changeset 16061 8a139c1557bf
parent 15919 b30a35432f5a
child 16157 1764cc98bafd
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_order_clauses.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_order_clauses.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
     Copyright   2004  University of Cambridge
+structure ReconOrderClauses =
 (* Reorder clauses for use in binary resolution *)
@@ -21,8 +24,6 @@
 |   numlist n = (numlist (n - 1))@[n]
 fun last(x::xs) = if xs=[] then x else last xs
 fun butlast []= []
 |   butlast(x::xs) = if xs=[] then [] else (x::(butlast xs))
@@ -38,21 +39,13 @@
                                      (res, xs)
-                                     takeUntil ch xs (res@[x])
+                                     takeUntil ch xs (res@[x]);
 fun contains_eq str = inlist "=" str 
 fun eq_not_neq str = let val uptoeq = fst(takeUntil "=" str [])
-                     in
-                        if ((last uptoeq) = "~")
-                        then 
-                            false
-                        else
-                            true
-                     end
+                     in (last uptoeq) <> "~" end
 fun get_eq_strs str =  if eq_not_neq  str   (*not an inequality *)
                            let val (left, right) = takeUntil "=" str []
@@ -69,7 +62,6 @@
 fun switch_equal a x = let val (a_lhs, a_rhs) = get_eq_strs a
                            val (x_lhs, x_rhs) = get_eq_strs x
                            (a_lhs = x_rhs) andalso (a_rhs = x_lhs)
@@ -88,111 +80,107 @@
-fun var_pos_eq vars x y = String.size x = String.size y andalso
-			  let val xs = explode x
-                              val ys = explode y
-                              val xsys = (xs,ys)
-                              val are_var_pairs = map (var_equiv vars) xsys
-                          in
-                              all_true are_var_pairs 
-                          end
+fun var_pos_eq vars x y = 
+    String.size x = String.size y andalso
+    let val xs = explode x
+	val ys = explode y
+	val xsys = (xs,ys)
+	val are_var_pairs = map (var_equiv vars) xsys
+    in
+	all_true are_var_pairs 
+    end;
+fun pos_in_list a [] allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) =  raise Not_in_list
+  | pos_in_list a (x::[]) allvars (pos_num , symlist, nsymlist) = 
+      let val y = explode x 
+	  val b = explode a
+      in
+	 if  b = y
+	 then 
+	      (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	 else 
+	      if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) 
+	      then  (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
+		  (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	      else 
+		  if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+		  then 
+		      if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )          
+		      then (* both are equalities and equal under sym*) 
+			  (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    
+			  else 
+			  if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y)
+			   then (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+			       (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+			   else 
+				raise Not_in_list
+		  else 
+		       raise Not_in_list
+      end   
+  | pos_in_list a (x::xs) allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) = 
+      let val y = explode x 
+	  val b = explode a
+      in
+	 if  b = y
+	 then 
+	      (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	 else
+	       if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
+	       then 
+		  (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	       else 
+		   if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+		   then 
+		       if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
+		       then 
+			   (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
+			   if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+			   then 
+				(pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+			   else 
+				pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		   else 
+			 pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+      end;
-fun  pos_in_list a [] allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) =  raise Not_in_list
-    |pos_in_list a (x::[])  allvars (pos_num , symlist, nsymlist) = 
-                                 let val y = explode x 
-                                     val b = explode a
-                                 in
-                                    if  b = y
-                                    then 
-                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                    else 
-                                         if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
-                                         then 
-                                             (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                         else 
-                                             if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
-                                             then 
-                                                 if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
-                                                 then 
-                                                     (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
-                                                      if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
-                                                      then 
-                                                          (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
-                                                      else 
-                                                           raise Not_in_list
-                                             else 
-                                                  raise Not_in_list
-                                 end   
-    | pos_in_list a (x::xs) allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) = 
-                                 let val y = explode x 
-                                     val b = explode a
-                                 in
-                                    if  b = y
-                                    then 
-                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                    else
-                                          if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
-                                          then 
-                                             (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                          else 
-                                              if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
-                                              then 
-                                                  if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
-                                                  then 
-                                                      (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
-                                                      if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
-                                                      then 
