generalized component lookup for syntax and distinctness proofs. added some tracing.
authorNorbert Schirmer <>
Thu, 12 Nov 2020 17:01:52 +0100
changeset 74586 5ac762b53119
parent 74585 42fb56041c11
child 74587 ebb0b15c66e1
generalized component lookup for syntax and distinctness proofs. added some tracing.
--- a/src/HOL/Statespace/StateSpaceEx.thy	Mon Oct 25 23:10:06 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Statespace/StateSpaceEx.thy	Thu Nov 12 17:01:52 2020 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
  "_statespace_updates" :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> updbinds \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b)" ("_\<langle>_\<rangle>" [900,0] 900)
 text \<open>Did you ever dream about records with multiple inheritance?
 Then you should definitely have a look at statespaces. They may be
 what you are dreaming of. Or at least almost \dots\<close>
@@ -192,39 +193,69 @@
  shows "s<A := i>\<cdot>x = s\<cdot>x"
   by simp
-text "Hmm, I hoped this would work now..."
+text \<open>There were known problems with syntax-declarations. They only
+worked, when the context is already completely built. This is now overcome. e.g.:\<close>
 locale fooX = foo +
  assumes "s<a:=i>\<cdot>b = k"
+text \<open>
+We can also put statespaces side-by-side by using ordinary @{command locale} expressions 
+(instead of the @{command statespace}).
+locale side_by_side = foo + bar where b="B::'a" and c=C for B C 
-(* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *)
-text \<open>There are known problems with syntax-declarations. They currently
-only work, when the context is already built. Hopefully this will be 
-implemented correctly in future Isabelle versions.\<close>
+context side_by_side
+text \<open>Simplification within on of the statespaces works as expected.\<close>
+lemma "s<B := i>\<cdot>C = s\<cdot>C"
+  by simp
+lemma "s<a := i>\<cdot>b = s\<cdot>b"
+  by simp
+text \<open>In contrast to the statespace @{locale loo} there is no 'inter' statespece distinctness between the
+names of @{locale foo} and @{locale bar}. }\<close>
+text \<open>Sharing of names in side-by-side statespaces is also possible as long as they are mapped
+to the same type.}\<close>
-  assumes "foo f a b c p1 i1 p2 i2 p3 i3 p4 i4"
-  shows True
-  interpret foo [f a b c p1 i1 p2 i2 p3 i3 p4 i4] by fact
-  term "s<a := i>\<cdot>a = i"
-  includes foo
-  shows "s<a := i>\<cdot>a = i"
+statespace vars1 = n::nat m::nat
+statespace vars2 = n::nat k::nat
+locale vars1_vars2 = vars1 + vars2
+context vars1_vars2
+text \<open>Note that the distinctness theorem for @{locale vars1} is selected here to do the proof.\<close>
+lemma "s<n := i>\<cdot>m = s\<cdot>m"
+  by simp
-text \<open>It would be nice to have nested state spaces. This is
-logically no problem. From the locale-implementation side this may be
-something like an 'includes' into a locale. When there is a more
-elaborate locale infrastructure in place this may be an easy exercise.
