::nat) * (x * xa))) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- (2::nat) * x * ((2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * x + (2::nat) * ((2::nat) * (x * xa))) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) * ((2::nat) * xa) =
- (2::nat) * xa + (2::nat) * ((2::nat) * (x * xa))) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) * ((2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * x + (1::nat) +
- ((2::nat) * xa + (2::nat) * ((2::nat) * (x * xa))))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_MULT)
-lemma ARITH_EXP: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. x ^ xa = x ^ xa) &
-(0::nat) ^ (0::nat) = (1::nat) &
-(ALL m::nat. ((2::nat) * m) ^ (0::nat) = (1::nat)) &
-(ALL m::nat. ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ (0::nat) = (1::nat)) &
-(ALL n::nat. (0::nat) ^ ((2::nat) * n) = (0::nat) ^ n * (0::nat) ^ n) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- ((2::nat) * m) ^ ((2::nat) * n) =
- ((2::nat) * m) ^ n * ((2::nat) * m) ^ n) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ ((2::nat) * n) =
- ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ n * ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ n) &
-(ALL n::nat. (0::nat) ^ ((2::nat) * n + (1::nat)) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- ((2::nat) * m) ^ ((2::nat) * n + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * m * (((2::nat) * m) ^ n * ((2::nat) * m) ^ n)) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ ((2::nat) * n + (1::nat)) =
- ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) *
- (((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ n * ((2::nat) * m + (1::nat)) ^ n))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_EXP)
-lemma ARITH_EVEN: "(ALL x::nat. even x = even x) &
-even (0::nat) = True &
-(ALL x::nat. even ((2::nat) * x) = True) &
-(ALL x::nat. even ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = False)"
- by (import hollight ARITH_EVEN)
-lemma ARITH_ODD: "(ALL x::nat. odd x = odd x) &
-odd (0::nat) = False &
-(ALL x::nat. odd ((2::nat) * x) = False) &
-(ALL x::nat. odd ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = True)"
- by (import hollight ARITH_ODD)
-lemma ARITH_LE: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. (x <= xa) = (x <= xa)) &
-((0::nat) <= (0::nat)) = True &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x <= (0::nat)) = (x <= (0::nat))) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) <= (0::nat)) = False) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((0::nat) <= (2::nat) * x) = True) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((0::nat) <= (2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = True) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. ((2::nat) * x <= (2::nat) * xa) = (x <= xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x <= (2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) = (x <= xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) <= (2::nat) * xa) = (x < xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) <= (2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) = (x <= xa))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_LE)
-lemma ARITH_LT: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. (x < xa) = (x < xa)) &
-((0::nat) < (0::nat)) = False &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x < (0::nat)) = False) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) < (0::nat)) = False) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((0::nat) < (2::nat) * x) = ((0::nat) < x)) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((0::nat) < (2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = True) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. ((2::nat) * x < (2::nat) * xa) = (x < xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x < (2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) = (x <= xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) < (2::nat) * xa) = (x < xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) < (2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) = (x < xa))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_LT)
-lemma ARITH_EQ: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. (x = xa) = (x = xa)) &
-((0::nat) = (0::nat)) = True &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x = (0::nat)) = (x = (0::nat))) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) = (0::nat)) = False) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((0::nat) = (2::nat) * x) = ((0::nat) = x)) &
-(ALL x::nat. ((0::nat) = (2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = False) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. ((2::nat) * x = (2::nat) * xa) = (x = xa)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. ((2::nat) * x = (2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) = False) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) = (2::nat) * xa) = False) &
-(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat.
- ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat) = (2::nat) * xa + (1::nat)) = (x = xa))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_EQ)
-lemma ARITH_SUB: "(ALL (x::nat) xa::nat. x - xa = x - xa) &
-(0::nat) - (0::nat) = (0::nat) &
-(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) - (2::nat) * x = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) - ((2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL x::nat. (2::nat) * x - (0::nat) = (2::nat) * x) &
-(ALL x::nat. (2::nat) * x + (1::nat) - (0::nat) = (2::nat) * x + (1::nat)) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat. (2::nat) * m - (2::nat) * n = (2::nat) * (m - n)) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- (2::nat) * m - ((2::nat) * n + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * (m - n) - Suc (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- (2::nat) * m + (1::nat) - (2::nat) * n =
- (if n <= m then (2::nat) * (m - n) + (1::nat) else (0::nat))) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- (2::nat) * m + (1::nat) - ((2::nat) * n + (1::nat)) =
- (2::nat) * (m - n))"
- by (import hollight ARITH_SUB)
-lemma right_th: "(s::nat) * ((2::nat) * (x::nat) + (1::nat)) = s + (2::nat) * (s * x)"
- by (import hollight right_th)
-lemma SEMIRING_PTHS: "(ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A.
- (add::'A => 'A => 'A) x (add y z) = add (add x y) z) &
-(ALL (x::'A) y::'A. add x y = add y x) &
-(ALL x::'A. add (r0::'A) x = x) &
-(ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A.
- (mul::'A => 'A => 'A) x (mul y z) = mul (mul x y) z) &
-(ALL (x::'A) y::'A. mul x y = mul y x) &
-(ALL x::'A. mul (r1::'A) x = x) &
-(ALL x::'A. mul r0 x = r0) &
-(ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A. mul x (add y z) = add (mul x y) (mul x z)) &
-(ALL x::'A. (pwr::'A => nat => 'A) x (0::nat) = r1) &
-(ALL (x::'A) n::nat. pwr x (Suc n) = mul x (pwr x n))
-==> mul r1 (x::'A) = x &
- add (mul (a::'A) (m::'A)) (mul (b::'A) m) = mul (add a b) m &
- add (mul a m) m = mul (add a r1) m &
- add m (mul a m) = mul (add a r1) m &
- add m m = mul (add r1 r1) m &
- mul r0 m = r0 &
- add r0 a = a &
- add a r0 = a &
- mul a b = mul b a &
- mul (add a b) (c::'A) = add (mul a c) (mul b c) &
- mul r0 a = r0 &
- mul a r0 = r0 &
- mul r1 a = a &
- mul a r1 = a &
- mul (mul (lx::'A) (ly::'A)) (mul (rx::'A) (ry::'A)) =
- mul (mul lx rx) (mul ly ry) &
- mul (mul lx ly) (mul rx ry) = mul lx (mul ly (mul rx ry)) &
- mul (mul lx ly) (mul rx ry) = mul rx (mul (mul lx ly) ry) &
- mul (mul lx ly) rx = mul (mul lx rx) ly &
- mul (mul lx ly) rx = mul lx (mul ly rx) &
- mul lx rx = mul rx lx &
- mul lx (mul rx ry) = mul (mul lx rx) ry &
- mul lx (mul rx ry) = mul rx (mul lx ry) &
- add (add a b) (add c (d::'A)) = add (add a c) (add b d) &
- add (add a b) c = add a (add b c) &
- add a (add c d) = add c (add a d) &
- add (add a b) c = add (add a c) b &
- add a c = add c a &
- add a (add c d) = add (add a c) d &
- mul (pwr x (p::nat)) (pwr x (q::nat)) = pwr x (p + q) &
- mul x (pwr x q) = pwr x (Suc q) &
- mul (pwr x q) x = pwr x (Suc q) &
- mul x x = pwr x (2::nat) &
- pwr (mul x (y::'A)) q = mul (pwr x q) (pwr y q) &
- pwr (pwr x p) q = pwr x (p * q) &
- pwr x (0::nat) = r1 &
- pwr x (1::nat) = x &
- mul x (add y (z::'A)) = add (mul x y) (mul x z) &
- pwr x (Suc q) = mul x (pwr x q)"
- by (import hollight SEMIRING_PTHS)
-lemma NUM_INTEGRAL_LEMMA: "(w::nat) = (x::nat) + (d::nat) & (y::nat) = (z::nat) + (e::nat)
-==> (w * y + x * z = w * z + x * y) = (w = x | y = z)"
- by (import hollight NUM_INTEGRAL_LEMMA)
-lemma NUM_INTEGRAL: "(ALL x::nat. (0::nat) * x = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::nat) (xa::nat) xb::nat. (x + xa = x + xb) = (xa = xb)) &
-(ALL (w::nat) (x::nat) (y::nat) z::nat.
- (w * y + x * z = w * z + x * y) = (w = x | y = z))"
- by (import hollight NUM_INTEGRAL)
-lemma INJ_INVERSE2: "(!!(x1::'A) (y1::'B) (x2::'A) y2::'B.
- ((P::'A => 'B => 'C) x1 y1 = P x2 y2) = (x1 = x2 & y1 = y2))
-==> EX (x::'C => 'A) Y::'C => 'B.
- ALL (xa::'A) y::'B. x (P xa y) = xa & Y (P xa y) = y"
- by (import hollight INJ_INVERSE2)
- NUMPAIR :: "nat => nat => nat" where
- "NUMPAIR == %u ua. 2 ^ u * (2 * ua + 1)"
-lemma DEF_NUMPAIR: "NUMPAIR = (%u ua. 2 ^ u * (2 * ua + 1))"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUMPAIR)
-lemma NUMPAIR_INJ_LEMMA: "NUMPAIR x xa = NUMPAIR xb xc ==> x = xb"
- by (import hollight NUMPAIR_INJ_LEMMA)
-lemma NUMPAIR_INJ: "(NUMPAIR x1 y1 = NUMPAIR x2 y2) = (x1 = x2 & y1 = y2)"
- by (import hollight NUMPAIR_INJ)
- NUMFST :: "nat => nat" where
- "NUMFST == SOME X. EX Y. ALL x y. X (NUMPAIR x y) = x & Y (NUMPAIR x y) = y"
-lemma DEF_NUMFST: "NUMFST = (SOME X. EX Y. ALL x y. X (NUMPAIR x y) = x & Y (NUMPAIR x y) = y)"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUMFST)
- NUMSND :: "nat => nat" where
- "NUMSND == SOME Y. ALL x y. NUMFST (NUMPAIR x y) = x & Y (NUMPAIR x y) = y"
-lemma DEF_NUMSND: "NUMSND = (SOME Y. ALL x y. NUMFST (NUMPAIR x y) = x & Y (NUMPAIR x y) = y)"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUMSND)
- NUMSUM :: "bool => nat => nat" where
- "NUMSUM == %u ua. if u then Suc (2 * ua) else 2 * ua"
-lemma DEF_NUMSUM: "NUMSUM = (%u ua. if u then Suc (2 * ua) else 2 * ua)"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUMSUM)
-lemma NUMSUM_INJ: "(NUMSUM b1 x1 = NUMSUM b2 x2) = (b1 = b2 & x1 = x2)"
- by (import hollight NUMSUM_INJ)
- NUMLEFT :: "nat => bool" where
- "NUMLEFT == SOME X. EX Y. ALL x y. X (NUMSUM x y) = x & Y (NUMSUM x y) = y"
-lemma DEF_NUMLEFT: "NUMLEFT = (SOME X. EX Y. ALL x y. X (NUMSUM x y) = x & Y (NUMSUM x y) = y)"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUMLEFT)
- NUMRIGHT :: "nat => nat" where
- "NUMRIGHT == SOME Y. ALL x y. NUMLEFT (NUMSUM x y) = x & Y (NUMSUM x y) = y"
-lemma DEF_NUMRIGHT: "NUMRIGHT = (SOME Y. ALL x y. NUMLEFT (NUMSUM x y) = x & Y (NUMSUM x y) = y)"
- by (import hollight DEF_NUMRIGHT)
- INJN :: "nat => nat => 'A => bool" where
- "INJN == %(u::nat) (n::nat) a::'A. n = u"
-lemma DEF_INJN: "INJN = (%(u::nat) (n::nat) a::'A. n = u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_INJN)
-lemma INJN_INJ: "(op =::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op =::(nat => 'A::type => bool) => (nat => 'A::type => bool) => bool)
- ((INJN::nat => nat => 'A::type => bool) (n1::nat))
- ((INJN::nat => nat => 'A::type => bool) (n2::nat)))
- ((op =::nat => nat => bool) n1 n2)"
- by (import hollight INJN_INJ)
- INJA :: "'A => nat => 'A => bool" where
- "INJA == %(u::'A) (n::nat) b::'A. b = u"
-lemma DEF_INJA: "INJA = (%(u::'A) (n::nat) b::'A. b = u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_INJA)
-lemma INJA_INJ: "(INJA (a1::'A) = INJA (a2::'A)) = (a1 = a2)"
- by (import hollight INJA_INJ)
- INJF :: "(nat => nat => 'A => bool) => nat => 'A => bool" where
- "INJF == %(u::nat => nat => 'A => bool) n::nat. u (NUMFST n) (NUMSND n)"
-lemma DEF_INJF: "INJF = (%(u::nat => nat => 'A => bool) n::nat. u (NUMFST n) (NUMSND n))"
- by (import hollight DEF_INJF)
-lemma INJF_INJ: "(INJF (f1::nat => nat => 'A => bool) =
- INJF (f2::nat => nat => 'A => bool)) =
-(f1 = f2)"
- by (import hollight INJF_INJ)
- INJP :: "(nat => 'A => bool) => (nat => 'A => bool) => nat => 'A => bool" where
- "INJP ==
-%(u::nat => 'A => bool) (ua::nat => 'A => bool) (n::nat) a::'A.
- if NUMLEFT n then u (NUMRIGHT n) a else ua (NUMRIGHT n) a"
-lemma DEF_INJP: "INJP =
-(%(u::nat => 'A => bool) (ua::nat => 'A => bool) (n::nat) a::'A.
- if NUMLEFT n then u (NUMRIGHT n) a else ua (NUMRIGHT n) a)"
- by (import hollight DEF_INJP)
-lemma INJP_INJ: "(INJP (f1::nat => 'A => bool) (f2::nat => 'A => bool) =
- INJP (f1'::nat => 'A => bool) (f2'::nat => 'A => bool)) =
-(f1 = f1' & f2 = f2')"
- by (import hollight INJP_INJ)
- ZCONSTR :: "nat => 'A => (nat => nat => 'A => bool) => nat => 'A => bool" where
-%(u::nat) (ua::'A) ub::nat => nat => 'A => bool.
- INJP (INJN (Suc u)) (INJP (INJA ua) (INJF ub))"
-(%(u::nat) (ua::'A) ub::nat => nat => 'A => bool.
- INJP (INJN (Suc u)) (INJP (INJA ua) (INJF ub)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_ZCONSTR)
- ZBOT :: "nat => 'A => bool" where
- "ZBOT == INJP (INJN (0::nat)) (SOME z::nat => 'A => bool. True)"
-lemma DEF_ZBOT: "ZBOT = INJP (INJN (0::nat)) (SOME z::nat => 'A => bool. True)"
- by (import hollight DEF_ZBOT)
-lemma ZCONSTR_ZBOT: "ZCONSTR (x::nat) (xa::'A) (xb::nat => nat => 'A => bool) ~= ZBOT"
- by (import hollight ZCONSTR_ZBOT)
- ZRECSPACE :: "(nat => 'A => bool) => bool" where
-%a::nat => 'A => bool.
- ALL ZRECSPACE'::(nat => 'A => bool) => bool.
- (ALL a::nat => 'A => bool.
- a = ZBOT |
- (EX (c::nat) (i::'A) r::nat => nat => 'A => bool.
- a = ZCONSTR c i r & (ALL n::nat. ZRECSPACE' (r n))) -->
- ZRECSPACE' a) -->
-(%a::nat => 'A => bool.
- ALL ZRECSPACE'::(nat => 'A => bool) => bool.
- (ALL a::nat => 'A => bool.
- a = ZBOT |
- (EX (c::nat) (i::'A) r::nat => nat => 'A => bool.
- a = ZCONSTR c i r & (ALL n::nat. ZRECSPACE' (r n))) -->
- ZRECSPACE' a) -->
- by (import hollight DEF_ZRECSPACE)
-typedef (open) 'a recspace = "Collect ZRECSPACE :: (nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) set"
- morphisms "_dest_rec" "_mk_rec"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty [where t="ZBOT"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_recspace)
- "_dest_rec" :: _ ("'_dest'_rec")
- "_mk_rec" :: _ ("'_mk'_rec")
-lemmas "TYDEF_recspace_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: 'A recspace" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_recspace]
- BOTTOM :: "'A recspace" where
- "BOTTOM == _mk_rec ZBOT"
-lemma DEF_BOTTOM: "BOTTOM = _mk_rec ZBOT"
- by (import hollight DEF_BOTTOM)
- CONSTR :: "nat => 'A => (nat => 'A recspace) => 'A recspace" where
- "CONSTR ==
-%(u::nat) (ua::'A::type) ub::nat => 'A::type recspace.
- _mk_rec (ZCONSTR u ua (%n::nat. _dest_rec (ub n)))"
-(%(u::nat) (ua::'A::type) ub::nat => 'A::type recspace.
- _mk_rec (ZCONSTR u ua (%n::nat. _dest_rec (ub n))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_CONSTR)
-lemma MK_REC_INJ: "[| _mk_rec (x::nat => 'A::type => bool) =
- _mk_rec (y::nat => 'A::type => bool);
-==> x = y"
- by (import hollight MK_REC_INJ)
-lemma CONSTR_BOT: "CONSTR (c::nat) (i::'A) (r::nat => 'A recspace) ~= BOTTOM"
- by (import hollight CONSTR_BOT)
-lemma CONSTR_INJ: "(CONSTR (c1::nat) (i1::'A) (r1::nat => 'A recspace) =
- CONSTR (c2::nat) (i2::'A) (r2::nat => 'A recspace)) =
-(c1 = c2 & i1 = i2 & r1 = r2)"
- by (import hollight CONSTR_INJ)
-lemma CONSTR_IND: "(P::'A recspace => bool) BOTTOM &
-(ALL (c::nat) (i::'A) r::nat => 'A recspace.
- (ALL n::nat. P (r n)) --> P (CONSTR c i r))
-==> P (x::'A recspace)"
- by (import hollight CONSTR_IND)
-lemma CONSTR_REC: "EX f::'A recspace => 'B.
- ALL (c::nat) (i::'A) r::nat => 'A recspace.
- f (CONSTR c i r) =
- (Fn::nat => 'A => (nat => 'A recspace) => (nat => 'B) => 'B) c i r
- (%n::nat. f (r n))"
- by (import hollight CONSTR_REC)
- FCONS :: "'A => (nat => 'A) => nat => 'A" where
- "FCONS ==
-SOME FCONS::'A => (nat => 'A) => nat => 'A.
- (ALL (a::'A) f::nat => 'A. FCONS a f (0::nat) = a) &
- (ALL (a::'A) (f::nat => 'A) n::nat. FCONS a f (Suc n) = f n)"
-lemma DEF_FCONS: "FCONS =
-(SOME FCONS::'A => (nat => 'A) => nat => 'A.
- (ALL (a::'A) f::nat => 'A. FCONS a f (0::nat) = a) &
- (ALL (a::'A) (f::nat => 'A) n::nat. FCONS a f (Suc n) = f n))"
- by (import hollight DEF_FCONS)
-lemma FCONS_UNDO: "(f::nat => 'A) = FCONS (f (0::nat)) (f o Suc)"
- by (import hollight FCONS_UNDO)
- FNIL :: "nat => 'A" where
- "FNIL == %u::nat. SOME x::'A. True"
-lemma DEF_FNIL: "FNIL = (%u::nat. SOME x::'A. True)"
- by (import hollight DEF_FNIL)
- ISO :: "('A => 'B) => ('B => 'A) => bool" where
- "ISO ==
-%(u::'A => 'B) ua::'B => 'A.
- (ALL x::'B. u (ua x) = x) & (ALL y::'A. ua (u y) = y)"
-lemma DEF_ISO: "ISO =
-(%(u::'A => 'B) ua::'B => 'A.
- (ALL x::'B. u (ua x) = x) & (ALL y::'A. ua (u y) = y))"
- by (import hollight DEF_ISO)
-lemma ISO_REFL: "ISO (%x::'A. x) (%x::'A. x)"
- by (import hollight ISO_REFL)
-lemma ISO_FUN: "ISO (f::'A => 'A') (f'::'A' => 'A) & ISO (g::'B => 'B') (g'::'B' => 'B)
-==> ISO (%(h::'A => 'B) a'::'A'. g (h (f' a')))
- (%(h::'A' => 'B') a::'A. g' (h (f a)))"
- by (import hollight ISO_FUN)
-lemma ISO_USAGE: "ISO (f::'q_17485 => 'q_17482) (g::'q_17482 => 'q_17485)
-==> (ALL P::'q_17485 => bool. All P = (ALL x::'q_17482. P (g x))) &
- (ALL P::'q_17485 => bool. Ex P = (EX x::'q_17482. P (g x))) &
- (ALL (a::'q_17485) b::'q_17482. (a = g b) = (f a = b))"
- by (import hollight ISO_USAGE)
-typedef (open) char = "{a. ALL char'.
- (ALL a.
- (EX a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7.
- a =
- CONSTR (NUMERAL 0) (a0 :: bool, a1 :: bool, a2 :: bool, a3 :: bool, a4 :: bool, a5 :: bool, a6 :: bool, a7:: bool)
- (%n. BOTTOM)) -->
- char' a) -->
- char' a}"
- morphisms "_dest_char" "_mk_char"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty [where t="CONSTR (NUMERAL 0) (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) (%n. BOTTOM)"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_char)
- "_dest_char" :: _ ("'_dest'_char")
- "_mk_char" :: _ ("'_mk'_char")
-lemmas "TYDEF_char_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: hollight.char" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_char]
- "_11937" :: "bool
-=> bool => bool => bool => bool => bool => bool => bool => hollight.char" ("'_11937")
- "_11937_def": "_11937 ==
-%(a0::bool) (a1::bool) (a2::bool) (a3::bool) (a4::bool) (a5::bool)
- (a6::bool) a7::bool.
- _mk_char
- (CONSTR (0::nat) (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) (%n::nat. BOTTOM))"
-lemma DEF__11937: "_11937 =
-(%(a0::bool) (a1::bool) (a2::bool) (a3::bool) (a4::bool) (a5::bool)
- (a6::bool) a7::bool.
- _mk_char
- (CONSTR (0::nat) (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) (%n::nat. BOTTOM)))"
- by (import hollight DEF__11937)
- ASCII :: "bool
-=> bool => bool => bool => bool => bool => bool => bool => hollight.char" where
- "ASCII == _11937"
-lemma DEF_ASCII: "ASCII = _11937"
- by (import hollight DEF_ASCII)
- dist :: "nat * nat => nat"
- dist_def: "hollight.dist == %u. fst u - snd u + (snd u - fst u)"
-lemma DEF_dist: "hollight.dist = (%u. fst u - snd u + (snd u - fst u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_dist)
-lemma DIST_REFL: "hollight.dist (x, x) = 0"
- by (import hollight DIST_REFL)
-lemma DIST_LZERO: "hollight.dist (0, x) = x"
- by (import hollight DIST_LZERO)
-lemma DIST_RZERO: "hollight.dist (x, 0) = x"
- by (import hollight DIST_RZERO)
-lemma DIST_SYM: "hollight.dist (x, xa) = hollight.dist (xa, x)"
- by (import hollight DIST_SYM)
-lemma DIST_LADD: "hollight.dist (x + xb, x + xa) = hollight.dist (xb, xa)"
- by (import hollight DIST_LADD)
-lemma DIST_RADD: "hollight.dist (x + xa, xb + xa) = hollight.dist (x, xb)"
- by (import hollight DIST_RADD)
-lemma DIST_LADD_0: "hollight.dist (x + xa, x) = xa"
- by (import hollight DIST_LADD_0)
-lemma DIST_RADD_0: "hollight.dist (x, x + xa) = xa"
- by (import hollight DIST_RADD_0)
-lemma DIST_LMUL: "x * hollight.dist (xa, xb) = hollight.dist (x * xa, x * xb)"
- by (import hollight DIST_LMUL)
-lemma DIST_RMUL: "hollight.dist (x, xa) * xb = hollight.dist (x * xb, xa * xb)"
- by (import hollight DIST_RMUL)
-lemma DIST_EQ_0: "(hollight.dist (x, xa) = 0) = (x = xa)"
- by (import hollight DIST_EQ_0)
-lemma DIST_ELIM_THM: "P (hollight.dist (x, y)) =
-(ALL d. (x = y + d --> P d) & (y = x + d --> P d))"
- by (import hollight DIST_ELIM_THM)
-lemma DIST_LE_CASES: "(hollight.dist (m, n) <= p) = (m <= n + p & n <= m + p)"
- by (import hollight DIST_LE_CASES)
-lemma DIST_TRIANGLE_LE: "hollight.dist (m, n) + hollight.dist (n, p) <= q
-==> hollight.dist (m, p) <= q"
- by (import hollight DIST_TRIANGLE_LE)
-lemma DIST_TRIANGLES_LE: "hollight.dist (m, n) <= r & hollight.dist (p, q) <= s
-==> hollight.dist (m, p) <= hollight.dist (n, q) + (r + s)"
- by (import hollight DIST_TRIANGLES_LE)
-lemma BOUNDS_LINEAR: "(ALL n::nat. (A::nat) * n <= (B::nat) * n + (C::nat)) = (A <= B)"
- by (import hollight BOUNDS_LINEAR)
-lemma BOUNDS_LINEAR_0: "(ALL n::nat. (A::nat) * n <= (B::nat)) = (A = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight BOUNDS_LINEAR_0)
-lemma BOUNDS_DIVIDED: "(EX B::nat. ALL n::nat. (P::nat => nat) n <= B) =
-(EX (x::nat) B::nat. ALL n::nat. n * P n <= x * n + B)"
- by (import hollight BOUNDS_DIVIDED)
-lemma BOUNDS_NOTZERO: "(P::nat => nat => nat) (0::nat) (0::nat) = (0::nat) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat. P m n <= (A::nat) * (m + n) + (B::nat))
-==> EX x::nat. ALL (m::nat) n::nat. P m n <= x * (m + n)"
- by (import hollight BOUNDS_NOTZERO)
-lemma BOUNDS_IGNORE: "(EX B::nat. ALL i::nat. (P::nat => nat) i <= (Q::nat => nat) i + B) =
-(EX (x::nat) N::nat. ALL i>=N. P i <= Q i + x)"
- by (import hollight BOUNDS_IGNORE)
- is_nadd :: "(nat => nat) => bool" where
- "is_nadd ==
-%u. EX B. ALL m n. hollight.dist (m * u n, n * u m) <= B * (m + n)"
-lemma DEF_is_nadd: "is_nadd =
-(%u. EX B. ALL m n. hollight.dist (m * u n, n * u m) <= B * (m + n))"
- by (import hollight DEF_is_nadd)
-lemma is_nadd_0: "is_nadd (%n. 0)"
- by (import hollight is_nadd_0)
-typedef (open) nadd = "Collect is_nadd" morphisms "dest_nadd" "mk_nadd"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="%n. NUMERAL 0"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_nadd)
- dest_nadd :: _
- mk_nadd :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_nadd_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: nadd" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_nadd]
-lemma NADD_CAUCHY: "EX xa.
- ALL xb xc.
- hollight.dist (xb * dest_nadd x xc, xc * dest_nadd x xb)
- <= xa * (xb + xc)"
- by (import hollight NADD_CAUCHY)
-lemma NADD_BOUND: "EX xa B. ALL n. dest_nadd x n <= xa * n + B"
- by (import hollight NADD_BOUND)
- ALL m n.
- hollight.dist (dest_nadd x (m * n), m * dest_nadd x n) <= xa * m + xa"
- by (import hollight NADD_MULTIPLICATIVE)
-lemma NADD_ADDITIVE: "EX xa.
- ALL m n.
- hollight.dist (dest_nadd x (m + n), dest_nadd x m + dest_nadd x n)
- <= xa"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADDITIVE)
-lemma NADD_SUC: "EX xa. ALL n. hollight.dist (dest_nadd x (Suc n), dest_nadd x n) <= xa"
- by (import hollight NADD_SUC)
-lemma NADD_DIST_LEMMA: "EX xa. ALL m n. hollight.dist (dest_nadd x (m + n), dest_nadd x m) <= xa * n"
- by (import hollight NADD_DIST_LEMMA)
-lemma NADD_DIST: "EX xa.
- ALL m n.
- hollight.dist (dest_nadd x m, dest_nadd x n)
- <= xa * hollight.dist (m, n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_DIST)
-lemma NADD_ALTMUL: "EX A B.
- ALL n.
- hollight.dist
- (n * dest_nadd x (dest_nadd y n), dest_nadd x n * dest_nadd y n)
- <= A * n + B"
- by (import hollight NADD_ALTMUL)
- nadd_eq :: "nadd => nadd => bool" where
- "nadd_eq ==
-%u ua. EX B. ALL n. hollight.dist (dest_nadd u n, dest_nadd ua n) <= B"
-lemma DEF_nadd_eq: "nadd_eq =
-(%u ua. EX B. ALL n. hollight.dist (dest_nadd u n, dest_nadd ua n) <= B)"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_eq)
-lemma NADD_EQ_REFL: "nadd_eq x x"
- by (import hollight NADD_EQ_REFL)
-lemma NADD_EQ_SYM: "nadd_eq x y = nadd_eq y x"
- by (import hollight NADD_EQ_SYM)
-lemma NADD_EQ_TRANS: "nadd_eq x y & nadd_eq y z ==> nadd_eq x z"
- by (import hollight NADD_EQ_TRANS)
- nadd_of_num :: "nat => nadd" where
- "nadd_of_num == %u. mk_nadd (op * u)"
-lemma DEF_nadd_of_num: "nadd_of_num = (%u. mk_nadd (op * u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_of_num)
-lemma NADD_OF_NUM: "dest_nadd (nadd_of_num x) = op * x"
- by (import hollight NADD_OF_NUM)
-lemma NADD_OF_NUM_WELLDEF: "m = n ==> nadd_eq (nadd_of_num m) (nadd_of_num n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_OF_NUM_WELLDEF)
-lemma NADD_OF_NUM_EQ: "nadd_eq (nadd_of_num m) (nadd_of_num n) = (m = n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_OF_NUM_EQ)
- nadd_le :: "nadd => nadd => bool" where
- "nadd_le == %u ua. EX B. ALL n. dest_nadd u n <= dest_nadd ua n + B"
-lemma DEF_nadd_le: "nadd_le = (%u ua. EX B. ALL n. dest_nadd u n <= dest_nadd ua n + B)"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_le)
-lemma NADD_LE_WELLDEF_LEMMA: "nadd_eq x x' & nadd_eq y y' & nadd_le x y ==> nadd_le x' y'"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_WELLDEF_LEMMA)
-lemma NADD_LE_WELLDEF: "nadd_eq x x' & nadd_eq y y' ==> nadd_le x y = nadd_le x' y'"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_WELLDEF)
-lemma NADD_LE_REFL: "nadd_le x x"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_REFL)
-lemma NADD_LE_TRANS: "nadd_le x y & nadd_le y z ==> nadd_le x z"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_TRANS)
-lemma NADD_LE_ANTISYM: "(nadd_le x y & nadd_le y x) = nadd_eq x y"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_ANTISYM)
-lemma NADD_LE_TOTAL_LEMMA: "~ nadd_le x y ==> EX n. n ~= 0 & dest_nadd y n + B < dest_nadd x n"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_TOTAL_LEMMA)
-lemma NADD_LE_TOTAL: "nadd_le x y | nadd_le y x"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_TOTAL)
-lemma NADD_ARCH: "EX xa. nadd_le x (nadd_of_num xa)"
- by (import hollight NADD_ARCH)
-lemma NADD_OF_NUM_LE: "nadd_le (nadd_of_num m) (nadd_of_num n) = (m <= n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_OF_NUM_LE)
- nadd_add :: "nadd => nadd => nadd" where
- "nadd_add == %u ua. mk_nadd (%n. dest_nadd u n + dest_nadd ua n)"
-lemma DEF_nadd_add: "nadd_add = (%u ua. mk_nadd (%n. dest_nadd u n + dest_nadd ua n))"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_add)
-lemma NADD_ADD: "dest_nadd (nadd_add x y) = (%n. dest_nadd x n + dest_nadd y n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADD)
-lemma NADD_ADD_WELLDEF: "nadd_eq x x' & nadd_eq y y' ==> nadd_eq (nadd_add x y) (nadd_add x' y')"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADD_WELLDEF)
-lemma NADD_ADD_SYM: "nadd_eq (nadd_add x y) (nadd_add y x)"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADD_SYM)
-lemma NADD_ADD_ASSOC: "nadd_eq (nadd_add x (nadd_add y z)) (nadd_add (nadd_add x y) z)"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADD_ASSOC)
-lemma NADD_ADD_LID: "nadd_eq (nadd_add (nadd_of_num 0) x) x"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADD_LID)
-lemma NADD_ADD_LCANCEL: "nadd_eq (nadd_add x y) (nadd_add x z) ==> nadd_eq y z"
- by (import hollight NADD_ADD_LCANCEL)
-lemma NADD_LE_ADD: "nadd_le x (nadd_add x y)"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_ADD)
-lemma NADD_LE_EXISTS: "nadd_le x y ==> EX d. nadd_eq y (nadd_add x d)"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_EXISTS)
-lemma NADD_OF_NUM_ADD: "nadd_eq (nadd_add (nadd_of_num x) (nadd_of_num xa)) (nadd_of_num (x + xa))"
- by (import hollight NADD_OF_NUM_ADD)
- nadd_mul :: "nadd => nadd => nadd" where
- "nadd_mul == %u ua. mk_nadd (%n. dest_nadd u (dest_nadd ua n))"
-lemma DEF_nadd_mul: "nadd_mul = (%u ua. mk_nadd (%n. dest_nadd u (dest_nadd ua n)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_mul)
-lemma NADD_MUL: "dest_nadd (nadd_mul x y) = (%n. dest_nadd x (dest_nadd y n))"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL)
-lemma NADD_MUL_SYM: "nadd_eq (nadd_mul x y) (nadd_mul y x)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_SYM)
-lemma NADD_MUL_ASSOC: "nadd_eq (nadd_mul x (nadd_mul y z)) (nadd_mul (nadd_mul x y) z)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_ASSOC)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LID: "nadd_eq (nadd_mul (nadd_of_num 1) x) x"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LID)
-lemma NADD_LDISTRIB: "nadd_eq (nadd_mul x (nadd_add y z)) (nadd_add (nadd_mul x y) (nadd_mul x z))"
- by (import hollight NADD_LDISTRIB)
-lemma NADD_MUL_WELLDEF_LEMMA: "nadd_eq y y' ==> nadd_eq (nadd_mul x y) (nadd_mul x y')"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_WELLDEF_LEMMA)
-lemma NADD_MUL_WELLDEF: "nadd_eq x x' & nadd_eq y y' ==> nadd_eq (nadd_mul x y) (nadd_mul x' y')"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_WELLDEF)
-lemma NADD_OF_NUM_MUL: "nadd_eq (nadd_mul (nadd_of_num x) (nadd_of_num xa)) (nadd_of_num (x * xa))"
- by (import hollight NADD_OF_NUM_MUL)
-lemma NADD_LE_0: "nadd_le (nadd_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_0)
-lemma NADD_EQ_IMP_LE: "nadd_eq x y ==> nadd_le x y"
- by (import hollight NADD_EQ_IMP_LE)
-lemma NADD_LE_LMUL: "nadd_le y z ==> nadd_le (nadd_mul x y) (nadd_mul x z)"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_LMUL)
-lemma NADD_LE_RMUL: "nadd_le x y ==> nadd_le (nadd_mul x z) (nadd_mul y z)"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_RMUL)
-lemma NADD_LE_RADD: "nadd_le (nadd_add x z) (nadd_add y z) = nadd_le x y"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_RADD)
-lemma NADD_LE_LADD: "nadd_le (nadd_add x y) (nadd_add x z) = nadd_le y z"
- by (import hollight NADD_LE_LADD)
-lemma NADD_RDISTRIB: "nadd_eq (nadd_mul (nadd_add x y) z) (nadd_add (nadd_mul x z) (nadd_mul y z))"
- by (import hollight NADD_RDISTRIB)
-lemma NADD_ARCH_MULT: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX xa. nadd_le (nadd_of_num k) (nadd_mul (nadd_of_num xa) x)"
- by (import hollight NADD_ARCH_MULT)
-lemma NADD_ARCH_ZERO: "(!!n. nadd_le (nadd_mul (nadd_of_num n) x) k) ==> nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight NADD_ARCH_ZERO)
-lemma NADD_ARCH_LEMMA: "(!!n. nadd_le (nadd_mul (nadd_of_num n) x)
- (nadd_add (nadd_mul (nadd_of_num n) y) z))
-==> nadd_le x y"
- by (import hollight NADD_ARCH_LEMMA)
-lemma NADD_COMPLETE: "Ex P & (EX M. ALL x. P x --> nadd_le x M)
-==> EX M. (ALL x. P x --> nadd_le x M) &
- (ALL M'. (ALL x. P x --> nadd_le x M') --> nadd_le M M')"
- by (import hollight NADD_COMPLETE)
-lemma NADD_UBOUND: "EX xa N. ALL n>=N. dest_nadd x n <= xa * n"
- by (import hollight NADD_UBOUND)
-lemma NADD_NONZERO: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0) ==> EX N. ALL n>=N. dest_nadd x n ~= 0"
- by (import hollight NADD_NONZERO)
-lemma NADD_LBOUND: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0) ==> EX A N. ALL n>=N. n <= A * dest_nadd x n"
- by (import hollight NADD_LBOUND)
- nadd_rinv :: "nadd => nat => nat" where
- "nadd_rinv == %u n. n * n div dest_nadd u n"
-lemma DEF_nadd_rinv: "nadd_rinv = (%u n. n * n div dest_nadd u n)"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_rinv)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA0: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0) ==> EX xa B. ALL i. nadd_rinv x i <= xa * i + B"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA0)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA1: "dest_nadd x n ~= 0
-==> hollight.dist (dest_nadd x n * nadd_rinv x n, n * n) <= dest_nadd x n"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA1)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA2: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX N. ALL n>=N.
- hollight.dist (dest_nadd x n * nadd_rinv x n, n * n)
- <= dest_nadd x n"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA2)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA3: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX N. ALL m n.
- N <= n -->
- hollight.dist
- (m * (dest_nadd x m * (dest_nadd x n * nadd_rinv x n)),
- m * (dest_nadd x m * (n * n)))
- <= m * (dest_nadd x m * dest_nadd x n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA3)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA4: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX N. ALL m n.
- N <= m & N <= n -->
- dest_nadd x m * dest_nadd x n *
- hollight.dist (m * nadd_rinv x n, n * nadd_rinv x m)
- <= m * n *
- hollight.dist (m * dest_nadd x n, n * dest_nadd x m) +
- dest_nadd x m * dest_nadd x n * (m + n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA4)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA5: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX B N.
- ALL m n.
- N <= m & N <= n -->
- dest_nadd x m * dest_nadd x n *
- hollight.dist (m * nadd_rinv x n, n * nadd_rinv x m)
- <= B * (m * n * (m + n))"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA5)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA6: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX B N.
- ALL m n.
- N <= m & N <= n -->
- m * n * hollight.dist (m * nadd_rinv x n, n * nadd_rinv x m)
- <= B * (m * n * (m + n))"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA6)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA7: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX B N.
- ALL m n.
- N <= m & N <= n -->
- hollight.dist (m * nadd_rinv x n, n * nadd_rinv x m)
- <= B * (m + n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA7)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA7a: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX A B.
- ALL m n.
- m <= N -->
- hollight.dist (m * nadd_rinv x n, n * nadd_rinv x m) <= A * n + B"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA7a)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA8: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> EX B. ALL m n.
- hollight.dist (m * nadd_rinv x n, n * nadd_rinv x m)
- <= B * (m + n)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV_LEMMA8)
- nadd_inv :: "nadd => nadd" where
- "nadd_inv ==
-%u. if nadd_eq u (nadd_of_num 0) then nadd_of_num 0
- else mk_nadd (nadd_rinv u)"
-lemma DEF_nadd_inv: "nadd_inv =
-(%u. if nadd_eq u (nadd_of_num 0) then nadd_of_num 0
- else mk_nadd (nadd_rinv u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_nadd_inv)
-lemma NADD_INV: "dest_nadd (nadd_inv x) =
-(if nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0) then %n. 0 else nadd_rinv x)"
- by (import hollight NADD_INV)
-lemma NADD_MUL_LINV: "~ nadd_eq x (nadd_of_num 0)
-==> nadd_eq (nadd_mul (nadd_inv x) x) (nadd_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight NADD_MUL_LINV)
-lemma NADD_INV_0: "nadd_eq (nadd_inv (nadd_of_num 0)) (nadd_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight NADD_INV_0)
-lemma NADD_INV_WELLDEF: "nadd_eq x y ==> nadd_eq (nadd_inv x) (nadd_inv y)"
- by (import hollight NADD_INV_WELLDEF)
-typedef (open) hreal = "{s. EX x. s = nadd_eq x}" morphisms "dest_hreal" "mk_hreal"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="nadd_eq x"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_hreal)
- dest_hreal :: _
- mk_hreal :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_hreal_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: hreal" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_hreal]
- hreal_of_num :: "nat => hreal" where
- "hreal_of_num == %m. mk_hreal (nadd_eq (nadd_of_num m))"
-lemma DEF_hreal_of_num: "hreal_of_num = (%m. mk_hreal (nadd_eq (nadd_of_num m)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_hreal_of_num)
- hreal_add :: "hreal => hreal => hreal" where
- "hreal_add ==
-%x y. mk_hreal
- (%u. EX xa ya.
- nadd_eq (nadd_add xa ya) u &
- dest_hreal x xa & dest_hreal y ya)"
-lemma DEF_hreal_add: "hreal_add =
-(%x y. mk_hreal
- (%u. EX xa ya.
- nadd_eq (nadd_add xa ya) u &
- dest_hreal x xa & dest_hreal y ya))"
- by (import hollight DEF_hreal_add)
- hreal_mul :: "hreal => hreal => hreal" where
- "hreal_mul ==
-%x y. mk_hreal
- (%u. EX xa ya.
- nadd_eq (nadd_mul xa ya) u &
- dest_hreal x xa & dest_hreal y ya)"
-lemma DEF_hreal_mul: "hreal_mul =
-(%x y. mk_hreal
- (%u. EX xa ya.
- nadd_eq (nadd_mul xa ya) u &
- dest_hreal x xa & dest_hreal y ya))"
- by (import hollight DEF_hreal_mul)
- hreal_le :: "hreal => hreal => bool" where
- "hreal_le ==
-%x y. SOME u.
- EX xa ya. nadd_le xa ya = u & dest_hreal x xa & dest_hreal y ya"
-lemma DEF_hreal_le: "hreal_le =
-(%x y. SOME u.
- EX xa ya. nadd_le xa ya = u & dest_hreal x xa & dest_hreal y ya)"
- by (import hollight DEF_hreal_le)
- hreal_inv :: "hreal => hreal" where
- "hreal_inv ==
-%x. mk_hreal (%u. EX xa. nadd_eq (nadd_inv xa) u & dest_hreal x xa)"
-lemma DEF_hreal_inv: "hreal_inv =
-(%x. mk_hreal (%u. EX xa. nadd_eq (nadd_inv xa) u & dest_hreal x xa))"
- by (import hollight DEF_hreal_inv)
-lemma HREAL_LE_EXISTS_DEF: "hreal_le m n = (EX d. n = hreal_add m d)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_LE_EXISTS_DEF)
-lemma HREAL_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL: "(hreal_add m n = hreal_add m p) = (n = p)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL)
-lemma HREAL_EQ_ADD_RCANCEL: "(hreal_add x xb = hreal_add xa xb) = (x = xa)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_EQ_ADD_RCANCEL)
-lemma HREAL_LE_ADD_LCANCEL: "hreal_le (hreal_add x xa) (hreal_add x xb) = hreal_le xa xb"
- by (import hollight HREAL_LE_ADD_LCANCEL)
-lemma HREAL_LE_ADD_RCANCEL: "hreal_le (hreal_add x xb) (hreal_add xa xb) = hreal_le x xa"
- by (import hollight HREAL_LE_ADD_RCANCEL)
-lemma HREAL_ADD_RID: "hreal_add x (hreal_of_num 0) = x"
- by (import hollight HREAL_ADD_RID)
-lemma HREAL_ADD_RDISTRIB: "hreal_mul (hreal_add x xa) xb = hreal_add (hreal_mul x xb) (hreal_mul xa xb)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_ADD_RDISTRIB)
-lemma HREAL_MUL_LZERO: "hreal_mul (hreal_of_num 0) m = hreal_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight HREAL_MUL_LZERO)
-lemma HREAL_MUL_RZERO: "hreal_mul x (hreal_of_num 0) = hreal_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight HREAL_MUL_RZERO)
-lemma HREAL_ADD_AC: "hreal_add m n = hreal_add n m &
-hreal_add (hreal_add m n) p = hreal_add m (hreal_add n p) &
-hreal_add m (hreal_add n p) = hreal_add n (hreal_add m p)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_ADD_AC)
-lemma HREAL_LE_ADD2: "hreal_le a b & hreal_le c d ==> hreal_le (hreal_add a c) (hreal_add b d)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_LE_ADD2)
-lemma HREAL_LE_MUL_RCANCEL_IMP: "hreal_le a b ==> hreal_le (hreal_mul a c) (hreal_mul b c)"
- by (import hollight HREAL_LE_MUL_RCANCEL_IMP)
- treal_of_num :: "nat => hreal * hreal" where
- "treal_of_num == %u. (hreal_of_num u, hreal_of_num 0)"
-lemma DEF_treal_of_num: "treal_of_num = (%u. (hreal_of_num u, hreal_of_num 0))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_of_num)
- treal_neg :: "hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal" where
- "treal_neg == %u. (snd u, fst u)"
-lemma DEF_treal_neg: "treal_neg = (%u. (snd u, fst u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_neg)
- treal_add :: "hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal" where
- "treal_add == %u ua. (hreal_add (fst u) (fst ua), hreal_add (snd u) (snd ua))"
-lemma DEF_treal_add: "treal_add =
-(%u ua. (hreal_add (fst u) (fst ua), hreal_add (snd u) (snd ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_add)
- treal_mul :: "hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal" where
- "treal_mul ==
-%u ua.
- (hreal_add (hreal_mul (fst u) (fst ua)) (hreal_mul (snd u) (snd ua)),
- hreal_add (hreal_mul (fst u) (snd ua)) (hreal_mul (snd u) (fst ua)))"
-lemma DEF_treal_mul: "treal_mul =
-(%u ua.
- (hreal_add (hreal_mul (fst u) (fst ua)) (hreal_mul (snd u) (snd ua)),
- hreal_add (hreal_mul (fst u) (snd ua)) (hreal_mul (snd u) (fst ua))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_mul)
- treal_le :: "hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal => bool" where
- "treal_le ==
-%u ua. hreal_le (hreal_add (fst u) (snd ua)) (hreal_add (fst ua) (snd u))"
-lemma DEF_treal_le: "treal_le =
-(%u ua. hreal_le (hreal_add (fst u) (snd ua)) (hreal_add (fst ua) (snd u)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_le)
- treal_inv :: "hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal" where
- "treal_inv ==
-%u. if fst u = snd u then (hreal_of_num 0, hreal_of_num 0)
- else if hreal_le (snd u) (fst u)
- then (hreal_inv (SOME d. fst u = hreal_add (snd u) d),
- hreal_of_num 0)
- else (hreal_of_num 0,
- hreal_inv (SOME d. snd u = hreal_add (fst u) d))"
-lemma DEF_treal_inv: "treal_inv =
-(%u. if fst u = snd u then (hreal_of_num 0, hreal_of_num 0)
- else if hreal_le (snd u) (fst u)
- then (hreal_inv (SOME d. fst u = hreal_add (snd u) d),
- hreal_of_num 0)
- else (hreal_of_num 0,
- hreal_inv (SOME d. snd u = hreal_add (fst u) d)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_inv)
- treal_eq :: "hreal * hreal => hreal * hreal => bool" where
- "treal_eq == %u ua. hreal_add (fst u) (snd ua) = hreal_add (fst ua) (snd u)"
-lemma DEF_treal_eq: "treal_eq = (%u ua. hreal_add (fst u) (snd ua) = hreal_add (fst ua) (snd u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_treal_eq)
-lemma TREAL_EQ_REFL: "treal_eq x x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_EQ_REFL)
-lemma TREAL_EQ_SYM: "treal_eq x y = treal_eq y x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_EQ_SYM)
-lemma TREAL_EQ_TRANS: "treal_eq x y & treal_eq y z ==> treal_eq x z"
- by (import hollight TREAL_EQ_TRANS)
-lemma TREAL_EQ_AP: "x = xa ==> treal_eq x xa"
- by (import hollight TREAL_EQ_AP)
-lemma TREAL_OF_NUM_EQ: "treal_eq (treal_of_num x) (treal_of_num xa) = (x = xa)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_OF_NUM_EQ)
-lemma TREAL_OF_NUM_LE: "treal_le (treal_of_num x) (treal_of_num xa) = (x <= xa)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_OF_NUM_LE)
-lemma TREAL_OF_NUM_ADD: "treal_eq (treal_add (treal_of_num x) (treal_of_num xa))
- (treal_of_num (x + xa))"
- by (import hollight TREAL_OF_NUM_ADD)
-lemma TREAL_OF_NUM_MUL: "treal_eq (treal_mul (treal_of_num x) (treal_of_num xa))
- (treal_of_num (x * xa))"
- by (import hollight TREAL_OF_NUM_MUL)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_SYM_EQ: "treal_add x y = treal_add y x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_SYM_EQ)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_SYM_EQ: "treal_mul x y = treal_mul y x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_SYM_EQ)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_SYM: "treal_eq (treal_add x y) (treal_add y x)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_SYM)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_ASSOC: "treal_eq (treal_add x (treal_add y z)) (treal_add (treal_add x y) z)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_ASSOC)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_LID: "treal_eq (treal_add (treal_of_num 0) x) x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_LID)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_LINV: "treal_eq (treal_add (treal_neg x) x) (treal_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_LINV)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_SYM: "treal_eq (treal_mul x xa) (treal_mul xa x)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_SYM)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_ASSOC: "treal_eq (treal_mul x (treal_mul y z)) (treal_mul (treal_mul x y) z)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_ASSOC)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_LID: "treal_eq (treal_mul (treal_of_num 1) x) x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_LID)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_LDISTRIB: "treal_eq (treal_mul x (treal_add y z))
- (treal_add (treal_mul x y) (treal_mul x z))"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_LDISTRIB)
-lemma TREAL_LE_REFL: "treal_le x x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_REFL)
-lemma TREAL_LE_ANTISYM: "(treal_le x y & treal_le y x) = treal_eq x y"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_ANTISYM)
-lemma TREAL_LE_TRANS: "treal_le x y & treal_le y z ==> treal_le x z"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_TRANS)
-lemma TREAL_LE_TOTAL: "treal_le x y | treal_le y x"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_TOTAL)
-lemma TREAL_LE_LADD_IMP: "treal_le y z ==> treal_le (treal_add x y) (treal_add x z)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_LADD_IMP)
-lemma TREAL_LE_MUL: "treal_le (treal_of_num 0) x & treal_le (treal_of_num 0) y
-==> treal_le (treal_of_num 0) (treal_mul x y)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_MUL)
-lemma TREAL_INV_0: "treal_eq (treal_inv (treal_of_num 0)) (treal_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_INV_0)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_LINV: "~ treal_eq x (treal_of_num 0)
-==> treal_eq (treal_mul (treal_inv x) x) (treal_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_LINV)
-lemma TREAL_OF_NUM_WELLDEF: "m = n ==> treal_eq (treal_of_num m) (treal_of_num n)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_OF_NUM_WELLDEF)
-lemma TREAL_NEG_WELLDEF: "treal_eq x1 x2 ==> treal_eq (treal_neg x1) (treal_neg x2)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_NEG_WELLDEF)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_WELLDEFR: "treal_eq x1 x2 ==> treal_eq (treal_add x1 y) (treal_add x2 y)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_WELLDEFR)
-lemma TREAL_ADD_WELLDEF: "treal_eq x1 x2 & treal_eq y1 y2
-==> treal_eq (treal_add x1 y1) (treal_add x2 y2)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_ADD_WELLDEF)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_WELLDEFR: "treal_eq x1 x2 ==> treal_eq (treal_mul x1 y) (treal_mul x2 y)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_WELLDEFR)
-lemma TREAL_MUL_WELLDEF: "treal_eq x1 x2 & treal_eq y1 y2
-==> treal_eq (treal_mul x1 y1) (treal_mul x2 y2)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_MUL_WELLDEF)
-lemma TREAL_EQ_IMP_LE: "treal_eq x y ==> treal_le x y"
- by (import hollight TREAL_EQ_IMP_LE)
-lemma TREAL_LE_WELLDEF: "treal_eq x1 x2 & treal_eq y1 y2 ==> treal_le x1 y1 = treal_le x2 y2"
- by (import hollight TREAL_LE_WELLDEF)
-lemma TREAL_INV_WELLDEF: "treal_eq x y ==> treal_eq (treal_inv x) (treal_inv y)"
- by (import hollight TREAL_INV_WELLDEF)
-typedef (open) real = "{s. EX x. s = treal_eq x}" morphisms "dest_real" "mk_real"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="treal_eq x"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_real)
- dest_real :: _
- mk_real :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_real_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: hollight.real" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_real]
- real_of_num :: "nat => hollight.real" where
- "real_of_num == %m. mk_real (treal_eq (treal_of_num m))"
-lemma DEF_real_of_num: "real_of_num = (%m. mk_real (treal_eq (treal_of_num m)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_of_num)
- real_neg :: "hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_neg ==
-%x1. mk_real (%u. EX x1a. treal_eq (treal_neg x1a) u & dest_real x1 x1a)"
-lemma DEF_real_neg: "real_neg =
-(%x1. mk_real (%u. EX x1a. treal_eq (treal_neg x1a) u & dest_real x1 x1a))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_neg)
- real_add :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_add ==
-%x1 y1.
- mk_real
- (%u. EX x1a y1a.
- treal_eq (treal_add x1a y1a) u &
- dest_real x1 x1a & dest_real y1 y1a)"
-lemma DEF_real_add: "real_add =
-(%x1 y1.
- mk_real
- (%u. EX x1a y1a.
- treal_eq (treal_add x1a y1a) u &
- dest_real x1 x1a & dest_real y1 y1a))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_add)
- real_mul :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_mul ==
-%x1 y1.
- mk_real
- (%u. EX x1a y1a.
- treal_eq (treal_mul x1a y1a) u &
- dest_real x1 x1a & dest_real y1 y1a)"
-lemma DEF_real_mul: "real_mul =
-(%x1 y1.
- mk_real
- (%u. EX x1a y1a.
- treal_eq (treal_mul x1a y1a) u &
- dest_real x1 x1a & dest_real y1 y1a))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_mul)
- real_le :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => bool" where
- "real_le ==
-%x1 y1.
- SOME u.
- EX x1a y1a. treal_le x1a y1a = u & dest_real x1 x1a & dest_real y1 y1a"
-lemma DEF_real_le: "real_le =
-(%x1 y1.
- SOME u.
- EX x1a y1a.
- treal_le x1a y1a = u & dest_real x1 x1a & dest_real y1 y1a)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_le)
- real_inv :: "hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_inv ==
-%x. mk_real (%u. EX xa. treal_eq (treal_inv xa) u & dest_real x xa)"
-lemma DEF_real_inv: "real_inv =
-(%x. mk_real (%u. EX xa. treal_eq (treal_inv xa) u & dest_real x xa))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_inv)
- real_sub :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_sub == %u ua. real_add u (real_neg ua)"
-lemma DEF_real_sub: "real_sub = (%u ua. real_add u (real_neg ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_sub)
- real_lt :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => bool" where
- "real_lt == %u ua. ~ real_le ua u"
-lemma DEF_real_lt: "real_lt = (%u ua. ~ real_le ua u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_lt)
- real_ge :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => bool" where
- "real_ge == %u ua. real_le ua u"
-lemma DEF_real_ge: "real_ge = (%u ua. real_le ua u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_ge)
- real_gt :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => bool" where
- "real_gt == %u ua. real_lt ua u"
-lemma DEF_real_gt: "real_gt = (%u ua. real_lt ua u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_gt)
- real_abs :: "hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_abs == %u. if real_le (real_of_num 0) u then u else real_neg u"
-lemma DEF_real_abs: "real_abs = (%u. if real_le (real_of_num 0) u then u else real_neg u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_abs)
- real_pow :: "hollight.real => nat => hollight.real" where
- "real_pow ==
-SOME real_pow.
- (ALL x. real_pow x 0 = real_of_num 1) &
- (ALL x n. real_pow x (Suc n) = real_mul x (real_pow x n))"
-lemma DEF_real_pow: "real_pow =
-(SOME real_pow.
- (ALL x. real_pow x 0 = real_of_num 1) &
- (ALL x n. real_pow x (Suc n) = real_mul x (real_pow x n)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_pow)
- real_div :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_div == %u ua. real_mul u (real_inv ua)"
-lemma DEF_real_div: "real_div = (%u ua. real_mul u (real_inv ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_div)
- real_max :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_max == %u ua. if real_le u ua then ua else u"
-lemma DEF_real_max: "real_max = (%u ua. if real_le u ua then ua else u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_max)
- real_min :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_min == %u ua. if real_le u ua then u else ua"
-lemma DEF_real_min: "real_min = (%u ua. if real_le u ua then u else ua)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_min)
-lemma REAL_HREAL_LEMMA1: "EX x. (ALL xa. real_le (real_of_num 0) xa = (EX y. xa = x y)) &
- (ALL y z. hreal_le y z = real_le (x y) (x z))"
- by (import hollight REAL_HREAL_LEMMA1)
-lemma REAL_HREAL_LEMMA2: "EX x r.
- (ALL xa. x (r xa) = xa) &
- (ALL xa. real_le (real_of_num 0) xa --> r (x xa) = xa) &
- (ALL x. real_le (real_of_num 0) (r x)) &
- (ALL x y. hreal_le x y = real_le (r x) (r y))"
- by (import hollight REAL_HREAL_LEMMA2)
-lemma REAL_COMPLETE_SOMEPOS: "(EX x. P x & real_le (real_of_num 0) x) & (EX M. ALL x. P x --> real_le x M)
-==> EX M. (ALL x. P x --> real_le x M) &
- (ALL M'. (ALL x. P x --> real_le x M') --> real_le M M')"
- by (import hollight REAL_COMPLETE_SOMEPOS)
-lemma REAL_COMPLETE: "Ex P & (EX M. ALL x. P x --> real_le x M)
-==> EX M. (ALL x. P x --> real_le x M) &
- (ALL M'. (ALL x. P x --> real_le x M') --> real_le M M')"
- by (import hollight REAL_COMPLETE)
-lemma REAL_ADD_AC: "real_add m n = real_add n m &
-real_add (real_add m n) p = real_add m (real_add n p) &
-real_add m (real_add n p) = real_add n (real_add m p)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD_AC)
-lemma REAL_ADD_RINV: "real_add x (real_neg x) = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD_RINV)
-lemma REAL_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL: "(real_add x y = real_add x z) = (y = z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL)
-lemma REAL_EQ_ADD_RCANCEL: "(real_add x z = real_add y z) = (x = y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_ADD_RCANCEL)
-lemma REAL_MUL_RZERO: "real_mul x (real_of_num 0) = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_RZERO)
-lemma REAL_MUL_LZERO: "real_mul (real_of_num 0) x = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_LZERO)
-lemma REAL_NEG_NEG: "real_neg (real_neg x) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_NEG)
-lemma REAL_MUL_RNEG: "real_mul x (real_neg y) = real_neg (real_mul x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_RNEG)
-lemma REAL_MUL_LNEG: "real_mul (real_neg x) y = real_neg (real_mul x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_LNEG)
-lemma REAL_NEG_ADD: "real_neg (real_add x y) = real_add (real_neg x) (real_neg y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_ADD)
-lemma REAL_ADD_RID: "real_add x (real_of_num 0) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD_RID)
-lemma REAL_NEG_0: "real_neg (real_of_num 0) = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_0)
-lemma REAL_LE_LNEG: "real_le (real_neg x) y = real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_add x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LNEG)
-lemma REAL_LE_NEG2: "real_le (real_neg x) (real_neg y) = real_le y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_NEG2)
-lemma REAL_LE_RNEG: "real_le x (real_neg y) = real_le (real_add x y) (real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RNEG)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_POW: "real_pow (real_of_num x) n = real_of_num (x ^ n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_POW)
-lemma REAL_POW_NEG: "real_pow (real_neg x) n =
-(if even n then real_pow x n else real_neg (real_pow x n))"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_NEG)
-lemma REAL_ABS_NUM: "real_abs (real_of_num x) = real_of_num x"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_NUM)
-lemma REAL_ABS_NEG: "real_abs (real_neg x) = real_abs x"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_NEG)
-lemma REAL_LTE_TOTAL: "real_lt x xa | real_le xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LTE_TOTAL)
-lemma REAL_LET_TOTAL: "real_le x xa | real_lt xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LET_TOTAL)
-lemma REAL_LT_IMP_LE: "real_lt x y ==> real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_IMP_LE)
-lemma REAL_LTE_TRANS: "real_lt x y & real_le y z ==> real_lt x z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LTE_TRANS)
-lemma REAL_LET_TRANS: "real_le x y & real_lt y z ==> real_lt x z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LET_TRANS)
-lemma REAL_LT_TRANS: "real_lt x y & real_lt y z ==> real_lt x z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_TRANS)
-lemma REAL_LE_ADD: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_le (real_of_num 0) y
-==> real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_add x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_ADD)
-lemma REAL_LTE_ANTISYM: "~ (real_lt x y & real_le y x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LTE_ANTISYM)
-lemma REAL_SUB_LE: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_sub x xa) = real_le xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_LE)
-lemma REAL_NEG_SUB: "real_neg (real_sub x xa) = real_sub xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_SUB)
-lemma REAL_LE_LT: "real_le x xa = (real_lt x xa | x = xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LT)
-lemma REAL_SUB_LT: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_sub x xa) = real_lt xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_LT)
-lemma REAL_NOT_LT: "(~ real_lt x xa) = real_le xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NOT_LT)
-lemma REAL_SUB_0: "(real_sub x y = real_of_num 0) = (x = y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_0)
-lemma REAL_LT_LE: "real_lt x y = (real_le x y & x ~= y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LE)
-lemma REAL_LT_REFL: "~ real_lt x x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_REFL)
-lemma REAL_LTE_ADD: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_le (real_of_num 0) y
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_add x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LTE_ADD)
-lemma REAL_LET_ADD: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_add x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LET_ADD)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADD: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_add x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADD)
-lemma REAL_ENTIRE: "(real_mul x y = real_of_num 0) = (x = real_of_num 0 | y = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ENTIRE)
-lemma REAL_LE_NEGTOTAL: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x | real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_neg x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_NEGTOTAL)
-lemma REAL_LE_SQUARE: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_SQUARE)
-lemma REAL_MUL_RID: "real_mul x (real_of_num 1) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_RID)
-lemma REAL_POW_2: "real_pow x 2 = real_mul x x"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_2)
-lemma REAL_POLY_CLAUSES: "(ALL x y z. real_add x (real_add y z) = real_add (real_add x y) z) &
-(ALL x y. real_add x y = real_add y x) &
-(ALL x. real_add (real_of_num 0) x = x) &
-(ALL x y z. real_mul x (real_mul y z) = real_mul (real_mul x y) z) &
-(ALL x y. real_mul x y = real_mul y x) &
-(ALL x. real_mul (real_of_num 1) x = x) &
-(ALL x. real_mul (real_of_num 0) x = real_of_num 0) &
-(ALL x xa xb.
- real_mul x (real_add xa xb) =
- real_add (real_mul x xa) (real_mul x xb)) &
-(ALL x. real_pow x 0 = real_of_num 1) &
-(ALL x xa. real_pow x (Suc xa) = real_mul x (real_pow x xa))"
- by (import hollight REAL_POLY_CLAUSES)
-lemma REAL_POLY_NEG_CLAUSES: "(ALL x. real_neg x = real_mul (real_neg (real_of_num 1)) x) &
-(ALL x xa.
