--- a/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML Sat Mar 15 18:08:02 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/pure_thy.ML Sat Mar 15 18:08:02 2008 +0100
@@ -45,18 +45,13 @@
val has_internal: Markup.property list -> bool
val is_internal: thm -> bool
val string_of_thmref: thmref -> string
- val get_thm_closure: theory -> thmref -> thm
- val get_thms_closure: theory -> thmref -> thm list
val single_thm: string -> thm list -> thm
val name_of_thmref: thmref -> string
val map_name_of_thmref: (string -> string) -> thmref -> thmref
val select_thm: thmref -> thm list -> thm list
val selections: string * thm list -> (thmref * thm) list
val theorems_of: theory -> thm list NameSpace.table
- val fact_index_of: theory -> FactIndex.T
- val valid_thms: theory -> thmref * thm list -> bool
- val thms_containing: theory -> FactIndex.spec -> (string * thm list) list
- val thms_containing_consts: theory -> string list -> (string * thm) list
+ val all_facts_of: theory -> Facts.T
val thms_of: theory -> (string * thm) list
val all_thms_of: theory -> (string * thm) list
val hide_thms: bool -> string list -> theory -> theory
@@ -156,25 +151,28 @@
(** dataype theorems **)
+datatype thms = Thms of
+ {theorems: thm list NameSpace.table, (* FIXME legacy *)
+ all_facts: Facts.T};
+fun make_thms theorems all_facts = Thms {theorems = theorems, all_facts = all_facts};
structure TheoremsData = TheoryDataFun
- type T =
- {theorems: thm list NameSpace.table,
- index: FactIndex.T} ref;
- fun mk_empty _ =
- ref {theorems = NameSpace.empty_table, index = FactIndex.empty}: T;
- val empty = mk_empty ();
+ type T = thms ref; (* FIXME legacy *)
+ val empty = ref (make_thms NameSpace.empty_table Facts.empty);
fun copy (ref x) = ref x;
- val extend = mk_empty;
- fun merge _ = mk_empty;
+ fun extend (ref (Thms {theorems = _, all_facts})) = ref (make_thms NameSpace.empty_table all_facts);
+ fun merge _
+ (ref (Thms {theorems = _, all_facts = all_facts1}),
+ ref (Thms {theorems = _, all_facts = all_facts2})) =
+ ref (make_thms NameSpace.empty_table (Facts.merge (all_facts1, all_facts2)));
val get_theorems_ref = TheoremsData.get;
-val get_theorems = ! o get_theorems_ref;
+val get_theorems = (fn Thms args => args) o ! o get_theorems_ref;
val theorems_of = #theorems o get_theorems;
-val fact_index_of = #index o get_theorems;
+val all_facts_of = #all_facts o get_theorems;
@@ -250,9 +248,7 @@
(NameSelection (name, [Single i]), thm));
-(* get_thm(s)_closure -- statically scoped versions *)
-(*beware of proper order of evaluation!*)
+(* lookup/get thms *)
fun lookup_thms thy =
@@ -264,20 +260,6 @@
(Symtab.lookup thms (NameSpace.intern space name)) (*static content*)
-fun get_thms_closure thy =
- let val closures = map lookup_thms (thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy) in
- fn thmref =>
- let val name = name_of_thmref thmref;
- in select_thm thmref (the_thms name (get_first (fn f => f name) closures)) end
- end;
-fun get_thm_closure thy =
- let val get = get_thms_closure thy
- in fn thmref => single_thm (name_of_thmref thmref) (get thmref) end;
-(* get_thms etc. *)
fun get_thms theory thmref =
let val name = name_of_thmref thmref in
get_first (fn thy => lookup_thms thy name) (theory :: Theory.ancestors_of theory)
@@ -288,25 +270,6 @@
fun get_thm thy thmref = single_thm (name_of_thmref thmref) (get_thms thy thmref);
-(* thms_containing etc. *)
-fun valid_thms thy (thmref, ths) =
- (case try (get_thms thy) thmref of
- NONE => false
- | SOME ths' => Thm.eq_thms (ths, ths'));
-fun thms_containing theory spec =
- (theory :: Theory.ancestors_of theory)
- |> maps (fn thy =>
- FactIndex.find (fact_index_of thy) spec
- |> List.filter (fn (name, ths) => valid_thms theory (Name name, ths))
- |> distinct (eq_fst (op =)));
-fun thms_containing_consts thy consts =
- thms_containing thy (consts, []) |> maps #2
- |> map (`(get_name_hint));
(* thms_of etc. *)
fun thms_of thy =
@@ -323,9 +286,9 @@
fun hide_thms fully names thy = CRITICAL (fn () =>
- val r as ref {theorems = (space, thms), index} = get_theorems_ref thy;
+ val r as ref (Thms {theorems = (space, thms), all_facts}) = get_theorems_ref thy;
val space' = fold (NameSpace.hide fully) names space;
- in r := {theorems = (space', thms), index = index}; thy end);
+ in r := make_thms (space', thms) all_facts; thy end);
(* fact specifications *)
@@ -365,17 +328,17 @@
val name = Sign.full_name thy bname;
val (thy', thms') = apsnd (post_name name) (app_att (thy, pre_name name thms));
- val r as ref {theorems = (space, theorems), index} = get_theorems_ref thy';
+ val r as ref (Thms {theorems = (space, theorems), all_facts}) = get_theorems_ref thy';
val space' = Sign.declare_name thy' name space;
val theorems' = Symtab.update (name, thms') theorems;
- val index' = FactIndex.add_global (name, thms') index;
+ val all_facts' = Facts.add false (Sign.naming_of thy') (name, thms') all_facts;
(case Symtab.lookup theorems name of
NONE => ()
| SOME thms'' =>
if Thm.eq_thms (thms', thms'') then warn_same name
else warn_overwrite name);
- r := {theorems = (space', theorems'), index = index'};
+ r := make_thms (space', theorems') all_facts';
(thms', thy')