+text \<open>Note that the distinctness theorem for @{locale vars2} is selected here to do the proof.\<close>
+lemma "s<n := i>\<cdot>k = s\<cdot>k"
+  by simp
+text \<open>Still there is no inter-statespace distinctness.\<close>
+lemma "s<k := i>\<cdot>m = s\<cdot>m"
+  (* apply simp *)
+  oops
+statespace merge_vars1_vars2 = vars1 + vars2
+context merge_vars1_vars2
+text \<open>When defining a statespace instead of a side-by-side locale we get the distinctness of all variables.\<close>
+lemma "s<k := i>\<cdot>m = s\<cdot>m"
+  by simp
 subsection \<open>Benchmarks\<close>
--- a/src/HOL/Statespace/state_fun.ML	Mon Oct 25 23:10:06 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Statespace/state_fun.ML	Thu Nov 12 17:01:52 2020 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
   val ex_lookup_ss : simpset
   val lazy_conj_simproc : simproc
   val string_eq_simp_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+  val trace_data : Context.generic -> unit
 structure StateFun: STATE_FUN =
@@ -105,6 +107,17 @@
     (merge_ss (ss1, ss2), merge_ss (ex_ss1, ex_ss2), b1 orelse b2);
+fun trace_data context =
+  let
+    val (lookup_ss, ex_ss, active) = Data.get context
+    val pretty_ex_ss = Simplifier.pretty_simpset true (put_simpset ex_ss (Context.proof_of context)) 
+    val pretty_lookup_ss = Simplifier.pretty_simpset true (put_simpset lookup_ss (Context.proof_of context)) 
+  in
+    tracing ("state_fun ex_ss: " ^ Pretty.string_of pretty_ex_ss ^ 
+     "\n ================= \n lookup_ss: " ^ Pretty.string_of pretty_lookup_ss ^ "\n " ^ 
+     "active: " ^ @{make_string} active)
+  end
 val _ = Theory.setup (Context.theory_map (Data.put (lookup_ss, ex_lookup_ss, false)));
 val lookup_simproc =
--- a/src/HOL/Statespace/state_space.ML	Mon Oct 25 23:10:06 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Statespace/state_space.ML	Thu Nov 12 17:01:52 2020 +0100
@@ -42,19 +42,31 @@
   val distinct_simproc : Simplifier.simproc
-  val get_comp : Context.generic -> string -> (typ * string) option
+  val is_statespace : Context.generic -> xstring -> bool
+  val get_comp' : Context.generic -> string -> (typ * string list) option
+  val get_comp : Context.generic -> string -> (typ * string) option (* legacy wrapper, eventually replace by primed version *)
+  val get_comps : Context.generic -> (typ * string list) Termtab.table
   val get_silent : Context.generic -> bool
   val set_silent : bool -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
   val gen_lookup_tr : Proof.context -> term -> string -> term
   val lookup_swap_tr : Proof.context -> term list -> term
   val lookup_tr : Proof.context -> term list -> term
   val lookup_tr' : Proof.context -> term list -> term
-  val gen_update_tr :
-     bool -> Proof.context -> string -> term -> term -> term
+  val gen'_update_tr :
+     bool -> bool -> Proof.context -> string -> term -> term -> term
+  val gen_update_tr : (* legacy wrapper, eventually replace by primed version *)
+     bool ->  Proof.context -> string -> term -> term -> term
   val update_tr : Proof.context -> term list -> term
   val update_tr' : Proof.context -> term list -> term
+  val trace_name_space_data: Context.generic -> unit
+  val trace_state_space_data: Context.generic -> unit
 structure StateSpace : STATE_SPACE =
@@ -83,11 +95,66 @@
   | sorted_subset eq (x::xs) (y::ys) = if eq (x,y) then sorted_subset eq xs ys
                                        else sorted_subset eq (x::xs) ys;
+fun comps_of_distinct_thm thm = Thm.prop_of thm
+  |> (fn (_$(_$t)) => DistinctTreeProver.dest_tree t) |> map (fst o dest_Free) |> sort_strings;
+fun insert_tagged_distinct_thms tagged_thm tagged_thms =
+ let
+   fun ins t1 [] = [t1] 
+     | ins (t1 as (names1, _)) ((t2 as (names2, _))::thms) =
+         if Ord_List.subset string_ord (names1, names2) then t2::thms
+         else if Ord_List.subset string_ord (names2, names1) then ins t1 thms
+         else t2 :: ins t1 thms
+ in 
+   ins tagged_thm tagged_thms
+ end
+fun join_tagged_distinct_thms tagged_thms1 tagged_thms2 = 
+  tagged_thms1 |> fold insert_tagged_distinct_thms tagged_thms2
+fun tag_distinct_thm thm = (comps_of_distinct_thm thm, thm)
+val tag_distinct_thms = map tag_distinct_thm
+fun join_distinct_thms thms1 thms2 = 
+  if pointer_eq (thms1, thms2) then thms1 
+  else join_tagged_distinct_thms (tag_distinct_thms thms1) (tag_distinct_thms thms2) 
+       |> map snd
+fun insert_distinct_thm thm thms = join_distinct_thms thms [thm]
+val join_distinctthm_tab = Symtab.join (fn name => fn (thms1, thms2) => join_distinct_thms thms1 thms2)
+fun join_declinfo_entry name (T1:typ, names1:string list) (T2, names2) =
+  let
+    fun typ_info T names = @{make_string} T ^ " "  ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.str_list "(" ")" names);
+  in
+    if T1 = T2 then (T1, distinct (op =) (names1 @ names2))
+    else error ("statespace component '" ^ name ^ "' disagrees on type:\n " ^ 
+       typ_info T1 names1 ^ " vs. "  ^ typ_info T2 names2
+     ) 
+  end
+fun guess_name (Free (x,_)) = x
+  | guess_name _ = "unknown"
+val join_declinfo = Termtab.join (fn trm => uncurry (join_declinfo_entry (guess_name trm))) 
+  A component might appear in *different* statespaces within the same context. However, it must
+  be mapped to the same type. Note that this information is currently only properly maintained
+  within contexts where all components are actually "fixes" and not arbitrary terms. Moreover, on
+  the theory level the info stays empty. 