-                                                           (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
-                                                      else 
-                                                           pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                              else 
-                                                    pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                 end   
+    (* in
+	if  b = y
+	then 
+	     (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	else if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+	     then if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y) (* both are equalities*)
+		  then if (switch_equal b y )              (* if they're equal under sym *)
+		       then 
+			   (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)
+		       else 
+			     pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		  else if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y)  (* both are inequalities *)
+		       then if (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+			    then 
+				(pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+			    else 
+				     pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		       else
+			      pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		   else  
+			   pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+	      else 
+		      pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+     end   
-                                (* in
-                                    if  b = y
-                                    then 
-                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                    else if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
-                                         then if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y) (* both are equalities*)
-                                              then if (switch_equal b y )              (* if they're equal under sym *)
-                                                   then 
-                                                       (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)
-                                                   else 
-                                                         pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                              else if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y)  (* both are inequalities *)
-                                                   then if (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
-                                                        then 
-                                                            (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
-                                                        else 
-                                                                 pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                                   else
-                                                          pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                               else  
-                                                       pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                          else 
-                                                  pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                 end   
-                                *)
+    *)
 (* checkorder Spass Isabelle [] *)
-fun checkorder [] strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist)= (numlist,symlist, not_symlist)
+fun checkorder [] strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist) =
+      (numlist,symlist, not_symlist)
 |   checkorder (x::xs) strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist) =  
-         let val (posnum, symlist', not_symlist') = pos_in_list x strlist allvars (0, symlist, not_symlist) 
+         let val (posnum, symlist', not_symlist') = 
+               pos_in_list x strlist allvars (0, symlist, not_symlist) 
              checkorder xs  strlist allvars ((numlist@[posnum]), symlist', not_symlist') 
@@ -206,26 +194,28 @@
     (ch >=  "a" andalso ch <=  "z")
-fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch = (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse ( ch = " ")orelse ( ch = "=")
+fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch =
+    (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse ( ch = " ")orelse ( ch = "=")
 fun lit_string sg t = 
-                   let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
-                       val exp_term = explode termstr
-                   in
-                       implode(List.filter is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq exp_term)
-                   end
+    let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
+	val exp_term = explode termstr
+    in
+	implode(List.filter is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq exp_term)
+    end
 fun get_meta_lits thm = map (lit_string (sign_of_thm thm)) (prems_of thm)
-fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket ch = is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch orelse (ch= "(") orelse (ch = ")")
+fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket ch =
+   is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch orelse (ch= "(") orelse (ch = ")")
 fun lit_string_bracket sg t = 
-                   let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
-                       val exp_term = explode termstr
-                   in
-                       implode(List.filter  is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket exp_term)
-                   end
+    let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
+	val exp_term = explode termstr
+    in
+	implode(List.filter  is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket exp_term)
+    end;
 fun get_meta_lits_bracket thm = 
     map (lit_string_bracket (sign_of_thm thm)) (prems_of thm)
@@ -239,14 +229,17 @@
-                    (* resulting thm, clause-strs in spass order, vars *)
+(* resulting thm, clause-strs in spass order, vars *)
 fun rearrange_clause thm res_strlist allvars = 
-                          let val isa_strlist = get_meta_lits thm (* change this to use Jia's code to get same looking thing as isastrlist? *)
-                              val (posns, symlist, not_symlist) = checkorder res_strlist isa_strlist allvars([],[],[])
-                              val symmed = apply_rule sym symlist thm
-                              val not_symmed = apply_rule not_sym not_symlist symmed
-                          in
-                             ((rearrange_prems posns not_symmed), posns, symlist,not_symlist)
-                          end
+    let val isa_strlist = get_meta_lits thm 
+        (* change this to use Jia's code to get same looking thing as isastrlist? *)
+	val (posns, symlist, not_symlist) = checkorder res_strlist isa_strlist allvars([],[],[])
+	val symmed = apply_rule sym symlist thm
+	val not_symmed = apply_rule not_sym not_symlist symmed
+    in
+       ((rearrange_prems posns not_symmed), posns, symlist,not_symlist)
+    end