removed obsolete PGIP material;
Mon, 13 May 2013 21:03:30 +0200
changeset 51967 43fbd02eb9d0
parent 51966 0e18eee8c2c2
child 51968 b9b2db1e7a5e
removed obsolete PGIP material;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-PGIP abstraction: input commands.
-signature PGIPINPUT =
-    (* These are the PGIP commands to which we respond. *) 
-    datatype pgipinput = 
-    (* protocol/prover config *)
-      Askpgip        of { }
-    | Askpgml        of { } 
-    | Askconfig      of { }
-    | Askprefs       of { }
-    | Setpref        of { name:string, prefcategory:string option, value:string }
-    | Getpref        of { name:string, prefcategory:string option }
-    (* prover control *)
-    | Proverinit     of { }
-    | Proverexit     of { }
-    | Setproverflag  of { flagname:string, value: bool }
-    (* improper proof commands: control proof state *)
-    | Dostep         of { text: string }
-    | Undostep       of { times: int }
-    | Redostep       of { }
-    | Abortgoal      of { }
-    | Forget         of { thyname: string option, name: string option, 
-                          objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option }
-    | Restoregoal    of { thmname : string }
-    (* context inspection commands *)
-    | Askids         of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                          thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                          objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option }
-    | Askrefs        of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                          thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                          objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option,
-                          name: PgipTypes.objname option }
-    | Showid         of { thyname: PgipTypes.objname option, 
-                          objtype: PgipTypes.objtype, 
-                          name: PgipTypes.objname }
-    | Askguise       of { }
-    | Parsescript    of { text: string, location: PgipTypes.location,
-                          systemdata: string option } 
-    | Showproofstate of { }
-    | Showctxt       of { }
-    | Searchtheorems of { arg: string }
-    | Setlinewidth   of { width: int }
-    | Viewdoc        of { arg: string }
-    (* improper theory-level commands *)
-    | Doitem         of { text: string }
-    | Undoitem       of { }
-    | Redoitem       of { }
-    | Aborttheory    of { }
-    | Retracttheory  of { thyname: string }
-    | Loadfile       of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
-    | Openfile       of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
-    | Closefile      of { }
-    | Abortfile      of { }
-    | Retractfile    of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
-    | Changecwd      of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl }
-    | Systemcmd      of { arg: string }
-    (* unofficial escape command for debugging *)
-    | Quitpgip       of { }
-    val input: Markup.T * XML.tree list -> pgipinput option  (* raises PGIP *)
-structure PgipInput : PGIPINPUT = 
-open PgipTypes
-(*** PGIP input ***)
-datatype pgipinput = 
-         (* protocol/prover config *)
-         Askpgip        of { }
-       | Askpgml        of { } 
-       | Askconfig      of { }
-       | Askprefs       of { }
-       | Setpref        of { name:string, prefcategory:string option, value:string }
-       | Getpref        of { name:string, prefcategory:string option }
-       (* prover control *)
-       | Proverinit     of { }
-       | Proverexit     of { }
-       | Setproverflag  of { flagname:string, value: bool }
-       (* improper proof commands: control proof state *)
-       | Dostep         of { text: string }
-       | Undostep       of { times: int }
-       | Redostep       of { }
-       | Abortgoal      of { }
-       | Forget         of { thyname: string option, name: string option, 
-                             objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option }
-       | Restoregoal    of { thmname : string }
-       (* context inspection commands *)
-       | Askids         of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                             thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                             objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option }
-       | Askrefs        of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                             thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                             objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option,
-                             name: PgipTypes.objname option }
-       | Showid         of { thyname: PgipTypes.objname option, 
-                             objtype: PgipTypes.objtype, 
-                             name: PgipTypes.objname }
-       | Askguise       of { }
-       | Parsescript    of { text: string, location: location,
-                             systemdata: string option } 
-       | Showproofstate of { }
-       | Showctxt       of { }
-       | Searchtheorems of { arg: string }
-       | Setlinewidth   of { width: int }
-       | Viewdoc        of { arg: string }
-       (* improper theory-level commands *)
-       | Doitem         of { text: string }
-       | Undoitem       of { }
-       | Redoitem       of { }
-       | Aborttheory    of { }
-       | Retracttheory  of { thyname: string }
-       | Loadfile       of { url: pgipurl }
-       | Openfile       of { url: pgipurl }
-       | Closefile      of { }
-       | Abortfile      of { }
-       | Retractfile    of { url: pgipurl }
-       | Changecwd      of { url: pgipurl }
-       | Systemcmd      of { arg: string }
-       (* unofficial escape command for debugging *)
-       | Quitpgip       of { }
-(* Extracting content from input XML elements to make a PGIPinput *)
-    val thyname_attro = get_attr_opt "thyname"
-    val thyname_attr = get_attr "thyname"
-    val name_attr = get_attr "name"
-    val name_attro = get_attr_opt "name"
-    val thmname_attr = get_attr "thmname"
-    val flagname_attr = get_attr "flagname"
-    val value_attr = get_attr "value"
-    fun objtype_attro attrs = if has_attr "objtype" attrs then
-                                  SOME (objtype_of_attrs attrs)
-                              else NONE
-    fun pgipurl_attro attrs = if has_attr "url" attrs then
-                                  SOME (pgipurl_of_attrs attrs)
-                              else NONE
-    val times_attr = read_pgipnat o (get_attr_dflt "times" "1")
-    val prefcat_attr = get_attr_opt "prefcategory"
-    fun xmltext (XML.Text text :: ts) = text ^ xmltext ts
-      | xmltext [] = ""
-      | xmltext _ = raise PGIP "Expected text (PCDATA/CDATA)"
-    exception Unknown
-    exception NoAction
-(* Return a valid PGIP input command.
-   Raise PGIP exception for invalid data.
-   Return NONE for unknown/unhandled commands. 
