--- a/etc/settings Sat Jun 14 17:26:09 2008 +0200
+++ b/etc/settings Sat Jun 14 17:26:10 2008 +0200
@@ -67,13 +67,6 @@
-# Poplog/PML version 15.6/2.1 (experimental!)
### Interactive sessions (cf. isatool tty)
--- a/lib/scripts/run-poplogml Sat Jun 14 17:26:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# $Id$
-# Author: Makarius
-# Poplog/PML startup script (version 15.6/2.1).
-## diagnostics
-function fail_out()
- echo "Unable to create output heap file: \"$OUTFILE\"" >&2
- exit 2
-function check_mlhome_file()
- if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
- echo "Unable to locate $1" >&2
- echo "Please check your ML_HOME setting!" >&2
- exit 2
- fi
-function check_heap_file()
- if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
- echo "Expected to find ML heap file $1" >&2
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-## prepare databases
-if [ -z "$INFILE" ]; then
- EXIT="fun exit (i: int) = OS.execve \"/bin/sh\" [\"sh\", \"-c\", \"exit \" ^ makestring i] (OS.envlist());"
- USE='pop11
-section $-ml;
-ml_exception Use of string;
-ml_val use : string -> unit =
-procedure(name) with_props use;
- lvars name, path;
- lconstant UseExn = exception("Use");
- define dlocal pop_exception_handler(n, msg, idstring, severity);
- returnunless(severity == `E` or severity == `R`)(false);
- erasenum(n);
- raise(UseExn(name));
- enddefine;
- unless sourcefile(name) ->> path then raise(UseExn(name)) endunless;
- ml_load(path);
- ml_unit;
-ml_val use_string : string -> unit =
-procedure(str) with_props use_string;
- lvars str;
- lconstant UseExn = exception("Use");
- define dlocal pop_exception_handler(n, msg, idstring, severity);
- [n ^n msg ^msg idstring ^idstring severity ^severity] ==>
- returnunless(severity == `E` or severity == `R`)(false);
- erasenum(n);
- raise(UseExn(str));
- enddefine;
- ml_compile(stringin(str));
- ml_unit;
- DB=""
- EXIT=""
- USE=""
-if [ -z "$OUTFILE" ]; then
- COMMIT='fun commit () = (StdIO.output (StdIO.std_err, "Error - Database is not opened for writing.\n"); false);'
- if [ -z "$NOWRITE" ]; then
- COMMIT="fun commit () = if System.make {image =\"$OUTFILE\", lock = false, share = false, banner = false, init = false} then System.restart() else true;"
- else
- COMMIT="fun commit () = if System.make {image =\"$OUTFILE\", lock = true, share = true, banner = false, init = false} then System.restart() else true;"
- fi
- [ -f "$OUTFILE" ] && { chmod +w "$OUTFILE" || fail_out; }
-## run it!
-check_mlhome_file "$POPLOG"
-echo 'pop11
-section $-ml;
-false -> ml_quiet;
-ml' > "$INIT"
-if [ -n "$TERMINATE" ]; then
- echo "commit();" >> "$INIT"
-"$POPLOG" pml "$DB" $ML_OPTIONS -load "$INIT" 2>&1
-rm -f "$INIT"
-if [ -n "$OUTFILE" ] && check_heap_file "$OUTFILE"; then
- [ -n "$NOWRITE" ] && chmod -w "$OUTFILE"
- rm -f "$OUTFILE-"
-exit "$RC"
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/poplogml.ML Sat Jun 14 17:26:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Pure/ML-Systems/poplogml.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Makarius
-Compatibility file for Poplog/PML (version 15.6/2.1).
