--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Thu Jul 19 23:18:56 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML Thu Jul 19 23:18:58 2007 +0200
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
val update_thy: string -> unit
val remove_thy: string -> unit
val time_use_thy: string -> unit
- val use_thy_only: string -> unit
- val update_thy_only: string -> unit
signature THY_INFO =
@@ -33,16 +31,14 @@
val lookup_theory: string -> theory option
val get_theory: string -> theory
val the_theory: string -> theory -> theory
- val get_preds: string -> string list
- val get_succs: string -> string list
+ val get_parents: string -> string list
val loaded_files: string -> Path.T list
val touch_child_thys: string -> unit
val touch_all_thys: unit -> unit
val load_file: bool -> Path.T -> unit
val use: string -> unit
- val quiet_update_thy: bool -> string -> unit
val pretend_use_thy_only: string -> unit
- val begin_theory: (Path.T option -> string -> string list ->
+ val begin_theory: (Path.T list -> string -> string list ->
(Path.T * bool) list -> theory -> theory) ->
string -> string list -> (Path.T * bool) list -> bool -> theory
val end_theory: theory -> theory
@@ -54,7 +50,6 @@
structure ThyInfo: THY_INFO =
(** theory loader actions and hooks **)
datatype action = Update | Outdate | Remove;
@@ -73,10 +68,8 @@
(* messages *)
-fun gen_msg txt [] = txt
- | gen_msg txt names = txt ^ " " ^ commas_quote names;
-fun loader_msg txt names = gen_msg ("Theory loader: " ^ txt) names;
+fun loader_msg txt [] = "Theory loader: " ^ txt
+ | loader_msg txt names = "Theory loader: " ^ txt ^ " " ^ commas_quote names;
val show_path = space_implode " via " o map quote;
fun cycle_msg names = loader_msg ("cyclic dependency of " ^ show_path names) [];
@@ -98,16 +91,27 @@
(* thy database *)
+type master = (Path.T * File.ident) * (Path.T * File.ident) option;
type deps =
- {present: bool, outdated: bool,
- master: ThyLoad.master option, files: (Path.T * (Path.T * File.info) option) list};
+ {present: bool,
+ outdated: bool,
+ master: master option,
+ files: (Path.T * (Path.T * File.ident) option) list};
+fun master_idents (NONE: master option) = []
+ | master_idents (SOME ((_, thy_id), NONE)) = [thy_id]
+ | master_idents (SOME ((_, thy_id), SOME (_, ml_id))) = [thy_id, ml_id];
+fun master_path (m: master option) = map (Path.dir o fst o fst) (the_list m);
+fun master_path' (d: deps option) = maps (master_path o #master) (the_list d);
+fun master_path'' d = maps master_path' (the_list d);
fun make_deps present outdated master files =
{present = present, outdated = outdated, master = master, files = files}: deps;
fun init_deps master files = SOME (make_deps false true master (map (rpair NONE) files));
type thy = deps option * theory option;
@@ -158,10 +162,10 @@
(case get_deps name of
NONE => []
| SOME {master, files, ...} =>
- (case master of SOME m => [#1 (ThyLoad.get_thy m)] | NONE => []) @
+ (case master of SOME ((thy_path, _), _) => [thy_path] | NONE => []) @
(map_filter (Option.map #1 o #2) files));
-fun get_preds name =
+fun get_parents name =
(thy_graph Graph.imm_preds name) handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
error (loader_msg "nothing known about theory" [name]);
@@ -194,7 +198,7 @@
fun get_theory name =
(case lookup_theory name of
- (SOME theory) => theory
+ SOME theory => theory
| _ => error (loader_msg "undefined theory entry for" [name]));
fun the_theory name thy =
@@ -238,10 +242,6 @@
fun touch_thy name = touch_thys [name];
fun touch_child_thys name = touch_thys (thy_graph Graph.imm_succs name);
-fun get_succs name =
- (thy_graph Graph.imm_succs name) handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
- error (loader_msg "nothing known about theory" [name]);
fun touch_all_thys () = List.app outdate_thy (get_names ());
@@ -257,14 +257,10 @@
(* load_file *)
-val opt_path = Option.map (Path.dir o fst o ThyLoad.get_thy);
-fun opt_path' (d: deps option) = the_default NONE (Option.map (opt_path o #master) d);
-fun opt_path'' d = the_default NONE (Option.map opt_path' d);
fun provide path name info (deps as SOME {present, outdated, master, files}) =
- (if exists (equal path o #1) files then ()
+ (if AList.defined (op =) files path then ()
else warning (loader_msg "undeclared dependency of theory" [name] ^
" on file: " ^ quote (Path.implode path));
SOME (make_deps present outdated master (AList.update (op =) (path, SOME info) files)))
@@ -272,11 +268,12 @@
fun run_file path =
(case Option.map (Context.theory_name o Context.the_theory) (ML_Context.get_context ()) of
