removed obsolete HOL/thy_syntax.ML;
Wed, 19 Oct 2005 21:52:31 +0200
changeset 17919 09adb77ac16c
parent 17918 93e26302733e
child 17920 5c3e9415c653
removed obsolete HOL/thy_syntax.ML;
--- a/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Oct 19 21:52:30 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/IsaMakefile	Wed Oct 19 21:52:31 2005 +0200
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@
   Typedef.thy Wellfounded_Recursion.thy Wellfounded_Relations.thy		\
   antisym_setup.ML arith_data.ML blastdata.ML cladata.ML			\
   document/root.tex eqrule_HOL_data.ML hologic.ML simpdata.ML	\
-  thy_syntax.ML  \
   ResAtpOracle.thy                                                             \
   ResAtpMethods.thy \
   Tools/res_atp_setup.ML Tools/res_atp_provers.ML Tools/res_atp_methods.ML 	
--- a/src/HOL/ROOT.ML	Wed Oct 19 21:52:30 2005 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/ROOT.ML	Wed Oct 19 21:52:31 2005 +0200
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@
 val banner = "Higher-Order Logic";
 writeln banner;
-(*old-style theory syntax*)
-use "thy_syntax.ML";
 use "hologic.ML";
 use "~~/src/Provers/splitter.ML";
--- a/src/HOL/thy_syntax.ML	Wed Oct 19 21:52:30 2005 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/thy_syntax.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel and Lawrence C Paulson and Carsten Clasohm
-Additional sections for *old-style* theory files in HOL.
-open ThyParse;
-(** typedef **)
-fun mk_typedef_decl (((((opt_name, vs), t), mx), rhs), wt) =
-  let
-    val name' = getOpt (opt_name,t);
-    val name = unenclose name';
-  in
-    (cat_lines [name', mk_triple (t, mk_list vs, mx), rhs, wt],
-      [name ^ "_def", "Rep_" ^ name, "Rep_" ^ name ^ "_inverse",
-        "Abs_" ^ name ^ "_inverse"])
-  end;
-val typedef_decl =
-  optional ("(" $$-- name --$$ ")" >> SOME) NONE --
-  type_args -- name -- opt_infix --$$ "=" -- string -- opt_witness
-  >> mk_typedef_decl;
-(** record **)
-val record_decl =
-  (type_args -- name >> (mk_pair o apfst mk_list)) --$$ "="
-    -- optional (typ --$$ "+" >> (parens o cat "SOME")) "NONE"
-    -- repeat1 ((name --$$ "::" -- !! (typ -- opt_mixfix)) >> mk_triple2)
-  >> (fn ((x, y), zs) => cat_lines [x, y, mk_big_list zs]);
-(** (co)inductive **)
-(*Skipping initial blanks, find the first identifier*)  (* FIXME slightly broken! *)
-fun scan_to_id s =
-    s |> Symbol.explode
-    |> Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol.stopper
-      (Scan.!! (fn _ => "Expected to find an identifier in " ^ s)
-        (Scan.any Symbol.is_blank |-- Syntax.scan_id)))
-    |> #1;
-fun inductive_decl coind =
-  let
-    val no_atts = map (mk_pair o rpair "[]");
-    fun mk_intr_name (s, _) =   (*the "op" cancels any infix status*)
-      if ThmDatabase.is_ml_identifier s then "op " ^ s else "_";
-    fun mk_params ((recs, ipairs), monos) =
-      let val big_rec_name = space_implode "_" (map (scan_to_id o unenclose) recs)
-          and srec_tms = mk_list recs
-          and sintrs   = mk_big_list (no_atts (map (mk_pair o apfst Library.quote) ipairs))
-      in
-        ";\n\n\
-        \local\n\
-        \val (thy, {defs, mono, unfold, intrs, elims, mk_cases, induct, ...}) =\n\
-        \  InductivePackage.add_inductive true " ^
-        (if coind then "true " else "false ") ^ srec_tms ^
-         sintrs ^ " " ^ mk_list (no_atts monos) ^ " thy;\n\
-        \in\n\
-        \structure " ^ big_rec_name ^ " =\n\
-        \struct\n\
-        \  val defs = defs;\n\
-        \  val mono = mono;\n\
-        \  val unfold = unfold;\n\
-        \  val intrs = intrs;\n\
-        \  val elims = elims;\n\
-        \  val elim = hd elims;\n\
-        \  val " ^ (if coind then "co" else "") ^ "induct = induct;\n\
-        \  val mk_cases = mk_cases;\n\
