Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:49:46 +0200
changeset 36171 2c787345c083
parent 36166 da7b40aa2215 (current diff)
parent 36170 0cdb76723c88 (diff)
child 36172 fc407d02af4a
child 36181 2156a7392885
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Fri Apr 16 12:51:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_manager.ML	Fri Apr 16 15:49:46 2010 +0200
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
           (Synchronized.timed_access global_state (SOME o time_limit o #timeout_heap) action
             |> these
-            |> (unregister "Interrupted (reached timeout)");
+            |> (unregister "Timed out.");
             print_new_messages ();
             (*give threads some time to respond to interrupt*)
             OS.Process.sleep min_wait_time)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
 fun start_prover (params as {timeout, ...}) birth_time death_time i
                  relevance_override proof_state name =
   (case get_prover (Proof.theory_of proof_state) name of
-    NONE => warning ("Unknown ATP: " ^ quote name)
+    NONE => warning ("Unknown ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
   | SOME prover =>
         val {context = ctxt, facts, goal} = Proof.goal proof_state;
@@ -357,7 +357,10 @@
     val birth_time = ()
     val death_time = Time.+ (birth_time, timeout)
-    val _ = kill_atps () (* RACE w.r.t. other invocations of Sledgehammer *)
+    val _ =
+      (* RACE w.r.t. other invocations of Sledgehammer *)
+      if null (#active (Synchronized.value global_state)) then ()
+      else (kill_atps (); priority "Killed active Sledgehammer threads.")
     val _ = priority "Sledgehammering..."
     val _ = (start_prover params birth_time death_time i
                                    relevance_override proof_state) atps
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Fri Apr 16 12:51:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/ATP_Manager/atp_wrapper.ML	Fri Apr 16 15:49:46 2010 +0200
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
           else SOME "Ill-formed ATP output"
   | (failure :: _) => SOME failure
-fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write cmd args failure_strs
-        produce_answer name ({full_types, ...} : params)
+fun generic_prover overlord get_facts prepare write_file cmd args failure_strs
+        produce_answer name ({debug, full_types, ...} : params)
         ({subgoal, goal, relevance_override, axiom_clauses, filtered_clauses}
          : problem) =
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
         if destdir' = "" then File.tmp_path probfile
         else if File.exists (Path.explode destdir')
         then Path.append  (Path.explode destdir') probfile
-        else error ("No such directory: " ^ destdir')
+        else error ("No such directory: " ^ destdir' ^ ".")
     (* write out problem file and call prover *)
@@ -127,11 +127,12 @@
       if Config.get ctxt measure_runtime then split_time s else (s, 0)
     fun run_on probfile =
       if File.exists cmd then
-        write full_types probfile clauses
+        write_file debug full_types probfile clauses
         |> pair (apfst split_time' (bash_output (cmd_line probfile)))
-      else error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.implode cmd);
+      else error ("Bad executable: " ^ Path.implode cmd ^ ".");
-    (* if problemfile has not been exported, delete problemfile; otherwise export proof, too *)
+    (* If the problem file has not been exported, remove it; otherwise, export
+       the proof file too. *)
     fun cleanup probfile = if destdir' = "" then try File.rm probfile else NONE;
     fun export probfile (((proof, _), _), _) =
       if destdir' = "" then ()
@@ -140,12 +141,12 @@
     val (((proof, atp_run_time_in_msecs), rc), conj_pos) =
       with_path cleanup export run_on (prob_pathname subgoal);
-    (* check for success and print out some information on failure *)
+    (* Check for success and print out some information on failure. *)
     val failure = find_failure failure_strs proof;
     val success = rc = 0 andalso is_none failure;
     val (message, relevant_thm_names) =
-      if is_some failure then ("External prover failed.", [])
-      else if rc <> 0 then ("External prover failed: " ^ proof, [])
+      if is_some failure then ("ATP failed to find a proof.", [])
+      else if rc <> 0 then ("ATP error: " ^ proof ^ ".", [])
         (produce_answer name (proof, internal_thm_names, conj_pos, ctxt, th,
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Fri Apr 16 12:51:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/metis_tactics.ML	Fri Apr 16 15:49:46 2010 +0200
@@ -69,25 +69,25 @@
 fun metis_lit b c args = (b, (c, args));
-fun hol_type_to_fol (AtomV x) = Metis.Term.Var x
-  | hol_type_to_fol (AtomF x) = Metis.Term.Fn (x, [])