+  This means that on the theory level we do not make use of the syntax and the tree-based distinct simprocs.
+  N.B: It might still make sense (from a performance perspective) to overcome this limitation 
+  and even use the simprocs when a statespace is interpreted for concrete names like HOL-strings.
+  Once the distinct-theorem is proven by the interpretation the simproc can use the positions in 
+  the tree to derive distinctness of two strings vs. HOL-string comparison. 
+ *)
 type namespace_info =
- {declinfo: (typ*string) Termtab.table, (* type, name of statespace *)
-  distinctthm: thm Symtab.table,
+ {declinfo: (typ * string list) Termtab.table, (* type, names of statespaces of component  *)
+  distinctthm: thm list Symtab.table, (* minimal list of maximal distinctness-assumptions for a component name *)
   silent: bool
@@ -98,19 +165,24 @@
   fun merge
     ({declinfo=declinfo1, distinctthm=distinctthm1, silent=silent1},
       {declinfo=declinfo2, distinctthm=distinctthm2, silent=silent2}) : T =
-    {declinfo = Termtab.merge (K true) (declinfo1, declinfo2),
-     distinctthm = Symtab.merge (K true) (distinctthm1, distinctthm2),
+    {declinfo = join_declinfo (declinfo1, declinfo2),
+     distinctthm = join_distinctthm_tab (distinctthm1, distinctthm2),
      silent = silent1 andalso silent2 (* FIXME odd merge *)}
+fun trace_name_space_data context =  
+  tracing ("NameSpaceData: " ^ @{make_string} (NameSpaceData.get context))
 fun make_namespace_data declinfo distinctthm silent =
 fun update_declinfo (n,v) ctxt =
-  let val {declinfo,distinctthm,silent} = NameSpaceData.get ctxt;
+  let 
+    val {declinfo,distinctthm,silent} = NameSpaceData.get ctxt;
+    val v = apsnd single v
   in NameSpaceData.put
-      (make_namespace_data (Termtab.update (n,v) declinfo) distinctthm silent) ctxt
+      (make_namespace_data (Termtab.map_default (n,v) (join_declinfo_entry (guess_name n) v) declinfo) distinctthm silent) ctxt
 fun set_silent silent ctxt =
@@ -158,6 +230,12 @@
   fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (K true) data;
+fun is_statespace context name =
+  Symtab.defined (StateSpaceData.get context) (Locale.intern (Context.theory_of context) name)
+fun trace_state_space_data context =  
+  tracing ("StateSpaceData: " ^ @{make_string} (StateSpaceData.get context))
 fun add_statespace name args parents components types ctxt =
       (Symtab.update_new (name, {args=args,parents=parents,
@@ -171,27 +249,58 @@
 fun mk_free ctxt name =
   if Variable.is_fixed ctxt name orelse Variable.is_declared ctxt name
-    let val n' = Variable.intern_fixed ctxt name |> perhaps Long_Name.dest_hidden;
-    in SOME (Free (n', Proof_Context.infer_type ctxt (n', dummyT))) end
-  else NONE
+    let 
+      val n' = Variable.intern_fixed ctxt name |> perhaps Long_Name.dest_hidden;
+      val free = Free (n', Proof_Context.infer_type ctxt (n', dummyT))
+    in SOME (free) end
+  else (tracing ("variable not fixed or declared: " ^ name); NONE)
 fun get_dist_thm ctxt name = Symtab.lookup (#distinctthm (NameSpaceData.get ctxt)) name;
+fun get_dist_thm2 ctxt x y = 
+ (let
+    val dist_thms = [x, y] |> map (#1 o dest_Free) 
+      |> map (these o get_dist_thm (Context.Proof ctxt)) |> flat;
+    fun get_paths dist_thm =
+      let
+        val ctree = Thm.cprop_of dist_thm |> Thm.dest_comb |> #2 |> Thm.dest_comb |> #2;
