clarified modules;
Wed, 18 Nov 2020 15:47:53 +0100
changeset 72651 52cb065aa916
parent 72650 787ba1d19d3a
child 72652 07edf1952ab1
clarified modules;
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Wed Nov 18 15:41:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Wed Nov 18 15:47:53 2020 +0100
@@ -309,7 +309,6 @@
 ML_file "PIDE/command.ML";
 ML_file "PIDE/query_operation.ML";
 ML_file "PIDE/resources.ML";
-ML_file "Thy/present.ML";
 ML_file "Thy/thy_info.ML";
 ML_file "thm_deps.ML";
 ML_file "Thy/export_theory.ML";
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Wed Nov 18 15:41:02 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/present.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-Theory presentation: HTML and LaTeX documents.
-signature PRESENT =
-  val document_html_name: theory -> Path.binding
-  val document_tex_name: theory -> Path.binding
-  val html_name: theory -> Path.T
-  val export_html: theory -> Command_Span.span list -> unit
-structure Present: PRESENT =
-(** artefact names **)
-fun document_name ext thy =
-  Path.explode_binding0 ("document/" ^ Context.theory_name thy ^ "." ^ ext);
-val document_html_name = document_name "html";
-val document_tex_name = document_name "tex";
-fun html_name thy = Path.basic (Context.theory_name thy ^ ".html");
-(* theory as HTML *)
-fun get_session_chapter thy =
-  let
-    val session = Resources.theory_qualifier (Context.theory_long_name thy);
-    val chapter = Resources.session_chapter session;
-  in (session, chapter) end;
-fun theory_link thy thy' =
-  let
-    val ((session, chapter), (session', chapter')) = apply2 get_session_chapter (thy, thy');
-    val link = html_name thy';
-  in
-    if session = session' then link
-    else if chapter = chapter' then Path.parent + Path.basic session' + link
-    else Path.parent + Path.parent + Path.basic chapter' + Path.basic session' + link
-  end;
-fun theory_document symbols A Bs body =
-  HTML.begin_document symbols ("Theory " ^ A) ^ "\n" ^
-  HTML.command symbols "theory" ^ " " ^ symbols A ^ "<br/>\n" ^
-  (if null Bs then ""
-   else
-    HTML.keyword symbols "imports" ^ " " ^
-      space_implode " " (map (uncurry HTML.href_path o apsnd ( symbols)) Bs) ^ "<br/>\n") ^
-  "\n</div>\n<div class=\"source\">\n<pre class=\"source\">" ::
-  body @ ["</pre>\n", HTML.end_document];
-fun export_html thy spans =
-  let
-    val name = Context.theory_name thy;
-    val parents =
-      Theory.parents_of thy |> map (fn thy' =>
-        (Url.File (theory_link thy thy'), Context.theory_name thy'));
-    val symbols = Resources.html_symbols ();
-    val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
-    val body = map (HTML.present_span symbols keywords) spans;
-    val html = XML.blob (theory_document symbols name parents body);
-  in Export.export thy (document_html_name thy) html end
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Wed Nov 18 15:41:02 2020 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML	Wed Nov 18 15:47:53 2020 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Thy/thy_info.ML
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Makarius
 Global theory info database, with auto-loading according to theory and
-file dependencies.
+file dependencies, and presentation of theory documents.
 signature THY_INFO =
@@ -28,7 +28,68 @@
 structure Thy_Info: THY_INFO =
-(** presentation of consolidated theory **)
+(** theory presentation **)
+(* artefact names *)
+fun document_name ext thy =
+  Path.explode_binding0 ("document/" ^ Context.theory_name thy ^ "." ^ ext);
+val document_html_name = document_name "html";
+val document_tex_name = document_name "tex";
+fun html_name thy = Path.basic (Context.theory_name thy ^ ".html");
+(* theory as HTML *)
+fun get_session_chapter thy =
+  let
+    val session = Resources.theory_qualifier (Context.theory_long_name thy);
+    val chapter = Resources.session_chapter session;
+  in (session, chapter) end;
+fun theory_link thy thy' =
+  let
+    val ((session, chapter), (session', chapter')) = apply2 get_session_chapter (thy, thy');
+    val link = html_name thy';
+  in
+    if session = session' then link
+    else if chapter = chapter' then Path.parent + Path.basic session' + link
+    else Path.parent + Path.parent + Path.basic chapter' + Path.basic session' + link
+  end;
+fun theory_document symbols A Bs body =
+  HTML.begin_document symbols ("Theory " ^ A) ^ "\n" ^
+  HTML.command symbols "theory" ^ " " ^ symbols A ^ "<br/>\n" ^
+  (if null Bs then ""
+   else
+    HTML.keyword symbols "imports" ^ " " ^
+      space_implode " " (map (uncurry HTML.href_path o apsnd ( symbols)) Bs) ^ "<br/>\n") ^
+  "\n</div>\n<div class=\"source\">\n<pre class=\"source\">" ::
+  body @ ["</pre>\n", HTML.end_document];
+fun export_html thy spans =
+  let
+    val name = Context.theory_name thy;
+    val parents =
+      Theory.parents_of thy |> map (fn thy' =>
+        (Url.File (theory_link thy thy'), Context.theory_name thy'));
+    val symbols = Resources.html_symbols ();
+    val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
+    val body = map (HTML.present_span symbols keywords) spans;
+    val html = XML.blob (theory_document symbols name parents body);
+  in Export.export thy (document_html_name thy) html end
+(* hook for consolidated theory *)
 type presentation_context =
   {options: Options.T, file_pos: Position.T, adjust_pos: Position.T -> Position.T,
@@ -52,7 +113,7 @@
 val _ =
   Theory.setup (add_presentation (fn {options, file_pos, segments, ...} => fn thy =>
-   (Present.export_html thy (map #span segments);
+   (export_html thy (map #span segments);
     if exists (Toplevel.is_skipped_proof o #state) segments then ()
@@ -62,7 +123,7 @@
             val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy;
-            val document_tex_name = Present.document_tex_name thy;
+            val document_tex_name = document_tex_name thy;
             val latex = Latex.isabelle_body thy_name body;
             val output = [Latex.output_text latex, Latex.output_positions file_pos latex];