A new structure and reduced indentation
Tue, 24 May 2005 10:23:24 +0200
changeset 16061 8a139c1557bf
parent 16060 833be7f71ecd
child 16062 f8110bd9957f
A new structure and reduced indentation
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_order_clauses.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_order_clauses.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
     Copyright   2004  University of Cambridge
+structure ReconOrderClauses =
 (* Reorder clauses for use in binary resolution *)
@@ -21,8 +24,6 @@
 |   numlist n = (numlist (n - 1))@[n]
 fun last(x::xs) = if xs=[] then x else last xs
 fun butlast []= []
 |   butlast(x::xs) = if xs=[] then [] else (x::(butlast xs))
@@ -38,21 +39,13 @@
                                      (res, xs)
-                                     takeUntil ch xs (res@[x])
+                                     takeUntil ch xs (res@[x]);
 fun contains_eq str = inlist "=" str 
 fun eq_not_neq str = let val uptoeq = fst(takeUntil "=" str [])
-                     in
-                        if ((last uptoeq) = "~")
-                        then 
-                            false
-                        else
-                            true
-                     end
+                     in (last uptoeq) <> "~" end
 fun get_eq_strs str =  if eq_not_neq  str   (*not an inequality *)
                            let val (left, right) = takeUntil "=" str []
@@ -69,7 +62,6 @@
 fun switch_equal a x = let val (a_lhs, a_rhs) = get_eq_strs a
                            val (x_lhs, x_rhs) = get_eq_strs x
                            (a_lhs = x_rhs) andalso (a_rhs = x_lhs)
@@ -88,111 +80,107 @@
-fun var_pos_eq vars x y = String.size x = String.size y andalso
-			  let val xs = explode x
-                              val ys = explode y
-                              val xsys = ListPair.zip (xs,ys)
-                              val are_var_pairs = map (var_equiv vars) xsys
-                          in
-                              all_true are_var_pairs 
-                          end
+fun var_pos_eq vars x y = 
+    String.size x = String.size y andalso
+    let val xs = explode x
+	val ys = explode y
+	val xsys = ListPair.zip (xs,ys)
+	val are_var_pairs = map (var_equiv vars) xsys
+    in
+	all_true are_var_pairs 
+    end;
+fun pos_in_list a [] allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) =  raise Not_in_list
+  | pos_in_list a (x::[]) allvars (pos_num , symlist, nsymlist) = 
+      let val y = explode x 
+	  val b = explode a
+      in
+	 if  b = y
+	 then 
+	      (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	 else 
+	      if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) 
+	      then  (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
+		  (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	      else 
+		  if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+		  then 
+		      if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )          
+		      then (* both are equalities and equal under sym*) 
+			  (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    
+			  else 
+			  if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y)
+			   then (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+			       (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+			   else 
+				raise Not_in_list
+		  else 
+		       raise Not_in_list
+      end   
+  | pos_in_list a (x::xs) allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) = 
+      let val y = explode x 
+	  val b = explode a
+      in
+	 if  b = y
+	 then 
+	      (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	 else
+	       if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
+	       then 
+		  (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	       else 
+		   if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+		   then 
+		       if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
+		       then 
+			   (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
+			   if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+			   then 
+				(pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+			   else 
+				pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		   else 
+			 pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+      end;
-fun  pos_in_list a [] allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) =  raise Not_in_list
-    |pos_in_list a (x::[])  allvars (pos_num , symlist, nsymlist) = 
-                                 let val y = explode x 
-                                     val b = explode a
-                                 in
-                                    if  b = y
-                                    then 
-                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                    else 
-                                         if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
-                                         then 
-                                             (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                         else 
-                                             if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
-                                             then 
-                                                 if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
-                                                 then 
-                                                     (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
-                                                      if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
-                                                      then 
-                                                          (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
-                                                      else 
-                                                           raise Not_in_list
-                                             else 
-                                                  raise Not_in_list
-                                 end   
-    | pos_in_list a (x::xs) allvars (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist) = 
-                                 let val y = explode x 
-                                     val b = explode a
-                                 in
-                                    if  b = y
-                                    then 
-                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                    else
-                                          if (var_pos_eq allvars  a x) (* Equal apart from meta-vars having different names *)
-                                          then 
-                                             (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                          else 
-                                              if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
-                                              then 
-                                                  if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y)  andalso (switch_equal b y )   (* both are equalities and equal under sym*)        
-                                                  then 
-                                                      (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)                                                                    else 
-                                                      if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y) andalso  (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
-                                                      then 
-                                                           (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
-                                                      else 
-                                                           pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                              else 
-                                                    pos_in_list a xs allvars((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                 end   
+    (* in
+	if  b = y
+	then 
+	     (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
+	else if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
+	     then if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y) (* both are equalities*)
+		  then if (switch_equal b y )              (* if they're equal under sym *)
+		       then 
+			   (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)
+		       else 
+			     pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		  else if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y)  (* both are inequalities *)
+		       then if (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
+			    then 
+				(pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
+			    else 
+				     pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		       else
+			      pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+		   else  
+			   pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+	      else 
+		      pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
+     end   
-                                (* in
-                                    if  b = y
-                                    then 
-                                         (pos_num, symlist, nsymlist)
-                                    else if (contains_eq b) andalso (contains_eq y)
-                                         then if (eq_not_neq b) andalso (eq_not_neq y) (* both are equalities*)
-                                              then if (switch_equal b y )              (* if they're equal under sym *)
-                                                   then 
-                                                       (pos_num, (pos_num::symlist), nsymlist)  (* add pos to symlist *)
-                                                   else 
-                                                         pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                              else if not(eq_not_neq b) andalso not(eq_not_neq y)  (* both are inequalities *)
-                                                   then if (switch_equal b y )  (* if they're equal under not_sym *)
-                                                        then 
-                                                            (pos_num, (symlist), (pos_num::nsymlist))(* add pos to nsymlist *)
-                                                        else 
-                                                                 pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                                   else
-                                                          pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                               else  
-                                                       pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                          else 
-                                                  pos_in_list a xs ((pos_num + 1), symlist, nsymlist)
-                                 end   
-                                *)
+    *)
 (* checkorder Spass Isabelle [] *)
-fun checkorder [] strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist)= (numlist,symlist, not_symlist)
+fun checkorder [] strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist) =
+      (numlist,symlist, not_symlist)
 |   checkorder (x::xs) strlist allvars (numlist, symlist, not_symlist) =  
-         let val (posnum, symlist', not_symlist') = pos_in_list x strlist allvars (0, symlist, not_symlist) 
+         let val (posnum, symlist', not_symlist') = 
+               pos_in_list x strlist allvars (0, symlist, not_symlist) 
              checkorder xs  strlist allvars ((numlist@[posnum]), symlist', not_symlist') 
@@ -206,26 +194,28 @@
     (ch >=  "a" andalso ch <=  "z")
-fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch = (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse ( ch = " ")orelse ( ch = "=")
+fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch =
+    (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse ( ch = " ")orelse ( ch = "=")
 fun lit_string sg t = 
-                   let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
-                       val exp_term = explode termstr
-                   in
-                       implode(List.filter is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq exp_term)
-                   end
+    let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
+	val exp_term = explode termstr
+    in
+	implode(List.filter is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq exp_term)
+    end
 fun get_meta_lits thm = map (lit_string (sign_of_thm thm)) (prems_of thm)
-fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket ch = is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch orelse (ch= "(") orelse (ch = ")")
+fun is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket ch =
+   is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq ch orelse (ch= "(") orelse (ch = ")")
 fun lit_string_bracket sg t = 
-                   let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
-                       val exp_term = explode termstr
-                   in
-                       implode(List.filter  is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket exp_term)
-                   end
+    let val termstr = Sign.string_of_term sg t
+	val exp_term = explode termstr
+    in
+	implode(List.filter  is_alpha_space_or_neg_or_eq_or_bracket exp_term)
+    end;
 fun get_meta_lits_bracket thm = 
     map (lit_string_bracket (sign_of_thm thm)) (prems_of thm)
@@ -239,14 +229,17 @@
-                    (* resulting thm, clause-strs in spass order, vars *)
+(* resulting thm, clause-strs in spass order, vars *)
 fun rearrange_clause thm res_strlist allvars = 
-                          let val isa_strlist = get_meta_lits thm (* change this to use Jia's code to get same looking thing as isastrlist? *)
-                              val (posns, symlist, not_symlist) = checkorder res_strlist isa_strlist allvars([],[],[])
-                              val symmed = apply_rule sym symlist thm
-                              val not_symmed = apply_rule not_sym not_symlist symmed
-                          in
-                             ((rearrange_prems posns not_symmed), posns, symlist,not_symlist)
-                          end
+    let val isa_strlist = get_meta_lits thm 
+        (* change this to use Jia's code to get same looking thing as isastrlist? *)
+	val (posns, symlist, not_symlist) = checkorder res_strlist isa_strlist allvars([],[],[])
+	val symmed = apply_rule sym symlist thm
+	val not_symmed = apply_rule not_sym not_symlist symmed
