2007-10-06 wenzelm simplified interfaces for outer syntax;
2007-10-05 wenzelm tuned induct etc.;
2007-10-01 wenzelm added auto_quickcheck feature;
2007-10-01 wenzelm misc tuning and update;
2007-10-01 wenzelm misc tuning and update;
2007-09-26 wenzelm tuned;
2007-09-26 wenzelm tuned;
2007-09-26 wenzelm tuned;
2007-09-26 wenzelm * Pure/Isar: unified specification syntax admits type inference and dummy patterns;
2007-09-25 wenzelm * Pure/Syntax: generic interfaces for parsing and type checking;
2007-09-25 haftmann datatype interpretators for size and datatype_realizer
2007-09-24 wenzelm more ML antiqs;
2007-09-19 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-09-19 wenzelm * ML: just one true type int;
2007-09-18 ballarin Transitivity reasoner set up for locales.
2007-09-18 wenzelm moved Tools/integer.ML to Pure/General/integer.ML;
2007-09-18 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-09-16 wenzelm moved induct patterns to HOL/Induct/Common_Patterns.thy;
2007-08-31 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-08-31 wenzelm tuned multithreading entry -- no longer experimental;
2007-08-30 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-08-24 haftmann moved class dense_linear_order to Orderings.thy
2007-08-20 haftmann conciliated Inf/Inf_fin
2007-08-20 kleing * HOL-Word:
2007-08-13 kleing new attribute [rotated]
2007-08-12 wenzelm * Syntax: scope for resolving ambiguities via type-inference is now limited to individual terms;
2007-08-10 wenzelm tuned;
2007-08-09 wenzelm * Experimental support for multithreading, using Poly/ML 5.1;
2007-08-08 wenzelm * Theory loader: old-style ML proof scripts are considered a legacy feature;
2007-08-07 wenzelm theory loader: added use_thys, removed obsolete update_thy;
2007-08-01 wenzelm tuned config options: eliminated separate attribute "option";
2007-07-31 wenzelm * Configuration options;
2007-07-28 wenzelm * Isar: command 'declaration';
2007-07-25 ballarin tuned
2007-07-24 krauss renamed lemma "set_take_whileD" to "set_takeWhileD"
2007-07-23 ballarin interpretation: unfolding of equations;
2007-07-20 wenzelm tuned;
2007-07-20 wenzelm * Theory loader: be more serious about observing the static theory header specifications;
2007-07-20 haftmann moved class ord from Orderings.thy to HOL.thy
2007-07-19 haftmann updated
2007-07-11 berghofe Added entry for new inductive definition package.
2007-07-04 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-07-04 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-07-03 wenzelm tuned;
2007-06-27 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-06-25 obua commented changes in HOL/Ring_and_Field.thy, and in HOL/Real/RealPow.thy
2007-06-24 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-06-24 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-06-24 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-06-21 huffman changed simp rules for of_nat
2007-06-21 paulson integration of Metis prover
2007-06-13 wenzelm updated 'find_theorems' -- moved ProofGeneral specifics to ProofGeneral/CHANGES;
2007-06-13 huffman int abbreviates of_nat
2007-06-13 wenzelm * Isar: method "assumption" (implicit closing of subproofs) takes non-atomic goal assumptions into account;
2007-06-13 wenzelm tuned;
2007-06-10 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-06-08 chaieb Method "algebra" solves polynomial equations over (semi)rings
2007-06-05 haftmann moved generic algebra modules
2007-06-03 nipkow *** empty log message ***
2007-06-01 haftmann fixed typo
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