-  | hol_type_to_fol (Comp (tc, tps)) =
-    Metis.Term.Fn (tc, map hol_type_to_fol tps);
+fun hol_type_to_fol (TyVar (x, _)) = Metis.Term.Var x
+  | hol_type_to_fol (TyFree (s, _)) = Metis.Term.Fn (s, [])
+  | hol_type_to_fol (TyConstr ((s, _), tps)) =
+    Metis.Term.Fn (s, map hol_type_to_fol tps);
 (*These two functions insert type literals before the real literals. That is the
   opposite order from TPTP linkup, but maybe OK.*)
 fun hol_term_to_fol_FO tm =
   case strip_combterm_comb tm of
-      (CombConst(c,_,tys), tms) =>
+      (CombConst ((c, _), _, tys), tms) =>
         let val tyargs = map hol_type_to_fol tys
             val args   = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
         in Metis.Term.Fn (c, tyargs @ args) end
-    | (CombVar(v,_), []) => Metis.Term.Var v
+    | (CombVar ((v, _), _), []) => Metis.Term.Var v
     | _ => error "hol_term_to_fol_FO";
-fun hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombVar (a, _)) = Metis.Term.Var a
-  | hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombConst (a, _, tylist)) =
+fun hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombVar ((s, _), _)) = Metis.Term.Var s
+  | hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombConst ((a, _), _, tylist)) =
       Metis.Term.Fn (fn_isa_to_met a, map hol_type_to_fol tylist)
   | hol_term_to_fol_HO (CombApp (tm1, tm2)) =
        Metis.Term.Fn (".", map hol_term_to_fol_HO [tm1, tm2]);
@@ -95,26 +95,26 @@
 (*The fully-typed translation, to avoid type errors*)
 fun wrap_type (tm, ty) = Metis.Term.Fn("ti", [tm, hol_type_to_fol ty]);
-fun hol_term_to_fol_FT (CombVar(a, ty)) = wrap_type (Metis.Term.Var a, ty)
-  | hol_term_to_fol_FT (CombConst(a, ty, _)) =
+fun hol_term_to_fol_FT (CombVar ((s, _), ty)) = wrap_type (Metis.Term.Var s, ty)
+  | hol_term_to_fol_FT (CombConst((a, _), ty, _)) =
       wrap_type (Metis.Term.Fn(fn_isa_to_met a, []), ty)
   | hol_term_to_fol_FT (tm as CombApp(tm1,tm2)) =
        wrap_type (Metis.Term.Fn(".", map hol_term_to_fol_FT [tm1,tm2]),
                   type_of_combterm tm);
 fun hol_literal_to_fol FO (Literal (pol, tm)) =
-      let val (CombConst(p,_,tys), tms) = strip_combterm_comb tm
+      let val (CombConst((p, _), _, tys), tms) = strip_combterm_comb tm
           val tylits = if p = "equal" then [] else map hol_type_to_fol tys
           val lits = map hol_term_to_fol_FO tms
       in metis_lit pol (fn_isa_to_met p) (tylits @ lits) end
   | hol_literal_to_fol HO (Literal (pol, tm)) =
      (case strip_combterm_comb tm of
-          (CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
+          (CombConst(("equal", _), _, _), tms) =>
             metis_lit pol "=" (map hol_term_to_fol_HO tms)
         | _ => metis_lit pol "{}" [hol_term_to_fol_HO tm])   (*hBOOL*)
   | hol_literal_to_fol FT (Literal (pol, tm)) =
      (case strip_combterm_comb tm of
-          (CombConst("equal",_,_), tms) =>
+          (CombConst(("equal", _), _, _), tms) =>
             metis_lit pol "=" (map hol_term_to_fol_FT tms)
         | _ => metis_lit pol "{}" [hol_term_to_fol_FT tm])   (*hBOOL*);
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML	Fri Apr 16 12:51:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fol_clause.ML	Fri Apr 16 15:49:46 2010 +0200
@@ -30,13 +30,19 @@
   val make_fixed_const : bool -> string -> string
   val make_fixed_type_const : bool -> string -> string
   val make_type_class : string -> string
+  type name = string * string
+  type name_pool = string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table
+  val empty_name_pool : bool -> name_pool option
+  val pool_map : ('a -> 'b -> 'c * 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'c list * 'b
+  val nice_name : name -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
   datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture
   type axiom_name = string
   datatype fol_type =
-      AtomV of string
-    | AtomF of string
-    | Comp of string * fol_type list
-  val string_of_fol_type : fol_type -> string
+    TyVar of name |
+    TyFree of name |
+    TyConstr of name * fol_type list
+  val string_of_fol_type :
+    fol_type -> name_pool option -> string * name_pool option
   datatype type_literal = LTVar of string * string | LTFree of string * string
   exception CLAUSE of string * term
   val add_typs : typ list -> type_literal list
@@ -207,7 +213,66 @@
 fun make_type_class clas = class_prefix ^ ascii_of clas;
-(***** definitions and functions for FOL clauses, for conversion to TPTP or DFG format. *****)
+(**** name pool ****)
+type name = string * string
+type name_pool = string Symtab.table * string Symtab.table
+fun empty_name_pool debug = if debug then SOME (`I Symtab.empty) else NONE
+fun pool_map f xs =
+  fold_rev (fn x => fn (ys, pool) => f x pool |>> (fn y => y :: ys)) xs
+  o pair []
+fun add_nice_name full_name nice_prefix j the_pool =
