moving iteration of tests to the testers in quickcheck
Fri, 03 Dec 2010 08:40:47 +0100
changeset 40911 7febf76e0a69
parent 40910 508c83827364
child 40912 1108529100ce
moving iteration of tests to the testers in quickcheck
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/inductive_codegen.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   val add : string option -> int option -> attribute
   val test_fn : (int * int * int -> term list option) Unsynchronized.ref
   val test_term:
-    Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * (bool list * bool)
+    Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * option
   val setup : theory -> theory
   val quickcheck_setup : theory -> theory
@@ -842,10 +842,9 @@
     val start = Config.get ctxt depth_start;
     val offset = Config.get ctxt size_offset;
     val test_fn' = !test_fn;
-    val dummy_report = ([], false)
     fun test k = (deepen bound (fn i =>
       (Output.urgent_message ("Search depth: " ^ string_of_int i);
-       test_fn' (i, values, k+offset))) start, dummy_report);
+       test_fn' (i, values, k+offset))) start, NONE);
   in test end;
 val quickcheck_setup =
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/quickcheck_generators.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/quickcheck_generators.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
       string list * string list -> typ list * typ list -> theory -> theory)
     -> Datatype.config -> string list -> theory -> theory
   val compile_generator_expr:
-    Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * (bool list * bool)
+    Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * option
   val put_counterexample: (unit -> int -> seed -> term list option * seed)
     -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val put_counterexample_report: (unit -> int -> seed -> (term list option * (bool list * bool)) * seed)
@@ -387,25 +387,73 @@
     Abs ("n", @{typ code_numeral}, fold_rev mk_bindclause bounds (return $ check))
+(* single quickcheck report *)
+datatype single_report = Run of bool list * bool | MatchExc
+fun collect_single_report single_report
+    (Quickcheck.Report {iterations = iterations, raised_match_errors = raised_match_errors,
+    satisfied_assms = satisfied_assms, positive_concl_tests = positive_concl_tests}) =
+  case single_report
+  of MatchExc =>
+    Quickcheck.Report {iterations = iterations + 1, raised_match_errors = raised_match_errors + 1,
+      satisfied_assms = satisfied_assms, positive_concl_tests = positive_concl_tests}
+   | Run (assms, concl) =>
+    Quickcheck.Report {iterations = iterations + 1, raised_match_errors = raised_match_errors,
+      satisfied_assms =
+        map2 (fn b => fn s => if b then s + 1 else s) assms
+         (if null satisfied_assms then replicate (length assms) 0 else satisfied_assms),
+      positive_concl_tests = if concl then positive_concl_tests + 1 else positive_concl_tests}
+val empty_report = Quickcheck.Report { iterations = 0, raised_match_errors = 0,
+  satisfied_assms = [], positive_concl_tests = 0 }
 fun compile_generator_expr ctxt t =
     val Ts = (map snd o fst o strip_abs) t;
     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-  in if Config.get ctxt then
-    let
-      val t' = mk_reporting_generator_expr thy t Ts;
-      val compile = Code_Runtime.dynamic_value_strict
-        (Counterexample_Report.get, put_counterexample_report, "Quickcheck_Generators.put_counterexample_report")
-        thy (SOME target) (fn proc => fn g => fn s => g s #>> (apfst o o map) proc) t' [];
-    in compile #> end
-  else
-    let
-      val t' = mk_generator_expr thy t Ts;
-      val compile = Code_Runtime.dynamic_value_strict
-        (Counterexample.get, put_counterexample, "Quickcheck_Generators.put_counterexample")
-        thy (SOME target) (fn proc => fn g => fn s => g s #>> ( o map) proc) t' [];
-      val dummy_report = ([], false)
-    in compile #> #> rpair dummy_report end
+    val iterations = Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.iterations
+  in
+    if Config.get ctxt then
+      let
+        val t' = mk_reporting_generator_expr thy t Ts;