+    in
+       ((rearrange_prems posns not_symmed), posns, symlist,not_symlist)
+    end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_parse.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_parse.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -436,23 +436,21 @@
                                      dropUntilNot ch xs
 fun remove_spaces str  []  = str
 |   remove_spaces str (x::[]) = if x = " " 
-|   remove_spaces str (x::xs) = let val (first, rest) = takeUntil " " (x::xs) []
-                                    val (next) = dropUntilNot " " rest 
-                                in 
-                                    if next = []
-                                    then 
-                                         (str^(implode first)) 
-                                    else remove_spaces  (str^(implode first)^" ") next 
-                                end
+|   remove_spaces str (x::xs) = 
+      let val (first, rest) = ReconOrderClauses.takeUntil " " (x::xs) []
+	  val (next) = dropUntilNot " " rest 
+      in 
+	  if next = []
+	  then 
+	       (str^(implode first)) 
+	  else remove_spaces  (str^(implode first)^" ") next 
+      end
 fun remove_space_strs clsstrs = map (remove_spaces "") (map explode clsstrs)
@@ -461,25 +459,25 @@
 fun all_spaces xs = List.filter  (not_equal " " ) xs
 fun just_change_space []  = []
-|   just_change_space ((clausenum, step, strs)::xs) = let val newstrs = remove_space_strs strs
-                                                 in
-                                                    if (all_spaces newstrs = [] ) (* all type_info *)                                                    then    
-                                                       (clausenum, step, newstrs)::(just_change_space xs)
-                                                    else 
-                                                        (clausenum, step, newstrs)::(just_change_space xs) 
-                                                 end
+|   just_change_space ((clausenum, step, strs)::xs) =
+      let val newstrs = remove_space_strs strs
+      in
+	 if (all_spaces newstrs = [] ) (* all type_info *)
+	 then    
+	    (clausenum, step, newstrs)::(just_change_space xs)
+	 else 
+	     (clausenum, step, newstrs)::(just_change_space xs) 
+      end;
 fun change_space []  = []
-|   change_space ((clausenum, step, strs)::xs) = let val newstrs = remove_space_strs strs
-                                                 in
-                                                    if (all_spaces newstrs = [] ) (* all type_info *)
-                                                    then    
-                                                       (clausenum, step, T_info, newstrs)::(change_space xs)
-                                                    else 
-                                                        (clausenum, step, P_info, newstrs)::(change_space xs) 
-                                                 end
+|   change_space ((clausenum, step, strs)::xs) = 
+      let val newstrs = remove_space_strs strs
+      in
+	 if (all_spaces newstrs = [] ) (* all type_info *)
+	 then    
+	    (clausenum, step, T_info, newstrs)::(change_space xs)
+	 else 
+	     (clausenum, step, P_info, newstrs)::(change_space xs) 
+      end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_transfer_proof.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_transfer_proof.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -107,10 +107,13 @@
 (*** get a string representing the Isabelle ordered axioms ***)
-fun origAx_to_string (num,(meta,thmvars)) =let val clause_strs = get_meta_lits_bracket meta
-                                         in
-                                            (string_of_int num)^"OrigAxiom()"^"["^(clause_strs_to_string clause_strs "")^"]"^"["^(thmvars_to_string thmvars "")^"]"
-                                         end
+fun origAx_to_string (num,(meta,thmvars)) =
+    let val clause_strs = ReconOrderClauses.get_meta_lits_bracket meta
+    in
+       (string_of_int num)^"OrigAxiom()"^"["^
+       (clause_strs_to_string clause_strs "")^"]"^"["^
+       (thmvars_to_string thmvars "")^"]"
+    end
 fun  origAxs_to_string [] str = str
@@ -122,20 +125,20 @@
 (*** get a string representing the Isabelle ordered axioms not used in the spass proof***)
-fun extraAx_to_string (num, (meta,thmvars)) = let val clause_strs = get_meta_lits_bracket meta
-                                           in
-                                              (string_of_int num)^"ExtraAxiom()"^"["^(clause_strs_to_string clause_strs "")^"]"^"["^(thmvars_to_string thmvars "")^"]"
-                                           end
+fun extraAx_to_string (num, (meta,thmvars)) =
+   let val clause_strs = ReconOrderClauses.get_meta_lits_bracket meta
+   in
+      (string_of_int num)^"ExtraAxiom()"^"["^
+      (clause_strs_to_string clause_strs "")^"]"^
+      "["^(thmvars_to_string thmvars "")^"]"
+   end;
-fun  extraAxs_to_string [] str = str
-|   extraAxs_to_string (x::xs) str = let val newstr = extraAx_to_string x 
-                                   in
-                                       extraAxs_to_string xs (str^newstr)
-                                   end
+fun extraAxs_to_string [] str = str
+|   extraAxs_to_string (x::xs) str =
+      let val newstr = extraAx_to_string x 
+      in
+	  extraAxs_to_string xs (str^newstr)
+      end;
 fun is_axiom ( num:int,Axiom, str) = true
 |   is_axiom (num, _,_) = false
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@
 |   get_assoc_snds (x::xs) ys assocs = get_assoc_snds xs ys (assocs@[((assoc_snd x ys))])
 (*FIX - should this have vars in it? *)
-fun there_out_of_order xs ys = (checkorder xs ys [] ([],[],[]); true) 
+fun there_out_of_order xs ys = (ReconOrderClauses.checkorder xs ys [] ([],[],[]); true) 
                                handle _ => false
 fun assoc_out_of_order a [] = raise Noassoc
@@ -202,94 +205,94 @@
 (* add array and table here, so can retrieve clasimp axioms *)
  fun get_axioms_used proof_steps thms clause_arr num_of_clauses  =
-                                         let 
-                                             (*val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_ax_thmstr")))                                                                      
-                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, thmstring)
-                                             val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile*)
-                                            (* not sure why this is necessary again, but seems to be *)
+     let 
+	 (*val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_ax_thmstr")))                                                                      
+	 val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, thmstring)
+	 val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile*)
+	(* not sure why this is necessary again, but seems to be *)
-                                            val _=  (print_mode := (Library.gen_rems (op =) (! print_mode, ["xsymbols", "symbols"])))
-                                            val axioms = get_init_axioms proof_steps
-                                            val step_nums = get_step_nums axioms []
+	val _=  (print_mode := (Library.gen_rems (op =) (! print_mode, ["xsymbols", "symbols"])))
+	val axioms = get_init_axioms proof_steps
+	val step_nums = get_step_nums axioms []
-                                           (***********************************************)
-                                           (* here need to add the clauses from clause_arr*)
-                                           (***********************************************)
+       (***********************************************)
+       (* here need to add the clauses from clause_arr*)
+       (***********************************************)
-                                           (* val clasimp_names_cls = get_clasimp_cls clause_arr   num_of_clauses step_nums   
-                                            val clasimp_names = map #1 clasimp_names_cls
-                                            val clasimp_cls = map #2 clasimp_names_cls
-                                            val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "clasimp_names")))                                                            val clasimp_namestr = concat clasimp_names                            
-                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,clasimp_namestr)
-                                             val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+       (* val clasimp_names_cls = get_clasimp_cls clause_arr   num_of_clauses step_nums   
+	val clasimp_names = map #1 clasimp_names_cls
+	val clasimp_cls = map #2 clasimp_names_cls
+	val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "clasimp_names")))                                                            val clasimp_namestr = concat clasimp_names                            
+	 val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,clasimp_namestr)
+	 val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                            val clauses =(*(clasimp_cls)@*)( make_clauses thms)
-                                            val vars = map thm_vars clauses
-                                            val distvars = distinct (fold append vars [])
-                                            val clause_terms = map prop_of clauses  
-                                            val clause_frees = List.concat (map term_frees clause_terms)
+	val clauses =(*(clasimp_cls)@*)( make_clauses thms)
+	val vars = map thm_vars clauses
+	val distvars = distinct (fold append vars [])
+	val clause_terms = map prop_of clauses  
+	val clause_frees = List.concat (map term_frees clause_terms)
-                                            val frees = map lit_string_with_nums clause_frees;
+	val frees = map lit_string_with_nums clause_frees;
-                                            val distfrees = distinct frees
+	val distfrees = distinct frees
-                                            val metas = map Meson.make_meta_clause clauses
-                                            val ax_strs = map #3 axioms
+	val metas = map Meson.make_meta_clause clauses
+	val ax_strs = map #3 axioms
-                                            (* literals of -all- axioms, not just those used by spass *)
-                                            val meta_strs = map get_meta_lits metas
-                                            val metas_and_strs = ListPair.zip (metas,meta_strs)
-                                             val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_clauses")));                                                                       
-                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, onestr ax_strs)
-                                             val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                             val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metastrs")));                                                                       
-                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, onestr meta_strs)
-                                             val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	(* literals of -all- axioms, not just those used by spass *)
+	val meta_strs = map ReconOrderClauses.get_meta_lits metas
+	val metas_and_strs = ListPair.zip (metas,meta_strs)
+	 val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_clauses")));                                                                       
+	 val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, onestr ax_strs)
+	 val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	 val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metastrs")));                                                                       
+	 val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, onestr meta_strs)
+	 val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                            (* get list of axioms as thms with their variables *)
+	(* get list of axioms as thms with their variables *)
-                                            val ax_metas = get_assoc_snds ax_strs metas_and_strs []
-                                            val ax_vars = map thm_vars ax_metas
-                                            val ax_with_vars = ListPair.zip (ax_metas,ax_vars)
+	val ax_metas = get_assoc_snds ax_strs metas_and_strs []
+	val ax_vars = map thm_vars ax_metas
+	val ax_with_vars = ListPair.zip (ax_metas,ax_vars)
-                                            (* get list of extra axioms as thms with their variables *)
-                                            val extra_metas = add_if_not_inlist metas ax_metas []
-                                            val extra_vars = map thm_vars extra_metas
-                                            val extra_with_vars = if (not (extra_metas = []) ) 
-                                                                  then
- 									 ListPair.zip (extra_metas,extra_vars)
-                                                                  else
-                                                                         []
+	(* get list of extra axioms as thms with their variables *)
+	val extra_metas = add_if_not_inlist metas ax_metas []
+	val extra_vars = map thm_vars extra_metas
+	val extra_with_vars = if (not (extra_metas = []) ) 
+			      then
+				     ListPair.zip (extra_metas,extra_vars)
+			      else
+				     []
-                                           (* val _=  (print_mode := (Library.gen_rems (op =) (! print_mode, ["xsymbols", "symbols"])))
-                                           val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas")))
+       (* val _=  (print_mode := (Library.gen_rems (op =) (! print_mode, ["xsymbols", "symbols"])))
+       val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas")))
-                                           val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ((thmstrings ax_metas "")))
-                                           val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                          val foo_metas =  File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas"))
-                                          val foo_metas2 =   File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas2"))
-                                            val execperl = Unix.execute("/usr/bin/perl", ["remchars.pl", "  <", foo_metas, "  >", foo_metas2])
-                                         val infile = TextIO.openIn(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas2")))
