load_thy: refer to physical master directory (not accumulated source import directory) and enable loading files relatively to that;
For the purposes of the license agreement in the file COPYRIGHT, a
'contributor' is anybody who is listed in this file (CONTRIBUTORS) or
who is listed as an author in one of the source files of this Isabelle
Contributions to this Isabelle version
Contributions to Isabelle2009-2
* 2009/2010: Stefan Berghofer, Alexander Krauss, and Andreas Schropp, TUM,
Makarius Wenzel, TUM / LRI
Elimination of type classes from proof terms.
* April 2010: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Reorganization of abstract algebra type classes.
* April 2010: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Code generation for data representations involving invariants;
various collections avaiable in theories Fset, Dlist, RBT,
Mapping and AssocList.
* March 2010: Sascha Boehme, TUM
Efficient SHA1 library for Poly/ML.
* February 2010: Cezary Kaliszyk and Christian Urban, TUM
Quotient type package for Isabelle/HOL.
Contributions to Isabelle2009-1
* November 2009, Brian Huffman, PSU
New definitional domain package for HOLCF.
* November 2009: Robert Himmelmann, TUM
Derivation and Brouwer's fixpoint theorem in Multivariate Analysis.
* November 2009: Stefan Berghofer and Lukas Bulwahn, TUM
A tabled implementation of the reflexive transitive closure.
* November 2009: Lukas Bulwahn, TUM
Predicate Compiler: a compiler for inductive predicates to
equational specifications.
* November 2009: Sascha Boehme, TUM and Burkhart Wolff, LRI Paris
HOL-Boogie: an interactive prover back-end for Boogie and VCC.
* October 2009: Jasmin Blanchette, TUM
Nitpick: yet another counterexample generator for Isabelle/HOL.
* October 2009: Sascha Boehme, TUM
Extension of SMT method: proof-reconstruction for the SMT solver Z3.
* October 2009: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Refinement of parts of the HOL datatype package.
* October 2009: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Generic term styles for term antiquotations.
* September 2009: Thomas Sewell, NICTA
More efficient HOL/record implementation.
* September 2009: Sascha Boehme, TUM
SMT method using external SMT solvers.
* September 2009: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Refinement of sets and lattices.
* July 2009: Jeremy Avigad and Amine Chaieb
New number theory.
* July 2009: Philipp Meyer, TUM
HOL/Library/Sum_Of_Squares: functionality to call a remote csdp
* July 2009: Florian Haftmann, TUM
New quickcheck implementation using new code generator.
* July 2009: Florian Haftmann, TUM
HOL/Library/FSet: an explicit type of sets; finite sets ready to use
for code generation.
* June 2009: Florian Haftmann, TUM
HOL/Library/Tree: search trees implementing mappings, ready to use
for code generation.
* March 2009: Philipp Meyer, TUM
Minimization tool for results from Sledgehammer.
Contributions to Isabelle2009
* March 2009: Robert Himmelmann, TUM and Amine Chaieb, University of
Elementary topology in Euclidean space.
* March 2009: Johannes Hoelzl, TUM
Method "approximation", which proves real valued inequalities by
* February 2009: Filip Maric, Univ. of Belgrade
A Serbian theory.
* February 2009: Jasmin Christian Blanchette, TUM
Misc cleanup of HOL/refute.
* February 2009: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
New find_consts command.
* February 2009: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
"solves" criterion for find_theorems and auto_solve option
* December 2008: Clemens Ballarin, TUM
New locale implementation.
* December 2008: Armin Heller, TUM and Alexander Krauss, TUM
Method "sizechange" for advanced termination proofs.
* November 2008: Timothy Bourke, NICTA
Performance improvement (factor 50) for find_theorems.
* 2008: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Various extensions and restructurings in HOL, improvements
in evaluation mechanisms, new module binding.ML for name bindings.
* October 2008: Fabian Immler, TUM
ATP manager for Sledgehammer, based on ML threads instead of Posix
processes. Additional ATP wrappers, including remote SystemOnTPTP
* September 2008: Stefan Berghofer, TUM and Marc Bezem, Univ. Bergen
Prover for coherent logic.
* August 2008: Fabian Immler, TUM
Vampire wrapper script for remote SystemOnTPTP service.
Contributions to Isabelle2008
* 2007/2008:
Alexander Krauss, TUM and Florian Haftmann, TUM and Stefan Berghofer, TUM
HOL library improvements.
* 2007/2008: Brian Huffman, PSU
HOLCF library improvements.
* 2007/2008: Stefan Berghofer, TUM
HOL-Nominal package improvements.
* March 2008: Markus Reiter, TUM
HOL/Library/RBT: red-black trees.
* February 2008: Alexander Krauss, TUM and Florian Haftmann, TUM and
Lukas Bulwahn, TUM and John Matthews, Galois:
HOL/Library/Imperative_HOL: Haskell-style imperative data structures
for HOL.
* December 2007: Norbert Schirmer, Uni Saarbruecken
Misc improvements of record package in HOL.
* December 2007: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Overloading and class instantiation target.