+        val tree = Thm.term_of ctree;
+        val x_path = the (DistinctTreeProver.find_tree x tree);
+        val y_path = the (DistinctTreeProver.find_tree y tree);
+      in SOME (dist_thm, x_path, y_path) end
+      handle Option.Option => NONE
+    val result = get_first get_paths dist_thms
+  in 
+    result
+  end)
+fun get_comp' ctxt name =
+  mk_free (Context.proof_of ctxt) name 
+  |> Option.mapPartial (fn t => 
+       let
+         val declinfo = #declinfo (NameSpaceData.get ctxt)
+       in 
+         case Termtab.lookup declinfo t of
+           NONE => (* during syntax phase, types of fixes might not yet be constrained completely *) 
+             AList.lookup (fn (x, Free (n,_)) => n = x | _ => false) (Termtab.dest declinfo) name
+         | some => some
+       end)
+(* legacy wrapper *)
 fun get_comp ctxt name =
-     Option.mapPartial
-       (Termtab.lookup (#declinfo (NameSpaceData.get ctxt)))
-       (mk_free (Context.proof_of ctxt) name);
+ get_comp' ctxt name |> (apsnd (fn ns => if null ns then "" else hd ns)) 
+fun get_comps ctxt = #declinfo (NameSpaceData.get ctxt)
 (*** Tactics ***)
 fun neq_x_y ctxt x y =
-    val dist_thm = the (get_dist_thm (Context.Proof ctxt) (#1 (dest_Free x)));
-    val ctree = Thm.cprop_of dist_thm |> Thm.dest_comb |> #2 |> Thm.dest_comb |> #2;
-    val tree = Thm.term_of ctree;
-    val x_path = the (DistinctTreeProver.find_tree x tree);
-    val y_path = the (DistinctTreeProver.find_tree y tree);
+    val (dist_thm, x_path, y_path) = the (get_dist_thm2 ctxt x y);
     val thm = DistinctTreeProver.distinctTreeProver ctxt dist_thm x_path y_path;
   in SOME thm
   end handle Option.Option => NONE)
@@ -240,8 +349,6 @@
     val dist_thm_name = distinct_compsN;
     val dist_thm_full_name = dist_thm_name;
-    fun comps_of_thm thm = Thm.prop_of thm
-             |> (fn (_$(_$t)) => DistinctTreeProver.dest_tree t) |> map (fst o dest_Free);
     fun type_attr phi = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn thm => fn context =>
       (case context of
@@ -249,12 +356,8 @@
       | Context.Proof ctxt =>
           val {declinfo,distinctthm=tt,silent} = NameSpaceData.get context;
-          val all_names = comps_of_thm thm;
-          fun upd name tt =
-               (case Symtab.lookup tt name of
-                 SOME dthm => if sorted_subset (op =) (comps_of_thm dthm) all_names
-                              then Symtab.update (name,thm) tt else tt
-               | NONE => Symtab.update (name,thm) tt)
+          val all_names = comps_of_distinct_thm thm;
+          fun upd name = Symtab.map_default (name, [thm]) (fn thms => insert_distinct_thm thm thms)
           val tt' = tt |> fold upd all_names;
           val context' =
@@ -377,7 +480,8 @@
               in Context.proof_map
                   (update_declinfo (Morphism.term phi (Free (n,nT)),v))
-          in ctxt |> fold upd updates end;
+            val ctxt' = ctxt |> fold upd updates 
+          in ctxt' end;
       in Context.mapping I upd_prf ctxt end;
@@ -545,20 +649,9 @@
 (*** parse/print - translations ***)
-fun map_get_comp f ctxt (Free (name,_)) =
-      (case (get_comp ctxt name) of
-        SOME (T,_) => f T T dummyT
-      | NONE => ( "arbitrary"(*; error "context not ready"*)))
-  | map_get_comp _ _ _ = "arbitrary";