-fun input ((elem, attrs), data) =
- (case elem of 
-     "askpgip"        => Askpgip { }
-   | "askpgml"        => Askpgml { }
-   | "askconfig"      => Askconfig { }
-   (* proverconfig *)
-   | "askprefs"       => Askprefs { }
-   | "getpref"        => Getpref { name = name_attr attrs, 
-                                   prefcategory = prefcat_attr attrs }
-   | "setpref"        => Setpref { name = name_attr attrs, 
-                                   prefcategory = prefcat_attr attrs,
-                                   value = xmltext data }
-   (* provercontrol *)
-   | "proverinit"     => Proverinit { }
-   | "proverexit"     => Proverexit { }
-   | "setproverflag"  => Setproverflag { flagname = flagname_attr attrs,
-                                         value = read_pgipbool (value_attr attrs) }
-   (* improperproofcmd: improper commands not in script *)
-   | "dostep"         => Dostep    { text = xmltext data }
-   | "undostep"       => Undostep  { times = times_attr attrs }
-   | "redostep"       => Redostep  { } 
-   | "abortgoal"      => Abortgoal { }
-   | "forget"         => Forget { thyname = thyname_attro attrs, 
-                                  name = name_attro attrs,
-                                  objtype = objtype_attro attrs }
-   | "restoregoal"    => Restoregoal { thmname = thmname_attr attrs}
-   (* proofctxt: improper commands *)
-   | "askids"         => Askids { url = pgipurl_attro attrs,
-                                  thyname = thyname_attro attrs, 
-                                  objtype = objtype_attro attrs }
-   | "askrefs"        => Askrefs { url = pgipurl_attro attrs,
-                                   thyname = thyname_attro attrs, 
-                                   objtype = objtype_attro attrs,
-                                   name = name_attro attrs }
-   | "showid"         => Showid { thyname = thyname_attro attrs,
-                                  objtype = objtype_of_attrs attrs,
-                                  name = name_attr attrs }
-   | "askguise"       => Askguise { }
-   | "parsescript"    => Parsescript { text = (xmltext data),
-                                       systemdata = get_attr_opt "systemdata" attrs,
-                                       location = location_of_attrs attrs }
-   | "showproofstate" => Showproofstate { }
-   | "showctxt"       => Showctxt { }
-   | "searchtheorems" => Searchtheorems { arg = xmltext data }
-   | "setlinewidth"   => Setlinewidth   { width = read_pgipnat (xmltext data) }
-   | "viewdoc"        => Viewdoc { arg = xmltext data }
-   (* improperfilecmd: theory-level commands not in script *)
-   | "doitem"         => Doitem  { text = xmltext data }
-   | "undoitem"       => Undoitem { }
-   | "redoitem"       => Redoitem { }
-   | "aborttheory"    => Aborttheory { }
-   | "retracttheory"  => Retracttheory { thyname = thyname_attr attrs }
-   | "loadfile"       => Loadfile { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
-   | "openfile"       => Openfile { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
-   | "closefile"      => Closefile { }
-   | "abortfile"      => Abortfile { }
-   | "retractfile"    => Retractfile { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
-   | "changecwd"      => Changecwd { url = pgipurl_of_attrs attrs }
-   | "systemcmd"      => Systemcmd { arg = xmltext data }
-   (* unofficial command for debugging *)
-   | "quitpgip" => Quitpgip { }
-   (* We allow sending proper document markup too; we map it back to dostep   *)
-   (* and strip out metainfo elements. Markup correctness isn't checked: this *)
-   (* is a compatibility measure to make it easy for interfaces.              *)
-   | x => if member (op =) PgipMarkup.doc_markup_elements x then
-              if member (op =) PgipMarkup.doc_markup_elements_ignored x then
-                  raise NoAction
-              else 
-                  Dostep { text = xmltext data } (* could separate out Doitem too *)
-          else raise Unknown) 
-    handle Unknown => NONE | NoAction => NONE
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-Prover-side PGIP abstraction: Isabelle configuration and mapping to Isabelle types.
-signature PGIP_ISABELLE =
-    val isabelle_pgml_version_supported : string
-    val isabelle_pgip_version_supported : string
-    val systemid : string
-    val accepted_inputs : (string * bool * (string list)) list
-    val location_of_position : Position.T -> PgipTypes.location
-    (* Additional types of objects in Isar scripts *)
-    val ObjTheoryBody : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjTheoryDecl : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjTheoryBodySubsection : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjProofBody : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjFormalComment : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjClass : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjTheoremSet : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjOracle : PgipTypes.objtype
-    val ObjLocale : PgipTypes.objtype
-structure PgipIsabelle : PGIP_ISABELLE =
-val isabelle_pgml_version_supported = "2.0";
-val isabelle_pgip_version_supported = "2.0"
-val systemid = "Isabelle"
-(** Accepted commands **)
-    (* These element names are a subset of those in pgip_input.ML.