+        val compile = Code_Runtime.dynamic_value_strict
+          (Counterexample_Report.get, put_counterexample_report, "Quickcheck_Generators.put_counterexample_report")
+          thy (SOME target) (fn proc => fn g => fn s => g s #>> (apfst o o map) proc) t' [];
+        val single_tester = compile #>
+        fun iterate_and_collect size 0 report = (NONE, report)
+          | iterate_and_collect size j report =
+            let
+              val (test_result, single_report) = apsnd Run (single_tester size) handle Match => 
+                (if Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.quiet then ()
+                 else warning "Exception Match raised during quickcheck"; (NONE, MatchExc))
+              val report = collect_single_report single_report report
+            in
+              case test_result of NONE => iterate_and_collect size (j - 1) report
+                | SOME q => (SOME q, report)
+            end
+      in
+        fn size => apsnd SOME (iterate_and_collect size iterations empty_report)
+      end
+    else
+      let
+        val t' = mk_generator_expr thy t Ts;
+        val compile = Code_Runtime.dynamic_value_strict
+          (Counterexample.get, put_counterexample, "Quickcheck_Generators.put_counterexample")
+          thy (SOME target) (fn proc => fn g => fn s => g s #>> ( o map) proc) t' [];
+        val single_tester = compile #>
+        fun iterate size 0 = NONE
+          | iterate size j =
+            let
+              val result = single_tester size handle Match => 
+                (if Config.get ctxt Quickcheck.quiet then ()
+                 else warning "Exception Match raised during quickcheck"; NONE)
+            in
+              case result of NONE => iterate size (j - 1) | SOME q => SOME q
+            end
+      in
+        fn size => (rpair NONE (iterate size iterations))
+      end
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/smallvalue_generators.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/smallvalue_generators.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   val compile_generator_expr:
-    Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * (bool list * bool)
+    Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * option
   val put_counterexample: (unit -> int -> term list option)
     -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val smart_quantifier : bool Config.T;
@@ -272,19 +272,15 @@
   in Abs ("d", @{typ code_numeral}, fold_rev mk_small_closure bounds check) end
 fun compile_generator_expr ctxt t =
-  if Config.get ctxt then
-    error "Compilation with reporting facility is not supported"
-  else
-    let
-      val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
-      val t' =
-        (if Config.get ctxt smart_quantifier then mk_smart_generator_expr else mk_generator_expr)
-          ctxt t;
-      val compile = Code_Runtime.dynamic_value_strict
-        (Counterexample.get, put_counterexample, "Smallvalue_Generators.put_counterexample")
-        thy (SOME target) (fn proc => fn g => g #> ( o map) proc) t' [];
-      val dummy_report = ([], false)
-    in compile #> rpair dummy_report end;
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val t' =
+      (if Config.get ctxt smart_quantifier then mk_smart_generator_expr else mk_generator_expr)
+        ctxt t;
+    val compile = Code_Runtime.dynamic_value_strict
+      (Counterexample.get, put_counterexample, "Smallvalue_Generators.put_counterexample")
+      thy (SOME target) (fn proc => fn g => g #> ( o map) proc) t' [];
+  in fn size => rpair NONE (compile size) end;
 (** setup **)
--- a/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/Tools/quickcheck.ML	Fri Dec 03 08:40:47 2010 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   val map_test_params : (typ list * expectation -> typ list * expectation)
     -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val add_generator:
-    string * (Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * (bool list * bool))
+    string * (Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * report option)
       -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   (* testing terms and proof states *)
