changed the way a grammar is generated to allow the new parser to work;
also made a lot of changes in parser.ML and minor ones elsewhere
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/ROOT.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/ROOT.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use "ast.ML";
use "syn_ext.ML";
use "parser.ML";
-use "earley0A.ML";
+(*use "earley0A.ML";*)
use "type_ext.ML";
use "sextension.ML";
use "printer.ML";
@@ -23,13 +23,12 @@
structure SynExt = SynExtFun(structure Lexicon = Lexicon and Ast = Ast);
structure Parser = ParserFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and Lexicon = Lexicon
and SynExt = SynExt);
-structure Earley = EarleyFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and Lexicon = Lexicon
- and SynExt = SynExt);
+(*structure Earley = EarleyFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and Lexicon = Lexicon
+ and SynExt = SynExt);*)
structure TypeExt = TypeExtFun(structure Lexicon = Lexicon and SynExt = SynExt);
-structure SExtension = SExtensionFun(Earley);
+structure SExtension = SExtensionFun(Parser);
structure Printer = PrinterFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and TypeExt = TypeExt
and SExtension = SExtension);
structure Syntax = SyntaxFun(structure Symtab = Symtab and TypeExt = TypeExt
and SExtension = SExtension and Printer = Printer);
structure BasicSyntax: BASIC_SYNTAX = Syntax;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/earley0A.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/earley0A.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
datatype parsetree =
Node of string * parsetree list |
Tip of token
- val parse: gram -> string -> token list -> parsetree
+ val parse: gram -> string -> token list -> parsetree list
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
fun syn_err toks =
error ("Syntax error at: " ^ quote (space_implode " " (map str_of_token toks)));
-fun parse ((_, _, (tab, opLA, rchA)):gram) (root:string) (tl: token list): parsetree =
+fun parse ((_, _, (tab, opLA, rchA)):gram) (root:string) (tl: token list): parsetree list =
val tl' = tl;
val state_sets = mt_states(len tl' + 1);
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
lr (tl', 0, s0, EndToken(*dummy*));
(*print_stat state_sets;*)
let val St(_, _, _, _, [pt]) = fst_state(sub(state_sets, len tl'))
- in pt end
+ in [pt] end
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/lexicon.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
include SCANNER
include LEXICON0
val is_xid: string -> bool
- val is_tfree: string -> bool
+ val is_tid: string -> bool
type lexicon
datatype token =
Token of string |
@@ -51,13 +51,14 @@
val id: string
val var: string
- val tfree: string
+ val tid: string
val tvar: string
val terminals: string list
val is_terminal: string -> bool
val str_of_token: token -> string
val display_token: token -> string
val matching_tokens: token * token -> bool
+ val token_assoc: (token option * 'a list) list * token -> 'a list
val valued_token: token -> bool
val predef_term: string -> token option
val dest_lexicon: lexicon -> string list
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
"_" :: cs => is_ident cs
| cs => is_ident cs);
-fun is_tfree s =
+fun is_tid s =
(case explode s of
"'" :: cs => is_ident cs
| _ => false);
@@ -118,10 +119,10 @@
val id = "id";
val var = "var";
-val tfree = "tfree";
+val tid = "tid";
val tvar = "tvar";
-val terminals = [id, var, tfree, tvar];
+val terminals = [id, var, tid, tvar];
fun is_terminal s = s mem terminals;
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
fun display_token (Token s) = quote s
| display_token (IdentSy s) = "id(" ^ s ^ ")"
| display_token (VarSy s) = "var(" ^ s ^ ")"
- | display_token (TFreeSy s) = "tfree(" ^ s ^ ")"
+ | display_token (TFreeSy s) = "tid(" ^ s ^ ")"
| display_token (TVarSy s) = "tvar(" ^ s ^ ")"
| display_token EndToken = "";
@@ -157,6 +158,17 @@
| matching_tokens _ = false;
+(* this function is needed in parser.ML but is placed here
+ for better performance *)
+fun token_assoc (list, key) =
+ let fun assoc [] = []
+ | assoc ((keyi, xi) :: pairs) =
+ if is_none keyi orelse matching_tokens (the keyi, key) then
+ (assoc pairs) @ xi
+ else assoc pairs;
+ in assoc list end;
(* valued_token *)
fun valued_token (Token _) = false
@@ -172,7 +184,7 @@
fun predef_term name =
if name = id then Some (IdentSy name)
else if name = var then Some (VarSy name)
- else if name = tfree then Some (TFreeSy name)
+ else if name = tid then Some (TFreeSy name)
else if name = tvar then Some (TVarSy name)
else None;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
Isabelle's main parser (used for terms and typs).
