removed ever experimental support for Moscow ML -- hardly works anymore;
Sat, 06 Feb 2010 22:54:53 +0100
changeset 35017 603d976d8cab
parent 35016 c0f2e49bccfc
child 35018 a84351e7490d
removed ever experimental support for Moscow ML -- hardly works anymore;
--- a/etc/settings	Sat Feb 06 22:06:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/etc/settings	Sat Feb 06 22:54:53 2010 +0100
@@ -50,12 +50,6 @@
 #ML_PLATFORM=$(eval $("$ML_HOME/.arch-n-opsys" 2>/dev/null); echo "$HEAP_SUFFIX")
-# Moscow ML 2.00 (experimental!)
 ### JVM components (Scala or Java)
--- a/lib/scripts/run-mosml	Sat Feb 06 22:06:18 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-# Moscow ML 2.00 startup script
-## diagnostics
-function fail_out()
-  echo "Unable to create output heap file: \"$OUTFILE\"" >&2
-  exit 2
-## prepare databases
-MOSML="mosml -P sml90"
-if [ -z "$INFILE" ]; then
-  EXIT='load "OS"; fun exit 0 = (OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success): unit | exit _ = OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;'
-  EXIT=""
-  echo "Cannot load images yet!" >&2
-  exit 2
-if [ -z "$OUTFILE" ]; then
-  COMMIT='fun commit () = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, "Error - Database is not opened for writing.\n"); false);'
-  COMMIT="fun commit () = true;"
-  echo "WARNING: cannot save images yet!" >&2
-  [ -f "$OUTFILE" ] && { chmod +w "$OUTFILE" || fail_out; }
-## run it!
-if [ -z "$TERMINATE" ]; then
-"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/feeder" -p -h "$MLTEXT" -t "$MLEXIT" $FEEDER_OPTS | \
-  { read FPID; "$ML_HOME"/$MOSML $ML_OPTIONS 2>&1; RC="$?"; kill -HUP "$FPID"; exit "$RC"; }
-[ -n "$OUTFILE" -a -f "$OUTFILE" -a -n "$NOWRITE" ] && chmod -w "$OUTFILE"
-exit "$RC"
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 06 22:06:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Sat Feb 06 22:54:53 2010 +0100
@@ -24,13 +24,12 @@
 BOOTSTRAP_FILES = ML-Systems/bash.ML ML-Systems/compiler_polyml-5.0.ML	\
   ML-Systems/compiler_polyml-5.2.ML ML-Systems/compiler_polyml-5.3.ML	\
   ML-Systems/ml_name_space.ML ML-Systems/ml_pretty.ML			\
-  ML-Systems/mosml.ML ML-Systems/multithreading.ML			\
-  ML-Systems/multithreading_polyml.ML ML-Systems/overloading_smlnj.ML	\
-  ML-Systems/polyml-5.0.ML ML-Systems/polyml-5.1.ML			\
-  ML-Systems/polyml-5.2.ML ML-Systems/polyml-5.2.1.ML			\
-  ML-Systems/polyml.ML ML-Systems/polyml_common.ML			\
-  ML-Systems/pp_polyml.ML ML-Systems/proper_int.ML			\
-  ML-Systems/single_assignment.ML					\
+  ML-Systems/multithreading.ML ML-Systems/multithreading_polyml.ML	\
+  ML-Systems/overloading_smlnj.ML ML-Systems/polyml-5.0.ML		\
+  ML-Systems/polyml-5.1.ML ML-Systems/polyml-5.2.ML			\
+  ML-Systems/polyml-5.2.1.ML ML-Systems/polyml.ML			\
+  ML-Systems/polyml_common.ML ML-Systems/pp_polyml.ML			\
+  ML-Systems/proper_int.ML ML-Systems/single_assignment.ML		\
   ML-Systems/single_assignment_polyml.ML ML-Systems/smlnj.ML		\
   ML-Systems/thread_dummy.ML ML-Systems/timing.ML			\
   ML-Systems/time_limit.ML ML-Systems/universal.ML			\
--- a/src/Pure/ML-Systems/mosml.ML	Sat Feb 06 22:06:18 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/ML-Systems/mosml.ML
-    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
-    Author:     Makarius
-Compatibility file for Moscow ML 2.01
-NOTE: saving images does not work; may run it interactively as follows:
-$ cd Isabelle/src/Pure
-$ isabelle-process RAW_ML_SYSTEM
-> val ml_system = "mosml";
-> use "ML-Systems/mosml.ML";
-> use "ROOT.ML";
-> Session.finish ();
-> cd "../FOL";
-> use "ROOT.ML";
-> Session.finish ();
-> cd "../ZF";
-> use "ROOT.ML";
-(** ML system related **)
-val ml_system_fix_ints = false;
-fun forget_structure _ = ();
-load "Obj";
-load "Word";
-load "Bool";
-load "Int";
-load "Real";
-load "ListPair";
-load "OS";
-load "Process";
-load "FileSys";
-load "IO";
-load "CharVector";
-exception Interrupt;
-fun reraise exn = raise exn;
-use "ML-Systems/unsynchronized.ML";
-use "General/exn.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/universal.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/thread_dummy.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/multithreading.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/time_limit.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/ml_name_space.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/ml_pretty.ML";
-use "ML-Systems/use_context.ML";
-(*low-level pointer equality*)