-        \  val " ^ mk_list (map mk_intr_name ipairs) ^ " = intrs;\n\
-        \end;\n\
-        \val thy = thy;\nend;\n\
-        \val thy = thy\n"
-      end
-    val ipairs = "intrs" $$-- repeat1 (ident -- !! string)
-    fun optlist s = optional (s $$-- list1 name) []
-  in repeat1 name -- ipairs -- optlist "monos" >> mk_params end;
-(** datatype **)
-  (*** generate string for calling add_datatype ***)
-  (*** and bindig theorems to ML identifiers    ***)
-  fun mk_bind_thms_string names =
-   (case Library.find_first (not o ThmDatabase.is_ml_identifier) names of
-      SOME id => (warning (id ^ " is not a valid identifier"); "")
-    | NONE =>
-        let
-          fun mk_dt_struct (s, (id, i)) =
-            s ^ "structure " ^ id ^ " =\n\
-            \struct\n\
-            \  val distinct = List.nth (distinct, " ^ i ^ ");\n\
-            \  val inject = List.nth (inject, " ^ i ^ ");\n\
-            \  val exhaust = List.nth (exhaustion, " ^ i ^ ");\n\
-            \  val cases = List.nth (case_thms, " ^ i ^ ");\n\
-            \  val (split, split_asm) = List.nth (split_thms, " ^ i ^ ");\n" ^
-              (if length names = 1 then
-                 "  val induct = induction;\n\
-                 \  val recs = rec_thms;\n\
-                 \  val simps = simps;\n\
-                 \  val size = size;\n"
-               else "") ^
-            "end;\n";
-          val structs = Library.foldl mk_dt_struct
-            ("", (names ~~ (map string_of_int (0 upto length names - 1))));
-        in
-          (if length names > 1 then
-             "structure " ^ (space_implode "_" names) ^ " =\n\
-             \struct\n\
-             \  val induct = induction;\n\
-             \  val recs = rec_thms;\n\
-             \  val simps = simps;\n\
-             \  val size = size;\nend;\n"
-           else "") ^ structs
-        end);
-  fun mk_dt_string dts =
-    let
-      val names = map (fn ((((alt_name, _), name), _), _) =>
-        unenclose (getOpt (alt_name,name))) dts;
-      val add_datatype_args = brackets (commas (map Library.quote names)) ^ " " ^
-        brackets (commas (map (fn ((((_, vs), name), mx), cs) =>
-          parens (brackets (commas vs) ^ ", " ^ name ^ ", " ^ mx ^ ", " ^
-            brackets (commas cs))) dts));
-    in
-      ";\nlocal\n\
-      \val (thy, {distinct, inject, exhaustion, rec_thms,\n\
-      \  case_thms, split_thms, induction, size, simps}) =\n\
-      \ DatatypePackage.add_datatype false " ^ add_datatype_args ^ " thy;\n\
-      \in\n" ^ mk_bind_thms_string names ^
-      "val thy = thy;\nend;\nval thy = thy\n"
-    end;
-  fun mk_thmss namess = mk_list (map (mk_list o map (mk_pair o rpair "[]")) namess);
-  fun mk_thm name = mk_pair (name, "[]");
-  fun mk_rep_dt_string (((names, distinct), inject), induct) =
-    ";\nlocal\n\
-    \val (thy, {distinct, inject, exhaustion, rec_thms,\n\
-    \  case_thms, split_thms, induction, size, simps}) =\n\
-    \ DatatypePackage.rep_datatype " ^
-    (case names of
-        SOME names => "(SOME [" ^ Library.commas_quote names ^ "])\n " ^
-          mk_thmss distinct ^ "\n " ^ mk_thmss inject ^
-            "\n " ^ mk_thm induct ^ " thy;\nin\n" ^ mk_bind_thms_string names
-      | NONE => "NONE\n " ^ mk_thmss distinct ^ "\n " ^ mk_thmss inject ^
-            "\n " ^ mk_thm induct ^ " thy;\nin\n") ^
-    "val thy = thy;\nend;\nval thy = thy\n";
-  (*** parsers ***)
-  val simple_typ = ident || (type_var >> unenclose);
-  fun complex_typ toks =
-    let val typ = simple_typ || "(" $$-- complex_typ --$$ ")";
-        val typ2 = complex_typ || "(" $$-- complex_typ --$$ ")";
-    in
-     (typ ^^ (repeat ident >> (cat "" o space_implode " ")) ||
-      "(" $$-- !! (list1 typ2 >> (parens o commas)) --$$ ")" ^^ !!
