Wed, 28 Dec 2022 22:37:46 +0100
changeset 76808 4e97da5befc6
parent 76797 18e719c6b633 (current diff)
parent 76807 25900fbea7ad (diff)
child 76809 f05327293f07
child 76820 8dac373b92bd
--- a/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark.scala	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark.scala	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@
 object SPARK {
   class Load_Command1 extends Command_Span.Load_Command("spark_vcg", {
+    override def toString: String = print_extensions
     override val extensions: List[String] = List("vcg", "fdl", "rls")
   class Load_Command2 extends Command_Span.Load_Command("spark_siv", {
+    override def toString: String = print_extensions
     override val extensions: List[String] = List("siv", "fdl", "rls")
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/method.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
       (keyword_positions text);
 fun report text_range =
-  if Context_Position.pide_reports ()
+  if Context_Position.reports_enabled0 ()
   then Position.reports (reports_of text_range) else ();
--- a/src/Pure/ML/ml_compiler.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ML/ml_compiler.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     val reports_enabled =
       (case Context.get_generic_context () of
         SOME context => Context_Position.reports_enabled_generic context
-      | NONE => Context_Position.pide_reports ());
+      | NONE => Context_Position.reports_enabled0 ());
     fun is_reported pos = reports_enabled andalso Position.is_reported pos;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 signature COMMAND =
   type blob = {file_node: string, src_path: Path.T, content: (SHA1.digest * string list) option}
-  val read_file: Path.T -> Position.T -> bool -> Path.T -> Token.file
   val read_thy: Toplevel.state -> theory
   val read: Keyword.keywords -> theory -> Path.T-> (unit -> theory) ->
     blob Exn.result list * int -> Token.T list -> Toplevel.transition
@@ -57,38 +56,6 @@
 type blob = {file_node: string, src_path: Path.T, content: (SHA1.digest * string list) option};
-fun read_file_node file_node master_dir pos delimited src_path =
-  let
-    val _ =
-      if Context_Position.pide_reports ()
-      then pos (Markup.language_path delimited) else ();
-    fun read_local () =
-      let
-        val path = File.check_file (File.full_path master_dir src_path);
-        val text = path;
-        val file_pos = Path.position path;
-      in (text, file_pos) end;
-    fun read_remote () =
-      let
-        val text = Bytes.content ( file_node);
-        val file_pos = Position.file file_node;
-      in (text, file_pos) end;
-    val (text, file_pos) =
-      (case try Url.explode file_node of
-        NONE => read_local ()
-      | SOME (Url.File _) => read_local ()
-      | _ => read_remote ());
-    val lines = split_lines text;
-    val digest = SHA1.digest text;
-  in {src_path = src_path, lines = lines, digest = digest, pos = Position.copy_id pos file_pos} end
-  handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ pos);
-val read_file = read_file_node "";
 fun blob_file src_path lines digest file_node =
@@ -110,12 +77,14 @@
             val pos = Input.pos_of source;
             val delimited = Input.is_delimited source;
-            fun make_file (Exn.Res {file_node, src_path, content = NONE}) =
-                  Exn.interruptible_capture (fn () =>
-                    read_file_node file_node master_dir pos delimited src_path) ()
-              | make_file (Exn.Res {file_node, src_path, content = SOME (digest, lines)}) =
-                  ( pos (Markup.language_path delimited);
-                    Exn.Res (blob_file src_path lines digest file_node))
+            fun make_file (Exn.Res {file_node, src_path, content}) =
+                  let val _ = pos (Markup.language_path delimited) in
+                    case content of
+                      NONE =>
+                        Exn.interruptible_capture (fn () =>
+                          Resources.read_file_node file_node master_dir (src_path, pos)) ()
+                    | SOME (digest, lines) => Exn.Res (blob_file src_path lines digest file_node)
