export generic_pref etc.;
Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:16:12 +0200
changeset 28587 52ec4c827ed4
parent 28586 d238b83ba3fc
child 28588 cdf21c1dfb19
export generic_pref etc.; CRITICAL access to preferences; misc cleanup, more conventional indentation;
--- a/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML	Tue Oct 14 15:16:11 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ProofGeneral/preferences.ML	Tue Oct 14 15:16:12 2008 +0200
@@ -7,191 +7,194 @@
 signature PREFERENCES =
-  type pgiptype = PgipTypes.pgiptype
-  type isa_preference = { name: string,
-                          descr: string,
-                          default: string,
-                          pgiptype: pgiptype,
-                          get: unit -> string,
-                          set: string -> unit }
-  (* table of categories and preferences; names must be unique *)
-  type isa_preference_table = (string * isa_preference list) list
-  val preferences : isa_preference_table
-  val remove      : string -> isa_preference_table -> isa_preference_table
-  val add         : string -> isa_preference
-                    -> isa_preference_table -> isa_preference_table
-  val set_default : string * string -> isa_preference_table -> isa_preference_table
+  type preference =
+   {name: string,
+    descr: string,
+    default: string,
+    pgiptype: PgipTypes.pgiptype,
+    get: unit -> string,
+    set: string -> unit}
+  val generic_pref: ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'a) -> PgipTypes.pgiptype ->
+    'a ref -> string -> string -> preference
+  val string_pref: string ref -> string -> string -> preference
+  val int_pref: int ref -> string -> string -> preference
+  val nat_pref: int ref -> string -> string -> preference
+  val bool_pref: bool ref -> string -> string -> preference
+  type T = (string * preference list) list
+  val pure_preferences: T
+  val remove: string -> T -> T
+  val add: string -> preference -> T -> T
+  val set_default: string * string -> T -> T
-structure Preferences : PREFERENCES =
+structure Preferences: PREFERENCES =
-val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";    (* also in proof_general_pgip.ML: move to pgip_isabelle? *)
-type pgiptype = PgipTypes.pgiptype
+(* preferences and preference tables *)
-type isa_preference = { name: string,
-                        descr: string,
-                        default: string,
-                        pgiptype: pgiptype,
-                        get: unit -> string,
-                        set: string -> unit }
+type preference =
+ {name: string,
+  descr: string,
+  default: string,
+  pgiptype: PgipTypes.pgiptype,
+  get: unit -> string,
+  set: string -> unit};
+fun mkpref raw_get raw_set typ name descr : preference =
+  let
+    fun get () = CRITICAL raw_get;
+    fun set x = CRITICAL (fn () => raw_set x);
+  in {name = name, descr = descr, pgiptype = typ, get = get, set = set, default = get ()} end;
-fun mkpref get set typ nm descr =
-    { name=nm, descr=descr, pgiptype=typ, get=get, set=set, default=get() } : isa_preference
+(* generic preferences *)
-fun mkpref_from_ref read write typ r nm descr =
-    mkpref (fn()=> read (!r)) (fn v=> r:= (write v)) typ nm descr
+fun generic_pref read write typ r =
+  mkpref (fn () => read (! r)) (fn x => r := write x) typ;
+val string_pref = generic_pref I I PgipTypes.Pgipstring;
 val int_pref =
-    mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (PgipTypes.read_pgipint (NONE,NONE))
-                    (PgipTypes.Pgipint (NONE, NONE))
+  generic_pref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (PgipTypes.read_pgipint (NONE, NONE))
+    (PgipTypes.Pgipint (NONE, NONE));
 val nat_pref =
-    mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipnat PgipTypes.Pgipnat
+  generic_pref PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipnat PgipTypes.Pgipnat;
 val bool_pref =
-    mkpref_from_ref PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipbool PgipTypes.Pgipbool
+  generic_pref PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring PgipTypes.read_pgipbool PgipTypes.Pgipbool;
+(* preferences of Pure *)
 val proof_pref =
-    let
-        fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (! Proofterm.proofs >= 2)
-        fun set s = Proofterm.proofs := (if PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s then 2 else 1)
-    in
-        mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "full-proofs"
-               "Record full proof objects internally"
-    end
+  let