-                                        val ax_metas_str = TextIO.inputLine (infile)
-                                        val _ = TextIO.closeIn infile
-                                           val _= (print_mode := (["xsymbols", "symbols"] @ ! print_mode))*)
-                                         in
-                                            (distfrees,distvars, extra_with_vars,ax_with_vars, (*clasimp_names*)(ListPair.zip (step_nums,ax_metas)))
-                                         end
+       val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ((thmstrings ax_metas "")))
+       val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+      val foo_metas =  File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas"))
+      val foo_metas2 =   File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas2"))
+	val execperl = Unix.execute("/usr/bin/perl", ["remchars.pl", "  <", foo_metas, "  >", foo_metas2])
+     val infile = TextIO.openIn(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_metas2")))
+    val ax_metas_str = TextIO.inputLine (infile)
+    val _ = TextIO.closeIn infile
+       val _= (print_mode := (["xsymbols", "symbols"] @ ! print_mode))*)
+     in
+	(distfrees,distvars, extra_with_vars,ax_with_vars, (*clasimp_names*)(ListPair.zip (step_nums,ax_metas)))
+     end
 fun numclstr (vars, []) str = str
 |   numclstr ( vars, ((num, thm)::rest)) str = let val newstr = str^(string_of_int num)^" "^(string_of_thm thm)^" "
-                               in
-                                   numclstr  (vars,rest) newstr
-                               end
+numclstr  (vars,rest) newstr
@@ -366,101 +369,101 @@
 val dummy_tac = PRIMITIVE(fn thm => thm );
 fun spassString_to_reconString proofstr thmstring goalstring toParent ppid thms clause_arr  num_of_clauses  = 
-                                              let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "thmstringfile")));                                        
-                                                  (* val sign = sign_of_thm thm
-                                                 val prems = prems_of thm
-                                                 val prems_string =  concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) "" 
-                                                  val _ = warning ("thmstring is: "^thmstring);(*("thm in spassStrtoRec: "^(concat_with_and (map string_of_thm thms) "")^*)*)
-                                                  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (" thmstring is: "^thmstring^"proofstr is: "^proofstr))
-             (*val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (("in spassStrto Reconstr")));*)
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+      let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "thmstringfile")));                                        
+	  (* val sign = sign_of_thm thm
+	 val prems = prems_of thm
+	 val prems_string =  concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) "" 
+	  val _ = warning ("thmstring is: "^thmstring);(*("thm in spassStrtoRec: "^(concat_with_and (map string_of_thm thms) "")^*)*)
+	  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (" thmstring is: "^thmstring^"proofstr is: "^proofstr))
+(*val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (("in spassStrto Reconstr")));*)
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                  val tokens = #1(lex proofstr)
+	  val tokens = #1(lex proofstr)
-                                              (***********************************)
-                                              (* parse spass proof into datatype *)
-                                              (***********************************)
+      (***********************************)
+      (* parse spass proof into datatype *)
+      (***********************************)
-                                                  val proof_steps1 = parse tokens
-                                                  val proof_steps = just_change_space proof_steps1
+	  val proof_steps1 = parse tokens
+	  val proof_steps = just_change_space proof_steps1
-                                                  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_parse")));                                                                                          val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("Did parsing on "^proofstr))
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_thmstring_at_parse")));                                                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("Parsing for thmstring: "^thmstring))
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                              (************************************)
-                                              (* recreate original subgoal as thm *)
-                                              (************************************)
-                                                  (* get axioms as correctly numbered clauses w.r.t. the Spass proof *)
-                                                  (* need to get prems_of thm, then get right one of the prems, relating to whichever*)
-                                                  (* subgoal this is, and turn it into meta_clauses *)
-                                                  (* should prob add array and table here, so that we can get axioms*)
-                                                  (* produced from the clasimpset rather than the problem *)
-                                                  val (frees,vars,extra_with_vars ,ax_with_vars,numcls) = get_axioms_used proof_steps  thms clause_arr  num_of_clauses
-                                                  (*val numcls_string = numclstr ( vars, numcls) ""*)
-                                                  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_axiom")));                                                                            val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,"got axioms")
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                              (************************************)
-                                              (* translate proof                  *)
-                                              (************************************)
-                                                  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_steps")));                                                          val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("about to translate proof, steps: "^(init_proofsteps_to_string proof_steps "")))
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                  val (newthm,proof) = translate_proof numcls  proof_steps vars
-                                                  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_steps2")));                                                                         val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("translated proof, steps: "^(init_proofsteps_to_string proof_steps "")))
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                              (***************************************************)
-                                              (* transfer necessary steps as strings to Isabelle *)
-                                              (***************************************************)
-                                                  (* turn the proof into a string *)
-                                                  val reconProofStr = proofs_to_string proof ""
-                                                  (* do the bit for the Isabelle ordered axioms at the top *)
-                                                  val ax_nums = map #1 numcls
-                                                  val ax_strs = map get_meta_lits_bracket (map #2 numcls)
-                                                  val numcls_strs = ListPair.zip (ax_nums,ax_strs)
-                                                  val num_cls_vars =  map (addvars vars) numcls_strs;
-                                                  val reconIsaAxStr = origAxs_to_string (ListPair.zip (ax_nums,ax_with_vars)) ""
-                                                  val extra_nums = if (not (extra_with_vars = [])) then (1 upto (length extra_with_vars)) else []
-                                                  val reconExtraAxStr = extraAxs_to_string ( ListPair.zip (extra_nums,extra_with_vars)) ""
-                                                  val frees_str = "["^(thmvars_to_string frees "")^"]"
-                                                  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "reconstringfile")));
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_parse")));                                                                                          val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("Did parsing on "^proofstr))
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_thmstring_at_parse")));                                                                             val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("Parsing for thmstring: "^thmstring))
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+      (************************************)
+      (* recreate original subgoal as thm *)
+      (************************************)
+	  (* get axioms as correctly numbered clauses w.r.t. the Spass proof *)
+	  (* need to get prems_of thm, then get right one of the prems, relating to whichever*)
+	  (* subgoal this is, and turn it into meta_clauses *)
+	  (* should prob add array and table here, so that we can get axioms*)
+	  (* produced from the clasimpset rather than the problem *)
+	  val (frees,vars,extra_with_vars ,ax_with_vars,numcls) = get_axioms_used proof_steps  thms clause_arr  num_of_clauses
+	  (*val numcls_string = numclstr ( vars, numcls) ""*)
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_axiom")));                                                                            val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,"got axioms")
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+      (************************************)
+      (* translate proof                  *)
+      (************************************)
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_steps")));                                                          val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("about to translate proof, steps: "^(init_proofsteps_to_string proof_steps "")))
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	  val (newthm,proof) = translate_proof numcls  proof_steps vars
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_steps2")));                                                                         val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("translated proof, steps: "^(init_proofsteps_to_string proof_steps "")))
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+      (***************************************************)
+      (* transfer necessary steps as strings to Isabelle *)
+      (***************************************************)
+	  (* turn the proof into a string *)
+	  val reconProofStr = proofs_to_string proof ""
+	  (* do the bit for the Isabelle ordered axioms at the top *)
+	  val ax_nums = map #1 numcls
+	  val ax_strs = map ReconOrderClauses.get_meta_lits_bracket (map #2 numcls)
+	  val numcls_strs = ListPair.zip (ax_nums,ax_strs)
+	  val num_cls_vars =  map (addvars vars) numcls_strs;
+	  val reconIsaAxStr = origAxs_to_string (ListPair.zip (ax_nums,ax_with_vars)) ""
+	  val extra_nums = if (not (extra_with_vars = [])) then (1 upto (length extra_with_vars)) else []
+	  val reconExtraAxStr = extraAxs_to_string ( ListPair.zip (extra_nums,extra_with_vars)) ""
+	  val frees_str = "["^(thmvars_to_string frees "")^"]"
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "reconstringfile")));
-                                                  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (frees_str^reconExtraAxStr^reconIsaAxStr^reconProofStr))
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-    						  val reconstr = (frees_str^reconExtraAxStr^reconIsaAxStr^reconProofStr)
-                                              in 
-                                                   TextIO.output (toParent, reconstr^"\n");
-                                                   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                        	   TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
-                                         	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                         	   TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
-                                         	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                         	   Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
-                                         	  (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
-                                         	   Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1) ; dummy_tac
-                                              end
-                                              handle _ => (let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_handler")));
+	  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, (frees_str^reconExtraAxStr^reconIsaAxStr^reconProofStr))
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	  val reconstr = (frees_str^reconExtraAxStr^reconIsaAxStr^reconProofStr)
+      in 
+	   TextIO.output (toParent, reconstr^"\n");
+	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	   TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
+	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	   TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
+	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	   Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
+	  (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
+	   Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1) ; dummy_tac
+      end
+      handle _ => (let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "foo_handler")));
-                                                  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("In exception handler"));
-                                                  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                              in 
-                                                  TextIO.output (toParent,"Proof found but translation failed!" ^"\n");
