--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_lexyacc.ML Fri Mar 09 15:38:55 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5594 @@
+ This file is produced from the parser generated by ML-Yacc from the
+ source files tptp.lex and tptp.yacc.
+signature TPTP_TOKENS =
+type ('a,'b) token
+type svalue
+val ITE_T: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val ITE_F: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val CNF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val FOF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TFF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val THF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val LET_TERM: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val SUBTYPE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DEP_PROD: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DEP_SUM: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val GENTZEN_ARROW: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TIMES: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val PLUS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val OPERATOR_EXISTS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val OPERATOR_FORALL: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DEFIN_CHOICE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val INDEF_CHOICE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DUD: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DISTINCT_OBJECT: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val COMMENT: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val LOWER_WORD: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val UPPER_WORD: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val SINGLE_QUOTED: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DOT_DECIMAL: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val UNSIGNED_INTEGER: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val SIGNED_INTEGER: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val RATIONAL: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val REAL: (string) * 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DTFF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DFOT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DCNF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DFOF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val DTHF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val EOF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val VLINE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_TYPE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_TRUE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_RAT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_REAL: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_INT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_O: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_I: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TOK_FALSE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val TILDE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val RPAREN: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val RBRKT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val QUESTION: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val PPLUS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val PERIOD: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val NOR: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val XOR: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val NEQUALS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val NAND: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val MMINUS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val MAP_TO: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val LPAREN: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val LBRKT: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val LAMBDA: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val INCLUDE: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val IMPLIES: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val IFF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val IF: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val ARROW: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val LET: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val EXCLAMATION: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val EQUALS: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val COMMA: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val COLON: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val CARET: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val AT_SIGN: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+val AMPERSAND: 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token
+signature TPTP_LRVALS=
+structure Tokens : TPTP_TOKENS
+structure ParserData:PARSER_DATA
+sharing type ParserData.Token.token = Tokens.token
+sharing type ParserData.svalue = Tokens.svalue
+functor TPTPLexFun(structure Tokens: TPTP_TOKENS)=
+ struct
+ structure UserDeclarations =
+ struct
+(* Title: HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp.lex
+ Author: Nik Sultana, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+ Notes:
+ * Omit %full in definitions to restrict alphabet to ascii.
+ * Could include %posarg to ensure that start counting character positions from
+ 0, but it would punish performance.
+ * %s AF F COMMENT; -- could improve by making stateful.
+ Acknowledgements:
+ * Geoff Sutcliffe for help with TPTP.
+ * Timothy Bourke for his tips on getting ML-Yacc working with Poly/ML.
+ * An early version of this was ported from the specification shipped with
+ Leo-II, written by Frank Theiss.
+ * Some boilerplate bits were taken from the ml-yacc/ml-lex manual by Roger Price.
+ * Jasmin Blanchette and Makarius Wenzel for help with Isabelle integration.
+structure T = Tokens
+type pos = int (* Position in file *)
+type lineNo = int
+type svalue = T.svalue
+type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) T.token
+type lexresult = (svalue,pos) token
+type lexarg = string
+type arg = lexarg
+val col = Unsynchronized.ref 0;
+val linep = Unsynchronized.ref 1; (* Line pointer *)
+val eolpos = Unsynchronized.ref 0;
+val badCh : string * string * int * int -> unit = fn
+ (file_name, bad, line, col) =>
+ TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, file_name ^ "["
+ ^ Int.toString line ^ "." ^ Int.toString col
+ ^ "] Invalid character \"" ^ bad ^ "\"\n");
+val eof = fn file_name =>
+ let
+ val result = T.EOF (!linep,!col);
+ val _ = linep := 0;
+ in result end
+(*here could check whether file ended prematurely:
+ see if have open brackets, or if we're in some state other than INITIAL*)
+val count_commentlines : string -> unit = fn str =>
+ let
+ val str' = String.explode str
+ val newlines = List.filter (fn x => x = #"\n") str'
+ in linep := (!linep) + (List.length newlines) end
+end (* end of user routines *)
+exception LexError (* raised if illegal leaf action tried *)
+structure Internal =
+ struct
+datatype yyfinstate = N of int
+type statedata = {fin : yyfinstate list, trans: string}
+(* transition & final state table *)
+val tab = let
+val s = [
+ (0,
+ (1,
+ (3,
+ (7,
+ (8,
+ (9,
+ (11,
+ (13,
+ (14,
+ (15,
+ (16,
+ (17,
+ (18,
+ (20,
+ (21,
+ (23,
+ (24,
+ (29,
+ (30,
+ (33,
+ (37,
+ (39,
+ (40,
+ (42,
+ (45,
+ (48,
+ (49,
+ (51,
+ (52,
+ (53,
+ (54,
+ (55,
+ (57,
+ (58,
+ (59,
+ (60,
+ (61,
+ (62,
+ (63,
+ (64,
+ (65,
+ (66,
+ (67,
+ (69,
+ (70,
+ (72,
+ (74,
+ (75,
+ (78,
+ (83,
+ (84,
+ (85,
+ (90,
+ (91,
+ (92,
+ (93,
+ (95,
+ (96,
+ (97,
+ (99,
+ (100,
+ (101,
+ (102,
+ (103,
+ (104,
+ (105,
+ (107,
+ (109,
+ (110,
+ (111,
+ (112,
+ (115,
+ (116,
+ (119,
+ (120,
+ (122,
+ (123,
+ (124,
+ (125,
+ (126,
+ (130,
+ (134,
+ (135,
+(0, "")]
+fun f x = x
+val s = map f (rev (tl (rev s)))
+exception LexHackingError
+fun look ((j,x)::r, i: int) = if i = j then x else look(r, i)
+ | look ([], i) = raise LexHackingError
+fun g {fin=x, trans=i} = {fin=x, trans=look(s,i)}
+in Vector.fromList(map g
+[{fin = [], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 2)], trans = 1},
+{fin = [(N 2)], trans = 1},
+{fin = [(N 84)], trans = 3},
+{fin = [(N 71)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 61)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 86)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 7},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 8},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 9},
+{fin = [(N 186),(N 251)], trans = 7},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 11},
+{fin = [(N 198),(N 251)], trans = 7},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 13},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 14},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 15},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 16},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 17},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 18},
+{fin = [(N 206),(N 251)], trans = 7},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 20},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 21},
+{fin = [(N 190),(N 251)], trans = 7},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 23},
+{fin = [(N 251)], trans = 24},
+{fin = [(N 194),(N 251)], trans = 7},
+{fin = [(N 25)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 80)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 50)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 157)], trans = 29},
+{fin = [(N 23)], trans = 30},
+{fin = [(N 15)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 12)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 78)], trans = 33},
+{fin = [(N 21)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 283)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 38)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 31)], trans = 37},
+{fin = [(N 48)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [], trans = 39},
+{fin = [], trans = 40},
+{fin = [(N 68)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 41)], trans = 42},
+{fin = [(N 45)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 277)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 27)], trans = 45},
+{fin = [(N 36)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 286)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 126)], trans = 48},
+{fin = [], trans = 49},
+{fin = [(N 104)], trans = 49},
+{fin = [], trans = 51},
+{fin = [(N 119)], trans = 52},
+{fin = [], trans = 53},
+{fin = [(N 119)], trans = 54},
+{fin = [], trans = 55},
+{fin = [(N 119)], trans = 55},
+{fin = [], trans = 57},
+{fin = [], trans = 58},
+{fin = [], trans = 59},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 60},
+{fin = [], trans = 61},
+{fin = [], trans = 62},
+{fin = [], trans = 63},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 64},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 65},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 66},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 67},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 66},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 69},
+{fin = [(N 73)], trans = 70},
+{fin = [(N 130)], trans = 70},
+{fin = [], trans = 72},
+{fin = [(N 55)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 123)], trans = 74},
+{fin = [(N 58)], trans = 75},
+{fin = [(N 274)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 29)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 268)], trans = 78},
+{fin = [(N 76)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 270)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 82)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 52)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [], trans = 83},
+{fin = [], trans = 84},
+{fin = [], trans = 85},
+{fin = [(N 151)], trans = 84},
+{fin = [(N 151)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [], trans = 85},
+{fin = [(N 9)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 90},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 91},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 92},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 93},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 92},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 95},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 96},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 97},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 96},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 99},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 100},
+{fin = [(N 182)], trans = 101},
+{fin = [], trans = 102},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 104},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 105},
+{fin = [(N 211),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 107},
+{fin = [(N 231),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 109},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 110},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 111},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 112},
+{fin = [(N 245),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 238),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 115},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 116},
+{fin = [(N 226),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 216),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 119},
+{fin = [(N 266)], trans = 120},
+{fin = [(N 221),(N 266)], trans = 103},
+{fin = [], trans = 122},
+{fin = [(N 259)], trans = 123},
+{fin = [], trans = 124},
+{fin = [], trans = 125},
+{fin = [], trans = 126},
+{fin = [(N 95)], trans = 125},
+{fin = [(N 95)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [], trans = 126},
+{fin = [(N 33)], trans = 130},
+{fin = [(N 280)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 64)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 18)], trans = 0},
+{fin = [(N 2)], trans = 134},
+{fin = [(N 7)], trans = 135},
+{fin = [(N 7)], trans = 0}])
+structure StartStates =
+ struct
+ datatype yystartstate = STARTSTATE of int
+(* start state definitions *)
+type result = UserDeclarations.lexresult
+ exception LexerError (* raised if illegal leaf action tried *)
+fun makeLexer yyinput =
+let val yygone0=1
+ val yyb = Unsynchronized.ref "\n" (* buffer *)
+ val yybl = Unsynchronized.ref 1 (*buffer length *)
+ val yybufpos = Unsynchronized.ref 1 (* location of next character to use *)
+ val yygone = Unsynchronized.ref yygone0 (* position in file of beginning of buffer *)
+ val yydone = Unsynchronized.ref false (* eof found yet? *)
+ val yybegin = Unsynchronized.ref 1 (*Current 'start state' for lexer *)
+ val YYBEGIN = fn (Internal.StartStates.STARTSTATE x) =>
+ yybegin := x
+fun lex (yyarg as (file_name:string)) =
+let fun continue() : Internal.result =
+ let fun scan (s,AcceptingLeaves : Internal.yyfinstate list list,l,i0) =
+ let fun action (i,nil) = raise LexError
+ | action (i,nil::l) = action (i-1,l)
+ | action (i,(node::acts)::l) =
+ case node of
+ Internal.N yyk =>
+ (let fun yymktext() = substring(!yyb,i0,i-i0)
+ val yypos = i0+ !yygone
+ open UserDeclarations Internal.StartStates
+ in (yybufpos := i; case yyk of
+ (* Application actions *)
+ 104 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.RATIONAL(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 119 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.REAL(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 12 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.INDEF_CHOICE(!linep,!col))
+| 123 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.SIGNED_INTEGER(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 126 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.UNSIGNED_INTEGER(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 130 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DOT_DECIMAL(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 15 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DEFIN_CHOICE(!linep,!col))
+| 151 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.SINGLE_QUOTED(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 157 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.UPPER_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 18 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.OPERATOR_FORALL(!linep,!col))
+| 182 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); count_commentlines yytext;T.COMMENT(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 186 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.THF(!linep,!col))
+| 190 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.FOF(!linep,!col))
+| 194 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.CNF(!linep,!col))
+| 198 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.TFF(!linep,!col))
+| 2 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=(!col)+size yytext; continue () end
+| 206 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.INCLUDE(!linep,!col))
+| 21 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.OPERATOR_EXISTS(!linep,!col))
+| 211 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DTHF(!linep,!col))
+| 216 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DFOF(!linep,!col))
+| 221 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DCNF(!linep,!col))
+| 226 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DFOT(!linep,!col))
+| 23 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.AT_SIGN(!linep,!col))
+| 231 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DTFF(!linep,!col))
+| 238 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ITE_F(!linep,!col))