- fix ambiguous grammar problem
- ~1 --> chain_pri
improve syntax error
extend_gram: remove 'roots' arg
@@ -24,12 +22,12 @@
datatype parsetree =
Node of string * parsetree list |
Tip of token
- val parse: gram -> string -> token list -> parsetree
+ val parse: gram -> string -> token list -> parsetree list
functor ParserFun(structure Symtab: SYMTAB and Lexicon: LEXICON
- and SynExt: SYN_EXT)(*: PARSER *) = (* FIXME *)
+ and SynExt: SYN_EXT) =
structure Pretty = SynExt.Ast.Pretty;
@@ -44,11 +42,222 @@
Terminal of token |
Nonterminal of string * int;
-datatype gram =
- Gram of (string * (symb list * string * int)) list
- * (symb list * string * int) list Symtab.table;
+datatype refsymb = Term of token | Nonterm of rhss_ref * int
+ (*reference to production list instead of name*)
+and gram = Gram of (string * (symb list * string * int)) list *
+ (string * rhss_ref) list
+withtype rhss_ref = (token option * (refsymb list * string * int) list) list ref
+ (*lookahead table: token and productions*)
+(* convert productions to reference grammar with lookaheads and eliminate
+ chain productions *)
+fun mk_gram prods =
+ let (*get reference on list of all possible rhss for nonterminal lhs
+ (if it doesn't exist a new one is created and added to the nonterminal
+ list)*)
+ fun get_rhss ref_prods lhs =
+ case assoc (ref_prods, lhs) of
+ None =>
+ let val l = ref [(None, [])]
+ in (l, (lhs, l) :: ref_prods) end
+ | Some l => (l, ref_prods);
+ (*convert symb list to refsymb list*)
+ fun mk_refsymbs ref_prods [] rs = (rs, ref_prods)
+ | mk_refsymbs ref_prods (Terminal tk :: symbs) rs =
+ mk_refsymbs ref_prods symbs (rs @ [Term tk])
+ | mk_refsymbs ref_prods (Nonterminal (name, prec) :: symbs) rs =
+ let val (rhss, ref_prods') = get_rhss ref_prods name
+ in mk_refsymbs ref_prods' symbs (rs @ [Nonterm (rhss, prec)])
+ end;
+ (*convert prod list to (string * rhss_ref) list
+ without computing lookaheads*)
+ fun mk_ref_gram [] ref_prods = ref_prods
+ | mk_ref_gram ((lhs, (rhs, name, prec)) :: ps) ref_prods =
+ let val (rhs', ref_prods') = get_rhss ref_prods lhs;
+ val (dummy, rhss) = hd (!rhs');
+ val (ref_symbs, ref_prods'') = mk_refsymbs ref_prods' rhs [];
+ in rhs' := [(dummy, (ref_symbs, name, prec) :: rhss)];
+ mk_ref_gram ps ref_prods''
+ end;
+ (*eliminate chain productions*)
+ fun elim_chain ref_gram =
+ let (*make a list of pairs representing chain productions and delete
+ these productions*)
+ fun list_chain [] = []
+ | list_chain ((_, rhss_ref) :: ps) =
+ let fun lists [] new_rhss chains = (new_rhss, chains)
+ | lists (([Nonterm (id2, ~1)], _, ~1) :: rs)
+ new_rhss chains =
+ lists rs new_rhss ((rhss_ref, id2) :: chains)
+ | lists (rhs :: rs) new_rhss chains =
+ lists rs (rhs :: new_rhss) chains;
+ val (dummy, rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ val (new_rhss, chains) = lists rhss [] [];
+ in rhss_ref := [(dummy, new_rhss)];
+ chains @ (list_chain ps)
+ end;
+ (*convert a list of pairs to an association list*)
+ fun compress chains =
+ let fun doit [] result = result
+ | doit ((id1, id2) :: ps) result =
+ doit ps
+ (overwrite (result, (id1, id2 :: (assocs result id1))));
+ in doit chains [] end;
+ (*replace reference by list of rhss in chain pairs*)
+ fun unref (id1, ids) =
+ let fun unref1 [] = []
+ | unref1 (id :: ids) =
+ let val (_, rhss) = hd (!id);
+ in rhss @ (unref1 ids) end;
+ in (id1, unref1 ids) end;
+ val chain_pairs =
+ map unref (transitive_closure (compress (list_chain ref_gram)));
+ (*add new rhss to productions*)
+ fun mk_chain (rhss_ref, rhss) =
+ let val (dummy, old_rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ in rhss_ref := [(dummy, old_rhss @ rhss)] end;
+ in map mk_chain chain_pairs;
+ ref_gram
+ end;
+ val ref_gram = elim_chain (mk_ref_gram prods []);
-fun mk_gram prods = Gram (prods, Symtab.make_multi prods);
+ (*make a list of all lambda NTs
+ (i.e. nonterminals that can produce lambda*)
+ val lambdas =
+ let fun lambda [] result = result
+ | lambda ((_, rhss_ref) :: nts) result =
+ if rhss_ref mem result then
+ lambda nts result
+ else
+ let (*test if a list of rhss contains a production