+  let
+    val nice_name = nice_prefix ^ (if j = 0 then "" else "_" ^ Int.toString j)
+  in
+    case Symtab.lookup (snd the_pool) nice_name of
+      SOME full_name' =>
+      if full_name = full_name' then (nice_name, the_pool)
+      else add_nice_name full_name nice_prefix (j + 1) the_pool
+    | NONE =>
+      (nice_name, (Symtab.update_new (full_name, nice_name) (fst the_pool),
+                   Symtab.update_new (nice_name, full_name) (snd the_pool)))
+  end
+fun translate_first_char f s =
+  String.str (f (String.sub (s, 0))) ^ String.extract (s, 1, NONE)
+fun clean_short_name full_name s =
+  let
+    val s = s |> Long_Name.base_name
+              |> fold remove_all ["\<^sub>", "\<^bsub>", "\<^esub>", "\<^isub>"]
+    val s' = s |> explode |> rev |> dropwhile (curry (op =) "'")
+    val s' =
+      (s' |> rev
+          |> implode
+          |> String.translate
+                 (fn c => if Char.isAlphaNum c then String.str c else ""))
+      ^ replicate_string (String.size s - length s') "_"
+    val s' =
+      if s' = "" orelse not (Char.isAlpha (String.sub (s', 0))) then "X" ^ s'
+      else s'
+    val s' = if s' = "op" then full_name else s'
+  in
+    case (Char.isLower (String.sub (full_name, 0)),
+          Char.isLower (String.sub (s', 0))) of
+      (true, false) => translate_first_char Char.toLower s'
+    | (false, true) => translate_first_char Char.toUpper s'
+    | _ => s'
+  end
+fun nice_name (full_name, _) NONE = (full_name, NONE)
+  | nice_name (full_name, desired_name) (SOME the_pool) =
+    case Symtab.lookup (fst the_pool) full_name of
+      SOME nice_name => (nice_name, SOME the_pool)
+    | NONE => add_nice_name full_name (clean_short_name full_name desired_name)
+                            0 the_pool
+              |> apsnd SOME
+(**** Definitions and functions for FOL clauses, for conversion to TPTP or DFG
+      format ****)
 datatype kind = Axiom | Conjecture;
@@ -215,35 +280,24 @@
 (**** Isabelle FOL clauses ****)
-(*FIXME: give the constructors more sensible names*)
-datatype fol_type = AtomV of string
-                  | AtomF of string
-                  | Comp of string * fol_type list;
+datatype fol_type =
+  TyVar of name |
+  TyFree of name |
+  TyConstr of name * fol_type list
-fun string_of_fol_type (AtomV x) = x
-  | string_of_fol_type (AtomF x) = x
-  | string_of_fol_type (Comp(tcon,tps)) =
-      tcon ^ (paren_pack (map string_of_fol_type tps));
+fun string_of_fol_type (TyVar sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
+  | string_of_fol_type (TyFree sp) pool = nice_name sp pool
+  | string_of_fol_type (TyConstr (sp, tys)) pool =
+    let
+      val (s, pool) = nice_name sp pool
+      val (ss, pool) = pool_map string_of_fol_type tys pool
+    in (s ^ paren_pack ss, pool) end
 (*First string is the type class; the second is a TVar or TFfree*)
 datatype type_literal = LTVar of string * string | LTFree of string * string;
 exception CLAUSE of string * term;
-fun atomic_type (TFree (a,_)) = AtomF(make_fixed_type_var a)
-  | atomic_type (TVar (v,_))  = AtomV(make_schematic_type_var v);
-(*Flatten a type to a fol_type while accumulating sort constraints on the TFrees and
-  TVars it contains.*)
-fun type_of dfg (Type (a, Ts)) =
-      let val (folTyps, ts) = types_of dfg Ts
-          val t = make_fixed_type_const dfg a
-      in (Comp(t,folTyps), ts) end
-  | type_of dfg T = (atomic_type T, [T])
-and types_of dfg Ts =
-      let val (folTyps,ts) = ListPair.unzip (map (type_of dfg) Ts)
-      in (folTyps, union_all ts) end;
 (*Make literals for sorted type variables*)
 fun sorts_on_typs_aux (_, [])   = []
   | sorts_on_typs_aux ((x,i),  s::ss) =
@@ -282,8 +336,6 @@
 (**** Isabelle arities ****)
-exception ARCLAUSE of string;
 datatype arLit = TConsLit of class * string * string list
                | TVarLit of class * string;
@@ -401,10 +453,10 @@
 (*** Find occurrences of functions in clauses ***)
-fun add_foltype_funcs (AtomV _, funcs) = funcs
-  | add_foltype_funcs (AtomF a, funcs) = Symtab.update (a,0) funcs
-  | add_foltype_funcs (Comp(a,tys), funcs) =
-      List.foldl add_foltype_funcs (Symtab.update (a, length tys) funcs) tys;
+fun add_foltype_funcs (TyVar _, funcs) = funcs
+  | add_foltype_funcs (TyFree (s, _), funcs) = Symtab.update (s, 0) funcs
+  | add_foltype_funcs (TyConstr ((s, _), tys), funcs) =
+      List.foldl add_foltype_funcs (Symtab.update (s, length tys) funcs) tys;
 (*TFrees are recorded as constants*)
 fun add_type_sort_funcs (TVar _, funcs) = funcs
@@ -495,22 +547,24 @@
 (**** Produce TPTP files ****)
-(*Attach sign in TPTP syntax: false means negate.*)
 fun tptp_sign true s = s
   | tptp_sign false s = "~ " ^ s
-fun tptp_of_typeLit pos (LTVar (s,ty))  = tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")")
-  | tptp_of_typeLit pos (LTFree (s,ty)) = tptp_sign pos  (s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")");