+                  end
               | make_file (Exn.Exn e) = Exn.Exn e;
             val files = map make_file blobs;
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/command_span.scala	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/command_span.scala	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,15 @@
   abstract class Load_Command(val name: String, val here: Scala_Project.Here)
   extends Isabelle_System.Service {
-    override def toString: String = name
+    override def toString: String = print("")
+    def print(body: String): String =
+      if (body.nonEmpty) "Load_Command(" + body + ")"
+      else if (name.nonEmpty) print("name = " + quote(name))
+      else "Load_Command"
+    def print_extensions: String =
+      print("name = " + quote(name) + ", extensions = " + commas_quote(extensions))
     def position: Position.T = here.position
--- a/src/Pure/PIDE/resources.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/PIDE/resources.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -37,10 +37,14 @@
   val check_thy: Path.T -> string ->
    {master: Path.T * SHA1.digest, text: string, theory_pos: Position.T,
     imports: (string * Position.T) list, keywords: Thy_Header.keywords}
+  val read_file_node: string -> Path.T -> Path.T * Position.T -> Token.file
+  val parsed_files: (Path.T -> Path.T list) ->
+    Token.file Exn.result list * Input.source -> theory -> Token.file list
   val parse_files: (Path.T -> Path.T list) -> (theory -> Token.file list) parser
   val parse_file: (theory -> Token.file) parser
   val provide: Path.T * SHA1.digest -> theory -> theory
   val provide_file: Token.file -> theory -> theory
+  val provide_file': Token.file -> theory -> Token.file * theory
   val provide_parse_files: (Path.T -> Path.T list) -> (theory -> Token.file list * theory) parser
   val provide_parse_file: (theory -> Token.file * theory) parser
   val loaded_files_current: theory -> bool
@@ -326,24 +330,55 @@
+(* read_file_node *)
+fun read_file_node file_node master_dir (src_path, pos) =
+  let
+    fun read_local () =
+      let
+        val path = File.check_file (File.full_path master_dir src_path);
+        val text = path;
+        val file_pos = Path.position path;
+      in (text, file_pos) end;
+    fun read_remote () =
+      let
+        val text = Bytes.content ( file_node);
+        val file_pos = Position.file file_node;
+      in (text, file_pos) end;
+    val (text, file_pos) =
+      (case try Url.explode file_node of
+        NONE => read_local ()
+      | SOME (Url.File _) => read_local ()
+      | _ => read_remote ());
+    val lines = split_lines text;
+    val digest = SHA1.digest text;
+  in {src_path = src_path, lines = lines, digest = digest, pos = Position.copy_id pos file_pos} end
+  handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ pos);
 (* load files *)
+fun parsed_files make_paths (files, source) thy =
+  if null files then
+    let
+      val master_dir = master_directory thy;
+      val name = Input.string_of source;
+      val pos = Input.pos_of source;
+      val delimited = Input.is_delimited source;
+      val src_paths = make_paths (Path.explode name);
+      val reports =
+        src_paths |> maps (fn src_path =>
+          [(pos, Markup.path (Path.implode_symbolic (master_dir + src_path))),
+           (pos, Markup.language_path delimited)]);
+      val _ = Position.reports reports;
+    in map (read_file_node "" master_dir o rpair pos) src_paths end
+  else map Exn.release files;
 fun parse_files make_paths =
-  Scan.ahead Parse.not_eof -- Parse.path_input >> (fn (tok, source) => fn thy =>
-    (case Token.get_files tok of
-      [] =>
-        let
-          val master_dir = master_directory thy;
-          val name = Input.string_of source;
-          val pos = Input.pos_of source;
-          val delimited = Input.is_delimited source;
-          val src_paths = make_paths (Path.explode name);
-          val reports =
-            src_paths |> map (fn src_path =>
-              (pos, Markup.path (Path.implode_symbolic (master_dir + src_path))));
-          val _ = Position.reports reports;