+ consisting only of lambda NTs*)
+ fun only_lambdas _ [] = []
+ | only_lambdas result ((_, rhss_ref) :: ps) =
+ let fun only (symbs, _, _) =
+ forall (fn (Nonterm (id, _)) => id mem result
+ | (Term _) => false) symbs;
+ val (_, rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ in if not (rhss_ref mem result) andalso
+ exists only rhss then
+ rhss_ref :: (only_lambdas result ps)
+ else
+ only_lambdas result ps
+ end;
+ (*search for NTs that can be produced by a list of
+ lambda NTs*)
+ fun produced_by [] result = result
+ | produced_by (rhss_ref :: rhss_refs) result =
+ let val new_lambdas =
+ only_lambdas result ref_gram;
+ in produced_by (rhss_refs union new_lambdas)
+ (result @ new_lambdas)
+ end;
+ val (_, rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ in if exists (fn (symbs, _, _) => null symbs) rhss
+ then lambda nts
+ (produced_by [rhss_ref] (rhss_ref :: result))
+ else lambda nts result
+ end;
+ in lambda ref_gram [] end;
+ (*list all nonterminals on which the lookahead depends (due to lambda
+ NTs this can be more than one)
+ and report if there is a terminal at the 'start'*)
+ fun rhss_start [] skipped = (None, skipped)
+ | rhss_start (Term tk :: _) skipped = (Some tk, skipped)
+ | rhss_start (Nonterm (rhss_ref, _) :: rest) skipped =
+ if rhss_ref mem lambdas then
+ rhss_start rest (rhss_ref ins skipped)
+ else
+ (None, rhss_ref ins skipped);
+ (*list all terminals that can start the given rhss*)
+ fun look_rhss starts rhss_ref =
+ let fun look [] _ = []
+ | look ((symbs, _, _) :: todos) done =
+ let val (start_token, skipped) = rhss_start symbs [];
+ (*process all nonterminals on which the lookahead
+ depends and build the new todo and done lists for
+ the look function*)
+ fun look2 [] todos = look todos (done union skipped)
+ | look2 (rhss_ref :: ls) todos =
+ if rhss_ref mem done then look2 ls todos
+ else case assoc (starts, rhss_ref) of
+ Some tks => tks union (look2 ls todos)
+ | None => let val (_, rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ in look2 ls (rhss union todos) end;
+ in case start_token of
+ Some tk => start_token ins (look2 skipped todos)
+ | None => look2 skipped todos
+ end;
+ val (_, rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ in look rhss [rhss_ref] end;
+ (*make a table that contains all possible starting terminals
+ for each nonterminal*)
+ fun mk_starts [] starts = starts
+ | mk_starts ((_, rhss_ref) :: ps) starts =
+ mk_starts ps ((rhss_ref, look_rhss starts rhss_ref) :: starts);
+ val starts = mk_starts ref_gram [];
+ (*add list of allowed starting tokens to productions*)
+ fun mk_lookahead (_, rhss_ref) =
+ let (*add item to lookahead list (a list containing pairs of token and
+ rhss that can be started with this token*)
+ fun add_start _ [] table = table
+ | add_start new_rhs (token :: tks) table =
+ let fun add [] =
+ [(token, [new_rhs])]
+ | add ((tk, rhss) :: ss) =
+ if token = tk then
+ (tk, new_rhs :: rhss) :: ss
+ else
+ (tk, rhss) :: (add ss);
+ in add_start new_rhs tks (add table) end;
+ (*combine all lookaheads of a list of nonterminals*)
+ fun combine_starts [] = []
+ | combine_starts (rhss_ref :: ps) =
+ let val Some tks = assoc (starts, rhss_ref)
+ in tks union combine_starts ps end;
+ (*get lookahead for a rhs and update lhs' lookahead list*)
+ fun look_rhss [] table = table
+ | look_rhss ((rhs as (symbs, id, prec)) :: rs) table =
+ let val (start_token, skipped) = rhss_start symbs [];
+ val starts = case start_token of
+ Some tk => Some tk
+ ins (combine_starts skipped)
+ | None => if skipped = []
+ orelse forall (fn id => id mem lambdas) skipped then
+ (*lambda production?*)
+ [None]
+ else
+ combine_starts skipped;
+ in look_rhss rs (add_start rhs starts table) end;
+ val (_, rhss) = hd (!rhss_ref);
+ in rhss_ref := look_rhss rhss [] end;
+ in map mk_lookahead ref_gram;
+ Gram (prods, ref_gram)
+ end;
(* empty, extend, merge grams *)
@@ -111,41 +320,39 @@
Tip of token;
type state =
- string * int
- * parsetree list (*before point*)
- * symb list (*after point*)
- * string * int;
