author wenzelm
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:10:36 +0200
changeset 6526 6b64d1454ee3
parent 5078 7b5ea59c0275
child 11375 a6730c90e753
permissions -rw-r--r--
added Isar_examples/NatSum.thy;

(*  Title:      HOL/Integ/Lagrange.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow
    Copyright   1996 TU Muenchen

The following lemma essentially shows that all composite natural numbers are
sums of fours squares, provided all prime numbers are. However, this is an
abstract thm about commutative rings and has a priori nothing to do with nat.

Goalw [Lagrange.sq_def] "!!x1::'a::cring. \
\  (sq x1 + sq x2 + sq x3 + sq x4) * (sq y1 + sq y2 + sq y3 + sq y4) = \
\  sq(x1*y1 - x2*y2 - x3*y3 - x4*y4)  + \
\  sq(x1*y2 + x2*y1 + x3*y4 - x4*y3)  + \
\  sq(x1*y3 - x2*y4 + x3*y1 + x4*y2)  + \
\  sq(x1*y4 + x2*y3 - x3*y2 + x4*y1)";
(*Takes up to three minutes...*)
by (cring_tac 1);
qed "Lagrange_lemma";

(* A challenge by John Harrison.
   Takes forever because of the naive bottom-up strategy of the rewriter.

Goalw [Lagrange.sq_def] "!!p1::'a::cring.\
\ (sq p1 + sq q1 + sq r1 + sq s1 + sq t1 + sq u1 + sq v1 + sq w1) * \
\ (sq p2 + sq q2 + sq r2 + sq s2 + sq t2 + sq u2 + sq v2 + sq w2) \
\  = sq (p1*p2 - q1*q2 - r1*r2 - s1*s2 - t1*t2 - u1*u2 - v1*v2 - w1*w2) + \
\    sq (p1*q2 + q1*p2 + r1*s2 - s1*r2 + t1*u2 - u1*t2 - v1*w2 + w1*v2) +\
\    sq (p1*r2 - q1*s2 + r1*p2 + s1*q2 + t1*v2 + u1*w2 - v1*t2 - w1*u2) +\
\    sq (p1*s2 + q1*r2 - r1*q2 + s1*p2 + t1*w2 - u1*v2 + v1*u2 - w1*t2) +\
\    sq (p1*t2 - q1*u2 - r1*v2 - s1*w2 + t1*p2 + u1*q2 + v1*r2 + w1*s2) +\
\    sq (p1*u2 + q1*t2 - r1*w2 + s1*v2 - t1*q2 + u1*p2 - v1*s2 + w1*r2) +\
\    sq (p1*v2 + q1*w2 + r1*t2 - s1*u2 - t1*r2 + u1*s2 + v1*p2 - w1*q2) +\
\    sq (p1*w2 - q1*v2 + r1*u2 + s1*t2 - t1*s2 - u1*r2 + v1*q2 + w1*p2)";