- NONE => (ThyLoad.load_file NONE path; ())
- | SOME name => (case lookup_deps name of
- SOME deps => change_deps name (provide path name
- (ThyLoad.load_file (opt_path' deps) path))
- | NONE => (ThyLoad.load_file NONE path; ())));
+ NONE => (ThyLoad.load_ml [] path; ())
+ | SOME name =>
+ (case lookup_deps name of
+ SOME deps =>
+ change_deps name (provide path name (ThyLoad.load_ml (master_path' deps) path))
+ | NONE => (ThyLoad.load_ml [] path; ())));
@@ -301,7 +298,7 @@
fun required_by _ [] = ""
| required_by s initiators = s ^ "(required by " ^ show_path (rev initiators) ^ ")";
-fun load_thy really ml time initiators dir name =
+fun load_thy really ml time initiators dirs name =
val _ =
if really then priority ("Loading theory " ^ quote name ^ required_by " " initiators)
@@ -309,8 +306,8 @@
val _ = touch_thy name;
val master =
- if really then ThyLoad.load_thy dir name ml time
- else #1 (ThyLoad.deps_thy dir name ml);
+ if really then ThyLoad.load_thy dirs name ml time
+ else #1 (ThyLoad.deps_thy dirs name ml);
val files = get_files name;
val missing_files = map_filter (fn (path, NONE) => SOME (Path.implode path) | _ => NONE) files;
@@ -325,90 +322,84 @@
(* require_thy *)
-fun base_of_path s = Path.implode (Path.base (Path.explode s));
+fun base_name s = Path.implode (Path.base (Path.explode s));
-fun load_deps ml dir name =
- let val (master, (parents, files)) = ThyLoad.deps_thy dir name ml
- in (SOME (init_deps (SOME master) files), parents) end;
+fun check_ml master (path, info) =
+ let val info' =
+ (case info of NONE => NONE
+ | SOME (_, id) =>
+ (case ThyLoad.check_ml (master_path master) path of NONE => NONE
+ | SOME (path', id') => if id <> id' then NONE else SOME (path', id')))
+ in (path, info') end;
-fun file_current master (_, NONE) = false
- | file_current master (path, info) =
- (info = ThyLoad.check_file (opt_path master) path);
-fun current_deps ml strict dir name =
+fun check_deps ml strict dirs name =
(case lookup_deps name of
- NONE => (false, load_deps ml dir name)
- | SOME deps =>
- let
- fun get_name s = (case opt_path'' (lookup_deps s) of NONE => s
- | SOME p => Path.implode (Path.append p (Path.basic s)));
- val same_deps = (NONE, map get_name (thy_graph Graph.imm_preds name))
- in
- (case deps of
- NONE => (true, same_deps)
- | SOME {present, outdated, master, files} =>
- if present andalso not strict then (true, same_deps)
- else
- let val master' = SOME (ThyLoad.check_thy dir name ml) in
- if master <> master' then (false, load_deps ml dir name)
- else (not outdated andalso forall (file_current master') files, same_deps)
- end)
- end);
+ NONE =>
+ let val (master, (parents, files)) = ThyLoad.deps_thy dirs name ml |>> SOME
+ in (false, (init_deps master files, parents)) end
+ | SOME NONE => (true, (NONE, get_parents name))
+ | SOME (deps as SOME {present, outdated, master, files}) =>
+ if present andalso not strict then (true, (deps, get_parents name))
+ else
+ let val (master', (parents', files')) = ThyLoad.deps_thy dirs name ml |>> SOME in
+ if master_idents master <> master_idents master'
+ then (false, (init_deps master' files', parents'))
+ else
+ let
+ val checked_files = map (check_ml master') files;
+ val current = not outdated andalso forall (is_some o snd) checked_files;
+ val deps' = SOME (make_deps present (not current) master' checked_files);
+ in (current, (deps', parents')) end
+ end);
-fun require_thy really ml time strict keep_strict initiators prfx (visited, str) =
+fun require_thy really ml time strict keep_strict initiators dirs str visited =
val path = Path.expand (Path.explode str);
val name = Path.implode (Path.base path);
+ val dirs' = Path.dir path :: dirs;
+ val _ = member (op =) initiators name andalso error (cycle_msg initiators);
- if member (op =) initiators name then error (cycle_msg initiators) else ();
- if known_thy name andalso is_finished name orelse member (op =) visited name then
- (visited, (true, name))
+ if known_thy name andalso is_finished name orelse member (op =) visited name
+ then ((true, name), visited)
- val dir = Path.append prfx (Path.dir path);
- val req_parent = require_thy true true time (strict andalso keep_strict) keep_strict
- (name :: initiators);
- val (current, (new_deps, parents)) = current_deps ml strict dir name
+ val (current, (deps, parents)) = check_deps ml strict dirs' name
handle ERROR msg => cat_error msg
(loader_msg "the error(s) above occurred while examining theory" [name] ^
(if null initiators then "" else required_by "\n" initiators));
- val dir' = the_default dir (opt_path'' new_deps);
