--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML Sat Sep 29 21:39:52 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML Sat Sep 29 21:39:53 2007 +0200
@@ -86,15 +86,34 @@
val pretty_sort: Proof.context -> syntax -> sort -> Pretty.T
val ambiguity_level: int ref
val ambiguity_is_error: bool ref
- val install_parsers:
- {sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort,
- typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ,
- term: Proof.context -> string -> term,
- prop: Proof.context -> string -> term} -> unit
val parse_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort
val parse_typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ
val parse_term: Proof.context -> string -> term
val parse_prop: Proof.context -> string -> term
+ val unparse_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> Pretty.T
+ val unparse_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T
+ val unparse_term: Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T
+ val install_operations:
+ {parse_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort,
+ parse_typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ,
+ parse_term: Proof.context -> string -> term,
+ parse_prop: Proof.context -> string -> term,
+ unparse_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> Pretty.T,
+ unparse_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T,
+ unparse_term: Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T} -> unit
+ val print_checks: Proof.context -> unit
+ val add_typ_check: int -> string ->
+ (typ list -> Proof.context -> typ list * Proof.context) ->
+ Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val add_term_check: int -> string ->
+ (term list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context) ->
+ Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val add_typ_uncheck: int -> string ->
+ (typ list -> Proof.context -> typ list * Proof.context) ->
+ Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val add_term_uncheck: int -> string ->
+ (term list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context) ->
+ Context.generic -> Context.generic
val check_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> sort
val check_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> typ
val check_term: Proof.context -> term -> term
@@ -102,10 +121,8 @@
val check_typs: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ list
val check_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> term list
val check_props: Proof.context -> term list -> term list
- val add_typ_check: (typ list -> Proof.context -> typ list * Proof.context) ->
- Context.generic -> Context.generic
- val add_term_check: (term list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context) ->
- Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val uncheck_typs: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ list
+ val uncheck_terms: Proof.context -> term list -> term list
val read_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort
val read_typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ
val read_term: Proof.context -> string -> term
@@ -602,82 +619,124 @@
-(** generic parsing and type-checking **)
-(* parsing *)
+(** inner syntax operations **)
-type parsers =
- {sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort,
- typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ,
- term: Proof.context -> string -> term,
- prop: Proof.context -> string -> term};
+(* (un)parsing *)
- val parsers = ref (NONE: parsers option);
+ type operations =
+ {parse_sort: Proof.context -> string -> sort,
+ parse_typ: Proof.context -> string -> typ,
+ parse_term: Proof.context -> string -> term,
+ parse_prop: Proof.context -> string -> term,
+ unparse_sort: Proof.context -> sort -> Pretty.T,
+ unparse_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> Pretty.T,
+ unparse_term: Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T};
+ val operations = ref (NONE: operations option);
+ fun operation which ctxt x =
+ (case ! operations of
+ NONE => error "Inner syntax operations not yet installed"
+ | SOME ops => which ops ctxt x);
- fun install_parsers ps = CRITICAL (fn () =>
- if is_some (! parsers) then error "Inner syntax parsers already installed"
- else parsers := SOME ps);
- fun parse which ctxt s =
- (case ! parsers of
- NONE => error "Inner syntax parsers not yet installed"
- | SOME ps => which ps ctxt s);
+val parse_sort = operation #parse_sort;
+val parse_typ = operation #parse_typ;