- real_sub x xa = real_add x (real_mul (real_neg (real_of_num 1)) xa))"
- by (import hollight REAL_POLY_NEG_CLAUSES)
-lemma REAL_POS: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_of_num x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POS)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_LT: "real_lt (real_of_num x) (real_of_num xa) = (x < xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_LT)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_GE: "real_ge (real_of_num x) (real_of_num xa) = (xa <= x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_GE)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_GT: "real_gt (real_of_num x) (real_of_num xa) = (xa < x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_GT)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_MAX: "real_max (real_of_num x) (real_of_num xa) = real_of_num (max x xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_MAX)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_MIN: "real_min (real_of_num x) (real_of_num xa) = real_of_num (min x xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_MIN)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_SUC: "real_add (real_of_num x) (real_of_num 1) = real_of_num (Suc x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_SUC)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_SUB: "m <= n ==> real_sub (real_of_num n) (real_of_num m) = real_of_num (n - m)"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_SUB)
-lemma REAL_MUL_AC: "real_mul m n = real_mul n m &
-real_mul (real_mul m n) p = real_mul m (real_mul n p) &
-real_mul m (real_mul n p) = real_mul n (real_mul m p)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_AC)
-lemma REAL_ADD_RDISTRIB: "real_mul (real_add x y) z = real_add (real_mul x z) (real_mul y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD_RDISTRIB)
-lemma REAL_LT_LADD_IMP: "real_lt y z ==> real_lt (real_add x y) (real_add x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LADD_IMP)
-lemma REAL_LT_MUL: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_MUL)
-lemma REAL_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0: "(real_add x y = x) = (y = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0)
-lemma REAL_EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0: "(real_add x y = y) = (x = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0)
-lemma REAL_LNEG_UNIQ: "(real_add x y = real_of_num 0) = (x = real_neg y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LNEG_UNIQ)
-lemma REAL_RNEG_UNIQ: "(real_add x y = real_of_num 0) = (y = real_neg x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_RNEG_UNIQ)
-lemma REAL_NEG_LMUL: "real_neg (real_mul x y) = real_mul (real_neg x) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_LMUL)
-lemma REAL_NEG_RMUL: "real_neg (real_mul x y) = real_mul x (real_neg y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_RMUL)
-lemma REAL_NEGNEG: "real_neg (real_neg x) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEGNEG)
-lemma REAL_NEG_MUL2: "real_mul (real_neg x) (real_neg y) = real_mul x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_MUL2)
-lemma REAL_LT_LADD: "real_lt (real_add x y) (real_add x z) = real_lt y z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LADD)
-lemma REAL_LT_RADD: "real_lt (real_add x z) (real_add y z) = real_lt x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RADD)
-lemma REAL_LT_ANTISYM: "~ (real_lt x y & real_lt y x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ANTISYM)
-lemma REAL_LT_GT: "real_lt x y ==> ~ real_lt y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_GT)
-lemma REAL_NOT_EQ: "(x ~= y) = (real_lt x y | real_lt y x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NOT_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LET_ANTISYM: "~ (real_le x y & real_lt y x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LET_ANTISYM)
-lemma REAL_NEG_LT0: "real_lt (real_neg x) (real_of_num 0) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_LT0)
-lemma REAL_NEG_GT0: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_neg x) = real_lt x (real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_GT0)
-lemma REAL_NEG_LE0: "real_le (real_neg x) (real_of_num 0) = real_le (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_LE0)
-lemma REAL_NEG_GE0: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_neg x) = real_le x (real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_GE0)
-lemma REAL_LT_TOTAL: "x = y | real_lt x y | real_lt y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_TOTAL)
-lemma REAL_LT_NEGTOTAL: "x = real_of_num 0 |
-real_lt (real_of_num 0) x | real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_neg x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_NEGTOTAL)
-lemma REAL_LE_01: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_01)
-lemma REAL_LT_01: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_01)
-lemma REAL_LE_LADD: "real_le (real_add x y) (real_add x z) = real_le y z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LADD)
-lemma REAL_LE_RADD: "real_le (real_add x z) (real_add y z) = real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RADD)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADD2: "real_lt w x & real_lt y z ==> real_lt (real_add w y) (real_add x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADD2)
-lemma REAL_LE_ADD2: "real_le w x & real_le y z ==> real_le (real_add w y) (real_add x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_ADD2)
-lemma REAL_LT_LNEG: "real_lt (real_neg x) xa = real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_add x xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LNEG)
-lemma REAL_LT_RNEG: "real_lt x (real_neg xa) = real_lt (real_add x xa) (real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RNEG)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADDNEG: "real_lt y (real_add x (real_neg z)) = real_lt (real_add y z) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADDNEG)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADDNEG2: "real_lt (real_add x (real_neg y)) z = real_lt x (real_add z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADDNEG2)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADD1: "real_le x y ==> real_lt x (real_add y (real_of_num 1))"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADD1)
-lemma REAL_SUB_ADD: "real_add (real_sub x y) y = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_ADD)
-lemma REAL_SUB_ADD2: "real_add y (real_sub x y) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_ADD2)
-lemma REAL_SUB_REFL: "real_sub x x = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_REFL)
-lemma REAL_LE_DOUBLE: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_add x x) = real_le (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_DOUBLE)
-lemma REAL_LE_NEGL: "real_le (real_neg x) x = real_le (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_NEGL)
-lemma REAL_LE_NEGR: "real_le x (real_neg x) = real_le x (real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_NEGR)
-lemma REAL_NEG_EQ_0: "(real_neg x = real_of_num 0) = (x = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_EQ_0)
-lemma REAL_ADD_SUB: "real_sub (real_add x y) x = y"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD_SUB)
-lemma REAL_NEG_EQ: "(real_neg x = y) = (x = real_neg y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_EQ)
-lemma REAL_NEG_MINUS1: "real_neg x = real_mul (real_neg (real_of_num 1)) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_NEG_MINUS1)
-lemma REAL_LT_IMP_NE: "real_lt x y ==> x ~= y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_IMP_NE)
-lemma REAL_LE_ADDR: "real_le x (real_add x y) = real_le (real_of_num 0) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_ADDR)
-lemma REAL_LE_ADDL: "real_le y (real_add x y) = real_le (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_ADDL)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADDR: "real_lt x (real_add x y) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADDR)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADDL: "real_lt y (real_add x y) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADDL)
-lemma REAL_SUB_SUB: "real_sub (real_sub x y) x = real_neg y"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_SUB)
-lemma REAL_LT_ADD_SUB: "real_lt (real_add x y) z = real_lt x (real_sub z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_ADD_SUB)
-lemma REAL_LT_SUB_RADD: "real_lt (real_sub x y) z = real_lt x (real_add z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_SUB_RADD)
-lemma REAL_LT_SUB_LADD: "real_lt x (real_sub y z) = real_lt (real_add x z) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_SUB_LADD)
-lemma REAL_LE_SUB_LADD: "real_le x (real_sub y z) = real_le (real_add x z) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_SUB_LADD)
-lemma REAL_LE_SUB_RADD: "real_le (real_sub x y) z = real_le x (real_add z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_SUB_RADD)
-lemma REAL_LT_NEG: "real_lt (real_neg x) (real_neg y) = real_lt y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_NEG)
-lemma REAL_LE_NEG: "real_le (real_neg x) (real_neg y) = real_le y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_NEG)
-lemma REAL_ADD2_SUB2: "real_sub (real_add a b) (real_add c d) =
-real_add (real_sub a c) (real_sub b d)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD2_SUB2)
-lemma REAL_SUB_LZERO: "real_sub (real_of_num 0) x = real_neg x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_LZERO)
-lemma REAL_SUB_RZERO: "real_sub x (real_of_num 0) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_RZERO)
-lemma REAL_LET_ADD2: "real_le w x & real_lt y z ==> real_lt (real_add w y) (real_add x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LET_ADD2)
-lemma REAL_LTE_ADD2: "real_lt w x & real_le y z ==> real_lt (real_add w y) (real_add x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LTE_ADD2)
-lemma REAL_SUB_LNEG: "real_sub (real_neg x) y = real_neg (real_add x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_LNEG)
-lemma REAL_SUB_RNEG: "real_sub x (real_neg y) = real_add x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_RNEG)
-lemma REAL_SUB_NEG2: "real_sub (real_neg x) (real_neg y) = real_sub y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_NEG2)
-lemma REAL_SUB_TRIANGLE: "real_add (real_sub a b) (real_sub b c) = real_sub a c"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_TRIANGLE)
-lemma REAL_EQ_SUB_LADD: "(x = real_sub y z) = (real_add x z = y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_SUB_LADD)
-lemma REAL_EQ_SUB_RADD: "(real_sub x y = z) = (x = real_add z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_SUB_RADD)
-lemma REAL_SUB_SUB2: "real_sub x (real_sub x y) = y"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_SUB2)
-lemma REAL_ADD_SUB2: "real_sub x (real_add x y) = real_neg y"
- by (import hollight REAL_ADD_SUB2)
-lemma REAL_EQ_IMP_LE: "x = y ==> real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_IMP_LE)
-lemma REAL_POS_NZ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x ==> x ~= real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_POS_NZ)
-lemma REAL_DIFFSQ: "real_mul (real_add x y) (real_sub x y) =
-real_sub (real_mul x x) (real_mul y y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIFFSQ)
-lemma REAL_EQ_NEG2: "(real_neg x = real_neg y) = (x = y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_NEG2)
-lemma REAL_LT_NEG2: "real_lt (real_neg x) (real_neg y) = real_lt y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_NEG2)
-lemma REAL_SUB_LDISTRIB: "real_mul x (real_sub y z) = real_sub (real_mul x y) (real_mul x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_LDISTRIB)
-lemma REAL_SUB_RDISTRIB: "real_mul (real_sub x y) z = real_sub (real_mul x z) (real_mul y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_RDISTRIB)
-lemma REAL_ABS_ZERO: "(real_abs x = real_of_num 0) = (x = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_ZERO)
-lemma REAL_ABS_0: "real_abs (real_of_num 0) = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_0)
-lemma REAL_ABS_1: "real_abs (real_of_num 1) = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_1)
-lemma REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE: "real_le (real_abs (real_add x y)) (real_add (real_abs x) (real_abs y))"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE)
-lemma REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE_LE: "real_le (real_add (real_abs x) (real_abs (real_sub y x))) z
-==> real_le (real_abs y) z"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE_LE)
-lemma REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE_LT: "real_lt (real_add (real_abs x) (real_abs (real_sub y x))) z
-==> real_lt (real_abs y) z"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_TRIANGLE_LT)
-lemma REAL_ABS_POS: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_POS)
-lemma REAL_ABS_SUB: "real_abs (real_sub x y) = real_abs (real_sub y x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_SUB)
-lemma REAL_ABS_NZ: "(x ~= real_of_num 0) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_NZ)
-lemma REAL_ABS_ABS: "real_abs (real_abs x) = real_abs x"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_ABS)
-lemma REAL_ABS_LE: "real_le x (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_LE)
-lemma REAL_ABS_REFL: "(real_abs x = x) = real_le (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_REFL)
-lemma REAL_ABS_BETWEEN: "(real_lt (real_of_num 0) d &
- real_lt (real_sub x d) y & real_lt y (real_add x d)) =
-real_lt (real_abs (real_sub y x)) d"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_BETWEEN)
-lemma REAL_ABS_BOUND: "real_lt (real_abs (real_sub x y)) d ==> real_lt y (real_add x d)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_BOUND)
-lemma REAL_ABS_STILLNZ: "real_lt (real_abs (real_sub x y)) (real_abs y) ==> x ~= real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_STILLNZ)
-lemma REAL_ABS_CASES: "x = real_of_num 0 | real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_CASES)
-lemma REAL_ABS_BETWEEN1: "real_lt x z & real_lt (real_abs (real_sub y x)) (real_sub z x)
-==> real_lt y z"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_BETWEEN1)
-lemma REAL_ABS_SIGN: "real_lt (real_abs (real_sub x y)) y ==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_SIGN)
-lemma REAL_ABS_SIGN2: "real_lt (real_abs (real_sub x y)) (real_neg y) ==> real_lt x (real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_SIGN2)
-lemma REAL_ABS_CIRCLE: "real_lt (real_abs h) (real_sub (real_abs y) (real_abs x))
-==> real_lt (real_abs (real_add x h)) (real_abs y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_CIRCLE)
-lemma REAL_SUB_ABS: "real_le (real_sub (real_abs x) (real_abs y)) (real_abs (real_sub x y))"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_ABS)
-lemma REAL_ABS_SUB_ABS: "real_le (real_abs (real_sub (real_abs x) (real_abs y)))
- (real_abs (real_sub x y))"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_SUB_ABS)
-lemma REAL_ABS_BETWEEN2: "real_lt x0 y0 &
-real_lt (real_mul (real_of_num 2) (real_abs (real_sub x x0)))
- (real_sub y0 x0) &
-real_lt (real_mul (real_of_num 2) (real_abs (real_sub y y0)))
- (real_sub y0 x0)
-==> real_lt x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_BETWEEN2)
-lemma REAL_ABS_BOUNDS: "real_le (real_abs x) k = (real_le (real_neg k) x & real_le x k)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_BOUNDS)
-lemma REAL_BOUNDS_LE: "(real_le (real_neg k) x & real_le x k) = real_le (real_abs x) k"
- by (import hollight REAL_BOUNDS_LE)
-lemma REAL_BOUNDS_LT: "(real_lt (real_neg k) x & real_lt x k) = real_lt (real_abs x) k"
- by (import hollight REAL_BOUNDS_LT)
-lemma REAL_MIN_MAX: "real_min x y = real_neg (real_max (real_neg x) (real_neg y))"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_MAX)
-lemma REAL_MAX_MIN: "real_max x y = real_neg (real_min (real_neg x) (real_neg y))"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_MIN)
-lemma REAL_MAX_MAX: "real_le x (real_max x y) & real_le y (real_max x y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_MAX)
-lemma REAL_MIN_MIN: "real_le (real_min x y) x & real_le (real_min x y) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_MIN)
-lemma REAL_MAX_SYM: "real_max x y = real_max y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_SYM)
-lemma REAL_MIN_SYM: "real_min x y = real_min y x"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_SYM)
-lemma REAL_LE_MAX: "real_le z (real_max x y) = (real_le z x | real_le z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_MAX)
-lemma REAL_LE_MIN: "real_le z (real_min x y) = (real_le z x & real_le z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_MIN)
-lemma REAL_LT_MAX: "real_lt z (real_max x y) = (real_lt z x | real_lt z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_MAX)
-lemma REAL_LT_MIN: "real_lt z (real_min x y) = (real_lt z x & real_lt z y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_MIN)
-lemma REAL_MAX_LE: "real_le (real_max x y) z = (real_le x z & real_le y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_LE)
-lemma REAL_MIN_LE: "real_le (real_min x y) z = (real_le x z | real_le y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_LE)
-lemma REAL_MAX_LT: "real_lt (real_max x y) z = (real_lt x z & real_lt y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_LT)
-lemma REAL_MIN_LT: "real_lt (real_min x y) z = (real_lt x z | real_lt y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_LT)
-lemma REAL_MAX_ASSOC: "real_max x (real_max y z) = real_max (real_max x y) z"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_ASSOC)
-lemma REAL_MIN_ASSOC: "real_min x (real_min y z) = real_min (real_min x y) z"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_ASSOC)
-lemma REAL_MAX_ACI: "real_max x y = real_max y x &
-real_max (real_max x y) z = real_max x (real_max y z) &
-real_max x (real_max y z) = real_max y (real_max x z) &
-real_max x x = x & real_max x (real_max x y) = real_max x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_MAX_ACI)
-lemma REAL_MIN_ACI: "real_min x y = real_min y x &
-real_min (real_min x y) z = real_min x (real_min y z) &
-real_min x (real_min y z) = real_min y (real_min x z) &
-real_min x x = x & real_min x (real_min x y) = real_min x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_MIN_ACI)
-lemma REAL_ABS_MUL: "real_abs (real_mul x y) = real_mul (real_abs x) (real_abs y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_MUL)
-lemma REAL_POW_LE: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x ==> real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LE)
-lemma REAL_POW_LT: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x ==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LT)
-lemma REAL_ABS_POW: "real_abs (real_pow x n) = real_pow (real_abs x) n"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_POW)
-lemma REAL_LE_LMUL: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_le xa xb
-==> real_le (real_mul x xa) (real_mul x xb)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LMUL)
-lemma REAL_LE_RMUL: "real_le x y & real_le (real_of_num 0) z
-==> real_le (real_mul x z) (real_mul y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RMUL)
-lemma REAL_LT_LMUL: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt xa xb
-==> real_lt (real_mul x xa) (real_mul x xb)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LMUL)
-lemma REAL_LT_RMUL: "real_lt x y & real_lt (real_of_num 0) z
-==> real_lt (real_mul x z) (real_mul y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RMUL)
-lemma REAL_EQ_MUL_LCANCEL: "(real_mul x y = real_mul x z) = (x = real_of_num 0 | y = z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_MUL_LCANCEL)
-lemma REAL_EQ_MUL_RCANCEL: "(real_mul x xb = real_mul xa xb) = (x = xa | xb = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_MUL_RCANCEL)
-lemma REAL_MUL_LINV_UNIQ: "real_mul x y = real_of_num 1 ==> real_inv y = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_LINV_UNIQ)
-lemma REAL_MUL_RINV_UNIQ: "real_mul x xa = real_of_num 1 ==> real_inv x = xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_RINV_UNIQ)
-lemma REAL_INV_INV: "real_inv (real_inv x) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_INV)
-lemma REAL_EQ_INV2: "(real_inv x = real_inv y) = (x = y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_INV2)
-lemma REAL_INV_EQ_0: "(real_inv x = real_of_num 0) = (x = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_EQ_0)
-lemma REAL_LT_INV: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x ==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_INV)
-lemma REAL_LT_INV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_inv x) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_INV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_INV_NEG: "real_inv (real_neg x) = real_neg (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_NEG)
-lemma REAL_LE_INV_EQ: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_inv x) = real_le (real_of_num 0) x"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_INV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LE_INV: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x ==> real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_INV)
-lemma REAL_MUL_RINV: "x ~= real_of_num 0 ==> real_mul x (real_inv x) = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_RINV)
-lemma REAL_INV_1: "real_inv (real_of_num 1) = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_1)
-lemma REAL_INV_EQ_1: "(real_inv x = real_of_num 1) = (x = real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_EQ_1)
-lemma REAL_DIV_1: "real_div x (real_of_num 1) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIV_1)
-lemma REAL_DIV_REFL: "x ~= real_of_num 0 ==> real_div x x = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIV_REFL)
-lemma REAL_DIV_RMUL: "xa ~= real_of_num 0 ==> real_mul (real_div x xa) xa = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIV_RMUL)
-lemma REAL_DIV_LMUL: "xa ~= real_of_num 0 ==> real_mul xa (real_div x xa) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIV_LMUL)
-lemma REAL_ABS_INV: "real_abs (real_inv x) = real_inv (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_INV)
-lemma REAL_ABS_DIV: "real_abs (real_div x xa) = real_div (real_abs x) (real_abs xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_DIV)
-lemma REAL_INV_MUL: "real_inv (real_mul x y) = real_mul (real_inv x) (real_inv y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_MUL)
-lemma REAL_INV_DIV: "real_inv (real_div x xa) = real_div xa x"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_DIV)
-lemma REAL_POW_MUL: "real_pow (real_mul x y) n = real_mul (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_MUL)
-lemma REAL_POW_INV: "real_pow (real_inv x) n = real_inv (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_INV)
-lemma REAL_INV_POW: "real_inv (real_pow x xa) = real_pow (real_inv x) xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_POW)
-lemma REAL_POW_DIV: "real_pow (real_div x xa) xb = real_div (real_pow x xb) (real_pow xa xb)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_DIV)
-lemma REAL_POW_ADD: "real_pow x (m + n) = real_mul (real_pow x m) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_ADD)
-lemma REAL_POW_NZ: "x ~= real_of_num 0 ==> real_pow x n ~= real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_NZ)
-lemma REAL_POW_SUB: "x ~= real_of_num 0 & m <= n
-==> real_pow x (n - m) = real_div (real_pow x n) (real_pow x m)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_SUB)
-lemma REAL_LT_IMP_NZ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x ==> x ~= real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_IMP_NZ)
-lemma REAL_LT_LCANCEL_IMP: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_mul x y) (real_mul x z)
-==> real_lt y z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LCANCEL_IMP)
-lemma REAL_LT_RCANCEL_IMP: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb & real_lt (real_mul x xb) (real_mul xa xb)
-==> real_lt x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RCANCEL_IMP)
-lemma REAL_LE_LCANCEL_IMP: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_le (real_mul x y) (real_mul x z)
-==> real_le y z"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LCANCEL_IMP)
-lemma REAL_LE_RCANCEL_IMP: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb & real_le (real_mul x xb) (real_mul xa xb)
-==> real_le x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RCANCEL_IMP)
-lemma REAL_LE_RMUL_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) z
-==> real_le (real_mul x z) (real_mul y z) = real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RMUL_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LE_LMUL_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) z
-==> real_le (real_mul z x) (real_mul z y) = real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LMUL_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LT_RMUL_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb
-==> real_lt (real_mul x xb) (real_mul xa xb) = real_lt x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RMUL_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LT_LMUL_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb
-==> real_lt (real_mul xb x) (real_mul xb xa) = real_lt x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LMUL_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LE_MUL_EQ: "(ALL x y.
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) x -->
- real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x y) = real_le (real_of_num 0) y) &
-(ALL x y.
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) y -->
- real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x y) = real_le (real_of_num 0) x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_MUL_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LT_MUL_EQ: "(ALL x y.
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) x -->
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x y) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) y) &
-(ALL x y.
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) y -->
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x y) = real_lt (real_of_num 0) x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_MUL_EQ)
-lemma REAL_MUL_POS_LT: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x y) =
-(real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y |
- real_lt x (real_of_num 0) & real_lt y (real_of_num 0))"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_POS_LT)
-lemma REAL_MUL_POS_LE: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x xa) =
-(x = real_of_num 0 |
- xa = real_of_num 0 |
- real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_of_num 0) xa |
- real_lt x (real_of_num 0) & real_lt xa (real_of_num 0))"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_POS_LE)
-lemma REAL_LE_RDIV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) z
-==> real_le x (real_div y z) = real_le (real_mul x z) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RDIV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LE_LDIV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) z
-==> real_le (real_div x z) y = real_le x (real_mul y z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LDIV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LT_RDIV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb
-==> real_lt x (real_div xa xb) = real_lt (real_mul x xb) xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RDIV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LT_LDIV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb
-==> real_lt (real_div x xb) xa = real_lt x (real_mul xa xb)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LDIV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_EQ_RDIV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb ==> (x = real_div xa xb) = (real_mul x xb = xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_RDIV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_EQ_LDIV_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb ==> (real_div x xb = xa) = (x = real_mul xa xb)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_LDIV_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LT_DIV2_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb
-==> real_lt (real_div x xb) (real_div xa xb) = real_lt x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_DIV2_EQ)
-lemma REAL_LE_DIV2_EQ: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) xb
-==> real_le (real_div x xb) (real_div xa xb) = real_le x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_DIV2_EQ)
-lemma REAL_MUL_2: "real_mul (real_of_num 2) x = real_add x x"
- by (import hollight REAL_MUL_2)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_0: "(real_pow x n = real_of_num 0) = (x = real_of_num 0 & n ~= 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_0)
-lemma REAL_LE_MUL2: "real_le (real_of_num 0) w &
-real_le w x & real_le (real_of_num 0) y & real_le y z
-==> real_le (real_mul w y) (real_mul x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_MUL2)
-lemma REAL_LT_MUL2: "real_le (real_of_num 0) w &
-real_lt w x & real_le (real_of_num 0) y & real_lt y z
-==> real_lt (real_mul w y) (real_mul x z)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_MUL2)
-lemma REAL_LT_SQUARE: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_mul x x) = (x ~= real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_SQUARE)
-lemma REAL_POW_1: "real_pow x 1 = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_1)
-lemma REAL_POW_ONE: "real_pow (real_of_num 1) n = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_ONE)
-lemma REAL_LT_INV2: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt x y
-==> real_lt (real_inv y) (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_INV2)
-lemma REAL_LE_INV2: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_le x y
-==> real_le (real_inv y) (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_INV2)
-lemma REAL_LT_LINV: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) y & real_lt (real_inv y) x
-==> real_lt (real_inv x) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_LINV)
-lemma REAL_LT_RINV: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt x (real_inv y)
-==> real_lt y (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_RINV)
-lemma REAL_LE_LINV: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) y & real_le (real_inv y) x
-==> real_le (real_inv x) y"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_LINV)
-lemma REAL_LE_RINV: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_le x (real_inv y)
-==> real_le y (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_RINV)
-lemma REAL_INV_LE_1: "real_le (real_of_num 1) x ==> real_le (real_inv x) (real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_LE_1)
-lemma REAL_INV_1_LE: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_le x (real_of_num 1)
-==> real_le (real_of_num 1) (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_1_LE)
-lemma REAL_INV_LT_1: "real_lt (real_of_num 1) x ==> real_lt (real_inv x) (real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_LT_1)
-lemma REAL_INV_1_LT: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt x (real_of_num 1)
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 1) (real_inv x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_INV_1_LT)
-lemma REAL_SUB_INV: "x ~= real_of_num 0 & xa ~= real_of_num 0
-==> real_sub (real_inv x) (real_inv xa) =
- real_div (real_sub xa x) (real_mul x xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_INV)
-lemma REAL_DOWN: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) d ==> EX x. real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt x d"
- by (import hollight REAL_DOWN)
-lemma REAL_DOWN2: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) d1 & real_lt (real_of_num 0) d2
-==> EX e. real_lt (real_of_num 0) e & real_lt e d1 & real_lt e d2"
- by (import hollight REAL_DOWN2)
-lemma REAL_POW_LE2: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_le x y
-==> real_le (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LE2)
-lemma REAL_POW_LE_1: "real_le (real_of_num 1) x ==> real_le (real_of_num 1) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LE_1)
-lemma REAL_POW_1_LE: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_le x (real_of_num 1)
-==> real_le (real_pow x n) (real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_1_LE)
-lemma REAL_POW_MONO: "real_le (real_of_num 1) x & m <= n ==> real_le (real_pow x m) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_MONO)
-lemma REAL_POW_LT2: "n ~= 0 & real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt x y
-==> real_lt (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LT2)
-lemma REAL_POW_LT_1: "n ~= 0 & real_lt (real_of_num 1) x
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 1) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LT_1)
-lemma REAL_POW_1_LT: "n ~= 0 & real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt x (real_of_num 1)
-==> real_lt (real_pow x n) (real_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_1_LT)
-lemma REAL_POW_MONO_LT: "real_lt (real_of_num 1) x & m < n ==> real_lt (real_pow x m) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_MONO_LT)
-lemma REAL_POW_POW: "real_pow (real_pow x m) n = real_pow x (m * n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_POW)
-lemma REAL_EQ_RCANCEL_IMP: "z ~= real_of_num 0 & real_mul x z = real_mul y z ==> x = y"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_RCANCEL_IMP)
-lemma REAL_EQ_LCANCEL_IMP: "xb ~= real_of_num 0 & real_mul xb x = real_mul xb xa ==> x = xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_LCANCEL_IMP)
-lemma REAL_LT_DIV: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) x & real_lt (real_of_num 0) xa
-==> real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_div x xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_DIV)
-lemma REAL_LE_DIV: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_le (real_of_num 0) xa
-==> real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_div x xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_DIV)
-lemma REAL_DIV_POW2: "x ~= real_of_num 0
-==> real_div (real_pow x m) (real_pow x n) =
- (if n <= m then real_pow x (m - n) else real_inv (real_pow x (n - m)))"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIV_POW2)
-lemma REAL_DIV_POW2_ALT: "x ~= real_of_num 0
-==> real_div (real_pow x m) (real_pow x n) =
- (if n < m then real_pow x (m - n) else real_inv (real_pow x (n - m)))"
- by (import hollight REAL_DIV_POW2_ALT)
-lemma REAL_LT_POW2: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) (real_pow (real_of_num 2) x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_POW2)
-lemma REAL_LE_POW2: "real_le (real_of_num 1) (real_pow (real_of_num 2) n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_POW2)
-lemma REAL_POW2_ABS: "real_pow (real_abs x) 2 = real_pow x 2"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW2_ABS)
-lemma REAL_LE_SQUARE_ABS: "real_le (real_abs x) (real_abs y) = real_le (real_pow x 2) (real_pow y 2)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_SQUARE_ABS)
-lemma REAL_LT_SQUARE_ABS: "real_lt (real_abs x) (real_abs xa) = real_lt (real_pow x 2) (real_pow xa 2)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LT_SQUARE_ABS)
-lemma REAL_EQ_SQUARE_ABS: "(real_abs x = real_abs xa) = (real_pow x 2 = real_pow xa 2)"
- by (import hollight REAL_EQ_SQUARE_ABS)
-lemma REAL_LE_POW_2: "real_le (real_of_num 0) (real_pow x 2)"
- by (import hollight REAL_LE_POW_2)
-lemma REAL_SOS_EQ_0: "(real_add (real_pow x 2) (real_pow y 2) = real_of_num 0) =
-(x = real_of_num 0 & y = real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SOS_EQ_0)
-lemma REAL_POW_ZERO: "real_pow (real_of_num 0) n =
-(if n = 0 then real_of_num 1 else real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_ZERO)
-lemma REAL_POW_MONO_INV: "real_le (real_of_num 0) x & real_le x (real_of_num 1) & n <= m
-==> real_le (real_pow x m) (real_pow x n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_MONO_INV)
-lemma REAL_POW_LE2_REV: "n ~= 0 & real_le (real_of_num 0) y & real_le (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n)
-==> real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LE2_REV)
-lemma REAL_POW_LT2_REV: "real_le (real_of_num 0) y & real_lt (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n)
-==> real_lt x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LT2_REV)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ: "x ~= 0 &
-real_le (real_of_num 0) xa &
-real_le (real_of_num 0) xb & real_pow xa x = real_pow xb x
-==> xa = xb"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_ABS: "n ~= 0 & real_pow x n = real_pow y n ==> real_abs x = real_abs y"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_ABS)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_1_IMP: "n ~= 0 & real_pow x n = real_of_num 1 ==> real_abs x = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_1_IMP)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_1: "(real_pow x n = real_of_num 1) =
-(real_abs x = real_of_num 1 & (real_lt x (real_of_num 0) --> even n) |
- n = 0)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_1)
-lemma REAL_POW_LT2_ODD: "real_lt x y & odd n ==> real_lt (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LT2_ODD)
-lemma REAL_POW_LE2_ODD: "real_le xa xb & odd x ==> real_le (real_pow xa x) (real_pow xb x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LE2_ODD)
-lemma REAL_POW_LT2_ODD_EQ: "odd n ==> real_lt (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n) = real_lt x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LT2_ODD_EQ)
-lemma REAL_POW_LE2_ODD_EQ: "odd n ==> real_le (real_pow x n) (real_pow y n) = real_le x y"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_LE2_ODD_EQ)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_ODD_EQ: "odd x ==> (real_pow xa x = real_pow xb x) = (xa = xb)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_ODD_EQ)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_ODD: "odd n & real_pow x n = real_pow y n ==> x = y"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_ODD)
-lemma REAL_POW_EQ_EQ: "(real_pow x n = real_pow y n) =
-(if even n then n = 0 | real_abs x = real_abs y else x = y)"
- by (import hollight REAL_POW_EQ_EQ)
- real_sgn :: "hollight.real => hollight.real" where
- "real_sgn ==
-%u. if real_lt (real_of_num 0) u then real_of_num 1
- else if real_lt u (real_of_num 0) then real_neg (real_of_num 1)
- else real_of_num 0"
-lemma DEF_real_sgn: "real_sgn =
-(%u. if real_lt (real_of_num 0) u then real_of_num 1
- else if real_lt u (real_of_num 0) then real_neg (real_of_num 1)
- else real_of_num 0)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_sgn)
-lemma REAL_SGN_0: "real_sgn (real_of_num 0) = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN_0)
-lemma REAL_SGN_NEG: "real_sgn (real_neg x) = real_neg (real_sgn x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN_NEG)
-lemma REAL_SGN_ABS: "real_mul (real_sgn x) (real_abs x) = x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN_ABS)
-lemma REAL_ABS_SGN: "real_abs (real_sgn x) = real_sgn (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_ABS_SGN)
-lemma REAL_SGN: "real_sgn x = real_div x (real_abs x)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN)
-lemma REAL_SGN_MUL: "real_sgn (real_mul x xa) = real_mul (real_sgn x) (real_sgn xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN_MUL)
-lemma REAL_SGN_INV: "real_sgn (real_inv x) = real_sgn x"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN_INV)
-lemma REAL_SGN_DIV: "real_sgn (real_div x xa) = real_div (real_sgn x) (real_sgn xa)"
- by (import hollight REAL_SGN_DIV)
-lemma REAL_WLOG_LE: "(ALL x y. P x y = P y x) & (ALL x y. real_le x y --> P x y) ==> P x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_WLOG_LE)
-lemma REAL_WLOG_LT: "(ALL x. P x x) & (ALL x y. P x y = P y x) & (ALL x y. real_lt x y --> P x y)
-==> P x xa"
- by (import hollight REAL_WLOG_LT)
- DECIMAL :: "nat => nat => hollight.real" where
- "DECIMAL == %u ua. real_div (real_of_num u) (real_of_num ua)"
-lemma DEF_DECIMAL: "DECIMAL = (%u ua. real_div (real_of_num u) (real_of_num ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_DECIMAL)
-lemma RAT_LEMMA1: "y1 ~= real_of_num 0 & y2 ~= real_of_num 0
-==> real_add (real_div x1 y1) (real_div x2 y2) =
- real_mul (real_add (real_mul x1 y2) (real_mul x2 y1))
- (real_mul (real_inv y1) (real_inv y2))"
- by (import hollight RAT_LEMMA1)
-lemma RAT_LEMMA2: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) y1 & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y2
-==> real_add (real_div x1 y1) (real_div x2 y2) =
- real_mul (real_add (real_mul x1 y2) (real_mul x2 y1))
- (real_mul (real_inv y1) (real_inv y2))"
- by (import hollight RAT_LEMMA2)
-lemma RAT_LEMMA3: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) y1 & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y2
-==> real_sub (real_div x1 y1) (real_div x2 y2) =
- real_mul (real_sub (real_mul x1 y2) (real_mul x2 y1))
- (real_mul (real_inv y1) (real_inv y2))"
- by (import hollight RAT_LEMMA3)
-lemma RAT_LEMMA4: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) y1 & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y2
-==> real_le (real_div x1 y1) (real_div x2 y2) =
- real_le (real_mul x1 y2) (real_mul x2 y1)"
- by (import hollight RAT_LEMMA4)
-lemma RAT_LEMMA5: "real_lt (real_of_num 0) y1 & real_lt (real_of_num 0) y2
-==> (real_div x1 y1 = real_div x2 y2) = (real_mul x1 y2 = real_mul x2 y1)"
- by (import hollight RAT_LEMMA5)
-lemma REAL_INTEGRAL: "(ALL x. real_mul (real_of_num 0) x = real_of_num 0) &
-(ALL x y z. (real_add x y = real_add x z) = (y = z)) &
-(ALL w x y z.
- (real_add (real_mul w y) (real_mul x z) =
- real_add (real_mul w z) (real_mul x y)) =
- (w = x | y = z))"
- by (import hollight REAL_INTEGRAL)
- integer :: "hollight.real => bool" where
- "integer == %u. EX n. real_abs u = real_of_num n"
-lemma DEF_integer: "integer = (%u. EX n. real_abs u = real_of_num n)"
- by (import hollight DEF_integer)
-lemma is_int: "integer x = (EX n. x = real_of_num n | x = real_neg (real_of_num n))"
- by (import hollight is_int)
-typedef (open) int = "Collect integer" morphisms "real_of_int" "int_of_real"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="Eps integer"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_int)
- real_of_int :: _
- int_of_real :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_int_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: hollight.int" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_int]
-lemma dest_int_rep: "EX n. hollight.real_of_int x = real_of_num n |
- hollight.real_of_int x = real_neg (real_of_num n)"
- by (import hollight dest_int_rep)
- int_le :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => bool" where
- "int_le == %u ua. real_le (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)"
-lemma DEF_int_le: "int_le = (%u ua. real_le (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_le)
- int_lt :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => bool" where
- "int_lt == %u ua. real_lt (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)"
-lemma DEF_int_lt: "int_lt = (%u ua. real_lt (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_lt)
- int_ge :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => bool" where
- "int_ge == %u ua. real_ge (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)"
-lemma DEF_int_ge: "int_ge = (%u ua. real_ge (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_ge)
- int_gt :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => bool" where
- "int_gt == %u ua. real_gt (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)"
-lemma DEF_int_gt: "int_gt = (%u ua. real_gt (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_gt)
- int_of_num :: "nat => hollight.int" where
- "int_of_num == %u. int_of_real (real_of_num u)"
-lemma DEF_int_of_num: "int_of_num = (%u. int_of_real (real_of_num u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_of_num)
-lemma int_of_num_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_of_num x) = real_of_num x"
- by (import hollight int_of_num_th)
- int_neg :: "hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_neg == %u. int_of_real (real_neg (hollight.real_of_int u))"
-lemma DEF_int_neg: "int_neg = (%u. int_of_real (real_neg (hollight.real_of_int u)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_neg)
-lemma int_neg_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_neg x) = real_neg (hollight.real_of_int x)"
- by (import hollight int_neg_th)
- int_add :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_add ==
-%u ua.
- int_of_real (real_add (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
-lemma DEF_int_add: "int_add =
-(%u ua.
- int_of_real
- (real_add (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_add)
-lemma int_add_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_add x xa) =
-real_add (hollight.real_of_int x) (hollight.real_of_int xa)"
- by (import hollight int_add_th)
- int_sub :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_sub ==
-%u ua.
- int_of_real (real_sub (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
-lemma DEF_int_sub: "int_sub =
-(%u ua.
- int_of_real
- (real_sub (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_sub)
-lemma int_sub_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_sub x xa) =
-real_sub (hollight.real_of_int x) (hollight.real_of_int xa)"
- by (import hollight int_sub_th)
- int_mul :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_mul ==
-%u ua.
- int_of_real (real_mul (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
-lemma DEF_int_mul: "int_mul =
-(%u ua.
- int_of_real
- (real_mul (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_mul)
-lemma int_mul_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_mul x y) =
-real_mul (hollight.real_of_int x) (hollight.real_of_int y)"
- by (import hollight int_mul_th)
- int_abs :: "hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_abs == %u. int_of_real (real_abs (hollight.real_of_int u))"
-lemma DEF_int_abs: "int_abs = (%u. int_of_real (real_abs (hollight.real_of_int u)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_abs)
-lemma int_abs_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_abs x) = real_abs (hollight.real_of_int x)"
- by (import hollight int_abs_th)
- int_sgn :: "hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_sgn == %u. int_of_real (real_sgn (hollight.real_of_int u))"
-lemma DEF_int_sgn: "int_sgn = (%u. int_of_real (real_sgn (hollight.real_of_int u)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_sgn)
-lemma int_sgn_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_sgn x) = real_sgn (hollight.real_of_int x)"
- by (import hollight int_sgn_th)
- int_max :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_max ==
-%u ua.
- int_of_real (real_max (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
-lemma DEF_int_max: "int_max =
-(%u ua.
- int_of_real
- (real_max (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_max)
-lemma int_max_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_max x y) =
-real_max (hollight.real_of_int x) (hollight.real_of_int y)"
- by (import hollight int_max_th)
- int_min :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "int_min ==
-%u ua.
- int_of_real (real_min (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua))"
-lemma DEF_int_min: "int_min =
-(%u ua.
- int_of_real
- (real_min (hollight.real_of_int u) (hollight.real_of_int ua)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_min)
-lemma int_min_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_min x y) =
-real_min (hollight.real_of_int x) (hollight.real_of_int y)"
- by (import hollight int_min_th)
- int_pow :: "hollight.int => nat => hollight.int" where
- "int_pow == %u ua. int_of_real (real_pow (hollight.real_of_int u) ua)"
-lemma DEF_int_pow: "int_pow = (%u ua. int_of_real (real_pow (hollight.real_of_int u) ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_pow)
-lemma int_pow_th: "hollight.real_of_int (int_pow x xa) = real_pow (hollight.real_of_int x) xa"
- by (import hollight int_pow_th)
-lemma INT_IMAGE: "(EX n. x = int_of_num n) | (EX n. x = int_neg (int_of_num n))"
- by (import hollight INT_IMAGE)
-lemma INT_LT_DISCRETE: "int_lt x y = int_le (int_add x (int_of_num 1)) y"
- by (import hollight INT_LT_DISCRETE)
-lemma INT_GT_DISCRETE: "int_gt x xa = int_ge x (int_add xa (int_of_num 1))"
- by (import hollight INT_GT_DISCRETE)
-lemma INT_FORALL_POS: "(ALL n. P (int_of_num n)) = (ALL i. int_le (int_of_num 0) i --> P i)"
- by (import hollight INT_FORALL_POS)
-lemma INT_EXISTS_POS: "(EX n. P (int_of_num n)) = (EX i. int_le (int_of_num 0) i & P i)"
- by (import hollight INT_EXISTS_POS)
-lemma INT_FORALL_ABS: "(ALL n. x (int_of_num n)) = (ALL xa. x (int_abs xa))"
- by (import hollight INT_FORALL_ABS)
-lemma INT_EXISTS_ABS: "(EX n. P (int_of_num n)) = (EX x. P (int_abs x))"
- by (import hollight INT_EXISTS_ABS)
-lemma INT_ABS_MUL_1: "(int_abs (int_mul x y) = int_of_num 1) =
-(int_abs x = int_of_num 1 & int_abs y = int_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight INT_ABS_MUL_1)
-lemma INT_WOP: "(EX x. int_le (int_of_num 0) x & P x) =
-(EX x. int_le (int_of_num 0) x &
- P x & (ALL y. int_le (int_of_num 0) y & P y --> int_le x y))"
- by (import hollight INT_WOP)
-lemma INT_POW: "int_pow x 0 = int_of_num 1 &
-(ALL xa. int_pow x (Suc xa) = int_mul x (int_pow x xa))"
- by (import hollight INT_POW)
-lemma INT_ABS: "int_abs x = (if int_le (int_of_num 0) x then x else int_neg x)"
- by (import hollight INT_ABS)
-lemma INT_GE: "int_ge x xa = int_le xa x"
- by (import hollight INT_GE)
-lemma INT_GT: "int_gt x xa = int_lt xa x"
- by (import hollight INT_GT)
-lemma INT_LT: "int_lt x xa = (~ int_le xa x)"
- by (import hollight INT_LT)
-lemma INT_ARCH: "d ~= int_of_num 0 ==> EX c. int_lt x (int_mul c d)"
- by (import hollight INT_ARCH)
-lemma INT_DIVMOD_EXIST_0: "EX x xa.
- if n = int_of_num 0 then x = int_of_num 0 & xa = m
- else int_le (int_of_num 0) xa &
- int_lt xa (int_abs n) & m = int_add (int_mul x n) xa"
- by (import hollight INT_DIVMOD_EXIST_0)
- div :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" ("div")
- div_def: "div ==
-SOME q.
- EX r. ALL m n.
- if n = int_of_num 0 then q m n = int_of_num 0 & r m n = m
- else int_le (int_of_num 0) (r m n) &
- int_lt (r m n) (int_abs n) &
- m = int_add (int_mul (q m n) n) (r m n)"
-lemma DEF_div: "div =
-(SOME q.
- EX r. ALL m n.
- if n = int_of_num 0 then q m n = int_of_num 0 & r m n = m
- else int_le (int_of_num 0) (r m n) &
- int_lt (r m n) (int_abs n) &
- m = int_add (int_mul (q m n) n) (r m n))"
- by (import hollight DEF_div)
- rem :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int" where
- "rem ==
-SOME r.
- ALL m n.
- if n = int_of_num 0 then div m n = int_of_num 0 & r m n = m
- else int_le (int_of_num 0) (r m n) &
- int_lt (r m n) (int_abs n) &
- m = int_add (int_mul (div m n) n) (r m n)"
-lemma DEF_rem: "rem =
-(SOME r.
- ALL m n.
- if n = int_of_num 0 then div m n = int_of_num 0 & r m n = m
- else int_le (int_of_num 0) (r m n) &
- int_lt (r m n) (int_abs n) &
- m = int_add (int_mul (div m n) n) (r m n))"
- by (import hollight DEF_rem)
-lemma INT_DIVISION: "n ~= int_of_num 0
-==> m = int_add (int_mul (div m n) n) (rem m n) &
- int_le (int_of_num 0) (rem m n) & int_lt (rem m n) (int_abs n)"
- by (import hollight INT_DIVISION)
-lemma sth: "(ALL x y z. int_add x (int_add y z) = int_add (int_add x y) z) &
-(ALL x y. int_add x y = int_add y x) &
-(ALL x. int_add (int_of_num 0) x = x) &
-(ALL x y z. int_mul x (int_mul y z) = int_mul (int_mul x y) z) &
-(ALL x y. int_mul x y = int_mul y x) &
-(ALL x. int_mul (int_of_num 1) x = x) &
-(ALL x. int_mul (int_of_num 0) x = int_of_num 0) &
-(ALL x y z. int_mul x (int_add y z) = int_add (int_mul x y) (int_mul x z)) &
-(ALL x. int_pow x 0 = int_of_num 1) &
-(ALL x xa. int_pow x (Suc xa) = int_mul x (int_pow x xa))"
- by (import hollight sth)
-lemma INT_INTEGRAL: "(ALL x. int_mul (int_of_num 0) x = int_of_num 0) &
-(ALL x y z. (int_add x y = int_add x z) = (y = z)) &
-(ALL w x y z.
- (int_add (int_mul w y) (int_mul x z) =
- int_add (int_mul w z) (int_mul x y)) =
- (w = x | y = z))"
- by (import hollight INT_INTEGRAL)
-lemma INT_DIVMOD_UNIQ: "m = int_add (int_mul q n) r & int_le (int_of_num 0) r & int_lt r (int_abs n)
-==> div m n = q & rem m n = r"
- by (import hollight INT_DIVMOD_UNIQ)
- eqeq :: "'A => 'A => ('A => 'A => bool) => bool"
- eqeq_def: "hollight.eqeq == %(u::'A) (ua::'A) ub::'A => 'A => bool. ub u ua"
-lemma DEF__equal__equal_: "hollight.eqeq = (%(u::'A) (ua::'A) ub::'A => 'A => bool. ub u ua)"
- by (import hollight DEF__equal__equal_)
- real_mod :: "hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real => bool" where
- "real_mod == %u ua ub. EX q. integer q & real_sub ua ub = real_mul q u"
-lemma DEF_real_mod: "real_mod = (%u ua ub. EX q. integer q & real_sub ua ub = real_mul q u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_real_mod)
- int_divides :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => bool" where
- "int_divides == %u ua. EX x. ua = int_mul u x"
-lemma DEF_int_divides: "int_divides = (%u ua. EX x. ua = int_mul u x)"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_divides)
- int_mod :: "hollight.int => hollight.int => hollight.int => bool"
- int_mod_def: "hollight.int_mod == %u ua ub. int_divides u (int_sub ua ub)"
-lemma DEF_int_mod: "hollight.int_mod = (%u ua ub. int_divides u (int_sub ua ub))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_mod)
-lemma int_congruent: "hollight.eqeq x xa (hollight.int_mod xb) =
-(EX d. int_sub x xa = int_mul xb d)"
- by (import hollight int_congruent)
- int_coprime :: "hollight.int * hollight.int => bool"
- int_coprime_def: "hollight.int_coprime ==
-%u. EX x y. int_add (int_mul (fst u) x) (int_mul (snd u) y) = int_of_num 1"
-lemma DEF_int_coprime: "hollight.int_coprime =
-(%u. EX x y. int_add (int_mul (fst u) x) (int_mul (snd u) y) = int_of_num 1)"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_coprime)
-lemma FORALL_UNCURRY: "All (P::('A => 'B => 'C) => bool) =
-(ALL f::'A * 'B => 'C. P (%(a::'A) b::'B. f (a, b)))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_UNCURRY)
-lemma EXISTS_UNCURRY: "Ex (x::('A => 'B => 'C) => bool) =
-(EX f::'A * 'B => 'C. x (%(a::'A) b::'B. f (a, b)))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_UNCURRY)
-lemma WF_INT_MEASURE: "(ALL x::'A. int_le (int_of_num (0::nat)) ((m::'A => hollight.int) x)) &
-(ALL x::'A. (ALL y::'A. int_lt (m y) (m x) --> (P::'A => bool) y) --> P x)
-==> P (x::'A)"
- by (import hollight WF_INT_MEASURE)
-lemma WF_INT_MEASURE_2: "(ALL (x::'A) y::'B.
- int_le (int_of_num (0::nat)) ((m::'A => 'B => hollight.int) x y)) &
-(ALL (x::'A) y::'B.
- (ALL (x'::'A) y'::'B.
- int_lt (m x' y') (m x y) --> (P::'A => 'B => bool) x' y') -->
- P x y)
-==> P (x::'A) (xa::'B)"
- by (import hollight WF_INT_MEASURE_2)
-lemma INT_GCD_EXISTS: "EX d. int_divides d a &
- int_divides d b & (EX x y. d = int_add (int_mul a x) (int_mul b y))"
- by (import hollight INT_GCD_EXISTS)
-lemma INT_GCD_EXISTS_POS: "EX d. int_le (int_of_num 0) d &
- int_divides d a &
- int_divides d b & (EX x y. d = int_add (int_mul a x) (int_mul b y))"
- by (import hollight INT_GCD_EXISTS_POS)
- int_gcd :: "hollight.int * hollight.int => hollight.int"
- int_gcd_def: "hollight.int_gcd ==
-SOME d.
- ALL a b.
- int_le (int_of_num 0) (d (a, b)) &
- int_divides (d (a, b)) a &
- int_divides (d (a, b)) b &
- (EX x y. d (a, b) = int_add (int_mul a x) (int_mul b y))"
-lemma DEF_int_gcd: "hollight.int_gcd =
-(SOME d.
- ALL a b.
- int_le (int_of_num 0) (d (a, b)) &
- int_divides (d (a, b)) a &
- int_divides (d (a, b)) b &
- (EX x y. d (a, b) = int_add (int_mul a x) (int_mul b y)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_int_gcd)
- num_of_int :: "hollight.int => nat" where
- "num_of_int == %u. SOME n. int_of_num n = u"
-lemma DEF_num_of_int: "num_of_int = (%u. SOME n. int_of_num n = u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_num_of_int)
-lemma NUM_OF_INT_OF_NUM: "num_of_int (int_of_num x) = x"
- by (import hollight NUM_OF_INT_OF_NUM)
-lemma INT_OF_NUM_OF_INT: "int_le (int_of_num 0) x ==> int_of_num (num_of_int x) = x"
- by (import hollight INT_OF_NUM_OF_INT)
-lemma NUM_OF_INT: "int_le (int_of_num 0) x = (int_of_num (num_of_int x) = x)"
- by (import hollight NUM_OF_INT)
- num_divides :: "nat => nat => bool" where
- "num_divides == %u ua. int_divides (int_of_num u) (int_of_num ua)"
-lemma DEF_num_divides: "num_divides = (%u ua. int_divides (int_of_num u) (int_of_num ua))"
- by (import hollight DEF_num_divides)
- num_mod :: "nat => nat => nat => bool" where
- "num_mod ==
-%u ua ub. hollight.int_mod (int_of_num u) (int_of_num ua) (int_of_num ub)"
-lemma DEF_num_mod: "num_mod =
-(%u ua ub. hollight.int_mod (int_of_num u) (int_of_num ua) (int_of_num ub))"
- by (import hollight DEF_num_mod)
-lemma num_congruent: "hollight.eqeq x xa (num_mod xb) =
-hollight.eqeq (int_of_num x) (int_of_num xa)
- (hollight.int_mod (int_of_num xb))"
- by (import hollight num_congruent)
- num_coprime :: "nat * nat => bool" where
- "num_coprime ==
-%u. hollight.int_coprime (int_of_num (fst u), int_of_num (snd u))"
-lemma DEF_num_coprime: "num_coprime =
-(%u. hollight.int_coprime (int_of_num (fst u), int_of_num (snd u)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_num_coprime)
- num_gcd :: "nat * nat => nat" where
- "num_gcd ==
-%u. num_of_int (hollight.int_gcd (int_of_num (fst u), int_of_num (snd u)))"
-lemma DEF_num_gcd: "num_gcd =
-(%u. num_of_int (hollight.int_gcd (int_of_num (fst u), int_of_num (snd u))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_num_gcd)
-lemma NUM_GCD: "int_of_num (num_gcd (x, xa)) =
-hollight.int_gcd (int_of_num x, int_of_num xa)"
- by (import hollight NUM_GCD)
-lemma IN_ELIM_THM: "(ALL (P::(bool => 'q_43295 => bool) => bool) x::'q_43295.
- (x : {v::'q_43295. P (SETSPEC v)}) =
- P (%(p::bool) t::'q_43295. p & x = t)) &
-(ALL (p::'q_43326 => bool) x::'q_43326.
- (x : {v::'q_43326. EX y::'q_43326. p y & v = y}) = p x) &
-(ALL (P::(bool => 'q_43354 => bool) => bool) x::'q_43354.
- x \<in> {v::'q_43354. P (SETSPEC v)} =
- P (%(p::bool) t::'q_43354. p & x = t)) &
-(ALL (p::'q_43383 => bool) x::'q_43383.
- x \<in> {v::'q_43383. EX y::'q_43383. p y & v = y} = p x) &
-(ALL (p::'q_43400 => bool) x::'q_43400. p x \<longleftrightarrow> p x)"
- by (import hollight IN_ELIM_THM)
-lemma INSERT: "insert (x::'A) (s::'A set) = {u::'A. EX y::'A. (y : s | y = x) & u = y}"
- by (import hollight INSERT)
- SING :: "('A set) => bool" where
- "SING == %u::'A set. EX x::'A. u = {x}"
-lemma DEF_SING: "SING = (%u::'A set. EX x::'A. u = {x})"
- by (import hollight DEF_SING)
- INJ :: "('A => 'B) => ('A => bool) => ('B => bool) => bool" where
- "INJ ==
-%(u::'A => 'B) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'B => bool.
- (ALL x::'A. x : ua --> u x : ub) &
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. x : ua & y : ua & u x = u y --> x = y)"
-lemma DEF_INJ: "INJ =
-(%(u::'A => 'B) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'B => bool.
- (ALL x::'A. x : ua --> u x : ub) &
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. x : ua & y : ua & u x = u y --> x = y))"
- by (import hollight DEF_INJ)
- SURJ :: "('A => 'B) => ('A => bool) => ('B => bool) => bool" where
- "SURJ ==
-%(u::'A => 'B) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'B => bool.
- (ALL x::'A. x : ua --> u x : ub) &
- (ALL x::'B. x : ub --> (EX y::'A. y : ua & u y = x))"
-lemma DEF_SURJ: "SURJ =
-(%(u::'A => 'B) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'B => bool.
- (ALL x::'A. x : ua --> u x : ub) &
- (ALL x::'B. x : ub --> (EX y::'A. y : ua & u y = x)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_SURJ)
- BIJ :: "('A => 'B) => ('A => bool) => ('B => bool) => bool" where
- "BIJ ==
-%(u::'A => 'B) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'B => bool. INJ u ua ub & SURJ u ua ub"
-lemma DEF_BIJ: "BIJ =
-(%(u::'A => 'B) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'B => bool. INJ u ua ub & SURJ u ua ub)"
- by (import hollight DEF_BIJ)
- REST :: "('A => bool) => 'A => bool" where
- "REST == %u::'A => bool. u - {Eps u}"
-lemma DEF_REST: "REST = (%u::'A => bool. u - {Eps u})"
- by (import hollight DEF_REST)
-lemma NOT_IN_EMPTY: "(x::'A) ~: {}"
- by (import hollight NOT_IN_EMPTY)
-lemma IN_UNIONS: "((xa::'A) : Union (x::('A => bool) => bool)) =
-(EX t::'A => bool. t : x & xa : t)"
- by (import hollight IN_UNIONS)
-lemma IN_INTERS: "((xa::'A) : Inter (x::('A => bool) => bool)) =
-(ALL t::'A => bool. t : x --> xa : t)"
- by (import hollight IN_INTERS)
-lemma IN_DELETE: "((xa::'A) : (x::'A => bool) - {xb::'A}) = (xa : x & xa ~= xb)"
- by (import hollight IN_DELETE)
-lemma IN_IMAGE: "((x::'B) : (xb::'A => 'B) ` (xa::'A => bool)) =
-(EX xc::'A. x = xb xc & xc : xa)"
- by (import hollight IN_IMAGE)
-lemma IN_REST: "((x::'A) : REST (xa::'A => bool)) = (x : xa & x ~= Eps xa)"
- by (import hollight IN_REST)
-lemma FORALL_IN_INSERT: "(ALL xc::'q_44214.
- xc : insert (xa::'q_44214) (xb::'q_44214 => bool) -->
- (x::'q_44214 => bool) xc) =
-(x xa & (ALL xa::'q_44214. xa : xb --> x xa))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_IN_INSERT)
-lemma EXISTS_IN_INSERT: "(EX xc::'q_44255.
- xc : insert (xa::'q_44255) (xb::'q_44255 => bool) &
- (x::'q_44255 => bool) xc) =
-(x xa | (EX xa::'q_44255. xa : xb & x xa))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_IN_INSERT)
-lemma CHOICE_DEF: "(x::'A => bool) ~= {} ==> Eps x : x"
- by (import hollight CHOICE_DEF)
-lemma NOT_EQUAL_SETS: "((x::'A => bool) ~= (xa::'A => bool)) = (EX xb::'A. (xb : xa) = (xb ~: x))"
- by (import hollight NOT_EQUAL_SETS)
-lemma EMPTY_NOT_UNIV: "(op ~=::('A::type => bool) => ('A::type => bool) => bool)
- ({}::'A::type => bool) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)"
- by (import hollight EMPTY_NOT_UNIV)
-lemma EQ_UNIV: "(ALL x::'A. x : (s::'A => bool)) = (s = UNIV)"
- by (import hollight EQ_UNIV)
-lemma SING_SUBSET: "({xa::'q_44493} <= (x::'q_44493 => bool)) = (xa : x)"
- by (import hollight SING_SUBSET)
-lemma PSUBSET_UNIV: "((x::'A => bool) < UNIV) = (EX xa::'A. xa ~: x)"
- by (import hollight PSUBSET_UNIV)
-lemma PSUBSET_ALT: "((x::'A => bool) < (xa::'A => bool)) =
-(x <= xa & (EX a::'A. a : xa & a ~: x))"
- by (import hollight PSUBSET_ALT)
-lemma SUBSET_UNION: "(ALL (x::'A => bool) xa::'A => bool. x <= x Un xa) &
-(ALL (x::'A => bool) xa::'A => bool. x <= xa Un x)"
- by (import hollight SUBSET_UNION)
-lemma UNION_EMPTY: "(ALL x::'A => bool. {} Un x = x) & (ALL x::'A => bool. x Un {} = x)"
- by (import hollight UNION_EMPTY)
-lemma UNION_UNIV: "(ALL x::'A => bool. UNIV Un x = UNIV) &
-(ALL x::'A => bool. x Un UNIV = UNIV)"
- by (import hollight UNION_UNIV)
-lemma INTER_SUBSET: "(ALL (x::'A => bool) xa::'A => bool. x Int xa <= x) &
-(ALL (x::'A => bool) xa::'A => bool. xa Int x <= x)"
- by (import hollight INTER_SUBSET)
-lemma INTER_EMPTY: "(ALL x::'A => bool. {} Int x = {}) & (ALL x::'A => bool. x Int {} = {})"
- by (import hollight INTER_EMPTY)
-lemma INTER_UNIV: "(ALL x::'A => bool. UNIV Int x = x) & (ALL x::'A => bool. x Int UNIV = x)"
- by (import hollight INTER_UNIV)
-lemma IN_DISJOINT: "((x::'A => bool) Int (xa::'A => bool) = {}) =
-(~ (EX xb::'A. xb : x & xb : xa))"
- by (import hollight IN_DISJOINT)
-lemma DISJOINT_SYM: "((x::'A => bool) Int (xa::'A => bool) = {}) = (xa Int x = {})"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_SYM)
-lemma DISJOINT_EMPTY: "{} Int (x::'A => bool) = {} & x Int {} = {}"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_EMPTY)
-lemma DISJOINT_EMPTY_REFL: "((x::'A => bool) = {}) = (x Int x = {})"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_EMPTY_REFL)
-lemma DISJOINT_UNION: "(((x::'A => bool) Un (xa::'A => bool)) Int (xb::'A => bool) = {}) =
-(x Int xb = {} & xa Int xb = {})"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_UNION)
-lemma DECOMPOSITION: "((x::'A) : (s::'A => bool)) = (EX t::'A => bool. s = insert x t & x ~: t)"
- by (import hollight DECOMPOSITION)
-lemma SET_CASES: "(s::'A => bool) = {} | (EX (x::'A) t::'A => bool. s = insert x t & x ~: t)"
- by (import hollight SET_CASES)
-lemma ABSORPTION: "((x::'A) : (xa::'A => bool)) = (insert x xa = xa)"
- by (import hollight ABSORPTION)
-lemma INSERT_UNIV: "insert (x::'A) UNIV = UNIV"
- by (import hollight INSERT_UNIV)
-lemma INSERT_UNION: "insert (x::'A) (s::'A => bool) Un (t::'A => bool) =
-(if x : t then s Un t else insert x (s Un t))"
- by (import hollight INSERT_UNION)
-lemma DISJOINT_INSERT: "(insert (x::'A) (xa::'A => bool) Int (xb::'A => bool) = {}) =
-(xa Int xb = {} & x ~: xb)"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_INSERT)
-lemma INSERT_AC: "insert (x::'q_45764) (insert (y::'q_45764) (s::'q_45764 => bool)) =
-insert y (insert x s) &
-insert x (insert x s) = insert x s"
- by (import hollight INSERT_AC)
-lemma INTER_ACI: "(p::'q_45831 => bool) Int (q::'q_45831 => bool) = q Int p &
-p Int q Int (r::'q_45831 => bool) = p Int (q Int r) &
-p Int (q Int r) = q Int (p Int r) & p Int p = p & p Int (p Int q) = p Int q"
- by (import hollight INTER_ACI)
-lemma UNION_ACI: "(p::'q_45897 => bool) Un (q::'q_45897 => bool) = q Un p &
-p Un q Un (r::'q_45897 => bool) = p Un (q Un r) &
-p Un (q Un r) = q Un (p Un r) & p Un p = p & p Un (p Un q) = p Un q"
- by (import hollight UNION_ACI)
-lemma DELETE_NON_ELEMENT: "((x::'A) ~: (xa::'A => bool)) = (xa - {x} = xa)"
- by (import hollight DELETE_NON_ELEMENT)
-lemma IN_DELETE_EQ: "(((x::'A) : (s::'A => bool)) = ((x'::'A) : s)) =
-((x : s - {x'}) = (x' : s - {x}))"
- by (import hollight IN_DELETE_EQ)
-lemma EMPTY_DELETE: "{} - {x::'A} = {}"
- by (import hollight EMPTY_DELETE)
-lemma DELETE_DELETE: "(xa::'A => bool) - {x::'A} - {x} = xa - {x}"
- by (import hollight DELETE_DELETE)
-lemma DELETE_COMM: "(xb::'A => bool) - {x::'A} - {xa::'A} = xb - {xa} - {x}"
- by (import hollight DELETE_COMM)
-lemma DELETE_SUBSET: "(xa::'A => bool) - {x::'A} <= xa"
- by (import hollight DELETE_SUBSET)
-lemma SUBSET_DELETE: "((xa::'A => bool) <= (xb::'A => bool) - {x::'A}) = (x ~: xa & xa <= xb)"
- by (import hollight SUBSET_DELETE)
-lemma SUBSET_INSERT_DELETE: "((xa::'A => bool) <= insert (x::'A) (xb::'A => bool)) = (xa - {x} <= xb)"
- by (import hollight SUBSET_INSERT_DELETE)
-lemma PSUBSET_INSERT_SUBSET: "((x::'A => bool) < (xa::'A => bool)) =
-(EX xb::'A. xb ~: x & insert xb x <= xa)"
- by (import hollight PSUBSET_INSERT_SUBSET)
-lemma PSUBSET_MEMBER: "((x::'A => bool) < (xa::'A => bool)) =
-(x <= xa & (EX y::'A. y : xa & y ~: x))"
- by (import hollight PSUBSET_MEMBER)
-lemma DELETE_INSERT: "insert (x::'A) (s::'A => bool) - {y::'A} =
-(if x = y then s - {y} else insert x (s - {y}))"
- by (import hollight DELETE_INSERT)
-lemma DELETE_INTER: "((x::'A => bool) - {xb::'A}) Int (xa::'A => bool) = x Int xa - {xb}"
- by (import hollight DELETE_INTER)
-lemma DISJOINT_DELETE_SYM: "(((x::'A => bool) - {xb::'A}) Int (xa::'A => bool) = {}) =
-((xa - {xb}) Int x = {})"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_DELETE_SYM)
-lemma FORALL_IN_UNIONS: "(ALL x::'q_46386.
- x : Union (s::('q_46386 => bool) => bool) --> (P::'q_46386 => bool) x) =
-(ALL (t::'q_46386 => bool) x::'q_46386. t : s & x : t --> P x)"
- by (import hollight FORALL_IN_UNIONS)
-lemma EXISTS_IN_UNIONS: "(EX x::'q_46428.
- x : Union (s::('q_46428 => bool) => bool) & (P::'q_46428 => bool) x) =
-(EX (t::'q_46428 => bool) x::'q_46428. t : s & x : t & P x)"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_IN_UNIONS)
-lemma EMPTY_UNIONS: "(Union (x::('q_46454 => bool) => bool) = {}) =
-(ALL xa::'q_46454 => bool. xa : x --> xa = {})"
- by (import hollight EMPTY_UNIONS)
-lemma INTER_UNIONS: "(ALL (x::('q_46493 => bool) => bool) xa::'q_46493 => bool.
- Union x Int xa =
- Union
- {u::'q_46493 => bool.
- EX xb::'q_46493 => bool. xb : x & u = xb Int xa}) &
-(ALL (x::('q_46529 => bool) => bool) xa::'q_46529 => bool.
- xa Int Union x =
- Union
- {u::'q_46529 => bool. EX xb::'q_46529 => bool. xb : x & u = xa Int xb})"
- by (import hollight INTER_UNIONS)
-lemma UNIONS_SUBSET: "(Union (x::('q_46545 => bool) => bool) <= (xa::'q_46545 => bool)) =
-(ALL xb::'q_46545 => bool. xb : x --> xb <= xa)"
- by (import hollight UNIONS_SUBSET)
-lemma IMAGE_CLAUSES: "(f::'q_46676 => 'q_46680) ` {} = {} &
-f ` insert (x::'q_46676) (s::'q_46676 => bool) = insert (f x) (f ` s)"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_CLAUSES)
-lemma IMAGE_INTER_INJ: "(!!(xa::'q_46846) y::'q_46846.
- (x::'q_46846 => 'q_46857) xa = x y ==> xa = y)
-==> x ` ((xa::'q_46846 => bool) Int (xb::'q_46846 => bool)) =
- x ` xa Int x ` xb"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_INTER_INJ)
-lemma IMAGE_DIFF_INJ: "(!!(xa::'q_46900) y::'q_46900.
- (x::'q_46900 => 'q_46911) xa = x y ==> xa = y)
-==> x ` ((xa::'q_46900 => bool) - (xb::'q_46900 => bool)) = x ` xa - x ` xb"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_DIFF_INJ)
-lemma IMAGE_DELETE_INJ: "(!!xa::'q_46958.
- (x::'q_46958 => 'q_46957) xa = x (xb::'q_46958) ==> xa = xb)
-==> x ` ((xa::'q_46958 => bool) - {xb}) = x ` xa - {x xb}"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_DELETE_INJ)
-lemma FORALL_IN_IMAGE: "(ALL xb::'q_47016.
- xb : (x::'q_47017 => 'q_47016) ` (xa::'q_47017 => bool) -->
- (P::'q_47016 => bool) xb) =
-(ALL xb::'q_47017. xb : xa --> P (x xb))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_IN_IMAGE)
-lemma EXISTS_IN_IMAGE: "(EX xb::'q_47052.
- xb : (x::'q_47053 => 'q_47052) ` (xa::'q_47053 => bool) &
- (P::'q_47052 => bool) xb) =
-(EX xb::'q_47053. xb : xa & P (x xb))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_IN_IMAGE)
-lemma FORALL_SUBSET_IMAGE: "(ALL xc<=(xa::'q_47140 => 'q_47156) ` (xb::'q_47140 => bool).
- (x::('q_47156 => bool) => bool) xc) =
-(ALL t<=xb. x (xa ` t))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_SUBSET_IMAGE)
-lemma EXISTS_SUBSET_IMAGE: "(EX xc<=(xa::'q_47183 => 'q_47199) ` (xb::'q_47183 => bool).
- (x::('q_47199 => bool) => bool) xc) =
-(EX t<=xb. x (xa ` t))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_SUBSET_IMAGE)
-lemma SIMPLE_IMAGE: "{u::'q_47262.
- EX xb::'q_47258.
- xb : (xa::'q_47258 => bool) & u = (x::'q_47258 => 'q_47262) xb} =
-x ` xa"
- by (import hollight SIMPLE_IMAGE)
-lemma SIMPLE_IMAGE_GEN: "{u::'q_47292.
- EX xa::'q_47305.
- (P::'q_47305 => bool) xa & u = (x::'q_47305 => 'q_47292) xa} =
-x ` {u::'q_47305. EX x::'q_47305. P x & u = x}"
- by (import hollight SIMPLE_IMAGE_GEN)
-lemma IMAGE_UNIONS: "(x::'q_47323 => 'q_47332) ` Union (xa::('q_47323 => bool) => bool) =
-Union (op ` x ` xa)"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_UNIONS)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_IMAGE_EQ: "(ALL y::'q_47396.
- y : (xa::'q_47396 => bool) -->
- (EX x::'q_47400. (f::'q_47400 => 'q_47396) x = y)) &
-(ALL xb::'q_47400. (f xb : xa) = (xb : (x::'q_47400 => bool)))
-==> f ` x = xa"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_IMAGE_EQ)
-lemma EMPTY_GSPEC: "{u::'q_47425. Ex (SETSPEC u False)} = {}"
- by (import hollight EMPTY_GSPEC)
-lemma SING_GSPEC: "(ALL x::'q_47454. {u::'q_47454. EX xa::'q_47454. xa = x & u = xa} = {x}) &
-(ALL x::'q_47480. {u::'q_47480. EX xa::'q_47480. x = xa & u = xa} = {x})"
- by (import hollight SING_GSPEC)
-lemma IN_ELIM_PAIR_THM: "((xa::'q_47526, xb::'q_47525)
- : {xa::'q_47526 * 'q_47525.
- EX (xb::'q_47526) y::'q_47525.
- (x::'q_47526 => 'q_47525 => bool) xb y & xa = (xb, y)}) =
-x xa xb"
- by (import hollight IN_ELIM_PAIR_THM)
-lemma SET_PAIR_THM: "{u::'q_47570 * 'q_47569.
- EX p::'q_47570 * 'q_47569. (x::'q_47570 * 'q_47569 => bool) p & u = p} =
-{u::'q_47570 * 'q_47569.
- EX (a::'q_47570) b::'q_47569. x (a, b) & u = (a, b)}"
- by (import hollight SET_PAIR_THM)
-lemma FORALL_IN_GSPEC: "(ALL (P::'q_47618 => bool) f::'q_47618 => 'q_47739.
- (ALL z::'q_47739.
- z : {u::'q_47739. EX x::'q_47618. P x & u = f x} -->
- (Q::'q_47739 => bool) z) =
- (ALL x::'q_47618. P x --> Q (f x))) &
-(ALL (P::'q_47675 => 'q_47674 => bool) f::'q_47675 => 'q_47674 => 'q_47739.
- (ALL z::'q_47739.
- z : {u::'q_47739.
- EX (x::'q_47675) y::'q_47674. P x y & u = f x y} -->
- Q z) =
- (ALL (x::'q_47675) y::'q_47674. P x y --> Q (f x y))) &
-(ALL (P::'q_47742 => 'q_47741 => 'q_47740 => bool)
- f::'q_47742 => 'q_47741 => 'q_47740 => 'q_47739.
- (ALL z::'q_47739.
- z : {u::'q_47739.
- EX (w::'q_47742) (x::'q_47741) y::'q_47740.
- P w x y & u = f w x y} -->
- Q z) =
- (ALL (w::'q_47742) (x::'q_47741) y::'q_47740. P w x y --> Q (f w x y)))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_IN_GSPEC)
-lemma EXISTS_IN_GSPEC: "(ALL (P::'q_47788 => bool) f::'q_47788 => 'q_47909.
- (EX z::'q_47909.
- z : {u::'q_47909. EX x::'q_47788. P x & u = f x} &
- (Q::'q_47909 => bool) z) =
- (EX x::'q_47788. P x & Q (f x))) &
-(ALL (P::'q_47845 => 'q_47844 => bool) f::'q_47845 => 'q_47844 => 'q_47909.
- (EX z::'q_47909.
- z : {u::'q_47909. EX (x::'q_47845) y::'q_47844. P x y & u = f x y} &
- Q z) =
- (EX (x::'q_47845) y::'q_47844. P x y & Q (f x y))) &
-(ALL (P::'q_47912 => 'q_47911 => 'q_47910 => bool)
- f::'q_47912 => 'q_47911 => 'q_47910 => 'q_47909.
- (EX z::'q_47909.
- z : {u::'q_47909.
- EX (w::'q_47912) (x::'q_47911) y::'q_47910.
- P w x y & u = f w x y} &
- Q z) =
- (EX (w::'q_47912) (x::'q_47911) y::'q_47910. P w x y & Q (f w x y)))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_IN_GSPEC)
-lemma SET_PROVE_CASES: "(P::('A => bool) => bool) {} &
-(ALL (a::'A) s::'A => bool. a ~: s --> P (insert a s))
-==> P (x::'A => bool)"
- by (import hollight SET_PROVE_CASES)
-lemma UNIONS_IMAGE: "Union ((f::'q_47989 => 'q_47973 => bool) ` (s::'q_47989 => bool)) =
-{u::'q_47973. EX y::'q_47973. (EX x::'q_47989. x : s & y : f x) & u = y}"
- by (import hollight UNIONS_IMAGE)
-lemma INTERS_IMAGE: "Inter ((f::'q_48032 => 'q_48016 => bool) ` (s::'q_48032 => bool)) =
-{u::'q_48016. EX y::'q_48016. (ALL x::'q_48032. x : s --> y : f x) & u = y}"
- by (import hollight INTERS_IMAGE)
-lemma UNIONS_GSPEC: "(ALL (P::'q_48085 => bool) f::'q_48085 => 'q_48071 => bool.
- Union {u::'q_48071 => bool. EX x::'q_48085. P x & u = f x} =
- {u::'q_48071.
- EX a::'q_48071. (EX x::'q_48085. P x & a : f x) & u = a}) &
-(ALL (P::'q_48149 => 'q_48148 => bool)
- f::'q_48149 => 'q_48148 => 'q_48129 => bool.
- Union
- {u::'q_48129 => bool.
- EX (x::'q_48149) y::'q_48148. P x y & u = f x y} =
- {u::'q_48129.
- EX a::'q_48129.
- (EX (x::'q_48149) y::'q_48148. P x y & a : f x y) & u = a}) &
-(ALL (P::'q_48223 => 'q_48222 => 'q_48221 => bool)
- f::'q_48223 => 'q_48222 => 'q_48221 => 'q_48197 => bool.
- Union
- {u::'q_48197 => bool.
- EX (x::'q_48223) (y::'q_48222) z::'q_48221. P x y z & u = f x y z} =
- {u::'q_48197.
- EX a::'q_48197.
- (EX (x::'q_48223) (y::'q_48222) z::'q_48221.
- P x y z & a : f x y z) &
- u = a})"
- by (import hollight UNIONS_GSPEC)
-lemma INTERS_GSPEC: "(ALL (P::'q_48276 => bool) f::'q_48276 => 'q_48262 => bool.
- Inter {u::'q_48262 => bool. EX x::'q_48276. P x & u = f x} =
- {u::'q_48262.
- EX a::'q_48262. (ALL x::'q_48276. P x --> a : f x) & u = a}) &
-(ALL (P::'q_48340 => 'q_48339 => bool)
- f::'q_48340 => 'q_48339 => 'q_48320 => bool.
- Inter
- {u::'q_48320 => bool.
- EX (x::'q_48340) y::'q_48339. P x y & u = f x y} =
- {u::'q_48320.
- EX a::'q_48320.
- (ALL (x::'q_48340) y::'q_48339. P x y --> a : f x y) & u = a}) &
-(ALL (P::'q_48414 => 'q_48413 => 'q_48412 => bool)
- f::'q_48414 => 'q_48413 => 'q_48412 => 'q_48388 => bool.
- Inter
- {u::'q_48388 => bool.
- EX (x::'q_48414) (y::'q_48413) z::'q_48412. P x y z & u = f x y z} =
- {u::'q_48388.
- EX a::'q_48388.
- (ALL (x::'q_48414) (y::'q_48413) z::'q_48412.
- P x y z --> a : f x y z) &
- u = a})"
- by (import hollight INTERS_GSPEC)
-lemma DIFF_INTERS: "(x::'q_48451 => bool) - Inter (xa::('q_48451 => bool) => bool) =
-Union {u::'q_48451 => bool. EX xb::'q_48451 => bool. xb : xa & u = x - xb}"
- by (import hollight DIFF_INTERS)
-lemma INTERS_UNIONS: "Inter (x::('q_48486 => bool) => bool) =
-Union {u::'q_48486 => bool. EX t::'q_48486 => bool. t : x & u = UNIV - t}"
- by (import hollight INTERS_UNIONS)
-lemma UNIONS_INTERS: "Union (s::('q_48521 => bool) => bool) =
-Inter {u::'q_48521 => bool. EX t::'q_48521 => bool. t : s & u = UNIV - t}"
- by (import hollight UNIONS_INTERS)
-lemma FINITE_SING: "finite {x::'q_48799}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_SING)
-lemma FINITE_DELETE_IMP: "finite (s::'A => bool) ==> finite (s - {x::'A})"
- by (import hollight FINITE_DELETE_IMP)
-lemma FINITE_DELETE: "finite ((s::'A => bool) - {x::'A}) = finite s"
- by (import hollight FINITE_DELETE)
-lemma FINITE_FINITE_UNIONS: "finite (s::('q_48871 => bool) => bool)
-==> finite (Union s) = (ALL t::'q_48871 => bool. t : s --> finite t)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_FINITE_UNIONS)
-lemma FINITE_IMAGE_EXPAND: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> finite
- {u::'B. EX y::'B. (EX x::'A. x : s & y = (f::'A => 'B) x) & u = y}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_IMAGE_EXPAND)
-lemma FINITE_IMAGE_INJ_GENERAL: "(ALL (x::'A) y::'A.
- x : (s::'A => bool) & y : s & (f::'A => 'B) x = f y --> x = y) &
-finite (x::'B => bool)
-==> finite {u::'A. EX xa::'A. (xa : s & f xa : x) & u = xa}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_IMAGE_INJ_GENERAL)
-lemma FINITE_FINITE_PREIMAGE_GENERAL: "finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL y::'B.
- y : t -->
- finite
- {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : (s::'A => bool) & (f::'A => 'B) x = y) & u = x})
-==> finite {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & f x : t) & u = x}"
-lemma FINITE_FINITE_PREIMAGE: "finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL y::'B. y : t --> finite {u::'A. EX x::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = y & u = x})
-==> finite {u::'A. EX x::'A. f x : t & u = x}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_FINITE_PREIMAGE)
-lemma FINITE_IMAGE_INJ_EQ: "(!!(x::'A) y::'A.
- x : (s::'A => bool) & y : s & (f::'A => 'B) x = f y ==> x = y)
-==> finite (f ` s) = finite s"
- by (import hollight FINITE_IMAGE_INJ_EQ)
-lemma FINITE_IMAGE_INJ: "(ALL (x::'A) y::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = f y --> x = y) &
-finite (A::'B => bool)
-==> finite {u::'A. EX x::'A. f x : A & u = x}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_IMAGE_INJ)
-lemma INFINITE_IMAGE_INJ: "[| !!(x::'A) y::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = f y ==> x = y;
- infinite (s::'A => bool) |]
-==> infinite (f ` s)"
- by (import hollight INFINITE_IMAGE_INJ)
-lemma FINITE_SUBSET_IMAGE: "(finite (t::'B => bool) & t <= (f::'A => 'B) ` (s::'A => bool)) =
-(EX x::'A => bool. finite x & x <= s & t = f ` x)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_SUBSET_IMAGE)
-lemma EXISTS_FINITE_SUBSET_IMAGE: "(EX xc::'q_49755 => bool.
- finite xc &
- xc <= (xa::'q_49735 => 'q_49755) ` (xb::'q_49735 => bool) &
- (x::('q_49755 => bool) => bool) xc) =
-(EX xc::'q_49735 => bool. finite xc & xc <= xb & x (xa ` xc))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_FINITE_SUBSET_IMAGE)
-lemma FINITE_SUBSET_IMAGE_IMP: "finite (t::'B => bool) & t <= (f::'A => 'B) ` (s::'A => bool)
-==> EX s'::'A => bool. finite s' & s' <= s & t <= f ` s'"
- by (import hollight FINITE_SUBSET_IMAGE_IMP)
- FINREC :: "('A => 'B => 'B) => 'B => ('A => bool) => 'B => nat => bool" where
- "FINREC ==
-SOME FINREC::('A => 'B => 'B) => 'B => ('A => bool) => 'B => nat => bool.
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B => 'B) (s::'A => bool) (a::'B) b::'B.
- FINREC f b s a (0::nat) = (s = {} & a = b)) &
- (ALL (b::'B) (s::'A => bool) (n::nat) (a::'B) f::'A => 'B => 'B.
- FINREC f b s a (Suc n) =
- (EX (x::'A) c::'B. x : s & FINREC f b (s - {x}) c n & a = f x c))"
-(SOME FINREC::('A => 'B => 'B) => 'B => ('A => bool) => 'B => nat => bool.
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B => 'B) (s::'A => bool) (a::'B) b::'B.
- FINREC f b s a (0::nat) = (s = {} & a = b)) &
- (ALL (b::'B) (s::'A => bool) (n::nat) (a::'B) f::'A => 'B => 'B.