-                                                  TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-						TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
-                                         	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-                                         	   TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
-                                         	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
-            					  Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
-                                         	  (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
-                                         	  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1) ;dummy_tac
-                                              end)
+	  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, ("In exception handler"));
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+      in 
+	  TextIO.output (toParent,"Proof found but translation failed!" ^"\n");
+	  TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	TextIO.output (toParent, thmstring^"\n");
+	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	   TextIO.output (toParent, goalstring^"\n");
+	   TextIO.flushOut toParent;
+	  Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC ppid, Posix.Signal.usr2);
+	  (* Attempt to prevent several signals from turning up simultaneously *)
+	  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1) ;dummy_tac
+      end)
@@ -742,9 +745,9 @@
                            val axioms = get_axioms axioms_and_steps
                            val steps = Library.drop (origax_num, axioms_and_steps)
-                           val firststeps = butlast steps
-                           val laststep = last steps
-                           val goalstring = implode(butlast(explode goalstring))
+                           val firststeps = ReconOrderClauses.butlast steps
+                           val laststep = ReconOrderClauses.last steps
+                           val goalstring = implode(ReconOrderClauses.butlast(explode goalstring))
                            val isar_proof = 
                            ("show \""^goalstring^"\"\n")^
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_translate_proof.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/recon_translate_proof.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@
-fun is_alpha_space_digit_or_neg ch = (ch = "~") orelse (is_alpha ch) orelse (is_digit ch) orelse ( ch = " ")
+fun is_alpha_space_digit_or_neg ch =
+    (ch = "~") orelse (ReconOrderClauses.is_alpha ch) orelse 
+    (ReconOrderClauses.is_digit ch) orelse ( ch = " ");
 fun lit_string_with_nums t = let val termstr = Term.string_of_term t
@@ -73,30 +74,29 @@
 fun follow_axiom clauses  allvars (clausenum:int) thml clause_strs =  
-                                     let val this_axiom = valOf (assoc (clauses,clausenum))
-                                         val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (rearrange_clause this_axiom clause_strs allvars)         
-                                         val thmvars = thm_vars res
-                                     in
-                                         (res, (Axiom,clause_strs,thmvars )  )
-                                     end
-                                     handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_axiom"
+    let val this_axiom = valOf (assoc (clauses,clausenum))
+	val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause this_axiom clause_strs allvars)         
+	val thmvars = thm_vars res
+    in
+	(res, (Axiom,clause_strs,thmvars )  )
+    end
+    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_axiom"
 (* Reconstruct a binary resolution step *)
                  (* numbers of clauses and literals*) (*vars*) (*list of current thms*) (* literal strings as parsed from spass *)
-fun follow_binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs 
-        = let
-              val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (valOf (assoc (thml,clause1)))
-              val thm2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
-              val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
-              val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
-              val thmvars = thm_vars res
-          in
-             (res',  ((Binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars) )
-          end
-	  handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_binary"
+fun follow_binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs =
+    let val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (valOf (assoc (thml,clause1)))
+	val thm2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
+	val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
+	val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
+	val thmvars = thm_vars res
+    in
+       (res',  ((Binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars) )
+    end
+    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_binary"
@@ -105,17 +105,17 @@
-fun follow_mrr ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))  allvars thml clause_strs 
-        = let
-              val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (valOf (assoc (thml,clause1)))
-              val thm2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
-              val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
-              val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
-              val thmvars = thm_vars res
-          in
-             (res',  ((MRR ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))) ,clause_strs,thmvars))
-          end
-	  handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_mrr"
+fun follow_mrr ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))  allvars thml clause_strs =
+    let val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (valOf (assoc (thml,clause1)))
+	val thm2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
+	val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
+	val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = 
+	    (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
+	val thmvars = thm_vars res
+    in
+       (res',  ((MRR ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))) ,clause_strs,thmvars))
+    end
+    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_mrr"
@@ -123,11 +123,13 @@
 fun mksubstlist [] sublist = sublist
-   |mksubstlist ((a, (_, b)) :: rest) sublist = let val vartype = type_of b 
-                                          val avar = Var(a,vartype)
-                                          val newlist = ((avar,b)::sublist) in
-                                          mksubstlist rest newlist
-                                      end;
+   |mksubstlist ((a, (_, b)) :: rest) sublist = 
+       let val vartype = type_of b 
+	   val avar = Var(a,vartype)
+	   val newlist = ((avar,b)::sublist)
+       in
+	   mksubstlist rest newlist
+       end;
 (* based on Tactic.distinct_subgoals_tac *)
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
     let val (frozth,thawfn) = freeze_thaw state
         val froz_prems = cprems_of frozth
         val assumed = implies_elim_list frozth (map assume froz_prems)
-        val new_prems = remove_nth lit froz_prems
+        val new_prems = ReconOrderClauses.remove_nth lit froz_prems
         val implied = implies_intr_list new_prems assumed
         Seq.single (thawfn implied)  
@@ -150,44 +152,46 @@
 (*FIXME: share code with that in Tools/reconstruction.ML*)
-fun follow_factor clause lit1 lit2 allvars thml clause_strs= 
-                          let 
-                            val th =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause))
-                            val prems = prems_of th
-                            val sign = sign_of_thm th
-                            val fac1 = get_nth (lit1+1) prems
-                            val fac2 = get_nth (lit2+1) prems
-                            val unif_env = Unify.unifiers (sign,Envir.empty 0, [(fac1, fac2)])
-                            val newenv = getnewenv unif_env
-                            val envlist = Envir.alist_of newenv
-                            val (t1,t2)::_ = mksubstlist envlist []
-                          in 
-                            if (is_Var t1)
-                            then
-                                let 
-                                   val str1 = lit_string_with_nums t1;
-                                   val str2 = lit_string_with_nums t2;
-                                   val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
-                                   val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
-                                   val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
-                                   val thmvars = thm_vars res'
-                                in 
-                                       (res',((Factor (clause,  lit1, lit2)),clause_strs,thmvars))
-                                end
-                            else
-                                let
-                                   val str2 = lit_string_with_nums t1;
-                                   val str1 = lit_string_with_nums t2;
-                                   val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
-                                   val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
-                                   val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
-                                  val thmvars = thm_vars res'
-                                in 
-                                       (res', ((Factor (clause,  lit1, lit2)),clause_strs, thmvars))         
-                                end
-                         end
-                         handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_factor"
+fun follow_factor clause lit1 lit2 allvars thml clause_strs = 
+    let 
+      val th =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause))
+      val prems = prems_of th
+      val sign = sign_of_thm th
+      val fac1 = ReconOrderClauses.get_nth (lit1+1) prems
+      val fac2 = ReconOrderClauses.get_nth (lit2+1) prems
+      val unif_env = Unify.unifiers (sign,Envir.empty 0, [(fac1, fac2)])
+      val newenv = getnewenv unif_env
+      val envlist = Envir.alist_of newenv
+      val (t1,t2)::_ = mksubstlist envlist []
+    in 
+      if (is_Var t1)
+      then
+	  let 
+	     val str1 = lit_string_with_nums t1;
+	     val str2 = lit_string_with_nums t2;
+	     val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
+	     val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
+	     val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = 
+	         ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars
+	     val thmvars = thm_vars res'
+	  in 
+		 (res',((Factor (clause,  lit1, lit2)),clause_strs,thmvars))
+	  end
+      else
+	  let
+	     val str2 = lit_string_with_nums t1;
+	     val str1 = lit_string_with_nums t2;
+	     val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
+	     val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
+	     val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = 
+	         ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars
+	     val thmvars = thm_vars res'
+	  in 
+		 (res', ((Factor (clause,  lit1, lit2)),clause_strs, thmvars))         
+	  end
+   end
+   handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_factor"
@@ -216,28 +220,29 @@
 val rev_ssubst = rotate_prems 1 ssubst;
-fun follow_standard_para ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs= 
-                          let 
-                            val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
-                            val th2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2)) 
-                            val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
-                            val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
-                            val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
-                            val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 eqsubst)
-			    val newth' =negate_head newth 
-                            val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist)  = (rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars 
-                                handle Not_in_list => let 
-                                                  val mod_lit_th' = mod_lit_th RS not_sym
-                                                   val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th')] 1 eqsubst)
-			                           val newth' =negate_head newth 
-                                               in 
-                                                  (rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars)
-                                               end)
-                            val thmvars = thm_vars res
-                         in 
-                           (res, ((Para((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
-                         end
-			 handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_standard_para"
+fun follow_standard_para ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs = 
+    let 
+      val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
+      val th2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2)) 
+      val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
+      val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
+      val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
+      val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 eqsubst)
+      val newth' =negate_head newth 
+      val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist)  = 
+          (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars 
+	   handle Not_in_list => 
+	       let val mod_lit_th' = mod_lit_th RS not_sym
+		   val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th')] 1 eqsubst)
+		   val newth' =negate_head newth 
+		in 
+		   ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars
+		end)
+      val thmvars = thm_vars res
+   in 
+     (res, ((Para((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
+   end
+   handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_standard_para"
 fun follow_standard_para ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs= 
@@ -293,26 +298,24 @@
 (* extra conditions from the equality turn up as 2nd to last literals of result.  Need to delete them *)
 (* changed negate_nead to negate_head here too*)