+    fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (! Proofterm.proofs >= 2);
+    fun set s = Proofterm.proofs := (if PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s then 2 else 1);
+  in mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "full-proofs" "Record full proof objects internally" end;
+val thm_depsN = "thm_deps";
 val thm_deps_pref =
-    let
-        fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (print_mode_active thm_depsN)
-        fun set s =  NAMED_CRITICAL "print_mode" (fn () =>
-          if PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s then
-            change print_mode (insert (op =) thm_depsN)
-          else
-            change print_mode (remove (op =) thm_depsN))
-    in
-        mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "theorem-dependencies"
-               "Track theorem dependencies within Proof General"
-    end
+  let
+    fun get () = PgipTypes.bool_to_pgstring (print_mode_active thm_depsN);
+    fun set s =
+      if PgipTypes.read_pgipbool s then change print_mode (insert (op =) thm_depsN)
+      else change print_mode (remove (op =) thm_depsN);
+  in
+    mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipbool "theorem-dependencies"
+      "Track theorem dependencies within Proof General"
+  end;
 val print_depth_pref =
-    let
-        fun get () = PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (get_print_depth ())
-        val set = print_depth o PgipTypes.read_pgipnat
-    in
-        mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipnat
-               "print-depth" "Setting for the ML print depth"
-    end
+  let
+    fun get () = PgipTypes.int_to_pgstring (get_print_depth ());
+    val set = print_depth o PgipTypes.read_pgipnat;
+  in mkpref get set PgipTypes.Pgipnat "print-depth" "Setting for the ML print depth" end;
 val display_preferences =
-    [bool_pref show_types
-               "show-types"
-               "Include types in display of Isabelle terms",
-     bool_pref show_sorts
-               "show-sorts"
-               "Include sorts in display of Isabelle terms",
-     bool_pref show_consts
-               "show-consts"
-               "Show types of consts in Isabelle goal display",
-     bool_pref long_names
-               "long-names"
-               "Show fully qualified names in Isabelle terms",
-     bool_pref show_brackets
-               "show-brackets"
-               "Show full bracketing in Isabelle terms",
-     bool_pref Proof.show_main_goal
-               "show-main-goal"
-               "Show main goal in proof state display",
-     bool_pref Syntax.eta_contract
-               "eta-contract"
-               "Print terms eta-contracted"]
+ [bool_pref show_types
+    "show-types"
+    "Include types in display of Isabelle terms",
+  bool_pref show_sorts
+    "show-sorts"
+    "Include sorts in display of Isabelle terms",
+  bool_pref show_consts
+    "show-consts"
+    "Show types of consts in Isabelle goal display",
+  bool_pref long_names
+    "long-names"
+    "Show fully qualified names in Isabelle terms",
+  bool_pref show_brackets
+    "show-brackets"
+    "Show full bracketing in Isabelle terms",
+  bool_pref Proof.show_main_goal
+    "show-main-goal"
+    "Show main goal in proof state display",
+  bool_pref Syntax.eta_contract
+    "eta-contract"
+    "Print terms eta-contracted"];
 val advanced_display_preferences =
-    [nat_pref goals_limit
-              "goals-limit"
-              "Setting for maximum number of goals printed",
-     int_pref ProofContext.prems_limit
-              "prems-limit"
-              "Setting for maximum number of premises printed",
-     print_depth_pref,
-     bool_pref show_question_marks
-               "show-question-marks"
-               "Show leading question mark of variable name"]
+ [nat_pref goals_limit
+    "goals-limit"
+    "Setting for maximum number of goals printed",
+  int_pref ProofContext.prems_limit
+    "prems-limit"
+    "Setting for maximum number of premises printed",
+  print_depth_pref,
+  bool_pref show_question_marks
+    "show-question-marks"
+    "Show leading question mark of variable name"];
 val tracing_preferences =
-    [bool_pref trace_simp
-               "trace-simplifier"
-               "Trace simplification rules.",
-     nat_pref trace_simp_depth_limit
-              "trace-simplifier-depth"
-              "Trace simplifier depth limit.",
-     bool_pref trace_rules
-               "trace-rules"
-               "Trace application of the standard rules",