- FINREC f b s a (Suc n) =
- (EX (x::'A) c::'B. x : s & FINREC f b (s - {x}) c n & a = f x c)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_FINREC)
-lemma FINREC_1_LEMMA: "FINREC (x::'q_49919 => 'q_49918 => 'q_49918) (xa::'q_49918)
- (xb::'q_49919 => bool) (xc::'q_49918) (Suc (0::nat)) =
-(EX xd::'q_49919. xb = {xd} & xc = x xd xa)"
- by (import hollight FINREC_1_LEMMA)
-lemma FINREC_SUC_LEMMA: "[| !!(x::'A) (y::'A) s::'B.
- x ~= y ==> (f::'A => 'B => 'B) x (f y s) = f y (f x s);
- FINREC f (b::'B) (s::'A => bool) (z::'B) (Suc (n::nat)); (x::'A) : s |]
-==> EX w::'B. FINREC f b (s - {x}) w n & z = f x w"
- by (import hollight FINREC_SUC_LEMMA)
-lemma FINREC_UNIQUE_LEMMA: "[| !!(x::'A) (y::'A) s::'B.
- x ~= y ==> (f::'A => 'B => 'B) x (f y s) = f y (f x s);
- FINREC f (b::'B) (s::'A => bool) (a1::'B) (n1::nat) &
- FINREC f b s (a2::'B) (n2::nat) |]
-==> a1 = a2 & n1 = n2"
- by (import hollight FINREC_UNIQUE_LEMMA)
-lemma FINREC_EXISTS_LEMMA: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> EX a::'B. Ex (FINREC (f::'A => 'B => 'B) (b::'B) s a)"
- by (import hollight FINREC_EXISTS_LEMMA)
-lemma FINREC_FUN_LEMMA: "(ALL s::'A.
- (P::'A => bool) s -->
- (EX a::'B. Ex ((R::'A => 'B => 'C => bool) s a))) &
-(ALL (n1::'C) (n2::'C) (s::'A) (a1::'B) a2::'B.
- R s a1 n1 & R s a2 n2 --> a1 = a2 & n1 = n2)
-==> EX x::'A => 'B. ALL (s::'A) a::'B. P s --> Ex (R s a) = (x s = a)"
- by (import hollight FINREC_FUN_LEMMA)
-lemma FINREC_FUN: "(!!(x::'A) (y::'A) s::'B.
- x ~= y ==> (f::'A => 'B => 'B) x (f y s) = f y (f x s))
-==> EX g::('A => bool) => 'B.
- g {} = (b::'B) &
- (ALL (s::'A => bool) x::'A.
- finite s & x : s --> g s = f x (g (s - {x})))"
- by (import hollight FINREC_FUN)
-lemma SET_RECURSION_LEMMA: "(!!(x::'A) (y::'A) s::'B.
- x ~= y ==> (f::'A => 'B => 'B) x (f y s) = f y (f x s))
-==> EX g::('A => bool) => 'B.
- g {} = (b::'B) &
- (ALL (x::'A) s::'A => bool.
- finite s --> g (insert x s) = (if x : s then g s else f x (g s)))"
- by (import hollight SET_RECURSION_LEMMA)
- ITSET :: "('q_50575 => 'q_50574 => 'q_50574)
-=> ('q_50575 => bool) => 'q_50574 => 'q_50574" where
- "ITSET ==
-%(u::'q_50575 => 'q_50574 => 'q_50574) (ua::'q_50575 => bool) ub::'q_50574.
- (SOME g::('q_50575 => bool) => 'q_50574.
- g {} = ub &
- (ALL (x::'q_50575) s::'q_50575 => bool.
- finite s -->
- g (insert x s) = (if x : s then g s else u x (g s))))
- ua"
-lemma DEF_ITSET: "ITSET =
-(%(u::'q_50575 => 'q_50574 => 'q_50574) (ua::'q_50575 => bool) ub::'q_50574.
- (SOME g::('q_50575 => bool) => 'q_50574.
- g {} = ub &
- (ALL (x::'q_50575) s::'q_50575 => bool.
- finite s -->
- g (insert x s) = (if x : s then g s else u x (g s))))
- ua)"
- by (import hollight DEF_ITSET)
-lemma FINITE_RECURSION: "(!!(x::'A) (y::'A) s::'B.
- x ~= y ==> (f::'A => 'B => 'B) x (f y s) = f y (f x s))
-==> ITSET f {} (b::'B) = b &
- (ALL (x::'A) xa::'A => bool.
- finite xa -->
- ITSET f (insert x xa) b =
- (if x : xa then ITSET f xa b else f x (ITSET f xa b)))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_RECURSION)
-lemma FINITE_RECURSION_DELETE: "(!!(x::'A) (y::'A) s::'B.
- x ~= y ==> (f::'A => 'B => 'B) x (f y s) = f y (f x s))
-==> ITSET f {} (b::'B) = b &
- (ALL (x::'A) s::'A => bool.
- finite s -->
- ITSET f s b =
- (if x : s then f x (ITSET f (s - {x}) b) else ITSET f (s - {x}) b))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_RECURSION_DELETE)
-lemma ITSET_EQ: "finite (x::'q_50880 => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'q_50880.
- xc : x -->
- (xa::'q_50880 => 'q_50881 => 'q_50881) xc =
- (xb::'q_50880 => 'q_50881 => 'q_50881) xc) &
-(ALL (x::'q_50880) (y::'q_50880) s::'q_50881.
- x ~= y --> xa x (xa y s) = xa y (xa x s)) &
-(ALL (x::'q_50880) (y::'q_50880) s::'q_50881.
- x ~= y --> xb x (xb y s) = xb y (xb x s))
-==> ITSET xa x (xc::'q_50881) = ITSET xb x xc"
- by (import hollight ITSET_EQ)
-lemma SUBSET_RESTRICT: "{u::'q_50914.
- EX xb::'q_50914.
- (xb : (x::'q_50914 => bool) & (xa::'q_50914 => bool) xb) & u = xb}
-<= x"
- by (import hollight SUBSET_RESTRICT)
-lemma FINITE_RESTRICT: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> finite {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & (P::'A => bool) x) & u = x}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_RESTRICT)
- CARD :: "('q_50968 => bool) => nat" where
- "CARD == %u::'q_50968 => bool. ITSET (%x::'q_50968. Suc) u (0::nat)"
-lemma DEF_CARD: "CARD = (%u::'q_50968 => bool. ITSET (%x::'q_50968. Suc) u (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight DEF_CARD)
-lemma CARD_CLAUSES: "CARD {} = (0::nat) &
-(ALL (x::'A::type) s::'A::type => bool.
- finite s -->
- CARD (insert x s) = (if x : s then CARD s else Suc (CARD s)))"
- by (import hollight CARD_CLAUSES)
-lemma CARD_UNION: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'A => bool) & x Int xa = {}
-==> CARD (x Un xa) = CARD x + CARD xa"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNION)
-lemma CARD_DELETE: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> CARD (s - {x::'A}) = (if x : s then CARD s - (1::nat) else CARD s)"
- by (import hollight CARD_DELETE)
-lemma CARD_UNION_EQ: "finite (u::'q_51213 => bool) &
-(s::'q_51213 => bool) Int (t::'q_51213 => bool) = {} & s Un t = u
-==> CARD s + CARD t = CARD u"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNION_EQ)
-lemma CARD_DIFF: "finite (s::'q_51270 => bool) & (t::'q_51270 => bool) <= s
-==> CARD (s - t) = CARD s - CARD t"
- by (import hollight CARD_DIFF)
-lemma CARD_EQ_0: "finite (s::'q_51308 => bool) ==> (CARD s = (0::nat)) = (s = {})"
- by (import hollight CARD_EQ_0)
-lemma FINITE_INDUCT_DELETE: "[| (P::('A => bool) => bool) {} &
- (ALL s::'A => bool.
- finite s & s ~= {} --> (EX x::'A. x : s & (P (s - {x}) --> P s)));
- finite (s::'A => bool) |]
-==> P s"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INDUCT_DELETE)
- HAS_SIZE :: "('q_51427 => bool) => nat => bool" where
- "HAS_SIZE == %(u::'q_51427 => bool) ua::nat. finite u & CARD u = ua"
-lemma DEF_HAS_SIZE: "HAS_SIZE = (%(u::'q_51427 => bool) ua::nat. finite u & CARD u = ua)"
- by (import hollight DEF_HAS_SIZE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_CARD: "HAS_SIZE (x::'q_51446 => bool) (xa::nat) ==> CARD x = xa"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_CARD)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_0: "HAS_SIZE (s::'A => bool) (0::nat) = (s = {})"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_0)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_SUC: "HAS_SIZE (s::'A => bool) (Suc (n::nat)) =
-(s ~= {} & (ALL x::'A. x : s --> HAS_SIZE (s - {x}) n))"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_SUC)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_UNION: "HAS_SIZE (x::'q_51584 => bool) (xb::nat) &
-HAS_SIZE (xa::'q_51584 => bool) (xc::nat) & x Int xa = {}
-==> HAS_SIZE (x Un xa) (xb + xc)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_UNION)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_DIFF: "HAS_SIZE (x::'q_51620 => bool) (xb::nat) &
-HAS_SIZE (xa::'q_51620 => bool) (xc::nat) & xa <= x
-==> HAS_SIZE (x - xa) (xb - xc)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_DIFF)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_UNIONS: "HAS_SIZE (x::'A => bool) (xb::nat) &
-(ALL xb::'A. xb : x --> HAS_SIZE ((xa::'A => 'B => bool) xb) (xc::nat)) &
-(ALL (xb::'A) y::'A. xb : x & y : x & xb ~= y --> xa xb Int xa y = {})
-==> HAS_SIZE (Union {u::'B => bool. EX xb::'A. xb : x & u = xa xb})
- (xb * xc)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_UNIONS)
-lemma FINITE_HAS_SIZE: "finite (x::'q_51824 => bool) = HAS_SIZE x (CARD x)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_HAS_SIZE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_CLAUSES: "HAS_SIZE (s::'q_51886 => bool) (0::nat) = (s = {}) &
-HAS_SIZE s (Suc (n::nat)) =
-(EX (a::'q_51886) t::'q_51886 => bool.
- HAS_SIZE t n & a ~: t & s = insert a t)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_CLAUSES)
-lemma CARD_SUBSET_EQ: "finite (b::'A => bool) & (a::'A => bool) <= b & CARD a = CARD b ==> a = b"
- by (import hollight CARD_SUBSET_EQ)
-lemma CARD_SUBSET: "(a::'A => bool) <= (b::'A => bool) & finite b ==> CARD a <= CARD b"
- by (import hollight CARD_SUBSET)
-lemma CARD_SUBSET_LE: "finite (b::'A => bool) & (a::'A => bool) <= b & CARD b <= CARD a ==> a = b"
- by (import hollight CARD_SUBSET_LE)
-lemma SUBSET_CARD_EQ: "finite (t::'q_52197 => bool) & (s::'q_52197 => bool) <= t
-==> (CARD s = CARD t) = (s = t)"
- by (import hollight SUBSET_CARD_EQ)
-lemma CARD_PSUBSET: "(a::'A => bool) < (b::'A => bool) & finite b ==> CARD a < CARD b"
- by (import hollight CARD_PSUBSET)
-lemma CARD_UNION_LE: "finite (s::'A => bool) & finite (t::'A => bool)
-==> CARD (s Un t) <= CARD s + CARD t"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNION_LE)
-lemma CARD_UNIONS_LE: "HAS_SIZE (x::'A => bool) (xb::nat) &
-(ALL xb::'A.
- xb : x -->
- finite ((xa::'A => 'B => bool) xb) & CARD (xa xb) <= (xc::nat))
-==> CARD (Union {u::'B => bool. EX xb::'A. xb : x & u = xa xb}) <= xb * xc"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNIONS_LE)
-lemma CARD_UNION_GEN: "finite (s::'q_52620 => bool) & finite (t::'q_52620 => bool)
-==> CARD (s Un t) = CARD s + CARD t - CARD (s Int t)"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNION_GEN)
-lemma CARD_UNION_OVERLAP_EQ: "finite (s::'q_52701 => bool) & finite (t::'q_52701 => bool)
-==> (CARD (s Un t) = CARD s + CARD t) = (s Int t = {})"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNION_OVERLAP_EQ)
-lemma CARD_UNION_OVERLAP: "finite (x::'q_52743 => bool) &
-finite (xa::'q_52743 => bool) & CARD (x Un xa) < CARD x + CARD xa
-==> x Int xa ~= {}"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNION_OVERLAP)
-lemma CARD_IMAGE_INJ: "(ALL (xa::'A) y::'A.
- xa : (x::'A => bool) & y : x & (f::'A => 'B) xa = f y --> xa = y) &
-finite x
-==> CARD (f ` x) = CARD x"
- by (import hollight CARD_IMAGE_INJ)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_IMAGE_INJ: "(ALL (xb::'A) y::'A.
- xb : (xa::'A => bool) & y : xa & (x::'A => 'B) xb = x y --> xb = y) &
-HAS_SIZE xa (xb::nat)
-==> HAS_SIZE (x ` xa) xb"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_IMAGE_INJ)
-lemma CARD_IMAGE_LE: "finite (s::'A => bool) ==> CARD ((f::'A => 'B) ` s) <= CARD s"
- by (import hollight CARD_IMAGE_LE)
-lemma CARD_IMAGE_INJ_EQ: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s --> (f::'A => 'B) x : (t::'B => bool)) &
-(ALL y::'B. y : t --> (EX! x::'A. x : s & f x = y))
-==> CARD t = CARD s"
- by (import hollight CARD_IMAGE_INJ_EQ)
-lemma CARD_SUBSET_IMAGE: "finite (t::'q_52977 => bool) &
-(s::'q_52984 => bool) <= (f::'q_52977 => 'q_52984) ` t
-==> CARD s <= CARD t"
- by (import hollight CARD_SUBSET_IMAGE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_IMAGE_INJ_EQ: "(!!(x::'q_53049) y::'q_53049.
- x : (s::'q_53049 => bool) & y : s & (f::'q_53049 => 'q_53044) x = f y
- ==> x = y)
-==> HAS_SIZE (f ` s) (n::nat) = HAS_SIZE s n"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_IMAGE_INJ_EQ)
-lemma CHOOSE_SUBSET_STRONG: "(finite (s::'A => bool) ==> (n::nat) <= CARD s) ==> EX t<=s. HAS_SIZE t n"
- by (import hollight CHOOSE_SUBSET_STRONG)
-lemma CHOOSE_SUBSET: "[| finite (s::'A => bool); (n::nat) <= CARD s |] ==> EX t<=s. HAS_SIZE t n"
- by (import hollight CHOOSE_SUBSET)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_PRODUCT_DEPENDENT: "HAS_SIZE (x::'A => bool) (xa::nat) &
-(ALL xa::'A. xa : x --> HAS_SIZE ((xb::'A => 'B => bool) xa) (xc::nat))
- {u::'A * 'B. EX (xa::'A) y::'B. (xa : x & y : xb xa) & u = (xa, y)}
- (xa * xc)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_PRODUCT_DEPENDENT)
-lemma FINITE_PRODUCT_DEPENDENT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s --> finite ((t::'A => 'B => bool) x))
-==> finite
- {u::'C.
- EX (x::'A) y::'B. (x : s & y : t x) & u = (f::'A => 'B => 'C) x y}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_PRODUCT_DEPENDENT)
-lemma FINITE_PRODUCT: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'B => bool)
-==> finite {u::'A * 'B. EX (xb::'A) y::'B. (xb : x & y : xa) & u = (xb, y)}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_PRODUCT)
-lemma CARD_PRODUCT: "finite (s::'A => bool) & finite (t::'B => bool)
-==> CARD {u::'A * 'B. EX (x::'A) y::'B. (x : s & y : t) & u = (x, y)} =
- CARD s * CARD t"
- by (import hollight CARD_PRODUCT)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_PRODUCT: "HAS_SIZE (x::'A => bool) (xa::nat) & HAS_SIZE (xb::'B => bool) (xc::nat)
- {u::'A * 'B. EX (xa::'A) y::'B. (xa : x & y : xb) & u = (xa, y)}
- (xa * xc)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_PRODUCT)
- CROSS :: "('q_53759 => bool) => ('q_53758 => bool) => 'q_53759 * 'q_53758 => bool" where
- "CROSS ==
-%(u::'q_53759 => bool) ua::'q_53758 => bool.
- {ub::'q_53759 * 'q_53758.
- EX (x::'q_53759) y::'q_53758. (x : u & y : ua) & ub = (x, y)}"
-lemma DEF_CROSS: "CROSS =
-(%(u::'q_53759 => bool) ua::'q_53758 => bool.
- {ub::'q_53759 * 'q_53758.
- EX (x::'q_53759) y::'q_53758. (x : u & y : ua) & ub = (x, y)})"
- by (import hollight DEF_CROSS)
-lemma IN_CROSS: "((x::'q_53795, xa::'q_53798)
- : CROSS (xb::'q_53795 => bool) (xc::'q_53798 => bool)) =
-(x : xb & xa : xc)"
- by (import hollight IN_CROSS)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_CROSS: "HAS_SIZE (x::'q_53823 => bool) (xb::nat) &
-HAS_SIZE (xa::'q_53826 => bool) (xc::nat)
-==> HAS_SIZE (CROSS x xa) (xb * xc)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_CROSS)
-lemma FINITE_CROSS: "finite (x::'q_53851 => bool) & finite (xa::'q_53853 => bool)
-==> finite (CROSS x xa)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_CROSS)
-lemma CARD_CROSS: "finite (x::'q_53874 => bool) & finite (xa::'q_53876 => bool)
-==> CARD (CROSS x xa) = CARD x * CARD xa"
- by (import hollight CARD_CROSS)
-lemma CROSS_EQ_EMPTY: "(CROSS (x::'q_53917 => bool) (xa::'q_53921 => bool) = {}) =
-(x = {} | xa = {})"
- by (import hollight CROSS_EQ_EMPTY)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_FUNSPACE: "HAS_SIZE (s::'A => bool) (m::nat) & HAS_SIZE (t::'B => bool) (n::nat)
- {u::'A => 'B.
- EX f::'A => 'B.
- ((ALL x::'A. x : s --> f x : t) &
- (ALL x::'A. x ~: s --> f x = (d::'B))) &
- u = f}
- (n ^ m)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_FUNSPACE)
-lemma CARD_FUNSPACE: "finite (s::'q_54227 => bool) & finite (t::'q_54224 => bool)
-==> CARD
- {u::'q_54227 => 'q_54224.
- EX f::'q_54227 => 'q_54224.
- ((ALL x::'q_54227. x : s --> f x : t) &
- (ALL x::'q_54227. x ~: s --> f x = (d::'q_54224))) &
- u = f} =
- CARD t ^ CARD s"
- by (import hollight CARD_FUNSPACE)
-lemma FINITE_FUNSPACE: "finite (s::'q_54293 => bool) & finite (t::'q_54290 => bool)
-==> finite
- {u::'q_54293 => 'q_54290.
- EX f::'q_54293 => 'q_54290.
- ((ALL x::'q_54293. x : s --> f x : t) &
- (ALL x::'q_54293. x ~: s --> f x = (d::'q_54290))) &
- u = f}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_FUNSPACE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_POWERSET: "HAS_SIZE (s::'A => bool) (n::nat)
-==> HAS_SIZE {u::'A => bool. EX t<=s. u = t} ((2::nat) ^ n)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_POWERSET)
-lemma CARD_POWERSET: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> CARD {u::'A => bool. EX t<=s. u = t} = (2::nat) ^ CARD s"
- by (import hollight CARD_POWERSET)
-lemma FINITE_POWERSET: "finite (s::'A => bool) ==> finite {u::'A => bool. EX t<=s. u = t}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_POWERSET)
-lemma FINITE_UNIONS: "finite (Union (s::('A => bool) => bool)) =
-(finite s & (ALL t::'A => bool. t : s --> finite t))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_UNIONS)
-lemma POWERSET_CLAUSES: "{x::'q_54515 => bool. EX xa<={}. x = xa} = {{}} &
-(ALL (x::'A) xa::'A => bool.
- {xb::'A => bool. EX xc<=insert x xa. xb = xc} =
- {u::'A => bool. EX s<=xa. u = s} Un
- insert x ` {u::'A => bool. EX s<=xa. u = s})"
- by (import hollight POWERSET_CLAUSES)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_LT: "HAS_SIZE {u. EX m<n. u = m} n"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_LT)
-lemma CARD_NUMSEG_LT: "CARD {u. EX m<x. u = m} = x"
- by (import hollight CARD_NUMSEG_LT)
-lemma FINITE_NUMSEG_LT: "finite {u::nat. EX m<x::nat. u = m}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_NUMSEG_LT)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_LE: "HAS_SIZE {xa. EX xb<=x. xa = xb} (x + 1)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_LE)
-lemma FINITE_NUMSEG_LE: "finite {u::nat. EX m<=x::nat. u = m}"
- by (import hollight FINITE_NUMSEG_LE)
-lemma CARD_NUMSEG_LE: "CARD {u. EX m<=x. u = m} = x + 1"
- by (import hollight CARD_NUMSEG_LE)
-lemma num_FINITE: "finite (s::nat => bool) = (EX a::nat. ALL x::nat. x : s --> x <= a)"
- by (import hollight num_FINITE)
-lemma num_FINITE_AVOID: "finite (s::nat => bool) ==> EX a::nat. a ~: s"
- by (import hollight num_FINITE_AVOID)
-lemma FINITE_REAL_INTERVAL: "(ALL a. infinite {u. EX x. real_lt a x & u = x}) &
-(ALL a. infinite {u. EX x. real_le a x & u = x}) &
-(ALL b. infinite {u. EX x. real_lt x b & u = x}) &
-(ALL b. infinite {u. EX x. real_le x b & u = x}) &
-(ALL x xa.
- finite {u. EX xb. (real_lt x xb & real_lt xb xa) & u = xb} =
- real_le xa x) &
-(ALL a b.
- finite {u. EX x. (real_le a x & real_lt x b) & u = x} = real_le b a) &
-(ALL a b.
- finite {u. EX x. (real_lt a x & real_le x b) & u = x} = real_le b a) &
-(ALL a b.
- finite {u. EX x. (real_le a x & real_le x b) & u = x} = real_le b a)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_REAL_INTERVAL)
-lemma real_INFINITE: "(infinite::(hollight.real => bool) => bool) (UNIV::hollight.real => bool)"
- by (import hollight real_INFINITE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_INDEX: "HAS_SIZE (x::'A => bool) (n::nat)
-==> EX f::nat => 'A.
- (ALL m<n. f m : x) &
- (ALL xa::'A. xa : x --> (EX! m::nat. m < n & f m = xa))"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_INDEX)
- pairwise :: "('q_55938 => 'q_55938 => bool) => ('q_55938 => bool) => bool" where
- "pairwise ==
-%(u::'q_55938 => 'q_55938 => bool) ua::'q_55938 => bool.
- ALL (x::'q_55938) y::'q_55938. x : ua & y : ua & x ~= y --> u x y"
-lemma DEF_pairwise: "pairwise =
-(%(u::'q_55938 => 'q_55938 => bool) ua::'q_55938 => bool.
- ALL (x::'q_55938) y::'q_55938. x : ua & y : ua & x ~= y --> u x y)"
- by (import hollight DEF_pairwise)
- PAIRWISE :: "('A => 'A => bool) => 'A list => bool" where
-SOME PAIRWISE::('A => 'A => bool) => 'A list => bool.
- (ALL r::'A => 'A => bool. PAIRWISE r [] = True) &
- (ALL (h::'A) (r::'A => 'A => bool) t::'A list.
- PAIRWISE r (h # t) = (list_all (r h) t & PAIRWISE r t))"
-(SOME PAIRWISE::('A => 'A => bool) => 'A list => bool.
- (ALL r::'A => 'A => bool. PAIRWISE r [] = True) &
- (ALL (h::'A) (r::'A => 'A => bool) t::'A list.
- PAIRWISE r (h # t) = (list_all (r h) t & PAIRWISE r t)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_PAIRWISE)
-lemma PAIRWISE_EMPTY: "pairwise (x::'q_55973 => 'q_55973 => bool) {} = True"
- by (import hollight PAIRWISE_EMPTY)
-lemma PAIRWISE_SING: "pairwise (x::'q_55991 => 'q_55991 => bool) {xa::'q_55991} = True"
- by (import hollight PAIRWISE_SING)
-lemma PAIRWISE_MONO: "pairwise (x::'q_56011 => 'q_56011 => bool) (xa::'q_56011 => bool) &
-(xb::'q_56011 => bool) <= xa
-==> pairwise x xb"
- by (import hollight PAIRWISE_MONO)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_IFF_INJECTIVE_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-finite (t::'B => bool) & CARD s = CARD t & (f::'A => 'B) ` s <= t
-==> (ALL y::'B. y : t --> (EX x::'A. x : s & f x = y)) =
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. x : s & y : s & f x = f y --> x = y)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_IFF_INJECTIVE_GEN)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_IFF_INJECTIVE: "finite (x::'A => bool) & (xa::'A => 'A) ` x <= x
-==> (ALL y::'A. y : x --> (EX xb::'A. xb : x & xa xb = y)) =
- (ALL (xb::'A) y::'A. xb : x & y : x & xa xb = xa y --> xb = y)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_IFF_INJECTIVE)
-lemma IMAGE_IMP_INJECTIVE_GEN: "[| finite (s::'A => bool) &
- CARD s = CARD (t::'B => bool) & (f::'A => 'B) ` s = t;
- (x::'A) : s & (y::'A) : s & f x = f y |]
-==> x = y"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_IMP_INJECTIVE_GEN)
-lemma IMAGE_IMP_INJECTIVE: "[| finite (s::'q_56387 => bool) & (f::'q_56387 => 'q_56387) ` s = s;
- (x::'q_56387) : s & (y::'q_56387) : s & f x = f y |]
-==> x = y"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_IMP_INJECTIVE)
-lemma CARD_LE_INJ: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'B => bool) & CARD x <= CARD xa
-==> EX f::'A => 'B.
- f ` x <= xa &
- (ALL (xa::'A) y::'A. xa : x & y : x & f xa = f y --> xa = y)"
- by (import hollight CARD_LE_INJ)
-lemma FORALL_IN_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::'q_56493 => bool. (ALL xa::'q_56493. xa : {} --> x xa) = True) &
-(ALL (x::'q_56533 => bool) (xa::'q_56533) xb::'q_56533 => bool.
- (ALL xc::'q_56533. xc : insert xa xb --> x xc) =
- (x xa & (ALL xa::'q_56533. xa : xb --> x xa)))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_IN_CLAUSES)
-lemma EXISTS_IN_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::'q_56553 => bool. (EX xa::'q_56553. xa : {} & x xa) = False) &
-(ALL (x::'q_56593 => bool) (xa::'q_56593) xb::'q_56593 => bool.
- (EX xc::'q_56593. xc : insert xa xb & x xc) =
- (x xa | (EX xa::'q_56593. xa : xb & x xa)))"
- by (import hollight EXISTS_IN_CLAUSES)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_ON_RIGHT_INVERSE: "(ALL xb::'q_56650.
- xb : (xa::'q_56650 => bool) -->
- (EX xa::'q_56649.
- xa : (s::'q_56649 => bool) & (x::'q_56649 => 'q_56650) xa = xb)) =
-(EX g::'q_56650 => 'q_56649.
- ALL y::'q_56650. y : xa --> g y : s & x (g y) = y)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_ON_RIGHT_INVERSE)
-lemma INJECTIVE_ON_LEFT_INVERSE: "(ALL (xb::'q_56743) y::'q_56743.
- xb : (xa::'q_56743 => bool) &
- y : xa & (x::'q_56743 => 'q_56746) xb = x y -->
- xb = y) =
-(EX xb::'q_56746 => 'q_56743. ALL xc::'q_56743. xc : xa --> xb (x xc) = xc)"
- by (import hollight INJECTIVE_ON_LEFT_INVERSE)
-lemma BIJECTIVE_ON_LEFT_RIGHT_INVERSE: "(!!x::'q_56878.
- x : (s::'q_56878 => bool)
- ==> (f::'q_56878 => 'q_56877) x : (t::'q_56877 => bool))
-==> ((ALL (x::'q_56878) y::'q_56878. x : s & y : s & f x = f y --> x = y) &
- (ALL x::'q_56877. x : t --> (EX xa::'q_56878. xa : s & f xa = x))) =
- (EX g::'q_56877 => 'q_56878.
- (ALL y::'q_56877. y : t --> g y : s) &
- (ALL y::'q_56877. y : t --> f (g y) = y) &
- (ALL x::'q_56878. x : s --> g (f x) = x))"
- by (import hollight BIJECTIVE_ON_LEFT_RIGHT_INVERSE)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_RIGHT_INVERSE: "(ALL y::'q_56902. EX x::'q_56905. (f::'q_56905 => 'q_56902) x = y) =
-(EX g::'q_56902 => 'q_56905. ALL y::'q_56902. f (g y) = y)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_RIGHT_INVERSE)
-lemma INJECTIVE_LEFT_INVERSE: "(ALL (x::'q_56939) xa::'q_56939.
- (f::'q_56939 => 'q_56942) x = f xa --> x = xa) =
-(EX g::'q_56942 => 'q_56939. ALL x::'q_56939. g (f x) = x)"
- by (import hollight INJECTIVE_LEFT_INVERSE)
-lemma BIJECTIVE_LEFT_RIGHT_INVERSE: "((ALL (x::'A) y::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = f y --> x = y) &
- (ALL y::'B. EX x::'A. f x = y)) =
-(EX g::'B => 'A. (ALL y::'B. f (g y) = y) & (ALL x::'A. g (f x) = x))"
- by (import hollight BIJECTIVE_LEFT_RIGHT_INVERSE)
-lemma FUNCTION_FACTORS_RIGHT: "(ALL xb::'q_57046.
- EX y::'q_57034.
- (xa::'q_57034 => 'q_57047) y = (x::'q_57046 => 'q_57047) xb) =
-(EX xb::'q_57046 => 'q_57034. x = xa o xb)"
- by (import hollight FUNCTION_FACTORS_RIGHT)
-lemma FUNCTION_FACTORS_LEFT: "(ALL (xb::'q_57119) y::'q_57119.
- (xa::'q_57119 => 'q_57099) xb = xa y -->
- (x::'q_57119 => 'q_57120) xb = x y) =
-(EX xb::'q_57099 => 'q_57120. x = xb o xa)"
- by (import hollight FUNCTION_FACTORS_LEFT)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_FORALL_THM: "(ALL y::'B. EX x::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = y) =
-(ALL P::'B => bool. (ALL x::'A. P (f x)) = All P)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_FORALL_THM)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_EXISTS_THM: "(ALL y::'B. EX x::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = y) =
-(ALL P::'B => bool. (EX x::'A. P (f x)) = Ex P)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_EXISTS_THM)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_IMAGE_THM: "(ALL y::'B. EX x::'A. (f::'A => 'B) x = y) =
-(ALL x::'B => bool.
- f ` {u::'A. EX xa::'A. x (f xa) & u = xa} =
- {u::'B. EX xa::'B. x xa & u = xa})"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_IMAGE_THM)
-lemma IMAGE_INJECTIVE_IMAGE_OF_SUBSET: "EX x<=s::'A => bool.
- (f::'A => 'B) ` s = f ` x &
- (ALL (xa::'A) y::'A. xa : x & y : x & f xa = f y --> xa = y)"
- by (import hollight IMAGE_INJECTIVE_IMAGE_OF_SUBSET)
-lemma INJECTIVE_ON_IMAGE: "(ALL (s::'A => bool) t::'A => bool.
- s <= (u::'A => bool) & t <= u & (f::'A => 'B) ` s = f ` t --> s = t) =
-(ALL (x::'A) y::'A. x : u & y : u & f x = f y --> x = y)"
- by (import hollight INJECTIVE_ON_IMAGE)
-lemma INJECTIVE_IMAGE: "(ALL (s::'A => bool) t::'A => bool. (f::'A => 'B) ` s = f ` t --> s = t) =
-(ALL (x::'A) y::'A. f x = f y --> x = y)"
- by (import hollight INJECTIVE_IMAGE)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_ON_IMAGE: "(ALL t<=v::'B => bool. EX s<=u::'A => bool. (f::'A => 'B) ` s = t) =
-(ALL y::'B. y : v --> (EX x::'A. x : u & f x = y))"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_ON_IMAGE)
-lemma SURJECTIVE_IMAGE: "(ALL t::'B => bool. EX s::'A => bool. (f::'A => 'B) ` s = t) =
-(ALL y::'B. EX x::'A. f x = y)"
- by (import hollight SURJECTIVE_IMAGE)
-lemma CARD_EQ_BIJECTION: "finite (s::'A => bool) & finite (t::'B => bool) & CARD s = CARD t
-==> EX f::'A => 'B.
- (ALL x::'A. x : s --> f x : t) &
- (ALL y::'B. y : t --> (EX x::'A. x : s & f x = y)) &
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. x : s & y : s & f x = f y --> x = y)"
- by (import hollight CARD_EQ_BIJECTION)
-lemma CARD_EQ_BIJECTIONS: "finite (s::'A => bool) & finite (t::'B => bool) & CARD s = CARD t
-==> EX (f::'A => 'B) g::'B => 'A.
- (ALL x::'A. x : s --> f x : t & g (f x) = x) &
- (ALL y::'B. y : t --> g y : s & f (g y) = y)"
- by (import hollight CARD_EQ_BIJECTIONS)
- x : (s::'A => bool) -->
- (f::'A => 'B) x : (t::'B => bool) & (g::'B => 'A) (f x) = x) &
-(ALL y::'B. y : t --> g y : s & f (g y) = y) & HAS_SIZE s (n::nat)
-==> HAS_SIZE t n"
- by (import hollight BIJECTIONS_HAS_SIZE)
- x : (s::'A => bool) -->
- (f::'A => 'B) x : (t::'B => bool) & (g::'B => 'A) (f x) = x) &
-(ALL y::'B. y : t --> g y : s & f (g y) = y)
-==> HAS_SIZE s (n::nat) = HAS_SIZE t n"
- by (import hollight BIJECTIONS_HAS_SIZE_EQ)
-lemma BIJECTIONS_CARD_EQ: "(finite (s::'A => bool) | finite (t::'B => bool)) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s --> (f::'A => 'B) x : t & (g::'B => 'A) (f x) = x) &
-(ALL y::'B. y : t --> g y : s & f (g y) = y)
-==> CARD s = CARD t"
- by (import hollight BIJECTIONS_CARD_EQ)
-lemma WF_FINITE: "(ALL x::'A. ~ (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) x x) &
-(ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A. u_556 x y & u_556 y z --> u_556 x z) &
-(ALL x::'A. finite {u::'A. EX y::'A. u_556 y x & u = y})
-==> wfP u_556"
- by (import hollight WF_FINITE)
- "<=_c" :: "('q_58200 => bool) => ('q_58195 => bool) => bool" ("<='_c")
- "<=_c_def": "<=_c ==
-%(u::'q_58200 => bool) ua::'q_58195 => bool.
- EX f::'q_58200 => 'q_58195.
- (ALL x::'q_58200. x : u --> f x : ua) &
- (ALL (x::'q_58200) y::'q_58200. x : u & y : u & f x = f y --> x = y)"
-lemma DEF__lessthan__equal__c: "<=_c =
-(%(u::'q_58200 => bool) ua::'q_58195 => bool.
- EX f::'q_58200 => 'q_58195.
- (ALL x::'q_58200. x : u --> f x : ua) &
- (ALL (x::'q_58200) y::'q_58200. x : u & y : u & f x = f y --> x = y))"
- by (import hollight DEF__lessthan__equal__c)
- "<_c" :: "('q_58212 => bool) => ('q_58213 => bool) => bool" ("<'_c")
- "<_c_def": "<_c == %(u::'q_58212 => bool) ua::'q_58213 => bool. <=_c u ua & ~ <=_c ua u"
-lemma DEF__lessthan__c: "<_c = (%(u::'q_58212 => bool) ua::'q_58213 => bool. <=_c u ua & ~ <=_c ua u)"
- by (import hollight DEF__lessthan__c)
- "=_c" :: "('q_58264 => bool) => ('q_58261 => bool) => bool" ("='_c")
- "=_c_def": "=_c ==
-%(u::'q_58264 => bool) ua::'q_58261 => bool.
- EX f::'q_58264 => 'q_58261.
- (ALL x::'q_58264. x : u --> f x : ua) &
- (ALL y::'q_58261. y : ua --> (EX! x::'q_58264. x : u & f x = y))"
-lemma DEF__equal__c: "=_c =
-(%(u::'q_58264 => bool) ua::'q_58261 => bool.
- EX f::'q_58264 => 'q_58261.
- (ALL x::'q_58264. x : u --> f x : ua) &
- (ALL y::'q_58261. y : ua --> (EX! x::'q_58264. x : u & f x = y)))"
- by (import hollight DEF__equal__c)
- ">=_c" :: "('q_58273 => bool) => ('q_58272 => bool) => bool" (">='_c")
- ">=_c_def": ">=_c == %(u::'q_58273 => bool) ua::'q_58272 => bool. <=_c ua u"
-lemma DEF__greaterthan__equal__c: ">=_c = (%(u::'q_58273 => bool) ua::'q_58272 => bool. <=_c ua u)"
- by (import hollight DEF__greaterthan__equal__c)
- ">_c" :: "('q_58282 => bool) => ('q_58281 => bool) => bool" (">'_c")
- ">_c_def": ">_c == %(u::'q_58282 => bool) ua::'q_58281 => bool. <_c ua u"
-lemma DEF__greaterthan__c: ">_c = (%(u::'q_58282 => bool) ua::'q_58281 => bool. <_c ua u)"
- by (import hollight DEF__greaterthan__c)
-lemma LE_C: "<=_c (x::'q_58320 => bool) (xa::'q_58323 => bool) =
-(EX xb::'q_58323 => 'q_58320.
- ALL xc::'q_58320. xc : x --> (EX x::'q_58323. x : xa & xb x = xc))"
- by (import hollight LE_C)
-lemma GE_C: ">=_c (x::'q_58364 => bool) (xa::'q_58361 => bool) =
-(EX f::'q_58364 => 'q_58361.
- ALL y::'q_58361. y : xa --> (EX xa::'q_58364. xa : x & y = f xa))"
- by (import hollight GE_C)
- COUNTABLE :: "('q_58372 => bool) => bool" where
- "(op ==::(('q_58372::type => bool) => bool)
- => (('q_58372::type => bool) => bool) => prop)
- (COUNTABLE::('q_58372::type => bool) => bool)
- ((>=_c::(nat => bool) => ('q_58372::type => bool) => bool)
- (UNIV::nat => bool))"
-lemma DEF_COUNTABLE: "(op =::(('q_58372::type => bool) => bool)
- => (('q_58372::type => bool) => bool) => bool)
- (COUNTABLE::('q_58372::type => bool) => bool)
- ((>=_c::(nat => bool) => ('q_58372::type => bool) => bool)
- (UNIV::nat => bool))"
- by (import hollight DEF_COUNTABLE)
-lemma NUMSEG_COMBINE_R: "(x::nat) <= (xa::nat) + (1::nat) & xa <= (xb::nat)
-==> {x..xa} Un {xa + (1::nat)..xb} = {x..xb}"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_COMBINE_R)
-lemma NUMSEG_COMBINE_L: "(x::nat) <= (xa::nat) & xa <= (xb::nat) + (1::nat)
-==> {x..xa - (1::nat)} Un {xa..xb} = {x..xb}"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_COMBINE_L)
-lemma NUMSEG_LREC: "(x::nat) <= (xa::nat) ==> insert x {x + (1::nat)..xa} = {x..xa}"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_LREC)
-lemma NUMSEG_RREC: "(x::nat) <= (xa::nat) ==> insert xa {x..xa - (1::nat)} = {x..xa}"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_RREC)
-lemma IN_NUMSEG_0: "((x::nat) : {0::nat..xa::nat}) = (x <= xa)"
- by (import hollight IN_NUMSEG_0)
-lemma NUMSEG_EMPTY: "({x::nat..xa::nat} = {}) = (xa < x)"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_EMPTY)
-lemma CARD_NUMSEG_LEMMA: "CARD {m..m + d} = d + 1"
- by (import hollight CARD_NUMSEG_LEMMA)
-lemma CARD_NUMSEG: "CARD {m..n} = n + 1 - m"
- by (import hollight CARD_NUMSEG)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG: "HAS_SIZE {x..xa} (xa + 1 - x)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG)
-lemma CARD_NUMSEG_1: "CARD {1..x} = x"
- by (import hollight CARD_NUMSEG_1)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_1: "HAS_SIZE {1..x} x"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_1)
-lemma NUMSEG_CLAUSES: "(ALL m::nat. {m..0::nat} = (if m = (0::nat) then {0::nat} else {})) &
-(ALL (m::nat) n::nat.
- {m..Suc n} = (if m <= Suc n then insert (Suc n) {m..n} else {m..n}))"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_CLAUSES)
-lemma FINITE_INDEX_NUMSEG: "finite (s::'A => bool) =
-(EX f::nat => 'A.
- (ALL (i::nat) j::nat.
- i : {1::nat..CARD s} & j : {1::nat..CARD s} & f i = f j --> i = j) &
- s = f ` {1::nat..CARD s})"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INDEX_NUMSEG)
-lemma FINITE_INDEX_NUMBERS: "finite (s::'A => bool) =
-(EX (k::nat => bool) f::nat => 'A.
- (ALL (i::nat) j::nat. i : k & j : k & f i = f j --> i = j) &
- finite k & s = f ` k)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INDEX_NUMBERS)
-lemma DISJOINT_NUMSEG: "({x::nat..xa::nat} Int {xb::nat..xc::nat} = {}) =
-(xa < xb | xc < x | xa < x | xc < xb)"
- by (import hollight DISJOINT_NUMSEG)
-lemma NUMSEG_ADD_SPLIT: "(x::nat) <= (xa::nat) + (1::nat)
-==> {x..xa + (xb::nat)} = {x..xa} Un {xa + (1::nat)..xa + xb}"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_ADD_SPLIT)
-lemma SUBSET_NUMSEG: "({m::nat..n::nat} <= {p::nat..q::nat}) = (n < m | p <= m & n <= q)"
- by (import hollight SUBSET_NUMSEG)
-lemma NUMSEG_LE: "{u::nat. EX xa<=x::nat. u = xa} = {0::nat..x}"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_LE)
-lemma NUMSEG_LT: "{u::nat. EX x<n::nat. u = x} =
-(if n = (0::nat) then {} else {0::nat..n - (1::nat)})"
- by (import hollight NUMSEG_LT)
-lemma TOPOLOGICAL_SORT: "[| (ALL (x::'A) y::'A.
- (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) x y & u_556 y x --> x = y) &
- (ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A. u_556 x y & u_556 y z --> u_556 x z);
- HAS_SIZE (s::'A => bool) (n::nat) |]
-==> EX f::nat => 'A.
- s = f ` {1::nat..n} &
- (ALL (j::nat) k::nat.
- j : {1::nat..n} & k : {1::nat..n} & j < k -->
- ~ u_556 (f k) (f j))"
- by (import hollight TOPOLOGICAL_SORT)
-lemma FINITE_INTSEG: "(ALL l r. finite {u. EX x. (int_le l x & int_le x r) & u = x}) &
-(ALL l r. finite {u. EX x. (int_le l x & int_lt x r) & u = x}) &
-(ALL l r. finite {u. EX x. (int_lt l x & int_le x r) & u = x}) &
-(ALL l r. finite {u. EX x. (int_lt l x & int_lt x r) & u = x})"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INTSEG)
- neutral :: "('q_59899 => 'q_59899 => 'q_59899) => 'q_59899" where
- "neutral ==
-%u::'q_59899 => 'q_59899 => 'q_59899.
- SOME x::'q_59899. ALL y::'q_59899. u x y = y & u y x = y"
-lemma DEF_neutral: "neutral =
-(%u::'q_59899 => 'q_59899 => 'q_59899.
- SOME x::'q_59899. ALL y::'q_59899. u x y = y & u y x = y)"
- by (import hollight DEF_neutral)
- monoidal :: "('A => 'A => 'A) => bool" where
- "monoidal ==
-%u::'A => 'A => 'A.
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. u x y = u y x) &
- (ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A. u x (u y z) = u (u x y) z) &
- (ALL x::'A. u (neutral u) x = x)"
-lemma DEF_monoidal: "monoidal =
-(%u::'A => 'A => 'A.
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. u x y = u y x) &
- (ALL (x::'A) (y::'A) z::'A. u x (u y z) = u (u x y) z) &
- (ALL x::'A. u (neutral u) x = x))"
- by (import hollight DEF_monoidal)
-lemma MONOIDAL_AC: "monoidal (x::'q_60055 => 'q_60055 => 'q_60055)
-==> (ALL a::'q_60055. x (neutral x) a = a) &
- (ALL a::'q_60055. x a (neutral x) = a) &
- (ALL (a::'q_60055) b::'q_60055. x a b = x b a) &
- (ALL (a::'q_60055) (b::'q_60055) c::'q_60055.
- x (x a b) c = x a (x b c)) &
- (ALL (a::'q_60055) (b::'q_60055) c::'q_60055. x a (x b c) = x b (x a c))"
- by (import hollight MONOIDAL_AC)
- support :: "('B => 'B => 'B) => ('A => 'B) => ('A => bool) => 'A => bool" where
- "support ==
-%(u::'B => 'B => 'B) (ua::'A => 'B) ub::'A => bool.
- {uc::'A. EX x::'A. (x : ub & ua x ~= neutral u) & uc = x}"
-lemma DEF_support: "support =
-(%(u::'B => 'B => 'B) (ua::'A => 'B) ub::'A => bool.
- {uc::'A. EX x::'A. (x : ub & ua x ~= neutral u) & uc = x})"
- by (import hollight DEF_support)
- iterate :: "('q_60113 => 'q_60113 => 'q_60113)
-=> ('A => bool) => ('A => 'q_60113) => 'q_60113" where
- "iterate ==
-%(u::'q_60113 => 'q_60113 => 'q_60113) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'A => 'q_60113.
- if finite (support u ub ua)
- then ITSET (%x::'A. u (ub x)) (support u ub ua) (neutral u)
- else neutral u"
-lemma DEF_iterate: "iterate =
-(%(u::'q_60113 => 'q_60113 => 'q_60113) (ua::'A => bool) ub::'A => 'q_60113.
- if finite (support u ub ua)
- then ITSET (%x::'A. u (ub x)) (support u ub ua) (neutral u)
- else neutral u)"
- by (import hollight DEF_iterate)
-lemma IN_SUPPORT: "((xb::'q_60163)
- : support (x::'q_60160 => 'q_60160 => 'q_60160) (xa::'q_60163 => 'q_60160)
- (xc::'q_60163 => bool)) =
-(xb : xc & xa xb ~= neutral x)"
- by (import hollight IN_SUPPORT)
-lemma SUPPORT_SUPPORT: "support (x::'q_60185 => 'q_60185 => 'q_60185) (xa::'q_60196 => 'q_60185)
- (support x xa (xb::'q_60196 => bool)) =
-support x xa xb"
- by (import hollight SUPPORT_SUPPORT)
-lemma SUPPORT_EMPTY: "(ALL xc::'q_60235.
- xc : (xb::'q_60235 => bool) -->
- (xa::'q_60235 => 'q_60221) xc =
- neutral (x::'q_60221 => 'q_60221 => 'q_60221)) =
-(support x xa xb = {})"
- by (import hollight SUPPORT_EMPTY)
-lemma SUPPORT_SUBSET: "support (x::'q_60255 => 'q_60255 => 'q_60255) (xa::'q_60256 => 'q_60255)
- (xb::'q_60256 => bool)
-<= xb"
- by (import hollight SUPPORT_SUBSET)
-lemma FINITE_SUPPORT: "finite (s::'q_60273 => bool)
-==> finite
- (support (u::'q_60279 => 'q_60279 => 'q_60279)
- (f::'q_60273 => 'q_60279) s)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_SUPPORT)
-lemma SUPPORT_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::'q_60297 => 'q_60530.
- support (u_4371::'q_60530 => 'q_60530 => 'q_60530) x {} = {}) &
-(ALL (x::'q_60345 => 'q_60530) (xa::'q_60345) xb::'q_60345 => bool.
- support u_4371 x (insert xa xb) =
- (if x xa = neutral u_4371 then support u_4371 x xb
- else insert xa (support u_4371 x xb))) &
-(ALL (x::'q_60378 => 'q_60530) (xa::'q_60378) xb::'q_60378 => bool.
- support u_4371 x (xb - {xa}) = support u_4371 x xb - {xa}) &
-(ALL (x::'q_60416 => 'q_60530) (xa::'q_60416 => bool) xb::'q_60416 => bool.
- support u_4371 x (xa Un xb) =
- support u_4371 x xa Un support u_4371 x xb) &
-(ALL (x::'q_60454 => 'q_60530) (xa::'q_60454 => bool) xb::'q_60454 => bool.
- support u_4371 x (xa Int xb) =
- support u_4371 x xa Int support u_4371 x xb) &
-(ALL (x::'q_60492 => 'q_60530) (xa::'q_60492 => bool) xb::'q_60492 => bool.
- support u_4371 x (xa - xb) =
- support u_4371 x xa - support u_4371 x xb) &
-(ALL (x::'q_60529 => 'q_60520) (xa::'q_60520 => 'q_60530)
- xb::'q_60529 => bool.
- support u_4371 xa (x ` xb) = x ` support u_4371 (xa o x) xb)"
- by (import hollight SUPPORT_CLAUSES)
-lemma SUPPORT_DELTA: "support (x::'q_60556 => 'q_60556 => 'q_60556)
- (%xa::'q_60584.
- if xa = (xc::'q_60584) then (xb::'q_60584 => 'q_60556) xa
- else neutral x)
- (xa::'q_60584 => bool) =
-(if xc : xa then support x xb {xc} else {})"
- by (import hollight SUPPORT_DELTA)
-lemma FINITE_SUPPORT_DELTA: "finite
- (support (x::'q_60605 => 'q_60605 => 'q_60605)
- (%xc::'q_60614.
- if xc = (xb::'q_60614) then (xa::'q_60614 => 'q_60605) xc
- else neutral x)
- (s::'q_60614 => bool))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_SUPPORT_DELTA)
-lemma ITERATE_SUPPORT: "iterate (x::'q_60630 => 'q_60630 => 'q_60630)
- (support x (xa::'q_60642 => 'q_60630) (xb::'q_60642 => bool)) xa =
-iterate x xb xa"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_SUPPORT)
-lemma ITERATE_EXPAND_CASES: "iterate (x::'q_60661 => 'q_60661 => 'q_60661) (xb::'q_60667 => bool)
- (xa::'q_60667 => 'q_60661) =
-(if finite (support x xa xb) then iterate x (support x xa xb) xa
- else neutral x)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_EXPAND_CASES)
-lemma ITERATE_CLAUSES_GEN: "monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B)
-==> (ALL f::'A => 'B. iterate u_4371 {} f = neutral u_4371) &
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) (x::'A) s::'A => bool.
- monoidal u_4371 & finite (support u_4371 f s) -->
- iterate u_4371 (insert x s) f =
- (if x : s then iterate u_4371 s f
- else u_4371 (f x) (iterate u_4371 s f)))"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_CLAUSES_GEN)
-lemma ITERATE_CLAUSES: "monoidal (x::'q_60857 => 'q_60857 => 'q_60857)
-==> (ALL f::'q_60815 => 'q_60857. iterate x {} f = neutral x) &
- (ALL (f::'q_60859 => 'q_60857) (xa::'q_60859) s::'q_60859 => bool.
- finite s -->
- iterate x (insert xa s) f =
- (if xa : s then iterate x s f else x (f xa) (iterate x s f)))"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_CLAUSES)
-lemma ITERATE_UNION: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'q_60945 => 'q_60945 => 'q_60945);
- finite (s::'q_60930 => bool) &
- finite (x::'q_60930 => bool) & s Int x = {} |]
-==> iterate u_4371 (s Un x) (f::'q_60930 => 'q_60945) =
- u_4371 (iterate u_4371 s f) (iterate u_4371 x f)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_UNION)
-lemma ITERATE_UNION_GEN: "[| monoidal (x::'B => 'B => 'B);
- finite (support x (xa::'A => 'B) (xb::'A => bool)) &
- finite (support x xa (xc::'A => bool)) &
- support x xa xb Int support x xa xc = {} |]
-==> iterate x (xb Un xc) xa = x (iterate x xb xa) (iterate x xc xa)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_UNION_GEN)
-lemma ITERATE_DIFF: "[| monoidal (u::'q_61087 => 'q_61087 => 'q_61087);
- finite (s::'q_61083 => bool) & (t::'q_61083 => bool) <= s |]
-==> u (iterate u (s - t) (f::'q_61083 => 'q_61087)) (iterate u t f) =
- iterate u s f"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_DIFF)
-lemma ITERATE_DIFF_GEN: "[| monoidal (x::'B => 'B => 'B);
- finite (support x (xa::'A => 'B) (xb::'A => bool)) &
- support x xa (xc::'A => bool) <= support x xa xb |]
-==> x (iterate x (xb - xc) xa) (iterate x xc xa) = iterate x xb xa"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_DIFF_GEN)
-lemma ITERATE_INCL_EXCL: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'q_61316 => 'q_61316 => 'q_61316);
- finite (s::'q_61298 => bool) & finite (t::'q_61298 => bool) |]
-==> u_4371 (iterate u_4371 s (f::'q_61298 => 'q_61316))
- (iterate u_4371 t f) =
- u_4371 (iterate u_4371 (s Un t) f) (iterate u_4371 (s Int t) f)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_INCL_EXCL)
-lemma ITERATE_CLOSED: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- (P::'B => bool) (neutral u_4371) &
- (ALL (x::'B) y::'B. P x & P y --> P (u_4371 x y));
- !!x::'A.
- x : (s::'A => bool) & (f::'A => 'B) x ~= neutral u_4371 ==> P (f x) |]
-==> P (iterate u_4371 s f)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_CLOSED)
-lemma ITERATE_RELATED: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- (R::'B => 'B => bool) (neutral u_4371) (neutral u_4371) &
- (ALL (x1::'B) (y1::'B) (x2::'B) y2::'B.
- R x1 x2 & R y1 y2 --> R (u_4371 x1 y1) (u_4371 x2 y2));
- finite (x::'A => bool) &
- (ALL xa::'A. xa : x --> R ((f::'A => 'B) xa) ((g::'A => 'B) xa)) |]
-==> R (iterate u_4371 x f) (iterate u_4371 x g)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_RELATED)
-lemma ITERATE_EQ_NEUTRAL: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- !!x::'A. x : (s::'A => bool) ==> (f::'A => 'B) x = neutral u_4371 |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s f = neutral u_4371"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_EQ_NEUTRAL)
-lemma ITERATE_SING: "monoidal (x::'B => 'B => 'B) ==> iterate x {xa::'A} (f::'A => 'B) = f xa"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_SING)
-lemma ITERATE_DELETE: "[| monoidal (u::'B => 'B => 'B); finite (s::'A => bool) & (a::'A) : s |]
-==> u ((f::'A => 'B) a) (iterate u (s - {a}) f) = iterate u s f"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_DELETE)
-lemma ITERATE_DELTA: "monoidal (u_4371::'q_61672 => 'q_61672 => 'q_61672)
-==> iterate u_4371 (xb::'q_61691 => bool)
- (%xb::'q_61691.
- if xb = (xa::'q_61691) then (x::'q_61691 => 'q_61672) xb
- else neutral u_4371) =
- (if xa : xb then x xa else neutral u_4371)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_DELTA)
-lemma ITERATE_IMAGE: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'C => 'C => 'C);
- !!(x::'A) y::'A.
- x : (s::'A => bool) & y : s & (f::'A => 'B) x = f y ==> x = y |]
-==> iterate u_4371 (f ` s) (g::'B => 'C) = iterate u_4371 s (g o f)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_IMAGE)
-lemma ITERATE_BIJECTION: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- (ALL x::'A. x : (s::'A => bool) --> (p::'A => 'A) x : s) &
- (ALL y::'A. y : s --> (EX! x::'A. x : s & p x = y)) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s (f::'A => 'B) = iterate u_4371 s (f o p)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_BIJECTION)
-lemma ITERATE_ITERATE_PRODUCT: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'C => 'C => 'C);
- finite (x::'A => bool) &
- (ALL i::'A. i : x --> finite ((xa::'A => 'B => bool) i)) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 x
- (%i::'A. iterate u_4371 (xa i) ((xb::'A => 'B => 'C) i)) =
- iterate u_4371
- {u::'A * 'B. EX (i::'A) j::'B. (i : x & j : xa i) & u = (i, j)}
- (SOME f::'A * 'B => 'C. ALL (i::'A) j::'B. f (i, j) = xb i j)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_ITERATE_PRODUCT)
-lemma ITERATE_EQ: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- !!x::'A. x : (s::'A => bool) ==> (f::'A => 'B) x = (g::'A => 'B) x |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s f = iterate u_4371 s g"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_EQ)
-lemma ITERATE_EQ_GENERAL: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'C => 'C => 'C);
- (ALL y::'B.
- y : (t::'B => bool) -->
- (EX! x::'A. x : (s::'A => bool) & (h::'A => 'B) x = y)) &
- (ALL x::'A. x : s --> h x : t & (g::'B => 'C) (h x) = (f::'A => 'C) x) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s f = iterate u_4371 t g"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_EQ_GENERAL)
-lemma ITERATE_EQ_GENERAL_INVERSES: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'C => 'C => 'C);
- (ALL y::'B.
- y : (t::'B => bool) -->
- (k::'B => 'A) y : (s::'A => bool) & (h::'A => 'B) (k y) = y) &
- (ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- h x : t & k (h x) = x & (g::'B => 'C) (h x) = (f::'A => 'C) x) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s f = iterate u_4371 t g"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_EQ_GENERAL_INVERSES)
-lemma ITERATE_INJECTION: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- finite (s::'A => bool) &
- (ALL x::'A. x : s --> (p::'A => 'A) x : s) &
- (ALL (x::'A) y::'A. x : s & y : s & p x = p y --> x = y) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s ((f::'A => 'B) o p) = iterate u_4371 s f"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_INJECTION)
-lemma ITERATE_UNION_NONZERO: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- finite (s::'A => bool) &
- finite (t::'A => bool) &
- (ALL x::'A. x : s Int t --> (f::'A => 'B) x = neutral u_4371) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 (s Un t) f =
- u_4371 (iterate u_4371 s f) (iterate u_4371 t f)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_UNION_NONZERO)
-lemma ITERATE_OP: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'q_62649 => 'q_62649 => 'q_62649);
- finite (s::'q_62648 => bool) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s
- (%x::'q_62648.
- u_4371 ((f::'q_62648 => 'q_62649) x)
- ((g::'q_62648 => 'q_62649) x)) =
- u_4371 (iterate u_4371 s f) (iterate u_4371 s g)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_OP)
-lemma ITERATE_SUPERSET: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- (u::'A => bool) <= (v::'A => bool) &
- (ALL x::'A. x : v & x ~: u --> (f::'A => 'B) x = neutral u_4371) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 v f = iterate u_4371 u f"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_SUPERSET)
-lemma ITERATE_IMAGE_NONZERO: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'C => 'C => 'C);
- finite (x::'A => bool) &
- (ALL (xa::'A) y::'A.
- xa : x & y : x & xa ~= y & (f::'A => 'B) xa = f y -->
- (g::'B => 'C) (f xa) = neutral u_4371) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 (f ` x) g = iterate u_4371 x (g o f)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_IMAGE_NONZERO)
-lemma ITERATE_CASES: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B); finite (s::'A => bool) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s
- (%x::'A.
- if (P::'A => bool) x then (f::'A => 'B) x else (g::'A => 'B) x) =
- u_4371 (iterate u_4371 {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & P x) & u = x} f)
- (iterate u_4371 {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & ~ P x) & u = x} g)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_CASES)
-lemma ITERATE_OP_GEN: "[| monoidal (u_4371::'B => 'B => 'B);
- finite (support u_4371 (f::'A => 'B) (s::'A => bool)) &
- finite (support u_4371 (g::'A => 'B) s) |]
-==> iterate u_4371 s (%x::'A. u_4371 (f x) (g x)) =
- u_4371 (iterate u_4371 s f) (iterate u_4371 s g)"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_OP_GEN)
-lemma ITERATE_CLAUSES_NUMSEG: "monoidal (x::'q_63246 => 'q_63246 => 'q_63246)
-==> (ALL xa::nat.
- iterate x {xa..0::nat} (f::nat => 'q_63246) =
- (if xa = (0::nat) then f (0::nat) else neutral x)) &
- (ALL (xa::nat) xb::nat.
- iterate x {xa..Suc xb} f =
- (if xa <= Suc xb then x (iterate x {xa..xb} f) (f (Suc xb))
- else iterate x {xa..xb} f))"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_CLAUSES_NUMSEG)
-lemma ITERATE_PAIR: "monoidal (u_4371::'q_63421 => 'q_63421 => 'q_63421)
-==> iterate u_4371 {(2::nat) * (m::nat)..(2::nat) * (n::nat) + (1::nat)}
- (f::nat => 'q_63421) =
- iterate u_4371 {m..n}
- (%i::nat. u_4371 (f ((2::nat) * i)) (f ((2::nat) * i + (1::nat))))"
- by (import hollight ITERATE_PAIR)
- nsum :: "('q_63439 => bool) => ('q_63439 => nat) => nat" where
- "(op ==::(('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- => (('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- => prop)
- (nsum::('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- ((iterate::(nat => nat => nat)
- => ('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- (op +::nat => nat => nat))"
-lemma DEF_nsum: "(op =::(('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- => (('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- => bool)
- (nsum::('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- ((iterate::(nat => nat => nat)
- => ('q_63439::type => bool) => ('q_63439::type => nat) => nat)
- (op +::nat => nat => nat))"
- by (import hollight DEF_nsum)
-lemma NEUTRAL_ADD: "neutral op + = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight NEUTRAL_ADD)
-lemma NEUTRAL_MUL: "neutral op * = (1::nat)"
- by (import hollight NEUTRAL_MUL)
-lemma MONOIDAL_ADD: "(monoidal::(nat => nat => nat) => bool) (op +::nat => nat => nat)"
- by (import hollight MONOIDAL_ADD)
-lemma MONOIDAL_MUL: "(monoidal::(nat => nat => nat) => bool) (op *::nat => nat => nat)"
- by (import hollight MONOIDAL_MUL)
-lemma NSUM_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::'q_63477 => nat. nsum {} x = (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::'q_63516) (xa::'q_63516 => nat) xb::'q_63516 => bool.
- finite xb -->
- nsum (insert x xb) xa =
- (if x : xb then nsum xb xa else xa x + nsum xb xa))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CLAUSES)
-lemma NSUM_UNION: "finite (xa::'q_63542 => bool) &
-finite (xb::'q_63542 => bool) & xa Int xb = {}
-==> nsum (xa Un xb) (x::'q_63542 => nat) = nsum xa x + nsum xb x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_UNION)
-lemma NSUM_DIFF: "finite (s::'q_63597 => bool) & (t::'q_63597 => bool) <= s
-==> nsum (s - t) (f::'q_63597 => nat) = nsum s f - nsum t f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_DIFF)
-lemma NSUM_INCL_EXCL: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'A => bool)
-==> nsum x (xb::'A => nat) + nsum xa xb =
- nsum (x Un xa) xb + nsum (x Int xa) xb"
- by (import hollight NSUM_INCL_EXCL)
-lemma NSUM_SUPPORT: "nsum (support op + (x::'q_63686 => nat) (xa::'q_63686 => bool)) x =
-nsum xa x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SUPPORT)
-lemma NSUM_ADD: "finite (xb::'q_63720 => bool)
-==> nsum xb
- (%xb::'q_63720. (x::'q_63720 => nat) xb + (xa::'q_63720 => nat) xb) =
- nsum xb x + nsum xb xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_ADD)
-lemma NSUM_ADD_GEN: "finite
- {xa::'q_63807.
- EX xc::'q_63807.
- (xc : (xb::'q_63807 => bool) & (x::'q_63807 => nat) xc ~= (0::nat)) &
- xa = xc} &
- {x::'q_63807.
- EX xc::'q_63807.
- (xc : xb & (xa::'q_63807 => nat) xc ~= (0::nat)) & x = xc}
-==> nsum xb (%xb::'q_63807. x xb + xa xb) = nsum xb x + nsum xb xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_ADD_GEN)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_0: "(!!xb::'A. xb : (xa::'A => bool) ==> (x::'A => nat) xb = (0::nat))
-==> nsum xa x = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_0)
-lemma NSUM_0: "nsum (x::'A => bool) (%n::'A. 0::nat) = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_0)
-lemma NSUM_LMUL: "nsum (s::'A => bool) (%x::'A. (c::nat) * (f::'A => nat) x) = c * nsum s f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_LMUL)
-lemma NSUM_RMUL: "nsum (xb::'A => bool) (%xb::'A. (x::'A => nat) xb * (xa::nat)) =
-nsum xb x * xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_RMUL)
-lemma NSUM_LE: "finite (xb::'q_63997 => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'q_63997.
- xc : xb --> (x::'q_63997 => nat) xc <= (xa::'q_63997 => nat) xc)
-==> nsum xb x <= nsum xb xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_LE)
-lemma NSUM_LT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s --> (f::'A => nat) x <= (g::'A => nat) x) &
-(EX x::'A. x : s & f x < g x)
-==> nsum s f < nsum s g"
- by (import hollight NSUM_LT)
-lemma NSUM_LT_ALL: "finite (s::'q_64119 => bool) &
-s ~= {} &
-(ALL x::'q_64119. x : s --> (f::'q_64119 => nat) x < (g::'q_64119 => nat) x)
-==> nsum s f < nsum s g"
- by (import hollight NSUM_LT_ALL)
-lemma NSUM_EQ: "(!!xc::'q_64157.
- xc : (xb::'q_64157 => bool)
- ==> (x::'q_64157 => nat) xc = (xa::'q_64157 => nat) xc)
-==> nsum xb x = nsum xb xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ)
-lemma NSUM_CONST: "finite (s::'q_64187 => bool) ==> nsum s (%n::'q_64187. c::nat) = CARD s * c"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CONST)
-lemma NSUM_POS_BOUND: "[| finite (x::'A => bool) & nsum x (f::'A => nat) <= (b::nat);
- (xa::'A) : x |]
-==> f xa <= b"
- by (import hollight NSUM_POS_BOUND)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_0_IFF: "finite (s::'q_64296 => bool)
-==> (nsum s (f::'q_64296 => nat) = (0::nat)) =
- (ALL x::'q_64296. x : s --> f x = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_0_IFF)
-lemma NSUM_DELETE: "finite (xa::'q_64325 => bool) & (xb::'q_64325) : xa
-==> (x::'q_64325 => nat) xb + nsum (xa - {xb}) x = nsum xa x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_DELETE)
-lemma NSUM_SING: "nsum {xa::'q_64354} (x::'q_64354 => nat) = x xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SING)
-lemma NSUM_DELTA: "nsum (x::'A => bool) (%x::'A. if x = (xa::'A) then b::nat else (0::nat)) =
-(if xa : x then b else (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_DELTA)
-lemma NSUM_SWAP: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'B => bool)
-==> nsum x (%i::'A. nsum xa ((f::'A => 'B => nat) i)) =
- nsum xa (%j::'B. nsum x (%i::'A. f i j))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SWAP)
-lemma NSUM_IMAGE: "(!!(xa::'q_64490) y::'q_64490.
- xa : (xb::'q_64490 => bool) &
- y : xb & (x::'q_64490 => 'q_64466) xa = x y
- ==> xa = y)
-==> nsum (x ` xb) (xa::'q_64466 => nat) = nsum xb (xa o x)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_IMAGE)
-lemma NSUM_SUPERSET: "(xa::'A => bool) <= (xb::'A => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'A. xc : xb & xc ~: xa --> (x::'A => nat) xc = (0::nat))
-==> nsum xb x = nsum xa x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SUPERSET)
-lemma NSUM_UNION_RZERO: "finite (u::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : (v::'A => bool) & x ~: u --> (f::'A => nat) x = (0::nat))
-==> nsum (u Un v) f = nsum u f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_UNION_RZERO)
-lemma NSUM_UNION_LZERO: "finite (v::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : (u::'A => bool) & x ~: v --> (f::'A => nat) x = (0::nat))
-==> nsum (u Un v) f = nsum v f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_UNION_LZERO)
-lemma NSUM_RESTRICT: "finite (s::'q_64681 => bool)
-==> nsum s
- (%x::'q_64681. if x : s then (f::'q_64681 => nat) x else (0::nat)) =
- nsum s f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_RESTRICT)
-lemma NSUM_BOUND: "finite (x::'A => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'A. xc : x --> (xa::'A => nat) xc <= (xb::nat))
-==> nsum x xa <= CARD x * xb"
- by (import hollight NSUM_BOUND)
-lemma NSUM_BOUND_GEN: "finite (x::'A => bool) &
-x ~= {} & (ALL xa::'A. xa : x --> (f::'A => nat) xa <= (b::nat) div CARD x)
-==> nsum x f <= b"
- by (import hollight NSUM_BOUND_GEN)
-lemma NSUM_BOUND_LT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s --> (f::'A => nat) x <= (b::nat)) &
-(EX x::'A. x : s & f x < b)
-==> nsum s f < CARD s * b"
- by (import hollight NSUM_BOUND_LT)
-lemma NSUM_BOUND_LT_ALL: "finite (s::'q_64899 => bool) &
-s ~= {} & (ALL x::'q_64899. x : s --> (f::'q_64899 => nat) x < (b::nat))
-==> nsum s f < CARD s * b"
- by (import hollight NSUM_BOUND_LT_ALL)
-lemma NSUM_BOUND_LT_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-s ~= {} & (ALL x::'A. x : s --> (f::'A => nat) x < (b::nat) div CARD s)
-==> nsum s f < b"
- by (import hollight NSUM_BOUND_LT_GEN)
-lemma NSUM_UNION_EQ: "finite (u::'q_65000 => bool) &
-(s::'q_65000 => bool) Int (t::'q_65000 => bool) = {} & s Un t = u
-==> nsum s (f::'q_65000 => nat) + nsum t f = nsum u f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_UNION_EQ)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_SUPERSET: "finite (t::'A => bool) &
-t <= (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : t --> (f::'A => nat) x = (g::'A => nat) x) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s & x ~: t --> f x = (0::nat))
-==> nsum s f = nsum t g"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_SUPERSET)
-lemma NSUM_RESTRICT_SET: "nsum
- {u::'A. EX xb::'A. (xb : (xa::'A => bool) & (x::'A => bool) xb) & u = xb}
- (xb::'A => nat) =
-nsum xa (%xa::'A. if x xa then xb xa else (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_RESTRICT_SET)
-lemma NSUM_NSUM_RESTRICT: "finite (s::'q_65257 => bool) & finite (t::'q_65256 => bool)
-==> nsum s
- (%x::'q_65257.
- nsum
- {u::'q_65256.
- EX y::'q_65256.
- (y : t & (R::'q_65257 => 'q_65256 => bool) x y) & u = y}
- ((f::'q_65257 => 'q_65256 => nat) x)) =
- nsum t
- (%y::'q_65256.
- nsum {u::'q_65257. EX x::'q_65257. (x : s & R x y) & u = x}
- (%x::'q_65257. f x y))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_NSUM_RESTRICT)
-lemma CARD_EQ_NSUM: "finite (x::'q_65276 => bool) ==> CARD x = nsum x (%x::'q_65276. 1::nat)"
- by (import hollight CARD_EQ_NSUM)
-lemma NSUM_MULTICOUNT_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL j::'B.
- j : t -->
- CARD {u::'A. EX i::'A. (i : s & (R::'A => 'B => bool) i j) & u = i} =
- (k::'B => nat) j)
-==> nsum s (%i::'A. CARD {u::'B. EX j::'B. (j : t & R i j) & u = j}) =
- nsum t k"
- by (import hollight NSUM_MULTICOUNT_GEN)
-lemma NSUM_MULTICOUNT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL j::'B.
- j : t -->
- CARD {u::'A. EX i::'A. (i : s & (R::'A => 'B => bool) i j) & u = i} =
- (k::nat))
-==> nsum s (%i::'A. CARD {u::'B. EX j::'B. (j : t & R i j) & u = j}) =
- k * CARD t"
- by (import hollight NSUM_MULTICOUNT)
-lemma NSUM_IMAGE_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> nsum s (g::'A => nat) =
- nsum ((f::'A => 'B) ` s)
- (%y::'B. nsum {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & f x = y) & u = x} g)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_IMAGE_GEN)
-lemma NSUM_GROUP: "finite (s::'A => bool) & (f::'A => 'B) ` s <= (t::'B => bool)
-==> nsum t
- (%y::'B.
- nsum {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & f x = y) & u = x} (g::'A => nat)) =
- nsum s g"
- by (import hollight NSUM_GROUP)
-lemma NSUM_SUBSET: "finite (u::'A => bool) &
-finite (v::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : u - v --> (f::'A => nat) x = (0::nat))
-==> nsum u f <= nsum v f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SUBSET)
-lemma NSUM_SUBSET_SIMPLE: "finite (v::'q_65804 => bool) & (u::'q_65804 => bool) <= v
-==> nsum u (f::'q_65804 => nat) <= nsum v f"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SUBSET_SIMPLE)
-lemma NSUM_IMAGE_NONZERO: "finite (xb::'A => bool) &
-(ALL (xc::'A) xd::'A.
