purely functional setup of claset/simpset/clasimpset;
Sat, 29 Mar 2008 22:55:57 +0100
changeset 26497 1873915c64a9
parent 26496 49ae9456eba9
child 26498 3f0231b880a7
purely functional setup of claset/simpset/clasimpset; tuned signature;
--- a/src/Provers/clasimp.ML	Sat Mar 29 22:55:49 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Provers/clasimp.ML	Sat Mar 29 22:55:57 2008 +0100
@@ -25,8 +25,11 @@
   include CLASIMP_DATA
   type claset
   type clasimpset
+  val get_css: Context.generic -> clasimpset
+  val map_css: (clasimpset -> clasimpset) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val change_clasimpset: (clasimpset -> clasimpset) -> unit
   val clasimpset: unit -> clasimpset
+  val local_clasimpset_of: Proof.context -> clasimpset
   val addSIs2: clasimpset * thm list -> clasimpset
   val addSEs2: clasimpset * thm list -> clasimpset
   val addSDs2: clasimpset * thm list -> clasimpset
@@ -57,14 +60,12 @@
   val slow_simp_tac: clasimpset -> int -> tactic
   val best_simp_tac: clasimpset -> int -> tactic
   val attrib: (clasimpset * thm list -> clasimpset) -> attribute
-  val get_local_clasimpset: Proof.context -> clasimpset
-  val local_clasimpset_of: Proof.context -> clasimpset
   val iff_add: attribute
   val iff_add': attribute
   val iff_del: attribute
   val iff_modifiers: (Args.T list -> (Method.modifier * Args.T list)) list
   val clasimp_modifiers: (Args.T list -> (Method.modifier * Args.T list)) list
-  val setup: theory -> theory
+  val clasimp_setup: theory -> theory
 functor ClasimpFun(Data: CLASIMP_DATA): CLASIMP =
@@ -72,26 +73,32 @@
 open Data;
+(* type clasimpset *)
 type claset = Classical.claset;
 type clasimpset = claset * simpset;
-fun change_clasimpset_of thy f =
-  let val (cs', ss') = f (Classical.get_claset thy, Simplifier.get_simpset thy) in
-    Classical.change_claset_of thy (fn _ => cs');
-    Simplifier.change_simpset_of thy (fn _ => ss')
-  end;
+fun get_css context = (Classical.get_cs context, Simplifier.get_ss context);
+fun map_css f context =
+  let val (cs', ss') = f (get_css context)
+  in context |> Classical.map_cs (K cs') |> Simplifier.map_ss (K ss') end;
-fun change_clasimpset f = change_clasimpset_of (ML_Context.the_global_context ()) f;
+fun change_clasimpset f = Context.>> (fn context => (Context.the_theory context; map_css f context));
 fun clasimpset () = (Classical.claset (), Simplifier.simpset ());
+fun local_clasimpset_of ctxt =
+  (Classical.local_claset_of ctxt, Simplifier.local_simpset_of ctxt);
 (* clasimpset operations *)
 (*this interface for updating a clasimpset is rudimentary and just for
   convenience for the most common cases*)
-fun pair_upd1 f ((a,b),x) = (f(a,x), b);
-fun pair_upd2 f ((a,b),x) = (a, f(b,x));
+fun pair_upd1 f ((a, b), x) = (f (a, x), b);
+fun pair_upd2 f ((a, b), x) = (a, f (b, x));
 fun op addSIs2   arg = pair_upd1 Classical.addSIs arg;
 fun op addSEs2   arg = pair_upd1 Classical.addSEs arg;
@@ -156,9 +163,9 @@
 val op addIffs =
-  Library.foldl 
+  Library.foldl
       (addIff (Classical.addSEs, Classical.addSIs)
-              (Classical.addEs, Classical.addIs) 
+              (Classical.addEs, Classical.addIs)
 val op delIffs = Library.foldl (delIff Classical.delrules Simplifier.delsimps);
@@ -251,28 +258,11 @@
 (* access clasimpset *)
-fun get_local_clasimpset ctxt =
-  (Classical.get_local_claset ctxt, Simplifier.get_local_simpset ctxt);
-fun local_clasimpset_of ctxt =
-  (Classical.local_claset_of ctxt, Simplifier.local_simpset_of ctxt);
 (* attributes *)
-fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th =>
- fn Context.Theory thy => (change_clasimpset_of thy (fn css => f (css, [th])); Context.Theory thy)
-  | Context.Proof ctxt =>
-      let
-        val cs = Classical.get_local_claset ctxt;
-        val ss = Simplifier.get_local_simpset ctxt;
-        val (cs', ss') = f ((cs, ss), [th]);
-        val ctxt' =
-          ctxt
-          |> Classical.put_local_claset cs'
-          |> Simplifier.put_local_simpset ss';