-     bool_pref Pattern.trace_unify_fail
-               "trace-unification"
-               "Output error diagnostics during unification",
-     bool_pref Output.timing
-               "global-timing"
-               "Whether to enable timing in Isabelle.",
-     bool_pref Toplevel.debug
-                "debugging"
-                "Whether to enable debugging.",
-     bool_pref Quickcheck.auto
-                "auto-quickcheck"
-                "Whether to enable quickcheck automatically.",
-     nat_pref Quickcheck.auto_time_limit
-                "auto-quickcheck-time-limit"
-                "Time limit for automatic quickcheck (in milliseconds).",
-     thm_deps_pref]
+ [bool_pref trace_simp
+    "trace-simplifier"
+    "Trace simplification rules.",
+  nat_pref trace_simp_depth_limit
+    "trace-simplifier-depth"
+    "Trace simplifier depth limit.",
+  bool_pref trace_rules
+    "trace-rules"
+    "Trace application of the standard rules",
+  bool_pref Pattern.trace_unify_fail
+    "trace-unification"
+    "Output error diagnostics during unification",
+  bool_pref Output.timing
+    "global-timing"
+    "Whether to enable timing in Isabelle.",
+  bool_pref Toplevel.debug
+    "debugging"
+    "Whether to enable debugging.",
+  bool_pref Quickcheck.auto
+    "auto-quickcheck"
+    "Whether to enable quickcheck automatically.",
+  nat_pref Quickcheck.auto_time_limit
+    "auto-quickcheck-time-limit"
+    "Time limit for automatic quickcheck (in milliseconds).",
+  thm_deps_pref];
 val proof_preferences =
-    [bool_pref quick_and_dirty
-               "quick-and-dirty"
-               "Take a few short cuts",
-     bool_pref Toplevel.skip_proofs
-               "skip-proofs"
-               "Skip over proofs (interactive-only)",
-     proof_pref,
-     nat_pref Multithreading.max_threads
-               "max-threads"
-               "Maximum number of threads"]
+ [bool_pref quick_and_dirty
+    "quick-and-dirty"
+    "Take a few short cuts",
+  bool_pref Toplevel.skip_proofs
+    "skip-proofs"
+    "Skip over proofs (interactive-only)",
+  proof_pref,
+  nat_pref Multithreading.max_threads
+    "max-threads"
+    "Maximum number of threads"];
-val preferences =
-    [("Display", display_preferences),
-     ("Advanced Display", advanced_display_preferences),
-     ("Tracing", tracing_preferences),
-     ("Proof", proof_preferences)]
+val pure_preferences =
+ [("Display", display_preferences),
+  ("Advanced Display", advanced_display_preferences),
+  ("Tracing", tracing_preferences),
+  ("Proof", proof_preferences)];
-type isa_preference_table = (string * isa_preference list) list
+(* table of categories and preferences; names must be unique *)
+type T = (string * preference list) list;
-fun remove name (preftable : isa_preference_table)  =
-    map (fn (cat,prefs) =>
-            (cat, filter_out (curry op= name o #name) prefs))
-        preftable;
+fun remove name (tab: T) = tab |> map
+  (fn (cat, prefs) => (cat, filter_out (curry op = name o #name) prefs));
-fun set_default (setname,newdefault) (preftable : isa_preference_table)  =
-    map (fn (cat,prefs) =>
-            (cat, map (fn (pref as {name,descr,default,pgiptype,get,set})
-                          => if (name = setname) then
-                                 (set newdefault;
-                                  {name=name,descr=descr,default=newdefault,
-                                  pgiptype=pgiptype,get=get,set=set})
-                             else pref)
-                  prefs))
-        preftable;
+fun set_default (setname, newdefault) (tab: T) = tab |> map
+  (fn (cat, prefs) =>
+    (cat, prefs |> map (fn (pref as {name, descr, default, pgiptype, get, set}) =>
+      if name = setname then
+        (set newdefault;
+          {name =name , descr = descr, default = newdefault,
+           pgiptype = pgiptype, get = get, set = set})
+      else pref)));
-fun add cname (pref: isa_preference) (preftable : isa_preference_table) =
-    map (fn (cat,prefs:isa_preference list) =>
-      if cat <> cname then (cat,prefs)
-      else if (#name pref) mem (map #name prefs)
-           then error ("Preference already exists: " ^ quote(#name pref))
-           else (cat, pref::prefs))  preftable;
+fun add cname (pref: preference) (tab: T) = tab |> map
+  (fn (cat, prefs) =>
+    if cat <> cname then (cat, prefs)
+    else
+      if exists (fn {name, ...} => name = #name pref) prefs
+      then error ("Preference already exists: " ^ quote (#name pref))
+      else (cat, pref :: prefs));