-        (repeat1 ident >> (cat "" o space_implode " "))) toks
-    end;
-  val opt_typs = repeat ((string >> unenclose) ||
-    simple_typ || ("(" $$-- complex_typ --$$ ")"));
-  val constructor = name -- opt_typs -- opt_mixfix >> (fn ((n, Ts), mx) =>
-    parens (n ^ ", " ^ brackets (Library.commas_quote Ts) ^ ", " ^ mx));
-  val opt_name = optional ("(" $$-- name --$$ ")" >> SOME) NONE
-  fun optlistlist s = optional (s $$-- enum "and" (list name)) [[]]
-  val datatype_decl =
-    enum1 "and" (opt_name -- type_args -- name -- opt_infix --$$ "=" --
-      enum1 "|" constructor) >> mk_dt_string;
-  val rep_datatype_decl =
-    ((optional ((repeat1 (name >> unenclose)) >> SOME) NONE) --
-      optlistlist "distinct" -- optlistlist "inject" --
-        ("induct" $$-- name)) >> mk_rep_dt_string;
-(** primrec **)
-fun mk_patterns eqns = mk_list (map (fn (s, _) => if s = "" then "_" else s) eqns);
-fun mk_eqns eqns = mk_list (map (fn (x, y) => mk_pair (mk_pair (Library.quote x, y), "[]")) eqns);
-fun mk_primrec_decl (alt_name, eqns) =
-  ";\nval (thy, " ^ mk_patterns eqns ^ ") = PrimrecPackage.add_primrec " ^ alt_name ^ " "
-  ^ mk_eqns eqns ^ " " ^ " thy;\n\
-  \val thy = thy\n"
-(* either names and axioms or just axioms *)
-val primrec_decl = optional ("(" $$-- name --$$ ")") "\"\"" --
-  repeat1 (ident -- string || (string >> pair "")) >> mk_primrec_decl;
-(*** recdef: interface to Slind's TFL ***)
-(** TFL with explicit WF relations **)
-(*fname: name of function being defined; rel: well-founded relation*)
-fun mk_recdef_decl ((((fname, rel), congs), ss), eqns) =
-  let val fid = unenclose fname in
-    ";\n\n\
-    \local\n\
-    \fun simpset() = Simplifier.simpset_of thy;\n\
-    \val (thy, result) = thy |> RecdefPackage.add_recdef_old " ^ Library.quote fid ^ " " ^ rel ^ "\n" ^
-    mk_eqns eqns ^ "\n(" ^ ss ^ ",\n " ^ mk_list congs ^ ");\n\
-    \in\n\
-    \structure " ^ fid ^ " =\n\
-    \struct\n\
-    \  val {simps, rules = " ^ mk_patterns eqns ^ ", induct, tcs} = result;\n\
-    \end;\n\
-    \val thy = thy;\n\
-    \end;\n\
-    \val thy = thy\n"
-  end;
-val recdef_decl =
-  name -- string --
-    optional ("congs" $$-- list1 ident) [] --
-    optional ("simpset" $$-- string >> unenclose) "simpset()" --
-    repeat1 (ident -- string || (string >> pair "")) >> mk_recdef_decl;
-(** TFL with no WF relation supplied **)
-(*fname: name of function being defined; rel: well-founded relation*)
-fun mk_defer_recdef_decl ((fname, congs), axms) =
-  let
-    val fid = unenclose fname;
-    val congs_text = mk_list (map (fn c => mk_pair (c, "[]")) congs);
-    val axms_text = mk_big_list axms;
-  in
-    ";\n\n\
-    \local\n\
-    \val (thy, result) = thy |> RecdefPackage.defer_recdef " ^ Library.quote fid ^ "\n" ^
-    axms_text ^ "\n" ^ congs_text ^ ";\n\
-    \in\n\
-    \structure " ^ fid ^ " =\n\
-    \struct\n\
-    \  val {induct_rules} = result;\n\
-    \end;\n\
-    \val thy = thy;\n\
-    \end;\n\
-    \val thy = thy\n"
-  end;
-val defer_recdef_decl =
-  (name --
-    optional ("congs" $$-- list1 name) [] --
-    repeat1 string >> mk_defer_recdef_decl);
-(** augment thy syntax **)
-val _ = ThySyn.add_syntax
- ["intrs", "monos", "congs", "simpset", "|", "and", "distinct", "inject", "induct"]
- [axm_section "typedef" "|> TypedefPackage.add_typedef_x" typedef_decl,
-  section "record" "|> RecordPackage.add_record" record_decl,
-  section "inductive" 	"" (inductive_decl false),
-  section "coinductive"	"" (inductive_decl true),
-  section "datatype" 	"" datatype_decl,
-  section "rep_datatype" "" rep_datatype_decl,
-  section "primrec" 	"" primrec_decl,
-  section "recdef" 	"" recdef_decl,
-  section "defer_recdef" "" defer_recdef_decl];