- xc : xb & xd : xb & xc ~= xd & (xa::'A => 'B) xc = xa xd -->
- (x::'B => nat) (xa xc) = (0::nat))
-==> nsum (xa ` xb) x = nsum xb (x o xa)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_IMAGE_NONZERO)
-lemma NSUM_BIJECTION: "(ALL x::'A. x : (xb::'A => bool) --> (xa::'A => 'A) x : xb) &
-(ALL y::'A. y : xb --> (EX! x::'A. x : xb & xa x = y))
-==> nsum xb (x::'A => nat) = nsum xb (x o xa)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_BIJECTION)
-lemma NSUM_NSUM_PRODUCT: "finite (x::'A => bool) &
-(ALL i::'A. i : x --> finite ((xa::'A => 'B => bool) i))
-==> nsum x (%x::'A. nsum (xa x) ((xb::'A => 'B => nat) x)) =
- nsum {u::'A * 'B. EX (i::'A) j::'B. (i : x & j : xa i) & u = (i, j)}
- (SOME f::'A * 'B => nat. ALL (i::'A) j::'B. f (i, j) = xb i j)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_NSUM_PRODUCT)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_GENERAL: "(ALL y::'B.
- y : (xa::'B => bool) -->
- (EX! xa::'A. xa : (x::'A => bool) & (xd::'A => 'B) xa = y)) &
-(ALL xe::'A.
- xe : x --> xd xe : xa & (xc::'B => nat) (xd xe) = (xb::'A => nat) xe)
-==> nsum x xb = nsum xa xc"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_GENERAL)
- y : (xa::'B => bool) -->
- (xe::'B => 'A) y : (x::'A => bool) & (xd::'A => 'B) (xe y) = y) &
-(ALL xf::'A.
- xf : x -->
- xd xf : xa &
- xe (xd xf) = xf & (xc::'B => nat) (xd xf) = (xb::'A => nat) xf)
-==> nsum x xb = nsum xa xc"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_GENERAL_INVERSES)
-lemma NSUM_INJECTION: "finite (xb::'q_66274 => bool) &
-(ALL x::'q_66274. x : xb --> (xa::'q_66274 => 'q_66274) x : xb) &
-(ALL (x::'q_66274) y::'q_66274. x : xb & y : xb & xa x = xa y --> x = y)
-==> nsum xb ((x::'q_66274 => nat) o xa) = nsum xb x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_INJECTION)
-lemma NSUM_UNION_NONZERO: "finite (xa::'q_66317 => bool) &
-finite (xb::'q_66317 => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'q_66317. xc : xa Int xb --> (x::'q_66317 => nat) xc = (0::nat))
-==> nsum (xa Un xb) x = nsum xa x + nsum xb x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_UNION_NONZERO)
-lemma NSUM_UNIONS_NONZERO: "finite (x::('A => bool) => bool) &
-(ALL t::'A => bool. t : x --> finite t) &
-(ALL (t1::'A => bool) (t2::'A => bool) xa::'A.
- t1 : x & t2 : x & t1 ~= t2 & xa : t1 & xa : t2 -->
- (f::'A => nat) xa = (0::nat))
-==> nsum (Union x) f = nsum x (%t::'A => bool. nsum t f)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_UNIONS_NONZERO)
-lemma NSUM_CASES: "finite (x::'A => bool)
-==> nsum x
- (%x::'A.
- if (xa::'A => bool) x then (xb::'A => nat) x
- else (xc::'A => nat) x) =
- nsum {u::'A. EX xb::'A. (xb : x & xa xb) & u = xb} xb +
- nsum {u::'A. EX xb::'A. (xb : x & ~ xa xb) & u = xb} xc"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CASES)
-lemma NSUM_CLOSED: "(P::nat => bool) (0::nat) &
-(ALL (x::nat) y::nat. P x & P y --> P (x + y)) &
-(ALL a::'A. a : (s::'A => bool) --> P ((f::'A => nat) a))
-==> P (nsum s f)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CLOSED)
-lemma NSUM_ADD_NUMSEG: "nsum {xb::nat..xc::nat} (%i::nat. (x::nat => nat) i + (xa::nat => nat) i) =
-nsum {xb..xc} x + nsum {xb..xc} xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_ADD_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_LE_NUMSEG: "(!!i::nat.
- (xb::nat) <= i & i <= (xc::nat)
- ==> (x::nat => nat) i <= (xa::nat => nat) i)
-==> nsum {xb..xc} x <= nsum {xb..xc} xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_LE_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_NUMSEG: "(!!i::nat.
- (m::nat) <= i & i <= (n::nat) ==> (f::nat => nat) i = (g::nat => nat) i)
-==> nsum {m..n} f = nsum {m..n} g"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_CONST_NUMSEG: "nsum {xa..xb} (%n. x) = (xb + 1 - xa) * x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CONST_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG: "(!!i::nat. (m::nat) <= i & i <= (n::nat) ==> (x::nat => nat) i = (0::nat))
-==> nsum {m..n} x = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_EQ_0_IFF_NUMSEG: "(nsum {xa::nat..xb::nat} (x::nat => nat) = (0::nat)) =
-(ALL i::nat. xa <= i & i <= xb --> x i = (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_EQ_0_IFF_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_TRIV_NUMSEG: "(n::nat) < (m::nat) ==> nsum {m..n} (f::nat => nat) = (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight NSUM_TRIV_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_SING_NUMSEG: "nsum {xa::nat..xa} (x::nat => nat) = x xa"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SING_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG: "(ALL m. nsum {m..0} f = (if m = 0 then f 0 else 0)) &
-(ALL m n.
- nsum {m..Suc n} f =
- (if m <= Suc n then nsum {m..n} f + f (Suc n) else nsum {m..n} f))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_SWAP_NUMSEG: "nsum {a::nat..b::nat}
- (%i::nat. nsum {c::nat..d::nat} ((f::nat => nat => nat) i)) =
-nsum {c..d} (%j::nat. nsum {a..b} (%i::nat. f i j))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_SWAP_NUMSEG)
-lemma NSUM_ADD_SPLIT: "(xa::nat) <= (xb::nat) + (1::nat)
-==> nsum {xa..xb + (xc::nat)} (x::nat => nat) =
- nsum {xa..xb} x + nsum {xb + (1::nat)..xb + xc} x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_ADD_SPLIT)
-lemma NSUM_OFFSET: "nsum {(xb::nat) + (x::nat)..(xc::nat) + x} (xa::nat => nat) =
-nsum {xb..xc} (%i::nat. xa (i + x))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_OFFSET)
-lemma NSUM_OFFSET_0: "(xa::nat) <= (xb::nat)
-==> nsum {xa..xb} (x::nat => nat) =
- nsum {0::nat..xb - xa} (%i::nat. x (i + xa))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_OFFSET_0)
-lemma NSUM_CLAUSES_LEFT: "(xa::nat) <= (xb::nat)
-==> nsum {xa..xb} (x::nat => nat) = x xa + nsum {xa + (1::nat)..xb} x"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CLAUSES_LEFT)
-lemma NSUM_CLAUSES_RIGHT: "(0::nat) < (n::nat) & (m::nat) <= n
-==> nsum {m..n} (f::nat => nat) = nsum {m..n - (1::nat)} f + f n"
- by (import hollight NSUM_CLAUSES_RIGHT)
-lemma NSUM_PAIR: "nsum {(2::nat) * (m::nat)..(2::nat) * (n::nat) + (1::nat)} (f::nat => nat) =
-nsum {m..n} (%i::nat. f ((2::nat) * i) + f ((2::nat) * i + (1::nat)))"
- by (import hollight NSUM_PAIR)
-lemma CARD_UNIONS: "finite (x::('A => bool) => bool) &
-(ALL t::'A => bool. t : x --> finite t) &
-(ALL (t::'A => bool) u::'A => bool. t : x & u : x & t ~= u --> t Int u = {})
-==> CARD (Union x) = nsum x CARD"
- by (import hollight CARD_UNIONS)
- sum :: "('q_67488 => bool) => ('q_67488 => hollight.real) => hollight.real"
- sum_def: "(op ==::(('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- => (('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- => prop)
- (hollight.sum::('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- ((iterate::(hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real)
- => ('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- (real_add::hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real))"
-lemma DEF_sum: "(op =::(('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- => (('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- => bool)
- (hollight.sum::('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- ((iterate::(hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real)
- => ('q_67488::type => bool)
- => ('q_67488::type => hollight.real) => hollight.real)
- (real_add::hollight.real => hollight.real => hollight.real))"
- by (import hollight DEF_sum)
-lemma NEUTRAL_REAL_ADD: "neutral real_add = real_of_num 0"
- by (import hollight NEUTRAL_REAL_ADD)
-lemma NEUTRAL_REAL_MUL: "neutral real_mul = real_of_num 1"
- by (import hollight NEUTRAL_REAL_MUL)
-lemma MONOIDAL_REAL_ADD: "monoidal real_add"
- by (import hollight MONOIDAL_REAL_ADD)
-lemma MONOIDAL_REAL_MUL: "monoidal real_mul"
- by (import hollight MONOIDAL_REAL_MUL)
-lemma SUM_CLAUSES: "(ALL x::'q_67530 => hollight.real.
- hollight.sum {} x = real_of_num (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::'q_67571) (xa::'q_67571 => hollight.real) xb::'q_67571 => bool.
- finite xb -->
- hollight.sum (insert x xb) xa =
- (if x : xb then hollight.sum xb xa
- else real_add (xa x) (hollight.sum xb xa)))"
- by (import hollight SUM_CLAUSES)
-lemma SUM_UNION: "finite (xa::'q_67597 => bool) &
-finite (xb::'q_67597 => bool) & xa Int xb = {}
-==> hollight.sum (xa Un xb) (x::'q_67597 => hollight.real) =
- real_add (hollight.sum xa x) (hollight.sum xb x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_UNION)
-lemma SUM_DIFF: "finite (xa::'q_67637 => bool) & (xb::'q_67637 => bool) <= xa
-==> hollight.sum (xa - xb) (x::'q_67637 => hollight.real) =
- real_sub (hollight.sum xa x) (hollight.sum xb x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_DIFF)
-lemma SUM_INCL_EXCL: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'A => bool)
-==> real_add (hollight.sum x (xb::'A => hollight.real))
- (hollight.sum xa xb) =
- real_add (hollight.sum (x Un xa) xb) (hollight.sum (x Int xa) xb)"
- by (import hollight SUM_INCL_EXCL)
-lemma SUM_SUPPORT: "hollight.sum
- (support real_add (x::'q_67726 => hollight.real) (xa::'q_67726 => bool))
- x =
-hollight.sum xa x"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUPPORT)
-lemma SUM_ADD: "finite (xb::'q_67760 => bool)
-==> hollight.sum xb
- (%xb::'q_67760.
- real_add ((x::'q_67760 => hollight.real) xb)
- ((xa::'q_67760 => hollight.real) xb)) =
- real_add (hollight.sum xb x) (hollight.sum xb xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_ADD)
-lemma SUM_ADD_GEN: "finite
- {xa::'q_67851.
- EX xc::'q_67851.
- (xc : (xb::'q_67851 => bool) &
- (x::'q_67851 => hollight.real) xc ~= real_of_num (0::nat)) &
- xa = xc} &
- {x::'q_67851.
- EX xc::'q_67851.
- (xc : xb &
- (xa::'q_67851 => hollight.real) xc ~= real_of_num (0::nat)) &
- x = xc}
-==> hollight.sum xb (%xb::'q_67851. real_add (x xb) (xa xb)) =
- real_add (hollight.sum xb x) (hollight.sum xb xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_ADD_GEN)
-lemma SUM_EQ_0: "(!!xb::'A.
- xb : (xa::'A => bool)
- ==> (x::'A => hollight.real) xb = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum xa x = real_of_num (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ_0)
-lemma SUM_0: "hollight.sum (x::'A => bool) (%n::'A. real_of_num (0::nat)) =
-real_of_num (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight SUM_0)
-lemma SUM_LMUL: "hollight.sum (s::'A => bool)
- (%x::'A. real_mul (c::hollight.real) ((f::'A => hollight.real) x)) =
-real_mul c (hollight.sum s f)"
- by (import hollight SUM_LMUL)
-lemma SUM_RMUL: "hollight.sum (xb::'A => bool)
- (%xb::'A. real_mul ((x::'A => hollight.real) xb) (xa::hollight.real)) =
-real_mul (hollight.sum xb x) xa"
- by (import hollight SUM_RMUL)
-lemma SUM_NEG: "hollight.sum (xa::'q_68051 => bool)
- (%xa::'q_68051. real_neg ((x::'q_68051 => hollight.real) xa)) =
-real_neg (hollight.sum xa x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_NEG)
-lemma SUM_SUB: "finite (xb::'q_68086 => bool)
-==> hollight.sum xb
- (%xb::'q_68086.
- real_sub ((x::'q_68086 => hollight.real) xb)
- ((xa::'q_68086 => hollight.real) xb)) =
- real_sub (hollight.sum xb x) (hollight.sum xb xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUB)
-lemma SUM_LE: "finite (xb::'q_68128 => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'q_68128.
- xc : xb -->
- real_le ((x::'q_68128 => hollight.real) xc)
- ((xa::'q_68128 => hollight.real) xc))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum xb x) (hollight.sum xb xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_LE)
-lemma SUM_LT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- real_le ((f::'A => hollight.real) x) ((g::'A => hollight.real) x)) &
-(EX x::'A. x : s & real_lt (f x) (g x))
-==> real_lt (hollight.sum s f) (hollight.sum s g)"
- by (import hollight SUM_LT)
-lemma SUM_LT_ALL: "finite (s::'q_68250 => bool) &
-s ~= {} &
-(ALL x::'q_68250.
- x : s -->
- real_lt ((f::'q_68250 => hollight.real) x)
- ((g::'q_68250 => hollight.real) x))
-==> real_lt (hollight.sum s f) (hollight.sum s g)"
- by (import hollight SUM_LT_ALL)
-lemma SUM_EQ: "(!!xc::'q_68288.
- xc : (xb::'q_68288 => bool)
- ==> (x::'q_68288 => hollight.real) xc =
- (xa::'q_68288 => hollight.real) xc)
-==> hollight.sum xb x = hollight.sum xb xa"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ)
-lemma SUM_ABS: "finite (s::'q_68347 => bool)
-==> real_le (real_abs (hollight.sum s (f::'q_68347 => hollight.real)))
- (hollight.sum s (%x::'q_68347. real_abs (f x)))"
- by (import hollight SUM_ABS)
-lemma SUM_ABS_LE: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- real_le (real_abs ((f::'A => hollight.real) x))
- ((g::'A => hollight.real) x))
-==> real_le (real_abs (hollight.sum s f)) (hollight.sum s g)"
- by (import hollight SUM_ABS_LE)
-lemma SUM_CONST: "finite (s::'q_68423 => bool)
-==> hollight.sum s (%n::'q_68423. c::hollight.real) =
- real_mul (real_of_num (CARD s)) c"
- by (import hollight SUM_CONST)
-lemma SUM_POS_LE: "finite (xa::'q_68465 => bool) &
-(ALL xb::'q_68465.
- xb : xa -->
- real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((x::'q_68465 => hollight.real) xb))
-==> real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) (hollight.sum xa x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_POS_LE)
-lemma SUM_POS_BOUND: "[| finite (x::'A => bool) &
- (ALL xa::'A.
- xa : x -->
- real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((f::'A => hollight.real) xa)) &
- real_le (hollight.sum x f) (b::hollight.real);
- (xa::'A) : x |]
-==> real_le (f xa) b"
- by (import hollight SUM_POS_BOUND)
-lemma SUM_POS_EQ_0: "[| finite (xa::'q_68612 => bool) &
- (ALL xb::'q_68612.
- xb : xa -->
- real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((x::'q_68612 => hollight.real) xb)) &
- hollight.sum xa x = real_of_num (0::nat);
- (xb::'q_68612) : xa |]
-==> x xb = real_of_num (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight SUM_POS_EQ_0)
-lemma SUM_ZERO_EXISTS: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-hollight.sum s (u::'A => hollight.real) = real_of_num (0::nat)
-==> (ALL i::'A. i : s --> u i = real_of_num (0::nat)) |
- (EX (j::'A) k::'A.
- j : s &
- real_lt (u j) (real_of_num (0::nat)) &
- k : s & real_gt (u k) (real_of_num (0::nat)))"
- by (import hollight SUM_ZERO_EXISTS)
-lemma SUM_DELETE: "finite (xa::'q_68854 => bool) & (xb::'q_68854) : xa
-==> hollight.sum (xa - {xb}) (x::'q_68854 => hollight.real) =
- real_sub (hollight.sum xa x) (x xb)"
- by (import hollight SUM_DELETE)
-lemma SUM_DELETE_CASES: "finite (s::'q_68907 => bool)
-==> hollight.sum (s - {a::'q_68907}) (f::'q_68907 => hollight.real) =
- (if a : s then real_sub (hollight.sum s f) (f a) else hollight.sum s f)"
- by (import hollight SUM_DELETE_CASES)
-lemma SUM_SING: "hollight.sum {xa::'q_68930} (x::'q_68930 => hollight.real) = x xa"
- by (import hollight SUM_SING)
-lemma SUM_DELTA: "hollight.sum (x::'A => bool)
- (%x::'A. if x = (xa::'A) then b::hollight.real else real_of_num (0::nat)) =
-(if xa : x then b else real_of_num (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight SUM_DELTA)
-lemma SUM_SWAP: "finite (x::'A => bool) & finite (xa::'B => bool)
-==> hollight.sum x
- (%i::'A. hollight.sum xa ((f::'A => 'B => hollight.real) i)) =
- hollight.sum xa (%j::'B. hollight.sum x (%i::'A. f i j))"
- by (import hollight SUM_SWAP)
-lemma SUM_IMAGE: "(!!(xa::'q_69070) y::'q_69070.
- xa : (xb::'q_69070 => bool) &
- y : xb & (x::'q_69070 => 'q_69046) xa = x y
- ==> xa = y)
-==> hollight.sum (x ` xb) (xa::'q_69046 => hollight.real) =
- hollight.sum xb (xa o x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_IMAGE)
-lemma SUM_SUPERSET: "(xa::'A => bool) <= (xb::'A => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'A.
- xc : xb & xc ~: xa -->
- (x::'A => hollight.real) xc = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum xb x = hollight.sum xa x"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUPERSET)
-lemma SUM_UNION_RZERO: "finite (u::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : (v::'A => bool) & x ~: u -->
- (f::'A => hollight.real) x = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum (u Un v) f = hollight.sum u f"
- by (import hollight SUM_UNION_RZERO)
-lemma SUM_UNION_LZERO: "finite (v::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : (u::'A => bool) & x ~: v -->
- (f::'A => hollight.real) x = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum (u Un v) f = hollight.sum v f"
- by (import hollight SUM_UNION_LZERO)
-lemma SUM_RESTRICT: "finite (s::'q_69267 => bool)
-==> hollight.sum s
- (%x::'q_69267.
- if x : s then (f::'q_69267 => hollight.real) x
- else real_of_num (0::nat)) =
- hollight.sum s f"
- by (import hollight SUM_RESTRICT)
-lemma SUM_BOUND: "finite (x::'A => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'A.
- xc : x --> real_le ((xa::'A => hollight.real) xc) (xb::hollight.real))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum x xa) (real_mul (real_of_num (CARD x)) xb)"
- by (import hollight SUM_BOUND)
-lemma SUM_BOUND_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-s ~= {} &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- real_le ((f::'A => hollight.real) x)
- (real_div (b::hollight.real) (real_of_num (CARD s))))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum s f) b"
- by (import hollight SUM_BOUND_GEN)
-lemma SUM_ABS_BOUND: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- real_le (real_abs ((f::'A => hollight.real) x)) (b::hollight.real))
-==> real_le (real_abs (hollight.sum s f))
- (real_mul (real_of_num (CARD s)) b)"
- by (import hollight SUM_ABS_BOUND)
-lemma SUM_BOUND_LT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s --> real_le ((f::'A => hollight.real) x) (b::hollight.real)) &
-(EX x::'A. x : s & real_lt (f x) b)
-==> real_lt (hollight.sum s f) (real_mul (real_of_num (CARD s)) b)"
- by (import hollight SUM_BOUND_LT)
-lemma SUM_BOUND_LT_ALL: "finite (s::'q_69531 => bool) &
-s ~= {} &
-(ALL x::'q_69531.
- x : s --> real_lt ((f::'q_69531 => hollight.real) x) (b::hollight.real))
-==> real_lt (hollight.sum s f) (real_mul (real_of_num (CARD s)) b)"
- by (import hollight SUM_BOUND_LT_ALL)
-lemma SUM_BOUND_LT_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-s ~= {} &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- real_lt ((f::'A => hollight.real) x)
- (real_div (b::hollight.real) (real_of_num (CARD s))))
-==> real_lt (hollight.sum s f) b"
- by (import hollight SUM_BOUND_LT_GEN)
-lemma SUM_UNION_EQ: "finite (u::'q_69614 => bool) &
-(s::'q_69614 => bool) Int (t::'q_69614 => bool) = {} & s Un t = u
-==> real_add (hollight.sum s (f::'q_69614 => hollight.real))
- (hollight.sum t f) =
- hollight.sum u f"
- by (import hollight SUM_UNION_EQ)
-lemma SUM_EQ_SUPERSET: "finite (t::'A => bool) &
-t <= (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : t --> (f::'A => hollight.real) x = (g::'A => hollight.real) x) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : s & x ~: t --> f x = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum s f = hollight.sum t g"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ_SUPERSET)
-lemma SUM_RESTRICT_SET: "hollight.sum
- {u::'q_69783.
- EX xb::'q_69783.
- (xb : (xa::'q_69783 => bool) & (x::'q_69783 => bool) xb) & u = xb}
- (xb::'q_69783 => hollight.real) =
-hollight.sum xa
- (%xa::'q_69783. if x xa then xb xa else real_of_num (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight SUM_RESTRICT_SET)
-lemma SUM_SUM_RESTRICT: "finite (s::'q_69875 => bool) & finite (t::'q_69874 => bool)
-==> hollight.sum s
- (%x::'q_69875.
- hollight.sum
- {u::'q_69874.
- EX y::'q_69874.
- (y : t & (R::'q_69875 => 'q_69874 => bool) x y) & u = y}
- ((f::'q_69875 => 'q_69874 => hollight.real) x)) =
- hollight.sum t
- (%y::'q_69874.
- hollight.sum {u::'q_69875. EX x::'q_69875. (x : s & R x y) & u = x}
- (%x::'q_69875. f x y))"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUM_RESTRICT)
-lemma CARD_EQ_SUM: "finite (x::'q_69896 => bool)
-==> real_of_num (CARD x) =
- hollight.sum x (%x::'q_69896. real_of_num (1::nat))"
- by (import hollight CARD_EQ_SUM)
-lemma SUM_MULTICOUNT_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL j::'B.
- j : t -->
- CARD {u::'A. EX i::'A. (i : s & (R::'A => 'B => bool) i j) & u = i} =
- (k::'B => nat) j)
-==> hollight.sum s
- (%i::'A.
- real_of_num (CARD {u::'B. EX j::'B. (j : t & R i j) & u = j})) =
- hollight.sum t (%i::'B. real_of_num (k i))"
- by (import hollight SUM_MULTICOUNT_GEN)
-lemma SUM_MULTICOUNT: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL j::'B.
- j : t -->
- CARD {u::'A. EX i::'A. (i : s & (R::'A => 'B => bool) i j) & u = i} =
- (k::nat))
-==> hollight.sum s
- (%i::'A.
- real_of_num (CARD {u::'B. EX j::'B. (j : t & R i j) & u = j})) =
- real_of_num (k * CARD t)"
- by (import hollight SUM_MULTICOUNT)
-lemma SUM_IMAGE_GEN: "finite (s::'A => bool)
-==> hollight.sum s (g::'A => hollight.real) =
- hollight.sum ((f::'A => 'B) ` s)
- (%y::'B. hollight.sum {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & f x = y) & u = x} g)"
- by (import hollight SUM_IMAGE_GEN)
-lemma SUM_GROUP: "finite (s::'A => bool) & (f::'A => 'B) ` s <= (t::'B => bool)
-==> hollight.sum t
- (%y::'B.
- hollight.sum {u::'A. EX x::'A. (x : s & f x = y) & u = x}
- (g::'A => hollight.real)) =
- hollight.sum s g"
- by (import hollight SUM_GROUP)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_SUM: "finite (s::'q_70361 => bool)
-==> real_of_num (nsum s (f::'q_70361 => nat)) =
- hollight.sum s (%x::'q_70361. real_of_num (f x))"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_SUM)
-lemma SUM_SUBSET: "finite (u::'A => bool) &
-finite (v::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : u - v -->
- real_le ((f::'A => hollight.real) x) (real_of_num (0::nat))) &
-(ALL x::'A. x : v - u --> real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) (f x))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum u f) (hollight.sum v f)"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUBSET)
-lemma SUM_SUBSET_SIMPLE: "finite (v::'A => bool) &
-(u::'A => bool) <= v &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : v - u -->
- real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((f::'A => hollight.real) x))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum u f) (hollight.sum v f)"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUBSET_SIMPLE)
-lemma SUM_IMAGE_NONZERO: "finite (xb::'A => bool) &
-(ALL (xc::'A) xd::'A.
- xc : xb & xd : xb & xc ~= xd & (xa::'A => 'B) xc = xa xd -->
- (x::'B => hollight.real) (xa xc) = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum (xa ` xb) x = hollight.sum xb (x o xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_IMAGE_NONZERO)
-lemma SUM_BIJECTION: "(ALL x::'A. x : (xb::'A => bool) --> (xa::'A => 'A) x : xb) &
-(ALL y::'A. y : xb --> (EX! x::'A. x : xb & xa x = y))
-==> hollight.sum xb (x::'A => hollight.real) = hollight.sum xb (x o xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_BIJECTION)
-lemma SUM_SUM_PRODUCT: "finite (x::'A => bool) &
-(ALL i::'A. i : x --> finite ((xa::'A => 'B => bool) i))
-==> hollight.sum x
- (%x::'A. hollight.sum (xa x) ((xb::'A => 'B => hollight.real) x)) =
- hollight.sum
- {u::'A * 'B. EX (i::'A) j::'B. (i : x & j : xa i) & u = (i, j)}
- (SOME f::'A * 'B => hollight.real.
- ALL (i::'A) j::'B. f (i, j) = xb i j)"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUM_PRODUCT)
-lemma SUM_EQ_GENERAL: "(ALL y::'B.
- y : (xa::'B => bool) -->
- (EX! xa::'A. xa : (x::'A => bool) & (xd::'A => 'B) xa = y)) &
-(ALL xe::'A.
- xe : x -->
- xd xe : xa &
- (xc::'B => hollight.real) (xd xe) = (xb::'A => hollight.real) xe)
-==> hollight.sum x xb = hollight.sum xa xc"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ_GENERAL)
- y : (xa::'B => bool) -->
- (xe::'B => 'A) y : (x::'A => bool) & (xd::'A => 'B) (xe y) = y) &
-(ALL xf::'A.
- xf : x -->
- xd xf : xa &
- xe (xd xf) = xf &
- (xc::'B => hollight.real) (xd xf) = (xb::'A => hollight.real) xf)
-==> hollight.sum x xb = hollight.sum xa xc"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ_GENERAL_INVERSES)
-lemma SUM_INJECTION: "finite (xb::'q_71007 => bool) &
-(ALL x::'q_71007. x : xb --> (xa::'q_71007 => 'q_71007) x : xb) &
-(ALL (x::'q_71007) y::'q_71007. x : xb & y : xb & xa x = xa y --> x = y)
-==> hollight.sum xb ((x::'q_71007 => hollight.real) o xa) =
- hollight.sum xb x"
- by (import hollight SUM_INJECTION)
-lemma SUM_UNION_NONZERO: "finite (xa::'q_71050 => bool) &
-finite (xb::'q_71050 => bool) &
-(ALL xc::'q_71050.
- xc : xa Int xb -->
- (x::'q_71050 => hollight.real) xc = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum (xa Un xb) x =
- real_add (hollight.sum xa x) (hollight.sum xb x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_UNION_NONZERO)
-lemma SUM_UNIONS_NONZERO: "finite (x::('A => bool) => bool) &
-(ALL t::'A => bool. t : x --> finite t) &
-(ALL (t1::'A => bool) (t2::'A => bool) xa::'A.
- t1 : x & t2 : x & t1 ~= t2 & xa : t1 & xa : t2 -->
- (f::'A => hollight.real) xa = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum (Union x) f =
- hollight.sum x (%t::'A => bool. hollight.sum t f)"
- by (import hollight SUM_UNIONS_NONZERO)
-lemma SUM_CASES: "finite (x::'A => bool)
-==> hollight.sum x
- (%x::'A.
- if (xa::'A => bool) x then (xb::'A => hollight.real) x
- else (xc::'A => hollight.real) x) =
- real_add (hollight.sum {u::'A. EX xb::'A. (xb : x & xa xb) & u = xb} xb)
- (hollight.sum {u::'A. EX xb::'A. (xb : x & ~ xa xb) & u = xb} xc)"
- by (import hollight SUM_CASES)
-lemma SUM_CASES_1: "finite (s::'q_71319 => bool) & (a::'q_71319) : s
-==> hollight.sum s
- (%x::'q_71319.
- if x = a then y::hollight.real
- else (f::'q_71319 => hollight.real) x) =
- real_add (hollight.sum s f) (real_sub y (f a))"
- by (import hollight SUM_CASES_1)
-lemma SUM_LE_INCLUDED: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-finite (t::'B => bool) &
-(ALL y::'B.
- y : t --> real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((g::'B => hollight.real) y)) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- (EX y::'B.
- y : t &
- (i::'B => 'A) y = x & real_le ((f::'A => hollight.real) x) (g y)))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum s f) (hollight.sum t g)"
- by (import hollight SUM_LE_INCLUDED)
-lemma SUM_IMAGE_LE: "finite (s::'A => bool) &
-(ALL x::'A.
- x : s -->
- real_le (real_of_num (0::nat))
- ((g::'B => hollight.real) ((f::'A => 'B) x)))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum (f ` s) g) (hollight.sum s (g o f))"
- by (import hollight SUM_IMAGE_LE)
-lemma SUM_CLOSED: "(P::hollight.real => bool) (real_of_num (0::nat)) &
-(ALL (x::hollight.real) y::hollight.real. P x & P y --> P (real_add x y)) &
-(ALL a::'A. a : (s::'A => bool) --> P ((f::'A => hollight.real) a))
-==> P (hollight.sum s f)"
- by (import hollight SUM_CLOSED)
-lemma SUM_ADD_NUMSEG: "hollight.sum {xb::nat..xc::nat}
- (%i::nat.
- real_add ((x::nat => hollight.real) i)
- ((xa::nat => hollight.real) i)) =
-real_add (hollight.sum {xb..xc} x) (hollight.sum {xb..xc} xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_ADD_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_SUB_NUMSEG: "hollight.sum {xb::nat..xc::nat}
- (%i::nat.
- real_sub ((x::nat => hollight.real) i)
- ((xa::nat => hollight.real) i)) =
-real_sub (hollight.sum {xb..xc} x) (hollight.sum {xb..xc} xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_SUB_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_LE_NUMSEG: "(!!i::nat.
- (xb::nat) <= i & i <= (xc::nat)
- ==> real_le ((x::nat => hollight.real) i)
- ((xa::nat => hollight.real) i))
-==> real_le (hollight.sum {xb..xc} x) (hollight.sum {xb..xc} xa)"
- by (import hollight SUM_LE_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_EQ_NUMSEG: "(!!i::nat.
- (m::nat) <= i & i <= (n::nat)
- ==> (f::nat => hollight.real) i = (g::nat => hollight.real) i)
-==> hollight.sum {m..n} f = hollight.sum {m..n} g"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_ABS_NUMSEG: "real_le
- (real_abs (hollight.sum {xa::nat..xb::nat} (x::nat => hollight.real)))
- (hollight.sum {xa..xb} (%i::nat. real_abs (x i)))"
- by (import hollight SUM_ABS_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_CONST_NUMSEG: "hollight.sum {xa..xb} (%n. x) = real_mul (real_of_num (xb + 1 - xa)) x"
- by (import hollight SUM_CONST_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG: "(!!i::nat.
- (m::nat) <= i & i <= (n::nat)
- ==> (x::nat => hollight.real) i = real_of_num (0::nat))
-==> hollight.sum {m..n} x = real_of_num (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight SUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_TRIV_NUMSEG: "(n::nat) < (m::nat)
-==> hollight.sum {m..n} (f::nat => hollight.real) = real_of_num (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight SUM_TRIV_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_POS_LE_NUMSEG: "(!!p::nat.
- (x::nat) <= p & p <= (xa::nat)
- ==> real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((xb::nat => hollight.real) p))
-==> real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) (hollight.sum {x..xa} xb)"
- by (import hollight SUM_POS_LE_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_POS_EQ_0_NUMSEG: "[| (ALL p::nat.
- (m::nat) <= p & p <= (n::nat) -->
- real_le (real_of_num (0::nat)) ((f::nat => hollight.real) p)) &
- hollight.sum {m..n} f = real_of_num (0::nat);
- m <= (p::nat) & p <= n |]
-==> f p = real_of_num (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight SUM_POS_EQ_0_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_SING_NUMSEG: "hollight.sum {xa::nat..xa} (x::nat => hollight.real) = x xa"
- by (import hollight SUM_SING_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG: "(ALL m. hollight.sum {m..0} f = (if m = 0 then f 0 else real_of_num 0)) &
-(ALL m n.
- hollight.sum {m..Suc n} f =
- (if m <= Suc n then real_add (hollight.sum {m..n} f) (f (Suc n))
- else hollight.sum {m..n} f))"
- by (import hollight SUM_CLAUSES_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_SWAP_NUMSEG: "hollight.sum {a::nat..b::nat}
- (%i::nat.
- hollight.sum {c::nat..d::nat} ((f::nat => nat => hollight.real) i)) =
-hollight.sum {c..d} (%j::nat. hollight.sum {a..b} (%i::nat. f i j))"
- by (import hollight SUM_SWAP_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_ADD_SPLIT: "(xa::nat) <= (xb::nat) + (1::nat)
-==> hollight.sum {xa..xb + (xc::nat)} (x::nat => hollight.real) =
- real_add (hollight.sum {xa..xb} x)
- (hollight.sum {xb + (1::nat)..xb + xc} x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_ADD_SPLIT)
-lemma SUM_OFFSET: "hollight.sum {(xb::nat) + (x::nat)..(xc::nat) + x}
- (xa::nat => hollight.real) =
-hollight.sum {xb..xc} (%i::nat. xa (i + x))"
- by (import hollight SUM_OFFSET)
-lemma SUM_OFFSET_0: "(xa::nat) <= (xb::nat)
-==> hollight.sum {xa..xb} (x::nat => hollight.real) =
- hollight.sum {0::nat..xb - xa} (%i::nat. x (i + xa))"
- by (import hollight SUM_OFFSET_0)
-lemma SUM_CLAUSES_LEFT: "(xa::nat) <= (xb::nat)
-==> hollight.sum {xa..xb} (x::nat => hollight.real) =
- real_add (x xa) (hollight.sum {xa + (1::nat)..xb} x)"
- by (import hollight SUM_CLAUSES_LEFT)
-lemma SUM_CLAUSES_RIGHT: "(0::nat) < (n::nat) & (m::nat) <= n
-==> hollight.sum {m..n} (f::nat => hollight.real) =
- real_add (hollight.sum {m..n - (1::nat)} f) (f n)"
- by (import hollight SUM_CLAUSES_RIGHT)
-lemma SUM_PAIR: "hollight.sum {(2::nat) * (m::nat)..(2::nat) * (n::nat) + (1::nat)}
- (f::nat => hollight.real) =
-hollight.sum {m..n}
- (%i::nat. real_add (f ((2::nat) * i)) (f ((2::nat) * i + (1::nat))))"
- by (import hollight SUM_PAIR)
-lemma REAL_OF_NUM_SUM_NUMSEG: "real_of_num (nsum {xa::nat..xb::nat} (x::nat => nat)) =
-hollight.sum {xa..xb} (%i::nat. real_of_num (x i))"
- by (import hollight REAL_OF_NUM_SUM_NUMSEG)
-lemma SUM_PARTIAL_SUC: "hollight.sum {m::nat..n::nat}
- (%k::nat.
- real_mul ((f::nat => hollight.real) k)
- (real_sub ((g::nat => hollight.real) (k + (1::nat))) (g k))) =
-(if m <= n
- then real_sub
- (real_sub (real_mul (f (n + (1::nat))) (g (n + (1::nat))))
- (real_mul (f m) (g m)))
- (hollight.sum {m..n}
- (%k::nat.
- real_mul (g (k + (1::nat)))
- (real_sub (f (k + (1::nat))) (f k))))
- else real_of_num (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight SUM_PARTIAL_SUC)
-lemma SUM_PARTIAL_PRE: "hollight.sum {m::nat..n::nat}
- (%k::nat.
- real_mul ((f::nat => hollight.real) k)
- (real_sub ((g::nat => hollight.real) k) (g (k - (1::nat))))) =
-(if m <= n
- then real_sub
- (real_sub (real_mul (f (n + (1::nat))) (g n))
- (real_mul (f m) (g (m - (1::nat)))))
- (hollight.sum {m..n}
- (%k::nat. real_mul (g k) (real_sub (f (k + (1::nat))) (f k))))
- else real_of_num (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight SUM_PARTIAL_PRE)
-lemma SUM_DIFFS: "hollight.sum {x::nat..xa::nat}
- (%x::nat. real_sub ((f::nat => hollight.real) x) (f (x + (1::nat)))) =
-(if x <= xa then real_sub (f x) (f (xa + (1::nat)))
- else real_of_num (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight SUM_DIFFS)
-lemma SUM_DIFFS_ALT: "hollight.sum {m::nat..n::nat}
- (%x::nat. real_sub ((f::nat => hollight.real) (x + (1::nat))) (f x)) =
-(if m <= n then real_sub (f (n + (1::nat))) (f m) else real_of_num (0::nat))"
- by (import hollight SUM_DIFFS_ALT)
-lemma SUM_COMBINE_R: "(m::nat) <= (n::nat) + (1::nat) & n <= (p::nat)
-==> real_add (hollight.sum {m..n} (f::nat => hollight.real))
- (hollight.sum {n + (1::nat)..p} f) =
- hollight.sum {m..p} f"
- by (import hollight SUM_COMBINE_R)
-lemma SUM_COMBINE_L: "(0::nat) < (n::nat) & (m::nat) <= n & n <= (p::nat) + (1::nat)
-==> real_add (hollight.sum {m..n - (1::nat)} (f::nat => hollight.real))
- (hollight.sum {n..p} f) =
- hollight.sum {m..p} f"
- by (import hollight SUM_COMBINE_L)
-lemma REAL_SUB_POW: "1 <= xb
-==> real_sub (real_pow x xb) (real_pow xa xb) =
- real_mul (real_sub x xa)
- (hollight.sum {0..xb - 1}
- (%i. real_mul (real_pow x i) (real_pow xa (xb - 1 - i))))"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_POW)
-lemma REAL_SUB_POW_R1: "1 <= n
-==> real_sub (real_pow x n) (real_of_num 1) =
- real_mul (real_sub x (real_of_num 1))
- (hollight.sum {0..n - 1} (real_pow x))"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_POW_R1)
-lemma REAL_SUB_POW_L1: "1 <= xa
-==> real_sub (real_of_num 1) (real_pow x xa) =
- real_mul (real_sub (real_of_num 1) x)
- (hollight.sum {0..xa - 1} (real_pow x))"
- by (import hollight REAL_SUB_POW_L1)
- dimindex :: "('A => bool) => nat" where
- "(op ==::(('A::type => bool) => nat) => (('A::type => bool) => nat) => prop)
- (dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat)
- (%u::'A::type => bool.
- (If::bool => nat => nat => nat)
- ((finite::('A::type => bool) => bool) (UNIV::'A::type => bool))
- ((CARD::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)) (1::nat))"
-lemma DEF_dimindex: "(op =::(('A::type => bool) => nat) => (('A::type => bool) => nat) => bool)
- (dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat)
- (%u::'A::type => bool.
- (If::bool => nat => nat => nat)
- ((finite::('A::type => bool) => bool) (UNIV::'A::type => bool))
- ((CARD::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)) (1::nat))"
- by (import hollight DEF_dimindex)
-lemma DIMINDEX_NONZERO: "dimindex (s::'A => bool) ~= (0::nat)"
- by (import hollight DIMINDEX_NONZERO)
-lemma DIMINDEX_GE_1: "(1::nat) <= dimindex (x::'A => bool)"
- by (import hollight DIMINDEX_GE_1)
-lemma DIMINDEX_UNIV: "(op =::nat => nat => bool)
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (x::'A::type => bool))
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool))"
- by (import hollight DIMINDEX_UNIV)
-lemma DIMINDEX_UNIQUE: "(op ==>::prop => prop => prop)
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((HAS_SIZE::('A::type => bool) => nat => bool) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)
- (n::nat)))
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((op =::nat => nat => bool)
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)) n))"
- by (import hollight DIMINDEX_UNIQUE)
-typedef (open) ('A) finite_image = "{x::nat. x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 (0::nat))) (dimindex UNIV)}" morphisms "dest_finite_image" "finite_index"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="SOME x::nat. x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 (0::nat))) (dimindex UNIV)"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_finite_image)
- dest_finite_image :: _
- finite_index :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_finite_image_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: 'A finite_image" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_finite_image]
-lemma FINITE_IMAGE_IMAGE: "(op =::('A::type finite_image => bool)
- => ('A::type finite_image => bool) => bool)
- (UNIV::'A::type finite_image => bool)
- ((op `::(nat => 'A::type finite_image)
- => (nat => bool) => 'A::type finite_image => bool)
- (finite_index::nat => 'A::type finite_image)
- ((atLeastAtMost::nat => nat => nat => bool) (1::nat)
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool))))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_IMAGE_IMAGE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_FINITE_IMAGE: "(HAS_SIZE::('A::type finite_image => bool) => nat => bool)
- (UNIV::'A::type finite_image => bool)
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (s::'A::type => bool))"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_FINITE_IMAGE)
-lemma CARD_FINITE_IMAGE: "(op =::nat => nat => bool)
- ((CARD::('A::type finite_image => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'A::type finite_image => bool))
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (s::'A::type => bool))"
- by (import hollight CARD_FINITE_IMAGE)
-lemma FINITE_FINITE_IMAGE: "(finite::('A::type finite_image => bool) => bool)
- (UNIV::'A::type finite_image => bool)"
- by (import hollight FINITE_FINITE_IMAGE)
-lemma DIMINDEX_FINITE_IMAGE: "dimindex (s::'A finite_image => bool) = dimindex (t::'A => bool)"
- by (import hollight DIMINDEX_FINITE_IMAGE)
-lemma FINITE_INDEX_WORKS: "(Ex1::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%xa::nat.
- (op &::bool => bool => bool) ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) xa)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) xa
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)))
- ((op =::'A::type finite_image => 'A::type finite_image => bool)
- ((finite_index::nat => 'A::type finite_image) xa)
- (x::'A::type finite_image))))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INDEX_WORKS)
-lemma FINITE_INDEX_INJ: "(op ==>::prop => prop => prop)
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) (i::nat))
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool)))
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) (j::nat))
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) j
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'A::type => bool)))))))
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((op =::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op =::'A::type finite_image => 'A::type finite_image => bool)
- ((finite_index::nat => 'A::type finite_image) i)
- ((finite_index::nat => 'A::type finite_image) j))
- ((op =::nat => nat => bool) i j)))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INDEX_INJ)
-lemma FORALL_FINITE_INDEX: "(op =::bool => bool => bool)
- ((All::('N::type finite_image => bool) => bool)
- (P::'N::type finite_image => bool))
- ((All::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%i::nat.
- (op -->::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) i)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('N::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'N::type => bool))))
- (P ((finite_index::nat => 'N::type finite_image) i))))"
- by (import hollight FORALL_FINITE_INDEX)
-typedef (open) ('A, 'B) cart = "{f. True}" morphisms "dest_cart" "mk_cart"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="SOME f. True"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_cart)
- dest_cart :: _
- mk_cart :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_cart_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: ('A, 'B) cart" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_cart]
- "$" :: "('q_73536, 'q_73546) cart => nat => 'q_73536" ("$")
- "$_def": "$ == %(u::('q_73536, 'q_73546) cart) ua::nat. dest_cart u (finite_index ua)"
-lemma "DEF_$": "$ = (%(u::('q_73536, 'q_73546) cart) ua::nat. dest_cart u (finite_index ua))"
- by (import hollight "DEF_$")
-lemma CART_EQ: "(op =::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op =::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart => bool)
- (x::('A::type, 'B::type) cart) (y::('A::type, 'B::type) cart))
- ((All::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%xa::nat.
- (op -->::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) xa)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) xa
- ((dimindex::('B::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'B::type => bool))))
- ((op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool)
- (($::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) x xa)
- (($::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) y xa))))"
- by (import hollight CART_EQ)
- lambda :: "(nat => 'A) => ('A, 'B) cart" where
- "(op ==::((nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- => ((nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart) => prop)
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- (%u::nat => 'A::type.
- (Eps::(('A::type, 'B::type) cart => bool) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- (%f::('A::type, 'B::type) cart.
- (All::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%i::nat.
- (op -->::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) i)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('B::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'B::type => bool))))
- ((op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool)
- (($::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) f i)
- (u i)))))"
-lemma DEF_lambda: "(op =::((nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- => ((nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart) => bool)
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- (%u::nat => 'A::type.
- (Eps::(('A::type, 'B::type) cart => bool) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- (%f::('A::type, 'B::type) cart.
- (All::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%i::nat.
- (op -->::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) i)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('B::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'B::type => bool))))
- ((op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool)
- (($::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) f i)
- (u i)))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_lambda)
-lemma LAMBDA_BETA: "(op ==>::prop => prop => prop)
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) (x::nat))
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) x
- ((dimindex::('B::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'B::type => bool)))))
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool)
- (($::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => nat => 'A::type)
- ((lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart)
- (g::nat => 'A::type))
- x)
- (g x)))"
- by (import hollight LAMBDA_BETA)
-lemma LAMBDA_UNIQUE: "(op =::bool => bool => bool)
- ((All::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%i::nat.
- (op -->::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) i)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('B::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'B::type => bool))))
- ((op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool)
- (($::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => nat => 'A::type)
- (x::('A::type, 'B::type) cart) i)
- ((xa::nat => 'A::type) i))))
- ((op =::('A::type, 'B::type) cart => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart => bool)
- ((lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'B::type) cart) xa) x)"
- by (import hollight LAMBDA_UNIQUE)
-lemma LAMBDA_ETA: "lambda ($ (x::('q_73734, 'q_73738) cart)) = x"
- by (import hollight LAMBDA_ETA)
-lemma FINITE_INDEX_INRANGE: "(Ex::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%xa::nat.
- (op &::bool => bool => bool) ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) xa)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) xa
- ((dimindex::('N::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'N::type => bool)))
- ((All::(('A::type, 'N::type) cart => bool) => bool)
- (%xb::('A::type, 'N::type) cart.
- (op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool)
- (($::('A::type, 'N::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) xb
- (x::nat))
- (($::('A::type, 'N::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) xb xa)))))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_INDEX_INRANGE)
-lemma CART_EQ_FULL: "((x::('A, 'N) cart) = (y::('A, 'N) cart)) = (ALL i::nat. $ x i = $ y i)"
- by (import hollight CART_EQ_FULL)
-typedef (open) ('A, 'B) finite_sum = "{x::nat.
- x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 (0::nat)))
- (dimindex UNIV + dimindex UNIV)}" morphisms "dest_finite_sum" "mk_finite_sum"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="SOME x::nat.
- x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 (0::nat)))
- (dimindex UNIV + dimindex UNIV)"])
- by (import hollight TYDEF_finite_sum)
- dest_finite_sum :: _
- mk_finite_sum :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_finite_sum_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: ('A, 'B) finite_sum" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_finite_sum]
- pastecart :: "('A, 'M) cart => ('A, 'N) cart => ('A, ('M, 'N) finite_sum) cart" where
- "(op ==::(('A::type, 'M::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- => (('A::type, 'M::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- => prop)
- (pastecart::('A::type, 'M::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- (%(u::('A::type, 'M::type) cart) ua::('A::type, 'N::type) cart.
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type)
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- (%i::nat.
- (If::bool => 'A::type => 'A::type => 'A::type)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('M::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'M::type => bool)))
- (($::('A::type, 'M::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) u i)
- (($::('A::type, 'N::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) ua
- ((op -::nat => nat => nat) i
- ((dimindex::('M::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'M::type => bool))))))"
-lemma DEF_pastecart: "(op =::(('A::type, 'M::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- => (('A::type, 'M::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- => bool)
- (pastecart::('A::type, 'M::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- (%(u::('A::type, 'M::type) cart) ua::('A::type, 'N::type) cart.
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type)
- => ('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart)
- (%i::nat.
- (If::bool => 'A::type => 'A::type => 'A::type)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('M::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'M::type => bool)))
- (($::('A::type, 'M::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) u i)
- (($::('A::type, 'N::type) cart => nat => 'A::type) ua
- ((op -::nat => nat => nat) i
- ((dimindex::('M::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'M::type => bool))))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_pastecart)
- fstcart :: "('A, ('M, 'N) finite_sum) cart => ('A, 'M) cart" where
- "fstcart == %u::('A, ('M, 'N) finite_sum) cart. lambda ($ u)"
-lemma DEF_fstcart: "fstcart = (%u::('A, ('M, 'N) finite_sum) cart. lambda ($ u))"
- by (import hollight DEF_fstcart)
- sndcart :: "('A, ('M, 'N) finite_sum) cart => ('A, 'N) cart" where
- "(op ==::(('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- => (('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- => prop)
- (sndcart::('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%u::('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart.
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%i::nat.
- ($::('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => nat => 'A::type)
- u ((op +::nat => nat => nat) i
- ((dimindex::('M::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'M::type => bool)))))"
-lemma DEF_sndcart: "(op =::(('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- => (('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- => bool)
- (sndcart::('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%u::('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart.
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%i::nat.
- ($::('A::type, ('M::type, 'N::type) finite_sum) cart
- => nat => 'A::type)
- u ((op +::nat => nat => nat) i
- ((dimindex::('M::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'M::type => bool)))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_sndcart)
-lemma FINITE_SUM_IMAGE: "(op =::(('A::type, 'B::type) finite_sum => bool)
- => (('A::type, 'B::type) finite_sum => bool) => bool)
- (UNIV::('A::type, 'B::type) finite_sum => bool)
- ((op `::(nat => ('A::type, 'B::type) finite_sum)
- => (nat => bool) => ('A::type, 'B::type) finite_sum => bool)
- (mk_finite_sum::nat => ('A::type, 'B::type) finite_sum)
- ((atLeastAtMost::nat => nat => nat => bool) (1::nat)
- ((op +::nat => nat => nat)
- ((dimindex::('A::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'A::type => bool))
- ((dimindex::('B::type => bool) => nat) (UNIV::'B::type => bool)))))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_SUM_IMAGE)
-lemma HAS_SIZE_1: "(HAS_SIZE::(unit => bool) => nat => bool) (UNIV::unit => bool) (1::nat)"
- by (import hollight HAS_SIZE_1)
-typedef (open) N_2 = "{x. x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 0))
- (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT0 (NUMERAL_BIT1 0)))}" morphisms "dest_auto_define_finite_type_2" "mk_auto_define_finite_type_2"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="SOME x.
- x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 0))
- by (import hollight TYDEF_2)
- dest_auto_define_finite_type_2 :: _
- mk_auto_define_finite_type_2 :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_2_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: N_2" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_N_2]
-typedef (open) N_3 = "{x. x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 0))
- (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 (NUMERAL_BIT1 0)))}" morphisms "dest_auto_define_finite_type_3" "mk_auto_define_finite_type_3"
- apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="SOME x.
- x : dotdot (NUMERAL (NUMERAL_BIT1 0))
- by (import hollight TYDEF_3)
- dest_auto_define_finite_type_3 :: _
- mk_auto_define_finite_type_3 :: _
-lemmas "TYDEF_3_@intern" = typedef_hol2hollight
- [where a="a :: N_3" and r=r ,
- OF type_definition_N_3]
-lemma FINITE_CART: "(op ==>::prop => prop => prop)
- ((all::(nat => prop) => prop)
- (%i::nat.
- (op ==>::prop => prop => prop)
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) i)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('N::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'N::type => bool)))))
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((finite::('A::type => bool) => bool)
- ((Collect::('A::type => bool) => 'A::type => bool)
- (%u::'A::type.
- (Ex::('A::type => bool) => bool)
- (%x::'A::type.
- (op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((P::nat => 'A::type => bool) i x)
- ((op =::'A::type => 'A::type => bool) u x))))))))
- ((Trueprop::bool => prop)
- ((finite::(('A::type, 'N::type) cart => bool) => bool)
- ((Collect::(('A::type, 'N::type) cart => bool)
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart => bool)
- (%u::('A::type, 'N::type) cart.
- (Ex::(('A::type, 'N::type) cart => bool) => bool)
- (%v::('A::type, 'N::type) cart.
- (op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((All::(nat => bool) => bool)
- (%i::nat.
- (op -->::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op &::bool => bool => bool)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) (1::nat) i)
- ((op <=::nat => nat => bool) i
- ((dimindex::('N::type => bool) => nat)
- (UNIV::'N::type => bool))))
- (P i (($::('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => nat => 'A::type)
- v i))))
- ((op =::('A::type, 'N::type) cart
- => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart => bool)
- u v))))))"
- by (import hollight FINITE_CART)
- vector :: "'A list => ('A, 'N) cart" where
- "(op ==::('A::type list => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- => ('A::type list => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart) => prop)
- (vector::'A::type list => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%u::'A::type list.
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%i::nat.
- (op !::'A::type list => nat => 'A::type) u
- ((op -::nat => nat => nat) i (1::nat))))"
-lemma DEF_vector: "(op =::('A::type list => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- => ('A::type list => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart) => bool)
- (vector::'A::type list => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%u::'A::type list.
- (lambda::(nat => 'A::type) => ('A::type, 'N::type) cart)
- (%i::nat.
- (op !::'A::type list => nat => 'A::type) u
- ((op -::nat => nat => nat) i (1::nat))))"
- by (import hollight DEF_vector)
- CASEWISE :: "(('q_74835 => 'q_74839) * ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799)) list
-=> 'q_74840 => 'q_74839 => 'q_74799" where
-SOME CASEWISE::(('q_74835 => 'q_74839) *
- ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799)) list
- => 'q_74840 => 'q_74839 => 'q_74799.
- (ALL (f::'q_74840) x::'q_74839.
- CASEWISE [] f x = (SOME y::'q_74799. True)) &
- (ALL (h::('q_74835 => 'q_74839) * ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799))
- (t::(('q_74835 => 'q_74839) *
- ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799)) list)
- (f::'q_74840) x::'q_74839.
- CASEWISE (h # t) f x =
- (if EX y::'q_74835. fst h y = x
- then snd h f (SOME y::'q_74835. fst h y = x) else CASEWISE t f x))"
-(SOME CASEWISE::(('q_74835 => 'q_74839) *
- ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799)) list
- => 'q_74840 => 'q_74839 => 'q_74799.
- (ALL (f::'q_74840) x::'q_74839.
- CASEWISE [] f x = (SOME y::'q_74799. True)) &
- (ALL (h::('q_74835 => 'q_74839) * ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799))
- (t::(('q_74835 => 'q_74839) *
- ('q_74840 => 'q_74835 => 'q_74799)) list)
- (f::'q_74840) x::'q_74839.
- CASEWISE (h # t) f x =
- (if EX y::'q_74835. fst h y = x
- then snd h f (SOME y::'q_74835. fst h y = x) else CASEWISE t f x)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_CASEWISE)
- admissible :: "('q_75137 => 'q_75130 => bool)
-=> (('q_75137 => 'q_75133) => 'q_75143 => bool)
- => ('q_75143 => 'q_75130)
- => (('q_75137 => 'q_75133) => 'q_75143 => 'q_75138) => bool" where
- "admissible ==
-%(u::'q_75137 => 'q_75130 => bool)
- (ua::('q_75137 => 'q_75133) => 'q_75143 => bool)
- (ub::'q_75143 => 'q_75130)
- uc::('q_75137 => 'q_75133) => 'q_75143 => 'q_75138.
- ALL (f::'q_75137 => 'q_75133) (g::'q_75137 => 'q_75133) a::'q_75143.
- ua f a & ua g a & (ALL z::'q_75137. u z (ub a) --> f z = g z) -->
- uc f a = uc g a"
-lemma DEF_admissible: "admissible =
-(%(u::'q_75137 => 'q_75130 => bool)
- (ua::('q_75137 => 'q_75133) => 'q_75143 => bool)
- (ub::'q_75143 => 'q_75130)
- uc::('q_75137 => 'q_75133) => 'q_75143 => 'q_75138.
- ALL (f::'q_75137 => 'q_75133) (g::'q_75137 => 'q_75133) a::'q_75143.
- ua f a & ua g a & (ALL z::'q_75137. u z (ub a) --> f z = g z) -->
- uc f a = uc g a)"
- by (import hollight DEF_admissible)
- tailadmissible :: "('A => 'A => bool)
-=> (('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- => ('P => 'A) => (('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B) => bool" where
- "tailadmissible ==
-%(u::'A => 'A => bool) (ua::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) (ub::'P => 'A)
- uc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B.
- EX (P::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) (G::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'A)
- H::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B.
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) (a::'P) y::'A.
- P f a & u y (G f a) --> u y (ub a)) &
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) a::'P.
- (ALL z::'A. u z (ub a) --> f z = g z) -->
- P f a = P g a & G f a = G g a & H f a = H g a) &
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) a::'P.
- ua f a --> uc f a = (if P f a then f (G f a) else H f a))"
-lemma DEF_tailadmissible: "tailadmissible =
-(%(u::'A => 'A => bool) (ua::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) (ub::'P => 'A)
- uc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B.
- EX (P::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) (G::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'A)
- H::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B.
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) (a::'P) y::'A.
- P f a & u y (G f a) --> u y (ub a)) &
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) (g::'A => 'B) a::'P.
- (ALL z::'A. u z (ub a) --> f z = g z) -->
- P f a = P g a & G f a = G g a & H f a = H g a) &
- (ALL (f::'A => 'B) a::'P.
- ua f a --> uc f a = (if P f a then f (G f a) else H f a)))"
- by (import hollight DEF_tailadmissible)
- superadmissible :: "('q_75287 => 'q_75287 => bool)
-=> (('q_75287 => 'q_75289) => 'q_75295 => bool)
- => ('q_75295 => 'q_75287)
- => (('q_75287 => 'q_75289) => 'q_75295 => 'q_75289) => bool" where
- "superadmissible ==
-%(u::'q_75287 => 'q_75287 => bool)
- (ua::('q_75287 => 'q_75289) => 'q_75295 => bool)
- (ub::'q_75295 => 'q_75287)
- uc::('q_75287 => 'q_75289) => 'q_75295 => 'q_75289.
- admissible u (%(f::'q_75287 => 'q_75289) a::'q_75295. True) ub ua -->
- tailadmissible u ua ub uc"
-lemma DEF_superadmissible: "superadmissible =
-(%(u::'q_75287 => 'q_75287 => bool)
- (ua::('q_75287 => 'q_75289) => 'q_75295 => bool)
- (ub::'q_75295 => 'q_75287)
- uc::('q_75287 => 'q_75289) => 'q_75295 => 'q_75289.
- admissible u (%(f::'q_75287 => 'q_75289) a::'q_75295. True) ub ua -->
- tailadmissible u ua ub uc)"
- by (import hollight DEF_superadmissible)
-lemma MATCH_SEQPATTERN: "_MATCH (x::'q_75330)
- (_SEQPATTERN (r::'q_75330 => 'q_75323 => bool)
- (s::'q_75330 => 'q_75323 => bool)) =
-(if Ex (r x) then _MATCH x r else _MATCH x s)"
- by (import hollight MATCH_SEQPATTERN)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_CONST: "admissible (u_556::'q_75351 => 'q_75350 => bool)
- (x::('q_75351 => 'q_75352) => 'q_75353 => bool) (xa::'q_75353 => 'q_75350)
- (%f::'q_75351 => 'q_75352. xb::'q_75353 => 'q_75354)"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_CONST)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_BASE: "(!!(f::'A => 'B) a::'P.
- (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) f a
- ==> (x::'A => 'A => bool) ((xc::'P => 'A) a) ((xb::'P => 'A) a))
-==> admissible x xa xb (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. f (xc x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_BASE)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_COMB: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xb::'P => 'A) (xc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'C => 'D) &
-admissible x xa xb (xd::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'C)
-==> admissible x xa xb (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. xc f x (xd f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_COMB)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_RAND: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xb::'P => 'A) (xd::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'C)
-==> admissible x xa xb
- (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. (xc::'P => 'C => 'D) x (xd f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_RAND)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_LAMBDA: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool)
- (%f::'A => 'B.
- SOME fa::'C * 'P => bool.
- ALL (u::'C) x::'P. fa (u, x) = (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) f x)
- (SOME f::'C * 'P => 'A. ALL (u::'C) x::'P. f (u, x) = (xb::'P => 'A) x)
- (%f::'A => 'B.
- SOME fa::'C * 'P => bool.
- ALL (u::'C) x::'P.
- fa (u, x) = (xc::('A => 'B) => 'C => 'P => bool) f u x)
-==> admissible x xa xb (%(f::'A => 'B) (x::'P) u::'C. xc f u x)"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_LAMBDA)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_NEST: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xb::'P => 'A) (xc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'A) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) a::'P. xa f a --> x (xc f a) (xb a))
-==> admissible x xa xb (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. f (xc f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_NEST)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_COND: "admissible (u_556::'q_75688 => 'q_75687 => bool)
- (p::('q_75688 => 'q_75719) => 'P => bool) (s::'P => 'q_75687)
- (P::('q_75688 => 'q_75719) => 'P => bool) &
-admissible u_556 (%(f::'q_75688 => 'q_75719) x::'P. p f x & P f x) s
- (h::('q_75688 => 'q_75719) => 'P => 'q_75744) &
-admissible u_556 (%(f::'q_75688 => 'q_75719) x::'P. p f x & ~ P f x) s
- (k::('q_75688 => 'q_75719) => 'P => 'q_75744)
-==> admissible u_556 p s
- (%(f::'q_75688 => 'q_75719) x::'P. if P f x then h f x else k f x)"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_COND)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_MATCH: "admissible (x::'q_75790 => 'q_75789 => bool)
- (xa::('q_75790 => 'q_75791) => 'P => bool) (xb::'P => 'q_75789)
- (xc::('q_75790 => 'q_75791) => 'P => 'q_75826) &
-admissible x xa xb
- (%(f::'q_75790 => 'q_75791) x::'P.
- (c::('q_75790 => 'q_75791) => 'P => 'q_75826 => 'q_75823 => bool) f x
- (xc f x))
-==> admissible x xa xb
- (%(f::'q_75790 => 'q_75791) x::'P. _MATCH (xc f x) (c f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_MATCH)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_SEQPATTERN: "admissible (x::'q_75867 => 'q_75866 => bool)
- (xa::('q_75867 => 'q_75929) => 'P => bool) (xb::'P => 'q_75866)
- (%(f::'q_75867 => 'q_75929) x::'P.
- Ex ((xc::('q_75867 => 'q_75929) => 'P => 'q_75955 => 'q_75945 => bool)
- f x ((xe::('q_75867 => 'q_75929) => 'P => 'q_75955) f x))) &
-admissible x
- (%(f::'q_75867 => 'q_75929) x::'P. xa f x & Ex (xc f x (xe f x))) xb
- (%(f::'q_75867 => 'q_75929) x::'P. xc f x (xe f x)) &
-admissible x
- (%(f::'q_75867 => 'q_75929) x::'P. xa f x & ~ Ex (xc f x (xe f x))) xb
- (%(f::'q_75867 => 'q_75929) x::'P.
- (xd::('q_75867 => 'q_75929) => 'P => 'q_75955 => 'q_75945 => bool) f x
- (xe f x))
-==> admissible x xa xb
- (%(f::'q_75867 => 'q_75929) x::'P.
- _SEQPATTERN (xc f x) (xd f x) (xe f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_SEQPATTERN)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_UNGUARDED_PATTERN: "admissible (u_556::'q_76041 => 'q_76040 => bool)
- (p::('q_76041 => 'q_76088) => 'P => bool) (s::'P => 'q_76040)
- (pat::('q_76041 => 'q_76088) => 'P => 'q_76121) &
-admissible u_556 p s (e::('q_76041 => 'q_76088) => 'P => 'q_76121) &
-admissible u_556 (%(f::'q_76041 => 'q_76088) x::'P. p f x & pat f x = e f x)
- s (t::('q_76041 => 'q_76088) => 'P => 'q_76128) &
-admissible u_556 (%(f::'q_76041 => 'q_76088) x::'P. p f x & pat f x = e f x)
- s (y::('q_76041 => 'q_76088) => 'P => 'q_76128)
-==> admissible u_556 p s
- (%(f::'q_76041 => 'q_76088) x::'P.
- _UNGUARDED_PATTERN (pat f x = e f x) (t f x = y f x))"
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_GUARDED_PATTERN: "admissible (u_556::'q_76215 => 'q_76214 => bool)
- (p::('q_76215 => 'q_76292) => 'P => bool) (s::'P => 'q_76214)
- (pat::('q_76215 => 'q_76292) => 'P => 'q_76330) &
-admissible u_556 p s (e::('q_76215 => 'q_76292) => 'P => 'q_76330) &
-admissible u_556
- (%(f::'q_76215 => 'q_76292) x::'P.
- p f x &
- pat f x = e f x & (q::('q_76215 => 'q_76292) => 'P => bool) f x)
- s (t::('q_76215 => 'q_76292) => 'P => 'q_76339) &
-admissible u_556 (%(f::'q_76215 => 'q_76292) x::'P. p f x & pat f x = e f x)
- s q &
-admissible u_556
- (%(f::'q_76215 => 'q_76292) x::'P. p f x & pat f x = e f x & q f x) s
- (y::('q_76215 => 'q_76292) => 'P => 'q_76339)
-==> admissible u_556 p s
- (%(f::'q_76215 => 'q_76292) x::'P.
- _GUARDED_PATTERN (pat f x = e f x) (q f x) (t f x = y f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_GUARDED_PATTERN)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_NSUM: "admissible (x::'B => 'A => bool)
- (%f::'B => 'C.
- SOME fa::nat * 'P => bool.
- ALL (k::nat) x::'P.
- fa (k, x) =
- ((xd::'P => nat) x <= k &
- k <= (xe::'P => nat) x & (xa::('B => 'C) => 'P => bool) f x))
- (SOME f::nat * 'P => 'A. ALL (k::nat) x::'P. f (k, x) = (xb::'P => 'A) x)
- (%f::'B => 'C.
- SOME fa::nat * 'P => nat.
- ALL (k::nat) x::'P.
- fa (k, x) = (xc::('B => 'C) => 'P => nat => nat) f x k)
-==> admissible x xa xb (%(f::'B => 'C) x::'P. nsum {xd x..xe x} (xc f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_NSUM)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_SUM: "admissible (x::'B => 'A => bool)
- (%f::'B => 'C.
- SOME fa::nat * 'P => bool.
- ALL (k::nat) x::'P.
- fa (k, x) =
- ((xd::'P => nat) x <= k &
- k <= (xe::'P => nat) x & (xa::('B => 'C) => 'P => bool) f x))
- (SOME f::nat * 'P => 'A. ALL (k::nat) x::'P. f (k, x) = (xb::'P => 'A) x)
- (%f::'B => 'C.
- SOME fa::nat * 'P => hollight.real.
- ALL (k::nat) x::'P.
- fa (k, x) = (xc::('B => 'C) => 'P => nat => hollight.real) f x k)
-==> admissible x xa xb
- (%(f::'B => 'C) x::'P. hollight.sum {xd x..xe x} (xc f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_SUM)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_MAP: "admissible (x::'A => 'q_76632 => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xb::'P => 'q_76632) (xd::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'q_76647 list) &
-admissible x
- (%f::'A => 'B.
- SOME fa::'q_76647 * 'P => bool.
- ALL (y::'q_76647) x::'P. fa (y, x) = (xa f x & y : set (xd f x)))
- (SOME f::'q_76647 * 'P => 'q_76632.
- ALL (y::'q_76647) x::'P. f (y, x) = xb x)
- (%f::'A => 'B.
- SOME fa::'q_76647 * 'P => 'q_76641.
- ALL (y::'q_76647) x::'P.
- fa (y, x) = (xc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'q_76647 => 'q_76641) f x y)
-==> admissible x xa xb (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. map (xc f x) (xd f x))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_MAP)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_MATCH_SEQPATTERN: "admissible (x::'q_76705 => 'q_76704 => bool)
- (xa::('q_76705 => 'q_76770) => 'P => bool) (xb::'P => 'q_76704)
- (%(f::'q_76705 => 'q_76770) x::'P.
- Ex ((xc::('q_76705 => 'q_76770) => 'P => 'q_76825 => 'q_76794 => bool)
- f x ((xe::('q_76705 => 'q_76770) => 'P => 'q_76825) f x))) &
-admissible x
- (%(f::'q_76705 => 'q_76770) x::'P. xa f x & Ex (xc f x (xe f x))) xb
- (%(f::'q_76705 => 'q_76770) x::'P. _MATCH (xe f x) (xc f x)) &
-admissible x
- (%(f::'q_76705 => 'q_76770) x::'P. xa f x & ~ Ex (xc f x (xe f x))) xb
- (%(f::'q_76705 => 'q_76770) x::'P.
- _MATCH (xe f x)
- ((xd::('q_76705 => 'q_76770) => 'P => 'q_76825 => 'q_76794 => bool) f
- x))
-==> admissible x xa xb
- (%(x::'q_76705 => 'q_76770) xa::'P.
- _MATCH (xe x xa) (_SEQPATTERN (xc x xa) (xd x xa)))"
- by (import hollight ADMISSIBLE_MATCH_SEQPATTERN)
-lemma ADMISSIBLE_IMP_SUPERADMISSIBLE: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xb::'P => 'A) (xc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B)
-==> superadmissible x xa xb xc"
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_CONST: "superadmissible (u_556::'q_76904 => 'q_76904 => bool)
- (p::('q_76904 => 'q_76906) => 'q_76905 => bool) (s::'q_76905 => 'q_76904)
- (%f::'q_76904 => 'q_76906. c::'q_76905 => 'q_76906)"
- by (import hollight SUPERADMISSIBLE_CONST)
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_TAIL: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xb::'P => 'A) (xc::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'A) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) a::'P.
- xa f a --> (ALL y::'A. x y (xc f a) --> x y (xb a)))
-==> superadmissible x xa xb (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. f (xc f x))"
- by (import hollight SUPERADMISSIBLE_TAIL)
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_COND: "admissible (x::'A => 'A => bool) (xa::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool)
- (xc::'P => 'A) (xb::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) &
-superadmissible x (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. xa f x & xb f x) xc
- (xd::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B) &
-superadmissible x (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. xa f x & ~ xb f x) xc
- (xe::('A => 'B) => 'P => 'B)
-==> superadmissible x xa xc
- (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P. if xb f x then xd f x else xe f x)"
- by (import hollight SUPERADMISSIBLE_COND)
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_MATCH_SEQPATTERN: "admissible (x::'q_77225 => 'q_77225 => bool)
- (xa::('q_77225 => 'q_77341) => 'P => bool) (xb::'P => 'q_77225)
- (%(f::'q_77225 => 'q_77341) x::'P.
- Ex ((xc::('q_77225 => 'q_77341) => 'P => 'q_77340 => 'q_77341 => bool)
- f x ((xe::('q_77225 => 'q_77341) => 'P => 'q_77340) f x))) &
-superadmissible x
- (%(f::'q_77225 => 'q_77341) x::'P. xa f x & Ex (xc f x (xe f x))) xb
- (%(f::'q_77225 => 'q_77341) x::'P. _MATCH (xe f x) (xc f x)) &
-superadmissible x
- (%(f::'q_77225 => 'q_77341) x::'P. xa f x & ~ Ex (xc f x (xe f x))) xb
- (%(f::'q_77225 => 'q_77341) x::'P.
- _MATCH (xe f x)
- ((xd::('q_77225 => 'q_77341) => 'P => 'q_77340 => 'q_77341 => bool) f
- x))
-==> superadmissible x xa xb
- (%(x::'q_77225 => 'q_77341) xa::'P.
- _MATCH (xe x xa) (_SEQPATTERN (xc x xa) (xd x xa)))"
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_MATCH_UNGUARDED_PATTERN: "(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (a::'P) (t::'Q) u::'Q.
- (p::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) f a &
- (pat::'Q => 'D) t = (e::'P => 'D) a & pat u = e a -->
- (arg::'P => 'Q => 'A) a t = arg a u) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (a::'P) t::'Q.
- p f a & pat t = e a -->
- (ALL y::'A.
- (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) y (arg a t) -->
- u_556 y ((s::'P => 'A) a)))
-==> superadmissible u_556 p s
- (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P.
- _MATCH (e x)
- (%(u::'D) v::'B.
