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isatool fixgoal;
1998-06-22, by wenzelm
1998-06-20, by wenzelm
renamed Thm(s) back to thm(s);
1998-06-20, by wenzelm
export mk_triple1/2;
1998-06-20, by wenzelm
added read_def_axm;
1998-06-20, by wenzelm
added fix_mixfix;
1998-06-20, by wenzelm
fixed comment
1998-06-19, by paulson
1998-06-19, by paulson
New example Kerberos_BAN by G Bella
1998-06-19, by paulson
fixed comment;
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
tuned \s pattern;
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
isatool fixgoal;
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
removed Thy;
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
replaced warning by error_msg;
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
new toplevel commands `Goal' and `Goalw';
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
renamed thm(s) to Thm(s);
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
replace goal(w) commands by implicit versions Goal(w);
1998-06-18, by wenzelm
Goal and Goalw
1998-06-17, by nipkow
goal -> Goal
1998-06-17, by nipkow
Changed and changed back.
1998-06-17, by nipkow
Goals may now contain assumptions, which are not returned.
1998-06-17, by nipkow
added General/history.ML;
1998-06-16, by wenzelm
Histories of values, with undo and redo;
1998-06-16, by wenzelm
use_text replaces use_strings;
1998-06-15, by wenzelm
handle_error: capture error msgs, even if no exception raised;
1998-06-15, by wenzelm
removed use_text;
1998-06-13, by wenzelm
added use_text;
1998-06-12, by wenzelm
1998-06-12, by wenzelm
changed (| |) syntax to (: :);
1998-06-12, by wenzelm
changed {: :} syntax to (| |);
1998-06-12, by wenzelm
tuned exports;
1998-06-12, by wenzelm
removed rel.ML
1998-06-11, by nipkow
ancient relic
1998-06-11, by nipkow
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
get_context renamed to the_context;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
tuned transaction;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
tuned comments;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
adapted to TheoryDataFun interface;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved attributes theory data to Isar/isar_thy.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved add_axioms_x, add_defs_x to Isar/isar_thy.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
added exnMessage;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
added General;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
added of_file;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
General tools.
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved table.ML, object.ML, seq.ML, name_space.ML to General;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved object.ML to General/object.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved table.ML to General/table.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved seq.ML to General/seq.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved position.ML, path.ML, file.ML to General;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved name_space.ML to General/name_space.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved Thy/path.ML to General/path.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved Thy/position.ML to General/position.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
moved Thy/file.ML to General/file.ML;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
new type-safe user interface for theory data;
1998-06-10, by wenzelm
nonterminals prog;
1998-06-09, by wenzelm
adapted to new theory data interface;
1998-06-09, by wenzelm
use type-safe theory data interface;
1998-06-08, by wenzelm
added theory_data.ML;
1998-06-08, by wenzelm
Type-safe interface for theory data.
1998-06-08, by wenzelm
* improved the theory data mechanism to support real encapsulation;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
accomodate tuned version of theory data;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
added print_theorems: theory -> unit;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
improved data: secure version using Object.T and Object.kind;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
tuned setup;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
use Object.T and Object.kind;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
removed type object (see object.ML);
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
tuned print_exn;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
print_data moved to theory.ML;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
added THEN: ('a -> 'b seq) * ('b -> 'c seq) -> 'a -> 'c seq;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
added object.ML;
1998-06-05, by wenzelm
added option_map_o_empty
1998-06-02, by oheimb
added split_etas
1998-06-02, by oheimb
added split_sum_case_asm
1998-06-02, by oheimb
1998-05-29, by wenzelm
tuned msgs;
1998-05-29, by wenzelm
auto update
1998-05-28, by paulson
fixed ml_prompts;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
changed get_single: ('a, 'b) source -> ('a * ('a, 'b) source) option;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
tuned dist version;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
tuned header;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
version under control of Admin/makedist;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
README, Pure/ROOT.ML: version set automatically;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
version under control of Admin/makedist;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
added ml_prompts;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
added mapfilter: ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a, 'c) source -> ('b, ('a, 'c)
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
tuned error msg;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
fixed error msgs;
1998-05-28, by wenzelm
Structure Option now declared in MLWorks
1998-05-27, by paulson
mk_all_imp: no longer creates goals that have beta-redexes
1998-05-27, by paulson
more tracing
1998-05-27, by paulson
Changed require to requires for MLWorks
1998-05-27, by paulson
auto update
1998-05-27, by paulson
made SML/NJ happy;
1998-05-26, by wenzelm
foldl_map prep_field;
1998-05-26, by wenzelm
tuned store_theory;
1998-05-25, by wenzelm