(* Title: HOL/Library/Complemented_Lattices.thy
Authors: Jose Manuel Rodriguez Caballero, Dominique Unruh
section \<open>Complemented Lattices\<close>
theory Complemented_Lattices
imports Main
text \<open>The following class \<open>complemented_lattice\<close> describes complemented lattices (with
\<^const>\<open>uminus\<close> for the complement). The definition follows
Additionally, it adopts the convention from \<^class>\<open>boolean_algebra\<close> of defining
\<^const>\<open>minus\<close> in terms of the complement.\<close>
class complemented_lattice = bounded_lattice + uminus + minus
opening lattice_syntax +
assumes inf_compl_bot [simp]: \<open>x \<sqinter> - x = \<bottom>\<close>
and sup_compl_top [simp]: \<open>x \<squnion> - x = \<top>\<close>
and diff_eq: \<open>x - y = x \<sqinter> - y\<close>
lemma dual_complemented_lattice:
"class.complemented_lattice (\<lambda>x y. x \<squnion> (- y)) uminus (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<lambda>x y. y < x) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
proof (rule class.complemented_lattice.intro)
show "class.bounded_lattice (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<lambda>x y. y < x) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
by (rule dual_bounded_lattice)
show "class.complemented_lattice_axioms (\<lambda>x y. x \<squnion> - y) uminus (\<squnion>) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
by (unfold_locales, auto simp add: diff_eq)
lemma compl_inf_bot [simp]: \<open>- x \<sqinter> x = \<bottom>\<close>
by (simp add: inf_commute)
lemma compl_sup_top [simp]: \<open>- x \<squnion> x = \<top>\<close>
by (simp add: sup_commute)
class complete_complemented_lattice = complemented_lattice + complete_lattice
text \<open>The following class \<open>complemented_lattice\<close> describes orthocomplemented lattices,
following \<^url>\<open>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complemented_lattice#Orthocomplementation\<close>.\<close>
class orthocomplemented_lattice = complemented_lattice
opening lattice_syntax +
assumes ortho_involution [simp]: "- (- x) = x"
and ortho_antimono: "x \<le> y \<Longrightarrow> - x \<ge> - y" begin
lemma dual_orthocomplemented_lattice:
"class.orthocomplemented_lattice (\<lambda>x y. x \<squnion> - y) uminus (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<lambda>x y. y < x) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
proof (rule class.orthocomplemented_lattice.intro)
show "class.complemented_lattice (\<lambda>x y. x \<squnion> - y) uminus (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<lambda>x y. y < x) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
by (rule dual_complemented_lattice)
show "class.orthocomplemented_lattice_axioms uminus (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x)"
by (unfold_locales, auto simp add: diff_eq intro: ortho_antimono)
lemma compl_eq_compl_iff [simp]: \<open>- x = - y \<longleftrightarrow> x = y\<close> (is \<open>?P \<longleftrightarrow> ?Q\<close>)
assume ?P
then have \<open>- (- x) = - (- y)\<close>
by simp
then show ?Q
by simp
assume ?Q
then show ?P
by simp
lemma compl_bot_eq [simp]: \<open>- \<bottom> = \<top>\<close>
proof -
have \<open>- \<bottom> = - (\<top> \<sqinter> - \<top>)\<close>
by simp
also have \<open>\<dots> = \<top>\<close>
by (simp only: inf_top_left) simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma compl_top_eq [simp]: "- \<top> = \<bottom>"
using compl_bot_eq ortho_involution by blast
text \<open>De Morgan's law\<close> \<comment> \<open>Proof from \<^url>\<open>https://planetmath.org/orthocomplementedlattice\<close>\<close>
lemma compl_sup [simp]: "- (x \<squnion> y) = - x \<sqinter> - y"
proof -
have "- (x \<squnion> y) \<le> - x"
by (simp add: ortho_antimono)
moreover have "- (x \<squnion> y) \<le> - y"
by (simp add: ortho_antimono)
ultimately have 1: "- (x \<squnion> y) \<le> - x \<sqinter> - y"
by (simp add: sup.coboundedI1)
have \<open>x \<le> - (-x \<sqinter> -y)\<close>
by (metis inf.cobounded1 ortho_antimono ortho_involution)
moreover have \<open>y \<le> - (-x \<sqinter> -y)\<close>
by (metis inf.cobounded2 ortho_antimono ortho_involution)
ultimately have \<open>x \<squnion> y \<le> - (-x \<sqinter> -y)\<close>
by auto
hence 2: \<open>-x \<sqinter> -y \<le> - (x \<squnion> y)\<close>
using ortho_antimono by fastforce
from 1 2 show ?thesis
using dual_order.antisym by blast
text \<open>De Morgan's law\<close>
lemma compl_inf [simp]: "- (x \<sqinter> y) = - x \<squnion> - y"
using compl_sup
by (metis ortho_involution)
lemma compl_mono:
assumes "x \<le> y"
shows "- y \<le> - x"
by (simp add: assms local.ortho_antimono)
lemma compl_le_compl_iff [simp]: "- x \<le> - y \<longleftrightarrow> y \<le> x"
by (auto dest: compl_mono)
lemma compl_le_swap1:
assumes "y \<le> - x"
shows "x \<le> -y"
using assms ortho_antimono by fastforce
lemma compl_le_swap2:
assumes "- y \<le> x"
shows "- x \<le> y"