-        in map (Command.read_file master_dir pos delimited) src_paths end
-    | files => map Exn.release files));
+  (Scan.ahead Parse.not_eof >> Token.get_files) -- Parse.path_input >> parsed_files make_paths;
 val parse_file = parse_files single >> (fn f => f #> the_single);
@@ -355,13 +390,10 @@
     else (master_dir, imports, (src_path, id) :: provided));
 fun provide_file (file: Token.file) = provide (#src_path file, #digest file);
+fun provide_file' file thy = (file, provide_file file thy);
 fun provide_parse_files make_paths =
-  parse_files make_paths >> (fn files => fn thy =>
-    let
-      val fs = files thy;
-      val thy' = fold (fn {src_path, digest, ...} => provide (src_path, digest)) fs thy;
-    in (fs, thy') end);
+  parse_files make_paths >> (fn files => fn thy => fold_map provide_file' (files thy) thy);
 val provide_parse_file = provide_parse_files single >> (fn f => f #>> the_single);
@@ -383,7 +415,7 @@
 (* formal check *)
-fun formal_check check_file ctxt opt_dir source =
+fun formal_check (check: Path.T -> Path.T) ctxt opt_dir source =
     val name = Input.string_of source;
     val pos = Input.pos_of source;
@@ -399,7 +431,7 @@
     val path = dir + Path.explode name handle ERROR msg => err msg;
     val _ = Path.expand path handle ERROR msg => err msg;
     val _ = ctxt pos (Markup.path (Path.implode_symbolic path));
-    val _ : Path.T = check_file path handle ERROR msg => err msg;
+    val _ = check path handle ERROR msg => err msg;
   in path end;
 val check_path = formal_check I;
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -311,9 +311,9 @@
 ML_file "Thy/document_antiquotations.ML";
 ML_file "General/graph_display.ML";
 ML_file "pure_syn.ML";
+ML_file "PIDE/resources.ML";
 ML_file "PIDE/command.ML";
 ML_file "PIDE/query_operation.ML";
-ML_file "PIDE/resources.ML";
 ML_file "Thy/thy_info.ML";
 ML_file "thm_deps.ML";
 ML_file "Thy/export_theory.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/System/isabelle_process.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
         in message name pos_props [XML.blob ss] end;
     fun report_message ss =
-      if Context_Position.pide_reports ()
+      if Context_Position.reports_enabled0 ()
       then standard_message [] Markup.reportN ss else ();
     val serial_props = Markup.serial_properties o serial;
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/generated_files.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/generated_files.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -285,10 +285,9 @@
 fun check_external_files ctxt (raw_files, raw_base_dir) =
     val base_dir = Resources.check_dir ctxt NONE raw_base_dir;
-    fun check source =
+    val files = raw_files |> map (fn source =>
      (Resources.check_file ctxt (SOME base_dir) source;
-      Path.explode (Input.string_of source));
-    val files = map check raw_files;
+      Path.explode (Input.string_of source)));
   in (files, base_dir) end;
 fun get_external_files dir (files, base_dir) =
--- a/src/Pure/context_position.ML	Wed Dec 28 12:15:25 2022 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/context_position.ML	Wed Dec 28 22:37:46 2022 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   val restore_visible_generic: Context.generic -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val restore_visible: Proof.context -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val restore_visible_global: theory -> theory -> theory
-  val pide_reports: unit -> bool
+  val reports_enabled0: unit -> bool
   val reports_enabled_generic: Context.generic -> bool
   val reports_enabled: Proof.context -> bool
   val reports_enabled_global: theory -> bool
@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@
 (* PIDE reports *)
-fun pide_reports () = Options.default_bool "pide_reports";
-fun reports_enabled_generic context = pide_reports () andalso is_visible_generic context;
+fun reports_enabled0 () = Options.default_bool "pide_reports";
+fun reports_enabled_generic context = reports_enabled0 () andalso is_visible_generic context;
 val reports_enabled = reports_enabled_generic o Context.Proof;
 val reports_enabled_global = reports_enabled_generic o Context.Theory;