   val test_term: Proof.context -> bool -> term ->
@@ -57,26 +57,10 @@
 (* quickcheck report *)
-datatype single_report = Run of bool list * bool | MatchExc
 datatype report = Report of
   { iterations : int, raised_match_errors : int,
     satisfied_assms : int list, positive_concl_tests : int }
-fun collect_single_report single_report
-    (Report {iterations = iterations, raised_match_errors = raised_match_errors,
-    satisfied_assms = satisfied_assms, positive_concl_tests = positive_concl_tests}) =
-  case single_report
-  of MatchExc =>
-    Report {iterations = iterations + 1, raised_match_errors = raised_match_errors + 1,
-      satisfied_assms = satisfied_assms, positive_concl_tests = positive_concl_tests}
-   | Run (assms, concl) =>
-    Report {iterations = iterations + 1, raised_match_errors = raised_match_errors,
-      satisfied_assms =
-        map2 (fn b => fn s => if b then s + 1 else s) assms
-         (if null satisfied_assms then replicate (length assms) 0 else satisfied_assms),
-      positive_concl_tests = if concl then positive_concl_tests + 1 else positive_concl_tests}
 (* expectation *)
 datatype expectation = No_Expectation | No_Counterexample | Counterexample; 
@@ -116,7 +100,7 @@
 structure Data = Generic_Data
   type T =
-    (string * (Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * (bool list * bool))) list
+    (string * (Proof.context -> term -> int -> term list option * report option)) list
       * test_params;
   val empty = ([], Test_Params {default_type = [], expect = No_Expectation});
   val extend = I;
@@ -172,11 +156,6 @@
     val result = Exn.capture f ()
     val time = Time.toMilliseconds (#cpu (end_timing start))
   in (Exn.release result, (description, time)) end
-(* we actually assume we know the generators and its behaviour *)
-fun is_iteratable "SML" = true
-  | is_iteratable "random" = true
-  | is_iteratable _ = false
 fun test_term ctxt is_interactive t =
@@ -185,30 +164,18 @@
     fun excipit s =
       "Quickcheck " ^ s ^ " while testing at size " ^ string_of_int (!current_size)
     val (test_fun, comp_time) = cpu_time "quickcheck compilation" (fn () => mk_tester ctxt t');
-    fun iterate f 0 report = (NONE, report)
-      | iterate f j report =
+    fun with_size test_fun k reports =
+      if k > Config.get ctxt size then
+        (NONE, reports)
+      else
-          val (test_result, single_report) = apsnd Run (f ()) handle Match => 
-            (if Config.get ctxt quiet then ()
-             else warning "Exception Match raised during quickcheck"; (NONE, MatchExc))
-          val report = collect_single_report single_report report
-        in
-          case test_result of NONE => iterate f (j - 1) report | SOME q => (SOME q, report)
-        end
-    val empty_report = Report { iterations = 0, raised_match_errors = 0,
-      satisfied_assms = [], positive_concl_tests = 0 }
-    fun with_size test_fun k reports =
-      if k > Config.get ctxt size then (NONE, reports)
-      else
-       (if Config.get ctxt quiet then () else Output.urgent_message ("Test data size: " ^ string_of_int k);
-        let
+          val _ = if Config.get ctxt quiet then () else Output.urgent_message
+            ("Test data size: " ^ string_of_int k)
           val _ = current_size := k
-          val niterations =
-            if is_iteratable (Config.get ctxt tester) then Config.get ctxt iterations else 1
-          val ((result, new_report), timing) = cpu_time ("size " ^ string_of_int k)
-            (fn () => iterate (fn () => test_fun (k - 1)) niterations empty_report)
-          val reports = ((k, new_report) :: reports)
-        in case result of NONE => with_size test_fun (k + 1) reports | SOME q => (SOME q, reports) end);
+          val ((result, new_report), timing) =
+            cpu_time ("size " ^ string_of_int k) (fn () => test_fun (k - 1))
+          val reports = case new_report of NONE => reports | SOME rep => (k, rep) :: reports
+        in case result of NONE => with_size test_fun (k + 1) reports | SOME q => (SOME q, reports) end;
     case test_fun of NONE => (NONE, ([comp_time], NONE)) 
       | SOME test_fun =>