+val parse_term = operation #parse_term;
+val parse_prop = operation #parse_prop;
+val unparse_sort = operation #unparse_sort;
+val unparse_typ = operation #unparse_typ;
+val unparse_term = operation #unparse_term;
+fun install_operations ops = CRITICAL (fn () =>
+ if is_some (! operations) then error "Inner syntax operations already installed"
+ else operations := SOME ops);
-val parse_sort = parse #sort;
-val parse_typ = parse #typ;
-val parse_term = parse #term;
-val parse_prop = parse #prop;
-(* checking types/terms *)
+(* context-sensitive (un)checking *)
+type key = int * bool;
+type 'a check = 'a list -> Proof.context -> 'a list * Proof.context;
structure Checks = GenericDataFun
type T =
- ((typ list -> Proof.context -> typ list * Proof.context) * stamp) list *
- ((term list -> Proof.context -> term list * Proof.context) * stamp) list;
+ ((key * ((string * typ check) * stamp) list) list *
+ (key * ((string * term check) * stamp) list) list);
val empty = ([], []);
val extend = I;
fun merge _ ((typ_checks1, term_checks1), (typ_checks2, term_checks2)) : T =
- (Library.merge (eq_snd op =) (typ_checks1, typ_checks2),
- Library.merge (eq_snd op =) (term_checks1, term_checks2));
+ (AList.join (op =) (K (Library.merge (eq_snd (op =)))) (typ_checks1, typ_checks2),
+ AList.join (op =) (K (Library.merge (eq_snd (op =)))) (term_checks1, term_checks2));
-fun gen_check which eq ctxt0 xs0 =
+fun gen_add which (key: key) name f =
+ Checks.map (which (AList.map_default op = (key, []) (cons ((name, f), stamp ()))));
+fun gen_check which uncheck eq ctxt0 xs0 =
- val funs = map fst (rev (which (Checks.get (Context.Proof ctxt0))));
- fun check [] xs ctxt = (xs, ctxt)
- | check (f :: fs) xs ctxt = f xs ctxt |-> check fs;
+ val funs = which (Checks.get (Context.Proof ctxt0))
+ |> map_filter (fn ((i, u), fs) => if uncheck = u then SOME (i, map (snd o fst) fs) else NONE)
+ |> Library.sort (int_ord o pairself fst)
+ |> not uncheck ? map (apsnd rev);
- fun check_fixpoint xs ctxt =
- let val (xs', ctxt') = check funs xs ctxt in
+ fun check_fixpoint fs (xs, ctxt) =
+ let val (xs', ctxt') = fold uncurry fs (xs, ctxt) in
if eq_list eq (xs, xs') then (xs, ctxt)
- else check_fixpoint xs' ctxt'
+ else check_fixpoint fs (xs', ctxt')
- in #1 (case funs of [f] => f xs0 ctxt0 | _ => check_fixpoint xs0 ctxt0) end;
+ in #1 (fold (check_fixpoint o snd) funs (xs0, ctxt0)) end;
+fun map_sort f S =
+ (case f (TFree ("", S)) of
+ TFree ("", S') => S'
+ | T => raise TYPE ("map_sort", [TFree ("", S), T], []));
-val check_typs = gen_check fst (op =);
-val check_terms = gen_check snd (op aconv);
+fun print_checks ctxt =
+ let
+ fun split_checks checks =
+ List.partition (fn ((_, un), _) => not un) checks
+ |> pairself (map (fn ((i, _), fs) => (i, map (fst o fst) fs))
+ #> sort (int_ord o pairself fst));
+ fun pretty_checks kind checks =
+ checks |> map (fn (i, names) => Pretty.block
+ [Pretty.str (kind ^ " (stage " ^ signed_string_of_int i ^ "):"),
+ Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.strs names]);
+ val (typs, terms) = Checks.get (Context.Proof ctxt);
+ val (typ_checks, typ_unchecks) = split_checks typs;
+ val (term_checks, term_unchecks) = split_checks terms;
+ in
+ pretty_checks "typ_checks" typ_checks @
+ pretty_checks "term_checks" term_checks @
+ pretty_checks "typ_unchecks" typ_unchecks @
+ pretty_checks "term_unchecks" term_unchecks
+ end |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln;
+fun add_typ_check stage = gen_add apfst (stage, false);
+fun add_term_check stage = gen_add apsnd (stage, false);
+fun add_typ_uncheck stage = gen_add apfst (stage, true);
+fun add_term_uncheck stage = gen_add apsnd (stage, true);
+val check_typs = gen_check fst false (op =);
+val check_terms = gen_check snd false (op aconv);
fun check_props ctxt = map (TypeInfer.constrain propT) #> check_terms ctxt;
val check_typ = singleton o check_typs;
val check_term = singleton o check_terms;
val check_prop = singleton o check_props;
+val check_sort = map_sort o check_typ;
-fun check_sort ctxt S =
- (case singleton (check_typs ctxt) (TFree ("", S)) of (* FIXME TypeInfer.invent_type (!?) *)
- TFree ("", S') => S'
- | T => raise TYPE ("check_sort", [T], []));
-fun add_typ_check f = Checks.map (apfst (cons (f, stamp ())));
-fun add_term_check f = Checks.map (apsnd (cons (f, stamp ())));
+val uncheck_typs = gen_check fst true (op =);
+val uncheck_terms = gen_check snd true (op aconv);
+val uncheck_sort = map_sort o singleton o uncheck_typs;