+fun tptp_of_typeLit pos (LTVar (s, ty))  = tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")")
+  | tptp_of_typeLit pos (LTFree (s, ty)) = tptp_sign pos (s ^ "(" ^ ty ^ ")")
+fun tptp_cnf name kind formula =
+  "cnf(" ^ name ^ ", " ^ kind ^ ",\n    " ^ formula ^ ").\n"
-fun gen_tptp_cls (cls_id,ax_name,Axiom,lits,tylits) =
-      "cnf(" ^ string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ ",axiom," ^ 
-               tptp_pack (tylits@lits) ^ ").\n"
-  | gen_tptp_cls (cls_id,ax_name,Conjecture,lits,_) =
-      "cnf(" ^ string_of_clausename (cls_id,ax_name) ^ ",negated_conjecture," ^ 
-               tptp_pack lits ^ ").\n";
+fun gen_tptp_cls (cls_id, ax_name, Axiom, lits, tylits) =
+      tptp_cnf (string_of_clausename (cls_id, ax_name)) "axiom"
+               (tptp_pack (tylits @ lits))
+  | gen_tptp_cls (cls_id, ax_name, Conjecture, lits, _) =
+      tptp_cnf (string_of_clausename (cls_id, ax_name)) "negated_conjecture"
+               (tptp_pack lits)
 fun tptp_tfree_clause tfree_lit =
-    "cnf(" ^ "tfree_tcs," ^ "negated_conjecture" ^ "," ^ tptp_pack[tfree_lit] ^ ").\n";
+    tptp_cnf "tfree_tcs" "negated_conjecture" (tptp_pack [tfree_lit])
 fun tptp_of_arLit (TConsLit (c,t,args)) =
       tptp_sign true (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ t ^ paren_pack args ^ ")")
@@ -518,14 +572,14 @@
       tptp_sign false (make_type_class c ^ "(" ^ str ^ ")")
 fun tptp_arity_clause (ArityClause{axiom_name,conclLit,premLits,...}) =
-  "cnf(" ^ string_of_ar axiom_name ^ ",axiom," ^
-  tptp_pack (map tptp_of_arLit (conclLit :: premLits)) ^ ").\n";
+  tptp_cnf (string_of_ar axiom_name) "axiom"
+           (tptp_pack (map tptp_of_arLit (conclLit :: premLits)))
 fun tptp_classrelLits sub sup =
   let val tvar = "(T)"
   in  tptp_pack [tptp_sign false (sub^tvar), tptp_sign true (sup^tvar)]  end;
 fun tptp_classrel_clause (ClassrelClause {axiom_name,subclass,superclass,...}) =
-  "cnf(" ^ axiom_name ^ ",axiom," ^ tptp_classrelLits subclass superclass ^ ").\n"
+  tptp_cnf axiom_name "axiom" (tptp_classrelLits subclass superclass)
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML	Fri Apr 16 12:51:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_hol_clause.ML	Fri Apr 16 15:49:46 2010 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+  type name =
   type kind = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.kind
   type fol_type = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.fol_type
   type classrel_clause = Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause.classrel_clause
@@ -15,8 +16,8 @@
   type hol_clause_id = int
   datatype combterm =
-    CombConst of string * fol_type * fol_type list (* Const and Free *) |
-    CombVar of string * fol_type |
+    CombConst of name * fol_type * fol_type list (* Const and Free *) |
+    CombVar of name * fol_type |
     CombApp of combterm * combterm
   datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm
   datatype hol_clause =
@@ -33,11 +34,11 @@
   val get_helper_clauses : bool -> theory -> bool ->
        hol_clause list * (thm * (axiom_name * hol_clause_id)) list * string list ->
        hol_clause list
-  val write_tptp_file : bool -> Path.T ->
+  val write_tptp_file : bool -> bool -> Path.T ->
     hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
     classrel_clause list * arity_clause list ->
     int * int
-  val write_dfg_file : bool -> Path.T ->
+  val write_dfg_file : bool -> bool -> Path.T ->
     hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list * hol_clause list *
     classrel_clause list * arity_clause list -> int * int
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
 structure Sledgehammer_HOL_Clause : SLEDGEHAMMER_HOL_CLAUSE =
+open Sledgehammer_Util
 open Sledgehammer_FOL_Clause
 open Sledgehammer_Fact_Preprocessor
@@ -74,8 +76,8 @@
 type hol_clause_id = int;
 datatype combterm =
-  CombConst of string * fol_type * fol_type list (* Const and Free *) |
-  CombVar of string * fol_type |
+  CombConst of name * fol_type * fol_type list (* Const and Free *) |
+  CombVar of name * fol_type |
   CombApp of combterm * combterm
 datatype literal = Literal of polarity * combterm;
@@ -89,11 +91,11 @@
 (* convert a clause with type Term.term to a clause with type clause *)
-fun isFalse (Literal(pol, CombConst(c,_,_))) =
+fun isFalse (Literal (pol, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
       (pol andalso c = "c_False") orelse (not pol andalso c = "c_True")
   | isFalse _ = false;
-fun isTrue (Literal (pol, CombConst(c,_,_))) =
+fun isTrue (Literal (pol, CombConst ((c, _), _, _))) =
       (pol andalso c = "c_True") orelse
       (not pol andalso c = "c_False")
   | isTrue _ = false;
@@ -101,19 +103,22 @@
 fun isTaut (HOLClause {literals,...}) = exists isTrue literals;
 fun type_of dfg (Type (a, Ts)) =