-       They must be handled in proof_general_pgip.ML/process_pgip_element. *)
-    val accepted_names =
-    (* not implemented: "askconfig", "forget", "restoregoal" *)
-    ["askpgip","askpgml","askprefs","getpref","setpref",
-     "proverinit","proverexit","startquiet","stopquiet",
-     "pgmlsymbolson", "pgmlsymbolsoff",
-     "dostep", "undostep", "redostep", "abortgoal",
-     "askids", "showid", "askguise",
-     "parsescript",
-     "showproofstate", "showctxt", "searchtheorems", "setlinewidth", "viewdoc",
-     "doitem", "undoitem", "redoitem", "abortheory",
-     "retracttheory", "loadfile", "openfile", "closefile",
-     "abortfile", "retractfile", "changecwd", "systemcmd"];
-    fun element_async p =
-        false (* single threaded only *)
-    fun supported_optional_attrs p = (case p of
-                                          "undostep" => ["times"]
-                                        (* TODO: we could probably extend these too:
-                                        | "redostep" => ["times"]
-                                        | "undoitem" => ["times"]
-                                        | "redoitem" => ["times"] *)
-                                        | _ => [])
-val accepted_inputs =
-    (map (fn p=> (p, element_async p, supported_optional_attrs p))
-         accepted_names);
-fun location_of_position pos =
-    let val line = Position.line_of pos
-        val (url,descr) =
-            (case Position.file_of pos of
-               NONE => (NONE, NONE)
-             | SOME fname =>
-               let val path = Path.explode fname in
-                 if File.exists path
-                 then (SOME (PgipTypes.pgipurl_of_path path), NONE)
-                 else (NONE, SOME fname)
-               end);
-    in
-        { descr=descr, url=url, line=line, column=NONE, char=NONE, length=NONE }
-    end
-val [ObjTheoryBody,
-     ObjTheoryDecl,
-     ObjTheoryBodySubsection,
-     ObjProofBody,
-     ObjFormalComment,
-     ObjClass,
-     ObjTheoremSet,
-     ObjOracle,
-     ObjLocale] =
-    map PgipTypes.ObjOther
-        ["theory body",
-         "theory declaration",
-         "theory subsection",
-         "proof body",
-         "formal comment",
-         "class",
-         "theorem set declaration",
-         "oracle",
-         "locale"];
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-PGIP abstraction: document markup for proof scripts (in progress).
-signature PGIPMARKUP =
-  (* Generic markup on sequential, non-overlapping pieces of proof text *)
-  datatype pgipdoc =
-    Openblock     of { metavarid: string option, name: string option,
-                       objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option }
-  | Closeblock    of { }
-  | Opentheory    of { thyname: string option, parentnames: string list , text: string}
-  | Theoryitem    of { name: string option, objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option, text: string }
-  | Closetheory   of { text: string }
-  | Opengoal      of { thmname: string option, text: string }
-  | Proofstep     of { text: string }
-  | Closegoal     of { text: string }
-  | Giveupgoal    of { text: string }
-  | Postponegoal  of { text: string }
-  | Comment       of { text: string }
-  | Doccomment    of { text: string }
-  | Whitespace    of { text: string }
-  | Spuriouscmd   of { text: string }
-  | Badcmd        of { text: string }
-  | Unparseable   of { text: string }
-  | Metainfo      of { name: string option, text: string }
-  (* Last three for PGIP literate markup only: *)
-  | Litcomment    of { format: string option, content: XML.tree list }
-  | Showcode      of { show: bool }
-  | Setformat     of { format: string }
-  type pgipdocument = pgipdoc list
-  type pgip_parser  = string -> pgipdocument       (* system must provide a parser P *)
-  val unparse_doc : pgipdocument -> string list    (* s.t. unparse (P x) = x         *)
-  val output_doc : pgipdocument -> XML.tree list
-  val doc_markup_elements : string list            (* used in pgip_input *)
-  val doc_markup_elements_ignored : string list    (* used in pgip_input *)
-structure PgipMarkup : PGIPMARKUP =
-   open PgipTypes
-(* PGIP 3 idea: replace opentheory, opengoal, etc. by just openblock with corresponding objtype? *)
-  datatype pgipdoc =
-    Openblock     of { metavarid: string option, name: string option,
-                       objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option }
-  | Closeblock    of { }
-  | Opentheory    of { thyname: string option, parentnames: string list, text: string}
-  | Theoryitem    of { name: string option, objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option, text: string }
-  | Closetheory   of { text: string }
-  | Opengoal      of { thmname: string option, text: string }
-  | Proofstep     of { text: string }
-  | Closegoal     of { text: string }
-  | Giveupgoal    of { text: string }
-  | Postponegoal  of { text: string }
-  | Comment       of { text: string }
-  | Doccomment    of { text: string }
-  | Whitespace    of { text: string }
-  | Spuriouscmd   of { text: string }
-  | Badcmd        of { text: string }
-  | Unparseable   of { text: string }
-  | Metainfo      of { name: string option, text: string }
-  | Litcomment    of { format: string option, content: XML.tree list }
-  | Showcode      of { show: bool }
-  | Setformat     of { format: string }
-  type pgipdocument = pgipdoc list
-  type pgip_parser  = string -> pgipdocument
-   fun xml_of docelt =
-       case docelt of
-           Openblock vs  =>
-           XML.Elem(("openblock", opt_attr "name" (#metavarid vs) @
-                                  opt_attr_map PgipTypes.name_of_objtype "objtype" (#objtype vs) @
-                                  opt_attr "metavarid" (#metavarid vs)),
-                    [])
-         | Closeblock _ =>
-           XML.Elem(("closeblock", []), [])
-         | Opentheory vs  =>
-           XML.Elem(("opentheory",
-                    opt_attr "thyname" (#thyname vs) @
-                    opt_attr "parentnames"
-                             (case (#parentnames vs)
-                               of [] => NONE
-                                | ps => SOME (space_implode ";" ps))),
-                    [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Theoryitem vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("theoryitem",
-                    opt_attr "name" (#name vs) @
-                    opt_attr_map PgipTypes.name_of_objtype "objtype" (#objtype vs)),