-(* Compiler and runtime options *)
-val ml_system_fix_ints = false;
-val _ = Compile.filetype := ".ML";
-val _ = Memory.hilim := let fun MB n = n div 4 * 1024 * 1024 in MB 120 end;
-val _ = Memory.stacklim := 10 * ! Memory.stacklim;
-fun pointer_eq (_: 'a, _: 'a) = false;
-(* ML toplevel *)
-fun ml_prompts p1 p2 = ();
-fun make_pp path pprint = ();
-fun install_pp _ = ();
-fun get_print_depth () = 10;
-fun print_depth _ = ();
-fun exception_trace f = f ();
-fun profile (n: int) f x = f x;
-(** Basis structures **)
-structure General =
- exception Subscript = Array.Subscript;
- exception Size;
- exception Fail of string;
- fun exnMessage (exn: exn) = "exception " ^ makestring exn ^ " raised";
- datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER;
-open General;
-structure Bool =
- val toString: bool -> string = makestring;
-structure Option =
- open Option;
- exception Option;
- fun valOf (SOME x) = x
- | valOf NONE = raise Option;
- fun getOpt (SOME x, _) = x
- | getOpt (NONE, x) = x;
- fun isSome (SOME _) = true
- | isSome NONE = false;
-open Option;
-structure Option =
- open Option;
- fun map f (SOME x) = SOME (f x)
- | map _ NONE = NONE;
-structure Int =
- open Int;
- type int = int;
- val toString: int -> string = makestring;
- fun fromInt (i: int) = i;
- val fromString = String.stringint;
- val op + = op + : int * int -> int;
- val op - = op - : int * int -> int;
- val op * = op * : int * int -> int;
- val op div = op div : int * int -> int;
- val op mod = op mod : int * int -> int;
- fun pow (x, y) = power x y : int;
- val op < = op < : int * int -> bool;
- val op > = op > : int * int -> bool;
- val op <= = op <= : int * int -> bool;
- val op >= = op >= : int * int -> bool;
- val abs = abs: int -> int;
- val sign = sign: int -> int;
- fun max (x, y) : int = if x < y then y else x;
- fun min (x, y) : int = if x < y then x else y;
- fun compare (x: int, y) = if x = y then EQUAL else if x < y then LESS else GREATER;
-structure IntInf = Int;
-structure Real =
- open Real;
- val toString: real -> string = makestring;
- fun max (x, y) : real = if x < y then y else x;
- fun min (x, y) : real = if x < y then x else y;
- val real = real;
- val floor = floor;
- val realFloor = real o floor;
- fun ceil x = ~1 - floor (~ (x + 1.0));
- fun round x = floor (x + 0.5); (*does not do round-to-nearest*)
- fun trunc x = if x < 0.0 then ceil x else floor x;
-structure String =
- open String;
- type char = string
- fun str (c: char) = c: string;
- val translate = mapstring;
- val isPrefix = isprefix;
- val isSuffix = issuffix;
- val size = size;
- fun compare (x: string, y) = if x = y then EQUAL else if x < y then LESS else GREATER;
- fun substring (s, i, n) = String.substring i (i + n) s
- handle String.Substring => raise Subscript;
-structure List =
- open List;
- exception Empty;
- fun null [] = true | null _ = false;
- fun hd (x :: _) = x | hd _ = raise Empty;
- fun tl (_ :: xs) = xs | tl _ = raise Empty;
- val map = map;
- fun foldl f b [] = b
- | foldl f b (x :: xs) = foldl f (f (x, b)) xs;
- fun foldr f b [] = b
- | foldr f b (x :: xs) = f (x, foldr f b xs);
- fun last [] = raise Empty
- | last [x] = x
- | last (x::xs) = last xs;
- fun nth (xs, n) =
- let fun h [] _ = raise Subscript
- | h (x::xs) n = if n=0 then x else h xs (n-1)
- in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
- fun drop (xs, n) =
- let fun h xs 0 = xs
- | h [] n = raise Subscript
- | h (x::xs) n = h xs (n-1)
- in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
- fun take (xs, n) =
- let fun h xs 0 = []
- | h [] n = raise Subscript
- | h (x::xs) n = x :: h xs (n-1)
- in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
- fun concat [] = []
- | concat (l::ls) = l @ concat ls;
- fun mapPartial f [] = []
- | mapPartial f (x::xs) =
- (case f x of NONE => mapPartial f xs
- | SOME y => y :: mapPartial f xs);
- fun find _ [] = NONE
- | find p (x :: xs) = if p x then SOME x else find p xs;
- (*copy the list preserving elements that satisfy the predicate*)
- fun filter p [] = []
- | filter p (x :: xs) = if p x then x :: filter p xs else filter p xs;
- (*Partition list into elements that satisfy predicate and those that don't.
