Removed obsolete functions dealing with flex-flex constraints.
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 17:07:27 +0200
changeset 13659 3cf622f6b0b2
parent 13658 c9ad3e64ddcf
child 13660 e36798726ca4
Removed obsolete functions dealing with flex-flex constraints.
--- a/src/Pure/drule.ML	Mon Oct 21 17:04:47 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/drule.ML	Mon Oct 21 17:07:27 2002 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
   val list_implies      : cterm list * cterm -> cterm
   val dest_implies      : cterm -> cterm * cterm
   val dest_equals       : cterm -> cterm * cterm
-  val skip_flexpairs    : cterm -> cterm
   val strip_imp_prems   : cterm -> cterm list
   val strip_imp_concl   : cterm -> cterm
   val cprems_of         : thm -> cterm list
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@
   val swap_prems_eq     : thm
   val equal_abs_elim    : cterm  -> thm -> thm
   val equal_abs_elim_list: cterm list -> thm -> thm
-  val flexpair_abs_elim_list: cterm list -> thm -> thm
   val asm_rl            : thm
   val cut_rl            : thm
   val revcut_rl         : thm
@@ -159,13 +157,6 @@
       | _ => raise TERM ("dest_equals", [term_of ct]) ;
-(*Discard flexflex pairs; return a cterm*)
-fun skip_flexpairs ct =
-    case term_of ct of
-        (Const("==>", _) $ (Const("=?=",_)$_$_) $ _) =>
-            skip_flexpairs (#2 (dest_implies ct))
-      | _ => ct;
 (* A1==>...An==>B  goes to  [A1,...,An], where B is not an implication *)
 fun strip_imp_prems ct =
     let val (cA,cB) = dest_implies ct
@@ -179,7 +170,7 @@
   | _ => ct;
 (*The premises of a theorem, as a cterm list*)
-val cprems_of = strip_imp_prems o skip_flexpairs o cprop_of;
+val cprems_of = strip_imp_prems o cprop_of;
 val proto_sign = Theory.sign_of ProtoPure.thy;
@@ -403,16 +394,16 @@
   Similar code in type/freeze_thaw*)
 fun freeze_thaw th =
  let val fth = freezeT th
-     val {prop,sign,...} = rep_thm fth
+     val {prop, tpairs, sign, ...} = rep_thm fth
-   case term_vars prop of
+   case foldr add_term_vars (prop :: Thm.terms_of_tpairs tpairs, []) of
        [] => (fth, fn x => x)
      | vars =>
          let fun newName (Var(ix,_), (pairs,used)) =
                    let val v = variant used (string_of_indexname ix)
                    in  ((ix,v)::pairs, v::used)  end;
-             val (alist, _) = foldr newName
-                                (vars, ([], add_term_names (prop, [])))
+             val (alist, _) = foldr newName (vars, ([], foldr add_term_names
+               (prop :: Thm.terms_of_tpairs tpairs, [])))
              fun mk_inst (Var(v,T)) =
                  (cterm_of sign (Var(v,T)),
                   cterm_of sign (Free(the (assoc(alist,v)), T)))
@@ -791,27 +782,6 @@
 (*Calling equal_abs_elim with multiple terms*)
 fun equal_abs_elim_list cts th = foldr (uncurry equal_abs_elim) (rev cts, th);
-  val alpha = TVar(("'a",0), [])     (*  type ?'a::{}  *)
-  fun err th = raise THM("flexpair_inst: ", 0, [th])
-  fun flexpair_inst def th =
-    let val {prop = Const _ $ t $ u,  sign,...} = rep_thm th
-        val cterm = cterm_of sign
-        fun cvar a = cterm(Var((a,0),alpha))
-        val def' = cterm_instantiate [(cvar"t", cterm t), (cvar"u", cterm u)]
-                   def
-    in  equal_elim def' th
-    end
-    handle THM _ => err th | Bind => err th