-      in Context.Proof ctxt' end);
+fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => map_css (fn css => f (css, [th])));
 fun attrib' f (x, th) = (f (x, [th]), th);
 val iff_add = attrib (op addIffs);
@@ -320,7 +310,7 @@
 (* theory setup *)
-val setup =
+val clasimp_setup =
    [("iff", iff_att, "declaration of Simplifier / Classical rules")] #>
--- a/src/Provers/classical.ML	Sat Mar 29 22:55:49 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Provers/classical.ML	Sat Mar 29 22:55:57 2008 +0100
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
   type claset
   val empty_cs: claset
   val print_cs: claset -> unit
-  val print_claset: theory -> unit
   val rep_cs:
     claset -> {safeIs: thm list, safeEs: thm list,
                  hazIs: thm list, hazEs: thm list,
@@ -72,7 +71,6 @@
   val appSWrappers      : claset -> wrapper
   val appWrappers       : claset -> wrapper
-  val change_claset_of: theory -> (claset -> claset) -> unit
   val change_claset: (claset -> claset) -> unit
   val claset_of: theory -> claset
   val claset: unit -> claset
@@ -140,9 +138,7 @@
   val add_context_unsafe_wrapper: string * (Proof.context -> wrapper) -> theory -> theory
   val del_context_unsafe_wrapper: string -> theory -> theory
   val get_claset: theory -> claset
-  val get_local_claset: Proof.context -> claset
-  val put_local_claset: claset -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
-  val print_local_claset: Proof.context -> unit
+  val map_claset: (claset -> claset) -> theory -> theory
   val get_cs: Context.generic -> claset
   val map_cs: (claset -> claset) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val safe_dest: int option -> attribute
@@ -863,27 +859,26 @@
 structure GlobalClaset = TheoryDataFun
-  type T = claset ref * context_cs;
-  val empty = (ref empty_cs, empty_context_cs);
-  fun copy (ref cs, ctxt_cs) = (ref cs, ctxt_cs): T;
-  val extend = copy;
-  fun merge _ ((ref cs1, ctxt_cs1), (ref cs2, ctxt_cs2)) =
-    (ref (merge_cs (cs1, cs2)), merge_context_cs (ctxt_cs1, ctxt_cs2));
+  type T = claset * context_cs;
+  val empty = (empty_cs, empty_context_cs);
+  val copy = I;
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ ((cs1, ctxt_cs1), (cs2, ctxt_cs2)) =
+    (merge_cs (cs1, cs2), merge_context_cs (ctxt_cs1, ctxt_cs2));
-val print_claset = print_cs o ! o #1 o GlobalClaset.get;
-val get_claset = ! o #1 o GlobalClaset.get;
+val get_claset = #1 o GlobalClaset.get;
+val map_claset = GlobalClaset.map o apfst;
 val get_context_cs = #2 o GlobalClaset.get o ProofContext.theory_of;
 fun map_context_cs f = GlobalClaset.map (apsnd
   (fn ContextCS {swrappers, uwrappers} => make_context_cs (f (swrappers, uwrappers))));
-val change_claset_of = change o #1 o GlobalClaset.get;
-fun change_claset f = change_claset_of (ML_Context.the_global_context ()) f;
+fun change_claset f = Context.>> (Context.map_theory (map_claset f));
 fun claset_of thy =
-  let val (cs_ref, ctxt_cs) = GlobalClaset.get thy
-  in context_cs (ProofContext.init thy) (! cs_ref) (ctxt_cs) end;
+  let val (cs, ctxt_cs) = GlobalClaset.get thy
+  in context_cs (ProofContext.init thy) cs (ctxt_cs) end;
 val claset = claset_of o ML_Context.the_global_context;
 fun CLASET tacf st = tacf (claset_of (Thm.theory_of_thm st)) st;
@@ -900,15 +895,11 @@
 (* context dependent components *)
-fun add_context_safe_wrapper wrapper = (map_context_cs o apfst)
-  (AList.update (op =) wrapper);
-fun del_context_safe_wrapper name = (map_context_cs o apfst)
-  (AList.delete (op =) name);
+fun add_context_safe_wrapper wrapper = map_context_cs (apfst ((AList.update (op =) wrapper)));
+fun del_context_safe_wrapper name = map_context_cs (apfst ((AList.delete (op =) name)));
-fun add_context_unsafe_wrapper wrapper = (map_context_cs o apsnd)
-  (AList.update (op =) wrapper);
-fun del_context_unsafe_wrapper name = (map_context_cs o apsnd)
-  (AList.delete (op =) name);
+fun add_context_unsafe_wrapper wrapper = map_context_cs (apsnd ((AList.update (op =) wrapper)));
