--- a/src/Pure/thm.ML Mon Mar 09 11:52:28 2020 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/thm.ML Mon Mar 09 13:03:42 2020 +0100
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@
val renamed_prop: term -> thm -> thm
val weaken: cterm -> thm -> thm
val weaken_sorts: sort list -> cterm -> cterm
- val extra_shyps: thm -> sort list
val proof_bodies_of: thm list -> proof_body list
val proof_body_of: thm -> proof_body
val proof_of: thm -> proof
@@ -107,6 +106,8 @@
val expose_proof: theory -> thm -> unit
val future: thm future -> cterm -> thm
val thm_deps: thm -> Proofterm.thm Ord_List.T
+ val extra_shyps: thm -> sort list
+ val strip_shyps: thm -> thm
val derivation_closed: thm -> bool
val derivation_name: thm -> string
val derivation_id: thm -> Proofterm.thm_id option
@@ -159,7 +160,6 @@
cterm -> cterm
val trivial: cterm -> thm
val of_class: ctyp * class -> thm
- val strip_shyps: thm -> thm
val unconstrainT: thm -> thm
val varifyT_global': (string * sort) list -> thm -> ((string * sort) * indexname) list * thm
val varifyT_global: thm -> thm
@@ -699,10 +699,6 @@
val sorts' = Sorts.union sorts more_sorts;
in Cterm {cert = cert, t = t, T = T, maxidx = maxidx, sorts = sorts'} end;
-(*dangling sort constraints of a thm*)
-fun extra_shyps (th as Thm (_, {shyps, ...})) =
- Sorts.subtract (fold_terms Sorts.insert_term th []) shyps;
(** derivations and promised proofs **)
@@ -988,6 +984,49 @@
+(*Dangling sort constraints of a thm*)
+fun extra_shyps (th as Thm (_, {shyps, ...})) =
+ Sorts.subtract (fold_terms Sorts.insert_term th []) shyps;
+(*Remove extra sorts that are witnessed by type signature information*)
+fun strip_shyps thm =
+ (case thm of
+ Thm (_, {shyps = [], ...}) => thm
+ | Thm (der, {cert, tags, maxidx, constraints, shyps, hyps, tpairs, prop}) =>
+ let
+ val thy = theory_of_thm thm;
+ val algebra = Sign.classes_of thy;
+ val minimize = Sorts.minimize_sort algebra;
+ val le = Sorts.sort_le algebra;
+ fun lt (S1, S2) = le (S1, S2) andalso not (le (S2, S1));
+ fun rel (S1, S2) = if S1 = S2 then [] else [(Term.aT S1, S2)];
+ val present = (fold_terms o fold_types o fold_atyps_sorts) (insert (eq_fst op =)) thm [];
+ val extra = fold (Sorts.remove_sort o #2) present shyps;
+ val witnessed = Sign.witness_sorts thy present extra;
+ val non_witnessed = fold (Sorts.remove_sort o #2) witnessed extra |> map (`minimize);
+ val extra' =
+ non_witnessed |> map_filter (fn (S, _) =>
+ if non_witnessed |> exists (fn (S', _) => lt (S', S)) then NONE else SOME S)
+ |> Sorts.make;
+ val constrs' =
+ non_witnessed |> maps (fn (S1, S2) =>
+ let val S0 = the (find_first (fn S => le (S, S1)) extra')
+ in rel (S0, S1) @ rel (S1, S2) end);
+ val constraints' = fold (insert_constraints thy) (witnessed @ constrs') constraints;
+ val shyps' = fold (Sorts.insert_sort o #2) present extra';
+ in
+ Thm (deriv_rule_unconditional
+ (Proofterm.strip_shyps_proof algebra present witnessed extra') der,
+ {cert = cert, tags = tags, maxidx = maxidx, constraints = constraints',
+ shyps = shyps', hyps = hyps, tpairs = tpairs, prop = prop})
+ end)
+ |> solve_constraints;
(*** Closed theorems with official name ***)
@@ -1693,46 +1732,6 @@
else raise THM ("of_class: type not of class " ^ Syntax.string_of_sort_global thy [c], 0, [])
end |> solve_constraints;
-(*Remove extra sorts that are witnessed by type signature information*)
-fun strip_shyps thm =
- (case thm of
- Thm (_, {shyps = [], ...}) => thm
- | Thm (der, {cert, tags, maxidx, constraints, shyps, hyps, tpairs, prop}) =>
- let
- val thy = theory_of_thm thm;
- val algebra = Sign.classes_of thy;
- val minimize = Sorts.minimize_sort algebra;
- val le = Sorts.sort_le algebra;
- fun lt (S1, S2) = le (S1, S2) andalso not (le (S2, S1));
- fun rel (S1, S2) = if S1 = S2 then [] else [(Term.aT S1, S2)];
- val present = (fold_terms o fold_types o fold_atyps_sorts) (insert (eq_fst op =)) thm [];
- val extra = fold (Sorts.remove_sort o #2) present shyps;
- val witnessed = Sign.witness_sorts thy present extra;
- val non_witnessed = fold (Sorts.remove_sort o #2) witnessed extra |> map (`minimize);
- val extra' =
- non_witnessed |> map_filter (fn (S, _) =>
- if non_witnessed |> exists (fn (S', _) => lt (S', S)) then NONE else SOME S)
- |> Sorts.make;
- val constrs' =
- non_witnessed |> maps (fn (S1, S2) =>
- let val S0 = the (find_first (fn S => le (S, S1)) extra')
- in rel (S0, S1) @ rel (S1, S2) end);
- val constraints' = fold (insert_constraints thy) (witnessed @ constrs') constraints;
- val shyps' = fold (Sorts.insert_sort o #2) present extra';
- in
- Thm (deriv_rule_unconditional
- (Proofterm.strip_shyps_proof algebra present witnessed extra') der,
- {cert = cert, tags = tags, maxidx = maxidx, constraints = constraints',
- shyps = shyps', hyps = hyps, tpairs = tpairs, prop = prop})
- end)
- |> solve_constraints;
(*Internalize sort constraints of type variables*)
val unconstrainT =
solve_constraints #> (fn thm as Thm (der, args) =>