removed special ERROR handling stuff (transform_error etc.);
moved plain ERROR/error to library.ML;
added toplevel_errors, exception TOPLEVEL_ERROR;
error_msg, panic, info, debug no longer pervasive;
--- a/src/Pure/General/output.ML Sat Jan 14 17:14:14 2006 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/General/output.ML Sat Jan 14 17:14:15 2006 +0100
@@ -12,39 +12,22 @@
val std_error: string -> unit
val immediate_output: string -> unit
val writeln_default: string -> unit
- val writeln_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val priority_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val tracing_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val warning_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val error_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val panic_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val info_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val debug_fn: (string -> unit) ref
- val writeln: string -> unit (*default output (in messages window)*)
- val priority: string -> unit (*high-priority (maybe modal/pop-up; must be displayed)*)
- val tracing: string -> unit (*tracing message (possibly in tracing window)*)
- val warning: string -> unit (*display warning of non-fatal situation*)
- val error_msg: string -> unit (*display fatal error (possibly modal msg)*)
- val error: string -> 'a (*display message as above, raise exn*)
- val sys_error: string -> 'a (*internal fatal error condition; raise exn*)
- val panic: string -> unit (*unrecoverable fatal error; exits system!*)
- val info: string -> unit (*incidental information message (e.g. timing)*)
- val debug: string -> unit (*internal debug messages*)
+ val writeln_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*default output (in messages window)*)
+ val priority_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*high-priority (maybe modal/pop-up; must be displayed)*)
+ val tracing_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*tracing message (possibly in tracing window)*)
+ val warning_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*display warning of non-fatal situation*)
+ val error_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*display fatal error (possibly modal msg)*)
+ val panic_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*unrecoverable fatal error; exits system!*)
+ val info_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*incidental information message (e.g. timing)*)
+ val debug_fn: (string -> unit) ref (*internal debug messages*)
+ val writeln: string -> unit
+ val priority: string -> unit
+ val tracing: string -> unit
+ val warning: string -> unit
+ val update_warn: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> string -> ('a * 'b) -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list
+ val overwrite_warn: (''a * 'b) list * (''a * 'b) -> string -> (''a * 'b) list
val show_debug_msgs: bool ref
val no_warnings: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
- val assert: bool -> string -> unit
- val deny: bool -> string -> unit
- val assert_all: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> ('a -> string) -> unit
- val update_warn: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> string -> ('a * 'b)
- -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list
- val overwrite_warn: (''a * 'b) list * (''a * 'b) -> string -> (''a * 'b) list
- datatype 'a error = Error of string | OK of 'a
- val get_error: 'a error -> string option
- val get_ok: 'a error -> 'a option
- val handle_error: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b error
- exception ERROR_MESSAGE of string
- val transform_error: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
- val transform_failure: (exn -> exn) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val timing: bool ref
val cond_timeit: bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val timeit: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
@@ -57,14 +40,19 @@
val has_mode: string -> bool
val output_width: string -> string * real
val output: string -> string
val indent: string * int -> string
val raw: string -> string
+ exception TOPLEVEL_ERROR
+ val do_toplevel_errors: bool ref
+ val toplevel_errors: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+ val panic: string -> unit
+ val info: string -> unit
+ val debug: string -> unit
+ val error_msg: string -> unit
val add_mode: string ->
(string -> string * real) * (string * int -> string) * (string -> string) -> unit
- val transform_exceptions: bool ref
val accumulated_time: unit -> unit
@@ -84,9 +72,9 @@
val modes = ref (Symtab.empty: mode_fns Symtab.table);
+fun lookup_mode name = Symtab.lookup (! modes) name;
-fun lookup_mode name = Symtab.lookup (! modes) name;
fun get_mode () =
(case Library.get_first lookup_mode (! print_mode) of SOME p => p
@@ -135,31 +123,24 @@
fun debug s = if ! show_debug_msgs then ! debug_fn (output s) else ()
fun error_msg s = ! error_fn (output s);
fun panic_msg s = ! panic_fn (output s);
-(* add_mode *)
-fun add_mode name (f, g, h) =
- (if is_none (lookup_mode name) then ()
- else warning ("Redeclaration of symbol print mode: " ^ quote name);
- modes := Symtab.update (name, {output_width = f, indent = g, raw = h}) (! modes));
+fun panic s = (panic_msg ("## SYSTEM EXIT ##\n" ^ s); exit 1);
-(* produce errors *)
+(* toplevel errors *)
-fun error s = (error_msg s; raise ERROR);
-fun sys_error msg = error ("## SYSTEM ERROR ##\n" ^ msg);
-fun panic s = (panic_msg ("## SYSTEM EXIT ##\n" ^ s); exit 1);
+exception TOPLEVEL_ERROR;
+val do_toplevel_errors = ref true;
-fun assert p msg = if p then () else error msg;
-fun deny p msg = if p then error msg else ();
+fun toplevel_errors f x =
+ if ! do_toplevel_errors then
+ f x handle ERROR msg => (error_msg msg; raise TOPLEVEL_ERROR)
+ else f x;
-(*Assert pred for every member of l, generating a message if pred fails*)
-fun assert_all pred l msg_fn =
- let fun asl [] = ()
- | asl (x::xs) = if pred x then asl xs else error (msg_fn x)
- in asl l end;
+(* AList operations *)
fun overwrite (al, p as (key, _)) =
let fun over ((q as (keyi, _)) :: pairs) =
@@ -171,56 +152,17 @@
(if is_none (AList.lookup (op =) alist a) then () else warning msg;
overwrite args);
-fun update_warn eq msg (kv as (key, value)) xs = (
- if (not o AList.defined eq xs) key then () else warning msg;
- AList.update eq kv xs
-(** handle errors **)
-datatype 'a error =
- Error of string |
- OK of 'a;
-fun get_error (Error msg) = SOME msg
- | get_error _ = NONE;
-fun get_ok (OK x) = SOME x
- | get_ok _ = NONE;
-fun handle_error f x =
- let
- val buffer = ref ([]: string list);
- fun store_msg s = buffer := ! buffer @ [raw s];
- fun err_msg () = if not (null (! buffer)) then error_msg (cat_lines (! buffer)) else ();
- in
- (case Result (setmp error_fn store_msg f x) handle exn => Exn exn of
- Result y => (err_msg (); OK y)
- | Exn ERROR => Error (cat_lines (! buffer))
- | Exn exn => (err_msg (); raise exn))
- end;
+fun update_warn eq msg (kv as (key, value)) xs =
+ (if (not o AList.defined eq xs) key then () else warning msg;
+ AList.update eq kv xs);
-(* transform ERROR into ERROR_MESSAGE *)
-val transform_exceptions = ref true;
-exception ERROR_MESSAGE of string;
+(* add_mode *)
-fun transform_error f x =
- if ! transform_exceptions then
- (case handle_error f x of
- OK y => y
- | Error msg => raise ERROR_MESSAGE msg)
- else f x;
-(* transform any exception, including ERROR *)
-fun transform_failure exn f x =
- if ! transform_exceptions then
- transform_error f x handle Interrupt => raise Interrupt | e => raise exn e
- else f x;
+fun add_mode name (f, g, h) =
+ (if is_none (lookup_mode name) then ()
+ else warning ("Redeclaration of symbol print mode: " ^ quote name);
+ modes := Symtab.update (name, {output_width = f, indent = g, raw = h}) (! modes));