* December 2007: Florian Haftmann, TUM
New version of primrec package for local theories.
* December 2007: Alexander Krauss, TUM
Method "induction_scheme" in HOL.
* November 2007: Peter Lammich, Uni Muenster
HOL-Lattice: some more lemmas.
Contributions to Isabelle2007
* October 2007: Norbert Schirmer, TUM / Uni Saarbruecken
State Spaces: The Locale Way (in HOL).
* October 2007: Mark A. Hillebrand, DFKI
Robust sub/superscripts in LaTeX document output.
* August 2007: Jeremy Dawson, NICTA and Paul Graunke, Galois and Brian
Huffman, PSU and Gerwin Klein, NICTA and John Matthews, Galois
HOL-Word: a library for fixed-size machine words in Isabelle.
* August 2007: Brian Huffman, PSU
HOL/Library/Boolean_Algebra and HOL/Library/Numeral_Type.
* June 2007: Amine Chaieb, TUM
Semiring normalization and Groebner Bases.
Support for dense linear orders.
* June 2007: Joe Hurd, Oxford
Metis theorem-prover.
* 2007: Kong W. Susanto, Cambridge
HOL: Metis prover integration.
* 2007: Stefan Berghofer, TUM
HOL: inductive predicates and sets.
* 2007: Norbert Schirmer, TUM
HOL/record: misc improvements.
* 2006/2007: Alexander Krauss, TUM
HOL: function package and related theories on termination.
* 2006/2007: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Pure: generic code generator framework.
Pure: class package.
HOL: theory reorganization, code generator setup.
* 2006/2007: Christian Urban, TUM and Stefan Berghofer, TUM and
Julien Narboux, TUM
HOL/Nominal package and related tools.
* November 2006: Lukas Bulwahn, TUM
HOL: method "lexicographic_order" for function package.
* October 2006: Stefan Hohe, TUM
HOL-Algebra: ideals and quotients over rings.
* August 2006: Amine Chaieb, TUM
Experimental support for generic reflection and reification in HOL.
* July 2006: Rafal Kolanski, NICTA
Hex (0xFF) and binary (0b1011) numerals.
* May 2006: Klaus Aehlig, LMU
Command 'normal_form': normalization by evaluation.
* May 2006: Amine Chaieb, TUM
HOL-Complex: Ferrante and Rackoff Algorithm for linear real
* February 2006: Benjamin Porter, NICTA
HOL and HOL-Complex: generalised mean value theorem, continuum is
not denumerable, harmonic and arithmetic series, and denumerability
of rationals.
* October 2005: Martin Wildmoser, TUM
Sketch for Isar 'guess' element.
Contributions to Isabelle2005
* September 2005: Lukas Bulwahn and Bernhard Haeupler, TUM
HOL-Complex: Formalization of Taylor series.
* September 2005: Stephan Merz, Alwen Tiu, QSL Loria
Components for SAT solver method using zChaff.
* September 2005: Ning Zhang and Christian Urban, LMU Munich
A Chinese theory.
* September 2005: Bernhard Haeupler, TUM
Method comm_ring for proving equalities in commutative rings.
* July/August 2005: Jeremy Avigad, Carnegie Mellon University
Various improvements of the HOL and HOL-Complex library.
* July 2005: Florian Zuleger, Johannes Hoelzl, and Simon Funke, TUM
Some structured proofs about completeness of real numbers.
* May 2005: Rafal Kolanski and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
Improved retrieval of facts from theory/proof context.
* February 2005: Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
Improved subst method.
* 2005: Brian Huffman, OGI
Various improvements of HOLCF.
Some improvements of the HOL-Complex library.
* 2005: Claire Quigley and Jia Meng, University of Cambridge
Some support for asynchronous communication with external provers
* 2005: Florian Haftmann, TUM
Contributions to document 'sugar'.
Various ML combinators, notably linear functional transformations.
Some cleanup of ML legacy.
Additional antiquotations.
Improved Isabelle web site.
* 2004/2005: David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh
Various elements of XML and PGIP based communication with user
interfaces (experimental).
* 2004/2005: Gerwin Klein, NICTA
Contributions to document 'sugar'.
Improved Isabelle web site.
Improved HTML presentation of theories.
* 2004/2005: Clemens Ballarin, TUM
Provers: tools for transitive relations and quasi orders.
Improved version of locales, notably interpretation of locales.
Improved version of HOL-Algebra.
* 2004/2005: Amine Chaieb, TUM
Improved version of HOL presburger method.
* 2004/2005: Steven Obua, TUM
Improved version of HOL/Import, support for HOL-Light.
Improved version of HOL-Complex-Matrix.
Pure/defs: more sophisticated checks on well-formedness of overloading.
Pure/Tools: an experimental evaluator for lambda terms.
* 2004/2005: Norbert Schirmer, TUM
Contributions to document 'sugar'.
Improved version of HOL/record.
* 2004/2005: Sebastian Skalberg, TUM
Improved version of HOL/Import.
Some internal ML reorganizations.
* 2004/2005: Tjark Weber, TUM
SAT solver method using zChaff.
Improved version of HOL/refute.