-      let val (folTypes,ts) = types_of dfg Ts
-      in  (Comp(make_fixed_type_const dfg a, folTypes), ts)  end
-  | type_of _ (tp as TFree (a, _)) = (AtomF (make_fixed_type_var a), [tp])
-  | type_of _ (tp as TVar (v, _)) = (AtomV (make_schematic_type_var v), [tp])
+    let val (folTypes,ts) = types_of dfg Ts in
+      (TyConstr (`(make_fixed_type_const dfg) a, folTypes), ts)
+    end
+  | type_of _ (tp as TFree (a, _)) = (TyFree (`make_fixed_type_var a), [tp])
+  | type_of _ (tp as TVar (x, _)) =
+    (TyVar (make_schematic_type_var x, string_of_indexname x), [tp])
 and types_of dfg Ts =
       let val (folTyps,ts) = ListPair.unzip (map (type_of dfg) Ts)
       in  (folTyps, union_all ts)  end;
 (* same as above, but no gathering of sort information *)
 fun simp_type_of dfg (Type (a, Ts)) =
-      Comp(make_fixed_type_const dfg a, map (simp_type_of dfg) Ts)
-  | simp_type_of _ (TFree (a, _)) = AtomF (make_fixed_type_var a)
-  | simp_type_of _ (TVar (v, _)) = AtomV (make_schematic_type_var v);
+      TyConstr (`(make_fixed_type_const dfg) a, map (simp_type_of dfg) Ts)
+  | simp_type_of _ (TFree (a, _)) = TyFree (`make_fixed_type_var a)
+  | simp_type_of _ (TVar (x, _)) =
+    TyVar (make_schematic_type_var x, string_of_indexname x);
 fun const_type_of dfg thy (c,t) =
@@ -123,15 +128,15 @@
 (* convert a Term.term (with combinators) into a combterm, also accummulate sort info *)
 fun combterm_of dfg thy (Const(c,t)) =
       let val (tp,ts,tvar_list) = const_type_of dfg thy (c,t)
-          val c' = CombConst(make_fixed_const dfg c, tp, tvar_list)
+          val c' = CombConst (`(make_fixed_const dfg) c, tp, tvar_list)
       in  (c',ts)  end
   | combterm_of dfg _ (Free(v,t)) =
       let val (tp,ts) = type_of dfg t
-          val v' = CombConst(make_fixed_var v, tp, [])
+          val v' = CombConst (`make_fixed_var v, tp, [])
       in  (v',ts)  end
   | combterm_of dfg _ (Var(v,t)) =
       let val (tp,ts) = type_of dfg t
-          val v' = CombVar(make_schematic_var v,tp)
+          val v' = CombVar ((make_schematic_var v, string_of_indexname v), tp)
       in  (v',ts)  end
   | combterm_of dfg thy (P $ Q) =
       let val (P',tsP) = combterm_of dfg thy P
@@ -192,8 +197,8 @@
 (*Result of a function type; no need to check that the argument type matches.*)
-fun result_type (Comp ("tc_fun", [_, tp2])) = tp2
-  | result_type _ = error "result_type"
+fun result_type (TyConstr (("tc_fun", _), [_, tp2])) = tp2
+  | result_type _ = raise Fail "Non-function type"
 fun type_of_combterm (CombConst (_, tp, _)) = tp
   | type_of_combterm (CombVar (_, tp)) = tp
@@ -207,11 +212,20 @@
 val type_wrapper = "ti";
-fun head_needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL (CombConst(c,_,_)) = needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL c
+fun head_needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL (CombConst((c, _), _, _)) =
+    needs_hBOOL const_needs_hBOOL c
   | head_needs_hBOOL _ _ = true;
-fun wrap_type full_types (s, tp) =
-  if full_types then type_wrapper ^ paren_pack [s, string_of_fol_type tp] else s;
+fun wrap_type full_types (s, ty) pool =
+  if full_types then
+    let val (s', pool) = string_of_fol_type ty pool in
+      (type_wrapper ^ paren_pack [s, s'], pool)
+    end
+  else
+    (s, pool)
+fun wrap_type_if full_types cnh (head, s, tp) =
+  if head_needs_hBOOL cnh head then wrap_type full_types (s, tp) else pair s
 fun apply ss = "hAPP" ^ paren_pack ss;
@@ -220,105 +234,118 @@
 fun string_apply (v, args) = rev_apply (v, rev args);
-(*Apply an operator to the argument strings, using either the "apply" operator or
-  direct function application.*)
-fun string_of_applic full_types cma (CombConst (c, _, tvars), args) =
-      let val c = if c = "equal" then "c_fequal" else c
-          val nargs = min_arity_of cma c
-          val args1 = List.take(args, nargs)
-            handle Subscript => error ("string_of_applic: " ^ c ^ " has arity " ^
-                                         Int.toString nargs ^ " but is applied to " ^
-                                         space_implode ", " args)
-          val args2 = List.drop(args, nargs)
-          val targs = if full_types then [] else map string_of_fol_type tvars
-      in
-          string_apply (c ^ paren_pack (args1@targs), args2)
-      end
-  | string_of_applic _ _ (CombVar (v, _), args) = string_apply (v, args)
-  | string_of_applic _ _ _ = error "string_of_applic";
+(* Apply an operator to the argument strings, using either the "apply" operator
+   or direct function application. *)
+fun string_of_application full_types cma (CombConst ((s, s'), _, tvars), args)
+                          pool =
+    let
+      val s = if s = "equal" then "c_fequal" else s
+      val nargs = min_arity_of cma s
+      val args1 = List.take (args, nargs)
+        handle Subscript =>
+               raise Fail (quote s ^ " has arity " ^ Int.toString nargs ^