-                    [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Closetheory vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("closetheory", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Opengoal vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("opengoal",
-                    opt_attr "thmname" (#thmname vs)),
-                    [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Proofstep vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("proofstep", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Closegoal vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("closegoal", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Giveupgoal vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("giveupgoal", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Postponegoal vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("postponegoal", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Comment vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("comment", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Whitespace vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("whitespace", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Doccomment vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("doccomment", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Spuriouscmd vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("spuriouscmd", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Badcmd vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("badcmd", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Unparseable vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("unparseable", []), [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Metainfo vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("metainfo", opt_attr "name" (#name vs)),
-                    [XML.Text (#text vs)])
-         | Litcomment vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("litcomment", opt_attr "format" (#format vs)),
-                   #content vs)
-         | Showcode vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("showcode",
-                    attr "show" (PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (#show vs))), [])
-         | Setformat vs =>
-           XML.Elem(("setformat", attr "format" (#format vs)), [])
-   val output_doc = map xml_of
-   fun unparse_elt docelt =
-   case docelt of
-       Openblock _ => ""
-     | Closeblock _ => ""
-     | Opentheory vs => #text vs
-     | Theoryitem vs => #text vs
-     | Closetheory vs => #text vs
-     | Opengoal vs => #text vs
-     | Proofstep vs => #text vs
-     | Closegoal vs => #text vs
-     | Giveupgoal vs => #text vs
-     | Postponegoal vs => #text vs
-     | Comment vs => #text vs
-     | Doccomment vs => #text vs
-     | Whitespace vs => #text vs
-     | Spuriouscmd vs => #text vs
-     | Badcmd vs => #text vs
-     | Unparseable vs => #text vs
-     | Metainfo vs => #text vs
-     | _ => ""
-   val unparse_doc = map unparse_elt
-   (* Names of all PGIP document markup elements *)
-   val doc_markup_elements =
-       ["openblock",
-        "closeblock",
-        "opentheory",
-        "theoryitem",
-        "closetheory",
-        "opengoal",
-        "proofstep",
-        "closegoal",
-        "giveupgoal",
-        "postponegoal",
-        "comment",
-        "doccomment",
-        "whitespace",
-        "spuriouscmd",
-        "badcmd",
-        (* the prover shouldn't really receive the next ones,
-           but we include them here so that they are harmlessly
-           ignored. *)
-        "unparseable",
-        "metainfo",
-        (* Broker document format *)
-        "litcomment",
-        "showcode",
-        "setformat"]
-   (* non-document/empty text, must be ignored *)
-   val doc_markup_elements_ignored =
-       [ "metainfo", "openblock", "closeblock",
-         "litcomment", "showcode", "setformat" ]
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML	Mon May 13 21:03:30 2013 +0200
@@ -6,326 +6,44 @@
 signature PGIPOUTPUT =
-    (* These are the PGIP messages which the prover emits. *) 
-    datatype pgipoutput = 
-      Normalresponse      of { content: XML.tree list }
-    | Errorresponse       of { fatality: PgipTypes.fatality, 
-                               location: PgipTypes.location option, 
-                               content: XML.tree list }
-    | Informfileloaded    of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl, completed: bool }
-    | Informfileoutdated  of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl, completed: bool }
-    | Informfileretracted of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl, completed: bool }
-    | Metainforesponse    of { attrs: XML.attributes, 
-                               content: XML.tree list }
-    | Lexicalstructure    of { content: XML.tree list }
-    | Proverinfo          of { name: string, 
-                               version: string, 
-                               instance: string,
-                               descr: string, 
-                               url: Url.T, 
-                               filenameextns: string }
-    | Setids              of { idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list  }
-    | Delids              of { idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list }
-    | Addids              of { idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list }
-    | Hasprefs            of { prefcategory: string option, 
+    datatype pgipoutput =
+      Hasprefs            of { prefcategory: string option, 
                                prefs: PgipTypes.preference list }
-    | Prefval             of { name: string, value: string }
-    | Setrefs             of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                               thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                               objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option,
-                               name: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                               idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list,
-                               fileurls : PgipTypes.pgipurl list }
-    | Idvalue             of { thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                               objtype: PgipTypes.objtype, 
-                               name: PgipTypes.objname, 
-                               text: XML.tree list }
-    | Informguise         of { file : PgipTypes.pgipurl option,  
-                               theory: PgipTypes.objname option, 
-                               theorem: PgipTypes.objname option, 
-                               proofpos: int option }
