--- a/src/Tools/Code/code_runtime.ML Mon Jan 23 17:35:37 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/Code/code_runtime.ML Sun Jan 22 21:39:16 2017 +0100
@@ -28,18 +28,10 @@
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a Exn.result
val dynamic_holds_conv: Proof.context -> conv
val static_holds_conv: { ctxt: Proof.context, consts: string list } -> Proof.context -> conv
- val fully_static_value: (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
- -> { ctxt: Proof.context, lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a,
- consts: (string * typ) list, T: typ }
- -> Proof.context -> term -> 'a option (*EXPERIMENTAL!*)
- val fully_static_value_strict: (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
+ val experimental_computation: (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
-> { ctxt: Proof.context, lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a,
- consts: (string * typ) list, T: typ }
+ terms: term list, T: typ }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a (*EXPERIMENTAL!*)
- val fully_static_value_exn: (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
- -> { ctxt: Proof.context, lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a,
- consts: (string * typ) list, T: typ }
- -> Proof.context -> term -> 'a Exn.result (*EXPERIMENTAL!*)
val code_reflect: (string * string list option) list -> string list -> string
-> string option -> theory -> theory
datatype truth = Holds
@@ -62,7 +54,6 @@
val s_Holds = Long_Name.append this "Holds";
val target = "Eval";
-val structure_generated = "Generated_Code";
datatype truth = Holds;
@@ -203,7 +194,156 @@
end; (*local*)
-(** fully static evaluation -- still with limited coverage! **)
+(** computations -- experimental! **)
+fun typ_signatures_for T =
+ let
+ val (Ts, T') = strip_type T;
+ in map_range (fn n => (drop n Ts ---> T', take n Ts)) (length Ts + 1) end;
+fun typ_signatures cTs =
+ let
+ fun add (c, T) =
+ fold (fn (T, Ts) => Typtab.map_default (T, []) (cons (c, Ts)))
+ (typ_signatures_for T);
+ in
+ Typtab.empty
+ |> fold add cTs
+ |> Typtab.lookup_list
+ end;
+fun print_of_term_funs { typ_sign_for, eval_for_const, of_term_for_typ } Ts =
+ let
+ val var_names = map_range (fn n => "t" ^ string_of_int (n + 1));
+ fun print_lhs c xs = "Const (" ^ quote c ^ ", _)"
+ |> fold (fn x => fn s => s ^ " $ " ^ x) xs
+ |> enclose "(" ")"
+ |> prefix "ctxt ";
+ fun print_rhs c Ts T xs = eval_for_const (c, Ts ---> T)
+ |> fold2 (fn T' => fn x => fn s =>
+ s ^ (" (" ^ of_term_for_typ T' ^ " ctxt " ^ x ^ ")")) Ts xs
+ fun print_eq T (c, Ts) =
+ let
+ val xs = var_names (length Ts);
+ in print_lhs c xs ^ " = " ^ print_rhs c Ts T xs end;
+ val err_eq =
+ "ctxt t = error (" ^ quote "Bad term: " ^ " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)";
+ fun print_eqs T =
+ let
+ val typ_signs = typ_sign_for T;
+ val name = of_term_for_typ T;
+ in
+ (map (print_eq T) typ_signs @ [err_eq])
+ |> map (prefix (name ^ " "))
+ |> space_implode "\n | "
+ end;
+ in
+ map print_eqs Ts
+ |> space_implode "\nand "
+ |> prefix "fun "
+ end;
+fun tycos_of (Type (tyco, Ts)) = maps tycos_of Ts @ [tyco]
+ | tycos_of _ = [];
+val ml_name_of = Name.desymbolize NONE o Long_Name.base_name;
+fun of_term_for_typ Ts =
+ let
+ val names = Ts
+ |> map (suffix "_of_term" o space_implode "_" o map ml_name_of o tycos_of)
+ |> Name.variant_list [];
+ in the o AList.lookup (op =) (Ts ~~ names) end;
+fun eval_for_const ctxt cTs =
+ let
+ fun symbol_list (c, T) = c :: maps tycos_of (Sign.const_typargs (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (c, T))
+ val names = cTs
+ |> map (prefix "eval_" o space_implode "_" o map ml_name_of o symbol_list)