+                           " but is applied to " ^ commas (map quote args))
+      val args2 = List.drop (args, nargs)
+      val (targs, pool) = if full_types then ([], pool)
+                          else pool_map string_of_fol_type tvars pool
+      val (s, pool) = nice_name (s, s') pool
+    in (string_apply (s ^ paren_pack (args1 @ targs), args2), pool) end
+  | string_of_application _ _ (CombVar (name, _), args) pool =
+    nice_name name pool |>> (fn s => string_apply (s, args))
-fun wrap_type_if full_types cnh (head, s, tp) =
-  if head_needs_hBOOL cnh head then wrap_type full_types (s, tp) else s;
-fun string_of_combterm (params as (full_types, cma, cnh)) t =
-  let val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
-  in  wrap_type_if full_types cnh (head,
-          string_of_applic full_types cma
-                           (head, map (string_of_combterm (params)) args),
-          type_of_combterm t)
-  end;
+fun string_of_combterm (params as (full_types, cma, cnh)) t pool =
+  let
+    val (head, args) = strip_combterm_comb t
+    val (ss, pool) = pool_map (string_of_combterm params) args pool
+    val (s, pool) = string_of_application full_types cma (head, ss) pool
+  in wrap_type_if full_types cnh (head, s, type_of_combterm t) pool end
 (*Boolean-valued terms are here converted to literals.*)
-fun boolify params t =
-  "hBOOL" ^ paren_pack [string_of_combterm params t];
+fun boolify params c =
+  string_of_combterm params c #>> prefix "hBOOL" o paren_pack o single
-fun string_of_predicate (params as (_,_,cnh)) t =
+fun string_of_predicate (params as (_, _, cnh)) t =
   case t of
-      (CombApp(CombApp(CombConst("equal",_,_), t1), t2)) =>
-          (*DFG only: new TPTP prefers infix equality*)
-          ("equal" ^ paren_pack [string_of_combterm params t1, string_of_combterm params t2])
-    | _ =>
-          case #1 (strip_combterm_comb t) of
-              CombConst(c,_,_) => if needs_hBOOL cnh c then boolify params t else string_of_combterm params t
-            | _ => boolify params t;
+    (CombApp (CombApp (CombConst (("equal", _), _, _), t1), t2)) =>
+    (* DFG only: new TPTP prefers infix equality *)
+    pool_map (string_of_combterm params) [t1, t2]
+    #>> prefix "equal" o paren_pack
+  | _ =>
+    case #1 (strip_combterm_comb t) of
+      CombConst ((s, _), _, _) =>
+      (if needs_hBOOL cnh s then boolify else string_of_combterm) params t
+    | _ => boolify params t
-(*** tptp format ***)
+(*** TPTP format ***)
-fun tptp_of_equality params pol (t1,t2) =
-  let val eqop = if pol then " = " else " != "
-  in  string_of_combterm params t1 ^ eqop ^ string_of_combterm params t2  end;
-fun tptp_literal params (Literal(pol, CombApp(CombApp(CombConst("equal", _, _), t1), t2))) =
-      tptp_of_equality params pol (t1,t2)
-  | tptp_literal params (Literal(pol,pred)) =
-      tptp_sign pol (string_of_predicate params pred);
+fun tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2) =
+  pool_map (string_of_combterm params) [t1, t2]
+  #>> space_implode (if pos then " = " else " != ")
-(*Given a clause, returns its literals paired with a list of literals concerning TFrees;
-  the latter should only occur in conjecture clauses.*)
-fun tptp_type_lits params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
-      (map (tptp_literal params) literals, 
-       map (tptp_of_typeLit pos) (add_typs ctypes_sorts));
+fun tptp_literal params
+        (Literal (pos, CombApp (CombApp (CombConst (("equal", _), _, _), t1),
+                                         t2))) =
+    tptp_of_equality params pos (t1, t2)
+  | tptp_literal params (Literal (pos, pred)) =
+    string_of_predicate params pred #>> tptp_sign pos
+(* Given a clause, returns its literals paired with a list of literals
+   concerning TFrees; the latter should only occur in conjecture clauses. *)
+fun tptp_type_literals params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
+  pool_map (tptp_literal params) literals
+  #>> rpair (map (tptp_of_typeLit pos) (add_typs ctypes_sorts))
-fun clause2tptp params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind, ...}) =
-  let val (lits,tylits) = tptp_type_lits params (kind = Conjecture) cls
+fun tptp_clause params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind, ...})
+                pool =
+    val ((lits, tylits), pool) =
+      tptp_type_literals params (kind = Conjecture) cls pool
-      (gen_tptp_cls (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits, tylits), tylits)
-  end;
+    ((gen_tptp_cls (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits, tylits), tylits), pool)
+  end
-(*** dfg format ***)
+(*** DFG format ***)
-fun dfg_literal params (Literal(pol,pred)) = dfg_sign pol (string_of_predicate params pred);
+fun dfg_literal params (Literal (pos, pred)) =
+  string_of_predicate params pred #>> dfg_sign pos
