Contributions to Isabelle-------------------------* August 2006: Amine Chaieb, TUM Experimental support for generic reflection and reification in HOL.* July 2006: Rafal Kolanski, NICTA Hex (0xFF) and binary (0b1011) numerals.* May 2006: Klaus Aehlig, LMU Command 'normal_form': normalization by evaluation.* May 2006: Amine Chaieb, TUM HOL-Complex: Ferrante and Rackoff Algorithm for linear real arithmetic.* February 2006: Benjamin Porter, NICTA HOL and HOL-Complex: generalied mean value theorem, continuum is not denumerable, harmonic and arithmetic series, and denumerability of rationals.* October 2005: Martin Wildmoser, TUM Sketch for Isar 'guess' element.Contributions to Isabelle 2005------------------------------* September 2005: Lukas Bulwahn and Bernhard Haeupler, TUM HOL-Complex: Formalization of Taylor series.* September 2005: Stephan Merz, Alwen Tiu, QSL Loria Components for SAT solver method using zChaff.* September 2005: Ning Zhang and Christian Urban, LMU Munich A Chinese theory.* September 2005: Bernhard Haeupler, TUM Method comm_ring for proving equalities in commutative rings.* July/August 2005: Jeremy Avigad, Carnegie Mellon University Various improvements of the HOL and HOL-Complex library.* July 2005: Florian Zuleger, Johannes Hoelzl, and Simon Funke, TUM Some structured proofs about completeness of real numbers.* May 2005: Rafal Kolanski and Gerwin Klein, NICTA Improved retrieval of facts from theory/proof context.* February 2005: Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh Improved subst method.* 2005: Brian Huffman, OGI Various improvements of HOLCF. Some improvements of the HOL-Complex library.* 2005: Claire Quigley and Jia Meng, University of Cambridge Some support for asynchronous communication with external provers (experimental).* 2005: Florian Haftmann, TUM Contributions to document 'sugar'. Various ML combinators, notably linear functional transformations. Some cleanup of ML legacy. Additional antiquotations. Improved Isabelle web site.* 2004/2005: David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh Various elements of XML and PGIP based communication with user interfaces (experimental).* 2004/2005: Gerwin Klein, NICTA Contributions to document 'sugar'. Improved Isabelle web site. Improved HTML presentation of theories.* 2004/2005: Clemens Ballarin, TUM Provers: tools for transitive relations and quasi orders. Improved version of locales, notably interpretation of locales. Improved version of HOL-Algebra.* 2004/2005: Amine Chaieb, TUM Improved version of HOL presburger method.* 2004/2005: Steven Obua, TUM Improved version of HOL/Import, support for HOL-Light. Improved version of HOL-Complex-Matrix. Pure/defs: more sophisticated checks on well-formedness of overloading. Pure/Tools: an experimental evaluator for lambda terms.* 2004/2005: Norbert Schirmer, TUM Contributions to document 'sugar'. Improved version of HOL/record.* 2004/2005: Sebastian Skalberg, TUM Improved version of HOL/Import. Some internal ML reorganizations.* 2004/2005: Tjark Weber, TUM SAT solver method using zChaff. Improved version of HOL/refute.$Id$