+ |> Name.variant_list [];
+ in the o AList.lookup (op =) (cTs ~~ names) end;
+val generated_computationN = "Generated_Computation";
+fun print_computation_code ctxt compiled_value T cTs =
+ let
+ val typ_sign_for = typ_signatures cTs;
+ fun add_typ T Ts =
+ if member (op =) Ts T
+ then Ts
+ else Ts
+ |> cons T
+ |> fold (fold add_typ o snd) (typ_sign_for T);
+ val Ts = add_typ T [];
+ val of_term_for_typ' = of_term_for_typ Ts;
+ val of_terms = map of_term_for_typ' Ts;
+ val eval_for_const' = eval_for_const ctxt cTs;
+ val evals = map eval_for_const' cTs;
+ val eval_tuple = enclose "(" ")" (commas evals);
+ val eval_abs = space_implode "" (map (fn s => "fn " ^ s ^ " => ") evals);
+ val of_term_code = print_of_term_funs {
+ typ_sign_for = typ_sign_for,
+ eval_for_const = eval_for_const',
+ of_term_for_typ = of_term_for_typ' } Ts;
+ in
+ (cat_lines [
+ "structure " ^ generated_computationN ^ " =",
+ "struct",
+ "",
+ "val " ^ eval_tuple ^ " = " ^ compiled_value ^ " ()",
+ " (" ^ eval_abs,
+ " " ^ eval_tuple ^ ");",
+ "",
+ of_term_code,
+ "",
+ "end"
+ ], map (prefix (generated_computationN ^ ".")) of_terms)
+ end;
+fun compile_computation cookie ctxt T program evals vs_ty_evals deps =
+ let
+ val raw_cTs = case evals of
+ Abs (_, _, t) => (snd o strip_comb) t
+ | _ => error ("Bad term after preprocessing: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt evals);
+ val cTs = map (fn Const cT => cT
+ | t => error ("No constant after preprocessing: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)) raw_cTs;
+ fun comp' vs_ty_evals =
+ let
+ val (generated_code, compiled_value) =
+ build_computation_text ctxt NONE program deps vs_ty_evals;
+ val (of_term_code, of_terms) = print_computation_code ctxt compiled_value T cTs;
+ in
+ (generated_code ^ "\n" ^ of_term_code,
+ enclose "(" ")" ("fn () => " ^ List.last of_terms))
+ end;
+ val compiled_computation =
+ Exn.release (run_computation_text cookie ctxt comp' vs_ty_evals []);
+ in fn ctxt' =>
+ compiled_computation ctxt' o reject_vars ctxt' o Syntax.check_term ctxt' o Type.constraint T
+ end;
+fun experimental_computation cookie { ctxt, lift_postproc, terms = ts, T } =
+ let
+ val cTs = (fold o fold_aterms) (fn Const cT => insert (op =) cT | _ => I) ts [];
+ val vT = TFree (singleton (Name.variant_list
+ (fold (fn (_, T) => fold_atyps (fn TFree (v, _) => insert (op =) v | _ => I)
+ T) cTs [])) Name.aT, []);
+ val evals = Abs ("eval", map snd cTs ---> vT, list_comb (Bound 0, map Const cTs));
+ val computation = Code_Thingol.dynamic_value ctxt
+ (K I) (compile_computation cookie ctxt T) evals;
+ in
+ Code_Preproc.static_value { ctxt = ctxt, lift_postproc = lift_postproc, consts = [] }
+ (K computation)
+ end;
+(** code antiquotation **)
fun evaluation_code ctxt module_name program tycos consts =
@@ -225,107 +365,6 @@
| SOME tyco' => (tyco, tyco')) tycos tycos';
in (ml_code, (tycos_map, consts_map)) end;
-fun typ_signatures_for T =
- let
- val (Ts, T') = strip_type T;
- in map_range (fn n => (drop n Ts ---> T', take n Ts)) (length Ts + 1) end;
-fun typ_signatures cTs =
- let
- fun add (c, T) =
- fold (fn (T, Ts) => Typtab.map_default (T, []) (cons (c, Ts)))
- (typ_signatures_for T);
- in
- Typtab.empty
- |> fold add cTs
- |> Typtab.lookup_list
- end;
-fun print_of_term_funs { typ_sign_for, ml_name_for_const, ml_name_for_typ } Ts =
- let
- val var_names = map_range (fn n => "t" ^ string_of_int (n + 1));
- fun print_lhs c xs = "Const (" ^ quote c ^ ", _)"
- |> fold (fn x => fn s => s ^ " $ " ^ x) xs
- |> enclose "(" ")"
- |> prefix "ctxt ";
- fun print_rhs c Ts xs = ml_name_for_const c
- |> fold2 (fn T => fn x => fn s =>
