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tuned description of overloading
2009-05-06, by haftmann
confine term setup to Eval serialiser
2009-05-06, by haftmann
updated generated file
2009-05-06, by haftmann
new lemmas
2009-05-06, by nipkow
2009-05-06, by nipkow
Prototype introiff option for find_theorems.
2009-05-06, by Timothy Bourke
replace cont2cont_apply with cont_apply; add new cont2cont lemmas
2009-05-06, by huffman
compatible with preorder; bot and top instances
2009-05-06, by haftmann
updated generated files etc/isar-keywords.el and lib/jedit/isabelle.xml
2009-05-04, by immler
2009-05-04, by immler
added Philipp Meyer's implementation of AtpMinimal
2009-05-04, by immler
removed code_name module
2009-05-04, by haftmann
desymbolization with case selection
2009-05-04, by haftmann
dropped duplicate lemma sum_nonneg_eq_zero_iff
2009-05-04, by haftmann
fixed broken link
2009-05-04, by haftmann
tuned header
2009-05-04, by haftmann
class typerep inherits from type
2009-05-04, by haftmann
use simproc_setup command for cont_proc
2009-04-30, by huffman
used named theorems for declaring numeral simps
2009-04-30, by huffman
clean up unsigned numeral proofs
2009-04-30, by huffman
detect error cases in mk_num, dest_num
2009-04-30, by huffman
add semiring_assoc_fold simproc for unsigned numerals
2009-04-29, by huffman
reorient simproc for unsigned numerals
2009-04-29, by huffman
reimplement reorientation simproc using theory data
2009-04-29, by huffman
use opaque ascription for all HOLCF code
2009-04-29, by huffman
added listsum lemmas
2009-04-29, by nipkow
farewell to class recpower
2009-04-29, by haftmann
2009-04-28, by haftmann
power constraint needed, though
2009-04-28, by haftmann
stripped lemma duplicatesrc/HOL/Word/Num_Lemmas.thy
2009-04-28, by haftmann
stripped class recpower further
2009-04-28, by haftmann
lemma sum_nonneg_eq_zero_iff
2009-04-28, by haftmann
reorganization of power lemmas
2009-04-28, by haftmann
collected square lemmas in Nat_Numeral
2009-04-28, by haftmann
Symbol.name_of and Name.desymbolize
2009-04-28, by haftmann
prevent potential failure
2009-04-28, by haftmann
ephermal enforcement of import order to circumvent current problem in merging interpretation morphisms
2009-04-28, by haftmann
local syntax for Ints; ephermal re-globalization
2009-04-28, by haftmann
dropped reference to class recpower and lemma duplicate
2009-04-28, by haftmann
add proper support for bottom-patterns in fixrec package
2009-04-27, by huffman
2009-04-27, by huffman
add module signature to domain_library.ML
2009-04-22, by huffman
add module signature for domain_theorems.ML
2009-04-22, by huffman
declare take_rews as simp rules
2009-04-22, by huffman
explicit is better than implicit
2009-04-27, by haftmann
whitespace tuning
2009-04-27, by haftmann
cleaned up theory power further
2009-04-27, by haftmann
2009-04-27, by haftmann
2009-04-26, by haftmann
2009-04-26, by haftmann
fixed document generation
2009-04-26, by haftmann
cleaned up Power theory
2009-04-26, by haftmann
2009-04-26, by chaieb
2009-04-26, by chaieb
2009-04-24, by chaieb
more general statements
2009-04-24, by chaieb
2009-04-27, by Christian Urban
reorganised the section about fresh_star and added lemma pt_fresh_star_pi
2009-04-26, by Christian Urban
reverted slip in theory imports
2009-04-26, by haftmann
adjusted to changes in power syntax
2009-04-26, by haftmann
2009-04-26, by Christian Urban
deleted thm-attributes "fresh" and "bij" (not used); same features can later be implemented by simpler means
2009-04-26, by Christian Urban
append prefs at end;
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
adapted permutation functions to new overloading syntax (the functions are still "unchecked" because they are used in conjunction with type-classes)
2009-04-25, by Christian Urban
use predefined preferences categories;
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
removed obsolete artifacts;
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
misc cleanup of auto_solve and quickcheck:
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
renamed contrib/SystemOnTPTP/remote to lib/script/SystemOnTPTP, thus leaving contrib empty within the official distribution;
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
post Isabelle2009 version;
2009-04-25, by wenzelm
adjusted to change in code_wellsorted.ML
2009-04-25, by haftmann
2009-04-24, by haftmann
some jokes are just too bad to appear in a theory file
2009-04-24, by haftmann
removed confusion around funpow
2009-04-24, by haftmann
observe distinction between Pure/Tools and Tools more closely
2009-04-24, by haftmann
some experiements towards user interface for predicate compiler
2009-04-24, by haftmann
funpow and relpow with shared "^^" syntax
2009-04-24, by haftmann
generic postprocessing scheme for term evaluations
2009-04-24, by haftmann
added helpless comment
2009-04-24, by haftmann
adaptions due to rearrangment of power operation
2009-04-23, by haftmann
stripped $Id$
2009-04-23, by haftmann
avoid local [code]
2009-04-23, by haftmann
dropped duplication
2009-04-22, by haftmann
code_datatype and power
2009-04-22, by haftmann
2009-04-22, by haftmann
code_datatype antiquotation; tuned
2009-04-22, by haftmann
more localisation
2009-04-22, by haftmann
power operation defined generic
2009-04-22, by haftmann
fixed compilation of predicate types in ML environment
2009-04-22, by haftmann
2009-04-21, by haftmann
2009-04-20, by haftmann
empty page leads to results on duplex printers as expected
2009-04-20, by haftmann
changes in power operations
2009-04-20, by haftmann
power operation on functions in theory Nat; power operation on relations in theory Transitive_Closure
2009-04-20, by haftmann
yield is now a static ML function
2009-04-20, by haftmann
power operation on functions with syntax o^; power operation on relations with syntax ^^
2009-04-20, by haftmann