- EX t::'Q. _UNGUARDED_PATTERN (pat t = u) (f (arg x t) = v)))"
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_MATCH_GUARDED_PATTERN: "(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (a::'P) (t::'Q) u::'Q.
- (p::('A => 'B) => 'P => bool) f a &
- (pat::'Q => 'D) t = (e::'P => 'D) a &
- (q::'P => 'Q => bool) a t & pat u = e a & q a u -->
- (arg::'P => 'Q => 'A) a t = arg a u) &
-(ALL (f::'A => 'B) (a::'P) t::'Q.
- p f a & q a t & pat t = e a -->
- (ALL y::'A.
- (u_556::'A => 'A => bool) y (arg a t) -->
- u_556 y ((s::'P => 'A) a)))
-==> superadmissible u_556 p s
- (%(f::'A => 'B) x::'P.
- _MATCH (e x)
- (%(u::'D) v::'B.
- EX t::'Q.
- _GUARDED_PATTERN (pat t = u) (q x t) (f (arg x t) = v)))"
-lemma cth: "[| !!(c::'q_78547) (x::'A) y::'A.
- (p1::'A => 'q_78536) x = (p1'::'A => 'q_78536) y
- ==> (p2::'q_78547 => 'A => 'q_78541) c x =
- (p2'::'q_78547 => 'A => 'q_78541) c y;
- p1' (x::'A) = p1 (y::'A) |]
-==> p2' (c::'q_78547) x = p2 c y"
- by (import hollight cth)
-lemma SUPERADMISSIBLE_T: "superadmissible (u_556::'q_78694 => 'q_78694 => bool)
- (%(f::'q_78694 => 'q_78696) x::'q_78700. True) (s::'q_78700 => 'q_78694)
- (t::('q_78694 => 'q_78696) => 'q_78700 => 'q_78696) =
-tailadmissible u_556 (%(f::'q_78694 => 'q_78696) x::'q_78700. True) s t"
- by (import hollight SUPERADMISSIBLE_T)
-lemma elemma0: "(ALL z::'q_78985 * 'q_78984.
- (f::'q_78985 * 'q_78984 => 'q_78975) z =
- (g::'q_78985 * 'q_78984 => 'q_78975) z) =
-(ALL (x::'q_78985) y::'q_78984. f (x, y) = g (x, y)) &
-(P::'q_79002 * 'q_79001 => 'q_78994) =
-(SOME f::'q_79002 * 'q_79001 => 'q_78994.
- ALL (x::'q_79002) y::'q_79001. f (x, y) = P (x, y))"
- by (import hollight elemma0)
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Generated/hollight.imp Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2335 +0,0 @@
-import_segment "hollight"
- "vector" > "vector_def"
- "treal_of_num" > "treal_of_num_def"
- "treal_neg" > "treal_neg_def"
- "treal_mul" > "treal_mul_def"
- "treal_le" > "treal_le_def"
- "treal_inv" > "treal_inv_def"
- "treal_eq" > "treal_eq_def"
- "treal_add" > "treal_add_def"
- "tailadmissible" > "tailadmissible_def"
- "support" > "support_def"
- "superadmissible" > "superadmissible_def"
- "sum" > "sum_def"
- "sndcart" > "sndcart_def"
- "rem" > "rem_def"
- "real_sub" > "real_sub_def"
- "real_sgn" > "real_sgn_def"
- "real_pow" > "real_pow_def"
- "real_of_num" > "real_of_num_def"
- "real_neg" > "real_neg_def"
- "real_mul" > "real_mul_def"
- "real_mod" > "real_mod_def"
- "real_min" > "real_min_def"
- "real_max" > "real_max_def"
- "real_lt" > "real_lt_def"
- "real_le" > "real_le_def"
- "real_inv" > "real_inv_def"
- "real_gt" > "real_gt_def"
- "real_ge" > "real_ge_def"
- "real_div" > "real_div_def"
- "real_add" > "real_add_def"
- "real_abs" > "real_abs_def"
- "pastecart" > "pastecart_def"
- "pairwise" > "pairwise_def"
- "num_of_int" > "num_of_int_def"
- "num_mod" > "num_mod_def"
- "num_gcd" > "num_gcd_def"
- "num_divides" > "num_divides_def"
- "num_coprime" > "num_coprime_def"
- "nsum" > "nsum_def"
- "neutral" > "neutral_def"
- "nadd_rinv" > "nadd_rinv_def"
- "nadd_of_num" > "nadd_of_num_def"
- "nadd_mul" > "nadd_mul_def"
- "nadd_le" > "nadd_le_def"
- "nadd_inv" > "nadd_inv_def"
- "nadd_eq" > "nadd_eq_def"
- "nadd_add" > "nadd_add_def"
- "monoidal" > "monoidal_def"
- "minimal" > "minimal_def"
- "lambda" > "lambda_def"
- "iterate" > "iterate_def"
- "is_nadd" > "is_nadd_def"
- "integer" > "integer_def"
- "int_sub" > "int_sub_def"
- "int_sgn" > "int_sgn_def"
- "int_pow" > "int_pow_def"
- "int_of_num" > "int_of_num_def"
- "int_neg" > "int_neg_def"
- "int_mul" > "int_mul_def"
- "int_mod" > "int_mod_def"
- "int_min" > "int_min_def"
- "int_max" > "int_max_def"
- "int_lt" > "int_lt_def"
- "int_le" > "int_le_def"
- "int_gt" > "int_gt_def"
- "int_ge" > "int_ge_def"
- "int_gcd" > "int_gcd_def"
- "int_divides" > "int_divides_def"
- "int_coprime" > "int_coprime_def"
- "int_add" > "int_add_def"
- "int_abs" > "int_abs_def"
- "hreal_of_num" > "hreal_of_num_def"
- "hreal_mul" > "hreal_mul_def"
- "hreal_le" > "hreal_le_def"
- "hreal_inv" > "hreal_inv_def"
- "hreal_add" > "hreal_add_def"
- "fstcart" > "fstcart_def"
- "eqeq" > "eqeq_def"
- "div" > "div_def"
- "dist" > "dist_def"
- "dimindex" > "dimindex_def"
- "admissible" > "admissible_def"
- "_MATCH" > "_MATCH_def"
- "_FALSITY_" > "_FALSITY__def"
- "_11937" > "_11937_def"
- "ZBOT" > "ZBOT_def"
- "SURJ" > "SURJ_def"
- "SING" > "SING_def"
- "REST" > "REST_def"
- "PASSOC" > "PASSOC_def"
- "NUM_REP" > "NUM_REP_def"
- "NUMSUM" > "NUMSUM_def"
- "NUMSND" > "NUMSND_def"
- "NUMFST" > "NUMFST_def"
- "LET_END" > "LET_END_def"
- "ITSET" > "ITSET_def"
- "ISO" > "ISO_def"
- "INJP" > "INJP_def"
- "INJN" > "INJN_def"
- "INJF" > "INJF_def"
- "INJA" > "INJA_def"
- "INJ" > "INJ_def"
- "IND_SUC" > "IND_SUC_def"
- "IND_0" > "IND_0_def"
- "HAS_SIZE" > "HAS_SIZE_def"
- "FNIL" > "FNIL_def"
- "FINREC" > "FINREC_def"
- "FCONS" > "FCONS_def"
- "CROSS" > "CROSS_def"
- "CONSTR" > "CONSTR_def"
- "CARD" > "CARD_def"
- "BOTTOM" > "BOTTOM_def"
- "BIJ" > "BIJ_def"
- "ASCII" > "ASCII_def"
- ">_c" > ">_c_def"
- ">=_c" > ">=_c_def"
- "=_c" > "=_c_def"
- "<_c" > "<_c_def"
- "<=_c" > "<=_c_def"
- "$" > "$_def"
- "sum" > "Sum_Type.sum"
- "recspace" > "HOLLight.hollight.recspace"
- "real" > "HOLLight.hollight.real"
- "prod" > "Product_Type.prod"
- "option" > "Datatype.option"
- "num" > "Nat.nat"
- "nadd" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd"
- "list" > "List.list"
- "int" > "HOLLight.hollight.int"
- "ind" > "Nat.ind"
- "hreal" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal"
- "fun" > "fun"
- "finite_sum" > "HOLLight.hollight.finite_sum"
- "finite_image" > "HOLLight.hollight.finite_image"
- "char" > "HOLLight.hollight.char"
- "cart" > "HOLLight.hollight.cart"
- "bool" > "HOL.bool"
- "N_3" > "HOLLight.hollight.N_3"
- "N_2" > "HOLLight.hollight.N_2"
- "N_1" > "Product_Type.unit"
- "~" > "HOL.Not"
- "vector" > "HOLLight.hollight.vector"
- "treal_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_of_num"
- "treal_neg" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_neg"
- "treal_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_mul"
- "treal_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_le"
- "treal_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_inv"
- "treal_eq" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_eq"
- "treal_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_add"
- "tailadmissible" > "HOLLight.hollight.tailadmissible"
- "support" > "HOLLight.hollight.support"
- "superadmissible" > "HOLLight.hollight.superadmissible"
- "sum" > "HOLLight.hollight.sum"
- "sndcart" > "HOLLight.hollight.sndcart"
- "set_of_list" > "List.set"
- "rem" > "HOLLight.hollight.rem"
- "real_sub" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_sub"
- "real_sgn" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_sgn"
- "real_pow" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_pow"
- "real_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_of_num"
- "real_neg" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_neg"
- "real_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_mul"
- "real_mod" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_mod"
- "real_min" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_min"
- "real_max" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_max"
- "real_lt" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_lt"
- "real_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_le"
- "real_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_inv"
- "real_gt" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_gt"
- "real_ge" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_ge"
- "real_div" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_div"
- "real_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_add"
- "real_abs" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_abs"
- "pastecart" > "HOLLight.hollight.pastecart"
- "pairwise" > "HOLLight.hollight.pairwise"
- "one" > "Product_Type.Unity"
- "o" > "Fun.comp"
- "num_of_int" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_of_int"
- "num_mod" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_mod"
- "num_gcd" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_gcd"
- "num_divides" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_divides"
- "num_coprime" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_coprime"
- "nsum" > "HOLLight.hollight.nsum"
- "neutral" > "HOLLight.hollight.neutral"
- "nadd_rinv" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_rinv"
- "nadd_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_of_num"
- "nadd_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_mul"
- "nadd_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_le"
- "nadd_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_inv"
- "nadd_eq" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_eq"
- "nadd_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_add"
- "monoidal" > "HOLLight.hollight.monoidal"
- "mk_pair" > "Product_Type.Pair_Rep"
- "mk_num" > "Fun.id"
- "minimal" > "HOLLight.hollight.minimal"
- "list_EX" > "List.list_ex"
- "list_ALL" > "List.list_all"
- "lambda" > "HOLLight.hollight.lambda"
- "iterate" > "HOLLight.hollight.iterate"
- "is_nadd" > "HOLLight.hollight.is_nadd"
- "integer" > "HOLLight.hollight.integer"
- "int_sub" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_sub"
- "int_sgn" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_sgn"
- "int_pow" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_pow"
- "int_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_of_num"
- "int_neg" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_neg"
- "int_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_mul"
- "int_mod" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_mod"
- "int_min" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_min"
- "int_max" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_max"
- "int_lt" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_lt"
- "int_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_le"
- "int_gt" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_gt"
- "int_ge" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_ge"
- "int_gcd" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_gcd"
- "int_divides" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_divides"
- "int_coprime" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_coprime"
- "int_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_add"
- "int_abs" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_abs"
- "hreal_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_of_num"
- "hreal_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_mul"
- "hreal_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_le"
- "hreal_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_inv"
- "hreal_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_add"
- "fstcart" > "HOLLight.hollight.fstcart"
- "eqeq" > "HOLLight.hollight.eqeq"
- "div" > "HOLLight.hollight.div"
- "dist" > "HOLLight.hollight.dist"
- "dimindex" > "HOLLight.hollight.dimindex"
- "admissible" > "HOLLight.hollight.admissible"
- "_SEQPATTERN" > "HOLLight.hollight._SEQPATTERN"
- "_MATCH" > "HOLLight.hollight._MATCH"
- "_FUNCTION" > "HOLLight.hollight._FUNCTION"
- "_FALSITY_" > "HOLLight.hollight._FALSITY_"
- "_11937" > "HOLLight.hollight._11937"
- "_0" > "Groups.zero_class.zero" :: "nat"
- "\\/" > "HOL.disj"
- "ZRECSPACE" > "HOLLight.hollight.ZRECSPACE"
- "ZIP" > "List.zip"
- "ZCONSTR" > "HOLLight.hollight.ZCONSTR"
- "ZBOT" > "HOLLight.hollight.ZBOT"
- "WF" > "Wellfounded.wfP"
- "UNIV" > "Orderings.top_class.top" :: "'a => bool"
- "UNIONS" > "Complete_Lattices.Sup_class.Sup" :: "(('a => bool) => bool) => 'a => bool"
- "UNION" > "Lattices.sup_class.sup" :: "('a => bool) => ('a => bool) => 'a => bool"
- "UNCURRY" > "HOLLight.hollight.UNCURRY"
- "TL" > "List.tl"
- "T" > "HOL.True"
- "SURJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.SURJ"
- "SUC" > "Nat.Suc"
- "SUBSET" > "Orderings.ord_class.less_eq" :: "('a => bool) => ('a => bool) => bool"
- "SOME" > "Datatype.Some"
- "SND" > "Product_Type.snd"
- "SING" > "HOLLight.hollight.SING"
- "SETSPEC" > "HOLLightCompat.SETSPEC"
- "REVERSE" > "List.rev"
- "REST" > "HOLLight.hollight.REST"
- "REPLICATE" > "List.replicate"
- "PSUBSET" > "Orderings.ord_class.less" :: "('a => bool) => ('a => bool) => bool"
- "PRE" > "HOLLightCompat.Pred"
- "PASSOC" > "HOLLight.hollight.PASSOC"
- "PAIRWISE" > "HOLLight.hollight.PAIRWISE"
- "OUTR" > "HOLLightCompat.OUTR"
- "OUTL" > "HOLLightCompat.OUTL"
- "ONTO" > "Fun.surj"
- "ONE_ONE" > "Fun.inj"
- "ODD" > "HOLLightCompat.ODD"
- "NUM_REP" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUM_REP"
- "NUMSUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSUM"
- "NUMSND" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSND"
- "NUMRIGHT" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMRIGHT"
- "NUMPAIR" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMPAIR"
- "NUMLEFT" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMLEFT"
- "NUMFST" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMFST"
- "NUMERAL" > "HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL"
- "NULL" > "List.null"
- "NONE" > "Datatype.None"
- "NIL" > "List.list.Nil"
- "MOD" > "Divides.div_class.mod" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "MIN" > "Orderings.ord_class.min" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "MEM" > "HOLLightList.list_mem"
- "MEASURE" > "HOLLightCompat.MEASURE"
- "MAX" > "Orderings.ord_class.max" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "MAP2" > "HOLLightList.map2"
- "MAP" > "List.map"
- "LET_END" > "HOLLight.hollight.LET_END"
- "LET" > "HOLLightCompat.LET"
- "LENGTH" > "List.length"
- "LAST" > "List.last"
- "ITSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.ITSET"
- "ITLIST2" > "HOLLightList.fold2"
- "ITLIST" > "List.foldr"
- "ISO" > "HOLLight.hollight.ISO"
- "INTERS" > "Complete_Lattices.Inf_class.Inf" :: "(('a => bool) => bool) => 'a => bool"
- "INTER" > "Lattices.inf_class.inf" :: "('a => bool) => ('a => bool) => 'a => bool"
- "INSERT" > "Set.insert"
- "INR" > "Sum_Type.Inr"
- "INL" > "Sum_Type.Inl"
- "INJP" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJP"
- "INJN" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJN"
- "INJF" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJF"
- "INJA" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJA"
- "INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJ"
- "IND_SUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.IND_SUC"
- "IND_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.IND_0"
- "IN" > "Set.member"
- "IMAGE" > "Set.image"
- "I" > "Fun.id"
- "HD" > "List.hd"
- "HAS_SIZE" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE"
- "GSPEC" > "Set.Collect"
- "GEQ" > "HOL.eq"
- "GABS" > "Hilbert_Choice.Eps"
- "FST" > "Product_Type.fst"
- "FNIL" > "HOLLight.hollight.FNIL"
- "FINREC" > "HOLLight.hollight.FINREC"
- "FINITE" > "Finite_Set.finite"
- "FILTER" > "List.filter"
- "FCONS" > "HOLLight.hollight.FCONS"
- "FACT" > "Fact.fact_class.fact" :: "nat => nat"
- "F" > "HOL.False"
- "EXP" > "Power.power_class.power" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "EVEN" > "Parity.even_odd_class.even" :: "nat => bool"
- "EMPTY" > "Orderings.bot_class.bot" :: "'a => bool"
- "EL" > "HOLLightList.list_el"
- "DIV" > "Divides.div_class.div" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "DIFF" > "Groups.minus_class.minus" :: "('a => bool) => ('a => bool) => 'a => bool"
- "DELETE" > "HOLLightCompat.DELETE"
- "DECIMAL" > "HOLLight.hollight.DECIMAL"
- "CURRY" > "Product_Type.curry"
- "CROSS" > "HOLLight.hollight.CROSS"
- "COUNTABLE" > "HOLLight.hollight.COUNTABLE"
- "CONSTR" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONSTR"
- "CONS" > "List.list.Cons"
- "COND" > "HOL.If"
- "CHOICE" > "Hilbert_Choice.Eps"
- "CASEWISE" > "HOLLight.hollight.CASEWISE"
- "CARD" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD"
- "BUTLAST" > "List.butlast"
- "BOTTOM" > "HOLLight.hollight.BOTTOM"
- "BIT1" > "HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL_BIT1"
- "BIT0" > "HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL_BIT0"
- "BIJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.BIJ"
- "ASCII" > "HOLLight.hollight.ASCII"
- "APPEND" > "List.append"
- "ALL2" > "List.list_all2"
- "@" > "Hilbert_Choice.Eps"
- "?!" > "HOL.Ex1"
- "?" > "HOL.Ex"
- ">_c" > "HOLLight.hollight.>_c"
- ">=_c" > "HOLLight.hollight.>=_c"
- ">=" > "Orderings.ord_class.greater_eq" :: "nat => nat => bool"
- ">" > "Orderings.ord_class.greater" :: "nat => nat => bool"
- "=_c" > "HOLLight.hollight.=_c"
- "==>" > "HOL.implies"
- "=" > "HOL.eq"
- "<_c" > "HOLLight.hollight.<_c"
- "<=_c" > "HOLLight.hollight.<=_c"
- "<=" > "Orderings.ord_class.less_eq" :: "nat => nat => bool"
- "<" > "Orderings.ord_class.less" :: "nat => nat => bool"
- "/\\" > "HOL.conj"
- ".." > "HOLLightCompat.dotdot"
- "-" > "Groups.minus_class.minus" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "," > "Product_Type.Pair"
- "+" > "Groups.plus_class.plus" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "*" > "Groups.times_class.times" :: "nat => nat => nat"
- "$" > "HOLLight.hollight.$"
- "!" > "HOL.All"
- "EX" > "list_EX"
- "ALL" > "list_ALL"
- "==" > "eqeq"
- "vector_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.vector_def"
- "treal_of_num_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_of_num_def"
- "treal_neg_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_neg_def"
- "treal_mul_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_mul_def"
- "treal_le_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_le_def"
- "treal_inv_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_inv_def"
- "treal_eq_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_eq_def"
- "treal_add_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.treal_add_def"
- "th_cond" > "HOLLight.hollight.th_cond"
- "th" > "HOL.eta_contract_eq"
- "tailadmissible_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.tailadmissible_def"
- "support_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.support_def"
- "superadmissible_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.superadmissible_def"
- "sum_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.sum_def"
- "string_INFINITE" > "List.infinite_UNIV_listI"
- "sth" > "HOLLight.hollight.sth"
- "sndcart_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.sndcart_def"
- "right_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.right_th"
- "rem_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.rem_def"
- "real_sub_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_sub_def"
- "real_sgn_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_sgn_def"
- "real_pow_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_pow_def"
- "real_of_num_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_of_num_def"
- "real_neg_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_neg_def"
- "real_mul_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_mul_def"
- "real_mod_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_mod_def"
- "real_min_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_min_def"
- "real_max_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_max_def"
- "real_lt_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_lt_def"
- "real_le_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_le_def"
- "real_inv_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_inv_def"
- "real_gt_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_gt_def"
- "real_ge_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_ge_def"
- "real_div_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_div_def"
- "real_add_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_add_def"
- "real_abs_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_abs_def"
- "real_INFINITE" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_INFINITE"
- "pastecart_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.pastecart_def"
- "pairwise_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.pairwise_def"
- "pair_RECURSION" > "HOLLight.hollight.pair_RECURSION"
- "pair_INDUCT" > "Product_Type.prod.induct"
- "one_axiom" > "HOLLight.hollight.one_axiom"
- "one_RECURSION" > "HOLLight.hollight.one_RECURSION"
- "one_INDUCT" > "Product_Type.unit.induct"
- "one_Axiom" > "HOLLight.hollight.one_Axiom"
- "one" > "HOLLightCompat.one"
- "o_THM" > "Fun.comp_def"
- "o_ASSOC" > "HOLLight.hollight.o_ASSOC"
- "num_of_int_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_of_int_def"
- "num_mod_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_mod_def"
- "num_gcd_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_gcd_def"
- "num_divides_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_divides_def"
- "num_coprime_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_coprime_def"
- "num_congruent" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_congruent"
- "num_WOP" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_WOP"
- "num_WF" > "Nat.nat_less_induct"
- "num_RECURSION_STD" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_RECURSION_STD"
- "num_MAX" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_MAX"
- "num_INFINITE" > "Finite_Set.infinite_UNIV_char_0"
- "num_INDUCTION" > "Fact.fact_nat.induct"
- "num_FINITE_AVOID" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_FINITE_AVOID"
- "num_FINITE" > "HOLLight.hollight.num_FINITE"
- "num_CASES" > "Nat.nat.nchotomy"
- "num_Axiom" > "HOLLightCompat.num_Axiom"
- "nsum_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nsum_def"
- "neutral_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.neutral_def"
- "nadd_rinv_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_rinv_def"
- "nadd_of_num_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_of_num_def"
- "nadd_mul_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_mul_def"
- "nadd_le_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_le_def"
- "nadd_inv_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_inv_def"
- "nadd_eq_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_eq_def"
- "nadd_add_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.nadd_add_def"
- "monoidal_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.monoidal_def"
- "minimal_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.minimal_def"
- "list_INDUCT" > "List.list.induct"
- "list_CASES" > "List.list.nchotomy"
- "lambda_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.lambda_def"
- "iterate_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.iterate_def"
- "is_nadd_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.is_nadd_def"
- "is_nadd_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.is_nadd_0"
- "is_int" > "HOLLight.hollight.is_int"
- "integer_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.integer_def"
- "int_sub_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_sub_th"
- "int_sub_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_sub_def"
- "int_sgn_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_sgn_th"
- "int_sgn_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_sgn_def"
- "int_pow_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_pow_th"
- "int_pow_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_pow_def"
- "int_of_num_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_of_num_th"
- "int_of_num_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_of_num_def"
- "int_neg_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_neg_th"
- "int_neg_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_neg_def"
- "int_mul_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_mul_th"
- "int_mul_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_mul_def"
- "int_mod_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_mod_def"
- "int_min_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_min_th"
- "int_min_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_min_def"
- "int_max_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_max_th"
- "int_max_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_max_def"
- "int_lt_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_lt_def"
- "int_le_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_le_def"
- "int_gt_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_gt_def"
- "int_ge_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_ge_def"
- "int_gcd_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_gcd_def"
- "int_eq" > "HOLLight.hollight.int.real_of_int_inject"
- "int_divides_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_divides_def"
- "int_coprime_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_coprime_def"
- "int_congruent" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_congruent"
- "int_add_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_add_th"
- "int_add_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_add_def"
- "int_abs_th" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_abs_th"
- "int_abs_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.int_abs_def"
- "hreal_of_num_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_of_num_def"
- "hreal_mul_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_mul_def"
- "hreal_le_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_le_def"
- "hreal_inv_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_inv_def"
- "hreal_add_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.hreal_add_def"
- "fstcart_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.fstcart_def"
- "eqeq_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.eqeq_def"
- "elemma0" > "HOLLight.hollight.elemma0"
- "div_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.div_def"
- "dist_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.dist_def"
- "dimindex_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.dimindex_def"
- "dest_int_rep" > "HOLLight.hollight.dest_int_rep"
- "cth" > "HOLLight.hollight.cth"
- "bool_RECURSION" > "HOLLight.hollight.bool_RECURSION"
- "bool_INDUCT" > "Product_Type.bool.induct"
- "ax__3" > "Importer.INFINITY_AX"
- "ax__2" > "Hilbert_Choice.someI"
- "ax__1" > "HOL.eta_contract_eq"
- "admissible_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.admissible_def"
- "_SEQPATTERN_def" > "HOLLight.hollight._SEQPATTERN_def"
- "_MATCH_def" > "HOLLight.hollight._MATCH_def"
- "_GUARDED_PATTERN_def" > "HOLLight.hollight._GUARDED_PATTERN_def"
- "_FUNCTION_def" > "HOLLight.hollight._FUNCTION_def"
- "_FALSITY__def" > "HOLLight.hollight._FALSITY__def"
- "_11937_def" > "HOLLight.hollight._11937_def"
- "ZRECSPACE_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.ZRECSPACE_def"
- "ZIP" > "HOLLightList.ZIP"
- "ZCONSTR_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.ZCONSTR_def"
- "ZBOT_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.ZBOT_def"
- "WLOG_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.WLOG_LT"
- "WLOG_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.WLOG_LE"
- "WF_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_num"
- "WF_UREC_WF" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_UREC_WF"
- "WF_UREC" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_UREC"
- "WF_SUBSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_SUBSET"
- "WF_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_REFL"
- "WF_REC_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_REC_num"
- "WF_REC_WF" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_REC_WF"
- "WF_REC_TAIL" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_REC_TAIL"
- "WF_REC" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_REC"
- "WF_MEASURE" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_MEASURE"
- "WF_LEX" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_LEX"
- "WF_INT_MEASURE_2" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_INT_MEASURE_2"
- "WF_IND" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_IND"
- "WF_FINITE" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_FINITE"
- "WF_FALSE" > "Wellfounded.wfP_empty"
- "WF_EREC" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_EREC"
- "WF_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_EQ"
- "WF_DCHAIN" > "HOLLight.hollight.WF_DCHAIN"
- "UNWIND_THM2" > "HOL.simp_thms_39"
- "UNWIND_THM1" > "HOL.simp_thms_40"
- "UNIV_SUBSET" > "Orderings.top_class.top_unique"
- "UNIV_NOT_EMPTY" > "Set.UNIV_not_empty"
- "UNIQUE_SKOLEM_THM" > "HOL.choice_eq"
- "UNION_UNIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.UNION_UNIV"
- "UNION_SUBSET" > "Lattices.semilattice_sup_class.le_sup_iff"
- "UNION_OVER_INTER" > "Lattices.distrib_lattice_class.distrib_3"
- "UNION_IDEMPOT" > "Big_Operators.lattice_class.Sup_fin.idem"
- "UNION_EMPTY" > "HOLLight.hollight.UNION_EMPTY"
- "UNION_COMM" > "Lattices.lattice_class.inf_sup_aci_5"
- "UNION_ASSOC" > "Lattices.lattice_class.inf_sup_aci_6"
- "UNION_ACI" > "HOLLight.hollight.UNION_ACI"
- "UNIONS_UNION" > "Complete_Lattices.Union_Un_distrib"
- "UNIONS_INSERT" > "Complete_Lattices.Union_insert"
- "UNIONS_2" > "Complete_Lattices.Un_eq_Union"
- "UNIONS_1" > "Complete_Lattices.complete_lattice_class.Sup_singleton"
- "UNIONS_0" > "Complete_Lattices.Union_empty"
- "UNCURRY_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.UNCURRY_def"
- "TYDEF_recspace" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_recspace"
- "TYDEF_real" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_real"
- "TYDEF_nadd" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_nadd"
- "TYDEF_int" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_int"
- "TYDEF_hreal" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_hreal"
- "TYDEF_finite_sum" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_finite_sum"
- "TYDEF_finite_image" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_finite_image"
- "TYDEF_char" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_char"
- "TYDEF_cart" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_cart"
- "TYDEF_3" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_3"
- "TYDEF_2" > "HOLLight.hollight.TYDEF_2"
- "TWO" > "HOLLight.hollight.TWO"
- "TREAL_OF_NUM_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_OF_NUM_LE"
- "TREAL_OF_NUM_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_OF_NUM_EQ"
- "TREAL_MUL_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_MUL_SYM"
- "TREAL_MUL_LID" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_MUL_LID"
- "TREAL_LE_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_LE_REFL"
- "TREAL_LE_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_LE_MUL"
- "TREAL_INV_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_INV_0"
- "TREAL_EQ_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_EQ_SYM"
- "TREAL_EQ_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_EQ_REFL"
- "TREAL_EQ_IMP_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_EQ_IMP_LE"
- "TREAL_EQ_AP" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_EQ_AP"
- "TREAL_ADD_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_ADD_SYM"
- "TREAL_ADD_LID" > "HOLLight.hollight.TREAL_ADD_LID"
- "SWAP_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_comm"
- "SWAP_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_comm"
- "SURJ_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.SURJ_def"
- "SUM_UNION_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_UNION_EQ"
- "SUM_UNION" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_UNION"
- "SUM_SWAP" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_SWAP"
- "SUM_SUPPORT" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_SUPPORT"
- "SUM_SUBSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_SUBSET"
- "SUM_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_SUB"
- "SUM_SING" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_SING"
- "SUM_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_RMUL"
- "SUM_POS_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_POS_LE"
- "SUM_POS_EQ_0_NUMSEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_POS_EQ_0_NUMSEG"
- "SUM_POS_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_POS_EQ_0"
- "SUM_POS_BOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_POS_BOUND"
- "SUM_PAIR" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_PAIR"
- "SUM_OFFSET_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_OFFSET_0"
- "SUM_OFFSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_OFFSET"
- "SUM_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_NEG"
- "SUM_LT_ALL" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_LT_ALL"
- "SUM_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_LT"
- "SUM_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_LMUL"
- "SUM_LE_NUMSEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_LE_NUMSEG"
- "SUM_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_LE"
- "SUM_INCL_EXCL" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_INCL_EXCL"
- "SUM_IMAGE_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_IMAGE_LE"
- "SUM_IMAGE_GEN" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_IMAGE_GEN"
- "SUM_IMAGE" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_IMAGE"
- "SUM_GROUP" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_GROUP"
- "SUM_EQ_NUMSEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_EQ_NUMSEG"
- "SUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG"
- "SUM_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_EQ_0"
- "SUM_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_EQ"
- "SUM_DIFFS_ALT" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_DIFFS_ALT"
- "SUM_DIFFS" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_DIFFS"
- "SUM_DIFF" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_DIFF"
- "SUM_DELTA" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_DELTA"
- "SUM_DELETE" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_DELETE"
- "SUM_CONST" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_CONST"
- "SUM_COMBINE_R" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_COMBINE_R"
- "SUM_COMBINE_L" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_COMBINE_L"
- "SUM_CLOSED" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_CLOSED"
- "SUM_CLAUSES" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_CLAUSES"
- "SUM_CASES_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_CASES_1"
- "SUM_CASES" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_CASES"
- "SUM_BOUND_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_BOUND_LT"
- "SUM_BOUND_GEN" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_BOUND_GEN"
- "SUM_BOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_BOUND"
- "SUM_ADD_SPLIT" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_ADD_SPLIT"
- "SUM_ADD_GEN" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_ADD_GEN"
- "SUM_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_ADD"
- "SUM_ABS_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_ABS_LE"
- "SUM_ABS_BOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_ABS_BOUND"
- "SUM_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_ABS"
- "SUM_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUM_0"
- "SUC_SUB1" > "Nat.diff_Suc_1"
- "SUC_INJ" > "HOLLightCompat.SUC_INJ"
- "SUB_SUC" > "Nat.diff_Suc_Suc"
- "SUB_REFL" > "Nat.diff_self_eq_0"
- "SUB_PRESUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUB_PRESUC"
- "SUB_EQ_0" > "Nat.diff_is_0_eq"
- "SUB_ELIM_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUB_ELIM_THM"
- "SUB_ADD_RCANCEL" > "Nat.diff_cancel2"
- "SUB_ADD_LCANCEL" > "Nat.diff_cancel"
- "SUB_ADD" > "Nat.le_add_diff_inverse2"
- "SUB_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.SUB_0"
- "SUBSET_UNIV" > "Orderings.top_class.top_greatest"
- "SUBSET_UNION_ABSORPTION" > "Lattices.semilattice_sup_class.le_iff_sup"
- "SUBSET_UNIONS" > "Complete_Lattices.Union_mono"
- "SUBSET_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_trans_rules_23"
- "SUBSET_REFL" > "Inductive.basic_monos_1"
- "SUBSET_PSUBSET_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_le_less_trans"
- "SUBSET_INTER_ABSORPTION" > "Lattices.semilattice_inf_class.le_iff_inf"
- "SUBSET_INTER" > "Lattices.semilattice_inf_class.le_inf_iff"
- "SUBSET_INSERT" > "Set.subset_insert"
- "SUBSET_IMAGE" > "Set.subset_image_iff"
- "SUBSET_EMPTY" > "Orderings.bot_class.bot_unique"
- "SUBSET_DIFF" > "Set.Diff_subset"
- "SUBSET_ANTISYM_EQ" > "Orderings.order_class.eq_iff"
- "SUBSET_ANTISYM" > "Orderings.order_antisym"
- "SND" > "Product_Type.snd_conv"
- "SKOLEM_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.SKOLEM_THM"
- "SING_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.SING_def"
- "SING_SUBSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.SING_SUBSET"
- "SING_GSPEC" > "HOLLight.hollight.SING_GSPEC"
- "SET_PAIR_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.SET_PAIR_THM"
- "SET_OF_LIST_MAP" > "List.set_map"
- "SET_OF_LIST_EQ_EMPTY" > "List.set_empty"
- "SET_OF_LIST_APPEND" > "List.set_append"
- "SET_CASES" > "HOLLight.hollight.SET_CASES"
- "SELECT_REFL" > "Hilbert_Choice.some_eq_trivial"
- "SELECT_LEMMA" > "Hilbert_Choice.some_sym_eq_trivial"
- "RIGHT_SUB_DISTRIB" > "Nat.diff_mult_distrib"
- "RIGHT_OR_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_4"
- "RIGHT_OR_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_4"
- "RIGHT_OR_DISTRIB" > "Groebner_Basis.dnf_2"
- "RIGHT_IMP_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_6"
- "RIGHT_IMP_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_6"
- "RIGHT_FORALL_OR_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_4"
- "RIGHT_FORALL_IMP_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_6"
- "RIGHT_EXISTS_IMP_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_6"
- "RIGHT_EXISTS_AND_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_2"
- "RIGHT_AND_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_2"
- "RIGHT_AND_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_2"
- "RIGHT_ADD_DISTRIB" > "Fields.linordered_field_class.sign_simps_26"
- "REVERSE_REVERSE" > "List.rev_rev_ident"
- "REVERSE_APPEND" > "List.rev_append"
- "REST_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.REST_def"
- "REFL_CLAUSE" > "Groebner_Basis.bool_simps_6"
- "REAL_WLOG_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_WLOG_LT"
- "REAL_WLOG_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_WLOG_LE"
- "REAL_SUB_SUB2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_SUB2"
- "REAL_SUB_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_SUB"
- "REAL_SUB_RNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_RNEG"
- "REAL_SUB_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_REFL"
- "REAL_SUB_POW_R1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_POW_R1"
- "REAL_SUB_POW_L1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_POW_L1"
- "REAL_SUB_POW" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_POW"
- "REAL_SUB_NEG2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_NEG2"
- "REAL_SUB_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_LT"
- "REAL_SUB_LNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_LNEG"
- "REAL_SUB_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_LE"
- "REAL_SUB_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_INV"
- "REAL_SUB_ADD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_ADD2"
- "REAL_SUB_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_ADD"
- "REAL_SUB_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_ABS"
- "REAL_SUB_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SUB_0"
- "REAL_SOS_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SOS_EQ_0"
- "REAL_SGN_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN_NEG"
- "REAL_SGN_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN_MUL"
- "REAL_SGN_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN_INV"
- "REAL_SGN_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN_DIV"
- "REAL_SGN_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN_ABS"
- "REAL_SGN_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN_0"
- "REAL_SGN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_SGN"
- "REAL_POW_ZERO" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_ZERO"
- "REAL_POW_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_SUB"
- "REAL_POW_POW" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_POW"
- "REAL_POW_ONE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_ONE"
- "REAL_POW_NZ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_NZ"
- "REAL_POW_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_NEG"
- "REAL_POW_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_MUL"
- "REAL_POW_MONO" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_MONO"
- "REAL_POW_LT_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LT_1"
- "REAL_POW_LT2_REV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LT2_REV"
- "REAL_POW_LT2_ODD_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LT2_ODD_EQ"
- "REAL_POW_LT2_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LT2_ODD"
- "REAL_POW_LT2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LT2"
- "REAL_POW_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LT"
- "REAL_POW_LE_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LE_1"
- "REAL_POW_LE2_REV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LE2_REV"
- "REAL_POW_LE2_ODD_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LE2_ODD_EQ"
- "REAL_POW_LE2_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LE2_ODD"
- "REAL_POW_LE2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LE2"
- "REAL_POW_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_LE"
- "REAL_POW_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_INV"
- "REAL_POW_EQ_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ_ODD"
- "REAL_POW_EQ_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ_EQ"
- "REAL_POW_EQ_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ_ABS"
- "REAL_POW_EQ_1_IMP" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ_1_IMP"
- "REAL_POW_EQ_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ_1"
- "REAL_POW_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ_0"
- "REAL_POW_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_EQ"
- "REAL_POW_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_DIV"
- "REAL_POW_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_ADD"
- "REAL_POW_2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_2"
- "REAL_POW_1_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_1_LT"
- "REAL_POW_1_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_1_LE"
- "REAL_POW_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW_1"
- "REAL_POW2_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POW2_ABS"
- "REAL_POS_NZ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POS_NZ"
- "REAL_POS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_POS"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_SUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_SUM"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_SUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_SUC"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_SUB"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_POW" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_POW"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_MIN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_MIN"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_MAX" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_MAX"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_LT"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_GT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_GT"
- "REAL_OF_NUM_GE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_OF_NUM_GE"
- "REAL_NOT_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NOT_LT"
- "REAL_NOT_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.real_lt_def"
- "REAL_NOT_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NOT_EQ"
- "REAL_NEG_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_SUB"
- "REAL_NEG_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_RMUL"
- "REAL_NEG_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_NEG"
- "REAL_NEG_MUL2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_MUL2"
- "REAL_NEG_MINUS1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_MINUS1"
- "REAL_NEG_LT0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_LT0"
- "REAL_NEG_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_LMUL"
- "REAL_NEG_LE0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_LE0"
- "REAL_NEG_GT0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_GT0"
- "REAL_NEG_GE0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_GE0"
- "REAL_NEG_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_EQ_0"
- "REAL_NEG_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_EQ"
- "REAL_NEG_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_ADD"
- "REAL_NEG_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEG_0"
- "REAL_NEGNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_NEGNEG"
- "REAL_MUL_RNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_RNEG"
- "REAL_MUL_RINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_RINV"
- "REAL_MUL_RID" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_RID"
- "REAL_MUL_POS_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_POS_LT"
- "REAL_MUL_POS_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_POS_LE"
- "REAL_MUL_LNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_LNEG"
- "REAL_MUL_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_AC"
- "REAL_MUL_2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MUL_2"
- "REAL_MIN_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MIN_SYM"
- "REAL_MIN_MIN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MIN_MIN"
- "REAL_MIN_MAX" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MIN_MAX"
- "REAL_MIN_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MIN_LT"
- "REAL_MIN_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MIN_LE"
- "REAL_MIN_ACI" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MIN_ACI"
- "REAL_MAX_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MAX_SYM"
- "REAL_MAX_MIN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MAX_MIN"
- "REAL_MAX_MAX" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MAX_MAX"
- "REAL_MAX_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MAX_LT"
- "REAL_MAX_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MAX_LE"
- "REAL_MAX_ACI" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_MAX_ACI"
- "REAL_LT_TRANS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_TRANS"
- "REAL_LT_TOTAL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_TOTAL"
- "REAL_LT_RNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_RNEG"
- "REAL_LT_RMUL_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_RMUL_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_RMUL"
- "REAL_LT_RINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_RINV"
- "REAL_LT_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_REFL"
- "REAL_LT_RDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_RDIV_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_RADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_RADD"
- "REAL_LT_POW2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_POW2"
- "REAL_LT_NEG2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_NEG2"
- "REAL_LT_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_NEG"
- "REAL_LT_MUL_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_MUL_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_MUL2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_MUL2"
- "REAL_LT_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_MUL"
- "REAL_LT_MIN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_MIN"
- "REAL_LT_MAX" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_MAX"
- "REAL_LT_LNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LNEG"
- "REAL_LT_LMUL_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LMUL_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LMUL"
- "REAL_LT_LINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LINV"
- "REAL_LT_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LE"
- "REAL_LT_LDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LDIV_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_LADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_LADD"
- "REAL_LT_INV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_INV_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_INV2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_INV2"
- "REAL_LT_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_INV"
- "REAL_LT_IMP_NZ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_IMP_NZ"
- "REAL_LT_IMP_NE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_IMP_NE"
- "REAL_LT_IMP_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_IMP_LE"
- "REAL_LT_GT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_GT"
- "REAL_LT_DIV2_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_DIV2_EQ"
- "REAL_LT_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_DIV"
- "REAL_LT_ADD_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADD_SUB"
- "REAL_LT_ADDR" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADDR"
- "REAL_LT_ADDNEG2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADDNEG2"
- "REAL_LT_ADDL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADDL"
- "REAL_LT_ADD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADD2"
- "REAL_LT_ADD1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADD1"
- "REAL_LT_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_ADD"
- "REAL_LT_01" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LT_01"
- "REAL_LTE_ADD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LTE_ADD2"
- "REAL_LTE_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LTE_ADD"
- "REAL_LE_RNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_RNEG"
- "REAL_LE_RMUL_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_RMUL_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_RMUL"
- "REAL_LE_RINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_RINV"
- "REAL_LE_RDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_RDIV_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_RADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_RADD"
- "REAL_LE_POW_2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_POW_2"
- "REAL_LE_POW2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_POW2"
- "REAL_LE_NEGR" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_NEGR"
- "REAL_LE_NEGL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_NEGL"
- "REAL_LE_NEG2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_NEG2"
- "REAL_LE_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_NEG"
- "REAL_LE_MUL_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_MUL_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_MUL2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_MUL2"
- "REAL_LE_MIN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_MIN"
- "REAL_LE_MAX" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_MAX"
- "REAL_LE_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LT"
- "REAL_LE_LNEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LNEG"
- "REAL_LE_LMUL_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LMUL_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LMUL"
- "REAL_LE_LINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LINV"
- "REAL_LE_LDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LDIV_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_LADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_LADD"
- "REAL_LE_INV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_INV_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_INV2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_INV2"
- "REAL_LE_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_INV"
- "REAL_LE_DIV2_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_DIV2_EQ"
- "REAL_LE_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_DIV"
- "REAL_LE_ADDR" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_ADDR"
- "REAL_LE_ADDL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_ADDL"
- "REAL_LE_ADD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_ADD2"
- "REAL_LE_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_ADD"
- "REAL_LE_01" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LE_01"
- "REAL_LET_ADD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LET_ADD2"
- "REAL_LET_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_LET_ADD"
- "REAL_INV_POW" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_POW"
- "REAL_INV_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_NEG"
- "REAL_INV_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_MUL"
- "REAL_INV_LT_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_LT_1"
- "REAL_INV_LE_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_LE_1"
- "REAL_INV_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_INV"
- "REAL_INV_EQ_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_EQ_1"
- "REAL_INV_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_EQ_0"
- "REAL_INV_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_DIV"
- "REAL_INV_1_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_1_LT"
- "REAL_INV_1_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_1_LE"
- "REAL_INV_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_INV_1"
- "REAL_EQ_RDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_EQ_RDIV_EQ"
- "REAL_EQ_NEG2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_EQ_NEG2"
- "REAL_EQ_LDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_EQ_LDIV_EQ"
- "REAL_EQ_INV2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_EQ_INV2"
- "REAL_EQ_IMP_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_EQ_IMP_LE"
- "REAL_ENTIRE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ENTIRE"
- "REAL_DOWN2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DOWN2"
- "REAL_DOWN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DOWN"
- "REAL_DIV_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIV_RMUL"
- "REAL_DIV_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIV_REFL"
- "REAL_DIV_POW2_ALT" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIV_POW2_ALT"
- "REAL_DIV_POW2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIV_POW2"
- "REAL_DIV_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIV_LMUL"
- "REAL_DIV_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIV_1"
- "REAL_DIFFSQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_DIFFSQ"
- "REAL_ADD_SUB2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ADD_SUB2"
- "REAL_ADD_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ADD_SUB"
- "REAL_ADD_RINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ADD_RINV"
- "REAL_ADD_RID" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ADD_RID"
- "REAL_ADD_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ADD_AC"
- "REAL_ADD2_SUB2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ADD2_SUB2"
- "REAL_ABS_ZERO" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_ZERO"
- "REAL_ABS_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_SUB"
- "REAL_ABS_SIGN2" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_SIGN2"
- "REAL_ABS_SIGN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_SIGN"
- "REAL_ABS_SGN" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_SGN"
- "REAL_ABS_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_REFL"
- "REAL_ABS_POW" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_POW"
- "REAL_ABS_POS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_POS"
- "REAL_ABS_NZ" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_NZ"
- "REAL_ABS_NUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_NUM"
- "REAL_ABS_NEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_NEG"
- "REAL_ABS_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_MUL"
- "REAL_ABS_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_LE"
- "REAL_ABS_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_INV"
- "REAL_ABS_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_DIV"
- "REAL_ABS_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_ABS"
- "REAL_ABS_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_1"
- "REAL_ABS_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.REAL_ABS_0"
- "RAT_LEMMA5" > "HOLLight.hollight.RAT_LEMMA5"
- "RAT_LEMMA4" > "HOLLight.hollight.RAT_LEMMA4"
- "RAT_LEMMA3" > "HOLLight.hollight.RAT_LEMMA3"
- "RAT_LEMMA2" > "HOLLight.hollight.RAT_LEMMA2"
- "RAT_LEMMA1" > "HOLLight.hollight.RAT_LEMMA1"
- "PSUBSET_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_less_trans"
- "PSUBSET_SUBSET_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_less_le_trans"
- "PSUBSET_IRREFL" > "Orderings.order_less_irrefl"
- "PSUBSET_ALT" > "HOLLight.hollight.PSUBSET_ALT"
- "PRE_ELIM_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.PRE_ELIM_THM"
- "PASSOC_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.PASSOC_def"
- "PAIR_SURJECTIVE" > "Product_Type.prod.nchotomy"
- "PAIR_EQ" > "Product_Type.Pair_eq"
- "PAIRWISE_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.PAIRWISE_def"
- "PAIR" > "HOLLightCompat.PAIR"
- "OR_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_disj_distrib"
- "OR_CLAUSES" > "HOLLight.hollight.OR_CLAUSES"
- "ONE" > "Nat.One_nat_def"
- "ODD_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.ODD_SUB"
- "ODD_MULT" > "HOLLight.hollight.ODD_MULT"
- "ODD_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.ODD_MOD"
- "ODD_EXP" > "HOLLight.hollight.ODD_EXP"
- "ODD_EXISTS" > "Parity.odd_Suc_mult_two_ex"
- "ODD_DOUBLE" > "HOLLight.hollight.ODD_DOUBLE"
- "ODD_ADD" > "Parity.odd_add"
- "NUM_REP_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUM_REP_def"
- "NUM_OF_INT_OF_NUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUM_OF_INT_OF_NUM"
- "NUM_OF_INT" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUM_OF_INT"
- "NUM_GCD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUM_GCD"
- "NUMSUM_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSUM_def"
- "NUMSUM_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSUM_INJ"
- "NUMSND_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSND_def"
- "NUMSEG_SING" > "SetInterval.order_class.atLeastAtMost_singleton"
- "NUMSEG_RREC" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSEG_RREC"
- "NUMSEG_REC" > "SetInterval.atLeastAtMostSuc_conv"
- "NUMSEG_OFFSET_IMAGE" > "SetInterval.image_add_atLeastAtMost"
- "NUMSEG_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSEG_LT"
- "NUMSEG_LREC" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSEG_LREC"
- "NUMSEG_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMSEG_LE"
- "NUMRIGHT_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMRIGHT_def"
- "NUMPAIR_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMPAIR_def"
- "NUMPAIR_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMPAIR_INJ"
- "NUMLEFT_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMLEFT_def"
- "NUMFST_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.NUMFST_def"
- "NSUM_UNION_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_UNION_EQ"
- "NSUM_UNION" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_UNION"
- "NSUM_SWAP" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_SWAP"
- "NSUM_SUBSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_SUBSET"
- "NSUM_SING" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_SING"
- "NSUM_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_RMUL"
- "NSUM_PAIR" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_PAIR"
- "NSUM_OFFSET_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_OFFSET_0"
- "NSUM_OFFSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_OFFSET"
- "NSUM_LT_ALL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_LT_ALL"
- "NSUM_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_LT"
- "NSUM_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_LMUL"
- "NSUM_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_LE"
- "NSUM_IMAGE" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_IMAGE"
- "NSUM_GROUP" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_GROUP"
- "NSUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_EQ_0_NUMSEG"
- "NSUM_EQ_0_IFF" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_EQ_0_IFF"
- "NSUM_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_EQ_0"
- "NSUM_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_EQ"
- "NSUM_DIFF" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_DIFF"
- "NSUM_DELTA" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_DELTA"
- "NSUM_DELETE" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_DELETE"
- "NSUM_CONST" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_CONST"
- "NSUM_CLOSED" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_CLOSED"
- "NSUM_CASES" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_CASES"
- "NSUM_BOUND_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_BOUND_LT"
- "NSUM_BOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_BOUND"
- "NSUM_ADD_GEN" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_ADD_GEN"
- "NSUM_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_ADD"
- "NSUM_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.NSUM_0"
- "NOT_UNIV_PSUBSET" > "Orderings.top_class.not_top_less"
- "NOT_SUC" > "Nat.Suc_not_Zero"
- "NOT_PSUBSET_EMPTY" > "Orderings.bot_class.not_less_bot"
- "NOT_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NOT_ODD"
- "NOT_LT" > "Orderings.linorder_class.not_less"
- "NOT_LE" > "Orderings.linorder_class.not_le"
- "NOT_IN_EMPTY" > "HOLLight.hollight.NOT_IN_EMPTY"
- "NOT_INSERT_EMPTY" > "Set.insert_not_empty"
- "NOT_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.not_all"
- "NOT_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.not_ex"
- "NOT_EX" > "HOLLightList.NOT_EX"
- "NOT_EVEN" > "HOLLight.hollight.NOT_EVEN"
- "NOT_EMPTY_INSERT" > "Set.empty_not_insert"
- "NOT_CONS_NIL" > "List.list.distinct_2"
- "NOT_ALL" > "HOLLightList.NOT_ALL"
- "NEUTRAL_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NEUTRAL_MUL"
- "NEUTRAL_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NEUTRAL_ADD"
- "NADD_UBOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_UBOUND"
- "NADD_SUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_SUC"
- "NADD_OF_NUM_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_OF_NUM_MUL"
- "NADD_OF_NUM_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_OF_NUM_LE"
- "NADD_OF_NUM_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_OF_NUM_EQ"
- "NADD_OF_NUM_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_OF_NUM_ADD"
- "NADD_OF_NUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_OF_NUM"
- "NADD_MUL_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_MUL_SYM"
- "NADD_MUL_LINV" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_MUL_LINV"
- "NADD_MUL_LID" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_MUL_LID"
- "NADD_MUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_MUL"
- "NADD_LE_TRANS" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_TRANS"
- "NADD_LE_TOTAL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_TOTAL"
- "NADD_LE_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_RMUL"
- "NADD_LE_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_REFL"
- "NADD_LE_RADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_RADD"
- "NADD_LE_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_LMUL"
- "NADD_LE_LADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_LADD"
- "NADD_LE_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_ADD"
- "NADD_LE_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LE_0"
- "NADD_LBOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_LBOUND"
- "NADD_INV_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_INV_0"
- "NADD_INV" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_INV"
- "NADD_EQ_TRANS" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_EQ_TRANS"
- "NADD_EQ_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_EQ_SYM"
- "NADD_EQ_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_EQ_REFL"
- "NADD_EQ_IMP_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_EQ_IMP_LE"
- "NADD_DIST" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_DIST"
- "NADD_CAUCHY" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_CAUCHY"
- "NADD_BOUND" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_BOUND"
- "NADD_ARCH" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_ARCH"
- "NADD_ALTMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_ALTMUL"
- "NADD_ADD_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_ADD_SYM"
- "NADD_ADD_LID" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_ADD_LID"
- "NADD_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.NADD_ADD"
- "MULT_SYM" > "Fields.linordered_field_class.sign_simps_40"
- "MULT_SUC" > "Nat.mult_Suc_right"
- "MULT_EXP" > "Power.comm_monoid_mult_class.power_mult_distrib"
- "MULT_EQ_1" > "Nat.nat_mult_eq_1_iff"
- "MULT_EQ_0" > "Nat.mult_is_0"
- "MULT_DIV_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.MULT_DIV_LE"
- "MULT_ASSOC" > "Fields.linordered_field_class.sign_simps_41"
- "MULT_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.MULT_AC"
- "MULT_2" > "Int.semiring_mult_2"
- "MULT_0" > "Divides.arithmetic_simps_41"
- "MONO_FORALL" > "Inductive.basic_monos_6"
- "MONO_EXISTS" > "Inductive.basic_monos_5"
- "MONO_COND" > "HOLLight.hollight.MONO_COND"
- "MONO_ALL2" > "List.list_all2_mono"
- "MONO_ALL" > "HOLLightList.MONO_ALL"
- "MONOIDAL_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.MONOIDAL_AC"
- "MOD_UNIQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_UNIQ"
- "MOD_MULT_RMOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_MULT_RMOD"
- "MOD_MULT_MOD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_MULT_MOD2"
- "MOD_MULT_LMOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_MULT_LMOD"
- "MOD_MULT_ADD" > "Divides.mod_mult_self3"
- "MOD_MULT2" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_MULT2"
- "MOD_MOD_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_MOD_REFL"
- "MOD_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_MOD"
- "MOD_LT" > "Divides.mod_less"
- "MOD_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_LE"
- "MOD_EXP_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_EXP_MOD"
- "MOD_EXISTS" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_EXISTS"
- "MOD_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_EQ_0"
- "MOD_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_EQ"
- "MOD_ADD_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.MOD_ADD_MOD"
- "MK_REC_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.MK_REC_INJ"
- "MINIMAL" > "HOLLight.hollight.MINIMAL"
- "MEM_MAP" > "HOLLightList.MEM_MAP"
- "MEM_EL" > "List.nth_mem"
- "MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY" > "Set.ex_in_conv"
- "MEASURE_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.MEASURE_LE"
- "MAP_o" > "List.map.compositionality"
- "MAP_SND_ZIP" > "List.map_snd_zip"
- "MAP_ID" > "List.map_ident"
- "MAP_I" > "List.map.id"
- "MAP_FST_ZIP" > "List.map_fst_zip"
- "MAP_EQ_NIL" > "List.map_is_Nil_conv"
- "MAP_EQ_ALL2" > "HOLLightList.MAP_EQ_ALL2"
- "MAP_EQ" > "HOLLightList.MAP_EQ"
- "MAP_APPEND" > "List.map_append"
- "MAP2" > "HOLLightList.MAP2"
- "LT_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_less_trans"
- "LT_SUC_LE" > "Nat.le_simps_2"
- "LT_SUC" > "Nat.Suc_less_eq"
- "LT_REFL" > "Nat.less_not_refl"
- "LT_NZ" > "Nat.neq0_conv"
- "LT_MULT2" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_MULT2"
- "LT_MULT" > "Nat.nat_0_less_mult_iff"
- "LT_LMULT" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_LMULT"
- "LT_LE" > "Nat.nat_less_le"
- "LT_IMP_LE" > "FunDef.termination_basic_simps_5"
- "LT_EXP" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_EXP"
- "LT_EXISTS" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_EXISTS"
- "LT_CASES" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_CASES"
- "LT_ANTISYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_ANTISYM"
- "LT_ADD_RCANCEL" > "Groups.ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le_class.add_less_cancel_right"
- "LT_ADD_LCANCEL" > "Groups.ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le_class.add_less_cancel_left"
- "LT_ADDR" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_ADDR"
- "LT_ADD2" > "Groups.add_mono_thms_linordered_field_5"
- "LT_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.LT_ADD"
- "LT_0" > "Nat.zero_less_Suc"
- "LTE_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_less_le_trans"
- "LTE_CASES" > "HOLLight.hollight.LTE_CASES"
- "LTE_ANTISYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.LTE_ANTISYM"
- "LTE_ADD2" > "Groups.add_mono_thms_linordered_field_3"
- "LE_TRANS" > "Nat.le_trans"
- "LE_SUC_LT" > "Nat.Suc_le_eq"
- "LE_SUC" > "Nat.Suc_le_mono"
- "LE_SQUARE_REFL" > "Nat.le_square"
- "LE_REFL" > "Nat.le_refl"
- "LE_RDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.LE_RDIV_EQ"
- "LE_MULT2" > "Nat.mult_le_mono"
- "LE_LT" > "Nat.le_eq_less_or_eq"
- "LE_LDIV_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.LE_LDIV_EQ"
- "LE_LDIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.LE_LDIV"
- "LE_EXP" > "HOLLight.hollight.LE_EXP"
- "LE_EXISTS" > "Nat.le_iff_add"
- "LE_CASES" > "Nat.nat_le_linear"
- "LE_C" > "HOLLight.hollight.LE_C"
- "LE_ANTISYM" > "Orderings.order_class.eq_iff"
- "LE_ADD_RCANCEL" > "Groups.ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le_class.add_le_cancel_right"
- "LE_ADD_LCANCEL" > "Groups.ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le_class.add_le_cancel_left"
- "LE_ADDR" > "Nat.le_add2"
- "LE_ADD2" > "Groups.add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring_1"
- "LE_ADD" > "Nat.le_add1"
- "LE_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.LE_1"
- "LE_0" > "Nat.le0"
- "LET_TRANS" > "Orderings.order_le_less_trans"
- "LET_END_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.LET_END_def"
- "LET_CASES" > "Orderings.linorder_class.le_less_linear"
- "LET_ANTISYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.LET_ANTISYM"
- "LET_ADD2" > "Groups.add_mono_thms_linordered_field_4"
- "LENGTH_REPLICATE" > "List.length_replicate"
- "LENGTH_MAP" > "List.length_map"
- "LENGTH_EQ_NIL" > "List.length_0_conv"
- "LENGTH_EQ_CONS" > "List.length_Suc_conv"
- "LENGTH_APPEND" > "List.length_append"
- "LEFT_SUB_DISTRIB" > "Nat.diff_mult_distrib2"
- "LEFT_OR_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_3"
- "LEFT_OR_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_3"
- "LEFT_OR_DISTRIB" > "Groebner_Basis.dnf_1"
- "LEFT_IMP_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_5"
- "LEFT_IMP_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_5"
- "LEFT_FORALL_OR_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_3"
- "LEFT_FORALL_IMP_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_5"
- "LEFT_EXISTS_IMP_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_5"
- "LEFT_EXISTS_AND_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_1"
- "LEFT_AND_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_simps_1"
- "LEFT_AND_EXISTS_THM" > "HOL.ex_simps_1"
- "LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB" > "Fields.linordered_field_class.sign_simps_25"
- "LAST_EL" > "List.last_conv_nth"
- "LAST_APPEND" > "List.last_append"
- "LAMBDA_ETA" > "HOLLight.hollight.LAMBDA_ETA"
- "LAMBDA_BETA" > "HOLLight.hollight.LAMBDA_BETA"
- "I_THM" > "HOL.refl"
- "I_O_ID" > "HOLLight.hollight.I_O_ID"
- "ITSET_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.ITSET_def"
- "ITSET_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.ITSET_EQ"
- "ITLIST_APPEND" > "List.foldr_append"
- "ITLIST2" > "HOLLightList.ITLIST2"
- "ITERATE_OP" > "HOLLight.hollight.ITERATE_OP"
- "ITERATE_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.ITERATE_EQ"
- "ISO_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.ISO_def"
- "ISO_USAGE" > "HOLLight.hollight.ISO_USAGE"
- "ISO_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.ISO_REFL"
- "ISO_FUN" > "HOLLight.hollight.ISO_FUN"
- "IN_UNIV" > "Set.UNIV_I"
- "IN_UNIONS" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_UNIONS"
- "IN_UNION" > "Complete_Lattices.mem_simps_3"
- "IN_SUPPORT" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_SUPPORT"
- "IN_SING" > "Set.singleton_iff"
- "IN_REST" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_REST"
- "IN_NUMSEG_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_NUMSEG_0"
- "IN_NUMSEG" > "SetInterval.ord_class.atLeastAtMost_iff"
- "IN_INTERS" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_INTERS"
- "IN_INTER" > "Complete_Lattices.mem_simps_4"
- "IN_INSERT" > "Complete_Lattices.mem_simps_1"
- "IN_IMAGE" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_IMAGE"
- "IN_ELIM_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_ELIM_THM"
- "IN_DISJOINT" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_DISJOINT"
- "IN_DIFF" > "Complete_Lattices.mem_simps_6"
- "IN_DELETE_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_DELETE_EQ"
- "IN_DELETE" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_DELETE"
- "IN_CROSS" > "HOLLight.hollight.IN_CROSS"
- "INT_WOP" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_WOP"
- "INT_POW" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_POW"
- "INT_OF_NUM_OF_INT" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_OF_NUM_OF_INT"
- "INT_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_LT"
- "INT_IMAGE" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_IMAGE"
- "INT_GT" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_GT"
- "INT_GE" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_GE"
- "INT_ARCH" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_ARCH"
- "INT_ABS_MUL_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_ABS_MUL_1"
- "INT_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.INT_ABS"
- "INTER_UNIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.INTER_UNIV"
- "INTER_OVER_UNION" > "Lattices.distrib_lattice_class.distrib_1"
- "INTER_IDEMPOT" > "Big_Operators.lattice_class.Inf_fin.idem"
- "INTER_EMPTY" > "HOLLight.hollight.INTER_EMPTY"
- "INTER_COMM" > "Lattices.lattice_class.inf_sup_aci_1"
- "INTER_ASSOC" > "Lattices.lattice_class.inf_sup_aci_2"
- "INTER_ACI" > "HOLLight.hollight.INTER_ACI"
- "INTERS_INSERT" > "Complete_Lattices.Inter_insert"
- "INTERS_2" > "Complete_Lattices.Int_eq_Inter"
- "INTERS_1" > "Complete_Lattices.complete_lattice_class.Inf_singleton"
- "INTERS_0" > "Complete_Lattices.Inter_empty"
- "INSERT_UNIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.INSERT_UNIV"
- "INSERT_UNION_EQ" > "Set.Un_insert_left"
- "INSERT_SUBSET" > "Set.insert_subset"
- "INSERT_INTER" > "Set.Int_insert_left"
- "INSERT_INSERT" > "Set.insert_absorb2"
- "INSERT_DIFF" > "Set.insert_Diff_if"
- "INSERT_DELETE" > "Set.insert_Diff"
- "INSERT_COMM" > "Set.insert_commute"
- "INSERT_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.INSERT_AC"
- "INSERT" > "HOLLight.hollight.INSERT"
- "INJ_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJ_def"
- "INJ_INVERSE2" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJ_INVERSE2"
- "INJP_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJP_def"
- "INJP_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJP_INJ"
- "INJN_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJN_def"
- "INJN_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJN_INJ"
- "INJF_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJF_def"
- "INJF_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJF_INJ"
- "INJA_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJA_def"
- "INJA_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.INJA_INJ"
- "INFINITE_NONEMPTY" > "Infinite_Set.infinite_imp_nonempty"
- "INFINITE_DIFF_FINITE" > "Infinite_Set.Diff_infinite_finite"
- "IND_SUC_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.IND_SUC_def"
- "IND_SUC_0_EXISTS" > "HOLLight.hollight.IND_SUC_0_EXISTS"
- "IND_0_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.IND_0_def"
- "IMP_EQ_CLAUSE" > "HOLLight.hollight.IMP_EQ_CLAUSE"
- "IMP_CONJ_ALT" > "HOLLight.hollight.IMP_CONJ_ALT"
- "IMP_CONJ" > "HOL.imp_conjL"
- "IMP_CLAUSES" > "HOLLight.hollight.IMP_CLAUSES"
- "IMAGE_o" > "Fun.image_compose"
- "IMAGE_UNION" > "Set.image_Un"
- "IMAGE_SUBSET" > "Set.image_mono"
- "IMAGE_ID" > "Set.image_ident"
- "IMAGE_I" > "Fun.image_id"
- "IMAGE_EQ_EMPTY" > "Set.image_is_empty"
- "IMAGE_CONST" > "Set.image_constant_conv"
- "HREAL_LE_ADD2" > "HOLLight.hollight.HREAL_LE_ADD2"
- "HREAL_ADD_RID" > "HOLLight.hollight.HREAL_ADD_RID"
- "HREAL_ADD_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.HREAL_ADD_AC"
- "HD_APPEND" > "List.hd_append"
- "HAS_SIZE_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_def"
- "HAS_SIZE_SUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_SUC"
- "HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_NUMSEG_1"
- "HAS_SIZE_DIFF" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_DIFF"
- "HAS_SIZE_CARD" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_CARD"
- "HAS_SIZE_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_1"
- "HAS_SIZE_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.HAS_SIZE_0"
- "GE_C" > "HOLLight.hollight.GE_C"
- "FUN_IN_IMAGE" > "Set.imageI"
- "FUN_EQ_THM" > "HOL.fun_eq_iff"
- "FST" > "Product_Type.fst_conv"
- "FORALL_UNWIND_THM2" > "HOL.simp_thms_41"
- "FORALL_UNWIND_THM1" > "HOL.simp_thms_42"
- "FORALL_SIMP" > "HOL.simp_thms_35"
- "FORALL_PAIR_THM" > "Product_Type.split_paired_All"
- "FORALL_NOT_THM" > "HOL.not_ex"
- "FORALL_BOOL_THM" > "Set.all_bool_eq"
- "FORALL_AND_THM" > "HOL.all_conj_distrib"
- "FNIL_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.FNIL_def"
- "FINREC_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.FINREC_def"
- "FINREC_FUN" > "HOLLight.hollight.FINREC_FUN"
- "FINREC_1_LEMMA" > "HOLLight.hollight.FINREC_1_LEMMA"
- "FINITE_UNION_IMP" > "Finite_Set.finite_UnI"
- "FINITE_UNION" > "Finite_Set.finite_Un"
- "FINITE_SUBSET" > "Finite_Set.finite_subset"
- "FINITE_SING" > "HOLLight.hollight.FINITE_SING"
- "FINITE_NUMSEG" > "SetInterval.finite_atLeastAtMost"
- "FINITE_INTER" > "Finite_Set.finite_Int"
- "FINITE_INSERT" > "Finite_Set.finite_insert"
- "FINITE_INDUCT_STRONG" > "Finite_Set.finite_induct"
- "FINITE_IMAGE" > "Finite_Set.finite_imageI"
- "FINITE_EMPTY" > "Finite_Set.finite.emptyI"
- "FINITE_DIFF" > "Finite_Set.finite_Diff"
- "FINITE_CART" > "HOLLight.hollight.FINITE_CART"
- "FILTER_MAP" > "List.filter_map"
- "FILTER_APPEND" > "List.filter_append"
- "FCONS_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.FCONS_def"
- "FCONS_UNDO" > "HOLLight.hollight.FCONS_UNDO"
- "FACT_NZ" > "Fact.fact_nonzero_nat"
- "FACT_MONO" > "Fact.fact_mono_nat"
- "FACT_LT" > "Fact.fact_gt_zero_nat"
- "FACT_LE" > "Fact.fact_ge_one_nat"
- "EX_MEM" > "HOLLightList.EX_MEM"
- "EX_IMP" > "HOLLightList.EX_IMP"
- "EXTENSION" > "Set.set_eq_iff"
- "EXP_ZERO" > "Power.power_0_left"
- "EXP_ONE" > "Power.monoid_mult_class.power_one"
- "EXP_MULT" > "Power.monoid_mult_class.power_mult"
- "EXP_MONO_LT_IMP" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_MONO_LT_IMP"
- "EXP_MONO_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_MONO_LT"
- "EXP_MONO_LE_IMP" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_MONO_LE_IMP"
- "EXP_MONO_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_MONO_LE"
- "EXP_MONO_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_MONO_EQ"
- "EXP_LT_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_LT_0"
- "EXP_EQ_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.EXP_EQ_1"
- "EXP_EQ_0" > "Power.power_eq_0_iff"
- "EXP_ADD" > "Power.monoid_mult_class.power_add"
- "EXP_2" > "Nat_Numeral.monoid_mult_class.power2_eq_square"
- "EXP_1" > "Power.monoid_mult_class.power_one_right"
- "EXISTS_UNIQUE_REFL" > "HOL.ex1_eq_1"
- "EXISTS_UNIQUE" > "HOL.Ex1_def"
- "EXISTS_THM" > "Importer.EXISTS_DEF"
- "EXISTS_SIMP" > "HOL.simp_thms_36"
- "EXISTS_REFL" > "HOL.simp_thms_37"
- "EXISTS_PAIR_THM" > "Product_Type.split_paired_Ex"
- "EXISTS_OR_THM" > "HOL.ex_disj_distrib"
- "EXISTS_NOT_THM" > "HOL.not_all"
- "EXISTS_BOOL_THM" > "Set.ex_bool_eq"
- "EVEN_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.EVEN_SUB"
- "EVEN_OR_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.EVEN_OR_ODD"
- "EVEN_MULT" > "Parity.even_product_nat"
- "EVEN_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.EVEN_MOD"
- "EVEN_EXP" > "HOLLight.hollight.EVEN_EXP"
- "EVEN_EXISTS" > "Parity.even_mult_two_ex"
- "EVEN_DOUBLE" > "HOLLight.hollight.EVEN_DOUBLE"
- "EVEN_AND_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.EVEN_AND_ODD"
- "EVEN_ADD" > "Parity.even_add"
- "EQ_UNIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.EQ_UNIV"
- "EQ_TRANS" > "HOL.trans"
- "EQ_SYM_EQ" > "HOL.eq_ac_1"
- "EQ_SYM" > "HOL.eq_reflection"
- "EQ_REFL" > "HOL.refl"
- "EQ_MULT_RCANCEL" > "Nat.mult_cancel2"
- "EQ_MULT_LCANCEL" > "Numeral_Simprocs.nat_mult_eq_cancel_disj"
- "EQ_IMP_LE" > "Nat.eq_imp_le"
- "EQ_EXT" > "HOL.eq_reflection"
- "EQ_EXP" > "HOLLight.hollight.EQ_EXP"
- "EQ_CLAUSES" > "HOLLight.hollight.EQ_CLAUSES"
- "EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.EQ_ADD_RCANCEL_0"
- "EQ_ADD_RCANCEL" > "Groups.cancel_semigroup_add_class.add_right_cancel"
- "EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.EQ_ADD_LCANCEL_0"
- "EQ_ADD_LCANCEL" > "Groups.cancel_semigroup_add_class.add_left_cancel"
- "EMPTY_UNION" > "Lattices.bounded_lattice_bot_class.sup_eq_bot_iff"
- "EMPTY_SUBSET" > "Orderings.bot_class.bot_least"
- "EMPTY_GSPEC" > "HOLLight.hollight.EMPTY_GSPEC"
- "EMPTY_DIFF" > "Set.empty_Diff"
- "EL_CONS" > "List.nth_Cons'"
- "EL_APPEND" > "List.nth_append"
- "DIV_UNIQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_UNIQ"
- "DIV_REFL" > "Divides.semiring_div_class.div_self"
- "DIV_MUL_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_MUL_LE"
- "DIV_MULT2" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_MULT2"
- "DIV_MONO_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_MONO_LT"
- "DIV_MONO2" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_MONO2"
- "DIV_MONO" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_MONO"
- "DIV_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_MOD"
- "DIV_LT" > "Divides.div_less"
- "DIV_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_LE"
- "DIV_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_EQ_0"
- "DIV_DIV" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_DIV"
- "DIV_ADD_MOD" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIV_ADD_MOD"
- "DIVMOD_UNIQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIVMOD_UNIQ"
- "DIVMOD_EXIST_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIVMOD_EXIST_0"
- "DIVISION" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIVISION"
- "DIST_SYM" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_SYM"
- "DIST_RZERO" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_RZERO"
- "DIST_RMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_RMUL"
- "DIST_REFL" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_REFL"
- "DIST_RADD_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_RADD_0"
- "DIST_RADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_RADD"
- "DIST_LZERO" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_LZERO"
- "DIST_LMUL" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_LMUL"
- "DIST_LE_CASES" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_LE_CASES"
- "DIST_LADD_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_LADD_0"
- "DIST_LADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_LADD"
- "DIST_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_EQ_0"
- "DIST_ELIM_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIST_ELIM_THM"
- "DISJ_SYM" > "Groebner_Basis.dnf_4"
- "DISJ_ASSOC" > "HOL.disj_ac_3"
- "DISJ_ACI" > "HOLLight.hollight.DISJ_ACI"
- "DIMINDEX_GE_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIMINDEX_GE_1"
- "DIFF_UNIV" > "Set.Diff_UNIV"
- "DIFF_INTERS" > "HOLLight.hollight.DIFF_INTERS"
- "DIFF_INSERT" > "Set.Diff_insert2"
- "DIFF_EQ_EMPTY" > "Set.Diff_cancel"
- "DIFF_EMPTY" > "Set.Diff_empty"
- "DIFF_DIFF" > "Set.Diff_idemp"
- "DEST_REC_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.recspace._dest_rec_inject"
- "DELETE_COMM" > "HOLLight.hollight.DELETE_COMM"
- "DEF_~" > "Groebner_Basis.bool_simps_19"
- "DEF_vector" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_vector"
- "DEF_treal_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_of_num"
- "DEF_treal_neg" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_neg"
- "DEF_treal_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_mul"
- "DEF_treal_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_le"
- "DEF_treal_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_inv"
- "DEF_treal_eq" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_eq"
- "DEF_treal_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_treal_add"
- "DEF_tailadmissible" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_tailadmissible"
- "DEF_support" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_support"
- "DEF_superadmissible" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_superadmissible"
- "DEF_sum" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_sum"
- "DEF_sndcart" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_sndcart"
- "DEF_set_of_list" > "HOLLightList.DEF_set_of_list"
- "DEF_rem" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_rem"
- "DEF_real_sub" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_sub"
- "DEF_real_sgn" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_sgn"
- "DEF_real_pow" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_pow"
- "DEF_real_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_of_num"
- "DEF_real_neg" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_neg"
- "DEF_real_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_mul"
- "DEF_real_mod" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_mod"
- "DEF_real_min" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_min"
- "DEF_real_max" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_max"
- "DEF_real_lt" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_lt"
- "DEF_real_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_le"
- "DEF_real_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_inv"
- "DEF_real_gt" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_gt"
- "DEF_real_ge" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_ge"
- "DEF_real_div" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_div"
- "DEF_real_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_add"
- "DEF_real_abs" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_real_abs"
- "DEF_pastecart" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_pastecart"
- "DEF_pairwise" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_pairwise"
- "DEF_o" > "Fun.comp_def"
- "DEF_num_of_int" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_num_of_int"
- "DEF_num_mod" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_num_mod"
- "DEF_num_gcd" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_num_gcd"
- "DEF_num_divides" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_num_divides"
- "DEF_num_coprime" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_num_coprime"
- "DEF_nsum" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nsum"
- "DEF_neutral" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_neutral"
- "DEF_nadd_rinv" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_rinv"
- "DEF_nadd_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_of_num"
- "DEF_nadd_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_mul"
- "DEF_nadd_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_le"
- "DEF_nadd_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_inv"
- "DEF_nadd_eq" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_eq"
- "DEF_nadd_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_nadd_add"
- "DEF_monoidal" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_monoidal"
- "DEF_minimal" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_minimal"
- "DEF_lambda" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_lambda"
- "DEF_iterate" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_iterate"
- "DEF_is_nadd" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_is_nadd"
- "DEF_integer" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_integer"
- "DEF_int_sub" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_sub"
- "DEF_int_sgn" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_sgn"
- "DEF_int_pow" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_pow"
- "DEF_int_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_of_num"
- "DEF_int_neg" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_neg"
- "DEF_int_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_mul"
- "DEF_int_mod" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_mod"
- "DEF_int_min" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_min"
- "DEF_int_max" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_max"
- "DEF_int_lt" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_lt"
- "DEF_int_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_le"
- "DEF_int_gt" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_gt"
- "DEF_int_ge" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_ge"
- "DEF_int_gcd" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_gcd"
- "DEF_int_divides" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_divides"
- "DEF_int_coprime" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_coprime"
- "DEF_int_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_add"
- "DEF_int_abs" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_int_abs"
- "DEF_hreal_of_num" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_hreal_of_num"
- "DEF_hreal_mul" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_hreal_mul"
- "DEF_hreal_le" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_hreal_le"
- "DEF_hreal_inv" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_hreal_inv"
- "DEF_hreal_add" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_hreal_add"
- "DEF_fstcart" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_fstcart"
- "DEF_div" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_div"
- "DEF_dist" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_dist"
- "DEF_dimindex" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_dimindex"
- "DEF_admissible" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_admissible"
- "DEF__star_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__star_"
- "DEF__slash__backslash_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__slash__backslash_"
- "DEF__questionmark__exclamationmark_" > "HOLLightCompat.EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM"
- "DEF__questionmark_" > "HOL.Ex_def"
- "DEF__lessthan__equal__c" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__lessthan__equal__c"
- "DEF__lessthan__equal_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__lessthan__equal_"
- "DEF__lessthan__c" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__lessthan__c"
- "DEF__lessthan_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__lessthan_"
- "DEF__greaterthan__equal__c" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__greaterthan__equal__c"
- "DEF__greaterthan__equal_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__greaterthan__equal_"
- "DEF__greaterthan__c" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__greaterthan__c"
- "DEF__greaterthan_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__greaterthan_"
- "DEF__exclamationmark_" > "HOL.All_def"
- "DEF__equal__equal__greaterthan_" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF__equal__equal__greaterthan_"
- "DEF__equal__equal_" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__equal__equal_"
- "DEF__equal__c" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__equal__c"
- "DEF__dot__dot_" > "HOLLightCompat.dotdot_def"
- "DEF__backslash__slash_" > "HOL.or_def"
- "DEF__MATCH" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__MATCH"
- "DEF__FUNCTION" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__FUNCTION"
- "DEF__FALSITY_" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__FALSITY_"
- "DEF__11937" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF__11937"
- "DEF_ZCONSTR" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_ZCONSTR"
- "DEF_ZBOT" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_ZBOT"
- "DEF_WF" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_WF"
- "DEF_UNIV" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_UNIV"
- "DEF_UNION" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_UNION"
- "DEF_UNCURRY" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_UNCURRY"
- "DEF_T" > "HOL.True_def"
- "DEF_SURJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_SURJ"
- "DEF_SND" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_SND"
- "DEF_SING" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_SING"
- "DEF_SETSPEC" > "HOLLightCompat.SETSPEC_def"
- "DEF_REST" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_REST"
- "DEF_PRE" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_PRE"
- "DEF_PASSOC" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_PASSOC"
- "DEF_ONTO" > "Fun.surj_def"
- "DEF_ONE_ONE" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_ONE_ONE"
- "DEF_ODD" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_ODD"
- "DEF_NUM_REP" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_NUM_REP"
- "DEF_NUMSUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_NUMSUM"
- "DEF_NUMSND" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_NUMSND"
- "DEF_NUMPAIR" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_NUMPAIR"
- "DEF_NUMLEFT" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_NUMLEFT"
- "DEF_NUMFST" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_NUMFST"
- "DEF_NUMERAL" > "HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL_def"
- "DEF_NULL" > "HOLLightList.DEF_NULL"
- "DEF_MOD" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_MOD"
- "DEF_MIN" > "Orderings.ord_class.min_def"
- "DEF_MEM" > "HOLLightList.DEF_MEM"
- "DEF_MEASURE" > "HOLLightCompat.MEASURE_def"
- "DEF_MAX" > "Orderings.ord_class.max_def"
- "DEF_MAP" > "HOLLightList.DEF_MAP"
- "DEF_LET_END" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_LET_END"
- "DEF_LET" > "HOLLightCompat.LET_def"
- "DEF_LAST" > "HOLLightList.DEF_LAST"
- "DEF_ITSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_ITSET"
- "DEF_ISO" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_ISO"
- "DEF_INTER" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_INTER"
- "DEF_INJP" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_INJP"
- "DEF_INJN" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_INJN"
- "DEF_INJF" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_INJF"
- "DEF_INJA" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_INJA"
- "DEF_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_INJ"
- "DEF_IND_SUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_IND_SUC"
- "DEF_IND_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_IND_0"
- "DEF_IN" > "Set.mem_def"
- "DEF_IMAGE" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_IMAGE"
- "DEF_I" > "Fun.id_apply"
- "DEF_HAS_SIZE" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_HAS_SIZE"
- "DEF_GSPEC" > "Set.Collect_def"
- "DEF_GEQ" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_GEQ"
- "DEF_GABS" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_GABS"
- "DEF_FST" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_FST"
- "DEF_FNIL" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_FNIL"
- "DEF_FINREC" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_FINREC"
- "DEF_FCONS" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_FCONS"
- "DEF_FACT" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_FACT"
- "DEF_F" > "HOL.False_def"
- "DEF_EXP" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_EXP"
- "DEF_EX" > "HOLLightList.DEF_EX"
- "DEF_EVEN" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_EVEN"
- "DEF_EMPTY" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_EMPTY"
- "DEF_EL" > "HOLLightList.DEF_EL"
- "DEF_DIV" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_DIV"
- "DEF_DIFF" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_DIFF"
- "DEF_DECIMAL" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_DECIMAL"
- "DEF_CURRY" > "Product_Type.curry_conv"
- "DEF_CROSS" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_CROSS"
- "DEF_CONSTR" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_CONSTR"
- "DEF_COND" > "HOLLightCompat.COND_DEF"
- "DEF_CARD" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_CARD"
- "DEF_BOTTOM" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_BOTTOM"
- "DEF_BIT1" > "HOLLightCompat.BIT1_DEF"
- "DEF_BIT0" > "HOLLightCompat.BIT0_DEF"
- "DEF_BIJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_BIJ"
- "DEF_ASCII" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_ASCII"
- "DEF_ALL2" > "HOLLightList.DEF_ALL2"
- "DEF_ALL" > "HOLLightList.DEF_ALL"
- "DEF_-" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_MINUS"
- "DEF_+" > "HOLLightCompat.DEF_PLUS"
- "DEF_$" > "HOLLight.hollight.DEF_$"
- "DECIMAL_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.DECIMAL_def"
- "CROSS_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.CROSS_def"
- "COUNTABLE_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.COUNTABLE_def"
- "CONS_HD_TL" > "List.hd_Cons_tl"
- "CONS_11" > "List.list.inject"
- "CONSTR_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONSTR_def"
- "CONSTR_REC" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONSTR_REC"
- "CONSTR_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONSTR_INJ"
- "CONSTR_IND" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONSTR_IND"
- "CONSTR_BOT" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONSTR_BOT"
- "CONJ_SYM" > "Groebner_Basis.dnf_3"
- "CONJ_ASSOC" > "HOL.conj_ac_3"
- "CONJ_ACI" > "HOLLight.hollight.CONJ_ACI"
- "COND_RATOR" > "HOLLight.hollight.COND_RATOR"
- "COND_RAND" > "HOL.if_distrib"
- "COND_ID" > "HOL.if_cancel"
- "COND_EXPAND" > "HOLLight.hollight.COND_EXPAND"
- "COND_ELIM_THM" > "HOL.if_splits_1"
- "COND_ABS" > "HOLLight.hollight.COND_ABS"
- "COMPONENT" > "Set.insertI1"
- "CHOICE_DEF" > "HOLLight.hollight.CHOICE_DEF"
- "CASEWISE_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.CASEWISE_def"
- "CART_EQ_FULL" > "HOLLight.hollight.CART_EQ_FULL"
- "CART_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.CART_EQ"
- "CARD_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_def"
- "CARD_UNION_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_UNION_LE"
- "CARD_UNION_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_UNION_EQ"
- "CARD_UNIONS" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_UNIONS"
- "CARD_UNION" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_UNION"
- "CARD_SUBSET" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_SUBSET"
- "CARD_NUMSEG_1" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_NUMSEG_1"
- "CARD_NUMSEG" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_NUMSEG"
- "CARD_LE_INJ" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_LE_INJ"
- "CARD_IMAGE_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_IMAGE_LE"
- "CARD_EQ_SUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_EQ_SUM"
- "CARD_EQ_NSUM" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_EQ_NSUM"
- "CARD_EQ_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_EQ_0"
- "CARD_DIFF" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_DIFF"
- "CARD_DELETE" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_DELETE"
- "CARD_CROSS" > "HOLLight.hollight.CARD_CROSS"
- "BOUNDS_LINEAR_0" > "HOLLight.hollight.BOUNDS_LINEAR_0"
- "BOTTOM_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.BOTTOM_def"
- "BOOL_CASES_AX" > "HOL.True_or_False"
- "BIT1_THM" > "HOLLight.hollight.BIT1_THM"
- "BIT1" > "HOLLight.hollight.BIT1"
- "BIT0_THM" > "Int.semiring_mult_2"
- "BIT0" > "Int.semiring_mult_2"
- "BIJ_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.BIJ_def"
- "BETA_THM" > "HOL.eta_contract_eq"
- "ASCII_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.ASCII_def"
- "ARITH_ZERO" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_ZERO"
- "ARITH_SUC" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_SUC"
- "ARITH_SUB" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_SUB"
- "ARITH_PRE" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_PRE"
- "ARITH_ODD" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_ODD"
- "ARITH_MULT" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_MULT"
- "ARITH_LT" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_LT"
- "ARITH_LE" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_LE"
- "ARITH_EXP" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_EXP"
- "ARITH_EVEN" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_EVEN"
- "ARITH_EQ" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_EQ"
- "ARITH_ADD" > "HOLLight.hollight.ARITH_ADD"
- "APPEND_NIL" > "List.append_Nil2"
- "APPEND_EQ_NIL" > "List.append_is_Nil_conv"
- "APPEND_BUTLAST_LAST" > "List.append_butlast_last_id"
- "APPEND_ASSOC" > "List.append_assoc"
- "AND_FORALL_THM" > "HOL.all_conj_distrib"
- "AND_CLAUSES" > "HOLLight.hollight.AND_CLAUSES"
- "AND_ALL2" > "HOLLightList.AND_ALL2"
- "AND_ALL" > "HOLLightList.AND_ALL"
- "ALL_T" > "HOLLightList.ALL_T"
- "ALL_MP" > "HOLLightList.ALL_MP"
- "ALL_MEM" > "HOLLightList.ALL_MEM"
- "ALL_IMP" > "HOLLightList.ALL_IMP"
- "ALL_EL" > "List.list_all_length"
- "ALL_APPEND" > "List.list_all_append"
- "ALL2_MAP2" > "HOLLightList.ALL2_MAP2"
- "ALL2_MAP" > "HOLLightList.ALL2_MAP"
- "ALL2_ALL" > "HOLLightList.ALL2_ALL"
- "ALL2" > "HOLLightList.ALL2"
- "ADD_SYM" > "Fields.linordered_field_class.sign_simps_43"
- "ADD_SUC" > "Nat.add_Suc_right"
- "ADD_SUBR2" > "Nat.diff_add_0"
- "ADD_SUBR" > "HOLLight.hollight.ADD_SUBR"
- "ADD_SUB2" > "Nat.diff_add_inverse"
- "ADD_SUB" > "Nat.diff_add_inverse2"
- "ADD_EQ_0" > "Nat.add_is_0"
- "ADD_CLAUSES" > "HOLLight.hollight.ADD_CLAUSES"
- "ADD_ASSOC" > "Fields.linordered_field_class.sign_simps_44"
- "ADD_AC" > "HOLLight.hollight.ADD_AC"
- "ADD_0" > "Divides.arithmetic_simps_39"
- "ADD1" > "Nat_Numeral.Suc_eq_plus1"
- "ABS_SIMP" > "HOL.refl"
- ">_c_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.>_c_def"
- ">=_c_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.>=_c_def"
- "=_c_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.=_c_def"
- "<_c_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.<_c_def"
- "<=_c_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.<=_c_def"
- "$_def" > "HOLLight.hollight.$_def"
- "TYDEF_sum"
- "TYDEF_prod"
- "TYDEF_option"
- "TYDEF_num"
- "TYDEF_list"
- "TYDEF_1"
- "EX_MAP"
- "EL_TL"
- "DEF_one"
- "DEF_mk_pair"
- "DEF_list_of_set"
- "DEF__0"
- "DEF_TL"
- "DEF_MAP2"
- "DEF_HD"
- "DEF_,"
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightInt.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightInt.thy
- Author: Cezary Kaliszyk
-header {* Compatibility theorems for HOL Light integers *}
-theory HOLLightInt imports Main Real GCD begin
-fun int_coprime where "int_coprime ((a :: int), (b :: int)) = coprime a b"
-lemma DEF_int_coprime:
- "int_coprime = (\<lambda>u. \<exists>x y. ((fst u) * x) + ((snd u) * y) = int 1)"
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (metis bezout_int mult_commute)
- by (metis coprime_divisors_nat dvd_triv_left gcd_1_int gcd_add2_int)
- "(\<forall>n. P (int n)) = (\<forall>i\<ge>(int 0). P i)"
- by (auto, drule_tac x="nat i" in spec) simp
- "(x < y) = (x + int 1 \<le> y)"
- by auto
-lemma INT_ABS_MUL_1:
- "(abs (x * y) = int 1) = (abs x = int 1 \<and> abs y = int 1)"
- by simp (metis dvd_mult_right zdvd1_eq abs_zmult_eq_1 abs_mult mult_1_right)
-lemma dest_int_rep:
- "\<exists>(n :: nat). real (i :: int) = real n \<or> real i = - real n"
- by (metis (full_types) of_int_of_nat real_eq_of_int real_of_nat_def)
-lemma DEF_int_add:
- "op + = (\<lambda>u ua. floor (real u + real ua))"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_int_sub:
- "op - = (\<lambda>u ua. floor (real u - real ua))"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_int_mul:
- "op * = (\<lambda>u ua. floor (real u * real ua))"
- by (metis floor_real_of_int real_of_int_mult)
-lemma DEF_int_abs:
- "abs = (\<lambda>u. floor (abs (real u)))"
- by (metis floor_real_of_int real_of_int_abs)
-lemma DEF_int_sgn:
- "sgn = (\<lambda>u. floor (sgn (real u)))"
- by (simp add: sgn_if fun_eq_iff)
-lemma int_sgn_th:
- "real (sgn (x :: int)) = sgn (real x)"
- by (simp add: sgn_if)
-lemma DEF_int_max:
- "max = (\<lambda>u ua. floor (max (real u) (real ua)))"
- by (metis floor_real_of_int real_of_int_le_iff sup_absorb1 sup_commute sup_max linorder_linear)
-lemma int_max_th:
- "real (max (x :: int) y) = max (real x) (real y)"
- by (metis min_max.le_iff_sup min_max.sup_absorb1 real_of_int_le_iff linorder_linear)
-lemma DEF_int_min:
- "min = (\<lambda>u ua. floor (min (real u) (real ua)))"
- by (metis floor_real_of_int inf_absorb1 inf_absorb2 inf_int_def inf_real_def real_of_int_le_iff linorder_linear)
-lemma int_min_th:
- "real (min (x :: int) y) = min (real x) (real y)"
- by (metis inf_absorb1 inf_absorb2 inf_int_def inf_real_def real_of_int_le_iff linorder_linear)
-lemma INT_IMAGE:
- "(\<exists>n. x = int n) \<or> (\<exists>n. x = - int n)"
- by (metis of_int_eq_id id_def of_int_of_nat)
-lemma DEF_int_pow:
- "op ^ = (\<lambda>u ua. floor (real u ^ ua))"
- by (simp add: floor_power)
-lemma DEF_int_divides:
- "op dvd = (\<lambda>(u :: int) ua. \<exists>x. ua = u * x)"
- by (metis dvdE dvdI)
-lemma DEF_int_divides':
- "(a :: int) dvd b = (\<exists>x. b = a * x)"
- by (metis dvdE dvdI)
-definition "int_mod (u :: int) ua ub = (u dvd (ua - ub))"
-lemma int_mod_def':
- "int_mod = (\<lambda>u ua ub. (u dvd (ua - ub)))"
- by (simp add: int_mod_def [abs_def])
-lemma int_congruent:
- "\<forall>x xa xb. int_mod xb x xa = (\<exists>d. x - xa = xb * d)"
- unfolding int_mod_def'
- by (auto simp add: DEF_int_divides')
-lemma int_congruent':
- "\<forall>(x :: int) y n. (n dvd x - y) = (\<exists>d. x - y = n * d)"
- using int_congruent[unfolded int_mod_def] .