- Preserves order of elements in both lists.*)
- fun partition (p: 'a->bool) (ys: 'a list) : ('a list * 'a list) =
- let fun part ([], answer) = answer
- | part (x::xs, (ys, ns)) = if p(x)
- then part (xs, (x::ys, ns))
- else part (xs, (ys, x::ns))
- in part (rev ys, ([], [])) end;
-exception Empty = List.Empty;
-val null = List.null;
-val hd = List.hd;
-val tl = List.tl;
-val map = List.map;
-val foldl = List.foldl;
-val foldr = List.foldr;
-val app = List.app;
-val length = List.length;
-structure ListPair =
- fun zip ([], []) = []
- | zip (x::xs,y::ys) = (x,y) :: zip(xs,ys);
- fun unzip [] = ([],[])
- | unzip((x,y)::pairs) =
- let val (xs,ys) = unzip pairs
- in (x::xs, y::ys) end;
- fun app f (x::xs, y::ys) = (f (x, y); app f (xs, ys))
- | app f _ = ();
- fun map f ([], []) = []
- | map f (x::xs,y::ys) = f(x,y) :: map f (xs,ys);
- fun exists p =
- let fun boolf ([], []) = false
- | boolf (x::xs,y::ys) = p(x,y) orelse boolf (xs,ys)
- in boolf end;
- fun all p =
- let fun boolf ([], []) = true
- | boolf (x::xs,y::ys) = p(x,y) andalso boolf (xs,ys)
- in boolf end;
-structure TextIO =
- type instream = instream;
- type outstream = outstream;
- exception Io = Io;
- val stdIn = std_in;
- val stdOut = std_out;
- val stdErr = std_err;
- val openIn = open_in;
- val openAppend = open_append;
- val openOut = open_out;
- val closeIn = close_in;
- val closeOut = close_out;
- val inputN = input;
- val inputAll = fn is => inputN (is, 1000000000);
- val inputLine = input_line;
- val endOfStream = end_of_stream;
- val output = output;
- val flushOut = flush_out;
-(** Compiler-independent timing functions **)
-fun start_timing() = "FIXME";
-fun end_timing (s: string) = s;
-fun check_timer _ = (0, 0, 0);
-structure Timer =
- type cpu_timer = int;
- fun startCPUTimer () = 0;
-structure Time =
- exception Time;
- type time = int;
- val toString: time -> string = makestring;
- val zeroTime = 0;
- fun now () = 0;
- fun (x: int) + y = x + y;
- fun (x: int) - y = x - y;
-(** interrupts **) (*Note: may get into race conditions*)
-fun interruptible f x = f x;
-fun uninterruptible f x = f (fn (g: 'c -> 'd) => g) x;
-(** OS related **)
-val tmp_name =
- let val count = ref 0 in
- fn () => (count := ! count + 1;
- "/tmp/pml" ^ Int.toString (OS.pid ()) ^ "." ^ Int.toString (! count))
- end;
-fun shell cmdline = OS.execve "/bin/sh" ["sh", "-c", cmdline] (OS.envlist());
-fun execute_rc cmdline =
- let
- fun wait pid =
- (case OS.wait () of
- NONE => wait pid
- | SOME (pid', rc) =>
- if pid = pid' then rc div 256 else raise OS.Error ("wait", "wrong pid", ""));
- in
- (case OS.fork () of
- NONE => shell cmdline
- | SOME pid => wait pid)
- end;
-fun squote s = "'" ^ s ^ "'";
-fun remove name = (execute_rc ("/bin/rm -- " ^ squote name); ());
-fun is_dir name = execute_rc ("perl -e \"exit (-d " ^ squote name ^ " ? 0 : 1)\"") = 0;
-fun execute_result cmdline =
- let
- val tmp = tmp_name ();
- val rc = execute_rc (cmdline ^ " > " ^ tmp);
- val instream = TextIO.openIn tmp;
- val result = TextIO.inputAll instream;
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn instream;
- val _ = remove tmp;
- in (rc, result) end;
-fun exit rc = shell ("exit " ^ Int.toString rc);
-fun quit () = exit 0;
-fun execute cmdline = #2 (execute_result cmdline);
-fun system cmdline =
- let val (rc, result) = execute_result cmdline
- in TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, result); TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut; rc end;
-val string_of_pid: int -> string = makestring;
-fun getenv var = (case OS.translate var of NONE => "" | SOME s => s);
-structure OS =
- structure FileSys =
- struct
- val tmpName = tmp_name;
- val chDir = OS.cd;
- val getDir = OS.pwd;
- val remove = remove;
- val isDir = is_dir;
- val compare = Int.compare;
- fun modTime name =
- (case execute ("perl -e '@_ = stat(q:" ^ name ^ ":); print $_[9]'") of
- "" => raise TextIO.Io "OS.FileSys.modTime"
- | s => Int.fromString s);
- fun fileId name =
- (case execute ("perl -e '@_ = stat(q:" ^ name ^ ":); print $_[1]'") of
- "" => raise TextIO.Io "OS.FileSys.fileId"
- | s => Int.fromString s);
- end;
-(* use *)
-local val pml_use = use in
-fun use name =
- if name = "ROOT.ML" then (*workaround error about looping compilations*)
- let
- val instream = TextIO.openIn name;
- val txt = TextIO.inputAll instream;
- val _ = TextIO.closeIn;
- in use_string txt end
- else pml_use name;
-fun use_text _ _ _ _ txt = use_string txt;
-fun use_file _ _ _ name = use name;