                     (* clause1, lit1 is thing to rewrite with *)
-fun follow_rewrite ((clause1, lit1), (clause2, lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs= 
-                          let val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
-                              val th2 = valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
-                              val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
-                              val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
-                              val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
-                              val eq_lit_prem_num = length (prems_of eq_lit_th)
-                              val sign = Sign.merge (sign_of_thm th1, sign_of_thm th2)
-                              val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 
-                              val newthm = negate_head newth
-                              val newthm' = delete_assumps eq_lit_prem_num newthm
-                              val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) =(rearrange_clause newthm clause_strs allvars)
-                              val thmvars = thm_vars res
-                           in
-                               (res, ((Rewrite ((clause1, lit1),  (clause2, lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
-                           end
-			   handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_rewrite"
+fun follow_rewrite ((clause1, lit1), (clause2, lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs = 
+      let val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
+	  val th2 = valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
+	  val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
+	  val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
+	  val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
+	  val eq_lit_prem_num = length (prems_of eq_lit_th)
+	  val sign = Sign.merge (sign_of_thm th1, sign_of_thm th2)
+	  val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 eqsubst)
+     	  val newthm = negate_head newth
+	  val newthm' = delete_assumps eq_lit_prem_num newthm
+	  val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) =
+	      ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newthm clause_strs allvars
+	  val thmvars = thm_vars res
+       in
+	   (res, ((Rewrite ((clause1, lit1),  (clause2, lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
+       end
+       handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_rewrite"
@@ -321,17 +324,18 @@
-fun follow_obvious  (clause1, lit1)  allvars thml clause_strs= 
-                           let val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
-                               val prems1 = prems_of th1
-                               val newthm = refl RSN ((lit1+ 1), th1)
-                                               handle THM _ =>  hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  th1 (lit1 + 1)))
-                               val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) =(rearrange_clause newthm clause_strs allvars)
-                               val thmvars = thm_vars res
-                           in 
-                               (res, ((Obvious (clause1, lit1)),clause_strs,thmvars))
-                           end
-  	 		   handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_obvious"
+fun follow_obvious  (clause1, lit1)  allvars thml clause_strs = 
+    let val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
+	val prems1 = prems_of th1
+	val newthm = refl RSN ((lit1+ 1), th1)
+		     handle THM _ =>  hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  th1 (lit1 + 1)))
+	val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) =
+	    ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newthm clause_strs allvars
+	val thmvars = thm_vars res
+    in 
+	(res, ((Obvious (clause1, lit1)),clause_strs,thmvars))
+    end
+    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_obvious"
 (* reconstruct a single line of the res. proof - depending on what sort of proof step it was*)
@@ -436,28 +440,29 @@
-fun replace_clause_strs [] recons newrecons= (newrecons)
-|   replace_clause_strs ((thmnum, thm)::thml)  ((clausenum,(step,clause_strs,thmvars))::recons) newrecons = 
-                           let val new_clause_strs = get_meta_lits_bracket thm
-                           in
-                               replace_clause_strs thml recons ((clausenum,(step,new_clause_strs,thmvars))::newrecons)
-                           end
+fun replace_clause_strs [] recons newrecons = (newrecons)
+|   replace_clause_strs ((thmnum, thm)::thml)    
+                  ((clausenum,(step,clause_strs,thmvars))::recons) newrecons = 
+    let val new_clause_strs = ReconOrderClauses.get_meta_lits_bracket thm
+    in
+	replace_clause_strs thml recons  
+	    ((clausenum,(step,new_clause_strs,thmvars))::newrecons)
+    end
 fun follow clauses [] allvars thml recons = 
-                             let 
-                                 val new_recons = replace_clause_strs thml recons []
-                             in
-                                  ((snd( hd thml)), new_recons)
-                             end
- |  follow clauses (h::t) allvars thml recons 
-        = let
-            val (thml', recons') = follow_line clauses allvars  thml h recons
-            val  (thm, recons_list) = follow clauses t  allvars thml' recons'     
-          in
-             (thm,recons_list)
-          end
+      let 
+	  val new_recons = replace_clause_strs thml recons []
+      in
+	   (#2(hd thml), new_recons)
+      end
+ | follow clauses (h::t) allvars thml recons =
+      let
+	val (thml', recons') = follow_line clauses allvars  thml h recons
+	val  (thm, recons_list) = follow clauses t  allvars thml' recons'     
+      in
+	 (thm,recons_list)
+      end
@@ -481,4 +486,5 @@
 fun remove_tinfo [] = []
-|   remove_tinfo ( (clausenum, step, T_info, newstrs)::xs) = (clausenum, step , newstrs)::(remove_tinfo xs)
+  | remove_tinfo ( (clausenum, step, T_info, newstrs)::xs) =
+      (clausenum, step , newstrs)::(remove_tinfo xs)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/res_clasimpset.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -12,18 +12,10 @@
 structure ResClasimp : RES_CLASIMP =
-fun has_name th = not((Thm.name_of_thm th )= "")
-fun has_name_pair (a,b) = not_equal a "";
-fun stick []  = []
-|   stick (x::xs)  = x@(stick xs )
-fun filterlist p [] = []
-|   filterlist p (x::xs) = if p x 
-                           then 
-                               (x::(filterlist p xs))
-                           else
-                               filterlist p xs
+fun has_name th = ((Thm.name_of_thm th)  <>  "")
+fun has_name_pair (a,b) = (a <> "");
 (* changed, now it also finds out the name of the theorem. *)
@@ -37,73 +29,64 @@
   | concat_with_stop [x] =  x
   | concat_with_stop (x::xs) = x^ "." ^ concat_with_stop xs;
-fun remove_symb str = if String.isPrefix  "List.op @." str
-                      then 
-                          ((String.substring(str,0,5))^(String.extract (str, 10, NONE)))
-                      else
-                          str
-fun remove_spaces str = let val strlist = String.tokens Char.isSpace str
-                            val spaceless = concat strlist
-                            val strlist' = String.tokens Char.isPunct spaceless
-                        in
-                            concat_with_stop strlist'
-                        end
+fun remove_symb str = 
+    if String.isPrefix  "List.op @." str
+    then  ((String.substring(str,0,5)) ^ (String.extract (str, 10, NONE)))
+    else str;
-fun remove_symb_pair (str, thm) = let val newstr = remove_symb str
-                                  in
-                                    (newstr, thm)
-                                  end
+fun remove_spaces str = 
+    let val strlist = String.tokens Char.isSpace str
+	val spaceless = concat strlist
+	val strlist' = String.tokens Char.isPunct spaceless
+    in
+	concat_with_stop strlist'
+    end
-fun remove_spaces_pair (str, thm) = let val newstr = remove_spaces str
-                                  in
-                                    (newstr, thm)
-                                  end
+fun remove_symb_pair (str, thm) = (remove_symb str, thm);
+fun remove_spaces_pair (str, thm) = (remove_spaces str, thm);
 (*Insert th into the result provided the name is not "".*)
 fun add_nonempty ((name,th), ths) = if name="" then ths else th::ths;
-fun write_out_clasimp filename = let
-					val claset_rules = ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_thy (the_context());
-					val named_claset = filterlist has_name_pair claset_rules;
-					val claset_names = map remove_spaces_pair (named_claset)
-					val claset_cls_thms = #1( ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs named_claset []);
+fun write_out_clasimp filename = 
+    let val claset_rules = ResAxioms.claset_rules_of_thy (the_context());
+	val named_claset = List.filter has_name_pair claset_rules;
+	val claset_names = map remove_spaces_pair (named_claset)
+	val claset_cls_thms = #1 (ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs named_claset []);
-					val simpset_rules = ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_thy (the_context());
-					val named_simpset = map remove_spaces_pair (filterlist has_name_pair simpset_rules);
-					val simpset_cls_thms = #1 (ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs named_simpset []);
+	val simpset_rules = ResAxioms.simpset_rules_of_thy (the_context());
+	val named_simpset = 
+	      map remove_spaces_pair (List.filter has_name_pair simpset_rules)
+	val simpset_cls_thms = #1 (ResAxioms.clausify_rules_pairs named_simpset []);
-					val cls_thms = (claset_cls_thms@simpset_cls_thms);
-					val cls_thms_list = stick cls_thms;
+	val cls_thms = (claset_cls_thms@simpset_cls_thms);
+	val cls_thms_list = List.concat cls_thms;
-                                        (*********************************************************)
-                                  	(* create array and put clausename, number pairs into it *)
-                                   	(*********************************************************)
-					val num_of_clauses =  0;
-                                     	val clause_arr = Array.fromList cls_thms_list;
-                                   	val  num_of_clauses= (List.length cls_thms_list);
+	(*********************************************************)
+	(* create array and put clausename, number pairs into it *)
+	(*********************************************************)
+	val num_of_clauses =  0;
+	val clause_arr = Array.fromList cls_thms_list;
+	val num_of_clauses = List.length cls_thms_list;
-                                        (*************************************************)
-					(* Write out clauses as tptp strings to filename *)
- 					(*************************************************)
-                                        val clauses = map #1(cls_thms_list);
-          				val cls_tptp_strs = map ResClause.tptp_clause clauses;
-                                        (* list of lists of tptp string clauses *)
-                                        val stick_clasrls =   stick cls_tptp_strs;
-    					val out = TextIO.openOut filename;
-                                    	val _=   ResLib.writeln_strs out stick_clasrls;
-                                    	val _= TextIO.flushOut out;
-					val _= TextIO.closeOut out
-                     		  in
-					(clause_arr, num_of_clauses)
-				  end;
+	(*************************************************)
+	(* Write out clauses as tptp strings to filename *)
+	(*************************************************)
+	val clauses = map #1(cls_thms_list);
+	val cls_tptp_strs = map ResClause.tptp_clause clauses;
+	(* list of lists of tptp string clauses *)
+	val stick_clasrls =   List.concat cls_tptp_strs;
+	val out = TextIO.openOut filename;
+	val _=   ResLib.writeln_strs out stick_clasrls;
+	val _= TextIO.flushOut out;
+	val _= TextIO.closeOut out
+  in
+	(clause_arr, num_of_clauses)
+  end;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/watcher.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -164,44 +164,45 @@
 fun callResProvers (toWatcherStr,  []) = (sendOutput (toWatcherStr, "End of calls\n"); 
                                      TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr)
 |   callResProvers (toWatcherStr,(prover,thmstring,goalstring, proverCmd,settings,clasimpfile, axfile, hypsfile,probfile)::args) =
-                                                     let val dfg_dir = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "dfg"); 
-                                                        (*** need to check here if the directory exists and, if not, create it***)
-                                                         val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path
-                                                                               (File.tmp_path (Path.basic"thmstring_in_watcher")));                                                                         val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, 
-                                                                       (thmstring^"\n goals_watched"^(string_of_int(!goals_being_watched))^"\n"))
-                                                         val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                        (*** want to cat clasimp ax hyps prob, then send the resulting file to tptp2x ***)
-							val probID = last(explode probfile)
-                                                         val wholefile = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("ax_prob_"^probID))
-                                                         (*** only include problem and clasimp for the moment, not sure how to refer to ***)
-                                                         (*** hyps/local axioms just now                                                ***)
-                                                         val whole_prob_file = Unix.execute("/bin/cat", [clasimpfile,(*,axfile, hypsfile,*)probfile,  ">", (File.sysify_path wholefile)])
-                                                         val dfg_create =if File.exists dfg_dir 
-                                                                         then
-                                                                             ((warning("dfg dir exists"));())
-                                                                         else
-                                                                               File.mkdir dfg_dir; 