+ rhss_ref * int (*lhs: identification and production precedence*)
+ * parsetree list (*already parsed nonterminals on rhs*)
+ * refsymb list (*rest of rhs*)
+ * string (*name of production*)
+ * int; (*index for previous state list*)
type earleystate = state list Array.array;
-fun get_prods tab lhs pred =
- filter pred (Symtab.lookup_multi (tab, lhs));
+(*Get all rhss with precedence >= minPrec*)
+fun getRHS minPrec = filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec);
-fun getProductions tab A i =
- get_prods tab A (fn (_, _, j) => j >= i orelse j = ~1);
-fun getProductions' tab A i k =
- get_prods tab A (fn (_, _, j) => (j >= i andalso j < k) orelse j = ~1);
+(*Get all rhss with precedence >= minPrec and < maxPrec*)
+fun getRHS' minPrec maxPrec =
+ filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= minPrec andalso prec < maxPrec);
-fun mkState i jj A ([Nonterminal (B, ~1)], id, ~1) =
- (A, max_pri, [], [Nonterminal (B, jj)], id, i)
- | mkState i jj A (ss, id, j) = (A, j, [], ss, id, i);
+(*Make states using a list of rhss*)
+fun mkStates i minPrec lhsID rhss =
+ let fun mkState (rhs, id, prodPrec) = (lhsID, prodPrec, [], rhs, id, i);
+ in map mkState rhss end;
+(*Add parse tree to list and eliminate duplicates
+ saving the maximum precedence*)
+fun conc (t, prec:int) [] = (None, [(t, prec)])
+ | conc (t, prec) ((t', prec') :: ts) =
+ if t = t' then
+ (Some prec', if prec' >= prec then (t', prec') :: ts
+ else (t, prec) :: ts)
+ else
+ let val (n, ts') = conc (t, prec) ts
+ in (n, (t', prec') :: ts') end;
-fun conc (t, k:int) [] = (None, [(t, k)])
- | conc (t, k) ((t', k') :: ts) =
- if t = t' then
- (Some k', if k' >= k then (t', k') :: ts else (t, k) :: ts)
- else
- let val (n, ts') = conc (t, k) ts
- in (n, (t', k') :: ts') end;
+(*Update entry in used*)
fun update_tree ((B, (i, ts)) :: used) (A, t) =
if A = B then
let val (n, ts') = conc t ts
@@ -154,114 +361,117 @@
let val (used', n) = update_tree used (A, t)
in ((B, (i, ts)) :: used', n) end;
-fun update_index ((B, (i, ts)) :: used) (A, j) =
- if A = B then (A, (j, ts)) :: used
- else (B, (i, ts)) :: (update_index used (A, j));
+(*Replace entry in used*)
+fun update_index (A, prec) used =
+ let fun update((hd as (B, (_, ts))) :: used, used') =
+ if A = B
+ then used' @ ((A, (prec, ts)) :: used)
+ else update (used, hd :: used')
+ in update (used, []) end;
-fun getS A i Si =
+fun getS A maxPrec Si =
- (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, j) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso j <= i
+ (fn (_, _, _, Nonterm (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
+ => A = B andalso prec <= maxPrec
| _ => false) Si;
-fun getS' A k n Si =
+fun getS' A maxPrec minPrec Si =
- (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, j) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso j <= k andalso j > n
+ (fn (_, _, _, Nonterm (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
+ => A = B andalso prec > minPrec andalso prec <= maxPrec
| _ => false) Si;
-fun getStates Estate i ii A k =
+fun getStates Estate i ii A maxPrec =
- (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, j) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso j <= k
+ (fn (_, _, _, Nonterm (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
+ => A = B andalso prec <= maxPrec
| _ => false)
(Array.sub (Estate, ii));
-(* MMW *)(* FIXME *)
-fun movedot_term (A, j, ts, Terminal a :: sa, id, i) c =
+fun movedot_term (A, j, ts, Term a :: sa, id, i) c =
if valued_token c then
(A, j, (ts @ [Tip c]), sa, id, i)
else (A, j, ts, sa, id, i);
-fun movedot_nonterm ts (A, j, tss, Nonterminal (B, k) :: sa, id, i) =
+fun movedot_nonterm ts (A, j, tss, Nonterm _ :: sa, id, i) =
(A, j, tss @ ts, sa, id, i);
fun movedot_lambda _ [] = []
- | movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ((t, ki) :: ts) =
+ | movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterm (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ((t, ki) :: ts) =
if k <= ki then
(B, j, tss @ t, sa, id, i) ::
- movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ts