-fun dfg_type_lits params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
-      (map (dfg_literal params) literals, 
-       map (dfg_of_typeLit pos) (add_typs ctypes_sorts));
+fun dfg_type_literals params pos (HOLClause {literals, ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
+  pool_map (dfg_literal params) literals
+  #>> rpair (map (dfg_of_typeLit pos) (add_typs ctypes_sorts))
-fun get_uvars (CombConst _) vars = vars
-  | get_uvars (CombVar(v,_)) vars = (v::vars)
-  | get_uvars (CombApp(P,Q)) vars = get_uvars P (get_uvars Q vars);
+fun get_uvars (CombConst _) vars pool = (vars, pool)
+  | get_uvars (CombVar (name, _)) vars pool =
+    nice_name name pool |>> (fn var => var :: vars)
+  | get_uvars (CombApp (P, Q)) vars pool =
+    let val (vars, pool) = get_uvars P vars pool in get_uvars Q vars pool end
-fun get_uvars_l (Literal(_,c)) = get_uvars c [];
+fun get_uvars_l (Literal (_, c)) = get_uvars c [];
-fun dfg_vars (HOLClause {literals,...}) = union_all (map get_uvars_l literals);
+fun dfg_vars (HOLClause {literals, ...}) =
+  pool_map get_uvars_l literals #>> union_all
-fun clause2dfg params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind,
-                                         ctypes_sorts, ...}) =
-  let val (lits,tylits) = dfg_type_lits params (kind = Conjecture) cls
-      val vars = dfg_vars cls
-      val tvars = get_tvar_strs ctypes_sorts
+fun dfg_clause params (cls as HOLClause {axiom_name, clause_id, kind,
+                                         ctypes_sorts, ...}) pool =
+  let
+    val ((lits, tylits), pool) =
+      dfg_type_literals params (kind = Conjecture) cls pool
+    val (vars, pool) = dfg_vars cls pool
+    val tvars = get_tvar_strs ctypes_sorts
-      (gen_dfg_cls (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits, tylits, tvars@vars), tylits)
-  end;
+    ((gen_dfg_cls (clause_id, axiom_name, kind, lits, tylits, tvars @ vars),
+      tylits), pool)
+  end
 (** For DFG format: accumulate function and predicate declarations **)
 fun addtypes tvars tab = List.foldl add_foltype_funcs tab tvars;
-fun add_decls (full_types, cma, cnh) (CombConst (c, _, tvars), (funcs, preds)) =
-      if c = "equal" then (addtypes tvars funcs, preds)
+fun add_decls (full_types, cma, cnh) (CombConst ((c, _), _, tvars), (funcs, preds)) =
+      if c = "equal" then
+        (addtypes tvars funcs, preds)
         let val arity = min_arity_of cma c
             val ntys = if not full_types then length tvars else 0
@@ -327,7 +354,7 @@
             if needs_hBOOL cnh c then (addtypes tvars (addit funcs), preds)
             else (addtypes tvars funcs, addit preds)
-  | add_decls _ (CombVar(_,ctp), (funcs,preds)) =
+  | add_decls _ (CombVar (_,ctp), (funcs, preds)) =
       (add_foltype_funcs (ctp,funcs), preds)
   | add_decls params (CombApp(P,Q),decls) = add_decls params (P,add_decls params (Q,decls));
@@ -368,7 +395,7 @@
   Symtab.make [("c_COMBI", 0), ("c_COMBK", 0), ("c_COMBB", 0), ("c_COMBC", 0),
                ("c_COMBS", 0)];
-fun count_combterm (CombConst (c, _, _), ct) =
+fun count_combterm (CombConst ((c, _), _, _), ct) =
      (case Symtab.lookup ct c of NONE => ct  (*no counter*)
                                | SOME n => Symtab.update (c,n+1) ct)
   | count_combterm (CombVar _, ct) = ct
@@ -416,7 +443,7 @@
       val (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL) = fold (count_constants_term false) args (const_min_arity, const_needs_hBOOL)
       case head of
-          CombConst (a,_,_) => (*predicate or function version of "equal"?*)
+          CombConst ((a, _),_,_) => (*predicate or function version of "equal"?*)
             let val a = if a="equal" andalso not toplev then "c_fequal" else a
             val const_min_arity = Symtab.map_default (a, n) (Integer.min n) const_min_arity
@@ -451,39 +478,54 @@
 (* TPTP format *)
-fun write_tptp_file full_types file clauses =
+fun write_tptp_file debug full_types file clauses =
+    fun section _ [] = []
+      | section name ss = "\n% " ^ name ^ plural_s (length ss) ^ "\n" :: ss
+    val pool = empty_name_pool debug
     val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
       classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
     val (cma, cnh) = count_constants clauses
     val params = (full_types, cma, cnh)
-    val (tptp_clss,tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map (clause2tptp params) conjectures)
+    val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
+      pool_map (tptp_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
     val tfree_clss = map tptp_tfree_clause (List.foldl (uncurry (union (op =))) [] tfree_litss)
+    val (ax_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params) axclauses
+                                   pool
+    val classrel_clss = map tptp_classrel_clause classrel_clauses