-local val cast : 'a -> int = Obj.magic
-in fun pointer_eq (x:'a, y:'a) = (cast x = cast y) end;
-(*proper implementation available?*)
-structure IntInf =
-  fun divMod (x, y) = (x div y, x mod y);
-  local
-    fun log 1 a = a
-      | log n a = log (n div 2) (a + 1);
-  in
-    fun log2 n = if n > 0 then log n 0 else raise Domain;
-  end;
-  open Int;
-structure Substring =
-  open Substring;
-  val full = all;
-structure Real =
-  open Real;
-  val realFloor = real o floor;
-structure String =
-  fun isSuffix s1 s2 =
-    let val n1 = size s1 and n2 = size s2
-    in if n1 = n2 then s1 = s2 else n1 <= n2 andalso String.substring (s2, n2 - n1, n1) = s1 end;
-  open String;
-structure Time =
-  open Time;
-  fun toString t = Time.toString t
-    handle Overflow => Real.toString (Time.toReal t);   (*workaround Y2004 bug*)
-structure OS =
-  open OS
-  structure Process =
-  struct
-    open Process
-    fun sleep _ = raise Fail "OS.Process.sleep undefined"
-  end;
-  structure FileSys = FileSys
-exception Option = Option.Option;
-(*limit the printing depth*)
-  val depth = ref 10;
-  fun get_print_depth () = ! depth;
-  fun print_depth n =
-   (depth := n;
-    Meta.printDepth := n div 2;
-    Meta.printLength := n);
-(*dummy implementation*)
-fun toplevel_pp _ _ _ = ();
-(*dummy implementation*)
-fun ml_prompts p1 p2 = ();
-(*dummy implementation*)
-fun profile (n: int) f x = f x;
-(*dummy implementation*)
-fun exception_trace f = f ();
-(** Compiler-independent timing functions **)
-load "Timer";
-fun start_timing () =
-  let
-    val timer = Timer.startCPUTimer ();
-    val time = Timer.checkCPUTimer timer;
-  in (timer, time) end;
-fun end_timing (timer, {gc, sys, usr}) =
-  let
-    open Time;  (*...for Time.toString, Time.+ and Time.- *)
-    val {gc = gc2, sys = sys2, usr = usr2} = Timer.checkCPUTimer timer;
-    val user = usr2 - usr + gc2 - gc;
-    val all = user + sys2 - sys;
-    val message = "User " ^ toString user ^ "  All "^ toString all ^ " secs" handle Time => "";
-  in {message = message, user = user, all = all} end;
-(* SML basis library fixes *)
-structure TextIO =
-  fun canInput _ = raise IO.Io {cause = Fail "undefined", function = "canInput", name = ""};
-  open TextIO;
-  fun inputLine is =
-    let val s = TextIO.inputLine is
-    in if s = "" then NONE else SOME s end;
-  fun getOutstream _ = ();
-  structure StreamIO =
-  struct
-    fun setBufferMode _ = ();
-  end
-structure IO =
-  open IO;
-  val BLOCK_BUF = ();
-(* ML command execution *)
-(*Can one redirect 'use' directly to an instream?*)
-fun use_text ({tune_source, ...}: use_context) _ _ txt =
-  let
-    val tmp_name = FileSys.tmpName ();
-    val tmp_file = TextIO.openOut tmp_name;
-  in
-    TextIO.output (tmp_file, tune_source txt);
-    TextIO.closeOut tmp_file;
-    use tmp_name;
-    FileSys.remove tmp_name
-  end;
-fun use_file _ _ name = use name;
-(** interrupts **)      (*Note: may get into race conditions*)
-(* FIXME proper implementation available? *)
-fun interruptible f x = f x;
-fun uninterruptible f x = f (fn (g: 'c -> 'd) => g) x;
-(** OS related **)
-(*dummy implementation*)
-structure Posix =
-  structure ProcEnv =
-  struct
-    fun getpid () = 0;
-  end;  
-fun read_file name =
-  let val is = TextIO.openIn name
-  in Exn.release (Exn.capture TextIO.inputAll is before TextIO.closeIn is) end;
-fun write_file name txt =
-  let val os = TextIO.openOut name
-  in Exn.release (Exn.capture TextIO.output (os, txt) before TextIO.closeOut os) end;
-fun bash_output script =
-  let
-    val script_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
-    val _ = write_file script_name script;
-    val output_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
-    val status =
-      OS.Process.system ("perl -w \"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/\" nogroup " ^
-        script_name ^ " /dev/null " ^ output_name);
-    val rc = if status = OS.Process.success then 0 else 1;
-    val output = read_file output_name handle IO.Io _ => "";
-    val _ = OS.FileSys.remove script_name handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
-    val _ = OS.FileSys.remove output_name handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
-  in (output, rc) end;
-val cd = OS.FileSys.chDir;
-val pwd = OS.FileSys.getDir;
-val process_id = Int.toString o Posix.ProcEnv.getpid;
-fun getenv var =
-  (case Process.getEnv var of
-    NONE => ""
-  | SOME txt => txt);