- else movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ts;
+ movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterm (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ts
+ else movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterm (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ts;
-fun PROCESSS Estate grammar i c states =
+fun PROCESSS Estate i c states =
+fun get_lookahead rhss_ref = token_assoc (!rhss_ref, c);
fun processS used [] (Si, Sii) = (Si, Sii)
| processS used (S :: States) (Si, Sii) =
(case S of
- (_, _, _, Nonterminal (A, j) :: _, _, _) =>
- let
- val (used_neu, States_neu) =
- (case assoc (used, A) of
- Some (k, l) => (*A gehoert zu used*)
- if k <= j (*Prioritaet wurde behandelt*)
- then (used, movedot_lambda S l)
- else (*Prioritaet wurde noch nicht behandelt*)
- let
- val L = getProductions' grammar A j k;
- val States' = map (mkState i j A) L;
- in
- (update_index used (A, j), States' @ movedot_lambda S l)
+ (_, _, _, Nonterm (rhss_ref, minPrec) :: _, _, _) =>
+ let (*predictor operation*)
+ val (used_new, States_new) =
+ (case assoc (used, rhss_ref) of
+ Some (usedPrec, l) => (*nonterminal has been processed*)
+ if usedPrec <= minPrec then
+ (*wanted precedence has been processed*)
+ (used, movedot_lambda S l)
+ else (*wanted precedence hasn't been parsed yet*)
+ let val rhss = get_lookahead rhss_ref;
+ val States' = mkStates i minPrec rhss_ref
+ (getRHS' minPrec usedPrec rhss);
+ in (update_index (rhss_ref, minPrec) used,
+ movedot_lambda S l @ States')
- | None => (*A gehoert nicht zu used*)
- let
- val L = getProductions grammar A j;
- val States' = map (mkState i j A) L;
- in
- ((A, (j, [])) :: used, States')
- end)
+ | None => (*nonterminal is parsed for the first time*)
+ let val rhss = get_lookahead rhss_ref;
+ val States' = mkStates i minPrec rhss_ref
+ (getRHS minPrec rhss);
+ in ((rhss_ref, (minPrec, [])) :: used, States') end)
- processS used_neu (States @ States_neu) (S :: Si, Sii)
+ processS used_new (States_new @ States) (S :: Si, Sii)
- | (_, _, _, Terminal a :: _, _, _) =>
+ | (_, _, _, Term a :: _, _, _) => (*scanner operation*)
processS used States
(S :: Si,
if matching_tokens (a, c) then movedot_term S c :: Sii else Sii)
- (* MMW *)(* FIXME *)
- | (A, k, ts, [], id, j) =>
+ | (A, prec, ts, [], id, j) => (*completer operation*)
val tt = if id = "" then ts else [Node (id, ts)]
- if j = i then
+ if j = i then (*lambda production?*)
- val (used', O) = update_tree used (A, (tt, k));
+ val (used', O) = update_tree used (A, (tt, prec));
(case O of
None =>
- val Slist = getS A k Si;
+ val Slist = getS A prec Si;
val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
- processS used' (States @ States') (S :: Si, Sii)
+ processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii)
| Some n =>
- if n >= k then
+ if n >= prec then
processS used' States (S :: Si, Sii)
- val Slist = getS' A k n Si;
+ val Slist = getS' A prec n Si;
val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
- processS used' (States @ States') (S :: Si, Sii)
+ processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii)
- end
+ end
processS used
- (States @ map (movedot_nonterm tt) (getStates Estate i j A k))
+ (map (movedot_nonterm tt) (getStates Estate i j A prec) @ States)
(S :: Si, Sii)
@@ -273,7 +483,7 @@
fun syntax_error toks =
error ("Syntax error at: " ^ quote (space_implode " " (map str_of_token toks)));
-fun produce grammar stateset i indata =
+fun produce stateset i indata =
(case Array.sub (stateset, i) of
[] => syntax_error indata (* MMW *)(* FIXME *)
| s =>
@@ -281,46 +491,39 @@
[] => Array.sub (stateset, i)
| c :: cs =>
- val (si, sii) = PROCESSS stateset grammar i c s;
+ val (si, sii) = PROCESSS stateset i c s;
Array.update (stateset, i, si);
Array.update (stateset, i + 1, sii);
- produce grammar stateset (i + 1) cs
+ produce stateset (i + 1) cs
-(*(* FIXME new *)
val get_trees = mapfilter (fn (_, _, [pt], _, _, _) => Some pt | _ => None);
-fun get_trees [] = []
- | get_trees ((_, _, pt_lst, _, _, _) :: stateset) =
- let val l = get_trees stateset