+| 245 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ITE_T(!linep,!col))
+| 25 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.CARET(!linep,!col))
+| 251 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LOWER_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 259 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 266 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| 268 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.PLUS(!linep,!col))
+| 27 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.COLON(!linep,!col))
+| 270 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.TIMES(!linep,!col))
+| 274 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.GENTZEN_ARROW(!linep,!col))
+| 277 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.SUBTYPE(!linep,!col))
+| 280 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DEP_PROD(!linep,!col))
+| 283 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DEP_SUM(!linep,!col))
+| 286 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET_TERM(!linep,!col))
+| 29 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.COMMA(!linep,!col))
+| 31 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.EQUALS(!linep,!col))
+| 33 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.EXCLAMATION(!linep,!col))
+| 36 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET(!linep,!col))
+| 38 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ARROW(!linep,!col))
+| 41 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.IF(!linep,!col))
+| 45 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.IFF(!linep,!col))
+| 48 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.IMPLIES(!linep,!col))
+| 50 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LBRKT(!linep,!col))
+| 52 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LPAREN(!linep,!col))
+| 55 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.MAP_TO(!linep,!col))
+| 58 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.MMINUS(!linep,!col))
+| 61 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.NAND(!linep,!col))
+| 64 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.NEQUALS(!linep,!col))
+| 68 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.XOR(!linep,!col))
+| 7 => let val yytext=yymktext() in linep:=(!linep)+1;
+ eolpos:=yypos+size yytext; continue () end
+| 71 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.NOR(!linep,!col))
+| 73 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.PERIOD(!linep,!col))
+| 76 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.PPLUS(!linep,!col))
+| 78 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.QUESTION(!linep,!col))
+| 80 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.RBRKT(!linep,!col))
+| 82 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.RPAREN(!linep,!col))
+| 84 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.TILDE(!linep,!col))
+| 86 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.VLINE(!linep,!col))
+| 9 => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.AMPERSAND(!linep,!col))
+| 95 => let val yytext=yymktext() in col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DISTINCT_OBJECT(yytext,!linep,!col) end
+| _ => raise Internal.LexerError
+ ) end )
+ val {fin,trans} = Vector.sub(Internal.tab, s)
+ val NewAcceptingLeaves = fin::AcceptingLeaves
+ in if l = !yybl then
+ if trans = #trans(Vector.sub(Internal.tab,0))
+ then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves
+) else let val newchars= if !yydone then "" else yyinput 1024
+ in if (size newchars)=0
+ then (yydone := true;
+ if (l=i0) then UserDeclarations.eof yyarg
+ else action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves))
+ else (if i0=l then yyb := newchars
+ else yyb := substring(!yyb,i0,l-i0)^newchars;
+ yygone := !yygone+i0;
+ yybl := size (!yyb);
+ scan (s,AcceptingLeaves,l-i0,0))
+ end
+ else let val NewChar = Char.ord(CharVector.sub(!yyb,l))
+ val NewChar = if NewChar<128 then NewChar else 128
+ val NewState = Char.ord(CharVector.sub(trans,NewChar))
+ in if NewState=0 then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves)
+ else scan(NewState,NewAcceptingLeaves,l+1,i0)
+ end
+ end
+ val start= if substring(!yyb,!yybufpos-1,1)="\n"
+then !yybegin+1 else !yybegin
+ in scan(!yybegin (* start *),nil,!yybufpos,!yybufpos)
+ end
+in continue end
+ in lex
+ end
+functor TPTPLrValsFun(structure Token : TOKEN)
+ : sig structure ParserData : PARSER_DATA
+ structure Tokens : TPTP_TOKENS
+ end
+ =
+structure ParserData=
+structure Header =
+open TPTP_Syntax
+exception UNRECOGNISED_SYMBOL of string * string
+exception UNRECOGNISED_ROLE of string
+fun classify_role role =
+ case role of
+ "axiom" => Role_Axiom
+ | "hypothesis" => Role_Hypothesis
+ | "definition" => Role_Definition
+ | "assumption" => Role_Assumption
+ | "lemma" => Role_Lemma
+ | "theorem" => Role_Theorem
+ | "conjecture" => Role_Conjecture
+ | "negated_conjecture" => Role_Negated_Conjecture
+ | "plain" => Role_Plain
+ | "fi_domain" => Role_Fi_Domain
+ | "fi_functors" => Role_Fi_Functors
+ | "fi_predicates" => Role_Fi_Predicates
+ | "type" => Role_Type
+ | "unknown" => Role_Unknown
+ | thing => raise (UNRECOGNISED_ROLE thing)
+structure LrTable = Token.LrTable
+structure Token = Token
+local open LrTable in
+val table=let val actionRows =
+val actionRowNumbers =
+val gotoT =
+val numstates = 498
+val numrules = 282
+val s = Unsynchronized.ref "" and index = Unsynchronized.ref 0
+val string_to_int = fn () =>
+let val i = !index
+in index := i+2; Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i)) + Char.ord(String.sub(!s,i+1)) * 256
+val string_to_list = fn s' =>
+ let val len = String.size s'
+ fun f () =
+ if !index < len then string_to_int() :: f()
+ else nil
+ in index := 0; s := s'; f ()
+ end
+val string_to_pairlist = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) =>
+ let fun f () =
+ case string_to_int()
+ of 0 => EMPTY
+ | n => PAIR(conv_key (n-1),conv_entry (string_to_int()),f())
+ in f
+ end
+val string_to_pairlist_default = fn (conv_key,conv_entry) =>
+ let val conv_row = string_to_pairlist(conv_key,conv_entry)
+ in fn () =>
+ let val default = conv_entry(string_to_int())
+ val row = conv_row()
+ in (row,default)
+ end
+ end
+val string_to_table = fn (convert_row,s') =>
+ let val len = String.size s'
+ fun f ()=
+ if !index < len then convert_row() :: f()
+ else nil
+ in (s := s'; index := 0; f ())
+ end
+ val memo = Array.array(numstates+numrules,ERROR)
+ val _ =let fun g i=(Array.update(memo,i,REDUCE(i-numstates)); g(i+1))
+ fun f i =
+ if i=numstates then g i
+ else (Array.update(memo,i,SHIFT (STATE i)); f (i+1))
+ in f 0 handle Subscript => ()
+ end
+val entry_to_action = fn 0 => ACCEPT | 1 => ERROR | j => Array.sub(memo,(j-2))
+val gotoT=Array.fromList(string_to_table(string_to_pairlist(NT,STATE),gotoT))
+val actionRows=string_to_table(string_to_pairlist_default(T,entry_to_action),actionRows)
+val actionRowNumbers = string_to_list actionRowNumbers
+val actionT = let val actionRowLookUp=
+let val a=Array.fromList(actionRows) in fn i=>Array.sub(a,i) end
+in Array.fromList(map actionRowLookUp actionRowNumbers)
+in LrTable.mkLrTable {actions=actionT,gotos=gotoT,numRules=numrules,
+numStates=numstates,initialState=STATE 0}
+local open Header in
+type pos = int
+type arg = string
+structure MlyValue =
+datatype svalue = VOID | ntVOID of unit
+ | ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD of (string) | ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD of (string)
+ | DISTINCT_OBJECT of (string) | COMMENT of (string)
+ | LOWER_WORD of (string) | UPPER_WORD of (string)
+ | SINGLE_QUOTED of (string) | DOT_DECIMAL of (string)
+ | UNSIGNED_INTEGER of (string) | SIGNED_INTEGER of (string)
+ | RATIONAL of (string) | REAL of (string) | tptp of (tptp_problem)
+ | tptp_file of (tptp_problem) | tptp_input of (tptp_line)
+ | include_ of (tptp_line) | annotated_formula of (tptp_line)
+ | thf_annotated of (tptp_line) | tff_annotated of (tptp_line)
+ | fof_annotated of (tptp_line) | cnf_annotated of (tptp_line)
+ | formula_role of (role) | thf_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_logic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_binary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_binary_pair of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_binary_tuple of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_or_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_and_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_apply_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_unitary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_quantified_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_variable_list of ( ( string * tptp_type option ) list)
+ | thf_variable of (string*tptp_type option)
+ | thf_typed_variable of (string*tptp_type option)
+ | thf_unary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_type_formula of (tptp_formula*tptp_type)
+ | thf_typeable_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_subtype of (tptp_type) | thf_top_level_type of (tptp_type)
+ | thf_unitary_type of (tptp_type) | thf_binary_type of (tptp_type)
+ | thf_mapping_type of (tptp_type) | thf_xprod_type of (tptp_type)
+ | thf_union_type of (tptp_type) | thf_atom of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_let of (tptp_formula) | thf_let_list of (tptp_let list)
+ | thf_defined_var of (tptp_let) | thf_conditional of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_sequent of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_tuple_list of (tptp_formula list)
+ | thf_tuple of (tptp_formula list) | tff_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_logic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_binary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_binary_nonassoc of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_binary_assoc of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_or_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_and_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_unitary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_quantified_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_variable_list of ( ( string * tptp_type option ) list)
+ | tff_variable of (string*tptp_type option)
+ | tff_typed_variable of (string*tptp_type option)
+ | tff_unary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_typed_atom of (symbol*tptp_type option)
+ | tff_untyped_atom of (symbol*tptp_type option)
+ | tff_top_level_type of (tptp_type)
+ | tff_unitary_type of (tptp_type) | tff_atomic_type of (tptp_type)
+ | tff_mapping_type of (tptp_type) | tff_xprod_type of (tptp_type)
+ | tptp_let of (tptp_formula) | tff_let_list of (tptp_let list)
+ | tff_defined_var of (tptp_let) | tff_conditional of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_sequent of (tptp_formula)
+ | tff_tuple_list of (tptp_formula list)
+ | tff_tuple of (tptp_formula list) | fof_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_logic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_binary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_binary_nonassoc of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_binary_assoc of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_or_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_and_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_unitary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_quantified_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_variable_list of (string list)
+ | fof_unary_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | fof_sequent of (tptp_formula) | fof_tuple of (tptp_formula list)
+ | fof_tuple_list of (tptp_formula list)
+ | cnf_formula of (tptp_formula) | disjunction of (tptp_formula)
+ | literal of (tptp_formula) | thf_conn_term of (symbol)
+ | fol_infix_unary of (tptp_formula)
+ | thf_quantifier of (quantifier) | thf_pair_connective of (symbol)
+ | thf_unary_connective of (symbol) | fol_quantifier of (quantifier)
+ | binary_connective of (symbol) | assoc_connective of (symbol)
+ | system_type of (string) | defined_type of (tptp_base_type)
+ | unary_connective of (symbol) | atomic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | plain_atomic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | defined_atomic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | defined_plain_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | defined_pred of (string) | defined_prop of (string)
+ | defined_infix_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | defined_infix_pred of (symbol) | infix_inequality of (symbol)
+ | infix_equality of (symbol)
+ | system_atomic_formula of (tptp_formula)
+ | conditional_term of (tptp_term) | function_term of (tptp_term)
+ | plain_term of (symbol*tptp_term list) | constant of (symbol)
+ | defined_term of (tptp_term) | defined_atom of (tptp_term)
+ | defined_atomic_term of (tptp_term)
+ | defined_plain_term of (symbol*tptp_term list)
+ | defined_constant of (symbol)
+ | system_term of (symbol*tptp_term list)
+ | system_constant of (symbol) | system_functor of (symbol)
+ | defined_functor of (symbol) | arguments of (tptp_term list)
+ | term of (tptp_term) | functor_ of (symbol)
+ | file_name of (string) | useful_info of (general_list)
+ | general_function of (general_data) | identifier of (string)
+ | integer of (string) | formula_data of (general_data)
+ | number of (number_kind*string) | variable_ of (string)
+ | general_data of (general_data) | atomic_word of (string)
+ | general_term of (general_term)
+ | general_terms of (general_term list)
+ | general_list of (general_list)
+ | optional_info of (general_term list)
+ | formula_selection of (string list) | name_list of (string list)
+ | name of (string) | annotations of (annotation option)
+type svalue = MlyValue.svalue
+type result = tptp_problem
+structure EC=
+open LrTable
+infix 5 $$
+fun x $$ y = y::x
+val is_keyword =
+fn _ => false
+val preferred_change : (term list * term list) list =
+val noShift =
+fn (T 37) => true | _ => false
+val showTerminal =
+fn (T 0) => "AMPERSAND"
+ | (T 1) => "AT_SIGN"
+ | (T 2) => "CARET"
+ | (T 3) => "COLON"
+ | (T 4) => "COMMA"
+ | (T 5) => "EQUALS"
+ | (T 6) => "EXCLAMATION"
+ | (T 7) => "LET"
+ | (T 8) => "ARROW"
+ | (T 9) => "IF"
+ | (T 10) => "IFF"
+ | (T 11) => "IMPLIES"
+ | (T 12) => "INCLUDE"
+ | (T 13) => "LAMBDA"
+ | (T 14) => "LBRKT"
+ | (T 15) => "LPAREN"
+ | (T 16) => "MAP_TO"
+ | (T 17) => "MMINUS"
+ | (T 18) => "NAND"
+ | (T 19) => "NEQUALS"
+ | (T 20) => "XOR"
+ | (T 21) => "NOR"
+ | (T 22) => "PERIOD"
+ | (T 23) => "PPLUS"
+ | (T 24) => "QUESTION"
+ | (T 25) => "RBRKT"
+ | (T 26) => "RPAREN"
+ | (T 27) => "TILDE"
+ | (T 28) => "TOK_FALSE"
+ | (T 29) => "TOK_I"
+ | (T 30) => "TOK_O"
+ | (T 31) => "TOK_INT"
+ | (T 32) => "TOK_REAL"
+ | (T 33) => "TOK_RAT"
+ | (T 34) => "TOK_TRUE"
+ | (T 35) => "TOK_TYPE"
+ | (T 36) => "VLINE"
+ | (T 37) => "EOF"
+ | (T 38) => "DTHF"
+ | (T 39) => "DFOF"
+ | (T 40) => "DCNF"
+ | (T 41) => "DFOT"
+ | (T 42) => "DTFF"
+ | (T 43) => "REAL"
+ | (T 44) => "RATIONAL"
+ | (T 45) => "SIGNED_INTEGER"
+ | (T 46) => "UNSIGNED_INTEGER"
+ | (T 47) => "DOT_DECIMAL"
+ | (T 48) => "SINGLE_QUOTED"
+ | (T 49) => "UPPER_WORD"
+ | (T 50) => "LOWER_WORD"
+ | (T 51) => "COMMENT"
+ | (T 52) => "DISTINCT_OBJECT"
+ | (T 53) => "DUD"
+ | (T 54) => "INDEF_CHOICE"
+ | (T 55) => "DEFIN_CHOICE"
+ | (T 56) => "OPERATOR_FORALL"
+ | (T 57) => "OPERATOR_EXISTS"
+ | (T 58) => "PLUS"
+ | (T 59) => "TIMES"
+ | (T 60) => "GENTZEN_ARROW"
+ | (T 61) => "DEP_SUM"
+ | (T 62) => "DEP_PROD"
+ | (T 64) => "ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD"
+ | (T 65) => "SUBTYPE"
+ | (T 66) => "LET_TERM"
+ | (T 67) => "THF"
+ | (T 68) => "TFF"
+ | (T 69) => "FOF"
+ | (T 70) => "CNF"
+ | (T 71) => "ITE_F"
+ | (T 72) => "ITE_T"
+ | _ => "bogus-term"
+local open Header in
+val errtermvalue=
+fn _ => MlyValue.VOID
+val terms : term list = nil
+ $$ (T 72) $$ (T 71) $$ (T 70) $$ (T 69) $$ (T 68) $$ (T 67) $$ (T 66)
+ $$ (T 65) $$ (T 62) $$ (T 61) $$ (T 60) $$ (T 59) $$ (T 58) $$ (T 57)
+ $$ (T 56) $$ (T 55) $$ (T 54) $$ (T 53) $$ (T 42) $$ (T 41) $$ (T 40)
+ $$ (T 39) $$ (T 38) $$ (T 37) $$ (T 36) $$ (T 35) $$ (T 34) $$ (T 33)
+ $$ (T 32) $$ (T 31) $$ (T 30) $$ (T 29) $$ (T 28) $$ (T 27) $$ (T 26)
+ $$ (T 25) $$ (T 24) $$ (T 23) $$ (T 22) $$ (T 21) $$ (T 20) $$ (T 19)
+ $$ (T 18) $$ (T 17) $$ (T 16) $$ (T 15) $$ (T 14) $$ (T 13) $$ (T 12)
+ $$ (T 11) $$ (T 10) $$ (T 9) $$ (T 8) $$ (T 7) $$ (T 6) $$ (T 5) $$
+(T 4) $$ (T 3) $$ (T 2) $$ (T 1) $$ (T 0)end
+structure Actions =
+exception mlyAction of int
+local open Header in
+val actions =
+fn (i392,defaultPos,stack,
+ (file_name):arg) =>
+case (i392,stack)
+of ( 0, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.optional_info optional_info, _,
+optional_info1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.general_term general_term, _,
+ _)) :: ( _, ( _, COMMA1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.annotations (( SOME (general_term, optional_info) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 0, ( result, COMMA1left, optional_info1right),
+| ( 1, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.annotations (
+( NONE ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 0, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671)
+| ( 2, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.useful_info useful_info, _,
+useful_info1right)) :: ( _, ( _, COMMA1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.optional_info (( useful_info ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 4, ( result, COMMA1left, useful_info1right), rest671)
+| ( 3, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.optional_info (
+( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 4, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671)
+| ( 4, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_list general_list, general_list1left
+, general_list1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.useful_info (( general_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 16, ( result, general_list1left, general_list1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 5, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.general_terms
+general_terms, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.general_list (( general_terms ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 5, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 6, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.general_list (( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 5, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 7, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_terms general_terms, _,
+general_terms1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.general_term
+general_term, general_term1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+ MlyValue.general_terms (( general_term :: general_terms ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 6, ( result, general_term1left, general_terms1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 8, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_term general_term, general_term1left
+, general_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.general_terms (( [general_term] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 6, ( result, general_term1left, general_term1right),
+| ( 9, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_data general_data, general_data1left
+, general_data1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.general_term (( General_Data general_data ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, general_data1left, general_data1right),
+| ( 10, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_term general_term, _,
+general_term1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.general_data general_data
+, general_data1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.general_term (( General_Term (general_data, general_term) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, general_data1left, general_term1right),
+| ( 11, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_list general_list,
+general_list1left, general_list1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.general_term (( General_List general_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 7, ( result, general_list1left, general_list1right),
+| ( 12, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.LOWER_WORD LOWER_WORD, LOWER_WORD1left,
+LOWER_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.atomic_word (( LOWER_WORD ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, LOWER_WORD1left, LOWER_WORD1right),
+| ( 13, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.SINGLE_QUOTED SINGLE_QUOTED,
+SINGLE_QUOTED1left, SINGLE_QUOTED1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.atomic_word (( SINGLE_QUOTED ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, SINGLE_QUOTED1left, SINGLE_QUOTED1right)
+, rest671)
+| ( 14, ( ( _, ( _, THF1left, THF1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.atomic_word (( "thf" ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, THF1left, THF1right), rest671)
+| ( 15, ( ( _, ( _, TFF1left, TFF1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.atomic_word (( "tff" ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, TFF1left, TFF1right), rest671)
+| ( 16, ( ( _, ( _, FOF1left, FOF1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.atomic_word (( "fof" ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, FOF1left, FOF1right), rest671)
+| ( 17, ( ( _, ( _, CNF1left, CNF1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.atomic_word (( "cnf" ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, CNF1left, CNF1right), rest671)
+| ( 18, ( ( _, ( _, INCLUDE1left, INCLUDE1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.atomic_word (( "include" ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 8, ( result, INCLUDE1left, INCLUDE1right), rest671)
+| ( 19, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.UPPER_WORD UPPER_WORD, UPPER_WORD1left,
+UPPER_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.variable_ (( UPPER_WORD ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 10, ( result, UPPER_WORD1left, UPPER_WORD1right),
+| ( 20, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.general_terms general_terms, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.atomic_word atomic_word, atomic_word1left, _)) :: rest671))
+ => let val result = MlyValue.general_function (
+( Application (atomic_word, general_terms) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 15, ( result, atomic_word1left, RPAREN1right),
+| ( 21, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_word atomic_word, atomic_word1left,
+atomic_word1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.general_data (( Atomic_Word atomic_word ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, atomic_word1left, atomic_word1right),
+| ( 22, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.general_function general_function,
+general_function1left, general_function1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.general_data (( general_function ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, general_function1left,
+general_function1right), rest671)
+| ( 23, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left,
+variable_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.general_data (( V variable_ ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, variable_1left, variable_1right),
+| ( 24, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.number number, number1left, number1right))
+ :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.general_data (
+( Number number ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, number1left, number1right), rest671)
+DISTINCT_OBJECT1left, DISTINCT_OBJECT1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.general_data (( Distinct_Object DISTINCT_OBJECT ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, DISTINCT_OBJECT1left,
+DISTINCT_OBJECT1right), rest671)
+| ( 26, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.formula_data formula_data,
+formula_data1left, formula_data1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.general_data (( formula_data ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 9, ( result, formula_data1left, formula_data1right),
+| ( 27, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.integer integer, integer1left,
+integer1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.number (
+( (Int_num, integer) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 11, ( result, integer1left, integer1right), rest671)
+| ( 28, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.REAL REAL, REAL1left, REAL1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.number (( (Real_num, REAL) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 11, ( result, REAL1left, REAL1right), rest671)
+| ( 29, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.RATIONAL RATIONAL, RATIONAL1left,
+RATIONAL1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.number (
+( (Rat_num, RATIONAL) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 11, ( result, RATIONAL1left, RATIONAL1right), rest671
+UNSIGNED_INTEGER1left, UNSIGNED_INTEGER1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.integer (( UNSIGNED_INTEGER ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 13, ( result, UNSIGNED_INTEGER1left,
+UNSIGNED_INTEGER1right), rest671)
+| ( 31, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.SIGNED_INTEGER SIGNED_INTEGER,
+SIGNED_INTEGER1left, SIGNED_INTEGER1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.integer (( SIGNED_INTEGER ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 13, ( result, SIGNED_INTEGER1left,
+SIGNED_INTEGER1right), rest671)
+| ( 32, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.SINGLE_QUOTED SINGLE_QUOTED,
+SINGLE_QUOTED1left, SINGLE_QUOTED1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.file_name (( SINGLE_QUOTED ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 17, ( result, SINGLE_QUOTED1left, SINGLE_QUOTED1right
+), rest671)
+| ( 33, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_formula
+thf_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, DTHF1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.formula_data (
+( Formula_Data (THF, thf_formula) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 12, ( result, DTHF1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 34, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_formula
+tff_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, DTFF1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.formula_data (
+( Formula_Data (TFF, tff_formula) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 12, ( result, DTFF1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 35, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_formula
+fof_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, DFOF1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.formula_data (
+( Formula_Data (FOF, fof_formula) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 12, ( result, DFOF1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 36, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.cnf_formula
+cnf_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, DCNF1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.formula_data (
+( Formula_Data (CNF, cnf_formula) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 12, ( result, DCNF1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 37, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.term term, _
+, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, DFOT1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result
+ = MlyValue.formula_data (( Term_Data term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 12, ( result, DFOT1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1left, ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.system_type (( ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 47, ( result, ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1left,
+ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1right), rest671)
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_type (
+ "$i" => Type_Ind
+ | "$o" => Type_Bool
+ | "$iType" => Type_Ind
+ | "$oType" => Type_Bool
+ | "$int" => Type_Int
+ | "$real" => Type_Real
+ | "$rat" => Type_Rat
+ | "$tType" => Type_Type
+ | thing => raise UNRECOGNISED_SYMBOL ("defined_type", thing)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 46, ( result, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left,
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right), rest671)
+| ( 40, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_word atomic_word, atomic_word1left,
+atomic_word1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.functor_ (( Uninterpreted atomic_word ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 18, ( result, atomic_word1left, atomic_word1right),
+| ( 41, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.term term, term1left, term1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.arguments (( [term] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 20, ( result, term1left, term1right), rest671)
+| ( 42, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.arguments arguments, _, arguments1right))
+ :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.term term, term1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.arguments (( term :: arguments ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 20, ( result, term1left, arguments1right), rest671)
+ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1left, ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.system_functor (
+ in ( LrTable.NT 22, ( result, ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1left,
+ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD1right), rest671)
+| ( 44, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.system_functor system_functor,
+system_functor1left, system_functor1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.system_constant (( system_functor ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 23, ( result, system_functor1left,
+system_functor1right), rest671)
+| ( 45, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.system_constant system_constant,
+system_constant1left, system_constant1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.system_term (( (system_constant, []) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 24, ( result, system_constant1left,
+system_constant1right), rest671)
+| ( 46, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.arguments
+arguments, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.system_functor
+system_functor, system_functor1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.system_term (( (system_functor, arguments) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 24, ( result, system_functor1left, RPAREN1right),
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_functor (
+ "$sum" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Sum
+ | "$difference" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Difference
+ | "$product" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Product
+ | "$quotient" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Quotient
+ | "$quotient_e" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Quotient_E
+ | "$quotient_t" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Quotient_T
+ | "$quotient_f" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Quotient_F
+ | "$remainder_e" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Remainder_E
+ | "$remainder_t" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Remainder_T
+ | "$remainder_f" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Remainder_F
+ | "$floor" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Floor
+ | "$ceiling" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Ceiling
+ | "$truncate" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Truncate
+ | "$round" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Round
+ | "$to_int" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic To_Int
+ | "$to_rat" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic To_Rat
+ | "$to_real" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic To_Real
+ | "$uminus" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic UMinus
+ | "$i" => TypeSymbol Type_Ind
+ | "$o" => TypeSymbol Type_Bool
+ | "$iType" => TypeSymbol Type_Ind
+ | "$oType" => TypeSymbol Type_Bool
+ | "$int" => TypeSymbol Type_Int
+ | "$real" => TypeSymbol Type_Real
+ | "$rat" => TypeSymbol Type_Rat
+ | "$tType" => TypeSymbol Type_Type
+ | "$true" => Interpreted_Logic True
+ | "$false" => Interpreted_Logic False
+ | "$less" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Less
+ | "$lesseq" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic LessEq
+ | "$greatereq" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic GreaterEq
+ | "$greater" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Greater
+ | "$evaleq" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic EvalEq
+ | "$is_int" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Is_Int
+ | "$is_rat" => Interpreted_ExtraLogic Is_Rat
+ | thing => raise UNRECOGNISED_SYMBOL ("defined_functor", thing)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 21, ( result, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left,
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right), rest671)
+| ( 48, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_functor defined_functor,
+defined_functor1left, defined_functor1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.defined_constant (( defined_functor ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 25, ( result, defined_functor1left,
+defined_functor1right), rest671)
+| ( 49, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_constant defined_constant,
+defined_constant1left, defined_constant1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.defined_plain_term (( (defined_constant, []) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 26, ( result, defined_constant1left,
+defined_constant1right), rest671)
+| ( 50, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.arguments
+arguments, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_functor
+defined_functor, defined_functor1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.defined_plain_term (( (defined_functor, arguments) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 26, ( result, defined_functor1left, RPAREN1right),
+| ( 51, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_plain_term defined_plain_term,
+defined_plain_term1left, defined_plain_term1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_atomic_term (
+( Term_Func defined_plain_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 27, ( result, defined_plain_term1left,
+defined_plain_term1right), rest671)
+| ( 52, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.number number, number1left, number1right))
+ :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.defined_atom (
+( Term_Num number ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 28, ( result, number1left, number1right), rest671)