-                                                         val dfg_path = File.sysify_path dfg_dir;
-                                                         val exec_tptp2x = Unix.execute("/usr/groups/theory/tptp/TPTP-v3.0.1/TPTP2X/tptp2X",   ["-fdfg ",(File.sysify_path wholefile)," -d ",dfg_path])
-                                                       (*val _ = Posix.Process.wait ()*)
-                                                       (*val _ =Unix.reap exec_tptp2x*)
-                                                         val newfile = dfg_path^"/ax_prob"^"_"^(probID)^".dfg"
-                                                      in   
-                                                         goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) + 1;
-                                                         Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1); 
-                     					(warning ("probfile is: "^probfile));
-                                                         (warning("dfg file is: "^newfile));
-                                                         (warning ("wholefile is: "^(File.sysify_path wholefile)));
-                                                        sendOutput (toWatcherStr, (prover^"*"^thmstring^"*"^goalstring^"*"^proverCmd^"*"^settings^"*"^newfile^"\n"));
-(*sendOutput (toWatcherStr, (prover^"*"^thmstring^"*"^goalstring^"*"^proverCmd^"*"^settings^"*"^"/homes/clq20/IsabelleCVS/isabelle/HOL/Tools/ATP/dfg/mini_p1.dfg"^"\n"));*)
-                                                         TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr;
-                                                         Unix.reap exec_tptp2x; 
-                                                         callResProvers (toWatcherStr,args)
-                                                     end
+      let val dfg_dir = File.tmp_path (Path.basic "dfg"); 
+	 (*** need to check here if the directory exists and, if not, create it***)
+	  val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path
+				(File.tmp_path (Path.basic"thmstring_in_watcher")));                                                                         
+	  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile, 
+			(thmstring^"\n goals_watched"^(string_of_int(!goals_being_watched))^"\n"))
+	  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+	 (*** want to cat clasimp ax hyps prob, then send the resulting file to tptp2x ***)
+	 val probID = ReconOrderClauses.last(explode probfile)
+	  val wholefile = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("ax_prob_"^probID))
+	  (*** only include problem and clasimp for the moment, not sure how to refer to ***)
+	  (*** hyps/local axioms just now                                                ***)
+	  val whole_prob_file = Unix.execute("/bin/cat", [clasimpfile,(*,axfile, hypsfile,*)probfile,  ">", (File.sysify_path wholefile)])
+	  val dfg_create =if File.exists dfg_dir 
+			  then
+			      ((warning("dfg dir exists"));())
+			  else
+				File.mkdir dfg_dir; 
+	  val dfg_path = File.sysify_path dfg_dir;
+	  val exec_tptp2x = Unix.execute("/usr/groups/theory/tptp/TPTP-v3.0.1/TPTP2X/tptp2X",   ["-fdfg ",(File.sysify_path wholefile)," -d ",dfg_path])
+	(*val _ = Posix.Process.wait ()*)
+	(*val _ =Unix.reap exec_tptp2x*)
+	  val newfile = dfg_path^"/ax_prob"^"_"^(probID)^".dfg"
+       in   
+	  goals_being_watched := (!goals_being_watched) + 1;
+	  Posix.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 1); 
+	 (warning ("probfile is: "^probfile));
+	  (warning("dfg file is: "^newfile));
+	  (warning ("wholefile is: "^(File.sysify_path wholefile)));
+	 sendOutput (toWatcherStr, (prover^"*"^thmstring^"*"^goalstring^"*"^proverCmd^"*"^settings^"*"^newfile^"\n"));
+ (*sendOutput (toWatcherStr, (prover^"*"^thmstring^"*"^goalstring^"*"^proverCmd^"*"^settings^"*"^"/homes/clq20/IsabelleCVS/isabelle/HOL/Tools/ATP/dfg/mini_p1.dfg"^"\n"));*)
+	  TextIO.flushOut toWatcherStr;
+	  Unix.reap exec_tptp2x; 
+	  callResProvers (toWatcherStr,args)
+      end
 fun callResProversStr (toWatcherStr,  []) =  "End of calls\n" 
@@ -327,374 +328,375 @@
-fun setupWatcher (thm,clause_arr, num_of_clauses) = let
-          (** pipes for communication between parent and watcher **)
-          val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-	  fun closep () = (
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p2)
-              )
-          (***********************************************************)
-          (****** fork a watcher process and get it set up and going *)
-          (***********************************************************)
-          fun startWatcher (procList) =
-                   (case  Posix.Process.fork() (***************************************)
-		 of SOME pid =>  pid           (* parent - i.e. main Isabelle process *)
-                                               (***************************************)
-                                                 (*************************)
-                  | NONE => let                  (* child - i.e. watcher  *)
-		      val oldchildin = #infd p1  (*************************)
-		      val fromParent = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w0
-		      val oldchildout = #outfd p2
-		      val toParent = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w1
-                      val fromParentIOD = Posix.FileSys.fdToIOD fromParent
-                      val fromParentStr = openInFD ("_exec_in_parent", fromParent)
-                      val toParentStr = openOutFD ("_exec_out_parent", toParent)
-                      val sign = sign_of_thm thm
-                      val prems = prems_of thm
-                      val prems_string =  Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) 
-                      val _ = (warning ("subgoals forked to startWatcher: "^prems_string));
-                     (* tracing *)
-		    (*val tenth_ax = fst( Array.sub(clause_arr, 1))  
-                      val tenth_ax_thms = memo_find_clause (tenth_ax, clause_tab)
-                      val clause_str = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm tenth_ax_thms)
-                      val _ = (warning ("tenth axiom in array in watcher is: "^tenth_ax))         
-                      val _ = (warning ("tenth axiom in table in watcher is: "^clause_str))         
-                      val _ = (warning ("num_of_clauses in watcher is: "^(string_of_int (num_of_clauses))) )       
-                               *)
-                      (*val goalstr = string_of_thm (the_goal)
-                       val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "goal_in_watcher")));  
-                      val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,goalstr )
-                      val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile*)
-                      fun killChildren [] = ()
-                   |      killChildren  (child_handle::children) = (killChild child_handle; killChildren children)
+fun setupWatcher (thm,clause_arr, num_of_clauses) = 
+  let
+    (** pipes for communication between parent and watcher **)
+    val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
+    val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
+    fun closep () = (
+	  Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1); 
+	  Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
+	  Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2); 
+	  Posix.IO.close (#infd p2)
+	)
+    (***********************************************************)
+    (****** fork a watcher process and get it set up and going *)
+    (***********************************************************)
+    fun startWatcher (procList) =
+	     (case  Posix.Process.fork() (***************************************)
+	   of SOME pid =>  pid           (* parent - i.e. main Isabelle process *)
+					 (***************************************)
+					   (*************************)
+	    | NONE => let                  (* child - i.e. watcher  *)
+		val oldchildin = #infd p1  (*************************)
+		val fromParent = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w0
+		val oldchildout = #outfd p2
+		val toParent = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w1
+		val fromParentIOD = Posix.FileSys.fdToIOD fromParent
+		val fromParentStr = openInFD ("_exec_in_parent", fromParent)
+		val toParentStr = openOutFD ("_exec_out_parent", toParent)
+		val sign = sign_of_thm thm
+		val prems = prems_of thm
+		val prems_string =  Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) 
+		val _ = (warning ("subgoals forked to startWatcher: "^prems_string));
+	       (* tracing *)
+	      (*val tenth_ax = fst( Array.sub(clause_arr, 1))  
+		val tenth_ax_thms = memo_find_clause (tenth_ax, clause_tab)
+		val clause_str = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm tenth_ax_thms)
+		val _ = (warning ("tenth axiom in array in watcher is: "^tenth_ax))         
+		val _ = (warning ("tenth axiom in table in watcher is: "^clause_str))         
+		val _ = (warning ("num_of_clauses in watcher is: "^(string_of_int (num_of_clauses))) )       
+			 *)
+		(*val goalstr = string_of_thm (the_goal)
+		 val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "goal_in_watcher")));  
+		val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,goalstr )
+		val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile*)
+		fun killChildren [] = ()
+	     |      killChildren  (child_handle::children) = (killChild child_handle; killChildren children)
-                    (*************************************************************)
-                    (* take an instream and poll its underlying reader for input *)
-                    (*************************************************************)
+	      (*************************************************************)
+	      (* take an instream and poll its underlying reader for input *)
+	      (*************************************************************)
-                    fun pollParentInput () = 
-                               let val pd = OS.IO.pollDesc (fromParentIOD)
-                               in 
-                               if (isSome pd ) then 
-                                   let val pd' = OS.IO.pollIn (valOf pd)
-                                       val pdl = OS.IO.poll ([pd'], SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds 100)) 
-                                   in
-                                      if null pdl 
-                                      then
-                                         NONE
-                                      else if (OS.IO.isIn (hd pdl)) 
-                                           then
-                                              (SOME ( getCmds (toParentStr, fromParentStr, [])))
-                                           else
-                                               NONE
-                                   end
-                                 else
-                                     NONE
-                                 end
+	      fun pollParentInput () = 
+			 let val pd = OS.IO.pollDesc (fromParentIOD)
+			 in 
+			 if (isSome pd ) then 
+			     let val pd' = OS.IO.pollIn (valOf pd)
+				 val pdl = OS.IO.poll ([pd'], SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds 100)) 
+			     in
+				if null pdl 
+				then
+				   NONE
+				else if (OS.IO.isIn (hd pdl)) 
+				     then
+					(SOME ( getCmds (toParentStr, fromParentStr, [])))
+				     else
+					 NONE
+			     end
+			   else
+			       NONE
+			   end
-                     fun pollChildInput (fromStr) = 
-                           let val iod = getInIoDesc fromStr
-                           in 
-                           if isSome iod 
-                           then 
-                               let val pd = OS.IO.pollDesc (valOf iod)
-                               in 
-                               if (isSome pd ) then 
-                                   let val pd' = OS.IO.pollIn (valOf pd)
-                                       val pdl = OS.IO.poll ([pd'], SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds 100)) 
-                                   in
-                                      if null pdl 
-                                      then
-                                         NONE
-                                      else if (OS.IO.isIn (hd pdl)) 
-                                           then
-                                               SOME (getCmd (TextIO.inputLine fromStr))
-                                           else
-                                               NONE
-                                   end
-                                 else
-                                     NONE
-                                 end
-                             else 
-                                 NONE
-                            end
+	       fun pollChildInput (fromStr) = 
+		     let val iod = getInIoDesc fromStr
+		     in 
+		     if isSome iod 
+		     then 
+			 let val pd = OS.IO.pollDesc (valOf iod)
+			 in 
+			 if (isSome pd ) then 
+			     let val pd' = OS.IO.pollIn (valOf pd)
+				 val pdl = OS.IO.poll ([pd'], SOME (Time.fromMilliseconds 100)) 
+			     in
+				if null pdl 
+				then
+				   NONE
+				else if (OS.IO.isIn (hd pdl)) 
+				     then
+					 SOME (getCmd (TextIO.inputLine fromStr))
+				     else
+					 NONE
+			     end
+			   else
+			       NONE
+			   end
+		       else 
+			   NONE
+		      end
-                   (****************************************************************************)
-                   (* Check all vampire processes currently running for output                 *)
-                   (****************************************************************************) 
-                                                              (*********************************)
-                    fun checkChildren ([], toParentStr) = []  (*** no children to check ********)
-                                                              (*********************************)
-                    |   checkChildren ((childProc::otherChildren), toParentStr) = 
-                                            let val (childInput,childOutput) =  cmdstreamsOf childProc
-                                                val child_handle= cmdchildHandle childProc
-                                                (* childCmd is the .dfg file that the problem is in *)
-                                                val childCmd = fst(snd (cmdchildInfo childProc))
-                                                (* now get the number of the subgoal from the filename *)