+    val arity_clss = map tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses
+    val (helper_clss, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo tptp_clause params)
+                                       helper_clauses pool
     val _ =
       File.write_list file (
-        map (#1 o (clause2tptp params)) axclauses @
-        tfree_clss @
-        tptp_clss @
-        map tptp_classrel_clause classrel_clauses @
-        map tptp_arity_clause arity_clauses @
-        map (#1 o (clause2tptp params)) helper_clauses)
-    in (length axclauses + 1, length tfree_clss + length tptp_clss)
+        "% This file was generated by Isabelle (most likely Sledgehammer)\n" ^
+        "% " ^ timestamp () ^ "\n" ::
+        section "Relevant fact" ax_clss @
+        section "Type variable" tfree_clss @
+        section "Class relationship" classrel_clss @
+        section "Arity declaration" arity_clss @
+        section "Helper fact" helper_clss @
+        section "Conjecture" conjecture_clss)
+    in (length axclauses + 1, length tfree_clss + length conjecture_clss)
 (* DFG format *)
-fun write_dfg_file full_types file clauses =
+fun write_dfg_file debug full_types file clauses =
+    val pool = empty_name_pool debug
     val (conjectures, axclauses, _, helper_clauses,
       classrel_clauses, arity_clauses) = clauses
     val (cma, cnh) = count_constants clauses
     val params = (full_types, cma, cnh)
-    val (dfg_clss, tfree_litss) = ListPair.unzip (map (clause2dfg params) conjectures)
+    val ((conjecture_clss, tfree_litss), pool) =
+      pool_map (dfg_clause params) conjectures pool |>> ListPair.unzip
     and probname = Path.implode (Path.base file)
-    val axstrs = map (#1 o (clause2dfg params)) axclauses
+    val (axstrs, pool) = pool_map (apfst fst oo dfg_clause params) axclauses pool
     val tfree_clss = map dfg_tfree_clause (union_all tfree_litss)
-    val helper_clauses_strs = map (#1 o (clause2dfg params)) helper_clauses
+    val (helper_clauses_strs, pool) =
+      pool_map (apfst fst oo dfg_clause params) helper_clauses pool
     val (funcs,cl_preds) = decls_of_clauses params (helper_clauses @ conjectures @ axclauses) arity_clauses
     and ty_preds = preds_of_clauses axclauses classrel_clauses arity_clauses
     val _ =
@@ -492,21 +534,22 @@
         string_of_descrip probname ::
         string_of_symbols (string_of_funcs funcs)
           (string_of_preds (cl_preds @ ty_preds)) ::
-        "list_of_clauses(axioms,cnf).\n" ::
+        "list_of_clauses(axioms, cnf).\n" ::
         axstrs @
         map dfg_classrel_clause classrel_clauses @
         map dfg_arity_clause arity_clauses @
         helper_clauses_strs @
-        ["end_of_list.\n\nlist_of_clauses(conjectures,cnf).\n"] @
+        ["end_of_list.\n\nlist_of_clauses(conjectures, cnf).\n"] @
         tfree_clss @
-        dfg_clss @
+        conjecture_clss @
         (*VarWeight=3 helps the HO problems, probably by counteracting the presence of hAPP*)
-         "list_of_settings(SPASS).\n{*\nset_flag(VarWeight,3).\n*}\nend_of_list.\n\n",
+         "list_of_settings(SPASS).\n{*\nset_flag(VarWeight, 3).\n*}\nend_of_list.\n\n",
-    in (length axclauses + length classrel_clauses + length arity_clauses +
-      length helper_clauses + 1, length tfree_clss + length dfg_clss)
-  end;
+  in
+    (length axclauses + length classrel_clauses + length arity_clauses +
+     length helper_clauses + 1, length tfree_clss + length conjecture_clss)
+  end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Fri Apr 16 12:51:57 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_util.ML	Fri Apr 16 15:49:46 2010 +0200
@@ -8,13 +8,16 @@
   val plural_s : int -> string
   val serial_commas : string -> string list -> string list
+  val replace_all : string -> string -> string -> string
+  val remove_all : string -> string -> string
+  val timestamp : unit -> string
   val parse_bool_option : bool -> string -> string -> bool option
   val parse_time_option : string -> string -> Time.time option
   val hashw : word * word -> word
   val hashw_char : Char.char * word -> word
   val hashw_string : string * word -> word
 structure Sledgehammer_Util : SLEDGEHAMMER_UTIL =
@@ -26,6 +29,20 @@
   | serial_commas conj [s1, s2, s3] = [s1 ^ ",", s2 ^ ",", conj, s3]
   | serial_commas conj (s :: ss) = s ^ "," :: serial_commas conj ss
+fun replace_all bef aft =
+  let
+    fun aux seen "" = String.implode (rev seen)
+      | aux seen s =
+      if String.isPrefix bef s then
+          aux seen "" ^ aft ^ aux [] (unprefix bef s)
+        else
+          aux (String.sub (s, 0) :: seen) (String.extract (s, 1, NONE))
+  in aux [] end
+fun remove_all bef = replace_all bef ""
+val timestamp = Date.fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" o Date.fromTimeLocal o
 fun parse_bool_option option name s =
   (case s of
      "smart" => if option then NONE else raise Option