-fun int_gcd where
- "int_gcd ((a :: int), (b :: int)) = gcd a b"
-definition "hl_mod (k\<Colon>int) (l\<Colon>int) = (if 0 \<le> l then k mod l else k mod - l)"
-lemma hl_mod_nonneg:
- "b \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> hl_mod a b \<ge> 0"
- by (simp add: hl_mod_def)
-lemma hl_mod_lt_abs:
- "b \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> hl_mod a b < abs b"
- by (simp add: hl_mod_def)
-definition "hl_div k l = (if 0 \<le> l then k div l else -(k div (-l)))"
-lemma hl_mod_div:
- "n \<noteq> (0\<Colon>int) \<Longrightarrow> m = hl_div m n * n + hl_mod m n"
- unfolding hl_div_def hl_mod_def
- by auto (metis zmod_zdiv_equality mult_commute mult_minus_left)
-lemma sth:
- "(\<forall>(x :: int) y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int) y. x + y = y + x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int). int 0 + x = x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int) y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int) y. x * y = y * x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int). int 1 * x = x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int). int 0 * x = int 0) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int) y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int). x ^ 0 = int 1) \<and> (\<forall>(x :: int) n. x ^ Suc n = x * x ^ n)"
- by (simp_all add: right_distrib)
- "n ~= int 0 \<Longrightarrow> m = hl_div m n * n + hl_mod m n \<and> int 0 \<le> hl_mod m n \<and> hl_mod m n < abs n"
- by (auto simp add: hl_mod_nonneg hl_mod_lt_abs hl_mod_div)
- "\<exists>q r. if n = int 0 then q = int 0 \<and> r = m
- else int 0 \<le> r \<and> r < abs n \<and> m = q * n + r"
- apply (rule_tac x="hl_div m n" in exI)
- apply (rule_tac x="hl_mod m n" in exI)
- apply (auto simp add: hl_mod_nonneg hl_mod_lt_abs hl_mod_div)
- unfolding hl_div_def hl_mod_def
- by auto
-lemma DEF_div:
- "hl_div = (SOME q. \<exists>r. \<forall>m n. if n = int 0 then q m n = int 0 \<and> r m n = m
- else (int 0) \<le> (r m n) \<and> (r m n) < (abs n) \<and> m = ((q m n) * n) + (r m n))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (rule_tac x="hl_mod" in exI)
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff hl_mod_nonneg hl_mod_lt_abs hl_mod_div)
- apply (simp add: hl_div_def)
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def)
- apply (drule_tac x="x" in spec)
- apply (drule_tac x="xa" in spec)
- apply (case_tac "0 = xa")
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def hl_div_def)
- apply (case_tac "xa > 0")
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def hl_div_def)
- apply (metis comm_semiring_1_class.normalizing_semiring_rules(24) div_mult_self2 not_less_iff_gr_or_eq order_less_le add_0 zdiv_eq_0_iff mult_commute)
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def hl_div_def)
- by (metis add.comm_neutral add_pos_nonneg div_mult_self1 less_minus_iff minus_add minus_add_cancel minus_minus mult_zero_right not_square_less_zero zdiv_eq_0_iff div_minus_right)
-lemma DEF_rem:
- "hl_mod = (SOME r. \<forall>m n. if n = int 0 then
- (if 0 \<le> n then m div n else - (m div - n)) = int 0 \<and> r m n = m
- else int 0 \<le> r m n \<and> r m n < abs n \<and>
- m = (if 0 \<le> n then m div n else - (m div - n)) * n + r m n)"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (fold hl_div_def)
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff hl_mod_nonneg hl_mod_lt_abs hl_mod_div)
- apply (simp add: hl_div_def)
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def)
- apply (drule_tac x="x" in spec)
- apply (drule_tac x="xa" in spec)
- apply (case_tac "0 = xa")
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def hl_div_def)
- apply (case_tac "xa > 0")
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def hl_div_def)
- apply (metis add_left_cancel mod_div_equality)
- apply (simp add: hl_mod_def hl_div_def)
- by (metis minus_mult_right mod_mult_self2 mod_pos_pos_trivial add_commute zminus_zmod mod_minus_right mult_commute)
-lemma DEF_int_gcd:
- "int_gcd = (SOME d. \<forall>a b. (int 0) \<le> (d (a, b)) \<and> (d (a, b)) dvd a \<and>
- (d (a, b)) dvd b \<and> (\<exists>x y. d (a, b) = (a * x) + (b * y)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto
- apply (metis bezout_int mult_commute)
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (drule_tac x="a" in spec)
- apply (drule_tac x="b" in spec)
- using gcd_greatest_int zdvd_antisym_nonneg
- by auto
-definition "eqeq x y (r :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool) = r x y"
- "(\<forall>x. int 0 * x = int 0) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: int) y z. (x + y = x + z) = (y = z)) \<and>
- (\<forall>(w :: int) x y z. (w * y + x * z = w * z + x * y) = (w = x \<or> y = z))"
- by (auto simp add: crossproduct_eq)
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightList.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightList.thy
- Author: Cezary Kaliszyk
-header {* Compatibility theorems for HOL Light lists *}
-theory HOLLightList
-imports List
- "finite (set l)"
- by simp
-lemma AND_ALL2:
- "(list_all2 P l m \<and> list_all2 Q l m) = list_all2 (\<lambda>x y. P x y \<and> Q x y) l m"
- by (induct l m rule: list_induct2') auto
- "(x \<in> set l) = (\<exists>i<length l. x = l ! i)"
- by (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
- "(\<forall>l m. map f l = map f m --> l = m) = (\<forall>x y. f x = f y --> x = y)"
-proof (intro iffI allI impI)
- fix x y
- assume "\<forall>l m. map f l = map f m \<longrightarrow> l = m" "f x = f y"
- then show "x = y"
- by (drule_tac x="[x]" in spec) (drule_tac x="[y]" in spec, simp)
- fix l m
- assume a: "\<forall>x y. f x = f y \<longrightarrow> x = y"
- assume "map f l = map f m"
- then show "l = m"
- by (induct l m rule: list_induct2') (simp_all add: a)
- "(\<forall>m. EX l. map f l = m) = (\<forall>y. EX x. f x = y)"
- apply (intro iffI allI)
- apply (drule_tac x="[y]" in spec)
- apply (elim exE)
- apply (case_tac l)
- apply simp
- apply (rule_tac x="a" in exI)
- apply simp
- apply (induct_tac m)
- apply simp
- apply (drule_tac x="a" in spec)
- apply (elim exE)
- apply (rule_tac x="x # l" in exI)
- apply simp
- done
-lemma LENGTH_TL:
- "l \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> length (tl l) = length l - 1"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_APPEND:
- "op @ = (SOME APPEND. (\<forall>l. APPEND [] l = l) \<and> (\<forall>h t l. APPEND (h # t) l = h # APPEND t l))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
- "rev = (SOME REVERSE. REVERSE [] = [] \<and> (\<forall>l x. REVERSE (x # l) = (REVERSE l) @ [x]))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_LENGTH:
- "length = (SOME LENGTH. LENGTH [] = 0 \<and> (\<forall>h t. LENGTH (h # t) = Suc (LENGTH t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_MAP:
- "map = (SOME MAP. (\<forall>f. MAP f [] = []) \<and> (\<forall>f h t. MAP f (h # t) = f h # MAP f t))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply simp_all
- done
- "replicate =
- (SOME REPLICATE. (\<forall>x. REPLICATE 0 x = []) \<and> (\<forall>n x. REPLICATE (Suc n) x = x # REPLICATE n x))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_ITLIST:
- "foldr = (SOME ITLIST. (\<forall>f b. ITLIST f [] b = b) \<and> (\<forall>h f t b. ITLIST f (h # t) b = f h (ITLIST f t b)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_ALL2: "list_all2 =
- (\<forall>P l2. ALL2 P [] l2 = (l2 = [])) \<and>
- (\<forall>h1 P t1 l2.
- ALL2 P (h1 # t1) l2 = (if l2 = [] then False else P h1 (hd l2) \<and> ALL2 P t1 (tl l2))))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto)
- apply (case_tac l2, simp_all)
- apply (case_tac l2, simp_all)
- apply (case_tac l2, simp_all)
- apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa xb rule: list_induct2')
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma ALL2:
- "list_all2 P [] [] = True \<and>
- list_all2 P (h1 # t1) [] = False \<and>
- list_all2 P [] (h2 # t2) = False \<and>
- list_all2 P (h1 # t1) (h2 # t2) = (P h1 h2 \<and> list_all2 P t1 t2)"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_FILTER:
- "filter = (SOME FILTER. (\<forall>P. FILTER P [] = []) \<and>
- (\<forall>h P t. FILTER P (h # t) = (if P h then h # FILTER P t else FILTER P t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply simp_all
- done
-fun map2 where
- "map2 f [] [] = []"
-| "map2 f (h1 # t1) (h2 # t2) = (f h1 h2) # (map2 f t1 t2)"
-lemma MAP2:
- "map2 f [] [] = [] \<and> map2 f (h1 # t1) (h2 # t2) = f h1 h2 # map2 f t1 t2"
- by simp
-fun fold2 where
- "fold2 f [] [] b = b"
-| "fold2 f (h1 # t1) (h2 # t2) b = f h1 h2 (fold2 f t1 t2 b)"
-lemma ITLIST2:
- "fold2 f [] [] b = b \<and> fold2 f (h1 # t1) (h2 # t2) b = f h1 h2 (fold2 f t1 t2 b)"
- by simp
-definition [simp]: "list_el x xs = nth xs x"
-lemma ZIP:
- "zip [] [] = [] \<and> zip (h1 # t1) (h2 # t2) = (h1, h2) # (zip t1 t2)"
- by simp
- "last [h] = h \<and> last (h # k # t) = last (k # t)"
- by simp
-lemma DEF_NULL:
- "List.null = (SOME NULL. NULL [] = True \<and> (\<forall>h t. NULL (h # t) = False))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff null_def)
- apply (case_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma DEF_ALL:
- "list_all = (SOME u. (\<forall>P. u P [] = True) \<and> (\<forall>h P t. u P (h # t) = (P h \<and> u P t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto[1]
- apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma MAP_EQ:
- "list_all (\<lambda>x. f x = g x) l \<longrightarrow> map f l = map g l"
- by (induct l) auto
-definition [simp]: "list_mem x xs = List.member xs x"
-lemma DEF_MEM:
- "list_mem = (SOME MEM. (\<forall>x. MEM x [] = False) \<and> (\<forall>h x t. MEM x (h # t) = (x = h \<or> MEM x t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto simp add: member_def)[1]
- apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply (simp_all add: member_def)
- done
-lemma DEF_EX:
- "list_ex = (SOME u. (\<forall>P. u P [] = False) \<and> (\<forall>h P t. u P (h # t) = (P h \<or> u P t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (auto)
- apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
- apply (intro allI)
- apply (induct_tac xa)
- apply (simp_all)
- done
-lemma ALL_IMP:
- "(\<forall>x. x \<in> set l \<and> P x \<longrightarrow> Q x) \<and> list_all P l \<longrightarrow> list_all Q l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma NOT_EX: "(\<not> list_ex P l) = list_all (\<lambda>x. \<not> P x) l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff list_ex_iff)
-lemma NOT_ALL: "(\<not> list_all P l) = list_ex (\<lambda>x. \<not> P x) l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff list_ex_iff)
-lemma ALL_MAP: "list_all P (map f l) = list_all (P o f) l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma ALL_T: "list_all (\<lambda>x. True) l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma MAP_EQ_ALL2: "list_all2 (\<lambda>x y. f x = f y) l m \<longrightarrow> map f l = map f m"
- by (induct l m rule: list_induct2') simp_all
-lemma ALL2_MAP: "list_all2 P (map f l) l = list_all (\<lambda>a. P (f a) a) l"
- by (induct l) simp_all
-lemma MAP_EQ_DEGEN: "list_all (\<lambda>x. f x = x) l --> map f l = l"
- by (induct l) simp_all
-lemma ALL2_AND_RIGHT:
- "list_all2 (\<lambda>x y. P x \<and> Q x y) l m = (list_all P l \<and> list_all2 Q l m)"
- by (induct l m rule: list_induct2') auto
- "foldr f (l @ [a]) b = foldr f l (f a b)"
- by simp
-lemma ALL_MP:
- "list_all (\<lambda>x. P x \<longrightarrow> Q x) l \<and> list_all P l \<longrightarrow> list_all Q l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma AND_ALL:
- "(list_all P l \<and> list_all Q l) = list_all (\<lambda>x. P x \<and> Q x) l"
- by (auto simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma EX_IMP:
- "(\<forall>x. x\<in>set l \<and> P x \<longrightarrow> Q x) \<and> list_ex P l \<longrightarrow> list_ex Q l"
- by (auto simp add: list_ex_iff)
-lemma ALL_MEM:
- "(\<forall>x. x\<in>set l \<longrightarrow> P x) = list_all P l"
- by (auto simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma EX_MAP:
- "ALL P f l. list_ex P (map f l) = list_ex (P o f) l"
- by (simp add: list_ex_iff)
-lemma EXISTS_EX:
- "\<forall>P l. (EX x. list_ex (P x) l) = list_ex (\<lambda>s. EX x. P x s) l"
- by (auto simp add: list_ex_iff)
-lemma FORALL_ALL:
- "\<forall>P l. (\<forall>x. list_all (P x) l) = list_all (\<lambda>s. \<forall>x. P x s) l"
- by (auto simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma MEM_APPEND: "\<forall>x l1 l2. (x\<in>set (l1 @ l2)) = (x\<in>set l1 \<or> x\<in>set l2)"
- by simp
-lemma MEM_MAP: "\<forall>f y l. (y\<in>set (map f l)) = (EX x. x\<in>set l \<and> y = f x)"
- by auto
-lemma MEM_FILTER: "\<forall>P l x. (x\<in>set (filter P l)) = (P x \<and> x\<in>set l)"
- by auto
-lemma EX_MEM: "(EX x. P x \<and> x\<in>set l) = list_ex P l"
- by (auto simp add: list_ex_iff)
-lemma ALL2_MAP2:
- "list_all2 P (map f l) (map g m) = list_all2 (\<lambda>x y. P (f x) (g y)) l m"
- by (simp add: list_all2_map1 list_all2_map2)
-lemma ALL2_ALL:
- "list_all2 P l l = list_all (\<lambda>x. P x x) l"
- by (induct l) simp_all
-lemma LENGTH_MAP2:
- "length l = length m \<longrightarrow> length (map2 f l m) = length m"
- by (induct l m rule: list_induct2') simp_all
-lemma DEF_set_of_list:
- "set = (SOME sol. sol [] = {} \<and> (\<forall>h t. sol (h # t) = insert h (sol t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply (simp_all)
- apply (rule ext)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply simp_all
- done
-lemma IN_SET_OF_LIST:
- "(x : set l) = (x : set l)"
- by simp
- "butlast = (SOME B. B [] = [] \<and> (\<forall>h t. B (h # t) = (if t = [] then [] else h # B t)))"
- apply (rule some_equality[symmetric])
- apply auto
- apply (rule ext)
- apply (induct_tac x)
- apply auto
- done
-lemma MONO_ALL:
- "(ALL x. P x \<longrightarrow> Q x) \<longrightarrow> list_all P l \<longrightarrow> list_all Q l"
- by (simp add: list_all_iff)
-lemma EL_TL: "l \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> tl l ! x = l ! (x + 1)"
- by (induct l) (simp_all)
-(* Assume the same behaviour outside of the usual domain.
- For HD, LAST, EL it follows from "undefined = SOME _. False".
- The definitions of TL and ZIP are different for empty lists.
- *)
-axiomatization where
- DEF_HD: "hd = (SOME HD. \<forall>t h. HD (h # t) = h)"
-axiomatization where
- DEF_LAST: "last =
- (SOME LAST. \<forall>h t. LAST (h # t) = (if t = [] then h else LAST t))"
-axiomatization where
- DEF_EL: "list_el =
- (SOME EL. (\<forall>l. EL 0 l = hd l) \<and> (\<forall>n l. EL (Suc n) l = EL n (tl l)))"
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightReal.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightReal.thy
- Author: Cezary Kaliszyk
-header {* Compatibility theorems for HOL Light reals *}
-theory HOLLightReal imports Real begin
- "max (real (m :: nat)) (real n) = real (max m n)"
- by simp
- "min (real (m :: nat)) (real n) = real (min m n)"
- by simp
- "(\<forall>(x :: real). - x = - 1 * x) \<and> (\<forall>(x :: real) y. x - y = x + - 1 * y)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_MUL_AC:
- "(m :: real) * n = n * m \<and> m * n * p = m * (n * p) \<and> m * (n * p) = n * (m * p)"
- by simp
- "((x :: real) + y = x) = (y = 0)"
- by simp
- "((x :: real) + y = y) = (x = 0)"
- by simp
- "\<not> ((x :: real) < y \<and> y < x)"
- by simp
- "\<not> ((x :: real) \<le> y \<and> y < x)"
- by simp
- "(x :: real) = 0 \<or> 0 < x \<or> 0 < - x"
- by auto
- "((y :: real) < x + - z) = (y + z < x)"
- by auto
- "((x :: real) + - y < z) = (x < z + y)"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_LT_ADD1:
- "(x :: real) \<le> y \<longrightarrow> x < y + 1"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_SUB_ADD2:
- "(y :: real) + (x - y) = x"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_ADD_SUB:
- "(x :: real) + y - x = y"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_NEG_EQ:
- "(- (x :: real) = y) = (x = - y)"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_LE_ADDR:
- "((x :: real) \<le> x + y) = (0 \<le> y)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_LE_ADDL:
- "((y :: real) \<le> x + y) = (0 \<le> x)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_LT_ADDR:
- "((x :: real) < x + y) = (0 < y)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_LT_ADDL:
- "((y :: real) < x + y) = (0 < x)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_SUB_SUB:
- "(x :: real) - y - x = - y"
- by simp
- "- (x :: real) - y = - (x + y)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_SUB_NEG2:
- "- (x :: real) - - y = y - x"
- by simp
- "(a :: real) - b + (b - c) = a - c"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_SUB_SUB2:
- "(x :: real) - (x - y) = y"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_ADD_SUB2:
- "(x :: real) - (x + y) = - y"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_POS_NZ:
- "0 < (x :: real) \<longrightarrow> x \<noteq> 0"
- by simp
- "((x :: real) + y) * (x - y) = x * x - y * y"
- by (simp add: comm_semiring_1_class.normalizing_semiring_rules(7) right_distrib mult_diff_mult)
- "abs (x :: real) + abs (y - x) \<le> z \<longrightarrow> abs y \<le> z"
- by auto
- "abs (x :: real) + abs (y - x) < z \<longrightarrow> abs y < z"
- by auto
- "(abs (x :: real) = x) = (0 \<le> x)"
- by auto
- "(0 < (d :: real) \<and> x - d < y \<and> y < x + d) = (abs (y - x) < d)"
- by auto
- "abs ((x :: real) - y) < d \<longrightarrow> y < x + d"
- by auto
- "abs ((x :: real) - y) < abs y \<longrightarrow> x \<noteq> 0"
- by auto
- "(x :: real) = 0 \<or> 0 < abs x"
- by simp
- "(x :: real) < z \<and> abs (y - x) < z - x \<longrightarrow> y < z"
- by auto
- "abs ((x :: real) - y) < y \<longrightarrow> 0 < x"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_ABS_SIGN2:
- "abs ((x :: real) - y) < - y \<longrightarrow> x < 0"
- by auto
- "abs (h :: real) < abs y - abs x \<longrightarrow> abs (x + h) < abs y"
- by auto
- "(- (k :: real) < x \<and> x < k) = (abs x < k)"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_MIN_MAX:
- "min (x :: real) y = - max (- x) (- y)"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_MAX_MIN:
- "max (x :: real) y = - min (- x) (- y)"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_MAX_MAX:
- "(x :: real) \<le> max x y \<and> y \<le> max x y"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_MIN_MIN:
- "min (x :: real) y \<le> x \<and> min x y \<le> y"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_MAX_ACI:
- "max (x :: real) y = max y x \<and>
- max (max x y) z = max x (max y z) \<and>
- max x (max y z) = max y (max x z) \<and> max x x = x \<and> max x (max x y) = max x y"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_MIN_ACI:
- "min (x :: real) y = min y x \<and>
- min (min x y) z = min x (min y z) \<and>
- min x (min y z) = min y (min x z) \<and> min x x = x \<and> min x (min x y) = min x y"
- by auto
- "((x :: real) * z = y * z) = (x = y \<or> z = 0)"
- by auto
- "(x :: real) * y = 1 \<longrightarrow> inverse y = x"
- by (metis inverse_inverse_eq inverse_unique)
- "(y :: real) \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> x / y * y = x"
- by simp
- "(y :: real) \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> y * (x / y) = x"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_LT_IMP_NZ:
- "0 < (x :: real) \<longrightarrow> x \<noteq> 0"
- by simp
- "0 < (x :: real) \<and> x * y < x * z \<longrightarrow> y < z"
- by (auto simp add: mult_less_cancel_left_disj not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
- "0 < (z :: real) \<and> x * z < y * z \<longrightarrow> x < y"
- by (auto simp add: mult_less_cancel_left_disj not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
- "(0 \<le> (x :: real) * y) = (x = 0 \<or> y = 0 \<or> 0 < x \<and> 0 < y \<or> x < 0 \<and> y < 0)"
- by (metis less_eq_real_def mult_eq_0_iff zero_le_mult_iff)
- "0 < (z :: real) \<longrightarrow> (x = y / z) = (x * z = y)"
- by auto
- "0 < (z :: real) \<longrightarrow> (x / z = y) = (x = y * z)"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_SUB_INV:
- "(x :: real) \<noteq> 0 \<and> y \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> inverse x - inverse y = (y - x) / (x * y)"
- by (simp add: division_ring_inverse_diff divide_real_def)
-lemma REAL_DOWN:
- "0 < (d :: real) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>e>0. e < d)"
- by (intro impI exI[of _ "d / 2"]) simp
- "1 < (x :: real) \<and> m < n \<longrightarrow> x ^ m < x ^ n"
- by simp
- "1 \<le> (x :: real) \<and> m \<le> n \<longrightarrow> x ^ m \<le> x ^ n"
- by (cases "m < n", cases "x = 1") auto
- "(z :: real) \<noteq> 0 \<and> z * x = z * y \<longrightarrow> x = y"
- by auto
-lemma REAL_LE_DIV:
- "0 \<le> (x :: real) \<and> 0 \<le> y \<longrightarrow> 0 \<le> x / y"
- by (simp add: zero_le_divide_iff)
-lemma REAL_10: "(1::real) \<noteq> 0"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_ADD_ASSOC: "(x::real) + (y + z) = x + y + z"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_MUL_ASSOC: "(x::real) * (y * z) = x * y * z"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_ADD_LINV: "-x + x = (0::real)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_MUL_LINV: "x \<noteq> (0::real) \<Longrightarrow> inverse x * x = 1"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_LT_TOTAL: "((x::real) = y) \<or> x < y \<or> y < x"
- by auto
-lemma real_lte: "((x::real) \<le> y) = (\<not>(y < x))"
- by auto
-lemma real_of_num: "((0::real) = 0) \<and> (!n. real (Suc n) = real n + 1)"
- by (simp add: real_of_nat_Suc)
-lemma abs: "abs (x::real) = (if 0 \<le> x then x else -x)"
- by (simp add: abs_if)
-lemma pow: "(!x::real. x ^ 0 = 1) \<and> (!x::real. \<forall>n. x ^ (Suc n) = x * x ^ n)"
- by simp
- "(\<forall>(x :: real) y z. x + (y + z) = x + y + z) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real) y. x + y = y + x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real). 0 + x = x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real) y z. x * (y * z) = x * y * z) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real) y. x * y = y * x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real). 1 * x = x) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real). 0 * x = 0) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real) y z. x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z) \<and>
- (\<forall>(x :: real). x ^ 0 = 1) \<and> (\<forall>(x :: real) n. x ^ Suc n = x * x ^ n)"
- by (auto simp add: right_distrib)
- "(\<exists>(x :: real). P x) \<and> (\<exists>(M :: real). \<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> M) \<longrightarrow>
- (\<exists>M. (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> M) \<and>
- (\<forall>M'. (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> M') \<longrightarrow> M \<le> M'))"
- using complete_real[unfolded Ball_def, of "Collect P"] by auto
- "(\<exists>(x :: real). P x \<and> 0 \<le> x) \<and> (\<exists>M. \<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> M) \<longrightarrow>
- (\<exists>M. (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> M) \<and>
- (\<forall>M'. (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> M') \<longrightarrow> M \<le> M'))"
- using REAL_COMPLETE by auto
-lemma REAL_ADD_AC:
- "(m :: real) + n = n + m \<and> m + n + p = m + (n + p) \<and> m + (n + p) = n + (m + p)"
- by simp
-lemma REAL_LE_RNEG:
- "((x :: real) \<le> - y) = (x + y \<le> 0)"
- by auto
- "0 \<le> (x :: real) \<or> 0 \<le> - x"
- by auto
-lemma DEF_real_sgn:
- "sgn = (\<lambda>u. if (0 :: real) < u then 1 else if u < 0 then - 1 else 0)"
- by (simp add: ext)
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Imported.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-theory Imported
-imports "Generated/HOLLight"
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/ROOT.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-use_thy "Compatibility";
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Template/GenHOLLight.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Template/GenHOLLight.thy
- Author: Steven Obua, TU Muenchen
- Author: Cezary Kaliszyk
-theory GenHOLLight
-imports "../../Importer" "../Compatibility"
-import_segment "hollight"
-setup_dump "../Generated" "HOLLight"
-append_dump {*theory HOL4Base
-imports "../../Importer" "../Compatibility"
-import_theory "~~/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/Generated" hollight
- (* Unit type *)
- TYDEF_1 DEF_one
- (* Product type *)
- TYDEF_prod "DEF_," DEF_mk_pair REP_ABS_PAIR
- (* Option type *)
- (* Sum type *)
- (* Naturals *)
- (* Lists *)
- (* list_of_set uses Isabelle lists with HOLLight CARD *)
- (* UNIV *)
- (* Reals *)
- (* TYDEF_real DEF_real_of_num DEF_real_neg DEF_real_add DEF_real_mul DEF_real_le
- (* Integers *)
- (* TYDEF_int DEF_int_divides DEF_int_coprime*)
- (* HOLLight CARD and CASEWISE with Isabelle lists *)
- bool > HOL.bool
- "fun" > "fun"
- N_1 > Product_Type.unit
- prod > Product_Type.prod
- ind > Nat.ind
- num > Nat.nat
- sum > Sum_Type.sum
- option > Datatype.option
- list > List.list
-(*real > RealDef.real *)
-(*int > Int.int *)
- "==" > "eqeq"
- "ALL" > list_ALL
- "EX" > list_EX
- T > HOL.True
- F > HOL.False
- "=" > HOL.eq
- "==>" > HOL.implies
- "/\\" > HOL.conj
- "\\/" > HOL.disj
- "!" > HOL.All
- "?" > HOL.Ex
- "?!" > HOL.Ex1
- "~" > HOL.Not
- ONE_ONE > Fun.inj
- ONTO > Fun.surj
- o > Fun.comp
- "@" > Hilbert_Choice.Eps
- CHOICE > Hilbert_Choice.Eps
- I > Fun.id
- one > Product_Type.Unity
- LET > HOLLightCompat.LET
- mk_pair > Product_Type.Pair_Rep
- "," > Product_Type.Pair
- FST > Product_Type.fst
- SND > Product_Type.snd
- CURRY > Product_Type.curry
- "_0" > Groups.zero_class.zero :: nat
- SUC > Nat.Suc
- PRE > HOLLightCompat.Pred
- mk_num > Fun.id
- "+" > Groups.plus_class.plus :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- "*" > Groups.times_class.times :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- "-" > Groups.minus_class.minus :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- "<" > Orderings.ord_class.less :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
- "<=" > Orderings.ord_class.less_eq :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
- ">" > Orderings.ord_class.greater :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
- ">=" > Orderings.ord_class.greater_eq :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
- EXP > Power.power_class.power :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- MAX > Orderings.ord_class.max :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- MIN > Orderings.ord_class.min :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- DIV > Divides.div_class.div :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- MOD > Divides.div_class.mod :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- BIT0 > HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL_BIT0
- BIT1 > HOLLightCompat.NUMERAL_BIT1
- INL > Sum_Type.Inl
- INR > Sum_Type.Inr
- OUTL > HOLLightCompat.OUTL
- OUTR > HOLLightCompat.OUTR
- NONE > Datatype.None
- SOME > Datatype.Some
- EVEN > Parity.even_odd_class.even :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
- ODD > HOLLightCompat.ODD
- FACT > Fact.fact_class.fact :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
- WF > Wellfounded.wfP
- NIL > List.list.Nil
- CONS > List.list.Cons
- APPEND > List.append
- REVERSE > List.rev
- LENGTH > List.length
- MAP > List.map
- LAST > List.last
- BUTLAST > List.butlast
- REPLICATE > List.replicate
- ITLIST > List.foldr
- list_ALL > List.list_all
- ALL2 > List.list_all2
- list_EX > List.list_ex
- FILTER > List.filter
- NULL > List.null
- HD > List.hd
- TL > List.tl
- EL > HOLLightList.list_el
- ZIP > List.zip
- MAP2 > HOLLightList.map2
- ITLIST2 > HOLLightList.fold2
- MEM > HOLLightList.list_mem
- set_of_list > List.set
- IN > Set.member
- INSERT > Set.insert
- EMPTY > Orderings.bot_class.bot :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
- GABS > Hilbert_Choice.Eps
- GEQ > HOL.eq
- GSPEC > Set.Collect
- UNION > Lattices.sup_class.sup :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
- UNIONS > Complete_Lattices.Sup_class.Sup :: "(('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
- INTER > Lattices.inf_class.inf :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
- INTERS > Complete_Lattices.Inf_class.Inf :: "(('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
- DIFF > Groups.minus_class.minus :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
- SUBSET > Orderings.ord_class.less_eq :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"
- PSUBSET > Orderings.ord_class.less :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"
- IMAGE > Set.image
- FINITE > Finite_Set.finite
- ".." > HOLLightCompat.dotdot
- UNIV > Orderings.top_class.top :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
-(*real_of_num > RealDef.real :: "nat => real"
- real_neg > Groups.uminus_class.uminus :: "real => real"
- real_inv > Fields.inverse_class.inverse :: "real => real"
- real_add > Groups.plus_class.plus :: "real => real => real"
- real_sub > Groups.minus_class.minus :: "real => real => real"
- real_mul > Groups.times_class.times :: "real => real => real"
- real_div > Fields.inverse_class.divide :: "real => real => real"
- real_lt > Orderings.ord_class.less :: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
- real_le > Orderings.ord_class.less_eq :: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
- real_gt > Orderings.ord_class.greater :: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
- real_ge > Orderings.ord_class.greater_eq :: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
- real_pow > Power.power_class.power :: "real \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> real"
- real_abs > Groups.abs_class.abs :: "real \<Rightarrow> real"
- real_max > Orderings.ord_class.max :: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"
- real_min > Orderings.ord_class.min :: "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"
- real_sgn > Groups.sgn_class.sgn :: "real \<Rightarrow> real"*)
-(*real_of_int > RealDef.real :: "int => real"
- int_of_real > Archimedean_Field.floor :: "real \<Rightarrow> int"
- dest_int > RealDef.real :: "int => real"
- mk_int > Archimedean_Field.floor :: "real \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_lt > Orderings.ord_class.less :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- int_le > Orderings.ord_class.less_eq :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- int_gt > Orderings.ord_class.greater :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- int_ge > Orderings.ord_class.greater_eq :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- int_of_num > Nat.semiring_1_class.of_nat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_neg > Groups.uminus_class.uminus :: "int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_add > Groups.plus_class.plus :: "int => int => int"
- int_sub > Groups.minus_class.minus :: "int => int => int"
- int_mul > Groups.times_class.times :: "int => int => int"
- int_abs > Groups.abs_class.abs :: "int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_max > Orderings.ord_class.max :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_min > Orderings.ord_class.min :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_sgn > Groups.sgn_class.sgn :: "int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_pow > Power.power_class.power :: "int \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_div > HOLLightInt.hl_div :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- div > HOLLightInt.hl_div :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- mod_int > HOLLightInt.hl_mod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- rem > HOLLightInt.hl_mod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_divides > Rings.dvd_class.dvd :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- int_mod > HOLLightInt.int_mod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- int_gcd > HOLLightInt.int_gcd :: "int \<times> int \<Rightarrow> int"
- int_coprime > HOLLightInt.int_coprime :: "int \<times> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- eqeq > HOLLightInt.eqeq*)
-;append_dump "end"
-;import_segment ""
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/generate.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-use_thy "Generate";
--- a/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light/imported.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Unsynchronized.setmp quick_and_dirty true use_thy "Imported";
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light_Import.thy Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light_Import.thy
+ Author: Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
+ Author: Alexander Krauss, QAware GmbH
+header {* Main HOL Light importer *}
+theory HOL_Light_Import
+imports HOL_Light_Maps
+import_file "$HOL_LIGHT_DUMP"
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/HOL_Light_Maps.thy Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/HOL_Light_Maps.thy
+ Author: Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
+ Author: Alexander Krauss, QAware GmbH
+Based on earlier code by Steven Obua and Sebastian Skalberg
+header {* Type and constant mappings of HOL Light importer *}
+theory HOL_Light_Maps
+imports Import_Setup
+lemma [import_const T]:
+ "True = ((\<lambda>p :: bool. p) = (\<lambda>p. p))"
+ by simp
+lemma [import_const "/\\"]:
+ "(op \<and>) = (\<lambda>p q. (\<lambda>f. f p q \<Colon> bool) = (\<lambda>f. f True True))"
+ by metis
+lemma [import_const "==>"]:
+ "(op \<longrightarrow>) = (\<lambda>(p\<Colon>bool) q\<Colon>bool. (p \<and> q) = p)"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const "!"]:
+ "All = (\<lambda>P\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> bool. P = (\<lambda>x\<Colon>'A. True))"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const "?"]:
+ "Ex = (\<lambda>P\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> bool. All (\<lambda>q\<Colon>bool. (All (\<lambda>x\<Colon>'A\<Colon>type. (P x) \<longrightarrow> q)) \<longrightarrow> q))"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const "\\/"]:
+ "(op \<or>) = (\<lambda>p q. \<forall>r. (p \<longrightarrow> r) \<longrightarrow> (q \<longrightarrow> r) \<longrightarrow> r)"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const F]:
+ "False = (\<forall>p. p)"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const "~"]:
+ "Not = (\<lambda>p. p \<longrightarrow> False)"
+ by simp
+lemma [import_const "?!"]:
+ "Ex1 = (\<lambda>P\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> bool. Ex P \<and> (\<forall>x y. P x \<and> P y \<longrightarrow> x = y))"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const "_FALSITY_"]: "False = False"
+ by simp
+lemma hl_ax1: "\<forall>t\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> 'B. (\<lambda>x. t x) = t"
+ by metis
+lemma hl_ax2: "\<forall>P x\<Colon>'A. P x \<longrightarrow> P (Eps P)"
+ by (auto intro: someI)
+lemma [import_const COND]:
+ "If = (\<lambda>t (t1 :: 'A) t2. SOME x. (t = True \<longrightarrow> x = t1) \<and> (t = False \<longrightarrow> x = t2))"
+ unfolding fun_eq_iff by auto
+lemma [import_const o]:
+ "(op \<circ>) = (\<lambda>(f\<Colon>'B \<Rightarrow> 'C) g x\<Colon>'A. f (g x))"
+ unfolding fun_eq_iff by simp
+lemma [import_const I]: "id = (\<lambda>x\<Colon>'A. x)"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_type 1 one_ABS one_REP]:
+ "type_definition Rep_unit Abs_unit (Collect (\<lambda>b. b))"
+ by (metis (full_types) Collect_cong singleton_conv2 type_definition_unit)
+lemma [import_const one]: "() = (SOME x\<Colon>unit. True)"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const mk_pair]:
+ "Pair_Rep = (\<lambda>(x\<Colon>'A) (y\<Colon>'B) (a\<Colon>'A) b\<Colon>'B. a = x \<and> b = y)"
+ by (simp add: Pair_Rep_def fun_eq_iff)
+lemma [import_type prod ABS_prod REP_prod]:
+ "type_definition Rep_prod Abs_prod (Collect (\<lambda>x\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> 'B \<Rightarrow> bool. \<exists>a b. x = Pair_Rep a b))"
+ using type_definition_prod[unfolded Product_Type.prod_def] by simp
+lemma [import_const ","]: "Pair = (\<lambda>(x\<Colon>'A) y\<Colon>'B. Abs_prod (Pair_Rep x y))"
+ by (metis Pair_def)
+lemma [import_const FST]:
+ "fst = (\<lambda>p\<Colon>'A \<times> 'B. SOME x\<Colon>'A. \<exists>y\<Colon>'B. p = (x, y))"
+ by auto
+lemma [import_const SND]:
+ "snd = (\<lambda>p\<Colon>'A \<times> 'B. SOME y\<Colon>'B. \<exists>x\<Colon>'A. p = (x, y))"
+ by auto
+(*lemma [import_const CURRY]:
+ "curry = (\<lambda>(f\<Colon>'A \<times> 'B \<Rightarrow> 'C) x y. f (x, y))"
+ using curry_def .*)
+lemma [import_const ONE_ONE : Fun.inj]:
+ "inj = (\<lambda>(f\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> 'B). \<forall>x1 x2. f x1 = f x2 \<longrightarrow> x1 = x2)"
+ by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff inj_on_def)
+lemma [import_const ONTO : Fun.surj]:
+ "surj = (\<lambda>(f\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> 'B). \<forall>y. \<exists>x. y = f x)"
+ by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
+lemma hl_ax3: "\<exists>f\<Colon>ind \<Rightarrow> ind. inj f \<and> \<not> surj f"
+ by (rule_tac x="Suc_Rep" in exI)
+ (metis Suc_Rep_inject' injI Suc_Rep_not_Zero_Rep surjD)
+import_type_map num : Nat.nat
+import_const_map "_0" : Groups.zero_class.zero
+import_const_map SUC : Nat.Suc
+lemma NOT_SUC: "\<forall>n. Suc n \<noteq> 0"
+ by simp
+lemma SUC_INJ: "\<forall>m n. (Suc m = Suc n) = (m = n)"
+ by simp
+lemma num_INDUCTION:
+ "\<forall>P. P 0 \<and> (\<forall>n. P n \<longrightarrow> P (Suc n)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>n. P n)"
+ by (auto intro: nat.induct)
+lemma [import_const NUMERAL]: "id = (\<lambda>x :: nat. x)"
+ by auto
+definition [simp]: "bit0 n = 2 * n"
+lemma [import_const BIT0]:
+ "bit0 = (SOME fn. fn (id 0) = id 0 \<and> (\<forall>n. fn (Suc n) = Suc (Suc (fn n))))"
+ apply (auto intro!: some_equality[symmetric])
+ apply (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
+ apply (induct_tac x)
+ apply auto
+ done
+definition [import_const BIT1, simp]:
+ "bit1 = (\<lambda>x. Suc (bit0 x))"
+definition [simp]: "pred n = n - 1"
+lemma PRE[import_const PRE : HOL_Light_Maps.pred]:
+ "pred (id (0\<Colon>nat)) = id (0\<Colon>nat) \<and> (\<forall>n\<Colon>nat. pred (Suc n) = n)"
+ by simp
+lemma ADD[import_const "+" : Groups.plus_class.plus]:
+ "(\<forall>n :: nat. (id 0) + n = n) \<and> (\<forall>m n. (Suc m) + n = Suc (m + n))"
+ by simp
+lemma MULT[import_const "*" : Groups.times_class.times]:
+ "(\<forall>n :: nat. (id 0) * n = id 0) \<and> (\<forall>m n. (Suc m) * n = (m * n) + n)"
+ by simp
+lemma EXP[import_const EXP : Power.power_class.power]:
+ "(\<forall>m. m ^ (id 0) = id (bit1 0)) \<and> (\<forall>(m :: nat) n. m ^ (Suc n) = m * (m ^ n))"
+ by simp
+lemma LE[import_const "<=" : Orderings.ord_class.less_eq]:
+ "(\<forall>m :: nat. m \<le> (id 0) = (m = id 0)) \<and> (\<forall>m n. m \<le> (Suc n) = (m = Suc n \<or> m \<le> n))"
+ by auto
+lemma LT[import_const "<" : Orderings.ord_class.less]:
+ "(\<forall>m :: nat. m < (id 0) = False) \<and> (\<forall>m n. m < (Suc n) = (m = n \<or> m < n))"
+ by auto
+lemma DEF_GE[import_const ">=" : "Orderings.ord_class.greater_eq"]:
+ "(op \<ge>) = (\<lambda>x y :: nat. y \<le> x)"
+ by simp
+lemma DEF_GT[import_const ">" : "Orderings.ord_class.greater"]:
+ "(op >) = (\<lambda>x y :: nat. y < x)"
+ by simp
+lemma DEF_MAX[import_const "MAX"]:
+ "max = (\<lambda>x y :: nat. if x \<le> y then y else x)"
+ by (auto simp add: min_max.le_iff_sup fun_eq_iff)
+lemma DEF_MIN[import_const "MIN"]:
+ "min = (\<lambda>x y :: nat. if x \<le> y then x else y)"
+ by (auto simp add: min_max.le_iff_inf fun_eq_iff)
+lemma EVEN[import_const "EVEN" : "Parity.even_odd_class.even"]:
+ "even (id 0\<Colon>nat) = True \<and> (\<forall>n. even (Suc n) = (\<not> even n))"
+ by simp
+lemma SUB[import_const "-" : "Groups.minus_class.minus"]:
+ "(\<forall>m\<Colon>nat. m - (id 0) = m) \<and> (\<forall>m n. m - (Suc n) = pred (m - n))"
+ by simp
+lemma FACT[import_const "FACT" : "Fact.fact_class.fact"]:
+ "fact (id 0) = id (bit1 0) \<and> (\<forall>n. fact (Suc n) = Suc n * fact n)"
+ by simp
+import_const_map MOD : Divides.div_class.mod
+import_const_map DIV : Divides.div_class.div
+lemma DIVISION_0:
+ "\<forall>m n\<Colon>nat. if n = id 0 then m div n = id 0 \<and> m mod n = m else m = m div n * n + m mod n \<and> m mod n < n"
+ by simp
+lemmas [import_type sum "_dest_sum" "_mk_sum"] = type_definition_sum
+import_const_map INL : Sum_Type.Inl
+import_const_map INR : Sum_Type.Inr
+lemma sum_INDUCT:
+ "\<forall>P. (\<forall>a. P (Inl a)) \<and> (\<forall>a. P (Inr a)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x)"
+ by (auto intro: sum.induct)
+lemma sum_RECURSION:
+ "\<forall>Inl' Inr'. \<exists>fn. (\<forall>a. fn (Inl a) = Inl' a) \<and> (\<forall>a. fn (Inr a) = Inr' a)"
+ by (intro allI, rule_tac x="sum_case Inl' Inr'" in exI) auto
+lemma OUTL[import_const "OUTL" : "Sum_Type.Projl"]:
+ "Sum_Type.Projl (Inl x) = x"
+ by simp
+lemma OUTR[import_const "OUTR" : "Sum_Type.Projr"]:
+ "Sum_Type.Projr (Inr y) = y"
+ by simp
+import_type_map list : List.list
+import_const_map NIL : List.list.Nil
+import_const_map CONS : List.list.Cons
+lemma list_INDUCT:
+ "\<forall>P\<Colon>'A list \<Rightarrow> bool. P [] \<and> (\<forall>a0 a1. P a1 \<longrightarrow> P (a0 # a1)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x)"
+ using list.induct by auto
+lemma list_RECURSION:
+ "\<forall>nil' cons'. \<exists>fn\<Colon>'A list \<Rightarrow> 'Z. fn [] = nil' \<and> (\<forall>(a0\<Colon>'A) a1\<Colon>'A list. fn (a0 # a1) = cons' a0 a1 (fn a1))"
+ by (intro allI, rule_tac x="list_rec nil' cons'" in exI) auto
+lemma HD[import_const HD : List.hd]:
+ "hd ((h\<Colon>'A) # t) = h"
+ by simp
+lemma TL[import_const TL : List.tl]:
+ "tl ((h\<Colon>'A) # t) = t"
+ by simp
+lemma APPEND[import_const APPEND : List.append]:
+ "(\<forall>l\<Colon>'A list. [] @ l = l) \<and> (\<forall>(h\<Colon>'A) t l. (h # t) @ l = h # t @ l)"
+ by simp
+lemma REVERSE[import_const REVERSE : List.rev]:
+ "rev [] = ([] :: 'A list) \<and> rev ((x\<Colon>'A) # l) = rev l @ [x]"
+ by simp
+lemma LENGTH[import_const LENGTH : List.length]:
+ "length [] = id 0 \<and> (\<forall>(h\<Colon>'A) t. length (h # t) = Suc (length t))"
+ by simp
+lemma MAP[import_const MAP : List.map]:
+ "(\<forall>f\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> 'B. map f [] = []) \<and>
+ (\<forall>(f\<Colon>'A \<Rightarrow> 'B) h t. map f (h # t) = f h # map f t)"
+ by simp
+lemma LAST[import_const LAST : List.last]:
+ "last ((h\<Colon>'A) # t) = (if t = [] then h else last t)"
+ by simp
+lemma BUTLAST[import_const BUTLAST : List.butlast]:
+ "butlast [] = ([] :: 't18337 list) \<and>
+ butlast ((h :: 't18337) # t) = (if t = [] then [] else h # butlast t)"
+ by simp
+lemma REPLICATE[import_const REPLICATE : List.replicate]:
+ "replicate (id (0\<Colon>nat)) (x\<Colon>'t18358) = [] \<and>
+ replicate (Suc n) x = x # replicate n x"
+ by simp
+lemma NULL[import_const NULL : List.null]:
+ "List.null ([]\<Colon>'t18373 list) = True \<and> List.null ((h\<Colon>'t18373) # t) = False"
+ unfolding null_def by simp
+lemma ALL[import_const ALL : List.list_all]:
+ "list_all (P\<Colon>'t18393 \<Rightarrow> bool) [] = True \<and>
+ list_all P (h # t) = (P h \<and> list_all P t)"
+ by simp
+lemma EX[import_const EX : List.list_ex]:
+ "list_ex (P\<Colon>'t18414 \<Rightarrow> bool) [] = False \<and>
+ list_ex P (h # t) = (P h \<or> list_ex P t)"
+ by simp
+lemma ITLIST[import_const ITLIST : List.foldr]:
+ "foldr (f\<Colon>'t18437 \<Rightarrow> 't18436 \<Rightarrow> 't18436) [] b = b \<and>
+ foldr f (h # t) b = f h (foldr f t b)"
+ by simp
+lemma ALL2_DEF[import_const ALL2 : List.list_all2]:
+ "list_all2 (P\<Colon>'t18495 \<Rightarrow> 't18502 \<Rightarrow> bool) [] (l2\<Colon>'t18502 list) = (l2 = []) \<and>
+ list_all2 P ((h1\<Colon>'t18495) # (t1\<Colon>'t18495 list)) l2 =
+ (if l2 = [] then False else P h1 (hd l2) \<and> list_all2 P t1 (tl l2))"
+ by simp (induct_tac l2, simp_all)
+lemma FILTER[import_const FILTER : List.filter]:
+ "filter (P\<Colon>'t18680 \<Rightarrow> bool) [] = [] \<and>
+ filter P ((h\<Colon>'t18680) # t) = (if P h then h # filter P t else filter P t)"
+ by simp
+lemma ZIP[import_const ZIP : List.zip]:
+ "zip [] [] = ([] :: ('t18824 \<times> 't18825) list) \<and>
+ zip ((h1\<Colon>'t18849) # t1) ((h2\<Colon>'t18850) # t2) = (h1, h2) # zip t1 t2"
+ by simp
+lemma WF[import_const WF : Wellfounded.wfP]:
+ "wfP u \<longleftrightarrow> (\<forall>P. (\<exists>x :: 'A. P x) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>x. P x \<and> (\<forall>y. u y x \<longrightarrow> \<not> P y)))"
+proof (intro allI iffI impI wfI_min[to_pred], elim exE wfE_min[to_pred])
+ fix x :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" and xa :: "'a" and Q
+ assume a: "xa \<in> Q"
+ assume "\<forall>P. Ex P \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>xa. P xa \<and> (\<forall>y. x y xa \<longrightarrow> \<not> P y))"
+ then have "Ex (\<lambda>x. x \<in> Q) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>xa. (\<lambda>x. x \<in> Q) xa \<and> (\<forall>y. x y xa \<longrightarrow> \<not> (\<lambda>x. x \<in> Q) y))" by auto
+ then show "\<exists>z\<in>Q. \<forall>y. x y z \<longrightarrow> y \<notin> Q" using a by auto
+ fix x P and xa :: 'A and z
+ assume "P xa" "z \<in> {a. P a}" "\<And>y. x y z \<Longrightarrow> y \<notin> {a. P a}"
+ then show "\<exists>xa. P xa \<and> (\<forall>y. x y xa \<longrightarrow> \<not> P y)" by auto
+qed auto
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/Import_Setup.thy Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/Import_Setup.thy
+ Author: Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
+ Author: Alexander Krauss, QAware GmbH
+header {* Importer machinery and required theorems *}
+theory Import_Setup
+imports "~~/src/HOL/Parity" "~~/src/HOL/Fact"
+ "import_type_map" :: thy_decl and "import_const_map" :: thy_decl and
+ "import_file" :: thy_decl
+uses "import_data.ML" ("import_rule.ML")
+lemma light_ex_imp_nonempty:
+ "P t \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>x. x \<in> Collect P"
+ by auto
+lemma typedef_hol2hollight:
+ assumes a: "type_definition Rep Abs (Collect P)"
+ shows "Abs (Rep a) = a \<and> P r = (Rep (Abs r) = r)"
+ by (metis type_definition.Rep_inverse type_definition.Abs_inverse
+ type_definition.Rep a mem_Collect_eq)
+lemma ext2:
+ "(\<And>x. f x = g x) \<Longrightarrow> f = g"
+ by auto
+use "import_rule.ML"
--- a/src/HOL/Import/Importer.thy Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/Importer.thy
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
-theory Importer
-imports Main
- "import_segment" "import_theory" "end_import" "setup_theory" "end_setup"
- "setup_dump" "append_dump" "flush_dump" "ignore_thms" "type_maps"
- "def_maps" "thm_maps" "const_renames" "const_moves" "const_maps" :: thy_decl and ">"
-uses "shuffler.ML" "import_rews.ML" ("proof_kernel.ML") ("replay.ML") ("import.ML")
-setup {* Shuffler.setup #> importer_setup *}
-parse_ast_translation smarter_trueprop_parsing
-lemma conj_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(A & B ==> PROP C) == ([| A ; B |] ==> PROP C)"
- assume "A & B ==> PROP C" A B
- thus "PROP C"
- by auto
- assume "[| A; B |] ==> PROP C" "A & B"
- thus "PROP C"
- by auto
-lemma imp_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(Trueprop (A --> B)) == (A ==> B)"
- assume "A --> B" A
- thus B ..
- assume "A ==> B"
- thus "A --> B"
- by auto
-lemma all_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(Trueprop (ALL x. P x)) == (!!x. P x)"
- fix x
- assume "ALL x. P x"
- thus "P x" ..
- assume "!!x. P x"
- thus "ALL x. P x"
- ..
-lemma ex_norm [shuffle_rule]: "(EX x. P x ==> PROP Q) == (!!x. P x ==> PROP Q)"
- fix x
- assume ex: "EX x. P x ==> PROP Q"
- assume "P x"
- hence "EX x. P x" ..
- with ex show "PROP Q" .
- assume allx: "!!x. P x ==> PROP Q"
- assume "EX x. P x"
- hence p: "P (SOME x. P x)"
- ..
- from allx
- have "P (SOME x. P x) ==> PROP Q"
- .
- with p
- show "PROP Q"
- by auto
-lemma eq_norm [shuffle_rule]: "Trueprop (t = u) == (t == u)"
- assume "t = u"
- thus "t == u" by simp
- assume "t == u"
- thus "t = u"
- by simp
-section {* General Setup *}
-lemma eq_imp: "P = Q \<Longrightarrow> P \<longrightarrow> Q"
- by auto
-lemma HOLallI: "(!! bogus. P bogus) \<Longrightarrow> (ALL bogus. P bogus)"
-proof -
- assume "!! bogus. P bogus"
- thus "ALL x. P x"
- ..
- ONE_ONE :: "('a => 'b) => bool"
- ONE_ONE_DEF: "ONE_ONE f == ALL x y. f x = f y --> x = y"
-lemma ONE_ONE_rew: "ONE_ONE f = inj_on f UNIV"
- by (simp add: ONE_ONE_DEF inj_on_def)
-lemma INFINITY_AX: "EX (f::ind \<Rightarrow> ind). (inj f & ~(surj f))"
-proof (rule exI,safe)
- show "inj Suc_Rep"
- by (rule injI) (rule Suc_Rep_inject)
- assume "surj Suc_Rep"
- hence "ALL y. EX x. y = Suc_Rep x"
- by (simp add: surj_def)
- hence "EX x. Zero_Rep = Suc_Rep x"
- by (rule spec)
- thus False
- proof (rule exE)
- fix x
- assume "Zero_Rep = Suc_Rep x"
- hence "Suc_Rep x = Zero_Rep"
- ..