-                                                val sg_num = int_of_string(get_nth 5 (rev(explode childCmd)))
-                                                val childIncoming = pollChildInput childInput
-                                                val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
-                                                val prover = cmdProver childProc
-                                                val thmstring = cmdThm childProc
-                                                val sign = sign_of_thm thm
-                                                val prems = prems_of thm
-                                                val prems_string =  Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) 
-                                                val _ = (warning ("subgoals forked to checkChildren: "^prems_string));
-                                                val goalstring = cmdGoal childProc
-                                                val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_comms")));  
-                                                val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,(prover^thmstring^goalstring^childCmd) )
-                                                val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                            in 
-                                              if (isSome childIncoming) 
-                                              then 
-                                                  (* check here for prover label on child*)
-                                                  let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_incoming")));  
-                                                val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,(("subgoals forked to checkChildren: "^prems_string)^prover^thmstring^goalstring^childCmd) )
-                                                val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                              val childDone = (case prover of
-                                    (* "vampire" => startVampireTransfer(childInput, toParentStr, parentID, childCmd)                                               |*)"spass" => (checkSpassProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,thmstring,goalstring, childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses)     ) )
-                                                   in
-                                                    if childDone      (**********************************************)
-                                                    then              (* child has found a proof and transferred it *)
-                                                                      (**********************************************)
+	     (****************************************************************************)
+	     (* Check all vampire processes currently running for output                 *)
+	     (****************************************************************************) 
+							(*********************************)
+	      fun checkChildren ([], toParentStr) = []  (*** no children to check ********)
+							(*********************************)
+	      |   checkChildren ((childProc::otherChildren), toParentStr) = 
+		    let val (childInput,childOutput) =  cmdstreamsOf childProc
+			val child_handle= cmdchildHandle childProc
+			(* childCmd is the .dfg file that the problem is in *)
+			val childCmd = fst(snd (cmdchildInfo childProc))
+			(* now get the number of the subgoal from the filename *)
+			val sg_num = int_of_string(ReconOrderClauses.get_nth 5 (rev(explode childCmd)))
+			val childIncoming = pollChildInput childInput
+			val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
+			val prover = cmdProver childProc
+			val thmstring = cmdThm childProc
+			val sign = sign_of_thm thm
+			val prems = prems_of thm
+			val prems_string =  Meson.concat_with_and (map (Sign.string_of_term sign) prems) 
+			val _ = (warning ("subgoals forked to checkChildren: "^prems_string));
+			val goalstring = cmdGoal childProc
+			val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_comms")));  
+			val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,(prover^thmstring^goalstring^childCmd) )
+			val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+		    in 
+		      if (isSome childIncoming) 
+		      then 
+			  (* check here for prover label on child*)
+			  let val  outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_incoming")));  
+			val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,(("subgoals forked to checkChildren: "^prems_string)^prover^thmstring^goalstring^childCmd) )
+			val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+		      val childDone = (case prover of
+	    (* "vampire" => startVampireTransfer(childInput, toParentStr, parentID, childCmd)                                               |*)"spass" => (checkSpassProofFound(childInput, toParentStr, parentID,thmstring,goalstring, childCmd, thm, sg_num,clause_arr, num_of_clauses)     ) )
+			   in
+			    if childDone      (**********************************************)
+			    then              (* child has found a proof and transferred it *)
+					      (**********************************************)
-                                                       (**********************************************)
-                                                       (* Remove this child and go on to check others*)
-                                                       (**********************************************)
-                                                       ( Unix.reap child_handle;
-                                                         checkChildren(otherChildren, toParentStr))
-                                                    else 
-                                                       (**********************************************)
-                                                       (* Keep this child and go on to check others  *)
-                                                       (**********************************************)
+			       (**********************************************)
+			       (* Remove this child and go on to check others*)
+			       (**********************************************)
+			       ( Unix.reap child_handle;
+				 checkChildren(otherChildren, toParentStr))
+			    else 
+			       (**********************************************)
+			       (* Keep this child and go on to check others  *)
+			       (**********************************************)
-                                                         (childProc::(checkChildren (otherChildren, toParentStr)))
-                                                 end
-                                               else
-                                                   let val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_incoming")));  
-                                                val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,"No child output " )
-                                                val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                 in
-                                                    (childProc::(checkChildren (otherChildren, toParentStr)))
-                                                 end
-                                            end
+				 (childProc::(checkChildren (otherChildren, toParentStr)))
+			 end
+		       else
+			   let val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "child_incoming")));  
+			val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,"No child output " )
+			val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+			 in
+			    (childProc::(checkChildren (otherChildren, toParentStr)))
+			 end
+		    end
-                (********************************************************************)                  
-                (* call resolution processes                                        *)
-                (* settings should be a list of strings                             *)
-                (* e.g. ["-t 300", "-m 100000"]                                     *)
-                (* takes list of (string, string, string list, string)list proclist *)
-                (********************************************************************)
+	  (********************************************************************)                  
+	  (* call resolution processes                                        *)
+	  (* settings should be a list of strings                             *)
+	  (* e.g. ["-t 300", "-m 100000"]                                     *)
+	  (* takes list of (string, string, string list, string)list proclist *)
+	  (********************************************************************)
-  (*** add subgoal id num to this *)
-                   fun execCmds  [] procList = procList
-                   |   execCmds  ((prover, thmstring,goalstring,proverCmd,settings,file)::cmds) procList  = 
-                                                     if (prover = "spass") 
-                                                     then 
-                                                         let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc  = (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (["-FullRed=0"]@settings@[file])))
- 						             val (instr, outstr)=Unix.streamsOf childhandle
-                                                             val newProcList =    (((CMDPROC{
-            									  prover = prover,
-   										  cmd = file,
-  									          thmstring = thmstring,
-  									          goalstring = goalstring,
- 										  proc_handle = childhandle,
-									          instr = instr,
-   									          outstr = outstr })::procList))
-  	                                                      val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "exec_child")));  
-                                                val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,"executing command for goal:"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file )
-                                                val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
-                                                         in
-                                                            execCmds cmds newProcList
-                                                         end
-                                                     else 
-                                                         let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc  = (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (["-FullRed=0"]@settings@[file])))
- 						             val (instr, outstr)=Unix.streamsOf childhandle
-							     val newProcList =    (((CMDPROC{
-            									  prover = prover,
-   										  cmd = file,
-  									          thmstring = thmstring,
-  									          goalstring = goalstring,
- 										  proc_handle = childhandle,
-									          instr = instr,
-   									          outstr = outstr })::procList))
-                                                         in
-                                                            execCmds cmds newProcList
-                                                         end
+(*** add subgoal id num to this *)
+	     fun execCmds  [] procList = procList
+	     |   execCmds  ((prover, thmstring,goalstring,proverCmd,settings,file)::cmds) procList  = 
+					       if (prover = "spass") 
+					       then 
+						   let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc  = (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (["-FullRed=0"]@settings@[file])))
+						       val (instr, outstr)=Unix.streamsOf childhandle
+						       val newProcList =    (((CMDPROC{
+									    prover = prover,
+									    cmd = file,
+									    thmstring = thmstring,
+									    goalstring = goalstring,
+									    proc_handle = childhandle,
+									    instr = instr,
+									    outstr = outstr })::procList))
+							val  outfile = TextIO.openAppend(File.sysify_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "exec_child")));  
+					  val _ = TextIO.output (outfile,"executing command for goal:"^goalstring^proverCmd^(concat settings)^file )
+					  val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
+						   in
+						      execCmds cmds newProcList
+						   end
+					       else 
+						   let val childhandle:(TextIO.instream,TextIO.outstream) Unix.proc  = (Unix.execute(proverCmd, (["-FullRed=0"]@settings@[file])))
+						       val (instr, outstr)=Unix.streamsOf childhandle
+						       val newProcList =    (((CMDPROC{
+									    prover = prover,
+									    cmd = file,
+									    thmstring = thmstring,
+									    goalstring = goalstring,
+									    proc_handle = childhandle,
+									    instr = instr,
+									    outstr = outstr })::procList))
+						   in
+						      execCmds cmds newProcList
+						   end
-                (****************************************)                  
-                (* call resolution processes remotely   *)
-                (* settings should be a list of strings *)
-                (* e.g. ["-t 300", "-m 100000"]         *)
-                (****************************************)
-                 (*  fun execRemoteCmds  [] procList = procList
-                   |   execRemoteCmds ((prover, thmstring,goalstring,proverCmd ,settings,file)::cmds) procList  =  
-                                             let val  newProcList =  mySshExecuteToList ("/usr/bin/ssh",([prover,thmstring,goalstring,"-t", "shep"]@[proverCmd]@settings@[file]), procList)
-                                                 in
-                                                      execRemoteCmds  cmds newProcList
-                                                 end
+	  (****************************************)                  
+	  (* call resolution processes remotely   *)
+	  (* settings should be a list of strings *)
+	  (* e.g. ["-t 300", "-m 100000"]         *)
+	  (****************************************)
+	   (*  fun execRemoteCmds  [] procList = procList
+	     |   execRemoteCmds ((prover, thmstring,goalstring,proverCmd ,settings,file)::cmds) procList  =  
+				       let val  newProcList =  mySshExecuteToList ("/usr/bin/ssh",([prover,thmstring,goalstring,"-t", "shep"]@[proverCmd]@settings@[file]), procList)
+					   in
+						execRemoteCmds  cmds newProcList
+					   end
-                   fun printList (outStr, []) = ()
-                   |   printList (outStr, (x::xs)) = (TextIO.output (outStr, x);TextIO.flushOut outStr; printList (outStr,xs))                  