+DISTINCT_OBJECT1left, DISTINCT_OBJECT1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.defined_atom (
+( Term_Distinct_Object DISTINCT_OBJECT ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 28, ( result, DISTINCT_OBJECT1left,
+DISTINCT_OBJECT1right), rest671)
+| ( 54, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_atom defined_atom,
+defined_atom1left, defined_atom1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.defined_term (( defined_atom ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 29, ( result, defined_atom1left, defined_atom1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 55, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_atomic_term defined_atomic_term,
+defined_atomic_term1left, defined_atomic_term1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_term (( defined_atomic_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 29, ( result, defined_atomic_term1left,
+defined_atomic_term1right), rest671)
+| ( 56, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.functor_ functor_, functor_1left,
+functor_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.constant (
+( functor_ ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 30, ( result, functor_1left, functor_1right), rest671
+| ( 57, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.constant constant, constant1left,
+constant1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.plain_term
+ (( (constant, []) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 31, ( result, constant1left, constant1right), rest671
+| ( 58, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.arguments
+arguments, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.functor_ functor_,
+functor_1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.plain_term (( (functor_, arguments) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 31, ( result, functor_1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 59, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.plain_term plain_term, plain_term1left,
+plain_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.function_term (( Term_Func plain_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 32, ( result, plain_term1left, plain_term1right),
+| ( 60, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_term defined_term,
+defined_term1left, defined_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.function_term (( defined_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 32, ( result, defined_term1left, defined_term1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 61, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.system_term system_term, system_term1left,
+system_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.function_term (( Term_Func system_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 32, ( result, system_term1left, system_term1right),
+| ( 62, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.term term2,
+ _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.term term1, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _,
+ ITE_T1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.conditional_term (
+ Term_Conditional (tff_logic_formula, term1, term2)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 33, ( result, ITE_T1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 63, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.function_term function_term,
+function_term1left, function_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.term (( function_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 19, ( result, function_term1left, function_term1right
+), rest671)
+| ( 64, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left,
+variable_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.term (
+( Term_Var variable_ ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 19, ( result, variable_1left, variable_1right),
+| ( 65, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.conditional_term conditional_term,
+conditional_term1left, conditional_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.term (( conditional_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 19, ( result, conditional_term1left,
+conditional_term1right), rest671)
+| ( 66, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.system_term system_term, system_term1left,
+system_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.system_atomic_formula (( Pred system_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 34, ( result, system_term1left, system_term1right),
+| ( 67, ( ( _, ( _, EQUALS1left, EQUALS1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.infix_equality (( Interpreted_Logic Equals ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 35, ( result, EQUALS1left, EQUALS1right), rest671)
+| ( 68, ( ( _, ( _, NEQUALS1left, NEQUALS1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.infix_inequality (
+( Interpreted_Logic NEquals ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 36, ( result, NEQUALS1left, NEQUALS1right), rest671)
+| ( 69, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.infix_equality infix_equality,
+infix_equality1left, infix_equality1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.defined_infix_pred (( infix_equality ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 37, ( result, infix_equality1left,
+infix_equality1right), rest671)
+| ( 70, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.term term2, _, term2right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.defined_infix_pred defined_infix_pred, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.term term1, term1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.defined_infix_formula (
+(Pred (defined_infix_pred, [term1, term2])))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 38, ( result, term1left, term2right), rest671)
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_prop (
+ "$true" => "$true"
+ | "$false" => "$false"
+ | thing => raise UNRECOGNISED_SYMBOL ("defined_prop", thing)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 39, ( result, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left,
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right), rest671)
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_pred (
+ "$distinct" => "$distinct"
+ | "$ite_f" => "$ite_f"
+ | "$less" => "$less"
+ | "$lesseq" => "$lesseq"
+ | "$greater" => "$greater"
+ | "$greatereq" => "$greatereq"
+ | "$is_int" => "$is_int"
+ | "$is_rat" => "$is_rat"
+ | thing => raise UNRECOGNISED_SYMBOL ("defined_pred", thing)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 40, ( result, ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1left,
+ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD1right), rest671)
+| ( 73, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_plain_term defined_plain_term,
+defined_plain_term1left, defined_plain_term1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.defined_plain_formula (
+( Pred defined_plain_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 41, ( result, defined_plain_term1left,
+defined_plain_term1right), rest671)
+| ( 74, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_plain_formula defined_plain_formula
+, defined_plain_formula1left, defined_plain_formula1right)) :: rest671
+)) => let val result = MlyValue.defined_atomic_formula (
+( defined_plain_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 42, ( result, defined_plain_formula1left,
+defined_plain_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 75, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_infix_formula defined_infix_formula
+, defined_infix_formula1left, defined_infix_formula1right)) :: rest671
+)) => let val result = MlyValue.defined_atomic_formula (
+( defined_infix_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 42, ( result, defined_infix_formula1left,
+defined_infix_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 76, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.plain_term plain_term, plain_term1left,
+plain_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.plain_atomic_formula (( Pred plain_term ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 43, ( result, plain_term1left, plain_term1right),
+| ( 77, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.plain_atomic_formula plain_atomic_formula,
+plain_atomic_formula1left, plain_atomic_formula1right)) :: rest671))
+ => let val result = MlyValue.atomic_formula (
+( plain_atomic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 44, ( result, plain_atomic_formula1left,
+plain_atomic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 78, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_atomic_formula
+defined_atomic_formula, defined_atomic_formula1left,
+defined_atomic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.atomic_formula (( defined_atomic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 44, ( result, defined_atomic_formula1left,
+defined_atomic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 79, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.system_atomic_formula system_atomic_formula
+, system_atomic_formula1left, system_atomic_formula1right)) :: rest671
+)) => let val result = MlyValue.atomic_formula (
+( system_atomic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 44, ( result, system_atomic_formula1left,
+system_atomic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 80, ( ( _, ( _, VLINE1left, VLINE1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.assoc_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Or ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 48, ( result, VLINE1left, VLINE1right), rest671)
+| ( 81, ( ( _, ( _, AMPERSAND1left, AMPERSAND1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.assoc_connective (
+( Interpreted_Logic And ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 48, ( result, AMPERSAND1left, AMPERSAND1right),
+| ( 82, ( ( _, ( _, IFF1left, IFF1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.binary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Iff ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 49, ( result, IFF1left, IFF1right), rest671)
+| ( 83, ( ( _, ( _, IMPLIES1left, IMPLIES1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.binary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic If ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 49, ( result, IMPLIES1left, IMPLIES1right), rest671)
+| ( 84, ( ( _, ( _, IF1left, IF1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.binary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Fi ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 49, ( result, IF1left, IF1right), rest671)
+| ( 85, ( ( _, ( _, XOR1left, XOR1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.binary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Xor ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 49, ( result, XOR1left, XOR1right), rest671)
+| ( 86, ( ( _, ( _, NOR1left, NOR1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.binary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Nor ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 49, ( result, NOR1left, NOR1right), rest671)
+| ( 87, ( ( _, ( _, NAND1left, NAND1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.binary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Nand ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 49, ( result, NAND1left, NAND1right), rest671)
+| ( 88, ( ( _, ( _, EXCLAMATION1left, EXCLAMATION1right)) :: rest671)
+) => let val result = MlyValue.fol_quantifier (( Forall ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 50, ( result, EXCLAMATION1left, EXCLAMATION1right),
+| ( 89, ( ( _, ( _, QUESTION1left, QUESTION1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.fol_quantifier (( Exists ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 50, ( result, QUESTION1left, QUESTION1right), rest671
+| ( 90, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.unary_connective unary_connective,
+unary_connective1left, unary_connective1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_unary_connective (( unary_connective ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 51, ( result, unary_connective1left,
+unary_connective1right), rest671)
+| ( 91, ( ( _, ( _, OPERATOR_FORALL1left, OPERATOR_FORALL1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_unary_connective (
+( Interpreted_Logic Op_Forall ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 51, ( result, OPERATOR_FORALL1left,
+OPERATOR_FORALL1right), rest671)
+| ( 92, ( ( _, ( _, OPERATOR_EXISTS1left, OPERATOR_EXISTS1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_unary_connective (
+( Interpreted_Logic Op_Exists ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 51, ( result, OPERATOR_EXISTS1left,
+OPERATOR_EXISTS1right), rest671)
+| ( 93, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.infix_equality infix_equality,
+infix_equality1left, infix_equality1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_pair_connective (( infix_equality ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 52, ( result, infix_equality1left,
+infix_equality1right), rest671)
+| ( 94, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.infix_inequality infix_inequality,
+infix_inequality1left, infix_inequality1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_pair_connective (( infix_inequality ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 52, ( result, infix_inequality1left,
+infix_inequality1right), rest671)
+| ( 95, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.binary_connective binary_connective,
+binary_connective1left, binary_connective1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_pair_connective (( binary_connective ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 52, ( result, binary_connective1left,
+binary_connective1right), rest671)
+| ( 96, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fol_quantifier fol_quantifier,
+fol_quantifier1left, fol_quantifier1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_quantifier (( fol_quantifier ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 53, ( result, fol_quantifier1left,
+fol_quantifier1right), rest671)
+| ( 97, ( ( _, ( _, CARET1left, CARET1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_quantifier (( Lambda ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 53, ( result, CARET1left, CARET1right), rest671)
+| ( 98, ( ( _, ( _, DEP_PROD1left, DEP_PROD1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_quantifier (( Dep_Prod ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 53, ( result, DEP_PROD1left, DEP_PROD1right), rest671
+| ( 99, ( ( _, ( _, DEP_SUM1left, DEP_SUM1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_quantifier (( Dep_Sum ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 53, ( result, DEP_SUM1left, DEP_SUM1right), rest671)
+| ( 100, ( ( _, ( _, INDEF_CHOICE1left, INDEF_CHOICE1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_quantifier (( Epsilon ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 53, ( result, INDEF_CHOICE1left, INDEF_CHOICE1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 101, ( ( _, ( _, DEFIN_CHOICE1left, DEFIN_CHOICE1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_quantifier (( Iota ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 53, ( result, DEFIN_CHOICE1left, DEFIN_CHOICE1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 102, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.term term2, _, term2right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.infix_inequality infix_inequality, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.term term1, term1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fol_infix_unary (( Pred (infix_inequality, [term1, term2]) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 54, ( result, term1left, term2right), rest671)
+| ( 103, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_pair_connective thf_pair_connective,
+thf_pair_connective1left, thf_pair_connective1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_conn_term (( thf_pair_connective ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 55, ( result, thf_pair_connective1left,
+thf_pair_connective1right), rest671)
+| ( 104, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.assoc_connective assoc_connective,
+assoc_connective1left, assoc_connective1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_conn_term (( assoc_connective ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 55, ( result, assoc_connective1left,
+assoc_connective1right), rest671)
+| ( 105, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unary_connective thf_unary_connective,
+ thf_unary_connective1left, thf_unary_connective1right)) :: rest671))
+ => let val result = MlyValue.thf_conn_term (( thf_unary_connective )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 55, ( result, thf_unary_connective1left,
+thf_unary_connective1right), rest671)
+| ( 106, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_formula atomic_formula,
+atomic_formula1left, atomic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.literal (( atomic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 56, ( result, atomic_formula1left,
+atomic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 107, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_formula atomic_formula, _,
+atomic_formula1right)) :: ( _, ( _, TILDE1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.literal (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Not, [atomic_formula]) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 56, ( result, TILDE1left, atomic_formula1right),