- in case pt_lst of
- [ptree] => ptree :: l
- | _ => l
- end;
fun earley grammar startsymbol indata =
- val S0 = [("S'", 0, [], [Nonterminal (startsymbol, 0), Terminal EndToken], "", 0)];
- val s = length indata + 1; (* MMW *)(* FIXME was .. + 2 *)
+ val rhss_ref = case assoc (grammar, startsymbol) of
+ Some r => r
+ | None => error ("parse: Unknown startsymbol " ^
+ quote startsymbol);
+ val S0 = [(ref [], 0, [], [Nonterm (rhss_ref, 0), Term EndToken], "", 0)];
+ val s = length indata + 1;
val Estate = Array.array (s, []);
Array.update (Estate, 0, S0);
- val l = produce grammar Estate 0 indata; (* MMW *)(* FIXME was .. @ [EndToken] *)
+ val l = produce Estate 0 indata;
val p_trees = get_trees l;
in p_trees end
-(* FIXME demo *)
fun parse (Gram (_, prod_tab)) start toks =
(case earley prod_tab start toks of
[] => sys_error "parse: no parse trees"
- | pt :: _ => pt);
+ | pts => pts);
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
val xrules_of: sext -> xrule list
val abs_tr': term -> term
val appl_ast_tr': ast * ast list -> ast
- val syn_ext_of_sext: string list -> string list -> (string -> typ) -> sext -> syn_ext
+ val syn_ext_of_sext: string list -> string list -> string list -> (string -> typ) -> sext -> syn_ext
val pt_to_ast: (string -> (ast list -> ast) option) -> parsetree -> ast
val ast_to_term: (string -> (term list -> term) option) -> ast -> term
val apropC: string
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
fun infix_name sy = "op " ^ strip_esc sy;
-fun syn_ext_of_sext roots xconsts read_typ sext =
+fun syn_ext_of_sext all_roots new_roots xconsts read_typ sext =
val {mixfix, parse_ast_translation, parse_translation, print_translation,
print_ast_translation, ...} = sext_components sext;
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
val bparses = map mk_binder_tr binders;
val bprints = map (mk_binder_tr' o swap) binders;
- syn_ext roots mfix (distinct (filter is_xid xconsts))
+ syn_ext all_roots new_roots mfix (distinct (filter is_xid xconsts))
bparses @ parse_translation,
bprints @ print_translation,
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syn_ext.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syn_ext.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
val args: string
val idT: typ
val varT: typ
- val tfreeT: typ
+ val tidT: typ
val tvarT: typ
val applC: string
val typ_to_nonterm: typ -> string
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
print_rules: (ast * ast) list,
print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list}
- val syn_ext: string list -> mfix list -> string list ->
+ val syn_ext: string list -> string list -> mfix list -> string list ->
(string * (ast list -> ast)) list * (string * (term list -> term)) list *
(string * (term list -> term)) list * (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
-> (ast * ast) list * (ast * ast) list -> syn_ext
- val syn_ext_rules: (ast * ast) list * (ast * ast) list -> syn_ext
- val syn_ext_roots: string list -> syn_ext
+ val syn_ext_rules: string list -> (ast * ast) list * (ast * ast) list -> syn_ext
+ val syn_ext_roots: string list -> string list -> syn_ext
@@ -74,16 +74,16 @@
val args = "args";
val argsT = Type (args, []);
-val funT = Type ("fun", []);
+val typeT = Type ("type", []);
-val typeT = Type ("type", []);
+val funT = Type ("fun", []);
(* terminals *)
val idT = Type (id, []);
val varT = Type (var, []);
-val tfreeT = Type (tfree, []);
+val tidT = Type (tid, []);
val tvarT = Type (tvar, []);
@@ -240,7 +240,6 @@
(** datatype syn_ext **)
datatype syn_ext =
@@ -258,39 +257,85 @@
(* syn_ext *)
-fun syn_ext roots mfixes consts trfuns rules =
+fun syn_ext all_roots new_roots mfixes consts trfuns rules =
- fun descend (from, to) = Mfix ("_", to --> from, "", [0], 0);
- fun parents T = Mfix ("'(_')", T --> T, "", [0], max_pri);
- fun mkappl T =
- Mfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [funT, argsT] ---> T, applC, [max_pri, 0], max_pri);
- fun mkid T = Mfix ("_", idT --> T, "", [], max_pri);
- fun mkvar T = Mfix ("_", varT --> T, "", [], max_pri);
- fun constrain T =