-    | Parseresult         of { attrs: XML.attributes, doc:PgipMarkup.pgipdocument, 
-                               errs: XML.tree list } (* errs to become PGML *)
-    | Usespgip            of { version: string, 
-                               pgipelems: (string * bool * string list) list }
-    | Usespgml            of { version: string }
-    | Pgip                of { tag: string option, 
-                               class: string, 
-                               seq: int, id: string, 
+    | Pgip                of { tag: string option,
+                               class: string,
+                               seq: int, id: string,
                                destid: string option,
                                refid: string option,
                                refseq: int option,
                                content: XML.tree list }
-    | Ready               of { }
-    val output : pgipoutput -> XML.tree                                  
+    val output : pgipoutput -> XML.tree
 structure PgipOutput : PGIPOUTPUT =
-open PgipTypes
-datatype pgipoutput = 
-         Normalresponse      of { content: XML.tree list }
-       | Errorresponse       of { fatality: fatality, 
-                                  location: location option, 
-                                  content: XML.tree list }
-       | Informfileloaded    of { url: Path.T, completed: bool }
-       | Informfileoutdated  of { url: Path.T, completed: bool }
-       | Informfileretracted of { url: Path.T, completed: bool }
-       | Metainforesponse    of { attrs: XML.attributes, content: XML.tree list }
-       | Lexicalstructure    of { content: XML.tree list }
-       | Proverinfo          of { name: string, version: string, instance: string,
-                                  descr: string, url: Url.T, filenameextns: string }
-       | Setids              of { idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list  }
-       | Delids              of { idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list }
-       | Addids              of { idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list }
-       | Hasprefs            of { prefcategory: string option, prefs: preference list }
-       | Prefval             of { name: string, value: string }
-       | Idvalue             of { thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                                  objtype: PgipTypes.objtype, 
-                                  name: PgipTypes.objname, 
-                                  text: XML.tree list }
-       | Setrefs             of { url: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                                  thyname: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                                  objtype: PgipTypes.objtype option,
-                                  name: PgipTypes.objname option,
-                                  idtables: PgipTypes.idtable list,
-                                  fileurls : PgipTypes.pgipurl list }
-       | Informguise         of { file : PgipTypes.pgipurl option,  
-                                  theory: PgipTypes.objname option, 
-                                  theorem: PgipTypes.objname option, 
-                                  proofpos: int option }
-       | Parseresult         of { attrs: XML.attributes, doc: PgipMarkup.pgipdocument,
-                                  errs: XML.tree list } (* errs to become PGML *)
-       | Usespgip            of { version: string, 
-                                  pgipelems: (string * bool * string list) list }
-       | Usespgml            of { version: string }
-       | Pgip                of { tag: string option, 
-                                  class: string, 
-                                  seq: int, id: string, 
+datatype pgipoutput =
+         Hasprefs            of { prefcategory: string option, 
+                                  prefs: PgipTypes.preference list }
+  |      Pgip                of { tag: string option,
+                                  class: string,
+                                  seq: int, id: string,
                                   destid: string option,
                                   refid: string option,
                                   refseq: int option,
                                   content: XML.tree list }
-       | Ready               of { }
-(* Construct output XML messages *)
-fun normalresponse (Normalresponse vs) =
-    let 
-        val content = #content vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("normalresponse", []), content)
-    end
-fun errorresponse (Errorresponse vs) =
-    let 
-        val fatality = #fatality vs
-        val location = #location vs
-        val content = #content vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("errorresponse",
-                 attrs_of_fatality fatality @
-                 these ( attrs_of_location location)),
-                 content)
-    end
-fun informfileloaded (Informfileloaded vs) =
-    let 
-        val url = #url vs
-        val completed = #completed vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("informfileloaded", 
-                  attrs_of_pgipurl url @ 
-                  (attr "completed" (PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring completed))),
-                  [])
-    end
-fun informfileoutdated (Informfileoutdated vs) =
-    let 
-        val url = #url vs
-        val completed = #completed vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("informfileoutdated", 
-                  attrs_of_pgipurl url @ 
-                  (attr "completed" (PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring completed))),
-                  [])
-    end
-fun informfileretracted (Informfileretracted vs) =
+fun output (Hasprefs vs) =
-        val url = #url vs
-        val completed = #completed vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("informfileretracted", 
-                  attrs_of_pgipurl url @ 
-                  (attr "completed" (PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring completed))),
-                  [])
-    end
-fun metainforesponse (Metainforesponse vs) =
-    let 
-        val attrs = #attrs vs
-        val content = #content vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("metainforesponse", attrs), content)
-    end
-fun lexicalstructure (Lexicalstructure vs) =
-    let
-        val content = #content vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("lexicalstructure", []), content)
+        val prefcategory = #prefcategory vs
+        val prefs = #prefs vs
+    in 