+	     fun printList (outStr, []) = ()
+	     |   printList (outStr, (x::xs)) = (TextIO.output (outStr, x);TextIO.flushOut outStr; printList (outStr,xs))                  
-                (**********************************************)                  
-                (* Watcher Loop                               *)
-                (**********************************************)
+	  (**********************************************)                  
+	  (* Watcher Loop                               *)
+	  (**********************************************)
-                    fun keepWatching (toParentStr, fromParentStr,procList) = 
-                          let    fun loop (procList) =  
-                                 (
-                                 let val cmdsFromIsa = pollParentInput ()
-                                     fun killchildHandler (n:int)  = (TextIO.output(toParentStr, "Killing child proof processes!\n");
-                                                  TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
-                                                   killChildren (map (cmdchildHandle) procList);
-                                                    ())
-                                 in 
-                                    (*Signal.signal (Posix.Signal.usr2, Signal.SIG_HANDLE killchildHandler);*)
-                                                                                       (**********************************)
-                                    if (isSome cmdsFromIsa) then                       (*  deal with input from Isabelle *)
-                                         (                                             (**********************************)                             
-                                          if (getProofCmd(hd(valOf cmdsFromIsa)) = "Kill children" )
-                                          then 
-                                            (
-                                              let val child_handles = map cmdchildHandle procList 
-                                              in
-                                                 killChildren child_handles;
-                                                 (*Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC (Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()), Posix.Signal.usr2);*)                                                              loop ([])
-                                              end
-                                             )
-                                          else
-                                            ( 
-                                              if ((length procList)<10)    (********************)
-                                              then                        (* Execute locally  *)
-                                                 (                        (********************)
-                                                  let 
-                                                    val newProcList = execCmds (valOf cmdsFromIsa) procList
-                                                    val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
-                                                    val newProcList' =checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
-                                                  in
-                                                    (*Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);*)
-                                                    loop (newProcList') 
-                                                  end
-                                                  )
-                                              else                         (*********************************)
-                                                                           (* Execute remotely              *)
- 									   (* (actually not remote for now )*)
-                                                  (                        (*********************************)
-                                                  let 
-                                                    val newProcList = execCmds (valOf cmdsFromIsa) procList
-                                                    val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
-                                                    val newProcList' =checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
-                                                  in
-                                                    (*Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);*)
-                                                    loop (newProcList') 
-                                                  end
-                                                  )
+	      fun keepWatching (toParentStr, fromParentStr,procList) = 
+		    let    fun loop (procList) =  
+			   (
+			   let val cmdsFromIsa = pollParentInput ()
+			       fun killchildHandler (n:int)  = (TextIO.output(toParentStr, "Killing child proof processes!\n");
+					    TextIO.flushOut toParentStr;
+					     killChildren (map (cmdchildHandle) procList);
+					      ())
+			   in 
+			      (*Signal.signal (Posix.Signal.usr2, Signal.SIG_HANDLE killchildHandler);*)
+										 (**********************************)
+			      if (isSome cmdsFromIsa) then                       (*  deal with input from Isabelle *)
+				   (                                             (**********************************)                             
+				    if (getProofCmd(hd(valOf cmdsFromIsa)) = "Kill children" )
+				    then 
+				      (
+					let val child_handles = map cmdchildHandle procList 
+					in
+					   killChildren child_handles;
+					   (*Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC (Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()), Posix.Signal.usr2);*)                                                              loop ([])
+					end
+				       )
+				    else
+				      ( 
+					if ((length procList)<10)    (********************)
+					then                        (* Execute locally  *)
+					   (                        (********************)
+					    let 
+					      val newProcList = execCmds (valOf cmdsFromIsa) procList
+					      val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
+					      val newProcList' =checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
+					    in
+					      (*Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);*)
+					      loop (newProcList') 
+					    end
+					    )
+					else                         (*********************************)
+								     (* Execute remotely              *)
+								     (* (actually not remote for now )*)
+					    (                        (*********************************)
+					    let 
+					      val newProcList = execCmds (valOf cmdsFromIsa) procList
+					      val parentID = Posix.ProcEnv.getppid()
+					      val newProcList' =checkChildren (newProcList, toParentStr) 
+					    in
+					      (*Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);*)
+					      loop (newProcList') 
+					    end
+					    )
-                                              )
-                                           )                                              (******************************)
-                                    else                                                  (* No new input from Isabelle *)
-                                                                                          (******************************)
-                                        (    let val newProcList = checkChildren ((procList), toParentStr)
-                                             in
-                                               Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);
-                                               loop (newProcList)
-                                             end
-                                         )
-                                  end)
-                          in  
-                              loop (procList)
-                          end
-                      in
-                       (***************************)
-                       (*** Sort out pipes ********)
-                       (***************************)
+					)
+				     )                                              (******************************)
+			      else                                                  (* No new input from Isabelle *)
+										    (******************************)
+				  (    let val newProcList = checkChildren ((procList), toParentStr)
+				       in
+					 Posix.Process.sleep (Time.fromSeconds 1);
+					 loop (newProcList)
+				       end
+				   )
+			    end)
+		    in  
+			loop (procList)
+		    end
+		in
+		 (***************************)
+		 (*** Sort out pipes ********)
+		 (***************************)
-			Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);
-			Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
-			Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildin, new = fromParent};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildin;
-			Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildout, new = toParent};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildout;
+		  Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);
+		  Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
+		  Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildin, new = fromParent};
+		  Posix.IO.close oldchildin;
+		  Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildout, new = toParent};
+		  Posix.IO.close oldchildout;
-                        (***************************)
-                        (* start the watcher loop  *)
-                        (***************************)
-                        keepWatching (toParentStr, fromParentStr, procList);
+		  (***************************)
+		  (* start the watcher loop  *)
+		  (***************************)
+		  keepWatching (toParentStr, fromParentStr, procList);
-                        (****************************************************************************)
-                        (* fake return value - actually want the watcher to loop until killed       *)
-                        (****************************************************************************)
-                        Posix.Process.wordToPid 0w0
-		      end);
-		(* end case *)
+		  (****************************************************************************)
+		  (* fake return value - actually want the watcher to loop until killed       *)
+		  (****************************************************************************)
+		  Posix.Process.wordToPid 0w0
+		end);
+	  (* end case *)
-          val _ = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
+    val _ = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
-          (*******************************)
-          (***  set watcher going ********)
-          (*******************************)
+    (*******************************)
+    (***  set watcher going ********)
+    (*******************************)
-          val procList = []
-          val pid = startWatcher (procList)
-          (**************************************************)
-          (* communication streams to watcher               *)
-          (**************************************************)
+    val procList = []
+    val pid = startWatcher (procList)
+    (**************************************************)
+    (* communication streams to watcher               *)
+    (**************************************************)
-	  val instr = openInFD ("_exec_in", #infd p2)
-          val outstr = openOutFD ("_exec_out", #outfd p1)
-          in
-           (*******************************)
-           (* close the child-side fds    *)
-           (*******************************)
-            Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);
-            Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-            (* set the fds close on exec *)
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#infd p2, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#outfd p1, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-           (*******************************)
-           (* return value                *)
-           (*******************************)
-            PROC{pid = pid,
-              instr = instr,
-              outstr = outstr
-            }
-         end;
+    val instr = openInFD ("_exec_in", #infd p2)
+    val outstr = openOutFD ("_exec_out", #outfd p1)
+    in
+     (*******************************)
+     (* close the child-side fds    *)
+     (*******************************)
+      Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);
+      Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
+      (* set the fds close on exec *)
+      Posix.IO.setfd (#infd p2, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
+      Posix.IO.setfd (#outfd p1, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
+     (*******************************)
+     (* return value                *)
+     (*******************************)
+      PROC{pid = pid,
+	instr = instr,
+	outstr = outstr
+      }
+   end;
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Tue May 24 07:43:38 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/res_atp.ML	Tue May 24 10:23:24 2005 +0200
@@ -245,19 +245,18 @@
 fun isar_atp_goal' thm k n tfree_lits  (childin, childout, pid) = 
-                  	if (k > n) 
-                        then () 
-	  		else 
-                           (let val  prems = prems_of thm 
-                                val sg_term = get_nth n prems
-                                val thmstring = string_of_thm thm
-                            in   
-                		(warning("in isar_atp_goal'"));
-                                (warning("thmstring in isar_atp_goal': "^thmstring));
- 				 isar_atp_g tfree_lits  sg_term (childin, childout, pid) k thm; 
-                                 isar_atp_goal' thm (k+1) n tfree_lits  (childin, childout, pid) 
-                            end);
+      if (k > n) 
+      then () 
+      else 
+	  let val  prems = prems_of thm 
+	      val sg_term = ReconOrderClauses.get_nth n prems
+	      val thmstring = string_of_thm thm
+	  in   
+	      (warning("in isar_atp_goal'"));
+	      (warning("thmstring in isar_atp_goal': "^thmstring));
+	       isar_atp_g tfree_lits  sg_term (childin, childout, pid) k thm; 
+	       isar_atp_goal' thm (k+1) n tfree_lits  (childin, childout, pid) 
+	  end;
 fun isar_atp_goal thm n_subgoals tfree_lits   (childin, childout, pid) =