+fun del_context_unsafe_wrapper name = map_context_cs (apsnd ((AList.delete (op =) name)));
 (* local clasets *)
@@ -919,29 +910,20 @@
   val init = get_claset;
-val get_local_claset = LocalClaset.get;
-val put_local_claset = LocalClaset.put;
 fun local_claset_of ctxt =
-  context_cs ctxt (get_local_claset ctxt) (get_context_cs ctxt);
-val print_local_claset = print_cs o local_claset_of;
+  context_cs ctxt (LocalClaset.get ctxt) (get_context_cs ctxt);
 (* generic clasets *)
-fun get_cs (Context.Theory thy) = claset_of thy
-  | get_cs (Context.Proof ctxt) = local_claset_of ctxt;
-fun map_cs f (Context.Theory thy) = (change_claset_of thy f; Context.Theory thy)
-  | map_cs f (Context.Proof ctxt) = Context.Proof (LocalClaset.map f ctxt);
+val get_cs = Context.cases claset_of local_claset_of;
+fun map_cs f = Context.mapping (map_claset f) (LocalClaset.map f);
 (* attributes *)
 fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th =>
-   fn Context.Theory thy => (change_claset_of thy (f th); Context.Theory thy)
-    | Context.Proof ctxt => Context.Proof (LocalClaset.map (f th) ctxt));
+  Context.mapping (map_claset (f th)) (LocalClaset.map (f th)));
 fun safe_dest w = attrib (addSE w o make_elim);
 val safe_elim = attrib o addSE;
@@ -1071,7 +1053,7 @@
 (** theory setup **)
-val setup = GlobalClaset.init #> setup_attrs #> setup_methods;
+val setup = setup_attrs #> setup_methods;
@@ -1080,9 +1062,7 @@
 val _ =
   OuterSyntax.improper_command "print_claset" "print context of Classical Reasoner"
-    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_context o (Toplevel.keep
-      (Toplevel.node_case
-        (Context.cases print_claset print_local_claset)
-        (print_local_claset o Proof.context_of)))));
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_context o
+      Toplevel.keep (print_cs o local_claset_of o Toplevel.context_of)));
--- a/src/Pure/simplifier.ML	Sat Mar 29 22:55:49 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/simplifier.ML	Sat Mar 29 22:55:57 2008 +0100
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
-  val print_simpset: theory -> unit
-  val change_simpset_of: theory -> (simpset -> simpset) -> unit
   val change_simpset: (simpset -> simpset) -> unit
   val simpset_of: theory -> simpset
   val simpset: unit -> simpset
@@ -60,10 +58,6 @@
   val     full_rewrite: simpset -> conv
   val   asm_lr_rewrite: simpset -> conv
   val asm_full_rewrite: simpset -> conv
-  val get_simpset: theory -> simpset
-  val print_local_simpset: Proof.context -> unit
-  val get_local_simpset: Proof.context -> simpset
-  val put_local_simpset: simpset -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val get_ss: Context.generic -> simpset
   val map_ss: (simpset -> simpset) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val attrib: (simpset * thm list -> simpset) -> attribute
@@ -71,6 +65,7 @@
   val simp_del: attribute
   val cong_add: attribute
   val cong_del: attribute
+  val map_simpset: (simpset -> simpset) -> theory -> theory
   val get_simproc: Context.generic -> xstring -> simproc
   val def_simproc: {name: string, lhss: string list,
     proc: morphism -> simpset -> cterm -> thm option, identifier: thm list} ->
@@ -94,28 +89,35 @@
 (** simpset data **)
-(* global simpsets *)
-structure GlobalSimpset = TheoryDataFun
+structure SimpsetData = GenericDataFun
-  type T = simpset ref;
-  val empty = ref empty_ss;
-  fun copy (ref ss) = ref ss: T;
-  fun extend (ref ss) = ref (MetaSimplifier.inherit_context empty_ss ss);
-  fun merge _ (ref ss1, ref ss2) = ref (merge_ss (ss1, ss2));
+  type T = simpset;
+  val empty = empty_ss;
+  fun extend ss = MetaSimplifier.inherit_context empty_ss ss;
+  fun merge _ = merge_ss;
-val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory GlobalSimpset.init);
-fun print_simpset thy = print_ss (! (GlobalSimpset.get thy));
-val get_simpset = ! o GlobalSimpset.get;
+val get_ss = SimpsetData.get;
+val map_ss = SimpsetData.map;
+(* attributes *)
+fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => map_ss (fn ss => f (ss, [th])));
-fun change_simpset_of thy f = CRITICAL (fn () => change (GlobalSimpset.get thy) f);
-fun change_simpset f = CRITICAL (fn () => change_simpset_of (ML_Context.the_global_context ()) f);
+val simp_add = attrib (op addsimps);
+val simp_del = attrib (op delsimps);
+val cong_add = attrib (op addcongs);
+val cong_del = attrib (op delcongs);
-fun simpset_of thy = MetaSimplifier.context (ProofContext.init thy) (get_simpset thy);
+(* global simpset *)
+fun map_simpset f = Context.theory_map (map_ss f);
+fun change_simpset f = Context.>> (Context.map_theory (map_simpset f));
+fun simpset_of thy = MetaSimplifier.context (ProofContext.init thy) (get_ss (Context.Theory thy));
 val simpset = simpset_of o ML_Context.the_global_context;
 fun SIMPSET tacf st = tacf (simpset_of (Thm.theory_of_thm st)) st;
 fun SIMPSET' tacf i st = tacf (simpset_of (Thm.theory_of_thm st)) i st;
@@ -127,43 +129,14 @@
 fun Delcongs args = change_simpset (fn ss => ss delcongs args);
-(* local simpsets *)
+(* local simpset *)
-structure LocalSimpset = ProofDataFun
-  type T = simpset;
-  val init = get_simpset;
-val print_local_simpset = print_ss o LocalSimpset.get;
-val get_local_simpset = LocalSimpset.get;
-val put_local_simpset = LocalSimpset.put;
-fun local_simpset_of ctxt = MetaSimplifier.context ctxt (get_local_simpset ctxt);
+fun local_simpset_of ctxt = MetaSimplifier.context ctxt (get_ss (Context.Proof ctxt));
 val _ = ML_Context.value_antiq "simpset"
   (Scan.succeed ("simpset", "Simplifier.local_simpset_of (ML_Context.the_local_context ())"));
-(* generic simpsets *)
-fun get_ss (Context.Theory thy) = simpset_of thy
-  | get_ss (Context.Proof ctxt) = local_simpset_of ctxt;
-fun map_ss f (Context.Theory thy) = (change_simpset_of thy f; Context.Theory thy)
-  | map_ss f (Context.Proof ctxt) = Context.Proof (LocalSimpset.map f ctxt);
-(* attributes *)
-fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => map_ss (fn ss => f (ss, [th])));
-val simp_add = attrib (op addsimps);
-val simp_del = attrib (op delsimps);
-val cong_add = attrib (op addcongs);
-val cong_del = attrib (op delcongs);
 (** named simprocs **)
@@ -399,14 +372,14 @@
   Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.add -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_add),
   Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.del -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_del),
   Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.$$$ onlyN -- Args.colon
-    >> K (LocalSimpset.map MetaSimplifier.clear_ss, simp_add)]
+    >> K (Context.proof_map (map_ss MetaSimplifier.clear_ss), simp_add)]
    @ cong_modifiers;
 val simp_modifiers' =
  [Args.add -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_add),
   Args.del -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_del),
   Args.$$$ onlyN -- Args.colon
-    >> K (LocalSimpset.map MetaSimplifier.clear_ss, simp_add)]
+    >> K (Context.proof_map (map_ss MetaSimplifier.clear_ss), simp_add)]
    @ cong_modifiers;
 fun simp_args more_mods =
@@ -429,7 +402,7 @@
  [(simpN, simp_args more_mods simp_method', "simplification"),
   ("simp_all", simp_args more_mods simp_method, "simplification (all goals)")];
-fun easy_setup reflect trivs = method_setup [] #> (fn thy =>
+fun easy_setup reflect trivs = method_setup [] #> Context.theory_map (map_ss (fn _ =>
     val trivialities = Drule.reflexive_thm :: trivs;
@@ -445,13 +418,12 @@
       else [thm RS reflect] handle THM _ => [];
     fun mksimps thm = mk_eq (Drule.forall_elim_vars (#maxidx (Thm.rep_thm thm) + 1) thm);
-    val _ = CRITICAL (fn () =>
-      GlobalSimpset.get thy :=
-        empty_ss setsubgoaler asm_simp_tac
-        setSSolver safe_solver
-        setSolver unsafe_solver
-        setmksimps mksimps);
-  in thy end);
+  in
+    empty_ss setsubgoaler asm_simp_tac
+    setSSolver safe_solver
+    setSolver unsafe_solver
+    setmksimps mksimps
+  end));