+        XML.Elem (("hasprefs", PgipTypes.opt_attr "prefcategory" prefcategory),
+          map PgipTypes.haspref prefs)
-fun proverinfo (Proverinfo vs) =
-    let
-        val name = #name vs
-        val version = #version vs
-        val instance = #instance vs
-        val descr = #descr vs
-        val url = #url vs
-        val filenameextns = #filenameextns vs
-    in 
-        XML.Elem (("proverinfo",
-                 [("name", name),
-                  ("version", version),
-                  ("instance", instance), 
-                  ("descr", descr),
-                  ("url", Url.implode url),
-                  ("filenameextns", filenameextns)]),
-                 [])
-    end
-fun setids (Setids vs) =
-    let
-        val idtables = #idtables vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("setids", []), map idtable_to_xml idtables)
-    end
-fun setrefs (Setrefs vs) =
+  | output (Pgip vs) =
-        val url = #url vs
-        val thyname = #thyname vs
-        val objtype = #objtype vs
-        val name = #name vs
-        val idtables = #idtables vs
-        val fileurls = #fileurls vs
-        fun fileurl_to_xml url = XML.Elem (("fileurl", attrs_of_pgipurl url), [])
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("setrefs",
-                  (the_default [] ( attrs_of_pgipurl url)) @ 
-                  (the_default [] ( attrs_of_objtype objtype)) @
-                  (opt_attr "thyname" thyname) @
-                  (opt_attr "name" name)),
-                  (map idtable_to_xml idtables) @ 
-                  (map fileurl_to_xml fileurls))
-    end
-fun addids (Addids vs) =
-    let
-        val idtables = #idtables vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("addids", []), map idtable_to_xml idtables)
-    end
-fun delids (Delids vs) =
-    let
-        val idtables = #idtables vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("delids", []), map idtable_to_xml idtables)
-    end
-fun hasprefs (Hasprefs vs) =
-  let 
-      val prefcategory = #prefcategory vs
-      val prefs = #prefs vs
-  in 
-      XML.Elem (("hasprefs", opt_attr "prefcategory" prefcategory), map haspref prefs)
-  end
-fun prefval (Prefval vs) =
-    let 
-        val name = #name vs
-        val value = #value vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("prefval", attr "name" name), [XML.Text value])
-    end 
-fun idvalue (Idvalue vs) =
-    let 
-        val objtype_attrs = attrs_of_objtype (#objtype vs)
-        val thyname = #thyname vs
-        val name = #name vs
-        val text = #text vs
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("idvalue", 
-                 objtype_attrs @
-                 (opt_attr "thyname" thyname) @
-                 attr "name" name),
-                 text)
-    end
-fun informguise (Informguise vs) =
-  let
-      val file = #file vs
-      val theory = #theory vs
-      val theorem = #theorem vs
-      val proofpos = #proofpos vs
-      fun elto nm attrfn xo = case xo of NONE => [] | SOME x => [XML.Elem ((nm, attrfn x), [])]
-      val guisefile = elto "guisefile" attrs_of_pgipurl file
-      val guisetheory = elto "guisetheory" (single o (pair "thyname")) theory
-      val guiseproof = elto "guiseproof" 
-                            (fn thm=>(attr "thmname" thm) @
-                                     (opt_attr "proofpos" ( string_of_int proofpos))) theorem
-  in 
-      XML.Elem (("informguise", []), guisefile @ guisetheory @ guiseproof)
-  end
-fun parseresult (Parseresult vs) =
-    let
-        val attrs = #attrs vs
-        val doc = #doc vs
-        val errs = #errs vs
-        val xmldoc = PgipMarkup.output_doc doc
-    in 
-        XML.Elem (("parseresult", attrs), errs @ xmldoc)
-    end
-fun acceptedpgipelems (Usespgip vs) = 
-    let
-        val pgipelems = #pgipelems vs
-        fun async_attrs b = if b then attr "async" "true" else []
-        fun attrs_attrs attrs = if attrs=[] then [] else attr "attributes" (space_implode "," attrs)
-        fun singlepgipelem (e,async,attrs) = 
-            XML.Elem (("pgipelem", async_attrs async @ attrs_attrs attrs), [XML.Text e])
-    in
-        XML.Elem (("acceptedpgipelems", []), map singlepgipelem pgipelems)
-    end
-fun usespgip (Usespgip vs) =
-    let
-        val version = #version vs
-        val acceptedelems = acceptedpgipelems (Usespgip vs)
-    in 
-        XML.Elem (("usespgip", attr "version" version), [acceptedelems])
-    end
-fun usespgml (Usespgml vs) =
-    let
-        val version = #version vs
-    in 
-        XML.Elem (("usespgml", attr "version" version), [])
-    end
-fun pgip (Pgip vs) =
-    let 
         val tag = #tag vs
         val class = #class vs
         val seq = #seq vs
@@ -336,41 +54,15 @@
         val content = #content vs
-                 opt_attr "tag" tag @
-                 attr "id" id @
-                 opt_attr "destid" destid @
-                 attr "class" class @
-                 opt_attr "refid" refid @
-                 opt_attr_map string_of_int "refseq" refseq @
-                 attr "seq" (string_of_int seq)),
+                 PgipTypes.opt_attr "tag" tag @
+                 PgipTypes.attr "id" id @
+                 PgipTypes.opt_attr "destid" destid @
+                 PgipTypes.attr "class" class @
+                 PgipTypes.opt_attr "refid" refid @
+                 PgipTypes.opt_attr_map string_of_int "refseq" refseq @
+                 PgipTypes.attr "seq" (string_of_int seq)),
-fun ready (Ready _) = XML.Elem (("ready", []), [])
-fun output pgipoutput = case pgipoutput of
-    Normalresponse _        => normalresponse pgipoutput
-  | Errorresponse _         => errorresponse pgipoutput
-  | Informfileloaded _      => informfileloaded pgipoutput
-  | Informfileoutdated _    => informfileoutdated pgipoutput
-  | Informfileretracted _   => informfileretracted pgipoutput
-  | Metainforesponse _      => metainforesponse pgipoutput
-  | Lexicalstructure _      => lexicalstructure pgipoutput
-  | Proverinfo _            => proverinfo pgipoutput
-  | Setids _                => setids pgipoutput
-  | Setrefs _               => setrefs pgipoutput
-  | Addids _                => addids pgipoutput
-  | Delids _                => delids pgipoutput
-  | Hasprefs _              => hasprefs pgipoutput
-  | Prefval _               => prefval pgipoutput
-  | Idvalue _               => idvalue pgipoutput
-  | Informguise _           => informguise pgipoutput
-  | Parseresult _           => parseresult pgipoutput
-  | Usespgip _              => usespgip pgipoutput
-  | Usespgml _              => usespgml pgipoutput
-  | Pgip _                  => pgip pgipoutput