- with Suc_Rep_not_Zero_Rep
- show False
- ..
- qed
-lemma EXISTS_DEF: "Ex P = P (Eps P)"
-proof (rule iffI)
- assume "Ex P"
- thus "P (Eps P)"
- ..
- assume "P (Eps P)"
- thus "Ex P"
- ..
- TYPE_DEFINITION :: "('a => bool) => ('b => 'a) => bool"
- TYPE_DEFINITION: "TYPE_DEFINITION p rep == ((ALL x y. (rep x = rep y) --> (x = y)) & (ALL x. (p x = (EX y. x = rep y))))"
-lemma ex_imp_nonempty: "Ex P ==> EX x. x : (Collect P)"
- by simp
-lemma light_ex_imp_nonempty: "P t ==> EX x. x : (Collect P)"
-proof -
- assume "P t"
- hence "EX x. P x"
- ..
- thus ?thesis
- by (rule ex_imp_nonempty)
-lemma light_imp_as: "[| Q --> P; P --> Q |] ==> P = Q"
- by blast
-lemma typedef_hol2hol4:
- assumes a: "type_definition (Rep::'a=>'b) Abs (Collect P)"
- shows "EX rep. TYPE_DEFINITION P (rep::'a=>'b)"
-proof -
- from a
- have td: "(ALL x. P (Rep x)) & (ALL x. Abs (Rep x) = x) & (ALL y. P y \<longrightarrow> Rep (Abs y) = y)"
- by (simp add: type_definition_def)
- have ed: "TYPE_DEFINITION P Rep"
- proof (auto simp add: TYPE_DEFINITION)
- fix x y
- assume b: "Rep x = Rep y"
- from td have "x = Abs (Rep x)"
- by auto
- also have "Abs (Rep x) = Abs (Rep y)"
- by (simp add: b)
- also from td have "Abs (Rep y) = y"
- by auto
- finally show "x = y" .
- next
- fix x
- assume "P x"
- with td
- have "Rep (Abs x) = x"
- by auto
- hence "x = Rep (Abs x)"
- ..
- thus "EX y. x = Rep y"
- ..
- next
- fix y
- from td
- show "P (Rep y)"
- by auto
- qed
- show ?thesis
- apply (rule exI [of _ Rep])
- apply (rule ed)
- .
-lemma typedef_hol2hollight:
- assumes a: "type_definition (Rep::'a=>'b) Abs (Collect P)"
- shows "(Abs (Rep a) = a) & (P r = (Rep (Abs r) = r))"
- from a
- show "Abs (Rep a) = a"
- by (rule type_definition.Rep_inverse)
- show "P r = (Rep (Abs r) = r)"
- proof
- assume "P r"
- hence "r \<in> (Collect P)"
- by simp
- with a
- show "Rep (Abs r) = r"
- by (rule type_definition.Abs_inverse)
- next
- assume ra: "Rep (Abs r) = r"
- from a
- have "Rep (Abs r) \<in> (Collect P)"
- by (rule type_definition.Rep)
- thus "P r"
- by (simp add: ra)
- qed
-lemma termspec_help: "[| Ex P ; c == Eps P |] ==> P c"
- apply simp
- apply (rule someI_ex)
- .
-lemma typedef_helper: "EX x. P x \<Longrightarrow> EX x. x \<in> (Collect P)"
- by simp
-use "proof_kernel.ML"
-use "replay.ML"
-use "import.ML"
-setup Import.setup
--- a/src/HOL/Import/README Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-ATTENTION! This is largely outdated. The hint to PROOF_DIRS might be
-everything which is still relevant.
-All the files in this directory (except this README, Importer.thy, and
-ROOT.ML) are automatically generated. Edit the files in
-../Generate-HOL and run "isabelle make HOL-Complex-Generate-HOL" in
-~~/src/HOL, if something needs to be changed.
-To build the logic in this directory, simply do a "isabelle make
-HOL-Import-HOL" in ~~/src/HOL.
-Note that the quick_and_dirty flag is on as default for this
-directory, which means that the original external proofs are not consulted
-at all. If a real replay of the external proofs is desired, get and
-unpack the external proof objects to somewhere on your harddisk, and set
-the variable PROOF_DIRS to the directory where the directory "hol4"
-is. Now edit the ROOT.ML file to unset the quick_and_dirty flag and
-do "isabelle make HOL-Import-HOL" in ~~/src/HOL.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/ROOT.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use_thy "HOL_Light_Maps";
+if getenv "HOL_LIGHT_DUMP" <> ""
+then use_thy "HOL_Light_Import"
+else ()
--- a/src/HOL/Import/import.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/import.ML
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
-signature IMPORT =
- val debug : bool Unsynchronized.ref
- val import_tac : Proof.context -> string * string -> tactic
- val setup : theory -> theory
-structure ImportData = Theory_Data
- type T = ProofKernel.thm option array option (* FIXME mutable array !??!!! *)
- val empty = NONE
- val extend = I
- fun merge _ = NONE
-structure Import : IMPORT =
-val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
-fun message s = if !debug then writeln s else ()
-fun import_tac ctxt (thyname, thmname) =
- if ! quick_and_dirty
- then Skip_Proof.cheat_tac (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
- else
- fn th =>
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val prem = hd (prems_of th)
- val _ = message ("Import_tac: thyname=" ^ thyname ^ ", thmname=" ^ thmname)
- val _ = message ("Import trying to prove " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt prem)
- val int_thms = case ImportData.get thy of
- NONE => fst (Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy)
- | SOME a => a
- val proof = snd (ProofKernel.import_proof thyname thmname thy) thy
- val importerthm = snd (Replay.replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname proof thy)
- val thm = snd (ProofKernel.to_isa_thm importerthm)
- val rew = ProofKernel.rewrite_importer_term (concl_of thm) thy
- val thm = Thm.equal_elim rew thm
- val prew = ProofKernel.rewrite_importer_term prem thy
- val prem' = #2 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of prew))
- val _ = message ("Import proved " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt thm)
- val thm = ProofKernel.disambiguate_frees thm
- val _ = message ("Disambiguate: " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt thm)
- in
- case Shuffler.set_prop thy prem' [("",thm)] of
- SOME (_,thm) =>
- let
- val _ = if prem' aconv (prop_of thm)
- then message "import: Terms match up"
- else message "import: Terms DO NOT match up"
- val thm' = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric prew) thm
- val res = Thm.bicompose true (false,thm',0) 1 th
- in
- res
- end
- | NONE => (message "import: set_prop didn't succeed"; no_tac th)
- end
-val setup = Method.setup @{binding import}
- (Scan.lift (Args.name -- Args.name) >>
- (fn arg => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (import_tac ctxt arg)))
- "import external theorem"
-(* Parsers *)
-val import_segment = Parse.name >> set_import_segment
-val import_theory = (Parse.name -- Parse.name) >> (fn (location, thyname) =>
- fn thy =>
- thy |> set_generating_thy thyname
- |> Sign.add_path thyname
- |> add_dump ("setup_theory " ^ quote location ^ " " ^ thyname))
-fun end_import toks =
- Scan.succeed
- (fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_generating_thy thy
- val segname = get_import_segment thy
- val (int_thms,facts) = Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy
- val thmnames = filter_out (should_ignore thyname thy) facts
- fun replay thy = Replay.import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy
- in
- thy |> clear_import_thy
- |> set_segment thyname segname
- |> set_used_names facts
- |> replay
- |> clear_used_names
- |> export_importer_pending
- |> Sign.parent_path
- |> dump_import_thy thyname
- |> add_dump ";end_setup"
- end) toks
-val ignore_thms = Scan.repeat1 Parse.name
- >> (fn ignored =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,thmname) => ignore_importer thyname thmname thy) (thy,ignored)
- end)
-val thm_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
- >> (fn thmmaps =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_mapping thyname hol isa thy) (thy,thmmaps)
- end)
-val type_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
- >> (fn typmaps =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_type_mapping thyname hol false isa thy) (thy,typmaps)
- end)
-val def_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
- >> (fn defmaps =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_defmap thyname hol isa thy) (thy,defmaps)
- end)
-val const_renames = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.name)
- >> (fn renames =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_const_renaming thyname hol isa thy) (thy,renames)
- end)
-val const_maps = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.typ))
- >> (fn constmaps =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),NONE)) => add_importer_const_mapping thyname hol false isa thy
- | (thy,((hol,isa),SOME ty)) => add_importer_const_wt_mapping thyname hol false isa (Syntax.read_typ_global thy ty) thy) (thy,constmaps)
- end)
-val const_moves = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.typ))
- >> (fn constmaps =>
- fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- in
- Library.foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),NONE)) => add_importer_const_mapping thyname hol true isa thy
- | (thy,((hol,isa),SOME ty)) => add_importer_const_wt_mapping thyname hol true isa (Syntax.read_typ_global thy ty) thy) (thy,constmaps)
- end)
-fun import_thy location s =
- let
- val src_location = Path.append (Path.explode location) (Path.basic (s ^ ".imp"))
- val is = TextIO.openIn (File.platform_path src_location)
- val inp = TextIO.inputAll is
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
- val orig_source = Source.of_string inp
- val symb_source = Symbol.source orig_source
- val lexes =
- (Scan.make_lexicon
- (map Symbol.explode ["import_segment","ignore_thms","import","end",">","::","const_maps","const_moves","thm_maps","const_renames","type_maps","def_maps"]),
- Scan.empty_lexicon)
- val token_source = Token.source {do_recover = NONE} (K lexes) Position.start symb_source
- val token_list = filter_out (Token.is_kind Token.Space) (Source.exhaust token_source)
- val import_segmentP = Parse.$$$ "import_segment" |-- import_segment
- val type_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "type_maps" |-- type_maps
- val def_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "def_maps" |-- def_maps
- val const_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "const_maps" |-- const_maps
- val const_movesP = Parse.$$$ "const_moves" |-- const_moves
- val const_renamesP = Parse.$$$ "const_renames" |-- const_renames
- val ignore_thmsP = Parse.$$$ "ignore_thms" |-- ignore_thms
- val thm_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "thm_maps" |-- thm_maps
- val parser = type_mapsP || def_mapsP || const_mapsP || const_movesP || const_renamesP || thm_mapsP || ignore_thmsP || import_segmentP
- val importP = Parse.$$$ "import" |-- Scan.repeat parser --| Parse.$$$ "end"
- fun apply [] thy = thy
- | apply (f::fs) thy = apply fs (f thy)
- in
- apply (set_replaying_thy s :: Sign.add_path s :: fst (importP token_list))
- end
-fun create_int_thms thyname thy =
- if ! quick_and_dirty
- then thy
- else
- case ImportData.get thy of
- NONE => ImportData.put (SOME (fst (Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy))) thy
- | SOME _ => error "Import data not closed - forgotten an end_setup, mayhap?"
-fun clear_int_thms thy =
- if ! quick_and_dirty
- then thy
- else
- case ImportData.get thy of
- NONE => error "Import data already cleared - forgotten a setup_theory?"
- | SOME _ => ImportData.put NONE thy
-val setup_theory = (Parse.name -- Parse.name)
- >>
- (fn (location, thyname) =>
- fn thy =>
- (case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- NoImport => thy
- | Generating _ => error "Currently generating a theory!"
- | Replaying _ => thy |> clear_import_thy)
- |> import_thy location thyname
- |> create_int_thms thyname)
-fun end_setup toks =
- Scan.succeed
- (fn thy =>
- let
- val thyname = get_import_thy thy
- val segname = get_import_segment thy
- in
- thy |> set_segment thyname segname
- |> clear_import_thy
- |> clear_int_thms
- |> Sign.parent_path
- end) toks
-val set_dump = Parse.string -- Parse.string >> setup_dump
-fun fl_dump toks = Scan.succeed flush_dump toks
-val append_dump = (Parse.verbatim || Parse.string) >> add_dump
-val _ =
- (Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_segment"} "set import segment name"
- (import_segment >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_theory"} "set default external theory name"
- (import_theory >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "end_import"} "end external import"
- (end_import >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "setup_theory"} "setup external theory replaying"
- (setup_theory >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "end_setup"} "end external setup"
- (end_setup >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "setup_dump"} "setup the dump file name"
- (set_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "append_dump"} "add text to dump file"
- (append_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "flush_dump"} "write the dump to file"
- (fl_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "ignore_thms"}
- "theorems to ignore in next external theory import"
- (ignore_thms >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "type_maps"}
- "map external type names to existing Isabelle/HOL type names"
- (type_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "def_maps"}
- "map external constant names to their primitive definitions"
- (def_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "thm_maps"}
- "map external theorem names to existing Isabelle/HOL theorem names"
- (thm_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "const_renames"}
- "rename external const names"
- (const_renames >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "const_moves"}
- "rename external const names to other external constants"
- (const_moves >> Toplevel.theory);
- Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "const_maps"}
- "map external const names to existing Isabelle/HOL const names"
- (const_maps >> Toplevel.theory));
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_data.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/import_data.ML
+ Author: Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
+ Author: Alexander Krauss, QAware GmbH
+Importer data.
+signature IMPORT_DATA =
+ val get_const_map : string -> theory -> string option
+ val get_typ_map : string -> theory -> string option
+ val get_const_def : string -> theory -> thm option
+ val get_typ_def : string -> theory -> thm option
+ val add_const_map : string -> string -> theory -> theory
+ val add_typ_map : string -> string -> theory -> theory
+ val add_const_def : string -> thm -> string option -> theory -> theory
+ val add_typ_def : string -> string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory
+structure Import_Data: IMPORT_DATA =
+structure Data = Theory_Data
+ type T = {const_map: string Symtab.table, ty_map: string Symtab.table,
+ const_def: thm Symtab.table, ty_def: thm Symtab.table}
+ val empty = {const_map = Symtab.empty, ty_map = Symtab.empty,
+ const_def = Symtab.empty, ty_def = Symtab.empty}
+ val extend = I
+ fun merge
+ ({const_map = cm1, ty_map = tm1, const_def = cd1, ty_def = td1},
+ {const_map = cm2, ty_map = tm2, const_def = cd2, ty_def = td2}) : T =
+ {const_map = Symtab.merge (K true) (cm1, cm2), ty_map = Symtab.merge (K true) (tm1, tm2),
+ const_def = Symtab.merge (K true) (cd1, cd2), ty_def = Symtab.merge (K true) (td1, td2)
+ }
+fun get_const_map s thy = Symtab.lookup (#const_map (Data.get thy)) s
+fun get_typ_map s thy = Symtab.lookup (#ty_map (Data.get thy)) s
+fun get_const_def s thy = Symtab.lookup (#const_def (Data.get thy)) s
+fun get_typ_def s thy = Symtab.lookup (#ty_def (Data.get thy)) s
+fun add_const_map s1 s2 thy =
+ Data.map (fn {const_map, ty_map, const_def, ty_def} =>
+ {const_map = (Symtab.update (s1, s2) const_map), ty_map = ty_map,
+ const_def = const_def, ty_def = ty_def}) thy
+fun add_typ_map s1 s2 thy =
+ Data.map (fn {const_map, ty_map, const_def, ty_def} =>
+ {const_map = const_map, ty_map = (Symtab.update (s1, s2) ty_map),
+ const_def = const_def, ty_def = ty_def}) thy
+fun add_const_def s th name_opt thy =
+ let
+ val th = Thm.legacy_freezeT th
+ val name = case name_opt of
+ NONE => (fst o dest_Const o fst o HOLogic.dest_eq o
+ HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o prop_of) th
+ | SOME n => n
+ val thy' = add_const_map s name thy
+ in
+ Data.map (fn {const_map, ty_map, const_def, ty_def} =>
+ {const_map = const_map, ty_map = ty_map,
+ const_def = (Symtab.update (s, th) const_def), ty_def = ty_def}) thy'
+ end
+fun add_typ_def tyname absname repname th thy =
+ let
+ val th = Thm.legacy_freezeT th
+ val (l, _) = dest_comb (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of th))
+ val (l, abst) = dest_comb l
+ val (_, rept) = dest_comb l
+ val (absn, _) = dest_Const abst
+ val (repn, _) = dest_Const rept
+ val nty = domain_type (fastype_of rept)
+ val ntyn = fst (dest_Type nty)
+ val thy2 = add_typ_map tyname ntyn thy
+ val thy3 = add_const_map absname absn thy2
+ val thy4 = add_const_map repname repn thy3
+ in
+ Data.map (fn {const_map, ty_map, const_def, ty_def} =>
+ {const_map = const_map, ty_map = ty_map,
+ const_def = const_def, ty_def = (Symtab.update (tyname, th) ty_def)}) thy4
+ end
+val parser = Parse.name -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ ":" |-- Parse.xname)
+fun add_const_attr (s1, s2) = Thm.declaration_attribute
+ (fn th => Context.mapping (add_const_def s1 th s2) (fn x => x))
+val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
+ (Attrib.setup (Binding.name "import_const") (Scan.lift parser >> add_const_attr)
+ "Declare a theorem as an equality that maps the given constant"))
+val parser = Parse.name -- (Parse.name -- Parse.name)
+fun add_typ_attr (tyname, (absname, repname)) = Thm.declaration_attribute
+ (fn th => Context.mapping (add_typ_def tyname absname repname th) (fn x => x))
+val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
+ (Attrib.setup (Binding.name "import_type") (Scan.lift parser >> add_typ_attr)
+ "Declare a type_definion theorem as a map for an imported type abs rep"))
+val type_map = (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ":" -- Parse.xname) >>
+ (fn (ty_name1, ty_name2) => add_typ_map ty_name1 ty_name2)
+val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_type_map"}
+ "Map external type name to existing Isabelle/HOL type name"
+ (type_map >> Toplevel.theory)
+val const_map = (Parse.name --| Parse.$$$ ":" -- Parse.xname) >>
+ (fn (cname1, cname2) => add_const_map cname1 cname2)
+val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_const_map"}
+ "Map external const name to existing Isabelle/HOL const name"
+ (const_map >> Toplevel.theory)
+(* Initial type and constant maps, for types and constants that are not
+ defined, which means their definitions do not appear in the proof dump *)
+val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory (
+ add_typ_map "bool" @{type_name bool} o
+ add_typ_map "fun" @{type_name fun} o
+ add_typ_map "ind" @{type_name ind} o
+ add_const_map "=" @{const_name HOL.eq} o
+ add_const_map "@" @{const_name "Eps"}))
--- a/src/HOL/Import/import_rews.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,633 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/import_rews.ML
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
-structure StringPair = Table(type key = string * string val ord = prod_ord string_ord string_ord);
-type holthm = (term * term) list * thm
-datatype ImportStatus =
- NoImport
- | Generating of string
- | Replaying of string
-structure Importer_DefThy = Theory_Data
- type T = ImportStatus
- val empty = NoImport
- val extend = I
- fun merge (NoImport, NoImport) = NoImport
- | merge _ = (warning "Import status set during merge"; NoImport)
-structure ImportSegment = Theory_Data
- type T = string
- val empty = ""
- val extend = I
- fun merge ("",arg) = arg
- | merge (arg,"") = arg
- | merge (s1,s2) =
- if s1 = s2
- then s1
- else error "Trying to merge two different import segments"
-val get_import_segment = ImportSegment.get
-val set_import_segment = ImportSegment.put
-structure Importer_UNames = Theory_Data
- type T = string list
- val empty = []
- val extend = I
- fun merge ([], []) = []
- | merge _ = error "Used names not empty during merge"
-structure Importer_Dump = Theory_Data
- type T = string * string * string list
- val empty = ("","",[])
- val extend = I
- fun merge (("","",[]),("","",[])) = ("","",[])
- | merge _ = error "Dump data not empty during merge"
-structure Importer_Moves = Theory_Data
- type T = string Symtab.table
- val empty = Symtab.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_Imports = Theory_Data
- type T = string Symtab.table
- val empty = Symtab.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
-fun get_segment2 thyname thy =
- Symtab.lookup (Importer_Imports.get thy) thyname
-fun set_segment thyname segname thy =
- let
- val imps = Importer_Imports.get thy
- val imps' = Symtab.update_new (thyname,segname) imps
- in
- Importer_Imports.put imps' thy
- end
-structure Importer_CMoves = Theory_Data
- type T = string Symtab.table
- val empty = Symtab.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = Symtab.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_Maps = Theory_Data
- type T = string option StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_Thms = Theory_Data
- type T = holthm StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_ConstMaps = Theory_Data
- type T = (bool * string * typ option) StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_Rename = Theory_Data
- type T = string StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_DefMaps = Theory_Data
- type T = string StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_TypeMaps = Theory_Data
- type T = (bool * string) StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_Pending = Theory_Data
- type T = ((term * term) list * thm) StringPair.table
- val empty = StringPair.empty
- val extend = I
- fun merge data = StringPair.merge (K true) data
-structure Importer_Rewrites = Theory_Data
- type T = thm list
- val empty = []
- val extend = I
- val merge = Thm.merge_thms
-val importer_debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
-fun message s = if !importer_debug then writeln s else ()
-fun add_importer_rewrite (Context.Theory thy, th) =
- let
- val _ = message "Adding external rewrite"
- val th1 = th RS @{thm eq_reflection}
- handle THM _ => th
- val current_rews = Importer_Rewrites.get thy
- val new_rews = insert Thm.eq_thm th1 current_rews
- val updated_thy = Importer_Rewrites.put new_rews thy
- in
- (Context.Theory updated_thy,th1)
- end
- | add_importer_rewrite (context, th) = (context,
- (th RS @{thm eq_reflection} handle THM _ => th)
- );
-fun ignore_importer bthy bthm thy =
- let
- val _ = message ("Ignoring " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm)
- val curmaps = Importer_Maps.get thy
- val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bthm),NONE) curmaps
- val upd_thy = Importer_Maps.put newmaps thy
- in
- upd_thy
- end
-val opt_get_output_thy = #2 o Importer_Dump.get
-fun get_output_thy thy =
- case #2 (Importer_Dump.get thy) of
- "" => error "No theory file being output"
- | thyname => thyname
-val get_output_dir = #1 o Importer_Dump.get
-fun add_importer_move bef aft thy =
- let
- val curmoves = Importer_Moves.get thy
- val newmoves = Symtab.update_new (bef, aft) curmoves
- in
- Importer_Moves.put newmoves thy
- end
-fun get_importer_move bef thy =
- Symtab.lookup (Importer_Moves.get thy) bef
-fun follow_name thmname thy =
- let
- val moves = Importer_Moves.get thy
- fun F thmname =
- case Symtab.lookup moves thmname of
- SOME name => F name
- | NONE => thmname
- in
- F thmname
- end
-fun add_importer_cmove bef aft thy =
- let
- val curmoves = Importer_CMoves.get thy
- val newmoves = Symtab.update_new (bef, aft) curmoves
- in
- Importer_CMoves.put newmoves thy
- end
-fun get_importer_cmove bef thy =
- Symtab.lookup (Importer_CMoves.get thy) bef
-fun follow_cname thmname thy =
- let
- val moves = Importer_CMoves.get thy
- fun F thmname =
- case Symtab.lookup moves thmname of
- SOME name => F name
- | NONE => thmname
- in
- F thmname
- end
-fun add_importer_mapping bthy bthm isathm thy =
- let
- (* val _ = writeln ("Before follow_name: "^isathm) *)
- val isathm = follow_name isathm thy
- (* val _ = writeln ("Adding theorem map: " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm ^ " --> " ^ isathm)*)
- val curmaps = Importer_Maps.get thy
- val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bthm),SOME isathm) curmaps
- val upd_thy = Importer_Maps.put newmaps thy
- in
- upd_thy
- end;
-fun get_importer_type_mapping bthy tycon thy =
- let
- val maps = Importer_TypeMaps.get thy
- in
- StringPair.lookup maps (bthy,tycon)
- end
-fun get_importer_mapping bthy bthm thy =
- let
- val curmaps = Importer_Maps.get thy
- in
- StringPair.lookup curmaps (bthy,bthm)
- end;
-fun add_importer_const_mapping bthy bconst internal isaconst thy =
- let
- val thy = case opt_get_output_thy thy of
- "" => thy
- | output_thy => if internal
- then add_importer_cmove (Sign.full_bname thy bconst) (output_thy ^ "." ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst) thy
- else thy
- val _ = message ("Adding cmap " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))
- val curmaps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
- val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst,NONE)) curmaps
- val upd_thy = Importer_ConstMaps.put newmaps thy
- in
- upd_thy
- end;
-fun add_importer_const_renaming bthy bconst newname thy =
- let
- val currens = Importer_Rename.get thy
- val _ = message ("Adding renaming " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ newname)
- val newrens = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),newname) currens
- val upd_thy = Importer_Rename.put newrens thy
- in
- upd_thy
- end;
-fun get_importer_const_renaming bthy bconst thy =
- let
- val currens = Importer_Rename.get thy
- in
- StringPair.lookup currens (bthy,bconst)
- end;
-fun get_importer_const_mapping bthy bconst thy =
- let
- val bconst = case get_importer_const_renaming bthy bconst thy of
- SOME name => name
- | NONE => bconst
- val maps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
- in
- StringPair.lookup maps (bthy,bconst)
- end
-fun add_importer_const_wt_mapping bthy bconst internal isaconst typ thy =
- let
- val thy = case opt_get_output_thy thy of
- "" => thy
- | output_thy => if internal
- then add_importer_cmove (Sign.full_bname thy bconst) (output_thy ^ "." ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst) thy
- else thy
- val _ = message ("Adding cmap " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))
- val curmaps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
- val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst,SOME typ)) curmaps
- val upd_thy = Importer_ConstMaps.put newmaps thy
- in
- upd_thy
- end;
-fun add_importer_type_mapping bthy bconst internal isaconst thy =
- let
- val curmaps = Importer_TypeMaps.get thy
- val _ = writeln ("Adding tmap " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bconst ^ " -> " ^ isaconst ^ (if internal then " (*)" else ""))
- val newmaps = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bconst),(internal,isaconst)) curmaps
- (* FIXME avoid handle x *)
- handle x => let val (_, isaconst') = the (StringPair.lookup curmaps (bthy, bconst)) in
- warning ("couldn't map type "^bthy^"."^bconst^" to "^isaconst^": already mapped to "^isaconst'); raise x end
- val upd_thy = Importer_TypeMaps.put newmaps thy
- in
- upd_thy
- end;
-fun add_importer_pending bthy bthm hth thy =
- let
- val thmname = Sign.full_bname thy bthm
- val _ = message ("Add pending " ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm)
- val curpend = Importer_Pending.get thy
- val newpend = StringPair.update_new ((bthy,bthm),hth) curpend
- val upd_thy = Importer_Pending.put newpend thy
- val thy' = case opt_get_output_thy upd_thy of
- "" => add_importer_mapping bthy bthm thmname upd_thy
- | output_thy =>
- let
- val new_thmname = output_thy ^ "." ^ bthy ^ "." ^ bthm
- in
- upd_thy |> add_importer_move thmname new_thmname
- |> add_importer_mapping bthy bthm new_thmname
- end
- in
- thy'
- end;
-fun get_importer_theorem thyname thmname thy =
- let
- val isathms = Importer_Thms.get thy
- in
- StringPair.lookup isathms (thyname,thmname)
- end;
-fun add_importer_theorem thyname thmname hth =
- let
- val _ = message ("Adding external theorem " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname)
- in
- Importer_Thms.map (StringPair.update_new ((thyname, thmname), hth))
- end;
-fun export_importer_pending thy =
- let
- val rews = Importer_Rewrites.get thy;
- val pending = Importer_Pending.get thy;
- fun process ((bthy,bthm), hth as (_,thm)) thy =
- let
- val thm1 = rewrite_rule (map (Thm.transfer thy) rews) (Thm.transfer thy thm);
- val thm2 = Drule.export_without_context thm1;
- in
- thy
- |> Global_Theory.store_thm (Binding.name bthm, thm2)
- |> snd
- |> add_importer_theorem bthy bthm hth
- end;
- in
- thy
- |> StringPair.fold process pending
- |> Importer_Pending.put StringPair.empty
- end;
-fun setup_dump (dir,thyname) thy =
- Importer_Dump.put (dir,thyname,["(* AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT! *)"]) thy
-fun add_dump str thy =
- let
- val (dir,thyname,curdump) = Importer_Dump.get thy
- in
- Importer_Dump.put (dir,thyname,str::curdump) thy
- end
-fun flush_dump thy =
- let
- val (dir,thyname,dumpdata) = Importer_Dump.get thy
- val os = TextIO.openOut (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=dir,
- file=thyname ^ ".thy"})
- val _ = app (fn s => TextIO.output(os,s ^ "\n\n")) (rev dumpdata)
- val _ = TextIO.closeOut os
- in
- Importer_Dump.put ("","",[]) thy
- end
-fun set_generating_thy thyname thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- NoImport => Importer_DefThy.put (Generating thyname) thy
- | _ => error "Import already in progess"
-fun set_replaying_thy thyname thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- NoImport => Importer_DefThy.put (Replaying thyname) thy
- | _ => error "Import already in progess"
-fun clear_import_thy thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- NoImport => error "No import in progress"
- | _ => Importer_DefThy.put NoImport thy
-fun get_generating_thy thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Generating thyname => thyname
- | _ => error "No theory being generated"
-fun get_replaying_thy thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying thyname => thyname
- | _ => error "No theory being replayed"
-fun get_import_thy thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying thyname => thyname
- | Generating thyname => thyname
- | _ => error "No theory being imported"
-fun should_ignore thyname thy thmname =
- case get_importer_mapping thyname thmname thy of
- SOME NONE => true
- | _ => false
-val trans_string =
- let
- fun quote s = "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
- fun F [] = []
- | F (#"\\" :: cs) = patch #"\\" cs
- | F (#"\"" :: cs) = patch #"\"" cs
- | F (c :: cs) = c :: F cs
- and patch c rest = #"\\" :: c :: F rest
- in
- quote o String.implode o F o String.explode
- end
-fun dump_import_thy thyname thy =
- let
- val output_dir = get_output_dir thy
- val output_thy = get_output_thy thy
- val input_thy = Context.theory_name thy
- val import_segment = get_import_segment thy
- val os = TextIO.openOut (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=output_dir,
- file=thyname ^ ".imp"})
- fun out s = TextIO.output(os,s)
- val (ignored, mapped) = StringPair.fold
- (fn ((bthy, bthm), v) => fn (ign, map) =>
- if bthy = thyname
- then case v
- of NONE => (bthm :: ign, map)
- | SOME w => (ign, (bthm, w) :: map)
- else (ign, map)) (Importer_Maps.get thy) ([],[]);
- fun mk init = StringPair.fold
- (fn ((bthy, bthm), v) => if bthy = thyname then cons (bthm, v) else I) init [];
- val constmaps = mk (Importer_ConstMaps.get thy);
- val constrenames = mk (Importer_Rename.get thy);
- val typemaps = mk (Importer_TypeMaps.get thy);
- val defmaps = mk (Importer_DefMaps.get thy);
- fun new_name internal isa =
- if internal
- then
- let
- val paths = Long_Name.explode isa
- val i = drop (length paths - 2) paths
- in
- case i of
- [seg,con] => output_thy ^ "." ^ seg ^ "." ^ con
- | _ => error "import_rews.dump internal error"
- end
- else
- isa
- val _ = out "import\n\n"
- val _ = out ("import_segment " ^ trans_string import_segment ^ "\n\n")
- val _ = if null defmaps
- then ()
- else out "def_maps"
- val _ = app (fn (hol,isa) =>
- out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string isa))) defmaps
- val _ = if null defmaps
- then ()
- else out "\n\n"
- val _ = if null typemaps
- then ()
- else out "type_maps"
- val _ = app (fn (hol,(internal,isa)) =>
- out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string (new_name internal isa)))) typemaps
- val _ = if null typemaps
- then ()
- else out "\n\n"
- val _ = if null constmaps
- then ()
- else out "const_maps"
- val _ = app (fn (hol,(_,isa,opt_ty)) =>
- (out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string (follow_cname isa thy)));
- case opt_ty of
- SOME ty => out (" :: \"" ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy ty ^ "\"")
- | NONE => ())) constmaps
- val _ = if null constmaps
- then ()
- else out "\n\n"
- val _ = if null constrenames
- then ()
- else out "const_renames"
- val _ = app (fn (old,new) =>
- out ("\n " ^ (trans_string old) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string new))) constrenames
- val _ = if null constrenames
- then ()
- else out "\n\n"
- fun gen2replay in_thy out_thy s =
- let
- val ss = Long_Name.explode s
- in
- if (hd ss = in_thy) then
- Long_Name.implode (out_thy::(tl ss))
- else
- s
- end
- val _ = if null mapped
- then ()
- else out "thm_maps"
- val _ = app (fn (hol,isa) => out ("\n " ^ (trans_string hol) ^ " > " ^ (trans_string (gen2replay input_thy output_thy isa)))) mapped
- val _ = if null mapped
- then ()
- else out "\n\n"
- val _ = if null ignored
- then ()
- else out "ignore_thms"
- val _ = app (fn ign => out ("\n " ^ (trans_string ign))) ignored
- val _ = if null ignored
- then ()
- else out "\n\n"
- val _ = out "end\n"
- val _ = TextIO.closeOut os
- in
- thy
- end
-fun set_used_names names thy =
- let
- val unames = Importer_UNames.get thy
- in
- case unames of
- [] => Importer_UNames.put names thy
- | _ => error "import_rews.set_used_names called on initialized data!"
- end
-val clear_used_names = Importer_UNames.put [];
-fun get_defmap thyname const thy =
- let
- val maps = Importer_DefMaps.get thy
- in
- StringPair.lookup maps (thyname,const)
- end
-fun add_defmap thyname const defname thy =
- let
- val _ = message ("Adding defmap " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ const ^ " --> " ^ defname)
- val maps = Importer_DefMaps.get thy
- val maps' = StringPair.update_new ((thyname,const),defname) maps
- val thy' = Importer_DefMaps.put maps' thy
- in
- thy'
- end
-fun get_defname thyname name thy =
- let
- val maps = Importer_DefMaps.get thy
- fun F dname = (dname,add_defmap thyname name dname thy)
- in
- case StringPair.lookup maps (thyname,name) of
- SOME thmname => (thmname,thy)
- | NONE =>
- let
- val used = Importer_UNames.get thy
- val defname = Thm.def_name name
- val pdefname = name ^ "_primdef"
- in
- if not (member (op =) used defname)
- then F defname (* name_def *)
- else if not (member (op =) used pdefname)
- then F pdefname (* name_primdef *)
- else F (singleton (Name.variant_list used) pdefname) (* last resort *)
- end
- end
- fun handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax "=="}, _],_,_]] = x
- | handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax all}, _],_]] = x
- | handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax "==>"}, _],_,_]] = x
- | handle_meta [x] = Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Trueprop}, x]
- | handle_meta _ = error "import_rews error: Trueprop not applied to single argument"
-val smarter_trueprop_parsing = [(@{const_syntax Trueprop},handle_meta)]
-val importer_setup =
- add_importer_type_mapping "min" "bool" false @{type_name bool}
- #> add_importer_type_mapping "min" "fun" false "fun"
- #> add_importer_type_mapping "min" "ind" false @{type_name ind}
- #> add_importer_const_mapping "min" "=" false @{const_name HOL.eq}
- #> add_importer_const_mapping "min" "==>" false @{const_name HOL.implies}
- #> add_importer_const_mapping "min" "@" false @{const_name "Eps"}
- #> Attrib.setup @{binding import_rew}
- (Scan.succeed (Thm.mixed_attribute add_importer_rewrite)) "external rewrite rule";
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_rule.ML Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+(* Title: HOL/Import/import_rule.ML
+ Author: Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
+ Author: Alexander Krauss, QAware GmbH
+Importer proof rules and processing of lines and files.
+Based on earlier code by Steven Obua and Sebastian Skalberg.
+signature IMPORT_RULE =
+ val beta : cterm -> thm
+ val eq_mp : thm -> thm -> thm
+ val comb : thm -> thm -> thm
+ val trans : thm -> thm -> thm
+ val deduct : thm -> thm -> thm
+ val conj1 : thm -> thm
+ val conj2 : thm -> thm
+ val refl : cterm -> thm
+ val abs : cterm -> thm -> thm
+ val mdef : string -> theory -> thm
+ val def : string -> cterm -> theory -> thm * theory
+ val mtydef : string -> theory -> thm
+ val tydef :
+ string -> string -> string -> cterm -> cterm -> thm -> theory -> thm * theory
+ val inst_type : (ctyp * ctyp) list -> thm -> theory -> thm
+ val inst : (cterm * cterm) list -> thm -> thm
+ type state
+ val init_state : state
+ val process_line : string -> (theory * state) -> (theory * state)
+ val process_file : Path.T -> theory -> theory
+structure Import_Rule: IMPORT_RULE =
+val init_state = ((Inttab.empty, 0), (Inttab.empty, 0), (Inttab.empty, 0))
+type state = (ctyp Inttab.table * int) * (cterm Inttab.table * int) * (thm Inttab.table * int)
+fun implies_elim_all th = implies_elim_list th (map Thm.assume (cprems_of th))
+fun meta_mp th1 th2 =
+ let
+ val th1a = implies_elim_all th1
+ val th1b = Thm.implies_intr (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th2)) th1a
+ val th2a = implies_elim_all th2
+ val th3 = Thm.implies_elim th1b th2a
+ in
+ implies_intr_hyps th3
+ end
+fun meta_eq_to_obj_eq th =
+ let
+ val (tml, tmr) = Thm.dest_binop (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th))
+ val cty = ctyp_of_term tml
+ val i = Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME tml, SOME tmr]
+ @{thm meta_eq_to_obj_eq}
+ in
+ Thm.implies_elim i th
+ end
+fun beta ct = meta_eq_to_obj_eq (Thm.beta_conversion false ct)
+fun eq_mp th1 th2 =
+ let
+ val (tm1l, tm1r) = Thm.dest_binop (Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th1)))
+ val i1 = Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME tm1l, SOME tm1r] @{thm iffD1}
+ val i2 = meta_mp i1 th1
+ in
+ meta_mp i2 th2
+ end
+fun comb th1 th2 =
+ let
+ val t1c = Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th1))
+ val t2c = Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th2))
+ val (cf, cg) = Thm.dest_binop t1c
+ val (cx, cy) = Thm.dest_binop t2c
+ val [fd, fr] = Thm.dest_ctyp (ctyp_of_term cf)
+ val i1 = Drule.instantiate' [SOME fd, SOME fr]
+ [SOME cf, SOME cg, SOME cx, SOME cy] @{thm cong}
+ val i2 = meta_mp i1 th1
+ in
+ meta_mp i2 th2
+ end
+fun trans th1 th2 =
+ let
+ val t1c = Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th1))
+ val t2c = Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th2))
+ val (r, s) = Thm.dest_binop t1c
+ val (_, t) = Thm.dest_binop t2c
+ val ty = ctyp_of_term r
+ val i1 = Drule.instantiate' [SOME ty] [SOME r, SOME s, SOME t] @{thm trans}
+ val i2 = meta_mp i1 th1
+ in
+ meta_mp i2 th2
+ end
+fun deduct th1 th2 =
+ let
+ val th1c = strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th1)
+ val th2c = strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th2)
+ val th1a = implies_elim_all th1
+ val th2a = implies_elim_all th2
+ val th1b = Thm.implies_intr th2c th1a
+ val th2b = Thm.implies_intr th1c th2a
+ val i = Drule.instantiate' []
+ [SOME (Thm.dest_arg th1c), SOME (Thm.dest_arg th2c)] @{thm iffI}
+ val i1 = Thm.implies_elim i (Thm.assume (cprop_of th2b))
+ val i2 = Thm.implies_elim i1 th1b
+ val i3 = Thm.implies_intr (cprop_of th2b) i2
+ val i4 = Thm.implies_elim i3 th2b
+ in
+ implies_intr_hyps i4
+ end
+fun conj1 th =
+ let
+ val (tml, tmr) = Thm.dest_binop (Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th)))
+ val i = Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME tml, SOME tmr] @{thm conjunct1}
+ in
+ meta_mp i th
+ end
+fun conj2 th =
+ let
+ val (tml, tmr) = Thm.dest_binop (Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th)))
+ val i = Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME tml, SOME tmr] @{thm conjunct2}
+ in
+ meta_mp i th
+ end
+fun refl ctm =
+ let
+ val cty = Thm.ctyp_of_term ctm
+ in
+ Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME ctm] @{thm refl}
+ end
+fun abs cv th =
+ let
+ val th1 = implies_elim_all th
+ val (tl, tr) = Thm.dest_binop (Thm.dest_arg (strip_imp_concl (cprop_of th1)))
+ val (ll, lr) = (Thm.lambda cv tl, Thm.lambda cv tr)
+ val (al, ar) = (Thm.apply ll cv, Thm.apply lr cv)
+ val bl = beta al
+ val br = meta_eq_to_obj_eq (Thm.symmetric (Thm.beta_conversion false ar))
+ val th2 = trans (trans bl th1) br
+ val th3 = implies_elim_all th2
+ val th4 = Thm.forall_intr cv th3
+ val i = Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of_term cv), SOME (ctyp_of_term tl)]
+ [SOME ll, SOME lr] @{thm ext2}
+ in
+ meta_mp i th4
+ end
+fun freezeT thm =
+ let
+ val tvars = Term.add_tvars (prop_of thm) []
+ val tfrees = map (fn ((t, _), s) => TFree (t, s)) tvars
+ val tvars = map TVar tvars
+ val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm thm
+ fun inst ty = ctyp_of thy ty
+ in
+ Thm.instantiate ((map inst tvars ~~ map inst tfrees), []) thm
+ end
+fun def' constname rhs thy =
+ let
+ val rhs = term_of rhs
+ val typ = type_of rhs
+ val thy1 = Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding.name constname, typ, NoSyn)] thy
+ val eq = Logic.mk_equals (Const (Sign.intern_const thy1 constname, typ), rhs)
+ val (thms, thy2) = Global_Theory.add_defs false
+ [((Binding.suffix_name "_hldef" (Binding.name constname), eq), [])] thy1
+ val def_thm = freezeT (hd thms)
+ in
+ (meta_eq_to_obj_eq def_thm, thy2)
+ end
+fun mdef name thy =
+ case Import_Data.get_const_def name thy of
+ SOME th => th
+ | NONE => error ("constant mapped but no definition: " ^ name)
+fun def constname rhs thy =
+ case Import_Data.get_const_def constname thy of
+ SOME _ =>
+ let
+ val () = warning ("Const mapped but def provided: " ^ constname)
+ in
+ (mdef constname thy, thy)
+ end
+ | NONE => def' constname rhs thy
+fun typedef_hollight th thy =
+ let
+ val (th_s, cn) = Thm.dest_comb (Thm.dest_arg (cprop_of th))
+ val (th_s, abst) = Thm.dest_comb th_s
+ val rept = Thm.dest_arg th_s
+ val P = Thm.dest_arg cn
+ val [nty, oty] = Thm.dest_ctyp (ctyp_of_term rept)
+ in
+ Drule.instantiate' [SOME nty, SOME oty] [SOME rept, SOME abst, SOME P,
+ SOME (cterm_of thy (Free ("a", typ_of nty))),
+ SOME (cterm_of thy (Free ("r", typ_of oty)))] @{thm typedef_hol2hollight}
+ end
+fun tydef' tycname abs_name rep_name cP ct td_th thy =
+ let
+ val ctT = ctyp_of_term ct
+ val nonempty = Drule.instantiate' [SOME ctT] [SOME cP, SOME ct] @{thm light_ex_imp_nonempty}
+ val th2 = meta_mp nonempty td_th
+ val c = case concl_of th2 of
+ _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ Abs(_,_,Const(@{const_name Set.member},_) $ _ $ c)) => c
+ | _ => error "type_introduction: bad type definition theorem"
+ val tfrees = Term.add_tfrees c []
+ val tnames = sort_strings (map fst tfrees)
+ val ((_, typedef_info), thy') =
+ Typedef.add_typedef_global false NONE
+ (Binding.name tycname, map (rpair dummyS) tnames, NoSyn) c
+ (SOME(Binding.name rep_name,Binding.name abs_name)) (rtac th2 1) thy
+ val aty = #abs_type (#1 typedef_info)
+ val th = freezeT (#type_definition (#2 typedef_info))
+ val (th_s, _) = Thm.dest_comb (Thm.dest_arg (cprop_of th))
+ val (th_s, abst) = Thm.dest_comb th_s
+ val rept = Thm.dest_arg th_s
+ val [nty, oty] = Thm.dest_ctyp (ctyp_of_term rept)
+ val typedef_th =
+ Drule.instantiate'
+ [SOME nty, SOME oty]
+ [SOME rept, SOME abst, SOME cP, SOME (cterm_of thy' (Free ("a", aty))),
+ SOME (cterm_of thy' (Free ("r", typ_of ctT)))]
+ @{thm typedef_hol2hollight}
+ val th4 = meta_mp typedef_th (#type_definition (#2 typedef_info))
+ in
+ (th4, thy')
+ end
+fun mtydef name thy =
+ case Import_Data.get_typ_def name thy of
+ SOME thn => meta_mp (typedef_hollight thn thy) thn
+ | NONE => error ("type mapped but no tydef thm registered: " ^ name)
+fun tydef tycname abs_name rep_name P t td_th thy =
+ case Import_Data.get_typ_def tycname thy of
+ SOME _ =>
+ let
+ val () = warning ("Type mapped but proofs provided: " ^ tycname)
+ in
+ (mtydef tycname thy, thy)
+ end
+ | NONE => tydef' tycname abs_name rep_name P t td_th thy
+fun inst_type lambda th thy =
+ let
+ fun assoc _ [] = error "assoc"
+ | assoc x ((x',y)::rest) = if x = x' then y else assoc x rest
+ val lambda = map (fn (a, b) => (typ_of a, b)) lambda
+ val tys_before = Term.add_tfrees (prop_of th) []
+ val th1 = Thm.varifyT_global th
+ val tys_after = Term.add_tvars (prop_of th1) []
+ val tyinst = map2 (fn bef => fn iS =>
+ (case try (assoc (TFree bef)) lambda of
+ SOME cty => (ctyp_of thy (TVar iS), cty)
+ | NONE => (ctyp_of thy (TVar iS), ctyp_of thy (TFree bef))
+ )) tys_before tys_after
+ in
+ Thm.instantiate (tyinst,[]) th1
+ end
+fun inst sigma th =
+ let
+ val (dom, rng) = ListPair.unzip (rev sigma)
+ in
+ th |> forall_intr_list dom
+ |> forall_elim_list rng
+ end
+fun transl_dotc #"." = "dot"
+ | transl_dotc c = Char.toString c
+val transl_dot = String.translate transl_dotc
+fun transl_qmc #"?" = "t"
+ | transl_qmc c = Char.toString c
+val transl_qm = String.translate transl_qmc
+fun getconstname s thy =
+ case Import_Data.get_const_map s thy of
+ SOME s => s
+ | NONE => Sign.full_name thy (Binding.name (transl_dot s))
+fun gettyname s thy =
+ case Import_Data.get_typ_map s thy of
+ SOME s => s
+ | NONE => Sign.full_name thy (Binding.name s)
+fun get (map, no) s =
+ case Int.fromString s of
+ NONE => error "Import_Rule.get: not a number"
+ | SOME i => (case Inttab.lookup map (Int.abs i) of
+ NONE => error "Import_Rule.get: lookup failed"
+ | SOME res => (res, (if i < 0 then Inttab.delete (Int.abs i) map else map, no)))
+fun getty i (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi)) = let val (i, tyi) = (get tyi i) in (i, (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi))) end
+fun gettm i (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi)) = let val (i, tmi) = (get tmi i) in (i, (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi))) end
+fun getth i (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi)) = let val (i, thi) = (get thi i) in (i, (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi))) end
+fun set (map, no) v = (Inttab.update_new (no + 1, v) map, no + 1)
+fun setty v (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi)) = (thy, (set tyi v, tmi, thi))
+fun settm v (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi)) = (thy, (tyi, set tmi v, thi))
+fun setth v (thy, (tyi, tmi, thi)) = (thy, (tyi, tmi, set thi v))
+fun last_thm (_, _, (map, no)) =
+ case Inttab.lookup map no of
+ NONE => error "Import_Rule.last_thm: lookup failed"
+ | SOME thm => thm
+fun listLast (h1 :: (h2 :: t)) = apfst (fn t => h1 :: h2 :: t) (listLast t)
+ | listLast [p] = ([], p)
+ | listLast [] = error "listLast: empty"
+fun pairList (h1 :: (h2 :: t)) = ((h1, h2) :: pairList t)
+ | pairList [] = []
+ | pairList _ = error "pairList: odd list length"
+fun store_thm binding thm thy =
+ let
+ val thm = Drule.export_without_context_open thm
+ val tvs = Term.add_tvars (prop_of thm) []
+ val tns = map (fn (_, _) => "'") tvs
+ val nms = fst (fold_map Name.variant tns (Variable.names_of (Proof_Context.init_global thy)))
+ val vs = map TVar ((nms ~~ (map (snd o fst) tvs)) ~~ (map snd tvs))
+ val cvs = map (ctyp_of thy) vs
+ val ctvs = map (ctyp_of thy) (map TVar tvs)
+ val thm' = Thm.instantiate ((ctvs ~~ cvs), []) thm
+ in
+ snd (Global_Theory.add_thm ((binding, thm'), []) thy)
+ end
+fun process_line str tstate =
+ let
+ fun process tstate (#"R", [t]) = gettm t tstate |>> refl |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"B", [t]) = gettm t tstate |>> beta |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"1", [th]) = getth th tstate |>> conj1 |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"2", [th]) = getth th tstate |>> conj2 |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"H", [t]) =
+ gettm t tstate |>> Thm.apply @{cterm Trueprop} |>> Thm.trivial |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"A", [_, t]) =
+ gettm t tstate |>> Thm.apply @{cterm Trueprop} |>> Skip_Proof.make_thm_cterm |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"C", [th1, th2]) =
+ getth th1 tstate ||>> getth th2 |>> (fn (t1, t2) => comb t1 t2) |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"T", [th1, th2]) =
+ getth th1 tstate ||>> getth th2 |>> (fn (t1, t2) => trans t1 t2) |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"E", [th1, th2]) =
+ getth th1 tstate ||>> getth th2 |>> (fn (t1, t2) => eq_mp t1 t2) |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"D", [th1, th2]) =
+ getth th1 tstate ||>> getth th2 |>> (fn (t1, t2) => deduct t1 t2) |-> setth
+ | process tstate (#"L", [t, th]) =
+ gettm t tstate ||>> (fn ti => getth th ti) |>> (fn (tm, th) => abs tm th) |-> setth
+ | process (thy, state) (#"M", [s]) =
+ let
+ val ctxt = Variable.set_body false (Proof_Context.init_global thy)
+ val thm = freezeT (Global_Theory.get_thm thy s)
+ val ((_, [th']), _) = Variable.import true [thm] ctxt
+ in
+ setth th' (thy, state)
+ end
+ | process (thy, state) (#"Q", l) =
+ let
+ val (tys, th) = listLast l
+ val (th, tstate) = getth th (thy, state)
+ val (tys, tstate) = fold_map getty tys tstate
+ in
+ setth (inst_type (pairList tys) th thy) tstate
+ end
+ | process tstate (#"S", l) =
+ let
+ val (tms, th) = listLast l
+ val (th, tstate) = getth th tstate
+ val (tms, tstate) = fold_map gettm tms tstate
+ in
+ setth (inst (pairList tms) th) tstate
+ end
+ | process tstate (#"F", [name, t]) =
+ let
+ val (tm, (thy, state)) = gettm t tstate
+ val (th, thy) = def (transl_dot name) tm thy
+ in
+ setth th (thy, state)
+ end
+ | process (thy, state) (#"F", [name]) = setth (mdef name thy) (thy, state)
+ | process tstate (#"Y", [name, absname, repname, t1, t2, th]) =
+ let
+ val (th, tstate) = getth th tstate
+ val (t1, tstate) = gettm t1 tstate
+ val (t2, (thy, state)) = gettm t2 tstate
+ val (th, thy) = tydef name absname repname t1 t2 th thy
+ in
+ setth th (thy, state)
+ end
+ | process (thy, state) (#"Y", [name, _, _]) = setth (mtydef name thy) (thy, state)
+ | process (thy, state) (#"t", [n]) =
+ setty (ctyp_of thy (TFree ("'" ^ (transl_qm n), ["HOL.type"]))) (thy, state)
+ | process (thy, state) (#"a", n :: l) =
+ fold_map getty l (thy, state) |>>
+ (fn tys => ctyp_of thy (Type (gettyname n thy, map typ_of tys))) |-> setty
+ | process (thy, state) (#"v", [n, ty]) =
+ getty ty (thy, state) |>> (fn ty => cterm_of thy (Free (transl_dot n, typ_of ty))) |-> settm
+ | process (thy, state) (#"c", [n, ty]) =
+ getty ty (thy, state) |>> (fn ty => cterm_of thy (Const (getconstname n thy, typ_of ty))) |-> settm
+ | process tstate (#"f", [t1, t2]) =
+ gettm t1 tstate ||>> gettm t2 |>> (fn (t1, t2) => Thm.apply t1 t2) |-> settm
+ | process tstate (#"l", [t1, t2]) =
+ gettm t1 tstate ||>> gettm t2 |>> (fn (t1, t2) => Thm.lambda t1 t2) |-> settm
+ | process (thy, state) (#"+", [s]) =
+ let
+ val _ = tracing ("Noting: " ^ s)
+ in
+ (store_thm (Binding.name (transl_dot s)) (last_thm state) thy, state)
+ end
+ | process _ (c, _) = error ("process: unknown command: " ^ String.implode [c])
+ fun parse_line s =
+ case String.tokens (fn x => (x = #"\n" orelse x = #" ")) s of
+ [] => error "parse_line: empty"
+ | h :: t => (case String.explode h of
+ [] => error "parse_line: empty command"
+ | sh :: st => (sh, (String.implode st) :: t))
+ in
+ process tstate (parse_line str)
+ end
+fun process_file path thy =
+ (thy, init_state) |> File.fold_lines process_line path |> fst
+val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_spec "import_file"}
+ "Import a recorded proof file" (Parse.path >> process_file >> Toplevel.theory)
--- a/src/HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2084 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/proof_kernel.ML
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg and Steven Obua, TU Muenchen
-signature ProofKernel =
- type hol_type
- type tag
- type term
- type thm
- type ('a,'b) subst
- type proof_info
- datatype proof = Proof of proof_info * proof_content
- and proof_content
- = PRefl of term
- | PInstT of proof * (hol_type,hol_type) subst
- | PSubst of proof list * term * proof
- | PAbs of proof * term
- | PDisch of proof * term
- | PMp of proof * proof
- | PHyp of term
- | PAxm of string * term
- | PDef of string * string * term
- | PTmSpec of string * string list * proof
- | PTyDef of string * string * proof
- | PTyIntro of string * string * string * string * term * term * proof
- | POracle of tag * term list * term
- | PDisk
- | PSpec of proof * term
- | PInst of proof * (term,term) subst
- | PGen of proof * term
- | PGenAbs of proof * term option * term list
- | PImpAS of proof * proof
- | PSym of proof
- | PTrans of proof * proof
- | PComb of proof * proof
- | PEqMp of proof * proof
- | PEqImp of proof
- | PExists of proof * term * term
- | PChoose of term * proof * proof
- | PConj of proof * proof
- | PConjunct1 of proof
- | PConjunct2 of proof
- | PDisj1 of proof * term
- | PDisj2 of proof * term
- | PDisjCases of proof * proof * proof
- | PNotI of proof
- | PNotE of proof
- | PContr of proof * term
- exception PK of string * string
- val get_proof_dir: string -> theory -> string option
- val disambiguate_frees : Thm.thm -> Thm.thm
- val debug : bool Unsynchronized.ref
- val disk_info_of : proof -> (string * string) option
- val set_disk_info_of : proof -> string -> string -> unit
- val mk_proof : proof_content -> proof
- val content_of : proof -> proof_content
- val import_proof : string -> string -> theory -> (theory -> term) option * (theory -> proof)
- val rewrite_importer_term: Term.term -> theory -> Thm.thm
- val type_of : term -> hol_type
- val get_thm : string -> string -> theory -> (theory * thm option)
- val get_def : string -> string -> term -> theory -> (theory * thm option)
- val get_axiom: string -> string -> theory -> (theory * thm option)
- val store_thm : string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val to_isa_thm : thm -> (term * term) list * Thm.thm
- val to_isa_term: term -> Term.term
- val to_hol_thm : Thm.thm -> thm
- val REFL : term -> theory -> theory * thm
- val ASSUME : term -> theory -> theory * thm
- val INST_TYPE : (hol_type,hol_type) subst -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val INST : (term,term)subst -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val EQ_MP : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val EQ_IMP_RULE : thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val SUBST : thm list -> term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val DISJ_CASES : thm -> thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val DISJ1: thm -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
- val DISJ2: term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val IMP_ANTISYM: thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val SYM : thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val MP : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val GEN : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val CHOOSE : term -> thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val EXISTS : term -> term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val ABS : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val GEN_ABS : term option -> term list -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val TRANS : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val CCONTR : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val CONJ : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val CONJUNCT1: thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val CONJUNCT2: thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val NOT_INTRO: thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val NOT_ELIM : thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val SPEC : term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val COMB : thm -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val DISCH: term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val type_introduction: string -> string -> string -> string -> string -> term * term -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val new_definition : string -> string -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
- val new_specification : string -> string -> string list -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val new_type_definition : string -> string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory * thm
- val new_axiom : string -> term -> theory -> theory * thm
- val prin : term -> unit
- val protect_factname : string -> string
- val replay_protect_varname : string -> string -> unit
- val replay_add_dump : string -> theory -> theory
-structure ProofKernel : ProofKernel =
-type hol_type = Term.typ
-type term = Term.term
-datatype tag = Tag of string list
-type ('a,'b) subst = ('a * 'b) list
-datatype thm = HOLThm of (Term.term * Term.term) list * Thm.thm
-fun hthm2thm (HOLThm (_, th)) = th
-fun to_hol_thm th = HOLThm ([], th)
-val replay_add_dump = add_dump
-fun add_dump s thy = replay_add_dump s thy
-datatype proof_info
- = Info of {disk_info: (string * string) option Unsynchronized.ref}
-datatype proof = Proof of proof_info * proof_content
- and proof_content
- = PRefl of term
- | PInstT of proof * (hol_type,hol_type) subst
- | PSubst of proof list * term * proof
- | PAbs of proof * term
- | PDisch of proof * term
- | PMp of proof * proof
- | PHyp of term
- | PAxm of string * term
- | PDef of string * string * term
- | PTmSpec of string * string list * proof
- | PTyDef of string * string * proof
- | PTyIntro of string * string * string * string * term * term * proof
- | POracle of tag * term list * term
- | PDisk
- | PSpec of proof * term
- | PInst of proof * (term,term) subst
- | PGen of proof * term
- | PGenAbs of proof * term option * term list
- | PImpAS of proof * proof
- | PSym of proof
- | PTrans of proof * proof
- | PComb of proof * proof
- | PEqMp of proof * proof
- | PEqImp of proof
- | PExists of proof * term * term
- | PChoose of term * proof * proof
- | PConj of proof * proof
- | PConjunct1 of proof
- | PConjunct2 of proof
- | PDisj1 of proof * term
- | PDisj2 of proof * term
- | PDisjCases of proof * proof * proof
- | PNotI of proof
- | PNotE of proof
- | PContr of proof * term
-exception PK of string * string
-fun ERR f mesg = PK (f,mesg)
-(* Compatibility. *)
-val string_of_mixfix = Pretty.string_of o Mixfix.pretty_mixfix;
-fun mk_syn thy c =
- if Lexicon.is_identifier c andalso not (Syntax.is_keyword (Sign.syn_of thy) c) then NoSyn
- else Delimfix (Syntax_Ext.escape c)
-fun quotename c =
- if Lexicon.is_identifier c andalso not (Keyword.is_keyword c) then c else quote c
-exception SMART_STRING
-fun no_vars context tm =
- let
- val ctxt = Variable.set_body false context;
- val ([tm'], _) = Variable.import_terms true [tm] ctxt;
- in tm' end
-fun smart_string_of_cterm ctxt0 ct =
- let
- val ctxt = ctxt0
- |> Config.put show_brackets false
- |> Config.put show_all_types false
- |> Config.put show_types false
- |> Config.put show_sorts false;
- val {t,T,...} = rep_cterm ct
- (* Hack to avoid parse errors with Trueprop *)
- val t' = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t
- handle TERM _ => t
- val tn = no_vars ctxt t'
- fun match u =
- let val _ = Thm.match (ct, cterm_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) u) in true end
- handle Pattern.MATCH => false
- fun G 0 f ctxt x = f ctxt x
- | G 1 f ctxt x = f (Config.put show_types true ctxt) x
- | G 2 f ctxt x = G 1 f (Config.put show_sorts true ctxt) x
- | G 3 f ctxt x = G 2 f (Config.put show_all_types true ctxt) x
- | G 4 f ctxt x = G 3 f (Config.put show_brackets true ctxt) x
- | G _ _ _ _ = raise SMART_STRING
- fun F n =
- let
- val str = G n Syntax.string_of_term ctxt tn
- val _ = warning (@{make_string} (n, str))
- val u = Syntax.parse_term ctxt str
- val u = if t = t' then u else HOLogic.mk_Trueprop u
- val u = Syntax.check_term ctxt (Type.constraint T u)
- in
- if match u
- then quote str
- else F (n+1)
- end
- handle ERROR _ => F (n + 1)
- let val _ =
- warning ("smart_string failed for: "^ G 0 Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (term_of ct))
- in quote (G 2 Syntax.string_of_term ctxt tn) end
- in
- Print_Mode.setmp [] F 0
- end
-fun smart_string_of_thm ctxt = smart_string_of_cterm ctxt o cprop_of
-fun prth th = writeln (Print_Mode.setmp [] Display.string_of_thm_without_context th);
-val topctxt = ML_Context.the_local_context ();
-fun prin t = writeln (Print_Mode.setmp []
- (fn () => Syntax.string_of_term topctxt t) ());
-fun pth (HOLThm(_,thm)) =
- let
- (*val _ = writeln "Renaming:"
- val _ = app (fn(v,w) => (prin v; writeln " -->"; prin w)) ren*)
- val _ = prth thm
- in
- ()
- end
-fun disk_info_of (Proof(Info{disk_info,...},_)) = !disk_info
-fun mk_proof p = Proof(Info{disk_info = Unsynchronized.ref NONE},p)
-fun content_of (Proof(_,p)) = p
-fun set_disk_info_of (Proof(Info{disk_info,...},_)) thyname thmname =
- disk_info := SOME(thyname,thmname)
-structure Lib =
-fun assoc x =
- let
- fun F [] = raise PK("Lib.assoc","Not found")
- | F ((x',y)::rest) = if x = x'
- then y
- else F rest
- in
- F
- end
-infix mem;
-fun i mem L =
- let fun itr [] = false
- | itr (a::rst) = i=a orelse itr rst
- in itr L end;
-infix union;
-fun [] union S = S
- | S union [] = S
- | (a::rst) union S2 = rst union (insert (op =) a S2);
-fun implode_subst [] = []
- | implode_subst (x::r::rest) = ((x,r)::(implode_subst rest))
- | implode_subst _ = raise ERR "implode_subst" "malformed substitution list"
-open Lib
-structure Tag =
-val empty_tag = Tag []
-fun read name = Tag [name]
-fun merge (Tag tag1) (Tag tag2) = Tag (Lib.union(tag1,tag2))
-(* Actual code. *)
-fun get_segment thyname l = (Lib.assoc "s" l
- handle PK _ => thyname)
-val get_name : (string * string) list -> string = Lib.assoc "n"
-exception XML of string
-datatype xml = Elem of string * (string * string) list * xml list
-datatype XMLtype = XMLty of xml | FullType of hol_type
-datatype XMLterm = XMLtm of xml | FullTerm of term
-fun xml_to_import_xml (XML.Elem ((n, l), ts)) = Elem (n, l, map xml_to_import_xml ts)
- | xml_to_import_xml (XML.Text _) = raise XML "Incorrect proof file: text";
-val type_of = Term.type_of
-val propT = Type("prop",[])
-fun mk_defeq name rhs thy =
- let
- val ty = type_of rhs
- in
- Logic.mk_equals (Const(Sign.intern_const thy name,ty),rhs)
- end
-fun mk_teq name rhs thy =
- let
- val ty = type_of rhs
- in
- HOLogic.mk_eq (Const(Sign.intern_const thy name,ty),rhs)
- end
-fun intern_const_name thyname const thy =
- case get_importer_const_mapping thyname const thy of
- SOME (_,cname,_) => cname
- | NONE => (case get_importer_const_renaming thyname const thy of
- SOME cname => Sign.intern_const thy (thyname ^ "." ^ cname)
- | NONE => Sign.intern_const thy (thyname ^ "." ^ const))
-fun intern_type_name thyname const thy =
- case get_importer_type_mapping thyname const thy of
- SOME (_,cname) => cname
- | NONE => Sign.intern_const thy (thyname ^ "." ^ const)
-fun mk_vartype name = TFree(name,["HOL.type"])
-fun mk_thy_type thy Thy Tyop Args = Type(intern_type_name Thy Tyop thy,Args)
-val mk_var = Free
-fun mk_thy_const thy Thy Nam Ty = Const(intern_const_name Thy Nam thy,Ty)
- fun get_const sg _ name =
- (case Sign.const_type sg name of
- SOME ty => Const (name, ty)
- | NONE => raise ERR "get_type" (name ^ ": No such constant"))
-fun prim_mk_const thy Thy Nam =
- let
- val name = intern_const_name Thy Nam thy
- val cmaps = Importer_ConstMaps.get thy
- in
- case StringPair.lookup cmaps (Thy,Nam) of
- SOME(_,_,SOME ty) => Const(name,ty)
- | _ => get_const thy Thy name
- end
-fun mk_comb(f,a) = f $ a
-(* Needed for HOL Light *)
-fun protect_tyvarname s =
- let
- fun no_quest s =
- if Char.contains s #"?"
- then String.translate (fn #"?" => "q_" | c => Char.toString c) s
- else s
- fun beg_prime s =
- if String.isPrefix "'" s
- then s
- else "'" ^ s
- in
- s |> no_quest |> beg_prime
- end
-val protected_varnames = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.empty:string Symtab.table)
-val invented_isavar = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-fun innocent_varname s = Lexicon.is_identifier s andalso not (String.isPrefix "u_" s)
-fun valid_boundvarname s =
- can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global @{theory Main} ("SOME "^s^". True")) ();
-fun valid_varname s =
- can (fn () => Syntax.read_term_global @{theory Main} s) ();
-fun protect_varname s =
- if innocent_varname s andalso valid_varname s then s else
- case Symtab.lookup (!protected_varnames) s of
- SOME t => t
- | NONE =>
- let
- val _ = Unsynchronized.inc invented_isavar
- val t = "u_" ^ string_of_int (!invented_isavar)
- val _ = protected_varnames := Symtab.update (s, t) (!protected_varnames)
- in
- t
- end
-exception REPLAY_PROTECT_VARNAME of string*string*string
-fun replay_protect_varname s t =
- case Symtab.lookup (!protected_varnames) s of
- SOME t' => raise REPLAY_PROTECT_VARNAME (s, t, t')
- | NONE =>
- let
- val _ = Unsynchronized.inc invented_isavar
- val t = "u_" ^ string_of_int (!invented_isavar)
- val _ = protected_varnames := Symtab.update (s, t) (!protected_varnames)
- in
- ()
- end
-fun protect_boundvarname s = if innocent_varname s andalso valid_boundvarname s then s else "u"
-fun mk_lambda (v as Free (x, T)) t = Abs (protect_boundvarname x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
- | mk_lambda (v as Var ((x, _), T)) t = Abs (protect_boundvarname x, T, abstract_over (v, t))
- | mk_lambda v t = raise TERM ("lambda", [v, t]);
-fun replacestr x y s =
- val xl = raw_explode x
- val yl = raw_explode y
- fun isprefix [] _ = true
- | isprefix (x::xs) (y::ys) = if x = y then isprefix xs ys else false
- | isprefix _ _ = false
- fun isp s = isprefix xl s
- fun chg s = yl@(List.drop (s, List.length xl))
- fun r [] = []
- | r (S as (s::ss)) = if isp S then r (chg S) else s::(r ss)
- implode(r (raw_explode s))
-fun protect_factname s = replacestr "." "_dot_" s
-fun unprotect_factname s = replacestr "_dot_" "." s
-val ty_num_prefix = "N_"
-fun startsWithDigit s = Char.isDigit (hd (String.explode s))
-fun protect_tyname tyn =
- let
- val tyn' =
- if String.isPrefix ty_num_prefix tyn then raise (ERR "protect_ty_name" ("type name '"^tyn^"' is reserved")) else
- (if startsWithDigit tyn then ty_num_prefix^tyn else tyn)
- in
- tyn'
- end
-fun protect_constname tcn = tcn
- (* if tcn = ".." then "dotdot"
- else if tcn = "==" then "eqeq"
- else tcn*)
-structure TypeNet =
-fun get_type_from_index thy thyname types is =
- case Int.fromString is of
- SOME i => (case Array.sub(types,i) of
- FullType ty => ty
- | XMLty xty =>
- let
- val ty = get_type_from_xml thy thyname types xty
- val _ = Array.update(types,i,FullType ty)
- in
- ty
- end)
- | NONE => raise ERR "get_type_from_index" "Bad index"
-and get_type_from_xml thy thyname types =
- let
- fun gtfx (Elem("tyi",[("i",iS)],[])) =
- get_type_from_index thy thyname types iS
- | gtfx (Elem("tyc",atts,[])) =
- mk_thy_type thy
- (get_segment thyname atts)
- (protect_tyname (get_name atts))
- []
- | gtfx (Elem("tyv",[("n",s)],[])) = mk_vartype (protect_tyvarname s)
- | gtfx (Elem("tya",[],(Elem("tyc",atts,[]))::tys)) =
- mk_thy_type thy
- (get_segment thyname atts)
- (protect_tyname (get_name atts))
- (map gtfx tys)
- | gtfx _ = raise ERR "get_type" "Bad type"
- in
- gtfx
- end
-fun input_types _ (Elem("tylist",[("i",i)],xtys)) =
- let
- val types = Array.array(the (Int.fromString i),XMLty (Elem("",[],[])))
- fun IT _ [] = ()
- | IT n (xty::xtys) =
- (Array.update(types,n,XMLty xty);
- IT (n+1) xtys)
- val _ = IT 0 xtys
- in
- types
- end
- | input_types _ _ = raise ERR "input_types" "Bad type list"
-structure TermNet =
-fun get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms is =
- case Int.fromString is of
- SOME i => (case Array.sub(terms,i) of
- FullTerm tm => tm
- | XMLtm xtm =>
- let
- val tm = get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm
- val _ = Array.update(terms,i,FullTerm tm)
- in
- tm
- end)
- | NONE => raise ERR "get_term_from_index" "Bad index"
-and get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms =
- let
- fun gtfx (Elem("tmv",[("n",name),("t",tyi)],[])) =
- mk_var(protect_varname name,TypeNet.get_type_from_index thy thyname types tyi)
- | gtfx (Elem("tmc",atts,[])) =
- let
- val segment = get_segment thyname atts
- val name = protect_constname(get_name atts)
- in
- mk_thy_const thy segment name (TypeNet.get_type_from_index thy thyname types (Lib.assoc "t" atts))
- handle PK _ => prim_mk_const thy segment name
- end
- | gtfx (Elem("tma",[("f",tmf),("a",tma)],[])) =
- let
- val f = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tmf
- val a = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tma
- in
- mk_comb(f,a)
- end
- | gtfx (Elem("tml",[("x",tmx),("a",tma)],[])) =
- let
- val x = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tmx
- val a = get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms tma
- in
- mk_lambda x a
- end
- | gtfx (Elem("tmi",[("i",iS)],[])) =
- get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms iS
- | gtfx (Elem(tag,_,_)) =
- raise ERR "get_term" ("Not a term: "^tag)
- in
- gtfx
- end
-fun input_terms _ _ (Elem("tmlist",[("i",i)],xtms)) =
- let
- val terms = Array.array(the (Int.fromString i), XMLtm (Elem("",[],[])))
- fun IT _ [] = ()
- | IT n (xtm::xtms) =
- (Array.update(terms,n,XMLtm xtm);
- IT (n+1) xtms)
- val _ = IT 0 xtms
- in
- terms
- end
- | input_terms _ _ _ = raise ERR "input_terms" "Bad term list"
-fun get_proof_dir (thyname:string) thy =
- let
- val import_segment =
- case get_segment2 thyname thy of
- SOME seg => seg
- | NONE => get_import_segment thy
- val path = space_explode ":" (getenv "IMPORTER_PROOFS")
- fun find [] = NONE
- | find (p::ps) =
- (let
- val dir = OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = p,file=import_segment}
- in
- if OS.FileSys.isDir dir
- then SOME dir
- else find ps
- end) handle OS.SysErr _ => find ps
- in
- Option.map (fn p => OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = p, file = thyname}) (find path)
- end
-fun proof_file_name thyname thmname thy =
- let
- val path = case get_proof_dir thyname thy of
- SOME p => p
- | NONE => error "Cannot find proof files"
- val _ = OS.FileSys.mkDir path handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
- in
- OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = path, file = OS.Path.joinBaseExt {base = (unprotect_factname thmname), ext = SOME "prf"}}
- end
-fun xml_to_proof thyname types terms prf thy =
- let
- val xml_to_hol_type = TypeNet.get_type_from_xml thy thyname types
- val xml_to_term = TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms
- fun index_to_term is =
- TermNet.get_term_from_index thy thyname types terms is
- fun x2p (Elem("prefl",[("i",is)],[])) = mk_proof (PRefl (index_to_term is))
- | x2p (Elem("pinstt",[],p::lambda)) =
- let
- val p = x2p p
- val lambda = implode_subst (map xml_to_hol_type lambda)
- in
- mk_proof (PInstT(p,lambda))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("psubst",[("i",is)],prf::prfs)) =
- let
- val tm = index_to_term is
- val prf = x2p prf
- val prfs = map x2p prfs
- in
- mk_proof (PSubst(prfs,tm,prf))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pabs",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val t = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PAbs (p,t))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pdisch",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val t = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PDisch (p,t))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pmp",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PMp(p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("phyp",[("i",is)],[])) = mk_proof (PHyp (index_to_term is))
- | x2p (Elem("paxiom",[("n",n),("i",is)],[])) =
- mk_proof (PAxm(n,index_to_term is))
- | x2p (Elem("pfact",atts,[])) =
- let
- val thyname = get_segment thyname atts
- val thmname = protect_factname (get_name atts)
- val p = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of p thyname thmname
- in
- p
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pdef",[("s",seg),("n",name),("i",is)],[])) =
- mk_proof (PDef(seg,protect_constname name,index_to_term is))
- | x2p (Elem("ptmspec",[("s",seg)],p::names)) =
- let
- val names = map (fn Elem("name",[("n",name)],[]) => name
- | _ => raise ERR "x2p" "Bad proof (ptmspec)") names
- in
- mk_proof (PTmSpec(seg,names,x2p p))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("ptyintro",[("s",seg),("n",name),("a",abs_name),("r",rep_name)],[xP,xt,p])) =
- let
- val P = xml_to_term xP
- val t = xml_to_term xt
- in
- mk_proof (PTyIntro(seg,protect_tyname name,protect_constname abs_name,protect_constname rep_name,P,t,x2p p))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("ptydef",[("s",seg),("n",name)],[p])) =
- mk_proof (PTyDef(seg,protect_tyname name,x2p p))
- | x2p (Elem("poracle",[],chldr)) =
- let
- val (oracles,terms) = List.partition (fn (Elem("oracle",_,_)) => true | _ => false) chldr
- val ors = map (fn (Elem("oracle",[("n",name)],[])) => name | _ => raise ERR "x2p" "bad oracle") oracles
- val (c,asl) = case terms of
- [] => raise ERR "x2p" "Bad oracle description"
- | (hd::tl) => (hd,tl)
- val tg = fold_rev (Tag.merge o Tag.read) ors Tag.empty_tag
- in
- mk_proof (POracle(tg,map xml_to_term asl,xml_to_term c))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pspec",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val tm = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PSpec(p,tm))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pinst",[],p::theta)) =
- let
- val p = x2p p
- val theta = implode_subst (map xml_to_term theta)
- in
- mk_proof (PInst(p,theta))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pgen",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val tm = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PGen(p,tm))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pgenabs",[],prf::tms)) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val tml = map xml_to_term tms
- in
- mk_proof (PGenAbs(p,NONE,tml))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pgenabs",[("i",is)],prf::tms)) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val tml = map xml_to_term tms
- in
- mk_proof (PGenAbs(p,SOME (index_to_term is),tml))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pimpas",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PImpAS(p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("psym",[],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- in
- mk_proof (PSym p)
- end
- | x2p (Elem("ptrans",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PTrans(p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pcomb",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PComb(p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("peqmp",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PEqMp(p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("peqimp",[],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- in
- mk_proof (PEqImp p)
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pexists",[("e",ise),("w",isw)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val ex = index_to_term ise
- val w = index_to_term isw
- in
- mk_proof (PExists(p,ex,w))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pchoose",[("i",is)],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val v = index_to_term is
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PChoose(v,p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pconj",[],[prf1,prf2])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- in
- mk_proof (PConj(p1,p2))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pconjunct1",[],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- in
- mk_proof (PConjunct1 p)
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pconjunct2",[],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- in
- mk_proof (PConjunct2 p)
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pdisj1",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val t = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PDisj1 (p,t))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pdisj2",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val t = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PDisj2 (p,t))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pdisjcases",[],[prf1,prf2,prf3])) =
- let
- val p1 = x2p prf1
- val p2 = x2p prf2
- val p3 = x2p prf3
- in
- mk_proof (PDisjCases(p1,p2,p3))
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pnoti",[],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- in
- mk_proof (PNotI p)
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pnote",[],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- in
- mk_proof (PNotE p)
- end
- | x2p (Elem("pcontr",[("i",is)],[prf])) =
- let
- val p = x2p prf
- val t = index_to_term is
- in
- mk_proof (PContr (p,t))
- end
- | x2p _ = raise ERR "x2p" "Bad proof"
- in
- x2p prf
- end
-fun import_proof_concl thyname thmname thy =
- let
- val is = TextIO.openIn(proof_file_name thyname thmname thy)
- val proof_xml = xml_to_import_xml (XML.parse (TextIO.inputAll is))
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
- in
- case proof_xml of
- Elem("proof",[],xtypes::xterms::_::rest) =>
- let
- val types = TypeNet.input_types thyname xtypes
- val terms = TermNet.input_terms thyname types xterms
- fun f xtm thy = TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm
- in
- case rest of
- [] => NONE
- | [xtm] => SOME (f xtm)
- | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad argument list"
- end
- | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad proof"
- end
-fun import_proof thyname thmname thy =
- let
- val is = TextIO.openIn(proof_file_name thyname thmname thy)
- val proof_xml = xml_to_import_xml (XML.parse (TextIO.inputAll is))
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
- in
- case proof_xml of
- Elem("proof",[],xtypes::xterms::prf::rest) =>
- let
- val types = TypeNet.input_types thyname xtypes
- val terms = TermNet.input_terms thyname types xterms
- in
- (case rest of
- [] => NONE
- | [xtm] => SOME (fn thy => TermNet.get_term_from_xml thy thyname types terms xtm)
- | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad argument list",
- xml_to_proof thyname types terms prf)
- end
- | _ => raise ERR "import_proof" "Bad proof"
- end
-fun uniq_compose m th i st =
- let
- val res = Thm.bicompose false (false,th,m) i st
- in
- case Seq.pull res of
- SOME (th,rest) => (case Seq.pull rest of
- SOME _ => raise ERR "uniq_compose" "Not unique!"
