--- a/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
@@ -173,35 +173,6 @@
val time = Time.toMilliseconds (#cpu (end_timing start))
in (Exn.release result, (description, time)) end
-fun test_term_small ctxt t =
- let
- val (names, t') = prep_test_term t;
- val current_size = Unsynchronized.ref 0
- fun excipit s =
- "Quickcheck " ^ s ^ " while testing at size " ^ string_of_int (!current_size)
- val (tester, comp_time) = cpu_time "compilation"
- (fn () => the (AList.lookup (op =) ((fst o Data.get o Context.Proof) ctxt) "small") ctxt t');
- val empty_report = Report { iterations = 0, raised_match_errors = 0,
- satisfied_assms = [], positive_concl_tests = 0 }
- fun with_size k timings =
- if k > Config.get ctxt size then (NONE, timings)
- else
- let
- val _ = if Config.get ctxt quiet then () else Output.urgent_message ("Test data size: " ^ string_of_int k);
- val _ = current_size := k
- val (result, timing) = cpu_time ("size " ^ string_of_int k)
- (fn () => (fst (tester k)) handle Match => (if Config.get ctxt quiet then ()
- else warning "Exception Match raised during quickcheck"; NONE))
- in
- case result of
- NONE => with_size (k + 1) (timing :: timings)
- | SOME q => (SOME q, (timing :: timings))
- end;
- val result = with_size 1 [comp_time]
- in
- apsnd (rpair NONE) (apfst (Option.map (curry (op ~~) names)) result)
- end
(* we actually assume we know the generators and its behaviour *)
fun is_iteratable "SML" = true
| is_iteratable "random" = true