-  | Ready _                 => ready pgipoutput
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall and Makarius
-Parsing theory sources without execution (via keyword classification).
-signature PGIP_PARSER =
-  val pgip_parser: Position.T -> string -> PgipMarkup.pgipdocument
-structure PgipParser: PGIP_PARSER =
-structure D = PgipMarkup;
-structure I = PgipIsabelle;
-fun badcmd text = [D.Badcmd {text = text}];
-fun thy_begin text =
-  (case try ( Position.none) text of
-    NONE => D.Opentheory {thyname = NONE, parentnames = [], text = text}
-  | SOME {name = (name, _), imports, ...} =>
-       D.Opentheory {thyname = SOME name, parentnames = map #1 imports, text = text})
-  :: [D.Openblock {metavarid = NONE, name = NONE, objtype = SOME I.ObjTheoryBody}];
-fun thy_heading text =
-  [D.Closeblock {},
-   D.Doccomment {text = text},
-   D.Openblock {metavarid = NONE, name = NONE, objtype = SOME I.ObjTheoryBody}];
-fun thy_decl text =
-  [D.Theoryitem {name = NONE, objtype = SOME I.ObjTheoryDecl, text = text}];
-fun goal text =
-  [D.Opengoal {thmname = NONE, text = text},
-   D.Openblock {metavarid = NONE, name = NONE, objtype = SOME I.ObjProofBody}];
-fun prf_block text =
-  [D.Closeblock {},
-   D.Proofstep {text = text},
-   D.Openblock {metavarid = NONE, name = NONE, objtype = SOME I.ObjProofBody}];
-fun prf_open text =
- [D.Openblock {metavarid = NONE, name = NONE, objtype = SOME I.ObjProofBody},
-  D.Proofstep {text = text}];
-fun proofstep text = [D.Proofstep {text = text}];
-fun closegoal text = [D.Closegoal {text = text}, D.Closeblock {}];
-fun command k f = Symtab.update_new (Keyword.kind_of k, f);
-val command_keywords = Symtab.empty
-  |> command Keyword.control          badcmd
-  |> command Keyword.diag             (fn text => [D.Spuriouscmd {text = text}])
-  |> command Keyword.thy_begin        thy_begin
-  |> command Keyword.thy_end          (fn text => [D.Closeblock {}, D.Closetheory {text = text}])
-  |> command Keyword.thy_heading1     thy_heading
-  |> command Keyword.thy_heading2     thy_heading
-  |> command Keyword.thy_heading3     thy_heading
-  |> command Keyword.thy_heading4     thy_heading
-  |> command Keyword.thy_load         thy_decl
-  |> command Keyword.thy_decl         thy_decl
-  |> command Keyword.thy_script       thy_decl
-  |> command Keyword.thy_goal         goal
-  |> command Keyword.qed              closegoal
-  |> command Keyword.qed_block        closegoal
-  |> command Keyword.qed_global       (fn text => [D.Giveupgoal {text = text}])
-  |> command Keyword.prf_heading2     (fn text => [D.Doccomment {text = text}])
-  |> command Keyword.prf_heading3     (fn text => [D.Doccomment {text = text}])
-  |> command Keyword.prf_heading4     (fn text => [D.Doccomment {text = text}])
-  |> command Keyword.prf_goal         goal
-  |> command Keyword.prf_block        prf_block
-  |> command Keyword.prf_open         prf_open
-  |> command Keyword.prf_close        (fn text => [D.Proofstep {text = text}, D.Closeblock {}])
-  |> command Keyword.prf_chain        proofstep
-  |> command Keyword.prf_decl         proofstep
-  |> command Keyword.prf_asm          proofstep
-  |> command Keyword.prf_asm_goal     goal
-  |> command Keyword.prf_script       proofstep;
-val _ = subset (op =) (map Keyword.kind_of Keyword.kinds, Symtab.keys command_keywords)
-  orelse raise Fail "Incomplete coverage of command keywords";
-fun parse_command "sorry" text = [D.Postponegoal {text = text}, D.Closeblock {}]
-  | parse_command name text =
-      (case Keyword.command_keyword name of
-        NONE => [D.Unparseable {text = text}]
-      | SOME k =>
-          (case Symtab.lookup command_keywords (Keyword.kind_of k) of
-            NONE => [D.Unparseable {text = text}]
-          | SOME f => f text));
-fun parse_span span =
-  let
-    val kind = Thy_Syntax.span_kind span;
-    val toks = Thy_Syntax.span_content span;
-    val text = implode (map (Print_Mode.setmp [] Thy_Syntax.present_token) toks);
-  in
-    (case kind of
-      Thy_Syntax.Command (name, _) => parse_command name text
-    | Thy_Syntax.Ignored => [D.Whitespace {text = text}]
-    | Thy_Syntax.Malformed => [D.Unparseable {text = text}])
-  end;
-fun pgip_parser pos str =
-  Thy_Syntax.parse_tokens (Keyword.get_lexicons ()) pos str
-  |> Thy_Syntax.parse_spans
-  |> maps parse_span;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/pgml.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ProofGeneral/pgml.ML
-    Author:     David Aspinall
-PGIP abstraction: PGML
-signature PGML =
-    type pgmlsym = { name: string, content: string }
-    datatype pgmlatom = Sym of pgmlsym | Str of string
-    datatype pgmlorient = HOVOrient | HOrient | VOrient | HVOrient
-    datatype pgmlplace = Subscript | Superscript | Above | Below
-    datatype pgmldec = Bold | Italic | Error | Warning | Info | Other of string
-    datatype pgmlaction = Toggle | Button | Menu
-    datatype pgmlterm =
-             Atoms of { kind: string option, content: pgmlatom list }
-           | Box of { orient: pgmlorient option, indent: int option, content: pgmlterm list }
-           | Break of { mandatory: bool option, indent: int option }
-           | Subterm of { kind: string option,
-                          param: string option,
-                          place: pgmlplace option,
-                          name: string option,
-                          decoration: pgmldec option,
-                          action: pgmlaction option,
-                          pos: string option,
-                          xref: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                          content: pgmlterm list }
-           | Alt of { kind: string option, content: pgmlterm list }
-           | Embed of XML.tree list
-           | Raw of XML.tree
-    datatype pgml =
-             Pgml of { version: string option, systemid: string option,
-                       area: PgipTypes.displayarea option,
-                       content: pgmlterm list }
-    val atom_to_xml : pgmlatom -> XML.tree
-    val pgmlterm_to_xml : pgmlterm -> XML.tree
-    val pgml_to_xml : pgml -> XML.tree
-structure Pgml : PGML =
-    open PgipTypes
-    type pgmlsym = { name: string, content: string }
-    datatype pgmlatom = Sym of pgmlsym | Str of string
-    datatype pgmlorient = HOVOrient | HOrient | VOrient | HVOrient
-    datatype pgmlplace = Subscript | Superscript | Above | Below
-    datatype pgmldec = Bold | Italic | Error | Warning | Info | Other of string
-    datatype pgmlaction = Toggle | Button | Menu
-    datatype pgmlterm =
-             Atoms of { kind: string option, content: pgmlatom list }