+| ( 108, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fol_infix_unary fol_infix_unary,
+fol_infix_unary1left, fol_infix_unary1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.literal (( fol_infix_unary ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 56, ( result, fol_infix_unary1left,
+fol_infix_unary1right), rest671)
+| ( 109, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.literal literal, literal1left,
+literal1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.disjunction
+ (( literal ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 57, ( result, literal1left, literal1right), rest671)
+| ( 110, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.literal literal, _, literal1right)) :: _
+ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.disjunction disjunction, disjunction1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.disjunction (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [disjunction, literal]) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 57, ( result, disjunction1left, literal1right),
+| ( 111, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.disjunction
+ disjunction, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.cnf_formula (( disjunction ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 58, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 112, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.disjunction disjunction, disjunction1left,
+ disjunction1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.cnf_formula (( disjunction ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 58, ( result, disjunction1left, disjunction1right),
+| ( 113, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_logic_formula fof_logic_formula,
+fof_logic_formula1left, fof_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.fof_tuple_list (( [fof_logic_formula] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 59, ( result, fof_logic_formula1left,
+fof_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 114, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_tuple_list fof_tuple_list, _,
+fof_tuple_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_logic_formula
+fof_logic_formula, fof_logic_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.fof_tuple_list (
+( fof_logic_formula :: fof_tuple_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 59, ( result, fof_logic_formula1left,
+fof_tuple_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 115, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left, _)) ::
+ rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fof_tuple (( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 60, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 116, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fof_tuple_list fof_tuple_list, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left
+, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fof_tuple (
+( fof_tuple_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 60, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 117, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_tuple fof_tuple2, _, fof_tuple2right))
+ :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_tuple fof_tuple1, fof_tuple1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fof_sequent (
+( Sequent (fof_tuple1, fof_tuple2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 61, ( result, fof_tuple1left, fof_tuple2right),
+| ( 118, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_sequent
+ fof_sequent, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.fof_sequent (( fof_sequent ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 61, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 119, ( ( _, ( _, TILDE1left, TILDE1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.unary_connective (( Interpreted_Logic Not ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 45, ( result, TILDE1left, TILDE1right), rest671)
+| ( 120, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula, _
+, fof_unitary_formula1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.unary_connective
+unary_connective, unary_connective1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.fof_unary_formula (
+( Fmla (unary_connective, [fof_unitary_formula]) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 62, ( result, unary_connective1left,
+fof_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 121, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fol_infix_unary fol_infix_unary,
+fol_infix_unary1left, fol_infix_unary1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.fof_unary_formula (( fol_infix_unary ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 62, ( result, fol_infix_unary1left,
+fol_infix_unary1right), rest671)
+| ( 122, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left,
+variable_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_variable_list (( [variable_] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 63, ( result, variable_1left, variable_1right),
+| ( 123, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_variable_list fof_variable_list, _,
+fof_variable_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_,
+ variable_1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_variable_list (( variable_ :: fof_variable_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 63, ( result, variable_1left, fof_variable_list1right
+), rest671)
+| ( 124, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula, _
+, fof_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fof_variable_list fof_variable_list, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fol_quantifier fol_quantifier, fol_quantifier1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fof_quantified_formula (
+ Quant (fol_quantifier, map (fn v => (v, NONE)) fof_variable_list, fof_unitary_formula)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 64, ( result, fol_quantifier1left,
+fof_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 125, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_quantified_formula
+fof_quantified_formula, fof_quantified_formula1left,
+fof_quantified_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula (( fof_quantified_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 65, ( result, fof_quantified_formula1left,
+fof_quantified_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 126, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unary_formula fof_unary_formula,
+fof_unary_formula1left, fof_unary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula (( fof_unary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 65, ( result, fof_unary_formula1left,
+fof_unary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 127, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_formula atomic_formula,
+atomic_formula1left, atomic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula (( atomic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 65, ( result, atomic_formula1left,
+atomic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 128, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fof_logic_formula fof_logic_formula, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula (( fof_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 65, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 129, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula2,
+ _, fof_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula1,
+fof_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_and_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic And, [fof_unitary_formula1, fof_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 66, ( result, fof_unitary_formula1left,
+fof_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 130, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula, _
+, fof_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_and_formula
+fof_and_formula, fof_and_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.fof_and_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic And, [fof_and_formula, fof_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 66, ( result, fof_and_formula1left,
+fof_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 131, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula2,
+ _, fof_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula1,
+fof_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_or_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [fof_unitary_formula1, fof_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 67, ( result, fof_unitary_formula1left,
+fof_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 132, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula, _
+, fof_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_or_formula
+fof_or_formula, fof_or_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.fof_or_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [fof_or_formula, fof_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 67, ( result, fof_or_formula1left,
+fof_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 133, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_or_formula fof_or_formula,
+fof_or_formula1left, fof_or_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.fof_binary_assoc (( fof_or_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 68, ( result, fof_or_formula1left,
+fof_or_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 134, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_and_formula fof_and_formula,
+fof_and_formula1left, fof_and_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.fof_binary_assoc (( fof_and_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 68, ( result, fof_and_formula1left,
+fof_and_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 135, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula2,
+ _, fof_unitary_formula2right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.binary_connective
+binary_connective, _, _)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula
+fof_unitary_formula1, fof_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.fof_binary_nonassoc (
+ Fmla (binary_connective, [fof_unitary_formula1, fof_unitary_formula2] )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 69, ( result, fof_unitary_formula1left,
+fof_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 136, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_binary_nonassoc fof_binary_nonassoc,
+fof_binary_nonassoc1left, fof_binary_nonassoc1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.fof_binary_formula (
+( fof_binary_nonassoc ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 70, ( result, fof_binary_nonassoc1left,
+fof_binary_nonassoc1right), rest671)
+| ( 137, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_binary_assoc fof_binary_assoc,
+fof_binary_assoc1left, fof_binary_assoc1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.fof_binary_formula (( fof_binary_assoc ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 70, ( result, fof_binary_assoc1left,
+fof_binary_assoc1right), rest671)
+| ( 138, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_binary_formula fof_binary_formula,
+fof_binary_formula1left, fof_binary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.fof_logic_formula (( fof_binary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 71, ( result, fof_binary_formula1left,
+fof_binary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 139, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_unitary_formula fof_unitary_formula,
+fof_unitary_formula1left, fof_unitary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.fof_logic_formula (( fof_unitary_formula )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 71, ( result, fof_unitary_formula1left,
+fof_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 140, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_logic_formula fof_logic_formula,
+fof_logic_formula1left, fof_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.fof_formula (( fof_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 72, ( result, fof_logic_formula1left,
+fof_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 141, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_sequent fof_sequent, fof_sequent1left,
+ fof_sequent1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.fof_formula (( fof_sequent ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 72, ( result, fof_sequent1left, fof_sequent1right),
+| ( 142, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left, _)) ::
+ rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tff_tuple (( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 73, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 143, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_tuple_list tff_tuple_list, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left
+, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tff_tuple (
+( tff_tuple_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 73, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 144, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_tuple_list tff_tuple_list, _,
+tff_tuple_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_logic_formula
+tff_logic_formula, tff_logic_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_tuple_list (
+( tff_logic_formula :: tff_tuple_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 74, ( result, tff_logic_formula1left,
+tff_tuple_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 145, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula,
+tff_logic_formula1left, tff_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_tuple_list (( [tff_logic_formula] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 74, ( result, tff_logic_formula1left,
+tff_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 146, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_tuple tff_tuple2, _, tff_tuple2right))
+ :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_tuple tff_tuple1, tff_tuple1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tff_sequent (
+( Sequent (tff_tuple1, tff_tuple2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 75, ( result, tff_tuple1left, tff_tuple2right),
+| ( 147, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_sequent
+ tff_sequent, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_sequent (( tff_sequent ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 75, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 148, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula3, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula2, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula1, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _
+, ITE_F1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_conditional (
+ Conditional (tff_logic_formula1, tff_logic_formula2, tff_logic_formula3)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 76, ( result, ITE_F1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 149, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula, _,
+tff_logic_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_,
+ variable_1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_defined_var (
+( Let_fmla ((variable_, NONE), tff_logic_formula) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 77, ( result, variable_1left, tff_logic_formula1right
+), rest671)
+| ( 150, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.term term, _, term1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_defined_var (
+( Let_term ((variable_, NONE), term) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 77, ( result, variable_1left, term1right), rest671)
+| ( 151, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_defined_var tff_defined_var, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_defined_var (( tff_defined_var ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 77, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 152, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_defined_var tff_defined_var,
+tff_defined_var1left, tff_defined_var1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.tff_let_list (( [tff_defined_var] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 78, ( result, tff_defined_var1left,
+tff_defined_var1right), rest671)
+| ( 153, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_let_list tff_let_list, _,
+tff_let_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_defined_var
+tff_defined_var, tff_defined_var1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_let_list (( tff_defined_var :: tff_let_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 78, ( result, tff_defined_var1left,
+tff_let_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 154, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula, _
+, tff_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_let_list tff_let_list, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, LET1left,
+ _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tptp_let (
+ Let (tff_let_list, tff_unitary_formula)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 79, ( result, LET1left, tff_unitary_formula1right),
+| ( 155, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type tff_atomic_type2, _,
+tff_atomic_type2right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type
+tff_atomic_type1, tff_atomic_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_xprod_type (
+( Prod_type(tff_atomic_type1, tff_atomic_type2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 80, ( result, tff_atomic_type1left,
+tff_atomic_type2right), rest671)
+| ( 156, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type tff_atomic_type, _,