-fun name_of (Free (n,_)) = n;
 fun gen_lookup_tr ctxt s n =
-  (case get_comp (Context.Proof ctxt) n of
+  (case get_comp' (Context.Proof ctxt) n of
     SOME (T, _) =>
       Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>StateFun.lookup\<close> $ (project_name T) $ n $ s
@@ -566,7 +659,8 @@
       if get_silent (Context.Proof ctxt)
       then Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>StateFun.lookup\<close> $
         Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>undefined\<close> $ n $ s
-      else raise TERM ("StateSpace.gen_lookup_tr: component " ^ quote n ^ " not defined", []));
+      else (trace_name_space_data (Context.Proof ctxt);
+            raise TERM ("StateSpace.gen_lookup_tr: component " ^ quote n ^ " not defined", [])));
 fun lookup_tr ctxt [s, x] =
   (case Term_Position.strip_positions x of
@@ -576,7 +670,7 @@
 fun lookup_swap_tr ctxt [Free (n,_),s] = gen_lookup_tr ctxt s n;
 fun lookup_tr' ctxt [_ $ Free (prj, _), n as (_ $ Free (name, _)), s] =
-      (case get_comp (Context.Proof ctxt) name of
+      (case get_comp' (Context.Proof ctxt) name of
         SOME (T, _) =>
           if prj = project_name T
           then Syntax.const "_statespace_lookup" $ s $ n
@@ -584,33 +678,36 @@
       | NONE => raise Match)
   | lookup_tr' _ _ = raise Match;
-fun gen_update_tr id ctxt n v s =
+fun gen'_update_tr const_val id ctxt n v s =
     fun pname T = if id then \<^const_name>\<open>\<close> else project_name T;
     fun iname T = if id then \<^const_name>\<open>\<close> else inject_name T;
+    val v = if const_val then (Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>K_statefun\<close> $ v) else v
-    (case get_comp (Context.Proof ctxt) n of
+    (case get_comp' (Context.Proof ctxt) n of
       SOME (T, _) =>
         Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>StateFun.update\<close> $
  (pname T) $ (iname T) $
- n $ (Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>K_statefun\<close> $ v) $ s
+ n $ v $ s
     | NONE =>
         if get_silent (Context.Proof ctxt) then
           Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>StateFun.update\<close> $
             Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>undefined\<close> $ Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>undefined\<close> $
-   n $ (Syntax.const \<^const_name>\<open>K_statefun\<close> $ v) $ s
+   n $ v $ s
        else raise TERM ("StateSpace.gen_update_tr: component " ^ n ^ " not defined", []))
+val gen_update_tr = gen'_update_tr true
 fun update_tr ctxt [s, x, v] =
   (case Term_Position.strip_positions x of
-    Free (n, _) => gen_update_tr false ctxt n v s
+    Free (n, _) => gen'_update_tr true false ctxt n v s
   | _ => raise Match);
 fun update_tr' ctxt
         [_ $ Free (prj, _), _ $ Free (inj, _), n as (_ $ Free (name, _)), (Const (k, _) $ v), s] =
       if Long_Name.base_name k = Long_Name.base_name \<^const_name>\<open>K_statefun\<close> then
-        (case get_comp (Context.Proof ctxt) name of
+        (case get_comp' (Context.Proof ctxt) name of
           SOME (T, _) =>
             if inj = inject_name T andalso prj = project_name T then
               Syntax.const "_statespace_update" $ s $ n $ v
@@ -619,7 +716,7 @@
      else raise Match
   | update_tr' _ _ = raise Match;
 (*** outer syntax *)