- | NONE => th)
- | NONE => raise ERR "uniq_compose" "No result"
- end
-val reflexivity_thm = @{thm refl}
-val mp_thm = @{thm mp}
-val imp_antisym_thm = @{thm light_imp_as}
-val disch_thm = @{thm impI}
-val ccontr_thm = @{thm ccontr}
-val meta_eq_to_obj_eq_thm = @{thm meta_eq_to_obj_eq}
-val gen_thm = @{thm HOLallI}
-val choose_thm = @{thm exE}
-val exists_thm = @{thm exI}
-val conj_thm = @{thm conjI}
-val conjunct1_thm = @{thm conjunct1}
-val conjunct2_thm = @{thm conjunct2}
-val spec_thm = @{thm spec}
-val disj_cases_thm = @{thm disjE}
-val disj1_thm = @{thm disjI1}
-val disj2_thm = @{thm disjI2}
- val th = @{thm not_def}
- val thy = theory_of_thm th
- val pp = Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy (Const(@{const_name Trueprop},HOLogic.boolT-->propT)))
-val not_elim_thm = Thm.combination pp th
-val not_intro_thm = Thm.symmetric not_elim_thm
-val abs_thm = @{thm ext}
-val trans_thm = @{thm trans}
-val symmetry_thm = @{thm sym}
-val eqmp_thm = @{thm iffD1}
-val eqimp_thm = @{thm Importer.eq_imp}
-val comb_thm = @{thm cong}
-(* Beta-eta normalizes a theorem (only the conclusion, not the *
-hypotheses!) *)
-fun beta_eta_thm th =
- let
- val th1 = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.beta_conversion true (cprop_of th)) th
- val th2 = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.eta_conversion (cprop_of th1)) th1
- in
- th2
- end
-fun implies_elim_all th =
- Library.foldl (fn (th,p) => Thm.implies_elim th (Thm.assume p)) (th,cprems_of th)
-fun norm_hyps th =
- th |> beta_eta_thm
- |> implies_elim_all
- |> implies_intr_hyps
-fun mk_GEN v th sg =
- let
- val c = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)
- val cv = cterm_of sg v
- val lc = Term.lambda v c
- val clc = Thm.cterm_of sg lc
- val cvty = ctyp_of_term cv
- val th1 = implies_elim_all th
- val th2 = beta_eta_thm (Thm.forall_intr cv th1)
- val th3 = th2 COMP (beta_eta_thm (Drule.instantiate' [SOME cvty] [SOME clc] gen_thm))
- val c = prop_of th3
- val vname = fst(dest_Free v)
- val (cold,cnew) = case c of
- tpc $ (Const(@{const_name All},_) $ Abs(oldname,_,_)) =>
- (Abs(oldname,dummyT,Bound 0),Abs(vname,dummyT,Bound 0))
- | tpc $ (Const(@{const_name All},_) $ _) => (tpc,tpc)
- | _ => raise ERR "mk_GEN" "Unknown conclusion"
- val th4 = Thm.rename_boundvars cold cnew th3
- val res = implies_intr_hyps th4
- in
- res
- end
-fun rearrange sg tm th =
- let
- val tm' = Envir.beta_eta_contract tm
- fun find [] n = Thm.permute_prems 0 1 (Thm.implies_intr (Thm.cterm_of sg tm) th)
- | find (p::ps) n = if tm' aconv (Envir.beta_eta_contract p)
- then Thm.permute_prems n 1 th
- else find ps (n+1)
- in
- find (prems_of th) 0
- end
-fun zip (x::xs) (y::ys) = (x,y)::(zip xs ys)
- | zip [] [] = []
- | zip _ _ = raise ERR "zip" "arguments not of same length"
-fun mk_INST dom rng th =
- th |> forall_intr_list dom
- |> forall_elim_list rng
-(* Code for disambiguating variablenames (wrt. types) *)
-val disamb_info_empty = {vars=[],rens=[]}
-fun rens_of { vars = _, rens = rens } = rens
-fun disamb_term_from info tm = (info, tm)
-fun has_ren (HOLThm _) = false
-fun disamb_thm_from info (HOLThm (_,thm)) = (info, thm)
-fun disamb_terms_from info tms = (info, tms)
-fun disamb_thms_from info hthms = (info, map hthm2thm hthms)
-fun disamb_term tm = disamb_term_from disamb_info_empty tm
-fun disamb_thm thm = disamb_thm_from disamb_info_empty thm
-fun disamb_thms thms = disamb_thms_from disamb_info_empty thms
-fun norm_hthm _ (hth as HOLThm _) = hth
-(* End of disambiguating code *)
-fun disambiguate_frees thm =
- let
- fun ERR s = error ("Drule.disambiguate_frees: "^s)
- val ct = cprop_of thm
- val t = term_of ct
- val thy = theory_of_cterm ct
- val frees = Misc_Legacy.term_frees t
- val freenames = Term.add_free_names t []
- val is_old_name = member (op =) freenames
- fun name_of (Free (n, _)) = n
- | name_of _ = ERR "name_of"
- fun new_name' bump map n =
- let val n' = n^bump in
- if is_old_name n' orelse Symtab.lookup map n' <> NONE then
- new_name' (Symbol.bump_string bump) map n
- else
- n'
- end
- val new_name = new_name' "a"
- fun replace_name n' (Free (_, t)) = Free (n', t)
- | replace_name _ _ = ERR "replace_name"
- (* map: old or fresh name -> old free,
- invmap: old free which has fresh name assigned to it -> fresh name *)
- fun dis v (mapping as (map,invmap)) =
- let val n = name_of v in
- case Symtab.lookup map n of
- NONE => (Symtab.update (n, v) map, invmap)
- | SOME v' =>
- if v=v' then
- mapping
- else
- let val n' = new_name map n in
- (Symtab.update (n', v) map,
- Termtab.update (v, n') invmap)
- end
- end
- in
- if (length freenames = length frees) then
- thm
- else
- let
- val (_, invmap) =
- fold dis frees (Symtab.empty, Termtab.empty)
- fun make_subst (oldfree, newname) (intros, elims) =
- (cterm_of thy oldfree :: intros,
- cterm_of thy (replace_name newname oldfree) :: elims)
- val (intros, elims) = fold make_subst (Termtab.dest invmap) ([], [])
- in
- forall_elim_list elims (forall_intr_list intros thm)
- end
- end
-val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
-fun if_debug f x = if !debug then f x else ()
-val message = if_debug writeln
-fun get_importer_thm thyname thmname thy =
- case get_importer_theorem thyname thmname thy of
- SOME hth => SOME (HOLThm hth)
- | NONE =>
- let
- val pending = Importer_Pending.get thy
- in
- case StringPair.lookup pending (thyname,thmname) of
- SOME hth => SOME (HOLThm hth)
- | NONE => NONE
- end
-fun non_trivial_term_consts t = fold_aterms
- (fn Const (c, _) =>
- if c = @{const_name Trueprop} orelse c = @{const_name All}
- orelse c = @{const_name HOL.implies} orelse c = @{const_name HOL.conj} orelse c = @{const_name HOL.eq}
- then I else insert (op =) c
- | _ => I) t [];
-fun split_name str =
- let
- val sub = Substring.full str
- val (f,idx) = apsnd Substring.string (Substring.splitr Char.isDigit sub)
- val (newstr,u) = pairself Substring.string (Substring.splitr (fn c => c = #"_") f)
- in
- if not (idx = "") andalso u = "_"
- then SOME (newstr, the (Int.fromString idx))
- else NONE
- end
- handle _ => NONE (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
-fun rewrite_importer_term t thy =
- let
- val import_rews1 = map (Thm.transfer thy) (Importer_Rewrites.get thy)
- val importerss = Simplifier.global_context thy empty_ss addsimps import_rews1
- in
- Thm.transfer thy (Simplifier.full_rewrite importerss (cterm_of thy t))
- end
-fun get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname importerconc thy =
- let
- val (info,importerconc') = disamb_term importerconc
- val i2h_conc = Thm.symmetric (rewrite_importer_term (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop importerconc') thy)
- val isaconc =
- case concl_of i2h_conc of
- Const("==",_) $ lhs $ _ => lhs
- | _ => error "get_isabelle_thm" "Bad rewrite rule"
- val _ = (message "Original conclusion:";
- if_debug prin importerconc';
- message "Modified conclusion:";
- if_debug prin isaconc)
- fun mk_res th = HOLThm (rens_of info, Thm.equal_elim i2h_conc th)
- in
- case get_importer_mapping thyname thmname thy of
- SOME (SOME thmname) =>
- let
- val th1 = (SOME (Global_Theory.get_thm thy thmname)
- handle ERROR _ =>
- (case split_name thmname of
- SOME (listname,idx) => (SOME (nth (Global_Theory.get_thms thy listname) (idx - 1))
- handle _ => NONE) (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
- | NONE => NONE))
- in
- case th1 of
- SOME th2 =>
- (case Shuffler.set_prop thy isaconc [(thmname,th2)] of
- SOME (_,th) => (message "YES";(thy, SOME (mk_res th)))
- | NONE => (message "NO2";error "get_isabelle_thm" "Bad mapping"))
- | NONE => (message "NO1";error "get_isabelle_thm" "Bad mapping")
- end
- | SOME NONE => error ("Trying to access ignored theorem " ^ thmname)
- | NONE =>
- let
- val _ = (message "Looking for conclusion:";
- if_debug prin isaconc)
- val cs = non_trivial_term_consts isaconc;
- val _ = (message "Looking for consts:";
- message (commas cs))
- val pot_thms = Shuffler.find_potential thy isaconc
- val _ = message (string_of_int (length pot_thms) ^ " potential theorems")
- in
- case Shuffler.set_prop thy isaconc pot_thms of
- SOME (isaname,th) =>
- let
- val hth as HOLThm args = mk_res th
- val thy' = thy |> add_importer_theorem thyname thmname args
- |> add_importer_mapping thyname thmname isaname
- in
- (thy',SOME hth)
- end
- | NONE => (thy,NONE)
- end
- end
- handle e =>
- if Exn.is_interrupt e then reraise e
- else
- (if_debug (fn () =>
- writeln ("Exception in get_isabelle_thm:\n" ^ ML_Compiler.exn_message e)) ();
- (thy,NONE))
-fun get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname importerconc thy =
- let
- val (a, b) = get_isabelle_thm thyname thmname importerconc thy
- fun warn () =
- let
- val (_,importerconc') = disamb_term importerconc
- val i2h_conc = Thm.symmetric (rewrite_importer_term (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop importerconc') thy)
- in
- case concl_of i2h_conc of
- Const("==",_) $ lhs $ _ =>
- (warning ("Failed lookup of theorem '"^thmname^"':");
- writeln "Original conclusion:";
- prin importerconc';
- writeln "Modified conclusion:";
- prin lhs)
- | _ => ()
- end
- in
- case b of
- NONE => (warn () handle _ => (); (a,b)) (* FIXME avoid handle _ *)
- | _ => (a, b)
- end
-fun get_thm thyname thmname thy =
- case get_importer_thm thyname thmname thy of
- SOME hth => (thy,SOME hth)
- | NONE => ((case import_proof_concl thyname thmname thy of
- SOME f => get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname (f thy) thy
- | NONE => (message "No conclusion"; (thy,NONE)))
- handle IO.Io _ => (message "IO exception"; (thy,NONE))
- | PK _ => (message "PK exception"; (thy,NONE)))
-fun rename_const thyname thy name =
- case get_importer_const_renaming thyname name thy of
- SOME cname => cname
- | NONE => name
-fun get_def thyname constname rhs thy =
- let
- val constname = rename_const thyname thy constname
- val (thmname,thy') = get_defname thyname constname thy
- val _ = message ("Looking for definition " ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname)
- in
- get_isabelle_thm_and_warn thyname thmname (mk_teq (thyname ^ "." ^ constname) rhs thy') thy'
- end
-fun get_axiom thyname axname thy =
- case get_thm thyname axname thy of
- arg as (_,SOME _) => arg
- | _ => raise ERR "get_axiom" ("Trying to retrieve axiom (" ^ axname ^ ")")
-fun intern_store_thm gen_output thyname thmname hth thy =
- let
- val (hth' as HOLThm (args as (_,th))) = norm_hthm thy hth
- val rew = rewrite_importer_term (concl_of th) thy
- val th = Thm.equal_elim rew th
- val thy' = add_importer_pending thyname thmname args thy
- val th = disambiguate_frees th
- val th = Object_Logic.rulify th
- val thy2 =
- if gen_output
- then
- add_dump ("lemma " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ": " ^
- (smart_string_of_thm (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy') th) ^ "\n by (import " ^
- thyname ^ " " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ")") thy'
- else thy'
- in
- (thy2,hth')
- end
-val store_thm = intern_store_thm true
-fun mk_REFL ctm =
- let
- val cty = Thm.ctyp_of_term ctm
- in
- Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME ctm] reflexivity_thm
- end
-fun REFL tm thy =
- let
- val _ = message "REFL:"
- val (info,tm') = disamb_term tm
- val ctm = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,mk_REFL ctm)
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun ASSUME tm thy =
- let
- val _ = message "ASSUME:"
- val (info,tm') = disamb_term tm
- val ctm = Thm.cterm_of thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm')
- val th = Thm.trivial ctm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun INST_TYPE lambda (hth as HOLThm(_,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "INST_TYPE:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val tys_before = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tfrees (prop_of th,[])
- val th1 = Thm.varifyT_global th
- val tys_after = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tvars (prop_of th1,[])
- val tyinst = map (fn (bef, iS) =>
- (case try (Lib.assoc (TFree bef)) lambda of
- SOME ty => (ctyp_of thy (TVar iS), ctyp_of thy ty)
- | NONE => (ctyp_of thy (TVar iS), ctyp_of thy (TFree bef))
- ))
- (zip tys_before tys_after)
- val res = Drule.instantiate_normalize (tyinst,[]) th1
- val hth = HOLThm([],res)
- val res = norm_hthm thy hth
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun INST sigma hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "INST:"
- val _ = if_debug (app (fn (x,y) => (prin x; prin y))) sigma
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (sdom,srng) = ListPair.unzip (rev sigma)
- val th = hthm2thm hth
- val th1 = mk_INST (map (cterm_of thy) sdom) (map (cterm_of thy) srng) th
- val res = HOLThm([],th1)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun EQ_IMP_RULE (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "EQ_IMP_RULE:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val res = HOLThm(rens,th RS eqimp_thm)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun mk_EQ_MP th1 th2 = [beta_eta_thm th1, beta_eta_thm th2] MRS eqmp_thm
-fun EQ_MP hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "EQ_MP:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,mk_EQ_MP th1 th2)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun mk_COMB th1 th2 thy =
- let
- val (f,g) = case concl_of th1 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ f $ g) => (f,g)
- | _ => raise ERR "mk_COMB" "First theorem not an equality"
- val (x,y) = case concl_of th2 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ x $ y) => (x,y)
- | _ => raise ERR "mk_COMB" "Second theorem not an equality"
- val fty = type_of f
- val (fd,fr) = Term.dest_funT fty
- val comb_thm' = Drule.instantiate'
- [SOME (ctyp_of thy fd),SOME (ctyp_of thy fr)]
- [SOME (cterm_of thy f),SOME (cterm_of thy g),
- SOME (cterm_of thy x),SOME (cterm_of thy y)] comb_thm
- in
- [th1,th2] MRS comb_thm'
- end
-fun SUBST rews ctxt hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "SUBST:"
- val _ = if_debug (app pth) rews
- val _ = if_debug prin ctxt
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info1,ctxt') = disamb_term_from info ctxt
- val (info2,rews') = disamb_thms_from info1 rews
- val cctxt = cterm_of thy ctxt'
- fun subst th [] = th
- | subst th (rew::rews) = subst (mk_COMB th rew thy) rews
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info2,mk_EQ_MP (subst (mk_REFL cctxt) rews') th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun DISJ_CASES hth hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "DISJ_CASES:"
- val _ = if_debug (app pth) [hth,hth1,hth2]
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info1,th1) = disamb_thm_from info hth1
- val (info2,th2) = disamb_thm_from info1 hth2
- val th1 = norm_hyps th1
- val th2 = norm_hyps th2
- val (l,r) = case concl_of th of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.disj},_) $ l $ r) => (l,r)
- | _ => raise ERR "DISJ_CASES" "Conclusion not a disjunction"
- val th1' = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop l) th1
- val th2' = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop r) th2
- val res1 = th RS disj_cases_thm
- val res2 = uniq_compose ((nprems_of th1')-1) th1' ((nprems_of th)+1) res1
- val res3 = uniq_compose ((nprems_of th2')-1) th2' (nprems_of res2) res2
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info2,res3)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun DISJ1 hth tm thy =
- let
- val _ = message "DISJ1:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val _ = if_debug prin tm
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
- val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
- val disj1_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [] [NONE,SOME ct] disj1_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th RS disj1_thm')
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun DISJ2 tm hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "DISJ1:"
- val _ = if_debug prin tm
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
- val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
- val disj2_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [] [NONE,SOME ct] disj2_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th RS disj2_thm')
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun IMP_ANTISYM hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "IMP_ANTISYM:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val th = [beta_eta_thm th1,beta_eta_thm th2] MRS imp_antisym_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun SYM (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "SYM:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val th = th RS symmetry_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens,th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun MP hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "MP:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val th = [beta_eta_thm th1,beta_eta_thm th2] MRS mp_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun CONJ hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "CONJ:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val th = [th1,th2] MRS conj_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun CONJUNCT1 (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "CONJUNCT1:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val res = HOLThm(rens,th RS conjunct1_thm)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun CONJUNCT2 (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "CONJUNCT1:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val res = HOLThm(rens,th RS conjunct2_thm)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun EXISTS ex wit hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "EXISTS:"
- val _ = if_debug prin ex
- val _ = if_debug prin wit
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',[ex',wit']) = disamb_terms_from info [ex,wit]
- val cwit = cterm_of thy wit'
- val cty = ctyp_of_term cwit
- val a = case ex' of
- (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ a) => a
- | _ => raise ERR "EXISTS" "Argument not existential"
- val ca = cterm_of thy a
- val exists_thm' = beta_eta_thm (Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME ca,SOME cwit] exists_thm)
- val th1 = beta_eta_thm th
- val th2 = implies_elim_all th1
- val th3 = th2 COMP exists_thm'
- val th = implies_intr_hyps th3
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun CHOOSE v hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "CHOOSE:"
- val _ = if_debug prin v
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val (info',v') = disamb_term_from info v
- fun strip 0 _ th = th
- | strip n (p::ps) th =
- strip (n-1) ps (Thm.implies_elim th (Thm.assume p))
- | strip _ _ _ = raise ERR "CHOOSE" "strip error"
- val cv = cterm_of thy v'
- val th2 = norm_hyps th2
- val cvty = ctyp_of_term cv
- val c = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th2)
- val cc = cterm_of thy c
- val a = case concl_of th1 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ a) => a
- | _ => raise ERR "CHOOSE" "Conclusion not existential"
- val ca = cterm_of (theory_of_thm th1) a
- val choose_thm' = beta_eta_thm (Drule.instantiate' [SOME cvty] [SOME ca,SOME cc] choose_thm)
- val th21 = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (a $ v')) th2
- val th22 = strip ((nprems_of th21)-1) (cprems_of th21) th21
- val th23 = beta_eta_thm (Thm.forall_intr cv th22)
- val th11 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th1)
- val th' = th23 COMP (th11 COMP choose_thm')
- val th = implies_intr_hyps th'
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun GEN v hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "GEN:"
- val _ = if_debug prin v
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',v') = disamb_term_from info v
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',mk_GEN v' th thy)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun SPEC tm hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "SPEC:"
- val _ = if_debug prin tm
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
- val ctm = Thm.cterm_of thy tm'
- val cty = Thm.ctyp_of_term ctm
- val spec' = Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [NONE,SOME ctm] spec_thm
- val th = th RS spec'
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun COMB hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "COMB:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,mk_COMB th1 th2 thy)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun TRANS hth1 hth2 thy =
- let
- val _ = message "TRANS:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth1
- val _ = if_debug pth hth2
- val (info,[th1,th2]) = disamb_thms [hth1,hth2]
- val th = [th1,th2] MRS trans_thm
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info,th)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun CCONTR tm hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "SPEC:"
- val _ = if_debug prin tm
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
- val th = norm_hyps th
- val ct = cterm_of thy tm'
- val th1 = rearrange thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const(@{const_name Not},HOLogic.boolT-->HOLogic.boolT) $ tm')) th
- val ccontr_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME ct] ccontr_thm
- val res1 = uniq_compose ((nprems_of th1) - 1) th1 1 ccontr_thm'
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',res1)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun mk_ABS v th thy =
- let
- val cv = cterm_of thy v
- val th1 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th)
- val (f,g) = case concl_of th1 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.eq},_) $ f $ g) => (Term.lambda v f,Term.lambda v g)
- | _ => raise ERR "mk_ABS" "Bad conclusion"
- val (fd,fr) = Term.dest_funT (type_of f)
- val abs_thm' = Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy fd), SOME (ctyp_of thy fr)] [SOME (cterm_of thy f), SOME (cterm_of thy g)] abs_thm
- val th2 = Thm.forall_intr cv th1
- val th3 = th2 COMP abs_thm'
- val res = implies_intr_hyps th3
- in
- res
- end
-fun ABS v hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "ABS:"
- val _ = if_debug prin v
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',v') = disamb_term_from info v
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',mk_ABS v' th thy)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun GEN_ABS copt vlist hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "GEN_ABS:"
- val _ = case copt of
- SOME c => if_debug prin c
- | NONE => ()
- val _ = if_debug (app prin) vlist
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',vlist') = disamb_terms_from info vlist
- val th1 =
- case copt of
- SOME (Const(cname,cty)) =>
- let
- fun inst_type ty1 ty2 (TVar _) = raise ERR "GEN_ABS" "Type variable found!"
- | inst_type ty1 ty2 (ty as TFree _) = if ty1 = ty
- then ty2
- else ty
- | inst_type ty1 ty2 (Type(name,tys)) =
- Type(name,map (inst_type ty1 ty2) tys)
- in
- fold_rev (fn v => fn th =>
- let
- val cdom = fst (Term.dest_funT (fst (Term.dest_funT cty)))
- val vty = type_of v
- val newcty = inst_type cdom vty cty
- val cc = cterm_of thy (Const(cname,newcty))
- in
- mk_COMB (mk_REFL cc) (mk_ABS v th thy) thy
- end) vlist' th
- end
- | SOME _ => raise ERR "GEN_ABS" "Bad constant"
- | NONE =>
- fold_rev (fn v => fn th => mk_ABS v th thy) vlist' th
- val res = HOLThm(rens_of info',th1)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun NOT_INTRO (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "NOT_INTRO:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val th1 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th)
- val a = case concl_of th1 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name HOL.implies},_) $ a $ Const(@{const_name False},_)) => a
- | _ => raise ERR "NOT_INTRO" "Conclusion of bad form"
- val ca = cterm_of thy a
- val th2 = Thm.equal_elim (Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME ca] not_intro_thm) th1
- val res = HOLThm(rens,implies_intr_hyps th2)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun NOT_ELIM (hth as HOLThm(rens,th)) thy =
- let
- val _ = message "NOT_INTRO:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val th1 = implies_elim_all (beta_eta_thm th)
- val a = case concl_of th1 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name Not},_) $ a) => a
- | _ => raise ERR "NOT_ELIM" "Conclusion of bad form"
- val ca = cterm_of thy a
- val th2 = Thm.equal_elim (Drule.instantiate' [] [SOME ca] not_elim_thm) th1
- val res = HOLThm(rens,implies_intr_hyps th2)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-fun DISCH tm hth thy =
- let
- val _ = message "DISCH:"
- val _ = if_debug prin tm
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val (info,th) = disamb_thm hth
- val (info',tm') = disamb_term_from info tm
- val th1 = beta_eta_thm th
- val th2 = implies_elim_all th1
- val th3 = Thm.implies_intr (cterm_of thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm')) th2
- val th4 = th3 COMP disch_thm
- val res = HOLThm (rens_of info', implies_intr_hyps th4)
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth res
- in
- (thy,res)
- end
-val spaces = space_implode " "
-fun new_definition thyname constname rhs thy =
- let
- val constname = rename_const thyname thy constname
- val redeclared = is_some (Sign.const_type thy (Sign.intern_const thy constname));
- val _ = warning ("Introducing constant " ^ constname)
- val (thmname,thy) = get_defname thyname constname thy
- val (_,rhs') = disamb_term rhs
- val ctype = type_of rhs'
- val csyn = mk_syn thy constname
- val thy1 = case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying _ => thy
- | _ => Sign.add_consts_i [(Binding.name constname,ctype,csyn)] thy
- val eq = mk_defeq constname rhs' thy1
- val (thms, thy2) = Global_Theory.add_defs false [((Binding.name thmname,eq),[])] thy1
- val def_thm = hd thms
- val thm' = def_thm RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq_thm
- val (thy',th) = (thy2, thm')
- val fullcname = Sign.intern_const thy' constname
- val thy'' = add_importer_const_mapping thyname constname true fullcname thy'
- val (linfo,tm24) = disamb_term (mk_teq constname rhs' thy'')
- val rew = rewrite_importer_term eq thy''
- val crhs = cterm_of thy'' (#2 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of rew)))
- val thy22 =
- if Thm.def_name constname = thmname andalso not redeclared andalso csyn = NoSyn
- then
- let
- val ctxt = Syntax.init_pretty_global thy''
- val p1 = quotename constname
- val p2 = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ctype
- val p3 = string_of_mixfix csyn
- val p4 = smart_string_of_cterm ctxt crhs
- in
- add_dump ("definition\n " ^ p1 ^ " :: \"" ^ p2 ^ "\" "^ p3 ^ " where\n " ^ p4) thy''
- end
- else
- let val ctxt = Syntax.init_pretty_global thy'' in
- add_dump ("consts\n " ^ quotename constname ^ " :: \"" ^
- Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ctype ^
- "\" " ^ string_of_mixfix csyn ^ "\n\ndefs\n " ^
- quotename thmname ^ ": " ^ smart_string_of_cterm ctxt crhs) thy''
- end
- val hth = case Shuffler.set_prop thy22 (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop tm24) [("",th)] of
- SOME (_,res) => HOLThm(rens_of linfo,res)
- | NONE => raise ERR "new_definition" "Bad conclusion"
- val fullname = Sign.full_bname thy22 thmname
- val thy22' = case opt_get_output_thy thy22 of
- "" => add_importer_mapping thyname thmname fullname thy22
- | output_thy =>
- let
- val moved_thmname = output_thy ^ "." ^ thyname ^ "." ^ thmname
- in
- thy22 |> add_importer_move fullname moved_thmname
- |> add_importer_mapping thyname thmname moved_thmname
- end
- val _ = message "new_definition:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- in
- (thy22',hth)
- end
-fun new_specification thyname thmname names hth thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying _ => (thy,hth)
- | _ =>
- let
- val _ = message "NEW_SPEC:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val names = map (rename_const thyname thy) names
- val _ = warning ("Introducing constants " ^ commas names)
- val (HOLThm(rens,th)) = norm_hthm thy hth
- val thy1 = case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying _ => thy
- | _ =>
- let
- fun dest_eta_abs (Abs(x,xT,body)) = (x,xT,body)
- | dest_eta_abs body =
- let
- val (dT,_) = Term.dest_funT (type_of body)
- in
- ("x",dT,body $ Bound 0)
- end
- handle TYPE _ => raise ERR "new_specification" "not an abstraction type"
- fun dest_exists (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ abody) =
- dest_eta_abs abody
- | dest_exists _ =
- raise ERR "new_specification" "Bad existential formula"
- val (consts,_) = Library.foldl (fn ((cs,ex),cname) =>
- let
- val (_,cT,p) = dest_exists ex
- in
- ((cname,cT,mk_syn thy cname)::cs,p)
- end) (([],HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of th)),names)
- val str = Library.foldl (fn (acc, (c, T, csyn)) =>
- acc ^ "\n " ^ quotename c ^ " :: \"" ^
- Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T ^ "\" " ^ string_of_mixfix csyn) ("consts", consts)
- val thy' = add_dump str thy
- in
- Sign.add_consts_i (map (fn (c, T, mx) => (Binding.name c, T, mx)) consts) thy'
- end
- val thy1 = fold_rev (fn name => fn thy =>
- snd (get_defname thyname name thy)) names thy1
- fun new_name name = fst (get_defname thyname name thy1)
- val names' = map (fn name => (new_name name,name,false)) names
- val (thy',res) = Choice_Specification.add_specification NONE
- names'
- (thy1,th)
- val res' = Thm.unvarify_global res
- val hth = HOLThm(rens,res')
- val rew = rewrite_importer_term (concl_of res') thy'
- val th = Thm.equal_elim rew res'
- fun handle_const (name,thy) =
- let
- val defname = Thm.def_name name
- val (newname,thy') = get_defname thyname name thy
- in
- (if defname = newname
- then quotename name
- else (quotename newname) ^ ": " ^ (quotename name),thy')
- end
- val (new_names,thy') = fold_rev (fn name => fn (names, thy) =>
- let
- val (name',thy') = handle_const (name,thy)
- in
- (name'::names,thy')
- end) names ([], thy')
- val thy'' =
- add_dump ("specification (" ^ (spaces new_names) ^ ") " ^ thmname ^ ": " ^
- (smart_string_of_thm (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy') th) ^
- "\n by (import " ^ thyname ^ " " ^ thmname ^ ")")
- thy'
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- in
- intern_store_thm false thyname thmname hth thy''
- end
-fun new_axiom name _ _ = raise ERR "new_axiom" ("Oh, no you don't! (" ^ name ^ ")")
-fun to_isa_thm (hth as HOLThm(_,th)) =
- let
- val (HOLThm args) = norm_hthm (theory_of_thm th) hth
- in
- apsnd Thm.strip_shyps args
- end
-fun to_isa_term tm = tm
- val light_nonempty = @{thm light_ex_imp_nonempty}
- val ex_imp_nonempty = @{thm ex_imp_nonempty}
- val typedef_hol2hol4 = @{thm typedef_hol2hol4}
- val typedef_hol2hollight = @{thm typedef_hol2hollight}
-fun new_type_definition thyname thmname tycname hth thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying _ => (thy,hth)
- | _ =>
- let
- val _ = message "TYPE_DEF:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val _ = warning ("Introducing type " ^ tycname)
- val (HOLThm(rens,td_th)) = norm_hthm thy hth
- val th2 = beta_eta_thm (td_th RS ex_imp_nonempty)
- val c = case concl_of th2 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ Abs(_,_,Const(@{const_name Set.member},_) $ _ $ c)) => c
- | _ => raise ERR "new_type_definition" "Bad type definition theorem"
- val tfrees = Misc_Legacy.term_tfrees c
- val tnames = map fst tfrees
- val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
- val ((_, typedef_info), thy') =
- Typedef.add_typedef_global false (SOME (Binding.name thmname))
- (Binding.name tycname, map (rpair dummyS) tnames, tsyn) c NONE (rtac th2 1) thy
- val th3 = (#type_definition (#2 typedef_info)) RS typedef_hol2hol4
- val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type thy' tycname
- val thy'' = add_importer_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
- val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm thy'' (HOLThm(rens,th3))
- val _ = if has_ren hth' then warning ("Theorem " ^ thmname ^ " needs variable-disambiguating")
- else ()
- val thy4 = add_importer_pending thyname thmname args thy''
- val rew = rewrite_importer_term (concl_of td_th) thy4
- val th = Thm.equal_elim rew (Thm.transfer thy4 td_th)
- val c = case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of th) of
- Const(@{const_name Ex},exT) $ P =>
- let
- val PT = domain_type exT
- in
- Const (@{const_name Collect},PT-->HOLogic.mk_setT (domain_type PT)) $ P
- end
- | _ => error "Internal error in ProofKernel.new_typedefinition"
- val tnames_string = if null tnames
- then ""
- else "(" ^ commas tnames ^ ") "
- val proc_prop =
- smart_string_of_cterm
- (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy4
- |> not (null tnames) ? Config.put show_all_types true)
- val thy5 = add_dump ("typedef (open) " ^ tnames_string ^ (quotename tycname) ^ " = " ^ (proc_prop (cterm_of thy4 c)) ^ " "
- ^ (string_of_mixfix tsyn) ^ "\n by (rule typedef_helper,import " ^ thyname ^ " " ^ thmname ^ ")") thy4
- val thy6 = add_dump ("lemmas " ^ thmname ^ " = typedef_hol2importer [OF type_definition_" ^ tycname ^ "]") thy5
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth'
- in
- (thy6,hth')
- end
-fun add_dump_syntax thy name =
- let
- val n = quotename name
- val syn = string_of_mixfix (mk_syn thy name)
- in
- add_dump ("syntax\n "^n^" :: _ "^syn) thy
- end
-fun type_introduction thyname thmname tycname abs_name rep_name (P,t) hth thy =
- case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
- Replaying _ => (thy,
- HOLThm([], Global_Theory.get_thm thy (thmname^"_@intern")) handle ERROR _ => hth)
- | _ =>
- let
- val _ = message "TYPE_INTRO:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth
- val _ = warning ("Introducing type " ^ tycname ^ " (with morphisms " ^ abs_name ^ " and " ^ rep_name ^ ")")
- val (HOLThm(rens,td_th)) = norm_hthm thy hth
- val tT = type_of t
- val light_nonempty' =
- Drule.instantiate' [SOME (ctyp_of thy tT)]
- [SOME (cterm_of thy P),
- SOME (cterm_of thy t)] light_nonempty
- val th2 = beta_eta_thm (td_th RS (beta_eta_thm light_nonempty'))
- val c = case concl_of th2 of
- _ $ (Const(@{const_name Ex},_) $ Abs(_,_,Const(@{const_name Set.member},_) $ _ $ c)) => c
- | _ => raise ERR "type_introduction" "Bad type definition theorem"
- val tfrees = Misc_Legacy.term_tfrees c
- val tnames = sort_strings (map fst tfrees)
- val tsyn = mk_syn thy tycname
- val ((_, typedef_info), thy') =
- Typedef.add_typedef_global false NONE
- (Binding.name tycname, map (rpair dummyS) tnames, tsyn) c
- (SOME(Binding.name rep_name,Binding.name abs_name)) (rtac th2 1) thy
- val fulltyname = Sign.intern_type thy' tycname
- val aty = Type (fulltyname, map mk_vartype tnames)
- val typedef_hol2hollight' =
- Drule.instantiate'
- [SOME (ctyp_of thy' aty), SOME (ctyp_of thy' tT)]
- [NONE, NONE, NONE, SOME (cterm_of thy' (Free ("a", aty))), SOME (cterm_of thy' (Free ("r", tT)))]
- typedef_hol2hollight
- val th4 = (#type_definition (#2 typedef_info)) RS typedef_hol2hollight'
- val _ = null (Thm.fold_terms Term.add_tvars th4 []) orelse
- raise ERR "type_introduction" "no type variables expected any more"
- val _ = null (Thm.fold_terms Term.add_vars th4 []) orelse
- raise ERR "type_introduction" "no term variables expected any more"
- val _ = message ("step 3: thyname="^thyname^", tycname="^tycname^", fulltyname="^fulltyname)
- val thy'' = add_importer_type_mapping thyname tycname true fulltyname thy'
- val _ = message "step 4"
- val (hth' as HOLThm args) = norm_hthm thy'' (HOLThm(rens,th4))
- val thy4 = add_importer_pending thyname thmname args thy''
- val P' = P (* why !? #2 (Logic.dest_equals (concl_of (rewrite_importer_term P thy4))) *)
- val c =
- let
- val PT = type_of P'
- in
- Const (@{const_name Collect},PT-->HOLogic.mk_setT (domain_type PT)) $ P'
- end
- val tnames_string = if null tnames
- then ""
- else "(" ^ commas tnames ^ ") "
- val proc_prop =
- smart_string_of_cterm
- (Syntax.init_pretty_global thy4
- |> not (null tnames) ? Config.put show_all_types true)
- val thy = add_dump ("typedef (open) " ^ tnames_string ^ (quotename tycname) ^
- " = " ^ (proc_prop (cterm_of thy4 c)) ^ " " ^
- (string_of_mixfix tsyn) ^ " morphisms "^
- (quote rep_name)^" "^(quote abs_name)^"\n"^
- (" apply (rule light_ex_imp_nonempty[where t="^
- (proc_prop (cterm_of thy4 t))^"])\n"^
- (" by (import " ^ thyname ^ " " ^ (quotename thmname) ^ ")"))) thy4
- val str_aty = Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy aty
- val thy = add_dump_syntax thy rep_name
- val thy = add_dump_syntax thy abs_name
- val thy = add_dump ("lemmas " ^ (quote (thmname^"_@intern")) ^
- " = typedef_hol2hollight \n"^
- " [where a=\"a :: "^str_aty^"\" and r=r" ^
- " ,\n OF "^(quotename ("type_definition_" ^ tycname)) ^ "]") thy
- val _ = message "RESULT:"
- val _ = if_debug pth hth'
- in
- (thy,hth')
- end
-val prin = prin
--- a/src/HOL/Import/replay.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/replay.ML
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
-structure Replay = (* FIXME proper signature *)
-open ProofKernel
-exception REPLAY of string * string
-fun ERR f mesg = REPLAY (f,mesg)
-fun NY f = raise ERR f "NOT YET!"
-fun replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy =
- let
- fun rp (PRefl tm) thy = ProofKernel.REFL tm thy
- | rp (PInstT(p,lambda)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' p thy
- in
- ProofKernel.INST_TYPE lambda th thy'
- end
- | rp (PSubst(prfs,ctxt,prf)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',ths) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (thy, ths) =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' p thy
- in
- (thy',th::ths)
- end) prfs (thy,[])
- val (thy'',th) = rp' prf thy'
- in
- ProofKernel.SUBST ths ctxt th thy''
- end
- | rp (PAbs(prf,v)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.ABS v th thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisch(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.DISCH tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PMp(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.MP th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PHyp tm) thy = ProofKernel.ASSUME tm thy
- | rp (PDef(seg,name,rhs)) thy =
- (case ProofKernel.get_def seg name rhs thy of
- (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
- | (thy',NONE) =>
- if seg = thyname
- then ProofKernel.new_definition seg name rhs thy'
- else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Too late for term definition: "^seg^" != "^thyname))
- | rp (POracle _) thy = NY "ORACLE"
- | rp (PSpec(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.SPEC tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PInst(prf,theta)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.INST theta th thy'
- end
- | rp (PGen(prf,v)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- val p = ProofKernel.GEN v th thy'
- in
- p
- end
- | rp (PGenAbs(prf,opt,vl)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.GEN_ABS opt vl th thy'
- end
- | rp (PImpAS(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.IMP_ANTISYM th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PSym prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.SYM th thy1
- end
- | rp (PTrans(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.TRANS th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PComb(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.COMB th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PEqMp(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.EQ_MP th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PEqImp prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.EQ_IMP_RULE th thy'
- end
- | rp (PExists(prf,ex,wit)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.EXISTS ex wit th thy'
- end
- | rp (PChoose(v,prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.CHOOSE v th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PConj(prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.CONJ th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PConjunct1 prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.CONJUNCT1 th thy'
- end
- | rp (PConjunct2 prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.CONJUNCT2 th thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisj1(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.DISJ1 th tm thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisj2(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.DISJ2 tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PDisjCases(prf,prf1,prf2)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- val (thy1,th1) = rp' prf1 thy'
- val (thy2,th2) = rp' prf2 thy1
- in
- ProofKernel.DISJ_CASES th th1 th2 thy2
- end
- | rp (PNotI prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.NOT_INTRO th thy'
- end
- | rp (PNotE prf) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.NOT_ELIM th thy'
- end
- | rp (PContr(prf,tm)) thy =
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf thy
- in
- ProofKernel.CCONTR tm th thy'
- end
- | rp (PTmSpec _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTmSpec)"
- | rp (PTyDef _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTyDef)"
- | rp (PTyIntro _) _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PTyIntro)"
- | rp PDisk _ = raise ERR "rp" "Shouldn't reach here (PDisk)"
- | rp _ _ = raise ERR "rp" "What the hell is this? Which case did I forget?"
- and rp' p thy =
- let
- val pc = content_of p
- in
- case pc of
- PDisk => (case disk_info_of p of
- SOME(thyname',thmname) =>
- (case Int.fromString thmname of
- SOME i =>
- if thyname' = thyname
- then
- (case Array.sub(int_thms,i-1) of
- NONE =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' (snd (import_proof thyname' thmname thy) thy) thy
- val _ = Array.update(int_thms,i-1,SOME th)
- in
- (thy',th)
- end
- | SOME th => (thy,th))
- else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Library " ^ thyname' ^ " should be built before " ^ thyname ^ " (" ^ thmname ^ ")")
- | NONE =>
- (case ProofKernel.get_thm thyname' thmname thy of
- (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
- | (thy',NONE) =>
- if thyname' = thyname
- then
- let
- val _ = writeln ("Found no " ^ thmname ^ " theorem, replaying...")
- val (_, prf) = import_proof thyname' thmname thy'
- val prf = prf thy'
- val (thy',th) = replay_proof int_thms thyname' thmname prf thy'
- val _ = writeln ("Successfully finished replaying "^thmname^" !")
- in
- case content_of prf of
- PTmSpec _ => (thy',th)
- | PTyDef _ => (thy',th)
- | PTyIntro _ => (thy',th)
- | _ => ProofKernel.store_thm thyname' thmname th thy'
- end
- else raise ERR "replay_proof" ("Library " ^ thyname' ^ " should be built before " ^ thyname ^ " (" ^ thmname ^ ")")))
- | NONE => raise ERR "rp'.PDisk" "Not enough information")
- | PAxm(name,c) =>
- (case ProofKernel.get_axiom thyname name thy of
- (thy',SOME res) => (thy',res)
- | (thy',NONE) => ProofKernel.new_axiom name c thy')
- | PTmSpec(seg,names,prf') =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
- in
- ProofKernel.new_specification seg thmname names th thy'
- end
- | PTyDef(seg,name,prf') =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
- in
- ProofKernel.new_type_definition seg thmname name th thy'
- end
- | PTyIntro(seg,name,abs_name,rep_name,P,t,prf') =>
- let
- val (thy',th) = rp' prf' thy
- in
- ProofKernel.type_introduction seg thmname name abs_name rep_name (P,t) th thy'
- end
- | _ => rp pc thy
- end
- in
- rp' prf thy
- end
-fun setup_int_thms thyname thy =
- let
- val fname =
- case ProofKernel.get_proof_dir thyname thy of
- SOME p => OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir=p,file=OS.Path.joinBaseExt{base = "facts",ext=SOME "lst"}}
- | NONE => error "Cannot find proof files"
- val is = TextIO.openIn fname
- val (num_int_thms,facts) =
- let
- fun get_facts facts =
- case TextIO.inputLine is of
- NONE => (case facts of
- i::facts => (the (Int.fromString i),map ProofKernel.protect_factname (rev facts))
- | _ => raise ERR "replay_thm" "Bad facts.lst file")
- | SOME fact => get_facts ((String.substring(fact,0,String.size fact -1 ))::facts)
- in
- get_facts []
- end
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
- val int_thms = Array.array(num_int_thms,NONE:thm option)
- in
- (int_thms,facts)
- end
-fun import_single_thm thyname int_thms thmname thy =
- let
- fun replay_fact (thmname,thy) =
- let
- val prf = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
- val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
- val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
- in
- p
- end
- in
- replay_fact (thmname,thy)
- end
-fun import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy =
- let
- fun replay_fact thmname thy =
- let
- val prf = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
- val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
- val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
- in
- p
- end
- val res_thy = fold replay_fact thmnames thy
- in
- res_thy
- end
-fun import_thm thyname thmname thy =
- let
- val int_thms = fst (setup_int_thms thyname thy)
- fun replay_fact (thmname,thy) =
- let
- val prf = mk_proof PDisk
- val _ = set_disk_info_of prf thyname thmname
- val _ = writeln ("Replaying "^thmname^" ...")
- val p = fst (replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname prf thy)
- in
- p
- end
- in
- replay_fact (thmname,thy)
- end
--- a/src/HOL/Import/shuffler.ML Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/Import/shuffler.ML
- Author: Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
-Package for proving two terms equal by normalizing (hence the
-"shuffler" name). Uses the simplifier for the normalization.
-signature Shuffler =
- val debug : bool Unsynchronized.ref
- val norm_term : theory -> term -> thm
- val make_equal : theory -> term -> term -> thm option
- val set_prop : theory -> term -> (string * thm) list -> (string * thm) option
- val find_potential: theory -> term -> (string * thm) list
- val gen_shuffle_tac: Proof.context -> bool -> (string * thm) list -> int -> tactic
- val shuffle_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
- val search_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic
- val print_shuffles: theory -> unit
- val add_shuffle_rule: thm -> theory -> theory
- val shuffle_attr: attribute
- val setup : theory -> theory
-structure Shuffler : Shuffler =
-val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
-fun if_debug f x = if !debug then f x else ()
-val message = if_debug writeln
-val string_of_thm = Print_Mode.setmp [] Display.string_of_thm_without_context;
-structure ShuffleData = Theory_Data
- type T = thm list
- val empty = []
- val extend = I
- val merge = Thm.merge_thms
-fun print_shuffles thy =
- Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "Shuffle theorems:"
- (map (Display.pretty_thm_global thy) (ShuffleData.get thy)))
-val weaken =
- let
- val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
- val P = Free("P",propT)
- val Q = Free("Q",propT)
- val PQ = Logic.mk_implies(P,Q)
- val PPQ = Logic.mk_implies(P,PQ)
- val cP = cert P
- val cPQ = cert PQ
- val cPPQ = cert PPQ
- val th1 = Thm.assume cPQ |> implies_intr_list [cPQ,cP]
- val th3 = Thm.assume cP
- val th4 = implies_elim_list (Thm.assume cPPQ) [th3,th3]
- |> implies_intr_list [cPPQ,cP]
- in
- Thm.equal_intr th4 th1 |> Drule.export_without_context
- end
-val imp_comm =
- let
- val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
- val P = Free("P",propT)
- val Q = Free("Q",propT)
- val R = Free("R",propT)
- val PQR = Logic.mk_implies(P,Logic.mk_implies(Q,R))
- val QPR = Logic.mk_implies(Q,Logic.mk_implies(P,R))
- val cP = cert P
- val cQ = cert Q
- val cPQR = cert PQR
- val cQPR = cert QPR
- val th1 = implies_elim_list (Thm.assume cPQR) [Thm.assume cP,Thm.assume cQ]
- |> implies_intr_list [cPQR,cQ,cP]
- val th2 = implies_elim_list (Thm.assume cQPR) [Thm.assume cQ,Thm.assume cP]
- |> implies_intr_list [cQPR,cP,cQ]
- in
- Thm.equal_intr th1 th2 |> Drule.export_without_context
- end
-val all_comm =
- let
- val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
- val xT = TFree("'a",[])
- val yT = TFree("'b",[])
- val x = Free("x",xT)
- val y = Free("y",yT)
- val P = Free("P",xT-->yT-->propT)
- val lhs = Logic.all x (Logic.all y (P $ x $ y))
- val rhs = Logic.all y (Logic.all x (P $ x $ y))
- val cl = cert lhs
- val cr = cert rhs
- val cx = cert x
- val cy = cert y
- val th1 = Thm.assume cr
- |> forall_elim_list [cy,cx]
- |> forall_intr_list [cx,cy]
- |> Thm.implies_intr cr
- val th2 = Thm.assume cl
- |> forall_elim_list [cx,cy]
- |> forall_intr_list [cy,cx]
- |> Thm.implies_intr cl
- in
- Thm.equal_intr th1 th2 |> Drule.export_without_context
- end
-val equiv_comm =
- let
- val cert = cterm_of Pure.thy
- val T = TFree("'a",[])
- val t = Free("t",T)
- val u = Free("u",T)
- val ctu = cert (Logic.mk_equals(t,u))
- val cut = cert (Logic.mk_equals(u,t))
- val th1 = Thm.assume ctu |> Thm.symmetric |> Thm.implies_intr ctu
- val th2 = Thm.assume cut |> Thm.symmetric |> Thm.implies_intr cut
- in
- Thm.equal_intr th1 th2 |> Drule.export_without_context
- end
-(* This simplification procedure rewrites !!x y. P x y
-deterministicly, in order for the normalization function, defined
-below, to handle nested quantifiers robustly *)
-exception RESULT of int
-fun find_bound n (Bound i) = if i = n then raise RESULT 0
- else if i = n+1 then raise RESULT 1
- else ()
- | find_bound n (t $ u) = (find_bound n t; find_bound n u)
- | find_bound n (Abs(_,_,t)) = find_bound (n+1) t
- | find_bound _ _ = ()
-fun swap_bound n (Bound i) = if i = n then Bound (n+1)
- else if i = n+1 then Bound n
- else Bound i
- | swap_bound n (t $ u) = (swap_bound n t $ swap_bound n u)
- | swap_bound n (Abs(x,xT,t)) = Abs(x,xT,swap_bound (n+1) t)
- | swap_bound n t = t
-fun rew_th thy xv yv t =
- let
- val lhs = Logic.list_all ([xv,yv],t)
- val rhs = Logic.list_all ([yv,xv],swap_bound 0 t)
- val rew = Logic.mk_equals (lhs,rhs)
- val init = Thm.trivial (cterm_of thy rew)
- in
- all_comm RS init
- end
-fun quant_rewrite thy _ (t as Const("all",T1) $ (Abs(x,xT,Const("all",T2) $ Abs(y,yT,body)))) =
- let
- val res = (find_bound 0 body;2) handle RESULT i => i
- in
- case res of
- 0 => SOME (rew_th thy (x,xT) (y,yT) body)
- | 1 => if string_ord(y,x) = LESS
- then
- let
- val newt = Const("all",T1) $ (Abs(y,xT,Const("all",T2) $ Abs(x,yT,body)))
- val t_th = Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy t)
- val newt_th = Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy newt)
- in
- SOME (Thm.transitive t_th newt_th)
- end
- else NONE
- | _ => error "norm_term (quant_rewrite) internal error"
- end
- | quant_rewrite _ _ _ = (warning "quant_rewrite: Unknown lhs"; NONE)
-fun freeze_thaw_term t =
- let
- val tvars = Misc_Legacy.term_tvars t
- val tfree_names = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tfree_names(t,[])
- val (type_inst,_) =
- fold (fn (w as (v,_), S) => fn (inst, used) =>
- let
- val v' = singleton (Name.variant_list used) v
- in
- ((w,TFree(v',S))::inst,v'::used)
- end)
- tvars ([], tfree_names)
- val t' = subst_TVars type_inst t
- in
- (t', map (fn (w,TFree(v,S)) => (v,TVar(w,S))
- | _ => error "Internal error in Shuffler.freeze_thaw") type_inst)
- end
-fun inst_tfrees thy [] thm = thm
- | inst_tfrees thy ((name,U)::rest) thm =
- let
- val cU = ctyp_of thy U
- val tfrees = Misc_Legacy.add_term_tfrees (prop_of thm,[])
- val (rens, thm') = Thm.varifyT_global'
- (remove (op = o apsnd fst) name tfrees) thm
- val mid =
- case rens of
- [] => thm'
- | [((_, S), idx)] => Drule.instantiate_normalize
- ([(ctyp_of thy (TVar (idx, S)), cU)], []) thm'
- | _ => error "Shuffler.inst_tfrees internal error"
- in
- inst_tfrees thy rest mid
- end
-fun is_Abs (Abs _) = true
- | is_Abs _ = false
-fun eta_redex (t $ Bound 0) =
- let
- fun free n (Bound i) = i = n
- | free n (t $ u) = free n t orelse free n u
- | free n (Abs(_,_,t)) = free (n+1) t
- | free n _ = false
- in
- not (free 0 t)
- end
- | eta_redex _ = false
-fun eta_contract thy _ origt =
- let
- val (typet,Tinst) = freeze_thaw_term origt
- val (init,thaw) = Misc_Legacy.freeze_thaw (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy typet))
- val final = inst_tfrees thy Tinst o thaw
- val t = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of init))
- val _ =
- let
- val lhs = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of (final init)))
- in
- if not (lhs aconv origt)
- then
- writeln (cat_lines
- (["Something is utterly wrong: (orig, lhs, frozen type, t, tinst)",
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy origt,
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy lhs,
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy typet,
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t] @
- map (fn (n, T) => n ^ ": " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T) Tinst))
- else ()
- end
- in
- case t of
- Const("all",_) $ (Abs(x,xT,Const("==",_) $ P $ Q)) =>
- (if eta_redex P andalso eta_redex Q
- then
- let
- val cert = cterm_of thy
- val v = Free (singleton (Name.variant_list (Term.add_free_names t [])) "v", xT)
- val cv = cert v
- val ct = cert t
- val th = (Thm.assume ct)
- |> Thm.forall_elim cv
- |> Thm.abstract_rule x cv
- val ext_th = Thm.eta_conversion (cert (Abs(x,xT,P)))
- val th' = Thm.transitive (Thm.symmetric ext_th) th
- val cu = cert (prop_of th')
- val uth = Thm.combination (Thm.assume cu) (Thm.reflexive cv)
- val uth' = (Thm.beta_conversion false (cert (Abs(x,xT,Q) $ v)))
- |> Thm.transitive uth
- |> Thm.forall_intr cv
- |> Thm.implies_intr cu
- val rew_th = Thm.equal_intr (th' |> Thm.implies_intr ct) uth'
- val res = final rew_th
- in
- SOME res
- end
- else NONE)
- | _ => NONE
- end
-fun eta_expand thy _ origt =
- let
- val (typet,Tinst) = freeze_thaw_term origt
- val (init,thaw) = Misc_Legacy.freeze_thaw (Thm.reflexive (cterm_of thy typet))
- val final = inst_tfrees thy Tinst o thaw
- val t = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of init))
- val _ =
- let
- val lhs = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of (final init)))
- in
- if not (lhs aconv origt)
- then
- writeln (cat_lines
- (["Something is utterly wrong: (orig, lhs, frozen type, t, tinst)",
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy origt,
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy lhs,
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy typet,
- Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t] @
- map (fn (n, T) => n ^ ": " ^ Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T) Tinst))
- else ()
- end
- in
- case t of
- Const("==",T) $ P $ Q =>
- if is_Abs P orelse is_Abs Q
- then (case domain_type T of
- Type("fun",[aT,_]) =>
- let
- val cert = cterm_of thy
- val vname = singleton (Name.variant_list (Term.add_free_names t [])) "v"
- val v = Free(vname,aT)
- val cv = cert v
- val ct = cert t
- val th1 = (Thm.combination (Thm.assume ct) (Thm.reflexive cv))
- |> Thm.forall_intr cv
- |> Thm.implies_intr ct
- val concl = cert (concl_of th1)
- val th2 = (Thm.assume concl)
- |> Thm.forall_elim cv
- |> Thm.abstract_rule vname cv
- val (lhs,rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (prop_of th2)
- val elhs = Thm.eta_conversion (cert lhs)
- val erhs = Thm.eta_conversion (cert rhs)
- val th2' = Thm.transitive
- (Thm.transitive (Thm.symmetric elhs) th2)
- erhs
- val res = Thm.equal_intr th1 (th2' |> Thm.implies_intr concl)
- val res' = final res
- in
- SOME res'
- end
- | _ => NONE)
- else NONE
- | _ => error ("Bad eta_expand argument" ^ Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t)
- end;
-fun mk_tfree s = TFree("'"^s,[])
-fun mk_free s t = Free (s,t)
-val xT = mk_tfree "a"
-val yT = mk_tfree "b"
-val x = Free ("x", xT)
-val y = Free ("y", yT)
-val P = mk_free "P" (xT-->yT-->propT)
-val Q = mk_free "Q" (xT-->yT)
-val R = mk_free "R" (xT-->yT)
-fun quant_simproc thy = Simplifier.simproc_global_i
- thy
- "Ordered rewriting of nested quantifiers"
- [Logic.all x (Logic.all y (P $ x $ y))]
- quant_rewrite
-fun eta_expand_simproc thy = Simplifier.simproc_global_i
- thy
- "Smart eta-expansion by equivalences"
- [Logic.mk_equals(Q,R)]
- eta_expand
-fun eta_contract_simproc thy = Simplifier.simproc_global_i
- thy
- "Smart handling of eta-contractions"
- [Logic.all x (Logic.mk_equals (Q $ x, R $ x))]
- eta_contract
-(* Disambiguates the names of bound variables in a term, returning t
-== t' where all the names of bound variables in t' are unique *)
-fun disamb_bound thy t =
- let
- fun F (t $ u,idx) =
- let
- val (t',idx') = F (t,idx)
- val (u',idx'') = F (u,idx')
- in
- (t' $ u',idx'')
- end
- | F (Abs(_,xT,t),idx) =
- let
- val x' = "x" ^ string_of_int idx
- val (t',idx') = F (t,idx+1)
- in
- (Abs(x',xT,t'),idx')
- end
- | F arg = arg
- val (t',_) = F (t,0)
- val ct = cterm_of thy t
- val ct' = cterm_of thy t'
- val res = Thm.transitive (Thm.reflexive ct) (Thm.reflexive ct')
- val _ = message ("disamb_term: " ^ (string_of_thm res))
- in
- res
- end
-(* Transforms a term t to some normal form t', returning the theorem t
-== t'. This is originally a help function for make_equal, but might
-be handy in its own right, for example for indexing terms. *)
-fun norm_term thy t =
- let
- val norms = ShuffleData.get thy
- val ss = Simplifier.global_context thy empty_ss
- addsimps (map (Thm.transfer thy) norms)
- addsimprocs [quant_simproc thy, eta_expand_simproc thy,eta_contract_simproc thy]
- fun chain f th =
- let
- val rhs = Thm.rhs_of th
- in
- Thm.transitive th (f rhs)
- end
- val th =
- t |> disamb_bound thy
- |> chain (Simplifier.full_rewrite ss)
- |> chain Thm.eta_conversion
- |> Thm.strip_shyps
- val _ = message ("norm_term: " ^ (string_of_thm th))
- in
- th
- end
-(* Closes a theorem with respect to free and schematic variables (does
-not touch type variables, though). *)
-fun close_thm th =
- let
- val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm th
- val c = prop_of th
- val vars = Misc_Legacy.add_term_frees (c, Misc_Legacy.add_term_vars(c,[]))
- in
- Drule.forall_intr_list (map (cterm_of thy) vars) th
- end
-(* Normalizes a theorem's conclusion using norm_term. *)
-fun norm_thm thy th =
- let
- val c = prop_of th
- in
- Thm.equal_elim (norm_term thy c) th
- end
-(* make_equal thy t u tries to construct the theorem t == u under the
-signature thy. If it succeeds, SOME (t == u) is returned, otherwise
-NONE is returned. *)
-fun make_equal thy t u =
- let
- val t_is_t' = norm_term thy t
- val u_is_u' = norm_term thy u
- val th = Thm.transitive t_is_t' (Thm.symmetric u_is_u')
- val _ = message ("make_equal: SOME " ^ (string_of_thm th))
- in
- SOME th
- end
- handle THM _ => (message "make_equal: NONE";NONE)
-fun match_consts ignore t (* th *) =
- let
- fun add_consts (Const (c, _), cs) =
- if member (op =) ignore c
- then cs
- else insert (op =) c cs
- | add_consts (t $ u, cs) = add_consts (t, add_consts (u, cs))
- | add_consts (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_consts (t, cs)
- | add_consts (_, cs) = cs
- val t_consts = add_consts(t,[])
- in
- fn (_,th) =>
- let
- val th_consts = add_consts(prop_of th,[])
- in
- eq_set (op =) (t_consts, th_consts)
- end
- end
-val collect_ignored = fold_rev (fn thm => fn cs =>
- let
- val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (prop_of thm);
- val consts_lhs = Term.add_const_names lhs [];
- val consts_rhs = Term.add_const_names rhs [];
- val ignore_lhs = subtract (op =) consts_rhs consts_lhs;
- val ignore_rhs = subtract (op =) consts_lhs consts_rhs;
- in
- fold_rev (insert (op =)) cs (ignore_lhs @ ignore_rhs)
- end)
-(* set_prop t thms tries to make a theorem with the proposition t from
-one of the theorems thms, by shuffling the propositions around. If it
-succeeds, SOME theorem is returned, otherwise NONE. *)
-fun set_prop thy t =
- let
- val vars = Misc_Legacy.add_term_frees (t, Misc_Legacy.add_term_vars (t,[]))
- val closed_t = fold_rev Logic.all vars t
- val rew_th = norm_term thy closed_t
- val rhs = Thm.rhs_of rew_th
- fun process [] = NONE
- | process ((name,th)::thms) =
- let
- val norm_th = Thm.varifyT_global (norm_thm thy (close_thm (Thm.transfer thy th)))
- val triv_th = Thm.trivial rhs
- val _ = message ("Shuffler.set_prop: Gluing together " ^ (string_of_thm norm_th) ^ " and " ^ (string_of_thm triv_th))
- val mod_th = case Seq.pull (Thm.bicompose false (*true*) (false,norm_th,0) 1 triv_th) of
- SOME(th,_) => SOME th
- | NONE => NONE
- in
- case mod_th of
- SOME mod_th =>
- let
- val closed_th = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric rew_th) mod_th
- in
- message ("Shuffler.set_prop succeeded by " ^ name);
- SOME (name,forall_elim_list (map (cterm_of thy) vars) closed_th)
- end
- | NONE => process thms
- end
- handle THM _ => process thms
- in
- fn thms =>
- case process thms of
- res as SOME (_,th) => if (prop_of th) aconv t
- then res
- else error "Internal error in set_prop"
- | NONE => NONE
- end
-fun find_potential thy t =
- let
- val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
- val ignored = collect_ignored shuffles []
- val all_thms =
- map (`Thm.get_name_hint) (maps #2 (Facts.dest_static [] (Global_Theory.facts_of thy)))
- in
- filter (match_consts ignored t) all_thms
- end
-fun gen_shuffle_tac ctxt search thms = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
- val set = set_prop thy t
- fun process_tac thms st =
- case set thms of
- SOME (_,th) => Seq.of_list (compose (th,i,st))
- | NONE => Seq.empty
- in
- process_tac thms APPEND
- (if search then process_tac (find_potential thy t) else no_tac)
- end)
-fun shuffle_tac ctxt thms =
- gen_shuffle_tac ctxt false (map (pair "") thms);
-fun search_tac ctxt =
- gen_shuffle_tac ctxt true (map (pair "premise") (Assumption.all_prems_of ctxt));
-fun add_shuffle_rule thm thy =
- let
- val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
- in
- if exists (curry Thm.eq_thm thm) shuffles
- then (warning ((string_of_thm thm) ^ " already known to the shuffler");
- thy)
- else ShuffleData.put (thm::shuffles) thy
- end
-val shuffle_attr = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => Context.mapping (add_shuffle_rule th) I);
-val setup =
- Method.setup @{binding shuffle_tac}
- (Attrib.thms >> (fn ths => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (shuffle_tac ctxt ths)))
- "solve goal by shuffling terms around" #>
- Method.setup @{binding search_tac}
- (Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o search_tac)) "search for suitable theorems" #>
- add_shuffle_rule weaken #>
- add_shuffle_rule equiv_comm #>
- add_shuffle_rule imp_comm #>
- add_shuffle_rule Drule.norm_hhf_eq #>
- add_shuffle_rule Drule.triv_forall_equality #>
- Attrib.setup @{binding shuffle_rule} (Scan.succeed shuffle_attr) "declare rule for shuffler";
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Sun Apr 01 09:12:03 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile Sun Apr 01 14:50:47 2012 +0200
@@ -82,8 +82,7 @@
# ^ this is the sort position
generate: \
- HOL-HOL4-Generate \
- HOL-HOL_Light-Generate
+ HOL-HOL4-Generate
benchmark: \
HOL-Datatype_Benchmark \
@@ -558,24 +557,17 @@
## Import sessions
- Import/Importer.thy \
- Import/shuffler.ML \
- Import/import_rews.ML \
- Import/proof_kernel.ML \
- Import/replay.ML \
- Import/import.ML
+ Import/HOL4/Importer.thy \
+ Import/HOL4/shuffler.ML \
+ Import/HOL4/import_rews.ML \
+ Import/HOL4/proof_kernel.ML \
+ Import/HOL4/replay.ML \
+ Import/HOL4/import.ML
Import/HOL4/ROOT.ML \
- Import/HOL_Light/ROOT.ML \
- Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightInt.thy \
- Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightList.thy \
- Import/HOL_Light/HOLLightReal.thy \
- Import/HOL_Light/Compatibility.thy
$(LOG)/HOL-HOL4.gz: $(OUT)/HOL \
@@ -586,9 +578,13 @@
HOL-HOL_Light: $(LOG)/HOL-HOL_Light.gz
$(LOG)/HOL-HOL_Light.gz: $(OUT)/HOL \
- @$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir $(OUT)/HOL Import/HOL_Light
+ Import/ROOT.ML \
+ Import/Import_Setup.thy \
+ Import/import_data.ML \
+ Import/import_rule.ML \
+ Import/HOL_Light_Maps.thy \
+ Import/HOL_Light_Import.thy
+ @cd Import; $(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -b -g true $(OUT)/HOL HOL-HOL_Light
HOL-HOL4-Imported: $(LOG)/HOL-HOL4-Imported.gz
@@ -652,17 +648,6 @@
@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -f imported.ML -s HOL4-Imported -p 0 $(OUT)/HOL Import/HOL4
-HOL-HOL_Light-Imported: $(LOG)/HOL-HOL_Light-Imported.gz
-$(LOG)/HOL-HOL_Light-Imported.gz: $(OUT)/HOL \
- Import/HOL_Light/imported.ML \
- Import/HOL_Light/Imported.thy \
- Import/HOL_Light/Generated/HOLLight.thy \
- Import/HOL_Light/Generated/hollight.imp
- @$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -f imported.ML -s HOL_Light-Imported -p 0 $(OUT)/HOL Import/HOL_Light
HOL-HOL4-Generate: $(LOG)/Import-HOL4-Generate.gz
$(LOG)/Import-HOL4-Generate.gz: $(OUT)/HOL \
@@ -677,17 +662,6 @@
@$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -f generate.ML -s HOL4-Generate -p 0 $(OUT)/HOL Import/HOL4
-HOL-HOL_Light-Generate: $(LOG)/Import-HOL_Light-Generate.gz
-$(LOG)/Import-HOL_Light-Generate.gz: $(OUT)/HOL \
- Import/HOL_Light/generate.ML \
- Import/HOL_Light/Generate.thy \
- Import/HOL_Light/Template/GenHOLLight.thy
- @$(ISABELLE_TOOL) usedir -f generate.ML -s HOL_Light-Generate -p 0 $(OUT)/HOL Import/HOL_Light
## HOL-Number_Theory
HOL-Number_Theory: HOL $(LOG)/HOL-Number_Theory.gz