+tff_atomic_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_xprod_type
+tff_xprod_type, tff_xprod_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_xprod_type (
+( Prod_type(tff_xprod_type, tff_atomic_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 80, ( result, tff_xprod_type1left,
+tff_atomic_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 157, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_xprod_type tff_xprod_type, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_xprod_type (( tff_xprod_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 80, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 158, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type tff_atomic_type, _,
+tff_atomic_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_type
+tff_unitary_type, tff_unitary_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_mapping_type (
+( Fn_type(tff_unitary_type, tff_atomic_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 81, ( result, tff_unitary_type1left,
+tff_atomic_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 159, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_mapping_type tff_mapping_type, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_mapping_type (( tff_mapping_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 81, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 160, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_word atomic_word, atomic_word1left,
+ atomic_word1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_atomic_type (( Atom_type atomic_word ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 82, ( result, atomic_word1left, atomic_word1right),
+| ( 161, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.defined_type defined_type,
+defined_type1left, defined_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_atomic_type (( Defined_type defined_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 82, ( result, defined_type1left, defined_type1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 162, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type tff_atomic_type,
+tff_atomic_type1left, tff_atomic_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.tff_unitary_type (( tff_atomic_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 83, ( result, tff_atomic_type1left,
+tff_atomic_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 163, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_xprod_type tff_xprod_type, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_type (( tff_xprod_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 83, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 164, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type tff_atomic_type,
+tff_atomic_type1left, tff_atomic_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.tff_top_level_type (( tff_atomic_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 84, ( result, tff_atomic_type1left,
+tff_atomic_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 165, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_mapping_type tff_mapping_type,
+tff_mapping_type1left, tff_mapping_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_top_level_type (( tff_mapping_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 84, ( result, tff_mapping_type1left,
+tff_mapping_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 166, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.functor_ functor_, functor_1left,
+functor_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_untyped_atom (( (functor_, NONE) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 85, ( result, functor_1left, functor_1right), rest671
+| ( 167, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.system_functor system_functor,
+system_functor1left, system_functor1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_untyped_atom (( (system_functor, NONE) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 85, ( result, system_functor1left,
+system_functor1right), rest671)
+| ( 168, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_top_level_type tff_top_level_type, _,
+tff_top_level_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_untyped_atom
+tff_untyped_atom, tff_untyped_atom1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_typed_atom (
+( (fst tff_untyped_atom, SOME tff_top_level_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 86, ( result, tff_untyped_atom1left,
+tff_top_level_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 169, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_typed_atom tff_typed_atom, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_typed_atom (( tff_typed_atom ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 86, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 170, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula, _
+, tff_unitary_formula1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.unary_connective
+unary_connective, unary_connective1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_unary_formula (
+( Fmla (unary_connective, [tff_unitary_formula]) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 87, ( result, unary_connective1left,
+tff_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 171, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fol_infix_unary fol_infix_unary,
+fol_infix_unary1left, fol_infix_unary1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.tff_unary_formula (( fol_infix_unary ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 87, ( result, fol_infix_unary1left,
+fol_infix_unary1right), rest671)
+| ( 172, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_atomic_type tff_atomic_type, _,
+tff_atomic_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_,
+variable_1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_typed_variable (( (variable_, SOME tff_atomic_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 88, ( result, variable_1left, tff_atomic_type1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 173, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_typed_variable tff_typed_variable,
+tff_typed_variable1left, tff_typed_variable1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.tff_variable (( tff_typed_variable ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 89, ( result, tff_typed_variable1left,
+tff_typed_variable1right), rest671)
+| ( 174, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left,
+variable_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_variable (( (variable_, NONE) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 89, ( result, variable_1left, variable_1right),
+| ( 175, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_variable tff_variable,
+tff_variable1left, tff_variable1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_variable_list (( [tff_variable] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 90, ( result, tff_variable1left, tff_variable1right),
+ rest671)
+| ( 176, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_variable_list tff_variable_list, _,
+tff_variable_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_variable
+tff_variable, tff_variable1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+ MlyValue.tff_variable_list (( tff_variable :: tff_variable_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 90, ( result, tff_variable1left,
+tff_variable_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 177, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula, _
+, tff_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_variable_list tff_variable_list, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fol_quantifier fol_quantifier, fol_quantifier1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tff_quantified_formula (
+ Quant (fol_quantifier, tff_variable_list, tff_unitary_formula)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 91, ( result, fol_quantifier1left,
+tff_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 178, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_quantified_formula
+tff_quantified_formula, tff_quantified_formula1left,
+tff_quantified_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( tff_quantified_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, tff_quantified_formula1left,
+tff_quantified_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 179, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unary_formula tff_unary_formula,
+tff_unary_formula1left, tff_unary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( tff_unary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, tff_unary_formula1left,
+tff_unary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 180, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_formula atomic_formula,
+atomic_formula1left, atomic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( atomic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, atomic_formula1left,
+atomic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 181, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tptp_let tptp_let, tptp_let1left,
+tptp_let1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( tptp_let ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, tptp_let1left, tptp_let1right), rest671
+| ( 182, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left,
+variable_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( Pred (Uninterpreted variable_, []) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, variable_1left, variable_1right),
+| ( 183, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_conditional tff_conditional,
+tff_conditional1left, tff_conditional1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( tff_conditional ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, tff_conditional1left,
+tff_conditional1right), rest671)
+| ( 184, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula (( tff_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 92, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 185, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula2,
+ _, tff_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula1,
+tff_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_and_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic And, [tff_unitary_formula1, tff_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 93, ( result, tff_unitary_formula1left,
+tff_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 186, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula, _
+, tff_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_and_formula
+tff_and_formula, tff_and_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_and_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic And, [tff_and_formula, tff_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 93, ( result, tff_and_formula1left,
+tff_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 187, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula2,
+ _, tff_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula1,
+tff_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_or_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [tff_unitary_formula1, tff_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 94, ( result, tff_unitary_formula1left,
+tff_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 188, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula, _
+, tff_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_or_formula
+tff_or_formula, tff_or_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_or_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [tff_or_formula, tff_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 94, ( result, tff_or_formula1left,
+tff_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 189, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_or_formula tff_or_formula,
+tff_or_formula1left, tff_or_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_binary_assoc (( tff_or_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 95, ( result, tff_or_formula1left,
+tff_or_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 190, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_and_formula tff_and_formula,
+tff_and_formula1left, tff_and_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.tff_binary_assoc (( tff_and_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 95, ( result, tff_and_formula1left,
+tff_and_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 191, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula2,
+ _, tff_unitary_formula2right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.binary_connective
+binary_connective, _, _)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula
+tff_unitary_formula1, tff_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.tff_binary_nonassoc (
+( Fmla (binary_connective, [tff_unitary_formula1, tff_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 96, ( result, tff_unitary_formula1left,
+tff_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 192, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_binary_nonassoc tff_binary_nonassoc,
+tff_binary_nonassoc1left, tff_binary_nonassoc1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.tff_binary_formula (
+( tff_binary_nonassoc ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 97, ( result, tff_binary_nonassoc1left,
+tff_binary_nonassoc1right), rest671)
+| ( 193, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_binary_assoc tff_binary_assoc,
+tff_binary_assoc1left, tff_binary_assoc1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_binary_formula (( tff_binary_assoc ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 97, ( result, tff_binary_assoc1left,
+tff_binary_assoc1right), rest671)
+| ( 194, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_binary_formula tff_binary_formula,
+tff_binary_formula1left, tff_binary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.tff_logic_formula (( tff_binary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 98, ( result, tff_binary_formula1left,
+tff_binary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 195, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_unitary_formula tff_unitary_formula,
+tff_unitary_formula1left, tff_unitary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.tff_logic_formula (( tff_unitary_formula )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 98, ( result, tff_unitary_formula1left,
+tff_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 196, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_logic_formula tff_logic_formula,
+tff_logic_formula1left, tff_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tff_formula (( tff_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 99, ( result, tff_logic_formula1left,
+tff_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 197, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_typed_atom tff_typed_atom,
+tff_typed_atom1left, tff_typed_atom1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.tff_formula (
+( Atom (TFF_Typed_Atom tff_typed_atom) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 99, ( result, tff_typed_atom1left,
+tff_typed_atom1right), rest671)
+| ( 198, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_sequent tff_sequent, tff_sequent1left,
+ tff_sequent1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tff_formula (( tff_sequent ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 99, ( result, tff_sequent1left, tff_sequent1right),
+| ( 199, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left, _)) ::
+ rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_tuple (( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 100, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 200, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_tuple_list thf_tuple_list, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LBRKT1left
+, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_tuple (
+( thf_tuple_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 100, ( result, LBRKT1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 201, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula,
+thf_logic_formula1left, thf_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_tuple_list (( [thf_logic_formula] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 101, ( result, thf_logic_formula1left,
+thf_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 202, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_tuple_list thf_tuple_list, _,
+thf_tuple_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_logic_formula
+thf_logic_formula, thf_logic_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_tuple_list (
+( thf_logic_formula :: thf_tuple_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 101, ( result, thf_logic_formula1left,
+thf_tuple_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 203, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_tuple thf_tuple2, _, thf_tuple2right))
+ :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_tuple thf_tuple1, thf_tuple1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_sequent (
+( Sequent(thf_tuple1, thf_tuple2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 102, ( result, thf_tuple1left, thf_tuple2right),
+| ( 204, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_sequent
+ thf_sequent, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _, LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_sequent (( thf_sequent ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 102, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 205, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula3, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula2, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula1, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _
+, ITE_F1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_conditional (
+ Conditional (thf_logic_formula1, thf_logic_formula2, thf_logic_formula3)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 103, ( result, ITE_F1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 206, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula, _,
+thf_logic_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_variable
+thf_variable, thf_variable1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+ MlyValue.thf_defined_var (
+( Let_fmla (thf_variable, thf_logic_formula) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 104, ( result, thf_variable1left,
+thf_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 207, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_defined_var thf_defined_var, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_defined_var (( thf_defined_var ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 104, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 208, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_defined_var thf_defined_var,
+thf_defined_var1left, thf_defined_var1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_let_list (( [thf_defined_var] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 105, ( result, thf_defined_var1left,
+thf_defined_var1right), rest671)
+| ( 209, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_let_list thf_let_list, _,
+thf_let_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_defined_var
+thf_defined_var, thf_defined_var1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_let_list (( thf_defined_var :: thf_let_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 105, ( result, thf_defined_var1left,
+thf_let_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 210, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula, _
+, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_let_list thf_let_list, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, LET1left,
+ _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_let (
+ Let (thf_let_list, thf_unitary_formula)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 106, ( result, LET1left, thf_unitary_formula1right),
+| ( 211, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.term term, term1left, term1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_atom (
+( Atom (THF_Atom_term term) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 107, ( result, term1left, term1right), rest671)
+| ( 212, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_conn_term thf_conn_term,
+thf_conn_term1left, thf_conn_term1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_atom (
+( Atom (THF_Atom_conn_term thf_conn_term) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 107, ( result, thf_conn_term1left,
+thf_conn_term1right), rest671)
+| ( 213, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type thf_unitary_type2, _,
+thf_unitary_type2right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type
+thf_unitary_type1, thf_unitary_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_union_type (
+( Sum_type(thf_unitary_type1, thf_unitary_type2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 108, ( result, thf_unitary_type1left,
+thf_unitary_type2right), rest671)
+| ( 214, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type thf_unitary_type, _,
+thf_unitary_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_union_type
+thf_union_type, thf_union_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_union_type (
+( Sum_type(thf_union_type, thf_unitary_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 108, ( result, thf_union_type1left,
+thf_unitary_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 215, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type thf_unitary_type2, _,
+thf_unitary_type2right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type
+thf_unitary_type1, thf_unitary_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_xprod_type (
+( Prod_type(thf_unitary_type1, thf_unitary_type2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 109, ( result, thf_unitary_type1left,
+thf_unitary_type2right), rest671)
+| ( 216, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type thf_unitary_type, _,
+thf_unitary_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_xprod_type
+thf_xprod_type, thf_xprod_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_xprod_type (
+( Prod_type(thf_xprod_type, thf_unitary_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 109, ( result, thf_xprod_type1left,
+thf_unitary_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 217, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type thf_unitary_type2, _,
+thf_unitary_type2right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type
+thf_unitary_type1, thf_unitary_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_mapping_type (
+( Fn_type(thf_unitary_type1, thf_unitary_type2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 110, ( result, thf_unitary_type1left,
+thf_unitary_type2right), rest671)
+| ( 218, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_mapping_type thf_mapping_type, _,
+thf_mapping_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_type
+thf_unitary_type, thf_unitary_type1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_mapping_type (
+( Fn_type(thf_unitary_type, thf_mapping_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 110, ( result, thf_unitary_type1left,
+thf_mapping_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 219, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_mapping_type thf_mapping_type,
+thf_mapping_type1left, thf_mapping_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_binary_type (( thf_mapping_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 111, ( result, thf_mapping_type1left,
+thf_mapping_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 220, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_xprod_type thf_xprod_type,
+thf_xprod_type1left, thf_xprod_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_binary_type (( thf_xprod_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 111, ( result, thf_xprod_type1left,
+thf_xprod_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 221, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_union_type thf_union_type,
+thf_union_type1left, thf_union_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_binary_type (( thf_union_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 111, ( result, thf_union_type1left,
+thf_union_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 222, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula,
+thf_unitary_formula1left, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_unitary_type (
+( Fmla_type thf_unitary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 112, ( result, thf_unitary_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 223, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula,
+thf_logic_formula1left, thf_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_top_level_type (
+( Fmla_type thf_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 113, ( result, thf_logic_formula1left,
+thf_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 224, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.constant constant2, _, constant2right)) ::
+ _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.constant constant1, constant1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_subtype (
+( Subtype(constant1, constant2) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 114, ( result, constant1left, constant2right),
+| ( 225, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_atom thf_atom, thf_atom1left,
+thf_atom1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_typeable_formula (( thf_atom ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 115, ( result, thf_atom1left, thf_atom1right),
+| ( 226, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_typeable_formula (( thf_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 115, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 227, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_top_level_type thf_top_level_type, _,
+thf_top_level_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_typeable_formula thf_typeable_formula,
+thf_typeable_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_type_formula (
+( (thf_typeable_formula, thf_top_level_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 116, ( result, thf_typeable_formula1left,
+thf_top_level_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 228, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_unary_connective thf_unary_connective,
+thf_unary_connective1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_unary_formula (
+ Fmla (thf_unary_connective, [thf_logic_formula])
+ in ( LrTable.NT 117, ( result, thf_unary_connective1left,
+RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 229, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_top_level_type thf_top_level_type, _,
+thf_top_level_type1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_
+, variable_1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_typed_variable (( (variable_, SOME thf_top_level_type) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 118, ( result, variable_1left,
+thf_top_level_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 230, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_typed_variable thf_typed_variable,
+thf_typed_variable1left, thf_typed_variable1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_variable (( thf_typed_variable ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 119, ( result, thf_typed_variable1left,
+thf_typed_variable1right), rest671)
+| ( 231, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.variable_ variable_, variable_1left,
+variable_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_variable (( (variable_, NONE) ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 119, ( result, variable_1left, variable_1right),
+| ( 232, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_variable thf_variable,
+thf_variable1left, thf_variable1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_variable_list (( [thf_variable] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 120, ( result, thf_variable1left, thf_variable1right)
+, rest671)
+| ( 233, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_variable_list thf_variable_list, _,
+thf_variable_list1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_variable
+thf_variable, thf_variable1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+ MlyValue.thf_variable_list (( thf_variable :: thf_variable_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 120, ( result, thf_variable1left,
+thf_variable_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 234, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula, _
+, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_variable_list thf_variable_list, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_quantifier thf_quantifier, thf_quantifier1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_quantified_formula (
+ Quant (thf_quantifier, thf_variable_list, thf_unitary_formula)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 121, ( result, thf_quantifier1left,
+thf_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 235, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_quantified_formula
+thf_quantified_formula, thf_quantified_formula1left,
+thf_quantified_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula (( thf_quantified_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 122, ( result, thf_quantified_formula1left,
+thf_quantified_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 236, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unary_formula thf_unary_formula,
+thf_unary_formula1left, thf_unary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula (( thf_unary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 122, ( result, thf_unary_formula1left,
+thf_unary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 237, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_atom thf_atom, thf_atom1left,
+thf_atom1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula (( thf_atom ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 122, ( result, thf_atom1left, thf_atom1right),
+| ( 238, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_let thf_let, thf_let1left,
+thf_let1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula (( thf_let ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 122, ( result, thf_let1left, thf_let1right), rest671)
+| ( 239, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_conditional thf_conditional,
+thf_conditional1left, thf_conditional1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula (( thf_conditional ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 122, ( result, thf_conditional1left,
+thf_conditional1right), rest671)
+| ( 240, ( ( _, ( _, _, RPAREN1right)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula, _, _)) :: ( _, ( _,
+LPAREN1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula (( thf_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 122, ( result, LPAREN1left, RPAREN1right), rest671)
+| ( 241, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula2,
+ _, thf_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula1,
+thf_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_apply_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_ExtraLogic Apply, [thf_unitary_formula1, thf_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 123, ( result, thf_unitary_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 242, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula, _
+, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_apply_formula thf_apply_formula, thf_apply_formula1left,
+ _)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_apply_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_ExtraLogic Apply, [thf_apply_formula, thf_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 123, ( result, thf_apply_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 243, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula2,
+ _, thf_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula1,
+thf_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_and_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic And, [thf_unitary_formula1, thf_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 124, ( result, thf_unitary_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 244, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula, _
+, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_and_formula
+thf_and_formula, thf_and_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_and_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic And, [thf_and_formula, thf_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 124, ( result, thf_and_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 245, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula2,
+ _, thf_unitary_formula2right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula1,
+thf_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_or_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [thf_unitary_formula1, thf_unitary_formula2]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 125, ( result, thf_unitary_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 246, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula, _
+, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_or_formula
+thf_or_formula, thf_or_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_or_formula (
+( Fmla (Interpreted_Logic Or, [thf_or_formula, thf_unitary_formula]) )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 125, ( result, thf_or_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 247, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_or_formula thf_or_formula,
+thf_or_formula1left, thf_or_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.thf_binary_tuple (( thf_or_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 126, ( result, thf_or_formula1left,
+thf_or_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 248, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_and_formula thf_and_formula,
+thf_and_formula1left, thf_and_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_binary_tuple (( thf_and_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 126, ( result, thf_and_formula1left,
+thf_and_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 249, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_apply_formula thf_apply_formula,
+thf_apply_formula1left, thf_apply_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_binary_tuple (( thf_apply_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 126, ( result, thf_apply_formula1left,
+thf_apply_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 250, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula2,
+ _, thf_unitary_formula2right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_pair_connective
+ thf_pair_connective, _, _)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula
+thf_unitary_formula1, thf_unitary_formula1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_binary_pair (
+ Fmla (thf_pair_connective, [thf_unitary_formula1, thf_unitary_formula2])
+ in ( LrTable.NT 127, ( result, thf_unitary_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula2right), rest671)
+| ( 251, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_binary_pair thf_binary_pair,
