moved support for primitive defs to primitive_defs.ML;
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 13:20:16 +0200
changeset 24258 2f399483535a
parent 24257 15a43b494878
child 24259 c9e05c49d02c
moved support for primitive defs to primitive_defs.ML;
--- a/src/Pure/logic.ML	Tue Aug 14 13:20:15 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/logic.ML	Tue Aug 14 13:20:16 2007 +0200
@@ -43,10 +43,6 @@
   val name_arity: string * sort list * class -> string
   val mk_arities: arity -> term list
   val dest_arity: term -> string * sort list * class
-  val dest_def: Pretty.pp -> (term -> bool) -> (string -> bool) -> (string -> bool) ->
-    term -> (term * term) * term
-  val abs_def: term -> term * term
-  val mk_defpair: term * term -> string * term
   val protectC: term
   val protect: term -> term
   val unprotect: term -> term
@@ -261,78 +257,7 @@
-(** definitions **)
-fun term_kind (Const _) = "existing constant "
-  | term_kind (Free _) = "free variable "
-  | term_kind (Bound _) = "bound variable "
-  | term_kind _ = "";
-(*c x == t[x] to !!x. c x == t[x]*)
-fun dest_def pp check_head is_fixed is_fixedT eq =
-  let
-    fun err msg = raise TERM (msg, [eq]);
-    val eq_vars = Term.strip_all_vars eq;
-    val eq_body = Term.strip_all_body eq;
-    val display_terms = commas_quote o map (Pretty.string_of_term pp o Syntax.bound_vars eq_vars);
-    val display_types = commas_quote o map (Pretty.string_of_typ pp);
-    val (raw_lhs, rhs) = dest_equals eq_body handle TERM _ => err "Not a meta-equality (==)";
-    val lhs = Envir.beta_eta_contract raw_lhs;
-    val (head, args) = Term.strip_comb lhs;
-    val head_tfrees = Term.add_tfrees head [];
-    fun check_arg (Bound _) = true
-      | check_arg (Free (x, _)) = not (is_fixed x)
-      | check_arg (Const ("TYPE", Type ("itself", [TFree _]))) = true
-      | check_arg _ = false;
-    fun close_arg (Bound _) t = t
-      | close_arg x t = Term.all (Term.fastype_of x) $ lambda x t;
-    val lhs_bads = filter_out check_arg args;
-    val lhs_dups = duplicates (op aconv) args;
-    val rhs_extras = Term.fold_aterms (fn v as Free (x, _) =>
-      if is_fixed x orelse member (op aconv) args v then I
-      else insert (op aconv) v | _ => I) rhs [];
-    val rhs_extrasT = Term.fold_aterms (Term.fold_types (fn v as TFree (a, S) =>
-      if is_fixedT a orelse member (op =) head_tfrees (a, S) then I
-      else insert (op =) v | _ => I)) rhs [];
-  in
-    if not (check_head head) then
-      err ("Bad head of lhs: " ^ term_kind head ^ display_terms [head])
-    else if not (null lhs_bads) then
-      err ("Bad arguments on lhs: " ^ display_terms lhs_bads)
-    else if not (null lhs_dups) then
-      err ("Duplicate arguments on lhs: " ^ display_terms lhs_dups)
-    else if not (null rhs_extras) then
-      err ("Extra variables on rhs: " ^ display_terms rhs_extras)
-    else if not (null rhs_extrasT) then
-      err ("Extra type variables on rhs: " ^ display_types rhs_extrasT)
-    else if exists_subterm (fn t => t aconv head) rhs then
-      err "Entity to be defined occurs on rhs"
-    else ((lhs, rhs), fold_rev close_arg args (Term.list_all (eq_vars, (mk_equals (lhs, rhs)))))
-  end;
-(*!!x. c x == t[x] to c == %x. t[x]*)
-fun abs_def eq =
-  let
-    val body = Term.strip_all_body eq;
-    val vars = map Free (Term.rename_wrt_term body (Term.strip_all_vars eq));
-    val (lhs, rhs) = dest_equals (Term.subst_bounds (vars, body));
-    val (lhs', args) = Term.strip_comb lhs;
-    val rhs' = Term.list_abs_free (map Term.dest_Free args, rhs);
-  in (lhs', rhs') end;
-fun mk_defpair (lhs, rhs) =
-  (case Term.head_of lhs of
-    Const (name, _) =>
-      (NameSpace.base name ^ "_def", mk_equals (lhs, rhs))
-  | _ => raise TERM ("Malformed definition: head of lhs not a constant", [lhs, rhs]));
-(** protected propositions and embedded terms **)
+  (** protected propositions and embedded terms **)
 val protectC = Const ("prop", propT --> propT);
 fun protect t = protectC $ t;