- val (visited', parent_results) = foldl_map (req_parent dir') (name :: visited, parents);
+ val dirs'' = master_path' deps @ dirs;
+ val req_parent = require_thy true true time (strict andalso keep_strict) keep_strict
+ (name :: initiators) dirs'';
+ val (parent_results, visited') = fold_map req_parent parents (name :: visited);
- val thy = if not really then SOME (get_theory name) else NONE;
- val result =
- if current andalso forall fst parent_results then true
- else
- ((case new_deps of
- SOME deps => change_thys (update_node name (map base_of_path parents) (deps, thy))
- | NONE => ());
- load_thy really ml (time orelse ! Output.timing) initiators dir name;
- false);
- in (visited', (result, name)) end
+ val all_current = current andalso forall fst parent_results;
+ val thy = if all_current orelse not really then SOME (get_theory name) else NONE;
+ val _ = change_thys (update_node name (map base_name parents) (deps, thy));
+ val _ =
+ if all_current then ()
+ else load_thy really ml (time orelse ! Output.timing) initiators dirs' name;
+ in ((all_current, name), visited') end
-fun gen_use_thy' req prfx s = Output.toplevel_errors (fn () =>
- let val (_, (_, name)) = req [] prfx ([], s)
+fun gen_use_thy' req dirs s = Output.toplevel_errors (fn () =>
+ let val ((_, name), _) = req [] dirs s []
in ML_Context.set_context (SOME (Context.Theory (get_theory name))) end) ();
-fun gen_use_thy req = gen_use_thy' req Path.current;
+fun gen_use_thy req = gen_use_thy' req [];
fun warn_finished f name = (check_unfinished warning name; f name);
-val weak_use_thy = gen_use_thy' (require_thy true true false false false);
-fun quiet_update_thy' ml = gen_use_thy' (require_thy true ml false true true);
-fun quiet_update_thy ml = gen_use_thy (require_thy true ml false true true);
+val weak_use_thy = gen_use_thy' (require_thy true true false false false);
+val quiet_update_thy = gen_use_thy' (require_thy true true false true true);
val use_thy = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true true false true false));
val time_use_thy = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true true true true false));
-val use_thy_only = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true false false true false));
val update_thy = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true true false true true));
-val update_thy_only = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy true false false true true));
val pretend_use_thy_only = warn_finished (gen_use_thy (require_thy false false false true false));
@@ -429,7 +420,7 @@
(* begin / end theory *)
fun check_uses name uses =
- let val illegal = map (fn ext => Path.ext ext (Path.basic name)) ThyLoad.ml_exts in
+ let val illegal = map (fn ext => Path.ext ext (Path.basic name)) ("" :: ThyLoad.ml_exts) in
(case find_first (member (op =) illegal o Path.base o Path.expand o #1) uses of
NONE => ()
| SOME (path, _) => error ("Illegal use of theory ML file: " ^ quote (Path.implode path)))
@@ -437,22 +428,21 @@
fun begin_theory present name parents uses int =
- val bparents = map base_of_path parents;
- val dir' = opt_path'' (lookup_deps name);
- val dir = the_default Path.current dir';
- val assert_thy = if int then quiet_update_thy' true dir else weak_use_thy dir;
+ val bparents = map base_name parents;
+ val dirs' = master_path'' (lookup_deps name);
+ val dirs = dirs' @ [Path.current];
val _ = check_unfinished error name;
- val _ = List.app assert_thy parents;
+ val _ = List.app ((if int then quiet_update_thy else weak_use_thy) dirs) parents;
val _ = check_uses name uses;
val theory = Theory.begin_theory name (map get_theory bparents);
val deps =
if known_thy name then get_deps name
- else (init_deps NONE (map #1 uses)); (*records additional ML files only!*)
+ else (init_deps NONE (map #1 uses));
val uses_now = map_filter (fn (x, true) => SOME x | _ => NONE) uses;
val _ = change_thys (update_node name bparents (deps, SOME (Theory.copy theory)));
- val theory' = theory |> present dir' name bparents uses;
+ val theory' = theory |> present dirs' name bparents uses;
val _ = put_theory name (Theory.copy theory');
val ((), theory'') =
ML_Context.pass_context (Context.Theory theory') (List.app (load_file false)) uses_now
@@ -481,7 +471,7 @@
val parent_names = map Context.theory_name parents;
fun err txt bads =
- error (loader_msg txt bads ^ "\n" ^ gen_msg "cannot register theory" [name]);
+ error (loader_msg txt bads ^ "\ncannot register theory " ^ quote name);
val nonfinished = filter_out is_finished parent_names;
fun get_variant (x, y_name) =