- Mfix ("_::_", [T, typeT] ---> T, constrainC, [max_pri, 0], max_pri - 1);
val (parse_ast_translation, parse_translation, print_translation,
print_ast_translation) = trfuns;
val (parse_rules, print_rules) = rules;
- val Troots = map (apr (Type, [])) roots;
- val Troots' = Troots \\ [typeT, propT, logicT];
- val mfixes' = mfixes @ map parents (Troots \ logicT) @ map mkappl Troots' @
+ val Troots = map (apr (Type, [])) new_roots;
+ val Troots' = Troots \\ [typeT, propT];
+ fun change_name T ext =
+ let val Type (name, ts) = T
+ in Type (space_implode "" [name, ext], ts) end;
+ (* Append "_H" to lhs if production is not a copy or chain production *)
+ fun hide_xprod roots (XProd (lhs, symbs, const, pri)) =
+ let fun is_delim (Delim _) = true
+ | is_delim _ = false
+ in if const <> "" andalso lhs mem roots andalso exists is_delim symbs then
+ XProd (space_implode "" [lhs, "_H"], symbs, const, pri)
+ else XProd (lhs, symbs, const, pri)
+ end;
+ (* Make descend production and append "_H" to rhs nonterminal *)
+ fun descend_right (from, to) =
+ Mfix ("_", change_name to "_H" --> from, "", [0], 0);
+ (* Make descend production and append "_H" to lhs *)
+ fun descend_left (from, to) =
+ Mfix ("_", to --> change_name from "_H", "", [0], 0);
+ (* Make descend production and append "_A" to lhs *)
+ fun descend1 (from, to) =
+ Mfix ("_", to --> change_name from "_A", "", [0], 0);
+ (* Make parentheses production for 'hidden' and 'automatic' nonterminal *)
+ fun parents T =
+ if T = typeT then
+ [Mfix ("'(_')", T --> T, "", [0], max_pri)]
+ else
+ [Mfix ("'(_')", change_name T "_H" --> change_name T "_H", "", [0], max_pri),
+ Mfix ("'(_')", change_name T "_A" --> change_name T "_A", "", [0], max_pri)];
+ fun mkappl T =
+ Mfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [funT, argsT] ---> change_name T "_A", applC,
+ [max_pri, 0], max_pri);
+ fun mkid T =
+ Mfix ("_", idT --> change_name T "_A", "", [], max_pri);
+ fun mkvar T =
+ Mfix ("_", varT --> change_name T "_A", "", [], max_pri);
+ fun constrain T =
+ Mfix ("_::_", [T, typeT] ---> change_name T "_A", constrainC,
+ [max_pri, 0], max_pri - 1)
+ fun unhide T =
+ if T <> logicT then
+ [Mfix ("_", change_name T "_H" --> T, "", [0], 0),
+ Mfix ("_", change_name T "_A" --> T, "", [0], 0)]
+ else
+ [Mfix ("_", change_name T "_A" --> T, "", [0], 0)];
+ val mfixes' = flat (map parents Troots) @ map mkappl Troots' @
map mkid Troots' @ map mkvar Troots' @ map constrain Troots' @
- map (apl (logicT, descend)) (Troots \\ [typeT, logicT]) @
- map (apr (descend, logic1T)) Troots';
+ map (apl (logicT, descend_right)) (Troots \\ [logicT, typeT]) @
+ map (apr (descend1, logic1T)) (Troots') @
+ flat (map unhide (Troots \\ [typeT]));
val mfix_consts =
- distinct (filter is_xid (map (fn (Mfix (_, _, c, _, _)) => c) mfixes'));
+ distinct (filter is_xid (map (fn (Mfix (_, _, c, _, _)) => c)
+ (mfixes @ mfixes')));
+ val xprods = map mfix_to_xprod mfixes;
+ val xprods' = map mfix_to_xprod mfixes';
SynExt {
- roots = roots,
- xprods = map mfix_to_xprod mfixes',
+ roots = new_roots,
+ xprods = (map (hide_xprod (all_roots \\ ["logic", "type"])) xprods)
+ @ xprods', (* hide only productions that weren't created
+ automatically *)
consts = consts union mfix_consts,
parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
parse_rules = parse_rules,
@@ -303,11 +348,11 @@
(* syn_ext_rules, syn_ext_roots *)
-fun syn_ext_rules rules =
- syn_ext [] [] [] ([], [], [], []) rules;
+fun syn_ext_rules roots rules =
+ syn_ext roots [] [] [] ([], [], [], []) rules;
-fun syn_ext_roots roots =
- syn_ext roots [] [] ([], [], [], []) ([], []);
+fun syn_ext_roots all_roots new_roots =
+ syn_ext all_roots new_roots [] [] ([], [], [], []) ([], []);
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@
val {lexicon, gram, parse_ast_trtab, parse_ruletab, ...} = tabs;
val toks = tokenize lexicon false str;
- val _ = writeln ("tokens: " ^ space_implode " " (map display_token toks));
+ val _ = writeln ("tokens: " ^ space_implode " " (map display_token toks))
- val pt = parse gram root toks;
- val raw_ast = pt_to_ast (K None) pt;