+thf_binary_pair1left, thf_binary_pair1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_binary_formula (( thf_binary_pair ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 128, ( result, thf_binary_pair1left,
+thf_binary_pair1right), rest671)
+| ( 252, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_binary_tuple thf_binary_tuple,
+thf_binary_tuple1left, thf_binary_tuple1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_binary_formula (( thf_binary_tuple ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 128, ( result, thf_binary_tuple1left,
+thf_binary_tuple1right), rest671)
+| ( 253, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_binary_type thf_binary_type,
+thf_binary_type1left, thf_binary_type1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+ result = MlyValue.thf_binary_formula (( THF_type thf_binary_type ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 128, ( result, thf_binary_type1left,
+thf_binary_type1right), rest671)
+| ( 254, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_binary_formula thf_binary_formula,
+thf_binary_formula1left, thf_binary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_logic_formula (( thf_binary_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 129, ( result, thf_binary_formula1left,
+thf_binary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 255, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_unitary_formula thf_unitary_formula,
+thf_unitary_formula1left, thf_unitary_formula1right)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.thf_logic_formula (( thf_unitary_formula )
+ in ( LrTable.NT 129, ( result, thf_unitary_formula1left,
+thf_unitary_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 256, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_type_formula thf_type_formula,
+thf_type_formula1left, thf_type_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_logic_formula (
+( THF_typing thf_type_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 129, ( result, thf_type_formula1left,
+thf_type_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 257, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_subtype thf_subtype, thf_subtype1left,
+ thf_subtype1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_logic_formula (( THF_type thf_subtype ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 129, ( result, thf_subtype1left, thf_subtype1right),
+| ( 258, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_logic_formula thf_logic_formula,
+thf_logic_formula1left, thf_logic_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.thf_formula (( thf_logic_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 130, ( result, thf_logic_formula1left,
+thf_logic_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 259, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_sequent thf_sequent, thf_sequent1left,
+ thf_sequent1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.thf_formula (( thf_sequent ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 130, ( result, thf_sequent1left, thf_sequent1right),
+| ( 260, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.LOWER_WORD LOWER_WORD, LOWER_WORD1left,
+LOWER_WORD1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.formula_role (( classify_role LOWER_WORD ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 131, ( result, LOWER_WORD1left, LOWER_WORD1right),
+| ( 261, ( ( _, ( _, _, PERIOD1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.annotations annotations, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.thf_formula thf_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.formula_role formula_role, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.name name, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, (THFleft as THF1left),
+THFright)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.thf_annotated (
+ Annotated_Formula ((file_name, THFleft + 1, THFright + 1),
+ THF, name, formula_role, thf_formula, annotations)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 135, ( result, THF1left, PERIOD1right), rest671)
+| ( 262, ( ( _, ( _, _, PERIOD1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.annotations annotations, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.tff_formula tff_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.formula_role formula_role, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.name name, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, (TFFleft as TFF1left),
+TFFright)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tff_annotated (
+ Annotated_Formula ((file_name, TFFleft + 1, TFFright + 1),
+ TFF, name, formula_role, tff_formula, annotations)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 134, ( result, TFF1left, PERIOD1right), rest671)
+| ( 263, ( ( _, ( _, _, PERIOD1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.annotations annotations, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.fof_formula fof_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.formula_role formula_role, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.name name, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, (FOFleft as FOF1left),
+FOFright)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.fof_annotated (
+ Annotated_Formula ((file_name, FOFleft + 1, FOFright + 1),
+ FOF, name, formula_role, fof_formula, annotations)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 133, ( result, FOF1left, PERIOD1right), rest671)
+| ( 264, ( ( _, ( _, _, PERIOD1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.annotations annotations, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.cnf_formula cnf_formula, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.formula_role formula_role, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.name name, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, (CNFleft as CNF1left),
+CNFright)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.cnf_annotated (
+ Annotated_Formula ((file_name, CNFleft + 1, CNFright + 1),
+ CNF, name, formula_role, cnf_formula, annotations)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 132, ( result, CNF1left, PERIOD1right), rest671)
+| ( 265, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.cnf_annotated cnf_annotated,
+cnf_annotated1left, cnf_annotated1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.annotated_formula (( cnf_annotated ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 136, ( result, cnf_annotated1left,
+cnf_annotated1right), rest671)
+| ( 266, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.fof_annotated fof_annotated,
+fof_annotated1left, fof_annotated1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.annotated_formula (( fof_annotated ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 136, ( result, fof_annotated1left,
+fof_annotated1right), rest671)
+| ( 267, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tff_annotated tff_annotated,
+tff_annotated1left, tff_annotated1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.annotated_formula (( tff_annotated ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 136, ( result, tff_annotated1left,
+tff_annotated1right), rest671)
+| ( 268, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.thf_annotated thf_annotated,
+thf_annotated1left, thf_annotated1right)) :: rest671)) => let val
+result = MlyValue.annotated_formula (( thf_annotated ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 136, ( result, thf_annotated1left,
+thf_annotated1right), rest671)
+| ( 269, ( ( _, ( _, _, PERIOD1right)) :: _ :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.formula_selection formula_selection, _, _)) :: ( _, (
+MlyValue.file_name file_name, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, INCLUDE1left, _
+)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.include_ (
+ Include (file_name, formula_selection)
+ in ( LrTable.NT 137, ( result, INCLUDE1left, PERIOD1right), rest671)
+| ( 270, ( ( _, ( _, _, RBRKT1right)) :: ( _, ( MlyValue.name_list
+name_list, _, _)) :: _ :: ( _, ( _, COMMA1left, _)) :: rest671)) =>
+ let val result = MlyValue.formula_selection (( name_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 3, ( result, COMMA1left, RBRKT1right), rest671)
+| ( 271, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.formula_selection
+ (( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 3, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671)
+| ( 272, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.name_list name_list, _, name_list1right))
+ :: _ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.name name, name1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.name_list (( name :: name_list ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 2, ( result, name1left, name_list1right), rest671)
+| ( 273, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.name name, name1left, name1right)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.name_list (( [name] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 2, ( result, name1left, name1right), rest671)
+| ( 274, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.atomic_word atomic_word, atomic_word1left,
+ atomic_word1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.name (
+( atomic_word ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 1, ( result, atomic_word1left, atomic_word1right),
+| ( 275, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.integer integer, integer1left,
+integer1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.name (
+( integer ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 1, ( result, integer1left, integer1right), rest671)
+| ( 276, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.annotated_formula annotated_formula,
+annotated_formula1left, annotated_formula1right)) :: rest671)) => let
+ val result = MlyValue.tptp_input (( annotated_formula ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 138, ( result, annotated_formula1left,
+annotated_formula1right), rest671)
+| ( 277, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.include_ include_, include_1left,
+include_1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tptp_input
+ (( include_ ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 138, ( result, include_1left, include_1right),
+| ( 278, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tptp_file tptp_file, _, tptp_file1right))
+ :: ( _, ( MlyValue.tptp_input tptp_input, tptp_input1left, _)) ::
+rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tptp_file (
+( tptp_input :: tptp_file ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 139, ( result, tptp_input1left, tptp_file1right),
+| ( 279, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tptp_file tptp_file, _, tptp_file1right))
+ :: ( _, ( _, COMMENT1left, _)) :: rest671)) => let val result =
+MlyValue.tptp_file (( tptp_file ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 139, ( result, COMMENT1left, tptp_file1right),
+| ( 280, ( rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tptp_file (( [] ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 139, ( result, defaultPos, defaultPos), rest671)
+| ( 281, ( ( _, ( MlyValue.tptp_file tptp_file, tptp_file1left,
+tptp_file1right)) :: rest671)) => let val result = MlyValue.tptp (
+( tptp_file ))
+ in ( LrTable.NT 140, ( result, tptp_file1left, tptp_file1right),
+| _ => raise (mlyAction i392)
+val void = MlyValue.VOID
+val extract = fn a => (fn MlyValue.tptp x => x
+| _ => let exception ParseInternal
+ in raise ParseInternal end) a
+structure Tokens : TPTP_TOKENS =
+type svalue = ParserData.svalue
+type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Token.token
+fun AMPERSAND (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 0,(
+fun AT_SIGN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 1,(
+fun CARET (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 2,(
+fun COLON (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 3,(
+fun COMMA (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 4,(
+fun EQUALS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 5,(
+fun EXCLAMATION (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 6,(
+fun LET (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 7,(
+fun ARROW (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 8,(
+fun IF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 9,(
+fun IFF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 10,(
+fun IMPLIES (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 11,(
+fun INCLUDE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 12,(
+fun LAMBDA (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 13,(
+fun LBRKT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 14,(
+fun LPAREN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 15,(
+fun MAP_TO (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 16,(
+fun MMINUS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 17,(
+fun NAND (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 18,(
+fun NEQUALS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 19,(
+fun XOR (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 20,(
+fun NOR (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 21,(
+fun PERIOD (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 22,(
+fun PPLUS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 23,(
+fun QUESTION (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 24,(
+fun RBRKT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 25,(
+fun RPAREN (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 26,(
+fun TILDE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 27,(
+fun TOK_FALSE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 28,(
+fun TOK_I (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 29,(
+fun TOK_O (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 30,(
+fun TOK_INT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 31,(
+fun TOK_REAL (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 32,(
+fun TOK_RAT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 33,(
+fun TOK_TRUE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 34,(
+fun TOK_TYPE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 35,(
+fun VLINE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 36,(
+fun EOF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 37,(
+fun DTHF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 38,(
+fun DFOF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 39,(
+fun DCNF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 40,(
+fun DFOT (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 41,(
+fun DTFF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 42,(
+fun REAL (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 43,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.REAL i,p1,p2))
+fun RATIONAL (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 44,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.RATIONAL i,p1,p2))
+fun SIGNED_INTEGER (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 45,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.SIGNED_INTEGER i,p1,p2))
+fun UNSIGNED_INTEGER (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 46
+,(ParserData.MlyValue.UNSIGNED_INTEGER i,p1,p2))
+fun DOT_DECIMAL (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 47,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.DOT_DECIMAL i,p1,p2))
+fun SINGLE_QUOTED (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 48,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.SINGLE_QUOTED i,p1,p2))
+fun UPPER_WORD (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 49,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.UPPER_WORD i,p1,p2))
+fun LOWER_WORD (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 50,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.LOWER_WORD i,p1,p2))
+fun COMMENT (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 51,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.COMMENT i,p1,p2))
+fun DISTINCT_OBJECT (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 52,(
+ParserData.MlyValue.DISTINCT_OBJECT i,p1,p2))
+fun DUD (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 53,(
+fun INDEF_CHOICE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 54,(
+fun DEFIN_CHOICE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 55,(
+fun OPERATOR_FORALL (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 56,(
+fun OPERATOR_EXISTS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 57,(
+fun PLUS (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 58,(
+fun TIMES (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 59,(
+fun GENTZEN_ARROW (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 60,(
+fun DEP_SUM (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 61,(
+fun DEP_PROD (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 62,(
+fun ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T
+63,(ParserData.MlyValue.ATOMIC_DEFINED_WORD i,p1,p2))
+fun ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD (i,p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T
+64,(ParserData.MlyValue.ATOMIC_SYSTEM_WORD i,p1,p2))
+fun SUBTYPE (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 65,(
+fun LET_TERM (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 66,(
+fun THF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 67,(
+fun TFF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 68,(
+fun FOF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 69,(
+fun CNF (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 70,(
+fun ITE_F (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 71,(
+fun ITE_T (p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (ParserData.LrTable.T 72,(