-           | Box of { orient: pgmlorient option, indent: int option, content: pgmlterm list }
-           | Break of { mandatory: bool option, indent: int option }
-           | Subterm of { kind: string option,
-                          param: string option,
-                          place: pgmlplace option,
-                          name: string option,
-                          decoration: pgmldec option,
-                          action: pgmlaction option,
-                          pos: string option,
-                          xref: PgipTypes.pgipurl option,
-                          content: pgmlterm list }
-           | Alt of { kind: string option, content: pgmlterm list }
-           | Embed of XML.tree list
-           | Raw of XML.tree
-    datatype pgml =
-             Pgml of { version: string option, systemid: string option,
-                       area: PgipTypes.displayarea option,
-                       content: pgmlterm list }
-    fun pgmlorient_to_string HOVOrient = "hov"
-      | pgmlorient_to_string HOrient = "h"
-      | pgmlorient_to_string VOrient = "v"
-      | pgmlorient_to_string HVOrient = "hv"
-    fun pgmlplace_to_string Subscript = "sub"
-      | pgmlplace_to_string Superscript = "sup"
-      | pgmlplace_to_string Above = "above"
-      | pgmlplace_to_string Below = "below"
-    fun pgmldec_to_string Bold = "bold"
-      | pgmldec_to_string Italic = "italic"
-      | pgmldec_to_string Error = "error"
-      | pgmldec_to_string Warning = "warning"
-      | pgmldec_to_string Info = "info"
-      | pgmldec_to_string (Other s) = "other"
-    fun pgmlaction_to_string Toggle = "toggle"
-      | pgmlaction_to_string Button = "button"
-      | pgmlaction_to_string Menu = "menu"
-    (* NOTE: we assume strings are already XML escaped here, for convenience in Isabelle;
-       would be better not to *)  (* FIXME !??? *)
-    fun atom_to_xml (Sym {name, content}) = XML.Elem (("sym", attr "name" name), [XML.Text content])
-      | atom_to_xml (Str content) = XML.Text content;
-    fun pgmlterm_to_xml (Atoms {kind, content}) =
-        XML.Elem(("atom", opt_attr "kind" kind), map atom_to_xml content)
-      | pgmlterm_to_xml (Box {orient, indent, content}) =
-        XML.Elem(("box",
-                 opt_attr_map pgmlorient_to_string "orient" orient @
-                 opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "indent" indent),
-                 map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
-      | pgmlterm_to_xml (Break {mandatory, indent}) =
-        XML.Elem(("break",
-                 opt_attr_map bool_to_pgstring "mandatory" mandatory @
-                 opt_attr_map int_to_pgstring "indent" indent), [])
-      | pgmlterm_to_xml (Subterm {kind, param, place, name, decoration, action, pos, xref, content}) =
-        XML.Elem(("subterm",
-                 opt_attr "kind" kind @
-                 opt_attr "param" param @
-                 opt_attr_map pgmlplace_to_string "place" place @
-                 opt_attr "name" name @
-                 opt_attr_map pgmldec_to_string "decoration" decoration @
-                 opt_attr_map pgmlaction_to_string "action" action @
-                 opt_attr "pos" pos @
-                 opt_attr_map string_of_pgipurl "xref" xref),
-                 map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
-      | pgmlterm_to_xml (Alt {kind, content}) =
-        XML.Elem(("alt", opt_attr "kind" kind), map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
-      | pgmlterm_to_xml (Embed xmls) = XML.Elem(("embed", []), xmls)
-      | pgmlterm_to_xml (Raw xml) = xml
-    datatype pgml =
-             Pgml of { version: string option, systemid: string option,
-                       area: PgipTypes.displayarea option,
-                       content: pgmlterm list }
-    fun pgml_to_xml (Pgml {version,systemid,area,content}) =
-        XML.Elem(("pgml",
-                 opt_attr "version" version @
-                 opt_attr "systemid" systemid @
-                 the_default [] ( PgipTypes.attrs_of_displayarea area)),
-                 map pgmlterm_to_xml content)
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML	Mon May 13 21:03:30 2013 +0200
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@
 structure ProofGeneralPgip : PROOF_GENERAL_PGIP =
-open PgipTypes;
-open PgipMarkup;
-open PgipInput;
-open PgipOutput;
 (** print mode **)
 val proof_general_emacsN = "ProofGeneralEmacs";
@@ -41,7 +35,7 @@
   fun pgip_serial () = pgip_seq
   fun assemble_pgips pgips =
-    Pgip { tag = SOME pgip_tag,
+    PgipOutput.Pgip { tag = SOME pgip_tag,
            class = pgip_class,
            seq = pgip_serial (),
            id = pgip_id,
@@ -110,7 +104,7 @@
-fun invalid_pgip () = raise PGIP "Invalid PGIP packet received";
+fun invalid_pgip () = raise PgipTypes.PGIP "Invalid PGIP packet received";
 fun output_emacs pgips = Output.urgent_message (output_pgips pgips);
@@ -120,7 +114,8 @@
           {name = name, descr = SOME descr, default = SOME default, pgiptype = pgiptype};
         ! preferences |> (fn (prefcat, prefs) =>
-            output_emacs [Hasprefs {prefcategory = SOME prefcat, prefs = map preference_of prefs}])
+            output_emacs
+              [PgipOutput.Hasprefs {prefcategory = SOME prefcat, prefs = map preference_of prefs}])
   | process_element_emacs (XML.Elem (("setpref", attrs), data)) =
@@ -157,7 +152,7 @@
            else ()
     | _ => invalid_pgip ())
-  end handle PGIP msg => error (msg ^ "\n" ^ str);
+  end handle PgipTypes.PGIP msg => error (msg ^ "\n" ^ str);
 val _ =
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT	Mon May 13 21:03:30 2013 +0200
@@ -160,13 +160,8 @@
-    "ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML"
-    "ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML"
-    "ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML"
-    "ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML"
-    "ProofGeneral/pgml.ML"
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon May 13 20:35:04 2013 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Mon May 13 21:03:30 2013 +0200
@@ -299,20 +299,13 @@
 (* configuration for Proof General *)
 use "ProofGeneral/pgip_types.ML";
-use "ProofGeneral/pgml.ML";
-use "ProofGeneral/pgip_markup.ML";
-use "ProofGeneral/pgip_input.ML";
 use "ProofGeneral/pgip_output.ML";
-use "ProofGeneral/pgip_isabelle.ML";
   |> Unsynchronized.setmp Proofterm.proofs 0
   |> Unsynchronized.setmp Multithreading.max_threads 0)
-use "ProofGeneral/pgip_parser.ML";
 use "ProofGeneral/proof_general_pgip.ML";
 use "ProofGeneral/proof_general_emacs.ML";