- val _ = writeln ("raw: " ^ str_of_ast raw_ast);
- val pre_ast = pt_to_ast (lookup_trtab parse_ast_trtab) pt;
- val _ = normalize true true (lookup_ruletab parse_ruletab) pre_ast;
- in () end;
+ fun show pt =
+ let val raw_ast = pt_to_ast (K None) pt;
+ val _ = writeln ("raw: " ^ str_of_ast raw_ast);
+ val pre_ast = pt_to_ast (lookup_trtab parse_ast_trtab) pt;
+ val _ = normalize true true (lookup_ruletab parse_ruletab) pre_ast;
+ in () end
+ in seq show (parse gram root toks) end;
(* read_ast *)
@@ -278,9 +278,20 @@
fun read_ast (Syntax tabs) xids root str =
val {lexicon, gram, parse_ast_trtab, ...} = tabs;
+ val pts = parse gram root (tokenize lexicon xids str);
+ fun show_pts pts =
+ let fun show pt = writeln (str_of_ast (pt_to_ast (K None) pt))
+ in seq show pts end
- pt_to_ast (lookup_trtab parse_ast_trtab)
- (parse gram root (tokenize lexicon xids str))
+ if tl pts = [] then
+ pt_to_ast (lookup_trtab parse_ast_trtab) (hd pts)
+ else
+ (writeln ("Ambiguous input " ^ quote str);
+ writeln "produces the following parse trees:";
+ show_pts pts;
+ writeln "Please disambiguate the grammar or your input.";
+ raise ERROR)
@@ -376,10 +387,10 @@
val Syntax {roots, ...} = syn0;
val syn1 = extend_syntax syn0
- (syn_ext_of_sext (all_roots \\ roots) xconsts read_ty sext);
+ (syn_ext_of_sext all_roots (all_roots \\ roots) xconsts read_ty sext);
val syn2 = extend_syntax syn1
- (syn_ext_rules (read_xrules syn1 (xrules_of sext)));
+ (syn_ext_rules all_roots (read_xrules syn1 (xrules_of sext)));
in syn2 end;
@@ -392,7 +403,7 @@
(case all_roots \\ roots of
[] => syn
| new_roots => (writeln ("DEBUG new roots:" ^ commas new_roots); (* FIXME debug *)
- extend_syntax syn (syn_ext_roots new_roots)))
+ extend_syntax syn (syn_ext_roots all_roots new_roots)))
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML Fri Apr 15 18:43:21 1994 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML Fri Apr 22 12:43:53 1994 +0200
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
| sort tm = raise_term "typ_of_term: bad encoding of sort" [tm];
fun typ (Free (x, _), scs) =
- (if is_tfree x then TFree (x, []) else Type (x, []), scs)
+ (if is_tid x then TFree (x, []) else Type (x, []), scs)
| typ (Var (xi, _), scs) = (TVar (xi, []), scs)
| typ (Const ("_ofsort", _) $ Free (x, _) $ st, scs) =
(TFree (x, []), put_sort scs (x, ~1) (sort st))
@@ -170,19 +170,19 @@
val typesT = Type ("types", []);
val type_ext = syn_ext
- [logic, "type"]
- [Mfix ("_", tfreeT --> typeT, "", [], max_pri),
+ [logic, "type"] [logic, "type"]
+ [Mfix ("_", tidT --> typeT, "", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("_", tvarT --> typeT, "", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("_", idT --> typeT, "", [], max_pri),
- Mfix ("_::_", [tfreeT, sortT] ---> typeT, "_ofsort", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
+ Mfix ("_::_", [tidT, sortT] ---> typeT, "_ofsort", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
Mfix ("_::_", [tvarT, sortT] ---> typeT, "_ofsort", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
Mfix ("_", idT --> sortT, "", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("{}", sortT, "_emptysort", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("{_}", classesT --> sortT, "_sort", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("_", idT --> classesT, "", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("_,_", [idT, classesT] ---> classesT, "_classes", [], max_pri),
- Mfix ("_ _", [typeT, idT] ---> typeT, "_tapp", [max_pri, 0], max_pri), (* FIXME ambiguous *)
- Mfix ("((1'(_'))_)", [typesT, idT] ---> typeT, "_tappl", [], max_pri), (* FIXME ambiguous *)
+ Mfix ("_ _", [typeT, idT] ---> typeT, "_tapp", [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
+ Mfix ("((1'(_,/ _'))_)", [typeT, typesT, idT] ---> typeT, "_tappl", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("_", typeT --> typesT, "", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("_,/ _", [typeT, typesT] ---> typesT, "_types", [], max_pri),
Mfix ("(_/ => _)", [typeT, typeT] ---> typeT, "fun", [1, 0], 0),