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formal declaration of undefined parameters after class instantiation
2009-04-17, by haftmann
power operation on relations now with syntax ^^
2009-04-17, by haftmann
separated funpow, relpow from power on monoids
2009-04-17, by haftmann
static compilation of enumeration type
2009-04-17, by haftmann
re-engineering of evaluation conversions
2009-04-17, by haftmann
2009-04-17, by haftmann
separate channel for Quickcheck evaluations
2009-04-17, by haftmann
2009-04-17, by haftmann
zmod_zmult_zmult1 now subsumed by mod_mult_mult1
2009-04-17, by haftmann
diagnostic commands now in code_thingol; tuned code of funny continuations
2009-04-17, by haftmann
simplified code
2009-04-17, by haftmann
zmod_zmult_zmult1 now subsumed by mod_mult_mult1
2009-04-17, by haftmann
added both cancel_div_mod_procs
2009-04-17, by haftmann
wellsortedness is no issue for a user manual any more
2009-04-16, by haftmann
whitespace tuning
2009-04-16, by haftmann
added simproc
2009-04-16, by haftmann
dropped unnamed infix
2009-04-16, by haftmann
tuned setups of CancelDivMod
2009-04-16, by haftmann
2009-04-16, by haftmann
tuned order of functions
2009-04-16, by haftmann
generalized some simprocs from int to semiring_div
2009-04-16, by haftmann
tightended specification of class semiring_div
2009-04-16, by haftmann
code generator bootstrap theory src/Tools/Code_Generator.thy
2009-04-15, by haftmann
say farewell to code related to old code_funcgr module
2009-04-15, by haftmann
wrecked old code_funcgr module
2009-04-15, by haftmann
index type is a semiring_div
2009-04-15, by haftmann
theory NatBin now named Nat_Numeral
2009-04-15, by haftmann
default instantiation for unit type
2009-04-15, by haftmann
more coherent developement in Divides.thy and IntDiv.thy
2009-04-15, by haftmann
add more examples to Domain_ex.thy
2009-04-21, by huffman
2009-04-21, by huffman
add HOLCF/ex/Domain_ex.thy, with example uses of the domain package
2009-04-21, by huffman
make domain package ML interface more consistent with datatype package; use binding instead of bstring
2009-04-21, by huffman
use Sign.add_consts instead of ContConsts.add_consts
2009-04-21, by huffman
2009-04-21, by huffman
allow infix declarations for type constructors defined with domain package
2009-04-20, by huffman
remove obsolete comments
2009-04-20, by huffman
fix too-specific types in lemmas match_{sinl,sinr}_simps
2009-04-20, by huffman
domain package now generates iff rules for definedness of constructors
2009-04-13, by huffman
change definition of match combinators for fixrec package
2009-04-11, by huffman
domain package: simplify internal proofs of con_rews
2009-04-10, by huffman
set up domain package in Domain.thy
2009-04-10, by huffman
tuned proof
2009-04-21, by krauss
replace type cong = {thm : thm, lhs : term} by plain thm -- the other component has been unused for a long time.
2009-04-21, by krauss
inlined afterqeds to improve clarity; tuned
2009-04-21, by krauss
simplify computation and consistency checks of argument counts in the input
2009-04-21, by krauss
removed obsolete test tags;
2009-04-20, by wenzelm
back to non-release mode;
2009-04-20, by wenzelm
Added tag Isabelle2009 for changeset 5c8618f95d24
2009-04-19, by wenzelm
2009-04-16, by wenzelm
give up file type / dropability for now -- does not work reliably;
2009-04-16, by wenzelm
Added tag isa2009-test for changeset d394a17d4fdb
2009-04-16, by wenzelm
external_prover: "exec" the command line, in order to preserve the exact process context of the "system" invocation (this recovers interruptibility of E-1.0, which assumes to be the process group leader);
2009-04-16, by wenzelm
misc tuning for Isabelle2009;
2009-04-15, by wenzelm
2009-04-15, by wenzelm
more generic error message, which also covers more fundamental failure;
2009-04-15, by wenzelm
updated for Isabelle2009;
2009-04-15, by wenzelm
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
more robust handling of emacs options -- this is not necessarily an Isabelle process environment yet;
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
actually invoke ISABELLE_TOOL;
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
added Haskabelle -- in accordance to website/index.html version f397b96e3ad2;
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
ISABELLE_USEDIR_OPTIONS: less ambitious -M1 by default -- multithreading is largely untested on fringe platforms (cygwin, solaris);
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
misc updates for Isabelle2009;
2009-04-14, by wenzelm
Added tag isa2009-test for changeset dda08b76fa99
2009-04-08, by wenzelm
updated official title of contribution by Johannes Hoelzl;
2009-04-08, by wenzelm
misc tuning and updates;
2009-04-07, by wenzelm
updated doc setup;
2009-04-07, by wenzelm
2009-04-07, by wenzelm
moved generated eps/pdf to main directory, for proper display in dvi;
2009-04-07, by wenzelm
updates for E-1.0-004;
2009-04-07, by wenzelm
tuned manual
2009-04-07, by haftmann
2009-04-06, by haftmann
tuned comment
2009-04-06, by haftmann
Added tag isa2009-test for changeset 613c2eb8aef6
2009-04-06, by wenzelm
tuned whitespace
2009-04-06, by haftmann
2009-04-05, by wenzelm
reverted to explicitly check the presence of a refutation
2009-04-04, by immler
tuned white space;
2009-04-05, by wenzelm
2009-04-05, by wenzelm
\nolinkurl for dvi mode recovers hyphenation of URLs -- this already works by default in PDF mode;
2009-04-05, by wenzelm
removed obsolete website directory -- information derived by website/build;
2009-04-05, by wenzelm
More precise treatement of rational constants by the normalizer for fields
2009-04-05, by chaieb
fixed usage of rational constants
2009-04-05, by chaieb
No Complex_Main needed
2009-04-05, by chaieb
now deals with devision in fields
2009-04-05, by chaieb
fixed formal markup;
2009-04-03, by wenzelm
2009-04-03, by nipkow
Finite_Set: lemma
2009-04-03, by nipkow
single-threaded build;
2009-04-03, by wenzelm
2009-04-03, by berghofe
Added check whether argument types of inductive set agree with types of declared
2009-04-03, by berghofe
added setsum_eq_1_iff
2009-04-03, by nipkow
simplified website/config;
2009-04-02, by wenzelm
Updated to corrected E output messages
2009-04-02, by nipkow
updated keywords (with polyml-experimental);
2009-04-02, by wenzelm