- s ^ (" (" ^ ml_name_for_typ T ^ " ctxt " ^ x ^ ")")) Ts xs
- fun print_eq (c, Ts) =
- let
- val xs = var_names (length Ts);
- in print_lhs c xs ^ " = " ^ print_rhs c Ts xs end;
- val err_eq =
- "ctxt t = error (" ^ quote "Bad term: " ^ " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)";
- fun print_eqs T =
- let
- val typ_signs = typ_sign_for T;
- val name = ml_name_for_typ T;
- in
- (map print_eq typ_signs @ [err_eq])
- |> map (prefix (name ^ " "))
- |> space_implode "\n | "
- end;
- in
- map print_eqs Ts
- |> space_implode "\nand "
- |> prefix "fun "
- |> pair (map ml_name_for_typ Ts)
- end;
-fun print_of_term ctxt ml_name_for_const T cTs =
- let
- val typ_sign_for = typ_signatures cTs;
- fun add_typ T Ts =
- if member (op =) Ts T
- then Ts
- else Ts
- |> cons T
- |> fold (fold add_typ o snd) (typ_sign_for T);
- val Ts = add_typ T [];
- fun tycos_of (Type (tyco, Ts)) = maps tycos_of Ts @ [tyco]
- | tycos_of _ = [];
- val ml_name_of = Name.desymbolize NONE o Long_Name.base_name;
- val ml_names = map (suffix "_of_term" o space_implode "_" o map ml_name_of o tycos_of) Ts
- |> Name.variant_list [];
- val ml_name_for_typ = the o AList.lookup (op =) (Ts ~~ ml_names);
- in
- print_of_term_funs { typ_sign_for = typ_sign_for,
- ml_name_for_const = ml_name_for_const,
- ml_name_for_typ = ml_name_for_typ } Ts
- end;
-fun compile_computation cookie ctxt cs_code cTs T { program, deps } =
- let
- val (context_code, (_, const_map)) =
- evaluation_code ctxt structure_generated program [] cs_code;
- val ml_name_for_const = the o AList.lookup (op =) const_map;
- val (ml_names, of_term_code) = print_of_term ctxt ml_name_for_const T cTs
- val of_term = value ctxt cookie (context_code ^ "\n" ^ of_term_code, List.last ml_names);
- in
- Code_Preproc.timed_value "computing"
- (fn ctxt' => fn t => fn _ => fn _ => Exn.interruptible_capture (of_term ctxt') t)
- end;
-fun fully_static_value_exn cookie { ctxt, lift_postproc, consts, T } =
- let
- val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
- val cs_code = map (Axclass.unoverload_const thy) consts;
- val cTs = map2 (fn (_, T) => fn c => (c, T)) consts cs_code;
- val computation = Code_Thingol.static_value { ctxt = ctxt,
- lift_postproc = Exn.map_res o lift_postproc, consts = cs_code }
- (compile_computation cookie ctxt cs_code cTs T);
- in fn ctxt' =>
- computation ctxt' o reject_vars ctxt' o Syntax.check_term ctxt' o Type.constraint T
- end;
-fun fully_static_value_strict cookie x = Exn.release oo fully_static_value_exn cookie x;
-fun fully_static_value cookie x = partiality_as_none oo fully_static_value_exn cookie x;
-(** code antiquotation **)
structure Code_Antiq_Data = Proof_Data
@@ -345,7 +384,7 @@
val consts' = fold (insert (op =)) new_consts consts;
val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program ctxt consts';
val acc_code = Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
- evaluation_code ctxt structure_generated program tycos' consts'
+ evaluation_code ctxt Code_Target.generatedN program tycos' consts'
|> apsnd snd);
in Code_Antiq_Data.put ((tycos', consts'), (false, acc_code)) ctxt end;
@@ -553,7 +592,7 @@
|-> (fn ([Const (const, _)], _) =>
Code_Target.set_printings (Constant (const,
[(target, SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (0, (K o K o K o Code_Printer.str) ml_name)))]))
- #> tap (fn thy => Code_Target.produce_code (Proof_Context.init_global thy) false [const] target NONE structure_generated []));
+ #> tap (fn thy => Code_Target.produce_code (Proof_Context.init_global thy) false [const] target NONE Code_Target.generatedN []));
fun process_file filepath (definienda, thy) =