using assms local.ortho_antimono by fastforce
lemma compl_less_compl_iff[simp]: "- x < - y \<longleftrightarrow> y < x"
by (auto simp add: less_le)
lemma compl_less_swap1:
assumes "y < - x"
shows "x < - y"
using assms compl_less_compl_iff by fastforce
lemma compl_less_swap2:
assumes "- y < x"
shows "- x < y"
using assms compl_le_swap1 compl_le_swap2 less_le_not_le by auto
lemma sup_cancel_left1: \<open>x \<squnion> a \<squnion> (- x \<squnion> b) = \<top>\<close>
by (simp add: sup_commute sup_left_commute)
lemma sup_cancel_left2: \<open>- x \<squnion> a \<squnion> (x \<squnion> b) = \<top>\<close>
by (simp add: sup.commute sup_left_commute)
lemma inf_cancel_left1: \<open>x \<sqinter> a \<sqinter> (- x \<sqinter> b) = \<bottom>\<close>
by (simp add: inf.left_commute inf_commute)
lemma inf_cancel_left2: \<open>- x \<sqinter> a \<sqinter> (x \<sqinter> b) = \<bottom>\<close>
using inf.left_commute inf_commute by auto
lemma sup_compl_top_left1 [simp]: \<open>- x \<squnion> (x \<squnion> y) = \<top>\<close>
by (simp add: sup_assoc[symmetric])
lemma sup_compl_top_left2 [simp]: \<open>x \<squnion> (- x \<squnion> y) = \<top>\<close>
using sup_compl_top_left1[of "- x" y] by simp
lemma inf_compl_bot_left1 [simp]: \<open>- x \<sqinter> (x \<sqinter> y) = \<bottom>\<close>
by (simp add: inf_assoc[symmetric])
lemma inf_compl_bot_left2 [simp]: \<open>x \<sqinter> (- x \<sqinter> y) = \<bottom>\<close>
using inf_compl_bot_left1[of "- x" y] by simp
lemma inf_compl_bot_right [simp]: \<open>x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> - x) = \<bottom>\<close>
by (subst inf_left_commute) simp
class complete_orthocomplemented_lattice = orthocomplemented_lattice + complete_lattice
subclass complete_complemented_lattice ..
text \<open>The following class \<open>orthomodular_lattice\<close> describes orthomodular lattices,
following \<^url>\<open>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complemented_lattice#Orthomodular_lattices\<close>.\<close>
class orthomodular_lattice = orthocomplemented_lattice
opening lattice_syntax +
assumes orthomodular: "x \<le> y \<Longrightarrow> x \<squnion> (- x) \<sqinter> y = y" begin
lemma dual_orthomodular_lattice:
"class.orthomodular_lattice (\<lambda>x y. x \<squnion> - y) uminus (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<lambda>x y. y < x) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
proof (rule class.orthomodular_lattice.intro)
show "class.orthocomplemented_lattice (\<lambda>x y. x \<squnion> - y) uminus (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<lambda>x y. y < x) (\<sqinter>) \<top> \<bottom>"
by (rule dual_orthocomplemented_lattice)
show "class.orthomodular_lattice_axioms uminus (\<squnion>) (\<lambda>x y. y \<le> x) (\<sqinter>)"
proof (unfold_locales)
show "(x::'a) \<sqinter> (- x \<squnion> y) = y"
if "(y::'a) \<le> x"
for x :: 'a
and y :: 'a
using that local.compl_eq_compl_iff local.ortho_antimono local.orthomodular by fastforce
class complete_orthomodular_lattice = orthomodular_lattice + complete_lattice
subclass complete_orthocomplemented_lattice ..
context boolean_algebra
opening lattice_syntax
subclass orthomodular_lattice
fix x y
show \<open>x \<squnion> - x \<sqinter> y = y\<close>
if \<open>x \<le> y\<close>
using that
by (simp add: sup.absorb_iff2 sup_inf_distrib1)
show \<open>x - y = x \<sqinter> - y\<close>
by (simp add: diff_eq)
qed auto
context complete_boolean_algebra
subclass complete_orthomodular_lattice ..
lemma image_of_maximum:
fixes f::"'a::order \<Rightarrow> 'b::conditionally_complete_lattice"
assumes "mono f"
and "\<And>x. x:M \<Longrightarrow> x\<le>m"
and "m:M"
shows "(SUP x\<in>M. f x) = f m"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cSup_eq_maximum imageE imageI monoD)
lemma cSup_eq_cSup:
fixes A B :: \<open>'a::conditionally_complete_lattice set\<close>
assumes bdd: \<open>bdd_above A\<close>
assumes B: \<open>\<And>a. a\<in>A \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>b\<in>B. b \<ge> a\<close>
assumes A: \<open>\<And>b. b\<in>B \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>a\<in>A. a \<ge> b\<close>
shows \<open>Sup A = Sup B\<close>
proof (cases \<open>B = {}\<close>)
case True
with A B have \<open>A = {}\<close>
by auto
with True show ?thesis by simp
case False
have \<open>bdd_above B\<close>
by (meson A bdd bdd_above_def order_trans)
have \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close>
using A False by blast
moreover have \<open>a \<le> Sup B\<close> if \<open>a \<in> A\<close> for a
proof -
obtain b where \<open>b \<in> B\<close> and \<open>b \<ge> a\<close>
using B \<open>a \<in> A\<close> by auto
then show ?thesis
apply (rule cSup_upper2)
using \<open>bdd_above B\<close> by simp
moreover have \<open>Sup B \<le> c\<close> if \<open>\<And>a. a \<in> A \<Longrightarrow> a \<le> c\<close> for c
using False apply (rule cSup_least)
using A that by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule cSup_eq_non_empty)