-val flexpair_intr = flexpair_inst (symmetric ProtoPure.flexpair_def)
-and flexpair_elim = flexpair_inst ProtoPure.flexpair_def
-(*Version for flexflex pairs -- this supports lifting.*)
-fun flexpair_abs_elim_list cts =
-    flexpair_intr o equal_abs_elim_list cts o flexpair_elim;
 (*** Goal (PROP A) <==> PROP A ***)
--- a/src/Pure/logic.ML	Mon Oct 21 17:04:47 2002 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/logic.ML	Mon Oct 21 17:07:27 2002 +0200
@@ -24,13 +24,7 @@
   val count_prems       : term * int -> int
   val mk_conjunction    : term * term -> term
   val mk_conjunction_list: term list -> term
-  val mk_flexpair       : term * term -> term
-  val dest_flexpair     : term -> term * term
-  val list_flexpairs    : (term*term)list * term -> term
-  val rule_of           : (term*term)list * term list * term -> term
-  val strip_flexpairs   : term -> (term*term)list * term
-  val skip_flexpairs    : term -> term
-  val strip_horn        : term -> (term*term)list * term list * term
+  val strip_horn        : term -> term list * term
   val mk_cond_defpair   : term list -> term * term -> string * term
   val mk_defpair        : term * term -> string * term
   val mk_type           : typ -> term
@@ -118,6 +112,10 @@
 fun count_prems (Const("==>", _) $ A $ B, n) = count_prems (B,n+1)
   | count_prems (_,n) = n;
+(*strip a proof state (Horn clause):
+  B1 ==> ... Bn ==> C   goes to   ([B1, ..., Bn], C)    *)
+fun strip_horn A = (strip_imp_prems A, strip_imp_concl A);
 (** conjunction **)
@@ -128,45 +126,6 @@
   | mk_conjunction_list ts = foldr1 mk_conjunction ts;
-(** flex-flex constraints **)
-(*Make a constraint.*)
-fun mk_flexpair(t,u) = flexpair(fastype_of t) $ t $ u;
-fun dest_flexpair (Const("=?=",_) $ t $ u)  =  (t,u)
-  | dest_flexpair t = raise TERM("dest_flexpair", [t]);
-(*make flexflex antecedents: ( [(a1,b1),...,(an,bn)] , C )
-    goes to (a1=?=b1) ==>...(an=?=bn)==>C *)
-fun list_flexpairs ([], A) = A
-  | list_flexpairs ((t,u)::pairs, A) =
-        implies $ (mk_flexpair(t,u)) $ list_flexpairs(pairs,A);
-(*Make the object-rule tpairs==>As==>B   *)
-fun rule_of (tpairs, As, B) = list_flexpairs(tpairs, list_implies(As, B));
-(*Remove and return flexflex pairs:
-    (a1=?=b1)==>...(an=?=bn)==>C  to  ( [(a1,b1),...,(an,bn)] , C )
-  [Tail recursive in order to return a pair of results] *)
-fun strip_flex_aux (pairs, Const("==>", _) $ (Const("=?=",_)$t$u) $ C) =
-        strip_flex_aux ((t,u)::pairs, C)
-  | strip_flex_aux (pairs,C) = (rev pairs, C);
-fun strip_flexpairs A = strip_flex_aux([], A);
-(*Discard flexflex pairs*)
-fun skip_flexpairs (Const("==>", _) $ (Const("=?=",_)$_$_) $ C) =
-        skip_flexpairs C
-  | skip_flexpairs C = C;
-(*strip a proof state (Horn clause):
-   (a1==b1)==>...(am==bm)==>B1==>...Bn==>C
-    goes to   ( [(a1,b1),...,(am,bm)] , [B1,...,Bn] , C)    *)
-fun strip_horn A =
-  let val (tpairs,horn) = strip_flexpairs A
-  in  (tpairs, strip_imp_prems horn, strip_imp_concl horn)   end;
 (** definitions **)
 fun mk_cond_defpair As (lhs, rhs) =
@@ -270,9 +229,8 @@
       | is_meta (Const ("==", _) $ _ $ _) = true
       | is_meta (Const ("all", _) $ _) = true
       | is_meta _ = false;
-    val horn = skip_flexpairs prop;
-    (case strip_prems (i, [], horn) of
+    (case strip_prems (i, [], prop) of
       (B :: _, _) => exists is_meta (strip_assums_hyp B)
     | _ => false) handle TERM _ => false